MOTION to Certify Class by ALLIANCE FOR JUSTICE, NATIONAL CONSUMER LAW CENTER, NATIONAL VETERANS LEGAL SERVICES PROGRAM (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Deepak Gupta, #2 Declaration of William Narwold, #3 Declaration of Jonathan Taylor, #4 Text of Proposed Order)(Gupta, Deepak)
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WiLLiaM H. narWoLd
860.882.1676 phone • 860.882.1682 fax •
Bill Narwold has advocated for corporate accountability and fiduciary
responsibility for nearly 35 years, representing consumers, governmental
entities, unions and institutional investors. He litigates complex securities fraud,
shareholder rights and consumer fraud lawsuits, as well as matters involving
unfair trade practices, antitrust violations, whistleblower/qui tam claims and
intellectual property matters.
Practice areas:
Bill leads Motley Rice’s securities and consumer fraud litigation teams and
manages the firm’s appellate group. His experience includes being involved in
more than 200 appeals before the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Courts of Appeal and
multiple state courts.
Prior to joining Motley Rice in 2004, Bill directed corporate, financial, real estate,
trust and estate litigation on behalf of private and commercial clients for 25
years at Cummings & Lockwood in Hartford, Connecticut, including 10 years
as managing partner. Prior to his work in private practice, he served as a law
clerk for the Honorable Warren W. Eginton of the U.S. District Court, District of
Connecticut from 1979-1981.
Bill often acts as an arbitrator and mediator both privately and through the
American Arbitration Association. He is a frequent speaker on legal matters,
including class actions. Named one of 11 lawyers “who made a difference” by
The Connecticut Law Tribune, Bill is recognized as an AV® rated attorney by
Bill has served the Hartford community with past involvements including the
Greater Hartford Legal Assistance Foundation and Lawyers for Children America.
For more than twenty years, Bill served as a Director and Chairman of Protein
Sciences Corporation, a biopharmaceutical company in Meriden, Connecticut.
Consumer Fraud Protection
Mediation and Arbitration
Securities Class Actions
J.D. cum laude, University of
Connecticut School of Law, 1979
B.A., Colby College, 1974
Licensed in:
District of Columbia
New York
South Carolina
adMitted to Practice
U.S. Supreme Court
U.S. Court of Appeals for the First,
Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth,
Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and
Federal Circuits
U.S. District Court for the District of
Colorado, District of Connecticut,
Eastern and Southern District
of New York, District of South
aWards and accoLades:
The Best Lawyers in America®
2013 “Lawyer of the Year” Hartford, CT: litigation – banking & finance
2005–2016 Banking and finance, mergers and acquisitions, securities
Connecticut Super Lawyers® and New England Super Lawyers® lists
2009–2015 Securities litigation; Class action/mass torts
2008 The Best of the U.S. list
Connecticut Bar Foundation
2008 Legal Services Leadership Award
* The Best Lawyers in America®
2014 (Copyright 2013 by Woodward/
White, Inc., of Aiken, S.C.)
For full Super Lawyers selection
methodology visit:
For 2013 data visit:
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 10 of 68
WiLLiaM H. narWoLd
American Bar Association
National Association of Consumer Advocates
Connecticut Bar Foundation, Past President
University of Connecticut Law School Foundation, past Board of Trustees
860.882.1676 phone
860.882.1682 fax
CONNECTICUT OFFICE • One Corporate Center • 20 Church St., 17th Floor • Hartford, CT 06103
PD: 11.04.15
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Founded on April 28, 2003, by Ronald L. Motley (1944–2013) and
Joseph F. Rice, Motley Rice LLC is one of the nation’s largest
lainti s law rms. ur attorneys assisted y more t an
support personnel, possess extensive experience in a wide
variety of civil litigation.
Motley Rice lawyers initially gained national recognition for
t eir wor re resenting as estos ictims in t e
s and
s conducting some o t e rst success ul re resentations
of injured persons against the asbestos industry. Motley
Rice remains dee ly in ol ed in as estos litigation in arious
urisdictions across t e country. e rm continues to re resent
clients t roug in ol ement on numerous as estos an ru tcy
trust committees and is acti e in ot er wor ers rig ts and to ic
tort cases.
In the 1990s, Motley Rice attorneys took on the tobacco
industry. Armed wit e idence ac uired rom w istle lowers
indi idual smo ers cases and to acco lia ility class actions
t e attorneys led t e cam aign o
states Attorneys eneral
and se eral munici alities to recou state ealt care unds
and e act mar eting restrictions rom cigarette manu acturers.
Through the litigation, “a powerful industry was forced by U.S.
courts to re eal its internal documents t at e lain w at nine
to acco com anies new w en t ey new it and w at t ey
concealed rom t e u lic a out t eir dangerous roduct.
e e ort restricted cigarette mar eting to c ildren and
culminated in t e
illion Master ettlement Agreement
t e largest ci il settlement in . . istory.
Following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Motley Rice
lawyers roug t a landmar lawsuit against t e alleged ri ate
and state s onsors o al aeda and sama in Laden. Motley
Rice as underta en a glo al in estigation into terrorism
nancing. n t e course o t is in estigation Motley Rice
created an entire anti terrorism and uman rig ts ractice
which includes cases against defendants involved in terrorist
acts y Li ya amas suicide om ers in srael and ot er
corru t regimes uman rig ts a uses. Motley Rice attorneys
also eld a crucial role in e ecuting t e strategic mediations
and or settlements in
a iation lia ility and damages cases
against multi le de endants on e al o amilies o t e ictims
of the 9/11 attacks who opted out of the VCF.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
ur lawyers continue to e selected to lead ederal and state
medical de ice and drug litigation roug t y in ured eo le
alleging medical manu acturers ut ro ts e ore sa ety. ur
catastro ic in ury lawyers g t or adults and c ildren seriously
injured or killed by defective products such as dangerous toys
or in tragic e ents suc as de astating res.
our en ironmental team egan re resenting eo le
and usinesses armed y t e ee water ori on oil s ill
in t e ul o Me ico and our attorneys ad a central role in
negotiating t e two class action settlements reac ed etween
P and t e litigation Plainti s teering Committee one o
w ic is t e largest ci il class action settlement in . . istory.
We continue our efforts to hold responsible national and
international cor orations and organi ations t at will ully and
nowingly arm eo le and a e e anded our ot er ractice
areas to seek protections for shareholders, seek change in
corporate cultures and bring to light issues that affect safety,
security and rig ts o consumers in estors and t e u lic.
e rm s lawyers regularly litigate com le cases in ol ing
multi le arties in state and ederal urisdictions t roug out
the United States, either as sole counsel for the plaintiffs or
in association wit local counsel and ot er rms. Additionally
Motley Rice lawyers ma imi e t e use o alternati e dis ute
resolution w ere a ro riate suc as negotiation mediation
and ar itration ma ing it ossi le to a oid rotracted litigation
in some cases. Motley Rice em loys state o t e art tec nology
y using ideo con erencing e tranet access and a document
management system t at ena les t e rm to rocess and enter
into t e data ase t ousands o articles lia ility documents
and all ot er in ormation and documents used in litigation
e rm as o ces in Mt. Pleasant
C Pro idence R
art ord C
ew or
C arleston
as ington .C. ew rleans LA and ansas City Missouri.
orld ealt
rg. The Tobacco Industry Documents: What
They Are, What They Tell Us, and How to Search Them (July
2004), available at www.w to acco communications
manual content. d .
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 14 of 68
Motley Rice has held leadership roles in numerous cases. Highlights include:
Plainti s
teering Committee o In re Power Morcellator
Products Liability Litigation, M L o.
Co-lead counsel In re Zofran (Ondansetron) Products Liability
Litigation, M L o.
Plaintiffs’ Leadership Counsel of In re Bard IVC Filters Products
Liability Litigation M L
Plainti s teering Committee o In re Lipitor® (Atorvastatin
Calcium) Marketing, Sales Practices and Products Liability
Litigation M L
Co-lead plaintiffs’ counsel and liaison counsel In re Kugel Mesh
Hernia Patch Products Liability Litigation, M L o.
.R. . R ode sland ederal court s rst consolidated M L
on behalf of thousands of people alleging injury by the hernia
re air atc manu actured y a ol nc. as well as liaison
counsel for the nearly 2,000 lawsuits consolidated in Rhode
Island state court.
Co-lead coordinating counsel of In re Ethicon, Inc., Pelvic Repair
Systems Products Liability Litigation M L
. . . a.
Co-lead counsel in the In re American Medical Systems, Inc.,
Pelvic Repair Systems Products Liability Litigation, M L
. . . a.
Co-liaison counsel In re C.R. Bard, Inc., Pelvic Repair Systems
Products Liability Litigation, M L
. . . a.
Co-lead counsel In re Boston Scientific Corp., Pelvic Repair
Systems Products Liability Litigation, M L
. . . a.
Co-liaison counsel In re Pelvic Mesh Litigation/Bard, o. L
in ew ersey state court.
State court liaison counsel of In re Bard Litigation in
Massac usetts and elaware
Co-lead counsel of the Mirena MDL
. . . .
Co-lead counsel in the In re Mirena Product Liability state court
consolidation in ew ersey
Plainti s
teering Committee o In re Zoloft (Sertraline
Hydrochloride) Products Liability Litigation M L
Plainti s teering Committee o In re NuvaRing Products
Liability Litigation, M L
Plainti s teering Committee o In re DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc.
ASR Hip Implant Products Liability Litigation, M L
Plainti s teering Committee o In re DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc.
Pinnacle Hip Implant Products Liability Litigation M L
In re A.H. Robins Co., Inc., “Dalkon Shield” IUD Products Liability
Litigation o.
Plainti s teering Committee o In re Medtronic, inc., Sprint
Fidelis Leads Products Liability Litigation, M L
Plainti s teering Committee o In re Trasylol Products Liability
Litigation, M L
Plainti s
teering Committee o
Liability Litigation M L
In re Levaquin Products
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Plainti s teering Committee and co lead counsel o In re
Digitek Products Liability Litigation, M L
Plainti s teering Committee o In re Avandia Marketing, Sales
Practices and Products Liability Litigation, M L
Plainti s teering Committee o In re Hydroxycut Marketing
and Sales Practice Litigation, M L
Plainti s teering Committee o In re Zicam Cold Remedy
Marketing, Sales Practices and Products Liability Litigation,
Plainti s teering Committee and co lead counsel o In re
Human Tissue Products Liability Litigation, M L
In re Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Implants Products Liability
Litigation, M L
In re Abbott Laboratories Omniflox Products Liability Litigation,
In re Viagra Products Liability Litigation, M L
Plainti s teering Committee and liaison counsel o In re
Showa Denko K.K. L-tryptophan Products Liability Action M L
Bongani Nkala & Others v. Harmony Gold Mining Company
Limited & Others, o.
auteng ig Court
Johannesburg). Motley Rice has been retained as a consultant
y out A rican uman rig ts lawyer Ric ard
oor in is
effort to take on leading global gold producers and seek justice
or tens o t ousands o e loited gold mine wor ers su ering
rom silicosis.
Travelers Statutory Direct Action Settlement (Bankr. Court,
. . . . an ele en state as estos settlement wit ra elers
C air Plainti s teering Committee and liaison counsel or
plaintiffs, In re Asbestos Products Liability Litigation, M L
. . Pa. .
Plainti s
teering Committee and coordinating counsel
Linscomb v. Pittsburgh Corning Corporation, o.
. . e . a national class action on e al o as estos ictims
ecuti e committee mem er in In re Asbestos School
Litigation, o.
. . Pa. a national sc ool as estos
class action.
Lead plaintiffs’ counsel in Central Wesleyan College v. W.R.
Grace & Co., o.
. .C. a national as estos
ro erty damage class action.
Lead plaintiffs’ counsel in In re Raymark Asbestos Exposure
Cases, o.
. an. a national as estos ersonal
in ury class action in w ic
claims were resol ed.
Co-lead plaintiffs’ counsel in Cimino v. Pittsburgh Corning
Corporation, o.
. . e . an as estos ersonal
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 15 of 68
in ury class action on e al o a
ro imately
lainti s.
Co-lead plaintiffs’ counsel in Chatham v. AC&S, et al., a
consolidated asbestos personal injury action involving 300
plaintiffs in the Circuit Court of Harris County, Texas.
Co-lead plaintiffs’ counsel in Abrams v. GAF Corporation,
ac son Cty. Miss. a consolidated as estos
ersonal action in ol ing more t an
lainti s.
Co-liaison plaintiffs’ counsel in 3,000 asbestos personal injury
cases in the Third Judicial Circuit of Illinois, Madison County,
Co-lead plaintiffs’ counsel in a consolidated asbestos personal
in ury action in ol ing
lainti s ending in t e u erior
Court o Alameda County Cali ornia.
Counsel in numerous consolidated as estos trials including
consolidated cases in an ille llinois
consolidated cases
in . . istrict Court estern istrict o ew or Roc ester
ew or
consolidated cases in tate Court in Mississi i
consolidated cases in t e Circuit Court o anaw a
County, West Virginia.
Plaintiffs’ lead counsel in In re Kansas Asbestos Cases in U.S.
istrict Court or t e istrict o ansas In re Madison County
Illinois Asbestos Litigation
Plaintiffs’ lead counsel in In re Wayne County Michigan Asbestos
John Schumacher v. Amtico, et al., o.
. .Pa. t e
rst ederal court mesot elioma case to go to trial e ore
Eduardo C. Robreno, the judge who oversees the entire Federal
As estos M L n re As estos Products Lia ility Litigation M L
Co-lead counsel, In re KBR, Inc. Burn Pit Litigation, M L
. Md. re resenting undreds o . . soldiers and ersonnel.
Plainti s teering Committee o In re Welding Fume Products
Liability Litigation, M L
Plainti s teering Committee o In re Oil Spill by the Oil Rig
“Deepwater Horizon” in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010,
. .La. and lead settlement negotiators o t e two
class action settlements reac ed wit
P one o w ic is t e
largest ci il class action settlement in . . istory.
Lead trial counsel in The People of the State of California v.
Atlantic Richfield Company, et al. o.
Clara Cnty. Super. Ct.) Resulting in 2014 verdict holding
erwin illiams Com any ConAgra rocery Products and L
Industries Inc. liable for creating a public nuisance and ordered
a atement o lead aint rom omes wit in
Cali ornia cities
and counties.
Michelle McMunn, et al. vs. Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation
Group, Inc., et al., Ci il Action o.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Lead plaintiffs’ counsel in Bates v. Tenco Services Inc.,132
.R. .
. .C.
a et uel ollution case in ol ing t e
consolidated ro erty damage and ersonal in ury claims o
multi le lainti s in t e old Cu
rings su di ision.
Lead counsel in In re Thomas E. Burnett, Sr., et al. v. Al Baraka
Investment & Development Corp., et al., Case o.
In re Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001,
. . . a landmar lawsuit against t e alleged s onsors
o al aeda and sama in Laden in an action led on e al
o more t an
amily mem ers sur i ors and t ose illed
on 9/11.
Linde et al. v. Arab Bank PLC, o.
. . . . and
Almog v. Arab Bank, PLC, o.
P . . . .
one o t e rst lawsuits roug t against an international an
or its alleged role in nancing terrorism.
Mark McDonald, et al. vs. The Socialist People’s Libyan Arab
Jamahiriya, et al.; o.
a ig
ro le case in ol ing Li ya s longtime alleged s onsors i o
IRA acts of terror.
Cummock, et al. v. Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya,
et al., o.
. .C. . ictoria Cummoc Motley Rice s
client, sought full accountability and a public trial as the only
o t out o t e no ault Pan Am
Loc er ie settlement.
Krishanthi, et al. vs. Rajaratnam, et al.; o.
. . .
terrorist nancing litigation against alleged nanciers o t e
amil igers terrorist organi ation in ri Lan a.
Plainti s teering Committee and lead counsel or eri on
plaintiffs in In re National Security Agency Telecommunications
Records Litigation, M L
Ng v. Central Falls Detention Facility Corporation, et al., o.
. R. . a uman rig ts case t at alleged t e de endants
su ected a C inese immigration detainee to e treme ysical
and mental a use and torture w ile in . . custody.
Harris, et al. v. Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, et
al., o.
R R . .C. a case led against Li ya
in ol ing t e
om ing o erlin s La elle iscot e ue.
nterim Co Lead Counsel in antitrust class action In re Keurig
Green Mountain Single-Serve Coffee Antitrust Litigation, M L
. . . ..
A ointed to t e ecuti e Committee in antitrust class action
In re Lidoderm Antitrust Litigation M L o.
. .Cal.).
nterim Liaison Counsel In Re Aggrenox Antitrust Litigation,
M L o.
.Conn. .
Co-lead counsel in antitrust class action In re Loestrin 24 Fe
Antitrust Litigation, M L
.R. . .
Co-lead counsel in antitrust class action In re Suboxone
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 16 of 68
Litigation, M L
. . Pa. .
Court or t e istrict o
out Carolina
reen ille i ision.
Co-lead counsel in antitrust class action In re Effexor XR
Antitrust Litigation, o.
. . ..
In re Graniteville Train Derailment, No. 2006-CP-02-1032 (Ct.
of Common Pleas, Second Jud. Cir.). served in a leadership
role for both individual and class action cases in connection
wit t e anuary
railroad derailment and c emical s ill in
ranite ille .C.
Co-lead counsel for the end-payor antitrust class action In re
Actos Antitrust Litigation, . . . . .
Co-lead counsel in antitrust class action In re Niaspan Antitrust
Litigation, MDL 2460 . . Pa. .
Co-lead counsel in antitrust class action In re Lipitor Antitrust
Litigation, M L
. . ..
Plaintiffs’ liaison counsel in In re September 11 Litigation, o.
. . .
re resenting
o t e
t at o ted out o t e no ault ederal e tem er
Com ensation und in lia ility and damages cases claims
against t e airlines and a iation security com anies or t eir
alleged ailure to im lement asic security measures.
Plainti s teering Committee o In re Volkswagen “Clean
Diesel” Marketing, Sales Practices, and Products Liability
Litigation, M L o.
Amanda Tuxworth v. Delta Air Lines, Inc., o.
. .C an a iation assenger rig ts case in ol ing a elta
Plainti s
ecuti e Committee o In re General Motors LLC
Ignition Switch Litigation, M L
Chris Turner, Individually and as Personal Representative of The
Estate of Tracy Turner v. Ramo LLC, a Florida Limited Liability
Company, o.
Ct. o A eals
t Cir. an a iation
case involving fraudulent transfer allegations in connection
with a fatal plane crash.
Hoover, et al. v. NFL, et al., MDL #2:12-cv-05209-AB (E.D. Pa.).
Lead counsel in Charleston Firefighter Litigation v. Sofa Super
Store, Inc.,, o.
Ct. o Common Pleas int
ud. Cir. consolidated com le litigation in ol ing t e amilies
o nine re g ters w o died in a urniture store disaster.
Clifton Chesnut, a minor v. Waupaca Elevator Company, Inc., et
al., No. 2013-CP-10-2060 (Ct. of Common Pleas, Ninth Jud. Cir.).
Veronica Lynne Tario v. SOCO, Holding, LLC et al., No. 2013-cp26-2499 (Ct. of Common Pleas, Fifteenth Jud. Cir.).
Satterfield et al. v. Napa Home & Garden Inc., et al., No. 7:111514-JMC (D.S.C.).
Plainti s teering Committee and multi le lainti s counsel
In re San Juan DuPont Plaza Hotel Fire Litigation, M L
.P.R. .
Strother v. John Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods of the
Carolinas, et al., o.
Ct. o Common Pleas i t
ud. Cir. an indi idual catastro ic ersonal in ury remise
liability case involving life-altering brain injury.
Plainti s teering Committee and isco ery Committee in In
re Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. Tires Products Liability Litigation,
In re Ford Motor Co. E-350 Van Products Liability Litigation
Class counsel in Carol Lee Whitfield, et al., v. Sangamo Weston,
. .C. a PC
ersonal in ury and ro erty
damage class action settled w ile ending e ore . . istrict
Counsel or ictims o Asiana Airlines lig t
Counsel or amilies o
ictims o Malaysia Airlines lig t M
Co-class counsel in Alaska Electrical Pension Fund v. Pharmacia
Corp., No. 03-1519 (D.N.J.). federal securities fraud litigation
alleging t at t e de endants misre resented clinical trial results o
Cele re to ma e its sa ety ro le a ear etter t an ri al drugs.
Co-lead counsel in Ross v. Career Education Corp.
. . ll. .
Co-lead counsel representing a group of institutional shareholders
In re Allion Healthcare, Inc. Shareholders Litigation, o.
el. C . .
Co-lead counsel representing investors in Robert Freedman v. St.
Jude Medical, Inc., o.
. Minn. .
Co-lead counsel representing investors in In re Hewlett-Packard
Co. Securities Litigation, o. AC
C. . Cal. .
Co-lead counsel in In re UBS AG Securities Litigation, o.
. . ...
Co .
Co-lead counsel representing institutional investors in Hill v. State
Street Corporation, o.
. Mass. .
Sole lead counsel representing lead plaintiffs in City of Brockton
Retirement System v. Avon Products, Inc., o.
Ci .
. . ...
Co-lead counsel on behalf of stockholders in Marsden v. Select
Medical Corporation, o.
. . Pa. .
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 17 of 68
Co-lead counsel on behalf of a class of investors in South Ferry LP
#2 v. Killinger, o. C
C . . as . regarding as ington
Sole lead counsel representing the lead plaintiff in class action,
In re NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Securities Litigation, o.
. ta ) concerning t e drug PR
Co lead counsel or co lead lainti s rywall Acoustic Lat ing
and nsulation Local
Pension und and Met ler n estment
m in In re Molson Coors Brewing Co. Securities Litigation, o.
. el. .
Co-lead plaintiffs’ counsel in shareholder class action In re The
DirecTV Group, Inc. Shareholder Litigation, o.
CP el.
Sole lead counsel in Manville Personal Injury Settlement Trust v.
Gemunder, o.
y. Cir. Ct. regarding mnicare
nc. a s are older deri ati e com laint stemming rom ederal
in estigations into t ree ic ac sc emes.
Co-lead plaintiffs’ counsel in City of Sterling Heights General
Employees’ Retirement System v. Hospira, Inc., No. 11 C 8332 (N.D.
Ill.), a securities fraud class action.
Co-lead counsel in In re Rehabcare Group, Inc. Shareholders
Litigation, o.
el. C . merger litigation in ol ing
t e ac uisition o ealt care ro ider Re a Care rou nc. y
indred ealt care nc.
Class counsel in Brown v. Charles Schwab & Co., o.
. .C. one o t e rst cases to inter ret t e ci il
lia ilities ro ision o t e ni orm ecurities Act o
Co-lead counsel in class action Bennett v. Sprint Nextel
Corporation, o.
. an. re resenting
t e PAC ndustry nion Management Pension und P MP
and several other institutional investors.
Co lead counsel in securities class action settlement In re MBNA
Corporation Securities Litigation, o.
. el. .
Co-lead counsel in Louisiana class action In re The Shaw Group,
Inc. Shareholders Litigation, o.
t ud. ist. La. .
Co-lead counsel, In re Atheros Communications Inc. Shareholder
Litigation, o.
el. C . merger litigation in ol ing
ualcomm ncor orated s ro osed ac uisition o At eros
Communications nc.
Claimants committee in In re A.H. Robins, a Chapter 11
Reorgani ation in ol ing al on ield ictims nationwide
Claimants Committee in t e Camall Chapter 11 t e rst an ru tcy
associated with the Fen-Phen litigation
Motley Rice attorneys currently serve as a member of the trust
advisory committee for several of the asbestos bankruptcy trusts
formed under 524(g) of the federal bankruptcy code:
AC&S , Inc. Bankr., o.
. el.
Armstrong World Industries, Inc., Bankr. o.
Babcock & Wilcox Co. Bankr.
. el.
. . La.
Celotex Corp. Bankr., os.
Dresser II Bankr.
M. . la.
. . PA.
Federal Mogul Bankr.
. el
G-I Holdings Bankr., os.
Johns-Manville Corp.,
. . ..
. ..
t roug
Kaiser Aluminum Corp. Bankr., o.
Keene Bankr., o.
MH Detrick Bankr.
. el.
. . ..
. . ll.
Owens Corning Corp. Bankr., o.
Rock Wool Bankr.
. . ..
. el.
os. C
. .
Rutland Fire Clay Bankr., o.
. t.
Lead counsel for lead plaintiffs in a securities class action
involving a group of shareholders who purchased publicly-traded
ell securities in In re Dell, Inc. Securities Litigation, o. A
. . e ..
Shook & Fletcher Bankr., o.
Co-lead counsel in Minneapolis Firefighters’ Relief Association v.
Medtronic, Inc., o.
. Minn. re resenting a
class o in estors w o urc ased Medtronic common stoc .
Motley Rice attorneys have served as lead or co-lead trial counsel
on behalf of The Asbestos Claims Committee:
Co-lead counsel in In re Synovus Financial Corporation, o.
. . a. or co lead lainti
eet Metal or ers
ational Pension und in estors in eorgia an
yno us
Financial Corp.
Plainti s teering Committee and lainti s liaison counsel In
re Policy Management Systems Corporation, o.
. .C. .
Sole lead counsel, In re Coventry Health Care, Inc. Securities
Litigation, o.
el. C .
a s are older class action
c allenging t e . illion ac uisition o Co entry ealt Care
Inc., by Aetna, Inc.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
. . Ala.
United States Gypsum Corp. Bankr., o.
. el.
W.R. Grace Co. Bankr., o.s
. el.
Armstrong World Industries, Inc., Bankr.
estimation trial and lan con rmation trial
Federal Mogul Bankr., o.
lan con rmation trial
Owens Corning Corp. Bankr., o.
trial and substantive consolidation trial)
Pittsburgh Corning Corp. Bankr.,
con rmation trial
W.R. Grace Co. Bankr. os.
trial and lan con rmation trial
el. estimation trial and
. . Pa.
el. estimation
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 18 of 68
Motley Rice attorneys have served on The Asbestos Claims
Committee involved in the formation and confirmation of various
asbestos bankruptcy trusts.
AC&S Bankr., o.
. el
Babcock & Wilcox Bankr., o.
. . La.
Celotex Bankr., os.
M. . la.
Combustion Engineering Bankr.
