Filing 155

REPLY to opposition to motion re #118 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS, AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEATING, REFRIGERATING, AND AIR-CONDITIONING ENGINEERS, INC., NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, INC.. (Attachments: #1 Supplemental Statement of Undisputed Facts, #2 Disputes with Defendant's Statement of Facts, Evidentiary Objections and Opposition to Request for Judicial Notice, #3 Response to Defendant's Statement of Facts, #4 Response to Defendant's Evidentiary Objections, #5 Declaration of Steven Comstock, #6 Declaration of Christian Dubay, #7 Supplemental Declaration of Thomas O'Brien, #8 Supplemental Declaration of Jordana Rubel, #9 Supplemental Declaration of James Thomas)(Fee, J.) Modified on 1/22/2016 to correct linkage (td).

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LEWIS, ESQ. 100 N. Tryon Street Suite 3900 Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 704.503.2583 704.503.2622 (facsimile) On behalf of the Plaintiff National Fire Protection Association, Inc.: MUNGER TOLLES & OLSON LLP THANE REHN, ESQ. (via telephone) 560 Mission Street 27th Floor San Francisco, California 94105 415.512.4000 On behalf of the Plaintiff American Society for Testing and Materials d/b/a ASTM International: MORGAN LEWIS & BOCKIUS JORDANA S. RUBEL, ESQ. (via telephone) J. KEVIN FEE, ESQ. (via telephone) 1111 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, D.C. 20004-2541 202.739.5118 202.739.3001 (facsimile) Page 2 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL (Continued) 2 On behalf of the Defendant Public.Resource.Org: 3 FENWICK & WEST LLP ANDREW P. BRIDGES, ESQ. 4 MATTHEW B. BECKER, ESQ. 555 California Street 5 San Francisco, CA 94104 415.875.2300 6 415.281.1350 (facsimile) 7 8 9 10 Also Present: Carl Malamud (via telephone) 11 Spencer Bush, Videographer 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 3 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 INDEX OF EXAMINATION 2 WITNESS: STEVEN COMSTOCK 3 EXAMINATION PAGE By Mr. Bridges 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 4 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 A. Yeah, about 12 years ago I had one taken. 2 Q. Is that the only deposition? 3 A. That's the only one. 4 Q. What kind of case did that involve? 5 A. That was a personnel matter for our 6 organization. 7 Q. Did you testify at trial? 8 A. No, I did not. 9 Q. Did you have a chance to meet with 10 Mr. Lewis or other counsel before this deposition to 11 prepare for the deposition? 12 A. Yes, I did. 13 Q. I'll ask you to look at Exhibit 1076 -- 14 (Defendant's Exhibit 1076 was marked for 15 identification.) 16 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) -- which is Defendant's 17 Notice of 30(b)(6) deposition of ASHRAE. 18 a look at it, Mr. Comstock. 19 Please take Do you understand that you are here today 20 testifying as a representative of ASHRAE on Topics 4, 21 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 18, 23, 24, 30, and 31? 22 A. Yes, that's my understanding. 23 Q. When did ASHRAE start providing a reading 24 25 room for public access to ASHRAE's standards? A. We made selected standards available for Page 10 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 read-only access, and I believe that was about 15 2 years ago. 3 that -- that range of time. 4 5 Q. I don't have the exact date. It was in How did ASHRAE select what standards to make available? 6 A. These are our -- our most popular 7 standards, the ones for which there was the greatest 8 demand. 9 Q. 10 11 How many standards -- strike that. How many current standards does ASHRAE publish? 12 A. I don't have the exact number. My 13 recollection would be in the neighborhood of -- of 14 75. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Q. How many of those standards are on ASHRAE's reading room available to the public now? A. At the current time, I believe there are 10 of those standards available. Q. Does ASHRAE also make available through its reading room earlier versions of those 10 standards? A. We provide -- we provide the current versions of those standards. 23 Q. But not the earlier versions? 24 A. I believe that's the case. 25 Q. Do you know why ASHRAE began providing Page 11 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 public access to some of its standards? 2 A. We were actually hoping to increase our 3 sales of those standards. 4 allow somebody to view those standards, but not be 5 able to download those standards or print those 6 standards. 7 for those standards. 8 Q. 9 A. So that would drive demand for those -- regard? 10 It would be to the -- to What was ASHRAE's experience in that It was -- our experience was that it was 11 relatively flat. 12 of a positive impact, nor in -- in that case did it 13 seem to have a negative impact. 14 Q. It didn't have -- seem to have much Does ASHRAE have information about how many 15 persons have accessed the standards in its reading 16 room? 17 A. We did. We changed the -- the -- the 18 software platform from which they were made available 19 for viewing. 20 used a RealRead vendor-supplied system and then we 21 went -- they went out of business, I believe, and 22 then we switched to iWrapper. 23 We originally used -- we originally But I -- I know for certain when we were 24 with RealRead, we would track the views. There was 25 no registration so we wouldn't know who those people Page 12 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 So I -- I would -- I would assume that 2 the -- the largest -- the most substantial revenue 3 stream that they provide to us in royalty comes from 4 network licenses. 5 6 7 Q. And how much would you estimate that to be on an annual basis? A. Do you mean the -- the -- the total revenue 8 or the part from -- or the part from network 9 licenses? 10 Q. Let's say the total revenue from 11 value-added resellers to begin with and then 12 understanding whether you can break out network -- 13 A. Yeah. 14 Q. -- licenses. 15 A. Our -- our total royalty revenue would be 16 17 roughly 1.2 million to 1.4 million. Q. And when you identify your total royalty 18 revenue, that revenue number is separate from the 19 revenue number you gave me earlier about publications 20 revenue; is that correct? 21 A. Yes, that's correct. 22 Q. So to understand the total -- I hate to use 23 the word, but monetization value of publications, one 24 would have to add in the publications revenue and the 25 royalty revenue; correct? Page 34 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 A. That is correct. 2 Q. What other components would be missing if I 3 had just the publication revenue and the royalty 4 revenue? 5 6 A. Now, we are speaking just -- of just publications? 7 Q. Right, and really specifically standards. 8 A. Standards. 9 Just running through our financial statements in my mind. 10 That -- that's it. Again, there's educational components that 11 we may use standards in which -- but there's no -- 12 but sometimes like we include a standard in a 13 registration fee for a conference, so there's no 14 direct revenue from that standard. 15 But if you added together the royalty sales 16 and you added together our direct sales of 17 publications, that would represent our -- our total 18 publication revenue. 19 Q. Do you have an estimate as to what 20 percentage of that total revenue is attributable, in 21 your mind -- or in ASHRAE's mind, to all versions of 22 90.1? 23 MR. LEWIS: 24 THE WITNESS: 25 Objection. So what percentage of our total publications revenue, if that total Page 35 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 revenue is both what we sell and the royalties, 2 what's the component of that that is 3 attributable to -- 4 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) 5 A. -- 90.1? 6 Q. -- all versions. 7 A. Yeah. 8 90.1 -- And let me just go through some math as I'm -- as I'm speaking. 9 And this would not be any of the kind of 10 indirect educational or, you know, credibility and 11 other -- other ways that that may impact us. 12 Q. Right. 13 A. Yes, just give me -- okay. 14 Now let me just run through those numbers now. 15 Well, when it gets to the royal- -- the 16 problem is for the royalty part I'm really making 17 guesses, because it's -- because I don't have -- you 18 know, it -- it -- I -- I don't have those numbers, 19 you know, broken down as such. 20 Q. I'll just ask you for your best estimate. 21 A. Best estimate. 22 MR. LEWIS: 23 THE WITNESS: Objection. So the best estimate, if the 24 total was $450,000 -- 25 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Out of the total. Page 36 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 A. Out of the total as an estimate, just conjecturing. Q. Is -- excuse me, I may have -- I don't 4 think I asked the exact same question. I may have 5 asked a similar question earlier. 6 repeat myself because I'm working on one hour of 7 sleep. Forgive me if I 8 Is 90.1 ASHRAE's -- I think -- strike that. 9 I think you said it was ASHRAE's most 10 11 popular standard; is that correct? A. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 (Witness nodded head affirmatively.) MR. LEWIS: Q. Objection. (By Mr. Bridges) What would you consider the second most popular standard to be? A. Second I would consider Standard 62.1, which is ventilation requirements for buildings. Q. What would round out the rest of the top five, in your view? A. Top five. Standard 55, which is a thermal 20 comfort standard; Standards 15 and 34, which relate 21 to refrigerant use and -- in air-conditioning and 22 refrigeration systems. 23 Q. I think, based on the number of years 24 you've been at ASHRAE, is it correct that you started 25 at ASHRAE before ASHRAE first published 90.1? Page 37 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 context. 