Jackson v. Atlanta Falcons Football Club

Filing 1

NOTICE OF REMOVAL with COMPLAINT with JURY DEMAND. Consent form to proceed before U.S. Magistrate and pretrial instructions provided. (Filing fee $ 350 receipt number 000000), filed by Atlanta Falcons Football Club. (Attachments: # 1 Complaint - Amended Complaint# 2 Civil Cover Sheet)(jlm) Please visit our website at http://www.gand.uscourts.gov to obtain Pretrial Instructions. Modified on 5/2/2007 to correct filer (smg).

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~ N . a r 2' Et COO e 1:07-cv-00939-GET. E: F2 .J E T FAX 1-2 as Document VIP IL R S .2' T .?t S CiF' f1 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 1 of 29 F' .. :3 aO R0uy F.A»1« y 1 1 i 0OUN 'r STATE; I~ + DU'F~T i DF i. ll l~,T~ ~Nl,~ O l1~ h11~' 1~ Iw 4 t +y r MAR All, il ~~uQ ~ ~~ LK> >Mat ~h~FO«: 1N THIS NPAC:~i 177'. pom C ,rlffL ~ACTk)lY FILE h f{~ ; R' r 1 ~,' NSSI .' 'KI S ~f~~l EK13 CUS'~OL 41IE1~l~P ~~i~1R''~14T~ ~'~~l8~.~'~20 T~ i T ,· IP, ATTO 1 F;hE# :1(;3 NIL~I . %'~i ; :i tGNUl1 ~E :~1 ~'~~~ILE~ i IWa 5E r,r~~~~~-~~,1 ~~~~~ ~ . ~ t J ACCDI XT I I I CC NTaiu. r I I l N;T E ~~~Q~.kr4E~~n: f Arm FEES i.--------_. r ~N 40 I i rra~ r U r ERE sr S_--------. .. ---------------------------------P La*fs I'liunc , ,Pu il n" s . . C f1~y, ;~tafe~ 2:k ) 1~ckl e 1. y 'vROIA:Ft I. ) sPE:eI a. UE i H FOREIGN JUDGMENT vs , ---------- jy 4E1fV FILING 1; 1 11115-FILING : PFkE:1r9O 11 .i Q*A: IHID , .-_,,---- ~,.._---- (7efiBri da nCa Hwn e, pddrkso, C1gr. State,'ZiQ C'ade 3 UMMON .i T0 , 1'HF- I d3 OV E hAk IED4)E: F ' ENDANi ; YCx vs hetssti recN,i»el So ate wih ft CU-4 nS tiAs tcmA ind ko sags ~ ~~,~y on ~ . P~s~ir.~5lf,.l~rcu~tie~~~x cn Ps~ifif~f if ,yes ~ll~mey, trwrit Adiire~is :_--_--_-----_~. .~-------~---_..~----- Mr, state . 11P Caiei;,----_-~~zt :eUC§14------- --------- RUN! MWL-- ------.,_____-----· tin aukei, to the corapbdnt Woh k he+bwllh ,wnred wyw, Wlhln ft~r 1314 da ;~~ a~fter saV .faQ ion ;~au, nx~~snre c~ .lha dsy~c~ s~~r~lc~e . K y~x~ fal,l ba ~da acs . ~0 ;rrumt bjr tMhilri A bs likari ml :insT ymi ?or 1t.i mUdemardai b tw coirr,piainl, pia ; cps! 01 its adicn DEFENSE VAY BE MIME: ii JURY MAL DEMANDED, bldasired, In die CkwTe 01m lit IB!i laortry Ave f5.K, Flog TG117{I, AWinlei, GA 30 ;3CO . ., Dome J'ortrr,Firnd'erick Ch1~rPDnFitiV{Chrlr IiI`kii rimi d sI mm i h me wit <rVilbwi isf f's Ff(1rVwOa fn f, lu $300.p0nor Mni IPiln14111l , Ihn ,d~al~rn~de~it musC ~~dmti or ~le~nr the paralp,Aa of Sa~31~t~t's peti~o,1 I~~cHS~kln~ wdl~~n l~ntw~tr . ;SttZh ~~r~{~re~~ht u~uler4led u+i~ bu I~cert ss'~,i~ . ~ ~K plah~~1Y~ }~~lk~s~I~ urHarri t~aor I~ said! la bred an uR mcand;dm+koonEraa h rniMKl, mien {N dalyinclanl ;`s Amrm null e sawn lei. H1tra ;prtncipia sliva dalmad In the wk, cr wAxi of tie pRpeity awes! Ilbr, h fore than =,3cI0:CO,, snd lay on s note, iuricamGtiamd mntract spxriitt awcei lo, c,r the polflan swern 1b, siefiense munl be ~mamiisi try llkvp, ai smiam einstivar sattlng up tie hKto rtillad on as .e defon :., . ;sJEWt;E rwAMhui "n0u: ( vIlPf I w4Fi5HAIL, STATE COURTOPPATONCOL44"Y' MUTE MU CT XERE, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Th ;l s ------- da y ot ----------------- . 21D.___r Fere;w=. on (STAPLE TO FAIOHIS' OF C0l+IP1XlOr) .. ...r .O.. ..... .R E:7 HIIE~I~' I 'uP 20 : 213(Yt i5 ' 4 13 PACE . 03 ~ ... . ... .r.. . ....r IM, airo 28 20137 2!!~!SUFM Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET E : Ft ,1 E T F'S 'X 1-2 Document HI F' L R S Filed 04/26/2007 Page 2 of 29 JD IN TEX, STATE STATE OF (i.C. ORGIA c,iaL~tx ' 1Q,jr RtA 1ro N ~~ r~ ~. .IM wri ,r ~~. ... . . . . .. · . I · Lr .. . ,~i~~~l~ ~i,~t R 23 ~ ~'ii r .1 1 v. 't :i JURY TRIAL DE1VUND E;D A ,TLA N7A FALCONS FOOTIRMAL IMAM . ;P lair tf'f t3t~m3;y J' a ~ckson, by anti through 1}~c~ ixm~d~er;tigned rni~~~srl', , hereby sues the GE: fend',ast t Altlant a Falcons Football Club and a I;[c ;gc;s, u iFKm hijfoaznatio n and belief, a s foll l io· w rs, : VIE0 UAHZlFl S .l,. ,xas Plaintiff Grady ]fe kc.kxon, its ~Mn iiricsividw 1all Georgia . W]1 ID at all. ti:nnc,s material hercto E: resident o #' A.t1 etnta, 2. l]e fenduz ' t Ad anta Falcons ]Fi DQO1il I 1 C iub is a Limited Liability Company iiully registered ierui saa·gudze l d iu: ader the la w s o f the State! of iGtz rgia and pit aU times material hereto had it a principal ffims and operations 1111 INO State Of CJlNnjo a . ?1 . Defendant :[, es Snead is 8S1 II1 d l , t'ld ual end : a resident ca :ftlic, State o #' Oeor;g i E r , and i :s tlie director ct f']P 1 ayer. ]P eirs aru i E.l f'or the D cfandant Atlanta Falcons F c>ol:lo, 1JI CIA . _. 3. _. PRGE .sz4 MR , 2 B ~ 20%3.t 1. 5. :48 M , p i r· . ` " PIP f_FiS'E Document 2 8 Cta1se c! .. 5 0P' !'1 i ' ] 3 7 1:07-cv-00939-GET Ft IET F' Ii X . 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 3 of 29 11 3 . 5 4. Upon inf D; rin, atiiti n and'. b elief;, L)c: f ;e :n Clzmt A t;larita S ;par ts :h 'i ivdic ;iae Group b a I"aoqpIaVitiu m clt1ly i rc; ~; ist~.yY .d l ~a~ad org ;2 ~r~ize l d i~ici~~~r t]i~ .1 ;3, w ,s i~; f tli+~ Stab: c ~ f 13 ear,giri and at all I ,iim E;s m F; teriai hereto had its pfl,ni&ipal offiun ; and o p era tic»ms fia the Sta te of Geez,gis i . .5 . Upon iiriforma ii on and b c,li + :i :, Deire; r u l ar:t Seolt L) . (i i 1l + a,gY, ;Ni, D ,, is a m :;idcttt o a f the ;i ua c of +G ic;orgi a,, GFrTF F t A L A lL I .1 GrA 7 ' ]' O r T;; 16, . At 11i e ; time of the acu 4;s»mpIau:eci o 1; Gr rady Jackson vras a, free ageamt. fool :b ai 11 Player. 7 . . On, or a,tK itit March '.24, 2, (I{) 6 , Defendants (A t1 mi'm F ' al eoiws) ) directed Grady JIM-13011 tIQ have. a ;armfical c;a;Funiazal:ion. Durvig the imc:ciicati,Ori cxamikmlioa, Defendant Sciott CiitlLog;ly conducted an :% Scan of Plaintiff. Plaintiff is inforrncd and believes .b) and ma 1 t~at bws is alleges 11 aR l~ e wa s it o o lar ge for ttu, equipment to produce 1 a IN-An -81C . ir c:svIts . 