Dunstan et al v. comScore, Inc.

Filing 156

DECLARATION of Jay Edelson regarding memorandum in support of motion 154 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J, # 11 Exhibit K, # 12 Exhibit L, # 13 Exhibit M, # 14 Exhibit N, # 15 Exhibit O, # 16 Exhibit P, # 17 Exhibit Q, # 18 Exhibit R, # 19 Exhibit s, # 20 Exhibit t)(Thomassen, Benjamin)

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EXHIBIT A [FILED PARTIALLY UNDER SEAL] 1 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS EASTERN DIVISION MIKE HARRIS and JEFF DUNSTAN, individually and on behalf of a class of similarly situated individuals, vs. Plaintiffs, COMSCORE, INC., a Delaware corporation, Defendant. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. 1:11-5807 ) ) ) ) ) *** CONFIDENTIAL -- ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY *** The 30(b)(6) deposition of COMSCORE, INC. by MICHAEL BROWN, called for examination, taken pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure of the United States District Courts pertaining to the taking of depositions, taken before JENNIFER L. WIESCH, CSR No. 84-4528, a Notary Public within and for the County of Will, State of Illinois, and a Certified Shorthand Reporter of said state, at 350 North LaSalle Street, Suite 1300, Chicago, Illinois, on the 15th day of August, A.D. 2012, at 9:36 a.m. Job No: 26674 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 9 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 A. Panelists are people that have accepted 3 and consented to install our software, take part of 4 our research program. 5 6 Q. Okay. who's "our"? And when you say "our software," Who are you referring to? 7 A. comScore's. 8 Q. comScore's software. 9 Okay. Does comScore's software have any kind of technical name? 10 A. Yes. 11 Q. What is that name? 12 A. Internally we refer to that code as the 13 OSSProxy project. 14 as CProxy. 15 engineering. 16 17 Q. It's also sometimes referred to That's the two generic names within You've mentioned you've been deposed before? 18 A. Yes, sir. 19 Q. Have you ever been a defendant in a 20 lawsuit? 21 MR. SCHAPIRO: 22 MR. BALABANIAN: 23 24 Personally or -Personally. BY THE WITNESS: A. Yes. 25 DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 62 MICHAEL BROWN 1 Q. 2 So I thought just a second ago that you 3 said that the software upgrade that superseded 4 NSCheck came about in 2003. 5 two? 6 A. Sure. 7 Q. Please do so. 8 A. Okay. Can you reconcile the 9 10 The functionality of NSCheck was incorporated into OSSProxy in 2003. Is that more clear, sir? Q. 11 Uh-huh. So in 2001, is it correct to say 12 that panelists were given the option of upgrading to 13 OSSProxy from NSCheck? 14 A. No. 15 Q. Why would that be inaccurate? 16 A. I believe the question you asked me 17 was -- the first one was the first version of 18 OSSProxy, and that was in 2001. 19 wasn't installed at that point to panelists in that 20 year. 21 Q. When was the first -- withdrawn. When did OSSProxy first get installed in 22 23 Okay. We didn't -- it panelists' systems? 24 A. That was in 2002. 25 Q. So there was a test phase of OSSProxy DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 74 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 Q. What other things? 3 A. Knowing that they were in existence from 4 having conversations with internal attorneys. MR. BALABANIAN: 5 I want to take a break. 6 (WHEREUPON, a recess was had from 7 10:59 a.m. to 11:11 a.m.) 8 BY MR. BALABANIAN: Q. 9 Mr. Brown, I just want to close out a 10 couple things that we talked about, that we were 11 talking about. 12 obvious, but you said that comScore designed 13 OSSProxy, and you said TMRG did not, VoiceFive did 14 not. 15 CreativeKnowledge did or did not. 16 you have an answer to that? And I think I want to cover the I don't know if I asked you if Would you -- do 17 A. comScore designed OSSProxy. 18 Q. Solely? 19 A. Yes. 20 Q. Okay. 21 So none of its subsidiaries designed it? 22 A. Correct. 23 Q. Okay. Do any of comScore's subsidiaries, 24 the ones we just named or others, do they receive 25 data from OSS -- gathered by OSSProxy? DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 75 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 3 A. Sir, we discussed multiple different companies, so -- 4 Q. Well, take them one by one. 5 A. Thank you, sir. 6 Q. That's easier. 7 A. Appreciate that. 8 Q. TMRG, Incorporated, do you know whether 9 TMRG, Incorporated ever received panelist data? Let 10 me withdraw that real quick. I want to clarify a 11 couple of things. 12 going forward, I'm talking about software panelists, 13 I'm not talking about survey panelists. When I talk about panelists today 14 A. Okay. 15 Q. Okay? 16 A. Thank you. 17 Q. So when I say panelists, I'm talking 18 about software panelists, those individuals who 19 have -- 20 A. So from this point forward, until 21 anything else changes, the definition of a panelist 22 is panelists with comScore's software on them? 23 Q. On their system, correct. Okay? 24 A. Yes. 25 Q. So with respect to TMRG, do you know Thank you for the clarification. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 76 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 whether that company ever receives panelist data 3 from OSSProxy? 4 A. No. 5 Q. What about VoiceFive, is your answer that 6 you don't know or that, no, they don't receive 7 panelist data? 8 A. No, they don't receive panelist data. 9 Q. Okay. How about VoiceFive Networks, do 10 you know whether they receive panelist data from 11 OSSProxy? 12 A. The company does not. 13 Q. Does not. 14 What about CreativeKnowledge, Incorporated, same question? 15 A. The company does not. 16 Q. What about Knowledge Networks, 17 Incorporated, same question? 18 A. The company does not. 19 Q. Sears Holding Management Corp., I think 20 you said you don't know if that's a comScore 21 subsidiary? 22 A. I don't know about that. 23 Q. Okay. 24 25 So you don't know one way or another whether they would receive panelist data -A. That is correct. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 77 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 Q. -- from OSSProxy? Okay. 3 With respect to TMRG, do you know whether 4 they deploy OSSProxy to potential panelists, whether 5 they offer to deploy it to potential panelists? 6 7 A. I'm thinking, sir. Sorry, can I ask you to repeat the question again, sir? 8 Q. Sure. 9 A. I'm sorry. 10 Q. Why don't we rephrase it slightly. 11 Might make it easier. 12 A. Thank you. 13 Q. Does comScore deploy OSSProxy directly to 14 panelists, or is it done through the subsidiaries? 15 A. comScore deploys the software. 16 Q. Directly to its panelists? 17 A. Yes. 18 Q. Okay. 19 20 So I said the word deploy. What's your understanding of that word? A. My understanding of that word in the 21 context of the question is that it validates terms 22 of service that have been accepted, downloads the 23 software, it installs the software, configures the 24 software to operate properly on that machine, 25 maintains that software. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 78 MICHAEL BROWN 1 Q. 2 3 4 5 Okay. Right. So let's take it one at a time. MR. BALABANIAN: Actually, can you read back his answer. 6 (WHEREUPON, the record was read by 7 the reporter.) 8 9 BY MR. BALABANIAN: Q. So with respect to confirming that a 10 panelist has accepted the terms of service of 11 OSSProxy, comScore directly confirms that a panelist 12 has accepted the terms of service of OSSProxy; 13 correct? 14 A. Yes. 15 Q. With respect to the installation of the 16 software on the panelist's system, comScore is the 17 company that is responsible for installing the 18 software onto its panelists' systems; correct? 19 A. Yes. 20 Q. With respect to the download of the 21 software, to the extent that's any different than 22 the installation of the software, onto panelists' 23 systems, comScore ensures that the software has been 24 downloaded; correct? 25 A. Yes. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 79 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 Q. With respect to configuring OSSProxy onto 3 panelists' systems, comScore's responsible for such 4 configurations; correct? 5 A. Yes. 6 Q. With respect to the maintenance of 7 OSSProxy on panelists' systems, comScore is 8 responsible for maintaining OSSProxy on those 9 systems; correct? 10 A. Yes. 11 Q. The subsidiaries that we went through, 12 TMRG, VoiceFive Networks, CreativeKnowledge, 13 Knowledge Networks, Incorporated, do they have any 14 role based on your understanding of confirming that 15 the terms of service have been accepted by panelists 16 for OSSProxy? 17 A. They do have a role. 18 Q. What role? 19 A. Within the panelists, we have multiple 20 brands, and those -- the OSSProxy is installed 21 respective to the brand that is associated to those 22 entities. 23 Q. Okay. But how does that answer my 24 question with respect to them confirming a 25 panelist's acceptance of OSSProxy? DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 90 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 A. I'm unclear on that. 3 Q. Okay. 4 88Circle, does that run -- did that -- does that run OSSProxy? 5 A. Yes. 6 Q. PremierOpinion, does that run OSSProxy? 7 A. Yes. 8 Q. KN Connection, does that run OSSProxy? 9 A. Yes. 10 Q. Impact Network Online, does that run 11 OSSProxy? 12 A. Yes. 13 Q. So all of these various brands run the 14 same software? 15 A. Yes. 16 Q. Okay. 17 A. Yes. 18 Q. So with respect to the software itself Which is all OSSProxy? 19 spread across the various brands, the difference is 20 the brand names? 21 A. No. 22 Q. Okay. 23 A. Yes. 24 Q. What are the differences between 25 There are other differences? RelevantKnowledge -- OSSProxy that runs on -DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 91 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 withdrawn. 