Filing 215

REPLY to opposition to motion re 202 Second Motion for Summary Judgment filed by AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS, AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEATING, REFRIGERATING, AND AIR-CONDITIONING ENGINEERS, INC., NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, INC. (This document is SEALE filed by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC.. (Attachments: # 1 [REDACTED] Defendant's Response to Plaintiffs' Objections to Certain Evidence In Support of Defendant's Second Supplemental Statement of Material Facts, # 2 Public Resource's Evidentiary Objections In Reply to Plaintiffs' Opposition to Public Resource's Second Motion for Summary Judgment and Reply In Support of Plaintiffs' Second Motion for Summary Judgment and for A Permanent Injunction [Dkt. 213], # 3 Supplemental Reply Declaration of Matthew Becker In Support of Public Resource's Second Motion for Summary Judgment, # 4 Exhibit 98, # 5 Exhibit 99, # 6 Exhibit 100, # 7 Exhibit 101, # 8 Exhibit 102, # 9 Exhibit 103, # 10 Public Resource's Statement of Disputed Facts In Opposition to [213-1] Plaintiffs' Third Supplemental Statement of Material Facts In Support of Their Second Motion for Summary Judgment and A Permanent Injunction, # 11 Public Resource's Reply In Support of Its Request for Judicial Notice [Dkt. 204-3], # 12 Public Resource's Motion to Strike Plaintiffs' Response to Public Resource's Statement of Disputed Facts [Dkt. 213-21], # 13 Text of Proposed Order Granting Public Resource's Motion to Strike Plaintiffs' Response to Public Resource's Statement of Disputed Facts [Dkt. 213-21])(Bridges, Andrew) Modified on 1/17/2020 (ztd).

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EXHIBIT 99 5 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1972 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume PART ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE O F THE FEDERAL REGISTER Regulations affecting Federal Register OFFICE O F THE FEDERAL REGISTER Incorporation by Reference 23602 Title 1— RULES ANO REGULATIONS dates and GENERAL PROVISIONSEffective no significant time periods. There was opposition to Chapter I— Administrative Committee of the Federal Register REVISION OF REGULATIONS This document effects a complete re­ vision o f the regulations of the Admin­ istrative Committee o f the Federal Reg­ ister. The purpose of this revision is to make the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r a more meaningful and more useful publication. With the enactment of, the Administra­ tive Procedure Act in 1946, Congress pro­ vided an opportunity for general partici­ pation in the administrative actions o f the Federal Government. However, in order to participate effectively, cit­ izens must be able to understand the actions, both proposed and final, as pub­ lished in the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r . Unfor­ tunately, in many instances, documents are being written so that the criticisms by Rudolph Flesch in his 1946 book, “ The Art of Plain Talk” are still valid. In a chapter entitled “ How To Read the F e d ­ e r a l R e g is t e r ,” Mr. Flesch quotes sev­ eral virtually unintelligible documents and reaches this conclusion : Slow ly we begin to understand. T h e F e d ­ R e g i s t e r is n o t supposed to be read at all. It sim ply prints th in gs so th a t som e day, som ewhere, som e governm ent official can say: “ Yes, b u t it says in th e F e d e r a l R e g i s t e r * * * ” . All th is governm ent stuff, in other words, is n o t reading m atter, b u t prefabri­ cated p a tts o f quarrels. eral Today, interest in the F e d e r a l R e g is ­ is at an all-time high. Consumer groups and other public-interest oriented organizations regularly examine its con­ tents to keep up with the administrative rulings of the Federal Government. The Administrative Committee of the Fed­ eral Register feels that affirmative action is required to make the F e d er al R e g is t e r more meaningful to readers and believes that the new requirements contained in this revision will further that purpose. Following is a summary o f the most significant changes in existing regula­ tions effected by this revision : 1. Requirement for a preamble in each document that describes the contents of the document in a manner sufficient to apprise a reader who is not an expert in the subject area of the general subject matter of the document. 2. Requirement for setting forth spe­ cific effective dates and action dates. 3. Changes in publication dates of the daily F e d er al R e g is t e r . 4. Staggered publication of the Code of Federal Regulations. In general, the responses to the three proposals published by the Administra­ tive Committee on which these amend­ ments are based were almost completely favorable. Two of the proposals pub­ lished on July 27, 1972, at 37 F.R. 15006, related to limited subject areas (effec­ tive dates and time periods and staggered publication of the Code of Federal Regulations) and because o f overwhelmingly favorable comments re­ ceived may be disposed of quickly. ter FEDERAL the Committee’s proposal that to the extent practical each document sub­ mitted for publication in the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r should set forth dates certain as opposed to dates based on publication which must be computed by each inter­ ested party. Nor was there any signifi­ cant objection to the computation method proposed to be used by the staff of the F e d er al R e g is t e r for inserting a date certain where a document does con­ tain a time period based on the publica­ tion date. In commenting on this proposal, a large number o f commentors indicated that too often Federal agencies allow inadequate time periods for commenting on proposed regulations. Several com menters stated that for most proposals o f any significance a 45-day comment period should be considered the mini­ mal. While outside the scope of this pro­ posal, the Administrative Committee calls these comments to the attention of regulatory agencies since it is apparent that many persons feel that in the past they have not had adequate time to analyze and comment on proposed Fed­ eral actions. Staggered publication o f the Code of Federal Regulations. The proposal to stagger the publication o f the Code of Federal Regulations also received al­ most unanimous support. There was some concern that it would be more d if­ ficult to check on changes to a particu­ lar Code of Federal Regulations volume since the current finding aids (the Gen­ eral Index and List of Sections Affected) are based on the annual Code of Fed­ eral Regulations. The Office of the Fed­ eral Register will revise the coverage of these finding aids so that Code of Fed­ eral Regulations users will have no diffi­ culty at any time determining the regu­ lations currently in effect. The proposed general revision of the Administrative Committee’s Regulations. The remaining changes in the present regulations o f the Administrative Com­ mittee o f the Federal Register are based on the notice o f proposed rule making published in the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r on April 4, 1972 (37 F.R. 6805). Adequate preambles. Not surprisingly, virtually all of the comments received from outside the Federal establishment enthusiastically supported the Commit­ tee’s proposal that each rule making document contain adequate preamble statements that summarize the contents of the document and discuss such things as the substance of the proposed rules, major issues involved, and basis and pur­ pose thereof, etc. The comments received from Federal rule making agencies gen­ erally supported the proposed require­ ment although several felt that the pro­ posal went beyond the requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 551-555). Others questioned the authority for the Director of the Federal Register to return a document to a Fed­ eral agency when it is signed by a quali­ fied official o f the agency. With respect to the first point, as was discussed in the preamble to the notice of VOL. 37, NO. 214— SATURDAY, NÒVÉMl proposed rule making and in the amend­ ment adopting the “ Highlights” require­ ment (36 F.R. 5203), the Administrative Committee believes that the proposed re­ quirements are clearly within the spirit and intent of the Federal Register Act (44 U.S.C. 1501-1511) and the Adminis­ trative Procedure Act. One Federal agency recommended that the required preamble statement should describe the contents of the document “ in a manner sufficient to apprise a reader, who is not an expert, of the gen­ eral subject matter o f such rules.” The Committee believes this language ex­ presses its intent even better than the language proposed and has incorporated it in a revised § 18.12 so that it applies to both notices o f proposed rule making and final rules. Also, as suggested by several comments, ! 18.12, as adopted, re­ quires that to the extent practicable each proposed rule making preamble should discuss the reasons for the proposed rule. Where a final rule was preceded by a notice o f proposed rule making, § 18.12, as adopted, also requires that the pre­ amble “ indicate in general terms the principal differences, if any, between the rules as proposed and the rules as adopted.” This requirement (as commenters suggested) has been substituted for the proposed requirement that the preamble discuss “ the disposition of the significant comments received.” The provision concerning the return o f documents by the Director of the Fed­ eral Register to agencies has been trans­ ferred from section 18.12 to a more ap­ propriate location, section 2.4, which re­ lates to the general authority of the Di­ rector. It should be pointed out that throughout the years since the beginning o f the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r , the Director has exercised this authority many times. This does not mean that the Director is sub­ stituting his judgment for that o f the issuing agency. In most cases, questions concerning the adequacy o f documents are handled informally to the satisfac­ tion o f both the agency and the Office of the Federal Register. Only in an extreme case, when a document is patently inade­ quate, would the Director return the document. Liaison officers. Several agencies ques­ tioned the proposed change concerning liaison officers to the extent that it ap­ peared to inject the Director o f the Fed­ eral Register into the internal affairs of an agency. This, of course, was not the intent o f the proposal. As adopted, § 16.1(b) has been modified to simply recommend that each agency choose as its liaison officer a person who is directly involved in the agency’s regulatory pro­ gram. In this way the officer will be in the best position to serve both his agency and the Office of the Federal Register. Publication dates. There were only two significant objections to the proposal that the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r be published Mon­ day through Friday rather than Tues­ day through Saturday, as it has been for over 35 years. Several commenters were concerned that the former Saturday is­ sue, which would now carry a Monday date, might not be put in the mails un:R ■ 1972 !, 23603 RULES AND REGULATIONS til Monday rather than early Saturday morning, as is presently the case. As the preamble to the notice of proposed rule making stated, adoption o f the new pub­ lication schedule would not change exist­ ing work schedules. The F e d e r a l R e g is ­ ter bearing the Monday dateline will be printed and deposited at the post office before 9 a.m. on Saturday. The other objection concerned certain agricultural marketing documents that have for many years been published in the Saturday F e d e r a l R e g is t e r in ad­ vance of the new crop-week which begins on Sunday. While the Committee recog­ nizes that elimination of the Saturday F ederal R e g is t e r will require certain ad­ justments in this particular regulatory area, it believes that the overall benefits justify this one inconvenience. Further­ more, any person depending on the F e d ­ eral R e g is t e r for notice o f a particular action would be hard pressed to obtain copies of a Saturday F e d e r a l R e g is t e r before the beginning o f a time period commencing on Sunday. Therefore, while the practice o f publishing such docu­ ments on a Saturday may have provided pro forma compliance with some legal requirement, the Committee believes that publication of the same class of doc­ uments in the Friday F e d e r a l R e g is t e r will better serve to provide actual notice to those persons affected. Inclusion of dates in the Highlights listing. The response to the Committee’s request for advice on the advisability of continuing to publish significant dates in the Highlights listing was mixed. After considering all the comments re­ ceived, the Committee has decided to continue the use of important dates in the Highlights listing where practicable. Except for a few minor reorganiza­ tion and other nonsubstantive changes, 1 CFR Chapter I, set forth below, con­ forms to the notices o f proposed rule making referred to above. In consideration o f the foregoing, 1 CFR Chapter I is amended to read as set forth below: Effective date. Except for the provi­ sions of § 8.3, whidli take effect im­ mediately, this amendment is effective January 2,1973. A d m i n is t r a t i v e C o m m i t t e e T h e F e d e r a l R e c is t e r , of J ames B . R h oads, Archivist o f the United States, Chairman. H . J. H u m p h r e y, Acting Public Printer, Member. M Approved: ary O. E astw ood, Representative of the Attorney General, Member. R ich a r d G , K l e in d ie n s t , Attorney General. A . S am pson, Acting Administrator o f General Services. SUBCHAPTER A— GENERAL PART 1—-DEFINITIONS § 1.1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise— “ Administrative Committee” means the Administrative Committee o f the Federal Register established under sec­ tion 1506 o f title 44, United States Code; “ Agency” means each authority, whether or not within or subject to re­ view by another agency, of the United States, other than the Congress, the courts, the District o f Columbia, the Commonwealth o f Puerto Rico, and the territories and possessions o f the United States; “ Document” includes any Presidential proclamation or Executive order, and any rule, regulation, order, certificate, code o f fair competition, license, notice, or similar instrument issued, prescribed, or promulgated by an agency; “ Document having general applicabil­ ity and legal effect” means any docu­ ment issued under proper authority pre­ scribing a penalty or course o f conduct, conferring a right, privilege, authority, or immunity, or imposing an obligation, and relevant or applicable to the gen­ eral public, members o f a class, or per­ sons in a locality, as distinguished from named individuals or organizations; and “ Regulation” and “ rule” have the same meaning. (44 U .S.C. 1506; sec. 6, E.O . 