Enterprise Systems Technologies Sarl v. Apple Inc.

Filing 1

COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT filed with Jury Demand against Apple Inc. - Magistrate Consent Notice to Pltf. ( Filing fee $ 400, receipt number 0311-1535772.) - filed by Enterprise Systems Technologies Sarl. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Civil Cover Sheet)(els)

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US006236642B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: Shalfer et al. (54) US 6,236,642 B1 (45) Date of Patent: APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR NETWORK RESOURCE PRESERVATION *May 22, 2001 4,991,204 * 5,003,534 2/1991 Yamamoto et al. ............... .. 379/221 3/ 1991 Gerhardt et a1- - 5,012,469 4/1991 Sardana. 5,229,993 7/1993 P5116261 eet (75) Inventors: Shmuel Sha?'er, Palo A110; William J. geclllltecrhettal-l Beyda’ Cupemno’ both of CA (US) Assigneez Siemens Information and * Communication Networks, Inc., Iselin, NJ (Us) _ 5,331,631 7/1994 ThlS patent issued on a continued pros- 5,388,097 2/1995 Baugher er a1, _ 5,430,710 * 7/1995 Mueller et al. ...................... .. 370/16 1.53(d), and is subject to the twenty year 5,432,845 7/1995 Burd et al. . patent term provisions of Notice: _ _ 12/1993 Andrews et ' 3/1994 Gilbert 61 al.. ecution application ?led under 37 CFR (*) _ 5’271’058 5,297,144 .' al. ............... .. 371/112 5,502,722 * 3/1996 Natarajan ............................. .. Fulghum. 154(a)(2). 5,528,583 . . 12/1996 5 590 118 5,590,126 Jul. 17, 1997 Cadd . 12/1996 Nederlof 12/1996 Mishra et al. . 5,602,839 5,812,524 * Appl. N0.: 08/897,161 Filed: 6/1996 Cadd et a1‘ ' 5,586,120 patent is extended or adJusted under 35 U-S-C- 154(k)) by 0 days- (22) 6/1996 Acampora et al. . 5’528’622 Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (21) Teraslinna. 2/1997 Annapareddy et al. . 9/1998 Moran et al. ...................... .. 370/228 * cited by examiner Int. (:1-7 .............................. .. Primary Examiner_l—luy H04L 12/28; H04L 12/56 Vu Assistant Examiner—M. Phan (52) US. Cl. ........................ .. 370/237; 370/228; 370/238; (58) Field Of Search ................................... .. 370/400, 254, A data routing System for dynamically Optimizing band_ 370/255> 238> 351> 394> 237> 468> 410> Width Which includes a network control unit, a route 370/400; 370/410 252; 340/827 _ (56) (57) ABSTRACT comparator, a reroute control unit and a packet reordering unit. The network control unit reserves the initial route from References Clted the source node to the end node. The route comparator U_S_ PATENT DOCUMENTS determines Whether an alternate route is more optimal than 4,494,138 * _ 1/1985 ShFIIP - 1213/ ’ ’ / 4,873,517 * 10/1989 the initial route and the reroute control unit establishes the alternate route and reroutes the data over the alternate route. gl?hnan """"""""""""""" " 379/221 The packet reordering unit maintains the sequence of the e Y et a ' ' BaratZ et al. ...................... .. 340/825 data packets on the alternate route. 4,907,224 3/1990 Scoles et al. . 4,929,940 5/1990 Franaszek et al. . 19 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets / 100 (104 Route Comparator ( 106 Reroute Control Unit (108 Packet Reordering Unit U.S. Patent May 22, 2001 150 151 154 ( Q ( Sheet 1 0f 4 US 6,236,642 B1 156 157 158 159 Node 2 Node 1 ( ) 152 < 161 Node 3 ( ) 160 S 1355? 163 Router J ( Node 1 165 ( r162 Node 2 164 1539 < 171 Node 1 l:- I B ) 2 / 100 / ( 102 N ( 104 C Home t Unit ompar a Cl’ ( 106 ( 108 Reroute Packet Control Reordering Unit Unit FIH__I 167 ) rfé‘dde U.S. Patent May 22, 2001 Sheet 2 0f 4 US 6,236,642 B1 200 Call Reservation Request A 202 Reserve Best Route Available at This Time Compare Cost of f 206 Reserved Route to Best Route 208 Best Available Route Reserved? Determine Which Router Requested Alternate Route Yes / 207 i Have Router Maintains List of Congested Route -/ 209 Requests l l Tag Selected Route for Optimization _/ 210 V Assign Cost to i Route Assign Cost for Reserved Route and —/ 212 Assign Cost to Best _ Comparison —> Begin Optimization 216 FIIE=_3 / 214 U.S. Patent May 22, 2001 Sheet 3 of 4 US 6,236,642 B1 Begin Optimization 256 254 ( Previously Congested Less Than Optimal Route Maintain Current Route Route Now Available? Reserved? 258 Delay J Allocate Route Based 257 on Router Table of J Congested Routes ‘7 Request New Reservation from Network 253 ‘J l Compare Cost of 263 I Compare Cost of 255 New Reservation to j Current Is the New Route J New Reservation to Current Is the New Route More Cost Effective? 