Campbell et al v. Facebook Inc.

Filing 141

NOTICE by Matthew Campbell, Michael Hurley re 131 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,,, 110 , 111 , 121 , 127 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 Letter Brief re Plaintiffs' Third Set of RFPs (Dkt. 112), # 2 Exhibit 2 Letter Brief re Plaintiffs' Interrogatory 8 and RFP 41 (Dkt. 113) and Exhibit E thereto (Dkt. 113-5), # 3 Exhibit 3 Exhibits A-D to Letter Brief re Notice of 30(b)(6) Deposition (Dkt. 122-1 122-4), # 4 Exhibit 4 Plaintiffs' Response to Harrison Declaration (Dkt. 128))(Gardner, Melissa) (Filed on 11/16/2015)

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EXHIBIT 3 EXHIBIT A (Redacted) HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Michael W. Sobol (State Bar No. 194857) David T. Rudolph (State Bar No. 233457) Melissa Gardner (State Bar No. 289096) LIEFF CABRASER HEIMANN & BERNSTEIN, LLP 275 Battery Street, 29th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111-3339 Telephone: 415.956.1000 Facsimile: 415.956.1008 Rachel Geman Nicholas Diamand LIEFF CABRASER HEIMANN & BERNSTEIN, LLP 250 Hudson Street, 8th Floor New York, NY 10013-1413 Telephone: 212.355.9500 Facsimile: 212.355.9592 Jeremy A. Lieberman Lesley F. Portnoy POMERANTZ, LLP 600 Third Avenue, 20th Floor New York, New York 10016 Telephone: 212.661.1100 Facsimile: 212.661.8665 Patrick V. Dahlstrom POMERANTZ, LLP 10 S. La Salle Street, Suite 3505 Chicago, Illinois 60603 Telephone: 312.377.1181 Facsimile: 312.377.1184 Hank Bates (State Bar No. 167688) Allen Carney David Slade CARNEY BATES & PULLIAM, PLLC 11311 Arcade Drive Little Rock, AR 72212 Telephone: 501.312.8500 Facsimile: 501.312.8505 18 Attorneys for Plaintiffs and the Proposed Class 19 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 20 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 21 22 23 MATTHEW CAMPBELL, MICHAEL HURLEY, and DAVID SHADPOUR, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, 24 Plaintiffs, 25 v. 26 FACEBOOK, INC., 27 Case No. 4:13-cv-05996-PJH NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(B)(6) Date: September 25, 2015 Time: 9:00 a.m. Location: 1881 Page Mill Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94304 Defendant. 28 NOTICE OF DEPOSITION CASE NO. 4:13-CV-05996-PJH HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY 1 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, pursuant to Rule 30(b)(6) of the Federal Rules of Civil 2 Procedure, Plaintiffs will take the deposition upon oral examination of Defendant Facebook, Inc. 3 (“Facebook”), through its designated agent(s). Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 30(b)(6), Facebook is 4 hereby directed to designate one or more officers, directors, managing agents, or other persons 5 who consent to testify and are most knowledgeable and competent to testify regarding the 6 following topics: 7 1. The identification of Facebook source code utilized to carry out each process 8 characterized in Facebook’s Responses and Objections to Plaintiffs’ Interrogatories (“Resp.”), 9 Interrogatories No. 2 and 3, including but not limited to the following characterizations: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -2- NOTICE OF DEPOSITION CASE NO. 4:13-CV-05996-PJH HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -3- NOTICE OF DEPOSITION CASE NO. 4:13-CV-05996-PJH HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -4- NOTICE OF DEPOSITION CASE NO. 4:13-CV-05996-PJH HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2. The identification of Facebook source code utilized to carry out each process 27 characterized in Facebook’s Responses and Objections to Plaintiffs’ Interrogatories (“Resp.”), 28 Interrogatory No. 4, including but not limited to the following characterizations: -5- NOTICE OF DEPOSITION CASE NO. 4:13-CV-05996-PJH HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -6- NOTICE OF DEPOSITION CASE NO. 4:13-CV-05996-PJH HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3. The creation and use of Objects and Associations from content or data contained within or 9 10 otherwise related to private messages, including:1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4. The identification of all documents and ESI which Facebook contends established users’ 26 consent (express and implied) to the practices challenged in this litigation, and Facebook’s bases 27 1 28 -7- NOTICE OF DEPOSITION CASE NO. 4:13-CV-05996-PJH HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY 1 2 3 4 for such contention. 5. The role of “Likes” and the “Like” social plugin within Facebook’s business model, including: (a) Any analysis or identification by Facebook of the number of “Likes” generated during the 5 relevant period, including totals on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis. 6 (b) Any analysis or identification by Facebook of the number of “Like” social plugins 7 embedded on third-party websites during the relevant period, including totals on a daily, 8 weekly, monthly, and annual basis. 9 (c) Analyses conducted by or on behalf of Facebook ascribing monetary value to “Likes” or the “Like” social plugin, whether on Facebook or on third party websites. 10 11 6. All information that third parties (including but not limited to websites with embedded 12 “Like” social plugins) had access to – from April, 2009 until December 30, 2012 – related to 13 “Likes” created from URLs within private messages, including the identification of all relevant 14 source code related to processes effectuating access to such information. 15 7. 16 17 18 The deposition will commence at 9:00 a.m. on September 25, 2015, at the offices of 19 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, 1881 Page Mill Rd., Palo Alto, California, 94304. The 20 deposition will be taken by oral examination before a certified court stenographer or other officer 21 authorized to administer oaths under applicable law. The deposition shall continue from day to 22 day (weekends and holidays excepted) until recessed or completed. 23 PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that Plaintiffs reserve the right to record the 24 deposition testimony of the above-identified deponent by videotape, in addition to recording the 25 testimony by stenographic means. Livenote may be used. Plaintiffs reserve the right to use the 26 videotape deposition at trial. 27 28 -8- NOTICE OF DEPOSITION CASE NO. 4:13-CV-05996-PJH HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY 1 2 Dated: September 18, 2015 CARNEY BATES & PULLIAM, PLLC By: /s/ Allen Carney Allen Carney . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Allen Carney Hank Bates (State Bar No. 167688) David Slade 2800 Cantrell Road, Suite 510 Little Rock, AR 72202 Telephone: 501.312.8500 Facsimile: 501.312.8505 Michael W. Sobol (State Bar No. 194857) David T. Rudolph (State Bar No. 233457) Melissa Gardner (State Bar No. 289096) LIEFF CABRASER HEIMANN & BERNSTEIN, LLP 275 Battery Street, 29th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111-3339 Telephone: 415.956.1000 Facsimile: 415.956.1008 Rachel Geman Nicholas Diamand LIEFF CABRASER HEIMANN & BERNSTEIN, LLP 250 Hudson Street, 8th Floor New York, NY 10013-1413 Telephone: 212.355.9500 Facsimile: 212.355.9592 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -9- NOTICE OF DEPOSITION CASE NO. 4:13-CV-05996-PJH HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY 1 2 3 4 Jeremy A. Lieberman Lesley F. Portnoy POMERANTZ, LLP 600 Third Avenue, 20th Floor New York, NY 10016 Telephone: 212.661.1100 Facsimile: 212.661.8665 5 6 7 8 Patrick V. Dahlstrom POMERANTZ, LLP 10 S. La Salle Street, Suite 3505 Chicago, IL 60603 Telephone: 312.377.1181 Facsimile: 312.377.1184 9 10 11 12 Jon Tostrud (State Bar No. 199502) TOSTRUD LAW GROUP, PC 1925 Century Park East, Suite 2125 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Telephone: 310.278.2600 Facsimile: 310.278.2640 13 14 Attorneys for Plaintiffs and the Proposed Class 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 10 - NOTICE OF DEPOSITION CASE NO. 4:13-CV-05996-PJH EXHIBIT B (Redacted) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP JOSHUA A. JESSEN, SBN 222831 JEANA BISNAR MAUTE, SBN 290573 ASHLEY M. ROGERS, SBN 286252 1881 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, California 94304 Telephone: (650) 849-5300 Facsimile: (650) 849-5333 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP GAIL E. LEES, SBN 90363 CHRISTOPHER CHORBA, SBN 216692 333 South Grand Avenue Los Angeles, California 90071 Telephone: (213) 229-7000 Facsimile: (213) 229-7520 Attorneys for Defendant FACEBOOK, INC. 15 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 16 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 17 OAKLAND DIVISION 18 19 MATTHEW CAMPBELL, MICHAEL HURLEY, and DAVID SHADPOUR, Plaintiffs, 20 21 v. 22 FACEBOOK, INC., 23 24 25 Case No. C 13-05996 PJH (MEJ) PUTATIVE CLASS ACTION DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(b)(6) Defendant. HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY 26 27 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(b)(6) Case No. C 13-05996 PJH (MEJ) 1 Pursuant to Rules 26 and 30 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Defendant Facebook, 2 Inc. (“Facebook”) hereby submits the following responses and objections to Plaintiffs’ Notice of 3 Deposition Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 30(b)(6) (the “Notice”) as follows: 4 GENERAL OBJECTIONS TO NOTICE 5 The following General Objections apply to each and every specific Topic and are 6 incorporated by reference in each of the specific responses. The assertion of the same, similar, or 7 additional objections or partial responses to individual Topics does not waive any of Facebook’s 8 General Objections. 9 1. Facebook objects to each of the Topics set forth in the Notice on the grounds and to 10 the extent that they attempt or purport to impose obligations beyond those imposed or authorized by 11 the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Federal Rules of Evidence, the Local Rules of the Northern 12 District of California, or other applicable federal or state law. Facebook will construe and respond to 13 the Notice in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and other 14 applicable rules or laws. 15 2. Facebook objects to the Notice and each of the Topics to the extent that they seek 16 information unrelated to the particularized allegations detailed in the Consolidated Amended 17 Complaint (Dkt. No. 25), which renders the Notice and each of the Topics overly broad, unduly 18 burdensome, irrelevant, and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible 19 evidence. Facebook will only produce a witness to provide testimony related to, or reasonably 20 calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence related to, the particularized allegations 21 detailed in the Consolidated Amended Complaint. 22 3. Facebook objects to the Notice to the extent it seeks information that is protected from 23 disclosure by any applicable privilege, including, but not limited to, the attorney-client privilege and 24 the attorney work product doctrine. 25 4. Facebook objects to the Notice to the extent it seeks information that is not within the 26 possession, custody or control of Facebook, is publicly available, or is within the possession, custody 27 or control of Plaintiffs. 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(b)(6) Case No. C 13-05996 PJH (MEJ) 1 2 3 5. Facebook objects to the Notice to the extent that it is so broad, uncertain, and unintelligible that Facebook cannot determine the nature of the information sought. 6. Facebook objects to the Notice on the grounds and to the extent that it calls for 4 testimony or documents regarding any trade secret or other private or confidential commercial, 5 business, financial, proprietary, or competitively sensitive information. Facebook will provide 6 testimony, if at all, on such matters only pursuant to the Protective Order issued in this action. 7 8 9 7. Facebook objects to each Topic in the Notice to the extent it calls for a legal conclusion and/or expert testimony. 8. Facebook objects to each Topic to the extent that it fails to specify a relevant time 10 period, to the extent the specified time period is irrelevant to the instant case, or to the extent that the 11 specified period includes periods of time for which Plaintiffs would not be entitled to collect any 12 damages. 13 9. Facebook objects to each Topic set forth in the Notice to the extent that it is 14 duplicative of any other discovery request served by Plaintiffs in this action and/or to the extent the 15 information is better sought by another method of discovery. 16 10. Facebook objects to each Topic set forth in the Notice to the extent that it assumes 17 facts that are not in evidence. By responding to this Notice, Facebook does not admit or agree with 18 any explicit or implicit assumption made in this Notice. 