Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al

Filing 599

MOTION for Protective Order Apple's Motion for Entry of Protective Order Regarding Disclosure and Use of Discovery Materials filed by Apple Inc.. Motion Hearing set for 1/18/2012 02:00 PM before Magistrate Judge Paul Singh Grewal. Responses due by 1/13/2012. (Attachments: #1 McElhinny Declaration, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Mazza Declaration, #5 Exhibit A, #6 Maselli Declaration, #7 Exhibit A, #8 Exhibit B, #9 Exhibit C, #10 Exhibit D)(Jacobs, Michael) (Filed on 1/10/2012)

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Exhibit C From: Maselli, Samuel [] Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 2:29 PM To: Diane Hutnyan Cc: ''; AppleMoFo; WH Apple Samsung NDCal Service Subject: FW: Apple v. Samsung, C.A. 11-CV-1846 (ND Cal) - Submission of Stipulated Protective Order Attachments: Apple_Samsung (ND Cal) - Letter from Judge Koh Re Submittal of Stipulated PO.DOC; Apple_Samsung - FINAL Agreed Upon Protective Order.DOC Diane,    Please let us know if we have your approval to proceed with filing of the attached Agreed Upon  Protective Order.     We would like to get the Protective Order on file today, if at all possible.     Thanks for your time.     Regards,    Sam Maselli        Samuel Maselli | WilmerHale  950 Page Mill Road  Palo Alto, CA 94304 USA  +1 650 858 6148 (t)  +1 650 858 6100 (f)    Please consider the environment before printing this email.  This email message and any attachments are being sent by Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP, are confidential, and may be  privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us immediately—by replying to this message or by sending an email to—and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments. Thank you.    For more information about WilmerHale, please visit us at  From: Maselli, Samuel Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 12:15 PM To: Diane Hutnyan Cc: ''; 'AppleMoFo'; WH Apple Samsung NDCal Service Subject: Apple v. Samsung, C.A. 11-CV-1846 (ND Cal) - Submission of Stipulated Protective Order     Diane,    Further to our meet‐and‐confer call held yesterday, December 21, attached please find a clean and  formatted copy of the Agreed Upon Protective Order Regarding the Use and Disclosure of Discovery  Materials.  As discussed during our call, you will note that I added signature blocks for the respective  parties, as well as a signature line for Judge Koh.  Also attached please find a brief cover letter to the  Protective Order for purposes of submission.     Please let me know at your earliest convenience if we have your approval to proceed with submission.      Regards,    Sam Maselli        Samuel Maselli | WilmerHale  950 Page Mill Road  Palo Alto, CA 94304 USA  +1 650 858 6148 (t)  +1 650 858 6100 (f)    Please consider the environment before printing this email.  This email message and any attachments are being sent by Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP, are confidential, and may be privileged. If  you are not the intended recipient, please notify us immediately—by replying to this message or by sending an email to—and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments. Thank you.    For more information about WilmerHale, please visit us at      December 22, 2011 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING The Honorable Lucy H. Koh United States District Judge United States District Court For the Northern District of California San Jose Division 280 South 1st Street San Jose, California 95113 Re: Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al., Case No. 11-cv-01846-LHK (N.D. Cal.) Dear Your Honor: On behalf of plaintiff and counterclaim-defendant Apple Inc. and defendants and counterclaim-plaintiffs Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., and Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC (collectively, the “Parties”), attached herewith please find an Agreed Upon Protective Order Regarding the Disclosure and Use of Discovery Materials. In accordance with Local Rule 2-2, the Parties respectfully request that the Court enter the attached as the Protective Order in this action. Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned if Your Honor has questions. Yours very truly, Samuel J. Maselli cc: Counsel of Record Attachment 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA SAN JOSE DIVISION 2 3 4 APPLE INC., a California corporation, 5 Plaintiffs, 6 7 8 9 vs. Civil Action No. 11-CV-01846-LHK SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD., a Korean business entity, SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS AMERICA, INC., a New York corporation, and SAMSUNG TELECOMMUNICATIONS AMERICA, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, 10 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS Defendants. 11 12 13 14 15 16 SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD., a Korean business entity, SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS AMERICA, INC., a New York corporation, and SAMSUNG TELECOMMUNICATIONS AMERICA, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, a California corporation, 17 18 19 20 Counterclaim-Plaintiff, v. APPLE INC., a California corporation, Counterclaim-Defendants. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS Case No. 11-cv-01846 (LHK) 1 2 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING THE DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 3 Plaintiff and counterclaim-defendant Apple Inc. (“Apple”) and defendants and 4 counterclaim-plaintiffs Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., and 5 Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC (collectively, “Samsung”) (collectively referred to 6 herein as the “Parties”) anticipate that documents, testimony, or information containing or 7 8 reflecting confidential, proprietary, trade secret, and/or commercially sensitive information 9 are likely to be disclosed or produced during the course of discovery, initial disclosures, and 10 supplemental disclosures in this case and request that the Court enter this Order setting forth 11 the conditions for treating, obtaining, and using such information. 12 13 Pursuant to Rule 26(c) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Court finds good cause for the following Agreed Protective Order Regarding the Disclosure and Use of 14 Discovery Materials (“Order” or “Protective Order”). 15 16 17 1. PURPOSES AND LIMITATIONS (a) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, Protected Material designated 18 under the terms of this Protective Order shall be used by a Receiving Party solely for this case, 19 and shall not be used directly or indirectly for any other purpose whatsoever. 20 21 (b) The Parties acknowledge that this Order does not confer blanket protections on all disclosures during discovery, or in the course of making initial or supplemental 22 disclosures under Rule 26(a). Designations under this Order shall be made with care and shall 23 24 not be made absent a good faith belief that the designated material satisfies the criteria set forth 25 below. If it comes to a Producing Party’s attention that designated material does not qualify for 26 protection at all, or does not qualify for the level of protection initially asserted, the Producing 27 Party must promptly notify all other Parties that it is withdrawing or changing the designation. 28 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 2 3 2. DEFINITIONS (a) “Discovery Material” means all items or information, including from any non-party, regardless of the medium or manner generated, stored, or maintained (including, 4 among other things, testimony, transcripts, or tangible things) that are produced, disclosed, or 5 6 7 generated in connection with discovery or Rule 26(a) disclosures in this case. (b) “Outside Counsel” means (i) outside counsel who appear on the pleadings 8 as counsel for a Party, (ii) partners and associates of such counsel to whom it is reasonably 9 necessary to disclose the information for this litigation, and their paralegals and support staff, 10 and (iii) outside, independent attorneys contracted to provide legal advice to a Party in 11 connection with this action. 12 13 (c) “Patents-in-suit” means U.S. Patents Nos. 7,812,828; 6,493,002; 14 7,469,381; 7,844,915; 7,853,891; 7,663,607; 7,864,163; 7,920,129; D627,790; D617,334; 15 D604,305; D593,087; D618,677; D622,270; D504,889; 6,928,604; 7,050,410; 7,069,055; 16 7,079,871; 7,200,792; 7,362,867; 7,386,001; 7,447,516; 7,456,893; 7,577,460; 7,675,941; and 17 7,698,711 and any other patent asserted in this action, as well as any related patents, patent 18 applications, provisional patent applications, continuations, and/or divisionals. 19 (d) “Party” means any party to this case, including all of its officers, directors, 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 employees, consultants, retained experts, and outside counsel and their support staffs. (e) “Producing Party” means any Party or non-party entity that discloses or produces any Discovery Material in this case. (f) “Protected Material” means any Discovery Material that is designated as “CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY,” or “CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY - SOURCE CODE,” as provided for in this Order. 