Murphy et al v. Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services et al

Filing 183

Magistrate Judge Katherine A. Robertson: ORDER entered. MEMORANDUM AND ORDER with Regard to Plaintiffs' Motion for Leave to File Second Amended Complaint. For the reasons stated, Plaintiffs' Motion for Leave to File Second Amended Complaint (Dkt. No. 174 ) is DENIED. See attached Memo & Order for complete details. (Attachments: Exhibit 1) (Calderon, Melissa)

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EXHIBIT I COWIWIONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS CRTR2709-CR HAMPSHIRE COUNTY Docket Report s x / -y 1680CV00118 Murphy, VMD, Guardian of Kathleen M.Murphy, Patricia. A. et a! vs. Cremins, RN, Janet etal CASE TYPE: ACTION CODE: FILE DATE: DESCRIPTION: 07/29/2016 CASE TRACK; A-Average CASE STATUS: STATUS DATE: Open 07/29/2016 CASE SESSION: Torts BOB Civil A Malpractice - Medical / Wrongful Death CASE DISPOSITION DATE 11/14/2016 CASE DISPOSITION: CASE JUDGE: Active Carey, Richard J LINKED CASE 1 DCM TRACK Tickler Description Due Date Service 10/31/2016 Rule 12/19/20 Served By 11/29/2016 Answer 11/29/2016 Rule 12/19/20 Filed By 12/29/2016 Rule 12/19/20 Heard By 01/30/2017 Rule 15 Served By 09/25/2017 Rule 15 Heard By 10/25/2017 Rule 15 Filed By 10/25/2017 Discovery 07/23/2018 Rule 56 Served By 08/21/2018 Rule 56 Filed By 09/20/2018 Final Pre-Trial Conference 01/18/2019 Judgment 08/01/2019 PARTIES Printed: 12/15/2016 3:01 pm Case No: 1680CV00118 Completion Date CRTR2709-CR COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPSHIRE COUNTY Docket Report Plaintiff 566806 Murphy, Guardian of Kathleen M. Murphy, Kevin F Frank Edward Bonanni Attorney Thomas J, Frain Attorney Thomas J. Frain 563 Main Street Boiton, MA 01740 Work Phone (978) 779-0749 Added Date: 08/01/2016 634133 Charles Alexander Hahn Massachusetts Bar 655 Centre Street P.O. Box 168 Boston, MA 02130 Work Phone (617) 477-4097 Added Date: 08/01/2016 567089 Thomas J Frain Frain and Associates Frain and Associates 563 Main Street Boiton, MA 01740 Work Phone (978) 779-0749 Added Date: 08/01/2016 566806 Plaintiff Murphy, VMD, Guardian of Kathleen M.Murphy, Frank Edward Bonanni Patricia. A. Attorney Thomas J. Frain Attorney Thomas J, Frain 563 Main Street Boiton, MA 01740 Work Phone (978) 779-0749 Added Date: 08/01/2016 634133 Charles Alexander Hahn Massachusetts Bar 655 Centre Street P.O. Box 168 Boston, MA 02130 Work Phone (617)477-4097 Added Date: 08/01/2016 567089 Thomas J Frain Frain and Associates Frain and Associates 563 Main Street Boiton, MA 01740 Work Phone (978) 779-0749 Added Date: 08/01/2016 Printed: 12/15/2016 3:01 pm Case No: 1680CV00118 CRTR2709-CR COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPSHIRE COUNTY Docket Report Defendant 363760 Cremins, RN, Janet Robert J Murphy Murphy & Riley, P.C. Murphy & Riley, P.C. 101 Summer Street Boston. MA 02110 Work Phone (617) 423-3700 Added Date: 11/14/2016 Defendant 363760 Robert J Murphy Murphy & Riley. P.C. Murphy & Riley. P.C. Kuhn, Ph.D., Claire 101 Summer Street Boston, MA 02110 Work Phone (617) 423-3700 Added Date: 11/14/2016 689094 Scott D. Kuhn Law Office of Scott Kuhn Law Office of Scott Kuhn 149 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Work Phone (617) 876-6780 Added Date: 11/28/2016 Other interested party Cllonsky, Ph.D., Mitchell 155 Maple Street Suite 203 Springfield, MA 01105 Other Interested party Welch. Esq.. Margo 143 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 | PARTY CHARGES Disposition Offense Date/ Charqe Disposition Date EVENTS. . Date Session Event 01/20/2017 Civil A Malpractice Tribunal Printed; 12/15/2016 3:01 pm Case No: 1680CV00118 Result Resulting Judge COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS CRTR2709-CR HAMPSHIRE COUNTY Docket Report FINANCIAL DETAILS Assessed Paid Dismissed Balance 240.00 240.00 0.00 0.00 Civil Security Fee (G.L. c. 262, § 4A) Receipt: 2294 Date: 08/01/2016 20.