Filing 108

MOTION for Protective Order TEMPORARILY STAYING FURTHER DISCOVERY PENDING RESOLUTION OF MOTION TO DISMISS SECOND AMENDED CONSOLIDATED COMPLAINT, AND MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES filed by Facebook Inc.. Motion Hearing set for 4/28/2016 09:00 AM in Courtroom 4, 5th Floor, San Jose before Hon. Edward J. Davila. Responses due by 3/16/2016. Replies due by 3/23/2016. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Kyle C. Wong in Support of Defendant Facebook, Inc.'s Motion for Protective Order, #2 Exhibit A to Declaration of Kyle C. Wong in Support of Defendant Facebook, Inc.'s Motion for Protective Order, #3 Exhibit B to Declaration of Kyle C. Wong in Support of Defendant Facebook, Inc.'s Motion for Protective Order, #4 Exhibit C to Declaration of Kyle C. Wong in Support of Defendant Facebook, Inc.'s Motion for Protective Order, #5 Exhibit D to Declaration of Kyle C. Wong in Support of Defendant Facebook, Inc.'s Motion for Protective Order, #6 Exhibit E to Declaration of Kyle C. Wong in Support of Defendant Facebook, Inc.'s Motion for Protective Order, #7 Exhibit F to Declaration of Kyle C. Wong in Support of Defendant Facebook, Inc.'s Motion for Protective Order, #8 Exhibit G to Declaration of Kyle C. Wong in Support of Defendant Facebook, Inc.'s Motion for Protective Order, #9 Exhibit H to Declaration of Kyle C. Wong in Support of Defendant Facebook, Inc.'s Motion for Protective Order, #10 Proposed Order (Brown, Matthew) (Filed on 3/2/2016) Modified on 3/16/2016 (cv, COURT STAFF).

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 COOLEY LLP MICHAEL G. RHODES (116127) ( MATTHEW D. BROWN (196972) ( JEFFREY M. GUTKIN (216083) ( KYLE C. WONG (224021) ( ADAM C. TRIGG (261498) ( 101 California Street, 5th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111-5800 Telephone: (415) 693-2000 Facsimile: (415) 693-2222 Attorneys for Defendant FACEBOOK, INC. 10 11 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 12 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 13 SAN JOSE DIVISION 14 15 In re: Facebook Internet Tracking Litigation Case No. 5:12-md-02314 EJD EXHIBIT B TO DECLARATION OF KYLE C. WONG IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER 16 17 18 Date: Time: Courtroom: Judge: Trial Date: 19 20 April 28, 2016 9:00 a.m. 4 Edward J. Davila None Set 21 22 23 24 25 EXHIBIT B 26 27 28 COOLEY LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 1. EXHIBIT B TO WONG DECLARATION ISO FACEBOOK’S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER CASE NO. 5:12-MD-02314 EJD 1 2 3 4 COOLEY LLP MICHAEL G. RHODES (116127) ( MATTHEW D. BROWN (196972) ( JEFFREY M. GUTKIN (216083) 101 California Street, 5th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111-5800 Telephone: (415) 693-2000 Facsimile: (415) 693-2222 5 6 Attorneys for Defendant FACEBOOK, INC. 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 SAN JOSE DIVISION 11 12 Case No. 5:12-md-02314 EJD In re: F ACEBOOK INTERNET TRACKING LITIGATION DEFENDANT F ACEBOOK, INC.'s OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLAINTIFFS' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS 13 14 15 16 PROPOUNDING PARTY: PLAINTIFFS RESPONDING PARTY: F ACEBOOK, INC. SET: FIRST 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 1. Pl..S.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314 EJD 1 DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLAINTIFFS' FIRST SET OF REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS 2 3 4 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 34, Defendant Facebook, Inc. ("Facebook" or "Defendant") responds as follows to Plaintiffs' First Set of Requests for Production (the "Requests"): 5 I. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 GENERAL RESPONSES. 1. Facebook's response to Plaintiffs' Requests is made to the best of Facebook's present knowledge, information, and belief. Facebook's response is at all times subject to such additional or different information that discovery or further investigation may disclose and, while based on the present state of Facebook's recollection, is subject to such refreshing of recollection, and such additional knowledge of facts, as may result from Facebook' s further discovery or investigation. 2. Facebook reserves the right to make any use of, or to introduce at any hearing and at trial, information and/or documents responsive to Plaintiffs' Requests but discovered subsequent to the date of this response, including, but not limited to, any such information or documents obtained in discovery herein. 3. Facebook reserves the right to decide whether the documents produced for inspection shall be produced as they are kept in the usual course of business or shall be organized and labeled to correspond with the categories in the Requests, in accordance with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 34(b ). 4. By stating in these responses that Facebook will produce documents or is searching for responsive documents, Facebook does not represent that any such documents actually exist, but rather that Facebook will make a reasonable attempt to ascertain whether documents responsive to the Requests do, in fact, exist, and to produce such documents if they are found to exist, are not privileged, and are within Facebook's possession, custody, or control. 5. Facebook reserves all objections or other questions as to the competency, relevance, materiality, privilege, or admissibility as evidence in any subsequent proceeding in or trial of this or any other action for any purpose whatsoever of Facebook's responses herein and 28 COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 2. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLS.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314 EJD 1 any document or thing identified or provided in response to Plaintiffs' Requests. 2 6. Facebook reserves the right to object on any ground at any time to such other 3 Requests for production as Plaintiffs may at any time propound involving or relating to the 4 subject matter of these Requests. 5 II. 6 7 8 OBJECTIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL REQUESTS. Facebook makes the following objections to each Request, whether or not separately set forth in response to each Request, and to each instruction and definition: 1. Facebook objects insofar as any such Request seeks information or production of 9 documents protected by the attorney-client privilege or the work product doctrine. Such 10 information or documents shall not be provided in response to Plaintiffs' Requests for production 11 and any inadvertent disclosure or production thereof shall not be deemed a waiver of any 12 privilege with respect to such information or documents or of any work product immunity which 13 may attach thereto. 14 2. Facebook objects to all definitions and Requests to the extent they seek 15 information protected from discovery by any right to privacy or any other applicable privilege or 16 protection, including the right to privacy of third parties, or by Facebook's obligations under 17 applicable law or contract to protect such confidential information. Facebook also objects to all 18 definitions, instructions, and Requests to the extent they seek disclosure of trade secrets or other 19 confidential or proprietary research, development, or commercial information off Facebook or 20 any third party. To the extent Facebook responds to the Requests by stating that Facebook will 21 provide information and/or documents that Facebook or any other party to this litigation deems to 22 embody material that is private, business confidential, proprietary, trade secret, or otherwise 23 protected from disclosure pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(c)(7), Federal Rule of 24 Evidence 501, California Evidence Code section 1060, or California Constitution, Article I, 25 section 1, or otherwise, Facebook will do so only (1) upon the entry of an appropriate protective 26 order against the unauthorized use or disclosure of such information and (2) if it may do so 27 without violating its contractual or other obligations to the relevant third parties. 