Kuhnhein v. Kenton County Public Library Board of Trustees

Filing 1

NOTICE OF REMOVAL from Kenton Circuit Court, Division No. 4, Case number 12-CI-178. ( Filing fee $350; receipt number 2257758), filed by Kenton County Public Library Board of Trustees. (Attachments: # 1 State Court Record including Class Action Complaint with Jury Demand, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet, # 3 Case Assignment)(TED) Modified text to describe state court record on 2/2/2012 (TED).

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EXHIBIT I Case No. Doc. Code: Cl AOC-105 Rev. 1-07 Page 1 of 1 Court Commonwealth of Kentucky Court of Justice www.courts.ky.gov CR 4.02; CR Official Fbrm 1 County ~ -(~l" /7 ~vCircuit ~ Q District Kenton CIVIL SUMIIIIONS PLAINTIFF Kuhnhein Garth 3084 Prestwicke Drive 41017 Kentucky Edgewood VS. DEFENDANT Kenton County Public Library Board of Trustees 502 Scott Boulevard 41011 Kentucky Covington Service of Process Agent for Defendant: Horner Jim President 502 Scott Boulevard Kentucky Covington 41011 THE COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANT(S): You are hereby notified a legal action has been filed against you in this Court demanding relief as shown on the document delivered to you with this Summons, Unless a written defense is made by you or by an attorney on your behalf within 20 days following the day this paper is delivered to you, judgment by default may be taken against you for the relief demanded in the attached Complaint. The name(s) and address(es) of the party or parties demanding delivered to you with this Summons. e Date: I — X.D,2 0(IL ey: II relief against you are shown on the document M..(~ Clerk D.C. Proof of Service This Summons was served by delivering a true copy and the Complaint (or other initiating document) to: this day of ,2 Served by: Title t-A. Case No. Doc. Code: Cl AOC-105 Rev. 1-07 Page 1 of 1 Court Commonwealth of Kentucky Court of Justice www.courts CR 4.02; CR Official Fc rm 1 County ky.gov JZ I~) f7 4 Kenton District Circuit CiviL SUMMQNs PLAINTIFF Kuhnhein Garth 3084 Prestwicke Drive 41017 Kentucky Edgewood VS. DEFENDANT Kenton County Public Library Board of Trustees 502 Scott Boulevard 41011 Kentucky Covington Service of Process Agent for Defendant: President Horner Jim 502 Scott Boulevard Kentucky Covington 41011 THE COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANT(S): You are hereby notified a legal action has been filed against you in this Court demanding relief as shown on the document delivered to you with this Summons. Unless a written defense is made by you or by an attorney on your behalf within 20 days following the day this paper is delivered to you, judgment by default may be taken against you for the relief demanded in the attached Complaint, relief against you are shown on the document The name(s) and address(es) of the party or parties demanding delivered to you with this Summons. Date: l &00,2 6 I 4- M. ( Loxu3 By: Clerk D.C. Proof of Service This Summons was served by delivering a true copy and the Complaint (or other initiating document) to: this day of ,2 Served by: Title 1 II i '.& CI IK.'LJ IT COU RT I)IVISION I2-CICASE NO. KE&NTON ("AB.'I'H KLJHNIII:IN, ON BElllAI F OF HIMSEI.Ir ANI) O'I'HERS SIMILARII.,J&'ITUATEI) I'I.AI NTIFFS V. KENTON COUNTY I*U BLIC I,,I BRAIIXY IEOAHI) OF TRI,'STIR I:S Serve: Jlim Horner/VrcsiJtIent 502 Scoitt Boulev'lrd Covinf&',ton, Kenitittcky I)EFI&",NI)AN If 4101! Di','erlij'led Mail CI.ASS ACTION COMPI,AINT 'WITH,IUR'V TRIAI, DEMANI) ANI) DECI'.ARATION 0Ã MC I ITS Come now the pl;iini.if I; Cfarth I&.uhnhcin„on behalf of hiliisclf and siinil;irly situated. a»d f'r his ('ass Action Complaint filed herein states: S"ll'A'I"EVI EN"I'P TII I'. CASE 1. I'laintifTis a resident and property owner of Kentucky (.,omlnonwcalth I,ibrary. Inboard lund oth&."ls in flic bring this class action of"I'rustces for thc unlawful County a~&&ainst of benton, the Kenton County public property tax increases, which per V.entucky Revised Statute». required 51% of thc number oj duly quafif Jcd voter's votliig ll'1 the last &&oner;il election to submit a petition for air increase in the proper(y tax rate. Ihis action is brou&&ht both for as foJ'niulictlvc brought. '1 refiind of'unlav, filly charged and collected ad valorem 1'clicf to plohlbit future unlawful ls a f)cclaration of Riglits I'or tax lncl'cases. a determination taxes., as v cll I'lnally& this action is that tlie specific provisions of I&'RS Ch &pter 173, pertaining fo libraries and the rcspcctive manner tax rates are sct in which applies, not thc, general provisions f'ound in KI&'S Chapter 132. Speciftcally, for thc iax year 2011. the Def'fondant Library charged a tax &&1'real of $ 1.13 pcr estate, equaling $ 10,927„882,40.'1'hc Def'fondant thousand on $ 9,670„692,382, l.ibrary should have only taxed $ 0.60 pcr thousand on $ '),670 692„282of'real estate, equaling $ 5,802,4 5.43. Thc 1 Plaintif'1's and a]l other Kcnion County taxpayers year 2f111 a!onc. 1 urc owed a rcf'und of'$5,125,466.97 for hesc amounts do not even include the amounts unlawfully tangible tax, which would increase thc level of'ref'unds charged for owed. VART11$ 8 2. 1'laintiff; Kentucky. (&arth Kuhnhcin, Furthermore„Plaintiff is resident and property owner in Kenton County has paid property taxes to the Library, as set fi&rfh on his yearly county tax bH1, Plaintiff s properly is located at 3084 Vrcstwickc Drive, 1 '.dgewood, Kentucky. 3. Defendant, Kcnton County Pubhc I.ibrary, 13oard of 1 rusfees (herelnaftcl "f.ibrary") is a district duly organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, which was organized prior to July 13, 1984. FACTS 4. 1 hc I'lainti f1 and thc class he seeks to reprc»ent are re»ident» and property ownel» who have paid Library taxes. which v cre increased in tile ycal» 5. '1'hc Library v,a» organized prior to .tuly 13, 1984. pursuant. to KRS C:hapier 1 73. 6. Pllrsuant to KRS 173.720 ihc Library was established on having been formed by Pefiiion. 2 or. ab(&ut July 6&, 1 )67, 7. KRl& 1 73.79{)govern» thc incrcasc or decrease thai the ad valorem tax rale "shall not be increased petition requesting is (51%) ol thc IlulTIber Spcci flcally, or decreased unless a duly certified an incr«asc or dccre'lsc in ihe tax rate by f tfty one si&&ned ill uly tax levv. ol'a sj7cciflcaljy stated amount of duly tllllllifted voters votin&& in the last clcction...» &&cncral 8. Atfacllcd as Exhibit r'0, ls Coul t. acknowlcd&&in&& ih«r«quisile ol'he establishment passed by tj7e Kcnio17 County 1'Iscaj tl7e resolution si&&natures on petitions presented for the libnluy and scttin&& an ad valorcrn tax rale as $ 0.06 pcr $ 100 ol'roperty value. 1'his equates to,'&&0.60 pcr $ 1,000 dollars of value, i.c. $ 60 ol iax on a $ 100.000 1'lolne. 9. 1 13ascd on records obtained from the state Department has set t?le following rates 1171&% Y 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 pcl'f .Of)0 dollar i of Revenue wcbsitc the of val lie. $ 0.113 $ 0. 11 3 $ 0.104 $ 0.93 $ 0.820 10. Said rates are in well excess of'he authorize $ 0.60 per $ 1,000 resultino in many years with the rates heing v ell in «xccss of ihe pctiti(&ncd/ tgrccd upon rate as subn1liicd to thc Kc»tlln County f is«al C.'ouri by th««lc«toratc. thc Class ol'Taxpayers are owed a refund As s«t h7rtll 'lbove, of $ 5,125,466.97101 thc Vl&lintijf t111«l 2011, 'ls v'ell as all other years. Also tan &iblc taxes paid in excess arc owed refunds. 