Congoleum Corp. Bankr.
. el. o.
. el.
. ..
Durabla Corp. Bankr., o.
. el
Federal Mogul Bankr.
. el.
G-I Holdings Bankr., os.
Johns-Manville Corp., o.
Keene Bankr.
. ..
t roug
MH Detrick Bankr., o.
. . ..
. . ..
. . ll.
North American Refractories Corp. Bankr., o.
Owens Corning Corp. Bankr.
. el.
Pittsburgh Corning Corp. Bankr., o.
Rock Wool Bankr.,
. . Pa.
os. C
Rutland Fire Clay Bankr., o.
. .
. t.
Shook and Fletcher Bankr., o.
United States Gypsum Corp. Bankr.
W.R. Grace Co. Bankr., o.s
. . Pa.
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
. . Ala.
. el.
. el.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 19 of 68
The Plaintiffs’ Hot List
The National Law Journal
“Best Law Firm”
U.S. News – Best Lawyers®
mass tort litigation/class actions-plaintiffs
The Legal 500 United States
Litigation editions
mass tort and class action: plaintiff representation–toxic tort
“Elite Trial Lawyers
The National Law Journal
“Most Feared Plaintiffs Firm
For full methodologies and selection criteria, visit
Please remem er t at e ery case is di erent. Alt oug t ey endorse certain lawyers The Legal 500 United States and Chambers
USA and ot er similar organi ations listed a o e are not Motley Rice clients. Any result we ac ie e or one client in one matter does
not necessarily indicate similar results can e o tained or ot er clients.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 20 of 68
Ronald L. Motley (1944–2013)
. . ni ersity o out Carolina c ool o Law
.A. ni ersity o out Carolina
Ron Motley fought for greater justice, accountability and
recourse and as een widely recogni ed as one o t e most
accom lis ed and s illed trial lawyers in t e . . uring a career
t at s anned more t an our decades is ersuasi eness
before a jury and ability to break new legal and evidentiary
ground brought to justice two once-invincible giant industries
w ose mal easance too t e li es o millions o Americans
as estos and to acco. Armed wit a com ination o legal and
trial s ills
ersonal c arisma nose to t e grindstone ard
work and record of success, Ron built Motley Rice into one of
t e nation s largest lainti s law rms.
oted or is role in s ear eading t e istoric litigation against
t e to acco industry Ron ser ed as lead trial counsel or
tate Attorneys eneral in t e lawsuits. is e orts to unco er
cor orate and scienti c wrongdoing resulted in t e Master
ettlement Agreement t e largest ci il settlement in . .
istory and in w ic t e to acco industry agreed to reim urse
states or smo ing related ealt care costs.
Through his pioneering discovery and collaboration, Ron
re ealed as estos manu acturers and t e arm ul and disa ling
e ects o occu ational en ironmental and ouse old as estos
e osure. e re resented t ousands o as estos ictims and
ac ie ed numerous trial rea t roug s including t e class
actions and mass consolidations o Cimino, et al. v. Raymark, et
al. . . .C.
Abate, et al. v. ACandS, et al. altimore and
In re Asbestos Personal Injury Cases (Mississippi).
In 2002, Ron once again advanced cutting-edge litigation as lead
counsel or t e
amilies nited to an ru t errorism wit
a lawsuit led y more t an
amily mem ers sur i ors and
those who lost their lives in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
e suit see s ustice and ultimately an ru tcy or al aeda s
nanciers including many indi iduals
an s cor orations
and c arities t at ro ided resources and monetary aid. e
also ser ed as lead counsel in numerous indi idual a iation
security lia ility and damages cases under t e In re September
11 Litigation led against t e a iation and a iation security
industries y ictims amilies de astated y t e security
failures of 9/11.
Ron roug t t e landmar case o Oran Almog v. Arab Bank
against t e alleged nancial s onsors o
amas and ot er
terrorist organi ations in srael and was a rm leader in t e
P ee water ori on litigation and claims e orts in ol ing
eo le and usinesses in ul Coast communities su ering as
a result o t e oil s ill. wo settlements were reac ed wit P
one o w ic is t e largest ci il class action settlement in . .
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Recogni ed as an A
rated attorney y Martindale u ell
Ron ser ed on t e AA oard o o ernors rom
and was c air o its As estos Litigation rou rom
2012. In 2002, Ron founded the Mark Elliott Motley Foundation,
nc. in lo ing memory o is son to el meet t e ealt
education and welfare needs of children and young adults in
t e C arleston .C. community.
• Ron aut ored or co aut ored more t an two do en
u lications including
ecades o ece tion ecrets o Lead As estos and
o acco Trial Magazine cto er
• As estos isease Among Railroad or ers Legacy o t e
Laggin agon Trial Magazine ecem er
• As estos and Lung Cancer New York State Journal of
Medicine une
ew or tate
Medical Association ew or
ccu ational isease and Products Lia ility Claims South
Carolina Trial Lawyers Bulletin e tem er and cto er
ac el ord usan. Ma or Leaguer (South Carolina Super
Lawyers, April 2008)
enior enni er. A ation nto imsel The New York Times,
March 2004)
reedman Mic ael. urning Lead into old Forbes, May
egart an. Civil Warriors: The Legal Siege on the Tobacco
Industry elacorte Press
Ansen a id. mo e ets in our yes Newsweek, 1999)
Mann Mic ael Rot
e nsider
lue Lion
ntertainment o em er
renner Marie.
e Man
o new oo Muc
Vanity Fair,
Reisig Ro in.
e Man
o oo on Man ille The American
Lawyer, January 1983)
Ron won widespread honors for his ability to win justice
or is clients and or is seminal im act on t e course o
ci il litigation. or is trial ac ie ements BusinessWeek
c aracteri ed Ron s courtroom s ills as da ling and The
National Law Journal ran ed im
ne o t e most in uential
lawyers in America.
South Carolina Association for Justice
2013 Founders’ Award
American Association for Justice
2010 Li etime Ac ie ement Award
2007 a id . rager President s Award
1998 arry M. P ilo rial Lawyer o t e ear
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 21 of 68
The Trial Lawyer Magazine
2012 inducted into rial Lawyer all o ame
2011 The Roundtable: America’s 100 Most Influential Trial
The Best Lawyers in America®
1993–2013 mass tort litigation class actions
lainti s
personal injury litigation – plaintiffs product liability litigation
– plaintiffs
Best Lawyers®
2012 C arleston C Lawyer o t e ear mass tort litigation
class actions – plaintiffs
2010 C arleston C Lawyer o t e ear ersonal in ury
Benchmark Plaintiff
2012–2013 ational Litigation tar ci il rig ts uman rig ts
mass tort roduct lia ility securities
2012–2013 out Carolina Litigation tar
uman rig ts
product liability, securities, toxic tort
SC Lawyers Weekly
2011 Leadership in Law Award
The Legal 500 United States
2011–2013 Mass tort and class action
– toxic tort
lainti re resentation
Chambers USA
2007, 2010–2012 Product lia ility and mass torts lainti s.
...An accom lis ed trial lawyer and a ormida le o onent.
2008–2013 South Carolina Super Lawyers® list
2008 Top 10 South Carolina Super Lawyers list
2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 Top 25 South Carolina Super Lawyers list
The Lawdragon™ 500
2005–2012 Leading Lawyers in America list – plaintiffs’
National Association of Attorneys General
1998 President s Award or is courage legal s ills and
dedication to our c ildren and t e u lic ealt o our nation.
The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
1999 out Ad ocates o t e ear Award
American Association for Justice
South Carolina Association for Justice
American Bar Association
South Carolina Bar Association
Civil Justice Foundation
Inner Circle of Advocates
International Academy of Trial Lawyers
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Joseph F. Rice
. . u reme Court
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth
. . istrict Court or t e istrict o e ras a and t e istrict
of South Carolina
. . ni ersity o out Carolina c ool o Law
. . ni ersity o out Carolina
oe Rice Motley Rice co ounder is recogni ed as a s ill ul
and inno ati e negotiator o com le litigation settlements
a ing ser ed as t e lead negotiator in some o t e largest ci il
actions our courts have seen in the last 20 years. Corporate
Legal Times reported that national defense counsel and legal
sc olars descri ed oe as one o t e nation s
e most eared
and res ected lainti s lawyers in cor orate America.
was cited time a ter time as one o t e toug est s ar est and
hardest-working litigators they faced. As the article notes,
“For all his talents as a shrewd negotiator ... Rice has earned
most o is res ect rom laying air and remaining um le.
The American Lawyer descri ed oe in
as one o t e
s rewdest usinessmen racticing law.
oe negotiates or t e rm s clients at all le els including
securities and consumer raud anti terrorism uman rig ts
en ironmental medical drugs and de ices as well as
catastro ic in ury and wrong ul deat cases. e is a mem er o
t e Plainti s teering Committee or t e Li itor multidistrict
litigation and a mem er o t e Plainti s
ecuti e Committee
for In re General Motors LLC Ignition Switch Litigation, as well
as In re Volkswagen “Clean Diesel” Marketing, Sales Practices,
and Products Liability Litigation.
Joe served as a co-lead negotiator for the Plaintiffs’ Steering
Committee in reac ing t e two settlements wit
P one o
w ic is t e largest ci il class action settlement in . . istory.
e conomic and Pro erty amages Rule
Class Action
ettlement is estimated to ma e ayments totaling etween
. illion and
illion to class mem ers. oe was also one
o t e lead negotiators o t e .
illion settlement reac ed
etween t e Plainti s teering Committee and alli urton
Energy Services, Inc., for Halliburton’s role in the disaster.
oe eld a crucial role in e ecuting strategic mediations and or
resolutions on e al o
amilies o
ictims w o o ted out
o t e go ernment created e tem er
ictim Com ensation
Fund. In addition to providing answers, accountability and
recourse to ictims amilies t e resulting settlements wit
multi le de endants s attered a settlement matri de elo ed
and utili ed or decades.
e litigation also el ed ro ide
public access to evidence uncovered for the trial.
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 22 of 68
As lead ri ate counsel or
urisdictions including numerous
tate Attorneys eneral oe was integral to t e cra ting and
negotiating o t e landmar Master ettlement Agreement
in w ic t e to acco industry agreed to reim urse states or
smo ing related ealt costs.
is remains t e largest ci il
settlement in . . istory.
Joe held leadership and negotiating roles involving the
an ru tcies o se eral large organi ations including A
ederal Mogul o ns Man ille Celote
.R. race
a coc
. . y sum wens Corning and Pitts urg
Corning. e as also wor ed on numerous rust Ad isory
Committees. oday e maintains a critical role in settlements
in ol ing as estos manu acturers emerging rom an ru tcy
and as een recogni ed or is wor in structuring signi cant
resolutions in com le
ersonal in ury litigation or as estos
lia ilities on e al o ictims in ured y as estos related
products. Joe has served as co-chair of Perrin Conferences’
Asbestos Litigation Conference, the largest national asbestosfocused conference.
oe is o ten soug t y in estment unds or guidance on
litigation strategies to increase shareholder value, enhance
cor orate go ernance re orms and reco er assets. e was
an integral part of the shareholder derivative action against
mnicare nc. Manville Personal Injury Settlement Trust
v. Gemunder, w ic resulted in a signi cant settlement or
shareholders as well as new corporate governance policies for
the corporation.
oe ser es on t e oard o Ad isors or mory ni ersity s
nstitute or Com le Litigation and Mass Claims w ic
acilitates i artisan discussion o ways to im ro e t e ci il
ustice system t roug t e osting o udicial seminars ar
con erences academic rograms and researc . n
e ser ed on t e aculty at u e ni ersity c ool o Law
as a Senior Lecturing Fellow, and taught classes on the art of
negotiating at the University of South Carolina School of Law,
u e ni ersity c ool o Law and C arleston c ool o Law.
e and t e rm created t e Ronald L. Motley c olars i
Fund at The University of South Carolina School of Law in
memory and onor o co ounding mem er and riend Ron
2015 Product Lia ility P
The Best Lawyers in America®
2013 Lawyer o t e ear C arleston C mass tort litigation
class actions – plaintiffs
2007–2016 Mass tort litigation/class actions plaintiffs
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Benchmark Litigation
2012–2013 ational Litigation tar mass tort roduct
2012–2016 out Carolina Litigation tar en ironmental
mass tort roduct lia ility
South Carolina Super Lawyers® list
2008–2015 Class action mass torts
eneral litigation
ecurities litigation
SC Lawyers Weekly
2012 Leadership in Law Award
University of South Carolina School of Law Alumni Association
2011 Platinum Com leat Lawyer Award
The Legal 500 United States, Litigation edition
2011–2012 Mass tort and class action lainti re resentation
– toxic tort
The National Trial Lawyers
2010 Top 100 Trial Lawyers™ – South Carolina
National Association of Attorneys General
1998 President’s Award
MUSC Children’s Hospital
2010 o nnie odds Award in onor o is longtime su ort o
t e annual ulls ay ol C allenge undraiser and continued
wor on e al o our community s c ildren
University of South Carolina
2011 arnet Award in recognition o oe and is amily or
t eir assion or and de otion to amecoc at letics
SC Junior Golf Association Programs
2011 om a io er ice to ol Award in recognition o
romotional e orts
Dee Norton Lowcountry Children’s Center, Co-chair for
inaugural Cam aign or t e e t C ild
First Tee of Greater Charleston, Board of Advisors
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association
American Inns of Court
American Constitution Society for Law and Policy
South Carolina Association for Justice
The Best Lawyers in America® 2014 (Copyright 2013 by
Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken, S.C.)
Alt oug it endorses t is lawyer The Legal 500 United States
is not a Motley Rice client.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 23 of 68
John A. Baden IV
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, U.S. Bankruptcy
Court or t e out ern istrict o ew or and estern
istrict o ort Carolina
. . ni ersity o out Carolina c ool o Law
.A. College o C arleston
o n aden re resents clients armed y as estos e osure in
indi idual and mass tort orums as well as in com le as estos
an ru tcies
andling com lete case management and
settlement negotiations or indi iduals and amilies su ering
rom mesot elioma and ot er as estos related diseases.
Working closely with Joe Rice, John also handles the
negotiation and com le case resolution o multi le as estos
an ru tcies including ARC and .R. race. e manages
t e related claims rocesses and directs t e rm s team o
senior claims administrators. o n as lectured on as estos
an ru tcy issues at arious legal seminars.
o n as additionally een acti ely in ol ed wit t e rm s
re resentation o
eo le and usinesses in
ul Coast
communities su ering as a result o t e P ee water ori on
oil spill. He held a central role in the negotiation process
in ol ing t e two settlements reac ed wit P one o w ic is
t e largest ci il class action settlement in . . istory.
John began his legal career as a litigation trial paralegal for Ron
Motley in
wor ing wit t e tate Attorneys eneral on
t e landmar to acco litigation rimarily in lorida Mississi i
and Texas. He also supported occupational litigation in several
states including t e e igent trial doc ets o eorgia and est
Virginia. John served as a judicial intern for Judge Sol Blatt, Jr.,
o t e . . istrict Court o out Carolina and udge as er M.
Cureton of the South Carolina Court of Appeals.
American Association for Justice
South Carolina Association for Justice
Kimberly Barone Baden
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
. . istrict Court or t e Central ort ern and out ern
istricts o Cali ornia and istrict o out Carolina
. . Cali ornia estern c ool o Law
B.A. cum laude Clemson ni ersity
As a strong ad ocate or t e most de enseless mem ers o
im erly arone aden see s accounta ility and
com ensation or ictims o cor orate misconduct medical
negligence and arm ul medical drugs. e manages mass tort
armaceutical litigation t roug com le ersonal in ury and
economic damages cases.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
im erly re resents c ildren wit irt de ects allegedly caused
y antide ressants including olo t
e or and ell utrin
t e smo ing cessation drug y an and o ran w ic is
used to re ent nausea and omiting. e re iously litigated
against la o mit line in t e Pa il
irt de ect litigation. n
im erly was a ointed to t e Plainti s teering
Committee in In re Zoloft (sertraline hydrochloride) Products
Liability Litigation, M L
and in o em er
s e was
appointed as co-lead counsel of In re Zofran (Ondansetron)
Products Liability Litigation, M L
e also manages t e
rm s
armaceutical litigation regarding Crestor Li itor
Actos Ris erdal
ncretin Mimetics iagra and dialysis
roducts ranu lo Powder and aturaLyte Li uid acid
im erly also re resents elderly ictims o a use and neglect
litigating cases or nursing ome and assisted li ing acility
im erly re uently s ea s on medical litigation to ics
in ol ing irt de ect and nursing ome litigation as well as
areas including disco ery trial strategy and mediation.
e is
currently t e newsletter editor o t e American Association or
ustice s ection on o ic n ironmental and P armaceutical
Prior to oining Motley Rice im erly wor ed on t e en P en
diet drug litigation and served as an attorney with the California
istrict Attorney s
ce in an iego. im erly is recogni ed
as an AV® rated attorney by Martindale-Hubbell®.
South Carolina Super Lawyers® Rising Stars list
2013–2014 Personal in ury lainti
roducts elder law
American Association for Justice, Section on Toxic,
n ironmental and P armaceutical torts
American Bar Association
South Carolina Association for Justice
Frederick C. Baker
U.S. Court of Appeals for the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth,
Tenth and Eleventh Circuits
. . istrict Court or t e out ern istrict o ew or and
t e istrict o out Carolina
. . LL.M. u e ni ersity c ool o Law
.A. ni ersity o ort Carolina at C a el ill
A eteran litigator wit strong roots in com le litigation red
a er as wor ed on a road range o en ironmental medical
costs reco ery consumer and roducts lia ility cases and
olds numerous leaders i roles wit in t e rm. e re resents
indi iduals institutional in estors and go ernmental entities in
a wide variety of cases.
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 24 of 68
A ter re resenting a state go ernment in a case against
poultry integrators alleging that poultry waste polluted natural
resources red was in ol ed wit t e rm s re resentation o
eo le and usinesses in ul Coast communities su ering as
a result o t e P ee water ori on oil s ill. e eld a central
role in t e negotiation rocess in ol ing t e two settlements
reached with BP, one of which is the largest civil class action
settlement in . . istory.
A mem er o t e legal team t at litigated t e ground rea ing
to acco litigation on e al o se eral tate Attorneys eneral
Fred has also participated in the litigation of individual tobacco
cases, entity tobacco cases and a tobacco class action. Fred
currently eads t e rm s to acco litigation team.
red as ser ed as counsel in a num er o class actions
including t e two class action settlements arising out o t e
ranite ille train derailment c lorine s ill. e as also
been closely involved in the on-going litigation surrounding
t e statutory direct action settlement reac ed in t e Man ille
bankruptcy court and a related West Virginia unfair trade
practices insurance class action.
Fred began practicing with Motley Rice attorneys in 1994 and
c airs t e rm s attorney iring committee.
South Carolina Lawyers Weekly
2016 Leadership in Law Award
Michael M. Buchman
. . u reme Court
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
. . istrict Court or t e istricts o Connecticut and
out ern and astern istricts o ew or
U.S. Court of International Trade
LL.M. nternational Antitrust and rade Law ord am
University School of Law, 1993
. .
e o n Mars all Law c ool
B.A. cum laude, Alfred University, 1988
Mic ael uc man as more t an
years o e erience
rimarily litigating antitrust consumer rotection and ri acy
class actions in trial and appellate courts. Michael has a diverse
antitrust background, having represented as lead or co-lead
counsel a ariety o lainti clients rom ortune
com anies
to indi idual consumers in com le cases co ering matters
suc as restraint o trade rice ing generic drug antitrust
issues and anticom etiti e re erse ayment agreements
etween rand name
armaceutical com anies and generic
com anies. Mic ael leads Motley Rice s antitrust team.
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Mic ael ser ed as an Assistant Attorney eneral in t e ew or
tate Attorney eneral s
ce Antitrust ureau a ter recei ing
his LL.M. degree in International Antitrust and Trade Law. Also
rior to oining Motley Rice e was a managing artner o t e
antitrust de artment at a ew or ased class action law rm.
He played an active role in resolving two of the largest U.S.
multi illion dollar antitrust settlements since t e erman Act
was enacted, In re NASDAQ Market-Makers Antitrust Litigation
and In re Visa Check/Mastermoney Antitrust Litigation, as
well as litigated numerous multi million dollar antitrust cases.
Today, he represents the largest retailer class representative
in t e . illion case In re Payment Card Interchange Fee and
Merchant Discount Antitrust Litigation, M L
Mic ael as more t an t irteen years o e erience re resenting
consumers union ealt and wel are lans and ealt insurers
in generic drug litigation suc as In re Augmentin Antitrust
Litigation, In re Buspirone Antitrust Litigation, In re Ciprofloxacin
Antitrust Litigation, In re Flonase Antitrust Litigation, In re K-Dur
Antitrust Litigation, In re Relafen Antitrust Litigation, In re
Tamoxifen Antitrust Litigation, In re Toprol XL Antitrust Litigation
and In re Wellbutrin SR Antitrust Litigation. He also has
e erience litigating a large a iation antitrust matter as well as
a iation cras emergency e acuation and ot er a iation cases
in federal and state court.
Mic ael com leted t e intensi e two wee ational nstitute or
rial Ad ocacy ational rial raining rogram in oulder Colo.
in 2002. An avid writer, he has authored and co-authored articles
on rocedure and com etition law including a Task Force on
Dealer Terminations for The Association of the Bar of the City
ew or Committee on Antitrust and rade Regulation
entitled Dealer Termination in New York dated June 1,1998 and
What’s in a Name - the Diversity Death-Knell for Underwriters
of Lloyd’s of London and their Names Humm v. Lombard World
Trade, Inc., Vol. 4, Issue 10 International Insurance Law Review
Mic ael is acti e in is community ser ing as a mem er o t e
lood and rosion Committee or t e own o est ort Ct. and
as pro bono counsel in actions in ol ing t e misa ro riation
er etual care monies. e as also coac ed yout ice
oc ey teams at C elsea Piers in ew or City.
New York Metro Super Lawyers® list
2014–2015 Antitrust litigation
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 25 of 68
Samuel B. Cothran Jr.
General Counsel
Kevin R. Dean
. . istrict Court or t e estern istrict o ort Carolina
and istrict o out Carolina
. . cum laude, University of South Carolina School of Law,
M. .A. u e ni ersity
B.S., summa cum laude, University of South Carolina, 1981
am Cot ran creati ely addresses t e many c allenges
and opportunities inherent in the cutting-edge practice of
a dynamic multi urisdictional law rm. As leader o Motley
Rice s legal de artment am directs and ad ises t e rm s
management on di erse in ouse legal matters regarding
go ernmental com liance contracts and legal de ense as well
as la or and em loyment mar eting nancial and o erational
A ter wor ing or an international accounting rm as a certi ed
u lic accountant and or se eral ortune
com anies as a
nancial manager am attended law sc ool to com lement is
ac ground in usiness management and nance and oined
Motley Rice attorneys shortly after graduation.
Recogni ed as a
rated attorney y Martindale u ell
am is t e aut or o Dischargeability of Consumer Credit
Card Debt in Bankruptcy After Anastas v. American Savings
.C.L. Re .
. As a law student am ser ed
as Managing Editor of the South Carolina Law Review. He was
named a Carolina Legal c olar and awarded ot t e rder o
t e Coi and rder o t e ig and Ro e.
am is acti e in is community ser ing on t e oard o
or t e ee orton Lowcountry C ildren s Center.
American Bar Association
Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
South Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third, Fourth, Fifth and Eleventh
Circuits .
istrict Court or t e Middle ort ern and
out ern istricts o eorgia Central istrict o llinois
ort ern and out ern istricts o Mississi i and istrict o
South Carolina
. . Cum erland c ool o Law
B.A., Valdosta State University, 1989
Focusing his litigation efforts on catastrophic injury, products
lia ility and wrong ul deat cases e in ean re resents
ictims and amilies a ected y a ardous consumer roducts
occu ational and industrial accidents res remise in uries
and other incidents of negligence.
e in currently re resents eo le allegedly armed y M s
misconduct regarding its de ecti e e icles in In re General
Motors LLC Ignition Switch Litigation. He has litigated
numerous e icle de ect cases including against t e ig
ree automoti e manu acturers in cases in ol ing de ecti e
brakes, door locks, door latches, seat belts and roll overs. He
served as trial co-counsel in Guzman v. Ford
t e rst
case brought to trial regarding a defective outside door latch
handle, as well as in the vehicle rollover case Hayward v. Ford
. e was also a mem er o t e lainti s litigation team
in the defective seat belt case, Malone v. General Motors
Corporation (1998) prior to joining Motley Rice.
He served as lead plaintiffs’ counsel in In re Charleston
Firefighter Litigation, a wrongful death and negligence case
against o a u er tore contractors and multi le urniture
manu acturers on e al o t e amilies o t e nine re g ters
lost in t e une
ware ouse re in C arleston .C.
ince t e
e losion o t e ee water ori on e in as
been helping people and businesses pursuing litigation, as well
as t ose needing el
ling and negotiating t eir claims. e
ser ed as a mem er o t e oil s ill M L s CC urisdiction
ersig t or grou and is now el ing ictims le
claims t roug t e new claims rograms esta lis ed y t e
two settlements reac ed wit P.
e in is acti ely in ol ed wit mal ractice de ecti e medical
devices and drug litigation. His experience also includes the
ealt insurance raud and ost claims underwriting case Clark
v. Security Life Insurance Company t e largest ci il R C
case in eorgia istory and Wiggins v. Parsons Nursery, one
o t e largest en ironmental and ealt contamination cases in
out Carolina. e in also ser ed as a County Commissioner
on t e arly County eorgia oard o Commissioners and
still holds the honor of having been the youngest elected
commissioner in county istory.
e in re uently a ears in local and national roadcast and
rint media discussing legal matters o wor lace sa ety re
re ention and ot er roducts lia ility as well as s eci c
casewor and e orts or c anges and im ro ements in arious
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 26 of 68
industries. Recogni ed as an A
rated attorney Martindale
u ell
e in co aut ored
angerous oors and Loose
Latc es
u lis ed in Trial Magazine
or t e American
Association for Justice, and authored “The Right to Jury Trial in
R A Ci il n orcement Actions u lis ed in The American
Journal of Trial Advocacy (1989).