19 11. By stating that it will produce a witness competent to testify on a Topic, Facebook 20 does not represent that it has any relevant information on that Topic, but merely that a designee will 21 testify to any corporate knowledge obtained through a reasonable investigation. Further, Facebook’s 22 response to any particular Topic should not be taken as an admission that it accepts or admits the 23 existence of any fact set forth or assumed by the Topic, or that the response constitutes admissible 24 evidence. No response to any portion of any Topic shall be deemed a waiver of any objection not set 25 forth herein that could be made to any such portion regarding relevancy of the information or its 26 admissibility. 27 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP 12. The responses given herein to any one or more of these Topics shall not be construed or deemed as an admission as to the existence or non-existence of any document, or as an admission 2 DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(b)(6) Case No. C 13-05996 PJH (MEJ) 1 or waiver of any question or right of objection as to authenticity, competency, relevancy, materiality, 2 admissibility, or any other objection Facebook may have, and such objections are expressly reserved. 3 13. Facebook reserves the right to set forth additional objections to each Topic at the time 4 of the deposition of any Rule 30(b)(6) witness, and further reserves the right to amend these 5 objections at any time. 6 14. Facebook objects to any attempt by Plaintiffs to identify additional Topics for a Rule 7 30(b)(6) deposition. Facebook will designate and produce witnesses on Rule 30(b)(6) Topics only 8 once. In a previous meet and confer, Facebook advised Plaintiffs on this position, and Plaintiffs have 9 not objected to that position or indicated that they intend to identify additional Rule 30(b)(6) Topics. 10 15. Facebook objects to the noticed deposition date of September 25, 2015. While one 11 of Facebook’s Rule 30(b)(6) witnesses will testify on that date, pursuant to the discussions of the 12 parties, Facebook’s other Rule 30(b)(6) witness(es) will not. SPECIFIC RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS 13 14 Subject to and without waiving any of the foregoing General Objections, Facebook responds 15 to each Topic as follows: 16 TOPIC NO. 1: 17 The identification of Facebook source code utilized to carry out each process characterized in 18 Facebook’s Responses and Objections to Plaintiffs’ Interrogatories (“Resp.”), Interrogatories No. 2 19 and 3, including but not limited to the following characterizations: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(b)(6) Case No. C 13-05996 PJH (MEJ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(b)(6) Case No. C 13-05996 PJH (MEJ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(b)(6) Case No. C 13-05996 PJH (MEJ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(b)(6) Case No. C 13-05996 PJH (MEJ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO TOPIC NO. 1: Facebook incorporates the General Objections as though fully set forth herein. Facebook 23 further objects to the terms “identification,” “utilized,” “carry out,” “process,” “characterized,” and 24 “characterizations” in this Topic as vague, ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome, 25 including to the extent that Plaintiffs purport to use these defined terms to seek materials that are not 26 relevant to the claims and defenses in this action. Facebook further objects to this Topic as 27 compound, vague, overly broad, unduly burdensome, and oppressive. Facebook objects to preparing 28 a witness on such a broad range of information. Facebook further objects on the grounds that this 7 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(b)(6) Case No. C 13-05996 PJH (MEJ) 1 Topic seeks information duplicative of that previously produced by Facebook in this litigation, 2 including Facebook’s source code made available to Plaintiffs’ experts under the terms of the 3 Protective Order. Facebook further objects to this Topic to the extent it calls for expert analysis or 4 legal conclusions. Facebook further objects to this Topic to the extent it is not limited to a specific 5 time period relevant to this litigation. Facebook further objects to this Topic on the grounds and to 6 the extent it seeks information protected from disclosure by the attorney client privilege and/or the 7 work product doctrine. 8 Subject to and without waiving any of the general or specific objections stated herein, 9 Plaintiffs have initiated the discovery briefing process on this Topic, and Facebook will not produce a 10 witness on this improper Topic for the reasons noted above and in its brief. However, Facebook met 11 and conferred in person with Plaintiffs on this Topic on September 2, 2015. As indicated during that 12 meeting, Facebook is willing to discuss specific questions Plaintiffs may have regarding Facebook’s 13 source code in lieu of producing a Rule 30(b)(6) witness. 14 TOPIC NO. 2: 15 The identification of Facebook source code utilized to carry out each process characterized in 16 Facebook’s Responses and Objections to Plaintiffs’ Interrogatories (“Resp.”), Interrogatory No. 4, 17 including but not limited to the following characterizations: 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(b)(6) Case No. C 13-05996 PJH (MEJ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(b)(6) Case No. C 13-05996 PJH (MEJ) 1 2 3 4 RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO TOPIC NO. 2: Facebook incorporates the General Objections as though fully set forth herein. Facebook 5 further objects to the terms “identification,” “utilized,” “carry out,” “process,” “characterized,” and 6 “characterizations” in this Topic as vague, ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome, 7 including to the extent that Plaintiffs purport to use these defined terms to seek materials that are not 8 relevant to the claims and defenses in this action. Facebook further objects to this Topic as 9 compound, vague, overly broad, unduly burdensome, and oppressive. Facebook objects to preparing 10 a witness on such a broad range of information. Facebook further objects on the grounds that this 11 Topic seeks information duplicative of that previously produced by Facebook in this litigation, 12 including Facebook’s source code made available to Plaintiffs’ experts under the terms of the 13 Protective Order. Facebook further objects to this Topic to the extent it calls for expert analysis or 14 legal conclusions. Facebook further objects to this Topic to the extent it is not limited to a specific 15 time period relevant to this litigation. Facebook further objects to this Topic on the grounds and to 16 the extent it seeks information protected from disclosure by the attorney client privilege and/or the 17 work product doctrine. 18 Subject to and without waiving any of the general or specific objections stated herein, 19 Plaintiffs have initiated the discovery briefing process on this Topic, and Facebook will not produce a 20 witness on this improper Topic for the reasons noted above and in its brief. However, Facebook met 21 and conferred in person with Plaintiffs on this Topic on September 2, 2015. As indicated during that 22 meeting, Facebook is willing to discuss specific questions Plaintiffs may have regarding Facebook’s 23 source code in lieu of producing a Rule 30(b)(6) witness. 24 25 26 27 28 10 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(b)(6) Case No. C 13-05996 PJH (MEJ) 1 TOPIC NO. 3: 2 3 The creation and use of Objects and Associations from content or data contained within or otherwise related to private messages, including: 1 4 (a) How Objects are created during the processing of private messages, including 5 the (id) and the Object Type for each Object, as well as any Key -> Value 6 Pair(s) contained in each Object. 7 (b) How Objects are specifically created when a URL within a private message is 8 shared, including the (id) and the Object Type for each Object, as well as any 9 Key -> Value Pair(s) contained in each Object. 10 (c) How Associations are created during the processing of private messages, 11 identified by the Source Object, Association Type, and Destination Object, as 12 well as any Key -> Value Pair(s) contained in each Association. 13 (d) The identification of all databases and tables in which Associations and 14 Objects created from private messages are stored, and the corresponding 15 schemas. 16 (e) 17 Objects or Associations created from private messages. 18 19 The identification of each application or feature in Facebook that uses the (f) How Facebook uses Objects and Associations created from private messages. RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO TOPIC NO. 3: 20 Facebook incorporates the General Objections as though fully set forth herein. Facebook 21 objects to the terms “creation and use,” “content or data contained within,” “private messages,” 22 “Object,” “Association,” “(id),” “Object Type,” “Key -> Value Pair,” “Source Object,” “Association 23 Type,” and “Destination Object” in this Topic as vague, ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly 24 burdensome, including to the extent that Plaintiffs purport to use these defined terms to seek 25 materials that are not relevant to the claims and defenses in this action. Facebook further objects to 26 27 1 The terms “Object,” “Association,” “(id),” “Object Type,” “Key -> Value Pair,” “Source Object,” “Association Type,” and “Destination Object” are used herein pursuant to the definitions set forth in Plaintiffs’ Second Set of Interrogatories. 28 11 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(b)(6) Case No. C 13-05996 PJH (MEJ) 1 this Topic as compound, vague, overly broad, unduly burdensome, and oppressive. Facebook further 2 objects on the grounds and to the extent that this Topic seeks information duplicative of that 3 previously provided by Facebook in this litigation, as Facebook has made its source code available to 4 Plaintiffs’ experts under the terms of the Protective Order. Facebook further objects to this Topic to 5 the extent it calls for expert analysis or legal conclusions. Facebook further objects to this Topic to 6 the extent it is not limited to a specific time period relevant to this litigation. Facebook further 7 objects to this Topic on the grounds and to the extent it seeks information protected from disclosure 8 by the attorney client privilege and/or the work product doctrine. 9 Subject to and without waiving any of the general or specific objections stated herein, 10 Facebook will designate a witness to provide testimony regarding the creation and use of objects and 11 associations related to URLs in Facebook messages between April 1, 2010 and December 30, 2013. 12 TOPIC NO. 4: 13 The identification of all documents and ESI which Facebook contends established users’ 14 consent (express and implied) to the practices challenged in this litigation, and Facebook’s bases for 15 such contention. 16 RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO TOPIC NO. 4: 17 Facebook incorporates the General Objections as though fully set forth herein. Facebook 18 objects to the terms “documents” and “ ESI” to the extent that Plaintiffs purport to use these defined 19 terms to request the identification and disclosure of documents that: (a) were prepared in anticipation 20 of litigation; (b) constitute attorney work product; (c) reveal privileged attorney-client 21 communications; or (d) are otherwise protected from disclosure under any applicable privileges, 22 laws, and/or rules. Facebook further objects to the extent that these terms purport to impose 23 obligations that go beyond the requirements of the Federal and Local Rules. Facebook further 24 objects to this Topic as overly broad and unduly burdensome to the extent it seeks the identification 25 of “all” sources that Facebook contends establish users’ consent to the practices challenged in this 26 litigation. Facebook objects to preparing a witness on such a broad range of information. Facebook 27 further objects to this Topic to the extent it calls for expert analysis or legal conclusions. Facebook 28 further objects to this Topic on the ground that it in an inappropriate attempt to seek the bases for 12 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(b)(6) Case No. C 13-05996 PJH (MEJ) 1 Facebook’s contentions, which is an improper Rule 30(b)(6) Topic. Facebook further objects to this 2 Topic to the extent it is not limited to a specific time period relevant to this litigation. Facebook 3 further objects to this Topic on the grounds and to the extent it seeks information protected from 4 disclosure by the attorney client privilege and/or the work product doctrine. 5 Subject to and without waiving any of the general or specific objections stated herein, 6 Facebook will designate a witness to provide testimony regarding documents that establish express 7 consent to the practice challenged in this action (the alleged increase in the Facebook “Like” count on 8 a website when the URL for that website was contained in a message transmitted through Facebook’s 9 Messages product) between December 30, 2011 and December 30, 2013, as well as documents 10 produced in this action that establish implied consent to the practice challenged in this action (which 11 obviously does not include all potential documents that could establish implied consent). By 12 producing a witness to testify regarding this Topic, Facebook does not concede—and instead it 13 continues to dispute—that it is possible to “identif[y] . . . all documents and ESI” that “established 14 users’ consent (express and implied) to the practices challenged in this litigation, and Facebook’s 15 basis for such contention.” 