Huon v. Breaking Media et al

Filing 23

EXHIBIT by Plaintiff Meanith Huon A through E regarding amended complaint, 22 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E)(Huon, Meanith)

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El 4mcre-16160=m€re-16.. d! F.(ebcol I M.anhh Hucn lhJik ErEf,l,irnq 1,1?dra ere.uli/e tsCfiu l,htl ,.lr€anef slii il il€si EXHIBIT A Sof,re!,.h€fe .'qe Thelsrr;frr rs :nl linl LexisNexis: TapIntoYour Proven WorkProduct with ONE Click AECl,/E iH::Air,' the|illihr,1,inlrdeolrrelirrrrelerrifiglrFii nre:chri:J rnlmriuirch; ralribel:!ethallreranr',hr1 "3!olllicnire.l ihe liry!a{ker {'isftor .rfid feli i irlile giii 'n. l.ciieC i:iic Fr\ rhttd\!..t: n.ennrre: f!ht -.Ji; hEtau3eihE pail Dl me lfat ,5 a ra1:D[aaCul r_ ailr.erii]iprkinl h s guts ort ,r ire balararrr A 1a!*ar.ldgifltfthedllilatonsareir,.re al(canial;h!pett6liTexiterenciSlhelliirie;seidli?irre ilarl ri ih€ per,lrttnl!ai, THE GOOD ilETYS: T}IE BAO I{ESIS: iape :.rve'a!e ! -lere ai AT1- ,!t fe .!r!f Jne,strrF $hifi frr 5[€iakrf,,] ctver :ire raFe tlle0;lriN: ,t: lie 'r!b trd fantt5 as r€la ai aqi aile.Jed ntt:xi:e! fap,5l::ear',rj.l At b s: i b e h Er r i a ! to l a p n ! 1 ,r 1 1s i r e l l th fl n r g - L e xi si i .r gane iI Iriel :.lnrai irel ldlr!er ra:lre rip r/rlh in !lcellenf l$1le i h e l r .r ,.e r , i i :,e i Se a r ch :llr: rgrl stor! tfoir ihe frle: tf lh9 r,atrlar and deirEred is a i 111-mire !r rin ,lheelholisf A St .oif; c'i tr L f Ad va h ta g e l,leafxfi fllFrl f ie jfCl,, l-il\:C :r aE:lrs1ads iJrere fe itlifned iii ne a laifn! itciil {a. F'r]Je:S S0iai tiolriri lincepreleNde{ilob{'er-_):trrtlrfanlherarLnriljlr.:fihtfirAfrtriteia.t,cplrtr 1?trqlnhrFfess!utlrleltlfirpi$ier,:e1:attrFr,,[:rn!:pnliilira]!i)"1rFilF!th.',ialrrqell! rrred dasliidll ffefti iurtkif Fi n d i t fa sl l vi th l lr r irijnr:;rrl r.h', l'fiil)i r.irri i'r,r ( riii'!lFi .r.i i).'il.(j lll llr'.nr ili l:rt. ,llrir( ai'.;iilrt l)rlrrrl)ii rlil nr,rl, !.. .,'rtrijtrrl l:r:r l, srrir!'. ii,,j fjrtrr.' irrJni)fi,,jr,! t1!Qpifl tri,I fi h,'i ilril. " B $, i l r r r ,cr i l r l l ti |t l l d ,n |l n l i l ,i n :i , L € xi s Se a r ch u l d i '!e i :1 ( :i t l e i 5 Vi j i l N - r r i q ! l * +l i ,t!xl ,r Jl * ' r .j !l Ad vr n ta g e . :Fn "]- uL liiaI i ,r . l r r , f,i l .i i i ft.,1 r ' r ,r ''., ft,, r r ,l n ftn n r r 'r j ,r l "T*1:-:'ElreLl3&8ru 'ori$ :i; - .3 f3csool I M..nith H{on rw)g 1o-@{iTmrF3ffi dl *mtrc-lflgts4E e16,.. : lTffi -4!e!€qr EXHIBIT A lfl txt'rsrffi tumeC dastardlv. pretbJqurckU llung seF/ers-unrespcnsve to your nrosl pornted dccilmentmanagement s,,,stemseafches Find it fastwith Lcxis Adv.nlage. The rictiln said she responded to a Craigslist ad pqsted bl'Huo! seekjng promotbnal morlels. seuding her resrnr, ir late June. her phore nunber and nrn nirr,rro< af Iorcolf A paur€riu'firm-wrde searci sojut;cn i-exis Search Advantage lels vou harness the Fror€n pcv/ea oi liour ftrm s bes thrnking the Lexisl.lexiscrnteilt yau trusi* The bre agreed to rleet at ihe dor{rtcr\.n St. l.crds bil padd}'(f's. the lirtim testified. sven the open rveb*rlith lrnfialched ease and speed. Inlegrattngees'l! with besl'of-hreed enlerprise search girt the next dal. the rictis ergines---including