Netquote Inc. v. Byrd

Filing 13

Attachment 3
AMENDED COMPLAINT (Third) against, Inc., Brandon Byrd, filed by Netquote Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Exhibit C# 4 Exhibit D# 5 Exhibit E# 6 Exhibit F)(Beall, Christopher)

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B ote Than Leads Netquetter Inc. v. Byrd Paoe .113 5 3 D gc of Att. Case 1:07-cv-00630-DME-MEH Document 13-4 Filed 04/16/2007 Page 1 of 5 Mos tChoice Ra nke d #80 Inc. 500 200 6 Better Than Leads Since 1999, we have helped thousands of agents succeed with highly qualified, timely Insurance Leads. All leads are: n Fo r Insurance Agents n Fo r Mortgage Brokers n Fo r Real Estate Professionals From a solid company. Ranked #80 in the Inc 500. In business since 1999. Not a "fly by night" company like most lead companies. Super -Fresh. Sent to you within 3 minutes of generation. Cust omer Requested. All leads have asked for a quote. Database verified phone numbers. No setup fees or long-term contracts. Depo sit Return Guarantee. You are guaranteed to get good leads for your money. No -Call List Compliant. Guaranteed. Recommended: By the Wall Street Journal, Inc. Magazine, and other publications for agent friendly consumers and agents who want spam-free leads. Inc. Magazine: "With links posted on search engines like Google and Yahoo, prides itself on the fact that its only leads are from people who visit its site; the firm never solicits interest in the form of spam or pop-up ads. We want to generate closes, not just leads says CEO Martin Fleischman." n In su ran ce Lead Overview n Life Insurance Leads n Mortga ge Life Insurance Leads n Key Man Life Insurance Leads n Ann uity Leads n He alth Insurance Leads n Sel f Employed Health Insurance For current prices and more information, with no obligation, fill out the form below, or call (877) 601- 6678 x106 (M-F 9:00am - 6:00pm EST). Let us help you grow your business. Types of Individual Life, Health, and Annuity Leads Interested in: c d e f g Preferred Health Insurance Leads c d e f g Health Insurance Leads c d e f g Self Employed Health Insurance Leads c d e f g Impaired Health Insurance Leads c d e f g Life Insurance Leads c d e f g Mortgage Life Insurance Leads c d e f g Key Man Life Insurance Leads Types of Group Life and Health Insurance Leads Interested in: c d e f g Group Health Insurance Leads c d e f g Group Life Insurance Leads c d e f g Group Disability Insurance Leads c d e f g Annuity Leads(Also listed in L&H leads) c d e f g Estate Planning Leads c d e f g Financial Planning Leads c d e f g Auto Insurance Leads - Preferred c d e f g Auto Insurance Leads - Standard c d e f g Auto Insurance Leads - Substandard c d e f g Group Supplemental Insurance Leads c d e f g Group Long Term Care Insurance Leads c d e f g 401K and Retirement Plan Leads c d e f g IRA/Investment Leads c d e f g 401K Rollover Leads c d e f g 401K Asset Allocation Leads c d e f g Homeowners Insurance Leads - Preferred c d e f g Homeowners Insurance Leads - Standard c d e f g Renters Insurance Leads c d e f g Annuity Leads c d e f g Disability Insurance Leads c d e f g Long Term Care Insurance Leads c d e f g Medicare Supplement Insurance Leads c d e f g Cancer Insurance Leads Lea ds n Imp aire d Health Insurance Leads n Gro up Health Insurance Leads n Lon g Term Care Insurance Lea ds n Medi ca re Supplement Insurance Lea ds n Di sa bil ity Insurance Leads n Auto Insurance Leads n Ho meo wner s Insurance Leads n Busin ess Insurance Leads n Gen era l Liability Insurance