Securities and Exchange Commission v. Nadel et al

Filing 259

Unopposed MOTION for attorney fees Fourth Interim Motion for Order Awarding Fees, Costs, and Reimbursement of Costs to Receiver and His Professionals by Burton W. Wiand. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Standardized Fund Accounting Report, #2 Exhibit B - Receiver's Fourth Interim Report, #3 Exhibit C - Receiver - Receivership Invoice, #4 Exhibit D - Receiver - Home Front Homes v. Bishop Invoice, #5 Exhibit E - Receiver - Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy Invoice, #6 Exhibit F - Receiver - Recovery From Investors Invoice, #7 Exhibit G - Receiver - Recovery from Moodys Invoice, #8 Exhibit H - Receiver - Recovery of Commissions Invoice, #9 Exhibit I - Receiver - FW Categorization and Summary of Costs, #10 Exhibit J - FW Fee Schedule, #11 Exhibit K - FW Receivership Invoice, #12 Exhibit L - FW - Home Front Homes v. Bishop Invoice, #13 Exhibit M - FW - Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy Invoice, #14 Exhibit N - FW - Recovery From Investors Invoice, #15 Exhibit O - FW - Recovery from Moodys Invoice, #16 Exhibit P - FW - Recovery of Commissions Invoice, #17 Exhibit Q - PDR Invoice, #18 Exhibit R - Riverside Financial Group Invoice, #19 Exhibit S - E-Hounds Invoice, #20 Exhibit T - Text of Proposed Order)(Morello, Gianluca)

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Securities and Exchange Commission v. Nadel et al Doc. 259 Att. 15 EXHIBIT FOWLER~ Animi!~;:;'ii;~:~ WHITE BOGGS l o Burton W. Wiand Fowler White Boggs P.A. 501 East Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1700 Tampa, Florida 33602 November 3, 2009 Invoice 729026 Tax # 59-1280172 Page 1 BWW/i091072 Re: 1091072 Scoop Legal Team - Recovery of Assets from Chris and Neil Moody Professional Services Through 08/31109 Asset Analysis and Recovery 07/01/09 Worked on affidavit for Chris Moody regarding recovery of CRN assets and Qwest Energy asset. ASSET 07/02/09 0.70 hrs. Further work on recovery of Chris Moody's assets. ASSET CRN 4.20 hrs. 07/02/09 Communicate with Mr. Nelson regarding Moody's interest in and review of records (.5); research regarding Viking Oil & Gas per conference with Mr. Nelson (.3); review of documentation regarding Quest and investments of Viking Oil & Gas (.2). ASSET JCR ASSET CRN 1.00 hrs. 07/06/09 Worked on recovery motions (2.7); further work on recovery of assets from Neil and Chris Moody (2.0). 4.70 hrs. 07/06/09 Review of materials related to per conferences with Mr. Nelson and Mr. Liu. JCR ASSET 0.30 hrs. 07/07/09 Office conference with Chris Moody and David Knight (1.5); conferred with Burt Wiand regarding and Queen's Wreath Jewelry FOWLER WHITE BOGGS P .A. TAMPA "0 FORT MYERS ° TALLAHASSEE ° JACKSONVILLE ° FORT LAUDERDALE 501 EAST KENNEDY BLVD., SUITE 1700 ° TAMPA, FLORIDA 33602 ° P.O. Box 1438 ° TAMPA, FL 33601 TELEPHONE (813) 228-7411 ° FAX (813) 229-8313 °WWW.FOWLERWHITE.COM EXPENSES ARE BILLED AT ACTUAL COSTS DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ABA GUIDELINES Burton W. Wi and Re: Scoop Legal Team - Recovery of Assets from Chrs and Neil Moody November 3, 2009 Invoice 729026 Page 2 BWW 11 091 072 (1.2). ASSET 07/07/09 CRN 2.70 hrs. Meeting with Receiver, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Knight and Chris Moody regarding transfer of assets (1.3); review of documentation regarding Viking Oil & Gas and Queen's Wreath per conference with Receiver (2.0); conferences with Bil Price at PDR and review ofPDR reports and documentation regarding same (.5). ASSET JCR ASSET CRN 3.80 hrs. 07/08/09 Prepared motion to recover jewelry (.7); conferred with Burt Wiand regarding jewelry (.3); e-mail to Scott Masel and the Moodys' attorney regarding the jewelry (.3). 