Filing 141

Second MOTION for Evidentiary Hearing on Renewed Motion To Rescind Release of Claims by THOMAS A. BOWDOIN, JR, BOWDOIN HARRIS ENTERPRISES, INC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Murray, Charles)

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U N I T E D STATES OF AMERICA v. 8 GILCREASE LANE, QUINCY, FLORIDA 32351 et al D o c . 141 U N IT E D STATES DISTRICT COURT F O R THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA U N IT E D STATES OF AMERICA, P la in t if f , v. 8 GILCREASE LANE, QUINCY F L O R ID A 32351, et al., Defendants. ________________________________/ M O T IO N FOR EVIDENTIARY HEARING C o m es now Thomas A. Bowdoin, Jr., AdSurfDaily and Bowdoin/Harris E n terp rises, Inc., and move the court for an Order setting an Evidentiary Hearing on th e RENEWED MOTION TO RESCIND RELEASE OF CLAIMS filed by Movants an d in support thereof say: 1. O n September 14, 2009, Movants filed their RESPONSE TO ORDER TO CIVIL NO: 08-1345 (RMC) S H O W CAUSE AND RENEWED MOTION TO RESCIND RELEASE OF CLAIMS. 2. In order to prove up the factual basis for rescinding the release of claims M o v an ts must present evidence to this Court to establish such facts. 3. M IF Realty LP v. Rochester Associates, 92 F.3d 752, 756 (8th Cir. 1996) states that settlement agreements must be based upon a meeting of the minds on essen tial terms to be enforceable, and "as a general rule, when the parties dispute the e x is te n c e or terms of an agreement, the parties must be allowed an evidentiary hearing". 1 Dockets.Justia.com 4. L C v R 7 (f) provides that a party may request an oral hearing and Defendants o b serv e that the Court has the inherent power to grant the requested relief in any event, p a r tic u la rly since the underlying motion requires the taking of evidence. 5. M o v an ts expect to present testimony from approximately five (5) w itn esses in support of their motion. 6. 7. M o v an ts expect the hearing to last no more than ½ day. C o u n sel has conferred with opposing counsel who has his opposition to this motion. W H E R E F O R E Movants request the court to enter its order granting and sch ed u lin g the requested Evidentiary Hearing. R esp ectfu lly submitted, B y: __________________________ C h arles A. Murray, Esq. 2 7 9 1 1 Crown Lake Blvd, Suite 223 B o n ita Springs, FL 34135-4218 P h o n e: 239-649-7773 F ax : 2 3 9 -2 6 2 -3 5 1 7 E m ail: charles@camurrarylaw.com C o u n sel to Thomas A. Bowdoin, Jr,. Adsurf Daily, Inc. and Bowdoin/Harris Enterprises, Inc. serv ice by efiling 2

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