Trustees of the Suburban Teamsters Welfare and Pension Funds v. The E Company, an Illinois corporation et al

Filing 7

MOTION by Plaintiff Trustees of the Suburban Teamsters Welfare and Pension Funds for judgment (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit John J. Toomey, # 2 Affidavit Richard Siebert, # 3 Text of Proposed Order Judgment Order)(Toomey, John)

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IN TIlE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN I)ISTRICT OF ILLINOIS EASTERN DIVISION TRUSTEES OF THE SUBURBAN TEAMSTERS OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS WELFARE AND PENSION FUNDS. ) P’aintiffs, ) No.2013C8]0 v. Judge Lee THE E COMPANY. an Illinois corporation and WI 1.1 I AM EDM I ER, Individually. ) ) ) ) Magistrate Judge Cole Defendants. AFFIDAVIT RICHARD SIEI3ERT, upon being first duly sworn deposes and states as follows: I Afflmt is employed by the Suburban Teamsters Welfare and Pension Fund (“Funds”) as an auditor, is familiar with the The B Company, an Illinois corporation audit (Employer”), and is also familiar with the parties’ agreement concerning contributions, liquidated damages and interest owed. 2. An audit review ol Employer’s books and records was performed on February 21. 20]2 covering the period January, 2010 through January. 2012 and Ibund to be owing: Pension Welfare 3. $19,518.95 $20,452.40 Employer was given a copy of the records review and given notice of fndings and has made no effort to pay or settle. 4. The audit including liquidated damages and interest totals $39971.35. 5. On February 24, 2012 William Edmier, in his capacity as President of THEE COMPANY, entered into installment note arnmgements for the payment of delinquent pension contributions covering the period January. 2010 through January. 2012 with the Suburban Teamsters of Northern Illinois Pension Fund (Exhibit A). 6. On February 24, 2012 William Edmier, in his capacity as President of TIlE F COMPANY, entered into installment note arrangements for the payment of delinquent welfare contributions covering the period January. 2010 through January, 2012 with the Suburban Teamsters of Northern [Ilinois Pension Fund (Exhibit C). 7, On the face of the notes the maker acknowledged that the indebtedness represents fringe benefit contributions and charges due and owing pursuant to 29 U.S.C. 1145. 8. Ihe Pension Fund delinquency note was entered into for the principal amount of $19,518.95 (Exhibit A). The maker of the note made 5 of 12 inslallment note payments of $1,259.92 before delimiting on the August 30. 2012 sixth instaHment note payment. The balance of 59905.60 remains unpaid on the Pension Fund installment note as reflected in the payment ledger attached as Exhibit B. 9. ‘the Welfare Fund delinquency nole was entered into for the principal amount of $20452.40 (Exhibit D). The maker of the note made 5 of 12 installment note payments of SI 321.33 belbre defaulting on the August 30, 2012 sixth installment note payment. The balance of$10,388.36 remains unpaid on the Welfare Fund installment note as reflected in the payment ledger attached as Exhibit I). I 0. The total sums remaining owed under the installment notes are: 59.905,60 Pension $10,388.36 Welfare 2 11 The malwr wis given a written notice of dethult and an opporumity to cure which has not occurred. 12. The attached Exhibits A through D arc accurate, true and correct. 13. Affiant is above the age of2I, suffers from no disabilily and has actual knwledgc ot’the above and could so testify. FURTHER AFF].ANT SAYETh NOT. RICHARD SIEI3ERT SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN th to before me this 6 day of 3 H SUBURBAN IFAMSTIZRS OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS FRINGE BENEFITS The E Company Pension Fund February 29, 2012 Pci r value received, the us dersi gncLI porn Ses It, pay to the oIc icr Northern Illinois Pension Fund the principal WILl] oF $ 19,51 &95 II undred Eighteen and 95/100 del larsj. of ( S tib LI ban I Cull slurs 0 housand Fkc Nineteen this Note acknowledges that the above ndebtcd:iess rcnrcse:its frmnic hencfi hc maker contributions and other costs and charges due and owing puisuant to appi caNe provisions ofthe 15. For contributions dun or the I cc Rci rement thcome and Security Ad 29 USC tiirougll January. 2012. 