South Carolina Super Lawyers® list
2015 Personal in ury general lainti Personal in ury
roducts lainti Personal in ury medical mal ractice
Benchmark Plaintiff
2012–2013 ational Litigation tar mass torts roduct
2012–2013 out Carolina Litigation tar
roduct lia ility
American Association for Justice
Georgia Trial Lawyers Association
South Carolina Association for Justice
Southern Trial Lawyers Association
Attorneys Information Exchange Group, Board of Directors
Michael E. Elsner
istrict Court or t e astern and out ern istricts o
ew or
. . ni ersity o Mem is Cecil C. um reys c ool o Law
B.A., John Carroll University, 1993
Mic ael lsner uses t e . . ci il ustice system to see social
c ange and im ro ed rotection o Americans at ome and
a road. e litigates com le ci il matters on e al o eo le
usinesses ictimi ed
y commercial mal easance
iolations o uman rig ts inade uate security measures and
state s onsored terrorism managing cross order litigation
and intricate in estigations o in ringement and a use o uman
rig ts multi layered nancial transactions and due diligence.
Mic ael s understanding o t e com le legal c allenges o
international matters is critical to litigating cases in ol ing
uman rig ts and nancial dealings. e uses legal mec anisms
to trac illicit nances and is in estigations t roug t e ma e
o international an ing and nancial regulations continue to
unco er iolations t at a e allowed money laundering and
terrorist nancing. Mic ael is uilding u on legal t eories and
case recedents to re resent lainti s armed y nancial
crimes and actions and old t e glo al institutions and
organi ations accounta le.
Michael was a lead plaintiffs’ counsel in Linde et al. v. Arab
Bank a suit roug t on e al o ictims o terrorist attac s in
srael. n e tem er
a ury ound ordan ased Ara an
lc lia le or nancing terrorist acti ity including unneling
nancial su ort to to
amas leaders and to t e amilies o
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
suicide om ers. Mic ael also leads t e worldwide in estigation
or lia ility e idence in t e
amilies nited to an ru t
errorism ci il action against al aeda s alleged nanciers
and su orters. n t is ca acity Mic ael meets wit
. . and
oreign intelligence o cers witnesses and in ormants w o
a e already el ed im gat er more t an two million ages
o documents in numerous languages identi ying t e acti ities
o al aeda and its nanciers. e is a mem er o t e Plainti s
teering Committee or t is multidistrict litigation led on e al
o more t an
amilies and sur i ors o t e
attac s.
e also ser ed as a mem er o t e Plainti s Committee in In
re September 11th Litigation, a suit brought against the airline
industry alleging that it failed to detect and prevent the attacks.
Mic ael s wor wit
nancial transaction litigation includes
commercial securities raud and s are older deri ati e cases
suc as is e tensi e wor on e al o domestic and oreign
investors in In re Vivendi Universal, S.A. Securities Litigation.
Mic ael is also leading t e rm in its role as consultants to out
A rican uman rig ts lawyer Ric ard
oor in is e ort to ta e
on leading global gold producers and seek justice for tens of
t ousands o e loited gold mine wor ers w o are su ering
rom silicosis. ew class actions a e een roug t in out
A rica and none a e een led or sic wor ers. a ro ed
as a class t e suit would generate an un recedented means
o reco ery or t e country and ensure meaning ul access to
ustice or t e indigent and rural wor ers w o are dying rom t is
entirely preventable yet incurable disease.
Michael began his career with the Manville Personal Injury Trust
and t en racticed com le ci il litigation in ew or in t e
areas of toxic torts, security, personal injury, bankruptcy, and
whistleblower protections prior to joining Motley Rice attorneys
in 2002.
Sharing his experience and insight as a lecturer and consultant,
Mic ael as discussed anti terrorism and uman rig ts litigation
on several national and international news outlets, including
C PR and t e
C as well as international anti
money laundering and anti terrorism industry con erences.
Benchmark Litigation
2016 out Carolina Litigation tar
ersonal n ury
Lia ility general commercial ro essional lia ility
South Carolina Lawyers Weekly
2014 Leadership in Law Award
The Lawdragon
2014–2015 Lawdragon
2010 Lawdragon™ 3,000
Leading Lawyers in America
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association
New York Bar Association
South Carolina Bar Association, nternational Law Committee
Virginia Bar Association
National Crime Victims Bar Association
Public Justice Foundation
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 27 of 68
Nathan D. Finch
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and
ent Circuits . . istrict Court or t e istrict o Colum ia
and t e astern istrict o irginia
. . ni ersity o irginia c ool o Law
B.A., University of Virginia, 1989
it a di erse ac ground in com le ci il litigation
inc rings almost twenty years o trial e erience and strong
negotiation skills to Motley Rice. He represents clients in
arious as estos to ic tort commercial securities raud and
ot er com le cases.
ate as ser ed as t e lead trial attorney or is clients in many
federal and state courts and is sought after by co-counsel for
ad ice on c allenging cases and com le legal matters. is
t oroug
nowledge o as estos and medical issues is an
asset to t e rm s occu ational disease and to ic tort clients.
He has obtained plaintiffs’ verdicts in cases against asbestos
roduct manu acturer de endants and cigarette ma ers. e as
extensive experience trying cases involving a wide variety of
as estos containing roducts including gas ets automoti e
ra es oor tiles oint com ounds and arious orms o
insulation. He also has years of experience representing
indi iduals com anies and creditors committees in ersonal
in ury litigation mass torts roducts lia ility litigation securities
and nancial raud litigation and an array o ot er com le
litigation cases ranging rom single lainti s roducts lia ility
cases to high-stakes business disputes.
Prior to oining Motley Rice
ate was a artner or more
t an ten years in a as ington
.C. ased law rm and
re uently colla orated wit Motley Rice attorneys in trials and
negotiations to resol e large as estos roduct manu acturers
an ru tcies. e tried numerous cases in ederal district courts
ocusing on t e medical and scienti c actors associated wit
as estos related diseases and as estos e osure. uring t is
time e also tried and el ed to resol e in a or o is clients
e as estos an ru tcy cases eac
a ing more t an
illion at sta e. n addition ate wor ed closely wit Motley
Rice attorneys on behalf of investors in In re MBNA Securities
Litigation and In re Vivendi Universal, S.A. Securities Litigation.
ate s understanding o t e actual and legal c allenges
in erent in com le cases com ined wit is trial e erience
as ositioned im as a considera le resource wit in many
ractice areas. A re uently in ited s ea er regarding a ariety
o legal matters e as s o en at many as estos litigation and
bankruptcy conferences and has been a guest lecturer at the
eorgetown ni ersity eorge as ington ni ersity eorge
Mason ni ersity and t e ni ersity o altimore law sc ools
on to ics relating to ci il rocedure mass tort litigation and t e
differences between litigating in Article III and Article I courts.
He has been an invited speaker at several judicial conferences
on the topic of asbestos litigation.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Recogni ed as a Martindale u ell A rated attorney ate
as ser ed is community or many years t roug
acti ities coordinated y reater .C. Cares an organi ation
committed to connecting olunteers wit community ser ice
grou s. ate was a mem er o t e Virginia Law Review and the
rder o t e Coi and is a ormer sc olars i trac and cross
country athlete at UVA.
American Association for Justice
2013 iedemann
ysoc i Award
Benchmark Litigation
2013–2016 as ington .C. Litigation tar
an ru tcy
general commercial roduct lia ility securities w ite collar
Washington, D.C., Super Lawyers® list
2012–2015 Personal in ury
roducts lainti
general lainti
ecurities litigation
Chambers USA
2009–2010 o Lawyer
Personal in ury
an ru tcy and restructuring
American Association for Justice
The Barristers
Fidelma L. Fitzpatrick
U.S. Court of Appeals for the First, Seventh and Eleventh
Circuits . . istrict Court or t e istrict o Colum ia istrict
o Massac usetts istrict o R ode sland and astern istrict
of Wisconsin
. . cum laude American ni ersity
B.A., Canisius College, 1991
idelma it atric re resents eo le and communities in to ic
tort and en ironmental matters including ro erty damage
and ersonal in ury claims. er e erience wit com le ci il
litigation as led er to re resent ot er ictims o cor orate
mal easance including undreds o women allegedly in ured
y medical de ices suc as ssure and el ic mes sling
idelma was co lead trial counsel in t e illion dollar lead aint
igment case The People of California v. Atlantic Richfield
Company et al., in which Motley Rice represented cities and
counties, including San Francisco, Santa Clara, Los Angeles
and an iego in litigation against national lead aint igment
manu acturers. n anuary
t e court ruled t at t ree lead
aint igment com anies ad created a u lic nuisance y
concealing t e dangers o lead w en t ey cam aigned against
its regulation and acti ely romoted lead or use in omes
des ite nowing t at it was ig ly to ic.
erdict will e aid to t e state s a atement und or t e remo al
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 28 of 68
lead aint igment rom omes t roug out Cali ornia
articularly t ose occu ied y lower income amilies in inner
city and community ousing. is will el
rotect t e ealt
and safety of thousands of children.
idelma eld a central role in t e state o R ode sland s trial
against ormer cor orate manu acturers o lead aint igment.
e continues to manage cases see ing to old t e lead aint
igment industry accounta le or t e c ild ood lead oisoning
crisis and ro ide restitution and com ensation to a ected
c ildren and amilies. As a result o er wor or lead oisoning
ictims t e isconsin tate u reme Court ecame t e rst
to recogni e t e legal rig ts o oisoned c ildren to sue lead
aint igment manu acturers.
e also layed a lead role in re resenting t e community
of Tallevast, Florida, in a lawsuit against Lockheed Martin
Cor oration in ol ing t e
ollution o t e community s
groundwater wit PC and C . idelma is litigating nuclear
contamination cases on e al o Pennsyl ania residents w o
allege t at local nuclear acilities e osed t em to a ardous
le els o to ic or radioacti e material in t e surrounding air soil
and water. Those cases, involving both personal injuries and
ro erty damage are ending in ederal court.
idelma also re resents undreds o women allegedly armed
y el ic mes sling roducts in led cases against de endants
t at include American Medical ystems oston cienti c C.R.
ard nc. and t icon. n
idelma was a ointed co
lead counsel o t e el ic mes M L In re American Medical
Systems, Inc., Pelvic Repair Systems Products Liability Litigation
ending in t e out ern istrict o est irginia.
e also olds
leaders i roles in el ic mes state court litigations including
ser ing as liaison counsel in t e American Medical ystems
cases consolidated in elaware and t e oston cienti c cases
consolidated in Massachusetts.
idelma egan wor ing wit Motley Rice attorneys in
t e Massac usetts ew or and R ode sland lawsuits against
the tobacco industry. She serves on the Board of Regents at
Canisius College and re uently s ea s on en ironmental and
mass tort to ics at con erences or ederal and state court
udges attorneys academic ro essionals and law students.
er Long tanding Precedent ow t e R ode
island u reme Court Misa lied Pu lic uisance Law in State
v. Lead Industries Association Roger Williams University Law
Review ummer
Access to ustice
e se o Contingent ee Arrangements
y Pu lic
cials to indicate Pu lic Rig ts Cardozo J.L. &
Gender (Spring 2008)
egligence in t e Paint
e Case or A lying t e
Ris Contri ution octrine to Lead Litigation in Pace
Environmental Law Review (Fall 2008)
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
National Law Journal
2015 utstanding omen Lawyers
The Lawdragon
2014–2015 Lawdragon
Leading Lawyers in America
The Legal 500 United States
2013 Mass tort and class action
toxic tort
lainti re resentation
The National Trial Lawyers
2010–2013 Top 100 Trial Lawyers™ – Rhode Island
Rhode Island Super Lawyers® list
2008, 2010–2015 n ironmental litigation Personal in ury
roducts lainti Class action mass torts
The Best Lawyers in America®
2008–2016 Mass tort litigation/class actions – plaintiffs
Rhode Island Lawyers Weekly
2006 R ode sland Lawyer o t e ear
Public Justice Foundation
2014 rial Lawyers o t e ear
2006 inalist rial Lawyers o t e ear award
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association
American Civil Liberties Union, Volunteer attorney
Public Justice Foundation, Rhode Island State Coordinator
Rhode Island Association for Justice
Rhode Island Women’s Bar Association
Alt oug it endorses t is lawyer The Legal 500 United
States is not a Motley Rice client. e est Lawyers in America
2014 (Copyright 2013 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken, S.C.)
Jodi Westbrook Flowers
. . Court o A eals or t e econd ourt and istrict o
Colum ia Circuits
. . istrict Court or t e istrict o out Carolina
. . ni ersity o out Carolina c ool o Law Carolina Legal
Scholar, 1993
B.A. magna cum laude, College of Charleston, 1989
A eteran o t e courtroom odi est roo lowers see s to
rotect t e ealt sa ety and rig ts o consumers amilies
in estors wor ers and ictims o crime and terrorism. odi as
litigated a wide range of cases involving tobacco, asbestos,
lead igment a iation disasters and e icle de ects as well as
terrorist nancing and uman rig ts iolations.
n t e e icle de ect multidistrict litigation In re General
Motors LLC Ignition Switch Litigation, Jodi is working
on cases related to economic loss due to aulty ignition
switc es installed in more t an million recalled M e icles.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 29 of 68
Pre iously s e wor ed to demonstrate t e necessary minimum
contacts within the U.S. for the exercise of personal jurisdiction
o er ridgestone Cor oration in t e class action or damages
allegedly caused by vehicle and tire defects, In re Bridgestone/
Firestone, Inc., ATX, ATX II and Wilderness Tire Products
Liability Litigation, Case o.
. . nd. .
odi as een inter iewed y arious media outlets including
. . and oreign tele ision radio and rint media. e ro ides
ro ono wor on a ariety o glo al national and community
issues and el ed esta lis t e rm s C arita le Contri utions
Jodi also handles a variety of cases regarding the states onsors i o international terrorism as well as uman rig ts
litigation in ol ing iolations o international law and uman
rig ts a uses. odi now leads t e legal team ounded y Ron
Motley that brought the groundbreaking litigation against the
nanciers and material su orters o al aeda. Re resenting
t ousands o amily mem ers and sur i ors o
e t.
2001, in a pioneering civil action to hold al Qaeda’s sponsors
accountable and cut off the terror support pipeline, she serves
on t e Plainti s
ecuti e Committee or t e In re Terrorist
Attacks on September 11, 2001 litigation consolidated by
the Multidistrict Litigation Panel. Jodi is currently involved in
rocessing claims or t e new ictims Com ensation und
or rst res onders area residents and anyone w ose ealt
may a e een a ected y e osure to en ironmental to ins
released in the terrorist attacks. She was also an integral
mem er o t e Motley Rice a iation security litigation team
seeking accountability and change in aviation security following
the 9/11 attacks.
Remar s on t e
L ym osium on Cor orate Res onsi ility
and t e Alien ort
Georgetown Journal of
International Law, olume
. nt l. L.
Jodi also played a key role in Linde et al. v. Arab Bank PLC, in
w ic a ury ound ordan ased Ara an lia le or nancing
terrorist acti ity including unneling nancial su ort to to
amas leaders and to t e amilies o suicide om ers.
case mar ed t e rst time t at a nancial institution as een
roug t to trial under t e Anti errorism Act.
She served as the lead negotiator in the last hold-out of the
indi idual cases against Li ya or t e Loc er ie om ing o
Pan Am lig t
and continues to see ustice or ictims o
Li yan s onsored terrorism during ad a s reign. odi also
aut ored an amicus rie su orting section
o t e odd
ran Act regarding t e trade regulation o con ict minerals in
t e emocratic Re u lic o t e Congo.
odi as wor ed on en ironmental contamination cases in t e
Virgin Islands involving leaking gas tanks, and she is currently
re resenting clients in ad ancing t eir ee water ori on
oil s ill claims t roug t e rograms esta lis ed y t e two
settlements reac ed wit P. odi as ser ed on numerous M L
ecuti e Committees and u committees and olds se eral
leaders i ositions wit in t e rm.
Jodi began her career applying restitution and fraud theories
to the litigation against the tobacco industry which resulted in
t e istoric Master ettlement Agreement etween t e state
attorneys general and the tobacco industry. She developed
e ert and w istle lower testimony and synt esi ed millions o
ages o documents or trial. e re ared t e alse mar eting
and child targeting case against the tobacco industry which
resulted in restrictions on cartoon ads and t e retirement o
oe Camel.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
The Best Lawyers in America®
2015–2016 Mass tort litigation/class actions – plaintiff
Benchmark Plaintiff
2014 o
omen in Litigation out Carolina
2012–2013 ational Litigation tar ci il rig ts uman rig ts
and mass tort roduct lia ility
2012–2014 out Carolina Litigation tar en ironmental
uman rig ts mass tort and securities
The Lawdragon™
2010–2015 500 Leading Lawyers in America: Plaintiffs’
American Association for Justice
South Carolina Association for Justice
American Bar Association, Center or uman Rig ts Ad isory
South Carolina Bar Association, nternational Law Committee
Charleston Bar Association
Daughters of the American Revolution
Vincent L. Greene IV
. . istrict Court or t e istrict o R ode sland
. . eorge as ington ni ersity
.A. College o t e oly Cross
in reene wor s on e al o ictims o lead oisoning and
as estos related diseases. e re resents c ildren and amilies
oisoned y e osure to lead aint and igments in trials
negotiations and settlements. in s legal e orts led to is
critical role in de eating tort re orm legislation in R ode sland
utili ing testimony analysis and grassroots outreac to us
passage of a bill that helped prevent childhood lead poisoning
wit out in ringing on ictims rig ts. or is numerous e orts
and accom lis ments t e C ild ood Lead Action Pro ect
onored im wit its eyond t e Call o uty Award in
Currently in re resents wor ers and amilies su ering rom
mesot elioma and ot er as estos related diseases as a result
o occu ational en ironmental or ouse old e osure to
as estos. e as managed as estos cases and negotiations
on behalf of hundreds of individuals, including arguing before
t e u reme Courts o
io and R ode sland.
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 30 of 68
in egan wor ing wit Motley Rice attorneys in
on t e
landmar litigation against t e to acco industry and medical
mal ractice cases. amed a Motley Rice mem er in
is recogni ed as an A rated attorney y Martindale u ell .
Rhode Island Super Lawyers® lists
2014–2015 Personal in ury
mass torts n ironmental litigation
Benchmark Plaintiff
2012–2014 R ode sland Litigation tar
medical mal ractice to ic tort
Class action
en ironmental
American Association for Justice
American Civil Liberties Union
Rhode Island Association for Justice, Past President
John E. Herrick
. . istrict Court or t e Central istrict o llinois istrict
o Maryland istrict o out Carolina astern and estern
istricts o isconsin
. . ni ersity o out Carolina c ool o Law
B.A., University of South Carolina, 1983
o n erric
as s ent more t an
years re resenting
ictims o as estos e osure su ering rom mesot elioma
and ot er as estos related diseases. As a leader o t e rm s
occu ational disease ractice o n continues to g t or t e
rig ts o t ose armed y as estos and ot er occu ational
diseases and assists in managing t e rm s as estos litigation
teams. A senior trial lawyer wit years o courtroom e erience
o n re resents indi iduals and amilies against de endants
w ic manu actured and sold de ecti e and unreasona ly
dangerous as estos containing roducts and e ui ment as
well as remise owners and contractors w o s eci ed and
installed those products.
o n as litigated as estos cases resulting rom occu ational
en ironmental and ouse old e osure recei ing erdicts in
undreds o matters. Most recently o n was lead trial counsel
in a welding ume erdict or t e lainti on e al o a welder
w o de elo ed manganism rom e osure to welding umes.
e won t e rst a rmed ury erdict in t e nited tates or
a domestic as estos e osed mesot elioma ictim in t e
Marie rans i case and ac ie ed t e rst erdict in t e nited
tates against CAPA
t e ormer manu acturer o as estos
containing dryer felts. John also worked as lead trial counsel
in the Harlow trial group, cited as a top 100 case of the year by
The National Law Journal, and litigated a personal injury case
against a to acco com any or a lainti armed y t e use o
as estos in cigarette lters.
o n is recogni ed as an A
rated attorney y Martindale
u ell and re uently ser es as a guest s ea er at as estos
litigation related seminars.
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
The Best Lawyers in America®
2015–2016 Product liability litigation – plaintiffs
The Legal 500 United States
2009, 2011, 2012 Mass tort and class action
representation – toxic tort
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association
American Board of Trial Advocates
South Carolina Association for Justice
T. David Hoyle
eorgia u reme Court . . Court o A eals or t e ourt
and le ent Circuits eorgia Court o A eals . . istrict
Court or t e Middle ort ern and out ern istricts o
lorida Middle and ort ern istricts o eorgia istrict o
out Carolina and t e estern istrict o isconsin
. . cum laude, University of South Carolina School of Law,
B.A., Wofford College, 2002
a id oyle wor s to c ange cor orate conduct t roug
t e ci il ustice system re resenting ictims o cor orate
wrongdoing and negligence in litigation ranging rom
catastro ic incidents to as estos e osure and en ironmental
contamination. e ocuses on com le
ersonal in ury cases
in ol ing catastro ic urns rain in ury loss o lim and
aralysis as well as wrong ul deat cases resulting rom
negligence, industrial accidents and defective products.
a id re resents ictims su ering rom mesot elioma and
other asbestos-related diseases as well as Canadian provincial
wor ers com ensation oards ringing . . ci il actions.
e also re resents eo le and usinesses in ul Coast
communities t at su ered economic loss ro erty damage
and ysical in uries due to t e ee water ori on oil s ill.
Following the conviction of a South Carolina child predator,
a id litigated t e claims o ictims against t e redator s
ormer em loyer Pinewood Pre aratory c ool negotiating
a resolution t at includes t e im lementation o a new C ild
Protection Policy t at includes t e en orcement o stricter
rocedures and a decade o outside monitoring. a id also
litigated t e claims o a ra e ictim against t e owner o a sel
storage facility and negotiated a resolution that included the
business changing its security practices.
An A rated attorney in Martindale u ell
a id as andled
all as ects o litigation rom initial client meetings to ury trials
and a ellate oral arguments. a id as resented at seminars
on a di erse range o to ics suc as L concussion litigation
t e economic loss rule in en ironmental cases et ical issues
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 31 of 68
in ol ing social media and as estos disease awareness. e is
t e aut or o
eal o isa ro al nternational m lications o
out Carolina s otary tatute
.C. . nt l. L.
a id is acti e in t e community
ro iding ro ono
legal services to the Magdalene House of Charleston and
olunteering wit t e Lowcountry A
Legal Clinic. e is a
mem er o t e cclesiastical Court o
e isco al C urc in
South Carolina, and has also been appointed to The Episcopal
C urc Pro ince
Court o Re iew. n
a id el ed
lead t e e orts o young alumni to esta lis t e li a et
and Larry . Mc e ee ndowed c olars i und at o ord
College in onor o a ormer ro essor and is wi e. e annual
earnings are awarded for the purchase of textbooks and other
course related materials.
South Carolina Super Lawyers® Rising Stars list
2012–2015 Personal in ury lainti general Ci il rig ts
n ironmental litigation
The National Trial Lawyers
2012 Top 100 Trial Lawyers™– South Carolina
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association
South Carolina Association for Justice
James M. Hughes, Ph.D.
. . u reme Court . . Court o A eals or t e irst
and ig t Circuits . . istrict Court or t e istrict o
. . ni ersity o out Carolina c ool o Law
P . . ni ersity o llinois C icago
M.A. ni ersity o llinois C icago
.A. ni ersity o Minnesota
im ug es de elo s strategic legal arguments dra
argues motions and litigates cases in ol ing securities
ts and
im as also re resented industrial wor ers e osed to silica
and asbestos in the workplace, arguing before appellate courts
in Illinois and Minnesota on behalf of occupational disease
ictims. e as s ared is e erience wit silica litigation
and roduct identi cation at se eral national con erences
addressing the plaintiff’s perspective and other pertinent
A u lis ed aut or on se eral legal and academic t emes im s
law re iew article n orming out Carolina Ca ital uries
A out Parole
S.C. Law Review 383, 1993) was cited in 2000 by
. . u reme Court ustice o n Paul te ens in is dissenting
opinion in Ramdass v. Angelone. His reported opinions include
Ison v. E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. el.
In re Minnesota
Asbestos Litigation Minn.
W.R. Grace & Co. v. CSR Ltd.,
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
ll. A
. ..
. Ct.
and In re Tutu Wells Contamination Litigation
A ormer ro essor o
iloso y im egan is legal career
with the plaintiffs’ bar after clerkships with the South Carolina
ce o A ellate e ense and a usiness em loyment and
intellectual ro erty de ense rm. e is recogni ed as an A
rated attorney by Martindale-Hubbell®.
American Association for Justice
South Carolina Association for Justice
Anne McGinness Kearse
. . istrict Court or t e astern istrict o ew or
and estern istricts o Pennsyl ania and istrict o out
. . cum laude, University of South Carolina School of Law,
B.S., Syracuse University, 1983
it a assion or ustice Anne Mc inness earse as s ent
more t an a decade see ing to old accounta le numerous
cor orations t at ut ro ts e ore sa ety. roug litigation
Anne see s t e im lementation o etter sa ety ractices and
cor orate go ernance measures or t ose cor orations as well
as ust com ensation or ictims o to ic e osure e treme
and li e altering in uries wor lace in uries se ere urns rain
damage loss o lim and aralysis as well as wrong ul deat
resulting rom negligence and de ecti e roducts.
Anne wor s closely wit
ictims and t eir amilies o ten
meeting wit t em in t eir omes or consultations.
stri es to ro ide eac client wit
ersonali ed attention and
individual justice, whether the case is part of a class action or
stands alone. Anne believes in building relationships with cocounsel and often collaborates with other attorneys, including
estate and probate counsel, in order to approach each case
rom a team ers ecti e.
Anne represents workers diagnosed with the devastating
disease mesot elioma caused y as estos e osure in t e
c emical electric ower generation steel or construction
industries. e also re resents ictims o ouse old e osure
c ildren and s ouses w o de elo ed mesot elioma or ot er
asbestos-related diseases after being exposed to asbestos
ers t at a amily mem er unwittingly roug t ome rom wor
on clothes or belongings. Anne has tried several noteworthy
asbestos cases, including Cox vs. A&I Company, West Virginia’s
rst ouse old as estos e osure case and t e
Virginia Consolidated Asbestos Trial against Union Carbide
in which unsafe working conditions were found at its plants
t roug out t e state. n addition to maintaining an acti e trial
sc edule Anne re resents Canadian or ers Com ensation
oards in . . courts to recou
ene ts t ey aid Canadian
as estos ictims.