16 TOPIC NO. 5: 17 18 19 The role of “Likes” and the “Like” social plugin within Facebook’s business model, including: (a) Any analysis or identification by Facebook of the number of “Likes” generated 20 during the relevant period, including totals on a daily, weekly, monthly, and 21 annual basis. 22 (b) Any analysis or identification by Facebook of the number of “Like” social 23 plugins embedded on third-party websites during the relevant period, including 24 totals on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis. 25 (c) Analyses conducted by or on behalf of Facebook ascribing monetary value to 26 “Likes” or the “Like” social plugin, whether on Facebook or on third party 27 websites. 28 13 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(b)(6) Case No. C 13-05996 PJH (MEJ) 1 2 RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO TOPIC NO. 5: Facebook incorporates the General Objections as though fully set forth herein. Facebook 3 objects to the terms “Likes,” “business model,” “analysis or identification,” “relevant period,” 4 “analyses,” and “conducted by or on behalf of” as vague, ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly 5 burdensome, including to the extent that Plaintiffs purport to use these defined terms to seek 6 materials that are not relevant to the claims and defenses in this action. Facebook further objects to 7 this Topic on the grounds and to the extent that it seeks information that is not relevant to the claims 8 or defenses of any party and/or is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible 9 evidence. Facebook further objects to this Topic on the grounds and to the extent it is not limited to a 10 specific time period relevant to this litigation. Facebook still further objects to this Topic to the 11 extent that it assumes facts. Facebook further objects to this Topic on the grounds and to the extent it 12 seeks information protected from disclosure by the attorney client privilege and/or the work product 13 doctrine. 14 Subject to and without waiving any of the general or specific objections stated herein, 15 Facebook will designate a witness to provide testimony regarding the role of “Likes” and the “Like” 16 social plugin as they relate to URLs shared in Facebook messages during the proposed class period 17 (January 30, 2011 to approximately December 20, 2012). 18 TOPIC NO. 6: 19 All information that third parties (including but not limited to websites with embedded “Like” 20 social plugins) had access to – from April, 2009 until December 30, 2012 – related to “Likes” created 21 from URLs within private messages, including the identification of all relevant source code related to 22 processes effectuating access to such information. 23 RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO TOPIC NO. 6: 24 Facebook incorporates the General Objections as though fully set forth herein. Facebook 25 objects to the terms “information,” “access to,” “Likes,” “private messages,” “processes,” and 26 “effectuating access” as vague, ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome, including to the 27 extent that Plaintiffs purport to use these defined terms to seek materials that are not relevant to the 28 claims and defenses in this action. Facebook further objects to this Topic on the grounds and to the 14 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(b)(6) Case No. C 13-05996 PJH (MEJ) 1 extent that it seeks information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses of any party and/or is not 2 reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Facebook further objects to 3 this Topic on the grounds and to the extent it is not limited to a specific time period relevant to this 4 litigation. Facebook further objects to this Topic as overly broad, unduly burdensome, and 5 oppressive. Facebook further objects on the grounds and to the extent that this Topic seeks 6 information duplicative of that previously provided by Facebook in this litigation, as Facebook has 7 made its source code available to Plaintiffs’ experts under the terms of the Protective Order. 8 Facebook still further objects to this Topic to the extent that it assumes facts. Facebook further 9 objects to this Topic on the grounds and to the extent it seeks information protected from disclosure 10 11 by the attorney client privilege and/or the work product doctrine. Subject to and without waiving any of the general or specific objections stated herein, 12 Facebook will designate a witness to provide testimony regarding the information that third parties 13 had access to related to “Likes” generated from URLs contained in Facebook messages between 14 April 1, 2010 and December 30, 2012 (not including an identification of source code). 15 TOPIC NO. 7: 16 17 18 19 20 RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO DEPOSITION REQUEST NO. 7: Facebook incorporates the General Objections as though fully set forth herein. Facebook 21 objects to the terms “decision,” “decision-making process,” “related thereto,” and “implementation” 22 as vague, ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome, including to the extent that Plaintiffs 23 purport to use these defined terms to seek materials that are not relevant to the claims and defenses in 24 this action. Facebook further objects to this Topic on the grounds and to the extent that it seeks 25 information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses of any party and/or is not reasonably 26 calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Facebook further objects to this Topic on 27 the grounds and to the extent it is not limited to a specific time period relevant to this litigation. 28 Facebook still further objects to this Topic to the extent that it assumes facts. Facebook further 15 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(b)(6) Case No. C 13-05996 PJH (MEJ) 1 objects to this Topic on the grounds and to the extent it seeks information protected from disclosure 2 by the attorney client privilege and/or the work product doctrine. 3 4 Subject to and without waiving any of the general or specific objections stated herein, Facebook will designate a witness to provide testimony regarding 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 DATED: September 22, 2015 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP By: /s/ Joshua A. Jessen Attorney for Defendant FACEBOOK, INC. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 16 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(b)(6) Case No. C 13-05996 PJH (MEJ) 1 PROOF OF SERVICE 2 3 4 I, Ashley M. Rogers, declare as follows: I am employed in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, I am over the age of eighteen years and am not a party to this action; my business address is 1881 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304-1211, in said County and State. On September 22, 2015, I served the following document(s): 5 DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(B)(6) 6 7 on the parties stated below, by the following means of service: 8 David F. Slade James Allen Carney Joseph Henry Bates, III Carney Bates & Pulliam, PLLC 9 10 11 12 13 Melissa Ann Gardner Nicholas Diamand Rachel Geman Michael W. Sobol Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, LLP 14 15 16 17 18 19  BY ELECTRONIC SERVICE: On the above-mentioned date, based on a court order or an agreement of the parties to accept service by electronic transmission, I caused the documents to be sent to the persons at the electronic notification addresses as shown above.  I am employed in the office of Joshua A. Jessen and am a member of the bar of this court.  I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. 20 21 22 23 24 25 Executed on September 22, 2015. 26 /s/ Ashley M. Rogers 27 28 17 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION PURSUANT TO FED. R. CIV. P. 30(b)(6) Case No. C 13-05996 PJH (MEJ) EXHIBIT C (Redacted) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP JOSHUA A. JESSEN, SBN 222831 JEANA BISNAR MAUTE, SBN 290573 ASHLEY M. ROGERS, SBN 286252 1881 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, California 94304 Telephone: (650) 849-5300 Facsimile: (650) 849-5333 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP GAIL E. LEES, SBN 90363 CHRISTOPHER CHORBA, SBN 216692 333 South Grand Avenue Los Angeles, California 90071 Telephone: (213) 229-7000 Facsimile: (213) 229-7520 13 14 Attorneys for Defendant FACEBOOK, INC. 15 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 16 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 17 OAKLAND DIVISION 18 19 MATTHEW CAMPBELL, MICHAEL HURLEY, and DAVID SHADPOUR, PUTATIVE CLASS ACTION Plaintiffs, 20 21 22 DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES v. FACEBOOK, INC., 23 Case No. C 13-05996 PJH Defendant. 24 25 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY 26 Pursuant to Draft Stipulated Protective Order (Sent by Counsel for Facebook on March 30, 2015) 27 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 Defendant Facebook, Inc. (“Defendant” or “Facebook”), by and through its attorneys, and 2 pursuant to Rules 26 and 33 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Local Civil Rules of the U.S. 3 District Court for the Northern District of California, the Court orders in this action, and the parties’ 4 agreements, provides the following responses and objections to Plaintiffs’ First Set of Interrogatories 5 (the “Interrogatories”). 6 These responses are designated Highly Confidential – Attorney’s Eyes Only under the draft 7 Stipulated Protective Order sent by Facebook’s counsel to Plaintiffs’ counsel on March 30, 2015, and 8 as agreed by the parties. 9 10 PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 1. Before the further production of information, Facebook will meet and confer with 11 Plaintiffs regarding the entry of a Protective Order to protect confidential, proprietary, and trade 12 secret materials. 13 2. Facebook’s responses to the Interrogatories are made to the best of Facebook’s current 14 knowledge, information and belief. Facebook reserves the right to supplement or amend any of its 15 responses should future investigation indicate that such supplementation or amendment is necessary. 16 3. Facebook’s responses to the Interrogatories are made solely for the purpose of and in 17 relation to this action. Each response is given subject to all appropriate objections (including, but not 18 limited to, objections concerning privilege, competency, relevancy, materiality, propriety and 19 admissibility). All objections are reserved and may be interposed at any time. 20 21 22 4. Facebook’s responses are based on its understanding that Plaintiffs seek only that information that is within Facebook’s possession, custody, and control. 5. Facebook incorporates by reference each and every general objection set forth into 23 each and every specific response. From time to time, a specific response may repeat a general 24 objection for emphasis or some other reason. The failure to include any general objection in any 25 specific response shall not be interpreted as a waiver of any general objection to that response. 26 27 6. Nothing contained in these Reponses and Objections or provided in response to the Interrogatories consists of, or should be construed as, an admission relating to the accuracy, 28 1 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 relevance, existence, or nonexistence of any alleged facts or information referenced in any 2 Interrogatory. 3 GENERAL OBJECTIONS 4 1. Facebook objects to each Interrogatory, including the Definitions and Instructions, to 5 the extent that it purports to impose obligations beyond those imposed by the Federal Rules of Civil 6 Procedure, the Federal Rules of Evidence, the Local Civil Rules of the U.S. District Court for the 7 Northern District of California, and any agreements between the parties. 8 9 2. Facebook objects to each Interrogatory to the extent that it is not limited to the relevant time period, thus making the Interrogatory overly broad, unduly burdensome, and not 10 relevant to the claims or defenses in this action. Unless otherwise specified in its responses, 11 Facebook’s response will be limited to information generated between December 30, 2011 and 12 October 31, 2012. 13 3. Facebook objects to each Interrogatory to the extent that it seeks information unrelated 14 and irrelevant to the claims or defenses in this litigation and not reasonably calculated to lead to the 15 discovery of admissible evidence. 16 4. Facebook objects to each Interrogatory as overly broad and unduly burdensome, 17 particularly in view of Facebook’s disproportionate cost necessary to investigate as weighed against 18 Plaintiffs’ need for the information. For example, many of the Interrogatories seek broad and 19 vaguely defined categories of materials that are not reasonably tailored to the subject matter of this 20 action. 