27 28 -3AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 2 (g) “Receiving Party” means any Party who receives Discovery Material from a Producing Party. 3 (h) “Source Code” means confidential and proprietary computer code, scripts, 4 assembly, object code, source code listings and descriptions of source code, object code listings 5 6 and descriptions of object code, and Hardware Description Language (HDL) or Register Transfer 7 Level (RTL) files that describe the hardware design of any application-specific integrated circuit 8 (ASIC) or other chip. 9 3. 10 11 COMPUTATION OF TIME The computation of any period of time prescribed or allowed by this Order shall be governed by the provisions for computing time set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 6. 12 13 14 4. SCOPE (a) The protections conferred by this Order cover not only Discovery Material 15 governed by this Order as addressed herein, but also any information copied or extracted 16 therefrom, as well as all copies, excerpts, summaries, or compilations thereof, plus testimony, 17 conversations, or presentations by Parties or their counsel in court or in other settings that might 18 19 20 reveal Protected Material. (b) Nothing in this Protective Order shall prevent or restrict a Producing 21 Party’s own disclosure or use of its own Discovery Material for any purpose, and nothing in this 22 Order shall preclude any Producing Party from showing its Discovery Material to an individual 23 who prepared the Discovery Material. 24 (c) Nothing in this Order shall be construed to prejudice any Party’s right to 25 use any Protected Material in court or in any court filing with consent of the Producing Party or 26 27 28 by order of the Court. -4AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 2 3 (d) This Order is without prejudice to the right of any Party to seek further or additional protection of any Discovery Material or to modify this Order in any way, including, without limitation, an order that certain matter not be produced at all. 4 5. DURATION 5 Even after the termination of this case, and unless otherwise indicated in this 6 7 Order, the confidentiality obligations imposed by this Order shall remain in effect until a 8 Producing Party agrees otherwise in writing or an order from this Court otherwise directs. 9 10 11 6. ACCESS TO AND USE OF PROTECTED MATERIAL (a) Basic Principles. All Protected Material shall be used solely for this case 12 or any related appellate proceeding, and not for any other purpose whatsoever, including without 13 limitation any other litigation, patent prosecution or acquisition, patent reexamination or reissue 14 proceedings, or any business or competitive purpose or function, except as expressly provided 15 herein. Protected Material shall not voluntarily be distributed, disclosed or made available to 16 anyone except as expressly provided in this Order. 17 18 (b) Patent Prosecution Bar. Absent the written consent of the Producing 19 Party, anyone who receives one or more items designated “CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ 20 EYES ONLY” or “CONFIDENTIAL – OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY – SOURCE 21 CODE” shall not be involved, directly or indirectly, in any of the following activities: advising 22 on, consulting on, preparing, prosecuting, drafting, editing, and/or amending of patent 23 applications (whether for design or utility patents), specifications, claims, and/or responses to 24 25 26 27 28 office actions, or otherwise affecting the disclosure in patent applications or specifications or the scope of claims in patents or patent applications relating to the subject matter of the patents-insuit before any foreign or domestic agency, including the United States Patent and Trademark -5AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 Office. These prohibitions are not intended to and shall not preclude (i) participating in or 2 advising on any reexamination or reissue proceeding by Defendants’ Outside Counsel with 3 respect to any patents in which Plaintiff has any interest, or participating in or advising on any 4 reexamination or reissue proceeding (except for participating in or advising on, directly or 5 6 indirectly, claim drafting or amending claims) by Plaintiff's Outside Counsel with respect to any 7 patents in which Plaintiff has any interest; and (ii) participating in or advising on any 8 reexamination or reissue proceeding by Plaintiff 's Outside Counsel with respect to any patents in 9 which Defendants have any interest, or participating in or advising on any reexamination or 10 reissue proceeding (except for participating in or advising on, directly or indirectly, claim 11 drafting or amending claims) by Defendants’ Outside Counsel with respect to any patents in 12 13 which Defendants have any interest. (c) 14 The prohibitions in Paragraph 6(b) shall begin when access to 15 “CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” or “CONFIDENTIAL – OUTSIDE 16 ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY – SOURCE CODE” materials are first received by the affected 17 individual, and shall end two (2) years after the final resolution of this action, including all 18 appeals. 19 (d) Secure Storage. Protected Material must be stored and maintained by a 20 21 22 23 Receiving Party at a location and in a secure manner that ensures that access is limited to the persons authorized under this Order. (e) Legal Advice Based on Protected Material. Nothing in this Protective 24 Order shall be construed to prevent counsel from advising their clients with respect to this case 25 based in whole or in part upon Protected Materials, provided counsel does not disclose the 26 27 28 -6AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 Protected Materials themselves, the content of those Protected Materials, or the fact of those 2 particular Protected Materials’ existence except as provided in this Order. 3 (f) Limitations. Nothing in this Order shall restrict in any way a Producing 4 Party’s use or disclosure of its own Protected Material. Nothing in this Order shall restrict in any 5 6 way the use or disclosure of Discovery Material by a Receiving Party: (i) that is or has become 7 publicly known through no fault of the Receiving Party; (ii) that is lawfully acquired by or 8 known to the Receiving Party independent of the Producing Party; (iii) previously produced, 9 disclosed and/or provided by the Producing Party to the Receiving Party or a non-party without 10 an obligation of confidentiality and not by inadvertence or mistake; (iv) with the consent of the 11 Producing Party; or (v) pursuant to Order of the Court. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a 12 13 Producing Party may not disclose its own Protected Material to the extent such Protected 14 Material is also the Protected Material of any other party (e.g., settlement discussions and 15 agreements containing confidentiality obligations), without the prior written consent of such 16 other party, unless compelled to do so by a Court of competent jurisdiction. 17 18 7. DESIGNATING PROTECTED MATERIAL (a) Available Designations. Any Producing Party may designate Discovery 19 Material with any of the following designations, provided that it meets the requirements for such 20 21 22 23 designations as provided for herein: “CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY,” or “CONFIDENTIAL – OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY - SOURCE CODE.” (b) Written Discovery and Documents and Tangible Things. Written 24 discovery, documents (which include “electronically stored information,” as that phrase is used 25 in Federal Rule of Procedure 34), and tangible things that meet the requirements for the 26 confidentiality designations listed in Paragraph 7(a) may be so designated by placing the 27 28 -7AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 appropriate designation on every page of the written material prior to production. For digital 2 files being produced, the Producing Party may mark each viewable page or image with the 3 appropriate designation, and mark the medium, container, and/or communication in which the 4 digital files were contained. In the event that original documents are produced for inspection, the 5 6 7 8 original documents shall be presumed “CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” during the inspection and re-designated, as appropriate during the copying process. (c) Depositions and Testimony. Parties or testifying persons or entities may 9 designate depositions and other testimony with the appropriate designation by indicating on the 10 record at the time the testimony is given or by sending written notice of how portions of the 11 transcript of the testimony are designated within twenty one (21) days of receipt of the transcript 12 13 of the testimony. If no indication on the record is made, all information disclosed during a 14 deposition shall be deemed “CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” until the time 15 within which it may be appropriately designated as provided for herein has passed. Any Party 16 that wishes to disclose the transcript that has been deemed “CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ 17 EYES ONLY” as a result of no designation having been made on the record at the time the 18 testimony was given, or information contained therein, may provide written notice of its intent to 19 treat the transcript as non-confidential, after which time, any Party that wants to maintain any 20 21 portion of the transcript as confidential must designate the confidential portions within fourteen 22 (14) days, or else the transcript may be treated as non-confidential. Any Protected Material that 23 is used in the taking of a deposition shall remain subject to the provisions of this Protective Order, 24 along with the transcript pages of the deposition testimony dealing with such Protected Material. 