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 32 of 68
ile in law sc ool Anne su orted t e team re resenting
t e tate Attorneys eneral in t e istoric lawsuit against ig
o acco w ic resulted in t e largest ci il settlement in . .
istory. A ter graduation s e was a mem er o t e trial team
that litigated Falise v. American Tobacco Company.
ell ersed in na igating com le litigation Anne olds
se eral leaders i
ositions wit in t e rm managing legal
teams associated wit occu ational disease to ic e osure
and severe personal injury. Anne has written several articles of
interest to t e lainti s ar and re uently s ea s on as estos
litigation general roduct lia ility legal et ics and tort re orm
at seminars across t e country.
e as een u lis ed
on ma or legal issues including forum non conveniens and
de ecti e roducts a road cor orate misconduct medicolegal
as ects o as estos litigation and mass tort litigation. Anne co
aut ored t e t c a ter o t e oo Pat ology o As estos
Associated iseases
Medicolegal Aspects of AsbestosRelated Diseases: A Plaintiff’s Attorney’s Perspective, 3rd ed.,
. dited y ictor L. Roggli M
im . ury M P
and omas A.
orn M t is u lication is a com re ensi e
asbestos reference book used by both physicians and attorneys.
Anne currently serves as the President Elect of the Public Justice
oundation a c arita le organi ation ocused on rotecting
eo le and t e en ironment and increasing access to ustice.
In 2011, Anne served on the Executive Board for a local chapter
o a e ids
A ad ocating or c ild ood in ury re ention.
Anne was a ni ersity o out Carolina c ool o Law ron e
Com leat Award reci ient in
and is recogni ed as a
rated attorney by Martindale-Hubbell®.
Benchmark Plaintiff
2013 ational Litigation tar mass tort roduct lia ility
2012–2014 out Carolina Litigation tar mass tort roduct
liability – plaintiffs
2014 Top 150 Women in Litigation list out Carolina mass
tort/product liability – plaintiffs
The Best Lawyers in America®
2016 C arleston .C. Lawyer o t e ear Mass tort
litigation/class actions – plaintiffs
2011–2016 Mass tort litigation/class actions – plaintiffs
The National Trial Lawyers
2010 Top 100 Trial Lawyers™
out Carolina
The Legal 500 United States
2009, 2011–2012 Mass tort and class action
representation – toxic tort
South Carolina Super Lawyers® list
2013–2015 Class action mass torts Personal in ury
lainti Personal in ury general lainti
Public Justice Foundation, President Elect
American Association for Justice, C air Committee on
Asbestos Education
American Bar Association
South Carolina Association for Justice oard o o ernors
C air
omen s Caucus
Litigation Counsel of America Trial Lawyer Honorary Society
Order of the Coif
Order of the Wig and Robe
John Belton O’Neal Inn of Court
American Inns of Court, James L. Petigru Chapter
Marlon E. Kimpson
. . istrict Court or t e istrict o out Carolina astern
istrict o Mic igan
. . ni ersity o out Carolina c ool o Law
B.A., Morehouse College, 1991
Marlon im son re resents ictims o cor orate mal easance
rom in estors in securities raud cases to eo le in ured
or illed in catastro ic incidents. uilding u on t e rm s
relations i s wit unions and go ernmental entities Marlon
re resents indi iduals state and munici ality ension unds
multi em loyer lans unions and ot er institutional in estors in
securities raud class actions and mergers and ac uisition cases
to el reco er assets and im ro e cor orate go ernance.
Marlon has worked on shareholder derivative litigation and
on mergers and ac uisitions cases t at include In re Atheros
Communications, Inc., Shareholder Litigation; In re Celera
Corporation Shareholder Litigation; In re RehabCare Group,
Inc. Shareholders Litigation and In re Coventry Healthcare, Inc.,
Shareholder Litigation.
In addition to securities fraud litigation, Marlon has also
re resented ictims o catastro ic ersonal in ury as estos
e osure and a iation disasters. e as litigated commercial
and charter aviation cases with clients, defendants and
accidents in ol ing multi le countries. e as also re resented
eo le and usinesses t at need el ling t eir claims under
t e new claims rograms esta lis ed y t e two ee water
ori on P oil s ill settlements.
Marlon currently serves as South Carolina State Senator of
re resenting citi ens o C arleston and orc ester
Counties. A re uent s ea er Marlon as resented at seminars
and conferences across the country, including the Public Funds
ummit t e ational Association o tate reasurers t e out
Carolina lac Lawyers Association t e ational Con erence
on Pu lic m loyee Retirement ystems
CP R and t e
ational Association o ecurities Pro essionals A P .
A ter e years in commercial an ing Marlon entered t e eld
of law and served as a law clerk to Judge Matthew J. Perry of
t e . . istrict Court o out Carolina. is legal wor and
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 33 of 68
olunteer ser ice also earned im t e ni ersity o
Carolina c ool o Law ron e Com leat Award. Martindale
u ell recogni es Marlon as a
rated attorney.
Marlon is acti e in is community and ormerly ser ed on t e
oard o irectors or t e Peggy rowning und. e as also
held leadership roles with the University of South Carolina
Board of Visitors, the Charleston Black Lawyers Association
and t e out Carolina lection Commission. e is a li etime
mem er o t e AACP and a mem er o igma Pi P i oul and
mega Psi P i raternity.
The Best Lawyers in America®
2015–2016 Mass tort litigation/class actions – plaintiffs
Benchmark Plaintiff
2012 ational Litigation tar mass tort roduct lia ility
2012–2014 out Carolina Litigation tar en ironmental
mass tort securities
American Association for Justice
South Carolina Association for Justice
National Association of Public Pension Attorneys
American Bar Association
National Bar Association
James W. Ledlie
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth and Eleventh Circuits, U.S.
istrict Court or t e istrict o out Carolina
. . ni ersity o out Carolina c ool o Law
.A. o ord College
Recogni ed or is litigation s ills and client ad ocacy ames
Ledlie focuses his practice on occupational disease, worker
sa ety roducts lia ility consumer raud and com le litigation
matters. e as re resented clients in ury trials and earings
across the country and takes pride in his work advocating for
com ensation or eo le w o a e su ered serious in ury
or wrong ul deat as t e result o cor orate misconduct
negligence and defective product design.
entities t at su ered loss as a result o t e ee water ori on
oil s ill in t e ul o Me ico. e as s ent many years
re resenting numerous ro incial wor ers com ensation
oards and ri ate Canadian citi ens in . . ci il actions
roug t against . . manu acturers o dangerous roducts sold
in Canada. He is also a vocal advocate for safe products and for
holding corporations accountable for negligent or intentional
Prior to oining Motley Rice ames ser ed as a Law Cler to
the Honorable John C. Few, then a South Carolina Circuit Court
udge. e later ser ed as Law Cler to t e onora le . Ross
Anderson r. o t e . . istrict Court or t e istrict o out
Carolina. ames is roud o is ser ice in t e . . Army udge
Ad ocate eneral Cor s A
Reser e and as re resented
injured veterans in wrongful death and serious personal injury
ames as s o en at numerous legal con erences medical
con erences and continuing education seminars on as estos
litigation trial ad ocacy ury selection and ro essionalism. e
is recogni ed as an A rated attorney y Martindale u ell .
ery case is di erent. Prior results do not guarantee a similar
American Association for Justice
2010 . cott aldwin Award in onor o is signi cant
contri ution to t e ew Lawyers i ision and t e attainment
of outstanding trial verdicts
The National Trial Lawyers
2016 Top 100 Trial Lawyers™– South Carolina
2012–2013 South Carolina Super Lawyers® Rising Stars list
American Association for Justice, ormer ew Lawyers i ision
oard o o ernors mem er
South Carolina Association for Justice, ormer oard o
o ernors mem er
South Carolina Bar Association, Past C airman – Torts and
Insurance Practice Section
Charleston Bar Association
Public Justice Foundation
ames g ts or clients su ering rom mesot elioma and
other asbestos-related diseases caused by occupational or
household asbestos exposure. He also played a key role in
t e rm s e orts to old t e to acco industry res onsi le
for intentionally creating addictive products that can later
cause lung cancer C P and ot er atal diseases. ames
as o tained si a le lainti erdicts and settlements in ot
state and ederal courts on e al o smo ers illed or se erely
in ured y t e actions o t e cigarette industry.
In addition, he has represented whistleblowers in qui tam
actions alleging raud against t e ederal go ernment. ames
is currently re resenting usinesses citi ens and munici al
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 34 of 68
Gregg S. Levin
Robert J. McConnell
. . Court o A eals or t e irst econd
ird i t
and Eleventh Circuits
. . istrict Court or t e istrict o Colorado
. . ander ilt ni ersity c ool o Law
B.A., University of Rochester, 1984
it more t an two decades o legal e erience regg Le in
re resents domestic and oreign institutional in estors and
union pension funds in corporate governance, directorial
misconduct and securities raud matters. is in estigati e
research and writing skills have supported Motley Rice as lead
or co lead counsel in numerous securities and s are older
deri ati e cases against
ell nc.
and Cintas
Cor oration. regg manages com laint and rie writing
for class action deal cases, shareholder derivative suits and
securities fraud class actions.
. . istrict Court or t e istrict o Massac usetts istrict o
Rhode Island
. . u ol ni ersity c ool o Law
A. . rown ni ersity
o McConnell s ractice concentrates on lead igment
litigation, childhood lead poisoning cases, groundwater and soil
contamination cases and ot er to ic en ironmental litigation.
e re resents ictims see ing cor orate accounta ility as a
result o ersonal in ury ro erty damage and economic loss
as a result o negligent en ironmental ractices.
Prior to oining Motley Rice regg was an associate wit
isen o er in elaware w ere e re resented institutional
investors in securities fraud actions and shareholder derivative
actions in federal and state courts across the country, including
t e orldCom el on and lo al Crossing cases. e also
ser ed as cor orate counsel to a elaware alley ased retail
cor oration rom
w ere e andled cor orate
com liance matters and internal in estigations.
A earing in t e media to discuss a ariety o securities
regg as also resented in educational orums
including at t e t ics and rans arency in Cor orate America
e inar eld y t e ational Association o tate reasurers.
regg is a u lis ed aut or on cor orate go ernance and
accounta ility issues a ing written signi cant ortions o t e
treatise Shareholder Activism Handbook (Aspen Publishers,
o em er
as well as se eral ot er articles o interest to
institutional in estors including
• “In re Cox Communications: A Suggested Step in the Wrong
irection Bank and Corporate Governance Law Reporter,
e tem er
oes Cor orate o ernance Matter to n estment Returns
(Corporate Accountability Report e tem er
• “In re Walt Disney Co. Deriv. Litig. and t e uty o ood
ait under elaware Cor orate Law Bank and Corporate
Governance Law Reporter e tem er
• Pro y Access a es Center tage
e econd Circuit s
ecision in American ederation o tate County and
Munici al m loyees m loyees Pension Plan . American
nternational rou nc. Bloomberg Law Reports, February
n estor Litigation in t e . .
e ystem is or ing
(Securities Reform Act Litigation Reporter e ruary
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
o was a mem er o t e trial team in t e landmar trial
on behalf of the state of Rhode Island against corporate
de endants rom t e lead aint industry. e secured t e largest
lead aint oisoning settlement in R ode sland on e al o
a child and continues to represent children injured by lead
oisoning against ro erty owners go ernmental agencies
and lead igment com anies. e also layed a leading role
in a statewide lobbying effort to defeat legislation that would
a e denied lead oisoned c ildren and t eir amilies t e rig t
to see ustice.
roug testimony analysis and grassroots
outreach, he helped the Rhode Island legislature pass a bill
helping to prevent childhood lead poisoning without infringing
on ictims rig ts.
e success ully argued t e recedent setting case
Thomas v. Mallett
is d
as art o t e Motley Rice
trial team a lying ris contri ution t eory to t e lead aint
industry e ore t e isconsin u reme Court. More recently
o re resented more t an
residents o i erton R. . in
an en ironmental contamination lawsuit against a ma or ew
ngland utility com any.
it more t an two decades o e erience in as estos
litigation o also re resents ictims o as estos e osure
su ering rom mesot elioma and ot er as estos related
diseases. e as managed large consolidation trials in se eral
states including Maryland, Mississippi and West Virginia.
After beginning his career as a teacher, Bob earned a law degree
and cler ed or t e onora le onald .
ea o t e R ode
sland u reme Court. e oined Motley Rice attorneys on t e
to acco litigation team re resenting multi le state attorneys
general w ic resulted in t e istoric Master ettlement
Agreement etween t e states and t e to acco industry.
ig ly acti e in t e R ode sland community o ser es
as oard ice c airman o
e nstitute or t e tudy and
Practice o on iolence an organi ation t at see s to romote
non iolence among young eo le in R ode sland s inner cities.
e is also a oard mem er or t e eorge iley Center w ic
ad ocates or t e rig ts o low income R ode sland citi ens
and t e und or Community Progress an organi ation t at
su orts
grassroots organi ations wor ing or long term
community c ange.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 35 of 68
o re uently s ea s a out lead aint litigation to local and
regional groups such as the Rhode Island Bar Association
and t e ort east Con erence o Attorneys eneral. e is
recogni ed as an A rated attorney y Martindale u ell .
The Best Lawyers in America®
2009–2016 Mass tort litigation/class actions – plaintiffs
Rhode Island Super Lawyers® lists
2008–2015 Plainti Class action mass torts
litigation Personal in ury general
Benchmark Plaintiff
2012–2014 R ode sland Litigation tar
toxic tort
n ironmental
en ironmental and
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association
Donald A. Migliori
U.S. Court of Appeals for the First and Fourth Circuits, U.S.
istrict Court or t e istrict o R ode sland istrict o
Massac usetts and ort ern out ern and astern istricts
o ew or
M.A. . . yracuse ni ersity
A.B., Brown University, 1988
uilding u on is e erience in com le as estos cases t e
istoric to acco lawsuits and
litigation on Migliori is
a multi aceted litigator. e re resents ictims o terrorism
a iation disasters de ecti e medical de ices and drugs
occu ational diseases antitrust securities and consumer
fraud in cutting-edge litigation that spans the country.
on layed a central role in t e e tensi e disco ery mediations
and settlements o more t an
cases o
a iation lia ility
and damages against numerous de endants. n t is role on
re resented amilies o t e ictims o t e e tem er
attac s w o o ted out o t e ictim Com ensation und to
seek greater answers, accountability and recourse, and served
as liaison counsel for all wrongful death and personal injury
cases in the 9/11 aviation security litigation. Additionally, he
manages anti terrorism litigation associated wit t e
terrorist attac s as a lead attorney o t e
amilies nited
to an ru t errorism ground rea ing litigation designed to
an ru t t e nanciers o al aeda.
on ser es as co lead lainti s counsel and liaison counsel or
t e Com osi
ugel Mes multidistrict litigation In re Kugel
Mesh Hernia Patch Products Liability Litigation t e rst M L in
federal Rhode Island Court, on behalf of thousands of individuals
alleging injury by the hernia repair patch. In Christopher Thorpe
and Laure Thorpe v. Davol, Inc. and C.R. Bard, Inc., the second
case to go to trial out o t ousands o cases led in t e M L
t e . . istrict Court or t e istrict o R ode sland ound
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
ernia atc manu acturer a ol and arent com any C.R.
Bard liable for negligent design of the patch and failure to warn
o t e dangers associated wit t e atc . e ury awarded .
million to t e lainti s or ersonal in ury damages and loss
o consortium. e ser es as liaison counsel or t e Com osi
ugel Mes lawsuits consolidated in R ode sland state court.
on also ser es as co liaison counsel in t e . . ard el ic
mes litigation in Atlantic County and lays a central role in
t e t ousands o cases in ol ing women allegedly armed y
el ic mes sling roducts. undreds o cases a e een led
in ederal and states courts against multi le de endants. e is
a mem er o t e Plainti s teering Committee or In re Bard
IVC Filters Products Liability Litigation t e Le a uin litigation
as well as t e e uy
rt o aedics nc. A R and Pinnacle
i m lant M Ls.
on contri uted is e erience in connection wit t e
commencement o and strategy or s are older deri ati e
litigation roug t on e al C i uita rands nternational
nc. alleging t e de endants reac ed t eir duciary duties
y aying ri es to terrorist organi ations in iolation o . .
and Colum ian law. e also ser ed as trial counsel or PAC
ndustry nion Management Pension und in a securities case
against Forest Laboratories, Inc., and was involved in the initial
liability discovery and trial strategy in an ongoing securities
fraud class action involving Household International, Inc.
on egan wor ing wit Motley Rice attorneys in
on e al
o t e tate Attorneys eneral in t e istoric lawsuit against
ig o acco resulting in t e largest ci il settlement in . .
history. He tried several noteworthy asbestos cases on behalf
o mesot elioma ictims including t e state o ndiana s rst
contractor lia ility erdict and rst remises lia ility erdict
or wrong ul e osure to as estos. e continues to manage
as estos cases and acti ely litigates mesot elioma lawsuits
and indi idual to acco cases in t e courtroom.
on is a re uent s ea er at legal seminars across t e
country and as a eared on numerous tele ision and radio
rograms as well as in rint media to address legal issues
related to terrorist nancing a iation security class action
litigation remises lia ility and de ecti e medical de ices. A
istinguis ed Practitioner in Residence at Roger illiams
ni ersity c ool o Law or t e
academic year
e currently teac es mass torts as an ad unct ro essor. on is
an AV® rated attorney by Martindale-Hubbell®.
The Best Lawyers in America®
2011–2016 Mass tort litigation/class actions – plaintiffs
Rhode Island Super Lawyers® lists
2012–2013 o
est o t e est
2009–2015 Class action mass torts Personal n ury
lainti A iation and aeros ace
The National Trial Lawyers
2010–present o
rial Lawyers
R ode sland
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 36 of 68
Rhode Island Lawyers Weekly
2011 Lawyers o t e ear
Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
2011 Lawyers o t e ear
Benchmark Plaintiff
2012–2014 R ode sland Litigation tar
product liability
uman rig ts and
2010 Lawdragon™ 3,000
Providence Business News
2005 Forty Under 40
American Association for Justice, oard o o ernors
ecuti e Committee
American Bar Association
Rhode Island Association for Justice, ormer President
The Fellows of the American Bar Foundation
William H. Narwold
. . u reme Court . . Court o A eals or t e irst
ird ourt
i t
ig t
le ent
.C. and ederal Circuits . . istrict Court or
t e istrict o Colorado istrict o Connecticut astern and
out ern istricts o ew or
istrict o out Carolina
. . cum laude ni ersity o Connecticut c ool o Law
.A. Col y College
arwold as ad ocated or cor orate accounta ility
and duciary res onsi ility or nearly
years re resenting
consumers go ernmental entities unions and institutional
in estors. e litigates com le securities raud s are older
rig ts and consumer raud lawsuits as well as matters in ol ing
un air trade ractices antitrust iolations w istle lower ui
tam claims and intellectual ro erty matters.
ill leads Motley Rice s securities and consumer raud litigation
teams and manages t e rm s a ellate grou . is e erience
includes eing in ol ed in more t an
a eals e ore t e
. . u reme Court . . Courts o A eal and multi le state
Prior to joining Motley Rice in 2004, Bill directed corporate,
nancial real estate trust and estate litigation on e al o
ri ate and commercial clients or
years at Cummings
Lockwood in Hartford, Connecticut, including 10 years as
managing artner. Prior to is wor in ri ate ractice e
served as a law clerk for the Honorable Warren W. Eginton of
t e . . istrict Court istrict o Connecticut rom
ill o ten acts as an ar itrator and mediator ot ri ately and
t roug t e American Ar itration Association. e is a re uent
s ea er on legal matters including class actions. amed one
lawyers w o made a di erence
e Connecticut
Law ri une ill is recogni ed as an A
rated attorney y
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
ill as ser ed t e art ord community wit ast in ol ements
including t e reater art ord Legal Assistance oundation
and Lawyers or C ildren America. or more t an twenty years
ill ser ed as a irector and C airman o Protein ciences
Cor oration a
io armaceutical com any in Meriden
The Best Lawyers in America®
2013 Lawyer o t e ear
art ord C litigation
an ing
2005–2016 an ing and nance mergers and ac uisitions
Connecticut Super Lawyers® and New England Super
Lawyers® lists
2009–2015 ecurities litigation Class action mass torts
2008 The Best of the U.S. list
Connecticut Bar Foundation
2008 Legal Services Leadership Award
American Bar Association
National Association of Consumer Advocates
Connecticut Bar Foundation, Past President
University of Connecticut Law School Foundation, past Board
o rustees mem er
* For full Super Lawyers selection methodology visit:
For current data visit: connecticut
selection details. tml For Best Lawyers selection criteria: sites de ault les award L C
. d
Lance Oliver
. . Court o A eals or t e istrict o Colum ia econd
i t and t e le ent Circuits . . istrict Court or t e
istrict o Colum ia
. . u e ni ersity c ool o Law
.A. am ord ni ersity
Lance li er ocuses is ractice on class actions mass
torts and ot er com le litigation. e re resents institutional
in estors in securities raud class actions and merger and
ac uisition litigation and as e erience in trial and a ellate
courts as well as ar itration and mediation. is recent
e erience includes
er ing as trial counsel re resenting indi idual smo ers and
amilies o deceased smo ers against to acco manu acturers
in the Engle-progeny litigation pending in Florida
• Litigating and resol ing s are olders reac o duciary
duty claims in In re Coventry Health Care, Inc. Shareholder
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 37 of 68
• Serving as co-class counsel in Alaska Electrical Pension Fund,
et al. v. Pharmacia Corp., et al., a securities fraud class action
t at settled or
million dollars
• Litigating and resol ing s are olders reac o duciary duty
claims in In re Rehabcare Group, Inc. Shareholder Litigation,
w ic resulted in creating a . million settlement und or
Re a care s are olders
Lance as de oted a su stantial amount o time to litigating
securities fraud class actions and played a key role in
documenting and administering t e ollowing class action
settlements In re Select Medical Corp. Sec. Litig. (settled for
In re NPS Pharm., Inc. Sec. Litig. settled or
In re MBNA Sec. Litig. settled or
In re
Dell Sec. Litig. settled or
million .
Prior to oining Motley Rice in
Lance ser ed as an
associate in t e as ington .C. o ce o a national law rm
w ere e wor ed on com le
roducts lia ility litigation at
both the trial and appellate levels. Lance also has experience in
SEC whistleblower actions.
Lance is an acti e mem er o t e ational Con erence on Pu lic
m loyee Retirement ystems CP R and t e nternational
oundation o m loyee ene t Plans
P . A ter graduating
rom u e Law c ool e ser ed as a law cler to t e onora le
ames ug es ancoc o t e . . istrict Court ort ern
istrict o Ala ama. e is recogni ed as an A rated attorney
by Martindale-Hubbell®.
South Carolina Super Lawyers® Rising Stars list
2013–2015 ecurities litigation Class action mass torts
American Bar Association
Mary F. Schiavo
. . u reme Court
. . ew or ni ersity c ool o Law
Root ilden
io tate ni ersity
ni ersity ellow
B.A. cum laude ar ard ni ersity
Analyst and ormer . . e artment o rans ortation
ns ector eneral Mary c ia o see s accounta ility and
industry c ange rom cor orations institutions and t e
go ernment so t at t ey may meet t eir o ligation to rotect
the safety and security of the traveling public. With years
of experience in transportation litigation, Mary represents
ictims and t eir amilies su ering rom negligence o airline
automoti e commercial truc ing motorcoac
and rail
com anies.
A leader o t e rm s a iation team Mary as re resented
assengers and crew o most ma or . . air cras es as well
as pilots and passengers on private or charter planes. She
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
re resents assengers ilots ig t attendants and select
owners and o erators. er e erience wit ma or com le
a iation litigation includes more t an
cases on e al o t e
amily mem ers o t e assengers and crew o all t e lanes
hijacked on Sept. 11, 2001.
Mary as eld numerous go ernment a ointments under
t ree . . Presidents including t at o ns ector eneral o
t e . . e artment o rans ortation rom
. nder
Mary s direction t e agency in estigated air sa ety crimes
and disasters secured more t an
criminal con ictions
and exposed billions of dollars of fraud, waste and abuse of
ta ayer money. e testi ed e ore Congress multi le times
on transportation safety, security, budgeting and infrastructure.
n recognition o er wor com ating t e use o ogus aircra t
parts worldwide, Mary was honored by Aviation Week with its
A iation Laurel Award in
and was inducted into
t e A iation Laurel all o ame in
As an Assistant U.S. Attorney early in her career, Mary litigated
ci il cases and rosecuted ederal w ite collar crimes an
and securities raud mail and wire raud drug tra c ing and
counter eiting. uring er a ointment s e also ser ed on t e
. . e artment o ustice s rgani ed Crime and Rac eteering
tri e orce rosecuting ig
ro le criminal cases o an
and securities raud and related mail and wire raud including
a large in estigation o a an and securities raud sc eme t at
resulted in the federal takeover of banks, savings and loans
throughout the Midwest.
Mary was selected as a
ite ouse ellow and
assigned to t e . . Attorney eneral w ere s e wor ed as t e
ecial Assistant or Criminal A airs. n t is role s e re iewed
high security prosecutions, prepared Foreign Intelligence
ur eillance Act Re uests attended oreign legal summits wit
t e Attorney eneral and wor ed on international risoner and
e idence e c anges. uring t is time s e also taug t trial
tec ni ue at t e . . Attorney eneral s Ad ocacy nstitute and
t e ederal ureau o n estigation Academy. er wor earned
er an a ointment as t e Assistant . . ecretary o La or in
w ere s e led t e
ce o La or Management tandards
supervising union elections and investigations on election and
nancial irregularities.