10530, 19 FR 2709; 3 CFR 1954-1958 Com p. p . 189) PART 2— GENERAL INFORMATION Sec. 2.1 Scope and purpose. 2.2 Adm inistrative C o m m ittee o l th e Fed­ eral Register. 2.3 Office o f th e Federal Register; location ; office h o m e . 2.4 General au th ority o f Director. 2.5 P ublication o f statu tes, regulations, and related d ocum ents. 2.6 Unrestricted use. A uthority : 4 4 U .S.C. 1506; sec. 6, E.O. 10530, 19 F R 2709; 3 CFR 1954-1958 Com p, p. 189. § 2.1 Scope and purpose. (a) This chapter sets forth the policies, procedures, and delegations under which the Administrative Committee o f the Federal Register carries out its general responsibilities under Chapter 15 of Title 44, United States Code. ( b ) A p r im a ry p u rp ose o f th is ch a p te r is t o in fo r m th e p u b lic o f th e n a tu r e a n d u ses o f F ederal R egister p u b lica tio n s . § 2.2 Administrative Committee o f the Federal Register. (a) The Administrative Committee o f the Federal Register is established by section 1506 of Title 44, United States Code. (b) The Committee consists of— (1) The Archivist, or Acting Archivist, o f the United States, who is the Chair­ man; (2) An officer o f the Department of Justice designated by the Attorney Gen­ eral; and (3) The Public Printer or Acting Pub­ lic Printer. (c) The Director o f the Federal Regis­ ter is the Secretary of the Committee. (d) Any material required by law to be filed with the Committee, and any correspondence, inquiries, or other m a­ terial intended for the Committee or which relate to Federal Register publi­ cations shall be sent to the Director of the Federal Register. § 2.3 Office o f the Federal Register; location; office hours. (a) The Office of the Federal Register is a component o f the National Archives and Records Service of the General Serv­ ices Administration. (b) The Office is located at 633 Indi­ ana Avenue NW., Washington, D.C. (c) The mailing address is: Office o f the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C. 20408. (d) Office hours are 8:45 a.m, to 5:15 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for official Federal holidays. § 2.4 General authority o f Director. (a) The Director o f the Federal Reg­ ister is delegated authority to administer generally this chapter, the related pro­ visions of Chapter 15 of Title 44, United States Code, and the pertinent provisions of statutes and regulations contemplated by section 1505 of Title 44, United States Code. (b) The Director may return to the issuing agency any document submitted for publication in the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r , or a special edition thereof, if in his judgment the document does not meet the minimum requirements of this chapter. § 2.5 Publication o f statutes, regula­ tions, and related documents. (a) The Director of the Federal Regis­ ter is responsible for the central filing of the original acts enacted by Congress and the original documents containing Ex­ ecutive orders and proclamations of the President, other Presidential documents, regulations, and notices o f proposed rule making and other notices, submitted to the Director by officials o f the executive branch of the Federal Government. (b) Based on the acts and documents filed under paragraph (a) o f this section, the Office of the Federal Register pub­ lishes the “ slip laws,” the “ United States Statutes at Large,” the daily F e d e r a l R e g is t e r , and the “ Code o f Federal Regulations.” (c) Based on source materials that are officially related to the acts and docu­ ments filed under paragraph (a) o f this section, the Office also publishes the “ United States Government Organiza­ tion Manual,” the “ Public Papers o f the Presidents o f the United States,” and the “ Weekly Compilation o f Presidential Documents.” FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 37, NO. 214— SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1972 23604 RULES AND REGULATIONS § 2.6 Unrestricted use. Any person may reproduce or repub­ lish, without restriction, any material appearing in any regular or special edi­ tion o f the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r . part 3— s e r v ic e s t o t h e p u b l ic sec. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 In form a tion services. P ublic inspection o f docum ents. R eproductions an d certified copies o f acts and docum ents. Availability o f Federal Register p ub lica­ tions. A u t h o r i t y : 44 U .S.C. 1506; sec. 6, E.O. 10530, 19 F .R . 2709; 3 C F R 1954-1958 Com p, p. 189. § 3.1 Information services. Except in cases where the time re­ quired would be excessive, information concerning the publications described in § 2.5 of this chapter and the original acts and documents filed with the Office of the Federal Register is provided by the staff o f that Office. However, the staff may not summarize or interpret sub­ stantive text of any act or document. § 3.2 Public inspection o f documents. (a) Current documents filed with the Office of the Federal Register pursuant to law are available for public inspection in Room 405, 633 Indiana Avenue NW., Washington, D.C., during the Office of the Federal Register office hours. There are no form al inspection procedures or requirements. (b) The Director of the Federal Regis­ ter shall cause each document received by the office to be filed for public in ­ spection not later than the working day preceding the publication day for that document. (c) The Director shall cause to be placed on the original and certified copies o f each document a notation of the day and hour when it was filed and made available for public inspection. (d) Manual, typewritten, or other cop­ ies o f documents or excerpts may be made at the inspection desk. § 3.3 Reproductions and certified copies o f acts and documents. The regulations for the public use of records in the National Archives (41 CFR Part 105-61) govern the furnishing o f re­ productions o f acts and documents and certificates o f authentication fo r them. Section 105-61.108 of those regulations provides for the advance payment o f appropriate fees for reproduction services and for certifying reproductions. § 3.4 Availability o f Federal Register publications. (a) The publications described in § 2.5 o f this chapter are published by the G ov­ ernment Printing Office and are sold by the Superintendent o f Documents, Gov­ ernment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. They are not available for free distribution to the public. (b) Federal Register publications are available through subscription, as fo l­ lows: (1) Slip laws. In accordance with sec­ tion 709 o f title 44, United States Code, printed slip form copies o f public and private laws are available from the Superintendent o f Documents, individ­ ually or by subscription service on a yearly basis. (2) U.S. Statutes at Large. In accord­ ance with section 728 of title 44, United States Code, copies o f the United States Statutes at Large are available from the Superintendent of Documents. (3) Federal Register. Daily issues are furnished to subscribers on a monthly or yearly basis, at a price determined by the Administrative Committee and paid in advance to the Superintendent o f Documents. Limited quantities of current or recent copies may be obtained from the Superintendent o f Documents at a price determined by him. (4) Code o f Federal Regulations. Sub­ scription services on a yearly basis to the volumes comprising the Code, and individual copies thereof, are sold by the Superintendent of Documents at prices determined by him, under the general direction of the Administrative Commit­ tee. (5) U.S. Government Organization Manual. Placed on sale by the Superin­ tendent of Documents at a price deter­ mined by him, under the general direc­ tion o f the Administrative Committee. (6) Public Papers o f the Presidents of the United States. Annual volumes are placed on sale by the Superintendent o f Documents at a price determined by him, under the general direction o f the Ad­ ministrative Committee. (7) W eekly Compilation o f Presiden­ tial Documents. Placed on sale by .the Superintendent o f Documents at a price determined by him, under the general direction of the Administrative Commit­ tee. SUBCHAPTER B— THE FEDERAL REGISTER PART 5— GENERAL Sec. 5.1 P ub lication policy. 5.2 D ocum ents required to be filed and published. 5.3 P ublication o f other d ocum ents. 5.4 P ublication n o t authorized. 5.5 Su pplem en t t o th e Code o f Federal R egulations. 5.6 D aily publication. 5.7 Delivery an d m ailing. 5.8 F orm o f citation . 5.9 Categories o f docum ents. A u t h o r i t y : 44 U .S.C . 1506; sec. 6, E.O. 10530, 19 F R 2709; 3 C F R 1954-1958 Com p, p. 189. § 5 .1 Publication policy. be published in the F e d e r a l R egister as promptly as possible, within limita­ tions imposed by considerations of ac­ curacy, usability, and reasonable costs. (c) In prescribing regulations govern­ ing headings, preambles, effective dates, authority citations, and similar matters o f form, the Administrative Committee does not intend to affect the validity of any document that is filed and published under law. § 5.2 Documents required to be filed and published. The following documents are required to be filed with the Office of the Federal Register and published in the F ederal R e g is t e r : (a) Presidential proclamations and Executive orders in the numbered series, and each other document that the Presi­ dent submits fo r publication or orders to be published. (b) Each document or class of docu­ ments required to be published by act of Congress. (c) Each document having general ap­ plicability and legal effect. § 5.3 . Publication o f other documents. Whenever the Director o f the Federal Register considers that publication of a document not covered by § 5.2 would be in the public interest, he may allow that document to be filed with the O ffice of the Federal Register and published in the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r . § 5.4 Publication not authorized. (a) Chapter 15 of Title 44, United States Code, does not apply to treaties, conventions, protocols, or other interna­ tional agreements, or proclamations thereof by the President. (b) Chapter 15 of Title 44, United States Code, prohibits the publication in the F ederal R egister o f comments or news items. (c) The Director o f the Federal Register may not accept any document for filing and publication unless it is the official action o f the agency concerned. Chapter 15 o f Title 44, United States Code, does not authorize or require thé filing and publication o f other papers from an agency. § 5.5 Supplement to the Code o f Federal Regulations. The F e d e r a l R e g is t e r serves as a daily supplement to the Code o f Federal Reg­ ulations. Each document that is subject to codification and published in a daily issues shall be keyed to the Code of Fed­ eral Regulations. (a) Pursuant to Chapter 15 o f Title 44, § 5.6 Daily publication. United States Code, and this chapter, There shall be an edition of the F ed­ the Director o f the Federal Register shall eral R e publish a serial publication called the working g is t e r for each official Federal day. “ F ederal R e g is t e r ” to contain the following: § 5.7 Delivery and mailing. (1) Executive orders, proclamations, The Government Printing Office shall and other Presidential documents. distribute the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r by de­ (2) Documents required to be pub­ livery or by deposit at a post office at or lished therein by law. before 9 a.m. on the publication day, ex­ (3) Documents accepted for publica­ cept that each F e d e r a l R e g is t e r dated tion under § 5.3. for a Monday shall be deposited at a (b) Each document required or au­ post office at or before 9 a.m. on the thorized to be filed for publication shall preceding Saturday. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 37, NO. 214— SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1972 RULES AND REGULATIONS 23605 (b) An advance printing and binding s p e cifica lly a ffe cte d b y d o c u m e n ts p u b ­ § 5*8 Form o f citation. Without prejudice to any other form of lis h e d in th e F ederal R egister d u rin g th e requisition on Standard Form 1 must be submitted by the agency directly to the citation, F e d e r a l R e g is t e r material may p e r io d i t cov ers. Government Printing Office, to be re­ be cited by volume and page number, and § 6.5 Index-digests and guides. ceived not later than 12 noon on the the short form “ F R ” may be used for (a) The Director o f the Federal working day before publication. “Federal R e g is t e r ” . For example, “ 37 Register may cause to be prepared and FR 6803” refers to material beginning published, yearly or at other intervals § 7.5 Requisitions for quantity overruns o f separate Part issues. on page 6803 of volume 37 of the daily as necessary to keep them current and issues. (a) Whenever it is determined by the useful, index-digests and similar guides, based on laws, Presidential documents, Director of the Federal Register to be in § 5.9 Categories o f documents. the public interest, one or more docu­ Each document published in the F e d ­ regulations, and notice materials p u b ­ ments may be published as a separate lished by the Office and which serve a eral R e g ist e r shall be placed under one Part (e.g., Part II, Part III) of the of the following categories, as indicated: need o f users o f the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r . (b) Each digest and guide is consid­ F e d e r a l R e g is t e r . (a) The President. Containing each (b) Advance arrangements for this Executive order or Presidential proc­ ered to be a special edition o f the F e d ­ lamation, and each other Presidential e r a l R e g is t e r whenever the public need service must be made with the Office of document that the President submits for requires special printing or special the Federal Register. binding in substantial numbers. (c) Any agency may request an over­ publication or orders to be published. run of such a separate Part by submitting (b) Rules and regulations. Containing an advance printing and binding requisi­ each document subject to codification, PART 7— d is t r ib u t io n w it h in tion on Standard Form 1 directly to the except those covered by paragraph (a) of FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Government Printing Office, to be re­ this section. ceived not later than 12 noon on the (c) Proposed rule making. Containing Sec. working day before the publication date. each notice of proposed rule making sub­ 7.1 M em bers o f Congress. 7.2 T h e Judiciary. mitted pursuant to section 553 of Title 5, 7.3 Executive agencies. § 7.6 Extra copies. United States Code, or any other law, 7 .4 R equ isition s for q u an tity overruns o f An agency may order limited quantities and each notice of a similar nature specific issues. voluntarily submitted by an issuing 7.5 R equ isition s fo r q u a n tity overruns o f o f extra copies of a specific issue o f the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r , for official use, from separate Part n Issues. agency. the Superintendent o f Documents, to be (d) Notices. Containing miscellaneous 7.6 E xtra copies. A u t h o r i t y : 44 U .S.C . 1506; sec. 6 , E.O . paid for by that agency. documents not covered by paragraph ( a ) , 10530, (b), or (c) of this section, such as notices p. 189. 19 F R 2709; 3 C F R 1954-1958 Com p, SUBCHAPTER C— SPECIAL EDITIONS OF THE of hearings that are not included under FEDERAL REGISTER proposed rule making documents and § 7.1 Members o f Congress. documents accepted for publication on Each Senator and each Member o f the PART 8— CODE OF FEDERAL the basis of public interest. House of Representatives is entitled to REGULATIONS not more than five copies o f each daily Sec. issue o f the F ederal R egister , without 8.1 Policy. PART 6— INDEXES AND ANCILLARIES charge. 8.2 Orderly developm ent. 8.3 Periodic updating. Sec. § 7.2 The Judiciary. 8.4 Indexes. 6.1 Index to dally issues. 6.2 Analytical su b je ct indexes. (a) The Supreme Court. The Supreme 8.5 Ancillaries. 8.6 G eneral form at and 6.3 Daily lists o f parts affected. Court is entitled to the number o f copies 8.7 Agency cooperation. binding. 6.4 Monthly list o f sections affected. o f each daily issue o f the F ederal R egis ­ 8.8 Official distribution. 6.5 Index-digests an d guides. ter that it needs for official use, without 8.9 F orm o f citation . Authority: 44 U.S.C. 1506; sec. 6, E.O. charge. A u th ority : 4 4 U .S.C. 1506; sec. 6, E.O. 10530, 19 FR 2709; 3 CFR 1 9 54-1958 C om p, (b) Other courts. Each other consti­ 10530, 19 F R 2709; 3 C F R 1954-1958 Com p, p. 189. tutional or legislative court o f the United p . 189. § 6.1 Index to daily issues. States is entitled to the number of copies § 8.1 Policy. Each daily issue o f the F e d e r a l R e g ­ o f each daily issue o f the F ederal (a) Pursuant to Chapter 15 of Title 44, R egister that it needs for official use, i s t e r shall be appropriately indexed. without charge, based on a written au­ United States Code, the Director of the § 6.2 Analytical subject indexes. thorization submitted to the Director o f Federal Register shall publish period­ Analytical subject indexes covering the the Federal Register by the Director of ically a special edition o f the F e d er al contents of the F ederal R egister shall the Administrative Office o f the U.S. R e g is t e r to present a compact and practical code called the “ Code of Fed­ be published as currently as practicable, Courts specifying the number needed. eral Regulations” , to contain each Fed­ and shall be cumulated and separately § 7.3 Executive agencies. eral regulation o f general applicability published at least once each calendar (a) Each Federal executive agency is and current or future effect. year. entitled to the number o f copies o f each (b) The Administrative Committee § 6.3 Daily lists o f parts affected. daily issue o f the F ederal R egister that intends that every practical means be (a) Each daily issue of the F e d er al it needs for official use, without charge. used to keep the Code as current and R egister shall carry a numerical list of (b) The person in each agency con­ readily usable as possible, within limita­ the parts of the Code of Federal Regula­ cerned who is authorized under §§ 16.1 tions imposed by dependability and rea­ tions specifically affected by documents and 16.4 of this chapter to list the offi­ sonable costs. published in that issue. cers and employees o f that agency who § 8.2 Orderly development. (b) Beginning with the second issue of need the F ederal R egister for daily use T o assure orderly development of the each month, each daily issue shall also shall send a written request to the Di­ Code of Federal Regulations along prac­ carry a cumulated list of the parts a f­ rector o f the Federal Register for place­ fected b y documents published during ment o f the names o f those officers and tical lines, the Director o f the Federal that month. Register may establish new titles in the employees on the mailing list. § 6.4 Monthly lists o f sections affected, § 7.4 Requisitions fo r quantity overruns Code and rearrange existing titles and subordinate assignments. However, be­ o f specific issues. A monthly list of sections o f the Code (a) T o meet its needs fo r special dis­ fore taking an action under this section, of Federal Regulations affected shall be separately published on a cumulative tribution o f the F ederal R egister in sub­ the Director shall consult with each basis during each calendar year. The list stantial quantity, any agency may re­ agency directly affected by the proposed change. shall identify the sections of the Code quest an overrun o f a specific issue. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 37, NO. 214— SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1972 23606 RULES AND REGULATIONS 1949 to December 31,1963.) Listings shall times designated by the Administrative § 8.3 Periodic updating. (a) Criteria. Each book o f the Code refer to F e d e r a l R e g is t e r pages and Committee of the Federal Register a shall be updated at least once each shall be designed to enable the user of special edition o f the F e d e r a l R egister calendar year. I f no change in its con­ the Code to assure himself of the precise called the “ United States Government Organization Manual” or any other title tents has occurred during the year, a text that was in effect on a given date that the Administrative Committee of simple notation to that effect may serve in the period covered. the Federal Register considers appropri­ as the supplement for that year. More § 8.6 General format and binding. ate. The Director of the Federal Register frequent updating of any unit o f the The Director of the Federal Register may issue special supplements to the Code may be made whenever the Direc­ shall provide for the binding o f the Code Manual when he considers such supple­ tor of the Federal Register determines into as many separate books as are indi­ mentation to be in the public interest. that the content o f the unit has been cated by the needs o f users and compati­ substantially superseded or otherwise ble with the facilities of the Government § 9.2 Scope. determines that such action would be Printing Office. (a) The Manual shall contain appro­ consistent with the intent and purpose § 8.7 Agency cooperation. priate information about the Executive, o f the Administrative Committee as Each agency shall cooperate in keeping Legislative, and Judicial branches of the stated in § 8.1. (b) Staggered publication. The Code publication o f the Code current by com ­ Federal Government, which for the will be produced over a 12-month period plying promptly with deadlines set by the m ajor Executive agencies shall include— (1) Descriptions o f the agency’s public under a staggered publication system Director o f the Federal Register and the purposes, programs and functions; to be determined by the Director o f the Public Printer. (2) Established places and methods Federal Register. § 8.8 Official distribution. whereby the public may obtain informa­ (c) Cutoff dates. Each updated Title (a) The Code shall be distributed to tion and make submittals or requests; o f the Code vdll reflect each amendment and to that Title published in the F e d er al the following, without charge: (3) Lists of officials heading major (1) Congress. To each committee o f R e g is t e r on or before the “ As o f” date. Thus, each Title updated as of July 1 the Senate and House o f Representatives operating units. (b) Brief information about quasi­ each year will reflect all amendatory in the quantity needed for official use, documents appearing in the daily F e d ­ upon the written authorization o f the official agencies and supplemental infor­ committee chairman or his delegate, to mation that in the opinion o f the Director e r a l R e g is t e r on or before July 1. of the Federal Register is of enough pub­ the Director of the Federal Register. § 8.4 Indexes. (2) Supreme Court. T o the Supreme lic interest to warrant inclusion shall A subject index to the entire Code shall Court in the quantity needed for official also be published in the Manual. be annually revised and separately pub­ use. § 9.3 Distribution to Government agen­ lished. An agency-prepared index for (3) Other courts. T o other constitu­ cies. any individual book may be published tional and legislative courts of the United (a) The Manual shall be distributed with the approval of the Director of the States, in the quantity needed for official Federal Register. use, upon the written authorization of to the following, in the quantities indi­ the Director o f the Administrative Office cated, without charge: § 8.5 Ancillaries. (1) Members o f Congress. Each Sena­ The Code shall provide, among others, o f the U.S. Courts to the Director o f the tor and each Member of the House of Federal Register. the following-described finding aids: (4) Executive agencies. To officials, Representatives shall be furnished two (a) Parallel tables o f statutory au­ libraries, and m ajor organizational units copies, and is entitled to not more than thority and rules. In Title 2 o f the Code 10 additional copies upon his written of Federal Regulations or at such other o f the executive agencies in the quantity authorization to the Director of the needed for official use, upon the written place as the Director o f the Federal Federal Register. Register considers appropriate, numer­ authorization o f the authorizing officer (2) Congressional committees. Each or his alternate designated under § 16.1 ical lists of all sections of the current committee is entitled to the quantity of this chapter. edition o f the United States Code (ex­ needed for official use, upon the written (b) Legislative, judicial, and executive request of the chairman of the commit­ cept section 301 of Title 5) which are cited by issuing agencies as rule making agencies of the Federal Government may tee, or his delegate, to the Director, for authority for currently effective regula­ obtain selected units o f the Code, as placement on the mailing list. tions in the Code of Federal Regulations. needed in substantial quantity for spe­ (3) Supreme Court. The Supreme The lists shall be arranged in the order cial distribution, by the timely submis­ Court is entitled to 18 copies. o f the titles and sections o f the United sion of a printing and binding requisition (4) Other courts. Each other co n stitu ­ States Code with parallel citations to to the Government Printing Office on tional or legislative court is e n title d to Standard Form 1. the pertinent titles and sections o f the one copy, upon the written a u th o riz a ­ Code of Federal Regulations. tion o f the Director of the A d m in is tra ­ § 8.9 Form o f citation. (b) Parallel tables o f Presidential tive Office o f the U.S. Courts to th e Di­ The Code of Federal Regulations may documents and agency rules. In Title be cited by title and section, and the rector o f the Federal Register. 3 of the Code of Federal Regulations, (5) Executive agencies. The head of or at such other place as the Director o f short form “ CFR” may be used for “ Code o f Federal Regulations.” For example, “ 1 each executive agency and each liaison the Federal Register considers appro­ priate, tables o f proclamations, Executive CFR 10.2” refers to Title 1, Code o f Fed­ officer designated under § 16.1 or § 20.1 o f this chapter is entitled to one copy. orders, and similar Presidential docu­ eral Regulations, Part 10, section 2. (b) Legislative, judicial, and executive ments which are codified, cited as au­ thority, quoted, cited in text, or included agencies o f the Federal Government may PART 9— U.S. GOVERNMENT or referred to in currently effective reg­ obtain additional copies o f the Manual, ulations as published in the Code of Sec. ORGANIZATION MANUAL at cost, for official use by submission, Federal Regulations. 