11. '1'hc j)cfendant Library has unilaterally lav', v ith wanton/rccl~jcss of Kcnion ycal chosen to not comply with appli«able disl&c«aid (o the ri&&hts of Ihe?'laintij js and thc propel ty ov ncrs C".Ounty. I 12. 'I'he 1)ef'cndant I.ibrary has not complied w)th thc, provisions of K.RS 173.7')0 I'or said incrcas«s. 13. 'I hc 1)cf'cndant I.ibrary asserts that. thc commonly ref'crrcd to I fouse Bi1144, 'luthorizcs thc library to increase taxes, 14, Dill 1 louse Bi1144 docs not specifically 44 is coditlcd in I(l&.'& 1&RS 173.790 is speci flc speci flc statL)torily cl.el)ted mechanism louse plcscni. a conflict. '1nd apply a, &general I requiring a epeatcdfy been asked to lnfcl'pret stat(ltes that IL)le of statutory statute. and unambiguous& for thc I)cfcndant Library to increase tax rates. SLI f')I e)TIe CoUl'( has controls over thc morc I Chapter 132. 15, More importantly, 16. Kent(lcl&y acldress thc 1)cf'endanf. I,ibl"lry. light constrLlctlon that the morc speci flc st1ltute v. (,'i'f J,ouisvili(., 248 S.XV,3d 55'), 563 (Ky.2008). 17. I his actlol') docs not lnv()lvc a conf11ct, spec)1 lc statL1tc. KRS Llnlaw1 UI I statulory takl) 173.790.by th) l)efc)ldant bL)t I'athct f,ff')I'aI v, cl co)'nplctc disrcg&aid Said conllLlct alTlounts to al'I I~&&. II. I'he 1)cf'cndant Library in incrc)sin&~ taxes„withoL)t following I'r of a uincwork spccil)c for said increase, bfatanfly rcfuscd to comply v ith state law. IL.."LASS AC"I'1[05 Alf.I..EQUATIONS 1(). 'I'hc I'Iaintiff'brin&~s pursuant ol'hc to I(LIIC I'oliowink& this action as a class action at&ainst the Ref'endanf 23 of the Kentucky Rules of Civil Procedure. Plaintil1's seek ccrtif)cation class: All property owners/or taxpayers, v ho have paid Kcnton County I,ibrary faxes in excess of the lasl. I rwf'Ully set r,ltc set by certif)cd petition 20. I he class dcfrniilon cncompasscs I.esidcnts/taxpayers properly enacted, 11'I excess of I cn I housand (10,000} who werc char&»cd, by 1)cfcndant l,ibrary, a tax increase never 'I'o Plainii!TS'now!edUc thc number of rcsidcnts/taxpayers is eL!u;II to 'Ill prop«I'ties and tan&&ible properLy within thc County victin)i7ed of'cnton. 21, l)espitc thc size of thc class, Ihc idcntitics of thc class mcmbcrs can be asccrLaincd from ihe records and Illcs ( oLII of thc Kcn(on (',ounty PVA/Kenton County I'iscal t. Plaintiffs and their «ounscl do not an'icipatc any difficulties in ihc manar&crnent this action lls 22. 0! thc 1 &I of class action. bc lntelcsts of ihc I lalntl f1 al'c colncrdent will'I alld Ilot anta&»onlstlc to those oihcl n1cnlbcr s of thc class. 23. 'I'he nanl«d Plaintiff is a naelTIbcr assert and plotcct. Lhc of thc c);lss and will fairly and adeL!uatcly intcrcsts of'Lhe class. Plaintiffhas retained counsel with extcnsrvc expcri«ncc in class action IitiL&ation. 24. Con1nlolI qllcstions of Iav&& only'ndividual tI mcnlb«rs of thc class. arid fact pl cdon'Iinaic ovel arly Lluestlons afTecting ('Ommon Lfucstions include but. alc not. limited to lc !'o I fo wi 11 g: a. I)id thc f,ibrary violated KRS 173.790", b. DId thc I.lbral v have lhc authorrty Lo I'alsc Lhc a&l valol'cnt I'atc pursuant io KI&S (;hapter !32, or docs Lhc specific KI&S 173.790 apply' c, Should thc l.,ibrary be enjoined f'rom furLhcr violations' d, May the l.,ibrary increase the ad valorem rate without cornpfyinb&, with I&'.RS 173.790'? c. Is PIaintif'I'and Lhe class o! persons they seeks to rcprcscnt. «ntitlcd to a rcf'Lrnd of «II property t'lxcs paid in excess of the rate established by resolution $ 0.60 pcr thousand what period Of tiITIc7 25. Dcl'endants have acted or rcl'usc to act on grounds class, thereby the class as appropriate making& B v osccLltion relief Hnd il'so f'r applicable to thc vvith respect to hole. 26. A class action pl &&enerally Bnd declaratory fin'll injunctive of'alue is superior to other availablc methods lor thc fair and efficient of tllis action. 27. '1'hc cerii llcation of B class lhc evpcnse of litii& woLIld BIlow litigation ltioll, may bc insul'llcient. in amount I "IRST CAUSE OV of claims that„ in view Ol to support separate actions. ACTION I)KCI.ABATOICY OUI)(HAMI&;NT A(,"AINS'I')EI&'I&:NI)ANTS (,'ONCEHNIN(! THE ASS VSS MENT AilfI) (".OI,I,VCTION OI& AI) VALOBSM "I'AXES IN K&'XCKSS OV THK BATlE ES VBI ISHKI) BY KRS 173.710-800 28. '1'hc 1'laintiff incorporates 29. As sct with &'I petition allegations in the C.'omplaint. above, thc l,ibrary wasestablishcd f'Orth pursuant to KRS 173.720, presented tu thc Kcnton County Fiscal C",ourt and B resolution bein&& adopted establishing Bll thc l,ibrary and BLloptin&& B tax I ate ol $ 0.60 pcr thous'lnd dollars Of value. 3(). KRS 173.7')0 &&overns any increases or dccrcascs to said rate. Since adoption. flic rHtc has inci'erlscll. without 31. 1 ollowlllg thc pctltlon rcqulrcme11ts set lol ih by lllw. '1'he actions Of'thc lief'cndant valorcnl tax In excess Of Library in assessing and collecting an 'ld $ 0.60 pel." $ 1.000 ol value In vlolHtlon of KR.S 173.790. SKCONI) CAUSE OV AC"I" ION CON% KRSION A.( AINS I I ffIff&. I)KVKNI)ANTS 32. 1 hc Pill.ln'tl 1 f lllcorporatcs Bl 1 Bl legBf,lons in 6 thc ( onlplalilt. 33. I hc I'IaintifTand faxes in excess threatened of the class werc assessed all members of the approved rate, of non-payment, ln ihc cvcnt and I'orccd to pa~ Plaintiff was I'ccs to the ('ouniy Attorney, Sheriff with interest at the rate ol 12%, numerous and Clelk and fOrccIosulc. 34. The I)efcndant Library lacked thc authority to issue a bi)1 did so under thc af'oremcntioncd approved rate, but. nonetheless 35. 'I hc Dctcndtuat in excess ol thc threats of collection, Library converted I'Iaintiff and all Othct i«xpayers Urtdcr the guise of ]am ful property lllollics t &x. Defi.'ndant Library has exercised and continues to exercise dominion and control over I'Iaintiff and all other taxpayers"'oney. 36. Defendants actions constitute common lav conversion. 37, As a direct and proximate cause of'thc 12el'endants'onversion, thc Plaintiff'nd «ll members of th«class funds billed unlawfully have bccn injured. 'I'hc injuries include loss of personal by thc Dcl'cndants, TIIII I RO ILihII,A WVILLII, &t."A ILJSf&.'V A&.'Tff()N TAKIIW('" V f".R 42 U.S.C. SV&,C Il'IION 1983 3N. '1hc VI«i»tiff incorporates all allegations 39. Delendani» acted under color ol law by the Plaintiffs for taxes not authorized in the Complaint. in issuing fax bills and forcing payment. by lav'. 4{}. 'I'he I'lainiif'I and oiher members of'the class under the 5" and 14" Amendments to the I) nitcd St ties Constitution are protected I'rom unlawful iaki»gs by the government. 41. Dcf'e»dani I,ibrary acted under color of'aw, in issuing tax bills and I'orcing payntcnt. under threat for non-paymcnt, I to unlawfully i«i»tiff and other membcts of ihc class. 7 take property belonging& to fhc 42. 1)efcncfants actions cclnlpfall'Ied of herein violated fhc of thc t, nif«d States Consfitution, as enfifling Plaintiff and other melnbcrs Lo of the class vvcll 14 as 42 U,S,(.". Section to attorneys''ecs 1983„ 'mcndmcnts and costs, in acldiLion of llcrclrl. the darnclgcs colllplalncd FOIL! ICTUS CAUS!I, Ol ACT!f(35 UNJIUS II'f'.NMCEIIMIf;NT/IXI(&l1T 43. Thc Plaintif'f'incorporates 44. 5" and To RIKVUNDS all allc&lations in thc Complaint. 