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 Civil Surcharge (G.L. c. 262, § 4C) Receipt: 2294 Date: 08/01/2016 15.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 Fee for Blank Summons or Writ 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 285.00 285.00 0.00 0.00 Date Fees/Fines/Costs 07/29/2016 Civil Filing Fee (per Plaintiff) Receipt: 2294 Date: 08/01/2016 07/29/2016 07/29/2016 07/29/2016 (except Writof Habeas Corpus) MGL 262 sec 4b Receipt: 2294 Date: 08/01/2016 Total Deposit Account(s) Summary Received Applied Checks Paid Balance Total Printed: 12/15/2016 3:01 pm Case No: 1680CV00118 Page: 4 CRTR2709-CR COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPSHIRE COUNTY Docket Report ;i i V ;}; -- ' Date INFORMATIONAL DOCKET ENTRIES Ref Description Judge Attorney appearance 07/29/2016 On this date Thomas J Frain, Esq. added for Plaintiff Dr. Patricia A Murphy 07/29/2016 1 Original civil complaint filed. 07/29/2016 Attorney appearance On this date Frank Edward Bonanni, Esq. added for Plaintiff Dr. Patricia A Murphy Individually and as Guardian for Kathleen M Murphy 07/29/2016 Attorney appearance On this date Charles Alexander Hahn, Esq. added for Plaintiff Dr. Patricia A Murphy 07/29/2016 2 Civil action cover sheet filed. Attorney appearance On this date Frank Edward Bonanni, Esq. added for Plaintiff Kevin F 07/29/2016 Murphy Individually and as Guardian for Kathleen M Murphy 07/29/2016 Attorney appearance On this date Thomas J Frain, Esq. added for Plaintiff Kevin F Murphy 07/29/2016 Demand for jury trial entered. 07/29/2016 Attorney appearance On this date Charles Alexander Hahn, Esq. added for Plaintiff Kevin F Murphy Case assigned to: DCM Track A - Average was added on 07/29/2016 07/29/2016 3 10/25/2016 Service Returned for Defendant Cremins, RN, Janet: Service made at last and usual; 4 10/25/2016 Service Returned for Defendant Kuhn, Ph.D., Claire: Service made at last and usual; 11/01/2016 5 Received from Defendant Kuhn, Ph.D., Claire; Answer to original complaint; Attorney appearance 11/14/2016 On this date Robert J Murphy, Esq. added for Defendant Claire Kuhn, Ph.D. 11/14/2016 • 6 Received from Defendant Cremins. RN. Janet: Answer to original complaint; with jury demand Attorney appearance 11/14/2016 On this date Robert J Murphy. Esq. added for Defendant Janet Cremins, RN 11/28/2016 7 Attorney appearance On this date Scott D. Kuhn, Esq. added for Defendant Claire Kuhn, Ph.D. 11/30/2016 8 ORDER for medical malpractice tribunal for Other, with Hon. Mark D Mason presiding, Mitchell Clionsky. Ph.D and Margo Welch, Esq. Order mailed to ail parties. Printed: 12/15/2016 3:01 pm Case No: 1680CV00118 Carey 16 118 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS SUPERIOR COURT Civil Action No. HAMPSHIRE, SS. PATRICIA A. MURPHY, VMD and KEVIN F. MURPHY, UAWlPSHlRESUPEaiORCOUHT As they are the Guardians of KatMeen M. Murphy, JUL2 92016 Plaintiffs, HARRYJEKAN0W8KI, JR. CLERK/MAGISTRATE JANET CREMINS, RN and CLAIRE KUHN, Ph.D * Defendants COMPLAINT AND JURY DEMAND TNTROPUCTION 1. This is anaction formedical malpractice, pursuant to Mass. Gen. L, c.231 §60B, as well as civil rights violations, pursuantto Mass. Gen. L. c. 12 §1II, against two providers ofhealth care employed by ServiceNet, Inc. ("ServiceNet"), acorporate provider ofresidential services to intellectually disabled persons in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 2. The action is brou^t on behalfofKathleen M. Murphy ("Ms. Murph/'), an adult female with severe intellectual disabilities. Her intellectual functioning isat roughly the level ofasix-year-old, and she is unable to adequately communicate her medical needs, making her all the more vulnerable to abuse, neglect, and medical malpractice. 