Trustees of the Suburban Teamsters Welfare and Pension Funds v. T & W Edmier Corp. et al

Filing 7

MOTION by Plaintiff Trustees of the Suburban Teamsters Welfare and Pension Funds for judgment (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit John J. Toomey, # 2 Affidavit Richard Siebert, # 3 Text of Proposed Order Judgment Order)(Toomey, John)

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IN THE UNITED STATES I)ISTRICI COURT FOR TIlE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF IllINOIS EASTERN DIN1SION I RLS I LES OF THE SLBLRl3AS If ANN IERS OF NORT[IIJRN ILLINOIS WELFARE AND PFNS[ON FUNDS, Plaintiffs. ) ) ‘t No 2013 C 811 Judge Lee ) ) ) ) ) T & W EDM[LR CORP., an Illinois corporation and TI IOMAS W. EDMIER, Individually, Defendants. Magistrate Judge Rowland AFFIDAVIT R]CHARJ) SIEBERT. I. upon being first duly sworn deposes nnd states as foI1ows Afliant is employed by the Suburban Teamsiers Welfa,-e and Pension Fund (Rinds) as: rn auditor, is familiar with the 1 & W Edmier Corp.. an Illinois corporation audit Emplo Cr. and is also familiar with the partic aureemeni concerning contributions. liquidated damages and interest owed. 2. An audit reievof Fmpio’ers books ud records ‘sas performed on Februar’ 21. 2012 covering the period Januar’. 2010 through January. 2011 and kiund to he owing: Pension Welfare 3. S1540768 S15.898.90 Employer was given a copy of the records review and given notice of lindiraus and has made no c Thri to pa’ or seitle 4. 11w audil including liquidated damages arid interest totals $3 1,306.58. 5. On :chruarv 24. 2012 Thomas \\. Fdmier. in his capacity as President off & \V Edmier Corp. entered into installment noTe arnmgements ibr the payment of delinquent pension contributions co cuing the period January, 20)1) through Jannan 2012 ith the Suburban Teamsters ot Northern Hlinois Pension Fund ( Exhibit A), 6. On February 24. 2012 Thomas W. Edmier. in his capacity as President ofT & W Edmier Corp.. entered into installment note arrangements for the payment of delinquent welfare contributions covering the period January. 2010 through January, 2(112 with the Suburban leamsters of Northern Illinois Pension Fund (Exhibit C). 7. On the face of the notes the maker acknowledged that the indebtedness represents fringe benefit contributions and charges due and owing pursuant to 29 USC. 1145. 8. ‘I]ie Pension Fund delinquency note was entered into for the principal amount of SI 540768 jExhibit A The maker of the note made 5 of 12 insta]]ment note payments of 599473 before dcf3lllting on the August 30. 2012 sixth installment note pavnienl. The balance of 57.82063 retrains unpaid on the Pension Funl installment note as reflected in the payment ledger attached as Exhibit [3. 9. 11w Welhjre Fund delinquency note was entered into ibr the principal amount of 5l5S98.80 (Exhibit Di. ]he maker of the note made 5 of 12 installment note payments of SI .02625 heftire defaulting on the August 50. 