'I'he I'lainti I'I'ancl thc ITIenlbcl s of tl'lc C!ass have paid taxes io thc Dcfcndant I.ibr;Lry. weII in cxc«ss of those cllfowecf by law. A5. 1'he Defendant l..ibraly has been llnjustly enriched by said excess tax co lect.Ion. I 46. ln '1'llc P!ainlif 1;ulcf thc Class of 'I axpaycrs arc owed a refund for all t;lxcs paicl excess of thc statutorily authorI/ccl amount plovlcled fol nl KRS 173.7)0. O'EJECTEE"'OAF„ I'Iainti f'f, on his bchall'and on bcf&af f'of'all others sirnil;11 ly situated, demand judgme»L agaillst thc 1?Cf'c:ncfant f,ibrary ancl specifically I. Mandatory rccfucst: injunctive rclicf requiring Dcfcndants issue rci'unds fol. tax«s bil1ed and collected in excess of thc statutoriIy approved rate ol $ 0.60 per ihousrlncl', 2. Mand'ltory injunctive l«lief prcvenfing increasing its Lax Lfle l)cf'endant rate urlless thc provisions of KRS f,ibrary frclm 173.790 arc comp]icd with„ 3..!udgment clamagcs. in thc forirt of rcf'und»„ and award of'compensatory wl fh Intel csl., against thc f)cfc11cfant by Lhe finder fl 1 Ibrary m 'll'I allloullt Lo bc cfctcr11»ncd 4. lot'l dcc]a) atory }Llclgnlcnt t]tat KRS ]73,7)0 govctns thc tax late and ability 1o increase and/or dccrcas«»aid rate: 5. Pr& judgment intcrcst. court costs and attorney» f'ecs. pcr 42 U,S.('.. Section }983: 6. 7. '1 hat thc (..'ourt ccrtif'y this action to proceed as a C]ass Action; All other re]i(.'f'to &which thc P]aintif'fs and members of thc class are properly entitled to receive al }avv or in equiTy. Re»pcctfull submitted, Brandon N. Voclker '1'hc Vociker Firm, PLLC 4 1 3S A}exandria )ke,.Su)tc } 09 (:.",o}d Spring, Kentucky 41076 (859) 7S 1-91 00 hnvoc]ker ((',msn.corn 1 ,I }f.}RV }f)]f&'.M AND i)}ov'ome I'laintif'is, hy and tlrrou&lh their attorney», tu)d d«mand a on a}1 cause» 0 f act I() r). ]3)al')d()n t(}. Voc]kcr ial by jury r I ) s&ri'01)&JE I''!'":-",QT&) '5 -fin J,I „( ~ hr&„ f 1)"E n C, „J&1 -'; j "rri Ke&(1!;.J&J&, IO»!I i&...C&r I);-;I '. .! ! ~ i& ."t v .."j (&&I !'Ok...,& jon 1):- 0',F'f&t &1'c;.„"IPili ))roe)r I !.'.."!0 .i 1:;i GC i!(1&"ri L '.I OO ",ha Jnkol:in&I i;I!s'n =:, os L t.:: dot Ii I ',,',)r r&&-orr()& I 'rct."-r&,'','. VOke:1 S I ';, '»': C():Ylfll's LA:1or '"- "RT', &(0 car) I, j. rl Q Oi ct!I I'/ 'Uc) !Oc. 1 1 .". i&OJ " i «66, COUllt'I, Kontroyr I"!J)j !&:,".&IJoy&: fy Djs ( fl,.".6 &)1— E;on t f1& rl,nc,; LJO&)cmJ)oy Of& iS& B I, i Oaf',, f EJ 0!i ',0!if) r&&r &,f} .; ~r-a&f& f&q (ha .r''»,& f ..* f ('.i.-.kr.&:.Ji.s:".F ir: &r CQU. '&. o&. 0— ' 1 ~ !S&0 r,'roy E C t sf!8 t kr' jl". rt"!1 root rg & Kf:::;!3.'IC, Y '-" &U(1t'Y. J)c 16UI c&.. (y& t I i S«:c., k 'doot a 1 r'OI i! &„1i')&'I ';E) i,l!l)l.&. 1 prOV +Jlr i&IF.:-!c tj!1(&'-. .11'+j (1&3 ot r~ey & i! ko&1.'; 11.&ao p&'c k~.e, 0 1 I;e-i& 1n Jnr~ flo sl&!; QJ s!"-'-„&n(.: ','-.',6 1 on ' f I 1., 0(' -'l &fr', t xofl .',E)t!!i' '"' .'-0 apoc:, &: I sod 4!= f t &!!1 Co!&I&&, Jr !»,,".,'J &- st;—:oiJ.;0(",J,&l')&l L) 1,';, I i" &r'!, I &1&i&i:.Of& '. & n&&,,"c)i,'," '', l1&& t ! L E 14&L a ( si&&&', '..'.R; ll™ t &knt.,:.n f I I0 g '; 1 l' l )''(n", I,&& PI -kror 611&a &'& kr r I I'& l I!1 Ko»t ''I .'!!1(')l I I &Y 1 I, f)r r& om&aya0!:&G "'& '',.&1 ( if (&!: I, i ! k)!" ,!.J'l; 1 ' (,.&u.,LJE, C„'.!0 f)l& i i""Y& I Op'l ki i&C LJ&" i 1& L . & n(J ' &1 &1 1(t r) I J)J',,I'-,'; 1'!(. Same t + 11(& 'r i Lo)'! Co & ',!=,'&.—.I"&;',1 F r i I assesse&X r r=!&LJ .&11 L&/ 11 1 Jki I U!) S & r&3-:i, f)r& (J&E'. ra ' Qr 0". 0 C' r'iod 'j)&f n&oyccr )lal f 1 .-'!E&Y~O&& tt&e ta: rp()=& „,=.dfif n 8 F& 0", & !!r.",Hfo Oyopt",v!YE . E „I,) J(F)!ton (Jvvn, .J Ga1di 1. &I & '&&!:0 CS&I,:;&L' i SJ&- o -&r&i y&) Ot.— 'Dr(& f (1"- C(n'ink / C lcrl&1 0 '(-'.!ii"('i! I CQU'I '.'i', & I, '';,'&cr) son,'oll, omf'UL:'.d;,: 611, P,F&&J) 'rlCJ o aJ ='Uikj) . ')6j w('(1&1 i!'!''.:&J. i '='.Qll&a l'r" i .s( ss; ."'. .& E)[BE'.„68 &U"...",!&(p)i') i" J)I&',:,) &&Oy&ku(rjey Ol ~ k&con fir!:1a .'l Lr r., Hi»E '.&-' c d (! 1 .' ",':. i On &'.1&ZS 1'l(.'''i!lli J)LS I,!-I;I. ci r f)F1 lrr kn .'I i I;t'&, L''i.." JJP Pl .«'r f E)f r)r!ifao ','9(J'& g '..:=vin brar"; &; If i& (&f& s -.;,Qy.ki OJ !"1 r r' ()Tl;e;:-l(11. On() JY»to&Jr;rod Do J,t airs;ro&fkh made. Dr I,,';0 &f& I "&(.''I!~" I~ '! LeSS t tren I!'Jf& '&ckJ; Hovr 's(I'&'&I 6!1'1 L & h&x ' -' or'-.&ak '~i OCJ 1!; t Inn r ! ! qfjyo(J '-".'.:''i)i on c),=,on (c-'" I,'11 s Jc !5: Udo 'j g,g.L (...": T ",. J3&A&x 3, &,;&",",. .'-" 1'.: o i't".c 6 l~,~ l C1C Kc i& t .&n I.;!:,.iy-.:;!a';&ty .'-:."!;;,i I ) ' "i: f.; '','e ' (; ~'Ij ~'' ' &'("0 ',"' '; I 1." Q,'pv~ in accorc~an(",c L;;&-: Kc &}t~i -„c'ci gieoiirl„;,:,.-i~ &, 'j&'t, 6',1 l '-' 1 I g '1,'"7 "" ' Qll.'„i'! i'.(gn Cl,: .'ia t the ('au@'.'i C, ~r1'. 8 . ~..":l C041» L l:"..'iij"', 'll ':"&::»0 '.l ! 1.,I tA:1 i,.l) lg 'i 1 ' j ' o ', .~," .-, l- ' h EK~ .„,q&qr,;:-i ''q,"gm,(' ( 't(l!)': I"";:il'.'i'l: ,I / !'l 3. "u]v 6 1'167 Covin&&„ton, Kent,ucf(y J„s{'o OUI'f, Ep't i G "e(iu1 a& sess xon ).n oiv ] Ju] v 6 1 96 I z 8!Lh CQUT&tv judge pa(MS A . Co&3&&1&1 ssI onors Robel f A Idea)eyieri Di e ss&i1an Ji CiouTI t Pxesxd Ciiarles 6'IomLG, and {'carpe,'."t 'n-ord,, County At torney 3of&n:'.lfers& and Counf:y Engineer John D. F.'eldjng bein), present. The on COUI.&ty ii ii!~(itoA„KPT&Lucky on beni 1, ( & I G~& Thc Ciovlf opened &i&as &i 'vi.&,t lie ~&o »l . aiade by „vir, Stein&.(»:d, second('d by jjr. Aldeo&eyerp to accept Lnufies 0 ' he p Pv lllee t 1&'Ig 3»1th (Idd 1 t Lo&3 s a&id correct on s "IL&f'.i.,o I 1 by,"'jT'UITEUL a prayer h 'us t x OG c ia x''(i d. & f'. Priii ing, St. Re„is Pape Bids were sr&bm tted frx&m 'Z. Tne 1 red PT'Voter Co„and F.."3. Klenk @ Associates xor tx&x Q&&vP lopes, 'G a'(!e 1'jor Ge Cc„ bill u &. (1s f)v 3„(& C "jx'u .&II'i'ec ondcd fov,'&r. Al del&)eyer to i ' Of: t ice, „allot i,l&(3 Ca I Vie d, ~ e'i'; 1;e Keil ton (.'O&)niy:=.her .f COVGty C le) k S Oi X X('e Of fice and "-upply Cu&upany f.or the 1&LT»j&LI&g and Tlie ~lovaro ~qhaiv& CODIthe GL&pplyin,» ox f)ooks QTIu binders -"or I ccords. p(!uy .'~ot ou reads by ';fr, Aide&&=ycr, se:oGL1ed by Nr. Su&TI&oc, to ac epf. thesira filds upoii xe(.o&ITOQGd(itlon of'l&e County ]e 'k's Of fico. „'.",Ot' n - &rr &,ed. !.('.f" to i r()COL'VQ(f aiid f ). Led fij)e 'x (lcccptance 'r K(3!)toi) Coui! y ) iie Jnspectox ';; Report .by I'epo""f" s %ax&e ti!e lienton r&"O&13 o!'='tend((rd ' of'he !967 tax bxlls, re~iardin,i, &'jL „ P . 1 i 'tl c 1 RQPA& tsi s»bmitt.ed seccnde d was ) XP (Grol. d» iot LQ1& ciirr iev and the Kelif on Co i'G't 7 Hui ] (I L&3~& I&jot-;on t.o f.iie F'isc((1 Court. bjr, hy SUMQ&e i to a. cep L those re so&L&t &oi) assesslpg and 1evvi&3+~ i3 (&Ae-poilnt seven cent a J.l. T'QB1 'a(id perso3$ a px'oper ty 113 Cai&&pbe] 1 and Kciiton Count.les vpo(3 eaci) one hundred dollars valvat ion as 0: Janus&ry 1, &31267»&as sub!&Iitfjed a&id f) led, A (1 tax 7C3» OG L Th&".;.P: s()'fur fons t the '»e I'unt j (utnor Coiinfiy OQPios! tuir Col"!Iuiii) v t1'&e su&ns re subm'„" 3 ed to i '. sc( 1 Court of 1 'ie „ 3 & uox tile Hea 3 th I 1 cy ] Iio,vsaii(1 1]x&l 'y Thousa(id Do'ars ('.&50„000.00) for 3'e ."-') ( i ()&I f LQ&&1 '(Ink:IT&d Trust ()». xne Th()v sano Do i ] 31T's ((.) ) 000 00) to i tie 'ion&it j,& z,'&h t1!Q ." ...-S Nd& I OIiai 1i& I.,"i & $ '&11& OV „OQ) rox' & 1&e 1 u»' Ccncra1 Road a&)d 7'L1I3c1 Bride.,() 1"L»)d. 11 p&ly (i]a) T&IG,'z"Q just i a).d fU(ids of tl'&e COUT'&ty O.l ton, Hei&tuckv. H(;t OH !Sado by fjr, gu&OIII(3 Secouded bv !"