3. This action charges JanetCremins ("Nurse Cremins")» a registered nurse employed by ServiceNet and licensed by the Commonwealth, with malpractice based on, •vwthout limitation, her admitted failure to monitor and treatMs. Murphy's extremely high blood pressure readings, including readings sohigh as to indicate a hypertensive emergency. This flagrant negligence caused Ms. Murphy great medical harm, mcluding potentially serious damage tohervasculature and organs, aswell asdiminished life expectancy. 4. This actionalso seeks relieffor psychological malpractice against Claire Kuhn, Ph.D. ("Dr. Kuhn"), a licensed psychologist charged with providing behavioral and psychological care for Ms. Murphy. Under Dr. Kuhn's care, Ms. Muiphy was ina grave state ofbehavioral and psychological crisis, causing her to engage inpurposeful incontinence as a means of demonstrating her untreated psychological sufferingto ServiceNet employees, including direct care workers. Among other things, Ms. Muiphy smeared herfeces onthewalls of herroom as a means of seeking help andattention, and wasthen leftto lie in her ownwasteby ServiceNet employees including direct care workers. Dr. Kuhn, who deliberately disregarded Ms. Murphy's suffering, was in gross dereliction of herduties to monitor and treat Ms. Murphy's behavioral and psychological needs, which caused Ms. Murphy severe physical and emotional harm. 5. Dr. Kuhn's conduct amounted to willful indifference thatinterfered with Ms. Murphy's Constitutional right to bodily integrity, wth the result that Ms. Murphy remained confined in a hazardous environment where herConstitutional and statutory rights were being violated. Dr. Kuhn is therefore also charged with intimidation and coercion that interfered withMs.Murphy's rights withinthe meaning of Mass. Gen. L. c. 12§11H. PARTIES 6. KathleenM. Murphy ("Ms. Murphy"),on whose behalf this suit is brought, is a 63-year-old female with severe intellectual disabilities and is a resident of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 7. PlaintiffPatriciaA. Murphy, VMD ("Dr. PatriciaMurphy") is a lawfully appointed guardian ofKathleen Murphy, and isa resident ofthe State ofNorth Carolina. 8. PlaintiffKevin F. Murphy ("Kevin Murphy") is a lawfully appointed guardian ofKathleen Murphy, and is a resident ofthe Commonwealth ofMassachusetts. (Dr. Patricia Murphy and Kevin Murphy are referred to collectively as'Hhe Guardians.") 9. Defendant Janet Cremins, RN ("NurseCremins"), uponinformation and belief, is duly licensed asa registered nurse by the Commonwealth ofMassachusetts and is a resident ofthe Commonwealth ofMassachusetts. 10. Upon information and belief, atallrelevant times Nurse Cremins was an employee and/or anindependent contractor ofServiceNet. 11. Defendant Claire Kuhn, Ph.D.("Dr. Kuhn")is, uponinformation and belief, a psychologist licensed by the Commonwealth ofMassachusetts. 12. Upon information and belief, atall relevant times Dr. Kuhn was an employee and/or anindependent contractor ofServiceNet. .TURISDICTION AND VENUE 13. This Court hasjurisdiction over this matter pursuant to Mass. Gen. L. c. 231 §60B, and venue is proper inHampshire County pursuant toMass. Gen. L. c.223A §8 asServiceNet has a principal place of business inNorthampton, MA. FACTUAL AVERMENTS 14. Ms. Murphy suffers from severe intellectual disabilities. 15. Her intellectual functioning is at roughly the levelof a six-year-old. 16. In 1995, her I.Q. was recorded as 48. 17. She can communicate verbally at a basic levelbut cannotreadand cannot care for herself, requiring assistance with many ofthe activities of daily living. 18. Ms. Murphy formerly resided ata group home owned and operated by ServiceNet, first at Lynch Drive inHolyoke, MA and then at Jacob Street in Chicopee, MA. (The Chicopee. group home is referred to herein as "the Group Home"). Overall, she resided at a ServiceNet group home from February 2009 through February 2014. 