28 3. Facebook objects to all definitions and Requests to the extent they require COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 3. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLS.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314 EJD 1 Facebook to restore and search inaccessible data sources on the grounds that such definitions and 2 Requests would subject Facebook to undue burden and expense. 3 4. Facebook objects to all definitions and Requests to the extent they seek 4 information that is available through or from public sources, records, or third parties, or that are 5 otherwise equally available to Plaintiffs, on the ground that such definitions and Requests 6 unreasonably subject Facebook to undue burden and expense. 7 5. Facebook objects to all definitions and Requests to the extent they seek to require 8 Facebook to search for information about documents no longer in existence or in Facebook's 9 possession, custody, or control, on the grounds that they are overly broad, would subject 10 Facebook to undue annoyance, oppression, burden, and expense, and seek to impose upon 11 Facebook an obligation to investigate, discover, or produce information or materials from third 12 parties or otherwise that are equally accessible to Plaintiffs or readily obtainable from public or 13 other sources. 14 6. Facebook objects to all definitions and Requests to the extent they are vague, 15 indefinite, overly broad, or seek information which is not reasonably related to any claim or 16 defense in this action. 17 7. Facebook objects to the Requests to the extent they seek information about 18 Facebook's use of cookies, or seek information about purported "tracking," beyond the use of 19 cookies described in the Complaint. Facebook construes such requests to refer only to the a_user, 20 c_user, and datr cookies, and any additional cookies that Facebook learns during discovery are 21 potentially relevant to Plaintiffs' claims regarding the alleged collection of Internet browsing 22 history while users are logged out of Facebook ("Relevant Cookies"). 23 8. Facebook objects to all definitions and Requests to the extent they seek 24 information regarding Facebook users, advertisers, or activities outside of the United States as 25 overly broad and not relevant to the subject matter of this action or reasonably calculated to lead 26 to the discovery of admissible evidence. Facebook will only respond to each Request with 27 information regarding users, advertisers, and activities in the United States. 28 9. Facebook objects to Instruction No. 2 as imposing on Facebook an obligation in COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN fRANCISCO 4. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLs.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314 EJD 1 excess of that required by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Facebook will follow Federal 2 Rule of Civil Procedure 34. 10. 3 Facebook objects to all definitions, instructions, and Requests to the extent they 4 seek to specify the format of production, on the grounds of undue burden and expense. Facebook 5 generally intends to produce documents as single-page TIFFs, but reserves the right to produce 6 documents in alternate form. 7 produced for inspection shall be produced as they are kept in the usual course of business or shall 8 be organized and labeled to correspond with the categories in the Requests, in accordance with 9 Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 34(b ). 11. 10 11 Facebook reserves the right to decide whether the documents Facebook objects to Instruction No. 4 as imposing on Facebook undue burden and as being in excess of what is called for the by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. 12 12. Facebook objects to Instruction No. 5 to the extent it seeks to require Facebook to 13 identify anything other than the specific claim of privilege or work product being made and the 14 grounds for such claim. The instruction would subject Facebook to unreasonable and undue 15 annoyance, oppression, burden, and expense, seeks information protected from discovery by 16 privilege and as work product, and is in excess of the requirements of the Federal Rules of Civil 17 Procedure and the Local Rules of the Northern District of California. 18 Ill. 19 DEFINITIONAL OBJECTIONS 1. Facebook objects to the definitions "you," "your," "your company," and 20 "Facebook" and each Request containing those terms as overly broad to the extent that it purports 21 to define Facebook to include more than Facebook and its officers, directors, agents, and 22 employees. Without waiving these objections, Facebook construes the terms "you," "your," "your 23 company" and "Facebook" to refer only to Facebook and its officers, directors, agents, and 24 employees, and will respond to Requests containing that term accordingly. 25 2. Facebook objects to the definition of "document," and to each Request containing 26 that term, to the extent that definition would impose on Facebook an obligation in excess of what 27 is called for by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Facebook will construe "document" to be 28 synonymous in meaning and equal in scope to the terms "document," "electronically stored COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 5. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLS.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314 EJD 1 information," and "tangible things" in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 34. 2 3. Facebook objects to the definition of "PII," and to each Request containing that 3 term, as overly broad and as including within its scope information that is irrelevant to the subject 4 matter of this litigation. 5 4. Facebook objects to the definitions of "concerning," "relates to," and "relating to," 6 and to each Request containing any of those terms, as overly broad, vague, ambiguous, and 7 unintelligible, and to the extent that definition would impose on Facebook an obligation in excess 8 of what is called for by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. 5. 9 Facebook objects to the definition of "policy" as overly broad and to the extent it 10 includes within its scope information that is no longer in existence or in Facebook's possession, 11 custody, or control. 12 6. Facebook objects to the terms "user" and "users," as used in the Requests as vague 13 and ambiguous, and objects to each Request containing either term. Facebook construes the 14 terms "user" and "users" to refer to any individual who has registered with Facebook and created 15 a Facebook account. 16 7. Facebook objects to the "Time Period" stated in the Requests as overly broad, 17 unduly burdensome, and not calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence because 18 the "Time Period" includes two years of time before, and over one year after, the "Class Period" 19 alleged in the Complaint. Without waiving these objections, Facebook will search for responsive, 20 non-privileged documents for the period beginning on January 1, 2010, and ending on December 21 25, 2011 (the "Relevant Period"). 22 IV. SPECIFIC OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION. 23 Without waiving or limiting in any manner any of the foregoing objections, but rather 24 incorporating them into each of the following responses to the extent applicable, Facebook 25 responds to Plaintiffs' Requests as follows: 26 REQUEST No. 1: 27 All documents relating to any tracking by Facebook of Facebook user internet activity 28 after those users had logged out of their Facebook session, as alleged in the Complaint at <][<][ 71-84 COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 6. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLs.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314 EJD 1 and elsewhere, including information about websites visited by such users. 