Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al

Filing 462

Declaration of DEOK KEUN Matthew Ahn IN SUPPORT OF #461 APPLES OPENING CLAIM CONSTRUCTION BRIEF PURSUANT TO PATENT L.R. 4-5 filed by Apple Inc.(a California corporation). (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B Part 1, #3 Exhibit B Part 2, #4 Exhibit C Part 1, #5 Exhibit C Part 2, #6 Exhibit D Part 1, #7 Exhibit D Part 2, #8 Exhibit D Part 3, #9 Exhibit D Part 4, #10 Exhibit E Part 1, #11 Exhibit E Part 2, #12 Exhibit F, #13 Exhibit G, #14 Exhibit H, #15 Exhibit I, #16 Exhibit J, #17 Exhibit K, #18 Exhibit L, #19 Exhibit M Part 1, #20 Exhibit M Part 2, #21 Exhibit N, #22 Exhibit O, #23 Exhibit P, #24 Exhibit Q)(Jacobs, Michael) (Filed on 12/8/2011) Modified on 12/9/2011 linking entry to document #461 (dhm, COURT STAFF).

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\ U.S. Patent Nov. 30, 2010 Sheet 26 of 37 US 7,844,915 B2 2532 250ô 2504 2BA 2512 3 '" FIG. 25A 2532 zou 2512 25] FIG. 25B f riAaA inn f luDTT3 km... &a DIDO I....-- APLNDC00025408 U.S. Patent Nov. 30, 2010 Sheet 27 of 37 US 7,844,915 B2 2600 CONSTRUCT A DATA STRUCTURE HAVING A HIERARCHY OF LAYERS ASSOCIATED WITH THE USER INTERFACE OF THE DEVICE 2402 D -MINE WHETHER EACH LAYER OF THE DATA STRUCTURE IS ASSOCIATED WITH MEDIA OR NON-MEDIA CONTENT 2004 DETACH MEDIA CONTENT FROM THE DATA STRUCTURE 2606 STORE MEDIA CONTENT IN A FIRST MEMORY LOCATION STORE NON-MEDIA CONTENT IN A SECOND MEMORY LOCATION 2§10 COMPOSITE THE MEDIA AND NON-MEDIA CONTENT FOR DISPLAY ON THE DEVlŒ FIG. 26 Conv provided bv USPTO from tha Þinn Imana - naroninna APLNDC00025409 U.S. Patent Nov. 30, 2010 Sheet 28 of 37 US 7,844,915 B2 2700 2702 2712 2101 271 0 I i 2706 2720 I I 2722 27 2740 i i 2732 2742 FIG. 27 Osamaar earnaridimel har EERDTT3 ¥œsaswa #ha DIDO lemmenem ¯ mm AAI El Add APLNDC00025410 U.S. Patent Nov. 30, 2010 Sheet 29 of 37 2838 US 7,844,915 B2 2832 2800 2834 2836 2840 e 2844 2842 2846 FIG. 28 anse monarisinal Baas ii DTT% Immassa tha DIRE immemesa F1miehema on HÆl9419ft11 APLNDC00025411 U.S. Patent Nov. 30, 2010 Sheet 30 of 37 US 7,844,915 B2 2950 2960 2956 2962 2952 I 2954 2964 2958 FIG. 29 Co y rovided by USPTO from the PIRS Ima e Database on 04/25/2011 APLNDC00025412 U.S. Patent Nov. 30, 2010 Sheet 31 of 37 US 7,844,915 B2 3084 3098 3070 3093 3089 3095 3087 3091 3097 FIG. 30A 3070 3092 3084A 3088 3087 3096 3089 3094 3091 FIG. 30B Copv provided by USPTO from the PIRS Image Database on 04/25/2011 APLNDC00025413 DISPLAY DEVICE 3106 BACKUGHT^ 3108A STORAGE -- DEVICE 3104 AS A 3101 DIGITAL AND/OR A LS IV g DIGITAL PROCESSING SYSTEM RO3 MEDIA PROCESSING SYSTEM AUDIO TRAN UCER l MICROPHONE SENSOR(S) INPUT DEVICE(S) 3110 BATTERY 3107 105A 3105 FIG. 31 a oc APLNDC00025414 U.S. Patent Nov. 30, 2010 Sheet 33 of 37 US 7,844,915 B2 3200 US CACHE (OPTIONAL) 02 MICROPROCEmoun 3204 MEMORY 3206 3 10 DISPLAY CONTROLLER AND DISPLAY DEVICE (OPTIONAL) 3212 CONTROLLER(S) « 3216 3214 , llO DEVICE(S) (E.G., KEYBOARD, CURSOR CONTROL SENSOR(S) FOR USER ACTIVITY DEVICE, NETWORK liv mNFACE) FIG. 32 Copv provided by USPTO from the PIRS Image Database on 04/25/2011 APLNDC00025415 TEX 7 U.S. Patent Nov. 30, 2010 Sheet 34 of 37 US 7,844,915 B2 3306 3308 3302 3304 FIG. 33A eam DIDO I..maman rintakaan saan finl94198111 APLNDC00025416 U.S. Patent Nov. 30, 2010 Sheet 35 of 37 US 7,844,915 B2 3358 3356 3352 3354 FIG. 338 APLNDC00025417 U.S. Patent Nov. 30, 2010 Sheet 36 of 37 US 7,844,915 B2 3362 3366 3360 FIG. 33C pagay an Hinwi ho i ERMhA RIRR Imaria Omtshame an APLNDC00025418 U.S. Patent Nov. 30, 2010 Sheet 37 of 37 US 7,844,915 B2 3400 CONSTRUCT A HIERARCHY OF VIEWS OPERATING ON TOP OF A HIERARCHY OF LAYERS 3402 PROVIDE ACCESS TO THE HIERARCHY OF VIEWS WITHOUT PROVIDING ACCESS TO THE HIERARCHY OF LAYERS 3404 FIG. 34 APLNDC00025419 1 2 US 7,844,915 B2 At least certain embodiments of the present disclosure include an environment with user interface software interacting with a software application. A method for operating through an application programming interface (API) in this s environment includes transferring a set bounce call. The OF THE DJu omURE method further includes setting at least one ofmaximum and minimum bounce values. The setbounce call causes a bounce This disclosure relates to application programming interof a scrolled region in an opposite direction of a scroll based faces that provide scrolling operations. on a regionpast an edge ofthe scrolled region being visible in lo a display region at the end of the scroll. CO•< PROGRAM LISTING APPLICATION PROG A ---G ., . ..-ACES FOR SCROLLING OF ATIONS At least certain embodiments of the present disclosure include an environment with user interface software interactA portion of the disclosure of this patent document coning with a software application. A method for operating tains material which is subject to copyright protection. The through an application programming interface (API) in this copyright owner has no objection to facsimile reproduction by anyone ofthe patent document or the patent disclosure, as 15 environment includes transferringa rubberband call. Rubberbanding a scrolled region within a display region occurs by a it appears in the Patent & Trademark Office patent file or predetermined displacement when the scrolled records, but otherwise reserves all copyright rights whatsoregion exceeds a display edge. The method further includes ever transferring an edge rubberband call to set displacement valApplicant has submitted herewith ComputerProgram List20 ues for at least one edge of the display (e.g., top and bottom ings which are included as Appendix A, attached. edges, left and right edges). At least certain embodiments of the present disclosure - -GROUNDOFTHED t•nu include gesture operations for a display of a device. The gesture operations include performing a scaling transform AnAPI is a source code interface that a computer systemor program library provides in order to support requests for 26 such as a zoom in or zoom out in response to a user input having two or more input points. The gesture operations also services from a soûware application. An API is specified in include performing a rotation transform to rotate an image or terms ofa programming language that can be interpretative or view in response to a user input having two or more input compiled when an application is built, rather than an explicit points. low level description of how data is laid out in memory. The At least certain embodiments of the present disclosure software that provides the functionality described by an API include a method for performing animations for a display of is said to be an implementation of the API. a device. The method includes starting at least one animation. Various devices such as electronic devices, computingsysThemethod furtherincludes determiningthe progress ofeach tems, portable devices, and handheld devices have software animation. The method further includes completing each aniapplications. The API interfaces between the software applimationbased on a single timer. The single timer can be based cations and user interface software to provide a user of the on a redraw interval of the display hardware. device with certain features and operations.Ausermay desire Various devices which perform one or moæ ofthe foregocertain operations such as scrolling, selecting, gesturing, and ing methods and machine readable media which, when animating operations for a display of the device. executedbyaprocessingsystem,causetheprocessingsystem Scrolling is the act of sliding a directional (e.g., horizontal 40 to perform these methods, are also described. or vertical) presentation ofcontent, such as text, drawings, or Other methods, devices and machine readable media are images, across a screen or display window. In a typical also described. graphical user interface, scrolling is done with the help of a scrollbar or using keyboard shortcuts often the arrow keys. -- DES. - ON OF THE DRAWINGS Gesturing is a type of user input with two or more input 45 points. Animating operations include changing content The disclosure is described by way of example with referwithin a given time period. ence to the accompanying drawings, wherein: The various types of devices may have a limited display FIG. 1 is flow chart of a method for responding to a user size, user interface, software,API interface and/orprocessing input of a data processing device; capability which limits the ease of use of the devices. User so FIG. 2 illustrates details of an application programming interfaces of devices implement APIs in order to provide interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of requested functionality and features. These user interfaces the present disclosure; can have difficulty interpreting the wi- types of user FIG. 3 illustrates details of an application programming inputs and providing the intended functionality associated with the user inputs. 55 interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of the present disclosure; ST 71***^ V OF THE DESCRIPTION FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram illustrating an embodiment ofuser interface of a portable electronic device 400 having a touch-sensitive display 408; At least certain embodiments of the present disclosure includeoneormoreapplicationprogmmminginterfacesinan so FIG. 5A-5C illustrate at least some embodiments of user interface of a portable electronic device 400 having a touchenvironment with user interface software interacting with a sensitive display; software application. Various function calls or messages are FIG. 6A-6D illustrate the scrolling of a list of items to a transferred via the application progomming interfaces terminus ofthe list, at which point an area beyond the termibetween the user interface software and software applications. Example application programming interfaces transfer 65 nus is displayed and the list is then scrolled in an opposite direction until the area beyond the terminus is no longer function calls to implement scrolling, gesturing, and animatdisplayed, in accordance with some embodiments; ing operations for a device. en.- menuland in, IIRDTn fram tha ÞIRR Imann Ontahane on 04/25/2011 APLNDC00025420 US 7,844,915 B2 3 4 FIG. 32 shows another example of a device in accordance FIG. 7 illustrates details of an application programming with one embodiment of the present disclosure; interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of FIG. 33A is a perspective view of a device in a first conthe present disclosure; figuration (e.g. in a laptop configuration) in accordance with FIG. 8 illustrates first and second scroll angles for locking a scroll of a display of a device in a horizontal or vertical 5 one embodiment of the present disclosure; FIG. 33B is a perspective view ofthe device ofFIG. 33A in direction according to certain teachings ofthe present discloa second configuration (e.g. a transition configuration) in sure; accordance with one embodiment of the present disclosure; FIG. 9 illustrates details of an application programming FIG.33Cis aperspectiveview ofthedeviceofFIG. 