Personalized User Model LLP v. Google Inc.
APPENDIX re 116 Claim Construction Opening Brief [Appendix of Exhibits (Vol. II of II)] by Google Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit C part 1, # 2 Exhibit C part 2, # 3 Exhibit C part 3, # 4 Exhibit C part 4, # 5 Exhibit C part 5, # 6 Exhibit D, # 7 Exhibit E, # 8 Exhibit F)(Moore, David)
Personalized User Model LLP v. Google Inc.
Doc. 118 Att.
American Heritage
Houghton Mifflin Company Boston · New York
Words are included in this Dictionary on the basis of their usage. Words that are known to have current trademark registrations are shown with an initial capital and are also identified as trademarks. `No investigation has been made of common-law trademark rights in any word, because such investigation is impracticable. The inclusion of any word in this Dictionary is not, however,' an expression of the Publisher's ;opinion as to whether or not it is subject to proprietary rights. Indeed, no definition in this Dictionary is to be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark. American Heritage@ and the eagle logo are registered trademarks of Forbes Inc. Their use is pursuant to a `license agreement with Forbes Inc. Copyright © 2002 Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without the prior written permission of Houghton Mifflin Company unless such copying is expressly permitted by federal copyright law. Address inquiries to Reference Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Company, 222 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116. Visit our website: The American Heritage college dictionary.-- 4th ed. Based on the fourth ed . of the American Heritage dictionary. ISBN 0-618-09848-8 ( thumb edge) -ISBN 0-618-19604-8 (deluxe binding) 1. English language--Dictionaries. 2. Americanisms. I Houghton Mifflin Company. II. American Heritage dictionary. PE1628.A6227 2002 423--dc21 2001039826 Manufactured in the United States of America PC G_ \h H'i Pr( fa> Di
ni-penif) adj. Contemplated or a: r, ditated malice prepense . [, ME, i meditate < AN purpense r:=our , bcf , or,,, penser, to think (< Lat. pensare ) I
ranee (pri-p6nrdar-ans) also pre-polo, . Superiority in weight, force, impnrtance I rant ( pri-p6nrdar -ant) adl. Having ., importance, or influence. -pre ·pontdera t, rr·ate (pri-p6nrda-rat')- intr.. at·ed, -at.j xa :xceed something else in weight 2. To be greater tl_ Ise, as in quantity or importance , piedomtriate. ,. Preponderant [ Lot, praeponderara , ropoldte ... e r< + ponderare, to weigh.] -pre·ponfder·ate.I ,
ore- + *putos, penis.].- pre.·puftial (-pyoofshal) adj. pa (pre-pyooipa) n. pl -pae (- pe) or -pas 1. An inactive ,t before the pupa in the development of certain insects. Prepupal form of an insect. - pre·pufpal adj. goal (pre kwal) n. A literary, dramatic , or cinematic work n;;rrative takes place before that of a preexisting work or a
.-+ (SE)QUEL.]
'der·altion n.
j tion, (prep'a -zishfan) n. A word or phrase pf fore a substantive and indicating the relation of to a verb, an adjective ; or another substat e, as 1. with, from , and in regard to. [ME preposi-toun < Lat. praepositio ,. praeposition , a putting befn:(, in (transl . of Gk. prothesis) < praepositua p part , to put in front : prae -, pre- + pone, a to put see TE The doctrine that a prepo,. titence has become one of the Dom gran naticaIlore Howev, I i, [I imesrequirestinalplaeement is the only possible one in ast r Even sticldere c thankful for. ·
10. groondS for.criticizing sentcl
a? or It's the most curious boa, ! triples, up and aa'oss are used a i·tionz also pre-po·sietion (pre; pa-zrsn -tion·ing ,-tions To place in position in>advtn :i·tion·al (prep'a-zishra-nal)ad7 Relatin root mcax, ional phrase n. A phrase that consists of , pr posili.-. bject and has adjectival or adverbial value, su h as nl re, the people in the house. ·i·tive (pri-p&11- tiv) Grammar adi. )ccunity, efore another word . -;· n. A prepositive syyord or par;Kp_ raeposiavus < Lat. praepositus ; p. Part of pr r Psuw, r: -ont. See PREPOSISTION'.I -pre-posfi·tive·lyadr. ;·sess (pre'pa-zest) tr.v. -sessed,-sess·ing, -sess-estl ccupy the mind of to the exclusion of other thought, c= 2a. To influence beforehand against or m i' r u re or something; prejudice . b. To impress t,.orablyinz3. s·sess·ing (pre'pa-zesring) adI 1 S,-in to tmpr ; pleasing: a prepossessing appearance. 2. Ar,n tic da
tion. - prep 'o·siftion·al·ly ads.