2 take nods down. 3 You nodded, but the court reporter can't Do you understand, broadly speaking, 4 monetization of publications through revenue sources 5 like purchasing and licensing and the like? 6 A. Yes. 7 Q. And royalties? 8 A. Yes. 9 Q. What proportion of ASHRAE's yearly revenues 10 comes from the monetization of its standards as 11 publications? 12 A. I'm making sure I'm doing the math right. 13 Q. That's fair. 14 A. Let's see. That's fair. It would be -- directly 15 attributable to standards would be approximately 16 10 percent. 17 18 19 Q. How else does ASHRAE earn revenue, other than through the monetization of its standards? A. Membership dues, conference registrations, 20 advertising, subscription sales, educational course 21 registrations, certification, exposition income. 22 And when you said "publications," if -- so 23 in addition to publications, we have books. So 24 books, if -- if -- if -- if that's -- if you 25 distinguish between standards in your questions, then Page 59 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 there would be books. 2 that covers it. 3 Q. And I believe that -- that -- Roughly what percentage of ASHRAE's 4 expenses pertain to the organization and supervision 5 of the standards development process and the costs of 6 publication and the costs of administering the 7 permissions and distributions and the like? 8 MR. LEWIS: 9 Objection. THE WITNESS: I can speak to the side of 10 that process that deals with the -- the -- the 11 publications part. 12 the costs would be to support the development of 13 the product. 14 standard out to the -- to -- to the marketplace. 15 What would be -- I -- I'd probably say I do not know what the -- My role begins when we push that 16 there are staff salaries that would be 17 attributable to standards activities from the 18 publication side of things, production, so on. 19 If you add portions of people's time together, 20 we're probably speaking of four people from the 21 publications side. 22 And then the -- the cost of the 23 infrastructure for the book- -- for the 24 bookstore, the on-line process, and warehousing, 25 and finally the -- the -- the work that may be Page 60 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 what a subvention is of a publication? 2 A. I do not. 3 Q. Has ASHRAE ever received any grants to 4 5 6 7 support the publication of any particular standards? A. I have no knowledge of ASHRAE receiving funds for that. Q. Is ASHRAE aware of any monetary losses that 8 it has suffered as a consequence of the defendant's 9 conduct in this case? 10 A. I can't speak to any -- any tracking of -- 11 of losses. 12 asked me if a standard is available on the Internet, 13 is that -- is that allowed, is that permissible, so 14 we -- in those cases, we will seek to remove them. 15 16 17 And anecdotally, people say if -- they've But we don't -- we -- I don't have any record of tracking such loss of -- of revenue. Q. Apart from tracking it, does ASHRAE have 18 any information regarding monetary losses it has 19 suffered as a consequence of defendant's conduct? 20 A. I -- I do recall there was one message we 21 got from somebody who refer- -- I think it was 22 somebody with Carrier Corporation, if I recall, who 23 referred to -- who referred to that. 24 they had intended to purchase or not, but that was 25 one specific case I do recall. I don't know if Page 63 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 EXHIBIT 8 Page 1 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ----------------------------------AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND ) Case No. MATERIALS d/b/a ASTM INTERNATIONAL;) 1:13-cv-01215-EGS NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ) ASSOCIATION, INC.; and ) AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEATING, ) REFRIGERATING, AND ) AIR-CONDITIONING ENGINEERS, INC., ) Plaintiffs, ) vs. ) PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC., ) 10 11 12 Defendant. ) -----------------------------------) AND RELATED COUNTERCLAIMS. ) -----------------------------------) 13 14 RULE 30(B)(6) VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEATING, REFRIGERATING, AND AIR-CONDITIONING ENGINEERS, INC. 15 BY AND THROUGH ITS DESIGNEE, 16 STEPHANIE REINICHE 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2015 9:10 a.m. VERITEXT LEGAL SOLUTIONS 1075 PEACHTREE STREET SUITE 3625 ATLANTA, GEORGIA Reported By: SHARON A. GABRIELLI, CCR B-2002 Job No. 2035289 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 EXAMINATION 3 FOR THE PLAINTIFF ASTM: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 INDEX 1 2 APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL: Witness Name 4 5 6 7 8 MORGAN LEWIS & BOCKIUS LLP BY: J. KEVIN FEE, ESQ. 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20004 (202) 739-5353 JKFEE@MORGANLEWIS.COM Page STEPHANIE REINICHE By Mr. Becker ............................... 10 By Mr. Cunningham ........................... 223 EXHIBIT 9 Exhibit FOR THE PLAINTIFF ASHRAE: Description Page 10 KING & SPALDING 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 BY: J. BLAKE CUNNINGHAM, ESQ. 17 101 Second Street 18 Suite 2300 19 San Francisco, California 94105 20 (415) 318-1218 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 1119 Status Report and Proposed Order on Outstanding Discovery Requests Exhibit 1120 ASHRAE0002835-02841 Exhibit 1121 ASHRAE0002553-2560 Exhibit 1122 ASHRAE0002561-2568 Exhibit 1123 ASHRAE0002610-2617 Exhibit 1124 ASHRAE0002578-2585 Exhibit 1125 ASHRAE0002847-2854 Exhibit 1126 ASHRAE0002872-2879 Exhibit 1127 ASHRAE0002895-2901 Exhibit 1128 ASHRAE0013632-13639 Exhibit 1129 ASHRAE0002902-2909 Exhibit 1130 ASHRAE0016583-16591 Exhibit 1131 ASHRAE0005359-5367 Exhibit 1132 ASHRAE0002467-2468 Exhibit 1133 ASHRAE0002469-2470 Page 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL (CONTINUING): FOR THE DEFENDANT: FENWICK & WEST LLP 8 BY: MATTHEW BECKER, ESQ. 9 555 California Street 10 12th Floor 11 San Francisco, California 94104 12 (415) 875-2389 13 14 15 16 17 18 ALSO PRESENT: Carl Malamud, Public.Resource.Org (via telecon) 19 Corynne McSherry, Electronic Frontier Foundation 20 21 22 23 24 25 --oOo-- 55 55 55 62 62 62 62 63 63 63 63 64 64 65 68 Page 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 EXHIBITS (CONTINUED) Exhibit Description Page Exhibit 1134 ASHRAE0022821-22822 Exhibit 1135 ASHRAE0022819 Exhibit 1136 ASHRAE0022823-22824 Exhibit 1137 ASHRAE0022825-22826 Exhibit 1138 ASHRAE0022820 Exhibit 1139 ASHRAE0022814-22816 Exhibit 1140 ASHRAE0022817-22818 Exhibit 1141 ASHRAE0022813 Exhibit 1142 ASHRAE0001618 Exhibit 1143 ASHRAE0001601 Exhibit 1144 ASHRAE0001602-1603 Exhibit 1145 ASHRAE0001606 Exhibit 1146 ASHRAE0001600 Exhibit 1147 ASHRAE0001604 Exhibit 1148 ASHRAE0001608-1609 Exhibit 1149 ASHRAE0001610-1611 Exhibit 1150 ASHRAE0001605 Exhibit 1151 ASHRAE001613-1615 Exhibit 1152 ASHRAE0001616-1617 Exhibit 1153 ASHRAE0001612 Exhibit 1154 ASHRAE0022827 Exhibit 1155 ASHRAE0001598-1599 Exhibit 1156 ASHRAE0026227-26228 Page 3 69 71 74 75 76 76 78 79 80 80 81 81 82 83 83 84 85 85 86 87 90 93 107 Page 5 Pages 2 to 5 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 A I moved from Michigan to Georgia. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 once you moved to Georgia? A ASHRAE. 09:21 09:29 09:23 09:25 Q Okay. Did you move to Georgia to work at ASHRAE? A No. 09:26 That title, till 2014. Q And so were you promoted once again in 2014? 09:27 A Yes. Q And what is the title that you were promoted 09:21 5 09:21 09:20 to? 09:23 6 Q Okay. And when was it that you started 09:29 Senior manager of standards. Q And is that the title that you hold today? 8 A Yes. Q Okay. And do you have any other roles at 9 09:21 09:23 Q Okay. How was it that you came to start A 7 09:28 09:29 working at ASHRAE? A November 2003. A 2 3 Q And what was your first job that you took 1 4 1 10 09:23 11 09:24 09:21 09:24 09:24 ASHRAE, other than senior manager of standards? A No. Q 09:24 09:29 Have you served on any of the committees in 12 13 working at ASHRAE? 09:24 A I applied online. I -- I saw a job posting, 09:27 14 at that time it was for a procedures administrator, and 09:21 14 A No. 15 I submitted a résumé. 15 Q Have you -- what involvement in the design of 09:24 12 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 09:23 09:21 16 Q Had you ever heard of ASHRAE before that point? A No. 17 09:23 09:23 18 Q Were you familiar with the air-conditioning, 09:24 heating and cooling industry prior to that point? A No. 09:21 09:26 ASHRAE? 09:23 standards have you played? A 09:21 I oversee the development of all the standards at ASHRAE. 09:23 09:26 19 Q And what does that involve? 20 A It involves a lot of things. It involves 09:26 09:27 21 reviewing all the documentation for membership, 22 overseeing the documentation for public reviews, could 09:27 job at ASHRAE? 09:26 A I suppose because it was -- at that time, it 09:20 23 be change proposals, could be minutes, the publication 09:24 24 drafts, editing and reviewing those, working with the was about procedures and process, and so just legal 25 appeals. 22 Q What was it that made you qualified for the 23 24 25 09:22 09:23 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 background and ability to -- to write and things like that. 09:29 09:27 09:20 Page 20 1 Q And when you say you oversee the 09:25 2 Q And what -- how long were you a procedures 09:24 administrator at ASHRAE for? 09:20 A I want to say until December 2004. 09:27 documentation for membership and for public reviews and 09:29 3 change proposals and publication drafts, what does that 09:23 4 entail? 5 A 09:26 It can entail -- well, making sure that the 09:28 Q And what was -- what position were you promoted to? 09:29 A Standards administrator. 09:20 09:26 complete, meaning every -- all the, you know, parts are 09:25 8 filled out, everything is properly signed. And it 09:29 could involve talking with the chairs of project 09:23 10 Q And how long did you hold the title of 09:26 standards administrator for? 09:22 A I think it was about three years. 