!r. Aldemeypr to adopt, a" (sept n&&d af)prove '&ese re. Olut1 ons. 1i&ot.l oi& c&i '- r I e Q. where~).t &.I(,& Ken & resolution Iv&"'vbmirt ed t'o tjqe Kenton fjount:y ( (&Ul f" F&nd f.he KPnton Boone '~Board ok Ke(IlatoL s (Ippeared oefore t1&e j."i.sc.&L] Court vo 'c LGL~ hei oppos,ition t(& f'his &.Bso I'ilr! on. T1)e .follov3)3), 1'sca 1 & & suDII!lc, secondcd by Hr. Stejnfox.d, to and BpprQVC this tea»Glut 100, Upon 1.013 Call» I?yc: Nr„SUTT3?TTB, Yr, Steinthe following vote was recorded: f ox d, Mr. Aldcmeycr, and Judge Dressman, Nay: None. fj!ot l.G 0 c Br x'. B', MGLion G dopt made BCCCpt » bv Y~x. » was sub?Tlitted to the&'fj,'3,seal CQUK't frog? J, C, E7K1 Br'kaa?P s 4 CG3!?pany» geBBK B 1 Contr»1c tol."s, I or the cons'f'ue t 100 QK Mot 1GT1 TT!Gde GK Bn addi t3 GT» f'0 the Kenf-Gn CQUDLy ijarage . I'il'Stie 1 0 f ox'd, sec (7?1 ded fly Hr ij i de?31cye r» to~',(TccePt and i iy approve th j s bid. Hot i Qn carxicd. A bid . jon 8'eal t The !«ento!3 Cou(3! y I»ibrary PBL1 ti 0!3 WBS SubTllitted I 0 1B Cou!. t ilons i Sting Of. t 6» b! 3 Signit?!res» duly BL tBSLCd by Lhe County f.'iex'k Bs being Toore tha?1 51/ of tl.e number. of: duly rcg't%'x'cd voterS 8, 196!7. who voted 10 thc last general ThP tollow10g cl.coompBAv3 Bg Lhe S1B«l l,tul.Ps' Novel?lber E q wja 8 Tllovc by CGTGI?Tissioncr ado!7 'C('; 0 b jy 0 I, CQTTT«T?1. T IT s s 1QIl8 resolution f 0 election (»f was sub!3?ltted N X'l dcmeyc r» Steinfor'd thBL the following sec 031 de o Resolution be GB d "BE IT RESOLVED that. B. du1y certj fied Petitioll containillg 8 f LV-Qnc („31»n) DB K'ent 0 f f. »»6 nul!lb«'1 0 K dU iy Qjua j ' ed VGKCK'S Tjjho Votod "?1 the iaat Cen(.ral E1CCtion 0'0 jlave?3bcr 8, 1G~66, naving 'been iled petitioned the I iscal „GU1 O'ali GD Cclun'» Kentucky to Bs'ta!71is!3 G Pub ll c t '!3x'Gry !» Xs Lr Xct tor Kc(»»toll C?3ul3tyj» Kentucky» BD(l» I" Bpoca r3 Dg f(I lab the prQvl 8!On ()f. chic act c at I Dg f„i') «3!1 e I" i"..a",! ~ 'I districts 173-710 ct scq,, provides t!1C iscal Court Qf he. County sahll adopt G x'esolution o. dcl ing I'Ile levy Gf B tax BS required in the petitions filed jn the suKI of six cents Qi! Bach one hundred dollars «cnorth of property assessed for ..Gcal ta3".Gtjo?1, Gnd, Gppcax'1 ng that sH 3 d Bet Xt 3GTT K 3 led w t!1 tbic Frscal ,.Qurt (jjas so flied ?j»1th30 less t!1BB 010K ty I 9') (lays GKKPr puolic cliP., iora.-y 1 date Qf the ! j(j i'-i'j L f 1x' L being KRS 8 'naturc 0'" BpPGBrrng kej»1scu i&tat' XUK'f;I'!O'" 011 suc!I pBL 1x.l Qn» and t!Iaf'his X'equire?ants QK Chap?:Br 1./3 11 cojjp 'ed jw'!» NO'jd,, «ZRZEORE» I DIRECTED that ljenton County Pub J. i C LX j3ra ry DI 8L1.C t b8 andi. the SBTTCC 3.S ITBl.eby established Bnd that G. "*Cvy of a tax for, said Kcnton County I»1 I3rary D3.str1ct 10 the Bull! Gz s3 7( cents ( TQ!7) !3(". Bnd the saloe is hcx'cby made Gn BBC!. One. I!ulldK'ed Dollars worth Qf property assessed for taxation within Kenton County, Kentucky f Qr the purpose GK establishing, construct jng, equ ipp ing, Bd?I?KTT l sjLP r3 ng Gr c(3?!tract'ng 10 t1GTT fGx'i!eh 13br!3rv serv ice for the Kenton County Public ..ibl.ary Dist "ict Bmbx'acing I;3;!C en't Kre County ian«! B. Cex't?'.ed. copy of th.! s Order Shall be I i led with the Coullty Clerk of Kenton Count.y, Kentucky» v7ithin thirty (30) days fnom t!!B date hereof who will Gidd f:.he 'levy to the I;el(t annual taa bill or. bil!.s of. Kenton «7-. jKy ~ TTTG Col:nty, 'S .-.- Qjj& i.iig Ilej.n 7 j! ik".Rjfl»?Y ORDE'HZD»j&39 3» 'g Kant ucky. " It is further. Ordered Gnd d1rected that the Coul!ty Clerk 10 behalt Gf Lhc Kenton I 18cal Coux'I." Ill BccGK'dance w't1i I&!IS 173,.725 shall at once notify the Kentucky Department 0 L !,3hrarics QK tlA» e SLBbl3 shBient Gf sa3 d Library Disi i c't by I:Or?j»BX'd10g G CC! L 1 ieu Copy Gl. Lh' reso iuclon LO "B1d &. !3B!7axtlaent P i, Tl'I'." &)L&j I.&1 &3 RP..RY I() ';)ii.!n:'lu 'I'1&.- . 'n !c.." ';&::LI 1 1 Coll!L i istL).ot lot c 1')c&olB i I) rr l 0''! 0 Konto!1 &Icj TI'I I'xcij'ox L Ln i L'. L 'c Vn&')X'., C "3'I'l I" I C " ',I' Qg 'IT!([ei-s I gno Cj!&I i" ~«'T) 0 L f h&) L t ~ '&i h 7 n i on &!0 tt')& ' i) I'nlj) &) ' 0 1e &","&.(Tlx &I!y oo,,— 4LIT!(lL"ocj ch'.,." L t'Tie& .1,— t if(I")os(c ty '[OLTI) l. K. On CO'll'0 pc) lihl ',; authoxjjt"'o )(nt 10!'1 ' . nt [C t()! nun' C & T& i &03 1 Or! IT:1 &'111 ('OA ',I; T! Ln&[ 0 ' "& Ii& & Yr)n &, &1 !1)o T! if .0I f tlc L h,i Qr;TL&(&,T, -. &," L * I xcrcj&)1 'ij! I&~xu)((&Tice !)r rnb 0'&LI!i LLOO nf)TC))01" r)(& ) t uX'r-'=., C) « ju 'r f &'( & IT+ j ). i Xi V L& (1 &)r) f ( T''jlo 0, ITIJ)ox ')64& l7 3. 7 . n KRS i.'-r&(3 " «H!eS:,T)rt i'l3(2 L(lnct ) on oi. !ir)v 1 roc[ ~nd nxov / I I y C E, fJ);) lgn 3 & Gc:)c) d i&TeL (.K)r, ':.-" t& 1 3 „)») [ &&(1[.&x.' T n T gX'0 &1&y 1(& 'I''I QI)&f)V' on end f'fi ~lrjlr&t 1 Ki&!" 331[7)j&q'1', I& I i i on Count; Kr&ti: f...011 0 '' 11 cn!F&t:.&L), in oonj Ox' &. L&y t, C yc!L! N. L&O &I (1('i) &" .'.' &r- CPn t.". i,, IJF!I 1!&no )-'&~et iy 0 e! 0 &'I) "; nj)nj'. 'r!c!ve fl)o wjXi&h 0' noon cou!iLy hoxcj)y Kc . (3,1,: l. r i 0 L & roirx": oi. i(rr., i 'unty '. ". r&n&&nn(! & I K;.0 t&)n Cou! ty r) . OLO.'ll,:: .: &.&&x 1 ' 1&'ol i. y,-u)a.', I .i . ( T Cjr'&r llrx 0g. I&1" colcton CO-ChG.i).:if&i j.j h=aty C)fnmi L&,o & K;ninon/County '. l i& l, ~&"I.,L&&„~~ LL) -iu ren 0; .!.lb(&8 .!Inc) I', X+I&(I&) -'I '.:, .': i&iy Co)1".v1 & ,. if 1&& I c: I):.*.FOTO ( i, 'l(! y & .& I I L)fv ."..T. Lna t ,,) T F&F, 0! ",',', ~ I (30 j. '," t",.l ',I'I')! 1 l&otx 'iu L" \'& ~ 0 r&fii i.. 11 I'l)&T '3(), '1"~- '11 & r i i '! F).)y &Xo I ICIT,& (&X tr!r Of( c'I) O&1cj &(3 )y J&) C)~Ll COn C (' !c x 'I ~ ' , r)&)C); '&,, 1 7.3 JI) &r c'&I ( &&if'0 . )&) L r t r','.), lc(. - 1 i C" ,II&I'f&y 1 f. &,-„, &! 1&T'T) I CO-('.1&&! &',c!1& t toT., ncl Lj bX 0 Irl& ('&OTIT'V i, !I)1!T) Cc)r!L&I I. y ( Or&I)!LL f„ l.[.O'" J "'& () C'1. I':BFY( c:o& x L, r r . t 1'i ')OL'I'!& ()n C'0!1))ty, ~n )n j I ",'. I ci, I""„1'('&&!m''l.I. () t" '. ':)3 nigna" l i ..'". K()li'. L c'kv, . &L& r 7& L&v ." "rf'&,OO)(1 C'f c.oxti- herrby clo 1''('olxt(k.'.0:, TI(' of'lo! & 1 c()nnf:y K~&T!tor) te . ('n& i st & Lnry T'lll: YJ.(U "I'C)U or! 11&or('.i!1 &".!1y ';(f();( n boT &1!1 .1 f; ',':!&,.&! t T(, cjor'K Tjoo:.1&, t'n&~ jr& I x'o.'I OT. c yr& ';",,'R','&, 1&Ãi&L:,L~'. l ') 6 7 . , I v TI 'q C)X'!u O'J;cic W. lj "0 T Tile& 'llr'& C.'n 'l'I!&1.& () CO — GT"I) L'."1&X , 'r' r) !'I .&,;.F&s;;;! .i . ()oun:&T [((&T)LOT) " IJ;." f&i r-- r JC "'" " -"V..& .&. ': ','-. )c"&c)l T &0 I r(1 i! "...