2012 sixth installment note payment. The balance ofS8.068.43 renluins unpaid on the Welfare Fund insta]Iment note LIS reflected in the payment ledger anachcd as Exhibit D. 10. The total sums remaining oed under the installment notes are: 57.82063 Pension 58.06843 Welfare 2 11 The maker was given a written notice of default and an opportunity to cure which has not occurred. 12. The attached Exhibits A tough Dare accurate, true and correct. 13. Affiant is above the ge of2l, suffers from no disability and has actual knowledge of the above and could so testify. FURI1IER AFFIANt SAYIZTII NOT. rN — RICHARD SIEBERT SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN th 6 jy f to before me this March, 2013. Nolary 3 I BI:RBA\ II;.UJSFERs OF NOl< III [:K\ IllINOIS FRINCE BI-:NFFITS 1 !& \ F:tlrnier Corp. Pension Eu nd [v b roan 29, 20 I 2 For value ecciveci. liii indepsigued promises to pay lo the oider ni Suburban 1 c:trIIsteH of .ô$ 7 NorIbLi ‘I Illinois Pension Fund the principal total oiSI5,40 I ilk_eu IhoLisalIt] Four nX}) ldLrs). (n::Jicd ‘,c \duJn: ‘n;:kc-r ithis Nqc icknou lcjuc ihat he hnc ruIdcnlec]]L-, :ciitcu1Is I]fl:L c]:ciii ‘.‘Hr :c- !H:i: dli Ic jfld eIwr’c Inc nd ,‘-::u ‘‘,:u (IC[ :i:;b::y> JLC s I 4’ It EmpI’cc <curcInen: IIILotEc uid Scc.JuI) Xci ? period March. 2010 (hrtiuih January 201 I I lie •Iiic Employer shall make a down payment of $3,850.00 on February 29, 2012, leaving a principal balance of SI I ,557.6S. ThaL l,alance is to he paid with 6% annual interest in 12 equal and LOnsvc utI•C monih! utsttIlnicnIs of 94.73 bcrining on Nlarch 30, 2012. hivnienls iiukf hccn1 hr Suburban I eauII%Icrc I Ct mit—Fcc tItc tl I)rRc. I \\ e,{ (hicago. Il 60185 or such uhei place as may he directed by Ike Legal holder oEhis Note. [he [niIo ci- is to reillain current in regiIar ,iionllilv coninhulions Failure 10 tIr) SO wiN lit co>iJccj je! :H c,:i’”’ 1 uouud NpLchsjnni In l’ttoiuc JIiIJflcd[jIc]\ ([Lie :111(1 c’cunuinin p.. Nc . herd’ r:ccc:li ,LLIlI(:rizc ;IIR Liolic’ t:I’ ;IL i :ctr: ic [:fl[c jILt ic u:ijcuurjicJ in such curl, in cin time or ,tcjIroJh a: conLess judgunenL viihout process in [avor ol the olany iiistaiIincnl ol the principal heiccil, and payee or juIcier ol this Note lbr the unpaid amount, iogethcr with costs of collection including reasonal Ic attorney’s lees, and to waive and release all errors which may ij Wi ye’ c n such )iOCCC di,’ S, and c oi sen I to tn mcdi ate cx ecut on upon such udgme i t hereby ran lvi Hg and oiIuri,Ii aN Uut said attorney may do by virtue heicoC .c 2 ut!L[si:flCd ill c hcrcc ,c\ cr*] v, cnIecliImrrt or p.i i,,c,1:. -Hcc o: d,air C— l3: Date I ,onias W. Ldnjuer, President IX V•’ l..:clriner (_‘orpo,ation ) c? c. lucJii!tiji _ I 2 zq 3 (2 _____ L%YV Edmier Corp. 971 Pension Fund 15437 OTAL 68) $38COODueFbn.arr292O12 UQVN PYM1 J_j r’yr i’NC — - 12 NrB (month $99473 MNT[ [LV PYMI AFTER REGULAR PAYME.NI OR THIS PAY THIS NOIL I>r\V%j Is32i15V II U J — -4_±z_ 2[ 1 f 0 /3 01 2L I I.) I - L. 9$72 I 7.781 .72 - 3Q9JJ 77&L.._?I. 4: 507.3012 8.776.a5 994.73 951 96 782063 C3i3Ui12 I 994.73 95582 62590. 