09:24 Q And were you promoted after three years? A Yes. 09:23 document for membership, that the documentation is all 09:22 9 09:24 6 7 Q And were you promoted at that time? A Yes. 09:25 09:21 committees to help them make sure their committee is 11 balanced. 12 13 14 Q What do you mean by making sure the project 09:27 committees are balanced? A 09:29 09:24 09:20 Under our ANSI rules, our committees have to 09:22 15 Q And what title were you promoted to? 09:24 A Assistant manager of standards 09:27 administration. 09:28 Q And how long did you hold that position for? 09:27 A A year or two. 09:20 be balanced, meaning for nonsafety standards, no more 09:25 16 than 50 percent of the people can be in any one 17 interest category; and for safety standards, no more 18 than one-third in each interest category. 09:20 24 25 Q And how long did you hold that position for? 09:29 09:29 09:23 09:26 19 Q And what is an interest category? 20 A It's -- it describes the -- the role a person 09:25 Q And were you promoted again after that point? 09:26 21 22 A Yes. 09:29 Q And what title were you promoted to? A Manager of standards. 09:22 23 09:22 09:27 Page 18 1 09:29 09:21 23 24 25 plays typically in their job or their duties that they're doing, and that shows their bias for that particular standard that's being developed. Q Could you list for me the interest categories? Page 19 09:22 09:22 09:25 09:20 09:27 09:29 Page 21 Pages 18 to 21 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 A For which standard? 2 Q So the interest categories are different for 09:23 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 09:21 particular standards? 1 09:28 09:22 A There's compliance, industry, utility, 5 application form that would list the -- you know, what 09:20 6 project committee they're applying for, their name, 09:24 what interest category they believe they should be 09:27 categorized. And then they would have -- then there is 09:33 9 09:20 A I can list some of them, but I would have to 09:26 look at a roster to verify they're all correct. Q Let's talk about membership applications. 09:23 A So for membership applications, there is an 09:27 8 Q Okay. Do you know the -- off the top of your 09:27 head the interest categories for the 90.1 standards? general, and I think user. 09:29 09:22 7 09:26 Q Okay. A For which part of the process? After membership? 4 a signature at the bottom and their voting status, what 09:35 3 09:25 A They can be, yes. 2 09:22 10 09:21 11 they would like to be on that committee. 09:39 There's a bias/conflict of interest form, 09:32 09:27 would fall into the compliance category? last five years, other organizations that they've been 09:30 14 involved with, who pays their way to participate, and 09:22 What -- what kind of a person would a -- which gives background on where they've worked for the 09:36 13 09:29 categories? Excuse me, let me rephrase. 12 09:25 Q And what does -- what are the -- those 15 any public statements they would have made in regards 16 to the particular standard they're applying for, and that, too, is signed. A I would need to look at the application that 09:26 09:34 09:34 17 shows the definition to give you an exact person, the 09:28 17 18 exact definition; but for example, somebody that's 09:22 18 And then there's a biographical record that 19 involved in codes would be a compliance person. 19 is done through the ASHRAE website which gives their 20 Q When you say someone who's involved in codes, 09:20 20 like what -- what kind of role do you mean by that? 09:24 21 21 09:26 and things like that, whether -- other committees like that. 23 Q A code -- 24 A A building code person; that type of person. 09:20 24 25 Q Would that be something like a regulator? 25 09:29 09:23 09:36 Q Are you the person who makes sure that all of 09:36 these fields are filled out? 09:39 Page 22 09:26 Page 24 1 A Could be. 2 Q Okay. So that would -- that would encompass 09:27 2 3 somebody in a government position, then, would be under 09:21 3 4 compliance? 4 1 09:27 MR. CUNNINGHAM: Object to form. 09:28 THE WITNESS: I would have to look at would be listed. It depends on where they 9 work, what they do. Without looking at an 10 09:21 14 compliance? A Depending on the -- it depends on what the 17 definitions to tell you for sure. 09:29 15 09:21 16 09:24 17 Q And where would the definitions be found? A The definitions would be as part of the application. 09:25 09:28 Q The membership application? 22 A Yes, sir. 23 Q You also said that one of your jobs is to 18 19 09:20 21 13 14 definition is. I really probably should look at the 20 09:25 09:28 16 19 11 Q (BY MR. BECKER) Okay. What other categories 09:24 12 could a government official go under, other than 18 9 09:20 13 15 8 09:26 they would go under compliance. 12 7 09:22 individual, I can't tell you for sure that 11 6 09:20 the roster to see how a government employee 10 5 09:29 8 09:38 23 09:27 7 09:38 background, like where they -- you know, their degrees 09:33 they've been involved in within ASHRAE, awards; things 09:31 A A code official. 6 09:36 22 22 5 09:38 09:31 20 09:21 21 09:22 22 09:21 24 make sure that documentation is complete. What does 25 that involve? 23 09:24 09:27 24 25 A I have a staff person that does that, but 09:31 then they are reviewed by another committee. And when 09:32 there's a question, then I'm the one that helps work 09:35 with that. 09:39 Q And what is the name of the staff person who 09:30 checks these forms? 09:32 A It's varied over the years. 09:35 Q What is the name of the person today? A Katrina Shingles. 09:30 09:37 Q And is there -- does Katrina Shingles have a 09:36 specific position? 09:31 A She's a secretary. 09:32 Q Is there a specific position for the person 09:38 who has always checked the -- the forms? 09:32 A It's been a secretary or an administrative 09:37 assistant. 09:30 Q And you said there's also a committee that 09:37 looks over that? 09:39 A Yes. There's a staff liaison, and then there 09:30 is -- in addition to that, and then there is -09:34 depending -- the process has changed slightly. There 09:37 could be up to two oversight committees. 09:30 Q And you said that the process has changed. 09:33 When did the process change? 09:37 A This year. 09:30 Page 23 Page 25 Pages 22 to 25 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 Q A It is -- let's see if I get this right -- energy code for commercial buildings. Q I'm sorry, could you spell that, EPAct? 7 A E-P-A-C-T. It's the Energy Policy Act. 8 Q And what does the Energy Policy Act do? 9 A That's the federal law for -- it's the International Code Council. It's their energy 5 09:45 look it up, to be honest. But it's through 4 09:40 6 efficiency code. 6 09:48 09:43 7 Q 09:42 09:47 09:42 The International Code Council, are they known as ICC? 11 to 90.1. So 90.1 is the minimum. That's the code in 12 EPAct. 09:46 A Yes. 9 minimum efficiency for commercial codes as it relates 09:46 09:48 8 09:47 09:41 10 Q What's the -- is there any relationship of 10 09:40 09:44 the IECC to ASHRAE's Standard 90.1? 09:47 11 Q The -- I'm sorry, the minimum for what? 14 A Commercial buildings. 15 Q Is that the minimum level of energy Q What does that mean? 13 09:48 A 12 09:40 09:47 13 efficiency? International Energy -- I'm not positive. I 09:44 just speak in acronyms, so I can't remember. I have to 09:49 3 09:48 it's referenced in the EPAct, so it's the minimum 5 A 2 09:47 4 16 1 And what's special about it being referenced 09:43 in federal law? 90.1 is a compliance option to the IECC. 09:43 A It means you can choose -- if you adopt that 09:44 09:42 14 A Yes. 09:45 18 Q So if I understand you correctly, ASHRAE 09:40 at the -- whatever level you're -- design your code -- 09:49 17 09:44 17 then -- and 90.1 is a reference as a compliance option 09:43 16 09:42 as your code and you adopt it in its entirety and 15 09:40 wherever that code is adopted, if they -- if the 18 builder wants to build according to what's in 90.1, 19 Standard 90.1 is referenced in the EPAct as the minimum 09:44 19 20 standard for energy efficiency for commercial 21 buildings? 20 09:44 09:49 09:43 09:46 they have that option or they can build according to the IECC, and then that's their choice. 09:49 09:42 09:47 21 09:48 22 comply with ASHRAE Standard 90.1 and that would be 09:44 23 sufficient? 09:40 24 MR. CUNNINGHAM: Object to form. 25 THE WITNESS: It -- there is a reference 22 A Correct. 23 Q So who is it who has to follow the EPAct? 24 MR. CUNNINGHAM: Object to form. 25 THE WITNESS: To the best of my 09:44 Q Does the IECC say within it that someone can 09:41 09:41 09:43 Page 30 1 knowledge, it's the -- the requirement is all 2 states are supposed to become compliant with 3 it or deem to comply by another method every 4 so many years to the latest version of 5 90.1. 6 Q 09:45 1 as -- yeah, as a compliance option to the 2 IECC, yes. 09:43 3 4 09:41 5 (BY MR. BECKER) When you say that all states 09:45 7 must become compliant, does that mean that the states 8 have to adopt this into their regulations or does it 9 mean that these states have to build their buildings to 09:45 10 comply with the EPAct? Page 32 09:48 09:49 09:47 09:40 6 7 Q 09:44 09:49 (BY MR. BECKER) So compliance option, then, 09:40 means an alternative? 09:42 A Correct. 09:44 Q And is -- does that mean that ASHRAE's 09:45 Standard 90.1 is more rigorous than the IECC? 09:40 MR. CUNNINGHAM: Object to form. 8 09:41 THE WITNESS: I would have to review. 9 10 09:49 09:47 09:40 09:41 It depends on what version. Off the top of 11 MR. CUNNINGHAM: Object to form. 09:41 11 my head, I -- I don't know. 12 THE WITNESS: It means they're supposed 09:43 12 Q 09:42 09:44 (BY MR. BECKER) Taking a step back, 09:40 13 to adopt a code that is equivalent to the 09:45 13 14 current version of 90.1 within two -- I 09:48 14 A 15 believe it's within two years of each year, 09:41 15 Q And what is Ms. Ramspeck's position? 16 or there is some other rules that they have 09:45 16 A Director of technology. 