3 What are the differences in OSSProxy as 4 it relates to RelevantKnowledge and OpinionSquare? 5 A. There are none. 6 Q. There are none. 7 between RelevantKnowledge -- sorry. What are the differences between OSSProxy 8 9 10 What are the differences as it relates to RelevantKnowledge and PermissionResearch? 11 A. None. 12 Q. Well -- 13 A. Just add a clarification to this, and I 14 think I talked about this earlier in the deposition, 15 if that's cool, acceptable. 16 Q. Go ahead. 17 A. When the software is installed, it's 18 installed with respect to the respective brand. 19 for example, the icon is consistent with the brand, 20 the name is consistent with the brand -- 21 Q. Okay. 22 A. -- so -- 23 Q. So -- 24 A. But the -- so the core software is the So, 25 same, it's just there's brand specific -DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 92 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 Q. Got it. 3 A. I just want to add that in there when 4 So -- you're asking the question. Q. 5 I understand, and it helped. Aside from 6 your qualification, there are no other real 7 differences amongst the brands? 8 A. In regard to the software, that is true. 9 Q. Correct. THE WITNESS: 10 Okay. Sir, do you mind, when it's 11 convenient, it's not an urgent, I'd like to take a 12 small break for -- visit the restroom. 13 MR. BALABANIAN: 14 THE WITNESS: Then we'll take one. Thank you so much. 15 (WHEREUPON, a recess was had from 16 11:38 a.m. to 11:44 a.m.) 17 BY MR. BALABANIAN: Q. 18 I want to talk about the ways in which 19 panelists download OSSProxy onto their systems. 20 Okay? 21 A. Okay. 22 Q. My understanding is there's -- there's 23 basically two ways that a panelist can download 24 software, the OSSProxy software, onto their system 25 either directly from comScore or one of its DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 97 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 3 Q. What you said, the process isn't the same across all third-party software bundling partners. 4 A. Correct. 5 Q. How is it different? 6 7 8 9 10 What's the differences? A. There was another one that does not use the RK verify process. Q. What do you mean, another one that does not use -- 11 A. Another brand. 12 Q. What brand? 13 A. PremierOpinion. 14 Q. Why doesn't that use the RK verify 15 process? 16 A. PremierOpinion is reserved for currently 17 two providers that have a long and known, 18 established history with comScore, that have been 19 validated, so their installation process is 20 different. 21 compatible with RK verify, so that is why they are 22 executed under the RK -- that RK verify is not 23 required, so it uses something like similar to the 24 PremierOpinion name, but it still has an ID, still 25 has those checks, still goes through QA, still goes That does not support -- is not DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 98 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 through legal, still is monitored. Q. 3 4 Who are those two partners that does use RK verify? A. 5 I don't recall the exact names of them. 6 I believe one of those is Uber, but I do not recall 7 the second one. 8 head. Sorry, sir, I don't -- not off my 9 Q. Are those the only differences? 10 A. Yes. 11 (WHEREUPON, a certain document was 12 marked Brown Exhibit 3, for 13 identification.) 14 15 BY MR. BALABANIAN: Q. Okay. I'm handing you what's been marked 16 as Brown Exhibit 3. Please take your time looking 17 at the document and getting familiar with it. 18 going to ask you some questions. I'm 19 A. Thank you, sir, for letting me review. 20 Q. Sure. 21 Have you ever seen Brown Exhibit 3 before today? 22 A. Yes. 23 Q. Can you recall the first time that you 24 25 saw it? A. I don't recall the exact first date I saw DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 106 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 Q. -- subsidiaries -- go ahead. 3 A. The wording you're using is not the same 4 words I would use. There is registration sites that 5 execute QA's prescribed process -- 6 Q. Okay. 7 A. -- if things have been completed, as in 8 the viewing of the terms of service, some of the 9 privacy disclosures, even for any information that's 10 captured about like, for example, their name, 11 address, those all have to happen -- those are 12 all -- happen, and the disclosure happens first. 13 After that is completed, then the install the 14 software is driven through the web page to install 15 in a machine, similar in the manner of how you would 16 install the Google toolbar off of its website. Q. 17 And do you know who -- which websites 18 allow for direct registration like you just talked 19 about? 20 A. If we walk through that list of the ones 21 you enumerated earlier, I could tell you which ones 22 are which. 23 Q. RelevantKnowledge? 