262 Reroute TIE_4 U.S. Patent May 22, 2001 Sheet 4 0f 4 US 6,236,642 B1 216 262 ( Begin Optimization ) A Insert Delay J 300 304 / Remove Delay (Std. Method) A f 312 f 314 K 316 Remove Delay - Remote Delay ‘ Eliminate Silence Eliminate Frames Having Small Change I _ gienrngg'teeDse'zée .p. of No Activity Delay Eliminated? US 6,236,642 B1 1 2 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR NETWORK RESOURCE PRESERVATION travel from the second intermediate node to the end node. In addition, each of the intermediate nodes may require a one millisecond transmit time. Therefore, the total travel time for the packet Would be nineteen milliseconds on the alternate CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS This invention is related to APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR PREVENTING NETWORK REROUTING, Ser. No. 08/896,321 ?led on even date herewith. route. As can be seen, the eXemplary alternate route may require tWo milliseconds longer travel time for each transmitted packet to reach the end node. Therefore, When the route is changed from the original route to the less optimal alternate 10 BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION sloWer route Will reach at a time later than the last packet transmitted on the original faster route. Similarly, When a 1. Field of the Invention This invention generally relates to netWork resource res ervation system and, more particularly, to a netWork rerout 15 ing system for enabling continuous dynamic optimiZation of netWork connections anytime during call set-up and during particular, real-time data. 2. Description of the Prior Art It is Well knoWn that modern packet, frame, or cell based telecommunications reservations protocols require the res original route is seventeen milliseconds long and the alter nate route is nineteen milliseconds long, the last data packet transmitted on the sloWer route may reach the end node at a time after a later sent packet on the more optimal route ervation of bandWidth in a netWork for a particular connec 25 routes are chosen to form a connection over Which the data Will travel. In certain instances, the most advantageous links may be congested at call set-up time or the requested bandWidth reaches the end node. Because the later sent packet reaches the end node ahead of a prior sent packet, the packets become disordered. Therefore, there is a need for a rerouting system Wherein an alternate route for a communication netWork that is more optimal than the original reserved route may be dynamically chosen anytime both during call set-up and during the may not be available. This causes a reservation to be made on a route having links that are less than optimal. Furthermore, once the reservation is made, the reserved route may become sub-optimal at a later time, either before or after the call is made. Unfortunately, therefore, the most optimal routes become unavailable for use by the netWork. call is placed on a route having relatively loW bandWidth, the data packets Will reach the end node more sloWly than When traveling on a route having greater bandWidth. Accordingly, no packet ordering problem Will arise. HoWever, packet ordering may be a problem during fall-back. In particular, using the above eXample, if the the duration of the call for netWorks carrying data and, in tion. Generally, this bandWidth is reserved at the time the call is set up. Based on the requested bandWidth, particular route, the order of the packets Will remain unchanged because the ?rst packet being transmitted on the alternate duration of the call. In addition, there is a need for a system Wherein packet ordering problems are eliminated and route optimiZation through rerouting is enabled for real-time data. 35 Although rerouting algorithms for choosing alternate data SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Brie?y, the present invention relates to a method and apparatus for routing data in a communications netWork for dynamically optimiZing bandWidth. The system includes a netWork control unit for establishing an initial communica tions route, a route comparator for determining Whether the initial communications route is optimal, and a rerouting control unit for establishing an alternate communications routes for non real-time or non-isochronous data are knoWn, they are used speci?cally in the instances of route failure and fall-back. In particular, rerouting is used in instances Where the originally reserved route for some reason, such as a link failure, becomes unavailable and the connection must be rerouted onto an alternate route. These knoWn rerouting algorithms cause each node in a netWork to be assigned to route When the alternate communications route is deter one or more predetermined alternate routes. HoWever, the 45 mined to be more optimal than the initial communications alternate routes are less optimal than the originally chosen route because they usually have less bandWidth or a greater number of nodes and hops than the initial route. Therefore, rerouting is also used in a fall-back mode Wherein once the route. A data routing system for dynamically optimiZing band Width according to one embodiment of the present invention further includes a packet reordering unit for reordering data packets to maintain the originally transmitted packet original route becomes available again, the connection is routed back to the original route. As mentioned above, sequence of the data packets on the alternate route. hoWever, route optimiZation for selecting a route more optimal than the original reserved route is not possible. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS During any type of rerouting procedure, packet ordering issues must be dealt With. For example, When a call is rerouted because of a link failure, as mentioned above, the alternate route is a less optimal one. In particular, the original route may have only one intermediate node and tWo hops. In this case, the total travel time for the packet may only be eight milliseconds per hop and one millisecond at the intermediate node, for a total of seventeen milliseconds travel time. In contrast, the alternate route may have, for eXample, tWo intermediate nodes and three hops. In that case, the packet may take ?ve milliseconds to travel the hop from the source node to the ?rst intermediate node, seven milliseconds to travel from the ?rst intermediate node to the second intermediate node, and another ?ve milliseconds to 55 Other features, objects and advantages of the present invention Will become readily apparent and understood upon consideration of the folloWing detailed description and attached draWings, Wherein: FIG. 1 is an overall block diagram of the netWork resource preservation system in accordance With the present inven tion. FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram illustrating a typical communication netWork. FIG. 3 is a How diagram for establishing the initial 65 communications route. FIG. 4 is a How diagram for optimiZing the route over Which the data travels by selecting a more desirable route. US 6,236,642 B1 3 4 FIG. 5 is a How diagram for rerouting the data from the initial route to the alternate route and maintaining packet of a communications route. The router 151 determines the nodes and hops that are used in completing a particular connection. Generally, in communication netWorks, the best routes are ones having the feWest number of hops betWeen the source and the endpoint, Which alloWs for faster travel over the route, or the routes having the greatest amount of bandWidth, sequence. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The present invention is a system and method for dynamic optimiZation of bandwidth in a communications netWork carrying data, Which is particularly useful for real-time or isochronous data such as voice, video or other data. The Which alloWs more data to travel concurrently over the same line, thereby effectively increasing data throughput through 10 Width or links may not be available and the call may be sequence to accommodate for a more optimal route being chosen While continuously monitoring the data stream for an opportunity to remove the delay. Thus, the system of the present invention provides a platform for enabling rerouting of data over an alternate 15 placed over relatively less optimal links. In order to take advantage, hoWever, of the most optimal connections as resources become available, the present invention monitors the condition of all possible links in the netWork in real-time. This rerouting process is repeated many times both during call set up and While a call is in progress. Furthermore, the invention enables the rerouting route in a communications netWork to take advantage of available routes that provide a more optimal route than the initially reserved route. A more optimal route generally provides greater bandWidth or less routing delay time for the process to utiliZe routes that are more optimal than the original route. same or less cost. The packet resequencing ability alloWs rerouting to take place continuously in order to optimiZe the call, Without causing the packet sequence to be altered at any time. Furthermore, the system is dynamic in that alternate routes may be established and implemented automatically by the system at anytime during the call setup procedure and the route. Since the most advantageous links may be con gested When the call is being set-up, the requested band system has the ability to insert delays for maintaining packet In a ?rst optimiZation method, at a predetermined time 25 interval, the system veri?es that the reservation placed is still optimal by requesting a neW reservation from the netWork. For eXample, the NCU 102 requests a neW reservation betWeen the currently active link connecting node 150 and node 152. The route selected by the NCU 102 is then at anytime While the call is in progress. Turning noW to the draWings