17 to follow if they don't deem to comply. 09:48 17 Q And do you report to anybody else? 18 It does not have to be 90.1. It could 18 A I suppose you could say Jeff Littleton. 19 Q And what is Mr. Littleton's position? 20 A Executive vice president. 09:45 21 22 Q And is there anybody else that you report to? 09:40 A No. 23 Q And is there anyone who reports to you? 24 A Yes. 25 Q And who are those people? 19 be another version of a different code. 20 So... 21 22 Q 09:42 09:44 09:47 (BY MR. BECKER) What other codes would -- would suffice to -- to satisfy the EPAct? 23 MR. CUNNINGHAM: Object to form. 24 THE WITNESS: The IECC. 09:40 25 Q 09:44 09:47 (BY MR. BECKER) What is the IECC? 09:40 Ms. Reiniche, who do you report to at ASHRAE? Page 31 Claire Ramspeck. 09:41 09:44 09:48 09:43 09:48 09:44 09:47 09:40 09:42 09:43 09:46 09:47 Page 33 Pages 30 to 33 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A Mark -- Mark Weber, Carmen Manning, Nicole 09:41 Jones, Angela McFarlin, Katrina Shingles, Steve 09:40 Ferguson, Beverly Fulks, Tanishe Meyers-Lisle, Susan 09:43 LeBlanc, and Bert Etheridge. 09:41 Q And what is Mr. Weber's position? A He is the manager of standards American. 09:42 09:46 1 do a double review of the membership items reviewed by 09:53 2 Katrina, works with the project committee chair to help 09:58 3 come up with a balance committee, looking at terms, you 09:54 4 know, helping making sure they, you know, get -- rotate 09:59 5 people in and out per our rules. He attends all the 09:52 6 full project committee meetings, some of the 09:59 Q Does that mean he's in charge of the American 09:41 7 8 ASHRAE standards? 09:44 9 A Yes, but there's some that are assigned to 09:46 10 other people; but the majority of them, yes. 09:48 Q And why would some of them be assigned to 09:41 11 12 other people? 09:43 13 A We provide staff support for some of the 09:44 14 standards, and we divide them up because of the 09:47 15 schedule that one person can provide higher levels of 09:40 16 support. 09:44 Q So does Mark Weber provide staff support to 09:45 17 range of standards, with the exception of some other 09:43 18 19 group of standards? 09:46 20 A He does -- he's the main point of contact for 09:47 21 the majority of the standards. There's some that he is 09:42 22 specifically the staff liaison to, and then there's 09:47 23 several others that are assigned to other managers in 09:40 24 the department. 09:43 25 Q Okay. And why is it that there are others 09:44 subcommittee meetings. 09:52 He processes the letter ballots for approval 09:55 of all drafts. He reviews the drafts to make sure when they make one change to a section and then they haven't made a similar change to another section so there's not conflicts. He reviews all of the public -- final 2 A We just -- we just split them up because 09:41 minutes. Are you aware of any other work that stuff that I can think of. He has other duties besides 09:54 90.1. Q 09:57 Does Mr. Ferguson draft any of the text for 90.1? 09:53 A He reviews the drafts and points out conflicts. Q 90.1? 3 4 their meeting schedules; one person can't do all of 4 5 them. Some of them, it's based on their prior 6 expertise. 7 Q 09:54 are not assigned to Mark Weber that are American standards? A Yes. 11 Q And which standards are those? 12 A 90.1, 90.2, 90.4, 189.1, 15, 34. 13 Q And who is Standard 90.1 assigned to? 14 A Steve Ferguson. 09:45 09:50 09:53 Yes. Q And what is Steve Ferguson's position? 19 A Manager of standards for codes. Q And he's also the staff liaison for 90.1, you 09:56 09:54 Yes. Q Okay. What does Mr. Ferguson do as staff 09:51 A 09:56 09:58 He would edit it, send it back. If it's a 09:50 11 substantive change to fix it, then it would have to go 09:53 back to the committee for a new vote. If it's 13 editorial, then the chair or a subcommittee -- or in consultation with a subcommittee chair can say that's 09:54 15 correct and -- and then move it forward in whatever 09:58 step in the process it's in. Q 09:56 09:59 09:50 When you say he edits it and sends it back, 09:51 18 does that mean that he actually changes the text, or does this mean that he sends a comment that there is a 09:56 20 conflict or something like that and leaves it to the committee to make the change? 22 A If it's -- it depends. If it's a conflict 09:54 09:50 09:52 09:54 09:59 23 and he understands -- he has an engineering degree, so 09:57 24 09:54 09:57 A lot of things. He'll -- he does -- he'll And what would he do if they had written something in an incorrect format? 21 09:51 A A Q 09:50 09:53 19 09:58 23 liaison for 90.1? 8 17 09:55 22 25 something in the incorrect format. 16 09:59 A 24 but he does not necessarily, unless they wrote 14 09:53 And you say that Steve Ferguson reports to were saying? 09:52 12 09:49 18 21 No. He may comment when they're discussing 7 10 09:46 17 20 09:57 09:51 proposed text changes to make them aware of something, 09:56 9 10 Q 09:41 09:45 you as well? A 09:57 But he doesn't contribute text directly to 6 09:47 9 16 09:58 5 And do you know what standards they are that 09:49 8 15 09:53 Mr. Ferguson does as the staff liaison for 90.1? 09:55 A That's -- that's pretty much the general 09:51 1 of staff loads. One person can't support them based on 09:44 09:40 09:53 09:57 Page 36 3 09:43 09:58 for each new version every three years. He does the 2 that are assigned to other managers in the department? 09:47 09:58 09:55 publication drafts in the final roll-ups of the 90.1 Q 09:56 09:53 Page 34 1 09:57 they're written consistently. He points out conflicts 09:52 if he understands how to change it, he can propose a -- 09:51 25 he may propose the wording change. If it's not Page 35 09:55 Page 37 Pages 34 to 37 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 something he understands and it's a conflict, then 1 Q There's -- is there a single SPLS for ASHRAE? 09:50 2 he'll comment and ask the committee for direction. 09:53 2 A There is a single SPLS for ASHRAE. They 3 Q And is there any record of the wording 09:53 3 4 5 09:50 changes that Mr. Ferguson has proposed? 09:56 A There's probably -- if he sent something review all the standards. 09:53 09:58 4 Q And who is -- who composes SPLS? 5 09:52 A That is a subcommittee of standards committee 09:54 09:50 6 back, it -- to the committee, it would have been sent 09:54 6 7 via email. 7 Q And are they elected or are they appointed? 09:55 8 A The standards committee members are elected 09:50 8 9 10 11 09:58 Q If you wanted to go back and find any 09:51 have proposed them in the minutes. That's not 13 something recorded in the minutes, so he would have 14 sent it via email. 15 16 17 09:55 09:57 09:59 by the board of directors, and then the subcommittee assignments are done by the incoming chair and vice chair, along with myself every year. So it just 12 A I'd have to look in his email. He wouldn't 09:52 9 11 09:51 12 09:58 10 proposed changes that Mr. Ferguson had made, how would 09:57 you go about doing that? of approximately -- I think it's 15 members. depends. It's a rotating four-year term. 13 Q 09:55 09:50 09:53 09:50 So when you say that the assignments are done 09:51 14 reflected in the minutes in -- in any way? 09:54 A Not -- not unless it was -- if he sent a 09:58 yourself every year and that it's a rotating four-year 09:51 term, the -- are you saying that these appointments are 09:53 made for a subset of the 15 people every -- every year? 09:50 09:56 18 change back, this assumes that the committee has 19 already approved the proposed change. And if there was 09:57 19 members, and then there's multiple subcommittees. 09:57 20 an issue and he sent it back, then if -- if a change 20 Standards committee, about one-third rolls off every 09:51 21 had to be made that was substantive, there would be 21 four years. So we don't have a new standards committee 09:53 22 another -- there would be a letter ballot. So then it 09:57 22 every four years. So there's some consistency. So 23 would be reflected in a letter ballot. If it's 23 there might be just a couple people that were on SPLS 24 editorial, the chair would accept it. 24 one year that will roll off, and so we're adding some 25 new or moving some others into SPLS. 25 09:54 by the incoming chair and a vice chair along with 16 09:52 15 17 Q And how would that -- would that change be 18 09:59 09:54 09:51 09:54 Q Who makes the determination for a substantive 09:59 A No. It's -- standards committee has 26 Page 38 1 2 change versus an editorial change? A 09:53 If staff -- the difference between a 2 3 substantive and an editorial change is a substantive 4 change changes the requirements of the standard. So 09:53 4 5 changing a "should" to a "shall" would be a substantive 09:58 5 6 change. 6 09:51 If it's editorial, like, you know, changing 7 09:50 8 an "a" to a "the" or something like that, it's clear 9 that's an editorial. 09:52 3 7 8 If staff questions acceptance of a change as 09:51 10 09:54 10 09:59 9 11 substantive and the committee does not want to send a 12 new letter ballot out, when it goes to the next body, 13 we make the next body aware for approval, which would 14 be SPLS for public reviews or standards for publication 09:54 14 15 approval. We make them aware of it -- that concern, 15 16 and then SPLS looks at it and makes a determination of 09:53 16 17 whether or not it's substantive or editorial. And then 09:50 17 18 if it's substantive and they didn't vote it out, it 09:52 18 19 goes back to the project committee. 09:54 19 20 21 09:54 09:57 09:50 09:50 11 12 13 Q Could you tell me again what the acronym SPLS 09:55 20 21 stands for? 09:59 22 A Standards Project Liaison Subcommittee. 09:50 22 23 Q And is there a separate SPLS for each 09:54 23 24 25 standard? A No. 09:59 24 09:59 09:57 09:50 09:55 09:59 Page 40 1 09:57 09:54 25 Q What are some of the other subcommittees for 09:55 a standards -- standards committee? 