.s·ses·sion (pre'pa,zeshfan) n.-1. A -prelletpan ^. ice. 2. The state of being preoccupied with thou tit ot,, r feelings. Is·ter· 'ous (pri -p6srtar-as) adI Contrary to nature to common sense; absurd. [ip r s
.able: prae-, pre- + posterus, coming IwIl ?r·OUS ·ness n.
ce. -pre'pos ·sess^ing·lyadv.
p^t·a·el·ite also pre-Raph · a·el-ite .(pre-raffe-a-lit', tt. A painter or writer belonging to or influenced by the phaelite Brotherhood, a society founded in England in advance the style and spirit of Italian painting before :· adj. Of, relating to, or characteristic of the Pre-Raph_Pre-Raphi' arel·it'ism n. edease (presri-lesr) n. Something released before a sched1,tte,-pre' re·leaser adj. q-ui·site (pre-rekrwi-zit) adj. Required or necessary as a ondition d·. n. Something that is prerequisite, as a course required prior to taking an advanced course. og,a·tive (pri-r6gia tiv) n. 1. An exclusive.right or privihdd by a person or group, esp. a hereditary or official right. ,eos at right. 2. The exclusive right and power to command, rule, or judge: 3. A special quality that confers superiority. Of, arising from, or exercising a prerogative. [ME < OFr. t praerogahva, fem. of praerogatzvus, asked first rogatus, p. part, of praerogare, to ask before : prae-, pre- + to ask; see reg- in App.] - pre·rogra -Eyed adj. yc 1, present 2. or Pres. president ,,,le (presrij) n. 1. An indication or warning of a future cce; an omen. 2. A feeling or intuition of what is going to presentiment. 3. Prophetic significance or meaning, 4. A prediction, ·:· v.. pre sage (pri-sajf, presrij) -saged, g, -sag es -tr. 1. To indicate or warn of in advance, I: 2. To have a presentiment of. 3. To foretell or predict. "o make or utter a prediction. [ME < Lat. praesagium ague, to perceive beforehand : prae-, pre- + sagire, to perpre·sagerful (pri-s$jffal)adj. . r Presby. abbr. Presbyterian .gyope (prezfbe-op!, press-) n. A person affected with Apial t-yo-pica (prez'be-orpe-a, pres'-) m Inability of the eye sharply on nearby objects, resulting from loss of elasticcrystalline lens with advancing age. [NLat.: Gk. presbus, see per' in App. + -OPIA.] - pres'byopfic (-6ptlk ,.)adj. hyter (prezrbi-tar, press-) n. 1. A priest in various hierarchurches. 2a. A teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church. tiling elder in the Presbyterian Church. 3. An elder of the egation in the early Christian church. [LLat. < Gk: presbu:omp, of presbus; old man. See per ' in App.] `yver·ate (prez-bitfar-it,-a-rat', pres-) n. 1. The office .esbyter. 2. A body or an order of presbyters. Eyte· ri·al (prezrbi-tir(e=a1, pres '-) adj. Of or relating to ,iter or the presbytery..-. presf by tef ri · al- ly adv. byrte·ri·;att (prez1b1-tirfe-an; pres'-) adj. 1. Of or relating ssiastical government by presbyters. 2. Presbyterian Of or g to a Presbyterian Church. y n. Presbyterian A member dherent of a Presbyterian Church, pres'bytefri·an-
ing History of the Conquest of Mexico (1843). pre-screen (pre-skrenf) tr.v. -screened , -screening, -screens 1. To view (a movie) before release for public showing. 2. To examine or interview before fprther selection processes. pre+scribe (pri-skribr) v. -scribed, -scribing, -scribes =tr. 1. To set down as a rule or guide; enjoin. See Syns at dictate. 2. To order the use of (a medicine or other treatment). -intr. 1. To establish rules; laws, or directions. 2. To order a medicine or other treatment. [ME prescriben < Lat. praescrebere : prae-i pre- + scribere; to write; see skriph- in App.] - pre·scribfer n. 'pre-script (prefskripV) n. Something prescribed, esp. a rule or rggulation of conduct. A· adj. (prefskript', pri-skriptf) Having been established as a rule; presciibed. [< ME, prescribed < Lat. p-raescripfum, neut. p. part. of praescribere, to order, prescribe. See.PRESCRIBE.] pre scrip·ti · ble (prr-skdpfta-bal) adj. 1. That can be prescribed. 2. Requiring or derived from prescription. -prescrip 'ti · bilii ·ty n.