Wv6,mc{ lras rundlE late and calle<i Huon, He told hef to trleet hirn at anoiher bar. b\it lrhen slE got there. hr' toid lrer the other froiir lr€rosolli:: FAS i6. erlerprse search Autancnv and Reccm rMdo-Lexis Search Advantage helps !cu: prornotional Blodejs lef't. and so ire rrns goxtE to inte-r\iel{ her, the f ictin said. Save tlme and monev b! begrnnrng fesearch v/ith superiorr,'ork product-Mnnrng bnefs motrons and more And thrs peoph. rs whv OoC nvented Gorgle HaC lhe vi(trm Coogled Huon she wolJld have fairod Gel the most from technologies akeadv 1nplace In vour ofganrzailon stofles lke thls fronl lhe l"rad{$r)n CilJtl r Re,:ord lilake sure kev documents are shll based on good Iav/ wilh integraied Shepafd sti Crlations seMce. case law links and other key content ,\ Chicsgo attorn€J'rrho rp plr[x]tiol]s r$s po,<ilrgas o supen'Lsor tbr a]]"that sets Ior alcohol iales itt ni?n birs 1!its ciliirFpd in Jladisolr (:dwrt\' Jull :, trith t!.0 cormts o{trintinal sexlri assault, trr!1 foutts serual abui, nnd onr tduit of [r]lar '|t1lfr-.itrnilxt. sf(rilninal Ensure th€ delrvery ol voutrrm s hrghest qualrlt legal seryrce-quicklv. confidently and cost, eFficrentlv 'orfts :t . B F:.*ook I M..nhh Huo^ dl *fr6rc-161*moc-16,' ,,i-L- EXHIBIT A AnCU:is p€ople rs \rtr! 3cd Gcogle Had the victifi Googled Huon she r/culd have f.urd 'n!€r.teC stor€s lJkethis from the l,raC€i,n l nuft! F.e,rr-,.J '' sFnsr fisilTr!@ffinffillgff r--pre! lffi mwvfs ---..-' and more Geithe mostfiom technoloqes aheady placeIn rn !0ur organrzalon l.lake surekev documents strlibased on good are lawprthinlegrated Shepard Crtations se seMce caselawI nksaqdolherkevcontent .\ Chi.a,go nttorlE! \fhD ilar posin8 ds n s[per\-iso! fDr d col]lpan] tllai sets rp pron)otions fbr alcohol sales at aree bafs ',\'!s {rhirged in }ladisor J:rh :. llith ttro.ounts Crrurtl o:.r'inlin3.l :erual issault. tiro c0unts cf crirdlal Ensure dehveru voufrmrs highestqualrtv the oi legalseryrce-qucklr conidenti! and costefficrentlr sestral abuse anC ond coulf of rurlar,lrl re:tiailrt. )learrtlr Huon. i6. of f, 038 S Cinal st. in Clirag.,r. ',ra: 31;g:1qd b1 1hg Chicago Palice Departrr)ext on ,tilh' :. rnd s is tran-rl'erreri tn llldi-roll Frnd hov,'\our cant,esi oul l-m leverage proveitrork rts p.oduct Renrenrber capialrz.nq the{ be;l 0i thrnkrng greater delver val!eiorlhe! r:|enti Coruril the ne\t dar' Tak€ faslt,a(eij a 7-t\n,[. I ir teri or Or she mqht have come across thrs Ink. at Laryer Gosstp Re.lwsl more rnfcrmalion aDd a i.e$sllexts EXHIBIT A hrrver. lteilith Huon 39. rtho iras oriSirullt charged rith representalve \9n cootaci vo! crinriml serual assault. sexual abue and unlarr{ul restraint is norv facing cbarges of harmment and c1'ber stalkingl TheAsiaChronicles: SYDNFf. ANDASIA U.S. cft6 lr ::: - m Farcbcokl M€inilh Huci 5h e rright h:1 e c!ffe a af os s lis lNr k ai r a: : r r r ::r f . J L l JG e / irnre n ipFarentlr lhere EXHIBIT A llas l r f l,ax-rer, -l,leiiitb lirirr:. jQ. lihr 1. as +ri!ilirlir .i..-.:Ll-l':]s]it.:irl<l-j'.ll.riL]ra':r.j.' h;{ rssrnrrt Pa 9 € trl 'mert'161&=mcE-16. rilar:id 1rith {riimi;,i iFr:ril arii ,:l irrr ,.tJli;il)g sh ruid n t lale t c as ! $r r e are a lol !f depfav€d dudes lhat glef j ,'ialkrrg alu! ther nreet rs a flaieftrai fap s! 3!t a.luild rJt ih?re liar a'e ir.