Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. v. The Unidentified, Shipwrecked Vessel or Vessels

Filing 36

MOTION for protective order Regarding Preliminary Site Assessment by Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit of Greg Stemm# 2 Text of Proposed Order)(Von Spiegelfeld, Allen) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Thomas B. McCoun, III.

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Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. v. The Unidentified, Shipwrecked Vessel or Vessels Doc. 36 Att. 1 Case 8:06-cv-01685-SDM-TBM Document 36-2 Filed 08/06/2007 Page 1 of 11 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Tampa Division In Admiralty ODYSSEY MARINE EXPLORATION, INe. Plaintiff CIVIL ACTION Case No: 8:06-CV-01685-SDM-TBM THE UNIDENTIFIED SHIPWRECKED VESSEL its apparel, tackle, appurtenances and cargo located within center point coordinates: 49 25' N , 6 00' W; Radius: 5 nautical miles Defendant; in rem and The Kingdom of Spain Claimant and Defendant. AFFIDAVIT OF GREGORY P. STEMM IN RELATION TO PLAINTIFF' S MOTION FOR ENTRY OF A PROTECTIVE ORDER ASSESSMENT REGARDING PRELIMINARY SITE My full name is Gregory Paul Stemm. My legal address is 5719 Longboat Blvd. , Tampa Florida 33615, USA. I am competent to testify as to the matters covered in this affidavit. I have personal knowledge regarding the information contained herein and hereby swear that the information is tre and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Dockets.Justia.com ," Case 8:06-cv-01685-SDM-TBM Document 36-2 Filed 08/06/2007 Page 2 of 11 I am the Cofounder and Co-Chairman Inc. ("Odyssey of Odyssey Marne Exploration ), an American company incorporated under the laws of the state of Nevada with its principal place of business located in Tampa, Florida. This affidavit is prepared in support of Odyssey s Motion for Protective Order Regarding Preliminar Site Assessment ("PSA" Odyssey" has prepared an extensive Preliminary Site Assessment (hereinafter PSA") in relation to the Unidentified Shipwrecked Vessel ("Defendant Site ), and arifacts recovered therefrom, that are at issue in this case. The PSA reflects the labors of dozens of Odyssey employees and consultants as well as substantial research and investigation into the Defendant Site and the artifacts from the Defendant Site. The PSA also contains very sensitive and proprietary information (handled as trade secrets by the Odyssey) about Odyssey s sources and methods in conducting shipwreck exploration , archaeological excavation, as well as arifact curation and conservation. Odyssey s research and expertise used in the process of identifying, items recovering and conserving any wreck or wreck site greatly adds to the value of ultimately recovered. F or reasons that I wil elaborate here, Odyssey is very reluctant to have this PSA made available to the public. Release of the information set forth in the PSA would fuel a great deal of speculation about the identity of the Defendant Site. If the Defendant Site is one of the potential shipwrecks identified in the PSA, research suggests that there should be substantially more arifacts of significant value on the Defendant Site that have not been recovered to date. This possibility would most likely ignite a frenz of competing activities and attempts to recover the balance of the goods at the site. Such Case 8:06-cv-01685-SDM-TBM Document 36-2 Filed 08/06/2007 Page 3 of 11 activity would not only endanger Odyssey s equipment and personnel at the Defendant Site (and at other sites), but would also threaten the legal rights Odyssey asserts in this case , as well as this Court' s jurisdiction and authority to adjudicate the matter. Odyssey is a publicly traded company in the United States (NASDAQ: ticker "OMEX"), subject to all of the public disclosure requirements and strctures of the S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and The NASDAQ Stock Market. SEC and NASDAQ rules dictate the prompt release to the public of all material non- public information concerning the company s operations that are not otherwise privileged or proprietar. The exception is when the company has a signficant strategic reason for and that the confidential information is subject to a keeping information confidential, strct nondisclosure policy which serves to assure that no information wil be leaked under strict penalties and consequences for anyone that violates this policy. Attached is a nondisclosure agreement which must be signed by all Odyssey employees and consultants requiring them to maintain the confidentiality of information regarding Odyssey s business operations. 