Filing 927

ERRATA by HOUMAD WARZLY, GUANTANAMO BAY DETAINEE LITIGATION (82 in 1:05-cv-02385-RMU) Substitution of Counsel filed by GUANTANAMO BAY DETAINEE LITIGATION. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C)(Gunn, Carlton)

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EXHIBIT A Case 1 :08-cv-01238-UNA Document 7 Filed 08/08/2008 Page 1 of 3 UND STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRCT OF COLUMBIA FILED ) ) Civil Action Nos. AUG .8 NANCY MAYER WHTTNGTON. CI . ) 08-c-1224 ILS.DISTRICTCOU In re Guautauamo Detainee Cases ) ) ) ) 08--1227 08--1228 08-cv-1229 08--1230 08-c-1231 08-cv-1232 08-c-1233 08-cv-1234 08--1235 08-cv-1236 08--1237 08-c-1238 ORDER . In the interest of faciltati the appointment of counsel in the above-captioned cases, pursuant to the agrment of the Judges of ths Cour acting in Executive Session, July 1, 2008, it is hereby ORDERED that the Federa Defender offces listed on the attched schedule are appointed to represent the petitioners in the respective cases, and tht the individual attorneys from the Federa Defender offces who will represent the petitioners in each case shall fie a notice ofappeance and, pursuant to LCvR 83.2(e), shall be allowed to '. Case 1 :08-cv-01238-UNA Document 7 Filed 08/08/2008 Page 2 of 3 appe in this Cour as employees of the United States. Attrneys so appointed shal, puruat to LCvR 5.4(b), obtan a CMÆF pasword frm the Clerk in order to file documents with the Cour or to reeive copies of opinions and orders of the Cour. SO ORDERED. :.,' Augut 5, 2008 ~c.~ Royce C. Lambert Cluef Judge Case No. Case Name Federa Deender Offce Assiimed Date Flied Jud2e AsÏ2ed Jud..e Co 08-c-1224 7/17/08 7/17/08 Gul V. Bush et a1 er Northern Distrct of Geonr Northern Distrct of Geori (I) I '" CD 08--1227 Hafiz v. Bush et a1 Jud2e Huvele Judiie Co Jud..e Bates ~ o CD (" , 08--1228 Hadi v. Bush et a1 7/1710 er Southern Distrct of Indiana " o ~ , 08--1229 Yakbi v. Bush et a1 7/17108 Nortern District ofGeonr Nortern Distrct of Ohio Norter Disct of Ohio w I\ CD , 08--1230 Mohammed v. Bush ct a1 7/17108 Judiie Coller C Z ): 08-c-1231 7/17/08 Souther Ditrct of Alamlr v. Bush ct a1 7/17/08 Jud..e Koll-Kote Jud2e Roberton Jud..e Huvele o o (" Indiaa 08--122 7/17/08 7/17108 7/17108 Jud..e Bates Jud..e Bates Bin Atefv. Bush et a1 c 3 CD 08--1233 Oatt v. Bush ct a1 Nortern Ditrct of Ohio :: -. . :! CD 08-c-1234 Saeh v. Bush et a1 Judn Len Southern Distrct of Indiana 08--1235 Said Kuman v. Bush ct a1 7/17/08 7/17108 Centr Disct of Calorn Nortern Distrct of Ohio c- CD 08-c-1236 Abd AI Sattr v. Bush et a1 CD 08--1237 AI Wadv v. Bush et a1 7/17/08 Jud2e Conyer Centr Disrict of Calornia Centr Distrct of Calornia o o -\ I o o CD 08--1238 Balzair v. Bush et a1 Judiie Rober II co -0 CD w o. . w

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