8. Plaintiff did riot sign a written fuitharizatiian fur release . of filis personal h,:ailtlli Information . Nonetheless, fifflo,wing Ifi c ; ca a i rninati ion, De fe n dan t Scott 1 3il iogl ;y reported t o th e t eam 1rriysieiari Cut hit-, bad concerns regirdinrg'Um, t cna resulits. !~ . I'Iabltiff i .3 u1 ;fo : = d Old 6' e. l ;iewe;s and con that basi s alleges thz t;, in violation of ]?;lain : i£f's privacy r i glit , s ,, the #earnt physician i renr R,i aed I 'laL it': fi~ s pi ers on,a l health iirn #or rri 91 tio 1i {;b aC ;luciin,g; 61: e ,a cainim'iri~ ; p}i,~:'icitui' ` s ~aom~~ , e .zt ts; ~ to ; R .c~ ri Medl~t, Me Head ' Fr iaiA e: r of die A,tlan tu Falcons and DefemcLai 11: Lcs 1 S . neaid, Chic Fal',cvm' d1keetor of player pmrs e i rmc , l, without F'laln ti fi's atsthoiri zation cot, co ; C151n 1C . T 1E t: reafi. e; r, D e ;fc , r iciwi t Les ,>u es td -MAR 29 ~24?07 15 : 4 9 :a -PAZ- 05 Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 4 of 29 PAL )pl ' l .:r~L :~ , a ~ '~ .. ' JE r ~JCI~ .I~r ' ~ ..~' ~ `. .~ .~lar~ ~..C I ~1 E~LIr~~ -----------------------------------------------------Case 1:07-cv-00939-GETE, F ! :Document . ] E- T F' FI )t HP 1_IR S mI ar 211 . ' I]1L17 s! a !5 aP' tl . 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 5 of 29 P . F. 14 . The release clf 'P1 ai n t i ffs personal health ii ri t o i rtrif k ti o 1 b), tlia - At3d n'r a . F'& TaQas zvu &ce; m ritlz n a a:lic l c acrid a clisireF; rd',1ror lbe trutla , w~wh resulted' ii i damage W 6,: p la4111T. l. 45 As a result u1~~ a i<, forc:Fping, Pl ihtii l)xas damaged in »I aA a D unt t o b = ; prov e n : it 1xiaI . VVICE FtI E T"{ ) Tt]E, P'l,a~ k tiil' iii,zn a n ds jnd'g;navnlt a , ga iri st Dcfi.nd wi1:,A ,t latit .a ]?ik*rs Football Club far ch uaages sustained by Naititi.fl ; tO;gelau:r I Ni1t i imsts, p rejuti Ipm exi t fm i3 post- j udgni+.n1t ; iritcr vit, and! such o i tlhc-ii r e l ielf U s Honorable Court C l e : e im,s just mil appr lD,pril atle under Ch i c: iciircunistanees , I):El1r~ ,~dV j f FOR- JURY TRIAL Pl aint iff hereby & nla;rnds a.1xi<<1 b ;e jixQ~ o na 11 is.>>Iems Iriab ;l e,1 b; Y :'i ;&ht by jury . P.esp e c t;Fii tl y submitted, 00 ]Ken an ll I.oo m, i ; s ,, lEsquh-c /3cor,gla B ax No . 4 5 7'8 ti :i IC' C OI 1V O' lC 't1 mNChIt ~~ u riT'rus i : PI~ u :~i, :i ,itc ." ! :(l 0 3 I)3 I'e~ ~ c :~i tr i ~ ; Sti te ;~;t, 'r t.E~ . :Atlintik,, Ge;ctrgifii 303{Ifs . 5 72·20010 '1'1e : Ie Tittot :e: : Fac-sintiliv, (404) .1572-121199 -- c . -· M A R :2E3 42MI7 ' 115-249 PAGE . S ~E3 Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 PageaiN :of 29 State C :ni 6 Of Fultian County LexisNeXis 1'rainsziction IC : 1 42610!5 :L!i [kite : 143r :26 2007 4:45PNI II "cT11 c ;>lficfIE COURT ca"imaxoN, COUNTY . ,5' GA'TE O F 1G £CI FU : IfAL + Clh'll l- ACr N m fia,, Mark. Harper, C Jerk P lainfi rr, V. A.11ADUA FALCON'S FOOTBALL CLUB, I'LIC9 D cfeodant. ~o7 Ev C102 :1113 JI JURY''ln i flm . D E` IAIVgF.ID I- r RS T_AM r» DED c OM P L .-AdNI . COMES rd0"A', P ' ltiint i lif' Cira~i~r .l aickscm,, b y an d through the undie t siF;ne4 c OUns cl , w h o makes m d fi l cs this 1'imt A,rncridcld C 'atnpIaim against the sbovc- n umei3 Uef:ridant, I1tZ tm Li Falcons I -coot bailh CW b , IL1L+C, and, up o n i ni fomim t io n and be l i r: l ; all l q ; cs an d avers as fD llews : :E EY F F20 z-r i F° s. 1 . Plaintiff Orady , Iricksori (hrseiinaftv r el;cmed ilo, as "Jac1ksain"), is an individual 2. who pt , all l imes nulzvmn t hucta was i t ire slid rne ofA1'Jariw, (;rorgii a . D 1c fc:ndant A'ffunGa Falcons Toolal l ( :1u'b,, LLC (hcrcindtc r referred to as "'At knm Falcons") i s's a L imiUU i Liability {, ornpany dul y rcg 'ss xir cd F in d +x g ani zi :c l umdc ;r ' the I4L vv S 01'1111C S taU-, of G~ e org ,i a, which conducts business in the St a te of GGco rgh, 1"uLlco n -- I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ---- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 7 of 29 operation I .'ou n t;y, amid h i s i ts offices . ; auic l p r inci pa l p l ac e o1' lbusiness i n said Stale and Omm t;y . 3. N Im iilt it'f .Ia clcs on its a pro fc;ss i o ria t NN, football pLiye r,, ci.urc. it ly under con tit c1 with the Atlanta Fat corts . I l lis cr arec r 6e gan ovcr i con yem·s ago st t he Coo k l ai nd R,,jid,m- s Football Gl ub . Jackson is aows id cr+eci one of the pr eimiex e Ekfinisive Tackles in the National Poatbml ll ILi : . ip c. As a irc : t r ran, jouir nry niuni. M: has also played 1foi r the iG rc :cn Bay Packers and cliffs New Orleans Sa 'uit;> . 4. Upon in fci r mati'oiz an d b c1i . 1 ; at all times rde,va inl Ihr re l;o, non-party Scott 13iZ'log l y . MD. ('hereinafter irc f+ : rrc;dl to as "flir, I'J i flaigiy") was a physiic i zn and health m e ptovlid e r pract ic in g in A , tltamti, Gi cairg,ia, a principal or non-p art;y Atlanta Sports Wdi ci ri c & Orthopacdic Center lhereinaftcr :referred to as "Atlanta Sports Wledidnc~"), Wild the ]Hracl Ti .am Doctor ir 17 ie1 e nda ri t 11,d1 3mi a Fa lc:cro s, 5 . Upon information and bc l icF, Pi t mi l l times r uivvant her::to, inim-put;f A'.on 1M' ed'liin vvm »n c im ploy ct, ire pre:sentat iae;, and the f lead 'fra i ncr f o,r Clr fi:ridla nt A,tll s n4 a Falcons . .