Doe 1 et al v. Ciolli et al

Filing 31

AFFIDAVIT re 25 Motion to quash subpoena. Signed By Doe II filed by Doe 1, Doe 2. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J, # 11 Exhibit K, # 12 Exhibit L, # 13 Exhibit M)(Ramani, Ashok) Modified on 3/19/2008 to correct linkage (Grady, B.).

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Doe 1 et al v. Ciolli et al Doc. 31 Att. 2 EXHIBIT B - Blacks have genetically low IQs. Thus AA is a waste of time. Page 1 of 103 \ -- AuloAdmit tW The most prestigious law schoolacimissior¡s ciiscl1ss!ol) board in the world. i¡ Back ,. :R~fte s h ,. OptiO:l5- Blacks have genetically low 105. Thus AA is a waste of time. AK47 ~ you can't change genes throLJghAA. 12/17/06 12/17/06 L~ a-iyone who thinks iq is entirel). a functjQn9Lmm~tics--L. dookie AK47 L~ tha-.genetic component is too dominanUQrJQJQbe mallea~ nosed ass whipes th... A man of one word. White Pride 12/17/06 12/18/06 12/18/06 12/18/06 12/17/06 12/17/06 12/17/06 12/17/06 12/17/06 12/17/06 12/17/06 12/17/06 L~ Lela Jewtalkaboutgenetics.Those big L~ YeahyoLJcanL!baU:¡lackmale can go ,oolo ,fLJck a chinK aLa... L~ you'redLJmberthanthe niggersyou supposedly hate. Cass Sunstein ~ Incorrect. Blacks perform Roorly on_sJan_dardized tests beca... A horse walks into hell. dines not grady wilson L~ Shit. so,çursOr..,. L~ IbisJsinteresting.ltisJoo badJhe arjiçle is 0+/ Recreational Racist Jhreatis*not*a, oewtheory. There*are*peer r.oo L~ i heard about this befQr5l, AK47 L~ StereotYPe L~ ugh.... same SAT... Barry "Obama" Gibson John Dorian L.~ The¡¡rjiçlestatesJh_atblackstLJdents, Who havethe L~ Most of Steele'sworkismi,srepreseotedhorseshit. Barry "Obama" Gibson White Pride L.~ he's a niqqer 12/18/06 L.~ LJ9h... Barry "Obama" Gibson White Pride 12/18/06 L.~ why..ers have higher igsJban their brothers in africa.~.~ 12/18/06 John Dorian L~ Well, I'mwilling to give him the benefit of the doubt since... 12/18/06 AK47 ~ simiiarlYJ_You can't change a man's genetic psedisRosilion t. 12/17/06 ~ This ,isstLJRid. AssLJming you ,are ç.orect thaLblacks are ge... 0+/ AK47 12/17/06 12/17/06 L.~ not when we give them AA and they end uR failing_be.caLJse IhJL L~ dude, its like ago If handicap. On the off chance OP's stat. 0+/ AK47 ... "i ""'" 12/17/06 12/17/06 12/17/06 Jiffylube L~ Y.9_u~re very stupid. blacks: lOW IQs-._ forcing lOW IQ idiots too. L~ Permanent AAforblaçksbecausethey're stupider? Why don't... L~ no it's-Qt if the differences are caused byclJscrimination... 12/17/06 ~ fea-dJheflamegi.ys,Jee,d"theJlame.... Prateek73 AK47 12/17/06 12/17/06 The Flame: Straight oulla Compton A horse walks into hell, dines L~ you make threads savinq that blacks are nigge~. L.~ its not genetic. let memake up a test and include in it ev... 12/17/06 12/17/06 The Flame: Straight oulla Compton L~ElLJtlQisçorrelated to life success. L.~embraçingama-ri-can ,cLJ,lture" OLilsJhioking,or in"oth,e,r\prcL.. 12/17/06 htt:// _id=54 7943&forum _ id=2 2/26/2008 - Blacks have genetically low IQs. Thus AA is a waste of time. Page 7 of 103 A black man's huge, veiny, angry, violent penis. 12/18/06 L.~ bm why_g9Jhey_e_\lEi~o that? ILJilPlogJnhisRanics wit~_y!d:ii. NYlvy2009 L.~ Hispanic jiiS! means"spanish-speaking"or "fr... 12/18/06 L.~ it's not thateasy to separateJhem,isJhe pointiwastryL.. A black man's huge, veiny, angry, violent penis. 12/18/06 L.~ Well, youObviOLJsly can'tlump them inwholesale wilhwhites... NYlvy2009 12/18/06 L.~ "But at the same time. you can't Qretend that "his.... A black man's huge, veiny, angry, violent penis. 12/18/06 NYlvy2009 L.~ Ye,ah, Jknow. Jt'softenseparatecJoiiLCoftenlheysay &qiiO... 12/18/06 12/18/06 12/18/06 L.~ ince race is mostly just a BS social construction anyway it. Barry "Obama" Gibson NYlvy2009 L.~ no. obviously, ,most of thecharacteristics we associate w... L.~ fair enough.-t!:.~issue is iust real_comQlicated. i'Va-M\&= A black man's huge, veiny, angry, violent penis. 12/18/06 Cass Sunstein White L.~ WHITE PRIDE 12/18/06 12/18/06 12/18/06 ~ Qlac-ks_are anthropoids Pride ~ Howimportantisthis'g'Jactorfrom thestucJies though? L.. ADVSKR ~ such a racist threaçl. A black man's huge, veiny. angry, violent penis. 