24 A. No. 25 Q. OpinionSquare? DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 120 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 3 BY MR. BALABANIAN: Q. Mr. Brown, I want to briefly touch upon 4 some issues related to the Mac panelists. We just 5 got done talking about Mac panelists and how they 6 were -- how they registered for the OSSProxy 7 software, but I skipped a couple things that I think 8 are important. The OSSProxy software for Mac panelists, 9 10 was it different than OSSProxy for the PC panelists? 11 And when I say that, was it designed to collect 12 different things, or was it designed to collect the 13 same things? 14 A. Do you understand? I do. So first of all, just a 15 clarification, this is just one bundle provider, not 16 all bundle providers -- 17 Q. Right. 18 A. -- went through this method. 19 Q. Right. 20 A. Okay. 21 Q. Okay. 22 A. -- just for the item in here -- and in So -- 23 discussion, I've got to mention this was just one 24 specific with regard to 7art Color Therapy. 25 this, I'm referencing Exhibit 4. With DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 121 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 Q. Okay. 3 A. The goals of the Mac version of the 4 software was consistent, but the means of how we had 5 to collect were different, because it's a different 6 operating system, and you have to have different 7 design criteria based on those different operating 8 systems. 9 Q. Okay. But the goal of -- yeah, I'm 10 sorry. 11 collecting the software was the same? 12 13 What do you mean by the goal, the goal of A. You wanted to measure their online -- the goal was to measure their online activity -- 14 Q. Okay. 15 A. -- on both the Mac and the PC. 16 Q. So both the Mac and the PC OSSProxy was 17 designed to capture the same types of digital data? 18 A. Yes. 19 Q. Okay. How about the -- we talked earlier 20 about the ways in which panelists can install 21 OSSProxy, and so I was referring to a PC panelist, 22 and we talked about the two; and in the case of one 23 brand, the three ways in which panelists could 24 register for the software. 25 process -- the registration process, I should say, Was the installation DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 122 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 3 was it the same more or less for Mac panelists? A. I believe for the Mac panelists, we 4 offered -- I know we offered it through third-party 5 application providers. 6 also -- the registration flow from the website was 7 also offered. 8 9 Q. I think registration was Do you know if there were any other ways in which Mac panelists could register with -- 10 A. No. 11 Q. -- the software? So those two ways. So then the installation process itself 12 13 as it relates to Mac panelists, did it follow the 14 same process that we covered earlier with respect to 15 PC panelists -- 16 A. Go ahead, I'm sorry. 17 Q. -- with the exception of Exhibit 4 that 18 19 we just talked about? A. So the way I would answer that question 20 is the Mac version was -- to the PremierOpinion, 21 there was no RK verify portion, but, yes, it was 22 consistent -- 23 Q. Okay. 24 A. -- from that perspective. 25 Q. Okay. Was there any differences that -- DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 123 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 any material differences in the ways in which people 3 registered as a Mac panelist as far as the process 4 was concerned? 5 A. I mean, other than it was on a Mac versus 6 a PC, and the inherent differences in those 7 operating systems of how you interact with software, 8 there's nothing beyond that. 9 10 Q. Okay. Was -- for Mac panelists, was there one OSS -- was -- withdrawn. Strike that. 11 For Mac panelists, was there one version 12 of OSSProxy software, or did -- was there different 13 versions across various brands? 14 were -- there were several brands as it related to 15 Mac panelists as well, is that correct? 16 A. I assume there So just to help in clarification, and 17 maybe from a terminology or lexicon, we would -- we 18 call that the MacMeter versus OSSProxy, so to us, 19 OSSProxy is the code line for Windows machines, and 20 the MacMeter is the code line for Mac machines. 21 think that might help to -- 22 Q. Thank you. 23 A. -- to -- for clarification purposes. 24 Q. It does. 25 A. There were multiple versions of the DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 I MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 125 DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 126 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 3 brands? A. My understanding is we have one terms of 4 service per brand, and both versions, but whether -- 5 when MacMeter was in existence and CProxy -- or 6 OSSProxy, I should say, conformed to those terms of 7 service. 8 Q. 9 service? 10 A. Yes. 11 Q. Are you familiar with each brand's terms 12 So each brand has its own terms of of service? 13 A. Yes. 14 Q. Okay. Even though the -- each brand has 15 terms of -- each brand has their own terms of 16 service, is it fair to say that the terms are more 17 or less the same regardless of the brand? 