2 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 1: 3 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 4 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 5 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 6 all documents "relating to" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate 7 limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to 8 be inspected; (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; and (4) to the extent it seeks information that 9 is protected by the attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine. Facebook further objects 10 to this Request as vague, ambiguous, and argumentative in its use of the term "tracking" and 11 vague and ambiguous in its use of the phrase "information about websites visited by such users." 12 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, after entry of an appropriate 13 protective order, Facebook will produce responsive, non-privileged documents sufficient to show 14 what types of information, if any, Facebook received from users who were logged out of their 15 Facebook accounts during the Relevant Period as a result of the operation of the Relevant 16 Cookies, to the extent such documents exist and can be located using good faith, reasonable 17 efforts. 18 REQUEST No. 2: 19 All documents relating to any consent that Facebook contends the plaintiffs or other 20 putative class members gave Facebook for the tracking of user internet activity post-log-out. 21 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 2: 22 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 23 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 24 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in <;lemanding 25 all documents "relating to" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate 26 limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to 27 be inspected; (3) it calls for a legal conclusion; (4) it seeks information that is protected by the 28 attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine; and (5) it is premature, and cannot be fully COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 7. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLs.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314EJD 1 responded to at this time, because Facebook does not yet know which documents it may rely upon 2 in this litigation. 3 argumentative in its use of the term "tracking." Facebook further objects to this Request as vague, ambiguous, and 4 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, Facebook will produce responsive, 5 non-privileged copies of Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities; Data Use Policy; 6 Privacy Policy; Terms of Service; and Help Center pages that appear to be related to this request, 7 including historical versions in place during the Relevant Period. 8 REQuEsT No. 3: 9 All documents describing or containing the names, descriptions, usage or identifying 10 features of the log entries ("Log Files") that Facebook created, maintained, reviewed, analyzed or 11 used to organize data about Facebook users' internet activity, as described in the Complaint at 12 <j{ 79 and elsewhere, inclusive of whether those users were logged-in or logged-out of Facebook. 13 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No.3: 14 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 15 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 16 grounds~ 17 all documents "describing or containing" the referenced subject matter without specifying 18 appropriate limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category 19 of items to be inspected; (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; (4) it seeks information that is 20 irrelevant to Plaintiffs' claims; and (5) to the extent it seeks information that is protected by the 21 attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine. Facebook further objects to this Request as 22 vague and ambiguous in its use of the terms "log entries ('Log Files')" and "identifying features." 23 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, after entry of an appropriate 24 protective order, Facebook will produce responsive, non-privileged documents sufficient to show 25 what records Facebook created, if any, to organize or store data about Facebook users' Internet 26 activity while those users were logged out from their Facebook accounts during the Relevant 27 Period, to the extent such documents exist and can be located using good faith, reasonable efforts. (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 28 COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 8. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLS.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314 EJD 1 REQuEsT No.4: 2 All documents concerning all databases Facebook created, maintained, reviewed, 3 analyzed or used to store information about Facebook users, including internet activity for those 4 users, and including all documents identifying or describing any tables in any Facebook database 5 and the overall nature of Facebook's database structure. 6 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No.4: 7 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 8 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 9 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and far overbroad in demanding all 10 documents "concerning" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate limitations; 11 (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to be inspected; 12 (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; (4) it seeks information that is irrelevant to Plaintiffs' 13 claims; and (5) to the extent it seeks information that is protected by the attorney-client privilege 14 and work product doctrine. Facebook further objects to this Request as vague and ambiguous in 15 its use of the phrases "information about Facebook users," "any tables in any Facebook 16 database," and "the overall nature of Facebook's database structure." 17 REQUEST No.5: 18 All documents relating to the methods by which Facebook collects and stores data from 19 Facebook users, both while they are logged-in to and after log-out from Facebook. 20 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No.5: 21 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 22 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 23 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 24 all documents "relating to" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate 25 limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to 26 be inspected; (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; (4) it seeks information that is irrelevant to 27 Plaintiffs' claims; and (5) to the extent it seeks information that is protected by the attorney-client 28 privilege and work product doctrine. Facebook further objects to this Request as vague and COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 9. FACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLs.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314 EJD 1 ambiguous with regard to the "methods" about which information is sought and in its use of the 2 phrase "data from Facebook users." 3 REQUEST No.6: 4 All documents constituting Facebook's corporate organizational charts, including those 5 that describe or depict the "Data Science Team" however it might now be called (inclusively, 6 "Data Science Team"), as described in the July/August 2012 Technology Review article, "What 7 Facebook Knows," by Tom Simonite. 8 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 6: 9 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 10 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 11 grounds: (1) it is not reasonably limited in time; and (2) it seeks information that is irrelevant to 12 Plaintiffs' claims. 13 Subject to and without wmvmg any of its objections, after entry of an appropriate 14 protective order, Facebook will produce documents sufficient to show its corporate organization, 15 including to the extent possible the "Data Science Team," to the extent such documents exist and 16 can be located using good faith, reasonable efforts. 17 REQUEST No.7: 18 All documents relating to the Data Science Team's analyses, studies or recommendations 19 of ways in which Facebook might directly or indirectly generate revenue from user data Facebook 20 obtains. 