25 In such cases the court reporter shall be informed of this Protective Order and shall be required 26 to operate in a manner consistent with this Protective Order. In the event the deposition is 27 28 -8AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 videotaped, the original and all copies of the videotape shall be marked by the video technician 2 to indicate that the contents of the videotape are subject to this Protective Order, substantially 3 along the lines of “This videotape contains confidential testimony used in this case and is not 4 to be viewed or the contents thereof to be displayed or revealed except pursuant to the terms 5 6 of the operative Protective Order in this matter or pursuant to written stipulation of the 7 parties.” 8 depositions, other than the deponent, deponent’s counsel, the reporter and videographer (if 9 any), any person who is not authorized by this Protective Order to receive or access Protected 10 Material based on the designation of such Protected Material. Such right of exclusion shall 11 Counsel for any Producing Party shall have the right to exclude from oral be applicable only during periods of examination or testimony regarding such Protected 12 13 14 Material. 8. DISCOVERY MATERIAL DESIGNATED AS “CONFIDENTIAL – 15 ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” 16 (a) 17 18 A Producing Party may designate Discovery Material as “CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” if it contains or reflects information that is confidential and/or, proprietary, trade secret, and/or commercially sensitive. The Parties agree 19 that at least the following information, if non-public, shall be presumed to merit the 20 21 “CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” designation: trade secrets, pricing 22 information, financial data, sales information, sales or marketing forecasts or plans, business 23 plans, sales or marketing strategy, cost information, licensing of the Producing Party’s 24 intellectual property, product development information, engineering documents, testing 25 documents, employee information, and other non-public information of similar competitive and 26 business sensitivity. 27 28 -9AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 2 (b) “CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” may be disclosed only to: 3 4 Unless otherwise ordered by the Court, Discovery Material designated as (i) The Receiving Party’s Outside Counsel, except that unless otherwise agreed no Outside Counsel who is involved in competitive decision-making1, as 5 6 7 defined by U.S. Steel v. United States, 730 F.2d 1465, 1468 n.3 (Fed. Cir. 1984), shall have access to Discovery Material designated as “CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY”; (ii) 8 9 10 Outside Counsel’s immediate paralegals and staff, and any copying or clerical litigation support services working at the direction of such counsel, paralegals, and staff; 11 (iii) Any outside expert or consultant retained by the Receiving Party to 12 13 assist in this action, provided that disclosure is only to the extent necessary to perform such 14 work; and provided that: (a) such expert or consultant has agreed to be bound by the provisions 15 of the Protective Order by signing a copy of Exhibit A; (b) such expert or consultant is not a 16 current officer, director, or employee of a Party or of a competitor of a Party with respect to the 17 subject matter of the patents-in-suit, nor anticipated at the time of retention to become an officer, 18 director, or employee of a Party or of a competitor of a Party with respect to the subject matter of 19 the patents-in-suit; (c) such expert or consultant is not involved in competitive decision-making, 20 21 as defined by U.S. Steel v. United States, 730 F.2d 1465, 1468 n.3 (Fed. Cir. 1984), on behalf of 22 a Party or a competitor of a Party with respect to the subject matter of the patents-in-suit; and (d) 23 no unresolved objections to such disclosure exist after proper notice has been given to all Parties 24 as set forth in Paragraph 11 below; 25 1 26 27 28 For the absence of doubt, for the purposes of this Protective Order, “competitive decision-making” shall not include duties traditionally performed by outside counsel with respect to advising the Parties regarding this or other litigation. - 10 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 2 (iv) Court reporters, stenographers and videographers retained to record testimony taken in this action; 3 (v) The Court, jury, and court personnel; (vi) Document processing and hosting vendors, and graphics, 4 5 6 7 translation, design, and/or trial consulting services, having first agreed to be bound by the provisions of the Protective Order by signing a copy of Exhibit A; (vii) 8 9 10 Any mediator who is assigned to hear this matter, and his or her staff, subject to their agreement to maintain confidentiality to the same degree as required by this Protective Order; and 11 (viii) Any other person with the prior written consent of the Producing 12 13 14 Party or by order of this Court. 9. DISCOVERY MATERIAL DESIGNATED AS “CONFIDENTIAL – OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY - SOURCE CODE” 15 16 (a) To the extent production of Source Code becomes necessary to the 17 18 prosecution or defense of the case, a Producing Party may designate Source Code as 19 “CONFIDENTIAL – OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY - SOURCE CODE” if it 20 comprises or includes confidential, proprietary, and/or trade secret Source Code. 21 22 23 (b) Nothing in this Order shall be construed as a representation or admission that Source Code is properly discoverable in this action, or to obligate any Party to produce any Source Code. 24 25 26 (c) Unless otherwise ordered by the Court, Discovery Material designated as “CONFIDENTIAL – OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY - SOURCE CODE” shall be 27 28 - 11 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 subject to the provisions set forth in Paragraph 11 below, and may be disclosed, subject to 2 Paragraph 10 below, solely to: 3 (i) The Receiving Party’s Outside Counsel, except that unless 4 otherwise agreed no Outside Counsel who is involved in competitive decision-making, as 5 6 defined by U.S. Steel v. United States, 730 F.2d 1465, 1468 n.3 (Fed. Cir. 1984), shall have 7 access to Discovery Material designated as “CONFIDENTIAL – OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS’ 8 EYES ONLY - SOURCE CODE”; 9 10 11 (ii) Outside Counsel’s immediate paralegals and staff, and any copying or clerical litigation support services working at the direction of such counsel, paralegals, and staff; 12 (iii) Any outside expert or consultant retained by the Receiving Party to 13 14 assist in this action, provided that disclosure is only to the extent necessary to perform such 15 work; and provided that: (a) such expert or consultant has agreed to be bound by the provisions 16 of the Protective Order by signing a copy of Exhibit A; (b) such expert or consultant is not a 17 current officer, director, or employee of a Party or of a competitor of a Party with respect to the 18 19 subject matter of the patents-in-suit, nor anticipated at the time of retention to become an officer, director or employee of a Party or of a competitor of a Party with respect to the subject matter of 20 21 the patents-in-suit; (c) such expert or consultant is not involved in competitive decision-making, 22 as defined by U.S. Steel v. United States, 730 F.2d 1465, 1468 n.3 (Fed. Cir. 1984), on behalf of 23 a Party or a competitor of a Party with respect to the subject matter of the patents-in-suit; and (d) 24 no unresolved objections to such disclosure exist after proper notice has been given to all Parties 25 as set forth in Paragraph 11 below; 26 27 28 - 12 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 2 (iv) Court reporters, stenographers and videographers retained to record testimony taken in this action; 3 (v) The Court, jury, and court personnel; (vi) Any mediator who is assigned to hear this matter, and his or her 4 5 6 7 staff, subject to their agreement to maintain confidentiality to the same degree as required by this Protective Order; and (vii) 8 9 10 11 Any other person with the prior written consent of the Producing Party or by order of this Court. 