A re uent on air contri utor or consultant or se eral networ s
Mary as a eared on C
o ews
C t e
istory C annel and isco ery C annel. amed y Glamour
maga ine as a
oman o t e ear
or ing oman o
t e ear and a o en College tudent in
s e as s o en
about aviation safety on 20/20, 60 Minutes, Good Morning
America, Larry King Live, Nancy Grace, Nightline, Oprah, The
O’Reilly Factor, Today, and Your World with Neil Cavuto among
others. Mary is the author of Flying Blind, Flying Safe, a New
York Times bestseller, featured in Time maga ine or e osing
the poor safety and security practices of the airlines and
t e ailures o t e ederal go ernment to ro erly regulate
the aviation industry. She contributed to Aviation Security
Management olume ne
and Supply Chain Security
olumes ne and wo
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 38 of 68
Mary received her pilot’s license soon after her driver’s license,
and later com leted ri ate and commercial ig t training
at e
io tate ni ersity.
e returned to e
io tate
ni ersity as t e McConnell A iation C air and ro essor rom
and as t e narson Pro essor o Pu lic Policy rom
. e as also ser ed as a ractitioner in residence at
t e ew or ni ersity c ool o Law.
The Best Lawyers in America®
2010–2016 Mass tort litigation/class actions – plaintiffs
National Law Journal
2015 utstanding omen Lawyers
Aviation Week
1997 nducted to t e A iation Laureates all o ame
1992, 1995 Aviation Laurel Award in recognition of her work
com ating t e use o ogus aircra t arts
Benchmark Plaintiff
2014 Top 150 Women in Litigation list out Carolina mass
tort, securities, aviation
2012–2014 out Carolina Litigation tar mass tort
securities, aviation
2012–2013 ational Litigation tar mass tort roduct
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association, irst emale Assem ly elegate
ouse o elegates 1986–1989
International Society of Air Safety Investigators, a liate
mem er
International Air and Transportation Safety Bar
Carmen S. Scott
. . ni ersity o out Carolina c ool o Law
.A. College o C arleston
it a ocus on women s roducts Carmen cott re resents
ictims o
arm ul medical drugs and de ices medical
negligence and cor orate misconduct.
Carmen el s lead Motley Rice s mass tort
litigation y managing com le ersonal in ury and economic
reco ery damages cases.
e as een on t e ore ront o
national contraceptive litigation involving products such as
u aring
and asmin .
ser es on t e Plainti s teering Committee in In re NuvaRing
Products Liability Litigation, as co-lead counsel in In re Mirena
Product Liability state court consolidation in ew ersey and
as Co C air o t e AA Mirena
Litigation rou . e was
also a ointed to t e Plainti s teering Committee or t e
multidistrict litigation In re Power Morcellator Products Liability
Litigation. Carmen currently re resents clients in a ariety o
drug roduct matters including emur racture cases related to
t e osteo orosis drug osama .
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Prior to oining Motley Rice in
and concentrating er e orts
on t e medical ractice area Carmen re resented numerous
clients in jury trials, working on products liability, personal
injury and business cases for both plaintiffs and defendants.
Carmen is a re uent s ea er on medical litigation and to ics
in ol ing women s roducts regularly lecturing at ot legal
seminars and u lic ad ocacy e ents on suc issues as
lainti s rig ts in medical negligence and dangerous drug
cases. e as een uoted in numerous national media outlets
and u lications including e Associated Press
C ews
ew or Marie Claire, MotherJones and The Safety Report.
A out Carolina nati e and acti e in t e community Carmen
proudly serves on the Board of the South Carolina chapter of
Ma e A is
undraising and romoting t e organi ation s
mission as well as ser ing as a wis granter or selected
e as also ser ed as a oard mem er or t e
non ro t organi ation C arleston County riends o t e Li rary
and is currently a College o C arleston alumni oard mem er.
South Carolina Super Lawyers® list
2015 Personal in ury lainti
roducts Class action mass
South Carolina Super Lawyers® Rising Stars list
2013–2014 Personal in ury lainti
roducts Class action
mass torts
Charleston Regional Business Journal
2013 Forty Under 40
American Association for Justice, Exchange Advisory
American Bar Association
South Carolina Association for Justice
South Carolina Women Lawyers Association
Fred Thompson III
. . u reme Court . . Court o A eals or t e ourt
Circuit . . istrict Court or t e istrict o out Carolina
. . with distinction u e ni ersity c ool o Law
B.A. cum laude ale ni ersity
it more t an two decades o di erse e erience in ersonal
in ury commercial and to ic tort law red om son re resents
eo le armed y negligence roduct de ects or misconduct.
As a leader o t e medical litigation team red manages cases
related to de ecti e medical de ices arm ul
drugs medical mal ractice and nursing ome a use.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 39 of 68
is wor as led to is a
ositions including
ointment to numerous leaders i
Co lead coordinating counsel or t e el ic mes
lawsuits consolidated in t e . . istrict Court or t e
out ern istrict o est irginia
Plainti s co lead counsel or t e Mirena
multidistrict litigation in t e . . istrict Court or t e
out ern istrict o ew or
Plainti s co lead counsel or t e ederal igite
Plainti s teering Committee mem er or t e
Medtronic rint idelis de rillator lead
Plainti s teering Committee mem er or t e
A andia ederal multidistrict litigation
Plainti s teering Committee mem er or t e
rasylol ederal multidistrict litigation
C airman o t e American Association or ustice s
igite Litigation rou
Co c airman o t e AA s ugel Mes Litigation
rou .
red is also acti e wit t e rm s consumer raud commercial
and economic damage litigation. e as re resented clients in
litigation involving bond issues and securities fraud in federal,
state and an ru tcy orums as well as t roug alternati e
dis ute resolution. Additionally red as racticed commercial
transaction work, including contracting, corporate, partnership
and limited lia ility com any ormation and ca ital ac uisitions.
Recogni ed as an A rated attorney y Martindale u ell
red re uently s ea s on medical litigation to ics at legal
seminars t roug out t e country. e co aut ored Com osi
ugel Mes A Primer or t e
AA ection on
o ic n ironmental
P armaceutical orts newsletter. red
ser es is local community as a oard Mem er or t e ast
Coo er Community utreac organi ation.
American Association for Justice
Andrew P. Arnold
. . wit onors ni ersity o ort Carolina c ool o Law
.A. wit ig est onors ni ersity o ort Carolina at
Chapel Hill, 2002
Andrew Arnold represents institutional investors and individuals
in com le securities cor orate go ernance and s are older
He concentrates his practice on investigating and developing
securities fraud class actions, shareholder derivative lawsuits,
and merger and ac uisition litigation.
Prior to oining Motley Rice Andrew racticed commercial
litigation and in estor state dis ute settlement in t e
as ington .C. o ce o a large international law rm. e was
recogni ed on t e
Ca ital Pro Bono High Honor Roll for
serving 100 pro bono ours in t e .C. area.
ile attending
t e ni ersity o ort Carolina c ool o Law Andrew was
a mem er o t e North Carolina Law Review and served as
a udicial intern or t e ort Carolina Court o A eals and
as a researc assistant or Pro essor
omas Lee a en a
rominent securities regulation sc olar.
Andrew also has an extensive background in software
de elo ment rimarily in t e ealt care industry w ere e
designed and de elo ed so tware to ensure com liance wit
go ernment regulations.
James R. Brauchle
. . Rutgers ni ersity c ool o Law
. . Lemoyne College
A ormer . . Air orce na igator im rauc le rings years
o ying e erience leaders i s ills and nowledge o t e
a iation industry to is litigation wor . im re resents ictims
of aviation disasters and passenger rights violations in cases
against t e airline industry.
it more t an a decade o
courtroom e erience t at includes ot enc and ury trials
im as andled ci il domestic and criminal de ense cases
rom re trial ractice t roug trial ost trial motions and
appeals. He not only works closely with clients and co-counsel
but also with pilots, engineers and experts in such areas as
wrec age ins ection and ig t reconstruction.
im ad t e onor o su orting t e rm s wor in Bavis v.
United Airlines Corporation et al., the last aviation security
case to be resolved in the nearly decade-long consolidated
litigation, In re September 11 Litigation, in ol ing
o t e
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 40 of 68
amilies w o o ted out o t e ictim Com ensation und in an
effort to force accountability and generate answers related
to t e
terrorist attac s. e is an integral mem er o t e
a iation team re resenting t e amilies o t e
e talian
tourists w o lost t eir li es w en a elico ter tour and small
ri ate lane collided in mid air o er t e udson Ri er on Aug.
. Litigating multi le cras cases in ol ing small ri ate
lanes e also re resents t e amily o a ilot w o was one o
si eo le illed w en a Cessna Citation
aircra t on a li e
sa ing trans lant mission cras ed into La e Mic igan s ortly
a ter ta eo . e also re resents t e amilies o assengers
w o were illed in t e uly
e a illand
charter plane crash in Soldotna, Alaska.
An ad ocate or t e rig ts o t e tra eling u lic im too
passenger rights case, Amanda Tuxworth v. Delta Air Lines,
Inc., to trial and, after a hung jury that was nine to one in his
client’s favor, used his negotiation skills to resolve the case
in mediation rior to a re trial. n anot er assenger rig ts
case alleging negligence, breach of contract and negligent
misre resentation Sandie Mallard v. Airtran Airways, Inc., he
layed a central role in ac ie ing a con dential settlement. e
. . istrict Court or t e out ern istrict o lorida ruled in
favor of his client in Chris Turner v. Ramo, LLC, a case involving
t e cras o an international c arter ig t.
is ruling was
upheld by the U.S. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals in February
. im also re resented numerous amilies o t ose w o lost
t eir li es in t e
Continental Airlines Colgan Air lig t
crash, which took the lives of all 49 passengers and crew, as
well as one person on the ground.
im ser ed as a na igator in t e nited tates Air orce rom
. e was one o only e eo le in t e entire Air
orce simultaneously uali ed as a C
na igator
ig t instructor and e aminer and was o ten
selected to y ig isi ility missions ot in t e nited tates
and abroad. Additionally, he was hand-selected to brief and
demonstrate s ecial o erations ca a ilities to t e Air Mo ility
Command s irector o
erations and re resented t e
Air ing at R
t e nited tates Air orce s airli t
ying com etition.
im is recogni ed as an A
rated attorney
y Martindale
American Association for Justice
South Carolina Association for Justice
International Society of Air Safety Investigators, a liate
mem er
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Matthew D. Camm
. . istrict Court or t e astern istrict o Louisiana
. . Louisiana tate ni ersity Paul M. er ert Law Center
B.A. cum laude, Carleton College, 2004
Matt ew Camm wor s wit indi iduals and usinesses along
t e ul Coast w o were a ected y t e
P ee water
ori on il ill and su orts ot er rm litigation areas.
ile in law sc ool Matt ew cler ed wit t ree law rms in
aton Rouge and e terned wit t e Ci il i ision o t e Louisiana
e artment o ustice and t e onora le rudy M.
ite o t e
ineteent udicial istrict Court. A C ancellor s c olars i
recipient, Matthew founded and served as president of the LSU
Law Association for Justice, and was a graduate editor for the
school’s Journal of Civil Law Studies.
Prior to law sc ool Matt ew wor ed or a state unded o ce
in ew rleans t at re resents indigent ca ital de endants in
state post-conviction and federal habeas corpus proceedings.
e also wor ed in t e as ington .C. o ce o a glo al law
American Association for Justice
Louisiana Association for Justice
Meghan Johnson Carter
. . ni ersity o out Carolina c ool o Law
. . ni ersity o ort Carolina at C a el ill
Meg an o nson Carter litigates cases on e al o ictims o
allegedly dangerous armaceutical drugs and de ecti e medical
devices. Meghan has been involved in a variety of cases related to
negligence cor orate misconduct and de ecti e roducts. n t e
ast Meg an was in ol ed in armaceutical litigation including
Accutane Ad air
ere ent A andia Pa il and icam .
was a ointed egotiating Plainti s Counsel in t e out ern
istrict o
est irginia y t e onora le ose
R. oodwin
or ur oses o settlement coordination and administration in In
re Digitek Products Liability Litigation, a ederal M L in ol ing
eo le w o su ered rom digo in to icity allegedly caused y
recalled igite .
Meg an currently re resents clients w o a e su ered rom
osteonecrosis and emur racture cases allegedly related to t e
osteo orosis drug osama .
e also re resents women in
national contrace ti e litigation in ol ing Mirena
u aRing
a and asmin . t er cases s e is in ol ed in include Prada a
el ic mes and ylenol litigation.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 41 of 68
Meghan has experience in various other product liability actions.
arly in er career s e re resented ictims and amilies a ected
y tragic e ents caused y a ardous consumer roducts
remise in uries and ot er incidents o negligence including
working on In re Graniteville Train Derailment.
Meg an earned a . . rom t e ni ersity o out Carolina c ool
of Law, where she was a research editor for the South Carolina
Law Review, the chief justice of the University of South Carolina
Moot Court ar and a mem er o t e o n elton
eill nns o
Court. e was also a ointed to t e rder o t e ig and Ro e
and t e rder o t e arristers. e recei ed t e erod . adon
Scholarship Award which is awarded to a student who exhibits
outstanding ability in trial advocacy.
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association
South Carolina Association for Justice
South Carolina Bar Association
Charleston County Bar Association
Meredith Kay Clark
. . lon ni ersity c ool o Law
B.A., Elon University, 2008
Meredit Clar litigates or eo le su ering rom mesot elioma
and ot er as estos related diseases resulting rom e osure in
t e wor lace and second and e osure at ome.
Meredith brings a solid understanding of the legal and factual
issues critical to asbestos cases. She has coordinated the
dra ting and ling o undreds o motions and res onses
related to t e maritime doc et MAR
C in In re Asbestos
Products Liability Litigation M L
and as assisted on
numerous ot er matters in ol ing to ic e osure.
While attending the Elon University School of Law, Meredith
olunteered as a student attorney wit t e lon umanitarian
mmigration Law Clinic w ere s e re resented re ugees
and asylum see ers in citi ens i and immigration earings
e ore t e nited tates Customs and mmigration er ices.
e also gained e erience as a law cler or a ort Carolina
rm w ere s e re ared documentation or social security
disa ility insurance earings e ore t e m loyment ecurity
Acti e in student organi ations Meredit was a Moot Court
oard Mem er a semi nalist in t e ntramural Moot Court
Com etition and reci ient o t e est eam rie award.
ser ed as a mem er o t e Elon Law Review, President of
t e omen s Law Association and ounding
ecuti e ice
President o t e amily Law ociety. n
Meredit was
t e reci ient o t e ational Association o
omen Lawyers
utstanding Law tudent Award.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association
South Carolina Association for Justice
South Carolina Women Lawyers Association
Breanne Vandermeer Cope
. . u reme Court . . istrict Court or t e Central
ort ern astern and out ern istricts o Cali ornia istrict
o Colorado istrict o Minnesota and t e estern istrict o
LL.M., University of Texas, 2011
. . Loyola Law c ool
B.A., Wellesley College, 2003
reanne Co e see s ustice or t e t ousands o women
allegedly armed y medical de ices suc as ssure and el ic
mes . e andles se eral as ects o medical drug and de ice
litigation as art o t e Motley Rice medical team including trial
e ert witness inter iews and medical document re iews. e
was art o t e trial team or ar a . oston cienti c Cor . a
trans aginal mes case t at resulted in a
M award.
reanne also wor s on en ironmental contamination claims on
behalf of various states, cities, counties and individuals.
Prior to oining Motley Rice reanne wor ed on com le
litigation class actions and medical litigation managing
doc ets o more t an
consolidated trans aginal mes
cases and 22 individual personal injury cases concerning pelvic
mes . rom
s e ser ed as a olicy intern or e as
tate enator endy a is.
She has authored several articles including “Finding Meaning
utside o t e Courtroom
u lis ed in t e American
Association or ustice s omen rial Lawyers Caucus newsletter
in summer
and inding t e oreign e endant u lis ed
in rial Maga ine May
A art rom er litigation wor
reanne olunteers or many
organi ations and is acti e in er community. n
s e ser ed
on t e Planning and Mar eting Committee or t e ational
Association o
omen Lawyers mid year meeting and is on
t e lo al ducation und committee or Ms.
su orting a
sc olars i und or gandian women in law sc ool.
e also
serves on the board of directors for Trial Lawyers Care and
actively volunteers with the Silicon Valley Pet Project and Austin
Pets Alive!
American Association for Justice Co c air
omen rial
Caucus Pu lications and c olars i Committees
National Association of Women Lawyers
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 42 of 68
Dennis A. Costigan
. . Roger illiams ni ersity c ool o Law
B.A. cum laude, University of Rhode Island, 2009
ennis Costigan litigates or atients su ering rom t e ain ul
li e altering in uries associated wit allegedly aulty medical
devices and works to hold accountable those responsible for
inade uate roduct testing researc and warning.
ile in law sc ool ennis ser ed as a legal intern wit t e
R ode sland e artment o
ealt and uman er ices
er orming detailed disco ery and researc into de artmental
legislation including Medicare an ru tcy claims researc . e
also ac uired researc and writing e erience as an intern at a
R ode sland law rm and as a law cler or Motley Rice.
ennis draws rom a istory o in ol ement in ederal state and
local election cam aigns and was ac nowledged wit a CAL
Excellence for the Future award in Judicial Behavior and Social
Change during law school.
Sara O. Couch
. . ni ersity o ort Carolina c ool o Law
A. . u e ni ersity
ara Couc re resents institutional in estors go ernment
entities and consumers in securities and consumer raud
litigation. Sara also assists in the litigation of individual tobacco
Prior to joining Motley Rice, Sara served as a law clerk with the
ort Carolina e artment o ustice w ere s e researc ed
and dra ted rie s and memoranda regarding t e alse Claims
Act and tar Law or t e ort Carolina Medicaid Ci il
n orcement i ision.
e also in estigated allegations o
ealt care raud and resented ndings to t e di ision.
uring law sc ool ara was a certi ed student ractitioner
wit t e ni ersity o ort Carolina Ci il Litigation Clinic. As a
student ractitioner ara re resented clients in administrati e
earings o taining success ul outcomes and needed relie . e
also re resented se eral inmates in an action against t e ort
Carolina rison system conducting de ositions and assisting
in o taining a reliminary in unction against t e rison.
ile attending t e ni ersity o
ort Carolina c ool o
Law ara com eted in t e il atric ownsend L Moc rial
Com etition and was awarded est oral ad ocate during
t e reliminary round.
e was a sta mem er o t e First
Amendment Law Review and was a mem er o t e Carolina Law
Am assadors.
ara also olunteered wit Legal Aid o ort Carolina assisting
advocates for Children’s Services with a school-to-prison
i eline ro ect y researc ing education olicy issues ort
Carolina case law and education data to be used in education
litigation. ara com leted a total o
ours o ro ono ser ice
w ile a student at
C c ool o Law.
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
An a id rower
i ision
u e
trained pianist.
ara was a arsity mem er o t e CCA
ni ersity s rowing team and is a classically
John C. Duane
. . Court o A eals or t e ourt Circuit . . istrict Court
or t e istrict o out Carolina
. . ni ersity o out Carolina c ool o Law
B.A., College of Charleston, 1994
ormer ederal rosecutor o n uane a lies is e erience
rosecuting criminal matters to is wor re resenting clients
armed y de ecti e medical de ices im lants and drugs
as well as a variety of cases related to negligence, defective
products and vehicle incidents.
John works with co-counsel to represent clients in national
litigation who have been injured after receiving allegedly
de ecti e
re lacement de ices including
ePuy Pinnacle
iomet M a Magnum
try er
Re u enate
rig t Medical Conser e and immer urom .
He was actively involved in the In re Medtronic, Inc. Sprint
Fidelis Leads Products Liability Litigation, a ederal M L
in ol ing eo le w o su ered rom in uries allegedly caused
y eart de rillator lead wires. e was also an integral art o
the litigation involving the drugs Advair®/Serevent®, Trasylol®,
icam and en P en .
As an Assistant . . Attorney or t e istrict o out Carolina
o n rosecuted cases in a ariety o areas including nancial
crimes wire and mail raud cor orate raud and iolent
crimes. n t is role e also ser ed as t e lead trial attorney
on several jury trials and trained new prosecutors in caseload
management rocedures and trial tec ni ue.
Previuosly, John served as a law clerk to Senior United States
istrict udge C. eston ouc assisting wit all ases o ci il
and criminal trials including re trial and ost trial motions
evidentiary rulings and research in class actions, transportation
and design defect cases, shareholder derivative actions and
whistleblower actions.
Acti e in is community o n olunteers as a c ildren s soccer
coac and contri utes is time to arious yout
rograms at
his church.
2004 Assistant U.S. Attorney of the Year C arleston i ision
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association
South Carolina Association for Justice
South Carolina Bar Association
Charleston County Bar Association
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 43 of 68
Natalie Deyneka
. . wit onors ni ersity o ort Carolina c ool o Law
C a el ill
.A. ni ersity o ort Carolina C a el ill
er e orts to el wor ers and wor ers amilies
su ering rom as estos related diseases
atalie eyne a
works to hold industries and corporations accountable through
t e ci il ustice system w ile also ad ocating or ealt and
sa ety im ro ements in t e wor lace.
generate an un recedented means o reco ery or t e country
and ensure meaning ul access to ustice or t e indigent and
rural wor ers w o are dying rom t is entirely re enta le yet
incurable disease.
Li a is also art o t e team re resenting indi idual smo ers and
amilies o deceased smo ers against to acco manu acturers
in the Engle-progeny litigation pending in Florida.
atalie is in ol ed in a num er o as estos related cases
assisting in dra ting motions and res onses and conducting
extensive research.
Li a redirected er career to lainti s law a ter wor ing
se eral years wit large de ense rms. At Motley Rice s e
as re resented welders armed as a result o cor orate
mal easance and conducted client relations and trial
re aration or welding rod cases. n
Li a was a mem er
o t e trial team t at o tained t e rst welding ume lainti
verdict in Mississippi state court since 2003.
e ore oining Motley Rice atalie interned wit t e uman
Rig ts irst Re ugee Protection Program in ew or and
ser ed as a regular olunteer at t e ur am Crisis Res onse
Center ocusing on assisting ictims o domestic iolence and
sexual assault.
Li a as ad ocated or domestic iolence ictims rig ts y
artici ating in training rograms and pro bono litigation. She
served as articles editor for the South Carolina Law Review
while a law student at the University of South Carolina School
o Law and is a mem er o t e rder o t e ig and Ro e.
ile at t e ni ersity o
ort Carolina c ool o Law
atalie ser ed as resident o t e sc ool s mmigration Law
Association and served on the Carolina Student Legal Services’
oard o
e also olunteered as co c air and
logistics coordinator wit t e
C Law student organi ation
e Con erence on Race Class ender and t nicity w ere
s e el ed organi e a large scale u lic con erence to address
social justice issues. She also served as a research assistant to
C Law Pro essors Ma ine ic ner and e ora
atalie is
uent in
er nati e Russian and s ea s ad anced
Charleston County Bar Association
Elizabeth Cooke Elsner
. . istrict Court or t e Middle astern and estern
istricts o ort Carolina and istrict o out Carolina
. . cum laude, University of South Carolina School of Law,
.A. ni ersity o ort Carolina at C a el ill
Li a lsner s ractice ranges rom el ing clients in ured y
acts o cor orate negligence to see ing im ro ements in
wor er and en ironmental ealt and sa ety.
e is ea ily
in ol ed in t e rm s consultation wor or out A rican uman
rights lawyer Richard Spoor in the effort to take on leading
global gold producers, seeking justice for tens of thousands of
e loited gold mine wor ers su ering rom silicosis. ew class
actions have been brought in South Africa, and none have been
led or sic wor ers. a ro ed as a class t e suit would
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Ann E. Rice Ervin
. . istrict Court or t e istrict o out Carolina
M.A. ew or ni ersity
. . ni ersity o out Carolina c ool o Law
.A. ni ersity o out Carolina
Ann . Rice r in re resents ictims in ured y arm ul
armaceutical drugs and de ecti e medical de ices
working to hold accountable those responsible for corporate
wrongdoing and inade uate roduct warning researc and
Ann oined Motley Rice as an associate a ter rst ser ing or
two years as a law cler or a ew or
lainti s law rm
w ile simultaneously earning a Master o Arts degree in
ioet ics rom ew or
ni ersity. As a law cler s e gained
e erience conducting legal researc and analysis or com le
en ironmental litigation in ol ing land lls to ic s ills a or
intrusion and water contamination.
e com ination o er
legal s ill and nowledge o t e ioet ics eld s eci cally as it
relates to t e world o medicine ma es er an asset to Motley
Rice s e orts on e al o its medical clients.
While earning her bioethics degree, Ann interned with the
Medical ni ersity o out Carolina s t ics Committee and
Ethics Consultation Service, which she joined in 2012 as a
Community Re resentati e to el acilitate discussions among
atients amilies and os ital sta in an e ort to resol e
et ical con icts. n
Ann egan wor ing as a researc
assistant on an e erimental
iloso y study determining
t e role o ioet ics in clinicians moral reasoning s eci cally
e amining clinicians at t ree C arleston os itals. is ro ect
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 44 of 68
was ultimately c osen to e art o ale ni ersity s
Month contest. She continues to hold each of these positions
as a com lement to er wor in t e legal eld.
uring law sc ool Ann wor ed as an intern or as ington
o ernor C ristine . regoire. e also ser ed as a summer
s ecial ro ect researc assistant wit
u e ni ersity c ool
of Law and focused her research on exploring whether the law
im oses arriers or o ligations to medical ro iders w o wis
to treat illegal immigrants or et ical reasons.
Ann as olunteered or organi ations t at include t e Palmetto
ealt Ric land Memorial os ital Relay or Li e Meals on
Wheels, The Angel Tree and Project Clean Carolina. She also
acti ely su orts t e ee orton Lowcountry C ildren s
Center. An e uestrian since
and national le el com etitor
in t e unters um ers di ision since
s e as een ran ed
in t e national to
o er di ision or t e ast
American Bar Association
American Association for Justice
South Carolina Association for Justice
Charleston County Bar Association
South Carolina Bar Association
John M. Eubanks
. . u reme Court . . Court o A eals or t e econd
Fourth, Fifth and Eleventh Circuits
. . eorgetown ni ersity Law Center
. . eorgetown ni ersity
it e tensi e e erience in estigating terrorist organi ations
and terrorist nancing in t e Middle ast o n u an s
re resents ictims sur i ors and t eir amilies in litigation
designed to an ru t t e nanciers o terror cri ling t eir
ability to recruit, train, supply and dispatch terrorist operatives.
o n was a ey mem er o t e litigation team rosecuting Linde
et al. v. Arab Bank PLC t e rst litigation against a nancial
institution roug t to trial under t e Anti errorism Act. n
e tem er
a ury ound ordan ased Ara an lc lia le
or nancing terrorist acti ity including unneling nancial
su ort to to
amas leaders and to t e amilies o amas
suicide om ers.