and With particular attention to FIG. 1, a block diagram illustrating a netWork rerouting and optimiZation system according to an embodiment of the compared to the previous route. More particularly, the eXisting route stored in the NCU 102 has a corresponding cost determined by RC 104. The stored route’s cost is then present invention is shoWn. The rerouting and optimiZation compared to a neWly-calculated neW route’s cost. If found to system 100 includes a netWork control unit (“NCU”) 102 for be more cost effective, the reservation is changed. That is, the RC 102 effects the route change by inserting, for establishing an initial route betWeen a source node and an end node. The NCU 102 stores in a memory (not shoWn) the initially assigned route. The NCU 102 is coupled to a route comparator (“RC”) 104 for assigning a cost for the estab 35 route. The RC 104 cooperates With the NCU 102, for eXample, by accessing the NCU’s memory. The costs of the routes, if the neW route is more cost effective. routes may be based on the number of hops, the number of nodes, or the time required per hop or per node, or any pared against one another to determine the most advanta 108 inserts or removes delay as necessary. In another optimiZation method, if a less than optimal reservation Was originally placed, the router that used an alternate route keeps a list of congested route requests. When any of the congested routes becomes available, the system allocates the neWly available bandWidth to one of these more optimal lished initial route and for assigning a cost to each subse quent route that may be contemplated as a possible alternate combination thereof. The costs of the routes are then com eXample, additional routing control information. The PRU Referring to FIG. 3, a How diagram is shoWn depicting reroute procedures to enable alternate routes to be chosen to 45 carry data. Each time a call is placed as illustrated in step 200, the NCU 102 requests a call reservation in step 202 and geous or cost-effective alternate route. The RC 104 is coupled to a Reroute Control Unit (“RCU”) 106 for enabling surveys all the routes on the netWork in search of the most the initial route to be interrupted and the neW alternate route optimal route. A reservation is then placed for the best to be connected, based on the cost comparison performed by the RC 104. The RC 104 outputs its cost comparison to the available route in step 204. Generally, the term “best” as used herein, describes the most optimal route available during call set-up time, based on cost comparison data. Cost may be a function of the number of links, link speeds and bandWidth. Therefore, the best route is a route optimally providing fast links and greatest bandWidth at the loWest RCU 106. The RCU 106 then causes appropriate control information to be inserted such that the neW route is accom plished. The RCU 106 is coupled to a Packet Reordering Unit (“PRU”) 108 Which ensures that real-time data packets traveling on the alternate route do not reach the end node out 55 cost. of proper sequence. The PRU 108 does this, for eXample, by In step 206 the route comparator 104 compares the cost of removing gaps inherent in voice or video signals. For the reserved route to the best route and in step 208 deter nonisochronous data, standard methods apply. mines Whether the best route Was reserved. If the best route Referring to FIG. 2, a simpli?ed route for a netWork Was not reserved because it Was not available, the system determines Which router requested the alternate route in step 207. In step 209, the router that requested the alternate route connection is shoWn. As can be seen, several routes are available from the source node 150 to the end node 152. keeps a list in memory of all the routes it found to be Typically, communications netWorks have one or more routers 151 and one or more intermediate nodes 154, 156, 158, 160, 162, 164 and one or more hops 157, 159, 161, 163, 165, 167, 169, 171 connecting the intermediate nodes together. The intermediate nodes are also connected to the source node 150 and end node 152 to complete connection 65 congested. The reserved route is then tagged for later optimiZation in step 210 and a cost is assigned and stored to be used for comparing With other routes in step 212. If the best route Was reserved in step 208, then the reserved route is also assigned a cost for comparison. The so-called best US 6,236,642 B1 5 6 route Will be compared With other routes in the event an even better route becomes available at a later time. After route Real-time data, hoWever, presents a problem. For instance, in the case of a telephone call, a packet ordering costs have been assigned in step 214, the system then begins problem at the end node may cause parts of conversation to become garbled each time a more optimal route is chosen