ERRATA by FOX NEWS NETWORK, LLC 4 MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim or, Alternatively, for Summary Judgment with Memo in Support MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by FOX NEWS NETWORK, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Corrected Exhibit B, # 2 Corrected Exhibit G, # 3 Corrected Exhibit K, # 4 (sealed) Consent Motion to Seal)(Morris, Frank) Modified on 11/9/2010 (rdj).
Doc. 5 Att. 1
ArrÊnue of the Afirflcüs, 2nd Floot New Ysrh Ne'Y York f0æ6F8795
February2i' 2006
Ms. CatherircHøridge r$VíltiamMott{s AgenoY c/o The 1325 Avsrue of the Americqs New Yo'rlç New York 10019 Attention: HørYReisoh DearMs. Herridge¡
and Fo1-Nørs Network The following, when signed by catheríne Heüidge{'Terforner") EgnloVee L.L.C. (,Fox*¡, toe;il;;th-the Standard Teffis and Cbnditions, Tho Fox ^News and made a C respectively, Handbook, the Book Cui¿uli"eg, ottached herelo as Bxhibits A, B, and i'Agreement'), constltute the hereafter thepnt frur*f by this lãfo*ou'iooUoti*ty as â general asslgnmeirt novs underetsnding botrveen the parties retative ø Þerformeds ernployment oapaCity as Fox may rcpqrtef, nsws correspondent, ocoaSional anshor/co-anchort, and in any other progrmlg, ngws sefvices, intemet services' requir.o in connection with thá Fox News C¡annel, ne{v6 progams, publio 1ff1i* Prcgraüs' ¡16ys feeds, nr* *"eointp*gt*t, elestion specials, fadio rdiå prosrnns, prÕgåm eøí"t, or ottrøproeiam-ioe produced,-.i1whole or in oonpaiies. PErfõrmer's on-air title shall be 'T{alional p.n, ui nox óoïy is hereinafter "mliaíe¿ tL õãtioó""¿"of,. ruf-äf"r-itrprogt*tniog äo.'itt¿ in the preoeding se'rtence
çollectlvelyrcfeffed to
as the
sERvïcEs: performer wlll be bæed in lVashington D.C. and will tender her selvices and produotíon hereúder ã-õ!'Ïãlof nui *¡ititirs, and ln acoordEnce *i*t Fox's soheduling
requirernelrts, æ subjeot to Fox's directÍon and confrol
2.ÎEBM:Theterm(''Termil)ofthisAgreementshal.lcommenceasofootobu22, 22, 2008, unless 200j and ehall continue for tbree con¡esutivayutte tlriough and lnoluding October heróf' soonrr trfirr¡¿ted in accotdance with the provlsions
natç this shell have the uure¡hicted right' with or vvithout oeuse' to tE¡rri Performer prior notioe therof' Agree,nent and FerfoUnef's employnent nsfsüfiatr üpo1 dving providtd" hgwove¡, thut u{:lTS such termination to be effective at the time spoifi6d iir ttre oofiæ; at the en$ ortlg termiuatiou iB for cåuse; F;x sndl exercise its dght of tenminstion efnective only 2oo7'), upon either sivins Pertrmer at leæt 60 ootobø perfumci ttrã apptioabÉ lüeekly Compe'nsatíon' æ days pdor wittsn notice thereof, or paþg and 60 days from the hereihafter defne4 for the pcrioà Ueti,zde¡r-the effective dqteãftrninstion dste on whichnotice was given.
õ;äåõ;äîig[ (t;:;fi*d;
t pureugnt to tbe letter ftom Fox to Performer dated February L7,2}O6,Perfoflner may become a pemtånent, regUlar a[chor dudng tbe Terrn, atFox's sole discÏetiou,
ÕOMp.FNSATÍOIü! Itt ftll considøatiou for all of Pøformet's eüvices and rigþts the herein gÍmted, fox ugtor to p$y atrd ierformer agrees to accept compensation based upon iendu9d folfoøñg ¡nnual tutJ("Co*ó**adon") for each woek during which Perfomrer has bé services (lileckly Corprorrtion'), subjbt to such withholdingJ and deductiono as arÉ or may requirøl ùy hw, Such payment shätt be made weokly ou the,tlay Fox regul,ælypays its eu¡ployæs, A work rveek is definerf as seven corsecutive days, Mondaythrough Sundgy'
Annnnl Rate nf CnnrFons¡tion
EirslCo¡t¿at-Yfgrl (rol22l05-Lamrc6)
Sæond-Conft¡ctï-e¡u (1ol22lo6-rot2tlo7)
Tþifl ContrsctYeat:
accord Perfonner clothing equivalørt to approximately $?,500 per Coptract Yea¡ in aócorda¡rce rvith Fox polices, which polioiee-curreritly itt"otve thu use of a warcl¡obe mietress who chooses said olotbiug h cor¡sultåtion wlth Performer.