pre - scrip·tion (pri-skripf shan) n. t a. The act of establishing official rules, laws, or directions. b. Something prescribed asa rule. 2a. A written order; esp. by a physician, for the preparation and administration of a medicine or other treatment. b. A prescribed medicine or other treatment. e. Ap ophthalmologist's or optometrist's written instruction, as for the grinding of corrective lenses. 3. A formula directing the preparation of something. 4. Law The process of acquiring title to property by reason of uninterrupted possession of specified duration. 5. Law The limitation of time beyond which an action, debt, or crime is no longer valid or enforceable. [ME prescription, establishment of a claim < OFr. prescription < Med.Lat praescrtptio, praescription- < Lat., introduction, precept < praescrrptus, p:part. of praescribere, to order. See PRESCRIBE.]
1101 prepupa present arms
Pre-Raphaelite = ante Gabriel Rossetti D Gabriel 1866, by
-oyterian Church n. Any. of various Protestant churches
edby presbyters and traditionally Calvinist in doctrine. ;t·ter-y (prezrbi- ter'e, presf -) n., pi: -ies la. A court ed of Presbyterian Church ministers and representative ·s of a. particular locality. b. The district represented by this 2. Presbyters considered asa group. 3. Government of a Presbyters. 4. The section of a church reserved for the Poman_Catholic Church The residence of a'priest. [ME priests' bench < LLat presbyterium, council of elders
r'sbrttarion < presbuteros, elder. See' PRESBYTER.].
see apo- . in App.).] - pre·posfter · ous·ly an
The conditimi of bt= -: D·ten-cy (pre -potfn- se) n, 1 . T in power, influence, or force than another or ,therT,{' m rt aance: 2. Genetics -The ability of one parent p arent:c' to transmit individual traits to an offspring, apcclusion of the other parent, variety, or strain than another or others ; predominant . 2. C ntn o 0 rrexhibiting prepotency . [ME-t d baxheill , to feed.}
probability distribution n. Statistics 1. See probability density. 2. A function of a discrete random variable yielding the probability that the variable will have a given value.
pro·eaine (pratkan') it. A white crystalline powder, ffN used chiefly in its hydrochloride form as a local run.
medicine and dentistry. 1PRO-' + (CO)CAIN: (it b61184 sor of cocaiue).1
probability theory it. The branch of mathematics that studies the likelihood of occurrence of random events in order to predict the behavior of defined systems,
prob· a ·ble (pr6bra-bat) adf. 1. Likely to happen or to be true. 2. Likely but uncertain ; plausible. 3. Theology Of or relating to advice or action in ethics and morals whose lawfulness can be justified by intrinsic reasons or extrinsic authority. IMF, plausible < Oft. < Lat. probabilis < probare, to prove. See PRov6.) probable cause n. Reasonable grounds for belief that an accused ,person may be subject to arrest or the issuance of a warrant.
pro·eam· bl·um (pro-kimfba-am) if. The primary, that gives rise to vascular tissue. -pro·eamfbl · al ( J.,
pro·car·yote (pro,-k3rfe-6t') it. Variant of prokaryt) prove(, ur·af (pro-sefjar-al) adj. Of or concernin&
esp. of a court of law or parliamentary body. ·Y n. A pot
dural. - pro·cerdur ·al·ly adv.