09:51 A Then there's the standards reaffirmation 09:53 subcommittee. There's the code interaction 09:51 subcommittee. There's the policy, procedures, and 09:53 interpretation subcommittee -- I'm doing acronyms in my 09:58 head -- and an international liaison subcommittee 10:07 and -- /intersociety association subcommittee. And 10:03 then there's a -- there's an ExCom. 10:09 Q I'm sorry, there's -A ExCom. Q What is ExCom? A Executive committee. 10:04 10:06 10:08 10:00 Q Returning to SPLS, what is their role? 10:00 A SPLS is the oversight committee. They're the 10:06 first level to go to -- they have -- they're assigned 10:00 to -- liaisons are assigned to multiple project 10:04 committees to help in addition to staff provide 10:09 guidance, and they're the -- the person that moves 10:01 forward any of the issues from those project 10:05 committees. 10:07 They review title, purpose and scope changes, 10:09 membership, public review drafts, work plans, and deal 10:04 with issues common to project committees that get 10:09 brought before them. 10:03 Page 39 Page 41 Pages 38 to 41 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 Now, Ms. Reiniche, I'm handing you what's 13:05 1 publication. If they need to make more changes, it 2 will go back to the public review process. 13:06 13:08 2 been marked as Exhibit 1155. It's Bates number 3 ASHRAE0001598. So, Ms. Reiniche, my sincere apologies. 13:07 3 4 I had missed this one last document that pertains to 4 it's the standards committee that would begin drafting 13:05 5 the subject that we were discussing prior to lunch. 5 the document; is that correct? 6 7 Can you tell me if you recognize this document? 13:09 13:08 13:02 7 A Yes. 9 Q And can you tell me what this document is? A This is an Application for Membership on 11 12 13 14 15 13:04 8 13:05 13:09 ASHRAE Standard or Guideline Project Committee. Q 6 13:04 8 10 13:04 10 13:01 And can you tell me if this document contains 13:03 a copyright assignment? 13:06 13:08 Q Okay. And could you tell me if after seeing 13:09 And the process that you just described, is 13:01 that the process that's used for ASHRAE Standard 90.1? 13:06 A It would have when it was started. The 13:02 11 difference -- there's a little difference now because 12 it's on continuous maintenance. 13:04 13:06 Q And what -- what does that difference mean? A The difference is the membership is on a 13:08 13:00 one-third of the committee would roll off every four 13:05 17 years, so they're not -- everyone is not coming off at 13:01 13:05 18 the same time. And new members will be added, so 19 they're added continuously, typically once a year. earlier today? Thank you. Q 13:09 13:01 four-year rotating cycle, so one -- basically, roughly 13:04 17 No, it does not. the document. 16 this document if that changes any of your answers Q 13:08 No. It's the project committee that drafts 15 16 A A 14 Yes, under number 7. 19 So in this process that you were describing, 13:01 13 A 18 9 Q 13:01 13:07 13:08 13:04 13:07 20 Then instead of the full draft going out, 21 their addenda are issued to go out for public review 22 and comment. They'd either come from stuff that has Sure. So it starts with a title, purpose and 13:03 23 been generated by the committee or through a continuous 13:03 24 scope being submitted for consideration to be approved. 13:08 24 maintenance change proposal. And then the rest of the 13:05 25 That would have been approved by the procedures, policy 13:03 25 process would follow the same way. 20 Ms. Reiniche, could you walk me through at a 13:07 21 high level how ASHRAE standard -- standards are 22 created? 23 A 13:00 13:03 13:02 13:07 13:07 Page 94 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 interpretation subcommittee, then forwarded to the 13:07 standards committee for approval. Depending on what 13:02 year, it would have had to go to tech council, but 13:06 always ends up at our board of directors to approve the 13:00 title, purpose and scope for a new standard project 13:03 committee or guideline. 13:07 Then after that, you would do a call for 13:09 members, people would submit the membership 13:02 applications, and then the committee chair would 13:05 recommend to the standards project liaison subcommittee 13:08 and standards committee their membership. 13:01 And then the committee would -- would begin 13:06 working on drafting the document. Then they would 13:00 approve it for public review. And then depending on 13:04 what type of committee, would dictate how much more 13:08 oversight. So standards project liaison subcommittee 13:03 or the SPLS liaison would -- would say it's okay to go 13:06 out for public review. It goes out for comment. 13:01 The committee reviews all the comments, 13:05 responds to all the commenters. And then the 13:07 commenters have to indicate their resolution status. 13:00 And then the committee needs to decide whether or not 13:03 changes need to be made to the standard -- to the 13:06 document based on the comments received, or if not -- 13:09 if not, it goes for -- they'll approve it for 13:02 13:00 Page 96 1 Q 2 scope? 3 A And the -- who drafts the title, purpose and 13:03 13:07 The title, purpose and scope can be -- a new 13:02 4 one can be submitted by anyone. I could submit one; 5 you could submit one. The technical committee within 6 ASHRAE is usually how it's submitted. 7 8 9 10 11 Q 13:05 13:07 13:01 And is the technical committee, are they 13:02 volunteers or are they employees of ASHRAE? A Volunteers. Q And the project committee as well is 13:07 13:00 volunteers, correct? 13:01 13:03 12 A That's correct. 13 Q How are ASHRAE employees involved in the 14 15 16 17 18 19 13:04 13:01 creation and maintenance of ASHRAE Standard 90.1? A talking about when it was first started? Q 13:04 Let's -- let's go from when it first started 13:07 until now. A 13:05 In the -- are you talking from now or are you 13:01 13:09 So when the title, purpose and scope would 13:01 20 have been proposed, a staff member would -- would 21 review that to make sure it's in the correct format 22 and, if there is some questions, would actually send it 13:09 23 back to whoever had proposed it to make -- to correct 24 it or say if they're okay, if we met their intent, and 13:05 25 then send it forward to -- it probably when -- 19 -- Page 95 13:03 13:05 13:01 13:09 Page 97 Pages 94 to 97 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 90.1 was developed in, I think, 1975. They probably 2 didn't have all the subcommittees that we have now, but 13:01 2 referring to the standards that have been enacted into 13:19 3 would have went through the approving bodies up through 13:04 3 regulation? 4 the board that way. 4 5 6 7 8 9 13:05 13:07 Q And would there have been a project committee 13:07 as well for -- for the original 90.1? 13:01 13:09 13:15 A 13:14 That and -- and the international codes, the 13:14 codes spelled by NFPA, IAPMO. Q 13:19 Are there any other reasons why -- why 13:13 individuals who are not employees of ASHRAE participate 13:16 8 in the ASHRAE development -- standard development process? Q Yeah. 12 A Not unless they were making the edits to -- 13 because of conformity and -- or conflicts or things 14 like that. 10 13:10 13:12 MR. CUNNINGHAM: Object to form. THE WITNESS: I'm sure there are. I 13:16 13:19 just -- that's not a question I ask when 13:16 13 people apply for membership. 13:19 14 Q And would staff members have contributed any 13:12 15 text to subsequent versions of 90.1? 16 13:18 A In the same way, either in the discussions, 18 the editing and review of the material. 13:10 if there's a conflict or stuff doesn't -- or through 19 13:14 13:15 12 13:13 17 13:13 18 13:17 19 20 Q (BY MR. BECKER) Does ASHRAE draw -- draft model laws or ordinances? A Where we would start with the drafting for the law, is that what you mean? Q 13:16 13:11 Does ASHRAE oversee the drafting of model laws and ordinances? A We submit comments on things that are coming 13:18 Q And does ASHRAE have any record of that? A If it was done -- it would have been done via 13:17 21 out through -- through -- through the -- through 22 email, at the time email started. 90.1 started before 13:10 22 Congress or that have been posted in the Federal 23 the Internet, so if the -- if -- if the records still 23 Register; things like that. 24 existed, it would have been in paper format. 25 13:10 24 Q What is ASHRAE's purpose in creating these 13:11 25 Q 13:10 13:12 13:15 And what's the purpose of submitting comments 13:16 in -- for things that are coming out in legislation and 13:19 Page 98 1 2 standards? 13:14 13:16 3 4 but that's essentially what it is. 2 building sciences. We have a long mission statement, 5 6 13:12 A 13:11 The purpose is to -- to -- typically, you 13:14 13:15 13:18 A I would say yes. 8 Q And how does ASHRAE advance the building 13:13 13:16 13:19 3 want stuff that's been done through consensus process and has the expertise, so that may be a reason. 5 Another reason may be to make it consistent language 6 with what's already out there in our standards or 7 Q Does ASHRAE's mission statement reflect its purposes in -- in developing these standards? sciences? regulation as you're describing? 4 13:16 7 9 Page 100 1 A It's to -- the purpose is to advance the 13:12 13:16 21 13:15 others; that type of thing. 8 9 Q 13:14 When you say "you want stuff that's been done 13:15 through the consensus process," who is "you" in that 11 development of the -- the standards that affect, you 13:15 11 A ASHRAE. 12 know, the energy efficiency of buildings, indoor air 13:18 12 Q ASHRAE. Okay. 13 quality, indoor environmental quality. I'm sure 14 there's other things that we create, courses and books 13:15 14 15 that are outside the standards development process that 13:18 15 16 we do as well. 16 participating in the development of those documents, 17 it's -- it's been vetted in the industry, people have 13:12 13:11 Q And why is it that individuals who are not 13:10 13:17 13:10 A I would -- well, I would say through the 10 13:19 13:13 10 17 13:12 13:11 13:14 20 13:12 13:19 13:13 11 A From the beginning? 