Prior to joining Motley Rice in 2004, John served as counsel
in anot er case roug t under t e Anti errorism Act against
arious c arita le organi ations and olitical grou s in t e
. . or su lying amas wit material su ort and nancial
resources in the groundbreaking Boim v. Quranic Literacy
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
At Motley Rice o n is also a mem er o t e team ursuing
a ci il action against al
aeda s alleged nanciers and
supporters arising out of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He has also
ursued litigation against Li ya or allegedly ro iding material
resources to t e Pro isional ris Re u lican Army resulting in
t e deat and in ury o citi ens o t e nited tates and nited
o n is su stantially in ol ed in t e rm s litigation on e al o
oreign terror ictims and ictims o international uman rig ts
abuses. He works extensively on Krishanthi, et al. v. Rajaratnam,
a case in ol ing allegations o American sourced nancing
or do ens o terrorist attac s in ri Lan a carried out y t e
Li eration igers o amil elam. ese claims on e al o ri
Lan an ictims are roug t under t e Alien ort tatute. o n
is also ursuing similar Alien ort tatute claims against Ara
an lc or its role in ro iding nancial su ort or undreds
of terrorist attacks in Israel against civilian targets. John has
also com leted e tensi e litigation wor under t e Alien ort
Statute in Mother Doe I, et al. v. Maktoum on behalf of young
oys idna ed or ensla ement as camel oc eys in t e nited
Ara mirates.
A ormer inde endent terrorism consultant or t e as ington
.C. ased t in tan
e n estigati e Pro ect on errorism
John served as a liaison and researcher working with the FBI,
and . . Customs on terrorism nancing in estigations
related to amas and t e Palestinian slamic i ad terrorist
organi ations.
o n is a u lis ed aut or on counterterrorism and security
and was a central contri utor to t e non ction wor American
Jihad: The Terrorists Live Among Us (Free Press 2002), which
details t e acti ities o organi ations and indi iduals wit in t e
. . w o ro ide material su ort and or resources to Middle
astern and slamic terrorist organi ations a road.
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association, Section of International Law
South Carolina Association for Justice
Charleston County Bar Association
Jeanette M. Gilbert
. . istrict Court or t e astern and out ern istricts o
ew or
. . Pace ni ersity c ool o Law
.A. o stra ni ersity
an il ert as s ent er legal career assisting t ose w o
cannot s ea or t emsel es due to age or illness. ince
oining Motley Rice in
s e continues t at ad ocacy
t roug as estos an ru tcy litigation and management o
claims rocessing. an is one o t e attorneys res onsi le or
analy ing com le an ru tcy documents and ad ising clients
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 45 of 68
and co counsel lawyers on t e claims acilities and as estos
personal injury trusts established by the bankruptcy courts for
t e ene t o as estos ictims.
Prior to her work at Motley Rice, Jan directed the estate
de artment at a ew or
ased law rm w ere s e was
res onsi le or t e nance management and administration o
multi million dollar estates and trusts. e ro ided in estment
and ta analysis to ensure com liance wit ederal regulations
and re iewed documentation or ro er an and accounting
statements. an currently utili es t is ac ground to ro ide
legal researc or com le securities raud and s are older
deri ati e cases wit t e Motley Rice securities litigation team.
an ser ed on t e t ics Committee o t e out Carolina ar
and as also ser ed a two year term as t e
Continuing Legal ducation eminar Committee C air or t e
South Carolina Bar. She has also served on several educational
and et ics committees wit t e assau County ar Association
o ew or ser ing as a dean and oard mem er de elo ing
rogramming w en Mandatory Continuing Legal ducation
was instituted in ew or . an taug t courses on legal et ics
legal research and real estate as an adjunct professor at Long
Island University. She sat on the executive council of the
ew or
tate Con erence o ar Leaders and ser ed as a
delegate to ew or tate C ie udge udit aye s nstitute
o Pro essionalism in t e Law.
American Association for Justice
New York State Bar Association
South Carolina Bar Association
Charleston County Bar Association
Nassau County Bar Association
Max N. Gruetzmacher
. . istrict Court or t e istrict o out Carolina
. . Mar uette ni ersity Law c ool
B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004
ruet mac er ocuses is ractice on securities and
consumer raud re resenting large u lic ension unds
unions and other institutional investors in securities and
consumer raud class actions and s are older deri ati e suits.
Ma as re resented clients in a ariety o com le litigation
cases including t e ollowing City Of Sterling Heights
Retirement System v. Hospira, Inc.; In re Coventry Health
Care, Inc. Shareholders Litigation; In re Force Protection,
Inc. Litigation; Minneapolis Firefighter’s Relief Association v.
Medtronic, Inc.; In re NYSE EURONEXT Shareholder Litigation;
In re Par Pharmaceutical Companies, Inc. Shareholders
Litigation; In re Synovus Financial Corp.; In re The Shaw Group
Shareholders Litigation; and In re Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc.
Shareholders Litigation.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Prior to joining Motley Rice, Max gained experience working on
a ariety o com le disco ery matters as a ro ect attorney.
He served as a legal intern during law school for the Wisconsin
tate Pu lic e ender A ellate i ision w ere e aided
assistant u lic de enders in a ellate criminal de ense and
handled legal research and appellate brief writing projects.
Ma was also a mem er o t e Pro Bono Society and conducted
research for the Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee.
South Carolina Bar Association
Charleston County Bar Association
John (Rett) E. Guerry III
. . istrict Court or t e istrict o out Carolina
. . ni ersity o out Carolina c ool o Law
B.A., College of Charleston, 1990
C arleston nati e Rett uerry re resents railroad and ot er
industrial workers in personal injury, products liability and
ederal m loyers Lia ility Act
LA litigation. e currently
manages t e rm s
LA cases re resenting wor ers in
occupational injury lawsuits, including cases of exposure to
as estos silica and c emical sol ents. e is on t e ore ront o
second in ury LA litigation addressing t e de elo ment o a
second in ury or disease in ormer LA lainti s.
Rett litigates asbestos occupational exposure cases on behalf
o indi iduals su ering rom mesot elioma and ot er as estos
related diseases. As Plaintiffs’ Liaison Counsel for the Fulton
County tate Court As estos Consolidation in eorgia Rett
remains in ol ed wit t e ulton County as estos doc et
ling new cases and wor ing t roug t e consolidation
to trial. it more t an
years o e erience in as estos
litigation is role as a trial lawyer and negotiator em asi es
t e roduct identi cation as ect o occu ational disease law
and demonstrates an in de t nowledge o t e medical and
scienti c as ects o occu ational disease.
amiliar wit t e li e o an industrial wor er Rett ser ed as a
nited tates Coast uard licensed tug oat ca tain rior to
is law career earning a commendation rom t e e artment
o t e a y or Meritorious er ice to t e C arleston a al
Shipyard during Hurricane Hugo. He is a published writer on
maritime law and t e aut or o Maritime Wrongful Death: A
Primer, a piece published in The University of South Carolina
School of Law’s South Carolina Journal of International Law and
Business that explores the potential legal options available to
t ose in ured in a maritime setting wit s eci c re erence to t e
ig eas Act ones Act Longs oreman and ar or or ers
Com ensation Act and eneral Maritime Law.
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 46 of 68
Recogni ed as an A
rated attorney in Martindale u ell
Rett is acti e in t e local C arleston community as a mem er o
the Hibernian Society and St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. He served
as a mem er o t e oard o irectors or t e Cougar Clu at
t e College o C arleston rom
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association
Charleston County Bar Association
South Carolina Association for Justice
Jennifer G. Guy
. .
e eorge as ington ni ersity c ool o Law
B.A., University of Colorado, Boulder, 1991
enni er uy re resents eo le and usinesses a ected y t e
P oil s ill in t e ul o Me ico.
As a ormer small usiness owner enni er understands
t e com le ities and ersonal in estment in ol ed in small
usiness litigation. e ore oining Motley Rice s e s ent almost
a decade as a consultant or a multi ser ice small usiness
management com any wor ing wit a ariety o usinesses
ranging rom non ro ts to national so tware com anies.
wor ed in roduct lia ility law and later as a nancial consultant
or a glo al wealt management ro ider. e also audited and
monitored all usiness acti ities or com liance wit
Association o ecurities ealers
and ecurities and
c ange Commission
C re uirements or a ri ately eld
ile attending law sc ool enni er was a mem er o t e
George Washington International Law Review and clerked for
our irginia circuit court udges including C ie udge illiam
. ewman r.
e currently olunteers er time wit t e
College of Charleston School of Business chapter of Enactus,
an international non ro t organi ation ocused on im ro ing
the world through entrepreneurial action.
Georgia State Bar Association
American Association for Justice
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Robert T. Haefele
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second, Third, Fourth and
le ent Circuits . . istrict Court or t e istrict o
Colum ia istrict o ew ersey and out ern istrict o ew
. . Rutgers ni ersity c ool o Law Camden
.A. Rutgers College
Ro ert ae ele as s ent more t an twenty years racticing in
com le ci il litigation including as estos to acco and ot er
mass tort and roduct lia ility litigation. is area o rimary
em asis in ol es anti terrorism and uman rig ts analy ing
and litigating com le domestic and international matters
to meet clients goals o ustice and accounta ility w ile
simultaneously ac ie ing ositi e social c ange.
Ro ert s current ocus is on aiding t e more t an
mem ers and sur i ors o t e
terrorist attac s Motley
Rice re resents. e is an acti e mem er o t e Personal n ury
and rong ul eat Plainti s teering Committee in In re
Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001, . . .C. . . . . M L
lawsuits led y Motley Rice s clients and ot ers see ing
to e ose and an ru t t e alleged nanciers and ot er
supporters of al Qaeda terrorist activity.
Robert also played a central role in In re September 11th
Litigation Case o.
. . . . in ol ing more
t an
ersonal in ury and wrong ul deat clients against t e
aviation and aviation security industries for their alleged failure
to detect and prevent the 9/11 terrorist attacks. For both the
multidistrict terrorist nancing litigation and
consolidations of the aviation security liability cases, Robert
as a eared e ore t e court or multi le earings and oral
arguments directed and engaged in com le ormal disco ery
and managed in ormal in estigati e e orts in ol ing among
other things, aviation security, designation of foreign terrorist
indi iduals and entities and ela orate we s o
In addition to traditional litigation efforts, Robert has provided
substantial pro bono and other support to the survivors and
amilies o t ose illed in t e
attac s. rom
provided pro bono re resentation or more t an
indi iduals
re aring and resenting t eir claims to t e e tem er t
ictim Com ensation und. or ing wit Motley Rice clients
legislators and leading experts in various industries, Robert also
wor s to encourage legislati e c anges to el meet clients
goals of justice, accountability and positive social change. He
as re resented ictims o ot er terrorist attac s and uman
rights violations in litigation including Oran Almog v. Arab Bank,
a landmar lawsuit led y ictims o terrorist om ings in srael
against Ara
an or its alleged role in nancing amas and
ot er sraeli terrorist organi ations and Krishanti v. Rajaratnum
et al.,
. . . litigation against alleged nanciers o
t e amil igers terrorist organi ation in ri Lan a.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 47 of 68
Re resenting Motley Rice clients in an array o ot er com le
litigation matters Ro ert wor ed on World Holdings LLC, v. The
Federal Republic of Germany, a suit led to collect un aid re
erman onds. e as colla orated wit mem ers o t e
rm s securities team litigating suc cases as In re MBNA Corp.
Sec. Litig., o.
. el. and wit t e to ic e osure
team to litigate cases roug t y indi iduals and usinesses
suffering as a result of the BP oil spill in In re Oil Spill by the Oil
Rig “Deepwater Horizon” in the Gulf of Mexico, on April 20, 2010.
Prior to joining Motley Rice in 2003, Robert developed a strong
co-counsel relationship with Motley Rice attorneys through
com le litigation in ol ing cor orate wrongdoing including
t e tate o ew ersey s to acco lawsuit and ot er to acco
asbestos and occupational disease and injury cases. Practicing
roduct lia ility to ic and mass tort and occu ational in ury
law e re resented indi iduals and union mem ers in ured
by defective products or toxic substances and authored “The
idden rut A out As estos isease in t e New Jersey Law
Journal ecem er
. e cler ed wit udge eil . eig an
o t e A ellate i ision o t e u erior Court o ew ersey
in 1990.
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association
New Jersey State Bar Association, Past C airman
Liability and Toxic Tort Section
Public Justice Foundation
Scott B. Hall
. . u reme Court . . Court o A eals or t e ig t
int and ent Circuits . . istrict Courts or t e istrict o
Colorado and istrict o ansas
. . ni ersity o e as at Austin
L.L.M. wit
istinction ni ersity o otting am
. . . ni ersity o ansas
An ad ocate or eo le armed y to ic e osure c emical
related cancers and ot er occu ational diseases and smo ing
related illnesses cott all as s ent more t an
wor ing to old accounta le cor orations t at ut ro ts
before people.
oday e continues to re resent eo le su ering rom wor
related illnesses such as lung diseases in cases against the
com anies t at allegedly armed t em.
cott ad ocates or wor ers and consumers armed y in aling
a oring c emicals suc as diacetyl and acetyl ro ionyl
which have been associated with severe lung diseases often
collecti ely re erred to as Po corn
or ers Lung e en
t oug many wor ers not ust t ose in microwa e o corn
manu acturing a e een a ected.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
In the early 2000s, Scott successfully represented workers
who had developed serious lung diseases after exposure to
air orne a oring c emicals in some o t e rst cases o t eir
ince t en e as tried more t an a do en lawsuits
against t e a oring industry t at resulted in lainti s erdicts.
Additionally cott artici ated in t e resolution o more t an
100 cases for people who alleged wrongful death or injuries as
a result o e osure to dangerous c emical a orings.
His early work in toxic exposure included taking cases to trial
as well as settling to acco cases. is wor led to multi million
dollar verdicts in tobacco-related personal injury and wrongful
deat cases.
e was also contracted y t e Canadian
go ernment to re resent t e Pro inces o ew oundland and
Labrador in a cost-recovery action against the tobacco industry.
cott as also ta en cases to trial and settled en ironmental
contamination cases including cases in ol ing air ollution
and groundwater ollution y industrial c emicals.
cott wrote one o t e rst eer re iewed articles on
t e regulation o genetically modi ed organisms
t eir im act on t e en ironment. e article titled
e enie in
t e ottle
e nternational Regulation o enetically Modi ed
rganisms was u lis ed in t e ournal o nternational
Wildlife Law & Policy.
Prior results do not guarantee uture results. ery case is
di erent and must e udged on its own merits. e c oice o a
lawyer is an im ortant decision and s ould not e ased solely
u on ad ertisements.
Missouri Super Lawyers® Rising Star list
2009 Personal in ury
roducts lainti
n ironmental
Selection criteria:
American Bar Association
Missouri Bar Association
Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association
Kristen M. Hermiz
. . istrict Court or t e istrict o R ode sland
. . magna cum laude, Roger illiams ni ersity c ool o
Law, 2010
B.A., magna cum laude, ni ersity o Connecticut
risten ermi re resents indi iduals and amilies su ering
rom mesot elioma and ot er as estos related diseases
y occu ational en ironmental and
ouse old
as estos e osure. n e al o as estos ictims s e andles
com le litigation against manu acturers
ro erty owners
and contractors w o sold or installed de ecti e or a ardous
asbestos-containing products.
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 48 of 68
Prior to oining Motley Rice risten gained courtroom e erience
as an associate or a R ode sland ased rm arguing motions
in various civil actions on behalf of the city of Providence and
andling ousing oning em loyment and ci il rig ts litigation.
She gained additional experience as a law clerk at Brown
ni ersity w ere s e re ared memoranda or counsel regarding
legal and administrati e issues a ecting t e ni ersity.
A Roger illiams c olars i reci ient and CAL Award winner
risten ser ed as a mem er o The Roger Williams University
Law Review and was a legal intern or t e onora le aniel A.
Procaccini of the Rhode Island Superior Court. Also a judicial
e tern or t e onora le aco
ago ian o t e . . istrict
Court or t e istrict o R ode sland risten dra ted udicial
re orts and made recommendations or pro se prisoner
petitions. She additionally served as a research assistant to law
ro essor dward erle e ore ser ing in t e same ca acity to
retired Rhode Island Superior Court Justice Stephen Fortunato,
conducting statutory and case law research for a constitutional
law manuscri t in ol ing race o erty gender discrimination and
ci il rig ts re orm e orts.
Rhode Island Bar Association
Ashley J. Hornstein
. . Roger illiams ni ersity c ool o Law
.A. ni ersity o ansas
As ley ornstein re resents eo le and amilies su ering rom
mesot elioma and ot er as estos related diseases caused
y occu ational en ironmental and ouse old as estos
e osure as well as ictims o lead oisoning and ot er to ic
en ironmental e osures.
Ashley began working with Motley Rice as a law clerk in 2010,
su orting arious trial teams in t eir e orts to old ma or
corporations accountable. She contributed legal research
and case re aration or litigation against C.R. ard claiming
de ecti e medical de ices and eorgia Paci c or claims o
asbestos-related diseases caused by asbestos exposure.
As ley oined t e rm as an attorney ocusing on
illnesses and injuries caused by toxic exposure.
American Association for Justice
Rhode Island Association for Justice
Rhode Island Bar Association
Rhode Island Women’s Bar Association
John D. Hurst
. . istrict Court or t e astern Middle and estern
istricts o ort Carolina ort ern istrict o
io istrict
o out Carolina and t e ort ern and out ern istricts o
West Virginia
. . ni ersity o ort Carolina c ool o Law
B.A. highest distinction ni ersity o ort Carolina C a el
Hill, 2002
o n urst wor s to old cor orations accounta le or t e arm
they do to individuals and society, developing and executing
case strategies in toxic tort, occupational disease, catastrophic
injury, and product liability cases.
o n re resents wor ers and t eir amily mem ers in ured
y occu ational en ironmental or
ouse old e osure
to as estos including numerous mesot elioma ictims. A
central mem er o t e est irginia team e also manages
large com le multi arty litigation and wor s e tensi ely in
federal, state, and bankruptcy court at both trial and appellate
le els. o n litigates legal issues under roduct remises and
em loyer lia ility t eories.
o n re resents merc ant mariners wit
ones Act claims
against t eir s i owner em loyers in t e ederal as estos
and in t e ort ern istrict o
io and as resented
on t is to ic. n
o n was a ey mem er o a trial team
t at o tained a com ensatory and uniti e damages erdict
in Massac usetts ederal court against a manu acturer o
as estos containing re roo ng.
John’s experience goes beyond occupational disease litigation.
e re resented ictims o a
e losion at t e ConAgra
acility in arner .C. and negotiated t e resolution o t ose
claims against industrial contractors.
o n u lis ed t e rst academic analysis o credit counseling
Protecting Consumers rom Consumer Credit
.C. an ing nst.
and co aut ored
Premises Lia ility
date m loyee Cases or merging
Trends in Asbestos Litigation, (March 9-11, 2009), and “The
C anging Landsca e o ingle e
ducation School Law
West Virginia Super Lawyers® Rising Stars list
2014–2015 Personal in ury general lainti Personal in ury
roducts lainti Class action mass torts
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association
Charleston County Bar Association
South Carolina Association for Justice
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 49 of 68
Mathew P. Jasinski
. . u reme Court . . Court o A eals or t e irst
and econd Circuits . . istrict Court or t e istrict o
Connecticut and out ern istrict o ew or
. . with high honors, University of Connecticut School of Law,
n t e Causes and Conse uences o and Remedies
or nterstate Mala ortionment o t e . . ouse o
Re resentati es asins i and Ladewig Perspectives on
Politics, ol.
ssue Marc
B.A. summa cum laude, University of Connecticut, 2003
Mat ew asins i re resents consumers
usinesses and
go ernmental entities in class action and com le cases
in ol ing consumer
rotection un air trade
commercial en ironmental and securities litigation.
Mathew currently represents the plaintiffs in several putative
and certi ed class actions in ol ing suc claims as reac
of contract and unfair trade practices. He has experience in
com le commercial cases regarding claims o raud and
reac o duciary duty and as re resented an institutional
in estor in its e orts to satis y a udgment o tained against
t e o erator o a Pon i sc eme. Mat ew recently o tained a
se en gure ar itration award in a case in ol ing secondary
lia ility or an in estment ad isor s conduct under t e ni orm
Securities Act. Please remember that every case is different.
Any result we achieve for one client in one matter does not
necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other
Mat ew additionally ser es t e rm s a ellate grou . e as
wor ed on numerous a eals e ore se eral state and ederal
appellate courts throughout the country.
Prior to oining Motley Rice in
Mat ew racticed com le
commercial and usiness litigation at a large de ense rm.
e egan is legal career as a law cler or ustice a id M.
orden ret. o t e Connecticut u reme Court. uring law
school, Mathew served as executive editor of the Connecticut
Law Review and judging director of the Connecticut Moot
Court oard. e laced rst in arious moot court and moc
court com etitions including t e oston region moc trial
com etition o t e American Association or ustice. As an
undergraduate, Mathew served on the board of associate
directors or t e ni ersity o Connecticut s onors rogram
and was recogni ed wit t e onald L. McCulloug Award or
his student leadership.
Mat ew continues to demonstrate ci ic leaders i in t e local
art ord community. e is a mem er o t e oard o directors
or t e art ord ym ony rc estra and is a commissioner
of the Hartford Parking Authority. Previously, Mathew served
on t e city s C arter Re ision Commission and its oung
Pro essionals as orce an organi ation ocused on engaging
young ro essionals and ositioning t em or uture usiness
and community leaders i .
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
y rid Class Actions ridging t e
ue and t e Process t at unctions
The Brief, Fall 2009
a etween t e Process
asins i and arwold
Connecticut Super Lawyers® Rising Stars list
2013–2015 usiness litigation Class action mass torts
Hartford Business Journal
2009 orty nder
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association
Connecticut Bar Association
Oliver Ellsworth Inn of Court
Phi Beta Kappa
* For full Super Lawyers selection methodology visit: www.
For 2013 CT data visit:
Laura N. Khare
Associate General Counsel
. . ni ersity o out Carolina c ool o Law
M.A., University of Virginia, 1993
B.A., Agnes Scott College, 1992
As Associate eneral Counsel at Motley Rice Laura
manages t e rm s legal matters including em loyment issues
et ics mar eting commercial contracts and legal de ense. e
ad ises t e rm s nearly attorneys on et ical matters as well
as de elo s a ro riate com liance and ris management
measures or t e rm. n addition Laura re resents a di erse
client ase including ictims o se ual a use and en ironmental
Laura joined Motley Rice in 2004 after several years as a civil
rig ts attorney or t e . .
ual m loyment
Commission in as ington .C.
e egan er tenure as a
olitical a ointee or President illiam . Clinton. n addition
Laura ser ed as e uty irector o Researc at t e tate
A airs Com any a consulting rm in Arlington irginia and as
a legal fellow for the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary
e egan er career as a sta attorney at t e
South Carolina Court of Appeals.
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 50 of 68
Laura as ser ed on t e oard o irectors or t e ee orton
Lowcountry C ildren s Center t e oard o irectors or t e
e t C ild und and t e C arleston County oard o oning
A eals. n er s are time s e en oys artici ating on local
and national olitical cam aigns including as a olunteer or
multi le national emocratic con entions most recently in
as a mem er o t e con ention s scri t writing team.
. . istrict Court or t e ort ern and out ern istricts o
West Virginia
. . est irginia ni ersity College o Law and est irginia
raduate c ool o usiness
M.A., Clarion University of Pennsylvania, 1982
Patti Lawson seeks to protect the safety, health and rights of
eo le su ering rom mesot elioma and ot er as estos
related diseases and rings more t an a decade o e erience
in est irginia go ernment to Motley Rice. Additionally s e
stri es to rotect t e rig ts o t ose su ering rom catastro ic
ermanent in uries due to negligence and wor s on t eir e al
to ursue ustice and ust com ensation.
Charleston Regional Business Journal
2008 Forty Under 40
American Association for Justice
Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers
South Carolina Association for Justice
South Carolina Women Lawyers’ Association
W. Taylor Lacy
. . Court o A eals or t e econd Circuit . . istrict
Court or t e estern istrict o Ar ansas and t e istrict o
South Carolina
. . ni ersity o out Carolina c ool o Law
B.A., University of Virginia, 2003
Taylor Lacy focuses his practice on catastrophic injury,
products liability and securities litigation against diverse
cor orate de endants. is rimary res onsi ilities include
developing legal theories, conducting legal research, and
dra ting disco ery leadings and motions.
aylor as een re resenting ee water ori on oil s ill
ictims since s ortly a ter t e disaster occurred in
is now el ing ictims le claims t roug t e new claims
rograms esta lis ed y t e two settlements reac ed wit P.
aylor also litigates on e al o ictims urt y de ecti e
consumer roducts res and remises lia ility incidents as
well as catastro ic motorcycle automoti e and truc ing
collisions. e additionally wor s wit t e rm s securities and
consumer raud team to re resent indi idual and institutional
in estor clients in com le securities raud and s are older
As a law student, Taylor served as student research editor
of the A.B.A. Real Property, Trust & Probate Journal, received
multi le CAL awards and was inducted into t e rder o t e
ig and Ro e. e studied com arati e law and istory at
ni ersity College
ord and
e ni ersity o
and transnational dis ute resolution at ray s nn in London.
Taylor was a research assistant and student editor for Carolina
istinguis ed Pro essor o Law a id . wen assisting wit
t e nal re arations o Pro essor wen s Products Liability
Law treatise.
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association
Charleston County Bar Association
South Carolina Association for Justice
Patricia J. Lawson
or nearly
years Patti ser ed as a trial attorney or t e est
irginia i ision o
ig ways re resenting t e i ision in
state and ederal court as well as andling com le litigation
in ol ing issues suc as em loyment contracts and nancial
ollowing er ser ice wit t e
i ision o ig ways Patti
resided o er a ellate earings as an Administrati e Law
udge or t e est irginia e artment o ealt and uman
Resources before opening a sole practice focusing on personal
in ury amily law and animal law. e was also re iously a sta
attorney or est irginia Legislati e er ices Committee on
inance and o ernment.