10. DISCLOSURE AND REVIEW OF SOURCE CODE (a) The following provisions apply to the production of Source Code that is 12 13 14 15 designated “[PRODUCING PARTY’S] CONFIDENTIAL— OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY — SOURCE CODE,” unless otherwise agreed by the Producing Party: (b) All Source Code shall be made available by the Producing Party to the 16 Receiving Party in a secure room, on at least two secured, stand-alone computers (running a 17 reasonably current operating system) per software platform produced, without Internet access or 18 19 network access to other computers, as necessary and appropriate to prevent and protect against any unauthorized copying, transmission, removal, or other transfer of any Source Code outside 20 21 or away from the computer on which the Source Code is provided for inspection (hereinafter 22 “Confidential Source Code Computer”). If it should be necessary, the Confidential Source Code 23 Computer may be configured by the Producing Party to run other mutually agreed upon 24 operating systems. Except as otherwise authorized by the Producing Party, no more than a total 25 of 25 individuals identified by the Receiving Party shall have access to the secure room in which 26 the Producing Party produces its Source Code. 27 28 - 13 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 2 3 (c) The Producing Party shall install tools that are sufficient for viewing and searching the code produced, on the platform produced, if such tools exist and are presently used in the ordinary course of the Producing Party’s business. The Receiving Party’s outside counsel 4 and/or experts may request that commercially available software tools for viewing and searching 5 6 Source Code be installed on the secured computer, provided, however, that (a) the Receiving 7 Party possesses an appropriate license to such software tools; (b) the Producing Party approves 8 such software tools; and (c) such other software tools are reasonably necessary for the Receiving 9 Party to perform its review of the Source Code consistent with all of the protections herein. The 10 Receiving Party must provide the Producing Party with the CD or DVD containing such licensed 11 software tool(s) at least fourteen (14) days in advance of the date upon which the Receiving 12 Party wishes to have the additional software tools available for use on the Confidential Source 13 14 Code Computer. Specific tools may include but are not limited to: Visual Slick Edit, Source- 15 Navigator, PowerGrep, and ExamDiff Pro, or other similar programs. The Receiving Party shall 16 not at any time use any compilers, interpreters or simulators in connection with the Producing 17 Party’s Source Code. 18 19 (d) The Producing Party shall make the Source Code available electronically and in text searchable form in a secure room at the offices of the Producing Party’s outside 20 21 22 counsel as defined in paragraph 2(b) or any other location mutually agreed by the parties. (e) In order to verify that its Source Code has not later been altered, the 23 Producing Party may benchmark the materials before and after they are provided but shall not 24 install any keystroke or other monitoring software on the Confidential Source Code Computer. 25 26 (f) The Confidential Source Code Computer shall be made available from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. local time, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays), and other days 27 28 - 14 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 and/or times, including weekends, upon reasonable request at least until the close of expert 2 discovery in this action. Access on weekends or after hours shall be permitted only on three 3 days’ advance written notice. 4 (g) Prior to the first inspection of any requested piece of Source Code, the 5 6 requesting party shall provide fourteen (14) days notice of the Source Code that it wishes to 7 inspect. The requesting party shall provide two (2) days notice prior to any additional 8 inspections of the same Source Code, although the parties will be reasonable in accommodating 9 requests of less than two (2) days. The Receiving Party shall identify any individual who will be 10 given access to the Source Code at least ten (10) days prior to the first time any such individual 11 is given access to the Source Code, and, during that 10-day period, the Producing Party may 12 object to providing access to any persons so identified. The Receiving Party shall provide two (2) 13 14 days notice any time each such individual is given access to the Source Code after the first time, 15 although the parties will be reasonable in accommodating notice of less than two (2) days. If an 16 objection to an individual is made by the Producing Party, it will be the burden of the Producing 17 Party to prove that the individual should not be authorized to inspect the Producing Party's 18 19 Source Code. (h) Proper identification of all authorized persons shall be provided prior to 20 21 any access to the secure room or to the Confidential Source Code Computer. Proper 22 identification requires showing, at a minimum, a photo identification card sanctioned by the 23 government of any State of the United States, by the government of the United States, or by the 24 nation state of the authorized person’s current citizenship. Access to the secure room or the 25 Confidential Source Code Computer may be denied, at the discretion of the Producing Party, to 26 any individual who fails to provide proper identification. 27 28 - 15 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 2 3 (i) The Confidential Source Code Computer shall be equipped with a printer with commercially reasonable printing speeds to print copies of the Source Code on ( watermarked pre-Bates numbered paper, which shall be provided by the Producing Party. The 4 Receiving Party may print limited portions of the Source Code only when reasonably necessary 5 6 to facilitate the Receiving Party’s preparation of court filings, expert reports, and trial exhibits, 7 and shall print only such portions as are relevant to the claims and defenses in the case and are 8 reasonably necessary for such purpose. The Receiving Party shall not print Source Code in order 9 to review blocks of Source Code elsewhere in the first instance, i.e., as an alternative to 10 11 reviewing that Source Code electronically on the Confidential Source Code Computer, as the parties acknowledge and agree that the purpose of the protections herein would be frustrated by 12 13 14 printing portions of code for review and analysis elsewhere. If the Producing Party objects that the printed portions are excessive and/or not done for a permitted purpose, the Producing Party 15 shall make such objection known to the Receiving Party within five (5) days. Printed portions 16 which exceed 50 continuous pages or 10% or more of a specific software release shall be 17 presumed excessive and not done for a permitted purpose. If, after meeting and conferring, the 18 19 Producing Party and the Receiving Party cannot resolve the objection, the Receiving Party shall be entitled to seek the Court’s resolution of whether the printed Source Code in question is 20 21 narrowly tailored and was printed for a permitted purpose. The burden shall be on the Receiving 22 Party to demonstrate that such printed portions are no more than is reasonably necessary for a 23 permitted purpose and not merely printed for the purposes of review and analysis elsewhere. 24 Except as otherwise authorized by the Producing Party, no more than a total of 40 individuals 25 identified by the Receiving Party shall have access to the printed portions of Source Code 26 (except insofar as such code appears in any filing with the Court or expert report in this case). 27 28 - 16 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 2 3 (j) The printed Source Code shall be labeled with “[PRODUCING PARTY’S NAME] CONFIDENTIAL— OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY — SOURCE CODE.” Outside counsel for the Producing Party will keep the originals of these printed 4 documents, and copies shall be made for outside counsel for the Receiving Party on watermarked 5 6 paper within 48 hours. It is the responsibility of the Producing Party to ensure delivery of the 7 printed documents to outside counsel for the Receiving Party within 48 hours. The Receiving 8 Party’s outside counsel may make no more than ten (10) additional paper copies of any portions 9 of the Source Code received from a Producing Party, not including copies attached to court 10 11 filings or used at depositions. (k) In addition to other reasonable steps to maintain the security and 12 confidentiality of the Producing Party’s Source Code, printed copies of the Source Code 13 14 maintained by the Receiving Party must be kept in a locked storage container when not in use. 15 No electronic copies of the Source Code shall be provided by the Producing Party beyond the 16 Confidential Source Code Computer. 