Motorola Mobility, Inc. v. Microsoft Corporation

Filing 133

NOTICE by Microsoft Corporation re #126 Defendant's MOTION for Summary Judgment (Redacted) of Filing Additional Exhibits (Attachments: #1 Appendix Index to Additional Exhibits, #2 Exhibit 1103, #3 Exhibit 1104, #4 Exhibit 1106, #5 Exhibit 1107, #6 Exhibit 1108, #7 Exhibit 1109, #8 Exhibit 1113)(Miner, Curtis)

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111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 US006026366A United States Patent Grube [54] METHOD FOR PROVIDING SOFTWARE TO A REMOTE COMPUTER [75] Inventor: [73] Assignee: Motorola, Inc., Schaumburg, Ill. [21] AppL No.: 08/950,502 [22] Filed: Gary W. Grube, Barrington, Ill. Oct. 14, 1997 Related U.S. Application Data [63] [51] [52] [58] Continuation-in-part of application No. 08/795,905, Feb. 5, 5. 1997, abandoned, which is a continuation of application No. 08/124,616, Sep. 22, 1993, abandoned. Int. CI? ...................................................... G06F 17/30 U.S. CI. ................................................. 705/10; 705/26 Field of Search .......................................... 705/10, 26 References Cited [56] U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,156,798 4,654,799 4,887,077 5,036,518 5,057,935 5,193,151 5,202,985 5,267,148 5,267,171 5,355,327 5,416,840 5,442,791 5,495,610 5,504,921 5,619,716 5,717,923 5/1979 3/1987 12/1989 7/1991 10/1991 3/1993 4/1993 11/1993 11/1993 10/1994 5/1995 S/1<)<)5 8/1995 2/1996 4/1996 4/1997 2/1998 Doelz ................................. 179/15 AL Ogaki et al. ............................ 364/479 Irby, III et al. .................... 340/825.47 Tseung ...................................... 371/32 Williams ................................. 358/482 Jain ......................................... 395/200 Goyal. ... Goyal.... ...... ... .... ... ... ...... ... ...... 395/600 Kosaka et al. .......................... 364/408 Suzuki et al. ...................... 364/479.04 Stent ct al. ......................... 364/551.01 Cane et al. .................................. 380/4 3<)5/65U Wrabetz et al. ........................ 395/65U Shing et al. ... ... ...... ... .... ... ... ... 395/600 Dev et al. 395/800 Nonaka et al. ......................... 395/800 Dedrick ................................... 707/102 OlliER PUBLICATIONS Derfier, Frank J. Jr., "LAN management systems: building workghroup solutions", PC Magazine, Nov. 28, 1989, vol. No. v8, Issue No. n20, p. 285(11). IBM Announcements, "Computergram International", Dec. 11, 1989, Issue No. n1324, p. 5. ITC Inv. No. 337-TA- [11] Patent Number: [45] [19] Date of Patent: 6,026,366 Feb. 15,2000 Brooks, Roseann McGrath, "Robo to the rescue: CIS' new robo products address your system security and resource accounting needs", DEC Professional, Aug. 1991, vol. No. vl0, Issue No. n8, p. 26(1). Ellison, Carol and Rigney, Steve, "Reap the rewards of LAN inventory programs", PC Sources, Aug. 1992, vol. No. v3, Issue No. n8, p. 485(7). IBM Announcements, "Computergram International", Oct. 2, 1992, p. 15. Examiner-lack Primary Examiner-Jack M. Choules Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Susan L. Lukasik [57] ABSTRACT A communication system (100) employs a method for providing software to a remote computer (e.g., 116) or network server (e.g., 114). The remote computer (or network server) and a host computer (101) each has a radio communication device (102, 115, 117) coupled to it. The remote computer transmits information related to the computer's present configuration to the host computer via the remote computer's radio communication device, wherein such information includes information indicating software applications presently contained within the remote computer. Based on the received configuration information, the host computer determines whether the remote computer is in need of software that compliments the software applications presently contained within the remote computer. When the remote computer is in need of such complimenting software, the host computer selects software applications that compliment the software applications presently contained within the remote computer and transmits a list of the complimenting software to the remote computer via the host computer's radio communication device. Upon receiving the list of complimenting software, the remote computer determines whether it wants to obtain any ofthe listed software from the host computer and, when it does, selects the desired software from the list. The remote computer then transmits the list of selected software to the host computer via the remote computer's radio communication device. Subsequent to receiving the remote computer's list, the host computer transmits the selected software applications to the remote computer. 14 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets MOT ITC 0002678 -I o ::J < z o (,V (,V -..J I ~ e • I ( r 108 SERVER I /104 I I 1 (105 r (101 (106 COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER COMM DEVICE 17 I ~1 USER COMPUTER I 126 ,107 INFO SERVER I (110 I (111 ! 111 I 1 /112 /11. COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER ( 115 115 I (11 3 COMPUTER o 1-1 -I o o o o I\.) (J) -..J <D ,.., HOST f - - DATA f-COMPUTER BASE ..... ...... 120 \ 101 ~ \:" 103 "'!"l ("C ?' .... ~Ul N 127 ~ = = = /l1US'ER 1N3rUSER MuS'ER 1~3rUSER INFO INFO 129 'Jl COMM v- 117 DEVICE /116 I /111 COMPUTER =.... ("C ("C COMM DEVICE I V- 119 ..... o ...., N (l1e (118 COMPUTER 0"1 -. o 100 s:: - ".... 128 COMM DEVICE ~ ..... ..... == ~ ~ "- 22 114 L 114 ~ COMM DEVICE NETWORK INFO 109 ( rJJ 'JJ • 102 FIG. 1 N 0"1 W 0"1 0"1 u.s. Patent Feb. 15,2000 6,026,366 Sheet 2 of 2 200 TRANSMIT NETWORK INFO RELATED TO PRESENT CONFIGURATION 202 205 SELECT COMPLIMENTING APPLICA nONS APPLICAnONS AND PREPARE LIST AWAIT RECEIPT OF INFO RELA TED RELATED TO A SUBSEQUENT CONFIGURATION 203 TRANSMIT LIST TO REMOTE COMPUTER(S) NO 206 YES 207 SELECT DESIRED APPLICATIONS FROM THE LIST 208 TRANSMIT LIST OF SELECTED SOFTWARE TO HOST COMPUTER 209 TRANSMIT SELECTED SOFTWARE .