1.30 hrs. 07/08/09 Meeting with Chris Moody regarding review of financial documentation. ASSET JCR 3.00 hrs. 07/08/09 Research Florida's secured transaction statutes and securitized stock transfer statutes regarding loan to Christopher Moody (3.6); conduct UCC search on Christopher Moody (1.5); meet with Mr. Wiand to discuss research finding in Christopher Moody securitized stock transfer (.4). ASSET KTA 5.50 hrs. 07/09/09 Meeting with Chris Moody regarding analysjs of assets (1.5); communicate with Morgan Bently regarding status of Paolino receivership per conference with Receiver (.2). ASSET JCR 1.70 hrs. 07110/09 Edited Viking Oil & Gas motion (.3); e-mail exchanges with Scott Masel regarding Moody assets (.3); further edits of jewelry motion (.3); e-mail to David Knight regarding Viking Oil & Gas motion filed 10/21 (.3); letter from S. Ells regarding demand letter (.2); receipt and review of faxes from D. Blumberg regarding demand letter (.3); edited jewelry motion (4.6); offce conference with Chris Moody and David Knight regarding recovery of assets (.4); telephone conference with Morgan Bentley regarding Moody assets (.4); e-mail to Morgan Bentley regarding FOWLER WHITE BOGGS P.A. TAMPA 0 FORT MYERS 0 TALLAHASSEE 0 JACKSONVILLE 0 FORT LAUDERDALE and Re: Scoop Legal Team - Recovery of Assets from Chris and Neil Moody Burton W. Wi November 3, 2009 Invoice 729026 Page 3 BWWI1091072 Moodys (.3). ASSET 07110/09 CRN 7.40 hrs. Conference with receiver, Mr. Nelson and Morgan Bentley regarding jewels and other assets of Moody's being including in the receivership Mr. Nelson (.4); Review of (.6); review of materials related to Queen's Wreath and conference with materials related to Callahan Energy Partners and conference with Receiver and Mr. Nelson (.4); meeting with Chris Moody regarding asset analysis (2.0); conference with David Knight, Carl Nelson and Chris Moody regarding Queen's Wreath transaction (.3); conference with Tina Litte at Queen's Wreath regarding transaction documentation (.2); review of Agreement to Transfer Stock and Mutual Release and conference with Mr. Nelson and Ms. Little regarding same (.2). ASSET JCR 4.10 hrs. 07/13/09 Meeting with Chris Moody regarding review of documentation / collection of assets (1.5); communicate with Tina Little at Queen's Wreath Jewels regarding documentation regarding transfer of stock and jewels (.2). ASSET 07114/09 JCR 1.70 hrs. Edited motion to bring Viking Oil and Gas within receivership (.4); numerous e-mail exchanges with Mark Donzi and David Knight regarding Viking Oil & Gas (1.1). ASSET CRN 1.50 hrs. 07114/09 Meeting with Chris Moody regarding collection of assets. ASSET JCR ASSET CRN 1.50 hrs. 07115/09 Worked on motion to recover assets (2.5); meeting with D. Knight, R. Glenn, and C. Postler regarding the Moody's (2.1). 4.60 hrs. 07115/09 Review of records and communicate with Mr. Nelson regarding and landmark Bank transaction (.3); communicate with Lori Vaughan, Esq regarding Viking Oil & Gas, LLC bank account per FOWLER WHITE BOGGS P .A. TAMPA. FORT MYERS. TALLAHASSEE · JACKSONVILLE · FORT LAUDERDALE Burton W. Wiand Re: Scoop Legal Team - Recovery of Assets from Chris and Neil Moody November 3, 2009 Invoice 729026 Page 4 BWWI1091072 conference with Receiver (.2); communicate with Paul & Jeff Downey at Quest Energy regarding Viking Oil & Gas, LLC per conference with Receiver (.2); telephone call to John Compton, Esq. regarding Viking Oil & Gas, LLC (.1); meeting with Receiver, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Knight, Mr. Prosser