33A in interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of lo a third configuration (e.g., a tablet configuration) in accorthe present disclosure; dance with one embodiment of the present disclosure; and FIG. 10 illustrates details of an application programming FIG. 34 illustrates details of an application programming interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of the present disclosure; the present disclosure. FIG. 11 illustrates details of an application programming interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of is DETAILED D- <> = ION the present disclosure; FIG. 12 illustrates details of an application programming Various embodiments and aspects ofthe disclosure will be interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of described with reference to details discussed below, and the the present disclosure; FIG. 13 illustrates details of an application programming 20 accompanying drawings will illustrate the -I- embodiments. The following description and drawings are illustrainterface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of tive of the disclosure and are not to be construed as limiting the present disclosure; the disclosure. N--- specific details are described to FIG. 14 illustrates details of an application programming provide a through understanding of various embodiments of interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of the present disclosure; 25 the present disclosure. However, in certain instances, wellknown or conventional details are not described in order to FIG. 15 illustrates a display of a device having a scaling provide a --I- discussion of embodiments of the present transform of a view: disclosure. FIGS. 16A and 16B illustrate a display of a device with a Some portions of the detailed descriptions which follow view having a first and a second scaling factor; FIG. 16C illustrates changing a view from a scale factor of 30 are presentedin terms ofalgorithms which include operations on data stored within a computer memory. An algorithm is 2x to a scale factor of 1x in at least some embodiments ofthe generally a self-consistent sequence of operations leading to present disclosure; a desired result. The operations typically require or involve FIG. 17 illustrates details of an application programming physical manipulations of physical quantities. Usually, interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of though not necessarily, these quantities take the form ofelecthe present disclosure; 36 trical ormagnetic signals capable ofbeing stored, transferred, FIG. 18 illustrates details of an application programming combined, compared, and otherwise manipulated. It has interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of proven convenient at times, principally for reasons of comthe present disclosure; mon usage, to refer to these signals as bits, values, elements, FIG. 19 is flow chart of a method for animating views symbols, characters, terms, numbers, or the like. displayed on a display of a device; It should be borne in mind, however, that all of these and FIG. 20 is flow chart of a method for animating views similar terms are to be associated with the appropriate physidisplayed on a display of a device; cal quantities and are merely convenient labels applied to FIG. 21 illustrates details of an application programming these quantities. Unless specifically stated otherwise as interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of apparent from the following discussion, it is appreciated that the present disclosure; throughout the description, discussions utilizing terms such FIGS.22Aand 22B illustrate synchronizingthe resizing of as "processing" or "computing" or "calculating" or "deterwindows of a display of a device; mining" or "displaying"orthe like, can refer to the action and FIG. 23 illustrates a method for switching ownership of a processes of a data processing system, or similar electronic view of an application displayed on a display of a data prodevice, that manipulates and transforms data represented as cessing device; physical (electronic) quantities within the system's registers FIG. 24 illustrates a method for memory management of a and into other data similarly represented as physiview of an application displayed on a display of a device; cal quantities within the system's -- es or registers or FIGS. 25A and 258 illustrate a data structure having a other such information storage, transmission or display hierarchy of layers with a layer being associated with a view; devices. FIG. 26 illustrates a method for compositing media and The present disclosure can relate to an apparatus for pernon-media content of user interface for display on a device; forming one or more ofthe operations described herein. This FIG. 27 illustrates a data structure or layer tree having a apparatus may be specially constructed for the required pur- poses, or it may comprise a general purpose computer selechierarchy of layers; FIG. 28 is a perspective view ofa device in accordancewith so tively activatedorreconfiguredbya computerprogram stored one embodiment of the present disclosure; in the computer. Such a computer program may be stored in a machine (e.g. computer) readable storage medium, such as, FIG.29isaperspectiveviewofadeviceinaccordancewith but is not limited to, any type of disk including floppy disks, one embodiment ofthe present disclosure; optical disks, CD-ROMs, and magnetic-optical disks, readFIGS. 30A and 30B illustrate a device 3070 according to 65 only memories (ROMs), random access memories (RAMs), one embodiment of the disclosure; erasable programmable ROMs (EPROMs), electrically erasFIG. 31 is a block diagram of a system in which embodiableprogrammableROMs (EEPROMs), flash memory, magments of the present disclosure can be implemented; APLNDC00025421 US 7,844,915 B2 5 6 The portable media player may include a media selection netic or optical cards, orany type ofmedia suitableforstoring device, suchas a clickwheel input device on an iPod® or iPod electronic instructions, and each coupled to a bus. Nano® media player from Apple Computer, Inc. of CuperA machine-readable medium includes any mechanism for tino, Calif., a touch screen input device, pushbutton device, storing information in a form readable by a machine (e.g., a computer). For example, a machine-readable medium 5 movable pointing input device or other input device. The media selection device may be usedto select the media stored includes read only memory ("ROM"); random access on the storage device and/or the remote storage device. The memory ("RAM"); magnetic disk storage media; optical storportable media player may, in at least certain embodiments, age media; flash memory devices; etc. include a display device which is coupled to the media proAt least certain embodiments of the present disclosure includeoneorapplicationprogramminginterfacesinanenvi- 10 cessing system to display titles or other indicators of media being selected through the input device and being presented, ronment with user interface software interacting with a softeither through a speaker or earphone(s), or on the display ware application. Various function calls or messages are device, or on both display device and a speaker or ear transferred via the application programming interfaces phone(s). In some embodiments, the display device and input between the user interface software and software applications. Transferringthe functioncalls ormessages may include 15 device are integrated while in other embodiments the display device and input device are separate devices. Examples of a issuing, initiating, invoking or receiving the function calls or portable media player are described in published U.S. patent messages. Example application programming interfaces application Nos. 2003/0095096 and 2004/0224638, both of transfer function calls to implement scrolling, gesturing, and which are incorporated by reference. animating operations for a device having a display region. An API may also implement functions having parameters, vari- 20 Embodiments of the disclosure described herein may be part of other types of data processing systems, such as, for ables, or pointers. An API may --i,. parameters as disexample, entertainment systems or personal digital assistants closed or other combinations ofparameters. In additionto the (PDAs), or general purpose computer systems, or special APIs disclosed, otherAPIs individually orin combinationcan purpose computer systems, or an embedded device within perform similar functionality as the disclosed APIs. The display region is a form of a window. A window is a 25 another device, or cellular telephones which do not include media players, or multi touch tablet devices, or other multi display region which may not have a border and may be the touch devices, or devices whichcombine aspects or functions entire display region or area of a display. In some embodiof these devices (e.g., a media player, such as an iPod®, ments, a display region may have at least one window and/or combined with a PDA, an entertainment system, and a celluat least oneview (e.g., web, text, or image content).Awindow may have at least one view. The methods, systems, and appa- 30 lar telephone in one device). In this disclosure, electronic devices and consumer devices are types of devices. ratuses disclosed can be implemented with display regions, FIG. 1 is flow chart of a method for responding to a user windows, and/or views. input of a device. The method 100 includes receiving a user At least certain embodiments of the present disclosure input at block 102. The user input may be in the form of an include scrolling operations for scrolling a display of a device. The scrolling operations include bouncing a scrolled 35 input key, button, wheel, touch, or other means for interacting with the device. The method 100 further includes creating an region in an opposite direction of a scroll when a scroll event object in response to the user input at block 104. The completes, rubberbanding a scrolled region by a predetermethod 100 further includes determining whether the event mined -----i-------- displacement when the scrolled region object invokes a scroll or gesture operation at block 106. For exceeds a display edge, and setting a scrolling anglethat locks 40 example, a single touch that drags a distance across a display the scroll in a horizontal or vertical direction. ofthe device may be interpreted as a scroll operation. In one At least certain embodiments of the present disclosure embodiment,atwoormorefmgertouchofthedisplaymaybe include gesture operations for a display of a device. The interpreted as a gesture operation. In certain embodiments, gesture operations include performing a scaling transform determining whether the event object invokes a scroll or gessuch as a zoom in or zoom out in response to a user input having two or more input points. The gesture operations also 45 ture operation is based on receiving a drag user input for a certain time period. The method 100 further includes issuing include performing a rotation transform to rotate an image or at least one scroll or gesture call based on invoking the scroll view in response to a user input having two or more input or gesture opemtion at block 108. The method 100 further points. includes responding to at least one scroll call, if issued, by At least certain embodiments of the present disclosure include a method for performing animations for a display of so scrolling a window having a view (e.g., web, text, or image content) associated with the event object based on an amount a device. The method includes starting at least one animation. ofa scroll with the scroH stoppedat a predetermined position The method further includes determiningthe progress ofeach in relation to the user input at block 110. For example, an animation. The method further includes completing each aniinput may end at a certain position on a display ofthe device. mation based on a single timer. The single timer can be based on a redraw interval of the display hardware. 