9.1 P ublication required. before the press rim, o f a printing and (c) List of sections affected. Follow­ 9.2 Scope. binding requisition to the Government ing the text of each book or cumulative 9 a D istrib ution to G overnm en t agencies. Printing Office on Standard Form 1. supplement, a numerical list o f sections A u t h o r i t y : 4 4 U .S .C . 1506; sec. 8, E.O . which are affected by documents pub­ 10530, 19 P R 2709; 3 C F R 1954-1958 Com p, After the press run, each request for lished in the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r . (A sep­ p. 189. extra copies of the Manual must be ad­ arate volume, “ List o f Sections Affected, § 9.1 Publication required. . dressed to the Superintendent of Docu­ 1949-1963” lists all sections o f the Code which have been affected by documents The Director o f the Federal Register ments, to be paid for by the agency or published during the period January 1, shall separately publish annually or at official making the request. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 37, NO. 214— SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1972 RULES AND REGULATIONS 23607 his term o f office, upon his written re­ Subpart G— Supplemental Printing and Editorial Services quest to the Director of the Federal 16.15 Purpose. Register. Sec. 15.16 Use o f Federal R egister stan ding type. (2) Supreme Court. The Supreme 15.17 Special editorial service. 10.1 Publication required. Court is entitled to 12 copies o f each 15.18 Sup p lem ental lo ose -le af services. 10.2 Coverage o f prior years. annual volume. 10.3 Scope and sources. A u t h o r it y : 4 4 U .S.C. 1506; sec. 8, E.O . 1D.4 Format, Indexes, and ancillaries. (3) Executive agencies. The head o f 10530, 10.5 Distribution to G overnm ent agencies. each executive agency is entitled to one p. 189. 19 F R 2 7 09; 3 C F R 1 9 54-1958 Com p, 10.6 Extra copies. copy o f each annual volume upon appli­ Subpart A— General cation to the Director. Subpart B— Weekly Compilation (b) Legislative, judicial, and executive§ 15.1 Cooperation. 10.10 Publication required. agencies o f the Federal Government may 10.11 Format and indexes. The Director of the Federal Register obtain copies of the annual volumes, at 10.12 D istribution to G overnm ent agencies. cost, for official use, by the timely submis­ shall assist each agency in complying with the pertinent publication laws to as­ A u t h o r i t y : 44 U .S.C. 1506; sec. 6, E.O. sion o f a printing and. binding requisition 10530, 19 FR 2709; 3 C F R 1954-1958 Com p, to the Government Printing Office on sure efficient public service in promul­ p. 189. gating administrative documents having Standard Form 1. the effect of legal notice or o f law. Subpart A— Annual Volumes § 10.6 Extra copies. § 15.2 Information services. § 10.1 Publication required. Each request for extra copies of the The Director of the Federal Register The Director of the Federal Register annual volumes must be addressed to shall provide for the answering o f each shall publish, at the end of each calendar the Superintendent of Documents, to be appropriate inquiry presented in person, year, a special edition o f the F e d e r a l paid for by the agency or official making by telephone, or in writing. Each written R egister called the “ Public Papers of the the request. communication and each matter involv­ Presidents of the United States.” Unless ing classified material or the Adminis­ Subparf B— Weekly Compilation the amount of material requires other­ trative Committee shall be sent to the wise, each volume shall cover one cal­ § 10.10 Publication required. Director, Office of the Federal Register, endar year. The Director of the Federal Register National Archives and Records Service, § 10.2 Coverage o f prior years. shall publish a special edition of the Washington, DC 20408. After consulting with the National His­ F e d e r a l R e g is t e r called the “ Weekly § 15.3 Staff assistance. torical Publications Commission on the Compilation of Presidential Documents.” The staff of the Office o f the Federal need therefor, the Administrative Com­ §10.11 Format and indexes. Register shall provide informal assist­ mittee may authorize the publication of (a) The Weekly Compilation shall be ance and advice to officials o f the various volumes o f papers of the Presidents cov­ published in the binding and style that agencies with respect to general or spe­ ering specified years before 1957. the Administrative Committee considers cific programs of regulatory drafting, § 10.3 Scope and sources. procedures, and promulgation practices. suitable for public and official use. (a) The basic text o f each volume shall (b) The Director of the Federal R eg­ § 15.4 Reproduction o f certified copies o f acts and documents. consist of oral statements by the Presi­ ister shall provide indexes and any other dent or of writings subscribed by him, and finding aids that he considers appropri­ The Director of the Federal Register selected from— ate for effective use. shall furnish to requesting agencies, (1) Communications to the Congress; § 10.12 Distribution to Government without charge, reproductions or certi­ (2) Public addresses; fied copies of original acts and documents agencies. (3) Transcripts of news conferences; filed with that Office that are needed for (a) The Weekly Compilation shall be official use. However, In a case involving (4) Public letters; distributed regularly to Members of the voluminous material or numerous copies, (5) Messages to heads of State; (6) Statements released on miscel­ Senate and House of Representatives the requesting agency may be required to and to officials of the legislative, judicial, reimburse the cost of reproduction. laneous subjects; and (7) Formal executive documents pro­ and executive branches of the Federal subscriptions and requi­ Government in the quantities needed for § 15.5 OfficialFederal Register publica­ mulgated in accordance with law. sitions o f (b) In general, ancillary text, notes, official use. tions. and tables shall be derived from official (b ) Requests for copies shall be made The following governs the availability sources. in writing by the authorizing officer to of Federal Register publications feu: o f­ § 10.4 Format, indexes, and ancillaries. the Director of the Federal Register. (c) Special needs for selected issues in ficial use. (a) Slip laws. Single copies may be (a) Each annual volume, divided into substantial quantity shall be filled by the obtained from the House or Senate Docu­ books whenever appropriate, shall be timely submission of a printing and bind­ separately published in the binding and ing requisition to the Government ment Room, U.S. Congress. Quantity overruns o f any slip law may be obtained style th at the Administrative Committee Printing Office on Standard Form 1. by the timely submission o f a requisition considers suitable to the dignity o f the to the Government Printing Office on Office of the President o f the United Standard Form 1. States. SUBCHAPTER D— PREPARATION, TRANSMITTAL, (b) U.S. Statutes at Large. Written re­ (b) Each volume shall be appropriately AND PROCESSING OF DOCUMENTS quests should be directed to the Joint indexed and contain appropriate ancil­ PART 15— SERVICES TO FEDERAL lary information respecting significant Committee on Printing, United States AGENCIES Presidential documents not printed in Capitol, Washington, D.C. 20510. General full text. Subpart A— General provisions relating to the distribution o f Sec. § 10.5 Distribution to Government agen­ 15.1 Cooperation. the UJ3. Statutes at Large are set forth in cies. 15.2 In form a tion services. section 728 o f Title 44, United States (a) The Public Papers of the Presi­ 15.3 Staff assistance. Code. dents of the United States shall be dis­ 15.4 R eproduction o f certified copies o f <c> Federal Register. See §§7.1 to 7.6 acts and d ocum ents. tributed to the following, in the quanti­ o f this chapter. 15.5 Official subscriptions an d requisitions ties indicated, without charge: o f Federal R egister publications. (d) Code o f Federal Regulations. See (1) Members of Congress. Each Sen­ § 8.8 o f this chapter. Subpart B— Special Assistance ator and each Member o f the House of (e) U.S. Governm ent Organization Representatives is entitled to one copy 15.10 In form a tion on d rafting and p ub lica­ tion. °f each annual volume published during Manual. See § 9.3 o f this chapter. PART 10— PRESIDENTIAL PAPERS Subpart A— Annual Voluntas FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 37, NO. 214— SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1972 RULES AND REGULATIONS 23608 (3) An authorizing officer and an§ 17.1 Receipt and processing. alternate. Unless special arrangements are made The same person may be designated to with the Director of the Federal Register, the Office o f the Federal Register re­ serve in one or more o f these positions. (b) In choosing its liaison officer, each ceives documents only during official agency should consider that this officer working hours. Upon receipt, each doc­ will be the main contact between that ument shall be held fo r confidential Subpart B— Special Assistance agency and the Office o f the Federal processing until it is filed for public § 15*10 Information on drafting and Register and that the liaison officer will inspection. publication. be charged with the duties set forth in R egular S ch edu le The Director o f the Federal Register § 16.2. Therefore, the agency should § 17.2 Procedure and timing for regular may prepare, and distribute to agencies, choose a person who is directly involved schedule. information and instructions d e s ir e d to in the agency’s regulatory program. (a) Each document received shall be (c) Each agency shall notify the promote effective compliance with the purposes o f Chapter 15 of Title 44, United Director o f the name, title, address, and assigned to the regular schedule unless States Code, sections 553-554 o f Title 5, telephone number o f each person it des­ the issuing agency makes special ar­ United States Code, related statutes, and ignates under this section and shall rangements otherwise. Receipt of a this chapter. The Director may also de­ promptly notify the Director o f any document in the ordinary course of busi­ ness is considered to be a request for velop and conduct programs o f technical changes. publication on the regular schedule. instruction. § 16.2 Liaison duties. (b) The regular schedule for publica­ Subpart C— Supplemental Printing tion is as follows: Each liaison officer shall— and Editorial Services (a) Represent his agency in all mat­ R e c e iv e d F ile d Published ters relating to the submission o f docu­ § 15.15 Purpose. ments to the Office o f the Federal Regis­ The Director o f the Federal Register ter, and respecting general compliance M o n d a y - ............... T u e s d a y _______ may provide special services to agencies with this chapter; W e d n esd ay_____ T h u r s d a y ........... .. to promote efficiency and economy (b) Be responsible for the effective through the use o f printing and editorial distribution and use within his agency F r id a y ................... . . T u e s d a y ............... . facilities developed in editing and pub­ o f F e d e r a l R e g is t e r information on Where a legal Federal holiday intervenes, lishing Federal Register publications. document drafting and publication as­ one additional work day is added. § 15.16 Use o f Federal Register standing sistance authorized by § 15.10 of this E m erg en cy S chedule chapter; and type. (c) Promote his agency’s participa­ § 17.3 Criteria for emergency schedule. Type used in printing the F e d e r a l tion in the technical instruction author­ R e g is t e r is available for reuse by agen­ The emergency schedule is designed to cies in making reprints, on their own ized by § 15.10 o f this chapter. provide the fastest possible publication requisition, by submitting a printing and § 16.3 Certifying duties. o f a document involving the prevention, binding requisition on Standard Form alleviation, control, or relief o f an emer­ 1 to the Office o f the Federal Register The certifying officer is responsible for gency situation. fo r forwarding to the Government attaching the required number o f true Printing Office. copies o f each original document sub­ § 17.4 Procedure and timing for emer­ gency schedule. mitted by his agency to the Office o f § 15.17 Special editorial service. the Federal Register and fo r making (a) Each agency requesting publica­ Upon written request by an appropri­ the certification required by §§ 18.5 and tion on the emergency schedule shall ate agency official, the staff o f the Office 18.6 o f this chapter. briefly describe the emergency and the of the Federal Register may compile and benefits to be attributed to immediate collate Code units, as o f a given date, to § 16.4 Authorizing duties. publication i n the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r . The assist an Issuing agency to prepare a The authorizing officer is responsible request shall be made by letter i f time document for publication in the F ed eral for furnishing, to the Director o f the permits. R e g is t e r . (b) The Director o f the Federal Regis­ Federal Register, a current mailing list § 15.18 Supplemental loose-leaf services. o f officers or employees o f his agency ter shall assign a document to the emer­ who are authorized to receive the F e d ­ gency schedule whenever he concurs with T he Director o f the Federal Register e r a l R e g is t e r , the Code o f Federal Reg­ a request for that action and it is fea­ may cooperate with agencies in develop­ ulations, and the Weekly Compilation sible. The Director shall confirm the as­ ing supplemental loose-leaf services fo r o f Presidential Documents for official signment as soon as possible. special items in which the need would use. (c) Each document assigned to the justify the cost. emergency schedule shall be published as soon as possible. PART 17— PUBLICATION SCHEDULES § 17.5 Transmittal from distant points. PART 16— AGENCY Sec. REPRESENTATIVES The text o f a document assigned to the 17.1 R eceipt and processing. See. emergency schedule may be transmitted 16.1 D esignation. from a distant field installation to the R egular S ch edu le 16.2 Liaison duties. Washington Office o f the agency con­ 16.3 C ertifyin g duties. 