--_----' SOFTWARE~ ~ TO REMOTE COMPUTER(S) FIG. 2 ITC Inv. No. 337-TA- MOT ITC 0002680 6,026,366 1 2 person is not required to be at the site of the server, but each communication network needs to be individually serviced due to the limitations of the public telephone switching CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED network. 5 APPLICATIONS In addition to the difficulties in updating software and maintaining complimenting software in computer networks, This is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. manufactures of software applications and hardware have a 08/795,905, filed Feb. 5, 1997 now abandoned, which is a difficult time in obtaining marketing information, such as continuation of application Ser. No. 08/124,616, filed Sep. what software applications are being used, how often they 22, 1993 and now abandoned. 10 are used, on what types of computers, etc. With this type of marketing information, manufacturers are more efficient in FIELD OF THE INVENTION providing updates and/or enhancements of software. This invention relates generally to computer networks However, at present, manufacturers collect such data in a and, in particular, to a method for exchanging information rather static fashion. For example, manufacturers use perbetween a host computer and a plurality of computers and 15 sonal polling, return warranty cards, or sales statistics to computer networks. acquire marketing information. With these static data collection methods, manufacturers collect only a small portion BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION of the data available which may be weeks or months old by it is compiled. Computer networks are known to include a plurality of 20 the time Therefore, a need exists for a method that allows comcomputers and a server. The server typically stores shared receive software putcrs and computcr nctworks to casily rcccivc softwarc that software applications and data bases which any of the compliments software currently contained in the computer computers may access via the network. The computers may or network without requiring computer or network users to be of any type, for example, they may be personal computers, work stations, etc. Within such computer 25 continually monitor for new software releases and that networks, each computer may communicate, via a local area 25 allows manufactures to dynamically collect marketing information regarding the structure and services being presently network (LAN), with other computers in the network. For used by the computer networks. example, one computer may send an electronic mail message or a file to any other computer in the network. In BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS addition, the network allows the computers to share software 30 FIG. 1 illustrates a schematic diagram of a plurality of applications, such that only one software application is needed for a plurality of computers. computer networks, a plurality of computers, and a host computer coupled together through a communication netAs is also known, computer networks may be coupled to work in accordance with the present invention. other computer networks via telephone lines. Over such FIG. 2 illustrates a logic diagram that may be utilized to connections, networks may further share information and 35 implement the present invention. utilize such services as bulletin boards and centralized data bases. As technology continues to advance, the networks can DESCRIPTION OF A PREFERRED share more and more information and are hecoming larger EMBODIMENT and larger. With such growth, it may be difficult to maintain METHOD FOR PROVIDING SOFTWARE TO A REMOTE COMPUTER current software within the network due to the frequent 40 Generally, the present invention encompasses a method occurrence of software and hardware updates. In addition, for providing software to a remote computer or network. The notwithstanding the availability of office-type combinations remote computer (or network server) and a host computer of software, such as Microsoft Office, it may be difficult to each has a radio communication device coupled to it. The maintain software in the network that compliments other remote computer transmits (e.g., periodically) information software in the network due to the frequency at which new 45 relatcd to the computer's present configuration to thc host related the thc computcr's prcscnt software is being made available to the public. For example, computer via the remote computer's radio communication if a network contains a drawing software application prodevice, wherein such information includes information indiduced by a vendor and that vendor or another vendor cating software applications presently contained within the subsequently releases a word processing application that remote computer. Based on the received configuration permits drawings from the drawing application to be 50 information, the host computer determines whether the imported into the word processing application, users of the remote computer is in need of software that compliments the network must keep a watchful eye on all vendors' software software applications presently contained within the remote releases in order to determine that the new word processing computer. When the remote computer is in need of such application exists. If the users inadvertently miss the complimenting software, the host computer selects software announcement of the new word processing application, the 55 applications that compliment the software applications presnew application will not be purchased and users of the ently