21 5. Facebook objects to each Interrogatory to the extent that it purports to request the 22 identification and disclosure of information or documents that were prepared in anticipation of 23 litigation, constitute attorney work product, reveal privileged attorney-client communications, or are 24 otherwise protected from disclosure under any applicable privileges, laws, or rules. Facebook hereby 25 asserts all such applicable privileges and protections, and excludes privileged and protected 26 information from its responses to each Interrogatory. See generally Fed. R. Evid. 502; Cal. Code 27 Evid. § 954. Inadvertent production of any information or documents that are privileged or otherwise 28 immune from discovery shall not constitute a waiver of any privilege or of any other ground for 2 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 objecting to the discovery with respect to such information or documents or the subject matter 2 thereof, or the right of Facebook to object to the use of any such information or documents or the 3 subject matter thereof during these or any other proceedings. In the event of inadvertent disclosure 4 of any information or inadvertent production or identification of documents or communications that 5 are privileged or otherwise immune from discovery, Plaintiffs will return the information and 6 documents to Facebook and will be precluded from disclosing or relying upon such information or 7 documents in any way. 8 9 10 11 12 13 6. Facebook objects to each and every Interrogatory to the extent that the information sought by the Interrogatory is more appropriately pursued through another means of discovery, such as a request for production or deposition. 7. Facebook objects to each and every Interrogatory, Definition, and Instruction to the extent that it seeks information outside of Facebook’s possession, custody, and control. 8. Facebook objects to each Interrogatory to the extent that it requests information 14 protected by the right of privacy of Facebook and/or third parties, or information that is confidential, 15 proprietary, or competitively sensitive. 16 9. Facebook objects to each Interrogatory to the extent that it seeks documents or 17 information already in Plaintiffs’ possession or available in the public domain. Such information is 18 equally available to Plaintiffs. 19 20 OBJECTIONS TO DEFINITIONS 1. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition of “Active Likes” as vague, ambiguous, 21 overly broad, and unduly burdensome. Facebook further objects to the definition to the extent that 22 Plaintiffs purport to use this defined term to seek materials that are not relevant to the claims and 23 defenses in this action, particularly as a result of its reference to the undefined term, “Social Plugin.” 24 25 26 2. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition of “Architecture” as vague, ambiguous, 27 overly broad, and unduly burdensome. Facebook further objects to the definition to the extent that 28 Plaintiffs purport to use this defined term to seek materials that are not relevant to the claims and 3 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 defenses in this action, particularly as a result of its use of the phrase “including but not limited to” 2 and the undefined term “Your services.” 3 3. Facebook generally objects to Plaintiffs’ definitions of “Communication,” 4 “Document(s),” “Electronic Media,” “ESI,” “Electronically Stored Information,” “Identify,” and 5 “Metadata” to the extent that Plaintiffs purport to use these defined terms to request the identification 6 and disclosure of documents that: (a) were prepared in anticipation of litigation; (b) constitute 7 attorney work product; (c) reveal privileged attorney-client communications; or (d) are otherwise 8 protected from disclosure under any applicable privileges, laws, and/or rules. Facebook further 9 objects to the extent that these definitions purport to impose obligations that go beyond the 10 11 requirements of the Federal and Local Rules. 4. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition of “Facebook User Data Profile(s)” as vague, 12 ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome. Facebook further objects to the definition to the 13 extent that Plaintiffs purport to use this defined term to seek materials that are not relevant to the 14 claims and defenses in this action. 15 5. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition of “Passive Likes” as vague, ambiguous, 16 overly broad, and unduly burdensome. Facebook further objects to the definition to the extent that 17 Plaintiffs purport to use this defined term to seek materials that are not relevant to the claims and 18 defenses in this action. Facebook construes the term “Passive Likes” as it relates to the practice 19 challenged in this action (the alleged increase in the Facebook “Like” count on a website when the 20 URL for that website was contained in a message transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product 21 during the class period (December 30, 2011 to October 31, 2012)). Specifically, Facebook construes 22 “Passive Likes” to refer to an increase in the “Like” count on a third-party website resulting from 23 inclusion of that website’s URL in a Facebook message during the class period. 24 6. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition and use of the term “Person” as vague, 25 ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome to the extent that Plaintiffs intend to use this term 26 to include “any natural person or any business, legal or governmental entity or association” over 27 which Facebook exercises no control. 28 4 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 7. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition of “Private Message(s)” to the extent that it 2 is vague, ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome. Facebook further objects to the 3 definition to the extent that Plaintiffs purport to use this defined term to seek materials that are not 4 relevant to the claims and defenses in this action. 5 8. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition of “Private Message Content” to the extent 6 that it is vague, ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome. Facebook further objects to the 7 definition to the extent that Plaintiffs purport to use this defined term to seek materials that are not 8 relevant to the claims and defenses in this action. Facebook further objects to this definition on the 9 ground and to the extent it is inconsistent with applicable law. 10 9. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition of “Private Message Transmission” as vague, 11 ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome. Facebook further objects to the definition to the 12 extent that Plaintiffs purport to use this defined term to seek materials that are not relevant to the 13 claims and defenses in this action. Facebook further objects to this definition on the ground and to 14 the extent it is inconsistent with relevant law. 15 10. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definitions of “Relate(s) to,” “Related to” and 16 “Relating to” on the ground that the definitions make the Interrogatories overly broad and unduly 17 burdensome and impose obligations that go beyond the requirements of the Federal and Local Rules. 18 Facebook shall construe these terms as commonly and ordinarily understood. 19 11. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition of “Targeted Advertising” as vague, 20 ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome. Facebook further objects to the definition to the 21 extent that Plaintiffs purport to use this defined term to seek materials that are not relevant to the 22 claims and defenses in this action. 23 24 25 26 27 12. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition of “Transmission,” “Transmit,” and “Transmitting” as vague, ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome. Facebook further 28 5 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 objects to the definition to the extent that Plaintiffs purport to use these terms to seek materials that 2 are not relevant to the claims and defenses in this action. 3 13. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition and use of the terms “You” or “Your” as 4 vague, ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome to the extent the terms are meant to include 5 “directors, officers, employees, partners, members, representatives, agents (including attorneys, 6 accountants, consultants, investment advisors or bankers), and any other person purporting to act on 7 [Facebook, Inc.’s] behalf. . . . parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, predecessor entities, successor entities, 8 divisions, departments, groups, acquired entities and/or related entities or any other entity acting or 9 purporting to act on its behalf” over which Facebook exercises no control, and to the extent that 10 Plaintiffs purport to use these terms to impose obligations that go beyond the requirements of the 11 Federal and Local Rules. OBJECTIONS TO “RULES OF CONSTRUCTION” AND INSTRUCTIONS 12 13 14 15 1. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ “Rules of Construction” and “Instructions” to the extent they impose obligations that go beyond the requirements of the Federal and Local Rules. 2. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ Instruction No. 2 to the extent that it is not limited to 16 the relevant time period, thus making the Instruction overly broad, unduly burdensome, and not 17 relevant to the claims or defenses in this action. Unless otherwise specified in its responses, 18 Facebook’s response will be limited to information generated between December 30, 2011 and 19 October 31, 2012. 20 3. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ Instruction No. 6 as ambiguous and unduly 21 burdensome. Facebook further objects to the instruction to the extent it exceeds the requirements of 22 the Federal and Local Rules. 23 OBJECTION TO PURPORTED “RELEVANT TIME PERIOD” 24 Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ proposed “Relevant Time Period” (September 26, 2006 25 through the present) because it substantially exceeds the proposed class period identified in Plaintiffs’ 26 Consolidated Amended Complaint, does not reflect the time period that is relevant to Plaintiffs’ 27 claims in this action, and renders the Interrogatories overly broad, unduly burdensome, and irrelevant. 28 Unless otherwise specified, Facebook’s Responses to these Interrogatories will be limited to 6 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 information generated between December 30, 2011 and October 31, 2012, which is the proposed 2 class period defined in Plaintiffs’ Consolidated Amended Complaint. (See Pls.’ Consol. Am. Compl. 3 [Dkt. 25] ¶ 59 & n.3.) Facebook otherwise objects to the remainder of Plaintiffs’ statement regarding 4 the “Relevant Time Period” to the extent that it purports to impose obligations beyond those imposed 5 by the Federal and Local Rules. 6 7 8 9 10 SPECIFIC RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS INTERROGATORY NO. 1: Identify all persons, including Third Parties and Your current and former employees, known by You to have personal knowledge of any facts or issues involved in this lawsuit, and for each person please identify 11 (A) the party’s first and last name; 12 (B) the party’s employer, if not You; 13 (C) the party’s job title(s); and 14 (D) the nature of the party’s personal knowledge of the facts or issues involved in this 15 lawsuit. 16 17 RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 1: Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections 18 to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 19 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 20 grounds: 21 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the terms and phrases “Third 22 Parties”; “any facts or issues involved in this lawsuit”; and “nature of the party’s personal knowledge 23 of the facts or issues involved in this lawsuit.” 24 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 25 (C) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek information regarding each 26 Facebook employee’s “personal knowledge” of “facts or issues involved in this lawsuit,” over an 27 extended time period. Facebook will respond to the best of its ability and based on the information 28 known and identified to date. 7 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 (D) The Interrogatory purports to request employment information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in this action. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: a. 6 7 8 b. 9 10 c. 11 12 d. 13 14 15 e. 16 17 18 f. 19 20 Facebook reserves the right to supplement its response to this Interrogatory as its investigation 21 continues. 22 INTERROGATORY NO. 2: 23 Identify by name, purpose, sequence, function and physical location each Process and/or piece 24 of Architecture involved in Private Message Transmission. 25 RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 2: 26 27 Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 28 8 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 2 grounds: 3 4 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the phrases “Process and/or piece of Architecture” and “Private Message Transmission.” 