the optimization process in step 216 to ensure that the best available route is being utiliZed. and packets received out of order. Retransmission of packets Turning to FIG. 4, the optimiZation ?oW diagram 216 is Would take too long and therefore is not a feasible solution. shoWn Wherein the system determines Whether the current reserved route may be optimiZed. In step 252 the system Accordingly, the present invention monitors real-time data in the faster link When the sloWer original link has ceased transmitting. At that time, the added delay is removed by removing periods of silence inherent in the real-time data. More particularly, the system in step 302 determines Whether real-time data is being carried by the netWork. Real time or isochronous data is identi?ed, for eXample, by a data type parameter or protocol element. Thus, the system knoWs Whether the data is, for example, voice, video or other data. If standard, non-real-time data is being transmitted, the determines Whether a less than optimal route Was placed. As discussed above, this may include accessing the stored list of congested links. If by accessing the stored list, in step 254 the system checks the list of previously congested routes to determine Whether one of these routes is noW available. If a previously-congested more optimal route is still not found to be available, then the current route is maintained in step 256 15 and the system returns to step 204 (FIG. 3). If, hoWever, a loWer cost, previously-congested route is found to be avail delay is removed in step 304 using commonly knoWn able in step 254, then the rerouting control unit 106 Will methods, as described above. The system then returns to the allocate a neW route based on one of the previously con optimiZation process in step 216. HoWever, if real-time data is being carried on the netWork, the system then determines if the data is voice in step 306, or video in step 308 or other real-time data in step 310. If the system cannot determine the type of real-time data being carried, the system returns to the optimiZation process in step 216. gested routes in steps 257. The cost of the neWly reserved route is then compared to the cost of the current route in step 264. If in step 263 it is determined that the neWly reserved route is indeed more cost effective than the current route, then the call is rerouted to the more optimal route in step 262. If the more optimal route is not more cost effective, then the current route is maintained in step 256. 25 at the end of sentences or pauses in conversation) and removes the gaps from the transmitted signal. Thus, rather than continuing to maintain the delay that Was initially inserted to maintain packet sequence, the system removes some of the gaps of the audio signal in step 312 and therefore reduce the added delay. The delay removal process is Referring once again to step 252, if it is determined that a less than optimal route Was not reserved, that is, the then best route Was selected, the system Will Wait a predetermined amount of time in step 258 before requesting a neW reser vation from the netWork in step 253. In step 255, the cost of the neW reservation is compared to the cost of the current route in a manner similar to that discussed above. If it is repeated to gradually eliminate all of the delay in step 318 to catch up to the neW delivery rate so as to take best determined in step 260 that the neW route is more cost effective, the RCU 106 Will reroute the current call to the optimal route in step 262. HoWever, if the neW route is not more cost effective, then the current route is maintained in If voice data is found to be present, the netWork senses gaps in the voice (e.g., by detecting loWer signal levels, as 35 advantage of the neW route. Similarly, if video data is found to be present in step 308, the system looks out for video frames having small deltas, that is, small changes, betWeen them, and removes these eXtra frames in the video signal in step 314. In step 320, this process is repeated to gradually eliminate all of the delay to step 256. FIG. 5 shoWs a rerouting ?oW diagram Wherein the original route is interrupted and the optimal route, as described above, is selected. This process may be repeated catch-up to the neW delivery rate so as to make the most ef?cient use of the neW route. continuously during a single call, thereby enabling the most Other real-time data in step 310 also has eXcess delays optimal route available to be used at all times. A packet reordering unit is used to ensure that data is not received at 45 removed in step 316. Once again, the process is repeated the endpoint node out of its intended sequence. until the delay is removed in step 322. In all cases, once the delay has been removed, the system returns to the optimi In particular, When the call has been rerouted