Patti com leted t e e artment o ustice s ational Ad ocacy
Center s rial Ad ocacy
e ury and Prosecutor oot Cam
rograms. e as also artici ated in est irginia s ettlement
ee Alternati e Resolution y Mediation . .A.R.M. rogram
an organi ation consisting o lawyers w o olunteer t eir time
on a i annual asis to ser e as mediators in an e ort to settle
circuit court cases before they go in front of a judge or jury.
An award-winning author, Patti has written two books, The
Dog Diet: A Memoir, What My Dog Taught Me About Shedding
Pounds, Licking Stress and Getting a New Leash on Life and
What Happens to Rover When the Marriage is Over and Other
Doggone Legal Dilemmas. The anticipated release date of her
second oo is early
e as een a columnist or t e
Charleston Gazette, a blogger for the Charleston Daily Mail and
has written articles for the Huffington Post.
Patti served as an Assistant Special Prosecutor for the Fraud
Prosecution nit o t e est irginia nsurance Commission
as a circuit court mediator and as a u reme Court a ro ed
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 51 of 68
mediator or amily court. e is also a writing award reci ient
rom t e ational College
owcase and laced in t e
ational A ellate Ad ocacy Com etition.
West Virginia Association for Justice
Temitope O. Leyimu
. . istrict Court or t e istrict o out Carolina
. . ni ersity o irginia c ool o Law
B.A. with honors, University of Central Florida, 2009
o e Leyimu ocuses er ractice on eo le and amilies w ose
lives have been affected by catastrophic injuries or death as
a result o cor orate wrongdoing occu ational a ards and
en ironmental negligence.
e is also acti ely in ol ed in t e
rm s as estos litigation in ol ing ictims o mesot elioma and
other asbestos-related diseases.
While a law student at the University of Virginia School of Law,
Tope interned with the Legal Aid Justice Center of Charlottesville,
a. and artici ated in t e amily mediation clinic mediating
dis utes etween arties. o e wor ed as a law cler at a rm
in the Jacksonville, Fla., area, where she gained experience
dra ting legal memoranda com laints and re trial motions
on e identiary issues. e also el ed re are or mediations
in ol ing ro ate and roducts lia ility issues stemming rom
wrongful death cases.
o e ser ed as a Lile Moot Court Com etitor at t e ni ersity
of Virginia School of Law, and also served on the board of the
Virginia Sports and Entertainment Law Journal, as the President
o P i Al a elta t e ice President o Communications o
A L Action or a etter Li ing n ironment and on t e Policy
Council for the Black Law Student Association.
Acti e in er community o e ser es on t e oard o
irectors or AL
an organi ation w ic
ro ides su ort
and advocacy to abused and neglected children and kinship
caregivers. Previously, she volunteered with the Virginia
nnocence Pro ect tudent rou a student legal researc
group that assists with the investigation and screening of
cases in ol ing risoners con icted o serious crimes w ere
cogni a le claims o actual innocence e ist.
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association
South Carolina Association for Justice
South Carolina Bar Association
Joshua Littlejohn
. . Court o A eals or t e ird Circuit . . istrict Court
or t e istrict o Colorado istrict o out Carolina
. . C arleston c ool o Law
.A. ni ersity o ort Carolina at As e ille
it a road ase o e erience in com le litigation
including securities raud reac o duciary duty mass tort
and catastro ic in ury matters os Little o n lays a leading
role in many o Motley Rice s most com le securities cases
particularly those involving healthcare.
Josh represents public pension funds, unions and institutional
investors in both federal and state courts. He also represents
indi iduals wit catastro ic in uries and ictims o medical
mal ractice. os wor s directly wit clients and as een
involved in all aspects of the litigation process, including initial
case evaluation, discovery, resolution and trial.
Among ot er com le matters os
as litigated securities
raud actions against t. ude Medical nc. P armacia
Cor oration and P P armaceuticals. e also ser es as
local counsel in a atent case against t e drug manu acturer
Astra eneca P armaceuticals L.P. ending in t e . . istrict
Court or t e istrict o out Carolina.
Josh has helped Motley Rice expand its shareholder derivative
practice, litigating cases against boards of directors of
u licly traded com anies including mnicare nc. C emed
Corporation, IPC Hospitalists, Inc., Walgreen Co., Cintas
Cor oration among numerous ot ers. os
as e erience
handling several types of shareholder cases, including
corporate takeover cases litigated through and beyond the
reliminary in unction
ase and oo s
records cases
litigated through trial.
South Carolina Super Lawyers® Rising Stars list
2013–2015 ecurities litigation Class action mass torts
eneral litigation
American Bar Association
South Carolina Association for Justice
Miles Loadholt
Of Counsel
. . cum laude, University of South Carolina School of Law,
. . ni ersity o out Carolina
Miles Loadholt has practiced law for over four decades in the
areas of occupational disease, worker safety and business
litigation. He has worked with Motley Rice attorneys on
occupational injury and asbestos litigation since the early
s re resenting ictims o as estos radiation and eryllium
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 52 of 68
e osure. e as also re resented wor ers su ering rom
earing loss caused y e osure to loud mac inery on t e
o and managed undreds o wor ers com ensation cases.
Additionally, Miles has practiced business litigation including
contract disputes and business torts.
A longtime ad ocate o ig er education Miles was elected
c airman o t e ni ersity o out Carolina oard o rustees
in anuary
. it more t an years o ser ice on t e oard
Miles is lanning or t e institution s uture ca ital cam aign
and uilding endowments. is in ol ement wit t e ni ersity
o out Carolina and ig er education rograms includes
is a ointment to t e out Carolina Commission on ig er
ducation y o ernor im odges ser ing as a mem er o t e
estern Carolina ig er ducation Commission and more t an
years on t e ecuti e Committee o t e amecoc Clu .
For his contributions to education in South Carolina, Miles
recei ed t e rder o t e Palmetto in
t e ig est ci ilian
honor in the state. His portrait can be found in the law library of
the University of South Carolina’s School of Law as recognition
for his generosity and service.
Miles earned a ac elor o cience and uris octor rom t e
University of South Carolina. As a law student, he was on the
editorial board of the South Carolina Law Review and was a
mem er o P i elta P i and t e ociety o ig and Ro e.
Miles is recogni ed as an A
rated attorney
y Martindale
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association
Barnwell County Bar Association
South Carolina Association for Justice
P. Graham Maiden
. . C arleston c ool o Law
. . College o C arleston
ra am Maiden re resents ictims sur i ors and amily mem ers
w o a e su ered due to acts o terrorism or uman rig ts
iolations in litigation against ot domestic and international
de endants. e ocuses is ractice on anti terrorism and uman
rig ts and currently su orts t e rm s wor in Oran Almog v.
Arab Bank, a landmar case led y ictims o terrorist om ings
in srael against Ara an or its alleged role in nancing amas
and ot er sraeli terrorist organi ations.
ra am oined Motley Rice as an associate a ter rst ser ing as
a summer law cler or t e rm during w ic time e su orted
litigation on behalf of people and businesses seeking to hold BP
and other corporate defendants accountable for the BP oil spill.
as well as salary arbitration preparation. He developed additional
s ills writing conducting researc
andling document
production and helping with trial preparation as a law clerk for
a out Carolina ased law rm. ra am also rings alua le
business experience to Motley Rice, having previously worked
or a large real estate and de elo ment com any assisting wit
t e de elo ment and management o otels and restaurants
across the country.
A ormer collegiate at lete at t e College o C arleston ra am
layed i ision ase all and roudly re resented is sc ool as
a mem er o t e All out ern Con erence eam in
South Carolina Bar Association
Charleston Bar Association
Michaela Shea McInnis
L.L.M. oston ni ersity c ool o Law
. . u ol ni ersity Law c ool
.A. Pro idence College
Michaela McInnis represents individuals, states, cities and other
munici alities in en ironmental litigation in ol ing arm ul
e osure to lead aint or ot er sources o en ironmental
e was a mem er o t e trial team in t e tate o R ode
sland s landmar lead aint suit against t e lead igment
industry, conducting discovery and overseeing the case
management order. er role wit t e n ironmental ractice
group also includes toxic tort work, including cases of personal
in ury ro erty damage or economic loss as a result o water
or land contamination. Mic aela also re resented more t an
residents o i erton R ode sland against a ma or utility
com any or en ironmental contamination o residential
Michaela began her legal career as an attorney with the appellate
sta o t e R ode sland u reme Court later transitioning to a
di erse ta ractice in ew or . er legal wor e tended outside
o t e o ce as a olunteer to t e R
olunteer ncome a
Assistance and a Counseling or t e lderly rograms in R ode
Island. Additionally, Michaela volunteered for several years
wit t e t ics Committee o t e isiting urse Association o
ew ort County w ere s e o ered case re iews and guidance
to t e sta o t e
A regarding et ical issues.
A ormer ad unct ro essor at t e ni ersity o R ode sland
Michaela has taught both undergraduate and graduate level
courses on t e American legal system and constitutional law.
e is a ormer law cler or t e onora le ose R. eis erger
o t e R ode sland u reme Court.
ile in law sc ool ra am eld an interns i wit t e e erly
Hills Sports Council, a California-based Major League Baseball
player agency, where he handled research and writing projects,
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 53 of 68
Kate E. Menard
. . magna cum laude Roger illiams ni ersity c ool o
Law, 2011
B.A. magna cum laude, Quinnipiac University, 2008
atie Menard is committed to el ing eo le armed y allegedly
de ecti e medical de ices including women su ering rom
ain ul and serious in uries caused trans aginal mes and el ic
mes de ices.
atie initially oined Motley Rice as a law cler in
ro iding
su ort to t e medical de ice litigation team including re aring
motions e aluating client records and re aring or trials and
As a law student at Roger illiams ni ersity c ool o Law atie
was a researc assistant to Pro essor at leen Miller a udicial
extern for the Honorable Chief Justice Paul A. Suttell and an intern
in t e
ecial Prosecutions i ision o t e estc ester County
istrict Attorney s
ce in ew or . A ter graduation s e wor ed
or t e R ode sland u reme Court Law Cler
e artment
where she served as the sole law clerk to the Honorable Stephen
P. ugent o t e R ode sland u erior Court.
e was also a
researc assistant to C ie ustice ran . illiams Ret. .
A magna cum laude graduate and sc olars i reci ient atie was
recogni ed wit t e CAL cellence award as t e ig est scoring
student in Legal Met ods Ad anced Criminal Procedure and
Pri ate nternational Law. Additionally s e ser ed as a mem er
of the Roger Williams University Law Review and published two
a ers
e m act o Pretrial Pu licity on an ndigent Ca ital
e endant s ue Process Rig t to a ury Consultant and a sur ey
of Rhode Island Law concerning City of East Providence v. Int’l
Ass’n of Firefighters Local.
Rhode Island Bar Association
Meredith B. Miller
. . istrict Court or t e ort ern out ern astern and
estern istricts o e as
. . ni ersity o e as c ool o Law
B.A., with distinction ni ersity o ort Carolina C a el ill
Meredith Miller represents public pension funds, unions and
other institutional investors in both federal and state courts.
e also re resents ictims o medical mal ractice. Meredit
works directly with clients and is typically involved in the initial
case e aluation disco ery and arious motion ractice.
Meredit is a mem er o t e team re resenting in estors in
securities raud class actions led against Ad anced Micro
e ices arric
old and AC Ca ital.
e is also art o t e
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
team ringing claims or reac o duciary duty against current
and ormer directors o Lululemon or ailing to in estigate
otential insider trades allegedly made y t e com any s
ounder and ormer c airman.
Prior to oining Motley Rice Meredit gained trial and settlement
e erience as an associate at a allas e as law rm wor ing
in business and construction litigation. While attending the
University of Texas School of Law, she clerked for an Austin
rm re resented ictims in court as a student attorney in t e
Law omestic iolence Clinic and was a ta
ditor o t e
Review of Litigation ournal.
uring er undergraduate and
law school career, Meredith studied abroad in Paris, France,
ene a wit erland and Pue la Me ico.
Charleston County Bar Association
Christopher F. Moriarty
. . istrict Court or t e istrict o Colorado ort ern
istrict o llinois istrict o out Carolina
. . u e ni ersity c ool o Law
M.A. rinity College ni ersity o Cam ridge
.A. rinity College ni ersity o Cam ridge
C risto er was a mem er o t e litigation teams re resenting
investors as lead counsel in securities fraud litigation involving
Hill v. State Street Corporation
million reco ery
re Hewlett-Packard Co. Securities Litigation
reco ery
and Ross v. Career Education Corp.
. million
reco ery . n addition C risto er re resented institutional
investors in shareholder derivative litigation in In re Walgreen
Co. Derivative Litigation, which secured corporate governance
re orms to ensure com liance wit t e Controlled u stances
Act .
C risto er is currently a mem er o t e teams re resenting
in estors in t e ollowing cases Första AP-Fonden and Danske
Invest Management A/S v. St. Jude Medical, Inc.; In re Medtronic,
Inc. Securities Litigation; City of Brockton Retirement System v.
Avon Products, Inc.; In re Barrick Gold Securities Litigation; and
In re Conn’s, Inc. Securities Litigation.
ile in law sc ool C risto er was a mem er o t e Moot
Court Board, served as an Executive Editor of the Duke Journal
of Constitutional Law and Public Policy, and taught a course
on constitutional law to LL.M. students. Christopher has also
drafted amicus curiae rie s in numerous constitutional law
cases e ore t e . . u reme Court w ic as cited is wor .
Christopher was called to the Bar in England and Wales by the
onoura le ociety o t e Middle em le.
American Bar Association
South Carolina Bar Association
Charleston County Bar Association
South Carolina Association for Justice
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 54 of 68
William S. Norton
. . u reme Court . . Court o A eals or t e irst
and econd Circuits . . istrict Court or t e istrict o
Colorado ort ern istrict o llinois astern and out ern
istricts o ew or and istrict o out Carolina
. . oston ni ersity c ool o Law
B.A./B.S. magna cum laude, University of South Carolina, 2001
ill orton litigates securities raud cor orate go ernance and
ot er com le class action and commercial litigation. ill as
re resented u lic retirement systems union ension unds
in estment com anies
an s and ot er institutional and
individual investors before federal, state, and appellate courts
throughout the country. He also has experience representing
whistleblowers who report violations of the law to the U.S.
ecurities and
c ange Commission under t e odd ran
istle lower Program.
ill is a mem er o t e litigation teams re resenting institutional
in estors as lead counsel in litigation in ol ing A Cor oration
Ad anced Micro e ices nc. A on Products nc. and m a
Laboratories, Inc. He also played a key role in the following
• Bennett v. Sprint Nextel Corp.
million reco ery
• Hill v. State Street Corporation
million reco ery
• City of Sterling Heights General Employees’ Retirement
System v. Hospira, Inc.
million reco ery
• In re Hewlett-Packard Company Securities Litigation
million reco ery
• Ross v. Career Education Corporation
. million
reco ery
ill is a mem er o t e teams re resenting institutional in estors
in s are older deri ati e litigation on e al o C emed
Cor oration. e was also a mem er o t e teams t at litigated
t e ollowing cases
• Manville Personal Injury Settlement Trust v. Gemunder
million ayment to t e com any and signi cant cor orate
go ernance re orms
• In re Walgreen Co. Derivative Litigation (corporate
go ernance re orms ensuring com liance wit Controlled
u stances Act
Bill has represented institutional shareholders in litigation
concerning cor orate mergers and ac uisitions including t e
ollowing cases
• In re Allion Healthcare, Inc. Shareholders Litigation
ayment to s are olders
• In re RehabCare Group, Inc., Shareholders Litigation
million ayment modi cation o merger agreement and
additional disclosures to s are olders
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
• In re Atheros Communications Shareholder Litigation
reliminary in unction delaying s are older ote and
re uiring additional disclosures to s are olders in . illion
• Maric Capital Master Fund, Ltd. v. PLATO Learning, Inc.
reliminary in unction re uiring additional disclosures to
s are olders in
million ri ate e uity uyout
• In re The Shaw Group Shareholders Litigation (classwide, opt-in appraisal right and additional disclosures to
s are olders in
illion merger
Bill has also represented clients in a wide variety of securities,
consumer raud and commercial litigation including t e
ollowing cases
• Class action on e al o munici al ond in estors in an
state Pon i sc eme
• Class action against irec regarding early cancellation ees
• Class action on behalf of satellite retailers against EchoStar
Cor oration resulting in settlement alued at a ro imately
• Litigation on e al o a erman an concerning
in estments in mortgage ac ed collaterali ed de t
• Federal and state lawsuits regarding variable life insurance
in estments unneled to t e Mado Pon i sc eme
• Litigation on behalf of real-estate investors regarding luxury
real estate de elo ment
Prior to joining Motley Rice, Bill practiced securities and
commercial litigation in t e ew or o ce o an international
law rm.
ile attending law sc ool ill ser ed as an ditor o
the Boston University Law Review and was a . ose
istinguis ed c olar. e ser ed as a law cler in t e nited
tates Attorney s
ce or t e istrict o Massac usetts
re resented asylum see ers at reater oston Legal er ices
and studied law at t e ni ersity o
ord. Prior to law sc ool
ill wor ed or t e nited tates Attorney s
ce or t e
istrict o out Carolina and wit t e eig or ood Legal
Assistance Program o C arleston t roug a grant rogram. ill
graduated P i eta a a rom t e ni ersity o out Carolina
onors College. ill is recogni ed as an A
rated attorney y
South Carolina Super Lawyers® Rising Stars list
2013–2015 ecurities litigation class action mass torts
general litigation
Federal Bar Association
American Bar Association
American Association for Justice
New York State Bar Association
South Carolina Bar Association
Charleston County Bar Association
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 55 of 68
Meghan S. B. Oliver
. . ni ersity o irginia c ool o Law
B.A. with distinction, University of Virginia, 2000
Meg an li er s ractice includes wor on securities raud
cases antitrust litigation general commercial litigation
and consumer raud litigation.
e is acti ely in ol ed in In
the Matter of Bayer Corp., Case o.
ending in
ran lin Circuit Court in entuc y. Meg an s securities raud
work includes cases involving Medtronic, Inc., Hospira, Inc.,
and se eral ot ers. er antitrust e erience at Motley Rice as
focused on generic drug cases.
Prior to joining Motley Rice, Meghan worked as a business
litigation and antitrust associate in as ington .C.
ere s e
assisted in t e trial o a multidistrict litigation antitrust case and
assisted in multi le cor orate internal in estigations.
e is a
mem er o P i eta a a.
American Bar Association
Jonathan D. Orent
. . istrict Court or t e istrict o Massac usetts
. . as ington ni ersity c ool o Law
B.A., University of Rochester, 2001
onat an rent litigates or eo le alleging arm y de ecti e
medical de ices and
armaceutical drugs including all
as ects o disco ery and e ert de elo ment. e re resents
women su ering rom ain ul side e ects associated wit
el ic mes sling roducts in undreds o led cases against
multi le cor orations.
Jonathan serves as co-liaison counsel in the In re Bard Litigation
in ew ersey state court and as state court liaison counsel in
onat an also re resents communities and eo le acing
ersonal in ury ro erty damage and economic loss as a result
o negligence en ironmental a ards or groundwater and soil
contamination. e re resents clients in Pennsyl ania s A ollo
Parks area who allege they suffered severe illnesses after being
e osed to dangerous le els o to ic or radioacti e materials
released into the air, water and soil by local nuclear facilities. In
e litigated against a large ew ngland utility com any
on e al o more t an
i erton R. . residents w o
claimed t ey su ered damages resulting rom en ironmental
contamination o t eir residential ro erty. More recently
onat an layed a role in t e settlement o contamination
litigation etween mem ers o t e alle ast la. community
and a ma or aeros ace de ense contractor in ol ing ro erty
damage and emotional distress claims resulting rom t e
alleged release of trichloroethylene (TCE), perchloroethylene
PC and ot er c emicals into t e groundwater.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
onat an as wor ed on com le litigation against t e lead
aint industry on e al o go ernment entities in Cali ornia
ew or R ode sland and isconsin as well as lead oisoning
cases or indi idual c ildren and amilies against ro erty
owners. He also assists with discovery and trial preparation of
t e rm s as estos cases.
Prior to oining Motley Rice in
onat an ser ed as a law
cler wit t e Missouri tate Pu lic e ender out Ad ocacy
nit and a legal intern or enator Ric ard ur in o llinois.
A re uent s ea er e as made numerous resentations
on a ariety o legal matters in ol ing en ironmental law. e
ser es on t e R ode sland Ad isory Committee to t e . .
Commission on Ci il Rig ts a grou w ose mission is to
address ey community issues and discrimination matters
suc as oreclosure scams and t e dis arate treatment o
minority yout t roug researc and initiati es. onat an is
also a mem er o t e oard o t e R ode sland o ic Action
Rhode Island Super Lawyers® Rising Stars list
2014–2015 usiness litigation Class action mass torts
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association
Michael J. Pendell
. . istrict Court or t e istrict o Connecticut out ern
and astern istricts o ew or
. . summa cum laude Al any Law c ool
B.A., cum laude merson College
Michael Pendell focuses his practice on representing workers
and t eir amilies as well as ension und trustees and ot er
institutional in estors in securities consumer raud and
com le class action.
Michael, along with other Motley Rice attorneys, represented
a union pension fund as co-lead counsel in a securities fraud
class action to recou losses against a telecom ro ider
t at allegedly
ro ided alse in ormation regarding its
nancial results causing arti cially in ated stoc
rices t at
su se uently lummeted w en t e trut was made nown. e
settlement is ending court a ro al.
Michael also has experience representing institutional and
indi idual in estors in claims in ol ing common law raud
pursuant to state securities laws. Michael recently played a
central role on t e litigation team t at o tained a se en gure
arbitration award in a case involving secondary liability for an
in estment ad isor s conduct under t e ni orm ecurities Act.
Mic ael also as e erience in com le commercial cases
regarding claims o raud reac o contract and tortuous
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 56 of 68
interference. He represents plaintiffs in a wide array of personal
injury actions, and serves as trial counsel representing
indi idual smo ers and amilies o deceased smo ers against
to acco manu acturers in t e ngle rogeny litigation ending
in Florida.
Michael joined Motley Rice after serving as an associate with a
Connecticut ased law rm w ere e rst gained e erience in
ot ederal and state courts in suc areas as commercial and
construction litigation media and administrati e law ersonal
in ury de ense and la or and em loyment matters. Mic ael
re iously taug t usiness law to A and M A candidates as an
adjunct professor at Albertus Magnus College.
Michael served as a legal intern for the Honorable Randolph F.
reece o t e . . istrict Court or t e ort ern istrict o ew
or and as a law cler or t e Ma or elony nit o t e Al any
County istrict Attorney s
ce. e ser ed as t e e ecuti e
editor or t e ew or tate ar Association o ernment Law
& Policy Journal and senior editor for the Albany Law Review,
w ic
u lis ed is
article entitled
ow ar is oo ar
e ending Clause t e ent Amendment and t e ducation
tate s attle Against n unded Mandates.
Connecticut Super Lawyers® Rising Stars list
2013–2015 ecurities litigation usiness litigation Personal
in ury
roducts lainti
American Association for Justice
Connecticut Bar Association
New York State Bar Association
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. or
full Super Lawyers selection met odology isit www.
su a out selection rocess. tml
C data isit connecticut
selection details. tml
Laura W. Ray
. . wit
onors ni ersity o Connecticut c ool o Law
. . .A. magna cum laude oston ni ersity
Laura Ray andles com le securities litigation or ictims o
corporate wrongdoing, including institutional investors and
union pension funds.
Laura is a mem er o t e team leading a ro osed class
action alleging t at n estment ec nology
defrauded shareholders by concealing the actions that led
to a regulatory sanction ne le ied against it y t e
C. e
ne announcement made in August
allegedly resulted in
stoc olders su ering a loss o more t an
ercent in s are
alue. e
. million sanction is considered t e largest ne
le ied y t e
C against a ri ate securities trading orum
otherwise known as a dark pool.
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Prior to oining Motley Rice Laura wor ed in commercial
litigation, handling trial and appellate litigation, arbitration
and mediation. Laura ser ed as law cler to ustice Ro ert .
Calla an o t e Connecticut u reme Court. Laura egan er
career as a certi ed u lic accountant.
Caroline Rion
. . C arleston c ool o Law
.A. ni ersity o out Carolina
Caroline Rion practices in the areas of products liability
and occupational disease with a focus on asbestos-related
diseases, helping clients tell their stories and seek the justice
t ey deser e.
e re resents ictims o mesot elioma in
individual and consolidated cases and is responsible for pretrial re aration including res onses to de endants motions.
Before joining Motley Rice, Caroline gained experience in
case management strategy as a law cler wit t e out ern
n ironmental Law Center wor ing on issues in ol ing com le
ederal and state en ironmental statutes and regulations.
Caroline also worked as a law clerk at a Charleston, S.C.-based
law rm w ere s e assisted wit client inter iews earings and
Caroline’s political experience includes internships with Senator
Lindsey ra am s Colum ia .C. o ce and t e Conser ation
oters o out Carolina.
e also wor ed wit t e istrict o
Colum ia ar Association s Attorney Client Relations Program
in as ington .C. assisting in t e resolution o ee dis utes
t roug ar itration committee meetings and case summaries.
Along with receiving the top score in appellate oral advocacy
in products liability litigation at the Charleston School of Law,
Caroline was recogni ed y t e sc ool or ro iding more
than 100 hours of pro bono work. Additionally, she served
as reasurer to t e omen in Law and as a mem er o t e
mar eting committee or t e ederal Court s Law Review.