and Mr. Glenn regarding accounting of and transfer of Moody's assets (1.0). ASSET 07116/09 JCR 1.80 hrs. Worked on motion to recover jewelry (1.9); further work on motion (1.8); numerous telephone conversations with Mark Danzi (.6). ASSET CRN 4.30 hrs. 07116/09 Communicate with Jason Liu, Esq. regarding stock certificates and original documentation and review of communications with (.2); meeting with Chris Moody regarding review of documentation (1.5); communicate with Jeff Downey at Quest regarding arranging conference call (.1); preparation of spreadsheet of Chris Moody's assets and interests (1.5). ASSET JCR 3.30 hrs. 07117/09 Meet with Chris Moody regarding review of documentation and assets. ASSET JCR ASSET CRN recovery of 0.50 hrs. 07/20/09 Received and reviewed LandMark Bank's objection (1.1); considered jewelry (.9). response (.7); further consideration of 2.70 hrs. 07/20/09 Communicate with Sarah Wakefield at Norton Hammersley and review of documentation provided elating to Viking Oil & Gas (.2); communicate with Jeff & Paul Downey at Quest regarding conference call (.1). ASSET 07/21/09 JCR 0.30 hrs. Legal research regarding interplay between All Writs Act and Anti-Injunction Act in an SEC enforcement proceeding. ASSET ABT 0.70 hrs. FOWLER WHITE BOGGS P.A. TAMPA. FORT MYERS . TALLAHASSEE · JACKSONVILLE · FORT LAUDERDALE Burton W. Wiand Re: Scoop Legal Team - Recovery of Assets from Chris and Neil Moody November 3, 2009 Invoice 729026 Page 5 BWW/1091 072 07/21/09 Call to Chambers regarding procedure (.2); worked on motion for leave to reply to LandMark's objection (.9); telephone conference with David Knight (.3); worked on Moody affdavit (.4). ASSET CRN 1.80 hrs. 07/21/09 Review of e-mails regarding documentation related to Landmark communication with Chris Moody (.5); receipt and review of documents from Mr. Merritt at SeaGate Enterprises correspondence and X, Inc. in resopnse to subpoena (.2). ASSET JCR ASSET ABT 0.70 hrs. 07/22/09 Legal research regarding All Writs Act and Anti-Injunction Act. 1.50 hrs. 07/23/09 Further work on assets. ASSET Further work on assets. ASSET CRN 2.00 hrs. 07/24/09 CRN 7.80 hrs. 07/24/09 Communicate with Ashley Trehan, Esq. regarding Moody investments Viking Oil & Gas & Queen Wreath - in preparation of filing motion in state court action (.3); communicate with Mr. Nelson and review of records regarding Chirs Moody Northern Trust and Landmark accounts (.4). ASSET 07/27/09 JCR 0.70 hrs. Telephone conference with K. Hoeck and T. Cardwell regarding Landmark Bank's claim against Chris Moody assets (.3); e-mail exchange with David Knight and Chris Moody regarding Landmark Bank (.3). ASSET CRN 0.60 hrs. 07/27/09 Communicate with Jason Liu, Esq. regarding status of Schedule 13D filing regarding (.1); retrieval of documentation prepared by Chrs Moody related to per conference with Mr. Nelson (.1). FOWLER WHITE BOGGS P.A. TAMPA. FORT MYERS . TALLAHASSEE · JACKSONVILLE · FORT LAUDERDALE Burton W. Wiand Re: Scoop Legal Team - Recovery of Assets from Chris and Neil Moody November 3, 2009 Invoice 729026 Page 6 BWW/10910n ASSET 07/30/09 JCR 0.20 hrs. Office conference with Chris Moody and David Knight regarding recovery of assets (2.7); extensive review ofUCC provisions (3.0). ASSET CRN ASSET 5.70 hrs. 07/30/09 Meeting with Chris Moody regarding review of Landmark Bank documentation. JCR 0.30 hrs. 07/31/09 Worked on affidavit and reply (.6); offce conference with Chris Moody and David Knight (.9); e-mail to Scott Masel regarding SEC's position regarding assets (.2). ASSET CRN 1.70 hrs. 07/31/09 Review of documentation provided by Chris Moody in response to subpoena for tax return and accountant information per conference with Mr. Nelson. JCR ASSET 0.30 hrs. 08/03/09 Worked on reply regarding Landmark Bank. ASSET 08/03/09 CRN 1.80 hrs. Review of website communication regarding Moody assets and research and review property records related to properties. ASSET JCR ASSET CRN 1.00 hrs. 08/04/09 Further work on reply (.9); call from Judge's law clerk (.2); call to and from K. Hoeck regarding Landmark(.3); call to law clerk regarding Landmark (.4). 