17.2 Procedure an d tim in g for regular cerned by telecommunication. A certi­ 16.4 A u th orizin g duties. schedule. fied transcription o f the text may be A u t h o r i t y : 4 4 U .S.C. 1506; sec. 6, E.O. filed in advance o f receipt of the original E m ergency S chedule 10530, 19 F R 2709; 3 C F R 1954-1958 Com p, document. The agency must file the orig­ p . 189. 17.3 Criteria for em ergency schedule. inal document at the earliest possible 17.4 Procedure an d tim in g fo r em ergency § 16.1 Designation. time. In such a case, the publication date schedule. is based on receipt o f the certified tran­ (a) Each agency shall designate, from 17.5 T ran sm ittal fro m d ista n t points. scribed copies by the Office of the Fed­ its officers or employees, persons to serve D eferred S c h e d u l e eral Register. in the following capacities with relation to the Office o f the Federal Register: 17.6 Criteria. § 17.6 Criteria. ( 1 ) A liaison officer and an alternate. A document may be assigned to the de­ A u t h o r i t y : 4 4 U .S.C. 1506; sec. 6, E .O . (2) A certifying officer and an alter­ 10530, 19 F R 2709; 3 C F R 1954-1958 Com p, ferred schedule under the following nate. p . 189. conditions: ( f ) Public Papers o f the Presidents o f the United States. See §§ 10.5 and 10.6 o f this chapter. (g) W eekly Compilation o f Presi­ dential Documents. See § 10.12 o f this chapter. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 37, NO. 214— SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1972 RULES AND REGULATIONS (a> There are technical problems, unusual tabulations, or Illustrations, or the document is o f such size as to require extraordinary processing time. (b) The agency concerned requests a deferred publication date. PART 18— PREPARATION AND TRANSMITTAL OF DOCUMENTS GENERALLY Sec. 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 18.8 18.9 18.10 18.11 18.12 18.13 18.14 18.15 18.16 18.17 Original and copies required. Prohibition o n com bined docum ents. Subm ission o f docum ents and letters o f transm ittal. Form o f docum ent. Certified copies. Form of certification. Signature. Seal. Style. Illustrations and tabular m aterial. Forms. Preamble requirem ents. W ithdraw al o f filed docum ents. Correction o f errors in d ocum ents. Correction o f errors in printing. Highlights. Effective dates and tim e periods. A u t h o r i t y : 4 4 IJ.S.C. 1506; sec. 6, E.O. 10530, 19 FR 2709; 3 C F R 1954-1958 Com p, p. 189. § 18.1 Original and copies required. (a) Except as provided in § 19.2 o f this subchapter for Executive orders and proclamations, each agency submitting a document to be filed and published in the F ederal R e g is t e r shall send an original and two duplicate originals or certified copies. However, if the document is printed or processed on both sides, the agency shall send, in addition to the original, three duplicate originals or cer­ tified copies. (b) In the case of a document issued outside of the District of Columbia, an agency may submit certified text in place of the original. However, it must replace the certified text with the original docu­ ment as soon as practicable for filing as required by Chapter 15 o f Title 44, United States Code. § 18.2 Prohibition on combined docu­ ments. (a) The Director of the Federal Reg­ ister may not accept a document for fil­ ing and publication if it combines ma­ terial that must appear under more than one category in the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r . For example, a document may not con­ tain both rule making and notice o f pro­ posed rule making material. (b) Where two related documents are to be published in the same F e d e r a l R egister issue, the agency may arrange with the Office of the Federal Register for the insertion o f cross-references In each document. § 18.3 Submission o f documents and letters o f transmittal. (a) Each document authorized or reby law to be filed with the Office or the Federal Register, published in the federal R e g is t e r , or filed with the Ad­ ministrative Committee shall be sent to the Director of the Federal Register. No. 214—Pt. II----- 2 (to) Except fo r cases involving special handling or treatment, there is no need for a letter of transmittal for a document submitted for filing and F e d e r a l R e g is ­ t e r publication. 23609 <c> Descriptions o f land must conform, so far as practicable, to the current edi­ tion o f the “ Specifications for Descrip­ tions of Tracts of Land for Use in Execu­ tive Orders and Proclamations” prepared by the Bureau of Land Management, De­ § 18.4 Form o f document. partment of the Interior. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, to be eligible for filing § 18.10 Illustrations and tabular ma­ terial. and publication in the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r , (a) An original drawing, or a clear re­ a document must be typewritten on white bond paper approximately 8 by 10 M production, o f each map, chart, graph, s inches in size, double spaced, with a left- or other illustration that is found to be hand margin of approximately 1 % a necessary part of a document to be filed inches and a right-hand margin of ap­ and published may be accepted only after submission to the Director o f the Federal proximately 1 inch. (b) A printed or processed document Register at least 6 working days before may be accepted for filing and publica­ the date on which publication is desired. (b) A clear and legible reproduction of tion if it is suitable as an archival orig­ inal. However, a photostatic copy may the original illustration, approximately not be accepted as an original document. 8 by IOV2 inches, shall be included in the (c) A document in the form of a let­ original document and each certified ter may not be accepted fo r filing or copy. (c) Tabular material consisting of publication in the rules and regulations, proposed rule making, or notices cate­ more than two typewritten pages that is to be a part of a document to be filed gories of the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r . and published shall be submitted to the § 18.5 Certified copies. Director at least 6 working days before (a) The certified copies or duplicate the date on which publication is desired. originals o f each document must be at­ § 18.11 Forms. tached to the original. Each copy or Except when considered necessary by duplicate must be entirely clear and the Director of the Federal Register, legible. (b) Copies o f a typewritten original tabulated blank forms for applications, may be the first two carbon copies o f registrations, reports, contracts, and the ribbon original, positive photostats similar items, and the instructions for on paper with a matte surface, or electro­ preparing the forms, may not be pub­ lished in full. In place thereof, the agency static copies. (c) Publication dates are determined concerned shall submit for publication a at the time when clear and legible copies simple statement describing the purpose and use o f each form and stating the are received. places at which copies may be obtained. § 18.6 Form o f certification. § 18.12 Preamble requirements. Each copy of each document submitted Each notice of proposed rule making for filing and publication, except a Presi­ dential document or a duplicate original, and final rule making document shall must be certified substantially as follows: conform to the following : (a) There must be a clear preamble (Certified to be a true copy o f th e original) statement that describes the contents signed by a certifying officer designated of the document in a manner sufficient under § 16.1 of this chapter. to apprise a reader, who is not an expert in the subject area, o f the general subject § 18.7 Signature. matter o f the rule making document. T h e original and each duplicate orig­ (b) To the extent practicable, the pre­ inal document must be signed in ink, with amble statement fo r a proposed rule the name and title o f the official signing making document should also discuss the document typed or stamped beneath the m ajor issues involved in, and the his signature. Initialed or Impressed reasons for, the proposed rules. signatures may not be accepted. (c) T o the extent practicable, the pre­ amble statement for a rule or regulation § 18.8 Seal. Use o f a seal on an original document that was preceded by a notice of pro­ posed rule making, should also indicate or certified copy is optional with the is­ in general terms the principal differ­ suing agency. ences, if any, between the rules as pro­ posed and the rules as adopted. § 18.9 Style. Each agency submitting a document § 18.13 Withdrawal o f filed documents. fo r filing and publication shall prepare it A document that has been filed with in accordance with the following: (a) Punctuation, capitalization, spell­ the Office o f the Federal Register and ing, and other matters o f style must con­ placed on public inspection as required form , in general, to the current edition by this chapter, may be withdrawn from o f the U.S. Government Printing Office publication by the submitting agency only Style Manual. by a timely written instrument revoking (b) The spelling o f geographic names that document, signed by a duly au­ must conform to the decisions o f the Board on Geographic Names, established thorized representative o f the agency. by section 2 o f the act o f July 25, 1947, Both the original and the revoking docu­ 61 Stat.456 (43 U.S.C. 364a). ment shall remain on file. FEDERAL REGISTER, V O L 37, NO. 214— SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1972 RULES AND REGULATIONS 23610 § 18.14 Correction o f errors in docu­ ments. After a document has been filed for public inspection and publication, a sub­ stantive error in the text may be cor­ rected only by the filing of another docu­ ment effecting the correction. § 18.15 Correction o f errors in printing. Typographical or clerical errors made in the printing of the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r shall be corrected by insertion of an ap­ propriate notation or a reprinting in the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r published without fur­ ther agency documentation, if the Direc­ tor of the Federal Register determines that— (a) The error would tend to confuse or mislead the reader; or (b) The error would affect text sub­ ject to codification. § 18.16 Highlights. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) o f this section, each agency which submits a document for publication in the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r shall furnish with the document two copies o f a descriptive catchword or phrase and a brief state­ ment that: (1) Names the agency issuing the document; (2) Identifies the principal subject of the document; and (3) States any important dates, such as closing date for comments, hearing date, or effective date. The language o f the statement sub­ mitted under this section and the head­ ings required by Parts 17 and 22 of this chapter may be the same when­ ever appropriate. The following are ex­ amples o f the kinds o f statements intended by this requirement: D ETER G E N TS— Proposed PTC labeling and advertising requirem ents for synthetic detergents— com m en t period ends 4 -1 9 -7 2 ; p ub lic hearing 4 -2 6 -7 2 . CO AL M IN E S A F E T Y — Interior D epart­ m e n t procedures to assess civil penalties for violations— effective 1 -1 6 -7 3 . (b) A statement need not be sub­ mitted with a document that is mak­ ing nonsubstantive changes that are corrective or editorial in nature. The Di­ rector o f the Federal Register may grant additional exceptions to the requirements o f this section. The Director shall pub­ lish once each month in the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r a list o f the classes o f docu­ ments exempted under this section dur­ ing the preceding month, stating the agency involved and the document or class o f documents. (c) Selected statements submitted under this section shall be included in a highlights listing which will be printed in a prominent place in the daily F e d ­ e r a l R e g is t e r . The Director shall exer­ cise final editorial control over the word­ ing o f each statement and make the final determination as to its inclusion in the highlights listing. (d) Neither failure to submit a state­ ment under this section, nor failure to print such a statement in the high­ lights listing in the F e d e r a l R e g i s t e r affects the legal status o f a docu­ ment printed in the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r . Highlights listings printed in the F e d ­ e r a l R e g is t e r are intended solely to serve as an aid to readers and the word­ ing o f a listed item is not intended to interpret the language of the document. F e d e r a l R e g is t e r readers should con­ tinue to use the Table o f Contents to identify the documents published in each issue and the text o f a document to determine its legal effect. § 18.17 Effective dates and time periods. (a) Whenever practicable, each docu­ ment submitted for publication in the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r should set forth dates certain. Thus, a document should state "all comments received before July 3, 1972, will be considered” or "this amend­ ment takes effect July 3, 1972,” rather than stating a time period measured by a certain number of days after publica­ tion in the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r . Where a document does contain a time period rather than a date certain, the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r staff will insert a date certain to be computed as set forth in paragraph (b) o f this section. (b) Dates certain will be computed by counting the day after the publication day as one, and by counting each suc­ ceeding day, including Saturdays, Sun­ days, and holidays. However, where the final count would fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, the date certain will be the next succeeding Federal business day. PART 19— EXECUTIVE ORDERS AND PRESIDENTIAL PROCLAMATIONS Sec. 