18 19 20 21 22 A. May I -- do you want me to answer the question, then look at this or -Q. No. I want you to answer the question and then -MR. SCHAPIRO: I don't think you've 23 said anything on the record about the exhibit, or 24 you're not -- 25 MR. BALABANIAN: I'm not asking -- DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 127 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 MR. SCHAPIRO: 3 MR. BALABANIAN: 4 MR. SCHAPIRO: 5 MR. BALABANIAN: -- going to --- him just yet. Okay. I just gave it to him. 6 not asking him about the exhibit yet. 7 I'm BY THE WITNESS: 8 9 10 11 12 A. I'm sorry, so -- BY MR. BALABANIAN: Q. So wouldn't you say that the terms are more or less the same across the brands? A. Yes. 13 (WHEREUPON, a certain document was 14 marked Brown Exhibit 5, for 15 identification.) 16 17 18 BY MR. BALABANIAN: Q. I've handed you what's been marked as Brown Exhibit 5. 19 A. Okay. 20 Q. Could you mark it? 21 A. Yes. 22 Q. And take your time to review the 23 document -- 24 A. Thank you. 25 Q. -- to familiarize yourself with it, DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 128 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 please. 3 A. Thank you, sir. 4 Q. You've got to give me one second. 5 These don't have page numbers on them, so bear with me. 6 A. Sure. 7 Q. Do you recognize Brown Exhibit 5, 8 Mr. Brown? A. 10 Okay. A. This is an XML file containing the from. 11 12 I have a -- I know where this is -- come Q. 9 Can you tell me what you think it is? 13 14 different pieces of the terms of service or URL 15 agreement for multiple brands in multiple languages. Q. 16 Okay. And are these the terms of service 17 that govern the installation of OSSProxy and 18 MacMeter? A. 20 21 It is the terms of service that govern, Q. 19 Okay. yes. I'd like to just go through some 22 of the points on it, because I'm very unclear on 23 certain things. 24 A. Sure. 25 MR. SCHAPIRO: Objection. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 129 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BY MR. BALABANIAN: Q. First of all, who would you say these terms of service are between? A. They're between the analysts and the brand they signed up for. Q. Okay. Do you know if comScore is referenced in these terms of service? 9 A. Do you mind if I take a look, sir? 10 Q. Sure. And I'll give you a hint. In the 11 first paragraph, I know comScore's referenced, so 12 there's one spot, but you can keep looking. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 A. There you go, so, yes, comScore is referenced. Q. And just so you know, I'm going to concentrate on the first six pages of this document. A. Thank you. I would struggle with the Chinese version. Q. As would I. I have my problems with the English version as well. Do you see in the second paragraph on the 22 very first page, the sentence that says, "While 23 participation in our program will allow us to send 24 you periodic surveys and track information about 25 your online activity, such as where you surf and" -DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 134 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 program? MR. SCHAPIRO: 3 4 conclusion. 5 Objection, calls for a legal BY MR. BALABANIAN: Q. 6 Well, if you -- and I wasn't asking a 7 question. 8 that. 9 service out there that would somehow govern that 10 You testified earlier that it governs Do you know if there's any other terms of relationship? 11 A. It would be this that -- 12 Q. This is the -- 13 A. -- describe -- this is the entirety 14 from -Q. 15 Okay. So there's no other terms of 16 service that comScore would say applies or that the 17 subsidiaries can say applies, these are them? 18 A. That is correct. 19 Q. It might be an obvious question -- 20 A. I'm just trying to answer your question, Q. I want to talk about the -- what 21 sir. 22 23 information is collected as set forth in these 24 terms. 25 A. Okay. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 140 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 A. Okay. 3 Q. Or by OSSProxy collecting it after the 4 panelist has accepted the terms of service and 5 downloaded it onto the system? 6 A. 7 question, sir. 8 Q. 9 I just want to make sure I answer your Any other ways that basic demographic information is collected? 10 A. Yes. 11 Q. What are those ways? 12 A. In some cases, we will take the address 13 and use a third-party -- secure third-party matching 14 provider to understand the information about that. 15 Q. So you'll match information that you have 16 with other information that perhaps one of your 17 business -- a company with whom you do business has 18 or that -- paint a more clear -- 19 A. Or a company that does -- that you send 20 the set of addresses to, and they tell you 21 additional information about -- 22 Q. Okay. 23 A. -- that household if they have 24 information about that household. 25 It's not done with a client. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 147 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 make commercially viable efforts to automatically 3 filter confidential, personally identifiable 4 information such as user ID, password, credit card 5 numbers and account numbers." 6 A. I do. 7 Q. Okay. Do you see that? Can you explain to me what you 8 guys mean -- what the -- what RelevantKnowledge 9 means by commercially viable efforts? 10 11 A. Can I explain to you the protections that we put in place for that -- 12 Q. Okay. 13 A. -- that comes across all brands? 14 Is that acceptable? 15 Q. We'll see. 16 A. Okay. Go ahead. So what we've done is we've 17 implemented a set of routines that we call 18 fuzzifier. 19 posted to a website and then also on web pages that 20 we've blocked, that runs using algorithms to read 21 through that data to identify things that look like, 22 for example, credit card numbers or user IDs or 23 passwords. 24 looking for 15 and 16 digit sequences, and then we 25 destroy a chunk of that data so that we do not have Fuzzifier operates on both data that's Credit card numbers can be identified by DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 148 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 3 the credit card number transmitted to our servers. Q. Okay. So it says "commercially viable 4 efforts to automatically filter." 5 talked about safeguards. 6 automatically filtered? 7 understanding of that? 8 A. 9 unclear. Yes. We've sort of What is meant by Do you have an That's the -- I'm sorry if I was The method I was talking about as 10 fuzzification is automatic and is running and has 11 algorithms that we've -- that have been developed to 12 run on the end user's machine so that that data 13 never leaves that end user's -- or the panelist's 14 computer, so, therefore, it's automatic. 15 Q. So comScore doesn't get that information? 16 Even if it's fuzzified, it doesn't get it in a 17 fuzzified form? 18 A. Correct. 19 Q. It never leaves the user's computer? 20 A. Correct. 21 Q. Okay. If you read on, the last sentence 22 of that paragraph says, "Inadvertently we may 23 collect such information about our panelists. 24 when this happens, we make commercially viable 25 efforts to purge our database of such information." And DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 160 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 demographic information or information regarding 3 usage of the application; and of any changes made to 4 this agreement." 5 sir? 6 A. Yes. 7 Q. Okay. Did I read that all accurately, 8 So does comScore have the ability to send administrative e-mails to panelists? 9 A. Yes. 10 Q. Okay. And panelists with the software 11 installed on their systems have the ability to 12 receive administrative e-mails or other e-mails from 13 comScore? 14 A. That's unclear, sir. 15 Q. Well, one of the commitments as a 16 panelist is to receive administrative e-mails -- 17 A. That is correct. 18 Q. -- correct? Okay. 19 20 So comScore has the ability to send e-mails to its panelists, right? 21 A. That is correct. 22 Q. Okay. 23 Do you know whether comScore does send e-mails to its panelists? 24 A. It does. 25 Q. In what instances does it send e-mails? DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 161 MICHAEL BROWN 1 A. 2 To invite them to participate in a 3 survey, to tell them if they won a prize, those are 4 some of the instances. Q. 5 6 Do panelists give comScore their e-mail addresses? 7 A. Yes. 8 Q. During the registration process? 9 A. That is one place they can. 10 Q. Does the software collect that 11 information as well that's running on the system? 12 A. No. 13 Q. Okay. I should ask a different question. 14 How are the ways in which comScore obtains e-mails 15 from its panelists -A. That is used in reference to 11, one, 18 Q. No, just -- 19 A. Or more specifically 11, one, five? 20 Q. Yeah. 16 17 one? Well, I'm just saying how does -- 21 how does -- panelists provide their e-mails in the 22 registration process, that's one way comScore gets 23 e-mails? 24 A. Correct. 25 Q. Are there other ways it gets e-mails? DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 188 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 the representation of the date the data was 3 received. 4 Q. Okay. 5 A. Other things you'll see is -- the very 6 top, you'll see a unique hash of track information. 7 We take the name of the trunk and information about 8 it, we run it through an MD5 hash algorithm to 9 create the unique ID for it. 10 11 12 Q. And do you parse where the track came from; i.e., the device that it came from? A. The kind -- if you look at the column of 13 Kind, the column named Kind indicates the location 14 of that track. 15 Q. 16 Okay. So if that -- if that track were on an iPod, it would identify that location? 17 A. That is correct. 18 Q. Okay. 19 Can you flip to Bates No. 15923 in Brown Exhibit 6. 20 A. Yes. 21 Q. You see in the middle of the page where 22 it says "OSSProxy Rules"? 