19. Ms. Muiphy lived atthe Group Home with three other female residents. Nurse Cremins was responsible for the nursing care ofthese individuals, including Ms. Murphy, and Dr. Kukn was responsible for their psychological and behavioral care including treatmentplans. 20. Dr. Patricia Mmphy has reviewed various documents concerning Ms. Murphy's care maintained as business records by ServiceNet in the ordinary course of business. These include shift notes, weekly data sheets, weekly activities logs, medication administration records, and other documents relating to Ms. Murphy's treatment and care at the Group Home. 21. The documents reviewed by Dr. Patricia Murphydemonstrate that, without limitation, Nurse- Cremins andDr. Kuhn committed acts of negligence constituting malpractice intheprovision ofnursing and psychological care, respectively, and that Ms. Murphy suffered severe physical and emotional harm thereby. 22. Other facts relevant to this matter, as set forth below, further demonstrate thatNurse Cremins and Dr. Kuhn committed actsof negligence constituting malpractice in the provision ofnursing and psychological care, respectively, and that Ms. Murphy suffered severe physical andemotional harm thereby. I. 23. Conduct of Nurse Cremins Towards Ms. Murphy. Nurse Cremins' dutiesfor ServiceNet, at all times relevantto this matter, required her to provide nursing care for residents ofthe Group Home, including Ms. Murphy. 24. Nurse Cremins' duties also required her to monitor thehealth and behavior ofresidents of theGroup Home, including Ms.Murphy. 25. Nurse Cremins' duties included, without limitation, monitoring and reviewing blood pressure readings taken for Ms. Murphy by ServiceNet employees, including the direct careworkers. 26. Again without limitation. Nurse Cremins' duties required her toundertake periodic review ofthe medical records ofresidents ofthe Group Home, including Ms. Murphy. 27. Nurse Cremins' duties also required hertotake appropriate steps to arrange for appropriate medical care for residents ofthe Group Home, including Ms. Muiphy. These duties also included recommending appropriate diets fortheresidents based on their individual medical conditions^ 28. NurseCremins negligently failedto perform theseduties, resulting in severe harm to Ms. Murphy. 29. Withoutlimitation, Nurse Creminsnegligently or recklessly failed to treat Ms. Murphy for dangerously high blood pressure; failed to report high blood pressure readings to the appropriate persons, including Ms. Murphy's Guardians; and failed to arrange for additional appropriate treatment for Ms. Murphy. 30. Without limitation, documents maintained by ServiceNet in the ordinary courseof business establish that Nurse Cremins failed to treat Ms. Murphy for consistent and dangerously high blood pressure that endured over more than ayear, including a full blown "hypertensive crisis" that presented a riskofdeath. 31. Without limitation. Nurse Cremins failed to monitor and reviewMs. Murphy's blood pressure readings, with the result that Ms. Murphy's dangerously high blood pressure went untreated. 32. For example, on July 31,2013, readings taken by ServiceNet direct care workers showed Ms. Murphy's blood pressure to be 186/128. This reading is set forth in the data sheet attached hereto as Exhibit A, which was maintained by ServiceNet inthe ordinary course ofbusiness, and reflects that Ms. Murphy's systolic pressure was 186 and her diastolicpressure was 128. 33, The systolic pressure is the measure ofwhen the heart contracts and pushes blood through the vessels. The diastolic pressure is when the heart relaxes. 