55 The scrolling may continue until reaching a predetermined position in relation to the last input received from the user. At least certain embodiments ofthe disclosure may be part The method 100 further includes responding to at least one of a digital media player, such as a portable music and/or gesture call, ifissued, by changing a view associated with the video media player, which may include a media processing event object based on receiving a plurality of input points in system to present the media, a storage device to store the media and may further include a radio frequency (RF) trans- 60 the form of the user input at block 112. In certain embodiments of the present disclosure scroll ceiver (e.g., an RF transceiver for a cellular telephone) operations include attaching scron indicators to a content coupled with an antenna system and the media processing system. In certain embodiments, media stored on a remote edge of a display. Alternatively, the scroll indicators can be attached to the display edge. In some embodiments, user storage device may be transmitted to the media player through the RF transceiver. The media may be, for example, 65 input in the form of a mouselfmger down causes the scroll indicators to be displayed on the display edge, content edge, one or more of music or other audio, still pictures, or motion orwindow edge ofthe scrolled region. If a mouselfmger up is pictures. annu nrnvidad hv usPTO from the PIRS Imaae Database on 04/25/2011 APLNDC00025422 US 7,844,915 B2 7 In certain embodiments ofthe present disclosure, transferthen detected, the scroll indicators are faded out from the ring the rubberband call is either one of issuing, initiating, display region, content edge, or window edge ofthe scrolled invoking or receiving the rubberband call. region. FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram illustrating an embodiment In certain embodiments of the present disclosure, gesture operations include responding to at least one gesture call, if 5 ofuser interface ofa portable electronic device 400 having a touch-sensitive display 408. The display 408 may include a issued, by rotating a view associated with the event object window 410. The window 410 may include one or more basedonreceiving a plurality ofinput points inthe form ofthe displayed objects, such as information objects 412-1 to 412user input. Gesture operations may also include scaling a 4. In an exemplary embodiment, the information objects 412 view associated with the event object by zooming inor zoom10 may correspond to contact information for one or more indiing out based on receiving the user input. viduals in a list ofitems. The displayed objects may be moved In some embodiments, a device includes a display region in response to detecting or determining movement 414 of a having multiple views or windows. Each window may have a point of contact with the display, such as that associated with multiple views including superviews and subviews. It is necone or more digits 416 ofa user (whichare not drawnto Scale essary to determine which window, view, superview, or subview is contacted by a user input in the form of a mouse up, 15 in FIG. 4). In some embodiments, movement ofthe displayed objects may be accelerated in response to detecting or determouse down, or drag, etc. An API can set various modes for mining accelerated movement ofthe point of contact. While making this determination. In one embodiment, a pass mode embodiment 400 includes one window 410, in other embodisends mouse down, mouse up, and drag inputs to the nearest ments there may be two or more display windows. In addisubview. In another embodiment, an intercept on drag mode sends a drag input to the superview while mouseup and down 2o tion, while embodiment 400 illustrates movement 414 in a particular direction, in other embodiments -..__t of the inputs are sent to the subview. In another embodiment, an displayedobjects may be inresponse to movement 414 in one intercept mode sends all drag, mouse up and down inputs to or more other directions, or in response to a scalar (i.e., a the superview. The superview may be scroller software operdetermined or detected movement independent of the direcating as a subclass of a view software. The subview may be view software operating as a subclass of the user interface 25 tion). FIGS. 5A-5C illustrate the scrolling of a list of items on a software. FIG. 2 illustrates details of an application programming device to a terminus of the list, at which point one or more interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of displayed items at the end ofthe list smoothly bounce offthe the present disclosure. The application programming interendofthedisplay,reversedirection,andthenoptionallycome face operates in an environment with user interface software 30 to a stop. FIG. 5A is a schematic diagram illustrating an interacting with a software application in order to provide a embodiment ofuser interface of a portable electronic device bounce operation. The method 200 for providing a bounce 400 having a touch-sensitive display. One or more displayed operation includes transferring a set bounce call at block 202. objects, such as infornation object 412-1 may be a distance The method 200 further includes setting at least one ofmaxi512-1fromaterminus 514 ofthe list ofitems which is an edge mum and bounce values at block 204. The mini- 35 ofa scrolled region and may be moving with a velocity 510-1 mum and - um bounce values may be associated with at while the list is being scrolled. Note that the terminus 514 is least one edge ofa window that has received a user input. The a virtual boundary associated with the displayed objects, as method 200 further includes causing a bounce of a scrolled opposed to a physical boundary associated with the window region in an opposite direction of a scroll based on a region 410 and/or the display 408. As illustrated in FIG. 5B, when past the scrolled region being visible in a display region at the 4o the one or more displayed objects, such as the information end of the scroll at block 206. The scrolled region may be a object 412-1, reach or intersect with the terminus 514, the content region. movement corresponding to the scrolling may stop, i.e., the In certain embodiments ofthe present disclosure, transferscrolling velocity may be zero at an instant in time. As illusring the set bounce call is either one of issuing, initiating, trated in FIG. SC, the one or more displayed objects, such as invoking or receiving the set bounce call. 45 the information 412-1, may subsequently ...._ direction. FIG. 3 illustrates details of an application programming At a time after the intersection with the terminus 514, the interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of information object 412-1 may have velocity 510-2 and may the present disclosure. The application programming interhe a distance 512-2 from the terminus 514. In some embodiface operates in an environment with user interface software ments, the magnitude of velocity 510-2 may be less than the interacting with a software application in order to provide a so magnitude of velocity 510-1 when the distance 512-2 equals rubberband operation. The method 300 for providing a rubthe distance 512-1, i.e., the motion of the one or more disberband operation includes transferring a rubberband call to played objects is damped after the scrolling list reaches and cause rubberbanding a scrolled region displayed within a "bounces" at its terminus. display at block 302. The method 300 further includes transIn at least some embodiments ofthe present disclosure, the ferring an edge rubberband call to set displacement values for ss method 200 performs the bounce operations described in at least one edge ofthe display at block 304. In some embodiFIGS. 5A-5C. The bounce call transferred at block 202 determents, the displacement values are set for top and bottom mines whether a bounce operation is enabled. The maximum edges, left and right edges, or all edges. and minimum bounces values determine the amount of Rubberbandingascrolledregionaccordingtothemethod bouncingofthescrolledregioninanoppositedirectionoftbe 300 occurs by a predeterminedmaximum displacement value so scroll. when the scrolled region exceeds a display edge of a display PIGS. 6A-6D illustrate the scrolling of a list of items to a ofa device based on the scroll. If a user scrolls content ofthe terminus of the list, at which point an area beyond the termidisplay making a region past the edge ofthe content visible in nus is displayed and the list is then scrolled in an opposite the display, then the displacement value limits the direction until the area beyond the terminus is no longer amount for the region outside the content. At the end of the 65 displayed, in accordance with some embodiments. The rubscroll, the content slides back making the region outside of berbandoperationofmethod300is illustrated inthe example the content no longer visible on the display. ofFIGS. 6A-6D with the listed items being email messages. re--.. ..-..iAaA har linDTF3 fewam the DIRA imann fininkaan on OA ENOli APLNDC00025423 US 7,844,915 B2 9 10 transferring a directional scroll angle call to determine if FIGS. 6A-6D illustrate an exemplary user interface 3500A directional scrolling is enabled at block 702. The method 700 for managing an inbox in accordance with some embodifurther includes transferring a directional scroll angle call to ments. An analogous user interface may be used to display set a scroll angle for locking the scrolling in at least one of a and manage other mailboxes (e.g., drafts, sent, trash, personal, etc.). In addition, other types of lists are possible, 5 vertical or a horizontal direction at block 704. The method 700 further includes locking the scrolling in the horizontal including but not limited to lists of instant message .direction if a user input forms an angle with a horizontal sations, favorite phone numbers, contact information, labels, directionthatislessthanorequaltoafirstscrollangleatblock email folders, email addresses, physical addresses, ringtones, 706. The method 700 further includes locking the scrolling in or album names. If the list of emails fills more than the allotted screen area, 10 the vertical direction if a user input forms an angle with the vertical direction that is less than or equal to a second scroll the user may scroll through the emails using vertically angle at block 708. upward and/or vertically downward swipe gestures on the In certain embodiments, a user input in the form of a drag touch screen. In the example of FIG. 6A, a portion ofa list of forms an angle with the horizontal direction that is less than emails is displayed in the screen area, including a top displayedemail 3530 from BruceWalker and abottom displayed 15 the first scroll angle. In this case, the userp.