961O 4399 Y . 6LH86ft;3 7L?i3Pi1]._-4 4 ‘“112 _ 2 jqq 4-.- -- e[10z30112 97O12. - 294922 . H [ lO12./30/12j 4J1/30)13 1_9 394 9759-3 9947 295159 - I ‘4: 9i’-3 .fr — _9j73 98978. 1 I 186 -— 3-Th —- — I ID - -— C— r+i Stilt RBN 1 EAMSIF:RS OF NOR rjii:ws ILlINOIS [RING[ BEMF(iS Welfare I &W Edniler Corp. Fund IcI}ruan 29, 2012 to the oidcr nl• SuhurhaiL 1c;j, ctcrs or value cccicc]. the utidersiL’ncd prouhLsCs to Northern IF]iiciis Weihire }tittcl die IDFiIICIPUI (owl t}l Sl,,89S.90 ( Mllceit lhtu[uI,d [dght Hundred Nir:cty bight and 9u’]oo dollars.). he make, oF ibis Note acknn edgcs that the ahoc indehtcdncss reprcscnL h i’ic heticfl C{)littiI)L.IIOIIN dud oilier c(,\!N md charges due ad Owina pHIs{IJIJ]t to apphcaMc iU\ SIOLIS til ilic SI 1145. or cm!r’hutiv, tiuC or iL RcWruici, !.COC and Scurhv •\cI 7’ ian. 2W I ;‘critl \IaicI nc-il l\3.95(IO on [cbrtian 2_ 21112 Ip:II ‘mt_e :u::i ii —i l);iI;ij,Ct of SI 923.90. I list balance to [c::i 1 .‘F, I March 30, 2 (2. and UtitiSeL LU C H Luittil! v i,.sUincn Es if Sf ,026.25 (egifl]UL,a should be seth to: I he I :i ‘‘r ‘:1. Suhuihun Teamsters o Norihern Illinois 7 Vommerec Drvc_ Unit I West ( ilicago. II. 601 X5 ‘diet pULtC as In!’ ‘c directed n the IctiI iiddc: i h o:c. :eH Ihc lumpliner ‘S In rcnmjici current in regular monlhI c.,i,triI,t,,ons F:iiiic hccirc mcdIaEC :Ia,aflC ti:,it Notc ht,nce : ieI,uiL caTms:H1 !i C t’” fl 0:10 FUC. He uiidcosazncd hereby lies ocably authorizes any attorney o[3iiy court o(recclI 10 appear htr term time or aca1ion, at any tune titter dcfiult in the pavt)iCtit he undersigned iii such court. o[unv iustal]i,icnt oF time principal hereof, and L-onJcss judgment without procc in lavor ot the payee or [,Iclcr of this Note Ii the unpaid l[noIlmi. togci]ier iil i cosis UI collecliapi iicIudiup rti:rsonu[’lc jlLoiiic 5 ]S. :,Ilti (ci ‘iliVe and cItac all ciiurs hiJi IlidY jliicr\;viic in sijch :cH iiid cum;r-ciit It i:JI,:cdiaic CXCCJik’H U ‘i t;t h 1-IEL diut saJ a:kriic’ na’ do L’ ‘viiitic icre:.i c(n!irrin:L pic;cI...s .‘\. p!ps hereto seerWIy ‘:ivC prcsentmcIlr tt)r p.nmeni. notIce ol J:shuno: jnJ pi’ct .IE licni j \\/ 1.tdrnier. l’resdeiil Ie(• ‘A I doner Cot-put tn cm / Ii. :ta Z9 l)aic: . iEnier. itt: cuat 29 - /a T&W Edmier Corp. 971 Er# Welfare Fund DaLe: February 29: O [2 $3,97500 DQV,N’YMt: FL I —- ‘I-<NK L3A ANC Njl BR 1 TtT Jf 12 - v month I L.t JJNE1PYMNTJ_ LThtH3tJLL8ALANC1 03i30/12 AFIER REGULAR PAYMENT OR THIS PAY THIS t/; j 11,98352 1095727 96663 1,02625 4% j 2OZn1LQ 3o5/:3o/i2 ‘— 2 ‘ 3 52 25 —- —-- -- ---- 2& J 2 -t- -- . —. & 08/30/12 0/12 3 ? 2 10H :oi:3cf3:, H---- 6!051. 5 P92 IiOI3U:i2L5M8043 _j0’jQ_.• 991.0 z:;j.z :zzj 1026.25 7077A0 H 20d739 I 02625_ 22-Q2 1 i?f._niLo 02625 02M25L 015 .__. / /i F7/7Z1 97&32 1,O2625 10035.74 2 97Mb - 1 10; 0214! — T:C2i4_JjJ I2 f (Ic. — - 1

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