34. Considering Ms. Muiphy*s family history of stroke and heart attack and thefact that Ms. Murphy was already taking Lipitor (generic: atorvastatin) for high cholesterol (which also leaves her athigh risk for stroke and heart attack), blood pressure this high could have led toherdeath orpermanent disability. 35. Additionally, this chronic high blood pressure that was leftuntreated for an extended period oftime had the tendency to cause pennanent damage toMs. Murphy's vasculature, heart, brain and/or kidneys which could lead to additional serious problems in the future, including decreased life expectancy. 36. Accordmg tothe standards followed by the American Heart Association (AHA), ablood pressure reading of186/128 indicates a "hypertensive emergency" requiring immediate medical treatment to avoid serious harm. (Information from the website ofthe American Heart Association setting forth these standards and protocols based onextensive clinical research isattached hereto asExhibit B.) 37. The AHA states that "hypertensive emergency exists when blood pressure reaches levels that are damaging organs. Hypertensive emergencies generally occur at blood pressure levels exceeding 180 systolic OR 120 diastolic, but can occur at even lower levels in patients whose blood pressure had not been previously high." ..38. Insum, Ms. Murphy's blood pressure readings on July 31,2013 met not only one but two independent criteria for a'liypertensive emergency." 39. The shift notes and other documents maintained by ServiceNet further demonstrate that, in addition to the aforementioned hypertensive crisis, Ms. Murphy's weekly blood pressure readings had consistently been dangerously high for over ayear. 40. Without limitation, Ms. Murphy's weeklyblood pressurereadings demonstrate that over a period of more thanoneyear, shewas regularly in a stateof either Stage 1 orStage 2 Hypertension as delSned bytheAHA. 41. TheAHA recommends that people withthree readings above 140/90 should be examined bya physician and placed onmedications to lower theblood pressure toavoid damage tothe body. 42. On a great number ofoccasions, Ms. Murphy's readings exceeded this AHA threshold, without any action being taken byNurse Cremins. 43. Using February tlirough July 2013 asan example, Ms. Murphy had 23 weekly blood pressure readings during that 26-week period; 21 ofthe 23 readings were above 140/90, and many were substantially higher, including one reading that rose above the level ofa hypertensive crisis. 44. Despite her access to Ms. Murphy's records, her obligation to review these records, and her obligation to treat Ms. Murphy, Nurse Cremins did nothing whatsoever to address Ms. Murphy's condition. Nurse Cremins did not provide any adequate treatment for Ms. Murphy, did not arrange for any adequate treatment, and did not adequately report any ofthis information to Ms. Murphy's primary care physicians, nor to her Guardians. 45. As aresult ofthese and other negligent acts by Nurse Cremins, Ms. . Murphy has suffered and continues to suffer physical and emotional harm. 46. In the context ofafederal court lawsuit by Ms. Murphy's Guardians concerning violations ofMs. Murphy's civil rights. Nurse Cremins submitted to a deposition. At this deposition, Nurse Cremins openly admitted her medical errors in, without limitation, failing to ascertain thatMs. Murphy was suffering fromhighblood pressure. 47. At her aforementioned deposition, Nurse Cremins further admitted her medical errors in, without limitation, failing to take appropriate actionto treat Ms. Murphy's high bloodpressure. n. Conduct of Dr. Kuhn Towards Ms« Murphy. A, 48. Dr. Kuhn*s Psychological Malpractice. Dr. Kuhn is licensed topractice as a psychologist by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 49. Upon information and belief. Dr. Kuhn's iscurrently employed bythe Department ofDevelopmental services as a"Clinical Director/ Psychologist D/." 