-,tenl al inpia-is TheAsiaChronicles: SYDNEY AUSTRALIA ASIAU.S. AND ASSOCIATE OPENINGS (1illiEY RECRLilTlll6 ': a! r ! e t ent KIN N EYR EC R U IT IN G nitd tlta frrrrli \, fnt t,r a rt,,ri)li:ti Lrif:r ni,'nr!!s:rli ,(.rii,i[]. tilari l,r ,l L,:rrje'ics Lardinq irar brji,:r: lit rrr l: rr:'l :h. ! i.1iir1!f shi r' .rti:r:j t , r, ' :l fi4r s ir Srrgrti fo r}:ri ilr. rihi:r n1:,iri..-l'lrr rrorirl slir. r {i aILperl. irrl f.iC l.Jr,rD slrt <jjdr i hrr r',rr,rr;:llr l_iii!n ll'i.,tr '.rirh hi:D. sif rriri. ri r H Fa(ebook M$nfth H{cn l trl imore16150'nsr€-16, ' EXHIBIT A ffi This ,s gosna end badi! b| lgd iote Thi: pcst 1s a,.,thofecl f./an Jolrers and Robed {nney of (rone'y Re.1,lil-9 sponsor cflhe Asia ChroEii!e; Krnnev Ilas made flo.e lla!enrenis of U S ,\s Huo!r's llnldo ci1-ir'rros;ed the Poplar Bridge. the rittlnr s.1id Huotl droie p?{st dle Siltget rril and rontjlued north on l}rterstate 55. .l-r the car 1rs inrj|il)8. Huo\ rflldlFd t]le lfonrar. theB forted her to pcxtbrul assrlciates and parhers In AsE lhan anr 0thef tirnl in tne past lito lears yaLr cin reach ihem b! email asia a1 krnnelrerrintilrg Cot conr l orai ser on hirrr. the r-ictiut :aid. Evan here The number of US assotrale cpenngs in Asia ccntinueto rncreasesubstaniially at lincludrng tilo top 10 Oh come on lf somebacir iras dnvrng nnd lred lo lcrce me lc pedoFn L.ralsei: on then I d lrsi gel cut US frrtrs.(omrngof hlrng lreere vea re(entlyi of the stupid c ar Whrch,5 i0 sav i d d) e/acl/y v.nat the nalrm did fir thrs (ase espeaiallv Hi'i'Chua rn rrhere we haue lleen mahn! placemenlson a reekiv basrs recenlli' Thrs rrruitFle leek has been a paRr{ulaflt0cud ?eek nlth Alexrs Yulivaard I esih makrngplaceinenl! {r Asra {Sfiqapo.e .Huon e)iiird lttcrstate 5i ren': l(p\': Dorrgl;*. looking. tlrr. rictinr snid, for e. ;ecluded plaie to nraiie out 1\:itli her. The i-ictim leilprd tlln B.l SHe ard HK) the rnotin:r car slrr said. to escape Hrrot. icatrrg, her cell photrr:, prirst. sh,:es and lf lou art rn HK BJ of gHG aid qculd lke lo meet o{h iricnLification ix hi-{ (nr. Rnbe( Alexr! or ire thrs manll. Roberl dnd l wrllbe rn H( lf he uns[ t gqilrg 1i] f,rlie n]E ba(k to the fr,:el a] . I h,rd rnadc n de(isioil to d{ anvthins I tilrl<1 tr;;et,rul,rf ll}ni cnr- l}re liLlinr lei.l!fi,?d. nExl Chrra lhe 2rd hall.rf LJay Alexrs,s,n SlngapnrB n neek ard she rs of coorse bast--d ilK petlnanenllv Furlher Yuh',a twho is barfd r: Ru\:1ralarlCt t ill be avarlatl(: liY.: or llav 1B and I wrllb? in llYll lJa! lll to rr ,\sFi$l;ortStllis,\itirne\Cl:risIlirllsllorltlpicltutst,iti(jirri.',ilhf r, nrr.irr ,lrrrri*d l;rr+'. .lune2 jf \01, happenlD he m Lai \rti$asthrs rveekrnd or EXHIBIT A e/eek has o€n a partlculariv good Eeek \.rdr!Al€xis Yulrla and I each maklng placements in Asia {SingaFor€ iocking.the lictim sa:d.lor a Huonesited lnter$taie 53 rear \eri Dgugias" .irr secludedplace to Dalie o$ lrith her. The victjln leaped fmin lhe mor-irlEi escape Huon.iearing lrer cellpbcne,pune. shoesand lf you are In HK. tsJ or SHG aod eould like tc meei vith ide[tiiicatios ir] ilis car, Robed Alex,s or fie thrs mnnlh Roberi and l lvti be rn ''If lx rrasn't goire to talie nle back to the freenal'. I l:ad nradea decisiolto do atr:.tifug I rould tc get cut of that car.'' the '.ictim teitified. week and she rs of ccufse based n HK pemlanentlt 3J SF{Gatrd HKi HK , China the 2nd half of l.lav Alexis is ir Singapore nert Further Yuliva 1'vdro baseC fi Russial and ! qrll be is avarlablein rJYC on l,1ay 18 and I wrlj be rn l.lYC uay 30 t0 .