17 18 19 (l) Except as provided herein, absent express written permission from the Producing Party, the Receiving Party may not create electronic images, or any other images, or make electronic copies, of the Source Code from any paper copy of Source Code for use in any 20 21 manner (including, by way of example only, the Receiving Party may not scan the Source Code 22 to a PDF or photograph the code). Images or copies of Source Code shall not be included in 23 correspondence between the parties (references to production numbers shall be used instead), 24 and shall be omitted from pleadings and other papers whenever possible. If a party reasonably 25 believes that it needs to submit a portion of Source Code as part of a filing with the Court, the 26 parties shall meet and confer as to how to make such a filing while protecting the confidentiality 27 28 - 17 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 of the Source Code and such filing will not be made absent agreement from the supplier that the 2 confidentiality protections will be adequate. If a Producing Party agrees to produce an electronic 3 copy of all or any portion of its Source Code or to provide written permission to the Receiving 4 Party to produce an electronic or any other copy of Source Code for purposes of a court filing, 5 6 the Receiving Party’s communication and/or disclosure of electronic files or other materials 7 containing any portion of Source Code (paper or electronic) shall at all times be limited solely to 8 individuals who are expressly authorized to view Source Code under the provisions of this 9 Order, and all such individuals must be identified, in accordance with paragraph 10(q), on the 10 11 Confidential Source Code Access Log as reviewers and/or recipients of paper copies. In the case where the Producing Party has provided the express written permission required under this 12 provision for a Receiving Party to create electronic copies of Source Code, the electronic copies 13 14 shall be included on the log required by paragraph 10(q); and any other information required by 15 paragraph 11(q) shall be included on the log. Additionally, any such electronic copies must be 16 labeled “[PRODUCING PARTY’S NAME] CONFIDENTIAL — OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS’ 17 EYES ONLY — SOURCE CODE” as provided for in this Order. 18 19 (m) For depositions, the Receiving Party shall not bring copies of any printed Source Code. Rather, at least five (5) days before the date of the deposition, the Receiving Party 20 21 shall notify the Producing Party about the specific portions of Source Code it wishes to use at the 22 deposition, and the Producing Party shall bring printed copies of those portions to the deposition 23 for use by the Receiving Party. Copies of Source Code that are marked as deposition exhibits 24 shall not be provided to the court reporter or attached to deposition transcripts; rather, the 25 deposition record will identify the exhibit by its production numbers. All paper copies of Source 26 27 28 - 18 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 Code brought to the deposition shall be returned to the Producing Party and securely destroyed in 2 a timely manner following the deposition. 3 (n) Other than the Confidential Source Code Computer and printer provided 4 by the Producing Party, no electronic devices, including but not limited to laptops, floppy drives, 5 6 zip drives or other hardware, shall be permitted in the secure room. Nor shall any cellular 7 telephones, personal digital assistants, Blackberries, cameras, voice recorders, Dictaphones, 8 telephone jacks, or other devices be permitted inside the secure room. No non-electronic devices 9 capable of similar functionality shall be permitted in the secure room. The Receiving Party shall 10 be entitled to take notes relating to the Source Code but may not copy the Source Code into the 11 notes and may not take such notes electronically on the Confidential Source Code Computer 12 itself or any other computer. No copies of all or any portion of the Source Code may leave the 13 14 room in which the Source Code is inspected except as otherwise provided herein. Further, no 15 other written or electronic record of the Source Code is permitted except as otherwise provided 16 herein. The Producing Party may visually monitor the activities of the Receiving Party’s 17 representatives during any Source Code review, but only to ensure that no unauthorized records 18 19 of the Source Code and no information concerning the Source Code are being created or transmitted in any way. 20 21 (o) Other than as provided in paragraph 10(n), the Receiving Party will not 22 copy, remove, or otherwise transfer any Source Code from the Confidential Source Code 23 Computer including, without limitation, copying, removing, or transferring the Source Code onto 24 any recordable media or recordable device, including without limitation sound recorders, 25 computers, cellular telephones, peripheral equipment, cameras, CDs, DVDs, or drives of any 26 27 28 - 19 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 kind. The Receiving Party will not transmit any Source Code in any way from the Producing 2 Party's facilities or the offices of the Producing Party's outside counsel. 3 (p) Unless otherwise agreed in advance by the parties in writing, following 4 each day on which inspection of Source Code is done under this Order, the Receiving Party’s 5 6 outside counsel and/or experts shall remove all notes, documents, and all other materials from 7 the secure room. The Producing Party shall not be responsible for any items left in the room 8 following each inspection session, and the Receiving Party shall have no expectation of 9 confidentiality for any items left in the room following each inspection session without a prior 10 11 agreement to that effect. (q) The Receiving Party shall maintain a Confidential Source Code Access 12 Log identifying each hard copy (or electronic copy as permitted by paragraph 11(l)) of Source 13 14 Code that it has in its possession and, for each and every time the hard copy (or electronic copy 15 as permitted by paragraph 10(l)) of the Source Code is viewed, the following additional 16 information: (i) the name of each person who viewed the Source Code; and (ii) whether any 17 portion of the Source Code was copied and, if so, what portion was copied. The Producing Party 18 19 shall be entitled to a copy of the log upon one (1) day’s advance notice to the Receiving Party. Within thirty (30) days after the issuance of a final, non-appealable decision resolving all issues 20 21 in the above-captioned action, the Receiving Party must serve upon the Producing Party the 22 Confidential Source Code Access Log. Additionally, within thirty (30) days after the issuance of 23 a final, non-appealable decision resolving all issues in the action, all persons to whom the paper 24 copies of the Source Code were provided must certify in writing that all copies of the Source 25 Code were returned to Counsel of Record for the Producing Party and that they will make no use 26 of the Source Code or of any knowledge gained from the Source Code in any future endeavor. 27 28 - 20 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 2 3 (r) Nothing herein shall be deemed a waiver of a party’s right to object to the production of Source Code. Absent a subsequent and specific court or agency order, nothing herein shall obligate a party to breach any non-party license agreement relating to such Source 4 Code. 5 (s) 6 The parties further acknowledge that some or all of the Source Code may 7 be owned by non-parties and not in a party’s possession, custody, or control. Nothing herein 8 shall be deemed a waiver of any non-party’s right to object to the production of Source Code or 9 object to the manner of any such production. 10 11 (t) Any consultant or expert retained on behalf of a Receiving Party who is to be given access to a Producing Party's Source Code — whether in electronic form or 12 otherwise — must agree in writing not to use the accessed code to write source code directly 13 14 intended for commercial purposes relating to the technology at issue in this action for a period of 15 six (6) months after the issuance of a final, non-appealable decision resolving all issues in the 16 action. This shall not preclude such consultants and experts from any academic work or 17 consulting in future litigation, so long as such consulting does not involve writing source code 18 19 directly intended for commercial purposes relating to the technology at issue in this action. 11. NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE 20 21 (a) Prior to disclosing any Protected Material to any person described in 22 Paragraphs 8(b)(iii) or 9(c)(iii) (referenced below as “Person”), the Party seeking to disclose 23 such information shall provide the Producing Party with written notice that includes: (i) the name 24 of the Person; (ii) the present employer and title of the Person; (iii) an identification of all of the 25 Person’s past or current employment or consulting relationships, including direct relationships 26 and relationships through entities owned or controlled by the Person, within the last five (5) 27 28 - 21 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 years; (iv) an up-to-date curriculum vitae of the Person; and (v) a list of the cases in which the 2 Person has testified at deposition or trial within the last five (5) years. Said written notice shall 3 include an identification of any individual or entity with or for whom the person is employed or 4 to whom the person provides consulting services relating to the design, development, operation, 5 6 or patenting of mobile phones and tablet computers, or relating to the acquisition of intellectual 7 property assets relating to mobile phones and tablet computers. The Party seeking to disclose 8 Protected Material shall provide such other information regarding the Person’s professional 9 activities reasonably requested by the Producing Party for it to evaluate whether good cause 10 exists to object to the disclosure of Protected Material to the outside expert or consultant. During 11 the pendency of this action, including all appeals, the Party seeking to disclose Protected 12 Material shall immediately provide written notice of any change with respect to the Person’s 13 14 involvement in the design, development, operation or patenting of mobile phones and tablet 15 computers, or the acquisition of intellectual property assets relating to mobile phones and tablet 16 computers. 