-.....bly intends to scroll in the horizontal direction. The scrolling will be email 3532 from Kim Brook. A user performs a vertically locked in the horizontal direction until the user input exceeds downward swipe gesture 3514 to scroll toward the top ofthe the first scroll angle. A second scroll angle may be used for list. The vertically downward gesture 3514 need not be locking the user input in the vertical direction. The second exactly vertical; a substantially vertical gesture is sufficient. In some embodiments, a gesture within a predetermined 20 scroll angle may be set equal to the first scroll angle. FIG.8 illustrates first and second scroll angles for locking angle of being perfectly vertical results in vertical scrolling. a scroll of a display of a device in a horizontal or vertical As a result of detecting the vertically downward gesture 3514, in FIG. 6B the displayed emails have shifted down, direction. The horizontal direction 802 and vertical direction 804 are in reference to a window or a display of a device. As such that the previous bottom displayedemail 3532 from Kim Brook is no longer displayed, the previous top displayed 25 discussed in the method 700, a user input such as a drag movement forming anangle withthe horizontal direction 802 email 3530 from Bruce Walker is now second from the top, less than or equal to the first scrolling angle 806 or 808 will and the email 3534 from Aaron Jones, which was not displayed in FIG. 6A, is now displayed at the top of the list. lock the user input in the horizontal direction. In a similar manner, a user input forming an angle with the vertical direcIn this example, the email 3534 from Aaron Jones is the first email in the list and thus is the terminus ofthe list. Upon 30 tion 810 less than orequal to the second scrolling angle 810 or 812 will lock the user input in the vertical direction. The first reaching this email 3534, in response to continued detection of the vertically downward gesture 3514, an area 3536 (FIG. and second scrolling angles may be set at the same angle or at different angles as well. For example, the first and second 6C) above the first email 3534 (i.e., beyond the terminus of scrolling angles may be set at 25 degrees. A user input less the list) is displayed. In some embodiments, the area displayed beyond the terminus of the list is visually indistinct 35 than or equal to 25 degrees with respect to the horizontal or fromthebackgroundofthelist.InFIG.6C,boththearea3536 vertical direction will lock the scrolling in the appropriate direction. and thebackground ofthe emails (e.g., emails 3534 and3530) In some embodiments, the horizontal and vertical locking are white and thus are visually indistinct. angles can be determined in part by the aspect ofthe content. Once vertically downward gesture 3514 is complete, such that a corresponding object is no longer detected on or near 40 For example, content in the form of a tall page may ....L - a largervertical locking angle compared to the horizontal lockthe touch screen display, the list is scrolled in an opposite direction until the area 3536 is no longer displayed. FIG. 6D ing angle. FIG. 9 illustrates details of an application programming illustrates the result ofthis scrolling inthe opposite direction, interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of the email 3534 from Aaron Jones is now displayed at the top of the screen area allotted to the list and the area 3536 is not 45 the present disclosure. The application programming interdisplayed. face operates in an environment with user interface software interacting with a software application in order to provide a In the example of FIGS. 6A-6D, a vertically downward deceleration scroll operation. The method 900 for providing gesture resulted in display of an area beyond the first item in the deceleration scroll operation includes transferring a the list. As described in FIG. 3, the values for the predetermined -2-- displacement (e.g., display of an area so deceleration scroll call to set a deceleration factor for a drag user input at block 902. The method 900 further includes beyondthe first item in the list) are set at block 304 fortop and slowingthe scroll to a stop based onthe speed ofthe drag user bottom edges or at block 306 for all edges of the window. input and the deceleration factor at block 904. Similarly, a vertically upward gesture may result in display In certain embodiments, a user input in the form of a drag of an area beyond the last item of the list, if the vertically upward gesture continues once the list has been scrolledto the 55 invokes a scroll operation for a certain time period. The user input has a certain speed. The scroll ofthe scrolled region of last item. The last item may be considered a terminus of the list, similar to the first item. As discussed above, the gesture a window or a display region ofa display of a device will be stopped after the user input stops by applying a deceleration need not be exactly vertical to result in vertical scrolling; a factor to the speed of the user input during the drag movegesture within a predefined range of angles from perfectly vertical is sullicient. 60 ment. FIG. 10 illustrates details of an application programming FIG. 7 illustrates details of an application programming interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of the present disclosure. The application programming interthe present disclosure. The application programming interface operates in an environment with user interface sonware face operates in an environment with user interface software interacting with a software application in order to provide a es interacting with a software application in order to provide a directional scrolling operation. The method700 foroperating through an application programming interface (API) includes scroll hysteresis operation. The method 1000 for providing the scroll hysteresis operation includes transferring a scroll I APLNDC00025424 US 7,844,915 B2 11 12 hysteresis call to determine whether a user input invokes a scroll at block 1002. The method 1000 further includes set- or display. A mask may merely permit certain changes while limiting or not permitting other changes. Events of all kinds ting a hysteresis value for determining whether a user input come into the application via a graphics framework. They are invokes a scroll at block 1004. enqueued, collaleced if necessary and dispatched. If the In certain embodiments, a user input in the form of a drag s events are system level events (e.g., application should susover a certain distance across a display or window within a pend, device orientation has chanted, etc) they are routed to the application having an instance of a class of the user display of a device invokes a scroll operation. The hysteresis value determines the certain distance which the user input interface software. If the events are hand events based on a must drag across the display or window prior to invoking a user input, the events are routedto the window they occurred scroll operation. A user input that does not drag the certain 10 over. The window then routes these events to the appropriate control by calling the instance's mouse and gesture methods. predetermined distance will not invoke a scroll operation and The control that a mouse down or mouse entered may be considered a mouse up or down input or other type of function will continue to get all future calls until the hand is input. FIG. 11 illustrates details of all application programming lifted. If a second finger is detected, the gesture methods or interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of 15 functions are invoked. These functions may include start, change, and end gesture calls. The control that receives start the present disclosure. The application programming intergesture call will be sent all future change gesture calls until face operates in an environment with user interface software interacting with a software application in order to attach a the gesture ends. scroll indicator to a scroll region edge or a window edge ofa FIG. 13 illustrates details of an application programming device. In some embodiments, the scroll region edge is asso- 20 interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of ciated with a content edge. The window or display edge may the present disclosure. The application programming interface operates in an environment with user interface software be associated with the edge of a display region. The method 1100 for providing the scroll indicator includes transferring a interacting with a software application in order to provide a scroll indicator call to determine whether at least one scroll gesture operation. The method 1300 for providing the gesture indicator attaches to an edge of a scroll region or a window 25 operation includes transferring a handle gesture event call at edge at block 1102. A scroll indicator may be displayed on block 1302. The method 1300 further includes transferring a gesture change call in response to the handle gesture event any display edge, window edge or scroll region edge. The call at block 1304. method1100 furtherincludes optionally attachingatleastone scroll indicator to the edge of the scroll region based on the In certain embodiments, a user input in the form of two or scroll indicator call at block 1104. Alternatively, the method 30 more points is received by a display ofa device.A multi-touch 1100 further includes optionally attaching at least one scroll driver ofthe device....i... the user input and packages the event into an event object. Awindow server--1... the event indicator to the window edge of the view based on the scroll object and determines whether the event object is a gesture indicator call at block 1106. event object. If the window server determines that a gesture In some embodiments, the operations ofmethod 1100 can be altered, modified, combined, or deleted. For example, 35 event object has been received, then user interface software issues or transfers the handle gesture call at block 1302 to a block 1104 can be deleted. Likewise, block 1106 can be software application associated with the view. The software deleted from the method 1100. Alternatively, the order of application confirms that a gesture event has been received block 1104 and block 1106 can be switched. Other methods and passes the handle gesture call to a library of the user having various operations that have been disclosed within the interface software. The window server also --ates the present disclosure can also be altered, modified, rearranged, gesture event objectwiththe view that received the user input. collapsed, combined, or deleted. The library responds by transferring a gesture change call in In certain embodiments ofthe present disclosure, transferresponse to the handle gesture event call at block 1304. ring the scroll indicator call is either one ofissuing, initiating, In one embodiment, a window or view associated with the invoking or receiving the scroll indicator call. For example, user input ....i... the change call in order to perform the the user interface software (e.g., software kit or library) may 45 gesture event. The user software that provides the view receive the scroll indicator call from the software application. receives a gesture start event call, a gesture changed event FIG. 12 illustrates details of an application programming call, a zoom to scale setting for the view, and a gesture end interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of call. The gesture calls ....l.. an input of a gesture event the present disclosure. The application programming interwhich may be base event having a type such as a hand event, face operates in an environment with user interface software so keyboardevent, system event, etc.A delegate associated with interacting with a sofhvare application in order to determine theapplication....:-a start gesture call, gesture didchange if an inadvertent user input contacts a view of a display of a call, and gesture did finish call. The user software is dynamidevice. The method 1200 includes transferringan inadvertent