- o ty 6 . Upon information an d br:lic f, at all times rellcvvt t 1lereto, nparn D's 5»e; ad was an cmpdo ycc , reprc :; cntaitivc,, and the Director o f Pliyer Personnel for Defendant Atlanta Falcons . pi t the time of th e a ct's complained of t icr e:i in, Jackson wa s ai fiee a ig cml IP1 a ,y ct looking i+v g aurni cr a ric u t cor i ti ra c't'with ei new TILL, lean ga l Lop dollar or ai p ;lay inw it h hi s sk ill!, exp oi r r « e tm id rep wat io,n, His previous c ont rac t with the ·2 - Green Bay ------------------------ -------------- ----------------------------- Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 8 of 29 Packers wgis over ten mi'l l lin n dcii llam . As go fre q . agent and under no otolilgalliaii to any f aof.ball l tearn,, Jackson was invited t o air c t with the Defendant Mant a Falcc es with regard to s ig niin g with the W= t ik 1Fa%=is Do pl ay ass a Miner., 8 . On +o17 about March 24, 2.006, Plaintiff ' visited ['hr lWarm offia:< , o f . C Ie:F'auda .nt Atlanta I'a 4c oins in coM»c ;O i om With signing Lo pl aty far D c l :Md ;srd Ait l;Inta F 'alcai res" 'te am . O ~n 1.ha4 cl atc ,, Q cfcnd ag z / t durgrz F'alc on s' directed P laintif f Jackson lo havc- a n zr;dLi ra l exa m lin a tiOii fi 'o tri lln {DWsi d U ph y5 i ci a R selected by the Atlanla Falcons to a ssc.si his physical condition . Plaintiff did n,a1 . sign any written a ut h or i uticon for the medical e ymr n 'inat i on or for the release o ,f Ihis p em o nal he a9lh ir ifol-n i a tio n to an y person or en tity; n eillher the lal an tn Falcons nor th e h ealth ~care providers conducting th t medical examination requested tha P12iiiiti!'f s ilgn any slucY.i written a»thoriunuiion . 9. The m edli cal l i:a;am i natic on was conducted in Atlanta, C roi-gia, on March 24, 2006, ~bby Atlanta Sports Medicine and Dr . Gillogll y , and included an E c ho Scan ites1, . f 'la i ndiff is a massive ini di v id»nt, standing six fo rt two inches and t ippin g; thc scales a t ever ;3 ·15 pounds,, Upon i ri famfEitiian a nd bt l ilel", i1ie EkFial Scan machine used toy ~Vhlita Sports was designed for i cteLivi d um s o P far lesser sh :c t han Plaintiff a cid could not bc; ire l icd upon to give accurate itcsc resu l ts, for person o ! ' I 'Iaiinti Cl` s sizc . Ll Fcn in Corm atioia a nd bcliei, t he test usul'u, reported for Plaintiff b y t lic Echo S rirL madhinc were fin fac t not accurate but raised c :onca,rn :9 in the mind of *x cxam i nin g, p:h,ys ~ i cia»s ,. 111, Following t1 u., examination, A ,tll an'La Spo rlt s Medicine reported the results of the mx d i ca'l vc am ina t ion, hu: ii icl i n g Plaintiff's pcr senall health in'fcm mat i on, to D c fcm d sint IdlSnt Ei Falcons, including, t o Ron Wd li ri Q i l s H :,idlTrais ier; l , Us Skcad (!iU; Director of _. 3 . . -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ----- ---- - - - - ---- Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 9 of 29 tlayv' P erISOiuicl ;l. an d Charlie Brown, r R1> . (an+)lher T'e'sin Physic; i mi for Defcrn d aial Atlanta Falcons) . 1'kic rculk s a ftlw medical c mm i na : i on an d pcisoma l knkh information were rc,pus t edl verbally w~ wel l as in writi ng. The personal h ealth information mpoitcd lo 1De ifcn d;1rit MzMkL 1FAl cims Rind the abovan amed p mem ne ] i ncludi :c i wtnment s regard rig the res ;uf l s of the Echal Sean test . Upon i» f 'o r rn,alicn and Nlic C, D r. Brown sLjl,,I,,C!S,Icd that i s further work- u p by a c :u nl iollogist'b+ : Obtained . II . On March 24, 20016, personnel o f 1Delre n{wr it A4 i a r iLa Fa l cons i nfor med 1 ]?I sint i fl' ;lac'k! ;an that they had conce ;M5 retarding the lhcan, test and waraec l ito .gee Fuixllc;r I estirt& before 91 i i cciSiOll was m ad e . fllai .iie v u, no one associated w i th Defendant Atl ant a ]?akwris or a ny o f the health care providers stated ar, e:v e ri suggesiled that Plaintifflackson 1 zd " f ali Z rd" his silc ;dl i i:mml o r physical e.xaminauio n or that the tieFma mis not i n l crestc G in signing Plaint iI'I Jackson . Ad t hee clanc :iiasion oif'lhic examination an d rnxtiings on Nf Mrh 24, 20015, both F'l aiinl: i lff and hi s s Exros aigc n1, A,n gc llo W' r ii ght, were und.t' The i im prs;s s i on t hnl a decision had riot b een m a d c,, 0nC 'w u;y OT the o111cir, r rI ;ard iing who . thl-1 1Dcl%ndant XItariu3 Falcons iv oiul d sign 1?lainti f t o play IFa r laic! tc ,u n . T 12 . On Of about March 2.5, 2006, Les S neFidl (the A , t l'aw a ]?al CO ris' Director cif : Player F ' tr scm ncl) released I'l,a in tiff 's pri v2dr p ersional health irifbirmation to The rational press, and announced that Plaintiff hail " fzil'c d"' big pt iyslica'I w i th the Defendant Atlanta F aJccins, Said information an d ;st at e m ens we ir e re;leisec3 to mi ri ;pu rl,c r fbir Ti :]? IF1G,, a proimi n c nt national spor ts wire service and f nl,crnet s i te , pond to a write r fm- the Sp ai rtin g News, it protini ac int weekly sports p uibliGit i<n . On March 26, 20061, K. f F'L reported L iu bli cl y to the national p ress that F ' l ain ili'ff b ac! "failed" his physical with t is Defendant _. 41 -- Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 10 of 29 Atlanta a . lc;o ns, IN IEollowin~; weelc , an article n the Sporting rfe mr s Ye P a I'tCd tO the general public that Plaintiff had "Failed" his physical with, the DeferidantAtlarila Falcons . The story' ( tl i at Plaintiff had "fa il.cd '" : hi s physical vvithdi, c Atlanta fi3 lc on s) %as picked up by ilii.c national press and repeated and further u b li :, had . 13 . At thc: Iti ime the ; sto iry (that P' l: t i :nl:i ff had "failed hi s; physical with the-Atlanta Falcons) m--as published by 1-he ITF i , wire s cntice, neither Plaintiff no r hi s s]Nxt s as ;rnt , Nngal o Wriig l s t, had b cvi i nlPa nncil that Plaintiff had failcd" his physical oir that r1'en r3 ara Atlanta Falcons was no longer inU :res ted in s ign ing Pl aiintifl' I',o play m4th the team as a Mailer ; to th e can uary, at the conclusion o f ifre m e : et i n,Vt om Much 26, 21DI)ti, bc,t]'i Plaintiff and his sports a;grr d,, Ang e : 1 o V Jrighi,, had bexn ( vei l with the impression that the team had no t madlc a decision .. one way c Fr th e other, and w oul d not do so t eo rc E'Iai.n ti ffobtaini :d a worku p- by» ~cardiologist.. 14 . Upon ir1lo 'rrnat ion. and b clic lP, Defendant Xt Z,3nta Falcons released P;lai rs[if1' s pmo-nall health in formaeioin a nd Che story that Plaintiff had "failed" his physical lo the national press i n order too enhance hen Atlanta Falcon's leverage ii n n ce;ot iaCing :a co in l.raci n . vvitft :pilain t if f, t ea chii l ll IkEy interes! by other T f T' L, r e ams in signing flaintiff'Jaclmn and to re d uc e a rid, i rnix:cl',e Plaintiff Jackson's rnar k dabi ; li ty i n tlhre free agee t market scp that L) c; fcndant At1a n1z F a l cons vvnuld [War be Oi t c to sig n F" l:iinl',iff Jackson f ir +eOns i clcn it I2;V less m ori cy than h i s true market vs lui c . - 5 _. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 11 of 29 CCN 11 V7 ' 1 1 _A RrM S P2N' IJ F_ l i I!I~ , C Y_'. "I S . F ' I ,ii n l i 'Ff' hereby rncor p OI-At e:s Ib;y reference he forcgning 7' aralra p h<< I llsauE,h, 1144, i ncdiasivf :, as ttiough full), itIlcgt d h ere in. 116 . 7 lic information disclosed by Efc f< :n d an1 . Atlanta Falcons wa:v F ' l a ini i iff's, ;pi . csona l h ealth information . The i n fanmaliou d isc[ase( 3 b y Mftn(Wit Atlanta Falcons ~constittitr.Cl p1Cl ' Vi1 t C, s e cludoi fac ;tf or a niature that would be e xpexted to cause rimsonall micl1arnrc ;ssional embarrassment i !`'puM i :.iy dis(:l,o!tc d . 1I7' . The di,sc: l rss,urr by M fi :ridlanr. Atlanta Falcons of Plaintiff's p eer.>cirn a l hiNiHlli c lin f~mm ait iio n and pri vatc, secluded iacis imm ; a public di s c:l immre . A EI the ti m e iolr (tie! idi . ic losu res h erei rta b avc, Dc Feilc l aint A ,tIIama 1FriIcorm knew and i ntrrtdcd t ha t 1)), maki ng, stacriri en ts to K TF I . , the Sporting t+fe vrs, a n d The niat i oil.d press, th e disclosed nToirnnat i on wound bt . further disclosed a the pub l i c , 118~, Under the c irc;uMIsMU c s, thi c i nEoimzat ia n ma dc public by Defendant ,A llanla Falcons i s h i j~il ;y offensive a nd ob,jtre t ionatrl i: to a reasonable man o f ordinary ,sensiibi lit ks . ;N[oimnv er, th e information d isc l osed b y 1Dclre nd ant NILum Falcons was 'inacr.Lirale and in com ;pl' e ee . Announcing to The p r ess I har, apt unsuspn:ting, profi :ssiianal ,athlete has been iiert~~srr~i nrcl to bc no longer h;ys, i ca, l ly oir nir.diczillly a'bllc to play pra fcssliona fl I ooiba ll wh en there was n o b asi s N-su c h a conclusion an d thc de: t r r mina t icin had ti n fa ct not b ae m ad e,, does no t cor njvrt wi th any tolerable standard oC decency a nd is MI'itva s i on of P lainri fPs r ight O1' pri v a c;y. ·- 6 Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 12 of 29 19 . The discloscd ii nfcsrm atioin gave rise ¢ o i nco i rrect iinfi: re n res by lli osc t o w h o m ivi4·aa d i' sclosc cl , pl aced Plaintiff Jackson in a l fal s e light, and created ;in unlair and inaccurate deb>iC r iAsi o lr l?I a int i f] 20 . The disclosure w a s done r it h ma l ice md a dis ue prd tour il h c 21 . fact did so. 22 . The di szl o su ir r was lfurl' hcir Josi c to injure Plai ntiff in his prolrcs :yioiI. MIA in A. s a d lErcc ; t restill, and legal) i .-orts cq uenci : of the irc t casc of the invasion of . P Iv iint i fi's pi-ivac y, i rcl case of h is private information and t Fv f aIs e vatc:nzcrn t t h.it P' i ain+'.ilf' had "Nicd"' his lp l tysic.a l , a s 6cire i iiabovr -de-scribed, P'laineiffhas suffimad t imbnirmism ent, . humiJipl',ion and iinjury to his r cpubatian andd proiression . COUNT IT f N? la AN1f A'C I {O 1V 23 . Plaintiff mmt)y, i n :a r1xrcales by v : lcrc n cr: th e farc-going P' urag x,aphs I through 22, iincluis i v c, as IhovIe i IPul1 y ai lc;gcd ]xvin. 24. Th e i n1`'a nn al'ai>n released by 'th e Man ta Falcons to KFEL, the Spotting News, and tl ic, national press, vi i i r;smzlvd l wrei n at xrv c , was ifa l:t an d ~1 c ffmM t Di y . 25 . The communication ai f tlhc n : l.asci 3 information Iby IN: Mania Imicovis to . f +1FFl.., flhc Spoling News, and lic irvit i cmal pn.s,s,, as described h e rc;iizabovc , was unprin i licgrd . 26 . . At the timic o l'th e c; atrkrni.ui i lcacia n s Ua t h e Spoiling News an d the Ltot the Y tatioinal p ress, De fen d mnf, Aa l antei Falcons 1fu 3cw or should have k now n i n,!'onr mion bei ng released was fa l s e and & famalory. ' Th e rate as,e of I'laiin ti fl" . s pr i v a te ------------ ----------------------------- Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 13 of 29 in lCo nn a l ion and the 6 lsr.,stat trr%cn't ha Phi I1Lti11rhad " f ji l cd" his pl Ly sic; a[, a s hem in aibo w described, w a s done With rr i alicr and ii reckless d isire g ard for If ic t m tlh . 2 7B As it direct result and legal co mcqui:nce OT die: false and d r. ( 4 ra 4ory s wrrnc n us, relfease o I']'l aii nlifl'., pi-i va tc irifDirm ;ktia n girn d the false ,st acctr i c nt that Plaintiff bad "friilkc S"' t is phy si c al, a ;>'hl : re li n abi3v e cfe slcri be ;d . Plain ti ff has, suifFe r c-cl iem'b ;u rmssinenl , hum i lLiat i cn and injlu r( t ci NS rl-FIu tatiian an d p rolc :uiori. 26 . As a further direct result wed R e gal c ;ai n sequ e nre ol' th e false and & .4 a immalry sl aitc rncnts, r e ll ra se of P1a ii Mitl ' :, pivatie irkf'omi at ion and th i! falser :st a te rne rrt llhal Plaint i ff had "f ii'led " h is priyslEcalV, as hier e iriabowe doscirilbwel, Plaintiff has sufrc :red slx:cizit hirrn in Oat lie was dirpr ivcd o f th e ability t ci M.J;oltiate fivnca bl e ccm ira el't lierin s as a 1"rec, agent a nd vms siF;n,cd liver ikn t he training season at a i.amjrcnsjstia n and on terms below the fair market value i'or a player Olrlzi s skills and,expcricnce . 29 . 1Dclfc nd uu Atlanta F a 'lcon "s pu lb l i< : ati on Of ih c Tab-c and dr f 'aimalta ry sta1ernenks, rel euse ~ i>f I'la i ntifl' : ; private izl t 'ol ^nnatian Bind thc falser stalvirient that Plaintiff ha d "fail ed " his physical, its t irn:in abo ve described, is U l i on ab les ii rc!, p a ;.li vc oI' :sp e cial harm , PIai i iztij 'f i:~ rr it i t l' cd to d~ ~m,3 g es fir leis inj ~u iy ~v il tlsc ru~t prn a fof s~~eci a ! h a~rrn , WI IE F ; FI? IRE'., Plaintiff demands j udgrmnt a gai nst D .-lcndant Atlanta Falcons for damages, susta i ned by T' I ,iinti:ff; IIaplheir with c a ts, pmeju d1pneiit and postju d gmient . iizt eircsIl, a nd s uc h other rellie 1' th lis ilorno rifotr Co wl de crn s ,j us t wici l 3 p frropriatl : u n d er tlhr, . circ u msl a nr t,s . _. e, _. -- Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 14 of 29 !) K h11AfVpj--4)' 3 JR_J R_' Y__1`R 1 IA1L ~ 1Pllai ritiif f hc ircby d em ands a'tr ial by j ar y on a1 e ssu rs lr ia bl c by zi~h1 b y Jury. Re spec il u l !y s ubm irtc d, of I 10, K:cn a,a G . Loomis, Esquire Georgia Bar No . 