contained within the remote computer and transmits a network may continue to have difficulty creating drawings list of the complimenting software to the remote computer for use in their word processing-generated reports. via the host computer's radio communication device. Upon receiving the list of complimenting software, the To update software or provide complimenting software to existing computer networks, software must be loaded at the 60 remote computer determines whether it wants to obtain any site of the server, where trouble shooting, if needed, is of the listed software from the host computer and, when it does, selects the desired software from the list. The remote carried out as well. If there are a plurality of communication computer then transmits the list of selected software to the networks coupled together, each computer network must be host computer via the remote computer's radio communiserviced independently, thereby requiring a substantial amount of effort and time to update and/or enhance the 65 cation device. Subsequent to receiving the remote computnetworks. Alternatively, updates or complimenting software er's list, the host computer transmits the selected software may be transmitted over telephone lines. In this case, a applications to the remote computer. ITC Inv. No. 337-TA- MOT ITC 0002681 6,026,366 3 4 By providing software to remote computers in this manner, the present invention allows software manufacturers to rapidly provide software users with up-to-date information regarding newly released software applications that may benefit the users based on the users' current software portfolios. The present invention can be more fully described with reference to FIGS. 1 and 2. FIG. 1 illustrates a global schematic of a computer area 100. The computer area 100 includes a plurality of computer networks, a plurality of computers, and a host computer 101. Host computer 101 comprises a communication device 102, and a data base 103, which may be RAM, disc, magnetic storage, or any other means for storing digital information. Of the two computer networks shown, one includes computers 104-107, which may be any type of personal computer, workstation, or other type of computing device. The network also includes a server 108, which may be a supervisory computer, that is coupled to a communication device 109. The other computer network includes computers 110-113, a server 114 and a communication device 115. As in the other computer network, the computers may be personal computers or work stations, where the server is a computer dedicated to serve the system. Communication devices 102, 109 and 115 may be RF radios which may be an RF radio that transceives information over wireless communication resources or channels. Computer area 100 further includes separate computers 116 and 118 that are each coupled to communication devices 117 and 119. Computers 116 and 118 may be personal computers or workstations and communication devices 117 and 119 may be RF radios. If the communication network 120 is a telephone system as opposed to a wireless communication system, communication devices 102, 109, 115,117, and 119 would be modems. In computer area 100, host computer 101 communicates information over radio frequency (RF) communication frequmcy channels to communication devices 102, 109, 115, 117, and 119 via wireless communication network 120. In a preferred embodiment, communication network 120 is a tmnked communication system, a multi-site tmnked communication system, a conventional communication system, or any communication system that transceives information over Rf communication channels or resources. In communication system 120, the communication channels may he frequency carriers, pairs of frequency carriers, time division multiplex slots, or code division orthogonal codes. The information transmitted over the communication channels is either network information 126 or user information127-130. tion 127-130. Network information 126 is transmitted from communication devices 109, 115, 117, 119 via commllllication network 120 to host computer 101, whereas user information 127-130 is transmitted from host computer 101 commllllication to the commlmication devices 109, 115, 117 and 119. Note that transmission of network information 126 and user information 127-130 is done in a conventional manner within the specific types of communication systems. For example, if communication system 120 is a tmnking system, host computer 101 would need to request and receive a communication channel to transmit user information 127-130. Similarly, a communication channel would have to be requested and granted to transmit network information 126. Formatting of network information 126 and user information127-130 mation 127-130 may be any type that is compatible with the system type. Thus, no further discussion will be presented on the manner of transmission or the means for transmitting except to facilitate the understanding of the present invention. Network information 126 preferably includes configuration information and may also include statistical information. The configuration information contains information regarding the platform of the network, or individual computers, and software applications contained within the network, or individual computers. The platform information indicates the type of hardware contained within the network, or within the individual computer. User information 127-130 includes software applications that compliment software applications that are contained within the network or individual computers. How network information 126 and user information 127-130 are utilized and conveyed will be discussed below. FIG. 2 illustrates a logic diagram that may be used to implement the present invention. At step 200, each remote server of a computer network (or each