17 (BY MR. BECKER) And by "the codes," are you 13:18 9 Q And during that process, did staff members draft any of the text for 90.1? 11 16 Q 7 10 15 5 6 13:09 A Yes. 1 sentence? 13 13:15 13:15 And why is it that ASHRAE wants things that 13:18 have been done through the consensus process? A 13:10 13:14 Because the -- the proper experts are 13:11 13:14 13:17 13:10 18 employees of ASHRAE participate in the standard design 13:16 18 had a chance to comment. We've tried to reach 19 process? 19 resolution so, you know, an equal amount of people are 13:17 20 unhappy. 21 Q 13:19 20 MR. CUNNINGHAM: Object to form. 21 THE WITNESS: I would say because for 13:13 13:14 22 various reasons it could affect their 23 company. Maybe they want to make the world a 13:18 24 better place, maybe it affects the codes. It 25 varies. It depends on the individuals. 13:13 13:10 And you referred to an interest in expertise 13:14 22 13:10 13:13 13:16 in the process of drafting legislation and regulation. 13:18 23 Does that also reflect ASHRAE's interest in -- in 24 having expertise reflected in that process? 25 MR. CUNNINGHAM: Object to the form. Page 99 13:13 13:17 13:19 Page 101 Pages 98 to 101 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 standards through training programs, including 13:37 1 2 self-directed learning, building code interaction and 13:30 2 3 ASHRAE chapter oriented training. 4 that? 6 A 13:31 A No. 13:32 Q And section 10 refers to "Advancing and 13:34 4 13:38 They -- Department of Energy provides 13:39 personnel by facilitating membership, attendance, and 6 13:36 supporting the professional development of DOE 5 What is the Department of Energy's role in 5 3 13:33 the Department of Energy? active participation at the local and society levels of 13:33 13:36 13:39 7 training not only ASHRAE, but other code bodies' codes, 13:33 7 ASHRAE, especially as a member of technical committees 13:37 8 so it would be supported through software development, 13:30 8 and standard project committees, and by providing a 9 maybe at the DOE level, they give trainings on what's 9 venue for publication of research and practice." 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 in 90.1; things like that. Q 13:30 No. Q 11 12 13:37 Does the Department of Energy provide any 13:30 13:30 13:33 What kind of publication is this referring to? 13:36 13:37 A They're talking about research publication. 13 13:37 funds to ASHRAE? A 10 Does the Department of Energy provide funding 13:33 to ASHRAE? A 13:35 14 13:31 If the DOE does research, they're publishing it 13:34 somewhere. It's not referring to standards. 13:37 15 I suppose if someone is a -- a member and the 13:38 Does ASHRAE publish DOE research? A Not that I'm aware of. Q With regards to section 13, do you know what 13:32 13:30 13:36 17 Department of Energy pays their membership fees to 18 ASHRAE to be a member of ASHRAE, then yes, but it goes 13:34 18 they are referring to with regards to counter-terrorism 13:38 19 to membership. 19 design features? 20 Q 13:32 Q 16 13:34 13:37 On the second page of Exhibit 1157, 20 13:36 21 subsection 5 says, "Cooperating in promoting of 22 ANSI/ASHRAE standards adoption in the International 23 Standards Organization (ISO) standards." 24 25 What is that referring to? A 17 21 13:32 13:36 22 23 13:39 24 13:32 That must have been -- that would have been a 13:35 25 13:35 A No. 13:30 Q Do you know what -- under -- under section 13:34 14, the DOE Energy Efficient Building Systems Regional 13:38 Innovation Cluster Initiative is? A 13:35 I don't think that exists anymore, but 13:30 there's been a collaborative where they've worked 13:32 Page 110 Page 112 1 new thing added. The Department of Energy hasn't done 13:37 1 together, and they just -- they talk about research and 13:34 2 anything that I'm aware of to promote the adoption of 2 things like that. 3 ASHRAE -- ANSI/ASHRAE standards in ISO. 4 Q 13:30 13:32 And for section 8, where it refers to 13:38 "Cooperating and promotion of ANSI/ASHRAE standards 6 adoption in building codes," what does that refer to? A 13:30 13:36 That could be supporting proposals that would 13:33 have been submitted to adopt 90.1 in -- in the 13:39 9 international code, because that's the federal minimum, 13:33 and they would have provided supporting testimony, 11 probably. 12 Q 5 both ASHRAE and the Department of Energy? 6 8 9 13:37 10 13:30 13:31 13:34 A I need to go back and check to see if it was 13:37 signed. 13:30 Q How would you characterize the relationship 13:32 between the Department of Energy and ASHRAE? A I mean, they work -- we work together. 11 When you say "they would have provided 13:31 the DOE and ASHRAE, Exhibit 1157, eventually signed by 13:34 7 8 10 13:37 Q Was the Memorandum of Understanding Between 4 5 7 3 That's probably on -- not all -- not all of these 12 projects, but I mean some things. 13:34 13:32 13:35 13:30 13 supporting testimony, probably," is that the Department 13:33 13 14 of Energy that would provide that? 14 Department of Energy would testify on behalf of ASHRAE 13:33 15 in terms of getting the Standard 90.1 adopted as a 16 building code. How does ASHRAE benefit from having 17 90.1 endorsed by the DOE? 15 A 16 Energy. 17 Q 13:36 A -- a staff member from the Department of 13:37 13:30 Okay. Are there any other ways that ASHRAE, 13:31 18 ANSI and the Department of Energy have cooperated in 19 promoting these standards adoption in building codes? A I'm not aware of ANSI promoting standards 13:39 13:33 13:30 18 19 Q You mentioned that someone from the 13:30 13:38 13:32 MR. CUNNINGHAM: Object to the characterization of prior testimony. 13:38 13:35 13:36 20 THE WITNESS: They don't testify on 21 behalf of ASHRAE. They testify on behalf of ANSI/ASHRAE standard going through their process. They 13:39 22 the Department of Energy. 23 don't go to building codes. I can't think of anything 13:31 23 Q (BY MR. BECKER) Excuse me. 24 else with the Department of Energy. 24 A So the benefit is then the IECC and 90.1 can 13:36 20 21 adoption in building codes, other than -- it's an 22 25 Q 13:34 13:36 Anything else with regards to just ASHRAE and 13:38 25 13:30 be the same. So it's a -- it's the benefit to having Page 111 13:31 13:34 13:35 13:35 Page 113 Pages 110 to 113 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 a -- one code. 13:39 1 within ASHRAE? 13:43 2 Q And are the IECC and Standard 90.1 the same? 13:32 2 A 3 A They are not exactly the same. 13:36 3 Q And is that located in Washington, D.C.? 4 Q And how do they differ? 13:39 4 A Yes. Q And what is -- why is it that ASHRAE has a A I would have to look at the versions and the 13:32 5 6 comparisons. In some instances, 90.1 would be more 7 stringent; in other, IECC. 8 9 5 13:35 Q On balance, would you characterize the IECC A They have a different process. The IECC, 13:30 13:41 while it's a consensus process, is not an ANSI 12 13 Q What does ASHRAE do to educate governments 13:45 and government officials about its work? located in Washington, D.C.? 8 9 12 13:49 (Recess taken.) what standards we have, certification programs, classes 13:44 17 18 and things like that. 18 talk to staff members on the hill? 13:45 19 13:47 20 21 A Yes. 22 Q And what individuals are these? 23 A Mark Ames and Doug Read. And Jeff Littleton 13:45 24 13:40 might talk to some, too. 25 21 13:41 13:53 at 13:56. Q (BY MR. BECKER) Ms. Reiniche, are you aware 13:56 if DOE employees are on the 90.1 policy committee? A 90.1 policy committee? You mean on the project committee? Project committee, excuse me. A Yes. 24 Q They are? 25 A There is a staff person on there, yes. 13:56 13:56 13:56 13:56 Page 114 1 to staff on the hill. Is that Jeff Littleton? Page 116 1 13:42 Q And have DOE employees been on the 90.1 13:53 2 A The -- it -- it could be Jeff, it could be 3 whoever is the president for that given -- given 13:40 3 A Yes. 4 society year or vice president that society year. It 13:43 4 Q Okay. And so DOE employees provide -- they 5 depends on the year, it depends on who they're talking 13:47 5 6 to. 6 MR. FEE: Objection to form. 7 THE WITNESS: They participate in the 7 8 9 13:45 2 13:42 Q And what are Mr. Ames' and Mr. Read's positions at ASHRAE? 13:42 8 13:47 A Well, Mr. -- Mark's title is senior manager 13:49 9 10 of government affairs. Doug's title was director. He 13:46 10 11 has retired. 11 12 13 13:43 13:59 13:54 process. I'm not aware of any draft language. 13:55 13:57 13:50 (Exhibit 1158 marked for identification.) Q 13:51 (BY MR. BECKER) Ms. Reiniche, I'm handing 13 document with Bates number ASHRAE0005856. It's labeled 13:50 14 "Marketing Task Force Report." Q Are there other employees of ASHRAE who work 13:48 13:42 with -- or who did work with Mr. Ames and Mr. Read on A Okay. 13:43 16 Q Are you familiar with this document, 17 13:48 13:50 Ms. Reiniche? 13:53 13:55 A They have a secretary -- or an administrative 13:41 18 A 19 assistant that works there. She doesn't talk to people 13:46 19 Q Could you tell me what this document is? 20 on the hill. And they have a new person there, Jim 20 A This is a document that would have been 21 Scarborough. He deals with local. 13:48 deals with? 13:59 13:50 13:53 21 13:42 Q Is that a local government that he works -- Yes. 13:53 13:58 15 18 23 13:52 you what's been marked as Exhibit 1158. This is a 15 22 13:50 contribute to the development of 90.1; is that correct? 13:50 13:49 just director or director of government affairs? government affairs? 13:57 12 A Director of government affairs. 17 project committee -- committee in the past? 13:46 Q And was -- was Doug's -- Doug Read's title 14 16 13:56 13:56 13:56 Q 23 13:49 13:56 13:56 22 Q And you say ASHRAE has leadership that talks 13:49 13:44 13:44 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Going on the record 16 13:44 13:44 13:44 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Going off the record 15 A It has a staff person and/or leadership talk 13:42 17 20 MR. BECKER: All right. Let's take a break. at 13:44. to the staff on the hill about what our process is, 13:44 13:44 14 13:49 Q And are there particular staff people who So they can -- it's easier to talk to people 13:44 there. 