Demar v. Chicago White Sox, Ltd., The et al
1st Set of Requests for Admission of Fact by Superior Air-Ground Ambulance Service, Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Exhibit C# 4 Exhibit D# 5 Exhibit E)(Brady, Brigitte)
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Case 1:05-cv-05093 Document 45-3 Fax: 630-832-1207 " . .', ~'~-""f~:: (,- on . -'..", .. ".
Oct 11 2005 9: 45 P.32
Filed 05/31/2006
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.:' SuperiobhXiiGroúiid Ambulance Seivice
,.., _.. : - ..~ 'Trêè:ì~~a:~yotè$Htt~'~hlëh-- ~iI NEVER. pay becausè jt is part of a serIes of ~riminal acts~'-_'~2. Kidnapping, 3. attempted murder. I won't count perjury even though they
Page 1 of 2
enh~nced ~y'your EMT - driver. These criminal acts vyere 1. suppresion of my ciVil rights,"'" .---,.
certinly Bed" . - '.. . ,-..,"
'job.', '".' ,
~ecaúse they weren't under oath -- unless there is some general oath against lying on the' .
things I cai do. I am very crippled (severe polio foUoed by p,0st polio syndrome) (if you never heard. " . . of that read Julie Silver "Post Polio Syndrome' - A Yale Unìv.Press book. She, by the " way is no ':mateur. She is.on the faculty of the Harvard Medical schooL. Anway, làm ' ,
Last yeaï.T.had:aJii;ited season ticket to the White S'ox. This is one of the few'
paralyzed In the abdomen, lower back and most of the right leg. My car has h.andicapped
early have to stand and wait. These jams are the toilets and the elevators used by the every handicapped. They stay jammed long after the game ends - as is well known by
plates I walk and stand with great difficulty .with a cane. After the game I wait quite a while because I have learned that two jams of p,eople remain long after the game and if I go too
handicappeo person. ': . .
'-.~ . .. . .-" .~._~~; . ..
So the left field se6urity people (which i understand to be off duty Chicago police offcers)
. ordered me to leave. I explained my problems. but they wer~ unremitting. Because
refused to leave ar:ø thus $tand and wait they caitied mtfôut ~ 59 much for my civil rights. This reminded me of a blind person ( know who got tossed from a San Francisco hotel because He had a dog ( particularly a guide dog). Following the rules given him by.the .. . .' 9t,ide dog people, ria wenttothe pol~ce and in seconps the hotel manager was in hand- ,
So with respect to your bil; you can produce no evidence
ouffs. d". - " ::-:,'H' . . ." '-.
that I authorize:d it and no . ..
of the IOs .of all the af duty cops, your emt and all other mecical technicians i met. . '
evidence .that I uocqnscious. Your criminal emt-driver asked. in cöver up, a series of , -- stupid que~tì,cha$ what i~ the ?at~? AH ~f.which,'l refused to answer, 1. have defínjtE!,7' got slower in my old age, but my IQ. is still significantly larger (and wa$ then) than the $urt .
. Attempted mÙrder occurred, because your emt (ord,er~d by thE: cops) dumped nne at . . .'.
. ' Mercy HQspital with the need to walk back to the staçtium. My life was saved by a securro/J
'. guard who gave
í. '.:'(, ~ , ,- ,'" , ..- n. ", .
me a ride - which relieves no one of blame. I hope you recall the black Kß ~ ,.. who was dumped by the cops in the 11 th ward and consequently had the crap kicked out
It îi;'-èìearTtíãi-ìfyöü furthër 'atte~Pt t6ëoiiêct this bil from me, J wil include eyeryone in yo',(' company.from secretary to CEO as a part of my c:ríminal complai!1t. Ihave bee'1ßo fari'ax
sin~e event There are two reasons - post polio syndrome which makes me if'men~!,
. of him, F7rom tt::is vyas.a, charge ofatt~mptec. murder. . .' .' .- '. .' .. ..,'.. ...
tired. and I am bothered by sending GUVs to jaii ~or ten or tWe.n.ty years that,' despite their
stupioity and ignorance.,',' ..,' ..-., ....,,,....,...:.:.,....,i.,~..,..,, good citizens., . . '.. ." . of the law, might ordinanly be .::' :''''''~.N'~:':#''~~-:-:''''~f;~~?,~~''~'''''''. - . . .. .....~....:.:~. :.";::~' .
I should point out, sìnce I
got s~ck' t?f wrítrig bý hand,"that I bòught a computer to'a~~~st 'me.r~" ,_. ,',
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Case 1:05-cv-05093
Document 45-3
Filed 05/31/2006
Oct 11
Page 2 of 2
9: 46
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, Notit'~it V;o'ulcfhe"reàsónabíiÙö ë6ïièèt this biU hoiil-he .criminals who. used ýöur vehic\g fç l.criminal activity, Those. would be the left fiald security group, your emt and the driver and' .
som~ whi~~;SOX medical pe.?ple.., . , ..., ,.' " . , .'" '
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