17 18 19 (b) Within seven (7) days of receipt of the disclosure of the Person, the Producing Party or Parties may object in writing to disclosure to the Person for good cause. In the absence of an objection at the end of the seven (7) day period, the Person shall be deemed 20 21 approved under this Protective Order. There shall be no disclosure of Protected Material to the 22 Person prior to expiration of this seven (7) day period. If the Producing Party objects to 23 disclosure to the Person within such seven (7) day period, the Parties shall meet and confer via 24 telephone or in person within seven (7) days following the objection and attempt in good faith to 25 resolve the dispute on an informal basis. If the dispute is not resolved, the Party objecting to the 26 disclosure will have seven (7) days from the date of the meet and confer to seek relief from the 27 28 - 22 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 Court. If relief is not sought from the Court within that time, the objection shall be deemed 2 withdrawn. If relief is sought, designated materials shall not be disclosed to the Person in 3 question until the Court resolves the objection. 4 (c) For purposes of this section, “good cause” shall include an objectively 5 6 7 reasonable concern that the Person will, advertently or inadvertently, use or disclose Discovery Materials in a way or ways that are inconsistent with the provisions contained in this Order. (d) 8 9 10 Prior to receiving any Protected Material under this Order, the Person must execute a copy of the “Agreement to Be Bound by Protective Order” (Exhibit A hereto) and serve it on all Parties. 11 (e) An initial failure to object to a Person under this Paragraph 12 shall not 12 preclude the non-objecting Party from later objecting to continued access to Protected Material 13 14 by that Person based on new facts or circumstances for good cause shown. In this event, a Party 15 must make a written objection to the other Party concerning the continued access of Protected 16 Material by that Person, and the Parties must meet and confer in good faith concerning such 17 objection. To the extent that the objection is unable to be resolved, the later-objecting Party must 18 19 present its objection to the Court for resolution within no later than five (5) days of making such objection. Notwithstanding such objection, the designated Person may continue to have access 20 21 22 23 to Protected Material until judicial resolution of the objection. 12. CHALLENGING DESIGNATIONS OF PROTECTED MATERIAL (a) A Party shall not be obligated to challenge the propriety of any 24 designation of Discovery Material under this Order at the time the designation is made, and a 25 failure to do so shall not preclude a subsequent challenge thereto. 26 27 28 - 23 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 2 3 (b) Any challenge to a designation of Discovery Material under this Order shall be written, shall be served on outside counsel for the Producing Party, shall particularly identify the documents or information that the Receiving Party contends should be differently 4 designated, and shall state the grounds for the objection. Thereafter, further protection of such 5 6 material shall be resolved in accordance with the following procedures: (i) 7 The objecting Party shall have the burden of conferring either in 8 person, in writing, or by telephone with the Producing Party claiming protection (as well as any 9 other interested party) in a good faith effort to resolve the dispute. The Producing Party shall 10 have the burden of justifying the disputed designation; 11 (ii) Failing agreement, the Receiving Party may bring a motion to the 12 Court for a ruling that the Discovery Material in question is not entitled to the status and 13 14 protection of the Producing Party’s designation. The Parties’ entry into this Order shall not 15 preclude or prejudice either Party from arguing for or against any designation, establish any 16 presumption that a particular designation is valid, or alter the burden of proof that would 17 otherwise apply in a dispute over discovery or disclosure of information; 18 19 (iii) Notwithstanding any challenge to a designation, the Discovery Material in question shall continue to be treated as designated under this Order until one of the 20 21 following occurs: (a) the Party who designated the Discovery Material in question withdraws 22 such designation in writing; or (b) the Court rules that the Discovery Material in question is 23 not entitled to the designation. 24 25 26 13. SUBPOENAS OR COURT ORDERS (a) If at any time Protected Material is subpoenaed by any court, arbitral, administrative, or legislative body, the Party to whom the subpoena or other request is directed 27 28 - 24 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 shall immediately give prompt written notice thereof to every Party who has produced such 2 Discovery Material and to its counsel and shall provide each such Party with an opportunity to 3 move for a protective order regarding the production of Protected Materials implicated by the 4 subpoena. 5 6 14. FILING PROTECTED MATERIAL (a) 7 Absent written permission from the Producing Party or a court Order 8 secured after appropriate notice to all interested persons, a Receiving Party may not file in the 9 public record any Protected Material. 10 11 (b) Any Receiving Party is authorized under Local Rule 79-5 to request the filing under seal with the Court of any brief, document or materials that are designated as 12 Protected Material under this Order. Nothing in this section shall in any way limit or detract 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 from this Order’s requirements as to Source Code. 15. INADVERTENT DISCLOSURE OF PRIVILEGED MATERIAL (a) The inadvertent production by a Party of Discovery Material subject to the attorney-client privilege, work-product protection, or any other applicable privilege or protection, despite the Producing Party’s reasonable efforts to prescreen such Discovery Material prior to production, will not waive the applicable privilege and/or protection if a notice and 20 21 22 23 request for return of such inadvertently produced Discovery Material is made promptly after the Producing Party learns of its inadvertent production. (b) Upon a notice and request from any Producing Party who has 24 inadvertently produced Discovery Material that it believes is privileged and/or protected, each 25 Receiving Party shall immediately return within five (5) days of such notice and request such 26 Protected Material or Discovery Material and all copies to the Producing Party, except for any 27 28 - 25 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 pages containing privileged markings by the Receiving Party which shall instead be destroyed and 2 certified as such by the Receiving Party to the Producing Party. 3 (c) Within five (5) days of the Producing Party’s notice and request for the 4 return and/or destruction of privileged Discovery Material, the Producing Party shall provide a 5 6 privilege log with entries for the inadvertently produced document(s). The Producing Party shall 7 maintain the referenced document(s) until the Parties resolve any dispute concerning the 8 privileged nature of such documents or the Court rules on any motion to compel production of 9 such documents. If a dispute arises concerning the privileged nature of the document(s) 10 demanded or returned, the Parties shall meet and confer in good faith in an effort to resolve the 11 dispute. If the Parties are unable to resolve the dispute, the Receiving Party may file a motion to 12 compel the production of such document(s). In the event of such a motion to compel, the 13 14 Producing Party shall have the burden to demonstrate the claimed privilege, work product 15 immunity or other immunity. However, in no case will the return of any demanded document be 16 delayed or refused by reason of a party’s objection to the demand or by the filing of a motion to 17 compel, nor may a party assert the fact of the inadvertent production as a ground for any such 18 19 motion. The Parties further agree that the Receiving Party will not use or refer to any information contained within the document(s) at issue, including in deposition or at trial or in any Court 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 filing, unless and until such a motion to