21 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No.7: 22 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 23 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 24 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 25 all documents "relating to" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate 26 limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to 27 be inspected; (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; (4) it seeks information that is irrelevant to 28 Plaintiffs' claims; and (5) to the extent it seeks information that is protected by the attorney-client COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 10. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PI..s.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-.MD-02314 EJD 1 privilege and work product doctrine. Facebook further objects to this Request as vague and 2 ambiguous with regard to its use of the phrases "studies or recommendations," "directly or 3 indirectly generate revenue," and "user data." 4 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, Facebook is willing to meet and 5 confer with Plaintiffs' counsel regarding what analyses, studies, or recommendations would be 6 relevant to Plaintiffs' litigation of the claims in this action. 7 REQUEST No.8: 8 All documents relating to studies, analyses or evaluations of Facebook' s actual or 9 potential revenue or profits associated with personalized advertisements whereby Facebook users 10 or non-users are described as users of a particular product or service. 11 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 8: 12 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 13 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 14 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and far overbroad in demanding all 15 documents "relating to" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate limitations; 16 (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to be inspected; 17 (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; (4) it seeks information that is irrelevant to Plaintiffs' 18 claims; and (5) to the extent it seeks information that is protected by the attorney-client privilege 19 and work product doctrine. Facebook further objects to this Request as vague and ambiguous 20 regarding "users or non-users" who "are described as users .... " Facebook further objects to this 21 Request as vague and ambiguous with regard to its use of the phrases "studies, analyses or 22 evaluations" and "personalized advertisements." 23 REQUEST No. 9: 24 All documents concerning studies, analyses or evaluations by Facebook of the value, 25 including monetary value, of PII. 26 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No.9: 27 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 28 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN fRANCISCO 11. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLs.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314 EJD 1 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and far overbroad in demanding all 2 documents "concerning" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate limitations; 3 (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to be inspected; 4 (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; (4) it seeks information that is irrelevant to Plaintiffs' 5 claims; and (5) to the extent it seeks information that is protected by the attorney-client privilege 6 and work product doctrine. Facebook further objects to this Request on the ground that the term 7 "PII," as defined in the Requests, is overbroad and consists almost entirely of information beyond 8 the scope of this litigation. Facebook further objects to this Request as vague and ambiguous 9 with regard to its use of the phrase "studies, analyses, or evaluations." 10 REQUEST No.lO: 11 All documents concerning studies, analyses or evaluations of the "key value" pairs 12 Facebook ascribed to cookies Facebook placed on user's browsers or in user's computers when 13 such users were either logged in to Facebook or logged out of Facebook. 14 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 10: 15 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 16 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 17 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 18 all documents "concerning" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate 19 limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to 20 be inspected; (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; (4) it seeks information that is irrelevant to 21 Plaintiffs' claims; and (5) to the extent it seeks information that is protected by the attorney-client 22 privilege and work product doctrine. Facebook further objects to this Request as vague and 23 ambiguous with regard to the '"key value' pairs" about which information is sought, and with 24 regard to its use of the phrases '"key value' pairs"; "studies, analyses or evaluations"; and 25 "ascribed to cookies." 26 27 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, Facebook is willing to meet and confer with Plaintiffs' counsel regarding the information sought by this Request. 28 COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 12. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLs.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314EJD 1 2 REQUEST No. 11: All documents, including but not limited to instructions, manuals, protocols or policies, 3 relating to Facebook's linking ofPII to a particular user's computer and/or Facebook account. 4 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 11: 5 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 6 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 7 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 8 all documents "relating to" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate 9 limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to 10 be inspected; (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; (4) it seeks information that is irrelevant to 11 Plaintiffs' claims; and (5) to the extent it seeks information that is protected by the attorney-client 12 privilege and work product doctrine. Facebook further objects to this Request on the ground that 13 the term "PII," as defined in the Requests, is overbroad and consists almost entirely of 14 information beyond the scope of this litigation. 15 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, after entry of an appropriate 16 protective order, Facebook will produce responsive, non-privileged formal instructions, manuals, 17 or statements of protocol or policy sufficient to show how information from the Relevant Cookies 18 may have been linked to a particular user's computer or Facebook account during the Relevant 19 Period, to the extent such documents exist and can be located using good faith, reasonable efforts. 20 REQUEST No.12: 21 All documents, including but not limited to measurements, studies, analyses or 22 evaluations, of the length of the time periods during which electronic communications between 23 Facebook and third party websites visited by a Facebook user who is logged in to Facebook (or 24 logged off of Facebook) reside in (a) registers in any central processing unit; (b) the random 25 access memory; or (c) the hard drive of any of the computers or servers involved in transmitting 26 such electronic communications. 27 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 12: 28 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 13. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLS.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314 EJD 1 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 2 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 3 all documents "including but not limited to" the referenced subject matter without specifying 4 appropriate limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category 5 of items to be inspected; (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; and (4) it seeks information that 6 is irrelevant to Plaintiffs' claims. 7 ambiguous with regard to the "registers," "memory," or "computers or servers" about which 8 information is sought. Facebook further objects to this Request on the ground that the Request 9 demands information not in Facebook's possession, custody, or control. 