13 16 19 A 13:44 13:44 on the hill. It's been there as long as I've been 11 13:46 13:43 separate department for government affairs that's 10 consensus process, so it's comparing apples to oranges. 13:49 15 13:43 13:43 7 13:30 11 14 13:43 6 as being more stringent than ASHRAE 90.1 or vice versa? 13:34 10 Yes. 13:40 presented to the project committee on priorities -- on 13:54 22 trying to get things out in the marketplace. 23 13:43 24 A Yeah, the grassroots chapters within ASHRAE. 13:44 24 25 Q So is government affairs its own department 25 13:49 Q what Chris Mathis's position is at ASHRAE? A 13:56 And could you tell me what -- do you know He is not a staff member at ASHRAE. Page 115 13:53 13:56 13:50 Page 117 Pages 114 to 117 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 Q Oh, really. Who is Chris Mathis? 2 A He's an ASHRAE member. 3 Q Okay. And is -- what was the purpose of 4 13:52 creating this document? THE WITNESS: Just to tell -- inform 7 people of where they were on these priorities 8 for marketing. 9 Q 11 (BY MR. BECKER) Is there some kind of a because there was a marketing task force, but it 14 within 90.1. 16 13:58 understand. 13 14 This would have been a -- a separate ASHRAE 13:58 15 13:52 16 17 A An ad hoc or something like that. 18 Q And is it typical to have individuals who are 13:56 13:53 14:00 it flow better and easier for the reader to 12 13:51 13:53 committee? changed the chapter organization just to make 11 13:57 wouldn't been -- wouldn't have been a -- a committee one column to two columns. We would have 10 13:51 There must have been a marketing committee, 14:09 the formatting, we just changed -- went from 9 13:59 after this that we -- just the readability, 8 13 Q 14:07 THE WITNESS: Well, it would have been 7 13:51 14:02 14:03 6 13:55 12 15 was designated for. 5 13:58 marketing committee that he was part of? A leaves the scope of the topics this witness 4 13:52 14:06 MR. CUNNINGHAM: Object, insofar as this 3 13:56 MR. CUNNINGHAM: Object to form. 6 et cetera, that was considered an obstacle? 2 13:59 5 10 1 13:55 17 18 Q 14:04 14:07 14:00 14:03 14:06 (BY MR. BECKER) And is that something that you know from your work at ASHRAE? A 14:07 14:07 Yes, we have since -- since this, and we have 14:00 done one complete overhaul in the formatting. Q 14:04 And what are they referring to by 14:00 "enforcement of EPAct" there? A 14:04 They're probably talking about the fact that 14:00 19 not employees of ASHRAE who are on marketing committees 13:59 19 not all states abide by it. They don't -- there's a 20 for ASHRAE? 20 lot of states that are on older versions of the code 21 when they're supposed -- when, according to EPAct, 22 they're supposed to be adopting the latest version 23 within two years of the determination that the newest 24 version of 90.1 is more energy efficient than the last. 14:02 21 A 13:54 In any ad hoc committee, we have members 22 on -- on those committees. It's not typically just 23 ASHRAE staff. 24 25 Q 13:58 14:01 14:05 With regards to the fifth page of Bates 14:01 number ASHRAE0005859, it says, "Actions on each 14:01 25 Q 14:02 14:07 Priority (#2). Increase the use of the standard by 2 architects, engineers and building officials." 3 2 "Underway! ASHRAE and DOE partnership to bring 5 train-the-trainer sessions to the Chapters!" 3 Then as a -- subpoints under that, it says, 14:00 4 6 7 8 A 9 90.1. 10 Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 14:01 14:01 9 Q 14:01 partnership activities underway (training)." 13 sessions or is that referring to something else? 16 A No, the train-the-trainer sessions. Q On the third-to-last page, marked Bates 17 Do you see that? Q What is it about the format, printing, And it says, "ASHRAE's history of marketing successes." 14:02 14:05 Below that, "Good news! ASHRAE has approved 14:07 funding to establish a marketing department!!!" 14:03 Does ASHRAE now have a marketing department? 14:08 A We had a marketing department, then they 14:00 dissolved it and moved them under, and now they're starting back up a marketing section. Q And what is the -- the purpose of ASHRAE's marketing department? A 14:08 14:06 To market the ASHRAE products and classes and 14:06 things like that. Q 14:03 14:06 14:00 Does that include marketing the standards themselves? 14:02 14:04 Yes. Q And why was it that the marketing department 14:09 14:02 21 had been dissolved? A 14:06 14:00 I don't know. That's a -- was a decision 14:04 22 14:02 14:02 14:02 made by -- it would have been Jeff Littleton and 23 14:02 beauty, readability, editing, style, images, voice, 14:04 Q A 20 14:02 22 Yes. comply, like the IECC, an older version of the IECC. 14:00 14:02 19 14:01 A ASHRAE 90.1 or something that's deemed to 18 14:01 number ASHRAE005865, it says "Obstacles Recognized." 25 15 14:01 21 24 14 14:01 14:01 18 23 12 On the next page it says, "Expand the reach 14:01 Is that referring to the train-the-trainer 20 11 14:01 17 19 14:01 10 14:01 of the standard," and then a subpoint, it says, "DOE A 8 And do you know how ASHRAE and DOE were I would have to check, because this would of the code," you mean older versions of ASHRAE 90.1? 6 14:00 7 It's to train people to teach others about have been when it was started. 4 5 14:01 partnering to provide these training sessions? A 14:00 14:00 Do you know what these train-the-trainer sessions are? Page 120 1 14:00 14:00 14:08 Just to clarify, when you say "older versions 14:08 Page 118 1 14:00 14:04 probably the board ExCom. 14:06 14:09 24 Q And do you know why it was brought back? 25 A That was another decision that was made by Page 119 14:02 14:06 Page 121 Pages 118 to 121 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 the -- but we explained that once you -- as you get 2 above -- when you're going between the 30 and the 50 14:43 3 percent, it gets more and more difficult to have determination on whether or not the next version of 14:47 4 cost-effective equipment and things like that and -- in 14:58 90.1 is more energy efficient. So this was proposing 14:40 5 there. So it -- it wasn't put in the law. 1 Q How am I mistaken? 2 A What this proposed legislation was, was to 3 set the baseline for which the DOE uses to make the 4 5 6 to use 90.1-2004 as the benchmark for each subsequent 7 version of 90.1. 14:48 14:44 14:48 then the IECC is for residential. They're referenced 11 that you use the IECC 2006 as the baseline for each 12 subsequent version of the IECC for residential moving 13 forward as for energy efficiency. 14:52 On page ASHRAE0024581, it says, "Additional third major bullet point, "Building code adoptions," 189.1/IGCC promotion." 14:56 14:56 14:50 14:54 Does this mean that the Washington office was 14:50 11 14:46 14:58 and then under that, "Standard 90.1 and Standard 10 14:41 12 14:42 engaged in promoting the adoption of Standard 90.1 into 14:54 13 14:49 Q Okay. Does the IECC itself refer to Washington office activities." And it says for the 9 14:48 building codes? 14 A 14:50 I don't remember. And without seeing it, if 14:55 commercial buildings or is it only for residential 16 buildings? 15 14:40 they were talking about expanding in the grassroots. 18 A There -- there's different I-codes within the 14:46 was at a building code level. I think that's something 14:52 17 14:49 14:42 he -- he didn't have notes with it, so I don't think it 14:59 16 15 That was not done at that time. 18 IECC. So there's the IRC, which is residential, but 19 it's part of the whole body of codes. So the IECC for 14:43 19 20 residential is just the energy efficiency stuff for 20 21 residential home -- residential stuff. 22 14:53 14:55 8 14:43 as the residential. What's being advocated here is 17 Q 14:50 7 10 14 6 And then -- and that's only commercial. And 14:40 8 9 14:45 14:40 14:44 21 Q On the following page, it says, "American Clean Energy Leadership Act, S.1462." It says, 24 "Introduced by Senator Jeff Bingaman, D-NM. Updates 25 national building energy codes and standards at least So that's something -- is that something that's done in -- at this time? A 14:53 14:55 We have started a grassroots program to reach 14:51 22 14:58 out when we are made aware of references to -- to 14:53 23 14:55 23 Q 14:57 14:52 different standards. And we could ask volunteers in 14:58 14:51 24 14:58 25 those jurisdictions to go. Q 14:52 And when you say "a grassroots program," who 14:53 Page 142 Page 144 1 every three years to achieve target energy savings of," 14:51 1 2 and then it -- four bullet points down from that, it 2 3 says, "If DOE determines ASHRAE's future revised model 14:50 3 within each state, and then each -- you know, there's 4 codes will not meet targets, DOE will propose or 4 multiple chapters within a state. So whoever is 14:55 5 establish a modified code or standard that meets the 5 closest to wherever the decision is being made. 14:58 6 above targets. Uses 90.1-2004 as baseline for 7 commercial buildings IECC 2006 for residential." 8 When it references "Uses 90.1-2004 as 9 14:55 14:55 14:58 14:50 14:56 14:59 baseline for commercial buildings," is that in the same 14:53 10 capacity as the reference on the prior page that you 11 were just referring to? 12 13 14 A 14:59 Yes. One is a bill proposed in the House; one is a bill proposed in the Senate. Q 14:56 14:51 14:53 16 above targets on page ASHRAE0024570? A This is -- this proposed language is not 14:56 14:50 14:58 14:50 And so this is -- the grassroots program 14:52 14:52 works to advocate for building code adoptions -- 14:59 8 adoptions of Standard 90.1 into building codes -- 14:54 MR. CUNNINGHAM: Objection. 9 10 13 Did the Department of Energy propose or 14:57 It's -- it's the individual ASHRAE chapters Q Q 14:58 (BY MR. BECKER) -- in states and local governments? 