4 :5 '1 f L61 5 COZEN XiDa4 NOR S'aaTnis t P lan, Sovil c 2 ',2Q6 303 P ' cackiU^ce S ti rc1,, rf .lI Ad fantzi . t ic orE;ira 3 10:3{f8 7'c l cphoinr : (411=E) 572· :!G00 . F'aoimile : (1041) 5,72-2199 A ftor rr e,Y,for' J'1'air1 iff . .. Si .. - - - - - - - - - - - ---- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007State (.a u15 of F29ton Co u r i ty Page r lt of ul '~ * * 1= 1 F I LED* IN '1C I i'E S T ' A, 7'E COURT OF 1 LJvP1 71V ( `O uti TV' ' STATEOF GEORGIA L .exf S N i ex i s 7fra nj c:tic n ];Cr ] .gF2 738 Z3 Date : Mar 27 2'.007 3 :0 2! FIM M a rk, Ha r pe ir, Clerk c. »A n A' .i AC Ks (r N , NlsintilF, crVIL nc T i O N w oo . VTh'lXi 21 US VER;IFIIF: I) APPLI +C.ATI + Dh' I] ; F COUNSEL ANN 1 1iI t: F'A R 1L,A'ND DR:A, F ' E;6t :F'O R Alb III ~S~S : f ()11[ PRO' MA Ir y iCE f ·r . xr]LANTA, FALCONS FOUTI3A L,I.. CLUB, LLC, De; fm rtd' ant. An' [ OL F ' arl:a m d D r arier'a )J1~i iic $1flo r~ o rPrn Rae V kY Adrn ii eAwrl _ T Pursuant to the Georgia Rule or 'GDUri 4 .4 ., ,A,r u N11cFar la nd Draper ("NrOmriP)., hereby n Split's to thi<,s 1; Ionorkbl c Court fur an +Drclc r gram.ing, admission try pna tr icC close t}ii ;t Court pro hac vi'e~e m eo un :3cl for P1 aum iCPi n the above- ent li t lad proaee~dini g p ending'he :f'ore this Court. Applicant stated amt ;stie is a " I7bmiessie Ijiv+yc r"Jas dalined in Georgia Rulle of Court 4 .4);, t hat shc i s aic3 muttcd to praciicr h I Ee SUM .' ~oi70al ;lornia bu t not ill the S t ate ~oJFl,i~ .orgiu~, that she nri4 he v i resid+z in nor is regularlLy em p2oye l d a [ an office in the S ¢ atc of Gkorgia, Cult she has bn: ri ir i ained 6y the i.licni~ (Gn ady Ya cj ;soii) prior ( c o per r lro n nii ng snvicc: ; iin the . S 5tatr of' (3arory ; i ~. and 17'u d she hens been n rgains ted v + ap pm, on bel l ad 1' oi C M r . Jackson in the 6ova-cnlit2 ed pnKtl :d ili g . In support of this a Ap iiw it i ori , App l i-ca nt An n Mc1°QWlla nd Drapc r, hen .-by declares ud states s IFo1lows ; A n.x4110440754 o W99. .001D -] . -- -------- --------- - ------------ -- Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 16 of 29 S .. N am notii employed in the State o!' (i c:o [ f;ia, rcges .}cis'l y or odwm' sc . N urn n:gu lady s employed in. the C ity airui Counh,~ OfSam Francisco, Stare of Ca l iGoin ia; , where I arri "of counsel ." to the law fi rnn of Farta cr d 'c Company A , tto:rni r ys, L[ .N . My bimsinrss a ddress pa t Rtrlk-r & Company . 4t t,xncws ,,L ; L IP is 114 7 Sansomc Stirect, LL , .5-inF razxiScO, (:<< l i,forsiia 9411 L 11 do not . resid c in th e: State of Cicorcg,iz· I msice i n the City Cur d County Of S an Fmciyzo, Sta t e o f C 'a 'IilPo nii;i. For reasons of' Fre rson:ii s e :tLriir~, I ir giaell that I not Ibex required to l d is+. l me my p 1Crso r w l rcsidein<:e address in, t h is public d a :u m e nr. If maintain a n oit- b usuies s a ddr ess of t 10 P ac: i iGi ; Am . 0 3 :i 1 , San F rancisco, C4lUumi ,a 94111, s l which I mce'iv e nnp pmonal mail and deliveries . If 1}] .C Court requires disclosure of m y ac t ual pcmo nal reriden ce a :idre:ss . I request thm the disclosure be rrad c- Wider ;steal or I.7 carRCrQ,. 2. The name Of lh.c client Whom I sa . k, to represent in this proceeding i s the Plaint i f lf, Gr id y Jadmn. Mr . ,Jackson h as retained the law :tirrn of F,ar Mer & Company Mtorneys, 1111, and imaim ry s uri c J. 'M u lm:r a n d m ysel f, Uo represent tri m in c anncclici n wlil lt the disrUtr l hnt is i he s ubjccc of (lie gibover-ientitl ed p i,oc, : ed ing, ard has se q u+cs,lM that I appear on his behff in the al*v c ·,cn iidr d proceeding . Mr. Jackson [s a . nationally kn owa p rofirss i onsd NFL lfa o i6e:1 1 pZaiy c r. Mr, Jackson can Ix rGac :he4i aimvi gh h is NFi . j sp;e nt, An ge l o 1Vrip,hi , S p oi1s'W'es e Football 2708.1 iGrem d ,vi cw A . vcn uc . H.iy w·an ll, C-,q 94542, t1elcpho ne { 51 1)) S81 -b . S lli: . For reasons of confidentiality arid personal eociuiry, I request ih ai: I n ot lbc, irequ iss;dl 4a disclose the pciso rm.f address car lel' e phonc number of Mr . Jlackso,n ( t}ic client sought to be represented in t his 1p roccrc diing) i n . ibis publicly fiilcd ; do c ummi t . If [lie Court requires dli!41osum OF Mr . Jackson's jx rr.ona] address or trlrpbon c , 1,i unl t icr, 1 request Oat I h c disclosure be i n mIr under s4m l or In i:a Mercr . -- . 2 A': 1 .A.N'fA\ 94D 't!- 11 iD9999 +. arp .. .. ,, Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 17 of 29 3 . I aryl ; a mrimbcr of die Stale Dar o t' (,edifcsrnia, My CstiN ni a ;it utc Du r ' Nu m b cr is OiS :id6 9. 1 wa s admitted to pia c t icC be lron: ill iD!' I hie c i>ur~s o f die State of Cafilronih (including . the ('a li farni a S upixme Court, ll: e G i :Kiic t Courts o1"A]pj x ull , 8110 I ',hC $7 t1I courts of this swic) . in Q eN.-cmb cr 1975 .en d havre been continuously ac[mittied :sinc e dust 1ilm e . The f oll lotivin,g h; a lis t of acldlilloniall vouuis b efcm- wh i c h I have been »ilmi tt, .d to p a ct icc and tlir ircsInxtivc periods of admission : Ninth Circuit Cou rt of ApIp e: als s iinec lacecm,bcj- 1f9' 75 l1nillc d States District Court f ur I hu-'N o, nlhernn sii n G; IDimcmb¢r V1 5 District ofCaliramin lJni'lcd States District Co u rt !'or ffic Central over 2 S ye ars I) isl ric% of 'CaEi fcinnia United S lail crs District { ror the ELStcrn .curt D is l ri¢¢ o f C :a ti fcmn ia a ,ppro,chatcly 2Ci !years Admission to the i Jnil cd States Di strict Courts includes a dmiissim to practice 6efa rc : ilh e L 1ri i l ed Stales ] 3ank n iptc, y Co isr t in these < l i:wr i r es, arid I have praciln,ccd bu fam the I'J ni tcd States I 3w4,nuptiey Cowl ill the Norftrn la id Eastern Districts ~ o l7 iGal iforniz. I w as also admitted uo praclice pro h2c vice in the (:iR : uit C'a l un in Pi l ne:il 'las Coiunt; y, Florida lit np pr ox iima i,ely , 11994 . 