remote computer in a separate computer area) transmits network information to a host computer via a radio communication channel. In a preferred embodiment, the transmissions of network information occur periodically (e.g., once a month). As mentioned above, the network information preferably includes information indicating the identities of the software applications presently contained within the server or computer, and may also include statistical information or information indicating a hardware platform of the server or computer. Statistical information indicates how many times a particular software application is used, how often the network or computer is used, and any other type of statistical information that may be compiled regarding the use of the network or computer. Hardware platform information indicates the number of computers in the network, the types of computers, and any other type of platform information. Upon receiving the network information, the host computer determines (201) if any computers, or servers, (users) (complimenting are in need of software (complimenting software) that compliments the software applications presently contained presenLly within the computer or server. The host computer may determine that a computer or server is in need of complimenting software when the host computer determines that a software application (e.g., a spreadsheet application) that compliments another software application (e.g., a word processing application) is not contained in the network information received from the server or computer. In the preferred emhodiment, the host computer maintains a database of complimenting software applications. Accordingly, when the host computer receives a remote computer's network information, the host computer compares each software application identified in the network information with that application's complimenting applications, if any, stored in the database. Upon determining that the remote computer does not have a particular complimenting application, the host computer determines that the remote computer is in need of complimenting software. If no servers or computers are in need of complimenting software, the host computer awaits (205) receipt of information related to a subsequent configuration of the computers or servers and the logic flow ends (206). If, on the other hand, a computer or server is in need of complimenting software, the host computer accesses its database and selects (202) respective complimenting applications for each computer or server so in need and prepares respective lists of the complimenting applications, including appropriate identifiers (e.g., names) of the selected applications. The host computer then transmits (203) the lists of complimenting software to their respective remote computer or server via a radio communication channel. In the event that all computers or servers are in need of the same complimenting ITC Inv. No. 337-TA- 5 10 15 15 20 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 MOT ITC 0002682 6,026,366 5 6 (e .g., server or individual computers to the host computer. The software (e.g., when multiple computers or servers at a transmission may be initiated independently by the server, or company transmit similar network information), the host individual computer, on a timed basis such as once a month computer may broadcast a single list to all such computers or at some other interval. In addition, the transmission may or servers instead of transmitting individual lists. Upon receiving a list of complimenting software, the 5 ~:q~n:~~at~~r i~nrf~;~~~~o~o tt;aen;~~~s~~:pui~e s::~:~r~ ~:q~n:!~at~~r s:~~:~r~ remote computer or server (or a user thereof) determines information, as mentioned above includes specific informa(204) whether it desires to obtain one or more of the listed tion regarding the configuration of the networks. This type software applications. When the computer or server does not of network information may be compiled to provide specific desire to obtain any of the listed software applications, the customer information. For example, the information may logic flow ends (206). However, when the computer or 10 indicate the type of computers that are associated with the server does desire to obtain one or more of the listed network, the software applications used, how often the software applications, the computer or server selects (207) computers are used, how often the software is used, if the the desired applications and transmits (208) a list of selected software is being utilized in an unauthorized manner, and the software to the host computer. The list of selected software number of users sharing a specific application. Upon receivtransmitted by the remote computer or server is a subset of ing this information, the host computer can compile it to (i.e., contains all or some portion of) the software identified 15 provide the marketing information. With such marketing information, the manufacturers have a dynamic means for in the list of complimenting software that was transmitted to assessing how its product is being utilized within the market the remote computer or server by the host computer. place. Once the host computer receives the list of selected In exchange for receiving the network information, the software from the remote computers or servers, the host computer transmits (209) the selected software to the respec- 20 host computer provides specifiC user information (complimenting software applications) to the networks. For tive computers or servers. In the event that multiple comexample, upon receiving the network information, the host putcrs or servers rcqucst thc samc softwarc, thc host comscrvcrs request the same software, the computer may determine that a specific network does not puter may broadcast the common software simultaneously to