10. Odyssey signed a similar nondisclosure agreement with Volvo when it began a project in March 2007, in which Odyssey agreed to bury treasure for Volvo as par of a promotional contest. Speculating as to the nature of Odyssey s activities in this regard , the Spanish press linked it to the recovery of one of Odyssey s own shipwreck projects. In an attempt to explain its activities and in an effort to be fully transparent to both the U. S. and the Spanish governents, Odyssey received permission from Volvo to communicate the natue of the project. Odyssey provided the information to the U. State Deparent who communicated it to the Spanish Embassy with the express caveat Case 8:06-cv-01685-SDM-TBM Document 36-2 Filed 08/06/2007 Page 4 of 11 that the information must be kept confidential. Nevertheless , the information was leaked to the Spanish press the very next day. I was informed by a Spanish official that an of internal investigation determined that this leak originated from the Spanish Ministr Culture in Madrid. 11. Clearly, Odyssey has reason to believe the confidential nature of the PSA the in this case wil be jeopardized without protection from this Court. Furhermore, release of the PSA to the Claimant in this case , without appropriate confidentiality safeguards , would constitute an actionable selective release of material non-public information and would dictate Odyssey making it available to the public as well. 12. As stated, many aspects of the PSA clearly contain proprietar data as Odyssey s sources and methods in conducting shipwreck exploration and archaeological arifact recovery. This is information that Odyssey legitimately regards as trade secrets; It would be potentially damaging to the company to have the PSA released to the public including our competitors. Odyssey s competitors in the field of shipwreck exploration would gain a material advantage in access to business methods and data, which has taken Odyssey years of experience, and milions of dollars in financing, to accumulate. 13. In paricular, Spain s counsel in this matter, James Goold, is the Chairman of a Foundation called the RPM Nautical Foundation. The following are excerpts from RPM Nautical' s own website: About RPM Nautical Foundation RPM Nautical Foundation was founded in 2000 by George Robb. Afer his association with INA during the 1990' , George realized that new technologies could further advance the discipline of nautical archaeology. As such he founded RPM in order to apply cutting-edge multi- beam and ROV technologies to the exploration of underwater sites. Projects provide advanced technologies to international cultural ministries of governments that do not have the resources to invest in such specifc archaeological equipment. Working in partnership with these countries, George establishes the protection of their underwater heritage as afundamental tenet ofRPVoperations. Source: http://ww. rpmnautical. org/aboutrpm. htm Case 8:06-cv-01685-SDM-TBM Document 36-2 Filed 08/06/2007 Page 5 of 11 Thisfrom the Project Overview section of the RPM Nautical Foundation s survey off Spain in 2004: through An extensive survey of the coastal waters near Cadiz, Spain was conducted from May 2004 in partnership with the Centro di Arquelogica Subaquatica of the Junta of Andalucia and Institute of Nautical of Archaeology. Archaeologists from CAS provided extensive information from previous work in the area and led diving teams to various sites located from previous reports and from remote sensing data generated during the project. RPM provided the survey vessels Hercules and Juno and associated auxiliary vessels, plus diving support. The National Geographic Society provided generous financial support as well as technical assistance with ROV operations and imaging. July frequent Over six weeks of operations, approximately 150 square kilometers were surveyed, despite interrptions due to adverse weather. Post-acquisition processing of the data is now (December 2004) underway. To date more than 300 anomalies have been identifed. Sites identifed in the remote sensing data to date include several sites with size or other characteristics consistent with the warships sunk soon after being taken as prizes following the battle. Numerous more recent shipwreck sites have been identifed while anomalies were also observed that possess characteristics consistent with those of ancient shipwreck sites. Source: http://ww. rpmnautical. org/cadiz. htm 14. Odyssey has been active in to the promoting the provIsIOn of underwater archaeology servIces Spanish Governent and the Autonomous region of Andalucia. RPM Nautical Foundation is a direct competitor of Odyssey in these efforts. Odyssey has capabilities and technical expertise that significantly surpass the capabilities of RPM. Provision of technical details relating to the methodology that Odyssey uses for its projects would provide RPM with an advantage in competing with Odyssey in provision of these services. 