\ssl<tantStates ,\ttrnrl' Chrislioell sho\{edpictrtresto tireiu}'l 0f the rroman': bruisedkree;.:kilryd feet nnd cut toes. June 2 vou happen t0 be in Las Vegas lhrs weekend or 'f l,iiami next \"/eek !.rell I will be there toc and .an make m!seil avdilable One of ouf top L,S frrnr clients has asked us tc herp lhem Sarnn livoucanlgetawomantorcnsensuallt,slavinamovirlgvehicle canloufealugethefto ;onsensually agree ta sex {insofar as l/ing to her about lour iob and your inlentigns ta get her lnto the iar caunl6 as cDnsensual fi the filsi plarei? frnd tlro US 5ecurilreg assocrates nlerested rr relocatrng to Sydne! th€.two posrtrors wrll be lilled b! 3fd tc 5th yeaf cap Farkets assotrates ntoSl |kely romrng trom a t..,p20 US finn rn flew York or another malcf IJS market Cbvioully Huon sees thrrgs dfferently The .ole $rll be entirely LJSsecufllres lav and not deal a{ ail Rillr local lay/ tLnirke wbrch can hnppenIn HK and olher overseas nr3rkets at sorie lrrors I Thrs US cap Huon s deferrse larrrer. said durirrg his opening slnteuient tlut llikq lleitt's. lluol and tlu lictilr met. bul at si]ore point it) tlie dveniri!. il becaue lo{ial arxl tlre trlo 0f tlpul had corxeLsrral ser. But the Yirtitn osl(ed for S5oo and thrcntened if lluor diln t prl irer. .rh,: r, orrki i:rr" rapt. illr nltsrn(:\' nra.kels practice rn Sydne'; rs r/idelf consrdefed to b€ lhe besl In Au3lra[a ]1rs an gppo(un(] lo seltle dowil p€rmanenlly Stdner llh*fe is career advancemenl rn p?teniral alrd thJs{rrm lras a Irack record of promolng : : ' Il F.<cboot I MQdh hon [! *noG'16180'moc16... Obviouslt Huoo sees things differentl! ) {rr.g- EXHIBIT A ,!trPrg. "-*-top-20.Us"iini-ifr "fr T5iloiii6ifr Elilaj6i!5m-artet6fr The role vrdl be entirely US secuni€s la\.. and not deal at all wjth local law lunlihe rvhrch can hdppen m HK and I I I I I I I oiher oveGeas markets al some firmsl Thrs US cap tt,ke ttetre-.. H11en5 lsfsase la$l-er. said duriDg hic operiing statement that Hucn and the tictinl met. but at sorne point in the etenir€. it became social and rhe trro oi thern had co:sea<ual se\- But the \-icdm asked tbr ssoo ild threatened if Huon didn t pa1' her. she rrould "cr! rape. tbe attoflrel' arCued. markets practice in Srdne! is wrdelf rongdered tc be the best in Aust'alr. ;1is an opportun(v to gettle dovn permanently In Sydnet (there rs career advancement pctential and this firm has a track record of promoting partners from vithrn anbusy overseas off,cesi or spend a I I few years geltlng inleresling expenence and then head posrlron be challengrng vril and ol back10 US \ryhilethrs Soweienotdenvingthalshehurledhersetloutofamcvrngvehtcle $ereconlendngthatshelumped outofthecartomakertlookl'keshewasraped?Right sure Thatsoundslrk€lhedefrndronofm(redtDle cortrse consrst of long hcurs a strong argument can be nrade that { rs a b'ener qualrt\ of lfe rhan lorkrng rn