-..ci COMMON%EALTH OF KENTUCKY ANTON CIRCUIT COURT FOURTH DIVISION CASK NO. 12-CI-178 1 GARTH KUHMIKIN, ON BEHALF OF HIMSELF AND OTHERS SIMILARLY SITUATED PL AINTII&'I&"S V. KKNTON COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DEFENDANT PLAINTIFFS'OTION I&'OR AN ORDER TO REQUIRING THE KKNTON COUNTY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO ESCROW ALL TAX PAYMXNTS RE&CEIVKD IN EXCESS OF $ 0.60 PER THOUSAND OF ASSESSED VALUE Comes now the Plaintiffs, by and through counsel, and moves this Court for an Order requiring the Defendant Library to escrow all taxes collected in excess of $ 0,60 per thousand of value. In support, an Affidavit, Verifying the allegations of the Complaint filed herein is incorporated by reference herein. The issue is straightforward, KRS 173.790 requires a petition to increase and/or decrease the Defendant's tax rate. Nonetheless, the Defendant has refused to follow the apphcable law, The Plaintiffs are able to show a likelihood of success on the merits and will suffer irreparable harm in that tax money unlavmilly collected will be paid out with the possibility it is unable to be returned, especially since the Defendant Library" s own budget shows expenditures in well excess of the taxes authorized by KRS 173.790, In further. support, attached is a recent news aiticle, outlining statements fiom both the Ikenton and Campbell Library Executive Directors advising that the suit is without merit (Shroeder, Kenton) and baffled" by the suit (Morgan, Campbell), Chair stated that the "suits are without merit" and "We'e Specifically, the Kenton following the law and have been for many years." Dave Shroeder, Kenton Executive Director, JC Morgan, Campbell Executive Director stated, that the Campbell Board is in "full compliance with the sprit, intent and letter" of the KRS statutes governing Campbell County Public Library Operations. The news story illustrates the need for. immediate action by this Court. The Executive Directors of each Board refuse to acknowledge the existence of a statute directly on point. Furthermore, poor Attorney General Opinions, issued by then. Attorney General and current governor, Steve Beshear advised that KRS 173,790 "governs the method rate change." OAG of dissolution and tax 8J-527. Ironically, and still in further support of the respective Executive Director's of law, Kenton Director Schroeder advised in a press release misunderstanding that House Bill 44 enacted in 1979, allows the increases in conflict with KRS 173.790. Executive Director Sclwoeder's press statement references a statute already in existence when then Attorney General Steve Beshear's once authored the aforementioned statute, Attorney General Beshear advised in other opiiwons the application of KRS 173.790. A district created by petition "can only procure a change in tax rate by the petition method (KRS 173.790);thus, the method of creation of a library district governs the method of dissolution and tax 'iate change; su h methods inust be the san~e," OAG 80=~70. Kentucky Governor S'.eve- Beshear has already issued opinions on the matter, which are as straightforward of KRS 173,790. The as the plain text IZenton and Campbell Executive Director's seek to vilif'y and claim public harm for the respective blatant refusal to comply with black letter law and prior Attorney General Opinions. Subsequent Attorney General, David Armstrong, in 1984 also advised consistent with AG Beshear's office. While not addressing the specific point, because of its obvious clear language, AG Armstrong rendered an opinion as to how signatures should be examined in 2 connection with "petitions being circul.ated requesting raising the tax rate to a specific figure." Obviously, such., if a petition was not needed, the Attorney General's office would have advised as OA6 84-141. Copies of the News Aiticle and respective Attorney General's Opinions are attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein.. Finally, KRS 173.790 is also attached in its entirety, Plaintiffs'ill not labor the clear language, but would ask the Court to examine the reference to Board's created "before July 13, 1984." The Kenton County Library was created in 1967 and any reliance on a 1979 House Bill 44 is clearly misplaced, since the legislature clearly took action to set a date of July 13, 1984. While the respective Executive Directors desire to vilify Plaintiff and Counsel, they have either. not sought or presumably disregarded legal and/or bond counsel opinions in connection with their respective revenue source. The Plaintiff has brought a claim that is not asking for an extension of law, but rather just the application of existing, as set foith by the clear intent of the legislature, in utilizing a specific date and prior Attorney General Opinions. likelihood of success and the failure of this Court to act immediately, Library Executive Director to continue to spend monies unlawfully -clear. law'and aiad Plaintiff can show a will allow the Kenton obtained and in violation of AG opln"os, with tlio'Plaintiff "nd-the taxpayers-o".'K- ntoil Coul~tj-forced t6 ti j recover monies already spent. The irreparable harm is clear and absent an order irom this Court, said monies belonging to the Plaintiffs and Kenton Coamty Taxpayers, will be spent and impossible to recover, 3 Wherefore, Plaintiff would ask that this Motion be granted. Respectfully Submitted, Brandon N. Voelker The Voelker Firm, PLLC 4135 Alexandria Pike, Suite 109 Cold Spring, Kentucky 41076 {859)781-9100 b~k NOTICE The foregoing Motion shall come for a hearing before the Kenton Circuit Conic on the 27'" day of February 2012 at9:00 am or as soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that true accurate copy of the foregoing has been sent by postage prepaid to the following: Jim Horner/President 502 Scott Boulevard Covington, Kentucky 41011 Mary Ann Stewart 40 West Pike Street P.O. Box 861 Covington, Kentucky 41012-861 On this 27th day of January 2012. Brandon N. Voelker 4 f&rst class mail, Al FIDAVIT Comes now the Affiant, Gaith Kuhnehin, and after being duly sworn states as follows: 1, The Affiant is a resident and property owner in Kenton County and has paid ad valorem tax to the Kenton County Public Library. 2, That the Affiant has reviewed the allegations and attachments to the Complaint liled on liis behalf in the Kenton Circuit Couit, Case No, 12-CI-178 and the said allegations and attachments are true to the best of his knowledge 3. That the Affiant has reviewed the allegations and belief. aild attachments of the Motion to Escrow being filed on his behalf in the Kenton Circuit Court, Case No. 12-CI-178 and the allegations and attachments are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. Further Affiant Sayeth Naught, Gaith Kulinhein COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY COUNTY OF BENTON Subset;ribed and Svvorn to before in=' on this ] ] Sct, Notary Publi, by Garth Kuhnheir';- 27" day of January 2012, Notary Public State at Large My Comirnssion Expires: October 8, 2015 1 ~ 452469 No{'Ihc{'fJ Ke{1tt{elcy's libraries target, ot la%/s4{{ts Co{T{{1&L)»ityV{'ess.corn ) ci{3cinn'tii.co{11 ~ Vc1ge I QI'."n t...Ilt)„I{I Il&54~TI,:;;, r target II Of GWS 0 IIts According to a statement reieased t~y Kenton County, the library is complying with the raw ender the pi'ovision." of House Bitt 44 enacted in 1979 by the Kentucky General AssemI3Iy to govern special taxi{ ig d Jstr{cTs like lil3I ai'les. wi,":;e)t hy c{))'i", Mayhevr llbrari s to l'18 tl 4', but CI3aptei'73 of the Kentucky Revised Sla'tu) es tl"lat govei'1'1 lll3{'al y tax list. '{/oelker saicl the library districts overspend c l1,hings like salanes for unnecessary class ac{{on suit against the K Friday, Jan. l(enton Circuit Court seeking to Qelt~er filed a enton 20, in total accot ding to {he statel1lent. Class action lawsuits have been filed ac"in~t the { bli library - st ms Qfb aGd BQGne CQL'") y ol'7 libraries across Kentucky use the tax methods outlinied in HH 44, /'t CQLlf'lty PLII3lic Liberal y g/a}{date pieviou *'Our legislature, libra p/ prQpeigy tag r+te no orie is solving the Voelker; aid. el he laws were wntten to be not propeily followed Kentucky law governing library districts in the past vvhen teredc'."at{ ig pi epel ty 'toX r '{CSr .