Duing the Tenn
hereo{, Fox
plaus BENEEITS: Performø shatl be entitled to participate in all employee benefit naintained by Fox which a¡e ¡vailable to other employees of Fox errgaged ilr a similar. capacity, utd performer,s rtigitiUty to partioþaæ in zuch plans shall be govemed by the rulee applicable to suoh pfu* It is nøãby oão¡rme¿ that severancu ir not au "employee boneftt plan" us above-refertrtced of and accordingty prrfut*rt roogoí"* ttrat ehe is not entitled io a.tty sevoraltce upon terminatiorr her ernployo.eut.
of four week¡ plus eig[t (E) floatiug holida¡,s plus Fox-deÊignatd þolidays, providedtowevø that pe,rforme,r shali give ño* itieæt forirweeks prior wrítte'n nJtiou of tlre datee of the deeiledvacatiog year ln whish and fte datps sdil be at tlmes convüient to Fox. Vapations must be takm during the If (t) Fo* the vacation accrues *f"ru Fox rcquests in writing tlat Perfotrner defers her væation' timçt does not r.equest Perfomrer to defei her vaoation a"A 0Ð Perfomtel faits to fequçst vacadon Fox may uuìign Perfc¡r:ner vacation time in otder thar all vacation titne to which Performer ip entitled is uscd ln,the appropriate year in which it accrues.
is based ín Wæhington D.C,, Fox shall havè fravel to such places as Fox, in-its teasgnap{ç the¡ight to requira Perfomncr, at any time or times, to disorJtíoq may detørmina l" O" went of such üavel, Fox sheli reimburse PErformer for h¡ir expeneeÈ tq achral, reæoneble out-of-poclcet trunsportation expenses tä anA f'rom such place (Eavel 6.
5. vAcATrôN, y¡ithiu eaph Confiact Yeu, Fox shall accord Performer
a paid vapation
lR A\rEL FxPENSES; Although Performer
Class â'fufårË ou be in apcordancÊ with Fox polio¡ and Performø shall be acco¡tled Bwiness Class ¿vailable on a domestio and intemationat niehts'ôver tluee hours; if tbero is no Businese well Es Performet'e ætual, specific fliglrt, then perfofluer-shall be accorded First Class airfare), æ in suoh place in apcotda¡pe with Fo4'a while Performer ie reasonåble and neces*af iiuiog "*p.oses upon Perñ,rmedJ euúmffiing itemized ststgrnçnts approved by Fox' requirements, PFRIìORMFB'S RF.PRFSENTATIONS: Performer feprÞ8ent6 that Performçr hæ. snd that any matøials the full rigbt, power,*A outfrrrity to enter into a:rd perform this Agreermeut performer shall be original *¿ to t¡t bæt õf Performer's knowledge inthe oreated or fumished by party' exeroige of reasonableirudencc not viol¿tive of ttre righb of any thittd
cout¿ined shall ever obllgate Fox to utilize performç/s sgflrices or dissemin¿te Progmms for which Performø hæ rendered servioee and Fox'g any tigltfs' only obligation to Performer ís to m¿te the payments æ herelr provldd subjeot to
oR pr.AY: Nothing hereio
relieving Fox ofsuch obligatiou.