brgla.v rn flYC Pasl expenenceor strang connectron Auslralra to Itseenlstomethaltherersenbrelytoonxrch(alleged)raprnggongonrnthrscountr/ lfthrskeepsup not needed lo apply for lhis posrtron Ol course we are men and vomen are aorng lo have to slart carr\lng aI4uod Sexual fonser.l f)t nl:r on thetr persons happ! lo go cver ihe oppodun{, in detailw}1h vou bv phone I enra:! rf tou are Inlerested I met wrlh the hnng panner fi'on! lhrs frrnr s Svdner offrce vesterday as he mind and itot bodl . do hert'bv canseilt to r/as In tne !S on busrness He sad thev are pr€pared 10 to the otlrt{ partl s -,*- - . Silch a!1or.'Js undulatiorls ond .-. and all proposals rrill include, but are not linrited to. *-. -. be cotrcidered so lor:g as nn aninuls (bnrDlard or oth€nrGe ) are inlrh ed. nlo/e ven qurckl\!.nh qfferslor tle nqhl h!o tandldntes I. the turdersigned. being oisotird afli\ins ml _-- so rt vll not be a dtawn out process Funher thrs panrrularlop US frln has a track record cf nlcvrngver'/ qurcklv yrrthr-rSassoflale hrres In Asra I clairn no rights to future..,--,-. interrupti'rl ._-.,. !r in rn! chronic lorrrliness. - -, il erclr:nge lur thi-sbrtef Here r5 a representalrve ol some of our mcre urgenl lst openrigs In Asra !lhere are many more lhan vhal we hsl htrel B F..€book I M€.nni Hloo A 'm6!€-l6US*noG'16.. l t.- i l . , EXHIBIT A .x - - pas . phqne / emaii !t lcu are jnterested I mel lvilh ihe htrug padner irom thrs firm s Sydney oftiae iesleldav as he I. the undeFigtred. beiug o{ sour,l urird nnd lbt beC\'. do hetebl' coselt a:lirirg rrr 'r dr. :tl-er !'dt\ inchrde. but ae nol linited t(r. __, : -. _._. r/as rn lie US o[ Sasiness He sa]d the] are prepared lo ti more very quickl! l"ith affers f0rthe nqht tlro .andidales Sr. h a.)orof,! rlndrd:t.orls end _. so rt \?ill noi be a drawn oui prccess Filfther thrs atld all proprsalr r\jll LrecqrEidered sa long ar no animair (barn: dd or Dthen,.lej panrculer iop US irrm hac a track fetord of mo\cno ver,- are ilrrlr-ed. quick* fliti US associate hires rn Asia I rbin rrn riohr< tn h:trrrp iirtetruFtirn Here rs a represenlatre lisl rf s!me gf ouf mtre $rgenl hrhrF r;r tl i< irr..' oilenngs In Asra athereare many more lhan what wB lr51 in m1. .lirpruc loneirnes-i. here) 11-hileI m;11'be qulte into:icited fight noil-, I kno\ danlr lf,ell \ 1'rr - 09 t3 0€ natLrr Korean flueirt US issoflale cpenrng at cloing. lop 5 US fifi rn HK 1l,l&Aancl cap nrrkets mrx posrtr0n) - 03 to 00 US PE i fl&A hackelrolnd openrngfor piivate York Tnresl ..affeilce Ta!|il AreltrC Allsf RaFe,AlleqalrJnll,.l€\v eqot! frnd rn HK {Liandarm and experience n both HK TrFnrnar, iliaxndn s!t! aid l.lYC pfeferred bul nnl requtredr femocratl shr las raped lf iitannet p,isJE ai !carirl fr i!r,rdil! IAellelrlle fle,rs . - 08 tc C! fluentl,landannUS cap FrafkelFalsrclate Earlier fld Yor 4nxrl fhal ihe Retl rrtrlc Fla!:r,l:1lU !l/ape! ) cilenrng al top 15 IJS ftrnl la HK . t0 10 Di ileenl f.londrnnIJS caF iiafkels asso.rate, I l i$5 colnsel opernnq maqrcrfcle flm rF Hfi iequrlvpanner at shoil lrark ver, nrlrh nrarldble)i J6 oalr,,e KnreantiuentU) asre:rale 0ilerlilr$ lop l{) al llS lrrrr r H'( il,f&A and .ap mafkels nrx posrlron)

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