23 A. Yes. 24 Q. Can you just describe for me generally 25 what is meant by OSSProxy Rules? DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 189 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 A. The software project OSSProxy, also 3 MacMeter, is designed to reference configuration 4 information from a remote re -- my tongue is just 5 losing -- remote locate -- remote resource like a 6 URL, so the information and -- of the types of 7 things we want to do or collect can be configured 8 and adjusted quickly without requiring a new version 9 of the software to be deployed. 10 Q. Well, first, the rules, is that another 11 way of saying instructions, instructions to the 12 software? 13 A. I don't think it's really -- like in my 14 personal opinion from the computer science 15 definition of things, I think the rules are more 16 like definitions or lists -- 17 Q. Okay. 18 A. -- versus instructions. There's -- 19 instructions to me indicates something that like has 20 an if-then conditional, and these do not have 21 embedded in that if-then conditional type of things. 22 Q. Do you see in the written text under 23 OSSProxy slash CProxy Rules, there is two paragraphs 24 right under that subheading? 25 A. Do you see that? I do. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 194 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 explain why the rule would be outdated because now 3 traffic is no longer routed to comScore's proxy 4 servers? 5 A. It's outdated because we no longer use 6 proxy servers, so, therefore, there's no need to 7 route traffic to proxy servers. 8 Q. When did comScore stop using proxy 9 servers? 10 A. 2005. 11 Q. Why did it stop? 12 A. We decided to upgrade the functionality 13 of our software to no longer require using proxy 14 servers. 15 Q. What's a proxy server? 16 A. Proxy server is a piece of software that 17 runs on a set of servers that receives requests from 18 clients; in our case, panelists receive that request 19 and initiate a new request on behalf of that 20 requester to a target server; that data is then 21 returned back to that proxy server, and that data is 22 then sent from that proxy server to the respective 23 client. 24 Q. It's like an intermediary server? 25 A. Correct. It is acting as an DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 195 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 3 intermediary. Q. So now is the -- is the data just 4 directly sent to comScore's servers instead of 5 routed through a proxy server? 6 A. In the case of the proxy server, all -- 7 all -- give me a second. I'm trying to think of the 8 best way to explain this. 9 selectively to our proxy servers, and when we are 10 operating with proxy servers prior, including and 11 prior to 2005. 12 locally, the rules are executed locally on the 13 panelist's computer, so the information of interest 14 gets sent to comScore's servers. Data would be routed With the CProxy running 100 percent 15 Q. From the panelist's computer? 16 A. From the panelist's computer, correct. 17 Q. Okay. 18 Can you turn your attention to kind of halfway down the page where it says XPF. 19 A. Yes. 20 Q. Do you know what XPF is? 21 A. I know what XPF is in relation to this 22 document, and specifically within this section of 23 the document. 24 Q. Okay. 25 A. Can you explain it to me -- Sure. DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 218 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 of information. You have to look for two pieces to 3 see if that DLL is valid; it has to be present and 4 registered. THE WITNESS: 5 If you guys don't mind, I'd like 6 to take a break when there's an opportune time. 7 know you're in the vain here, not urgent, I'd just 8 like to -- 9 MR. BALABANIAN: 10 afraid I'm finishing. 11 I Yeah, we're just -- I'm about five minutes. Let's take one now. How 12 (WHEREUPON, a recess was had from 13 3:59 p.m. to 4:06 p.m.) 14 BY MR. BALABANIAN: Q. 15 Why does comScore fuzzify data? 16 it collect fuzzified data? 17 Why does collect the data at all? A. 18 19 Why doesn't it just not You've got a couple questions in there. Do you want to break it down into a couple -- 20 Q. Yeah. 21 A. We can take it one by one if you wish. 22 Q. Yeah. A. We collect fuzzified data because we 23 24 25 Why does it collect fuzzified data? don't want to collect data that would be harmful or DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 219 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 identify who that panelist is, you know. The last 3 thing we want to have is a list of credit card 4 numbers from panelists. 5 panelist and exposure for us. That's an exposure for the 6 Q. It's important to filter the information? 7 A. In this case, we're not talking about 8 filtering the information, we're talking about 9 changing the information. So in this case, with 10 respect to this, we're changing the information in a 11 one-way manner that's not reversible; that is the 12 goal of fuzzification. 