compel production of that document is granted by a Court, except as such information may appear in any applicable privilege log. 16. INADVERTENT FAILURE TO DESIGNATE PROPERLY (a) The inadvertent failure by a Producing Party to designate Discovery Material as Protected Material with one of the designations provided for under this Order shall not waive any such designation provided that the Producing Party notifies all Receiving Parties 27 28 - 26 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 that such Discovery Material is protected under one of the categories of this Order within 2 fourteen (14) days of the Producing Party learning of the inadvertent failure to designate. The 3 Producing Party shall reproduce the Protected Material with the correct confidentiality 4 designation within seven (7) days upon its notification to the Receiving Parties. Upon receiving 5 6 7 8 the Protected Material with the correct confidentiality designation, the Receiving Parties shall destroy all Discovery Material that was not designated properly. (b) A Receiving Party shall not be in breach of this Order for any use of such 9 Discovery Material before the Receiving Party receives the notice described in Paragraph 16(a), 10 unless an objectively reasonable person would have realized that the Discovery Material should 11 have been appropriately designated with a confidentiality designation under this Order. Once a 12 Receiving Party has received the Protected Material with the correct confidentiality designation, 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 the Receiving Party shall treat such Discovery Material (subject to the exception in Paragraph 16(c) below) at the appropriately designated level pursuant to the terms of this Order. (c) Protected Material produced without the designation of “CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” or “CONFIDENTIAL – OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY – SOURCE CODE” may be so designated subsequent to production when the Producing Party failed to make such designation at the time of production 20 21 through inadvertence or error. If Discovery Material is designated subsequent to production, the 22 Receiving Party promptly shall collect any copies that have been provided to individuals so that 23 they can be re-labeled with the “CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” or 24 “CONFIDENTIAL – OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY – SOURCE CODE” designation. 25 Notwithstanding 26 the above, such subsequent designation of “CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” or “CONFIDENTIAL – OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS’ EYES 27 28 - 27 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 ONLY – SOURCE CODE” shall apply on a going forward basis and shall not disqualify anyone 2 who reviewed “CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” or “CONFIDENTIAL – 3 OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY – SOURCE CODE” materials only while the materials 4 were not marked “CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” or “CONFIDENTIAL – 5 6 7 8 OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY – SOURCE CODE” from engaging in the activities set forth in Paragraph 6(b). 17. 9 10 11 INADVERTENT DISCLOSURE NOT AUTHORIZED BY ORDER (a) In the event of a disclosure of any Discovery Material pursuant to this Order to any person or persons not authorized to receive such disclosure under this Protective Order, the Party responsible for having made such disclosure, and each Party with knowledge 12 13 14 thereof, shall immediately notify counsel for the Producing Party whose Discovery Material has been disclosed and provide to such counsel all known relevant information concerning the nature 15 and circumstances of the disclosure. The responsible disclosing Party shall also promptly take 16 all reasonable measures to retrieve the improperly disclosed Discovery Material and to ensure 17 that no further or greater unauthorized disclosure and/or use thereof is made 18 19 (b) Unauthorized or inadvertent disclosure does not change the status of Discovery Material or waive the right to hold the disclosed document or information as 20 21 22 23 Protected. 18. FINAL DISPOSITION (a) Not later than ninety (90) days after the Final Disposition of this case, 24 each Party shall return all Discovery Material of a Producing Party to the respective outside 25 counsel of the Producing Party or destroy such Material, at the option of the Producing Party. 26 27 28 - 28 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 For purposes of this Order, “Final Disposition” occurs after an order, mandate, or dismissal 2 finally terminating the above-captioned action with prejudice, including all appeals. 3 (b) All Parties that have received any such Discovery Material shall certify in 4 writing that all such materials have been returned to the respective outside counsel of the 5 6 Producing Party or destroyed. Notwithstanding the provisions for return of Discovery Material, 7 outside counsel may retain one set of pleadings, correspondence and attorney and consultant 8 work product (but not document productions) for archival purposes, but must return or destroy 9 any pleadings, correspondence, and consultant work product that contain Source Code. 10 11 19. DISCOVERY FROM EXPERTS OR CONSULTANTS (a) The Parties will not seek drafts of expert reports, declarations, affidavits, 12 13 14 or notes taken by experts retained to testify in this litigation, whether those reports, declarations, affidavits, or notes relate to this litigation, to any prior litigation, or to any currently pending 15 investigation, litigation or proceeding involving any of the Parties. The Parties will not seek 16 documents relating to communications between such experts and counsel, including email 17 communications, whether generated in connection with this litigation, a prior litigation, or any 18 19 currently pending investigation, litigation or proceeding involving any of the Parties, except for documents, information and things included in or attached to such communications that are 20 21 22 directly relied upon by the expert in his or her expert report, declaration, affidavit, or testimony. (b) Except where a draft was produced as the only available copy, the Parties 23 will not inquire at deposition or trial as to the contents of drafts of expert reports, declarations or 24 affidavits, nor notes pertaining thereto, whether drafted in connection with this litigation, a prior 25 litigation, or any currently pending investigation, litigation or proceeding involving any of the 26 Parties, and the Parties will not inquire at deposition or at trial as to the expert’s communications, 27 28 - 29 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 written or oral, with counsel, whether generated in connection with this litigation, a prior 2 litigation, or any currently pending investigation, litigation or proceeding involving any of the 3 Parties, except to the extent that the expert explicitly references or cites information from 4 counsel in his or her expert report, declaration, affidavit, or testimony. 5 (c) 6 Furthermore, nothing in Paragraph 19(a)-(b) is intended to restrict the 7 Parties’ ability to inquire into the basis of any of the opinions expressed by any expert in his or 8 her report, declaration, or affidavit, including the manner by which such opinions were reached, 9 and information considered in reaching such opinions. 10 11 (d) Materials, communications, and other information exempt from discovery under the foregoing Paragraph 19(a)-(b) shall be treated as attorney-work product for the 12 purposes of this litigation and Order. 13 14 15 20. ELECTRONIC DISCOVERY (a) The Parties agree that no voicemail, instant messages, text messages, or 16 materials that may be archived and/or retained in tape, floppy disc, optical disc or similar media 17 for backup or disaster recovery shall be searched for or produced unless good cause for the 18 19 production can be shown, and further subject to the Producing Party’s claim of undue burden or cost. The Parties shall meet and confer as to good cause on this issue. 20 21 (b) Materials retained in tape, floppy disk, optical disk or similar formats 22 primarily for back-up or disaster recovery purposes should be considered not reasonably 23 accessible under Rule 26(b)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and, accordingly, should 24 not be subject to production unless specific facts demonstrate a particular need for such evidence 25 that justifies the burden of retrieval. Archives stored on computer servers, external hard drives, 26 notebooks, or personal computer hard drives that are created for disaster recovery purposes and 27 28 - 30 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 not used as reference materials in the ordinary course of a party's business operations need not be 2 searched or produced absent good cause, and further subject to the Producing Party's claim of 3 undue burden or cost. Neither party need deviate from the practices it normally exercises with 4 regard to preservation of such "tape, floppy disk, optical disk or similar formats primarily for 5 6 7 8 back-up or disaster recovery purposes" that it does not otherwise exercise when not in anticipation of litigation (e.g., recycling of backup tapes is permitted). 