5 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 6 (C) The Interrogatory seeks information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in 7 this action to the extent it concerns practices other than those challenged in this action (the alleged 8 increase in the Facebook “Like” count on a website when the URL for that website was contained in 9 a message transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product during the Class Period (December 30, 10 2011 to October 31, 2012)). 11 (D) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek information regarding each 12 “Process and/or piece of Architecture involved in” the transmission of Facebook messages over an 13 extended time period. Facebook will respond to the best of its ability and based on the information 14 known and identified to date, and as limited by the practice challenged in this action (as defined 15 above). 16 17 18 19 (E) The Interrogatory seeks information that reflects trade secrets, confidential, and/or proprietary company information. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 11 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 12 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 INTERROGATORY NO. 3: For each Process and/or piece of Architecture identified in Interrogatory No. 2, identify 7 whether – and the manner in which – such Process and/or piece of Architecture scans, analyzes, or 8 extracts Private Message Content. 9 RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 3: 10 Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections 11 to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 12 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 13 grounds: 14 15 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the terms and phrases “Process and/or piece of Architecture,” “Private Message Content,” “scans,” “analyzes,” and “extracts.” 16 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 17 (C) The Interrogatory seeks information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in 18 this action to the extent it concerns practices other than those challenged (the alleged increase in the 19 Facebook “Like” count on a website when the URL for that website was contained in a message 20 transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product during the Class Period (December 30, 2011 to 21 October 31, 2012)). 22 (D) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek additional information 23 regarding each “Process and/or piece of Architecture involved in” the transmission of Facebook 24 messages over an extended time period. Facebook will respond to the best of its ability and based on 25 the information known and identified to date, and as limited by the practice challenged in this action 26 (as defined above). 27 (E) 28 The Interrogatory seeks information that reflects trade secrets, confidential, and/or proprietary company information. 13 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 14 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 15 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 16 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 INTERROGATORY NO. 4: 16 For each Process and/or piece of Architecture identified in Interrogatory No. 3, identify all 17 uses to which the scanned/analyzed/extracted Private Message Content – as well as any additional 18 data, metadata or other content generated therefrom – are put. 19 RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 4: 20 Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections 21 to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 22 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 23 grounds: 24 25 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the terms and phrases “Process and/or piece of Architecture,” “Private Message Content,” “scanned,” “analyzed,” and “extracted.” 26 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 27 (C) The Interrogatory seeks information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP this action to the extent it concerns practices other than those challenged (the alleged increase in the 17 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 Facebook “Like” count on a website when the URL for that website was contained in a message 2 transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product during the Class Period (December 30, 2011 to 3 October 31, 2012)). 4 (D) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek additional information 5 regarding each “Process and/or piece of Architecture involved in” the transmission of Facebook 6 messages over an extended time period. Facebook will respond to the best of its ability and based on 7 the information known and identified to date, and as limited by the practice challenged in this action 8 (as defined above). 9 (E) 10 11 12 The Interrogatory seeks information that reflects trade secrets, confidential, and/or proprietary company information. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 18 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 INTERROGATORY NO. 5: Identify by name, purpose, sequence, function and physical location each Process and/or piece 22 of Architecture involved in the creation, development, or maintenance of Facebook User Profiles. 23 RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 5: 24 Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections 25 to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 26 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 27 grounds: 28 20 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the terms and phrases “Process 2 and/or piece of Architecture,” “Facebook User Profiles,” “purpose,” “sequence,” “function,” and 3 “physical location.” 4 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 5 (C) The Interrogatory seeks information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in 6 this action to the extent it concerns practices other than those challenged (the alleged increase in the 7 Facebook “Like” count on a website when the URL for that website was contained in a message 8 transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product during the Class Period (December 30, 2011 to 9 October 31, 2012)). 10 (D) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek information regarding each 11 “Process and/or piece of Architecture involved in the creation, development, or maintenance of 12 Facebook User Profiles” over an extended time period. Facebook will respond to the best of its 13 ability and based on the information known and identified to date, and as limited by the practice 14 challenged in this action (as defined above). 15 16 17 18 (E) The Interrogatory seeks information that reflects trade secrets, confidential, and/or proprietary company information. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 21 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 INTERROGATORY NO. 6: Identify all possible fields or data points that can comprise a Facebook User Profile. RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 6: Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections 26 to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 27 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 28 grounds: 22 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the terms and phrases “Facebook User Profile” and “all possible fields or data points.” 3 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 4 (C) The Interrogatory seeks information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in 5 this action to the extent it concerns practices other than those challenged (the alleged increase in the 6 Facebook “Like” count on a website when the URL for that website was contained in a message 7 transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product during the Class Period (December 30, 2011 to 8 October 31, 2012)). 9 (D) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek information regarding “all 10 possible fields or data points that can comprise a Facebook User Profile” over an extended time 11 period. Facebook will respond to the best of its ability and based on the information known and 12 identified to date, and as limited by the practice challenged in this action (as defined above). 13 14 15 16 (E) The Interrogatory seeks information that reflects trade secrets, confidential, and/or proprietary company information. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 INTERROGATORY NO. 7: For each field or data point identified in Interrogatory No. 6, identify whether – and the 22 manner in which – such field or data point can be accessed, in any form, by Third Parties, including 23 but not limited to Developers, Third Party websites, and Facebook Users. 24 RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 7: 25 Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections 26 to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 27 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 28 grounds: 24 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the terms “field,” “data point,” “Developers,” and “Third Party websites.” 3 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 4 (C) The Interrogatory seeks information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in 5 this action to the extent it concerns practices other than those challenged (the alleged increase in the 6 Facebook “Like” count on a website when the URL for that website was contained in a message 7 transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product during the Class Period (December 30, 2011 to 8 October 31, 2012)). Facebook interprets this Interrogatory as limited to the practice challenged in 9 this action. 10 (D) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek information regarding 11 “each field or data point identified in Interrogatory No. 6” over an extended time period. Facebook 12 will respond to the best of its ability and based on the information known and identified to date, and 13 as limited by the practice challenged in this action (as defined above). 14 15 16 17 (E) The Interrogatory seeks information that reflects trade secrets, confidential, and/or proprietary company information. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 DATED: April 1, 2015 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP By: 27 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP /s/ Joshua A. Jessen Joshua A. Jessen Attorneys for Defendant FACEBOOK, INC. 25 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PROOF OF SERVICE I, Jeana Bisnar Maute, declare as follows: I am employed in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, I am over the age of eighteen years and am not a party to this action; my business address is 1881 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304-1211, in said County and State. On April 1, 2015, I served the following document(s): DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES on the parties stated below, by the following means of service: David F. Slade James Allen Carney Joseph Henry Bates, III Carney Bates & Pulliam, PLLC 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Jeremy A. Lieberman Pomerantz Grossman Hufford Dahlstrom & Gross LLP Melissa Ann Gardner Nicholas Diamand Rachel Geman Michael W. Sobol Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, LLP 20 21 22 23 24 Jon A Tostrud Tostrud Law Group, P.C. Lionel Z. Glancy Glancy Binkow & Goldberg LLP 25 26 27 28 26 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1  BY ELECTRONIC SERVICE: On the above-mentioned date based on an agreement of the parties to accept service by electronic transmission, I caused the document to be sent to the persons at the electronic notification addresses as shown above. 4  I am employed in the office of Joshua A. Jessen and am a member of the bar of this court. 5  I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. 2 3 6 Executed on April 1, 2015. 7 /s/ Jeana Bisnar Maute 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 27 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH EXHIBIT D (Redacted) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP JOSHUA A. JESSEN, SBN 222831 JEANA BISNAR MAUTE, SBN 290573 ASHLEY M. ROGERS, SBN 286252 1881 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, California 94304 Telephone: (650) 849-5300 Facsimile: (650) 849-5333 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP GAIL E. LEES, SBN 90363 CHRISTOPHER CHORBA, SBN 216692 333 South Grand Avenue Los Angeles, California 90071 Telephone: (213) 229-7000 Facsimile: (213) 229-7520 Attorneys for Defendant FACEBOOK, INC. 15 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 16 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 17 OAKLAND DIVISION 18 19 MATTHEW CAMPBELL, MICHAEL HURLEY, and DAVID SHADPOUR, Plaintiffs, 20 21 v. 22 FACEBOOK, INC., 23 Case No. C 13-05996 PJH PUTATIVE CLASS ACTION DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Defendant. 24 25 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY 26 27 28 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 Defendant Facebook, Inc. (“Defendant” or “Facebook”), by and through its attorneys, and 2 pursuant to Rules 26 and 33 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Local Civil Rules of the U.S. 3 District Court for the Northern District of California, the Court orders in this action, and the parties’ 4 agreements, provides the following supplemental responses and objections to Plaintiffs’ First Set of 5 Interrogatories (the “Interrogatories”). 