Huon v. Breaking Media et al

Filing 15

EXHIBIT by Plaintiff Meanith Huon N, O, and Q1 throough Q5 regarding amended complaint 12 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit N, # 2 Exhibit O, # 3 Exhibit Q1, # 4 Exhibit Q2, # 5 Exhibit Q3, # 6 Exhibit Q4, # 7 Exhibit Q5)(Huon, Meanith)

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] Searcfrffr*A"graphbrsbrios, Home'Local News Jobs Altos Real Eshte Dmmenls P fhfttUCfffff*oeir l1:02PM Myq2,2008 ly SANFORD SCHMIDT J. I'heTclegreph LE :OWARDSVIT - A Chicago lauryortflas chargcd Wednddey vith fivo faloflios b'r dl€gsdly alreu[ir€ a womsn while driving [s car on lderdds 55. ,la.nilh Huon, 38, wes dra.god in Madison County Circuit ldJ.t with tw counb of qimind saxud $sault, ts,o countBof rimind sorud abulc and e cour{ d unlaryfulr€Jraint. \uthoritias said Huon ailogEdlylu|td a ffrman into a car hc |as driving Sundey night, then commifr.d the allrg.d so(ud td3 on hor srhilc d.iving on l-55. {a allogcdly torEcdtha women to porforma 3.x sd on him, mdlcd hcr bGasl and gsnitals, end r6fB6d to lct h.routd h6 car f,'hilo drlving on th6 intarstatc into Madson Coffity. iho told polics 3he veasaue lo jump out of lhc car 93 Huon ,as makirE a tum and had dowsd alrnod to a dop. Shc ufl|€d abredms bd got to a horns in the 1200 uod( cf llg|v )ougla3 Roed, l,l€lr Douglas, and arked the rlsid€nt! to call Etice. tadiam Counly rhGdtrs dopudossErid incid$t b€g€n as a thc csult of the vidim looldngfor a job on en Inlemct blog. Afier dhng io Hmn o\,er th€ tCaphone end getling thc imprcseion hst th€ job wss in promoling dcohol sdcs in afla tavans, shc nct Huon, r^'hoid.nt'ticd hlmsdf e3 lohn," in dswnbuvnS't. .ou8. \frc. 3he gci inio the car, he lold her that otftor wornen doing he ponotional rvo* for him wlfc working d PoC$ Sdoon in )auget.He drfcd to drlw ths victim thsrc to cfird( on thc ypo of nioht thc rrcmen $€rr having. lore\r6r, h3did nc*tum detthe odtto Sauget,fut dl€gedly erually ab$cd and assaun€dhis pascrrBcr$hib driving on he intersleF. ifrerth6 woman jurnpcd fmm the car, Huon dro\refrorn the |I!a, d€putiee{Cd. Search Auto Cl€ssifieds Research ADVERTISEMEN M9eb -4il'1 Neet i -, flrlitl R€comm€ndatlons Family rcports Jeewille man missing 454 oeoole rtrommendthis. Woman charg€d with harassment through Faebook 55 DeoDle rtrommendthis. lr $H#:,#:'" ADVERTISEMETT rEcgm sdial B Facebooft prusirl SLOfl'CREOIT. BAOGREOTT wgcaft HE|P Most Viewed Stories t Barn fire in Edwardsvillskills four norses New search Salurday for missing man ) Olin Buildinggets dropboxfof mail ' Ricky George , PHOTOS:Trail grazers Most Commented tn",-,:""''n'"on Stories # r Unemploymentrises to 9.2 percentss hiring stalls ) Olin Buildinggets dropbox for mail Nsw search Saturdayfor missing man t Bred wblls cf the Madicon county shedfs Dep€dmont 3dd one info.mation abod Huon's id$lity was obtained by )oking d imags fiom sa(|r]ity in dd,ntosrn St. ,oub. olhcr informaffonwa3 ouairEd fmm communications lcods. r t 00 I I E FeaturedCars t SealchOnline tnventory r SellYourvehicle 8et'le firstof your friends r€mrnmsd to this. 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Huon was h€ld in Chlcago and lvfll be tranlport€d lo ho Madbon Cdlrw Jdl in Edwardsr,ll|e. il# The inaltigation of iluon b otE@ing, and atcrnpts ar€ bcing rmde to dricminG if ottrs incidGn!3 oftt,' /tblbsdd. t hour 40 6but Bply . rtud re&eel abod t hourago.reply {uods bailwe3 sci at tlq},000 by Cirgit Judgc Cha.los Rormni Jr, the lll|noi! Atlom€y R€gldralion and Di**plinary CommisSon ddos Huon'elio.rco is in efiscl and lhet he las hed no disciplinaryrdions agalnst him. H€ h$ a Vtrbb$lc on whic*rhe dates hE practiceoin severd lifroqrt alEas, induding p.rsond injury, medicd mdpractice and wpngfr.rl &€th. # # i: j ii hvorit€ altontelegraph Digitalizeddecades:Old Shurtlefi Colleg€ ysarbooks are online http://t.colT2U5qJA aboutt e€ archived 'Local News' stories D favodb altontelegraph #Alton probationaryofticer g€ts lllif,oisState Police award htto://t,@/TfHkFbW hourago reply retu€B! favorits altontelegraph Ar6s nurse holps dental patientsin #Haiti abd t hourago. reply refu€ot favorite cynthiamellisBa6n a long day, but I got a lot don6 :) lt's back to work 2moro, but I'm looking foMard to the work week ae-9--9:9_", about t houreo' \!rr r€ply €tweet favodto altontelegraphCamp aims to instill disciplinein taens http;//t.coldrloAqr {."{}q { tl abodt hourago reply. 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