21. CROSS-REFERENCE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 9 Documents that have been or are produced (with appropriate Bates numbers) in 10 the below-referenced pending United States proceedings involving Apple and Samsung are 11 deemed produced in the above-captioned action, and neither party shall be deemed to have 12 13 14 violated a protective order in the below listed matters by using such documents in the abovecaptioned action: In the Matter of Certain Electronic Devices, Including Wireless 15 Communication Devices, Portable Music and Data Processing Devices, and Tablet Computers, 16 USITC Inv. No. 337-TA-794, and In the Matter of Certain Electronic Digital Media Devices and 17 Components Thereof, USITC Inv. No. 337-TA-796. Any document produced by a Party in the 18 19 one of the aforementioned proceedings shall be used and treated with the same level of confidentiality for purposes of this action (e.g., a document designated by a Party as 20 21 “Confidential Business Information” shall be treated as “CONFIDENTIAL –ATTORNEYS’ 22 EYES ONLY” in this action). This paragraph shall not extend to cross-use of confidential 23 materials produced by third parties in such matters. This cross-use provision also does not apply 24 to other forms of discovery, including, without limitation, deposition transcripts and videos, 25 deposition exhibits, expert reports and responses to interrogatories or requests for admission. 26 Nothing in this paragraph, however, prohibits a party from seeking such other forms of discovery 27 28 - 31 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 through service of formal discovery requests in this action. Any costs incurred in the above- 2 referenced ITC matters shall be excluded from a computation of taxable costs under Fed. R. Civ. 3 P. 54 and N.D. Cal. Civ. L.R. 54. 4 22. MISCELLANEOUS 5 6 (a) Right to Further Relief. Nothing in this Order abridges the right of any 7 person to seek its modification by the Court in the future. By stipulating to this Order, the 8 Parties do not waive the right to argue that certain material may require additional or different 9 confidentiality protections than those set forth herein. 10 11 (b) Termination of Matter and Retention of Jurisdiction. The Parties agree that the terms of this Protective Order shall survive and remain in effect after the Final 12 Disposition of the above-captioned matter. The Court shall retain jurisdiction after Final 13 14 15 Disposition of this matter to hear and resolve any disputes arising out of this Protective Order. (c) Successors. This Order shall be binding upon the Parties hereto, their 16 attorneys, and their successors, executors, personal representatives, administrators, heirs, legal 17 representatives, assigns, subsidiaries, divisions, employees, agents, retained consultants and 18 19 experts, and any persons or organizations over which they have direct control. (d) Right to Assert Other Objections. By stipulating to the entry of this 20 21 Protective Order, no Party waives any right it otherwise would have to object to disclosing or 22 producing any information or item. Similarly, no Party waives any right to object on any ground 23 to use in evidence of any of the material covered by this Protective Order. This Order shall not 24 constitute a waiver of the right of any Party to claim in this action or otherwise that any 25 Discovery Material, or any portion thereof, is privileged or otherwise non-discoverable, or is not 26 admissible in evidence in this action or any other proceeding. 27 28 - 32 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 2 3 (e) Burdens of Proof. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary above, nothing in this Protective Order shall be construed to change the burdens of proof or legal standards applicable in disputes regarding whether particular Discovery Material is confidential, 4 which level of confidentiality is appropriate, whether disclosure should be restricted, and if so, 5 6 7 what restrictions should apply. (f) Modification by Court. This Order is subject to further court order based 8 upon public policy or other considerations, and the Court may modify this Order sua sponte in 9 the interests of justice. The United States District Court for the Northern District of California is 10 11 responsible for the interpretation and enforcement of this Order. All disputes concerning Protected Material, however designated, produced under the protection of this Order shall be 12 resolved by the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. 13 14 (g) Discovery Rules Remain Unchanged. Nothing herein shall alter or change 15 in any way the discovery provisions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Local Rules for 16 the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, or the Court’s own 17 orders. Identification of any individual pursuant to this Protective Order does not make that 18 19 individual available for deposition or any other form of discovery outside of the restrictions and procedures of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Local Rules for the United States District 20 21 22 Court for the Northern District of California, or the Court’s own orders. (h) Supersession of Any Protective Orders. Except as otherwise set forth in 23 this paragraph, this Protective Order supersedes any protective orders referenced by the Parties 24 as applying to material disclosed before the entry of this Protective Order. Any discovery 25 material disclosed by any Party before the entry of this Protective Order shall retain whatever 26 confidentiality designation it originally bore. Such Protected Material that was designated as 27 28 - 33 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL 2 – OUTSIDE COUNSEL’S EYES ONLY” pursuant to this Court’s Patent L.R. 2-2 Model 3 Interim Protective Order, or by the Stipulated Modification to Patent L.R. 2-2 Model Interim 4 Protective Order for Purposes of Expedited Discovery (D.N. 76), shall be treated as if they were 5 6 designated "CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY,” and such Protected Material 7 previously designated as "HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE" pursuant to either or 8 both of those prior orders shall be treated as if they were designated “CONFIDENTIAL - 9 OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY - SOURCE CODE." In addition, any expert disclosed 10 pursuant to Paragraph 7.4(a)(2) of the Interim Protective Order shall be deemed to have been 11 disclosed pursuant to Paragraph 11 of this Protective Order. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 34 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 2 3 STIPULATED AND AGREED: Dated: December 22, 2011 Respectfully submitted, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 /s/ Mark D. Selwyn William F. Lee WILMER CUTLER PICKERING HALE AND DORR LLP 60 State Street Boston, Massachusetts 02109 Telephone: (617) 526-6000 Facsimile: (617) 526-5000 Mark D. Selwyn WILMER CUTLER PICKERING HALE AND DORR LLP 950 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, California 94304 Telephone: (650) 858-6000 Facsimile: (650) 858-6100 Harold J. McElhinny Michael A. Jacobs Richard S.J. Hung MORRISON & FOERSTER LLP 425 Market Street San Francisco, California 94105 Telephone: (415) 268-7000 Facsimile: (415) 268-7522 Counsel for Plaintiff and CounterclaimDefendant Apple Inc. /s/ Diane C. Hutnyan Charles K. Verhoeven QUINN EMANUEL URQUHART & SULLIVAN LLP 50 California Street, 22nd Floor San Francisco, California 94111 Telephone: (415) 875-6600 Victoria Maroulis QUINN EMANUEL URQUHART & SULLIVAN LLP 555 Twin Dolphin Drive, 5th Floor Redwood Shores, California 94065 Telephone: (650) 801-5066 Diane Hutnyan QUINN EMANUEL URQUHART & SULLIVAN LLP 865 S. Figueroa St., 10th Floor Los Angeles, California 90017 Telephone: (213) 443-3000 Counsel for Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., and Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC 20 21 22 IT IS SO ORDERED. 23 24 25 Date: ___________________ __________________________________________ UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE 26 27 28 - 35 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS 1 EXHIBIT A 2 3 4 I, , acknowledge and declare that I have received a copy of the Protective Order (“Order”) in Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., 5 Samsung Electronics America, Inc., and Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC, United 6 7 States District Court, Northern District of California, San Jose Division, Civil Action No. 11- 8 cv-01846-LHK. Having read and understood the terms of the Order, I agree to be bound by 9 the terms of the Order and consent to the jurisdiction of said Court for the purpose of any 10 proceeding to enforce the terms of the Order. 11 12 13 Name of individual: Present occupation/job description: 14 15 16 Name of Company or Firm: Address: 17 18 Dated: 19 [Signature] 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 36 AGREED UPON PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DISCOVERY MATERIALS

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