- =- 'r , thestate s not t(3llowed ar1d against the Gal{1 bell Count Public Librar 'I.he suits allege the library'.«" boart~s have llolding th8111 n - AUSe,'„:~„a)crt Kei-ito[l County Public Library Executive Director Dave Schroeder said the suits are without any merit. "'/'t/8're following the law and have been for many years," Schroeder said. Schloeder said he thinks lt is irnportal)l for people to know if the lawsuits were to pievail it would have a "huoe impact" on library services to the point where it could ,"hut dove)n both systems. Print PoyyereU By,'-'.:-'.4'. hite://eommL{nityp) en~.«incin» {{i.eL)m!-tpps/placs.dlUartic]c') A I I3 "/C2!20 1 20120/NLWS/) 0... I /2-'I/20& 2 Northern Kentucky's et at @ ',-Ikt„ II'J'&I~ttraon":. I'at,c 2 oi'3 cincinnati,cuni Iihrarics tarLtet oi fav,suiLs! CommunityPrcss.con1! &,'.::.,;;-;; Gokrnt',.',.:-,ocr, a ti",, trrreea ot',tan. vvas jAiiially raskecl to look il lto ihe Df the pLiblic libl a!y systems on f&chaff or the the members of tne f~)oriheri1 ~~entucf(y Tea Pai tt/, he said. the ia't cj nerat election granting permi. sion Io increase the pi opel tjj i.ax i'ate, trOtr=r.". triorn I iegaiiiies lf both the Kcnton ancl Campbell counties suits vvero ei1tilefy sLiccessful for the piaintiffsr tfte damages recoverable for a refund to residents vviff be in exces'f $ 30 t11illioil, Voelf(el The Kef1ion he suits is requesting a "refund of urilavvfully charged and collected ad valoi'en1 taxes, alicl fol a court fnILlnction to prohibit future any future aunfavvftil tax increases. f i le suit seeks to lnvafldate all Iibraiy property tax increases beyond the amouAt of 30 cei its per 'It3,000 ol assessed propeity va/ue authorized by a petition approved by voters in the 1978. i said. suit vlas filed iil Kefitol'i Circuit Court bty Garth Kuhnheir1t, of Edge&tvoo(.f, who, 'resicie'ii of the Wurtheri1 Kentucky Tea Painty COL1Aty According to the suii;, Campbell County propei'iy taxpayers ale ovved a refund of about f 2.218 miffion "for the year 20'IO alone." JLi't for fhe ye=tr 2011, the Kenton County suit a ks for $ 5,125 naifiion ii1 damages as part of a largei refund being sought, Voeiker said. The class action lavvsuit filed against the Campbell County Public Library seeking to tnvalidate and rol'ack the library'";, tax ale laack Lo E 9/8 Ievefs. I The suit alieges the Iitbrary's tax rate of 72 cents per $ 'f,000 of assessed property value is illegal, and that the library should only have taxed properfy owners at thte i a'te of 30 cel I'ts pel S 1,000 Gf assessed pfoperty vaiLIB. Campbell County's library Board of I 9oelker filed a class action lavvsuit in Campbell CirCuit COUI t Thursday, Jaln against the f)bl ary On beha1lf Of Crhal'Iie I gr Coleman of Alexandria, and Cold Spiing area residents John P. Roih Jr, arid Erik Hei n1BS ! the suit alleges the library s Board of Trustees has failed folfovv Kentucky fate ! pertaining to flbialy dis'incts by ilot obtaining petitions from ~t1 petcel lt of ihc 'iot O'.tp:/,'cotnnaunityptess.cincinnrtti.c(iin 'app.'/pbcs.clif P('IVvt".'t'( Ct tay:rrf8 articleYA1Boo/C'2/20120 I t20/NI',5~8/" 0... I/23/2012 I'lorfhcrA t Vicntucl~y's fi)sr@ries target of lawsuits [ ('oninsun!tyi'ress.corn 1 c!I1clnll'1tl.co!11 t'(l&'c .I ot 3 „,, „'I@&(„" ll&II@I,I!j;:"I,,., Trustees issued a state!y!ent exore'sing they were "deeply c)isappointed that this suit had been filed." "The potenti!al imp«cl could mean the drast!c loss of librar, sorvices in this county, co!Itinupd the libl 8!y boarcl s statement. "VVe are appalled lhat anyone could fail to understand the devastating ramifications of that lo. s on the people who ;lepencl on the Library each and every day. The 'brary has acted fegally ar!d in the best interest of all taxpayers who entrust us vv!th the!i tax dollal"". County library director,.IC Morgan, ended tl!e library's statement reiterat!ng the libra! y is ir! "full compliance w!th the sp!!.!t,!nte!!I:and let!er'f the KRS statutes governing (;an!pbeII County Public Libra!'y operations. 'an'!pbelf "I-lonestly, fact- I am bafflecl that, knowing the ancl knowing tI!e integrity of the I ibrary and its Board of Trustees in providing need=d services to our connrnun!ties, a Iavvsuii. has been filed that coulcl unravel ancl unc3errr!Ine the work that I I!elps so many ,g'Jr:r!ts I!e sa!d. @mani I / I &n p:,'/con! ) nuiiiiy press.cincinnati.corn!';! pps/phcs, did'or! ic I c'? A H ):-'/C2/20120120/N t.".'A/S/30... f /23/2012 ') I & & ...&&, c&&&&&, {&80-1{)81Kv. ()p, Ally. Geii. 2-7') 8, Ky, OAG& 81-287, I ')8 I,'/&&L !"I2068 Page I (K,y. A.G.) I ')80-198 Ky. Op. Atty. Gen. 2-7)8, Ky. OACi 8 I-257. 198( WL 142068 (ky.A.G.) I ~1 Office of thc Aliorncy Genera( Col)1&110&&weaf(]1 of K{',n(ucky OAC& 81-287 )ufy 2, I')81 fvfr. I () Arnotd, (If L'ounfy Attorney N{&ns Vv'. f I &&i'1'ison I,as( Pil{e S(ree( (, yll!I'&ii&!&&1, De;&r Mi'. Kcil(ucky 4 I 031 Arnofd: 'I'liaiik you Ior your l«(ter of'.)unc {(is(vie( l{&rn&c{l hy [)c(iti()n (f~.!i5 '). 108 l i» which 73.720). y{&u ask seve&zl questions regarding thc library (ax wi(hin a library I Your lc((cr lirs( asks if'he L&lx I"ltc et&i& be sils}'){'n{IU{I ov ill))cl)&I&"{I by the fiscal cou&1 and/or coun(y libra&y boavd wi(l&{&ui a p{:(i(ion. IL is (lie opiiiion nf this {&I'I"icc that i&n{lcv Iil'4{'"'3. 7')0+1 a l&bra(p tax rate establishe{l by the pe(it&on method n&ay hc decreased only by (I&c petition &T&cthod, As sai{l in OA(I 67-263, a library {Iistvict ciicaLed under I':i~~ (73.720 (f)ctition inc(ho{}) can only he {Iissolvcd hy peti(ion method (KI('S l73.800) and such dist&'Ict can ovily pl'oc(&ve cf&'ii&gc in thc library (ax ate by Lf&c pe(i(ion inethod (i(RS 173, 7~90'; thus, ihc n&e(hod of cr'en(ion of a fibrary distric( (whet(&cr pc(i(ion or vote) goven&s th{; i»e(liod ofdissofution;u){f tax rate ch:&n{&e; such n&ethods must bc the s'iil&e. It is I el( (h'&1 i)util&I)g& s&&&{I in (3A4 80-,570 wouf{l lead to con(vary result.. && & &1 Yoii next ask if I'here would h{.'li'lv hl{livlilui&l ti»hi(Ivy to n&cni()c&s {!Iih{; (&seal co&i&I ivhel) 'thcv {fo llo( {I«ciifc lli wliat iiiani'&ci'hc IC&nds 'Lvc ckpciid«{l. Uiider 1'Rq I 7~.7')0( L) 'iil( libra&y ti&xcs'a&c Lo b« iuined {&v;r Icv(he lib&ary board ol (hc lib&&&1'y distric(, I hc libravy boavd and its Ivcasurer. and not the mcinbcrs of (hc fis{:al cour(, are respor&sible I'or ff&e expci&ciiture of'f'unds ii& accordance with f&li ) 17 I 7(5 and f 7175).'I'heref'ovi. (herc wouLd be no liability t'ov members of'hc I&scat cour( lov in)ncxpcndihire of library Inn{is, Yoiir fin;&I question asks whether another distric( can bc cstabfishcd piiov (o tl&c diss(&lution by p{:titinn of tl&c pr{ sent co(i»fy wide dist&ict. Ii is thc opinioii ot'his of'fice that thc cstahlishmci&t {&fa second libr&uy distvic( witl&in a co»ray, while another library districl is s(ill in existencc„would he contrary Lo (hc provision» of f&'.I(( (7,(&7(5. l&fsS I 7:I&/ I 5 spei&ks in tcl ills of A{I(lioi'iz'&I loi& 0) orgimizc &ill of (ho(et'1'itol y In (i co{i&&(y il&t{) il library dist vie(. ai&d n)akes no provisions tov tfiere beiiig iiioie than onc fibrarv dis(vic( in ihc san)c county, As the (larrison County Librvi&y f')Istrict is ali cady in existence, another library dis(rict in Harrison G&)only woul{! nof. be authorixcil unlif the discsiablishmcnt of thc I-Ial I'ison (.'.Ounty l.ibvai'y District in ac{.