R¡'FI Ts ÄT' Alr[n FIRST ilfEG{lrl ATfÔlV Provided Fox has not a tefminated thie Agreeroent prtsuant to paragraph 2.1 above, Performer hereby accords {o.1 wtth respoct to Perforrrer'¡ services followlng ¡ä¡t,inirroãe"ã"tlon*å tight of ¡ret *ntsal " ttre enrd of the Term hereof on the basis eet forthbelovr,
jou inquiry o, with any otliø person or paty regarding lhe -*gugu*dtt "ní.r irrto a o"!átiatlon oi agreon-rent of perfonner tõ rendsr settir** fotlowlng the Term hereof. Pøfomter agtees coinñen"iog ninerv (ggi days ínlnediately prìor to the cipiration of the Tetm (tho 'Negotiation periotl') to-ent¡r i*ò goo{'faith negotiations with Fox for the extension of tltis Agreoment on Period, mutually agreeable turäs.t Dui:nf, the flrst forty-five (a5) days of the Nogotiation into d Performø will not, ArecUy or iníttectty, or tttough an sgent or intermediary, enter the eqgagement of negotiatiou, discussion or agreemort wtfir any other pøson or p11y regarding perfomrer to rtnder r*uiour foUowing the Tãrm hereo{ and shall exclusively negotiate with Fox' ff * ug"u uot ie not reãphed betneãn Fox a¡rd Performer during the fîrst fotty'five (45) days of may tnu Ñtãotiotion Pøiod, the'lr Perforner, subject to Fox's first reñrsal rightr eet forth below'
E¡rtsf into uogotiations with othefs for her services foilowing thè end of the Tetm' 9.2, During the Term hereof and for six (6) months fotlowing the Term hereof, performer shall not, Cirõtfy or Indireotl¡ or tluoug;h an agent or interm_ediary, acccp.t ur.gf.fer oq
ehau 9.1. Ot¡er than as expressly set forth huein, at no tinre dtuing the Term hetto{, sOlicit or entertaifl anpffer gi' in6t*tly, o, itroogt en agent or intermediary, Performer, directly
on'air enter into an agreemvnt ot ão*g"-ent with any oih*t person or party fo¡ Perfornner's servioes for a iation¿l cable tetevision ncws network or a nationsl cable tolevision news
. Fox agrees to offer terms at least as favorable qs those oontained
herEin' Should Fox desire , ' shall.so. not ûo snte¡ into E new ugr"em*t wtth Psfo;ot following expiration of the Term, Fox -oommencernsnt of tho Negotiation period and Fot('s rigbt of fi$t tefu¡al iuform performe,r at the
contained hereir, eb¿ll uot apply.
the end of the Tenr, hereofi, except as pernritt,ed by this Agreement. In the perfonoer receiveg a bona fide offer aooeptåble to Performer (an "Ofior") during the ävent ttrat forry-five (45) d¿ys imme.diatEly prior to the expiratiou of the Tetm (i.e. tlrg only period {wittg T.r*,i*úrg *Uon perfot-ui may solioit, entertain or negotiato an Offer ûom a third party) or druiug the ei* 1O¡ mouth period immediateiy following the end of the Term, Performer sball suoh O'ffer or ent-er into any agreoment or uoungement relating tolrer servicos, unless oòt Ou she has iiret given Fox written notice of the ærms and oonditious of oaid Offer, sigued !y and a,u opportuuity of at lcast ten offoror or confirmed i1 rwiting by Performer's repreeelrtative, (I0) business days fbr Fox to maich those terms and sonditions; provided, however, that Fox i¡uil matc¡ tho paynent of money, snd offer of a eimilar positlon qd geogry.hio.base.. [r the day evenr that Fox rloci not match me Offer within the above-rcføsaroed ten (10) bueiness per{od, then Perforger shrll be frce to accept the Offer. In the event Performer does not aocept (6) inu OÉ*, Fox's right of firstrefusal shall continue for the remaíttder of the Tenn and the six month periorl fo[ofung the end of tlp Term, with respect to any other Offer. In tlre event t]rat at *y ttmr drulng the Tenn, other than dwing the forty-fivo (45) days immediately pllor to the e*pir*tion ttrøeoÇ Performsr receives an O-ffer (whether strsh Offer wæ unsolicited or made to Peiformer ae E rezult of Performer'g violation of the tenns set forth ebove), Fox shall not þe obligated to tako any aotion whatsoevsr with respect to euch Offer and Fox shall not be deemed to hãve wEived rte right of first nsgotiation or its right of first refusal as set forth herein or any otno tightr byvi¡mJof any eot ot frilure to apt with respeot to such Offer provided that it does respond witlin such 45-day time period refetenced above.
prossfl followÍug
9.3. Performer and Fox eaoh hereby acknowledgee ald agreÊo th¿t Porformcr's unique, and that the tems hsreof are fair and reæonablo and bave bççn speoifically servÍces are negotiated aud agreod to by tho pæties hereúo.