10 Facebook further objects to this Request as vague and Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, Facebook is willing to meet and 11 confer with Plaintiffs' counsel regarding this Request. 12 REQUEST No. 13: 13 All documents concerning the methods by which Facebook obtains PII through mobile 14 applications. 15 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 13: 16 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 17 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 18 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 19 all documents "concerning" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate 20 limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to 21 be inspected; (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; (4) it seeks information that is irrelevant to 22 Plaintiffs' claims; and (5) to the extent it seeks information that is protected by the attorney-client 23 privilege and work product doctrine. Facebook further objects to this Request as vague and 24 ambiguous with regard to the "mobile applications" about which about which information is 25 sought. Facebook further objects to this Request on the ground that the term "PII," as defined in 26 the Requests, is overbroad and consists almost entirely of information beyond the scope of this 27 litigation. 28 COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 14. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLS.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314 EJD 1 2 REQUEST No. 14: All documents concerning Facebook' s retention of the user IDs of Facebook users after 3 logging out of Facebook. 4 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No.14: 5 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 6 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 7 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 8 all documents "concerning" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate 9 limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to 10 be inspected; (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; (4) it seeks information that is irrelevant to 11 Plaintiffs' claims; and (5) to the extent it seeks information that is protected by the attorney-client 12 privilege and work product doctrine. 13 ambiguous with regard to its use of the phrase "retention of the user IDs." Facebook further 14 objects to this Request to the extent it improperly assumes that "logging out of Facebook" would 15 cause Facebook not to "retain" the "user IDs" of Facebook users. 16 REQUESTNo.15: Facebook further objects to this Request as vague and 17 All documents concerning (a) Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities; (b) 18 Facebook's Data Use Policy; and/or (c) Facebook's Terms of Service, including all drafts and 19 revisions thereof, that were in effect during the Relevant Time Period. 20 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 15: 21 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 22 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 23 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 24 all documents "concerning" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate 25 limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to 26 be inspected; and (3) it seeks information that is protected by the attorney-client privilege and 27 work product doctrine. 28 regarding its use of the term "Relevant Time Period," which is not defined in the Requests. Facebook further objects to this Request as vague and ambiguous COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 15. FACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLs.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314 EJD 1 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, Facebook will produce responsive, 3 Responsibilities; Facebook's Data Use Policy; and Facebook's Terms of Service, that were 4 actually implemented and in effect during the Relevant Period. 5 REQUEST No. 16: 7 sufficient to show Facebook's and non-privileged 6 documents Statement of Rights 2 All documents concerning the named Plaintiffs. RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 16: 8 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 9 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 10 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 11 all documents "concerning" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate 12 limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to 13 be inspected; (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; (4) it seeks information that is irrelevant to 14 Plaintiffs' claims; (5) it seeks information that is in Plaintiffs' custody or control; and (6) it seeks 15 information that is protected by the attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine. 16 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, Facebook is willing to meet and 17 confer with Plaintiffs' counsel regarding what responsive, non-privileged documents could be 18 produced without undue burden that would be relevant to Plaintiffs' litigation of the claims in this 19 action. 20 REQUEST No. 17: 21 22 23 All documents describing or constituting (a) the bases for; (b) any analyses, studies or evaluations of; and/or (c) any modification to the following: 1. The statement that "[ w]hen you log out of Facebook, we remove the cookies that 24 identify your particular account," which appeared on Facebook's online help center in response to 25 the question: "Does Facebook use cookies if I don't have an account or have logged out of my 26 account?" 27 28 2. The statement that "[ w]e do not use cookies to create a profile of your browsing behavior on third-party sites or to show you ads ... ," which appeared on Facebook's online help COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 16. FACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLS.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314 EJD 1 2 center in response to the question: "How does Facebook use cookies?" 3. The statements that "we receive data whenever you visit a game, application, or 3 website that uses Facebook Platform or visit a site with a Facebook feature (such as a social plug- 4 in). This may include .. .if you are logged in to Facebook, your user ID," which appeared in 5 Facebook's data use policy. 6 4. The statement: "Pre-Approved Third-Party Websites and Applications- In order 7 to provide you useful social experiences off of Facebook, we occasionally need to provide 8 General Information about you to pre-approved third-party websites and applications that use 9 Platform at the time you visit them (if you are still logged in to Facebook) ... In addition, if you log 10 out of Facebook before visiting a pre-approved application or website, it will not be able to access 11 your information," which appeared in Facebook's privacy policy (April, 22 2010) and is attached 12 as Exhibit C to Facebook's response to Plaintiffs' motion to dismiss the Complaint in this action 13 (Dkt. No. 44). 14 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No.l7: 15 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 16 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request to the extent it seeks 17 information that is protected by the attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine. 18 Facebook further objects to this Request as vague and ambiguous with regard to its use of the 19 phrases "bases for" and "analyses, studies or evaluations." Facebook further objects to subpart 4 20 of this Request as irrelevant to Plaintiffs' claims. 21 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, after entry of an appropriate 22 protective order, Facebook will produce responsive, non-privileged documents directly discussing 23 the contents of subparts 1-3 of this Request, to the extent such documents existed during the 24 Relevant Period and can be located using good faith, reasonable efforts. 