Caroline is acti e in t e C arleston community and olunteers
as a mentor in t e R
Program an initiati e to ro ide
substance abuse rehabilitation services to people involved
in t e ederal criminal ustice system. R
is a oint e ort
etween t e . . Pro ation
ce ederal Pu lic e ender s
ce . . Attorney s
ce and out Carolina s . . istrict
American Bar Association
South Carolina Association for Justice
South Carolina Bar Environmental Law Section
South Carolina Women Lawyers Association
Charleston County Bar Association
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 57 of 68
Ann K. Ritter
Senior Counsel and Securities Case
Coordination Manager
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third and Eleventh Circuits
. . ni ersity o ennessee
B.S., Florida State University, 1980
As Senior Counsel for Motley Rice, Ann Ritter plays a key role
on Motley Rice s securities team w ic re resents domestic
and oreign institutional in estors in com le cases in ol ing
shareholder rights, corporate governance, securities and
consumer raud. e ossesses more t an years o e erience
in com le litigation in ol ing matters as aried as securities
roducts lia ility and consumer rotection.
Ann ser es as a re uent s ea er on legal to ics suc as wor er
sa ety s are older rig ts and cor orate go ernance. n
s e
addressed leading erman institutional in estors as a eynote
s ea er on t e im act o . . class actions at t e eutsc e
c ut ereinigung r ert a ier esit e. . Practical or s o
or institutional in estors in ran urt ermany.
A ter earning a ac elor o cience degree rom lorida tate
ni ersity Ann ursued a law degree rom t e ni ersity o
Tennessee. She is the co-author of Asbestos in Schools, published
y t e ational c ool oards Association. Ann re iously ser ed
on t e Ad isory Committee or t e o acco e osition and rial
estimony Arc i es A A Pro ect and currently ser es on t e
ecuti e Committee o t e oard o t e out Carolina ecial
lym ics t e Ad isory oard o t e Medical ni ersity o out
Carolina Hollings Cancer Center and the Advisory Board of The
ni ersity o Mississi i c ool o Law. e is recogni ed as a
rated attorney by Martindale-Hubbell®.
South Carolina Association for Justice
Michael G. Rousseau
. . Pe erdine ni ersity
. . entley College
Mic ael Rousseau andles disco ery and e ert testimony and
analy es data or settlement negotiations or t e el ic mes
litigation team. e also re resents ictims o mesot elioma and
wor s on t e Com osi
ugel Mes legal team on disco ery
matters document analysis and settlement.
e as also litigated en ironmental lead oisoning cases
aint manu acturing cor orations and landlord
defendants. Michael gathered evidence and participated
in State of Rhode Island v. Lead Industries Association, et.
al. and more recently layed a ey role in trial re aration
disco ery and document analysis in The People of California
v. Atlantic Richfield Company et al. n
e ser ed on t e
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
legal team t at success ully ad ocated or an e tension o t e
risk contribution theory of liability in Wisconsin, enabling leadoisoned c ildren and amilies to see com ensation rom
ormer manu acturers o lead aint. Prior to oining Motley Rice
Mic ael re resented consumers in insurance ad ait
class actions and handled wills, trusts and estates and elder
law matters.
As a law student, Michael provided volunteer representation
to autistic c ildren to el t em o tain s ecial education
services and physical therapy pursuant to the Individuals with
isa ilities ducation Act
American Bar Association
Lisa M. Saltzburg
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth, Fifth and Eleventh Circuits
. . istrict Court or t e istrict o out Carolina
. . tan ord Law c ool
B.A. with high distinction, University of California, Berkeley,
Lisa alt urg re resents indi iduals and institutional clients
in com le securities and consumer raud actions merger and
ac uisition cases s are older deri ati e suits and a ariety
o ot er consumer and commercial matters. Lisa also wor s
closely wit t e P il
ill litigation team el ing eo le
and usinesses in ul Coast communities le claims t roug
t e new claims rograms esta lis ed y t e two settlements
reached with BP.
Prior to joining Motley Rice, Lisa was an associate attorney
or a non ro t ad ocacy organi ation w ere s e wor ed
t roug law and olicy to rotect t e en ironmental interests
o t e out east.
e dra ted rie s and ot er lings in
South Carolina’s federal and state courts and worked with
administrati e agencies to re are or earings and mediation
sessions. Lisa also served for two years as a judicial clerk for
t e onora le aren . illiams o t e . . Court o A eals or
the Fourth Circuit, where she developed valuable legal research
and writing skills and gained experience involving a wide range
o issues arising in ci il and criminal cases.
Lisa eld multi le ositions in en ironmental organi ations
during law school, handling a broad array of constitutional,
urisdictional and en ironmental issues.
e also ser ed as
an editor of the Stanford Law Review and as an executive
editor of the Stanford Environmental Law Journal. A mem er o
numerous organi ations and societies including t e tan ord
n ironmental Law ociety Lisa attended t e ational nstitute
for Trial Advocacy’s week-long Trial Advocacy College at the
University of Virginia.
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 58 of 68
Elizabeth Smith
. . Court o A eals or t e istrict o Colum ia Circuit
. . istrict Court or t e istrict o out Carolina
. . cum laude ni ersity o out Carolina c ool o Law
.A. urman ni ersity
li a et re resents clients in ured y cor orate wrongdoing
wit an em asis on anti terrorism and uman rig ts litigation.
Her current practice includes aviation liability cases on behalf
o ictims and amilies o t e e tem er
disasters as well as t e
amilies nited to an ru t
errorism multidistrict litigation aiming to an ru t nanciers
of al Qaeda and other terrorist groups.
li a et s role in t e
related litigation led to er
re resenting numerous amilies at earings
e ore t e
e tem er t ictim Com ensation und wit
ecial Master
ennet ein erg.
e as also litigated ersonal in ury and
consumer rotection cases including e icle de ect cases
asbestos litigation and lead paint poisoning lawsuits, and has
managed client relations researc and disco ery and trial
re aration or arious litigation teams.
As an undergraduate student li a et com leted a Middle
ast and A rica oreign tudy Program and tra eled rom
enya to srael.
ile in law sc ool s e ser ed on t e editorial
board of the ABA Real Property, Probate & Trust Journal. After
graduation li a et was a law cler or t e onora le iane
. oodstein Circuit Court udge o t e irst udicial Circuit or
out Carolina.
e is recogni ed as a
rated attorney y
American Association for Justice
Federal Bar Association
South Carolina Association for Justice
arm ul medical drugs and de ices suc as Actos dialysis
roducts ranu lo owder and aturaLyte Li uid u aring
and o ama .
Prior to oining Motley Rice ayleig ser ed as a summer law
cler or Pisga Legal er ices a non ro t organi ation ased
in As e ille .C. t at o ers legal assistance to disad antaged
citi ens o
estern ort Carolina.
e gained e erience
wor ing wit attorneys to ro ide legal aid to low income
ictims o domestic iolence as well as omeowners acing
oreclosure. uring t is time ayleig also contri uted to an
a ellate rie on terminating arental rig ts.
Hayleigh’s background and interests are diverse and include
t e eld o education. e taug t nglis in Madrid
ain or
nearly a year following her undergraduate studies, teaching
writing, reading, speaking and listening skills to both adults and
c ildren.
ile li ing in ain s e com lemented er teac ing
wor writing as a columnist or European Vibe Magazine, a
mont ly li estyle maga ine or t e nglis s ea ing community
of Madrid.
ayleig eld multi le ositions w ile at t e ni ersity o ort
Carolina School of Law in Chapel Hill, including serving as a
Research, Reasoning, Writing, Advocacy Teacher’s Assistant,
t e reasurer o t e mmigration Law Association and t e co
President o t e American Constitution ociety.
e was also
a mem er o t e First Amendment Law Review and ort
Carolina tudent ar Association. A mem er o P i eta a a
who graduated in the top third of her class, she additionally
com eted as a il atric toc ton L rial Com etition e ense
Attorney and el ed domestic iolence ictims t roug
wor wit t e omestic iolence Clinic.
ayleig as olunteered wit ot t e ort Carolina ri er s
License Restoration Pro ect and t e Lam da Law tudents
ealt Care Power o Attorney Clinic in C a el ill .C.
currently donates er time to t e C arleston C c a ter o ig
Brothers Big Sisters.
Hayleigh T. Stewart Santra
South Carolina Super Lawyers® Rising Stars list
2015 Personal in ury
roducts lainti
. . ni ersity o ort Carolina c ool o Law
B.A. with honors ni ersity o ort Carolina at C a el ill
antra re resents ictims armed
dangerous rescri tion drugs and de ecti e medical de ices
working to hold accountable those responsible for corporate
wrongdoing and inade uate roduct warning researc and
testing. ayleig re resents eo le allegedly armed y
trans aginal mes Crestor and ssure . e was art o t e
trial team or Barba v. Boston Scientific Corp., a transvaginal
mes case t at resulted in a
M award in
. Pre iously
she has been involved in litigation involving other potentially
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association
South Carolina Association for Justice
South Carolina Bar Association, oung Lawyers i ision oices
Against iolence Committee iCi ics Committee
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 59 of 68
W. Christopher Swett
. . Court o A eals or t e ourt Circuit . . istrict Court
or t e ort ern istrict o
io istrict o out Carolina
out ern istrict o est irginia and t e estern istrict o
. . cum laude, University of South Carolina School of Law,
B.A., B.S. summa cum laude, e Citadel
Chris Swett focuses his efforts on assisting workers and
amilies su ering rom mesot elioma and ot er as estos
related diseases due to occu ational en ironmental or
ouse old as estos e osure. n e al o as estos ictims
e andles litigation against manu acturers ro erty owners
and contractors who sold or installed defective asbestoscontaining products.
The National Trial Lawyers
2013–present Top 100 Trial Lawyers™ – South Carolina
C ris also re resents ictims and amilies in cases in ol ing
signi cant in uries caused y a ardous consumer roducts
res remises in uries and ot er incidents o negligence and
misconduct. n t e area o consumer rotection C ris as
represented clients alleging violations of the Unfair Trade
Practices Act and t e air e t Collection Practices Act. C ris
currently re resents ormer and retired
L layers in t e
ational oot all League Players Concussion n ury Litigation.
Prior to joining Motley Rice, Chris served as a law clerk to
t e onora le R. ryan arwell o t e . . istrict Court or
t e istrict o out Carolina. n t is ca acity e conducted
com le researc and re ared ro osed orders in ol ing
numerous areas o t e law assisted wit
ases o
ot ci il and criminal trials and researc ed o inions or t e
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.
A reci ient o t e Citadel c olar ull academic sc olars i and
t e Citadel onors Program old eal C ris was onored wit
the University of South Carolina School of Law’s Cali Award for
en ironmental law. Additionally e ser ed as enior Associate
Editor for the Southeastern Environmental Law Journal and is
t e aut or o u lis ed ieces concerning en ironmental law
such as Politics, Money, and Radioactive Waste: The Savannah
River Site Conundrum, . e. n tl. L. .
rowing u in rural out Carolina wit
lue collar arents
C ris uic ly learned t e alue o ard wor and gi ing ac to
t e community. e olunteers as a
ecial Prosecutor or t e
out Carolina Attorney eneral s
ce and assists wit t e
rosecution o rst o ense domestic iolence cases. C ris also
roudly ser es as class c airman or e Citadel oundation
el ing to raise money or need ased sc olars i unding
and is a ormer mem er o t e C arleston County Li rary oard
o rustees. C ris is recogni ed as an A
rated attorney y
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
West Virginia Super Lawyers® Rising Stars list
2015 Personal in ury
roducts lainti Personal in ury
general lainti Class action mass torts
American Association for Justice
South Carolina Association for Justice
West Virginia Association for Justice
American Bar Association
South Carolina Bar Association
Charleston County Bar Association
Order of the Coif
Order of the Wig and Robe
William P. Tinkler
. . Court o A eals or t e ourt Circuit . . istrict Court
or t e istrict o out Carolina
. . cum laude, University of South Carolina School of Law,
.A. mory ni ersity
illiam in ler wor s wit
u lic ension unds unions and
ot er institutional in estors to el secure go ernance re orms
and achieve recoveries through strategic and targeted litigation.
e andles a wide range o com le cases including securities
and consumer raud litigation and s are older deri ati e suits.
e ore oining Motley Rice illiam cler ed wit t e onora le
R. ryan arwell o t e . . istrict Court or t e istrict o out
Carolina and served as a staff attorney for the South Carolina
Court of Appeals. His work with trial and appellate judges on
a di erse array o legal issues ga e im alua le e erience
in numerous areas o t e law as well as in legal researc and
writing. Additionally, he worked with several South Carolina
law rms and t e C arleston County Pu lic e ender s o ce
e ore is admission to t e ar.
ile in law sc ool illiam ser ed as t e Peer Re iew ditor or
the South Carolina Law Review. uring t is time e de elo ed
t e Peer Re iewed c olars i Mar et lace a consortium o
legal ournals committed to incor orating eer re iew in t eir
article selection rocess. illiam was onored wit t e CAL
award or ederal Practice. n
e was selected as a e t
eneration Leader y t e American Constitution ociety and
served as President of his law school’s chapter. He was also a
mem er o t e rder o t e ig and Ro e.
Acti e in is community
illiam an agle cout as ser ed
as a nit Commissioner wit t e oy couts o America and
artici ated in t e ig rot ers ig isters mentoring rogram.
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 60 of 68
Kathryn A. Waites
. . istrict Court or t e istrict o out Carolina
. . ni ersity o out Carolina c ool o Law
.A. cum laude as ington and Lee ni ersity
aites re resents ictims and amilies armed y
a ardous consumer roducts occu ational and industrial
remises in uries and ot er incidents in ol ing
negligence in products liability, personal injury and wrongful
deat cases.
e is currently in ol ed in a num er o cases
against various corporate defendants and is responsible for
developing legal theories, conducting legal research, and
dra ting disco ery leadings and motions.
since ecoming a lawyer as a mentor or t e C arleston County
ar Association and as ro ided ad ice and aid to many young
lawyers entering t e legal ro ession. atie acti ely su orts
t e ee orton Lowcountry C ildren s Center t e C arleston
Par s Conser ancy and t e Coastal Community oundation
and also currently assists as a u Committee Co C air or
the South Carolina Association for Justice’s newly founded
omen s Caucus.
American Association or ustice
South Carolina Association for Justice
American ar Association
South Carolina Bar Association
out Carolina omen Lawyers Association
Charleston County Bar Association
atie also wor s wit t e P il
ill litigation team to assist
individuals and businesses in their efforts to hold BP and other
cor orate de endants accounta le or t e ee water ori on
oil s ill. e as een re resenting clients in t e ul Coast areas
since s ortly a ter t e disaster occurred and as el ed t em
to ursue litigation and na igate t e claims rocess ursuant to
t e settlement agreement reac ed wit
P. Additionally atie
as e erience re resenting consumers u lic ension unds
unions, whistleblowers and institutional investors in securities
and consumer raud class actions and s are older deri ati e
suits and as assisted in t e re resentation o smo ers and t e
amilies o deceased smo ers against to acco manu acturers
in the Engle-progeny litigation pending in Florida state and
federal courts.
Prior to oining Motley Rice atie ser ed as a law cler or t e
Honorable Catharine R. Aron, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge for the
Middle istrict o ort Carolina. n t is ca acity s e gained
e erience writing com le legal memoranda
re aring
proposed orders and working with attorneys to handle and
resol e ot consumer and usiness an ru tcies.
e also
cler ed or a num er o law rms in t e C arleston .C. area.
A out Carolina nati e atie ursued a uris octor rom t e
University of South Carolina School of Law as a 3-year Merit
Scholarship Recipient. She served as a Student Editor of the
ABA Real Property Probate & Trust Journal and was a com eting
mem er o t e ni ersity o out Carolina Moot Court ar
and a Representative for the Legislative Council of the Student
ar Association. atie also demonstrated er commitment to
u lic ser ice as a mem er o t e ni ersity o out Carolina
Pro Bono Board, a student arbitrator with the Lexington County
u enile Ar itration Program and a olunteer law cler or out
Carolina Appleseed Legal Justice Center, where she worked to
a ect c ange in low income communities t roug out t e state
through education.
atie continues to e acti e in er community olunteering
er time to su ort t e usan . omen Race or t e Cure t e
ac to c ool Angel ree Pro ects and t e out
Carolina ar oung Lawyers i ision s
ecial lym ics and
Annual iCi ics ay Pro ects eac year. atie as also ser ed
Motley Rice LLC • Attorneys at Law
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
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ridgeside l d. Mt. Pleasant C
SC | RI | CT | NY | WV | DC | LA | MO
est roo
lowers C is t e attorney res onsi le or t is communication.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
PD: 04.19.2016
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1 800.768.4026
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natHan d. FincH
202.232.5507 phone • 202232.5513 fax •
With a diverse background in complex civil litigation, Nate Finch brings almost
twenty years of trial experience and strong negotiation skills to Motley Rice. He
represents clients in various asbestos, toxic tort, commercial, securities fraud
and other complex cases.
Practice areas:
Nate has served as the lead trial attorney for his clients in many federal and state
courts and is sought after by co-counsel for advice on challenging cases and
complex legal matters. His thorough knowledge of asbestos and medical issues is
an asset to the firm’s occupational disease and toxic tort clients. He has obtained
plaintiffs’ verdicts in cases against asbestos product manufacturer defendants
and cigarette makers. He has extensive experience trying cases involving a wide
variety of asbestos-containing products, including gaskets, automotive brakes,
floor tiles, joint compounds, and various forms of insulation. He also has years
of experience representing individuals, companies and creditors’ committees in
personal injury litigation, mass torts products liability litigation, securities and
financial fraud litigation and an array of other complex litigation cases ranging
from single plaintiffs’ products liability cases to high-stakes business disputes.
J.D., University of Virginia School of
Law, 1992
B.A., University of Virginia, 1989
Prior to joining Motley Rice, Nate was a partner for more than ten years in a
Washington, D.C.-based law firm and frequently collaborated with Motley
Rice attorneys in trials and negotiations to resolve large asbestos product
manufacturers’ bankruptcies. He tried numerous cases in federal district courts
focusing on the medical and scientific factors associated with asbestos-related
diseases and asbestos exposure. During this time, he also tried and helped
to resolve in favor of his clients five asbestos bankruptcy cases, each having
more than $1 billion at stake. In addition, Nate worked closely with Motley Rice
attorneys on behalf of investors in In re MBNA Securities Litigation and In re
Vivendi Universal, S.A. Securities Litigation.
Nate’s understanding of the factual and legal challenges inherent in complex
cases, combined with his trial experience, has positioned him as a considerable
resource within many practice areas. A frequently invited speaker regarding a
variety of legal matters, he has spoken at many asbestos litigation and bankruptcy
conferences and has been a guest lecturer at the Georgetown University, George
Washington University, George Mason University and the University of Baltimore
law schools on topics relating to civil procedure, mass tort litigation and the
differences between litigating in Article III and Article I courts. He has been an
invited speaker at several judicial conferences on the topic of asbestos litigation.
Asbestos Exposure
Toxic Exposure
Licensed in:
District of Columbia
adMitted to Practice
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third,
Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Tenth Circuits
U.S. District Court for the District of
Columbia and the Eastern District of
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 65 of 68
natHan d. FincH
Recognized as a Martindale Hubbell® AV® rated attorney, Nate has served his
community for many years through volunteer activities coordinated by Greater
D.C. Cares, an organization committed to connecting volunteers with community
service groups. Nate was a member of the Virginia Law Review and the Order of
the Coif, and is a former scholarship track and cross country athlete at UVA.
202.232.5507 phone
202.232.5513 fax
aWards and accoLades:
American Association for Justice
2013 Wiedemann & Wysocki Award
Benchmark Litigation
2013–2016 Washington, D.C. “Litigation Star”: bankruptcy, general commercial,
product liability, securities, white collar crime
Washington, D.C., Super Lawyers® list
2012–2015 Personal injury – products: plaintiff; Personal injury – general:
plaintiff; Securities litigation
Chambers USA
2009–2010 “Top Lawyer”: bankruptcy and restructuring
American Association for Justice
The Barristers
WASHINGTON, DC OFFICE • 1000 Potomac St., Ste 150 NW • Washington, DC 20007
PD: 02.04.16
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JOSePh F. rice
Founding Member
843.216.9159 phone • 843.216.9450 fax •
Joe Rice, Motley Rice co-founder, is recognized as a skillful and innovative
negotiator of complex litigation settlements, having served as the lead negotiator
in some of the largest civil actions our courts have seen in the last 20 years.
Corporate Legal Times reported that national defense counsel and legal scholars
described Joe as one of the nation’s “five most feared and respected plaintiffs’
lawyers in corporate America.” He was cited time after time as one of the toughest,
sharpest and hardest-working litigators they faced. As the article notes, “For all his
talents as a shrewd negotiator ... Rice has earned most of his respect from playing
fair and remaining humble.” The American Lawyer described Joe in 2006 as “one of
the shrewdest businessmen practicing law.”
PracTice areaS:
Joe negotiates for the firm’s clients at all levels, including securities and consumer
fraud, anti-terrorism, human rights, environmental, medical drugs and devices,
as well as catastrophic injury and wrongful death cases. He is a member of the
Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee for the Lipitor® multidistrict litigation and a member
of the Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee for In re General Motors LLC Ignition Switch
Litigation, as well as In re Volkswagen “Clean Diesel” Marketing, Sales Practices,
and Products Liability Litigation.
licenSed in:
BP Oil SPill:
Joe served as a co-lead negotiator for the Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee in
reaching the two settlements with BP, one of which is the largest civil class action
settlement in U.S. history. The Economic and Property Damages Rule 23 Class
Action Settlement is estimated to make payments totaling between $7.8 billion
and $18 billion to class members. Joe was also one of the lead negotiators of the
$1.028 billion settlement reached between the Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee and
Halliburton Energy Services, Inc., for Halliburton’s role in the disaster.
Asbestos Exposure
Auto Defects
Consumer Fraud Protection
Human Rights
Medical Devices
Medical Drugs
Personal Injury & Wrongful Death
Securities Class Actions
Toxic Exposure
District of Columbia
South Carolina
adMiTTed TO PracTice
U.S. Supreme Court
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second,
Third, Fourth and Fifth Circuits
U.S. District Court for the District
of Nebraska and the District of
South Carolina
J.D., University of South Carolina
School of Law, 1979
B.S., University of South
Carolina, 1976
Joe held a crucial role in executing strategic mediations and/or resolutions on
behalf of 56 families of 9/11 victims who opted out of the government-created
September 11 Victim Compensation Fund. In addition to providing answers,
accountability and recourse to victims’ families, the resulting settlements with
multiple defendants shattered a settlement matrix developed and utilized for
decades. The litigation also helped provide public access to evidence uncovered
for the trial.
As lead private counsel for 26 jurisdictions, including numerous State Attorneys
General, Joe was integral to the crafting and negotiating of the landmark Master
Settlement Agreement, in which the tobacco industry agreed to reimburse states
for smoking-related health costs. This remains the largest civil settlement in U.S.
Please remember that every case is
different. Any result we achieve for
one client in one matter does not
necessarily indicate similar results
can be obtained for other clients.
Case 1:16-cv-00745-ESH Document 8-2 Filed 05/02/16 Page 68 of 68
JOSePh F. rice
FOunding MeMBer
843.216.9159 phone • 843.216.9450 fax •
Joe held leadership and negotiating roles involving the
bankruptcies of several large organizations, including
AWI, Federal Mogul, Johns Manville, Celotex, Garlock, W.R.
Grace, Babcock & Wilcox, U.S. Gypsum, Owens Corning
and Pittsburgh Corning. He has also worked on numerous
Trust Advisory Committees. Today, he maintains a critical
role in settlements involving asbestos manufacturers
emerging from bankruptcy and has been recognized for
his work in structuring significant resolutions in complex
personal injury litigation for asbestos liabilities on behalf
of victims injured by asbestos-related products. Joe
has served as co-chair of Perrin Conferences’ Asbestos
Litigation Conference, the largest national asbestosfocused conference.
Benchmark Litigation
2012–2013 National “Litigation Star”: mass tort/product
2012–2016 South Carolina “Litigation Star”:
environmental, mass tort/product liability
South Carolina Super Lawyers® list
2008–2015 Class action/mass torts; Securities litigation;
General litigation
SC Lawyers Weekly
2012 Leadership in Law Award
University of South Carolina School of Law Alumni
2011 Platinum Compleat Lawyer Award
The Legal 500 United States, Litigation edition
2011–2012 Mass tort and class action: plaintiff
representation – toxic tort
Joe is often sought by investment funds for guidance
on litigation strategies to increase shareholder value,
enhance corporate governance reforms and recover
assets. He was an integral part of the shareholder
derivative action against Omnicare, Inc., Manville Personal
Injury Settlement Trust v. Gemunder, which resulted in a
significant settlement for shareholders as well as new
corporate governance policies for the corporation.
The National Trial Lawyers
2010 Top 100 Trial Lawyers™ – South Carolina
In 1999 and 2000, he served on the faculty at Duke
University School of Law as a Senior Lecturing Fellow, and
taught classes on the art of negotiating at the University
of South Carolina School of Law, Duke University School
of Law and Charleston School of Law.
University of South Carolina
2011 Garnet Award: in recognition of Joe and his
family for their passion for and devotion to Gamecock
In 2013, he and the firm created the Ronald L. Motley
Scholarship Fund at The University of South Carolina
School of Law in memory and honor of co-founding
member and friend, Ron Motley.
National Association of Attorneys General
1998 President’s Award
MUSC Children’s Hospital
2010 Johnnie Dodds Award: in honor of his longtime
support of the annual Bulls Bay Golf Challenge
Fundraiser and continued work on behalf of our
community’s children
SC Junior Golf Association Programs
2011 Tom Fazio Service to Golf Award: in recognition of
promotional efforts
cOMMuniTY inVOlVeMenT:
aWardS and accOladeS:
Dee Norton Lowcountry Children’s Center, Co-chair for
inaugural Campaign for the Next Child
First Tee of Greater Charleston, Board of Advisors
2015 “Product Liability VP”
The Best Lawyers in America®
2013 “Lawyer of the Year” Charleston, SC: mass tort
litigation/class actions – plaintiffs
2007–2016 Mass tort litigation/class actions plaintiffs
American Association for Justice
American Bar Association
American Inns of Court
American Constitution Society for Law and Policy
South Carolina Association for Justice
* The Best Lawyers in America® 2016 (Copyright 2015 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken, S.C.) Although it endorses this lawyer,
The Legal 500 United States is not a Motley Rice client. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
SOUTH CAROLINA OFFICE • 28 Bridgeside Blvd. • Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
PD: 02.04.16
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