RTcHI.q FOr.t owrNc FNTì oF TERM: Ilr the event that Performer continue¡ rendering senvicÆs for Fox following ttre ørcpiration of the Torsr hereo4 Performer ehf,'Il_continue to effcct, afid the be paid ñø weekly oompenration at-her then-oufient nte, hEr benefitc will remain in d*ing whictr Pcrformer continues to render term sha¡¡ be deesed ä*tun¿r¿ only for the period seryices and may be termiuated by eithø paty äffective at any time on at leæt for¡r wçeks' notiae to
the othet. Þxcept æ expressly pauitted under fhis para8raPh I l,.rurder no any of circumeta¡ross and at no tíme, eitherprior to, drulng or afterttre Term, shall Perfonner *qot or offer her ropresørtatives, agents, and/or clæignees, directly or indirectly, disclose, dtvulge, render to any other person or party whateoç,ver concerning any matters any låowled.ge or-in-formation
reläting to tñe Programs or Fox's affaim and plans (regardiug the Programs or othøwise), tnchdúg, but not ìintte¿ ro, the compensation of the personnel and perforurers (including performõi's Compenrsation), all pæt, prescnç or futurc production budgets' ÉúoÏy idc86r story ooot*t, works ti' p*gttt, .oth¿untiA or oxclusive inforu¿tioq aud story þ4 -T¿ Opt, *Conffdential l¡forrnatiod). .Ary reckloss or intentional disclosu(Q (cottectively and individually, of ConÉdential l¡formatioo by Prtfot*ur and/or auy of hsr repreeentatíve8, ageû18, and/or
foregoing, constttute a material brsaph of this fureement- Notwithstanding the lende$, and p"ð¡¡1" may divulge the oonte,nt¡ of this Ag**unt to her law)ærs, account¿nts, re'presentatives' othar busineç t"p***luÉuo upon conditiãn that Performer Eeolüs said óonfrdential, or æ tequirtd by 1aw. agreement fo k up ihr infomration designees,
tepreeentadvdÐ or desig"r{Ð shall issue auy statemeirts or grant any interviews performer,e services oi ü" pìóg,arns without i'ox's prior conselìt exclusive of spontaneous and any media non-aerogatory remartcs.-¡¡ ut äy dme d'ring the Tämr Parformer is approached-by immediateþ ehall entitics outeide of Fox for intervi'ews, oommãtr, âppearances' etc', Performer peparrrriflt in order io c¿otdinate euch requeets prior to agreeing to contrct Fox's Media Reútion¡ give any euch interr.iews, coÍmenta' appearances, etc,
To pe.rforrnerl All noticæ ftom Fox to Perfoflner shall be given tn writing prepaid mail (registcrod to performer and sent to n."to*t* at the address høeinabovo sot forth by flrch or cerhfie{ fetum re'ceipt requested), or by faceimile, or at FoN's option, Fox qa.y deliver followed by mail notice to performer perråna[y. Any úotice sent by faosl*ile shåll be immediately or deliverT. in tlre manner set forth above. Notice shall be deemed given on date of dispatoh
|2, ThITFRvTF\Ãrs / PRFss RFIF sFsl Neithef Peformø nor Performer's age,lrt(l), concerning
13. wottctrs;
manner 13.1. Tûxor: All notises from Perfbrner to Fox sh¿ll be 6çnt in the same ,I as set forth iu puagraph 13 above and shall bE add¡essed æ
FoxNew¡Nctwork L.L'C. 1211 Avenue ofthe Amerisæ New York, New Yor{< 10036
Attentlon: Iægal DeParfnent Facsimile numb ec (212) 3 0 1 -5785
This Agreement oonoriurtes the entire understanding beiweæn tle PartieÊ.Tú whethe'r writte'n cannot be changed or tsrmluated orally and uupereedes all prior commu¡ications, or oral.
of tlre state of New 14.2. Ttrls Agreement shall be govomed æcording to the laws
\\ \\
If the foregoing
so indicate by ie iu æoordancB with Performet'e underdandin& ldn
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