Leads n Pro fe ssio na l Liability Insurance Types of Financial, Estate Planning and Investment Leads Interested in: Lea ds n Worker s Compensation In su ran ce Leads n Pro per ty Insurance Leads n Re fina nce Mortgage Leads n Mortga ge Leads n Re al Estate Leads n No -Ca ll List Compliant Types of Personal Lines Property and Casualty Leads Interested in: Types of Commercial Property and Casualty Leads Interested in: Gua ran tee n Life and Health Insurance Leads c d e f g General Liability Insurance Leads c d e f g Professional Liability Insurance Leads c d e f g Workers Compensation Insurance Leads c d e f g Business Insurance Leads c d e f g BOP Leads Territory and Business Information: c d e f g Property Insurance Leads c d e f g Commercial Auto Insurance Leads c d e f g Directors and Officers Insurance Leads c d e f g Crime Insurance Leads Overvie w n Pro per ty and Casualty Insurance Lea ds Overview n Mortga ge Lead Overview n Re al Estate Lead Overview n Ti ps for Successfully working Lea ds n Lea d Examples n Lea d FAQ There are two ways to define your territory. The first, and best, way is by a central zip code, usually your office, and a radius around that zip code that you are capable of servicing. We suggest taking a radius that has a population of at least 250,000 people. Cent er Zip Code: Radius: The second way is to describe the territory in the box below. 4/12/2007 Better Than Leads Page 2 of 5 Case 1:07-cv-00630-DME-MEH Document 13-4 Filed 04/16/2007 Page 2 of 5 Number of years in Business: Select--> Individual Insurance n He alth Insurance n Life Insurance n Te rm Life Insurance n Whol e Life Insurance n Ann uity n Lon g Term Care n Auto Insurance n Ho meo wner s Insurance n Di sa bil ity Insurance n Medi ca re Supplement n Ca nce r Insurance Latest News for: Better Than Leads Busin ess Insurance n Gen era l Liability n Pro fe ssio na l Liability n Worker 's Comp n Pro per ty Insurance n Busin ess Owners Policy n Co mmer ci al Auto n Cr ime Insurance n Di rectors and Officers n Gro up Health n Gro up Life n Gro up Disability n 401 k Plans Mortga ge Rates n Ho me Mortgage n Re fina nce n Ho me Equity Loan n De bt Consolidation n Ho me Improvement n Seco nd Mortgage Re al Estate n Sel l a Home n Buy a Home n Buy and Sell a Home n Co mmer ci al Real Estate Fi nan cial Planning n Fi nan cial Planning n Esta te Planning n 401 k Rollover n IRA Leg al & CPA n Fi nd a Lawyer n Fi nd a CPA 4/12/2007 Better Than Leads Page 3 of 5 Case 1:07-cv-00630-DME-MEH Document 13-4 Filed 04/16/2007 Page 3 of 5 4/12/2007 Better Than Leads Page 4 of 5 Case 1:07-cv-00630-DME-MEH Document 13-4 Filed 04/16/2007 Page 4 of 5 4/12/2007 Better Than Leads Page 5 of 5 Case 1:07-cv-00630-DME-MEH Document 13-4 Filed 04/16/2007 Page 5 of 5 Insurance | Mortga ge Rates | Re al Estate | In ve stme nts & Annuities | Atto rne y/CP A Referrals | Whol e Life Insurance Fo r Agents and Brokers | About Us | Privacy/Legal | Contact Us | Site Map | Homeowners Insurance | Site Menu Ann uity Sitemap | Life Insurance Sitemap | Health Insurance Sitemap | Long Term Care Insurance Sitemap | Medicare Supplement Sitemap Auto Insurance Sitemap | Homeowners Insurance Sitemap | Mortgage Sitemap | Real Estate Sitemap | General Liability Insurance Sitemap Re al Estate Sitemap Continued | Business Insurance Sitemap | Professional Liability Sitemap | Group Health Insurance Sitemap In su ran ce Leads Sitemap | Worker s Compensation Insurance Sitemap � 200 5 MostChoice 4/12/2007

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