50. Upon information and belief, atall times when Ms. Murphy was a resident ofthe CJroup Home, Dr. Kuhn's title at ServiceNet was "Chief Clinical Director." 51. Irrespective oftitle, atall times relevant to this matter. Dr. Kuhn was the senior ServiceNet clinician charged with overseeing, monitoring, and treating the needs ofresidents ofthe Group Home, including Ms. Murphy. Without limitation. Dr. Kuhn's duties required her to monitor the behavior and psychological needs ofMs. Murphy; review data concerning the behavioral and psychological needs ofMs. Murphy; and provide for adequate behavioral and psychological treatment for Ms. Murphy, including treatment plans. 52. The Guardians have learned, via their review ofshift notes created contemporaneously by ServiceNet direct care workers and maintained by ServiceNet in the ordinaiy course ofbusiness, that Ms. Murphy was suffering severe neglect atthe Group Home, including physical and psychological distress caused by Dr. Kuhn. 53. Forexample, shift notes demonstrate thatat numerous points throughout 2013, Ms. Murphy was ina grave state ofbehavioral and medical distress. Ms. Murphy frequently urinated and defecated on herself and smeared feces on the walls ofher room, allinaneffort to gettheattention ofstaffwho were ignoring her physical and emotional suffering. 54. Forexample, theshift notes of July 29,2013, 11 p.m. state that"KM was inherroom laying onherbed, full ofBM and was wetfrom head totoe." (Upon information and belief, "BM" refers to "bowelmovement.") 55. Further, asdemonstrated bytheshift notes dated 7a,m. of July 30,2013, Ms. Murphy was lying inabed full ofurine. She also indicated to staffthat, according to the notes, "her head was spinning and herstomach hurt her." 56. Ms. Murphy was also essentially confmed inthe home, receiving minimal outside stimulation. 57. For example, the shift notes directly quote Ms. Muiphy as calling the Group Home "an abuse house" and stating that she was engaging in purposeful incontinence because"I don't get a [day] program." 58. A"day program" would have allowed Ms. Muiphy to undertake daily activities outside of the home. 59. Dr. Kuhn, among her many acts ofdeliberate indifference to Ms. Murphy's psychological well-being, failed to recommend or take any action to have Ms. 10 Muiphy enrolled ina day program, or to experience reasonable time outside of the Group Home. 60. Again without limitation, theshift notes quote Ms. Muiphy as stating that she was urinating on herself "because Pm mad," demonstrating thatshewas engaged in purposeful incontinence to draw attention to the neglect ofher physical and psychological needs. 61. In sum, during Ms. Murphy's residency withServiceNet, shewas in an ongoing state ofbehavioral and psychological crisis that caused her to engage in purposeful incontinence and other self-injurious behavior, as well as caused severe emotional distress that manifested itselfphysically by contributing to her highblood pressure. 62. Dr. Kuhn negligently and with deliberate indifference to herdudes failed to monitor Ms. Murphy's behavioral and psychological health, thus causing Ms. Murphy to suffer physical and emotional distress, which manifested itself in purposeful incontinence and other self-injurious behavior, as well as contributing to her high blood pressure. 63. Without limitation, Dr. Kuhn negligently failed to take reasonable steps to review available data concerning Ms. Murphy's behavioral and psychological health, including shift notes created by direct care workers, thus causing Ms. Murphy to suffer physical andemotional distress. 