have a software application that is intended to or otherwise those computers or servers that requested it, instead of would compliment a software application that the network individually transmitting the software. In this manner, the 25 does have. Accordingly, the host computer transmits, over host computer may transmit uscr information (c.g., compliuser (e.g., computcr the RF channel, the identity of the complimenting software menting software applications) simultaneously to multiple application and how much the application would cost. If the servers and stand alone computers. This global transmission user wants the complimenting application, a message is sent, of user information maybe done simultaneously over the RF over the RP channel, to the host computer indicating the computers communication channcl such that millions of computcrs 30 desire to purchase the complimenting software. In response, may be reached at one time. This type of simultaneous the complimenting software is transmitted, over the RF transmission of user information is not obtainable with channel, to the network where it can be immediately used. public telephone switching networks unless a telephone line In addition, when the host computer has general is allocated to each network and computer. Thus, to achieve information, such as a new software program is available, the coverage that can be obtained with an RF communica- 35 the host computer only needs to transmit the message once tion channel as disclosed by the present invention, up to and it will be received by a multitude of computers. Thus hundreds of telephone lines would be required. saving the manufacturer considerable amounts of money in The host computer may do considerably more with the advertising and production of disks. network information than provide specific user information. The present invention provides a method for providing For example, the network information may be used to verify software to computer networks or stand alone computers. that software applications stored at each computer network, 40 With such a method, a host computer can dynamically or computer are authorized copies of the software applicacompile marketing information that indicates the types of tions. If the copies are not authorized, the host computer may hardware and software being used as well as the frequency send a message indicating that the software is not authorized of use, which was not available prior to this invention. In and request that it be destroyed. The host computer may also exchange for the network information, the host computer transmit a message that disables the software application, or 45 can provide complimenting software either individually or send an authorized copy of the software and bill the user of simultaneously to a multitude of computer networks and the computer or network. All of this can be done over an RF computers over an RF channel. Prior to this invention such communication channel with very little expense to the user information could only be provided on a disk or over a operator of the host computer. In addition to monitoring for telephone line to one computer or one network at a time. unauthorized copies of software applications, the host com- 50 Moreover, the present invention allows computer users to puter may use the network information to generate user easily stay abreast of new software releases and the marketing reports. Because the RF channels can reach relationship, if any, between a newly released software literally millions of computers at one time, a tremendous application and the software already being used by the users. amount of data may be dynamically obtained. Thus, marI claim: keting information that is hours old containing a substantial 55 1. A method for a host computer to provide software to a amount of data may be used by manufactures to obtain a remote computer, the method comprising the steps of: much improved reading of the marketplace as to opposed to receiving, from the remote computer via a radio commuthe prior art static methods of collecting such data. nication device coupled to the host computer, network As a working example of the above, consider a computer information related to a present configuration of the area that has several networks and several stand alone remote computer, wherein the network information computers. The computer networks include several 60 includes at least information indicating software applicomputers, a server and a communication device. Each of cations presently contained within the remote comthe individual or stand alone computers is coupled to computer; munication device, wherein the communication device can determining, based on the network information, whether transceive information to and from a host computer which is the remote computer is in need of software that comalso coupled to a communication device. In such an 65 pliments the software applications presently contained environment, network information is transmitted from timeto-time from the communication devices associated with the within the remote computer; ITC Inv. No. 337-TA- MOT ITC 0002683 6,026,366 7 8 receiving, from each of the at least two remote comwhen the remote computer is in need of software that compliments the software applications presently conputers via the radio communication device and tained within the remote computer, responsive to the step of transmitting the list of selecting at least one software application that complisotlware, complimenting software, a list of software desired by ments the software applications presently contained 5 the respective remote computer to produce selected within the remote computer; software, wherein the list of software desired by the transmitting a list of complimenting software to the respective remote computer is a subset of the