to the alternate route in step 262, a delay is entered into the route Zation process to look for further, even more optimal, alternate routes. in step 300. For example, packet transit may be temporarily paused (i.e., the packet or packets may be brie?y held in a node buffer or memory unit). By adding this delay, packet travel time on the neW route Will be the same as, or greater than, the packet travel time on the original route. As such, the packets Will be received by the endpoint in the order transmitted. HoWever, the advantage of the neW alternate route Would be lost if the added delay is retained. To enable the system to make best use of the neWly acquired bandWidth, the added 55 Patent of the United States is: 1. A netWork resource reservation system for dynamically rerouting data packets to optimiZe bandWidth in a commu nications netWork during call set-up time and during the duration of a call, comprising: delay must be removed. Generally, packet routing issues are handled quite easily for non real-time data. If packets are received out of order after the delay has been removed, an error is generated by the end node or receiving unit and the sWitched packets may be retransmitted in their proper order over the rerouted line. With regular data, periods of inac tivity in Which data is not transmitted can be used to catch up to the delay. Other knoWn methods are also commonly available to reorder out of sequence packets. Obviously, many modi?cations and variations of the present invention are possible in light of the above teach ings. Thus, it is to be understood that, Within the scope of the amended claims, the invention may be practiced otherWise than as speci?cally described above. What is claimed and desired to be secured by Letters a netWork control unit for establishing an initial commu nications route betWeen a source node and an end node for carrying the data; a reroute control unit for establishing an alternate com 65 munications route When said alternate communications route is determined to be more optimal than said initial communications route, said determination being made US 6,236,642 B1 8 7 sequence of the data packets When said alternate predeter periodically While a communication along said initial communications route is ongoing, Wherein said deter mined communications route is enabled. 9. The netWork resource reservation system of claim 8, mination may be made more than once during said communication, Wherein more than one alternate route Wherein said packet reordering unit inserts delays betWeen may be established during said communication, respon sive to said determining; and a packet reordering unit for enabling the real-time data the data packets to maintain sequence of the data packets When said alternate predetermined communications route is enabled, said packet reordering unit for further removing said inserted delays subsequent to said packet sequence packets to travel to said end node in the proper sequence after said reroute control unit establishes said alternate communications route. 2. The netWork resource reservation system of claim 1 Wherein the data is real-time data. 3. The netWork resource reservation system of claim 1 Wherein said reroute control unit establishes said alternate predetermined communications route at any time during the call. 4. A netWork resource reservation system for dynamically rerouting data packets to optimiZe bandWidth in a commu being maintained on said alternate predetermined commu nications route. 10. A netWork resource reservation method for dynami cally rerouting real-time data packets to optimiZe bandWidth in a communications netWork, comprising: establishing an initial communications route betWeen a source node and an end node for carrying the real-time data packets; determining, While a communication on said initial pre nications netWork during call set-up time and during the duration of a call, comprising: determined communications route is ongoing, Whether said initial predetermined communications route is optimal, Wherein said determining may occur periodi a netWork control unit for establishing an initial commu nications route betWeen a source node and an end node cally more than once during said communication; for carrying the data; a reroute control unit for establishing an alternate com munications route When said alternate communications route is more optimal than said initial communications 25 establishing an alternate communications route When said alternate communications route is more optimal than said initial communications route, Wherein more than one alternate route may be established during said route; and a packet reordering unit for enabling the real-time data communication responsive to said determining; and enabling the real-time data packets to travel to said end packets to travel to said end node in the proper sequence after said reroute control unit establishes said alternate communications route; Wherein said reroute control unit may interrupt said node in the proper sequence after said reroute control unit establishes said alternate communications route. 