4. C have never -c n denied a drniiviion,p, a, hoc vice in the ;hate of G'cm-g iat . I 'I have niev er 'hi ~dl ndmi~syi[r n ~rnv hac ~vdc ~ ! i~rvo 4 :ed iii th e S t~itr. is /' ( 3i tary;ia, '.[ I~frv c rie v e ~ r batni di sc i > > li n~ed oir s anct ia-n ed in my way b y wny court i in the Suite l' l .; ccInsia. : i. No dii scipl l inani pcou:edi rng (fcrrma ll or oth rwise ) h m aver been b rou ght a,pi n :,t w mie by any disniplina qrmi t honit y In any junisdit4 ion within die last fivei(S)yrurs . 3 AT WUN1 7A M9 i447 'y\ l Os g~ ro LGO a- ----------------------------- ------------------- ------------------------------ Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 18 of 29 6. 1 have u cv cr tfccn' hc l d formally iin c ont e mpt o r codtie,ri,vii se sanctioned by anly court i n a written order ire th e last five (S ) years for clisobe dirrice to its lu tes oirorders , 7. I have ci cv icu applied to eppcarJ!?ro IWc v,Pct i re any proceeding bel oee a n y c our t Or agency in thc suite o f I acor,gi a w ic him th r jprrcc !cd i ng two Ycam . : 8. I have reviirwc d Mu l faM i liarii zcci myself 'with Me Qra rgi a Rules of P' rol c :ssicmall Ccmdu ct,1'ocfs! c u lt:; an d cowl procedures of this court. 9' . The na m e, address, te:lrpho i ru: nurnlxr and bar imun l e r of me aclive member in goad s»nc3ing0 1"lhe bar of this .tA tI e u bD will ;sFpn -s o r my f>ro hue; ivi cer reqmst is as follows : Samuel VL'ab d hci uu- Ill (Cie oirg;ia Bar Nco. 7,55070:1 COacn CI 'IC0nrlor l5un7'n ut P ll=r, Suite 2200 : 3 (1 7 peactinre Stn: e:t, N Ii Al t .int :t, CIA 30308 Tell.-phone- ON) 5 'is!·:2(Kp Tic a stpvc- n azn erl Georgia am>: rn:y an d the A thrit L Ilaw, f irm nf C :calen O' (.oninoir have a giv a3 ta, f a prAar or record vtii~ h nn . : in Ns p iroax din,g . D .. 1 imake, this application c oncurr ently with Eric 1 . I Fe irlx r and the law firm of Far bce dt C:ornpmnl r Alto m e;y s , GLP, to which I am p 4) f ra ~umjcL The: law Arm of Farber & ICei np ;Iriy ACt orn eys, ' L1L1P, i rcp re ser t:i a nu rri b eir of a rcrfm s il o mxl NFL football pl aya ' s I' s uc ;h wi G nacly Jarksori, who is t h e E'l ain tilT in A e above-anti tte cl pro.-eading ;l . Although the offices ci f du :llaw fi ne of F' atk ser & 13Dmp s my At kl nleys, 1.11, arc in Sark 'financis ro, ;5tmc of ('a difornila , iiLi c Zicnts am lauded tlvrau,ghc ou! Lb c U nit ed 15 IA t cs. 4 P1T'LR N:'A \ 94 0 7 51]l 04999 4410-· -- - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 19 of 29 11 . 1[ Iw,vc read the foregoing statcinen ( and nm funilia~~ with ii ts caintcnt and know the same lay be true o f may own F crsoinrd knowledge, I declare un&- r ~the penalty f ~perjury under the laws of tree SUL te Of Georgia ny! the State of Ca] 'i rorniia dial this A.ppniwation ,and : the Ducts set ti>r4L her<:bub m. .w e true arkd correct and iEhur, a this V 'tI;i firatio lZ Was executed Ibis 26"" dsg of March, 2D0 7 , al: San F'r n ,cisco, State of 'Cal if<mnia ,. $ y n etLs1an Of th e abc>ve ,, ucidei sii gnedl CA)u nsc l n.spec:li;ull ;y requests th is I loriorable Court to ,gim M: the application to p rw ice before this Court p ro Fia c 'vi:ae. B~ ) V,['1fZlflpk> VV1I CERE Qi F', t is t:ndce'si;gtti·dl lhc:n :utilci Sets her h,arul a xl ;seal thus(~~~ u day oIF'J201Ji' . . C ' IPI'S' AND COUNTY' OF ' SA,N' MAN CII SCiD § ~i 10 and ~ul ~ ~ r'ibed l hcib re me this ~r I/ J7 I( / ,r .1111 C ..~~ r. draiy Pub lic Cbmm iWo n Exp i ir!r 1 J' e Ana McT w·1 unc! Draper l i1 oim iPi'a`cutc B ar ]Y o. 06515651 · ;FAA ft HL R8t C'CiM PAIVY M'] '( > FWEM S, LL .P l B ,4 i"a`ansnnz e; S t rcr,t, Suite LL SarL Frajlc,iWD, ( .'z lita r ni a 94 111 Telephone : (411 S) 4 :3<4- S: s :!0 Fnr simiIIe : ( 415) 4:444-;53 80 A' !l o+rr,w V.rUl r 1'Yct knl y . . ~. .~ ..e.,.n..n, ..,a..s. . :~ F!I AUIJ~AE., I~IF,a I EM~1NH4i r ` ~~tx J ~IYOT+k I tY' F'UB I :II°aGUi FOR rt6 1 ;D FPJWcIsa)'axiN rr ~ lYlrpc mm,, Em rnn ml 1 .. Y00m r - 5 A,r LaN Ta %!i 4 o7 ,s\ i oMron. o oa---------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------ Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 20 of 29 lfprTHF ;;] 'xm COURT or ]E I JI[;Ta ' I.iD iJT'm, \ s7fA' I 'lE or GEORGIA 1 Plaitn t i . [I!, CIVIL A.(-,f ION NOP . ti T FUF1 1F.lb A LP f'I1C'AM O ~rI CIF COUNSEL A~SW 1!: [ ClPiUfM ANT1 DEW ' 1 :]; FOR ADMISSION PAW A rfu: Yr<:j IV ' v. . ,ATZ A. Ai' 1,'A'F.ALC'C1NS FOOTBALL CLLMt, L .L.C.; 1]cicn dai nt [,'rrti flicat e .s! ' Se rvt ae 'lf1u:o is I!o c<r1ify ih,ai 1 ; Live this oby scrired Ii a31ry Of Ann 1ti1'c: Earvind Dirope', Ap plliia tian for Pro 1;[Ai c Iri lcc Adinixsi o a via U.S., Mail, a ddrc:;scd as 1'oUows: , !1·tl anui If.dccns F ,Do tlb:Ll lL Club do Co;rporatio n S; ys tu-ni, CT 1 "e: 01 F' 'cachtr cc :itrrel,T ' f .l 7Ad l ank t, CIA 30361 Dffi ce of I hc Cienc it I Counsel , SPa i c liar oFi3 i cnrgia [ W~ Marietta trect, l N.1'V , Suite 100 , Atl u ua, C; corpaa 3 0 303 This' :0k day of March ',2tx17 . . 00 Ann 2NcFeuiland U nip-cir (:ailiforni :a SGitcRar No . 0656 69 IFAlEt4CR,& . C:i]' NPA.Tf 1 ' ,A'TT+D1tItiEY'S, IL1L]P &~47' Saunscmnc ~5tnre~, Suite LL Sam f 'nutcisc,), C ;a .Iifornia94111 1 fe;lcphoir ie: : (4 15) 4 :)4{-,5 :37:0 IFacsimi ;le : (415) 43<L-.5 MQ, -- +5 , 47'LJ4N'PFA 4 4 ; 1751 :1 os91M. ooa- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007SUR PageI I21:of 29 lM C; C I I# of Fulton County IN TE If F : ;S"['A'I' : F COURT OF FULTON COUNTY . ,sr .&TE OF GEORGIA GRADY JACK SON, Plaintiff, * * * FtF' I 1.E D A c * Len ci :sMa cl:s TransactH)n I I D: 1-4 :Z73f3i!E : Date : Mar 2 ;' , Z007 3 :02 1P1 A Mark F14-3r F e r, Clerk. ci vit. ixrrON N10. ID'I l E'V 002 :! I' 3J VT I U H Ep A 1']' 1. 1' C'AIR CItV OF ·. COUNSEL E: Ii1 ' t: .1. F ~MZ 1f3iFI R . FOR A C IM I SS{ O 1f 1pJ~~ ~ FT. I 1~ i7iC, E Y. AT LANTA FALCONS FOOTBALL CLUB, LLC, Dcfca d :tn l,, J_ri ~J. .~~rl~l~s1~@]?~lS~L!