15. to locate and RPM Nautical has ships, ROVs and search equipment that could be used work on the subject Defendant Site, if even only vague locational informational is obtained through their Chairman, Jim Goold. The Spanish Governent has already shown through seizure and detention of the Ocean Alert that they are willing to violate International Law in order to attempt to gain information that may provide Spain with access to the subject Defendant Site. For this reason, Odyssey is concerned that any information relative to the location of the Defendant Site which is provided to Case 8:06-cv-01685-SDM-TBM Document 36-2 Filed 08/06/2007 Page 6 of 11 Goold or Spain may be used under the auspIces of a request from the Spanish Governent by either the RPM Nautical Group or some other company that could be contracted by Spain. 16. Publicly releasing the PSA will have a direct effect on the s operations at the effciency, safety and security of Odyssey Defendant Site (and elsewhere). Release of the PSA to the public wil inevitably result in the revelation of clues as to the whereabouts of the Defendant Site , as well as information and insights into the maner that Odyssey conducts its operations , such that a well-informed competitor - or the Spanish Governent or their contactor - would be in a position to be better able to track and interfere with Odyssey s operations. 17. This interference could occur and affect a number of Odyssey s business and martime activities thoughout the world , all essential to Odyssey s operations. The archival and curation information in the PSA would allow the media , competitors historians or foreign governents to interfere with Odyssey s access to archival source data, essential for the identification and ultimate protection of the Defendant Site. The operational data contained in the PSA would permit media, intermeddlers to "shadow " competitors , or officious and track Odyssey vessels , equipment, personnel and communications in attempts to reveal the location of the Defendant Site or other valuable data. 18. Release of the PSA might, in the most extreme case, allow a competitor or significant investment in research , data- rival claimant to circumvent Odyssey collection , ocean surveys and ground-trthing, and actually locate and begin recovery operations on the Defendant Site. If such a rival competitor or claimant was based Case 8:06-cv-01685-SDM-TBM Document 36-2 Filed 08/06/2007 Page 7 of 11 outside of the United States, it would be most difficult for this Court to enforce its even for activities taken in violation of the Court' injunction wrt against such a par, orders and in derogation of Odyssey s rights. The very jurisdiction of this Court to efficiently and effectively adjudicate this matter (not only in relation to Odyssey s rights but those of any legitimate claimant) would thus be compromised , if not entirely arrogated. 19. The disclosure of the PSA or any par of it would cause irreparable harm to Odyssey, to its shareholders , and to the archaeological integrty of this Defendant Site due to the fact that, if the location of the Defendant Site became known to the public there would be no way to protect the wreck from plunderers. Thus , in my view and that of Odyssey, the PSA, or any par thereof, ought not to be disclosed to any pary claimant in this action without appropriate confidentiality safeguards to ensure that it wil not be leaked or otherwise disclosed to the public. ". ..., . Case 8:06-cv-01685-SDM-TBM Document 36-2 Filed 08/06/2007 Page 8 of 11 I CERTIFY THT THE ABOVE IS TRUE AN OF MY KNOWLEDGE CORRCT TO TH BEST Gregor Cofounder.ari Co-Chainnan Odyssey Marie Exploration Inc COUN OF HILSBOROUGH The foregoing instrment by STATE OF FLORIA I';f '2ff l! was aclmowledged before me ths day of August. 2007. wnbYme. d. Notar Public ....u......,..... E l" .i \,\0111"1, BETSY W.' MARRER' rl O,,,,,uI CQmmM DD0374815 i jl1 1t1281008 : . '.."