pro·ce·dure (pro-Wear) n. t. A manner of proceodii) l=rming or effecting something: standard proceduj ries of steps taken to accomplish an end : a rnedicnl nn, A set of established forms or methods for conductitto of an organized body such as a business, club, or govik Corapuer Science A set of instructions that perforrui:,lij d. S .task. [Fr, rocMillre < Orr. < proceder, to pr Togo forward or onward, esp. after an interruption; cti, To begin to carry on an action or a process. 3. To ntap i orderly roamer. 4. To come f ronn a source; originate oi. Syns at stem '. S. Lmi· To inslitute and randuU legal ' pl.n. pro ·ceeds (pr6fsadx' ),]' Ire amount of money dcrk, a commercial or fundraising venture; the yield [Mk < OFr. proceder < Lat. proodere : pro-, forward; see Pit,
prob·a·bly (pr6hfa -ble) adv. Most likely; presumably.
pr0·bartg ( profiling ') it. A long flexible rod having a tuft or · sponge at the end , used in cleaning or medicating the larynx or esophagus . [Alteration of provang.l probate (profbat') it. 1. The process of legally establishing the validity of a will before a )judicial authority. 2. Judicial certification of .ihe validity of a will: 3. An authenticated copy of a will so certified . ·S tr.te - bat·ed , -bat·Ing, -bates To establish the validity of (a will) by probate. IMP probai < lat. prob6nmt, neut. P.
in )t^-tar ±la · n (cd, e ^flt·h o.f ar 1NL
proceed (pr6-sedf,pro-)incr..- ceed·ed ,- ceed·in I,
pan, of probare, to prove. See PROvP..I
probate court if. A court limited to the jurisdiction of probating
wills and administering estatm pro·ba ·tion (pro-bafshan) tr. 1. A process or period in which a
person ' s fitness, as for work or membership in a social group, is tested. 2a. Law The act of suspending the sentence of a person convicted of a uinninal offer's( and granting that person provisional freedom oil the promise of good behavior. b. A dischurgc
dere, to go.l -pro·ceedter it.
pro·ceed · ing (pro-safding, pm-) it. 1. A course of acts; cedure. 2. proceedings A sequence of events occurrin i titular place or occasion . 3, proceedings A record Q. carried on by a society or other organization; minute; Legal action; litigation. b.'I'hc instituting or conductit),
from conmtitment as an Insane person on condition of eontin·
ued sanity and of being recommitted upon the reappearance of insanity. 3. A trial period in which a student is given time to try to redeem failing grades or bad conduct, 4. The status of a person on probation . IME probation, a testing < OFr. probation < Lat. probauo, probation- < probatrts, p. pan. of probare, to test. See PROvE .) - pro·baftion · al, pro·baftion ·ar'y adj. - pro·baftion·al · ly adre pro·ba·tion ·er (pr6-bafsha-nar) it. A person on probation.
action . ]n both senses, often used in the plural. pro·ee·phal ·ic (pra'sa-Mlttic) adj. of, relating to, or-A
or near the front of the head. pro·eer·eoid (pro-s(urikoid) it. A larval stage of ceri4. worms that typically develops in the body cavity of a 0l Imo-r+ Gk.kerkos,tail +--rtm.) proc·esss (pr6atas', pratses') if., pl. proc·ess·es (+ri pr6tsNt -, pr6sti - sax', profsi-) 1. A series of actions, chi. functions bringing about a result: rite proressof digesdii tries of operations performed in the making or treali4 product : a marn (facturhrg process. 3. Progress; passage: th; of rime. 4. Lnuv The entire course of a judicial proceeding` a. A summons or writ ordering a defendant to appeal` {p; b. The total quantity of summonses or writs issued in a i)g proceeding . 6. Biology An outgrowth (tissue; a project a bony process. 7. Any of various phatonteehanieal or f, graving methods. 6. Computer Science a. A running pt; other computing operation . b. A part of a running pre Other computing operation that does a single task. 4: SS sr mv. -essed, -ess·ing, -ess·es 1 . To put through lh^ a prescribed procedure : prorrssing newly arrived iminigrah ess as order. 2. To prepare, treat, or tnnvert by subjcci special process: process ore to obtain minerals . 3. Law a. with a summons or writ. b. To institute legal proceedinHf prosecute. 4. Cornpufer Srienre To perform operations 416 i. To straighten ( hair ) by a chemical process; conk ^. aff : pared or convened by a special proses process cheese, by or used in any of several photomechanical or photocl processes : a process print. IM P proces < OFr., developillo)1, processirs < p. part. of pr6rcrlere, to advance. Sec PROC .1,1 `"AGE NOTE; Iri. teceni:years flier( flasbec'n"a,iepdeiict3:
)ne Ig ( t a{ith con, rant
inistr ooms p)jr, a L^iJ-I
Wp Pfho
)gs:lrsun 3:ilin)c
probation officer rt. 1. An official charged with the care of juvenile delinquents. 2. Ali official charged with supervising convicts at large on suspended sentence or probation. pro·ba·tive fpr6fb4-t1v) also pro·ba·to·ry (-tor'e, -tbrfe) adj. 1. Furnishing evidence or proof. 2: Serving to test, try, or prove. probe (prob) if. 1. An exploratory action, expedition, or device, esp. one designed to investigate and obtain information on a remote or unknown reg2. A slender, flexible instrument used to explore a wound or body cavity. 3. A substance that is radioactively labeled or otherwise marked and used to detect or identify
.pro tie,
another substance in a sample. 4, The act of exploring or seirchIng with or as if with a device or an instrument. S. An investigation into unfamiliar matters or questionable activities. 6. A space probe. 4 v. probed, probing, probes -tr. 1. To explore with or as if with a probe. probe a svound; probe o're's motives. 2. To delve into; investigate. -intr. To conduct an exploratory investigation; search. ( ME, examination, < Med.Lai. probe < LLat., proof < Lat. probare to test < probtts, good . See per ' in App.I -probter it. -prob'ing·ly adv. pro·bl·ty (pofbi-tz) it. Complete and confirmed integrity; uprightness. [ME probite < OFr. < Lat. probiias < probes, upright, good. See per ' in App.] problem (pr6bflom) n. 1. A question to be considered , solved, or answered. 2. A situation, matter, or person that presents perplexity or difficulty. See Usage Note at dilemma . 3. A misgiving objection, or complaint: f have a problem with your cynicism. d ndj.1. Difficult to deal with or control: a problem child. 2. Dealingwith a moral or social problem. -idiom: no problem hrfarinat 1. Used to express confirmation of or compliance with a m-
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1330 species speculative
ablative of species. See spacus.] spe·eies (spershez, -sez) n., pl. species 1. Biology a. A fundamental category of taxonomic classification, ranking below a genus and consisting of related organisms capable of interbreed-. ing- See table at taxonomy. b. An organism belonging to such a category, represented in binomial nomenclature by an uncapitalized Latin adjective or noun following a capitalized genus name, as in E q uus caball- the horse. 2. Lrc A class of individuals or objects grouped by virtue of their common attributes; a division subordinate to a genus. 3a. A kind, variety, or type. b. The human race; humankind. 4. Roman Catholic Church a. The outward appearance or form of the Eucharistic elements that is retained after their consecration. b. Either of the consecrated elements of the Eucharist: 5. Obsolete a. An outward form or appearance. b. Specie. 6. Chemistry A chemical entity, as an atom. [ME, logical classification < Lat. species; a seeing, kind See spek in App:] spe·eies·ism (spOshe-ziz'am, -se-) n. Human intolerance or discrimination on the basis of species.. specei·fi·a·bie (spesta=fi'a-bal) adj. Possible to specify. spe·eifrie (spi-siff1k) adj. 1.. Explicitly set forth; definite. 2. Redating to, characterizing, or distinguishing a species. 3. Special, distinctive, or unique. 4a. Intended for, applying to, or acting on a. particular thing. b. Concerned particularly -with the'subject specified. Often used in combination: "age-specific voting patterns" (A. Dianne Schmidley). 5a. Being a disease produced by;a particular microorganism or condition. b. Having a remedial influence or effect on a particular disease. 6. Immunol'o'gy Having an affinity limited to a particular antibody or antigen. 7a. Being a customs charge levied on merchandise by unit or weight rather than according to value. b. Being a commodity rate applicable to the transportation of a single commodity between named points. : n. Ia. Something particularly fitted to a use or purpose. b. A remedy intended for a particular ailment or disorder. 2a. A distinguishing quality or attribute. b. specifics Distinct items or details; particulars. [LLat. specificus : Lat. species, kind, species; see specqspECtES + Lat. ficus, -fic.].