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 Form . R ou tin g and approval o f d rafts. R ou tin g an d certification o f originals and copies. Proclam ations calling for th e observ­ ance o f special days or events. Proclam ations o f treaties excluded. Definition. N o t e : T h e provisions o f th is Part 19 de­ rived from sections 1 to 6 of Executive Order 11030, 27 F R 5847, 3 C F R 1959-1963 C om p., p . 610, an d E.O . 11354, 32 F R 7695, 196 6 -19 7 0 Com p., p . 652. § 19.1 Form. Proposed Executive orders and procla­ mations shall be prepared in accordance with the following requirements: (a) The order or proclamation shall be given a suitable title. (b) The order or proclamation shall contain a citation o f the authority under which it is issued. (c) Punctuation, capitalization, spell­ ing, and other matters o f style shall, in general, conform to the most recent edi­ tion of the U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual. (d) The spelling o f geographic names shall conform to the decisions o f the Board on Geographic Names, established by section 2 o f the act o f July 25, 1947, 61 Stat. 456 (43 U.S.C. 364a). (e) Descriptions o f tracts o f land shall conform, so far as practicable, to the most recent edition o f the "Specifl- cations for Descriptions o f Tracts of Land for Use in Executive Orders and Proclamations,” prepared by the Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior. (f) Proposed Executive orders and proclamations shall be typewritten on paper approximately 8 x 13 inches, shall have a left-hand margin o f approxi­ mately iy 2 inches and a right-hand margin o f approximately 1 inch, and shall be double-spaced except that quo­ tations, tabulations, and descriptions of land may be single-spaced. (g) Proclamations issued by the Presi­ dent shall conclude with the followingdescribed recitation: IN W IT N E S S W H ER EO F , I have hereunto set m y h an d th is ____ day o f ________ ,____ , in th e year o f our L o r d ___ li _________________ _ and o f th e Independence o f th e U nited States of Am erica t h e _________________________ § 19.2 Routing and approval o f drafts. (a) A proposed Executive order or proclamation shall first be submitted, with seven copies thereof, to the Di­ rector o f the Office o f Management and Budget, together with a letter, signed by the head or other properly authorized officer of the originating Federal agency, explaining the nature, purpose, back­ ground, and effect o f the proposed Exec­ utive order or proclamation and its rela­ tionship, if any, to pertinent laws and other Executive orders or proclamations. (b) I f the Director o f the Office of Management and Budget approves the proposed Executive order or proclama­ tion, he shall transmit it to the Attorney General for his consideration as to both form and legality. (c) If the Attorney General approves the proposed Executive order or proc­ lamation, he shall transmit it to the Director of the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administra­ tion: Provided, That in cases involving sufficient urgency the Attorney General may transmit it directly to the President: And provided further, That the authority vested in the Attorney General by this section may be delegated by him, in whole or in part, to the Deputy Attorney General, Solicitor General, or to such Assistant Attorney General as he may designate. (d) After determining that the pro­ posed Executive order or proclamation conforms to the requirements of § 19.1 and is free from typographical or clerical error, the Director o f the Office of the Federal Register shall transmit it and three copies thereof to the President. (e) I f the proposed Executive order or proclamation is disapproved by the Di­ rector o f the Office of Management and Budget or by the Attorney General, it shall not thereafter be presented to the President unless it is accompanied by a statement o f the reasons for such disapproval. § 19.3 Routing and certification o f orig­ inals and copies. (a) I f the order or proclamation is signed by the President, the original and two copies shall be forwarded to the Di- FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 37, NO. 214— SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1972 RULES AND REGULATIONS rector of the Federal Register fo r publi­ cation in the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r . (b) The Office o f the Federal Register shall cause to be placed upon the copies of all Executive orders and proclama­ tions forwarded as provided in paragraph (a) of this section the following nota­ tion, to be signed by the Director or by some person authorized by him to sign such notation: “ Certified to be a true copy of the original.” § 19.4 Proclamations calling for the ob­ servance o f special days or events. Except as may be otherwise provided by law, responsibility for the preparation and presentation of proposed proclama­ tions calling for the observance o f special days, or other periods of time, or events, shall be assigned by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to such agencies as he may consider appro­ priate. Such proposed proclamations shall be submitted to the Director at least 60 days before the date o f the specified observance. § 19.5 Proclamations o f treaties ex­ cluded. Consonant with the provisions of Chapter 15 of Title 5 of the United States Code (44 U.S.C. 1511), nothing in these regulations shall be construed to apply to treaties, conventions, protocols, or other international agreements, or proclama­ tions thereof by the President. § 19.6 Definition. The term “ Presidential proclamations and Executive orders,” as used in Chap­ ter 15 of Title 5 of the United States Code (44 U.S.C. 1505(a) ), shall, except as the President or his representative may here­ after otherwise direct, be deemed to in­ clude such attachments thereto as are referred to in the respective proclama­ tions or orders. PART 20— HANDLING OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ORGANIZA­ TION MANUAL STATEMENTS Sec. 20.1 Liaison officers. 20.2 Preparation o f agency statem ents. 20.3 Organization. 20.4 Description o f program activities. 20.5 Sources o f inform ation. 20.6 Form, style, arrangem ent, and appor­ tionm ent o f space. 20.7 Deadline dates. A u t h o r i t y : 44 U .S.C. 1506; sec. 6, E.O. 10530, 19 FR 2709; 3 CFR 1954-1958 Com p. P. 189. § 20.1 Liaison officers. Each of the following shall appoint an officer to maintain liaison with the Office on matters relating to the United States government Organization M anual: (a) Agencies of the legislative and ju ­ dicial branches. (b) Executive agencies that do not a **a*s?n officer designated under I«8 j this chapter or who wish to appoint a liaison officer for Manual m atw sother than the one designated under such § I6.i, (c) Quasi-official agencies represented in the Manual. (d) Any other agency that the Direc­ tor believes should be included in the Manual. Each liaison officer will insure his agen­ cy’s compliance with Part 9 of this chap­ ter and this Part 20. § 20.2 Preparation o f agency state­ ments. In accordance with schedules estab­ lished under § 20.7 each agency shall submit for publication in the Manual an official draft of the information required by § 9.2 of this chapter and this Part 20. § 20.3 Organization. (a) Information about lines of author­ ity and organization may be reflected in a chart if the chart clearly delineates the agency’s organizational structure. Charts must be submitted in duplicate in the form o f clear prints suitable for photo­ graphing. Charts should be prepared so as to be perfectly legible when reduced to the size of a Manual page. Charts that do not meet this requirement will not, be included in the Manual. (b) Listings of heads of operating units should be arranged wherever pos­ sible to reflect relationships between units. (c) Verbal descriptions of organization that duplicate information conveyed by charts or by lists of officials will not be published in the Manual. § 20.4 Description o f program activities. Descriptions should state clearly the public purposes that the agency serves, and the programs that carry out those purposes. Detailed descriptions of the re­ sponsibilities of individuals will not be accepted for publication in the Manual. § 20.5 Sources o f information. Pertinent sources o f information use­ ful to the public, in areas o f public in­ terest such as employment, consumer activities, contracts, services to small business, and other topics o f public in­ terest should be provided with each agency statement. These sources o f in­ formation shall plainly identify the places at which the public may obtain information or make submittals or requests. § 20.6 Form, style, arrangement and ap­ portionment o f space. The form, style, and arrangement of agency statements and other material in­ cluded in the Manual and the apportion­ ment of space therein shall be determined by the Director of the Federal Register. The U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual is the applicable reference work in determining style. § 20.7 Deadline dates. The Manual is published on a schedule designed to provide the public with in­ formation about their Government on a timely basis. Therefore, agencies must comply with the deadline dates estab­ lished by the Director o f the Federal Register for transmittal o f statements 23611 and charts and for the verification of proofs. Failure to do so may result in publication o f an outdated statement or the omission o f important material, thus depriving members o f the public o f in­ formation they have a right to expect in a particular edition of the Manual. PART 21— PREPARATION OF DOCU­ MENTS SUBJECT TO CODIFICATION Subpart A— General Sec. 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 D rafting. [Reserved] [Reserved] D escriptions o f organization. Separate d ocu m en ts for each title and chapter am ended. N otice of expiration of codified m aterial. C 21.7 21.8 21.9 21.10 ode N 21.11 21.12 21.13 21.14 21.15 S tructure T itles an d subtitles. Chapters an d subchapters. Parts, subparts, an d undesignated center heads. Sections. u m b e r in g D ivisions o f th e Code o f Federal R egulations. R eservation o f num bers. A d d ition o f new u n its betw een exist­ ing units. K eyin g to agency num berin g system s. S tatem en ts o f policy an d interpreta­ tions. H e a d in g s 21.16 21.17 21.18 21.19 R equired Code headings. Additional captions. T ables o f contents. Com position o f p art headings. 21.20 General requirem ents. 21.21 21.22 21.23 G eneral requirem ents. R eferences between or w ithin titles. Parallel citations of Code and F e d e r a l 21.24 References to 1938 E dition o f Code. 21.30 General. 21.40 21.41 21.42 General requirem ents. Agency responsibility. Exceptions. 21.43 21.44 21.45 Coverage. D ocu m en ts in volving various am en d ­ m en ts. N onstatutory au thority. 21.51 21.52 21.53 G eneral. S tatu tory m aterials. N on statu tory m aterials. A m endm ents R R eferen ces e g is t e r . E f f e c t iv e D S tatem ent ate Subpart B— Citations of Authority Placem ent F orm A u t h o r i t y : 4 4 U .S.C . 1506; sec. 6, E.O . 10530, 19 F R 2709; 3 C F R 1954-1958 Com p, p . 