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EXHIBIT A 01/27/2009 17: 00 723-3960-9929 JTF GT~ SJA NON.PRIV_20m COMM~A.TlON PAGE 04 JTF.GTMO Habeas Attomev Refusal Communication Date: 1/~'¡"1 Time: 'f:() /l. From: (Äk. C-VlJ!Q-i1( #~(LGg (phrase prnt) To: SllItf&I 1I1J11.i. 11M"., Ht.w.J JTF Witness: (pl.... print) ..1. ¿;A~ (Print.... fld./i"",'aá-i"".) Englis Oa~ Kii, Il'- W""Y,h .version "" - II A¡U m,18 7r SEE. yoti -frWE lUtE. nt£. !ôAH£ L/4Jvei!l 4Jo CllftE -r &EC.'NN''''" OF t.$r f'OlJrN. dk IIE 50ttJW IF YOl FE¡;L L'f(E: yo '0 Alt1rlUAJ TO l1UTWITH usrolly. 10 GD,. THE C0ICT TO pAGnURE TI/C GOileAAJ 7l l1VJ SPEt!~L IlflNf~t'S 7ìIfT /Ai7H Ydl( IAJ YOtU oi.A, CAttP :sO YOfJ &ui l.(),. I'f¡1/£ TD Øl l-VEÐ ID TN/! OTNER CAHP FOP. rilE nE£r"oI6-. ~ .,,.", 7''r Yf7()flC,(JJ.Sill£P. so TRitT" 4JG oW FIPtJ OIL'" II/fE.c.rty fidl1 YdIL ~r TH£. f(£/So'" I~ THT YOk '0 ()br t.tJ rD NUT 4J17-N. ~$. MHløllr "SUi¡. yO A.vO a£//A)(; ¡:fl1f YOM. 6/hEeTtyi w£ CAIVNOT 77£ (. c.II"., Pr Ne""$ THl4r vb.. DO NO., ,;I4AJT ro HUT WlrN fl)", Y#(L fHOw,O AlSO /Wow THIl r IF WI. Do JJrl1EEr (,1 rH Wi 4.E AIU G 0(1.(, l- ~ GO AHÐ A/lIJ Ff &HT y~ CASE.41 8EST evE CAIJ uJirHour)ltl. (,s. HIlVE. /(EllO 7'£ c;O'lS-/rIt£/Jr'f E.Vl6EJJCÆ. Æ~/) TIlIAJ/t 1l£ HAW/!. S"ØIfE. ¡:øE/$ ÂßùU, HokJ ~ FIGH YOU,( qse. ear Ii 4JltLb (I f(E TV 1t., 4117'N YOI'fd £KPf.IN 4Jllr 4J IIAE. rHlp~,AJç. 0" DNIJ(; /fAll) FtAl/) Ou.,,AII7fIN(¡ Yø4 CAA) rELI. u.s TIlItT /1'Ulr H~(.P us F/Çf Y()R. c:5E EVEIJ j£77EA., ALID, ~F T6E(l/S",Q bu"6 You. MJ() E.ITIiEP. lcr.+A /)IF~E/~ ¿1f"')'Ell () /)0 Iw'dr l"ANr A/'IoAJE. 1" Fl(;T mE. ~$E. FOR 't~lA, you cøu.c.h 7&LL us "TIfA7' ~/r4øù.r y'Q"i '$(JltE U/f$O/r Y()ll,() /o"., tAlMrrus TO FI6lf YOUL r:ASE FO "la.vAJ& (,5 ON£. of rll".5c rlfl#JfiS f)/~cn.y, ~£.Il~ GO/Ale. TO Gf Al/6 flb ~/r; ym ClSE As 8ESr 4J ClAJ WfOU-T YUti /fUnfI6- f.trH IIS¡ BtiCIUS6 WE. IlS5/1H6. YOI/ L.1I..'" 4JIlT6E.(l HELl is INAlCA8£E RJK, YO(L T"(J GO H611£., AG- t , tVlwIl/t/lJPl..ASE A6REE. ra41ml. us A~ T£l. us W/A, YoU lJ,r 6. 7l ltE£r I'£ET Wtr/l /AS ff1W$, / Do you wish to meet with your habeas attorney? 0 Y es ~o Detainee Si~ature: GTMO L.FOflM . (SEP 06) THIS PAGE TO BE REf AINED BY JTF $JA 01/27/2009 17:00 723-3960-9929 JTF GTMO SJ A PAGE 05 NON..PRtVßEGI.D r:OMMMrATlON JTF-GTMO Habeas Attorney Refusal Communication Date: c: " . ~/" / C.. From', ~:J~ ';'(1H Time: 0. " ._ JTF Witess: (Print MMd ffdettty IQ dettMee) To: "'¡ i' tp , it (pi...,. prl.n Translation ::~~ ~ .gu.\~\ ~t; \. ~\ \9-~ -.~\~~~\ \~ \~~y ~. /7)\.è.... . _ l. ~ ~ t . \. ~ _~ I . ~ i \: '- ~ r~ ~..J- ~ _ '~. . ~ \ "" ~; -i ~ ~ :. '" '- LP ~ W ~ J. c.,/\~, ,~"..( "'- ~\ ~ rt (.)-~~ 2 \ ~'y\ - ~- .: 0;S L- ~ ~~ ~~ 'i êy f-~ \ J: :f :r ., L- \ ¡. ~JL -. i- ,i N?.. 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I, ",\0 .) -)\ .. -\..___ c: \-:~ \ ~~ ~ (, l-,-O\)\~. k) i ~ r') .,.,.,U 5 . 1\ . ~=:t:-g--_... EXHIBIT B I. .Hamud al-Wady - Wikipeia, th fre encyclopedia Page I on Hamoud ai~á"lye Wikjpedja by supportiiig ¡tfinaiicially. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Haroud Abdullah Hamoud Has Al Wady) "amoud Abdullah "amoud Hassan AI Wady is a citizen of /' Yemen, held in extjudicial detention in the Unite States Guantaamo Bay Naval Ba, in Cuba-iii Al Wady's Guantanamo detainee ID number Defen report that Ai Wady was born on September 5, 1965, in Sana, is 574. The Deparent of Yemen. \ Contents . 1 Combatat Status Review Tribunal . i. Allegations . 1.2 Trancript . 1.3 Confusion over the Tribunal process . 2 Administrtive Review Board hearing . 3 References Combatant Status Review Tribunal lnitially the Bush adinistration assert that they could withold all the protetions of the Geneva Conventions to captives from the war on terror. This policy was challenged before the Judicial branch. Critics argued that the USA could not evade its obligation to conduct competent tribunals to deterine whether captives ar, or ar not, entitled to the protections of prisoner of wa sttus. Subsequently the Departent of Defense institute the Combatat , i , i Combatat Status Review : Stas Review TribunaL. The Tribunals, however, were not authorized to determine whether the captives were lawful combo/ants - rather ! Tribunals were held in a trailer' , the size of a lare R V. The ¡ they were merely empowered to make a recommendation as to whether the captive had previously been correctly determine to match the Bush administrtion's definition of an enemy combatat. To comply with a Freedom of Information Act reuest, during the winter and sprig of 2005, the Deparent of i captive sa on a plasic garden ' chair, with his hands an feel shackled to a boll in the floor. (2)(3) Thee chairs were reerved for members ofthe pres, bulonly 37 ofihe 574 Defens releasd 507 ¡_!!.!~a!s~~re.,?~.s~~~..(~~ _' memoranda. Those 507 memoranda each contaned the allegations against a single detainee, prepared for their Combatat Statu Review Tribunals. The detainee's name and ID numbe wer redacted from all but one of the memoranda. However 169 of the memoranda had the detainee's ID hand-wrtten on the top right hand of the first page comer. When the Departent of Defense complied with a court order, and released offcial lists of the detainee's names and ID numbers it wa possible to identify who those 169 were wrtten about. Hamoud Abdullah Hamoud Hassan AI Wadv wa one of those 169 detainees.(5) http://en.wikipedia.orglwikiIamoud_Abdullah_Hamoud _ Hassan_AI _ Wady 8/1212008 Hamoud al-Wady - Wikipeia. the free encyclopeia Page 2 00 Allegations a. The detainee is associated with Taliban and Al Qaia. I. The detaine traveed to Afgnista from Yemen via ¡ran and Syia in early 2001. 2. The detainee was recruited to go to Afghanistan and a religious educator financed his travel. 3. The detainee went to Afghanistan to fight Jihad. 4. The detainee stayed in multiple safehouses in Pakistan and Afghanistan 5. The detainee is knowledgeable in the use ola Kalashnikov rife. 6. The detainee was a money courier. 7. The detainee delivered money to the Taliban in Herat. 