25 REQUEST No. 18: 26 27 All documents supporting any contention by Facebook that the post-log out tracking alleged in the Complain [sic] was accidental and/or the result of a "bug." 28 COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 17. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLS.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314EJD 1 RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 18: 2 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 3 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request to the extent it seeks 4 information that is protected by the attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine. 5 Facebook further objects to this Request as vague, ambiguous, and argumentative in its use of the 6 term "tracking." 7 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, after entry of an appropriate 8 protective order, Facebook will produce responsive, non-privileged documents sufficient to show 9 whether Facebook' s alleged receipt of information through Relevant Cookies on the browsers of 10 Facebook users when they were not logged-in to Facebook during the Relevant Period was 11 accidental and/or the result of a "bug," to the extent such documents exist and can be located 12 using good faith, reasonable efforts. 13 REQUEST No. 19: 14 All documents relating to Facebook's policies, protocols or procedures concerning the 15 maintenance and/or deletion of PII, including the length of time that PII is stored. 16 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No.19: 17 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 18 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 19 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 20 all documents "relating to" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate 21 limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to 22 be inspected; (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; (4) it seeks information that is irrelevant to 23 Plaintiffs' claims; and (5) to the extent it seeks information that is protected by the attorney-client 24 privilege and work product doctrine. Facebook further objects to this Request on the ground that 25 the term "PII," as defined in the Requests, is overbroad and consists almost entirely of 26 information beyond the scope of this litigation. 27 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, after entry of an appropriate 28 protective order, Facebook will produce responsive, non-privileged documents sufficient to show COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 18. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLS.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5: 12-MD-02314 EJD 1 Facebook's policies, protocols or procedures concerning the maintenance and/or deletion of 2 information from the Relevant Cookies during the Relevant Period, including the length of time 3 that such information was stored, to the extent such documents exist and can be located using 4 good faith, reasonable efforts. 5 REQUEST No. 20: 6 All documents concerning Facebook's policies, procedures or protocols for deleting 7 Facebook-placed cookies from the computers or browsers of Facebook users. 8 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 20: 9 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 10 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 11 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 12 all documents "concerning" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate 13 limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to 14 be inspected; (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; (4) it seeks information that is irrelevant to 15 Plaintiffs' claims; and (5) to the extent it seeks information that is protected by the attorney-client 16 privilege and work product doctrine. 17 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, after entry of an appropriate 18 protective order, Facebook will produce responsive, non-privileged documents sufficient to show 19 Facebook' s policies, procedures or protocols for deleting the Relevant Cookies during from the 20 computers or browsers of Facebook users during the Relevant Period, to the extent such 21 documents exist and can be located using good faith, reasonable efforts. 22 REQUEST No. 21: 23 All documents sufficient to identify the persons or entities involved in conceiving, 24 drafting, reviewing, editing and finalizing (a) Facebook's Statement of Rights and 25 Responsibilities; (b) Facebook's Data Use Policy; and/or (c) Facebook's Terms of Service. 26 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 21: 27 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 28 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 19. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLS.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5: 12-MD-02314 EJD 1 grounds: (1) it is unduly burdensome and unreasonably broad in that a document request is an 2 inappropriate vehicle for requesting discovery of the identities of individual persons; (2) it fails to 3 describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to be inspected; (3) it is not 4 reasonably limited in time; (4) it seeks information that is irrelevant to Plaintiffs' claims; and (5) 5 to the extent it seeks information that is protected by the attorney-client privilege and work 6 product doctrine. 7 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, Facebook is willing to meet and 8 confer with Plaintiffs' counsel regarding what information concerning the identities of persons 9 involved in creating Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, Data Use Policy, 10 Privacy Policy, or Terms of Service would be relevant to Plaintiffs' litigation of the claims in this 11 action. 12 REQUESTN0.22: 13 All documents relating to any user PII that Facebook scrubbed or deleted from any 14 Facebook database. 15 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 22: 16 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 17 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 18 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 19 all documents "relating to" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate 20 limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to 21 be inspected; (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; (4) it seeks information that is irrelevant to 22 Plaintiffs' claims; and (5) to the extent it seeks information that is protected by the attorney-client 23 privilege and work product doctrine. Facebook further objects to this Request as vague and 24 ambiguous with regard to its use of the term "scrubbed" and the phrase "any Facebook database." 25 Facebook further objects to this Request on the ground that the term "PII," as defined in the 26 Requests, is overbroad and consists almost entirely of information beyond the scope of this 27 litigation. 28 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, after entry of an appropriate COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 20. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLS.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314 EJD 1 protective order, Facebook will produce responsive, non-privileged documents sufficient to show 2 Facebook's policies concerning the deletion of information from the Relevant Cookies during the 3 Relevant Period, to the extent such documents exist and can be located using good faith, 4 reasonable efforts. 5 REQUEST No. 23: 6 All documents concerning any agreement, whether formal or informal, between Facebook 7 and any third party, which permits Facebook to track the internet activity of Facebook users on 8 said third party's website. 9 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 23: 10 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 11 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 12 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 13 all documents "concerning" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate 14 limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to 15 be inspected; (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; and (4) to the extent it seeks information that 16 is protected by the attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine. Facebook further objects 17 to this Request as vague, ambiguous, and argumentative in its use of the term "track." 