1.80 hrs. 08/05/09 Further work on recovery of jewelry (.7); e-mail exchange with David jewelry (.4). Knight regarding CRN ASSET 1.10 hrs. FOWLER WHITE BOGGS P.A. TAMPA. FORT MYERS. TALLAHASSEE · JACKSONVILLE . FORT LAUDERDALE Burton W. Wiand Re: Scoop Legal Team - Recovery of Assets from Chris and Neil Moody November 3, 2009 Invoice 729026 Page 7 BWWI1091072 08/05/09 Review of Notes and Warrants related to per conference with Mr. Liu and conference with Mr. Liu and Mr. Wiand regarding preparation of Schedule 13D (.7); communicate with Carl Nelson regarding summary of Queen's Wreath investment of Moody (.1). ASSET JCR ASSET CRN 0.80 hrs. 08/06/09 Call from Kay Hoeck regarding Landmark Bank's interest in assets (.3); further work on jewelry (.8). 1.10 hrs. 08/07/09 Call to David Knight regarding Neil Moody's interest in (.2); conferred with Burt Wiand regarding recovery of additional assets (.2). ASSET CRN 0.40 hrs. 08110/09 E-mail from Mark Danzi and to Jason Liu regarding warrants. ASSET CRN 0.20 hrs. 08110/09 Communicate with Jason Liu regarding modified Schedule 13D (.1); communicate with Jason Liu, Rich Glazier regarding conference call and review communicate with Mr. Liu and regarding conference call (.2); review of documentation related to Chris Moody for December 2008 Warrant (.5); telephone conference with Mr. Liu and Rich Glazier and Kim Roman at Wachovia Brokerage regarding transfer of stock, etc. (.7). ASSET 08111/09 JCR 1.50 hrs. Communicate with Jason Liu regarding Westlaw/Edgar training to handle JCR ASSET 0.20 hrs. 08112/09 Offce conference with Chris Moody (.9); letter to Bentley Morgan regarding jewelry (.4); telephone conference with David Knight regarding Paolino action (.7); reviewed motion to enjoin state court proceeding (.7). ASSET CRN 2.70 hrs. FOWLER WHITE BOGGS P.A. TAMPA. FORT MYERS . TALLAHASSEE · JACKSONVILLE · FORT LAUDERDALE Burton W. Wiand Re: Scoop Legal Team - Recovery of Assets from Chris and Neil Moody November 3, 2009 Invoice 729026 Page 8 BWWI1091072 08112/09 Conference with Jason Liu and West representative regarding Edgar online filings (.6); communicate with Rich Glaizer at Wachovia regarding brokerage account (.2). ASSET 08113/09 JCR 0.80 hrs. Review of documentation related to Moody's loan to Segreti. ASSET JCR 0.50 hrs. 08117/09 Communicate with Jason Liu regarding shares of Drinks America held by materials from for note Neil and Chris Moody (.1); review of related to Neil Moody per request ofMr. Liu (.2); communicate with Rich Glazier at Wachovia securities regarding brokerage account information (.2). ASSET 08/18/09 JCR 0.50 hrs. Worked on jewelry motion (.2); conferred with Burt Wiand regarding jewelry motion (.2). ASSET CRN 0.40 hrs. 08/20/09 Prepared briefing memo to Burt Wiand regarding enjoining Paolino action. CRN ASSET 0.10 hrs. 08/21/09 Conferred with Wiand regarding Paolino (1.0); worked on affdavit for Chris Moody (.8); e-mail exchange with Morgan Bentley (.6). ASSET CRN ASSET 2.40 hrs. 08/24/09 Worked on Paolino enjoinder. CRN 0.40 hrs. 08/25/09 Edited Paolino stay motion (.6); call to Judge Wiliams' chambers (.3); e-mail to Wiliams