12/18/06 ~ as a black man,my opinion on this subject ,is that, Esaias 12/18/06 ~ Post newmessageinJhisthread i'j T opJi N e,:tJi Reply Date: December 17th, 2006 6:31 PM Author: AK.47 you can't change genes through AA. ( ph p?thread _ id= 54 794 3&torum jd= 2#7 2 44084) ;g Top .i'j Previous .Ji Next Ji Reply Date: December 17th, 2006 6:36 PM Author: dookie the drooL. anyone who thinks iq is entirely a fuction of genetics is retarded, here's a rag to wipe off ( php?thread _id~547943&toium _id~2#7244133) htt:// _ id=54 7943 & forum _ id=2 2/26/2008 - Blacks have genetically low IQs. Thus AA is a waste of time. Page 8 of 103 ,;j T oP;j Previous;j N e_:t ';; Reply Date: December 17th, 2006 6:37 PM Author: AK47 the genetic component is too dominant for IQ to be malleable by AA. ( php ?thread _ id~54 794 3 &forum _ id=2#72 44 i 40) ;j T oP;j Previous ,. N ext;j Reply Date: December 18th, 2006 8:48 AM Author: A man of one word. Let a Jew talk about genetics. Those big nosed ass whipes think they have a genetic predisposition for success. ( ph p"thread _id=54 794 3 &forum _ id=2#7249 3 2 5) ;j Top .;j Previous ''4 Ne:,t'4 Reply Date: December 18th, 2006 12:22 AM Author: WhitePride yeah you can, that black male can go on to fuck a chink or a white and produce children slightly more intelligent. ( . php ?thread _ id=54 794 3 &forum _ id=2#724 7237) i? T oP;j Previous ;j Next ;; Reply Date: December 18th, 2006 12:50 AM Author: Cass Sunstein you're dumber than the niggers you supposedly hate. 2/2612008 htt:// _id=54 794 3&forum _id=2 - Blacks have genetically low IQs. Thus AA is a waste of time. Page 12 of 103 (http://www.autoadmit.eom/thread. php?thread _id~54 7943&forum _id~2#72471 03) ,,¡¡ T op",j Previous .ø Ne,:t ,d; Reply Date: December 18th, 2006 12:09 AM Author: WhitePride why do niggers have higher iqs than their brothers in africa? ( ph p ?thread _ id~54 794 3 &forum _ id= 2#724 7125) Ji Top ;¡ PreviolJs.ø Next .ø Reply Date: December 18th, 200611:51 AM Author: John Dorian the doubt since, as I stated, if Well, I'm wiling to give him the benefit of you're going to make a comparison of this sort, you need a baseline. And since this is a relatively "new" phenomenon, it's unikely you have an untainted source of scores from which to form the baseline. I'm just still interested in finding out what happens if we work off a baseline that isn't affected by stereotye threat. ( _id~547943&forum _id=2#7249816) .ø Top .ø Previous oj) N extJi Fl eply Date: December 17th, 2006 6:35 PM Author: AK47 similarly, you can't change a man's genetic predisposition to violence by imprisoning him. the only solution is castration. ( _id~54 794 3&forum _id~2#7244124) htt://www.autoadrt.comlthread. php ?thread _ id=54 794 3 &forum _ id=2 2/26/2008 - Blacks have genetically low IQs. Thus AA is a waste of time. Page 13 of 103 .;g Top ;g Previous;g Next ;¡ Reply Date: December i 7th, 2006 6:38 PM Author: 0+/ This is stupid. Assuming you are correct that blacks are genetically predisposed to low IQs, that's even more of a justification for permanent AA. ( _id~547943&toium jd=2#7244143) '" Top ¥) Previous 41 Next'" Reply Date: December 17th, 2006 6:39 PM Author: AK47 not when we give them AA and they end up failing because they're too dumb to compete. you must be black. ( phpOthread _ id~54 794 3&torum _ id=2#72 44160) '" Top Çj Previous 41 Next'" Reply Date: December i 7th, 2006 6:39 PM Author: 0+/ dude, its like a golf handicap. On the off chance OP's statement about genetic IQ has some merit, then AA is justified to ALLOW blacks to compete. ( phpOthread _id=547943&torum _id~2#7244 i 67) 'iì Top ¥) Previous¥) N e:.:t'9 Reply Date: December 17th, 2006 6:41 PM Author: AK47 2/26/2008 htt:// php ?thread_id=54 794 3&forum _ id=2 - Blacks have genetically low IQs. Thus AA is a waste of time. Page 14 of 103 you're very stupid. blacks: low lQs. forcing low IQ idiots to compete with high IQ people sets up the low IQ idiots for FAILURE. COMPETE =/= FAIL. get it? dumb black. ( _id~547943&forum _id~2#7244 i 88) /I Top .'; Previous'; N e~:t:¡ Reply Date: December 17th, 2006 7:42 PM Author: , .. ", .. . . . , , , """, Permanent AA for blacks because they're stupider? Why don't we give permanent AA for stupid people then? You know, to level the playing field? ( ph P ?thread _id=54 794 3&forum _Id~ 2 #7244683 ) '41 T op/l Previous '', Next :¡ Reply Date: December 17th, 2006 10:23 PM Author: Jiffylube the no it's not. if the differences are caused by discrimination, then aa could help narrow the gap. if differences are caused by genetics, we just have to accept that blacks will never be equal. ( ph P ?thread _ Id~54 794 3 &torum _ id=2#72 4 5995) 4l Top 41 Previous 41 N e:~t:¡ Reply Date: December 17th, 2006 6:40 PM Author: Prateek73 feed the flame guys, feed the flame.... ( php?thread _id~547943&torum_id=2#7244 i 79) htt:// _id=54 7943&forum _ id=2 2/26/2008

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