201 period 1 he Employer shall make a down payment of $4,880.00 on February 29, 2012, leaving a priiicpaI I,alanee of $14,638.95. That balance is lobe paid with 6% annual interest in 12 equal ioU conseernive rnonlhl\ installments of $1,259.92 begiiming on March 30, 2011 Payments svild he sent to: Suburban learnLers of Northern I lIinos 7 Commerce Drive, [‘nil I West Chicago. IL 60185 or such othci p lace as in iv be di reeled by the i eg 31 older oF this Note. The Employer is to remain current in regular monthly contributions. Failurc iii do so hJ be considered a default, causing the rcrnainimz unpaid Note hulance to become immediately due and payihie. Ike undersigned hereby irrevocably authorizes any attorney of any court of record [ci appear br the undersigned in such court, in term time or vacation, at any time after default in the payment oF any insliihlmncnt of the principal he,-eo1 and contbssjudginent without pro in favor ol the p Ce 01 holder oft b ‘4 te fir the unpaid anwunl toQet her w5th cos s of co cci on ii ci ud rig reasoriahie nit ‘riley s èes. arid to % alve md release all errors winch flay i nterveiie ii suci proceed rigs, and consent to immediate execution upon such j ud,neni, licrehy rati Ring and coniimnt all That said attorney ma’ do 1w \r1uc hereof /\li parties hereto severally waive presentment Ibr payment, notice of dishonor and protest. By - I. fl r DaW: I’rcsidcnit The F. (.ompunv Dale WiN lam Pdniicr, udi’ dually I I r- The E Company Lr# 493 Pension Fund fING[PAI Q1AL: $ (19B S488000 r)rN PYMT — —. L)aF€e.FcbruaQ9,2Oi3 - FPING bAi ANGE $ I,89) 12 (month j5992 HL Y PYM OR PAY THIS Made Payments AFTER REGULAR PAYM[ NT THIS check U - 1[03/30!12+ ?1i 1 Y2 .J 2JO4/J1i2f135a18 t5/3Q/i2 l2P_ i; 1 g166;7s 92Z 2 ii 4h —- hi.9266 -- 1 124 ic’3 LI f L LL YP 9 Hz—. - _°ta 5[07. ‘jo) / ‘ - fzzz Q3 £ -72 10/30/12 6.2R24 [ 1259.92 122881 [ : z: ir ; 1 r —. r 1- —-—— —— ——-— 10L{1/30/121 1401f30/13J tLQ2;2g/1;i 750 99 2513 • I i2:25 56 l.2S9.9f 175992 3 . L 92 L? I 4.917 32 j —h-—- 1u_ - - .?72.. — j 121 .. _..L i — St.Ifl,l{ljAr’ iKAislFRS O[ r’.oI{IllIkr\ IlLI\OIS l•Il%(;F IIIIIliS [lie K Company Welfare Fund February 29, 2012 or alue received, he undersigned prondses to pay to the order ol Suburban •reumsters or Northern Illinois Welfare Fund the principal total or%20,452.40 I luntlred Fifty •Fwo arid 40/lot) dollars.). The maker ,jniH[’ipl oH[iis Note acki ‘on md other costs and charcs \l.n_tpsI 2V1 I thit)iiuh I wenly Ihousand Four wIedcs thai Ihe above indebiedness: rcprc:cH Is Irlilec hcricflt Inc and 2 Lmpa’vec keurcirent lneonic and Sccijrily Ad Nil ( .ILInLJHI’ owiIlu pursuant In app];rahlc r 01 SQ. I 45. V &i,nl iihijuuns isiona oF he k’c Wr We ‘I)) 11w ln:plo\cr shall make a down pir,mciit oI S,lOO.OO on Fcbro:in 29. 2012 ca’w a flFiLip. balance ofSl5,352.40. I ha balance sw he pail: iih 6% annual n:clcri in 12 equal P:uenN lilt] ConSCduUe [ilO2tflJV iiistaliniciiis oF SI ,32i.33 eLi1ming on March 30, 2(H2. salnlf l’ccat to: sipkurhan canis’r. ‘: Nurlicr:i l ln;cs ( crriic_rce )ric. I ‘‘ii \\ csl hit:a-a:.. jj t cr NL[ch Ihci place ts may he directed hv the Ieal holder ol this Nore. lhr is to rdnlain currenl an regular monthly contril,utious. ailure to do so will he conSidcicd a deLaili; causing the cntiiiii’ii unpaid Rotc balance to becorild immediately due and pLL\IhIC. •The m.mdersigncd hei-ebv irrevocably auiliorizcs any ittonicy oF uiiy• court record to the undersigned in such court, in tenu 1mw or wieaw,o. at an’ dine after L!c[ai,It in of am pear For lie ]‘a’ ilicail aistailment of the principal hereti. amid confess judgment wi bout i’ cess ii flivor ol We 01 iioi tier of lIt is N oW I & the ii mIp:i d amount, together with COS S oI en] cc U on ic iid ng I d CC reasonable attorney’s fees, and to waive and release all errors winch rnuy mflcmvcnc in such procc-ediiigsaiid consent to immediate execution upon such judgment, hcrcb> rali Vying and coliiJrmIii]ly .il] l]iat said attornc ma’ do h irluc hereof. flail’s ieIc:l. \\iHLii, lhcI Ne.crji..\ ui C picscn(Iilcrt Fdnicr_ Presi deal (nIiipr:!v \kiihmaiu :diiiier. liidivdriahI hi pa’ inCid. ntticc ed kin: and prilesi. — Pt Ii The E Company 4931 E# Welfare_Fund F-ThC fLL ANCE \L1KP N g33 -- Irnonth PY1 MNJ F FLY PYM1 .OR1}1IS TEJLARPAY NrflE :..L1 Q.4 2043Ofi2j ñad ‘1 I — rrerit -- .iL°7i iL. 8 2i’’ ijtL4 _4 L. cP’ 127 O &/?f ffiI2fl.3 ii !358 33 29q7y 10.336.08 1 253.33 1:213:3 I 1.214 321 08/30/12 9j 1237 1321.33 1 .275.99 7791.05 IL DI30/13 F 7830.OO 1321 33 1 22 37 65M 53 8HG/3O/l 6541 .22 Li 57499 132133 6 IU 3P1iL_ 7J .... 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