64. Again without limitation. Dr. Kuhn, despite receiving reports from other ServiceNet personnel concerning problems with Ms. Murphy's behavioral and psychological health, negligently and with deliberate indifference to her duties failed to 11 take reasonable steps totreat Ms. Murphy or toarrange for appropriate treatment for Ms. Murphy, thus causing her to suffer physical and emotional distress. 65. Dr. Kuhn also regularly received data concerning, without limitation, Ms. Murphy's rampant incontinence. Despite receiving this data, Dr. Kuhn negligently and with deliberate indifference to herduties failed to take reasonable steps totreat Ms. Murphy or to arrange for appropriate treatment for Ms. Murphy, thus causing Ms. Murphy tosuffer physical and emotional distress. 66. Dr. Kuhn also received reports from officials ofDDS concerning problems with Ms. Murphy's behavioral and psychological health. Dr. Kuhn again negligently and with deliberate indifference to her duties failed to take reasonable steps to treat Ms. Murphy or to arrange for appropriate treatment for Ms. Murphy, thus causing Ms. Murphy to suffer physical and emotional distress. 67. Without limitation. Dr. Kuhn was notified that Ms. Murphy was in such a state of behavioral distress that she was smearing her own feces on the walls ofher room the Group Home. 68. In fact. Dr. Kuhn was aware that Ms. Murphy wiping her feces on the walls was acommon occurrence, but did nothing at all to address Ms. Murphy s psychological and behavioral distress. 69. Other specific instances ofMs. Murphy's psychological and behavioral suffering were brought to Dr. Kuhn's attention, including shift notes documenting Ms. Murphy's distress. Again, Dr. Kuhn did nothing whatsoever to address Ms. Murphy's psychological and behavioral distress. 12 70. Without limitation, Dr. Kuhn was notified by DDS officials that Ms. Murphy was manifesting other signs ofbehavioral and psychological distress, such as breaking her own eyeglasses within aweek ofreceiving new ones. She broke dozens of pair ofeyeglasses out offrustration and often went weeks at atime without her necessary eyewear while waiting for them to be repaired or replaced. 71. Despite being so notified, Dr. Kuhn failed to take any reasonable steps to address Ms. Murphy's psychological and behavioral suffering, and in fact did nothing at all to treat or care for Ms. Murphy. 72. Again without limitation, Dr. Kuhn's failure to monitor and treat Ms. Murphy resulted in Ms. Murphy receiving an inappropriate and excessive regime of psychotropic drugs. As aresult, Ms. Murphy experienced severe side effects, causmg her further physical and emotional harm. 73. Dr. Kuhn's conduct as described more fully above constituted malpractice in the provision ofpsychological care, and Ms. Murphy suffered severe harm as aresult. 74. Dr. Kuhn's conduct as described more fully above also constituted deliberate indifference and/or willful disregard ofMs. Murphy's right to bodily integrity as guaranteed by the 14'^ Amendment ofthe United States Constitution and the analogous provisions ofthe Massachusetts Declaration ofRights. Her conduct therefore mterfered with Ms. Murphy's rights by means ofintimidation and coercion witiiin the meaning of the Massachusetts Civil Rights Act, Mass. Gen. L. c. 12 §1IH. 75. As aresult ofDr. Kuhn's deliberate indifference and/or willful disregard ofMs. Murphy's Constitutional rights, and her interference with Ms. Murphy's rights by 13 means ofintimidation and coercion, Ms. Murphy suffered violations ofher Constitutional right to bodily integrity as described more fully herein. 76. As aresult ofDr. Kuhn*s violations ofher Constitutional rights, Ms. Murphy suffered severe physical and emotional distress. COUNTI (Nursing Malpractice Against JanetCremins) 77. Plaintiffs restate and reincorporate by reference each and every allegation stated in paragraphs 1-76 above. 