189. Subpart A— General § 21.1 Drafting. (a) Bach agency that prepares a document that is subject to codification shall draft it as an amendment to the FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 37, NO. 214— SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1972 RULES AND REGULATIONS 23612 Code of Federal Regulations, In accord­ ance with this subchapter, before sub­ mitting it to the Office o f the Federal Register. (b) The agency shall place a promul­ gation statement in the document pre­ cisely describing the relationship of the new provisions to the Code. §§ 21.2, 21.3 tReserved] § 2 1 .4 D e sc rip tio n s o f o r g a n iz a tio n . The Director of the Federal Register may designate documents submitted under section 5 5 2 (a )(1 )(A ) of Title 5, United States Code, as “ documents sub­ ject to codification” under special agree­ ment with the issuing agency. The agree­ ment must be in writing, signed by the head o f the agency, or his designee, and stating that— (a) Publication in the Code is neces­ sary or desirable for the effective dis­ charge o f the agency’s functions or activities; and (b) Publication in the Code may be discontinued by the Administrative Com­ mittee for failure of the agency to keep publication current. § 21.5 Separate documents for each title and chapter amended. Whenever an agency is taking an ac­ tion that will amend more than one title, or more than one chapter, o f the Code of Federal Regulations, it shall prepare a separate document for each title and each chapter that is to be amended. § 21.6 Notice o f expiration o f codified material. (a) Whenever a document subject to codification expires after a specified period by its own terms or by law, the issuing agency shall submit a notifica­ tion by document for publication in the regulations applying to a specific func­ tion o f an issuing agency or devoted to specific subject matter under the control o f that agency. (b) Subparts or undesignated center heads may be used to group related sec­ tions within a part. Undesignated center heads may also be used to group sections within a subpart. § 21.10 Sections. (a) The normal divisions of a part are sections. Sections are the basic units of the Code. (b) W hen internal division is' neces­ sary, a section may be divided into para­ graphs, and paragraphs may be further subdivided using the lettering indicated in § 21.11. N u m b e r in g § 21.11 Divisions o f the Code o f Federal Regulations. (a) Titles are numbered consecutively in Arabic throughout the Code. (b) Subtitles are lettered consecu­ tively in capitals throughout the title. (c) Chapters are numbered consecu­ tively in Roman capitals throughout each title. (d) Subchapters are lettered consecu­ tively in capitals throughout the chapter. (e) Parts are numbered in Arabic throughout each title. ( f ) Subparts may be lettered in capi­ tals or be undesignated. (g) Sections are numbered in Arabic throughout each part. A section number includes the number o f the part followed by a decimal point and the number o f the section. For example, the section number for section 15 o f Part 21 is “ § 21.15” . (h) The lettering for divisions o f a section is as follows: Illustrative lettering F e d e r a l R e g is t e r . (b) I f the preparation o f the docu­ ment is not practicable, the agency shall send a timely notice, in writing, to the Director of the Federal Register, stating that the document is no longer in effect, citing the pertinent terms. Division P a r a g r a p h ________ ____________ ( a ) , ( b ) , etc. ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) , etc. ( i ) , < ii), etc. { iA3)» (®)» e tc' C ode S tr ucture § 21.7 Tides and subtides. (a) The major divisions o f the cod e are titles, each o f which brings together broadly related Government functions. (b) Subtitles may be used to dis­ tinguish between materials emanating from an overall agency and the material Issued by its various components. Sub­ titles may also be used to group chapters within a title. § 2 1 .8 Chapters and subchapters. (a) The normal divisions o f a title are chapters, assigned to the various agen­ cies within a title descriptive oif the sub­ ject matter covered by the agencies’ regulations. (b) Subchapters may be used to group related parts within a chapter. § 21.9 Parts, subparts, and undesignated center heads. (a) The normal divisions o f a chapter are parts, consisting o f a unified body of ( 1 ) . {* )» etc. ( i ) , ( if ) , etc. § 21.12 Reservation o f numbers. h i a case where related parts or re­ lated sections are grouped under a head­ ing, numbers shall be reserved at the end o f each group to allow for expan­ sion. § 21.13 Addition o f new units between existing units. (a) Whenever it is necessary to intro­ duce a new part or section between existing consecutive parts or sections, the new part or section shall be designated by the addition o f a lower case letter to the number o f the preceding part or section. For example, a part inserted be­ tween Parts 31 and 32 is numbered “ 31a” , and a section inserted between § 31.1 and § 31.2 is numbered “ § 31.1a” . (b) Whenever it is necessary to insert a paragraph between existing consecu­ tive paragraphs, and revision o f the en­ tire paragraph is not desired, the new paragraph shall be designated by tire ad­ dition o f a hyphen and an Arabic num­ ber to the letter designating the preced­ ing paragraph. For example, a paragraph inserted between paragraph (a) and (b) is designated “ (a-1) ” . § 21.14 Keying to agency numbering systems. The Director of the Federal Register may allow the keying o f section num­ bers to correspond to a particular num­ bering system used by an agency only when, in his opinion, the keying will benefit both that agency and the public. § 21.15 Statements o f policy and inter­ pretations. (a) Whenever a statement o f general policy or an interpretation, submitted pursuant to section 55 2 (a )(1 )(D ) of Title 5, United States Code, applies to an entire part, it shall be included in or appended to that part. (b) Whenever a statement of gen­ eral policy or an interpretation applies to a specific section it shall be appended to that section. (c) Statements o f policy and inter­ pretations that are broader in scope than those covered by paragraphs (a) and (b) o f this section shall be assigned to a part or group o f parts within the chapter affected. H ea d in g s § 21.16 Required Code headings. (a) The title, chapter, and part head­ ings, in that order, shall be set forth in full on separate lines at the beginning o f each document. Subtitle, subchapter, and subpart headings shall, if applicable, also be set forth. (b) Each section shall have a brief descriptive heading, preceding the text, on a separate line. § 21.17 Additional captions. (a) For the purpose o f publication in the F e d e r a l R e g i s t e r , a brief cap tio n more specifically describing the scope of a document constituting a partial amendment o f the material in a p a rt shall be provided immediately below th e part heading. (b) An agency that uses regulation numbers or other identifying symbols shall place them in brackets centered im­ mediately above the part heading. § 21.18 Tables o f contents. A table o f contents shall be used at the beginning of the part whenever a new part is introduced, an existing part is completely revised, or a group of sec­ tions is revised or added and set forth as a subpart or otherwise separately grouped under a center head. The table shall follow the part heading and precede the text of the regulations In that part. It shall also list the headings for toe subparts, undesignated center headings, and sections in the part. § 21.19 Composition o f part headings. Each part heading shall indicate briefly the general subject matter of toe part. Phrases such as “Regulations under the Act of July 28,1955” or other expres­ sions that are not descriptive of the sub- FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 37, NO. 214— SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1972 RULES AND REGULATIONS ject matter may not be used. Introduc­ tory expressions such as “ Regulations governing” and “ Rules applicable to” may not be used. A mendm ents § 21.20 General requirements. (a) Each amendatory document shall identify in specific terms the unit amended, and the extent of the changes made. (b) The number and heading o f each section amended shall be set forth in full on a separate line. R eferences § 21.21 General requirements. (a) Each reference to the Code o f Federal Regulations shall be in terms of the specific titles, chapters, parts, sec­ tions, and paragraphs involved. Am­ biguous references such as “ herein” , “above”, “ below” , and similar expressions may not be used. (b) Each document that contains a reference to material published in the Code shall include the Code citation as a part of the reference. § 21.22 References between or within titles. Unless the meaning is otherwise pre­ cisely expressed and an undue or awk­ ward repetition would result, the follow­ ing references shall be used: (a) Between titles. When reference is made to material codified in a title other than that in which the reference occurs, the short form o f citation shall be used. For example, a reference within Title 41 to § 2.4 of Title 1 is “ 1 CFR 2.4” . (b) Within titles. When reference is made to material codified in the same title, the following forms shall be used, as appropriate: Chapter ______ o f this title. Part-------- o f this title. S -------- o f this title. (c) Within chapters. When reference is made to material codified in the same chapter, the following forms shall be used, as appropriate: thereto, the following forms may be used, as appropriate: ;_______ CFR , 1938 Ed., ________ _ ___ _ CFR , 1943, C u m . S u p p .,............... _______ CFR , 1946 S u p p .,___ ____ _ E f f e c t iv e D a t e S t a t e m e n t § 21.30 General. Each document subject to codification shall include a clear statement as to the date or dates upon which its contents be­ come effective. Subpart B— Citations of Authority § 21.40 General requirements. (a) Each section in a document sub­ ject to codification shall include, or be covered by, a complete citation of the authority under which the section is issued, including— (1) General or specific authority dele­ gated by statute; and (2) Executive delegations, if any, necessary to link the statutory author­ ity to the issuing agency. § 21.41 Agency responsibility. (a) Each issuing agency is responsible for the accuracy and integrity o f the ci­ tations of authority in the documents it issues. (b ) Each issuing agency shall formally amend the citations o f authority in its codified material to reflect any changes therein. § 21.42 Exceptions. The Director of the Federal Register may make exceptions to the requirements o f this subpart relating to placement and form of citations o f authority whenever he determines that strict application would impair the practical use o f the citations. P lacem ent § 21.43 Coverage. (a) Single section. Authority covering a single section shall be cited in paren­ theses on a separate line immediately fo l­ lowing the text o f the section. For example: (Sec. 5, P u b . L . 8 9 -6 7 0 , 80 S ta t. 935 U .S.C . 1 6 5 4 )) Part ------- o f this chapter. S- — __ of this chapter. (d) Within sections. When reference is made to material codified in the same section, the following forms shall be used, as appropriate: Paragraph ( --------- ) o f this section. 23613 (49 (b) Blanket coverage. Authority cover­ ing two or more consecutive sections shall be cited following the word “ AUTHOR­ IT Y ” and placed as a text note immedi­ ately preceding the first section o f the group. For example: § 21.23 Parallel citations o f Code and Federal Register. A u t h o r i t y : Sec. 5, Pub. L. 8 9 -6 7 0 , 80 S tat. 935 (49 U .S.C. 1 6 5 4 ). For parallel reference7 the Code o f Federal Regulations and the F e d e r a l Register may be cited in the follow ing forms, as appropriate: (c) Combined blanket and separate coverage. Whenever individual sections within a group covered by a blanket cita­ tion reflect additional authority, a com ­ bined form shall be used. For example: --------- C F R -------------( _________ f r ________ >. * ------of th is chapter ( _______ FR § 21*24 References to 1938 edition o f Code. en reference is made to material in the 1938 edition o f the Code 01 Federal Regulations, or a supplement A u t h o r i t y : Sec. 5, P u b . L . 8 9 -6 7 0 , 8 0 S tat. 935 (49 U .S.C. 1 6 5 4 ), unless otherwise noted. (d) Combined blanket coverage. W hen­ ever a group o f two or more consecutive sections within a broader group covered by a blanket citation reflects the same additional authority, a combined blanket citation shall be used. For example: A u t h o r it y : S e c . 5, P u b . L. 8 9 -6 7 0 , 80 S tat. 935 (49 U .S.C. 1 6 5 4 ). 55 7.1 t o 7.11 also Issued u n d er sec. 313, Pub. L . 8 5 -7 2 6 , 72 S ta t. 752 (49 U .S.C . 1 3 5 4 ). § 21.44 Documents involving various amendments. (a) Whenever a document prescribes several amendments issued under com ­ mon authority, the citation to that au­ thority shall be placed in parentheses on a separate line after the last amendment. (b) Whenever a document prescribes several amendments issued under vary­ ing authorities, each amendment shall be followed by the appropriate citation in parentheses on a separate line. § 21.45 Nonstatutory authority. Citation to a document as authority shall be placed after the statutory cita­ tions. For example: A u t h o r it y : Sec. 9, P u b . L . 8 9 -6 7 0 , 80 S tat. 944 (49 U .S.C. 1 6 5 7 ). E .O . 11222, 3 0 F R 6469, 3 C F R 1965 C om p. F orm § 21.51 General. (a) Formal citations o f authority shall be in the shortest form compatible with positive identification and ready refer­ ence. (b) The Office o f the Federal Register shall assist agencies in developing model citations. § 21.52 Statutory materials. (a) Public laws. Citations to current public laws shall include reference to the volume and page o f the U.S. Statutes at Large to which they have been assigned. For example: Sec. 5, Pub. U .S.C. 1654) L. 8 9 -6 7 0 , 80 S ta t. 935 (49 (b) U.S. Statutes at Large. Citations to the U.S. Statutes at Large shall refer to section, page, and volume. The page number should refer to the page on which the section cited begins. If the cited material is contained in a title of the United States Code that has not been positively enacted, the parallel United States Code citation shall also be given. For example: Sec. 5, Pub. L. 8 9 -6 7 0 , 80 S tat. 935 (49 U .S.C. 1654) ; sec. 313, P u b . L . 8 5 -7 2 6 , 72 S ta t. 752 (49 U .S.C. 1354) (c) Positive law titles o f the United States Code. Citations to titles o f the United States Code that have been en­ acted into positive law (such as 1, 5, 10, etc.) shall be cited as follows, without public law or U.S. Statutes at Large citation: 10 U .S.C. 501. § 21.53 Nonstatutory materials. Nonstatutory documents shall be cited by document designation and by F e d ­ e r a l R e g is t e r volume and page, followed, if possible, by the parallel citation to the Code o f Federal Regulations. For ex­ ample: Special Civil A ir R eg. S R -4 2 2 A , 28 F R 6703, 14 C F R Part 4b . E .O . 11130, 28 F R 12789; 3 CFR 1959-1963 C om p. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 37, NO. 214— SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1972 RULES AND REGULATIONS 23614 PART 22— PREPARATION OF NOTICES AND RULE MAKING PROPOSALS N Sec. 22.1 o t ic e s in G eneral N am e o f Issuing agency and subdivi­ sion. A u th ority citation. Chapter II— Office of the Federal Register PART 51— INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE The purpose of this amendment is to adopt a revised regulation governing the incorporation by reference of material N o t ic e s o f P r o p o se d R u l e M a k in g outside the Code o f Federal Regulations 22.5 G eneral requirem ents. in Federal Register documents. This 22.6 Code d esignation. amendment is based on a notice of pro­ 22.7 Codification. posed rule making published in the F e d ­ A u t h o r i t t : 4 4 U .S.C. 1506; sec. 6, E.O. e r a l R e g is t e r on April 4, 1972 (37 F.R. 10530, 19 F R 2709; 3 CFR 1954-1958 Com p, 6805). p . 189. Several of the commenters expressed N o t ic e s i n G e n er al general opposition to the use o f “ incor­ § 22.1 Name o f issuing agency and sub­ poration by reference” in Federal Regis­ division* ter documents and recommended against (a) The name o f the agency issuing a adoption o f proposed Part 51. With re­ notice shall be placed at the beginning o f spect to these comments, it should be the document. pointed out that specific congressional (b) Whenever a specific bureau, serv­ authority for the use of incorporation by ice, or similar unit within an agency is­ reference has existed since 1967 (5 U.S.C. sues a notice, the name o f that bureau, 552(a)) and that proposed Part 51 is service, or unit shall be placed on a sepa­ for the most part a revision o f 1 CFR rate line below the name o f the agency. Part 20, which was originally adopted (c) An agency that uses file numbers, the same year. Thus, adoption o f Part docket numbers, or similar identifying 51 is not an invitation to increased usage symbols shall place them in brackets im ­ o f incorporation by reference. Actually, mediately below the other headings re­ as was discussed in the notice of pro­ quired by this section. posed rule making, in several respects (d) A suitable short title identifying revised Part 51 imposes more restrictions the subject shall be provided beginning and places more control in the Director on a separate line immediately after the o f the Federal Register than did the pre­ other required caption or captions. vious regulations. Whenever appropriate, an additional One commenter suggested that the brief caption indicating the nature of the proposed regulations appear to apply to notice o f proposed rule making docu­ document shall be used. ments although 5 U.S.C. 552(a) applies § 22.2 Authority citation. only to final rule making documents. To The authority under which an agency clarify this, a new paragraph (e) has issues a notice shall be cited in narrative been added to § 51.1. This new provision form within text or in parentheses (Hi also encourages agencies to consult with a separate line following text. the office o f the Federal Register with respect to the requirements of Part 51 N o t ic e s o p P roposed R u l e M a k in g before submission o f proposed rule mak­ § 22.5 General requirements. ing documents. In this way agencies can Each notice o f proposed rule making avoid problems that might surface after required by section 553 o f title 5, United a document has gone through notice and States Code, or any other statute, and public comment. Another commenter pointed out that any similar notice voluntarily Issued by an agency shall include a statement of— the use of incorporation by reference in (a) The time, place. Mid nature of a proposed rule making document can public rule making proceedings; and affect the reasonableness o f the time (b) Reference to the authority under period for public comment. This com­ which the regulatory action is proposed. menter made the valid point that some­ times it takes weeks to obtain a technical § 22.6 Code designation. document proposed to be incorporated by The area of the Code o f Federal Regu­ reference and that little time may be lations directly affected by a proposed left for review and submission o f com ­ regulatory action shall be identified by ments. While this comment is outside placing the appropriate CFR citation in the scope o f the proposed regulation, brackets immediately below the name o f agencies are urged to consider this factor in establishing the comment period. the issuing agency. For example; One commenter pointed out that, as [1 C m P art 22] proposed, § 51.10(c) would require the republication of a document or a portion § 22.7 Codification. thereof, whenever a document contain­ Any part of a notice o f proposed rule ing an incorporation by reference is making document that contains the full published in the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r with­ text o f a proposed regulation shall also out the Director’s advance approval. The conform to the pertinent provisions o f commenter suggested that a more flexible Part 21 o f this chapter. approach might be warranted since the [F R D oc.72-18989 Filed 1 1 -3 -7 2 ;8 :5 1 am ] incorporation by reference might well be 22.2 one that the Director would be willing to approve after publication and that in such a case republication would serve no useful purpose. Section 51.10(c) has been rewritten to make it clear that the mere publication in the F e d e r a l R egister of a document containing an incorporation by reference is not o f itself approval by the Director o f that incorporation, in such a situation, the Director will review the document after publication and the proper corrective action can be worked out between the agency and the Director. In consideration o f the foregoing, and after considering all relevant comments received, Part 51 is adopted as proposed with the following changes: 1. A new paragraph (e) is added to § 51.1. 2. A new paragraph (c) is added to § 51.10. 3. Section 51.12 is revised. Effective date. This amendment is ef­ fective January 2,1973. F red J . E m e r y , Director of the Federal Register. G eneral Sec. 51.1 51.2 51.3 51.4 51.5 Policy. M atter eligible. D istin ctio n s. Elem ents o n w hich approval may be based. F iling. 51.6 51.7 51.8 Language o f incorporation. Id entification an d description. S tatem e n t o f availabUity. 51.10 51.11 51.12 Advance consultation. Letter tra n sm ittin g final document. S tam p o f approval. D r a f t in g S tandards P u b l ic a t io n P ro ced u res A u t h o r i t y : T he provisions of this Part 51 issued under 5 U.S.O. 5 5 2 (a ). G eneral § 51.1 Policy. (a) Section 552(a) o f Title 5, United States Code, provides, in part, that “ matter reasonably available to the class of persons affected thereby is deemed published in the F e d e r a l R e g ist e r when incorporated by reference therein with the approval o f the Director of the FedRegister * * (b) H ie Director will strictly interpret the language quoted in paragraph (a) of this section to provide fairness and uni­ form ity in administrative proceedings involving publication in the F ederal R e g is t e r . (c) The Director will interpret and apply the language quoted in paragraph (a) o f this section with full regard to the significance o f related instruments governing publication in the F ederal R e g is t e r and the Code of Federal Regu­ lations. Related instruments include— (1) Subchapter II o f Chapter 5 of Title 5, United States Code; (2) Chapter 15 of Title 44, United States Code; (3) Chapter I o f this title; and FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 37, NO. 214— SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1972 RULES AND REGULATIONS (4) Special statutory provisions listed tions are favorable and reasonably in appendix B to Chapter I of this title, stable: that require publication in the F ederal (a) The matter is eligible. Register. (b) Incorporation will substantially (d) The Director will assume that the reduce the volume o f material published language quoted in paragraph (a) of this in the F ederal R egister . section is— (c) The matter incorporated is in fact (1) Designed to cover the limited pur­ available to the extent necessary to a f­ poses of section 552(a) of title 5, United ford fairness and uniformity in the States Code; administrative process. (2) Intended to benefit both the Fed­ (d) The incorporating document is eral Government and the members o f the drafted and submitted for publication in classes affected by reducing the volume accordance with this part. of matter printed in the F ederal R e g is ­ § 51.5 Filing. ter; and Copies o f material approved for incor­ (3) Not intended to detract from the legal or practical attributes of the system poration by reference including copies established under the basic instruments of all amendments or revisions to that material, shall be filed with the Office of listed in paragraph (c) of this section. (e) While the requirements of 5 U.S.C. the Federal Register. 552(a) and of this part apply to a final D rafting S tandards rule making document, issuing agencies are encouraged to consult the Office of § 51.6 Language o f incorporation. the Federal Register with respect to the (a) The language incorporating ma­ requirements of this part before sub­ terial by reference shall be as precise and mitting for publication a notice of pro­ complete as possible. posed rule making document that con­ (b) The words expressing the incor­ tains an incorporation by reference. poration shall make it clear that the incorporation by reference is intended § 51.2 Matter eligible. and completed by the document in which To be eligible for incorporation by it appears. reference, under section 552(a) o f Title 5, United States Code, in a document to be § 51.7 Identification and description. published in the F ederal R eg ister , mate­ (a) Each incorporation by reference rial must conform to the policy stated shall include an identification and sub­ in § 51.1 and be in the nature of pub­ ject description of the matter incorpo­ lished data, criteria, standards, specifica­ rated, in terms as precise and useful as tions, techniques, illustrations, or other practicable within the limits o f reason­ published information reasonably avail­ able brevity. able to the members o f the class that (b) Titles, dates, editions, numbers, would be affected by the publication. authors, and publishers shall be stated whenever they would contribute to clear § 51.3 Distinctions. identification. (a) Ordinary references. For the pur­ (c) A brief subject description shall poses of this part, informational refer­ be included to inform the user o f his ences and cross references that do not potential need to obtain the matter purport to incorporate outside matter incorporated. within a F ederal R egister document are not considered to be legal incorporations § 51.8 Statement o f availability. by reference under section 552(a) of Title (a) Information. Each incorporation 5, United States Code. by reference shall include a statement (b) Regulations governing availability covering the availability of the material of agency issuances. Regulations govern­ incorporated, including current inform a­ ing the availability of agency issuances tion as to where and how copies o f it are not considered to be legal incorpora­ may be examined and be readily obtained tion by reference under section 552(a) o f with maximum convenience to the user. Title 5, United States Code. (b) Official showing. Inclusion o f the § 51.4 Elements on which approval may statement required by paragraph (a) o f this section constitutes an official show­ be based. The Director of the Federal Register ing by the issuing agency that the mate­ will approve an incorporation by refer­ rial incorporated is, in fact, reasonably ence only when the following considera- available to the class of persons affected. 23615 (c) Future amendments or revisions. In any case in which incorporated ma­ terial will be subject to change, the statement required by paragraph (a) of this section shall set forth that inform a­ tion. However, the incorporation of ma­ terial in a F ederal R egister document by reference is limited to the material as it exists on the effective date o f the doc­ ument. Future amendments or revisions of material incorporated by reference are not included. They may be added as they become available, or at any later time, by the issuance of an amendatory document. Separate approval o f the Di­ rector o f the incorporation o f each amendment whose original incorporation was approved need not be obtained if all other requirements o f this part are met. P u b l ic a t io n P rocedures § 51.10 Advance consultation. (a) To avoid delay, each issuing agency shall consult in advance with the Director of the Federal Register regard­ ing the approval o f any specific incor­ poration by reference. The consultation should take place at least 10 working days before the proposed date of sub­ mission of the document. (b) After completion o f the consulta­ tion, the Director will notify the agency of his decision, at least 5 working days before the proposed date o f submission of the document. (c) Publication in the F ederal R eg ­ ister of a document containing an incor­ poration by reference does not, of itself, constitute approval by the Director of the incorporation by reference. § 51.11 Letter transmitting final docu­ ment. Each agency submitting a document under this part shall send with it a let­ ter of transmittal covering the matter o f incorporation by reference and refer­ ring specifically to the advance consultation. § 51.12 Stamp o f approval. (a) Whenever the Director of the Fed­ eral Register accepts a document under this part a statement will be printed in the F ederal R egister as part of the doc­ ument substantially as follows: Incorporation b y reference provisions ap­ proved b y th e Director o f th e Federal R egis­ ter _____________ __________ _ (date) [F R D oc.72-18990 Filed l l - 3 - 7 2 ;8 : 5 1 am ] FEDERAL REGISTER, V O L 37, NO. 214— SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1972

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