..'.........1 : ,'lCfI\ II,,,"U' " BDnoed IhIU (800)432"'254 F .....u"....'I..".r otry Aaln .. me : -"- -----.- -..-.. _'----.- --- Case 8:06-cv-01685-SDM-TBM Document 36-2 Filed 08/06/2007 Page 9 of 11 MARINE EXPLORATION DY55EY __.__n._. ATTACHMENT CERTIFICATION OF AGREEMENT I CERTIFY THAT: I have read and understand the following Company Statements of Policies: INSIDER TRADING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF LIMITED PHOTO & VIDEO RIGHTS CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT ALCOHOL & DRUG POLICY HARASSMENT POLICY I understand that a Company representative is available to answer any questions I have regarding the Statements of Policies. This representative is: Donna Fernandez Manager of Human Resources 813- 314- 2551 donna shipwreck.net I wil agree to comply with the Statements of Policy by my signature below: Signature: Print name: Date: Attachment Page 1 _._--- ......_,._ -.._,-_._-.- _-- -_. . ...-.,,---.- --. Case 8:06-cv-01685-SDM-TBM Document 36-2 Filed 08/06/2007 Page 10 of 11 MARINE EXPLORATION 1.0 DYSSEY Purose CONFIDENTIALITY POLICY The purpose of this Confidentiality Agreement is to allow the Company to enter into a working relationship with the Persons Affected, as defined in paragraph 3. 0 below. Revision History 1 October 27 2004 Revised Persons Affected All Employees, Consultants, Contractors, Subcontractors, Visitors, Business Invitees Technicians , Crew, Officers and Directors are "Affected Person(s)" Policy Working Relationship The Company and Person Affected have entered into a working relationship involving one or more aspects of the Company s business. Hereinafter referred to as the ("Working Relationship ). In order for the Person Affected and the Company to potentially or actively engage in a Working Relationship, the Company agrees to furnished the Person Affected information , including certain confidential, nonpublic information, as well as general information about the company and/or its operations (collectively "the Information 4.2 Confidentiality In consideration of the Company s disclosure of the Information, the Person Affected agrees that he/she/they will keep the Information confidential and that the Information wil not,- without the prior written consent of the Company, be disclosed" by the Person Affected, to any third paries, in " any maner whatsoever, in whole or in part , and shall not be used by the Person Affected other than in connection with the proposed Working Relationship. The Person Affected agrees that, at the conclusion of his /her review of the Information, or within three business days after the Company s request, all copies of the Information in any form whatsoever (including, but not limited to any reports , memoranda or other materials prepared by the Person Affected or at his direction , whether on paper or magnetic, optical or other medium) wil be delivered by the Person Affected to the Company. Return ofthe Information 4.4 Material Non-Public Information The Company is a publicly traded company. The Information the Company supplies to the Person Affected may contain Material Non Public Information as defined by State and Federal securities laws. The Person Affected further agrees that he wil not execute any trades in the Company securities while he/she/they are in possession of, or has knowledge of, any confidential Attachment Page 2 -_. --- --- Case 8:06-cv-01685-SDM-TBM Document 36-2 Filed 08/06/2007 Page 11 of 11 MARINE EXPLORATION DYSSEY CONFIDENTIALITY POLICY material , non-public information regarding the Company. (See also: Insider Trading Policy) Injunctive Relief The Person Affected acknowledges and agrees that, in the event of any breach of this Agreement, the Company would be irreparably and immediately hared and could not be made whole by monetar damages. Accordingly, it is agreed that, in addition to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law or in equity, the Company shall be entitled to an injunction or injunctions (without the posting of any bond and without proof of actual damages) to prevent breaches or threatened breaches of this Agreement and/or to compel specific performance of this Agreement. Person Affected fuher agrees that he/she/they wil be liable to the Company, its officers and directors for any damages caused by any unauthorized release or disclosure of the confidential material , non-public information. Attachment Page 3

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