Shammami v. Allos et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT filed by Mouayad Shammami against Alfred M. Allos, Broad Street Securities Inc., Stuart Burchard with Jury Demand. Plaintiff requests summons issued. Receipt No: 0645-2969573 - Fee: $ 350. County of 1st Plaintiff: Wayne - County Where Action Arose: Wayne - County of 1st Defendant: Oakland. [Previously dismissed case: USDC-EDMI, 2:07-cv-14214, Judge Duggan, Patrick J] [Possible companion case(s): None] (Attachments: # 1 Index of Exhibits, # 2 Exhibit, # 3 Exhibit, # 4 Exhibit, # 5 Exhibit, # 6 Exhibit, # 7 Exhibit) (Sullivan, Donald)

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( Stuart G. Burchard 2030Vallejo Street,#1001 San Francisco, CA 94123 415.821.3952 i. V i a E - r l a ia t l ' , r l r r rr , \ , r i : . iir lrir' i { \ , , r l l l4 lichruary" | I 20 Vr, PatrickWalsh CascAdministrator l-' lNRn l)isputeltesolution -55 WesrMonroc.Suitc2600 (ihicago.ll. (10603 Itli: ('nseName: Mouavurl Shanrnrarni IlroatlStrsct vs. Sr"rcurilics. l)crslring lrrc.. l,l,('. etnl. ('ascNumbcr0lt-01 | 0 5 l)car Mr. Walsh: l)lease considerthis lcttermy pcrsonal rcsponsc ('lainrunt. to Mouayad Shammarli's Motiorrlirr I:nlry ol'l)crlirult.fudgrnent thc casc rclcrenccd in I ertrovc. rcccntlvrcccivecl copy ol'thc a Motion.and sinccI do not havethc linancialnlcansto hirc an attomcykr rcspond nty bchall. olt I htlpethat you will allow this lettcr liunr mc into thu recurd.I request that this ntrlion lirr a dclhult.iudgrnent dcnicd.arrcl tlrc arhritration bc that rrre against be disrnisscd. "cxpcrt". .[ohn Nordbc'ck. lir begin. I hnvc tto idea wherc Mr. Shanrnrami's camc.up with 'l'his in dantagcs Mr. Shamntanti! $20tt.000+ to is a totalrnisinlcrpretation ol'Mr. Shamnrami's tlcL:otult. sinrply an attemptto takc advantagc arrd ol'thc lirct that I do nol havc thc ability to clcl'cnd rnyscrlt'adequately, lcavingMr. Slramnrarni'snttorney tocolne up with whatevcr thus liL'c amounlhc thinkshc cattget away with. I havcncversccniln,vschedulcs wolkshccls or that nta\ prepared backup Mr. Nordbcck's havcheen to conclusirlrr. inclicated prcviousll' As in subnrittcd documenls. September 2007 Mr. Shanirnanri's in olattorncvattcrnptetl br"rllv to and cxtorl iii25.000lionr l]road Street [ry scnding a lcttcr to thc linn dcrnandingmoney. and thcrr imnrcdiatcl,v" withclraw"ing(whilc swcaring tht: Irirm l)rincipal. it at Mary Mada.wlrcnshc sirnply statcd thatshewas rcquired havcour Firm counscl to rcvicw anv suchlctter),(tlxhibitsA. l]. and ('i (Xrvitlusly this $25.000tttorcthancovcrsdany'"losscs" that Mr. Shamnrarni rnighthavc ll'lt hc hadincurred. Otherrvisc. attornev ltis would rrothavcr tricclto scttlclirr this anrourrt. Mr. Shrrmmami wts, ftrr scvcral yenrs, our firm's nrost activc dry trader! Obviousll'. calculations rcgardingthings likc turnoverratio (which I arn rrssunring contrihutctl Mr. to "expertconclusion") Nortlbcck's have rro placc in calculating activity in his da.v'trading thc itccount. l'm surc vou u'ottldagrcctlratsuchcalculatiurrs t'llorcapprr.rpriatc rvhcnlookingat arc activilv itt conscrt,alivc accounlssuclras lllAs. As irrclicatccl clocunrents havc alrcadr in 1'ou rcrccive'd. Mr. Shamntanrihad no itttcrttionol' opcning A "conscrvalivc"account:accourll 'l'olcrance docuntents his Investmcnt list Obiectivc "Speculation". llisk as his as'"Aggrcssivc and 'l'his Speculation"" his Net Worth as $3.540.