18 further objects to this Request as vague and ambiguous with regard to its use of the phrase 19 "permits Facebook to track the internet activity of Facebook users." Facebook 20 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, Facebook will produce responsive, 21 non-privileged documents sufficient to show Facebook's terms applicable to platform 22 applications and developers during the Relevant Period, to the extent such documents exist and 23 can be located using good faith, reasonable efforts. 24 REQUEST No. 24: 25 All documents relating to U.S. Patent Application No. 20110231240, filed February 8, 26 2011 and published September 22, 2011. 27 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 24: 28 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 21. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLs.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5: 12-MD-02314 EJD 1 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 2 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 3 all documents "relating to" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate 4 limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to 5 be inspected; (3) it seeks information that is irrelevant to Plaintiffs' claims; and (4) to the extent it 6 seeks information that is protected by the attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine. 7 Facebook further objects to this Request to the extent it seeks information not within Facebook's 8 possession, custody, or control. 9 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, Facebook is willing to meet and 10 confer with Plaintiffs' counsel regarding what information, if any, responsive to this Request 11 would be relevant to Plaintiffs' litigation of the claims in this action. 12 REQUEST No. 25: 13 All documents and communications between Facebook and any person, including but not 14 limited to Australian blogger Nik Cubrilovic, concerning any allegation that Facebook tracked the 15 internet activities of users post log-out. 16 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 25: 17 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 18 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 19 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 20 all documents "concerning" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate 21 limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to 22 be inspected; (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; and (4) to the extent it seeks information that 23 is protected by the attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine. Facebook further objects 24 to this Request as vague, ambiguous, and argumentative in its use of the term "tracked." 25 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, after entry of an appropriate 26 protective order, Facebook will produce any communications with Nik Cubrilovic or with United 27 States government entities concerning any allegation that Facebook received information related 28 to the Internet activities of users after those users logged out from their Facebook accounts, to the COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 22. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO Pr,s.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314EJD 1 extent such documents exist and can be located using good faith, reasonable efforts. Facebook is 2 willing to meet and confer regarding with Plaintiffs' counsel regarding what additional 3 documents, if any, responsive to this Request and relevant to Plaintiffs' litigation of the claims in 4 this action could be located and produced without imposing an undue burden on Facebook. 5 REQUEST No. 26: 6 7 All documents concerning the benefits of advertising to Facebook users based on PII. RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 26: 8 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 9 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 10 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and far overbroad in demanding all 11 documents "concerning" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate limitations; 12 (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to be inspected; 13 (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; (4) it seeks information that is irrelevant to Plaintiffs' 14 claims; and (5) to the extent it seeks information that is protected by the attorney-client privilege 15 and work product doctrine. Facebook further objects to this Request as vague and ambiguous 16 with regard to its use of the phrases "advertising to Facebook users" and "based on PII." 17 Facebook further objects to this Request on the ground that the term "PII," as defined in the 18 Requests, is overbroad and consists almost entirely of information beyond the scope of this 19 litigation. 20 REQUEST No. 27: 21 All documents concerning instructions, manuals, protocols, policies or methods by which 22 PII obtained from Facebook users when they were not logged-in to Facebook. 23 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 27: 24 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 25 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 26 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 27 all documents "concerning" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate 28 limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 23. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLS.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314 EJD 1 be inspected; (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; and (4) to the extent it seeks information that 2 is protected by the attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine. Facebook further objects 3 to this Request on the ground that the term "PII," as defined in the Requests, is overbroad and 4 consists almost entirely of information beyond the scope of this litigation. Facebook further 5 objects to this Request because the Request appears to be an incomplete sentence, rendering the 6 Request incomprehensible and making response impossible. 7 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, Facebook is willing to meet and 8 confer with Plaintiffs' counsel regarding what information this Request is meant to seek, and 9 whether such information would be relevant to Plaintiffs' litigation of the claims in this action. 10 11 REQUEST No. 28: All documents concerning the methods used by Facebook to determine or record whether 12 a Facebook user is logged-in, logged-out, active or inactive. 13 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 28: 14 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 15 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 16 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 17 all documents "concerning" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate 18 limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to 19 be inspected; (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; (4) it seeks information that is irrelevant to 20 Plaintiffs' claims; and (5) to the extent it seeks information that is protected by the attorney-client 21 privilege and work product doctrine. Facebook further objects to this Request on the ground that 22 it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome and unreasonably broad with regard to the terms 23 "active" and "inactive," whose meaning is unclear and which bear no apparent relevance to 24 Plaintiffs' claims. 25 Subject to and without wmvmg any of its objections, after entry of an appropriate 26 protective order, Facebook will produce responsive, non-privileged documents sufficient to show 27 what methods, if any, were used by Facebook to determine or record whether Facebook users 28 were logged in or logged out during the Relevant Period, to the extent such documents exist and COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN fRANCISCO 24. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLS.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314EJD 1 can be located using good faith, reasonable efforts. 