cally linking into the application during the run time of the user input call to determine whether the user input was inadgesture process vertent at block 1202. The method 1200 further includes ss In some embodiments, the gesture changed function call ignoring the inadvertent user input based on the determinacontains the following information about the gesture: tion of the inadvertent user input call at block 1204. In one the number of fmgers currently down; embodiment, the inadvertent user input call comprises a thumb detection call to determine whetherthe user input was the number of fingers initially down; an inadvertent thumb. the rotation of the hand; In certain embodiments ofthe present disclosure, transferring the inadvertent user input call is either one of issuing, the scale of the hand; initiating, invoking or receiving the inadvertent user input the translation of the hand; call. AgestureAPI provides an interface betweenan application and user software in orderto handle gesturing. Gesturingmay include scaling, rotating, or other changes to a view, window, 65 the position ofthe inner and outermost fingers; and the pressure of the first finger. APLNDC00025425 US 7,844,915 B2 13 14 to represent that a larger portion of content is not being displayed on display 1652 in FIG. 16B as a result ofthe zoom in operation. the stage of the finger Oust touch down, fully pressed, lifting In at least some embodiments of the present disclosure, a off, etc); y user desires to change a view 1670 from a scale factor of 2x the position of the finger; to a scale factor of 1x as illustrated in FIG. 16C. A first set of the proximity of the finger (how hard you're touching); user inputs 1672 and1674 that moveto the second set ofuser inputs 1676 and1678 will decreasethe scale factor from 2x to the orientation of the finger (what angle the ovoid is at); io lx. It may be desirable for the user to scale from 2x to 1x In other embodiments, more information about each finger down may be included as follows. the length of the major and minor axis, withouthavingtomovetheuserinputs a large distance across the view 1670. In anenvironmentwith user interface software the velocity of the finger; and interacting with a software application, a gesture scaling transform flag may be set in order to determine a scaling the eccentricity of the finger's ovoid. A gesture event object may be a chord event object having is transform for a view associated with a user input having a plurality of input points. The scaling transform flag scales a chord count (e.g., number of fingers contacted the view or eitherfrom a current scale factor to a -i---scale factor or display), a chord start event, a chord change event, and a from the current scale factor to a maximum scale factor. For chord end event. A chord change event may include a scaling example, a flag may be set at the position associated with a or rotation transform. 20 1.5x scale factor and a third set ofuser inputs 1680 and 1682. FIG. 14 illustrates details of an application programming Auserdesiringtochangethescalefactorfrom2×to1xwould interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of onlyhavetomovehisfingers,theuserinputs,fromthefirstset the present disclosure. The application programming inter1672 and 1674 to the third set 1680 and 1682 if the gesture face operates in an environment with user interface software scaling transform flag has been set at a scale factor of 1.5×. interacting with a software application in order to provide a 25 FIG. 17 illustrates details of an application programming scaling transform of a display region, window, or view of a interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of display of a device. The method 1400 for providing the scalthe present disclosure. The application programming intering transform includes transferring a scaling transform call to face operates in an environment with user interface sonware determine a scaling transform for a view associated with a 30 interacting with a software application in order to provide a user input having a plurality ofinput points at block 1402. The rotation transform of a view, window, or display region of a method 1400 further includes transferring a scaling gesture display of a device. The method 1700 for providing the rotastart call at block 1404. The method 1400 further includes tion transform includes transferring a rotation transform call transferring a scaling gesture progress call at block1406. The to determine a rotationtransform for a view associated with a method 1200 further includes transferring a scaling gesture userinputhaving a plurality ofinputpoints at block 1702. The end call at block 1408. method 1700 further includes transferring a rotation gesture start call at block 1704. The method 1700 further includes In certain embodiments, a user input in the form of two or transferring a scaling gestureprogress call at block 1706. The more input points (e.g., fingers) moves together or apart to method 1700 further includes transferring a scaling gesture invoke a gesture event that performs a scaling transform on end call at block 1708. the view associated with the user input. A scale transform In certain embodiments, a user input in the form of two or includes a minimum and scale factor. FIG. 15 more input points rotates to invoke a gesture event that perillustrates a display 1502 of a device having a scaling transforms a rotation transform on the view associated with the form of a view. The view 1504 (e.g., web, text, or image user input. The totation transform includes a ...:..:...- and content) has a first scale factor. A user input (e.g., two fingers degree of rotation for associated ---'--I-------- and moving apart) associated with the view 1504 is interpreted as 45 maximum rotation views. The user input may temporarily a gesture event to zoom out from view 1504 to view 1508 rotate a view past a maximum degree ofrotation prior to the having a second scale factor that exceeds the maximum scale view snapping back to the maximum degree of rotation. factor ofthe view 1516. A snapback flag determines whether the zoom out can proceed past the -----:---um scale factor to FIG. 18 illustrates details of an application programming view 1508 prior to snapping back to the -i-- scale so interface in flow chart form acconiing to certain teachings of factor associated with view 1516. the present disclosure. The application programming interface operates in an environment with user interface software FIG. 16A illustrates a display 1604 of a device having a interacting with a software application in order to notify a first scaling factor of a view 1616. A user input (e.g., two delegate of at least one animation associated with a display fingers 1608 and 1610 moving together) associated with the view 1614 is interpreted as a gesture event to zoom in from ss region, window, orview ofa display ofa device. A delay inthe animation may be specified by the API. Also, multiple aniview 1614 to view 1664 having a second scale factor as illustrated in FIG. 16B. The dashed regions 1602 and 1650 mations may be assigned priority by the API. The method 1800 for notifying the delegate includes determining whether represent the total area of the content with the only content being displayed in the display area 1604 and 1652. In perany animationoccurs at block 1802. The method 1800 further formingthe scaling transform from FIG.16Ato FIG.16B, the so includes checking the progress ofan animation at block 1804. If progress has occurred, then the next state (e.g., position, center of the gesture event, center 1612 for FIG. 16A and opacity, or transform) of the animation can be calculated at center 1660 for FIG. 16B, remains in the same position with block 1806. Ifprogress has completed at block 1806, then at respect to the display 1604. The scroll indicator1606 shrinks block 1808 it is determined whether the view associated with to become scroll indicator 1654 during the transform to indicate that a smaller portion of the total content 1650 is being 65 the completedanimationis associatedwith a delegate. Ifso, a displayedon display 1604 as a result ofthe mom in operation. The dashed region 1650 is larger than the dashed region 1602 delegate call is transferred to notify the delegate of the animation for the view at block 1810. The delegate operating APLNDC00025426 US 7,844,915 B2 15 16 underthecontrolofthesoftwareapplicationcanchangeother enabled at block 2106. The synchronization flag can be views in response to the view being modified by the animaenabled when the processes to be synchronized have each tion. sent messages to a window server operating the user interface In certain embodiments, software invokes an animation software. The method 2100 further includes updating the thatperformsascalingtransformontheviewassociatedwith s attributes of the views from a first state to a second state the user input. A display may include numerous views. The independently at block 2108. In one embodiment, the winview being increased in size by the scaling transform may dow server the updated attributes from each process obstruct other views in which case the other views may need at different times. The method 2100 further includes transferto be reduced in size. Alternatively, the view being decreased ring a start animation call to draw the requested animations in size by the scaling transform may create additional area for 10 when both processes have updated attributes associated with other views to increase in size. the second state at block 2110. FIG. 19 is flow chart of a method for animating a display In some embodiments, a first data structure or layer tree region, windows, or views displayed on a display ofa device. represents a hierarchy of layers that correspond to the views The method 1900 includes starting at least two animations at or windows of the processes. A second data structure or block 1902. The method 1900 further includes determining 15 render tree represents a similar copy of the layer tree. Howthe progress of each animation at block 1904. The method ever, the render tree is not updated until the independent 1900 further includes completing each animation based on a processes have completed their separate animations. At this single timer at block 1906. time, the render tree updates and redraws the screen with the Incertain embodiments ofthepresentdisclosure,the single new animations. timer includes a timer based on a redraw interval which is a 2o FIGS.22Aand22B illustrate synchronizingthe resizing of time period between the display ofa current frame and a next views or windows of a display of a device. For example, a frame of the display of the device. In this case, changes in window 2210 associated with a first process with a size animation are updated to the display during the redraw interattribute may :--- in size by changing from a first state, val in orderto display the chances duringthe next frame ofthe window 2210 in FIG. 22A, to a second state window 2210 m display. The progress of each animation may be calculated 25 FIG. 22B. At approximately the same time, a second window periodically or based upon a progress call. 2220 may decrease in size inproportion to the i . in size The method 1900 may further include determining ofthefirstwindow2210.Themethod2100providessynchrowhether each animation is associated with a delegate. The nization of the resizing ofthe windows 2210 and 2220 illusdelegate is then notified of the animation. Other views not trated in FIGS. 22A and 22B. The animations in