11. A netWork resource reservation system for dynami cally optimiZing bandWidth in a communications netWork for enabling data to travel from a ?rst point to a second eXisting alternate predetermined communications route and establish a subsequent alternate predetermined communications route multiple times during the con nection When said reroute control unit determines that point, comprising: 35 nications route betWeen the ?rst point and the second said subsequent alternate predetermined communica point for carrying the data; tions route is optimal over said existing alternate pre means for determining Whether said initial predetermined determined communications route. 5. The netWork resource reservation system of claim 2 Wherein said real-time data is voice data. 6. The netWork resource reservation system of claim 2 Wherein said real-time data is video data. 7. A netWork resource reservation system for dynamically optimiZing bandWidth in a communications netWork for enabling data to travel from a ?rst point to a second point, means for establishing an initial predetermined commu communications route is optimal While a communica tion along said initial predetermined communications route is ongoing, Wherein said determining may peri odically occur more than once during said communi cation; and 45 means for establishing an alternate predetermined com munications route to carry the data When said route comparator determines that said alternate predeter comprising: mined communications route is optimal over said ini a netWork control unit for establishing an initial prede termined communications route betWeen the ?rst point tial predetermined communications route, Wherein more than one alternate route may be established and the second point for carrying the data; during said communication responsive to said deter mining. a route comparator for periodically determining Whether said initial predetermined communications route is optimal during a communication along said initial predetermined communications route, Wherein said 12. The netWork resource reservation system of claim 11 further including means for maintaining sequence of the data packets When said alternate predetermined communications determining may occur more than once during said 55 route is enabled. 13. Asystem according to claim 4, said packet reordering communication; and a reroute control unit for interrupting said initial prede termined communications route and establishing an alternate predetermined communications route When said route comparator determines that said alternate predetermined communications route is more optimal relative to said initial predetermined communications unit adapted to determine Whether said data is voice data or video data. route, Wherein more than one alternate route may be established during said communication responsive to said determining. 8. The netWork resource reservation system of claim 7 further including a packet reordering unit for maintaining 65 14. A system according to claim 13, Wherein said packet reordering unit is adapted to remove gaps in voice signals. 15. A system according to claim 14, Wherein said packet reordering unit is adapted to remove video frames having small changes from said data. 16. A netWork resource reservation system for dynami cally rerouting data packets to optimiZe bandWidth in a communications netWork during call set-up time and during the duration of a call, comprising: US 6,236,642 B1 10 a network control unit for establishing an initial commu nications route betWeen a source node and an end node for carrying the data; a reroute control unit for establishing one or more alter nate cornrnunications routes When said one or more alternate cornrnunications routes are determined to be more optirnal than previously established ones of said initial cornrnunications route or one or more alternate cornrnunications routes; and a packet reordering unit for enabling the real-time data packets to travel to said end node in the proper sequence after said reroute control unit establishes said one or more alternate cornrnunications routes. 17. A system according to claim 16, said packet reorder ing unit adapted to determine Whether said data is voice data or video data. 18. A system according to claim 17, Wherein said packet reordering unit is adapted to remove gaps in voice signals. 19. A system according to claim 18, Wherein said packet reordering unit is adapted to remove video frames having small changes from said data. * * * * *

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