~t~ C4~~i 21jI ~~~'~H ~ !!lrilLf!4~3 f e ' Pursuant to tic, (n:o rgi .a Ti u Ic of C'o uil 4 .4 , Eric .) . Farbcr ("A ~pgl icai nt"'), hereby ap;pli c:s t o this Honorable Court i Co.r as Order grainti iog sdniis:oiiari 110 p ra ctice 'b~ : foi~ c this Court pro hac v ice as cowicl for Fl ai r,iti ff in the a.bowe-cntitI ec t proceeding peeling, before this Court . Applicant States Chutt he i s e "DIomI rstia Lawyer' (as de iin c d i n Georgia Rule .a1' Court 4 :4 ), that he its admitted to p ia c t i c:e i :I the State o il Iwil ifoJnia bu t n ea t i n the St ate of Georgia, t eat she neither resides in nor i!; re p tarl,l etn p lo; ye d tit am office ii ' the Slate o ff Georgia, dia t uZ i e has Ikcin n :t » inrdl by the c ll icnt ( Grad y ]2ic' k x n;) prior bd pMformi:ig, : v nriCcs in ' lbi e st;il c o ro afrgiia, . and 1 'ha1 she has been c(ju cstcv! u ) apjxa r on behalf of Drf ir. Jackson i n n thr above- entitlied e proccrd i n;g . ! in suplron of lhi s api p licztion, Applicant 1 =: icy .1 . Fasbc r, Ihem :by i1cclares and stales as Ib lllaw:r ATII.AN7'AMr4J5 'i11 MOM_ IX I O ------------ Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 22 of 29 I . 1 &n i r;g ul+ uly employed in thc City and C 'ou,my of San, Stat : of Callifor n i n, when; ll , am the i ma nq in ig partner o f Oc: !law firm of Father AL C' omp lany Attoirnc; ys, LLP,, My business address is 1941 : >an so nx ,5ui ;ct, L . I ., Saii Francisco, C ' ali ;fo r nia 941 II 1 . ] '. a nn n eat employed n the: S tate: ia f ' 13~~c~r ;gia,, regularly o r o th Crw i ;sc I clo y ri ot ri--ildc in the State or Gamria . For reasons of personal sr+:uriil y, 1 ,req Lx!st that I not be required to disclose my personal res :iJ enc : c address in this public docwrent . IF the Court requires discksurc of my personal resid rr,ce address,, I request that 'Me d1 iscloH xe be made under :ua'1 or in cm ara. m r :!. The na m e or the c 1l ic;nt whom I seck to : e pa sent in 1 :his, pr o c eeding is the P ll ai n tiff; Grady J ackson . VIr,, Jackson h as irctahnrd the la w Ii rni of'Fm'bs :r & Company Attorneys, IIP, and . 8dI0'IT,i C ,Y;I Ann ;[v4cF,ulan d Draper wdi rn;yxelt;, to represent him in connection w4t h, the dispute that is th e subjec t of d i c, abov<:- e ruiitl esd proceeding. and , has re : g wemu :d (hr. I appear on h is behalf in th e alx,v e .-crntitl cr d procccd ing . Mr. :facloA n is a nationally known ppDl5CSsioruil NFL timba lt pla, rr. Mr. Jackson can be reached through his N F1[L a:;cnc , Angdo 'W riglht, Sporu West y 1Foctlmi!!, 27084, Grtndvi e w Avenue . Il l a,rvviurl, CAL 94542, itelcp'horc 1,5f10) 5 6'I-G'9112 . For reasons or confidentiality a nd persona l secu rity, I request Chat l riot b .- requirod to disclose the x p mona l address or telephone n um'bcx of AIr . , l aclkso n ( i~h e e'licnd smig h t to tK represented in this proceeding) in thi s publicly filed cl oCIu r m:n4. If -the Court requires discTostire of Mr . Jackson's personal address or telephone Jtumb cr, I request that the d' i sc'Iasi :rc be made under ; s era) or irr [ raMe,rn . .I . I mm a mc rnfVr of the St ate : Bar o lf Gal ii 'ornk My C'alliJ'n r nia Suite, Ba r Number iii 5% ; '12. I itias gul rriit tc :d to practice befo re the Supreme Court io l' Oal li falni a in January 017 1994, rvl,ic h ~i nc l~udcs all ,stat e court s o!' Qdi firr n iia. I em also Omin . ed to p;raceice 1xfore Va ., UnIcdl -· 's '. A1' LAY'." AA 94 cT5 9\ 'L Wi9 SN 000- ------------ ------------ ------ Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 23 of 29 S t;u ~.s D istn c It Cin v i in the l V orthrr n, L·xAc rn , t " cn ti ulf and Soul hcrn [?ist ricls of Ca li l 'omia. I was . admitted to prat+ii, :a before the N'orLhcrn z)isirict on ;5i:pl tcmikr 21, 199.4, tlhc!'Esslc : r in Disurii :t ai n N'nvom bi.-r 29. 149 :i, the Central Cli :bir t am l 4ov c rnb c e ,t:!, 199:5 and ttc .uFuthc m Di :mic [ on Janua ry 'l i!, 19 96. I ivas a,drtmiuc d to p iractic;e brfci rrc the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals On Alptil 61, 2001 . On 1anm y 22 , . 2 {10 1 6 vvas also a dmiu ed lo ;pia et i re 6elfore: the tfni l cd S ta t es Supreme Court . [haves also been adrniAerl to prac: t ioe pv Jiac vice be irorer the United S l ates District Court 6Dr Ih c Eastern Distict of Missouri . 4 . 1 Ihav c n ever been denied admission pro h ac ivicu ii n the'SI% lc o f' ()<:a r gia . I Mire move r had aIJ m iission,pra J LOc v ic e nrvo:ked', in the :m ate of Georgia . I have nev er been disciplinod oar s:sn i rti oricd 'ut any sway b y a ny oDurt iin the .151ale of Georgia. 5. No disciplinary p r ixtiec[iiag ~( f 'oi^nul or o'th eirwise :) has e v er teen brought against nncr by any d'iscipli r my a ot horhy i n ;u iy jwIsdic, t i o n vshlh in th c llast fir e (: S ), y e w-s . 6. 1 have never be e n held formally in aon tcrn pt ai r otherwise .4mclioned by any court rule, in a wm iUen order in 1 h<; list hi ve (!i) years for disdbcsdi e nm ila its ; o rciuders . 7 . 1 have never applied to appirar pmo him . -vice i!n any pracGCdliap ; lx fosr any G irt or m agnicy in the Stale cl' {.3e :orjsIi within die prM :e diing vm:o yeam. 8 . '[ have rc-rilmod and faimitiarizedl myself NrittL the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct- lara il rules and u 3urt p raacd uirs o ff this coui t 9 . 'Tihc r ~n:mne r, address. lel cph o ne numk Mr and air n uini ttr or trot ml ivr : m e mb er in baaf s t aa~dli~~p ; o F'chc : bar of %his staff: Who,wil ;l sponsor inyp ino h, xv ip [,u, : e,;uese is a,3 ;fo l lo w s : -. :t )1'I'LAI+tTA A 9 ,4[IS 4 1'1 9 AaSw Dan. . Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 24 of 29 S anw: 2 VVix~dh,ous e III (Georgia D arWo . 755070) C 'omm 1)" C'omnn r Sun11'YU St P't a za, Suite 2;2M 3 U: 3 P raiclhtnx S',tra.-t, Iq G T 'ellephcm e; (4 iD=L ) 57'2 - 2 400 The 6csv e · r mm,eid Gicorgici Eiseo rrie y aul the A ,tl anfu law arm o if Cozen C M 'Con :iai r have gig reed to .-Cor s aFrpo ar ord with imc in this prixec-ding . llQl . 