8. The detainee was capturd in a safhoe in Pakistan b. The detainee supported muitary operations againt the coølition. at the Said Center for the rear guard near Bagramfor the Taliban. I. The detainee served Transcript Al Wady chose to parcipate in his Combatant Status Review Tribunai.(61 Confusion over the Tribunal process AI Wady's transcript records him describing hi confuion over the Tribunal process. Administrative Review Board hearing Detainees who were determined to have been properly clasified as "enemy combatats" were scheduled to have their dossier reviewe at anual Admnistrtive Review Boar heangs. The Administrative Review Boards weren't authorized to review whether a detanee qualified for POW statu, and they weren't authorized to review whether a detainee should have been clasified as an "enemy combatant". They were authorize to consider whether a detainee should continue to be detained by the United States, becuse they continued to pose a thrat - or whether they could saely be repatriated to the custody of their home country, or whether they could be set free. al- Wady chose to parcipate in his Administrtive Review Board heaing, tellng the panel that he was entering his fifth year of imprisonment and "wat(ed) to see America justice, where is it?,,(71 References i. A list of prisoners (.pdt) (htt://ww.dod.millpubslfoi/detaineesld200605l5.pdf). US Department Defense, May 15,2006 of 2. "Guantáamo Prisoners Getting Their Day, but Hardly in Cour (htt:// ex=1257570000&en=4f06725bdc086&ei=5088&paner=rssnyt), New York Times, November 11,2004 - mirrr ( 3. "Inside the Guantánao Bay hearíngs: Barbaan "Justice" dispense by KGB-stle "military Al_ Wady 811212008 Hamoud al-Wady - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Page 3 oD trbunls" (http://ww.christusrex.orgfwwlfnewslft-12-II-04a.htr), Financial Times, December II, 2004 4. 1\ "Anual Administrative Review Boards for Enemy Combatants Held at Guatao Attrbutable to Senior Defense Offcial (htt://ww.defenslin.millIriptstranscript.aspx? transcriptid=3902)". United States Deparent of Defense (Marh 6, 2007). Retrieved on 2007- 09-22. 5. 1\ Summar of Evidenc memo (.pdt) (http://ww.dod.milfpubsifoildetaneeslcsr_mar5.pdf#256) prepaed for Hamoud Abdullah Hamoud Hassa AI Wady's Combatant S/atu Review Tribunal - October 13, 2004 . page 256 6. 1\ Summarzed trscripts (.pd (htt:// _ 2629-2646.pdf#I), from Hamoud Abdullah Hamoud Hassan Al Wady's Combatant Status Review Tribunal- pages 1-13 7. 1\ Retrieved from nhtt://en.wikipedia.orglki/amoud_al-Wady'' Categories: People held at the Guantanamo Bay detention cap I Yei.eni extrjudicial prisoners of United States I Living peple Hidden categories: NPOV disputes frm December 20071 All NPOV disputes . Ths page was las modified on 10 May 2008, at 09:03. the . All text is available uner the tenns of the GNU Free Documentation Licens. (See Copyrits for details.) Wikipcia~ is a registered trdemark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a U.S. registered SOl (c) (3) tax-deductible nonprofit charity. http://en.wikipedia.orgfwikilHamoud_Abdullah_Hamoud_Hassan _ AI_ Wady 8/12/2008

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