6 7 These responses are designated Highly Confidential – Attorney’s Eyes Only under the Amended Stipulated Protective Order entered by the Court on July 1, 2015. PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 8 9 1. Facebook’s responses to the Interrogatories are made to the best of Facebook’s current 10 knowledge, information and belief. Facebook reserves the right to supplement or amend any of its 11 responses should future investigation indicate that such supplementation or amendment is necessary. 12 2. Facebook’s responses to the Interrogatories are made solely for the purpose of and in 13 relation to this action. Each response is given subject to all appropriate objections (including, but not 14 limited to, objections concerning privilege, competency, relevancy, materiality, propriety and 15 admissibility). All objections are reserved and may be interposed at any time. 16 17 18 3. Facebook’s responses are based on its understanding that Plaintiffs seek only that information that is within Facebook’s possession, custody, and control. 4. Facebook incorporates by reference each and every general objection set forth into 19 each and every specific response. From time to time, a specific response may repeat a general 20 objection for emphasis or some other reason. The failure to include any general objection in any 21 specific response shall not be interpreted as a waiver of any general objection to that response. 22 5. Nothing contained in these Reponses and Objections or provided in response to the 23 Interrogatories consists of, or should be construed as, an admission relating to the accuracy, 24 relevance, existence, or nonexistence of any alleged facts or information referenced in any 25 Interrogatory. 26 27 28 1 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH GENERAL OBJECTIONS 1 2 1. Facebook objects to each Interrogatory, including the Definitions and Instructions, to 3 the extent that it purports to impose obligations beyond those imposed by the Federal Rules of Civil 4 Procedure, the Federal Rules of Evidence, the Local Civil Rules of the U.S. District Court for the 5 Northern District of California, and any agreements between the parties. 6 2. Facebook objects to each Interrogatory to the extent that it is not limited to the 7 relevant time period, thus making the Interrogatory overly broad, unduly burdensome, and not 8 relevant to the claims or defenses in this action. Unless otherwise specified in its responses, 9 Facebook’s response will be limited to information generated between December 30, 2011 and 10 December 20, 2012. 11 3. Facebook objects to each Interrogatory to the extent that it seeks information unrelated 12 and irrelevant to the claims or defenses in this litigation and not reasonably calculated to lead to the 13 discovery of admissible evidence. 14 4. Facebook objects to each Interrogatory as overly broad and unduly burdensome, 15 particularly in view of Facebook’s disproportionate cost necessary to investigate as weighed against 16 Plaintiffs’ need for the information. For example, many of the Interrogatories seek broad and 17 vaguely defined categories of materials that are not reasonably tailored to the subject matter of this 18 action. 19 5. Facebook objects to each Interrogatory to the extent that it purports to request the 20 identification and disclosure of information or documents that were prepared in anticipation of 21 litigation, constitute attorney work product, reveal privileged attorney-client communications, or are 22 otherwise protected from disclosure under any applicable privileges, laws, or rules. Facebook hereby 23 asserts all such applicable privileges and protections, and excludes privileged and protected 24 information from its responses to each Interrogatory. See generally Fed. R. Evid. 502; Cal. Code 25 Evid. § 954. Inadvertent production of any information or documents that are privileged or otherwise 26 immune from discovery shall not constitute a waiver of any privilege or of any other ground for 27 objecting to the discovery with respect to such information or documents or the subject matter 28 2 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 thereof, or the right of Facebook to object to the use of any such information or documents or the 2 subject matter thereof during these or any other proceedings. In the event of inadvertent disclosure 3 of any information or inadvertent production or identification of documents or communications that 4 are privileged or otherwise immune from discovery, Plaintiffs will return the information and 5 documents to Facebook and will be precluded from disclosing or relying upon such information or 6 documents in any way. 7 6. Facebook objects to each and every Interrogatory to the extent that the information 8 sought by the Interrogatory is more appropriately pursued through another means of discovery, such 9 as a request for production or deposition. 10 11 12 7. Facebook objects to each and every Interrogatory, Definition, and Instruction to the extent that it seeks information outside of Facebook’s possession, custody, and control. 8. Facebook objects to each Interrogatory to the extent that it requests information 13 protected by the right of privacy of Facebook and/or third parties, or information that is confidential, 14 proprietary, or competitively sensitive. 15 9. Facebook objects to each Interrogatory to the extent that it seeks documents or 16 information already in Plaintiffs’ possession or available in the public domain. Such information is 17 equally available to Plaintiffs. OBJECTIONS TO DEFINITIONS 18 19 1. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition of “Active Likes” as vague, ambiguous, 20 overly broad, and unduly burdensome. Facebook further objects to the definition to the extent that 21 Plaintiffs purport to use this defined term to seek materials that are not relevant to the claims and 22 defenses in this action, particularly as a result of its reference to the undefined term, “Social Plugin.” 23 24 25 2. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition of “Architecture” as vague, ambiguous, 26 overly broad, and unduly burdensome. Facebook further objects to the definition to the extent that 27 Plaintiffs purport to use this defined term to seek materials that are not relevant to the claims and 28 3 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 defenses in this action, particularly as a result of its use of the phrase “including but not limited to” 2 and the undefined term “Your services.” 3 3. Facebook generally objects to Plaintiffs’ definitions of “Communication,” 4 “Document(s),” “Electronic Media,” “ESI,” “Electronically Stored Information,” “Identify,” and 5 “Metadata” to the extent that Plaintiffs purport to use these defined terms to request the identification 6 and disclosure of documents that: (a) were prepared in anticipation of litigation; (b) constitute 7 attorney work product; (c) reveal privileged attorney-client communications; or (d) are otherwise 8 protected from disclosure under any applicable privileges, laws, and/or rules. Facebook further 9 objects to the extent that these definitions purport to impose obligations that go beyond the 10 requirements of the Federal and Local Rules. 11 4. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition of “Facebook User Data Profile(s)” as vague, 12 ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome. Facebook further objects to the definition to the 13 extent that Plaintiffs purport to use this defined term to seek materials that are not relevant to the 14 claims and defenses in this action. 15 5. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition of “Passive Likes” as vague, ambiguous, 16 overly broad, and unduly burdensome. Facebook further objects to the definition to the extent that 17 Plaintiffs purport to use this defined term to seek materials that are not relevant to the claims and 18 defenses in this action. Facebook construes the term “Passive Likes” as it relates to the practice 19 challenged in this action (the alleged increase in the Facebook “Like” count on a website when the 20 URL for that website was contained in a message transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product 21 during the class period (December 30, 2011 to approximately December 20, 2012)). Specifically, 22 Facebook construes “Passive Likes” to refer to an increase in the “Like” count on a third-party 23 website resulting from inclusion of that website’s URL in a Facebook message during the class 24 period. 25 26 6. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition and use of the term “Person” as vague, ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome to the extent that Plaintiffs intend to use this term 27 28 4 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 to include “any natural person or any business, legal or governmental entity or association” over 2 which Facebook exercises no control. 3 7. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition of “Private Message(s)” to the extent that it 4 is vague, ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome. Facebook further objects to the 5 definition to the extent that Plaintiffs purport to use this defined term to seek materials that are not 6 relevant to the claims and defenses in this action. 7 8. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition of “Private Message Content” to the extent 8 that it is vague, ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome. Facebook further objects to the 9 definition to the extent that Plaintiffs purport to use this defined term to seek materials that are not 10 relevant to the claims and defenses in this action. Facebook further objects to this definition on the 11 ground and to the extent it is inconsistent with applicable law. 12 9. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition of “Private Message Transmission” as vague, 13 ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome. Facebook further objects to the definition to the 14 extent that Plaintiffs purport to use this defined term to seek materials that are not relevant to the 15 claims and defenses in this action. Facebook further objects to this definition on the ground and to 16 the extent it is inconsistent with relevant law. 17 10. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definitions of “Relate(s) to,” “Related to” and 18 “Relating to” on the ground that the definitions make the Interrogatories overly broad and unduly 19 burdensome and impose obligations that go beyond the requirements of the Federal and Local Rules. 20 Facebook shall construe these terms as commonly and ordinarily understood. 21 11. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition of “Targeted Advertising” as vague, 22 ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome. Facebook further objects to the definition to the 23 extent that Plaintiffs purport to use this defined term to seek materials that are not relevant to the 24 claims and defenses in this action. 25 26 27 28 5 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 12. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition of “Transmission,” “Transmit,” and 2 “Transmitting” as vague, ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome. Facebook further 3 objects to the definition to the extent that Plaintiffs purport to use these terms to seek materials that 4 are not relevant to the claims and defenses in this action. 5 13. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ definition and use of the terms “You” or “Your” as 6 vague, ambiguous, overly broad, and unduly burdensome to the extent the terms are meant to include 7 “directors, officers, employees, partners, members, representatives, agents (including attorneys, 8 accountants, consultants, investment advisors or bankers), and any other person purporting to act on 9 [Facebook, Inc.’s] behalf. . . . parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, predecessor entities, successor entities, 10 divisions, departments, groups, acquired entities and/or related entities or any other entity acting or 11 purporting to act on its behalf” over which Facebook exercises no control, and to the extent that 12 Plaintiffs purport to use these terms to impose obligations that go beyond the requirements of the 13 Federal and Local Rules. OBJECTIONS TO “RULES OF CONSTRUCTION” AND INSTRUCTIONS 14 15 16 17 1. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ “Rules of Construction” and “Instructions” to the extent they impose obligations that go beyond the requirements of the Federal and Local Rules. 2. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ Instruction No. 2 to the extent that it is not limited to 18 the relevant time period, thus making the Instruction overly broad, unduly burdensome, and not 19 relevant to the claims or defenses in this action. Unless otherwise specified in its responses, 20 Facebook’s response will be limited to information generated between December 30, 2011 and 21 December 20, 2012. 22 3. Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ Instruction No. 6 as ambiguous and unduly 23 burdensome. Facebook further objects to the instruction to the extent it exceeds the requirements of 24 the Federal and Local Rules. 25 OBJECTION TO PURPORTED “RELEVANT TIME PERIOD” 26 Facebook objects to Plaintiffs’ proposed “Relevant Time Period” (September 26, 2006 27 through the present) because it substantially exceeds the proposed class period identified in Plaintiffs’ 28 6 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 Consolidated Amended Complaint, does not reflect the time period that is relevant to Plaintiffs’ 2 claims in this action, and renders the Interrogatories overly broad, unduly burdensome, and irrelevant. 3 Unless otherwise specified, Facebook’s Responses to these Interrogatories will be limited to 4 information generated between December 30, 2011 and December 20, 2012, which is the proposed 5 class period defined in Plaintiffs’ Consolidated Amended Complaint. (See Pls.’ Consol. Am. Compl. 6 [Dkt. 25] ¶ 59 & n.3.) Facebook otherwise objects to the remainder of Plaintiffs’ statement regarding 7 the “Relevant Time Period” to the extent that it purports to impose obligations beyond those imposed 8 by the Federal and Local Rules. SPECIFIC RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS 9 10 11 INTERROGATORY NO. 1: Identify all persons, including Third Parties and Your current and former employees, known 12 by You to have personal knowledge of any facts or issues involved in this lawsuit, and for each 13 person please identify 14 (A) the party’s first and last name; 15 (B) the party’s employer, if not You; 16 (C) the party’s job title(s); and 17 (D) the nature of the party’s personal knowledge of the facts or issues involved in this 18 lawsuit. 19 20 RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 1: Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections 21 to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 22 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 23 grounds: 24 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the terms and phrases “Third 25 Parties”; “any facts or issues involved in this lawsuit”; and “nature of the party’s personal knowledge 26 of the facts or issues involved in this lawsuit.” 27 28 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 7 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 (C) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek information regarding each 2 Facebook employee’s “personal knowledge” of “facts or issues involved in this lawsuit,” over an 3 extended time period. Facebook will respond to the best of its ability and based on the information 4 known and identified to date. 5 6 7 8 (D) The Interrogatory purports to request employment information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in this action. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 1: Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections 3 to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 4 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 5 grounds: 6 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the terms and phrases “Third 7 Parties”; “any facts or issues involved in this lawsuit”; and “nature of the party’s personal knowledge 8 of the facts or issues involved in this lawsuit.” 9 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 10 (C) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek information regarding each 11 Facebook employee’s “personal knowledge” of “facts or issues involved in this lawsuit,” over an 12 extended time period. Facebook will respond to the best of its ability and based on the information 13 known and identified to date. 14 15 16 17 (D) The Interrogatory purports to request employment information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in this action. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Facebook reserves the right to supplement its response to this Interrogatory as its investigation continues. 27 28 11 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 INTERROGATORY NO. 2: 2 Identify by name, purpose, sequence, function and physical location each Process and/or piece 3 of Architecture involved in Private Message Transmission. 4 RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 2: 5 Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections 6 to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 7 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 8 grounds: 9 10 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the phrases “Process and/or piece of Architecture” and “Private Message Transmission.” 11 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 12 (C) The Interrogatory seeks information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in 13 this action to the extent it concerns practices other than those challenged in this action (the alleged 14 increase in the Facebook “Like” count on a website when the URL for that website was contained in 15 a message transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product during the Class Period (December 30, 16 2011 to October 31, 2012)). 17 (D) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek information regarding each 18 “Process and/or piece of Architecture involved in” the transmission of Facebook messages over an 19 extended time period. Facebook will respond to the best of its ability and based on the information 20 known and identified to date, and as limited by the practice challenged in this action (as defined 21 above). 22 23 24 25 (E) The Interrogatory seeks information that reflects trade secrets, confidential, and/or proprietary company information. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: 26 27 28 12 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 13 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 14 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 15 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 2: Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections 16 to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 17 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 18 grounds: 19 20 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the phrases “Process and/or piece of Architecture” and “Private Message Transmission.” 21 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 22 (C) The Interrogatory seeks information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in 23 this action to the extent it concerns practices other than those challenged in this action (the alleged 24 increase in the Facebook “Like” count on a website when the URL for that website was contained in 25 a message transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product during the Class Period (December 30, 26 2011 to approximately December 20, 2012)). 27 28 (D) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek information regarding each 16 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 “Process and/or piece of Architecture involved in” the transmission of Facebook messages over an 2 extended time period. Facebook will respond to the best of its ability and based on the information 3 known and identified to date, and as limited by the practice challenged in this action (as defined 4 above). 5 6 7 8 (E) The Interrogatory seeks information that reflects trade secrets, confidential, and/or proprietary company information. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 17 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 18 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 INTERROGATORY NO. 3: For each Process and/or piece of Architecture identified in Interrogatory No. 2, identify whether – and the manner in which – such Process and/or piece of Architecture scans, analyzes, or 20 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 extracts Private Message Content. 2 RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 3: 3 Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections 4 to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 5 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 6 grounds: 7 8 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the terms and phrases “Process and/or piece of Architecture,” “Private Message Content,” “scans,” “analyzes,” and “extracts.” 9 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 10 (C) The Interrogatory seeks information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in 11 this action to the extent it concerns practices other than those challenged (the alleged increase in the 12 Facebook “Like” count on a website when the URL for that website was contained in a message 13 transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product during the Class Period (December 30, 2011 to 14 October 31, 2012)). 15 (D) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek additional information 16 regarding each “Process and/or piece of Architecture involved in” the transmission of Facebook 17 messages over an extended time period. Facebook will respond to the best of its ability and based on 18 the information known and identified to date, and as limited by the practice challenged in this action 19 (as defined above). 20 (E) 21 22 23 The Interrogatory seeks information that reflects trade secrets, confidential, and/or proprietary company information. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: 24 25 26 27 28 21 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 3: Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections 14 to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 15 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 16 grounds: 17 18 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the terms and phrases “Process and/or piece of Architecture,” “Private Message Content,” “scans,” “analyzes,” and “extracts.” 19 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 20 (C) The Interrogatory seeks information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in 21 this action to the extent it concerns practices other than those challenged (the alleged increase in the 22 Facebook “Like” count on a website when the URL for that website was contained in a message 23 transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product during the Class Period (December 30, 2011 to 24 approximately December 20, 2012). 25 (D) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek additional information 26 regarding each “Process and/or piece of Architecture involved in” the transmission of Facebook 27 messages over an extended time period. Facebook will respond to the best of its ability and based on 28 25 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 the information known and identified to date, and as limited by the practice challenged in this action 2 (as defined above). 3 (E) 4 5 6 The Interrogatory seeks information that reflects trade secrets, confidential, and/or proprietary company information. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 26 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 27 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 INTERROGATORY NO. 4: 24 For each Process and/or piece of Architecture identified in Interrogatory No. 3, identify all 25 uses to which the scanned/analyzed/extracted Private Message Content – as well as any additional 26 data, metadata or other content generated therefrom – are put. 27 28 29 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 4: Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections 3 to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 4 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 5 grounds: 6 7 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the terms and phrases “Process and/or piece of Architecture,” “Private Message Content,” “scanned,” “analyzed,” and “extracted.” 8 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 9 (C) The Interrogatory seeks information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in 10 this action to the extent it concerns practices other than those challenged (the alleged increase in the 11 Facebook “Like” count on a website when the URL for that website was contained in a message 12 transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product during the Class Period (December 30, 2011 to 13 October 31, 2012)). 14 (D) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek additional information 15 regarding each “Process and/or piece of Architecture involved in” the transmission of Facebook 16 messages over an extended time period. Facebook will respond to the best of its ability and based on 17 the information known and identified to date, and as limited by the practice challenged in this action 18 (as defined above). 19 (E) 20 21 22 The Interrogatory seeks information that reflects trade secrets, confidential, and/or proprietary company information. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 32 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 4: Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections 7 to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 8 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 9 grounds: 10 11 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the terms and phrases “Process and/or piece of Architecture,” “Private Message Content,” “scanned,” “analyzed,” and “extracted.” 