changing associated with an animation may be changed depending on 30 from the first state to the second state may occur incrementhe software application controlling the delegate. tally and occur with the synchronization of method 2100. FIG. 20 is flow chart of a method for animating a display FIG. 23 illustrates a method for switching ownership of a region, windows, or views displayed on a display ofa device. view of an application displayed on a display of a data proThe method 2000 includes providing a single animationtimer cessing device. The method 2300 includes constructing a data at block 2002. The method 2000 further includes animating a as structure having a hierarchy of layers with a layer being plurality of animations with the single animation timer at associated with a view and owning the view at block 2302. block 2004. For example, a single timer may control all The layers may be content, windows, video, images, text, animations whichoccur simultaneously. The animations may media, or any other type of object for user interface of the include a transform, a frame, and an opacity animation. A application. The method 2300 further includes removing the animation transform may include a scaling or rotation trans- 40 layer from the data structure at block 2304. The method 2300 form. A frame animation may include resizing ofa frame. An further includes switching ownership of the view from the opacity animation changes the opacity from opaque to translayer to the view at block 2306. parent or vice versa. In some embodiments, each layerfrom the data structure is FIG. 21 illustrates details of an application programming associated with a view. The layer associated with the view interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of 45 sends a delegate function call to the view in order to generate the present disclosure. The application programming intercontent provided by the view. A first pointer reference points face operates in an environment with user interface software fromthe layer to the view. A second pointer reference points interacting with multiple software applications or processes from the view to the layer. The number ofreferences pointing in order to synchronize animations associated with multiple to an object such as the view is defmed as the retained count views or windows of a display ofa device. The method 2100 so ofthe object. The view may .., . notification that the layer for synchronizing the animations includes setting attributes will be removed from the data stmeture. Removing the layer ofviews independently with each view being associated with from the data structure may occur based on the view associa process at block2102. For example, an attribute or property ated with the layer being removed from the display of the of a view may include a position, size, opacity, etc. An anidevice. When the layer is removed from the data structure or mation alters one or more attributes from a first state to a ss layer tree the pointer from the layer to the view will be second state. The method 2100 further includes transferring a removed. The view will have a retained count of zero and be synchronization call to synchronize animations for the muldeallocated or removed from memory ifthe ownership ofthe tiple views ofthe display at block 2104. The synchronization view is not reversed.The view will have a retained count ofat call may include input parameters or arguments such as an least one if ownership is reversed. identification of the synchronization of the processes and a 6o FIG.24 illustrates a method for memory management of a list of the processes that are requesting animation of the view ofan applicationdisplayedon a display ofa device. The includes the identification and the number of processes that hierarchy of layers with at least one layer being associated multiple views. In one embodiment, the synchronization call method 2400 includes constructing a data structure having a are requesting animation. In one embodiment, each applicawith the view at block 2402. The method 2400 further tion or process sends a synchronizationcall at different times. 65 includes storing the data structure in memory at block 2404. The method 2100 further includes transferring a synchroniThe method 2400 further includes maintaining a retained zation confirmation message when a synchronization flag is count of the number of references to the view from other r -, ..-wiana he I mpTO Imm thn PIRS Imaae Database on 04/25/2011 APLNDC00025427 US 7,844,915 B2 17 18 objects at block 2406. The method 2400 further includes deallocating the view from memory if the retained count is zero at block 2408. As discussed above, the retained count of the view will be decremented ifthe layer is removed from the data structure. Removing the layer from the data structure may occur based on the view associated with the layer being removed from the display of the device, FIGS. 25A and 25B illustrate a data structure having a hierarchy of layers with a layer being associated with a view. The data structure includes layers 2502, 2504, and 2506. Layer 2506 is associated with the view 2510. The layer 2506 associated with the 2510 view sends a delegate call to the view in orderto generate content providedby the view. A first pointerreference 2508 points from the layer2506 to the view 2510. A second pointer reference 2512 points from the view 2510 to the layer 2506. A third pointer reference 2532 may point from user interface (UI) controller 2530 to the view 2510. The UI controller 2530 may control operations associated with the view 2510 such as scrolling the view 2510 in response to a user input. The view 2510 in FIG. 25A has a retained count of two based on the pointer references 2508 and 2532 duce other colors. The non-media content may be scanned to the display at a slower rate compared to the media content. FIG. 27 illustrates a data structure or layer tree having a hierarchy of layers. The layers can be associated with media s andnon-mediacontent.Forexample,1ayer2704isassociated with media content 2706 such as a video. Layer 2710 is associated with non-media content 2712 which may be user interfaceviewforthevideo.Layers2720,2730,and2740are associated with non-media content 2722, 2732, and 2742, 10 respectively, that forms the components of the non-media content 2712. The method 2600 will determine whether each layer of the data structure is associated with media or noncontent. Any layers associated with media content such as layer 2704 will be removed from the data structure and pro15 cessed in a separate memory location. In some embodiments, the methods, systems, and apparatuses ofthe present disclosure can be implemented in various devices including electronic devices, consumer devices, data processing devices, desktop computers, portable computers, 20 wireless devices, cellular devices, tablet devices, handheld devices, multi touch devices, multi touch data processing devices, any combination of these devices, or other like devices. FIGS. 4-6 and 28-33 illustrate examples of a few of If the layer 2506 is removed from the data stmeture as these devices. illustrated in FIG. 25B, then the pointer 2508 is removed. 25 FIG. 28 illustrates a device 2800 according to one embodiView 2510 will have a lower retained count as illustrated m ment of the disclosure. FIG. 28 shows a wireless device in a FIG. 25B. Ifview 2510 has a retained count of zero, then the telephone configuration having a "candy-bar" style. In FIG. memory storing the view 2510 will be deallocated. 28, the wireless device 2800 may include a housing 2832, a FIG. 26 illustrates a method for compositing media and display device 2834, an input device 2836 which may be an non-media content of user interface for display on a device 30 alphanumeric keypad, a speaker 2838, a microphone 2840 The method 2600 includes constructing a data structure havand an antenna 2842. The wireless device 2800 also may ing a hierarchy of layers associated with the user interface of include a proximity sensor 2844 and an accelerometer 2846. the device at block 2602. The method 2600 further includes ItwillbeappreciatedthattheembodimentofFIG.28 may use determining whether each layer ofthe data structure is asso¯ more or fewer sensors and may have a different form factor ciated with media or non-media content at block 2604. The as from the form factor shown in FIG. 28. data structure or layer tree is traversed in order to determine The display device 2834 is shown positioned at an upper whether each of the layers of the data structure is associated portion of the housing 2832, and the input device 2836 is with media or non-media content. The method 2600 further shownpositioned at a lowerportion ofthe housing 2832. The includes detaching a layer associated with media content antenna2842 is shownextendingfromthe housing 2832 at an from the data structure at block 2606. The method 2600 40 upper portion of the housing 2832. The speaker 2838 is also further includes storing media content in a first memory loca¯ shown at an upper portion of the housing 2832 above the tion at block 2606. The method 2600 further includes storing display device 2834. The microphone 2840 is shown at a non-media content in a second memory location at block lower portion of the housing 2832, below the input device 2608. The method 2600 further includes compositing the 3286. It will be appreciatedthat the speaker 2838 and micromedia and non-media content for display on the device at 45 phone 2840 can be positioned at any location on the housing, block 2610· but are typically positioned in accordance with a user's ear In some embodiments, compositing the media and nonand mouth, respectively. The display device 2834 may be, for example, a liquid media content includes retrieving the media content from the crystal display (LCD) which does not include the ability to first memory location, retrieving the non-media content from the second memory location, and scanning the media and so accept inputs or a touch input screen which also includes an LCD. The input device 2836 may include, for example, butnon-media content directly to the display. The memory location can be any type of memory located in cache, main tons, switches, dials, sliders, keys or keypad, navigation pad, touch pad, touch screen, and the like. Any well-known memory, a graphics processing unit, or other location withm spe microphone and antenna can be used for speaker a device. The media content may include video, video plugin, audio, image, or other time varying media. The media ss 2838, microphone 2840 and antenna 2842, respectively. The data acquired from the proximity sensor 2844 and the content may be in the form of a YUV model with the Y representing a 1 ° component (the brightness) and U accelerometer2846 can be combinedtogether, or used alone, and V representing chrominance (color) components. The to gather information about the user's activities. The data from the proximity sensor 2844, the accelerometer 2846 or media content may be scanned to the display at a rate of substantially twenty to forty frames per second. The media so bothcan be used, for example, to activate/deactivate a display backlight, initiatecommands, make selections, control scrollcontent may be scaled prior to being scanned to the display of ing, gesturing, animating or other movement in a display, the device. control input device settings, or to make other changes to one The non-media content may include content, views, and or more settings ofthe device. In certain embodiments ofthe