1 nuke thi,>applicatio n concurrently will L ,A,rmi 1Drnpcr wlw is q/'C cr14A serr to 'the law iGuvil F as$er & (;<nnFw; y AUomc;y s , lLP , The law limn of f ,m b i cr & C'a41ipan y Att o rnz y,, L,tP, ircprcu :nt s . 9 purnM .r of pralc,ssional NFL N tlbdl players (such wc iGra.d y l acksm, who lis the Plaintiff Iii the nhQvci :nititled prrnxoding) . 1 1. (ha ves re e l P.lic foregoing staurrnrni t and jinn familiar with its content and krow Ihc :carne ua b: ' true o l ' rn ry own p:rsonS l ]cr iowicr dg ie. -· A 1 iR V AN 'C71199 175 9\1 1 19! rr4,Ot0 - --------------- ----------------- ------------------------------- Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 25 of 29 11 ~dcc l a m a under t he' pana 'Ity or rxrjur,~ uiuler the laws of the Gate or C icorsi ., arid', the Suite of iC+a l i toi'n iz thai th is NF>p l icaiion and th e fa c ts set forth Ihc7, :ioatovc are truce and corr,ec't and dial this I;errifiea lion was ec :u tcd this 5'1~ i 3:i y of tiiari:} i, 2007, ai San F'rtne :iseo, S Ur, 10iT'sdii f 3inia. By reascm of the i st pvc, u ndrrs'rgn cd Counsel n : s;per t f u ll l y ireq ,Lx:sGn this I lunora blla Court to gram[ the siP l slicn c i orn 10 practice lb(. foi r US Cv lun n ,~cl hire vice. I d cv: Z aYe under the INrnn;lty wf jperrjunr wui,--u the LOWS o f the ZStstI! Of li , ;ci rgia tha t the above i S true tend eoIri: ct . ][,~~ 1'1'IITTiFSfi W1 MUM', the un~dcis iig n+~cl hereunto sets his 1'~ n~3 and s~:al thus t ,nNa y or STATE OF CAL]' FO R;VI A CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN 1 L1?r(.'k > C' C> Sworn to and su. riled be ! f(rret rne : dhis C'al ilfa mi a Sw te Bar No . 1 iSSi-0,72 San Francisco, C al i (uirnu.0i4 I Z I T'c Hcphoncr (41 :i) 43 4·5 3 20 Facsi nnitc: ( 4 I :.) 4 34·· 53BI1 A t1orn e' V,f i r P 7cri~nll~ ~ d Eric bcir 847 S,ansoi ne Stree:t,, Suite LL, LLP N-0" Ncitir), Public I:Gmmirsio My jl r 5043744 SH A iL11!!A E. HAR DEl4 41V n~ ' ~jF*7~lFff P UBLI C;-I :A JJFI)fIN! IAI iy S H IN MiJVG51;t1 w11sTI11' .. I rs F- v~op ..o. C 5. A' ['LAlv7'A,\9 ,=SI 531 ;L O9a99 V 0Oo-·. Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 26 of 29 IN THE :`1CAT 1E COURT OFFULTONCOUIPTV > STATE OF C E ;C/RI,; ; 1/ 1 Plaintiff, CW1 L A( --C1I C1 ' r m o. ' \1T_I2 1I f' lED X1 1 ? I ? I.I'ocrlf Oti (li F' · COUNSEL ERIC 1. FA lila'E' R FOR A, T l:ld 1 ~iS~ I b Ai ~PJ4iD fr~ ~ 1 .^ L7iC E V. ATIApt'irik FALCONS FOOTBALL ('1.1 1 1 3, 11 .{ ., Uclfen b n1 . fi QvfI_ e .nte o f 'Surv ir e 'M is is to Cc ni fy i1h 34 If I UNe lF his day 5 ; e n'ed a co p; { o l' lEi ri C J, fiirtcr's Application for Pro Ilac Vice Ail rnkston via U.S. Mail, $ojLIr CS SI;d its f'olluvvs : ,AIl a nGa Fal-consFaatbatl Club ./U Corporation Sy :iG :rn ,, Cr 120 Z F'rarhucr Strcet, N.E. . Aflanu, CIA 30241 1) Illlic e o frhe G ene:na l ( :clunse ; l :> t ai s Bar o1' (; corgia Suite 1104 r, l .arictta Slr a; t,, 14. 1010 VI. Adanrtri, ClIrvrg ia MID This 2 15th d ay +oi'Ivt arc lh, 2007. 4~ + Eric ! .. Farber C's lilrorriia'[i az,Nn. 1 6'x;47'2 F'AFUlE :R& COMPANY A'1"1 OIt1V;E'YS,, LL!' E47 Sam omic Suo.t, Suite .L San Francisco. California 9-1111 : Telephone 1;41,5) 434·r]210 Facsimi I c: I[415)434-539D ·- 6 AT UITITA '\!IA OS '4% 1 OSwlr9+00 0----------------------------- -------------- 0 t Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET ~ _!_i ~k-W-l ---- ------ ------- Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 27 of 29 ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------C 'ou rt : D1 visic i r i : Case Type : GA Stale (:overt of ?udge: : IFu Ntcm Count( I 4,% Case Ru mb er : General 1_tv li l I.a s e : IN arrie, : File 8 . Serve Live 3 J : ! 3 '/ '.2 1}0 .' IDa ll 07E 'J 0 0 : ! ] 13] I D io le isment( s ) 3 Fill Jackson, Grady vs A t l l I Ra imsm All Ill Football Cl ub Bessen, Di ane E: 'Submitted : ~ rC h ~g ~ ,~ ' ~~, M i n~t i l`f DeFe~ nda ini Wednesday, Search Search Created : ~~ al A pri l 25 2'.007 ---- ------ ------- 1 . 7 ': 1 ;2 . 15 E: C11 ' P irinl: ed on : Wednesday, Apr i l 25, 2007 I 7 : 12 : :Lsi EDT Case H l i st o ry Search Irjmffi-Cl,SL[L m;P :Q 1'&CL1 R!g! 1427 :3 f3 :>. E I Lo1 S~S2S~R1~ '~~IY : Q±~ j S2Sl~R~ ' ~Il~~! ~ Awrat 2alm 3i :3/'27, /:tOCl7 File CI 7EVO0 ;Z ]l ] .3 ] Ill G . Application Eric 3 . Fa r · be.r :s 3 :02 M EDT Only Ja c kson,, Grady vs Ill App 'Ik:ait i on for Pro Atianta Falcons COZEN Ill Vice Admission Football C lu b O ' C l Application Ann h7c: Fa r l .a n d Dr per' s Application a Qm~e ~a ~Nw m~gr 1- .2 of 2 trai nsai: t io ns ~# ~~h Qr ·~ r r i <, - : I'reu Page 1 of I Iv;~x ;» ;~ M ~ ~D ,, 1N I Et iD ,, iN I E; 142 150!i i,5 ; :3/'26,/ :> 0Ci7 . di :45 Ill EDT O nl y Jackson, G iTi dy v s Ill Se Complaint Complaint Atlanta Falcons Football Club File 0 7EV1D1):tll 1 . 3J Pro Se, Amended fo r Pro Fl ar e Vice Admission F irst : Amended 0 . 2l 1-2 of :2 transactions <.<l Page 1 of 1 l Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 28 of 29 I PJ ' T 'm ; 1JI`d [ 'T'la) :i ' I 'A 7 ']C;i> I)Isun+C:'E' COURT FORTHE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA ATLANTA "ElIVIS)INDIN \r F'l ai i nitiflf, V.. I Y ri 1L.1 ACr1 l O l "1 PJ O : ATLANTA FALICADIN&S : CIE: irc 1 nd:4a n L ~C : I E: ~t ' Z 'lf } I ICA,i [' FC OF r i]I: RV ][ {C 7 ? I hereby icertify, that :I have served a ell3py Of DEFEMIEIANI"" ATLANTA F'A , I:.[:~C~~\fi > ]~~C) 1 C~'I'~3t~~ ]LLl~ ~C : I~LJI ~~ '~i 1'1C)'T']: ~~I : OF 17I ::M{)`T.A,]L 'by causing a copy l~'~3t~~ cif the saniE; ti:) be dlep o ;;i, ted, in the United States Mail, postage r E;p ; aic3 an d a.cldrE,,> se d to, the fcil kwii n~; : Ke f1i11R (3 , ]..o CIIT1115 (--1 oz : ]-",N 0'C()rM6r)lz a un']['mi,sir F'laz ,2 , .S5 u iU, 2200 3 : 03 1Pea.c.ht.ree ;St rt ;i.-it , ISLEAtlanta, +Gr f .o :rI;i <~ 210308 and[ Eric FartiE:r Ann Mcfairlawl Draper . F4 ARB]EF : 82P S ansci xne ; Strese t , Suite LL San F~rancisro, California 9.4111 ] LI.]P it ~ Case 1:07-cv-00939-GET Document 1-2 Filed 04/26/2007 Page 29 of 29 7'l~i ~~ 2,E~t ri d a y c~ f ',A, p ~ril, 2',007 .

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