12 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 13 (C) The Interrogatory seeks information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in 14 this action to the extent it concerns practices other than those challenged (the alleged increase in the 15 Facebook “Like” count on a website when the URL for that website was contained in a message 16 transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product during the Class Period (December 30, 2011 to 17 approximately December 20, 2012)). 18 (D) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek additional information 19 regarding each “Process and/or piece of Architecture involved in” the transmission of Facebook 20 messages over an extended time period. Facebook will respond to the best of its ability and based on 21 the information known and identified to date, and as limited by the practice challenged in this action 22 (as defined above). 23 (E) 24 25 26 The Interrogatory seeks information that reflects trade secrets, confidential, and/or proprietary company information. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: 27 28 33 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 34 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 35 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 INTERROGATORY NO. 5: Identify by name, purpose, sequence, function and physical location each Process and/or piece 18 of Architecture involved in the creation, development, or maintenance of Facebook User Profiles. 19 RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 5: 20 Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections 21 to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 22 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 23 grounds: 24 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the terms and phrases “Process 25 and/or piece of Architecture,” “Facebook User Profiles,” “purpose,” “sequence,” “function,” and 26 “physical location.” 27 28 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 36 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 (C) The Interrogatory seeks information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in 2 this action to the extent it concerns practices other than those challenged (the alleged increase in the 3 Facebook “Like” count on a website when the URL for that website was contained in a message 4 transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product during the Class Period (December 30, 2011 to 5 October 31, 2012)). 6 (D) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek information regarding each 7 “Process and/or piece of Architecture involved in the creation, development, or maintenance of 8 Facebook User Profiles” over an extended time period. Facebook will respond to the best of its 9 ability and based on the information known and identified to date, and as limited by the practice 10 11 12 13 14 challenged in this action (as defined above). (E) The Interrogatory seeks information that reflects trade secrets, confidential, and/or proprietary company information. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 37 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 5: Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections 21 to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 22 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 23 grounds: 24 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the terms and phrases “Process 25 and/or piece of Architecture,” “Facebook User Profiles,” “purpose,” “sequence,” “function,” and 26 “physical location.” 27 28 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 38 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 (C) The Interrogatory seeks information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in 2 this action to the extent it concerns practices other than those challenged (the alleged increase in the 3 Facebook “Like” count on a website when the URL for that website was contained in a message 4 transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product during the Class Period (December 30, 2011 to 5 approximately December 20, 2012)). 6 (D) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek information regarding each 7 “Process and/or piece of Architecture involved in the creation, development, or maintenance of 8 Facebook User Profiles” over an extended time period. Facebook will respond to the best of its 9 ability and based on the information known and identified to date, and as limited by the practice 10 11 12 13 14 challenged in this action (as defined above). (E) The Interrogatory seeks information that reflects trade secrets, confidential, and/or proprietary company information. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 39 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 INTERROGATORY NO. 6: Identify all possible fields or data points that can comprise a Facebook User Profile. RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 6: Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections 23 to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 24 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 25 grounds: 26 27 28 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the terms and phrases “Facebook User Profile” and “all possible fields or data points.” 40 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 2 (C) The Interrogatory seeks information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in 3 this action to the extent it concerns practices other than those challenged (the alleged increase in the 4 Facebook “Like” count on a website when the URL for that website was contained in a message 5 transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product during the Class Period (December 30, 2011 to 6 October 31, 2012)). 7 (D) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek information regarding “all 8 possible fields or data points that can comprise a Facebook User Profile” over an extended time 9 period. Facebook will respond to the best of its ability and based on the information known and 10 11 12 13 14 identified to date, and as limited by the practice challenged in this action (as defined above). (E) The Interrogatory seeks information that reflects trade secrets, confidential, and/or proprietary company information. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 41 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 6: Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections 21 to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 22 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 23 grounds: 24 25 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the terms and phrases “Facebook User Profile” and “all possible fields or data points.” 26 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 27 (C) The Interrogatory seeks information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in 28 42 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 this action to the extent it concerns practices other than those challenged (the alleged increase in the 2 Facebook “Like” count on a website when the URL for that website was contained in a message 3 transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product during the Class Period (December 30, 2011 to 4 approximately December 20, 2012)). 5 (D) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek information regarding “all 6 possible fields or data points that can comprise a Facebook User Profile” over an extended time 7 period. Facebook will respond to the best of its ability and based on the information known and 8 identified to date, and as limited by the practice challenged in this action (as defined above). 9 10 11 12 (E) The Interrogatory seeks information that reflects trade secrets, confidential, and/or proprietary company information. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 43 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 INTERROGATORY NO. 7: For each field or data point identified in Interrogatory No. 6, identify whether – and the 19 manner in which – such field or data point can be accessed, in any form, by Third Parties, including 20 but not limited to Developers, Third Party websites, and Facebook Users. 21 RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 7: 22 Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections 23 to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 24 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 25 grounds: 26 27 28 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the terms “field,” “data point,” “Developers,” and “Third Party websites.” 44 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 2 (C) The Interrogatory seeks information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in 3 this action to the extent it concerns practices other than those challenged (the alleged increase in the 4 Facebook “Like” count on a website when the URL for that website was contained in a message 5 transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product during the Class Period (December 30, 2011 to 6 October 31, 2012)). Facebook interprets this Interrogatory as limited to the practice challenged in 7 this action. 8 (D) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek information regarding 9 “each field or data point identified in Interrogatory No. 6” over an extended time period. Facebook 10 will respond to the best of its ability and based on the information known and identified to date, and 11 as limited by the practice challenged in this action (as defined above). 12 13 14 15 (E) The Interrogatory seeks information that reflects trade secrets, confidential, and/or proprietary company information. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 7: Facebook restates and incorporates its Preliminary Statement, General Objections, Objections 24 to “Rules of Construction,” Instructions, and Purported “Relevant Time Period” as though fully set 25 forth in this Response. Facebook further objects to this Interrogatory on the following additional 26 grounds: 27 28 45 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 2 (A) The Interrogatory is vague and ambiguous in its use of the terms “field,” “data point,” “Developers,” and “Third Party websites.” 3 (B) The Interrogatory is compound. 4 (C) The Interrogatory seeks information that is not relevant to the claims or defenses in 5 this action to the extent it concerns practices other than those challenged (the alleged increase in the 6 Facebook “Like” count on a website when the URL for that website was contained in a message 7 transmitted through Facebook’s Messages product during the Class Period (December 30, 2011 to 8 approximately December 20, 2012)). Facebook interprets this Interrogatory as limited to the practice 9 challenged in this action. 10 (D) The Interrogatory is overly broad in that it purports to seek information regarding 11 “each field or data point identified in Interrogatory No. 6” over an extended time period. Facebook 12 will respond to the best of its ability and based on the information known and identified to date, and 13 as limited by the practice challenged in this action (as defined above). 14 15 16 17 (E) The Interrogatory seeks information that reflects trade secrets, confidential, and/or proprietary company information. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, and subject to the ongoing nature of discovery in this action, Facebook responds as follows: 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DATED: September 8, 2015 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP By: Attorneys for Defendant FACEBOOK, INC. 46 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP /s/ Joshua A. Jessen Joshua A. Jessen DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH 1 PROOF OF SERVICE 2 3 4 I, Ashley M. Rogers, declare as follows: I am employed in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, I am over the age of eighteen years and am not a party to this action; my business address is 1881 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304-1211, in said County and State. On September 8, 2015, I served the following document(s): 5 DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES 6 7 on the parties stated below, by the following means of service: David F. Slade James Allen Carney Joseph Henry Bates, III Carney Bates & Pulliam, PLLC 8 9 10 11 12 Melissa Ann Gardner Nicholas Diamand Rachel Geman Michael W. Sobol Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, LLP 13 14 15 16 17 18  BY ELECTRONIC SERVICE: On the above-mentioned date based on an agreement of the parties to accept service by electronic transmission, I caused the document to be sent to the persons at the electronic notification addresses as shown above. 21  I am employed in the office of Joshua A. Jessen and am a member of the bar of this court. 22  I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. 19 20 23 24 Executed on September 8, 2015. /s/ Ashley M. Rogers 25 26 27 28 48 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL—ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP DEFENDANT FACEBOOK, INC.’S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS’ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES Case No. C 13-05996 PJH

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