images that do not require frequent updating. The non-media content may be in the form of a RGB model which is an 65 presentdisclosure, the device 2800 can be used to implement at least some ofthe methods discussed in the present discloadditive model in which red, green, and blue (often used in additive light models) are combined in various waysto reprosure. m-., -.,sa-a as, neom imm the uma Imann natabase on 04125/2011 APLNDC00025428 US 7,844,915 B2 19 20 FIG. 29 shows a device 2950 in accordance with one embodiment of the disclosure. The device 2950 may include a housing 2952, a displaylinput device 2954, a speaker 2956, a microphone 2958 and an optional antenna 2960 (whichmay be visible on the exterior of the housing or may be concealed within the housing). The device 2950 also may include a proximity sensor 2962 and an accelerometer 2964. The device 2950 may be a cellular telephone or a device which is an integrated PDA and a cellular telephone or a device which is an integrated media player and a cellular telephone or a device which is both an entertainment system (e.g. forplaying games) and a cellular telephone, or the device 2950 may be other types of devices described herein. In one particular embodiment, the device 2950 may include a cellular telephone and a media player and a PDA, all containedwithin the housing 2952. The device 2950 may have a form factor which is small enough that it fits within the hand of a normal adult and is light enough that it can be carried in one hand by an adult. It will be appreciatedthat the term "portable"means the device can be easily held in an adult user's hands (one or both); for example, a laptop computer and an iPod are portable devices. telephone integrated with a media player which plays MP3 files, such as MP3 music files. Each ofthe devices shown in FIGS. 4, SA, 5B, GC, 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 28, 29, 30A and 30B may be a wireless communicas tion device, such as a cellular telephone, and may include a plurality of components which provide a capability for wireless communication. FIG. 31 shows an embodiment of a wireless device 3070 which includes the capability for wireless w-Scation. The wireless device 3070 may be lo included in any one ofthe devices shown in FIGS. 4, SA, 5B, 5C, 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 28, 29, 30A and 308, although alternative embodiments of those devices of FIGS. 4, 5A, 5B, 5C, 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 28, 29, 30A and 308 may include more or fewer components than the Wireless device 3070. is Wireless device 3070 may include anantenna system 3101. Wireless device3070 may also include a digital and/oranalog radio frequency (RF)transceiver3102, coupled to the antenna system 3101, to transmit and/or ....: . voice, digital data and/or media signals through antenna system 3101. 20 Wirelessdevice3070mayalsomcludeadigitalprocessing system 3103 to control the digital RF transceiver and to manage the voice, digital data and/or media signals. Digital processing system 3103 may be a general purpose processmg In one embodiment, the displaylinput device 2954 may device, such as a microprocessor or controller for example. dludeay, a D.a n 25 Digital LrocessLne, sœs3103Smayalsonbe a eci p se point touch screen is a capacitive sensing medium configured grated circuit), FPGA (field-programmable gate array) or to detect multiple touches (e.g., blobs on the display from a DSP (digital signal processor). Digital processing system user's face or multiple fingers concurrently touching or 3103 may also include other devices, as are known inthe art, nearlytouchingthe display) orneartouches (e.g., blobs onthe ao to interface with other components of wireless device 3070. display) that occurat the same time and at distinct locations in For example, digital processing system 3103 may include the plane of the touch panel and to produce distinct signals analog-to-digitalanddigital-to-analogconverters to interface representative of the location of the touches on the plane of with other components of wireless device 3070. Digital prothe touch panel for each of the multiple touches cessing system 3103 may include a media processing system In certain embodiments of the present disclosure, the 35 3109, which may also include a general purpose or special device 2800 can be used to implement at least some of the purpose processing device to manage media, such as files of methods discussed in the present disclosure· audio data. FIGS. 30A and 30B illustrate a device 3070 according to Wireless device 3070 may also include a storage device 3104, coupled to the digital processing system, to store data one embodiment ofthe disclosure. The device 3070 may be a cellular telephone which includes a hinge 3087 that couples a 40 and/oroperatingprograms fortheWireless device 3070. Stordisplay housing 3089 to a keypad housing 3091. The hinge age device 3104 may be, for example, any type of solid-state 3087 allows a userto open and close the cellulartelephone so or magnetic memory device. Wireless device 3070 may also include one or more input that it can be placed in at least one of two different configurations shown in FIGS. 30A and 30B. In one particular devices 3105, coupledto the digital processing system 3103, embodiment, the hinge 3087 may rotatably couple the display 49 to accept user inputs (e.g., telephone numbers, names, housing to the keypad housing. In particular, a user can open addresses, media selections, etc.) Input device 3105 may be, the cellular telephone to place it in the open configuration for example, one or more of a keypad, a touchpad, a touch shown in FIG. 30A and can close the cellular telephone to screen, apointingdevice incombinationwith a display device place it in the closed configuration shown in FIG. 30B. The or similar input device. keypad housing 3091 may include a keypad 3095 which so Wireless device 3070 may also include at least one display device 33106, coupled to the digital processing system 3103, receives inputs (e.g. telephone number inputs or other alpha--A inputs) from a user and a microphone 3097 which to display information suchas messages, telephonecall inforreceives voice input from the user. The display housing 3089 mation, contact information, pictures, movies and/or titles or other indicators of media being selected via the input device may include, on its interior surface, a display 3093 (e.g. an LCD) and a speaker 3098 and a proximity sensor 3084; on its ss 3105. Display device 3106 may be, for example, an LCD display device. In one embodiment, display device 3106 and exterior surface, the display housing 3089 may include a input device 3105 may be integrated together in the same speaker 3096, a temperature sensor 3094, a display 3088 (e.g. another LCD), an ambient light sensor 3092, and a proximity device (e.g., a touch screen LCD such as a multi-touch input sensor 3084A. Hence, in this embodiment, the display houspanel which is integrated with a display device, such as an ing 3089 may include a first proximity sensor on its interior so LCD display device). The display device 3106 may include a backlight 3106A to illuminate the display device 3106 under surface and a second proximity sensor on its exterior surface. certain circumstances. It will be appreciatedthat the Wireless In at least certain embodiments, the device 3070 may condevice 3070 may include multiple displays. tain components which provide one or more ofthe functions Wireless device 3070 may also include a battery 3107 to of a wireless communication device such as a cellular telephone, a media player, an entertainment system, a PDA, or 65 supply operating power to components of the system including digital RF transceiver 3102, digital processing system other types of devices described herein. In one implementa3103, storage device 3104, input device 3105, microphone tion of an embodiment, the device 3070 may be a cellular m.- --..:2-2 a.. see ek. nine 1...... -- ftAIORIOnid APLNDC00025429 US 7,844,915 B2 21 22 310A, audiotransducer3108,mediaprocessingsystem3109, the hierarchy of layers at block 3404. An application may sensor(s) 3110, and display device 3106. Battery 3107 may interact with the hierarchy of views via the API without be, for example, a rechargeable or non-rechargeable lithium accessing the hierarchy of layers operatmg below the hieraror nickel metal hydride battery. Wireless device 3070 may chy of views. also include audio transducers 3108, which may include one s In some embodiments, a platform provides various scrollor more speakers, and at least one microphone 3105A. In ing, gesturing, and animating operations. The platform certain embodiments of the present disclosure, the wireless includes hardware components and an operating system. The device 3070 can be used to implement at least some of the hardware components may include a processing unit coupled methods discussed in the present disclosure, to an input panel and a memory coupled to the processor. The FIG. 32 shows another example ofa device accordingto an 10 operating system includes one or more programs that are embodiment ofthe disclosure. This device 3200 may include stored in the memory and configured to be executed by the a processor, such as microprocessor 3202, and a memory processing unit. One or more programs include various 3204, which are coupled to each other through a bus 3206. instructions for transferring function calls or messages The device 3200 may optionally include a cache 3208 which through an application programming interface in order to is coupled to the microprocessor 3202. This device may also 15 perform various scrolling, gesturing, and animating operaoptionally include a display controller and display device tions. 3210 which is coupled to the other components through the In an embodiment, the one or more programs include bus 3206. One or more input/output controllers 3212 are also instmetions for transferring a bounce call through an API to coupled to the bus 3206 to provide an interface for input/ cause a bounce ofa scrolledregion in an opposite direction of output devices 3214 and to provide an interface for one or 20 a scroll based on a region past an edge ofthe scrolled region more sensors 3216 which are for sensing user activity. The being visible in a display region at the end of the scroll. In an bus 3206 may include one or more buses connected to each embodiment, the one or more programs include instructions other through various bridges, controllers, and/or adapters as for transferring a rubberband call through an API to cause a is well known in the art. The inputloutput devices 3214 may rubberband effect on a scrolled region by a predetermined include a keypad or keyboard or a cursor control device such 25 displacement when the scrolled region exceeds a as a touch input panel. Furthermore, the inputloutput devices display edge based on a scroll. In an embodiment, the one or 3214 may include a network interface which is either for a more programs include instructions for transferring a direcwirednetworkorawirelessnetwork(e.g.anRFtransceiver). tional scroll call through an API to set a scroll angle for The .. 