14:59 14:51 MR. CUNNINGHAM: Objection, 12 14:54 establish a modified code or a standard that met the A 7 11 15 17 6 is involved in the grassroots program? 14:52 mischaracterization of prior testimony. 14:53 THE WITNESS: It could include Standard 14 15 90.1. It could include any other -- our 16 other standards as well. 17 Q 14:54 14:56 14:59 (BY MR. BECKER) And at the bottom of this 14:54 18 in -- in law at this particular time. This was -- this 14:51 18 page, it says, "Empowering chapters to engage state and 14:56 19 was talking about what was being proposed at this point 14:55 19 local policy-makers." Do you know what that 20 in time in 2010. 20 references? 14:50 21 Q What was the outcome? 22 A I don't -- I don't think they set -- I don't 14:56 14:53 21 A 14:59 14:52 That's referencing what I was talking about, 14:53 22 the grassroots, and encouraging local chapters to talk 14:55 to their state and local policy makers. 23 believe that they set targets, because it's -- as part 14:59 23 24 of the -- these codes, it has to be cost effective. 24 25 And as ASHRAE explained -- and I'm not sure if it's 14:56 14:51 25 Q 14:51 And on the next page, it says, "Opportunities 14:55 for individual member participation. Contact state and 14:59 Page 143 Page 145 Pages 142 to 145 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 compliance? 15:07 1 2 A Not that I'm aware of. 15:02 3 Q Was there a specific reason why ASHRAE was A 15:09 3 Yes. 15:09 MR. BECKER: Could we take a quick 2 break? THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Going off the record 4 concerned that jurisdictions might not have the 5 necessary enforcement mechanisms and training to assure 15:07 5 at 15:10. 6 compliance? 6 (Recess taken.) 7 15:01 4 15:02 A Well, this was at a time when the economy was 15:02 8 not doing so good, so places were cutting back, and 9 that included the local building departments. So these 15:07 8 10 building code officials aren't able to do as much, 11 they're not able to check as much. The codes have 12 gotten more complex, so it's harder for them to enforce 15:08 13 compliance. 9 14 15:02 15:10 15:11 15:26 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Going on the record 7 15:04 15:18 15:19 at 15:26. Q 15:20 15:22 (BY MR. BECKER) Ms. Reiniche, as part of the 15:21 10 11 Q If you turn to Exhibit 1164, the followup errors that might have occurred in previous versions of 15:23 13 15:02 them, does ASHRAE have a process for correcting any 12 15:05 process for developing the works at issue and updating 15:22 Standard 90.1? 14 15:01 A 15:28 15:28 Yes. 15:20 15 testimony of Kent W. Peterson. And if you please turn 15:07 15 Q And what is that process called? 16 to the sixth page, ASHRAE0024250. It says, 15:06 16 A We issue an erratum. 17 "Theoretically" -- excuse me, on -- on the fourth 15:07 17 Q Okay. And how does that work? 15:25 18 paragraph down, essentially the middle of the page, it 15:08 18 A Some -- somebody finds an issue where 15:27 19 says, "Theoretically, there exists a national baseline 15:00 19 there -- there's something wrong and believes that it 20 for building energy codes (ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004 15:02 20 was changed such and such a way in a -- a previous 15:25 21 for commercial buildings and the International Energy 21 propose -- previous change that had been approved, it 15:21 22 Conservation Code for residential buildings)." 22 gets sent into staff. We consult with the chair of the 15:23 23 committee and/or the subcommittee, depending on where 24 it is, to make sure that that's correct. If it's 15:20 25 correct, then we issue an erratum. 15:22 15:06 15:00 23 "EPAct 2005 requires states to adopt a 24 building energy code that is at least as stringent as 25 90.1-2004 and the IECC. However, there are no 15:07 15:08 15:02 15:20 15:22 Page 150 1 enforcement mechanisms against the states that do not 2 adopt codes that meet these requirements. This is 15:08 2 3 largely due to the fact that building codes generally 15:03 3 4 are considered a state and local government issue." 5 Does this relate to ASHRAE's concern 15:05 15:04 7 Standard 90.1? 15:06 15:02 A Say that one more time. 9 Q Does this relate to ASHRAE's concern 15:06 15:08 10 regarding enforcement mechanisms concerning 11 Standard 90.1? 12 A Yes. 13 Q Concerns such as reflected in Exhibit 1165 14 15 16 17 18 19 15:00 Q 15:23 (BY MR. BECKER) I'm handing you what's been 15:25 marked as Exhibit 1166. It's a printout from the 5 ASHRAE website. Do you recognize this document? 6 A Q And what is this document? A This is a page -- a printout of the page on 9 10 Yes. Q 15:23 15:27 15:29 the website that lists all the erratum and for what they apply for. 15:27 15:20 15:24 15:20 And starting on the third page of this 15:23 12 15:00 document, are these the errata for standard ASHRAE 13 90.1? 14 15:03 15:29 15:27 A If you -- well, the third major header starts 15:34 15 15:06 15:09 Q I'm sorry, what do you mean by "it appears to 15:07 for the errata for 90.1-1989, and then the next one 16 A Yes, and it appears to be a little bit more be a little bit more than that"? 15:25 4 11 15:05 15:06 that we were just discussing? than that. Okay. 8 regarding enforcement mechanisms concerning 8 Q (Exhibit 1166 marked for identification.) 7 6 15:26 Page 152 1 15:05 15:23 down is the 19. -- 90.1-1999 I-P edition, and then the 15:33 17 next one is the SI edition. 18 15:09 A This also relates to the fact that while the 15:00 Q 15:37 15:30 And these documents appear to have dates on 15:35 19 15:03 the -- the end of them. So for instance, under -- on 20 the third page under Standard 90.1-1989 errata, various 15:33 21 dates for the -- the second bullet point, it says, 20 federal government under EPAct requires the states to 21 do this, there's no penalty if they don't. So that's 22 an enforcement mechanism as well, so where's -- where's 15:00 22 "Errata sheet for fourth printing GG 3/94 and all 23 the need for the states to adopt that if there's no way 15:05 23 earlier editions September 16th, 1994." 24 to enforce it at a national level? 24 25 Q Is that still the case? 15:07 15:08 15:07 25 15:36 15:38 15:30 15:36 What does the date September 16th, 1994 there 15:30 signify? Page 151 15:36 Page 153 Pages 150 to 153 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 EXHIBIT 9 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 2 FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 3 4 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR ) 5 TESTING AND MATERIALS, ) 6 d/b/a ASTM INTERNATIONAL; ) ) 7 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ) 8 ASSOCIATION, INC.; and ) ) 9 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ) 10 HEATING, REFRIGERATION AND ) 11 AIR CONDITIONING ENGINEERS, ) 12 Plaintiffs and ) 13 Counter-Defendants, ) 14 vs. ) Civil Action No. 15 PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG,INC., ) 1:13-cv-01215-TSC 16 17 Defendant and Counter-Plaintiff. ) VOLUME: I ) _______________________________ 18 Videotaped 30(b)(6) Deposition of 19 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, 20 INC., BY BRUCE MULLEN, taken at 42 Chauncy Street, Boston, Massachusetts, 21 commencing at 9:59 a.m., Tuesday, 22 March 31, 2015, before Jeanette N. 23 Maracas, RPR, Notary Public. 24 JOB No. 2038640 25 PAGES 1 - 234 Page 1 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 A. 10:03:20 14-and-a-half years. 2 It will be 15 years in November, so 10:03:26 3 Q. What was your job history before NFPA? 10:03:27 4 A. I was a group deputy manager and director for 10:03:33 a company in Zimbabwe. 10:03:40 5 6 Q. What did that company do? 10:03:42 7 A. It was a conglomerate, so it was a lot of 10:03:43 different industries. 10:03:47 8 9 Q. What was the name of the company? 10:03:49 10 A. TSL Limited. 10:03:50 11 Q. What did TSL stand for? 10:03:54 12 A. It used to stand for Tobacco Sales Limited, 10:03:56 13 but it changed its name to TSL. 10:04:00 14 really stand for anything. 10:04:04 What aspects of that job qualified you for 10:04:05 the job you then took at NFPA? 10:04:10 15 Q. 16 It didn't 17 A. Business experience, financial experience. 10:04:12 18 Q. And any particular types of business or 10:04:21 financial experience? 10:04:23 Just primarily financial experience, a little 10:04:24 bit of merger and acquisition experience. 10:04:30 19 20 A. 21 22 Q. How did you get the job at NFPA? 10:04:33 23 A. I responded to an advertisement in the Boston 10:04:35 Globe. 10:04:41 What have your job titles been since you 10:04:41 24 25 Q. Page 9 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 arrived at NFPA? 4 Q. 5 10:04:50 10:04:56 What other titles have you had since you 10:04:58 arrived at NFPA? 3 Chief financial officer, that's basically been the consistent title. A. 10:04:47 10:05:00 6 A. That's it, chief financial officer. 10:05:02 7 Q. You're not a vice president of some sort? 10:05:04 8 A. I am. 10:05:06 9 It's -- that goes with the title chief financial officer. It's a sort of senior 10:05:10 10 VP-level position, but my title is chief 10:05:13 11 financial officer. 10:05:16 Has the title of vice president ever been 10:05:16 part of your formal job title? 10:05:22 Sometimes I may -- the full title may be 10:05:24 15 senior vice president and chief financial 10:05:31 16 officer or executive vice president and chief 10:05:34 17 financial officer, but normally just CFO. 10:05:36 Did you arrive as a senior vice president 10:05:38 19 and CFO at NFPA when you started working at 10:05:41 20 NFPA? 10:05:45 When I started working, I was -- my title was 10:05:46 a consultant. 10:05:51 12 Q. 13 14 18 21 A. Q. A. 22 23 Q. And that was in 2000? 10:05:58 24 A. 2000. 10:06:00 25 Q. When did your title change from consultant? 10:06:03 Page 10 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127

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