78. Nurse Cremins isa"provider ofhealth care" within the meaning ofMass. Gen, L. c, 231 § 60B. 79. As set forth in more detail above. Nurse Cremins was negligent inher care and treatment ofMs. Murphy in that she failed to care for and treat Ms. Murphy in accordance with the standard ofcare and skill required ofand ordinarily exercised by the average qualified licensed registered nurse in Massachusetts. 80. As set forth in more detail above, Nurse Cremins was negligent in monitoring and treating Ms. Murphy's chronically high blood pressure, including readings indicating a hypertensive emergency. 81. As adirect and or proximate result ofthe negligence ofNurse Cremins, Ms. Murphy has suffered injuries and harm including, without limitation, damage to her vasculature system, heart and kidneys, and alikelihood ofdimimshed life expectancy. 14 COUNT II (Psychological Malpractice Against Claire Kuhn, Ph,D.) 82. Plaintiffs restate and reincoiporate byreference each andevery allegation stated in paragraphs 1-81 above. 83. Dr, Kuhn isa "provider ofhealth care" within the meaning ofMass. Gen. L. c. 231 § 60B. 84. As set forth inmore detail above, Dr. Kuhn failed to care for and treat Ms. Murphy in accordance with the standard ofcare and skill required ofand ordinarily exercised by the average qualified psychologist in Massachusetts. 85. As described more fully above. Dr. Kuhn was negligent in, without limitation, monitormg the behavior and psychological needs,ofMs. Murphy; reviewing data concerning the behavioral and psychological needs ofMs. Murphy; and providing for adequate behavioral and psychological treatment for Ms. Murphy. 86. As adirect and proximate result ofthe negligence ofDr. Kuhn, Ms. Murphy experienced tremendous physical and emotional suffering, as set forth more fiilly above. COUNT III (Violations ofMass. Gen. L. c. 12 §111 Against Claire Kuhn, Ph.D.) 87. Plaintiffs restate and reincorporate by reference each and every allegation stated in paragraphs 1-86 above. 88. Mass. Gen. L. c. 12, §111, the Massachusetts Civil Rights Act, provides that "[a]ny person whose exercise or enjoyment ofrights secured by the constitution or laws ofthe United States, or ofrights secured by the constitution or laws of the commonwealth, has been interfered with, or attempted to be interfered with, as described 15 in section 1IH, may institute and prosecute inhis own name and on his own behalfa civil action for injunctive and other appropriate equitable relief as provided for in said section, including the award ofcompensatory money damages." 89. The abuse and neglect Ms. Murphy suffered atthe Group Home violated her right to bodily integrity as guaranteed by the 14"' Amendment ofthe U.S. Constitution as well the analogous provisions ofMassachusetts Declaration ofRights. 90. As set forth in more detail above. Dr. Kuhn's conduct rose to the level of deliberate and willful indifference to Ms. Murphy's Constitutional right to bodily integrity. 91. Dr. Kuhn's willful and deliberate mdifference to Ms. Murphy's Constitutional ri^tsinterfered with those rights by means ofintimidation and coercion. 92. As aresult ofDr. Kuhn's violations ofMs. Murphy's civil rights, Ms. Murphy suffered tremendous physical and emotional harm, as set forth in more detail above. WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs respectfully request that this Court: a. Enter an award ofdamages against Janet Cremins based on her malpractice inthe provision ofnursing care; b. Enter an award ofdamages against Claire Kuhn, Ph.D. based on her malpractice in the provision ofpsychological care; c Enter an award ofcompensatory damages, as well as attorneys' fees, against Claire Kuhn, Ph.D. pursuantto the Massachusetts CivU Rights Act, or any other available provision oflaw; and d. Award the Plaintiffs such other relief as this Court deems just, equitable and appropriate. 16

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