-spe·cifti-cal·ly adv. ficti·ty (spesta-fists-te) n. spec·i·fi·ea-tion (spesta-fi-katshan) n. 1. The act of specifying. 2a. specifications A detailed exact statement of particulars, esp. a statement prescribing materials, dimensions, and quality of work for something to be built, installed, ormanufactured. b. A single item specified. 3. An exact written description of an invention by a patent applicant., spe cific epithet n. The uncapitalized Latin adjective or noun that follows a capitalized genus name in binomial nomenclature and serves to distinguish a species from others in the same genus, as saccharum in Acer saccharum (sugar maple). specific gravity n. The ratio of the mass of a solid or liquid to the mass of an equal volume of distilled water at 4'C (39°F) or of a gas to an equal volume of air or hydrogen under prescribed conditions of temperature and pressure. specific heat n. 1. The ratio of the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of :a unit mass of a substance by one unit of temperature to that required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a reference material, usu. -water, by the same amount. 2. The amount of heat; in calories, required to raise the temperature of one grain of a substance by one Ce l sius d egre e : specific impulse n. A performance measure for rocket propellants that is equal to units of thrust per unit weight of propellant consumed per unit time. specific performance n. Law The. performance of a contract as specified in its terms. specific resistance n. Electrical resistivity spec·i·fy (spesta-fil) tr.v. -fled, -fyyng, -fes 1. To state explicfitly or in detail: specified the amount needed; speafied that they would come. 2. To include in a specification. 3. To determine or bring about (a specific result): a gene that Specifies the synthesis of a protein. [ME specifien <'OFr. specifier: < LLat. specificare < specificus, specific. See sPEcwic.] -speeti·f'er n. spec-i·men (spesta-man) n. 1. An individual, item; or part repm g i n dividualu a eson: f ar dis-eable mec imen. [Latfo a ple x < speceee, to look at. See spek- in App.] specious (spetshas) adj. 1. Having the ring of truth or plausibiltractive. [ME, a tractive < Lat. speciocus < species appearance. See spek in App.] -spetcious· ly adv. -spe/ci· osti·ty (-she-estite), spetdous· ness (-'shas-nis) n. speck (spek) n 1. A small spot, mark, or discoloration. 2. A tiny amount; a bit. S tr.v. specked , speck-ing , specks To mark with specks. [ME specke < OE specca.] speck? le (spektal) n. A speck or small spot; as a natura l do t o f co l or on ski n, pl umage, or f oli age. [ME spakle . ] -s p ecktle v. , speckled (spekrald) adj. 1. Dotted or covered with speckles, esp. d flecked with small spots of contrasting color. 2. Of am xechar acter; motley. speckled trout n. See brook trout. specs also specks (speks) pl n. Informal Eyeglasses; spectacles. spee·ta·de (spektta-kal) n. la. Something that can be seen or viewed, esp . something of a remarkable or impressive nature, b.
A public performance or display, esp. one on a large. or lavish scale. c. A'regrettable public display, as of bad behavior made d spectacle of. himself. 2. spectacles a_. A pair of reyeglass,, b, Something resembling eyeglasses in shape or suggestingthcrn in function. [ME ,< OFr. < Lat. spectaculum < spectare, to watch, freq. of sperm, to look at. See spek in App.] spee·ta·cled (spektta-kald) adj. 1. Wearing spectacles 2, Having markings suggesting spectacles. Use d of an i mal s. spee·tae·u ·lar (spek-taktya-lar) adj. Of the nature of aspectacle; impressive or sensational. + n. Something that is spectac ular, as:,a A single dramatic production of unusual length or lavishness. b. An elaborate display. - spec - taetu·larti ·.ty (-lztri te) n. -spec-taetu-laroly adv. spee·tate (spek'tat) intr.v: -tat·ed; =tat-ing, -tates To atteudla horserace or other sporting event, for example) as a spectator, [Back-formation < SPECTATOR] spee·ta ·tor (spekttaftar) n. An observer of an event..[Lat. spectator < spectdre, to watch. See SPECTACLE.]-spec'ta·totri·al (-, -t6rte-al, -t6r4) adj. -spectta·tor·ship' n. specter (speikttar) n. 1. A ghostly apparition; a phantom. 2. A haunting or disturbing' image or prospect. [Fr. spectre e Lat.
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