list of remote computer via the radio communication complimenting software; device, wherein the list of complimenting software determining software that is common to at least two includes an identifier for the at least one software 10 lists of selected software to produce common application; selected software; and receiving, from the remote computer via the radio transmilling, via the radio communication device, the transmitting, communication device and responsive to the step of common selected software simultaneously to the at sotlware transmitting the list of complimenting software, a list least two remote computers. of sotlware desired by the remote computer to pro- 15 8. The method of claim 7, wherein the network informaduce selected software, wherein the list of software tion further comprises information indicating a hardware desired by the remote computer is a subset of the list platform of the remote computer. of complimenting software; and 9. The method of claim 7, wherein the step of receiving transmitting, via the radio communication device, the information from each remote computer comprises the step selected software to the remote computer. 20 of receiving information from each server computer of a 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the network informamultiple computer network that includes a plurality of server tion further comprises information indicating a hardware computers. platform of the remote computer. 10. A method for a remote computer to obtain software 3. The method of claim 1, further comprising the step of from a host computer, the method comprising the steps of: receiving, from the remote computer via the radio commu- 25 transmitting, to the host computer via a radio communinication device, information related to statistical use of cation device coupled to the remote computer, network software applications contained within the remote computer. information related to a present configuration of the 4. The method of claim 3, further comprising the step of remote computer, wherein the network information generating user marketing reports based on the information includes at least information indicating software applirelated to statistical use of software applications contained cations presently contained within the remote comwithin the remote computer. 30 puter; 5. The method of claim 1, wherein the step of receiving receiving, from the host computer via the radio commuinformation from the remote computer comprises the step of receiving information from a server computer of a multiple nication device, a list of complimenting software that computer network. includes an identifier for at least one software applica6. The method of claim 1, further comprising the step of, 35 tion that compliments the software applications preswhen the remote computer is not in need of software that ently contained within the remote computer; compliments the software applications presently contained determining whether to obtain from the host computer at within of the remote computer, awaiting receipt of informaleast one software application in the list of complimenttion related to a subsequent configuration of the remote ing software; computer. 40 upon determining to obtain at least one software 7. A method for a host computer to provide software to a application, plurality of remote computers, the method comprising the selecting at least one software application from the list steps of: of complimenting software to produce selected softreceiving, from each remote computer of the plurality of ware; remote computers via a radio communication device 45 transmitting, via the radio communication device, a list coupled to the host computer, network information of selected software to the host computer, wherein related to a present configuration of the respective the list of selected software is a subset of the list of remote computer, wherein the network information complimcnting softwarc; complimenting software; and includes at least information indicating software applireceiving, from the host computer via the radio comcations presently contained within the respective 50 munication device, at least one software application remote computer; identified in the list of selected software. determining, based on the network information, whether 11. The method of claim 10, wherein the network inforat least two remote computers are in need of software mation further comprises information indicating a hardware that compliments software applications presently con55 platform of the remote computer. tained within the at least two remote computers; 12. The method of claim 10, further comprising the step when at least two remote computers are in need of of transmitting, via the radio communication device, inforsoftware that compliments software applications presmation related to statistical use of software applications ently contained within the at least two remote contained within the remote computer. computers, 13. The method of claim 10, wherein the remote computer selecting at least one software application that compli- 60 is a server computer of a multiple computer network. 60 ments the software applications presently contained 14. The method of claim 10, wherein the step of transwithin the at least two remote computers; mitting network information related to a present configuratransmitting a list of complimenting software to the at tion of the remote computer comprises the step of periodileast two remote computers via the radio communically transmitting network information related to a present cation device, wherein the list of complimenting 65 configuration of the remote computer. software includes an identifier for the at least one software application; * * * * * ITC Inv. No. 337-TA- MOT ITC 0002684

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