Motorola Mobility LLC et al v. Apple Inc.

Filing 1

COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT - filed with Jury Demand against Apple Inc. - Magistrate Consent Notice to Pltf. ( Filing fee $ 350.00, receipt number 0311-1125076.) - filed by Motorola Mobility LLC, Motorola Mobility Ireland, Motorola Mobility International Limited. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibits 1 through 7, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet)(rwc)

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-.Js ~4 CIVIL COVER SHEET (Rev. 12107) Tho JS 44 civil cover sheetan<llhc information contained herein neither replace nor supplement the liling and service ofpleadings or other papers as required by law, except as provided by local rules of court. This form, approved by the Judicial Conleroncc of the United States in Septembt~r 1974, is rcqwred for the usc of the Clerk ofCourl forthe purpose of111iliating the civil docket sheet. (SEE lNSTRlJC'I'lONS ON THE REVER:SF. <WTIIEFORM.) I. (a) PLAINTIFFS DEFEN DANTS APPLE INC. MOTOROLA MOBILITY, LLC, ct a!. (b) or Counly of Residence Firs! Listed Pluimiff (EXCEPT IN U.S. I'LAINHFI' CASES) Counly of Residence of First Listed Oeli:ndant (1>-1 U.S PLAJN'rll'f CASES ONLY) NOTE: 1:--1 LAND (.X)NUE\!NATION C ASF.<;, IJSE Ti lE LOCA rJON OF THFLAND INVOLVED. (c) Altum~y:; Attorney 's (Finn Namo, Addre& nnd Telephone Numhc•) s, (ffKnl)wn) Jack B. Slum.enfeld, BA'f' lit"~, t-tORRIS, KlCHOJ,Q, ARSHT &. TUNNMLL L.l.P 1 1201 North Market St.rP.f!. t, P.o. aox 134·1, Wi hn i ngt~. 1.>1:; 1!:1 891#· t:H7, 6~8· !1200 (JO.l I II. BASIS OF JURJSDJCTION Ill. CITIZF.NSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES(J'Iacc an"X "inOnc Box for Plainriff (Plece"''wX"inOnclloxOnly) (For o,~ ,.,;ty Cases Only) iJ l 1!!1 3 U.S. Government l:'laintilf Ftder~l Que$tion (US. Goven1ment Not a l:'aJty) an<l Onu llox for J)cfundanl) PTF OF.F Incorporated rtr Principal Place 11 4 CJ 4 ofllusiness In Tl>is State ' 0 0 n (Excl Vutcr.vq ) 153 k ceo>-ety of Ove•pAyn>enl of Veter'ltl's Hcndits u 0 0 !95 Contract Product Liability 0 196 Fnmchisc a REAL P ROI'I\RT V 0 210 Land CundenU\4110.1 0 0 0 220 Foreclosure <1 230 Rem Lease & Ejecnnent 0 240 Tort& to Land n 24 5 Turt Product Liability 0 290 All Other Real Property V. ORIGIN Proceeding I 0 2 n 2 lncorpornted and Principal Place of Dnsiness In Another SUite I'J 5 0 5 n 3 Foreign Nation a a 3 6 6 (l'lnc.c nn "X" in One llnx Onlvl 0 0 !60 Stockholder.- S<oits CJ 190 Other Contrnct Ill 1 Original n Citizen of Antlthcr Swto I!ORtnn I' Jll.IUPl\NAW' Y TOUTS PERSONAL INJURY 120 M:uioc a 310 Airplane 130 Mmet 11c1 0 3 15 Auplane Product 140 Negotiable lnstnun~nt l.iability l SO Recovet-y of OverpAyment n J20 Annu h, Lib~l & & F.nfclrl:mnent of.lnd~nU!Ill Slander (') 330 Fodernl Employers 151 Medica.-e Act l 52 Rcco~ccy nfDof•ulteJ l.inbilily Stlld~nt L..oans :-J 310 Matine I CJ l (Indicate Cilizenslup of Parties in lt.. n Ill) IV NATURE O r S UIT I N'l'li.A• r n 110 Jn.uranoe CJ CJ CJ CJ Citizen ofThis State 4 Diversity L>cfcndant UI!:F a n CJ 2 U S. Government rTF .l4 s Mmnc l'rodUCI Li•bility 350 Motor Vehicle 3SS Mulur Vehicl~ Po oduct Liability 360 Other Personal lujwy C IVIL RIGHTS PERSONAL INJURY 362 Personal lnjucy · Med. 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Nnr•unhzallon Appli0t1toon 463 Habens Corpu• Mien L>ct.Unee 46S Other ltnmiwation fiction• 4~2 Reinstated or Reopened 0 a 5 Trall~liorrcd from 0 6 Multidi~trict ano th!'r <l rstnct Litiglltion s c tfo 400 State Rearportiooment 410 AntitniS( 430 Runks au.J 13anlrinl! 450 Commerce 460 Deportation 470 K.11cketeer lntluenccJ and (.'ornopt Or[1Mi7~tiom 480 Con•umer Credit 490 Cable/Soil 'fV ~ 10 Selective Set-vice 850 SecuriticJCommodities/ Exchange 875 Cllstomer Challenge l2 usc 34 10 690 Othor Statutory Act inn• 891 At;ricultural Acls 892 Fcnnmnic Stabilization Act 893 E11viromncnl8l Marrers N94 l:iOCtJ!Y AIJOOlh<»>Acl 895 Frecd1 oflnfonnation >m Act 900Arpcal ufFee Detenninatio11 l!ndcr Equal Accc•• to Justice 950 Con•titutionali!y nf Srnre lltalto tc:< Appeal to District 0 7 Judge from Magistrute Jud ment C ilt the US Civil Statute under wh ich you are filing (Do not d tejurisdietion11l st•tutes unless diver·sity): VI. CAUSE OF ACTION JS li.S.C. 1 cl. seq. 1--,.-- --=------ - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- - -- - - Bricf description of cause: Patent Infringement VII. REQUESTED IN 0 COMPLAINT: VI II . RELATED CASE(S) IF ANY CHECK IF THIS IS A CLASS ACTJO:"' UNDER 1:. R.C.P. 23 (Sec in>tmctiOtlS): DEMANDS CHECK YJJS only if demanded in complaint JURY D.tMAND: JUDGE fit Yes n No DOCKET NUM!.IF.R DA"rF. 08/17/2012 FOR OFF'! C .,; USt: ON LY RECEWI' II --------- 1\MOt.:~'l' -------------- APPLYING lFI' JUDGE MAG JUDGF- --------

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