13 14 15 16 Q. Filtering and fuzzifying are two different things? A. In my opinion, filtering and fuzzifying are two different things. 17 Q. 18 at all, right? 19 A. 20 Filtering is just not accepting the data That is one possible -- that is one possible interpretation of the word filter. 21 Q. Can you flip to 15930, Mr. Brown? 22 A. Yes, I am there. 23 section? 24 Q. 25 Is there a particular Actually, 15929 is where I'd like you to start, sorry, in the very bottom. I'm looking at DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 226 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 BY MR. BALABANIAN: 3 Q. Can you flip to 15958, please. 4 A. Yes, sir. 5 Q. Do you see towards the bottom of the page 6 it says OSS underscore pre underscore install 7 underscore URLs? 8 A. Yes. 9 Q. Under that, it says, "Description," and 10 it reads, "Captures the last 25 URLs that the 11 panelist visited prior to installing CProxy." 12 A. Yes. 13 Q. What's that talking about? 14 A. So as part of some of the audits that 15 comScore participates in, they wanted to make sure 16 that the panelists we were getting, that were coming 17 into our system, were not all coming from one or two 18 specific websites, so -- because that would add an 19 undue bias to the types of users that we discussed 20 briefly about bias and its impact on research. 21 way to validate that is after the -- when the 22 software is installed, OSSProxy is installed on a 23 user's computer, we look in the -- in the history, 24 the cache -- it's actually the cache of Internet 25 Explorer, and we look at the 25 most recently So a DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 227 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 visited URLs and report on that and capture that 3 data to understand if we have undue bias in our 4 recruiting system. 5 6 Q. Is it something specific to Internet Explorer? 7 A. Yes. 8 Q. So for other browsers, you don't capture 9 the last 25 URLs? 10 A. That is correct. 11 Q. Why Internet Explorer? 12 A. It was easier to do that, and it met the 13 needs of -- the needs from research, because they 14 just -- it was enough of a cross section of a sample 15 to evaluate and control for bias. 16 MR. BALABANIAN: Okay. Yeah, so let's take 17 one more break. I'm going to go through my notes to 18 see if I have, I think, a few follow-up questions. 19 Hopefully we'll be done by 5:00. 20 (WHEREUPON, a recess was had from 21 4:20 p.m. to 4:35 p.m.) 22 (WHEREUPON, a certain document was 23 marked Brown Exhibit 9, for 24 identification.) 25 DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 242 MICHAEL BROWN 1 2 reopen Mr. Brown's deposition to the extent that's 3 necessary. 4 nothing further. 5 But aside from that, I have no -- MR. SCHAPIRO: Okay. Unless somebody waives 6 it, I don't think we have any questions for the 7 witness. 8 9 10 Because many, maybe even -- MR. BALABANIAN: Do you want to mark it confidential? MR. SCHAPIRO: Maybe most or all of the 11 documents were either confidential or attorneys' 12 eyes only, so I think we might want to designate the 13 transcript and the exhibits confidential, attorneys' 14 eyes only. 15 have a reasonable time to try and, you know, work 16 out if there are any disagreements about that. 17 at least for now I want the default to be that it's 18 confidential. I gather under the ESI agreement, we 19 MR. BALABANIAN: 20 MR. SCHAPIRO: 21 MR. BALABANIAN: 22 THE WITNESS: That's fine. But That's it. Nothing else from us. Thank you. Thank you. 23 (WHEREUPON, at 4:56 p.m. the 24 deposition concluded.) 25 DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585 MICHAEL BROWN - CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 244 1 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) 2 3 ) COUNTY OF W I L L SS: ) 4 5 I, JENNIFER L. WIESCH, do hereby certify: 6 That I am a duly qualified Certified 7 Shorthand Reporter, in and for the State of 8 Illinois, holder of certificate number 84-4528, 9 which is in full force and effect, and that I am 10 authorized to administer oaths and affirmations; 11 That the foregoing deposition testimony 12 of the herein named witness was taken before me at 13 the time and place herein set forth; 14 That prior to being examined, the witness 15 named in the foregoing deposition was duly sworn or 16 affirmed by me, to testify the truth, the whole 17 truth, and nothing but the truth; 18 That the testimony of the witness and all 19 objections made at the time of the examination were 20 recorded stenographically by me, and were thereafter 21 transcribed under my direction and supervision; 22 That the foregoing pages contain a full, 23 true and accurate record of the proceedings and 24 testimony to the best of my skill and ability; 25 That prior to the completion of the DAVID FELDMAN WORLDWIDE, INC. 450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 (212)705-8585

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