{&rd&u&cc with Is'.f(..') l 7 &,L(00. lt is hoped thaL Ihis fetter has adequately;Lnswci cd your questions. I( no(& please leel f'rcc to ask!Oi''u&the&'xpfanation. Mincer«ly, Steven L. Lfcsf&ca& (0) 20 f = Tllonlson Rt'L&(evs. No Cia&il) I{) ()vl&'. US Ciov. Worf{s. 1980-1 q81 Kv, Op, Ally. (icn. 2-798. 1&y, QA(i 81-257, 1981 WI, I'12(I(38 (I~y.A.(i.) I AIIOrncy (icncrnl I I olin I I. (irny Al&'i1!it(ln( A((01'ncy l&&8()-(981 I(.v. ( )cncrnl ()p. Ally. Ucn. 2-798. I(v. (1A(I 81-2'i7, l&&81 Vv'I, I'12()68 (ky.A.(3.) I'.NI') Ol DO&'UjVlI:N'I'& 2012'I'In)(nsnn t I&cnlcrs, Nv ('.Innn (n Ori . LIS Ciov, Wnrl;s. , I' wl I(" (&'&7 I'a&&c Vy. L.)ACi 80-S7LI, I')tf0 4VI. 10321 ) (ICy.A.(1.} 80-S70, ICy. OACI I 10321') (Ky,A,Ci,) 1&)80 V/I '''1 Ol'fico &)f the Attn)s)cy General Con)monwealth of Kentucky OAC& 80-570 ()ctnber 20, 1980 I ionnrablc I.l«yd Ar lii)g ALIorney I LI«'I'iso)I Cou»tv V. L':. Rogers Llbrar)'oard of 1 i'usLccs C).13os 444 ( ynthi;ina& Dear lvh'. 'I'h&ai'lk Kentucky &I 103 'l it«gers: ynil I'ni y«111'ellei'C)I'IC(lull»&& tl)C Sil(li'Itin» betWCC» ihe llarriS«n CniintV I.)brary Board a»d tho City Ol'Cyn- th I'a I) &a. 'I he folio«&ing answers are „)i'nviclccl to yoiir q(ieslioils: I) Ca» the iiairison Co«i)ty Boarcl keep all library tax mcu)cy received )vithin 30 days prior to November date of L&.'I'Irlini) lion ol'ts ('.On«'acl. wilh the City ol C".ynthiana I.,ihraryg ( &fo. Accni'ding Lo Lhe t&iw ol'c&II)tracts both sides are obligated tn pcrfnr in their pa)t of the 22. 1980, bargain until such Lime as the contract has terminated. By the tern) s of'ihe conLraci any lihi ary tas n)nnc)''&'ccivcd hy lhe Lre&'Isul'el'f thc I h)ri'iso)t C'ounly Ltbr&ary 'I'av Board Pi ioi'o Lhe Le)»)11)ail()l) of Lhe c«nti'act sho()ld bc dctivered to ihe frere's«i'ei'l thc Cyiilhiana Lib)a)y Boa) 0 v&ithin 30 days, 'I'his would include any libr(uy tax money receiv(.d wilhi» 30 d;Iys prior to the terminaLion date ol'Lhe contract. 'fl» lticir part Lhc C ily nf'ynthian&1 IS obli()aLcd lo provicte libiary sei vice I&ISL ) 0-Cl&ly Pel'ind Pl'ini'u 'Con\I'&Icl. (IIC I'Cr)i) i»at)O» «I 111(. to tl)C reSidents of' farrison County during the (21 ls thc I.larrison Counly Ltt&rtuy Do&)rd viilneiablc lo a Laxp;)ycr's s)iit": LIACI 7&I-)s establishes th&1( puhtic librar) districts created under ICR'$ 173A50 come vvitf)in lhc Lcrin "other municipatity" of's I c)s ol lt)g Kentuck) L'()tlsiit))t)ic))t and tliat members of thc 13oard ol'TrusLces arc coi)sidered Lo be inunicipal officers. Since lhc I larriso» Coui) ty Libras l3)st) ict was created by petition under tC l4'5 17",) &72() the Board ol''I'rust(.cs couid bc suL&jccl to a t&axpaycr's suit. 'I'o successfully ma)ntain an a(.'tion Lhc taxpave)(s) )vn(I!d have tn sh()w sl u)ding to bring& suet) a sail, a!I well as special or peculiar injui'y, Also, unde) kJL!&,l 7~&71+s')((lt thc district, as a corp«i alc hndy, could hc sued Lhrouah Lhc 13«arel Yes. C()) 2012 Thomson Rc«iers. Nio Claim to C)I'ig, L)S Cr'ov. Worl(s. Pa!&e 2 Kv. ()A(3 g0-57(). 1&)80 Wl, 103&21'} (I(V.A.Ck) ( } Whit( pi'nccdil& c wo(ild th«p&'op le of Hal'i & &sot& ( c&untp hav&,'o lo h!&Ve lh« library tax p(&&site rope&a feel". As sct fnrih in ()AG 67 263 a library district cveavc(f under iskS 1 i 720 (petition mclhod} can only be dissolved by peLition inc(hod (Y.RS 173.g0(!'& Bnd such a district can on!y procure a cl)(U)'gc in ta): rate by thc petition method {1(RS 1~73, thiis, the method ol'cvcation of libravy district governs tf&c rncihod ofdissolutioi) Bncl Vie( i'QI&. cliangc; such n&«tin)&fs n&ust be thc same. & !'0': Is Is ) 1""3."00 provides f&1«'i'&on I & cl('vl& n County would pvoccc)u&'c l&uvc w()(lid the&'cL&pol) but noi repealing a tax levy. Thcreforc, iL il)ay be (hat Lh«people ot lt.s I 73.))00. 'I he county library dis(riot by pc(itin» i&& accord!U)c(. wilh ibr;U") Lag levy t'ron) the La» bills ot thc properly ownel's of the districl. [I&kS the I'&.'1&love ) ('I) Could thc sheriff be enjoined tiom I rust«cs iil&t & I decrcasi&& I&» io disso l v« tl&c p&iyin I&& ovci'11&c fibrin'y tax collect&(I to the 1)arrison county 1 ibl'Blv Boa&'6 uf lt is iccp(.'&)le& I'? "2 Yes, lf the Han iso&& &'ou&)t} I.,ihvavy l}fs&)i&L is»o lo»„cv providii&g )IL)va&"j services Lo (llc people ot Harrison "ou»ty, the sh«rift'could be cnjoi»c&l lrom payi»i& over (he library Lax co)Ice(cd pending repeal ol'(hat t!(x. Rurthcr. deposit. with ihc Boarcl under thcs«cirvun)siaiiccs would b un'&(&(hori!C&l Bnd i)leg&al. &ee I';i&L! &,'lt. v, .ie»sj L&L&. S&',&!,. 43iN .i&))i.'I s&() I ( j&)()')). fi& 0&'der &&etio&1, (0 enjoin well as &&s '(lie sheiiA on this 1)iattcr, (hose Beef;ing spcc&QI ol'eczlliai enjoii&&net&( &Yould haYe (o show sta&iding to biii&g such an U&)uvy. i'hc Ci(y uf'L'ynthiana I.ibrary become a I.ibravy Die(vie( under l,ihrary 1)ist) ici is it) esistance? 15}Could ts f(li I l3 310 (&s foilg as ti)c Hari Iso&i County No. 'I'he cstablishmeiit ot'&vu library districts i» (he same county would be, contravy to (hc provisiniis of l&RN &liR5 I!371 spcal&s in (cr)ns of &utho& ization to o&g&))fac Qll ol'the terriu) vy it& a county into a library dist& ici ai&d mal&ca no pv() visions I'nv move thi&n one ) ibri»y disLvict in Lhe same c&&unty. As tlic 1 farrison County l,ibravy District is!i)ready in csis(ence,;& seconcl library dis(rict in Ilavrison County &voufd not bc Bu(horiaed. 'I'f&cvefore, ihe City of ol'the Harrison Co»i&ty I..ibrarY Cynthiana f,ibravy c&11 Oi)ly bcco&UC a District (,ibnry vpo» thc discslahlisliinent District in accordance with V.l~'8 I .&.l~()()t. ) 7&, &1 s& (&S} i)ndcr I''. lhen &t P4 ternate I i &vith &!) I ii& I) co«ld (Ye li'avc!& jo&i)t I)oa&'cl &v&th &i Neil)bcl i&l&PO&1&Lect II'o&1& the ( ity lui'i&c ( ) vc»i'ii)d a member appo&iiLed from the c&&unty I'or one (I year tov il&e sole purpose &)I'br«aking (ic votes' I } Ycs. A joint board coii)d hc f)y i'e(ei'ci&cll)g 14)xh I app&)i&lie&1, I.»,& '()~I) lib&'ni V fo)IO&V&llg LI)C CXI)ir'&Lion uf il, bitt oi)c {I) vetu tci'l»s of of(&cc is ass&a))C\f (hat voili'liics(to&i &&O&ill Pl'CSelll sei'V&CC CL)&IL&',"Ici would iiol h«QU(hol'ized. ciivisioi&s lhc creation Wiih lhC of '&I) Uidepcl&&feil( City OI'Cynlhian!i'S Library. CO(int'y thc members ol a board of (i'Ustees ol B couniy lit'&vary Brc .'&ppointcd by the coUnLy Launder Kl(4 )7(„3'!i)('), juc)gcicsecutivc. 'I he only (Iualil&c'&(ion tor tl&e job is 't&L))css ol'i)f'fice." j l h Ij A county )udge Ih«re(hie could co»- ceiv()bly appoint a joii&t bo&avd &vith rep) escniation bers)iip of a county board at live {.')), 7). &40(".) sets t'orth Ihc ( I) mcn)ber for three (3) yc mrs, I'L,') l to serve IAUi'4) years," As both the county a))d thc city l(RS 173.3 l0(l) sc(s thc mem- ol OIT&ce f'r board members as fof Iows: "two (2) &neinbera I'or bvo (2) years, un« (2) n)embers 1'r&r f'our (4) years. Thereafter trus(ces nt'the board are appointed bc s& cii no provision is made )'oi'»)e (1) yenv terms, Lcr&1) c&sn «!) fr&)n& 'ind Lwo 01" '1'homson Reuters, No Chiim lo Ori&&, US C)ov. Works. Ky, ()A(i 80-i70. 