2 REQUEST No. 29: 3 All documents concerning the creation, design, scope, monetization, or modification of 4 the following cookies: (a) the a_user cookie; (b) the c_user cookie; and (c) the datr cookie. 5 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 29: 6 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 7 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 8 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 9 all documents "concerning" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate 10 limitations; (2) it fails to describe with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to 11 be inspected; (3) it is not reasonably limited in time; and (4) it seeks information that is irrelevant 12 to Plaintiffs' claims. Facebook further objects to this Request as vague and ambiguous with 13 regard to its use of the terms "scope" and "monetization" in the context of the Request. 14 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, after entry of an appropriate 15 protective order, Facebook will produce responsive, non-privileged documents sufficient to show 16 the design, function, and operation of the a_user, c_user, and datr cookies during the Relevant 17 Period, to the extent such documents exist and can be located using good faith, reasonable efforts. 18 REQUEST No. 30: 19 All documents produced or provided to any governmental or regulatory agency or 20 authority, including but not limited to (a) the U.S. Congressional Bi-Partisan Privacy Caucus; (b) 21 the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee; (c) the Federal Trade Commission; (d) the Office of the 22 Data Protection Commission of Ireland; (e) the German data protection commission; (f) the 23 Information Commissioner's Office; and (g) the European Commission, in connection with any 24 investigation or legal action concerning allegations that Facebook has tracked its users, collected, 25 stored and/or retained PII, or otherwise violated consumer protection and/or privacy laws, 26 directives or regulations. 27 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 30: 28 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 25. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLs.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314 EJD 1 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the following 2 grounds: (1) it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding 3 all documents "concerning" the referenced subject matter without specifying appropriate 4 limitations; (2) it is not reasonably limited in time; (3) it seeks information that is irrelevant to 5 Plaintiffs' claims; (4) to the extent it seeks information that is available from public sources; and 6 (5) to the extent it seeks information related to governmental or regulatory agencies or authorities 7 outside the United States. Facebook further objects to this Request as vague and ambiguous with 8 regard to its use of the term "investigation" and the phrases "legal action" and "tracked its users, 9 collected, stored and/or retained PII." Facebook further objects to this Request on the ground that 10 the term "PII," as defined in the Requests, is overbroad and consists almost entirely of 11 information beyond the scope of this litigation. Facebook further objects to this Request on the 12 ground that it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in demanding all 13 documents concerning any investigation or legal action related to Facebook' s alleged violation of 14 any "consumer protection and/or privacy laws, directives or regulations," including laws, 15 directives, or regulations not at issue in this litigation. Facebook further objects to this Request to 16 the extent it seeks information protected by disclosure by statutory or other privileges and 17 protections. Facebook further objects to this Request as vague, ambiguous, and argumentative in 18 its use of the term "tracked." Facebook further objects to this Request to the extent it seeks 19 information not within Facebook's possession, custody, or control. 20 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, after entry of an appropriate 21 protective order, Facebook will produce any responsive, non-privileged documents it provided to 22 any government entity concerning any allegation that Facebook received information related to 23 the Internet activities of users while those users were logged out from their Facebook accounts, to 24 the extent such documents exist and can be located using good faith, reasonable efforts. 25 REQUEST No. 31: 26 All transcripts of any proceedings before any governmental or regulatory agency or 27 authority, including but not limited to (a) the U.S. Congressional Bi-Partisan Privacy Caucus; (b) 28 the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee; (c) the Federal Trade Commission; (d) the Office of the COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN fRANCISCO 26. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLs.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314 EJD 1 Data Protection Commission of Ireland; (e) the German data protection commission; (f) the 2 Information Commissioner's Office; and (g) the European Commission, in connection with any 3 investigation or legal action concerning allegations that Facebook has tracked its users, collected, 4 stored and/or retained PII, or otherwise violated consumer protection and/or privacy laws, 5 directives or regulations. 6 RESPONSE TO REQUEST No. 31: 7 Facebook specifically incorporates the General Responses and objections above to the 8 extent applicable to this Request. Facebook further objects to this Request on the. following 9 grounds: (1) it is not reasonably limited in time; (2) it seeks information that is irrelevant to 10 Plaintiffs' claims; (3) to the extent it seeks information that is available from public sources; and 11 (4) to the extent it seeks information related to governmental or regulatory agencies or authorities 12 outside the United States. Facebook further objects to this Request as vague and ambiguous with 13 regard to its use of the term "investigation" and the phrases "legal action" and "tracked its users, 14 collected, stored and/or retained PII." Facebook further objects to this Request on the ground that 15 the term "PII," as defined in the Requests, is overbroad and consists almost entirely of 16 information beyond the scope of this litigation. Facebook further objects to this Request on the 17 ground that it is vague, ambiguous, unduly burdensome, and unreasonably broad in all transcripts 18 concerning any investigation or legal action related to Facebook's alleged violation of any 19 "consumer protection and/or privacy laws, directives or regulations," including laws, directives, 20 or regulations not at issue in this litigation. Facebook further objects to this Request to the extent 21 it seeks information protected by disclosure by statutory or other privileges and protections. 22 Facebook further objects to this Request as vague, ambiguous, and argumentative in its use of the 23 term "tracked." Facebook further objects to this Request to the extent it seeks information not 24 within Facebook's possession, custody, or control. 25 Subject to and without waiving any of its objections, after entry of an appropriate 26 protective order, Facebook will produce any responsive, non-privileged transcripts of proceedings 27 before any government entity concerning any allegation that Facebook received information 28 related to the Internet activities of users after those users logged out from their Facebook COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 27. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLS.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314 EJD 1 accounts, to the extent such documents exist and can be located using good faith, reasonable 2 efforts. 3 4 5 Dated: January 25, 2013 COOLEYLLP 6 7 8 9 10 1292866 /SF 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO 28. F ACEBOOK'S OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PLS.' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION 5:12-MD-02314 EJD

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