3216 may be any one of the sensors described locking the scrolling in at least one ofa vertical or ahorizontal herein including, for example, a proximity sensor or an ambi- 30 direction, ent light _ .. In at least certain implementations of the In an embodiment, the one or more programs include device 3200, the microprocessor 3202 may .. data from instructions fortransferring a scroll hysteresis call throughan one or more sensors 3216 and may perform the analysis of API to determine whether a user input invokes a scroll. In an that data in the manner described herein. For example, the embodiment, the one or more programs include instructions data may be analyzed through an artificial intelligence pro- 35 fortransferring adecelerationscroll callthroughanAPIto set cess or in the other ways described herein. As a result ofthat a deceleration factor for a user input based on the user input analysis, the microprocessor 3202 may then automatically invoking a scroll. In an embodiment, the one or more procause an adjustment in one or more settings of the device, grams include instructions for transferring a scroll indicator In certain embodiments of the present disclosure, the call through an API to determine whether at least one scroll device 3200 can be used to implement at least some of the 40 indicator attaches to a content edge or a display edge of a methods discussed in the present disclosure. display region. FIGS. 33A-C show another example ofa device according In some embodiments, the platform includes a framework to at least certain embodiments of the disclosure. FIG. 33A containing a library of software code. The framework interillustrates a laptop device 3300 with a keyboard 3302, a body acts with the programs ofthe platform to provide application 3304, a display frame 3306, and a display 3308. The laptop 45 programming interfaces for performmg various scrolling, device 3300 canbe converted into a tablet device as illustrated gesturing, and animating operations. The framework also in FIG. 33B and FIG. 33C. FIG. 33B illustrates the conversion includes associated- _ (e.g., images, text, etc.) that are ofthe laptop device into a tablet device. An edge of a display stored in a single directory. frame 3356 containing a display 3358 is slide withinthebody In an embodiment, the library of the framework provides 3354 across the top ofa keyboard 3352 until forming a tablet so anAPI for specifyinga bounce operationto cause a bounce of device as illustrated in FIG. 33C. The tablet device with a a scrolled region in an opposite direction of a scroll based on display 2362 and a display frame 3366 rests on top of a body a region past an edge of the scrolled region being visible in a 3360. display region at the end ofthe scroll. In an embodiment, the In certain embodiments of the present disclosure, the laplibrary of the framework provides an API for specifying a top device 3300 can be used to implement at least some ofthe 55 rubberband operation that has a rubberband effect on a methods discussed in the present disclosure, scrolled region by a predetermined --- displacement FIG. 34 illustrates details of an application programming when the scrolled region exceeds a display edge based on a interface in flow chart form according to certain teachings of scroll. In an embodiment, the library of the framework prothe present disclosure. The application programming intervides an API for specifying a directional scroll operation to face operates in an environment with user interface software 60 set a scroll angle for locking the scrolling m at least one of a interacting with a software application. In some embodiverticalorahorizontaldirection. ments, a hierarchy ofviews operates on top ofa hierarchy of In an embodiment, the library of the framework provides layers within the user interface software. TheAPI operates as an API for specifying a scroll hysteresis operation to deterillustrated in method 3400 that includes constructing a hierminewhetherauser input invokes a scroll. In an embodiment, archy of views operating on top of a hierarchy of layers at 65 the library ofthe framework provides anAPI for specifying a block 3402. The method 3400 further includes providing deceleration scroll operation to set a deceleration factor for a access to the hierarchy of views without providing access to user input based on the user input invoking a scroll. In an .- --,dana hw impTr3 Imm the PIRS Imsae Database on 04/25/2011 APLNDC00025430 US 7,844,915 B2 23 embodiment, the library ofthe frameworkprovides anAPI for specifying a scroll indicator operation to determine whether at least one scroll indicator attaches to a content edge or a display edge of a display region. In the foregoing specification, the disclosure has been described with reference to specific exemplary embodiments thereof. It will be evident that various modifications may be made thereto without departing from the broader spirit and scope of the disclosure as set forth in the following claims· 10 The specification and drawings are, accordingly, to be regardedin an illustrative sense ratherthan a restrictive sense. 24 receiving a user input, the user input is one or more input points applied to a touch-sensitive display that is integrated with the data processing system; creating an event object in response to the user input; determining whether the event object invokes a scroll or gesture operation by distinguishing between a single input point applied to the touch-sensitive display that is interpreted as the scroll operation and two or more input points applied to the touch-sensitive display that are interpreted as the gesture operation; issuing at least one scroll or gesture call based on invoking the scroll or gesture operation; What is claimed is: 15 1. A machine imp1--*ed method for scrolling on a touch-sensitive display of a device comprising: receiving a user input, the user input is one or more input responding to at least one scroll call, if issued, by scrolling a window having a view associated with the event object; and respondingto at least one gesture call, if issued, by scaling the view associated with the event object based on receiving the two or more input points in the form ofthe user input. 9. The medium as in claim 8, further comprising: rubberbandinga scrolling region displayedwithin the window by a predetermined maximum displacement when the scrolled region exceeds a window edge based onthe scroll. 10. The medium as in claim 8, further comprising: points applied to the touch-sensitive display that is inte- go grated with the device; creating an event object in response to the user input; determining whether the event object invokes a scroll or gesture operation by distinguishing between a single input point applied to the touch-sensitive display that is interpreted as the scroll operation and two ormore input points applied to the touch-sensitive display that are interpreted as the gesture operation; issuing at least one scroll or gesture call based on invoking 3o the scroll or gesture operation; responding to at least one scroll call, if issued, by scrolling a window having a view associated with the event object based on an amount of a scroll with the scroll stoppedat a predetermined position in relation to the user input; and responding to at least one gesture call, ifissued, by scaling the view associated with the event object based on attaching scroll indicators to a content edge of the view. 11. The medium as in claim 8, further comprising: attaching scroll indicators to a window edge of the view. 12. The medium as in claim 8, wherein determining whetherthe event object invokes a scroll or gesture operation is based on receiving a drag user input for a certain time period. 13. The medium as in claim 8, further comprising: respondingto at least one gesture call, ifissued, by rotating a view associated with the event object based on receiving a plurality of input points in the form of the user receiving the two or more input points in the form ofthe user input. input. 2. The method as in claim 1, further comprising: 14. The medium as in claim 8, wherein the data processing rubberbandinga scrolling region displayedwithinthe winsystem is one of: a data processing device, a portable device, dow by a predetermined maximum displacement when a portable data processing device, a multi touch device, a the scrolling region exceeds a window edge based on the 45 multi touch portable device, a wireless device, and a cell scroll. phone. 3. The method as in claim 1, further comprising: 15. An apparatus, comprising: attaching scroll indicators to a content edge ofthe window. means for receiving, through a hardware device, a user input on a touch-sensitive display of the apparatus, the 4. The method as in claim 1, further comprising: so user input is one or more input points applied to the attaching scroll indicators to the window edge. touch-sensitive display that is integrated with the appa5. The method as in claim 1, wherein determining whether ratus; the event object invokes a scroll or gesture operation is based means for creating an event object in response to the user on receiving a drag user input for a certain time period. input; 6. The method as in claim 1, further comprising: means for determining whether the event object invokes a respondingto at least one gesture call, ifissued, by rotating scroll or gesture operation by distinguishing between a a view associated with the event object based on receivsingle input point applied to the touch-sensitive display ing a plurality of input points in the form of the user that is interpretedas the scroll operation and two or more input. so input points applied to the touch-sensitive display that 7. The method as in claim 1, wherein the device is one of: are interpreted as the gesture operation; a data processing device, a portable device, a portable data means for issuing at least one scroll or gesture call based on processing device, a multi touch device, a multi touch porinvoking the scroll or gesture operation; table device, a wireless device, and a cell phone. means for respondingto atleastone scroll call, ifissued, by 8. A machine readable storage medium storing executable 65 scrolling a window having a view associated with the program instructions which when executed cause a data proevent object; and cessing system to perform a method comprising: conv nrovided bv USPTO from the PIRS Im APLNDC00025431 US 7,844,915 B2 25 means for responding to at least one gesture call, ifissued, by scaling the view associated with the event object 26 19. The apparatus as in claim 15, wherein determining whetherthe event object invokes a scroll or gesture operation is based on receiving a drag user input for a certain time based on receiving the two or more input points in the form of the user input. period. 16. The apparatus as in claim 15, further comprising: 5 20. The apparatus as in claim 15, further comprising: means for responding to at least one gesture call, if issued, means for rubberbanding a scrolling region displayed by rotating a view associated with the event object based within the window by a predetermined dison receiving a plurality of input points in the form ofthe placement when the scrolling region exceeds a window user input. edge based on the scroll. 17. The apparatus as in claim 15, further comprising: 10 21. The apparatus as in claim 15, wherein the apparatus is one of: a data processing device, a portable device, a portable means for attaching scroll indicators to a content edge of data processing device, a multi touch device, a multi touch the window. portable device, a wireless device, and a cell phone. 18. The apparatus as in claim 15, further comprising: means for attaching scroll indicators to the window edge. * * * * * Conv nrovided bv i mnm imm the 9mm imann on 04/25/2011 APLNDC00025432

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