1980 'vVI. 103"I (V.y.A,Ci,) (7) Arc wc obligated ~cs pag&c,j &) I( is assn&ned to ['amish lib»&ry se&'vice to thc County il')ve I.ccp thai this cfuestion tt&c of thc lib»»y envisions a continuation iax money? t»x, ra(he&'han ihc rcpcal of'lt&nt tax us suggeslcd hy qucslions (8)) an(I (4). I&npl&cil nt the &t)nti&)uul&nn ol lhc lib&&&ry levv is the ohfigalion to provide scrvi& c lfndcr I&I(s 171.7I", thc 0» ly &'enson (he levy of (hc library tax is allowed in the l&rst p'lace is to pr()vide or contr &ct I'or library scr'vice. A( these funcfs ca&loot &3 Lj&. used I'o&;)ny but library purpos&.s fICI&S I 7 &.,;:(1(ft~j) i( is not rc&)&fify / t)pparcnt what olsc you )vo«fd do vvi(h njoney, 11&e (ft) Could )ve operate the Buck&))obffe out 01 ou&')oncy Ycs Ai(hou xvith our A&g) ccmcn& wilh thc Library Division". docs notknovv the details of'&I.e A rcemenl th»tyouhavc withthe Dcparln)en(ul l,ib&'a&'ies. Ic&jislativc body of'&y g&ovcrnmcn(al unit. to cont&'act &»& I(s own &nitiativc lo receive service lion) the State Depa&tn)ent of I.ibrarics. This &vould include «n A&g&ecn&cnt for a 1lo&)kn)obilc. h this off&cc !&'~5„17.).8 Inlu) permits ihc It '&s hope(I thol (hcsc &u)s)vc&'s p&'ov&'elpful. 4 ncc&'c1 v. Slcvcn L. L~cshc&&r Alt(un&') (icnc&'l & ,lohn I I. (.)&"&&y Ass&s(t&nt Aft()&llcy C&cner&&l Lt'l&f i J Scc C)A4 f)7- I Sft )vhich sta(cs Ky. OA(l 80-S70, 1980 ra not-. DOCuanL)X (&&'f. (hat no &gcogr&)phic&&l lin) itr apply. 10"21') (Ky.A.(k) f !(.'01"'I homson l(cute & s, N 0 ('.1&&nn T&j l 1»'j. I I5 (it) v. Wovks. 1/'&! f.'&&-&1"i,:I'v",/, I'184 I& 1984 I&y. V, Op. Aiiy. ('icn. 2-170, I()&, OA() 84-141, 1&)84 WI. 1857&)2 (l(y,A,C&.) «)p. Atty, t len, 2-1? 0, l(y. () A(I 8'I-I 'l l, I &) 84 V I, Page I 1857&)2 (l(y.A «f.) "1 OITice of thc At(or»cy Cicncral Commoiiwca lib of I(entuclcy OA() 84-141 April 6, 1984 Ml'..I&&hi) 8, Nichnls Hc)yle Coil&)ty Clcl'k Dai)ville, l&cmucky 40122 I')eiir Rhv. Nic;huis: You have a problem conccviii»g tl)c floytc C&iunly l,ihrary Dist& ict. It:; chief suu)'cc of'»con)e is iis special ad valax. fi needs n&oic I'unds f'ov expansion nf'its physical f;icifi(ics;ind services. Consequently, (he elis(rict board incinb rs and other friends are circuhitii)g petitions reclucstin& the r&iising of Lhc iax rate to a. specific:, Cigu)'C. 'fhe pc(ilioii fbn» se(s nu( bhinks for tlic personal signature ot thc', individual registci'cd voter, the address, and dale sigt)ed, fc))'en) You ui»fera(a&i&i (h)ii whei) In)ishe&I &in&I uccepierl by (lie f&ac&it courl, tfiu puiiiii&n wi) I bu iuiu)cd uver lo yoii as cc)un(y I'br verification of'si&'Iliitilrcs, Aciclally, cinder l(I(.i !73,()10!I'}, the petiLion ol qualified and icegisicred voters is i&lcd clivectly cvith yoii iis county clerk. And il the peiitioi) is I&.. a!Iy sufi&cie»t, as dcscribcd in (hc statute. you, as clerk, il) list c'i'ilsi, (h&". qclestion ti& bu prcpai cd to be pres(»1(cd in ihe v&)ters of'Ihc lib)'&lry districl, clerk, Ynu) qiiestion is: 'vVhat constitulcs &ill acceptable sl&'ll'1(cli'e Ot'such petitioners? .;-s»cnc'. (hc peti(i&!n is I&le&i piirsua»i to I(n 8 &7 &,(i I c).,icc L'R! 17:..(l0(21 lor an i»evens&: ll!& iL. I.s icialcs to ",i)c oi'voters, a reason&able coll)pal'Iso» ol signatures wou]ii sultice. Thus a person namcci Alice I(.. )ones could sigil &is Mrs. )Ohn )uncs ii'Lhc Iia»dwvit ing appcavs to bc by (lic same person, I lowevcr ihe col)ip&ii'Iso» Il) ily go v&iu iis clevk must. i&nally salisly )ourself that the peti(i&)i)ers circ in loci qualified voters under I f:&, I:cntucf.y (.piistitil(ic)&1, Il&CI leg&S(c'1'ecl votcl S Ol tlie c'fist&'ic( iil Lllc pl&CC&Sc iil»C they sfgi'1 thc pc(i(in&'I. Nn(e flint lhc tei &11 clualif led voters" is &use& I coils istei) i ly in Iu I-',4 '70 Hncl 173()10.Sce S Ll &I.'n) d I I"; I(cn(uckv 6&2»:.(1(l&tinn; ('o t icy v..end&'& son,,!(v, 71.'$&L»:&"d(1 4 f 19()1); ai)d lf0)v&:Il v. '&) ilsoli»& Js), .)71 N.'&»'cl 6?", I'l&)C).. &.'flius yoii m)1st bc reasonably ccrLain of identification ol'a pctilic ncr, bu( as a qualified and ic isicrcd voter ofllic dis(vicl at Ll&c Lime they sign the pe(i(ion to gct i( on Lhc ballni. wc sign&alii&sos &S& 17, As col»:CI')1!i ih&':)&ldress and elate ditto marks conditions listed above. 'S I &1 &,'Ci'&' D&iv I&I woul&'I bc L&cccp(able whc& c Lhe two parties can bc idcntihcd v, L. Ai'i»st&'n&1&'ttn& )icy (1e)1 &) i a I By: Ch&irlcs W. Reny:in ~&'.': 2012 Thc)muon Reuters. Nn Claim lc& (&rig. I f8 (ic)v. Wc)) Ics, under the 1984 Ky. Ap. Atty, Cic)t. '2-1 /0. Iiy, OA(i 8iI-I it I, 1984 Wl, 1857'I21l&y,A.G.) i Assist&lilt DcpLlty Attn)'llvv I'Itt:I Ky. ()11. Atty, Cic)1, I:.NP. OF IX)(.'(I MI ()cltc)RI 2-170. I(y. ()A(1 8:I-I'I I. 1&)81 WI, 185792 (1&y.A.(i.) N'I '&1 2ll1" 'I'I'lOI)ls)))1 Rc))IC)'s. No ( Iclll)1 I() (1)')g, (J.& ()oY. WO)'ICS. I)(~ c2 'f 73.790 llncrc'1sc or decrease iu tax kvy (I) — Proccd&11 C. and operation ol'a puhlic acl valorem Lax, rate f'r thc maintenance disfrici c&catcd purst&an& to KRS 173.710 Lo !73,800 before July 13, I &)g4, library shall not bc increase&1 or decreased unless a dul3 certihed petition requesting an increase or decrease in Ihe Lax rale, of a specifically stated amount is signed by fiftyo&tc percent (& IN) of thc I'IUITIbel'f duly qualified voters voting at the lust g&eneral clccfion in each county in the district. Such petition shall be filed with the !&seal cour&. in each county in the district noi later than ninety (90) days aACI the date li&st signature. 'I'hc fiscal court shall o&der Lhe court to incrcasc ot decrease the Thc sp«cial of'he &ts sia ted 111 thc f3«ili!on 'I'hc petition shall read. "'I'he fbllowing duly qualified voters of (insert name of county- or counties) hereby petition Lhe fiscal cou&t of'each county concerned to increase (or dccrcasc) Lhc special ad valo&tcm tax from (inseli exact Q111ount} k& (insert'x;Ict amount) on each one hund&'ed dollars ($ 100} worth of properly assessed I'nr local f;&xation in the district for the mainLenance and operation of Ihc (inseri name) I'ublic l.ibrary Districf." Hd vt&lol'& nl L&ix, (a) (h') The pe&.&Lion pclti&ottei (3) conLa&n Lhc I'ollowtnf.;: upolt whtch he s&gl1cd Thc name and address of'ach LI1c p&'fit&on. Ally Inc&'case pl'ovidcd for in subsection (I) ol Lhis section shall not exceed Lw«nfy cents ($ 0.20) on each onc hundred dollars (!t l00) of ihc assessed valuation of al! !3I&3pcI LV {3') shall &lnd Lhe dHLc I&1 LIIC d! ISLI'&Ci. A petition requcsiing& a dccrcasc in Lhe Lax rate will not be considered of any I«gal cf'f'cct if; ai any time prior to the hling& ol such peiiiion f'r decrease, eiLhe&: t& (a) (b) obli ations have been assumed by pertinent auihoriiies in cunneci.ion wit! I said subject library, which obligations would be 1&dvcrsely a!Tcctcd by 'tny such decrease; or &...ol3&r«ciu&ll contra«&in» contrac(ual ol such a pcLiiion for decrease„ thc board of such disl&ict shall have, arranged for the tinancin» &3f a library in that disiricL PL!rsuani Lu a plan ol !!nf&n«ing& inVO!ving a 'e;,e ot'I!st!ibrary to ihe board&:.. ur&d«r which lease Lhc board is not bound for morc Lh&ul one (I) year at a iin1c &vithouf, exercising an an&tual option io rel3cv, the lease and such lease remains cf fcctive enid has noi !3& c&t tct'&jul;lied; If, as of the Ii&ne o('ilin ~ ol'c) less titan thrcc (3) yca&s have passed sine&; ihe Certified copy of ihc or&ler o( Lhe Itscal coLIIL'irderi&lg the levy ol the tax was filed with thc county clerk. If I:rrective'&,l&&ly &3. I954 I'S I Ky, Acts ch, ]00. sec. I(&, cITcc&ivc July 13, I9R4. —Amc&tdcd Anscndcd f972 Ky. Acts I97II Ky, Ach ch. 384, sec. 299, cl'rcc&ivc Jut&c 17, L97I&. — {".reu&cd I 9&&4 K y, Acts A&nc»dcd I 97&3 Ky. Acts ch. 211, sec. 7. — ch. 223. sec. Ihh — ch. 92..cc. Il. Itis«»y: Amc»dcd

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