chambers with copy of enjoinder motion (.4). ASSET CRN 1.30 hrs. 08/26/09 Received and reviewed Order for Hearing (.3); call to Chambers regarding hearing date (.4); e-mail to Judge Wiliams forwarding Order FOWLER WHITE BOGGS P.A. TAMPA. FORT MYERS. TALLAHASSEE · JACKSONVILLE · FORT LAUDERDALE Burton W. Wiand Re: Scoop Legal Team - Recovery of Assets from Chris and Neil Moody November 3, 2009 Invoice 729026 Page 9 BWWI1091072 (.3); faxed Order to state Receiver Robert Elliott (.3); returned call from David Knight (.8). CRN ASSET 08/26/09 Danzi, Esq. regarding documentation and assets of Moody (.2); communicate with Rich Glazier at Wachovia and Jason Liu regarding Warrants (.2). Communicate with Mark 2.10 hrs. ASSET JCR ASSET CRN ASSET 0.40 hrs. 08/27/09 Received and reviewed Paolino's response in opposition to receiver's to enjoin state court action (.3); prepared motion for leave to reply motion to Paolino (.8); call to Scott Masel regarding Paolino (.2). 1.30 hrs. 08/28/09 Conferred with Burt Wi and regarding Paolino (.1); call to David Knight CRN regarding Paolino (.2). 0.30 hrs. 08/28/09 Communicate with Mark Danzi, Esq. regarding Segreti loan to Moody and files from Norton Hamersly firm. " ASSET JCR ASSET CRN 0.10 hrs. 08/31/09 Call to and e-mail to Scott Masel regarding Moody (.2); letter from David Knight (.1); telephone conference with David Knight (.2); e-mail exchange with Mark Danzi all regarding Moodys' assets (.2). 0.70 hrs. 08/31/09 Review of fies for original warrants per conference with Mr. Liu and Mr. Glazier. JCR ASSET $29,256.45 0.30 Ins. TOT AL Asset Analysis and Recovery Case Administration 110.80 hrs. FOWLER WHITE BOGGS P .A. TAMPA. FORT MYERS . TALLAHASSEE · JACKSONVILLE · FORT LAUDERDALE Burton W. Wiand Re: Scoop Legal Team - Recovery of Assets from Chris and Neil Moody November 3, 2009 Invoice 729026 Page 10 BWW/1091 072 08/05/09 Receipt and review of Order granting Motion for Possession of assets and communicate with Jason Liu regarding preparation of Schedule 13D and notice to CASE JCR CASE 0.20 hrs. 08118/09 Receipt and review of correspondence from Morgan Bentley, Esq. regarding suing Moodys. JCR 0.10 hrs. 08/25/09 Communicate with Andre Zamorano at SEC regarding complaint preparation and statements of investors needed. CASE JCR Summary of Fees 0.10 hrs. TOTAL Case Administration $56.00 0.40 hrs. Carl R Nelson Keith T Appleby Ashley Bruce Trehan Jeffrey C Rizzo Hours 71.80 5.50 2.20 31.70 Rate/Hr 325.00 202.50 193.50 140.00 Dollars 23,335.00 1,113.75 425.70 4,438.00 TOTAL 111.20 29,312.45 Disbursements Through 08/31/09 07110/09 Fees for Professional Services Rendered....................................................... $ 29,312.45 Long Distance Telephone $ 3.45 3.45 Total Disbursements ........................................................................................................ TOTALS FOR THIS INVOICE Fees for Professional Services............................................................................................... FOWLER WHITE BOGGS P .A. TAMPA. FORT MYERS . TALLAHASSEE · JACKSONVILLE · FORT LAUDERDALE 29,312.45 Burton W. Wiand Re: Scoop Legal Team - Recovery of Assets from Chris and Neil Moody November 3, 2009 Invoice 729026 Page 11 BWWI1091072 Disbursements...................................................................................................... ."................ 3.45 TOTAL DUE FOR THIS INVOICE................................................................................. $ 29,315.90 FOWLER WHITE BOGGS P .A. TAMPA. FORT MYERS . TALLAHASSEE · JACKSONVILLE · FORT LAUDERDALE

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