(XX). accountwas opcncdand opcratcd Mr. ancJ h,v Shanrmami liorn day onc ils a clnytradingacoourlt. hc rcqucslcd and unclreceived approval liorn our ClearingFinrr to ltavetlrc account codedas a day tradingaccountso tlrat he could rcceivc sanie-da,"crs'ditin his nrarginaccountto acconunodatc licqucnt tradingactivitl. At tirrrcs his whenhis tradirrg Mr. was activity increasecl. Shanrnrarni asked sevcrul on occasions reviewthc to activitv in his'hc agreedwith it. sign a letter indicatingthat all tladeswcrc authorized approved hinr.and that thc activity' and by with his investment conlbrnred obiectivcs. Mr. cvcrlrcqucstcd received reduction his antl in a tlixhihitsD. [:. and tr) In addition. Shanrmanri trtrnsacti<ltt costs spccilically bccausc wasdrringsucha largcnumbcrol'tradcs. hc Rcgardingrny abilitv to puy any -iudgnrcnt. anl out ol' thc securilv businessand havc I rn.r.. Iicenses. was rcccntlt' lirrccd to sign an Olll'r ol'sctLlcrncntwith I"lNItA. I rclinquishcd becauscI did not havc thc nroncv to hire an att()rncvtrt rcspondto trlNRA allcrgations ol' in corr.iunctiorr a tirm auclit. havcbccnuncrnploy'cd dc:lisicncics with I sincc.lulr'2009 and I arn (whiclrarc cluelo expirc in ahout6 wccks).I anr currently uollccting uncmploynrcnt hcnetits activclyscckingrrewemployrnent" nothirrg on the horizorr is lrut Not onlv do I rrothavcthc -vct. rcsourccs tight this action.I also dtl not lravcthe rcsourccs pay anv .judgnrcrrt n() lltattcr to to wltatthc arnount. ltavcalrcadyrclaycdtlris lact to Mr. Shammarrri's I cuurrscl. 'l'lte prirnarvreasonthat I rvas As you know. Ilroad StreetSecuritics no longcr in husincss. is Iorced 1o closc llroad Strcc:twas that I bccanrcawil[c that thc l;irnr was having ljnarrcial pnrblcms. prinrarilyduo to thc lircttlratmy prcviouspartncrand the liirnr (iompliancc anclSales Sttpcrvisorv l)rirrcipal. Mary Mada. und ,4llicd ,lllos's supervi.utr. had bccrtnrisapprcpriating Itugc sums ol' tnoncy firrnr thc conrpanynnd concc:rling the lact by prcparing"incrlrrec:1" tirranciul lirr repr)rts rnc. Whcn this cameto liglrt. Ms. Mada abruptl.vresigncd liorrr thc liirnr. tlnlirrtunatel.r". bctbrc arry action could hc taksn on r'nvpart t() rccovsralrv r'rlonev. Ms. Mada "bag" and lradto closcoperatiolrs. ol'thc pcrsonal died. I was lcli holdingthc provcrbial All tlrrarrcial resources had rvcrc irrvested llroad Strcctovcr llrc l4 5,ears was irr opcratiorrs. I in it Now thcyare goncand I havcbcenlcli with nothirrg. I hopethat tlris lcttcr will sul'llceas a responsc. that it will hc lirrwardccl thc appnrpriatc and lo Arbitrationl)ancl Menrbers.I havc also lirrwanlcdi.l copy to l)onald l). Sullivan. Mr. ('ounscl.ll'tlrcrc is lurything Shanrrrranri's apprcciatc notil'vinu clse I necdlo tlo. I vr'oulcl -vor,r nrc.I canbc oontacted thc adclncss abovc. via c-tttail 't,.i.",, rtii.iri, , :i . r)r at at 'I'hank cousielcration. vou lirr y,ttur Sinccrelr. ('c: l)onirld l). Sullivan i Via c-mail trl 1, "tiil'

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