Henry v. Google, Inc. et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against Google, Inc., AOL ( Filing fee $ 350 receipt number H011645), filed by Johnny Ishmel Henry. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Exhibit, # 3 Exhibit)(MJR)

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Shelly'sNiggermaniaI Fun Nigger Facts& Statistics I P a g e of3 FWre FACYS ruX&&MR Taughtin School Facm AboutNiggers Yo* Weron't to { C l i c k on the pictur"es view a largerintage) Relulnto Tonr Shelly'sHornePage N i g g e r Prison Rates Niggers UseDrugs While Pregnant Unwed Nigger Mammies M o d e m Nigger Slavery Niggr w w re,.;1 M Nigger Arrest Rates N i g g e rsRapeBabies NiggersRapeGoats F atNiggerShe-Boons N i g ffi ruli 14i ..ra t6gR FtgT *i3 .1 r.1. l:.fri Fllll !lr6$R Ftcr al4 ,i,i1ii.*d @!.!-*.*1*,q,i:1-4.s. . -::i'r , :,r.:11 :..:.;.:;.;: . :. N A1 NiggerBrainsAre Primitive N i g g e rsDo Not Advance N i ggerAIDS Rates Nigger Welfare Births http:i/www.ni ggermania. com/tom/fu ggerfacts/index.hhn nni 5t4t2009 Shelly'sNiggermaniaI Fun Nigger Facts& Statistics P a g e of 3 2 w ruk Hdtrft F3$Y{J8 lr:*irt:i r,rtsl. 'r$ *nt1r.r;.tri :.:. :::r*:i :*{* fri! r*;*:]! rrNii rt * ffi . :!l"lr,;,, ,:::,...:;rl rr,,:"r.;t$:.::. ft -*l$ll:r NiggerApe Skulls Nigger Pigrnent Nigger Ape Eyes NiggersKill Their Niglets Nie ffi% 1e:]!4} !:i !ni!!]1i]!:1, i.t :. f1r, !\:i1 i:;{,i|rillr .rriei.11rr r:a 'ii.l. llli*']rr! ,1r,ri iii iia,.::r! fr,. ...i..i.. ftf,* ts*sGnfAct *t NiggersAre Ugly Nigger Lack Gene r|irlN|{}a*n ||r rr6i NiggersAre Retarded NiggersLook Like Apes Nige ,,/r |l|t*at t*v r {r1 :illl"' ll' :l -' ffitn-?e YY Ie M fgit I ]; " w, i.,* w , , , - ' : . . " i l , i t : r i i . i "". N i g g e r Ape Noses -l::::" :tr:,....;,-,lt:lt,ttlit:.:.:t., Nigger Murder Rates Nigger SerialKillers Nigger ParoleRates T:l i,f*! 13 +f iir4 i;*tds*, :r r.g. ::i.rU*s e.:. ,!i.!S 4ilrjri:r. 4. rlr*ll j..rri** ?l,l, K*3& srct | llr ffi fix ' ' . | ,, :.il "_:::1. rux |.tGo& r**fr * 31 r , l 1 !i :i{&r'rrt-J :..|1*r! |*;*'* !. *,|k *} d6 !1r!+ :i :.ii j*] !!:1irrj. , lii::t;* :l;: ::riy r.: ModemNigger Engineering High Nigger Unonployment Rate Nigger Drug and Al c oholRates Niggt Niggers Are Retarded FUl| t$g8n facr 13? KKro a i , L - : i . , . . , . ....-.. .. ggermania.com/tom/funni ggerfacts/index.htm h ttp://www.ni s/4/2009 Shelly's NiggermaniaFunNiggerFacts& Statistics I P a g e of 3 3 Nigger Welfare Rates NiggersBathein Urine Niggers Lick Animal Geriitals N i gger sMolest Children Retur* l-fome Page 1o'tr'oin Shelly's http://ruw.ni ggermania. com/tom/fu nniggerfacts/index.htm Shelly's NiggermaniaMy Responses Pm NiggerArguments to I P a g e of 13 1 Arguments Common Pro-Nigger racism I respond commonarguments against to P a g eL Retum to Home Page PageTwo PageThres NEW ! Click He,r.e- SeeHow Nigger LoversRespond this page ! to to I havecreated pageto counterthe commonarguments defense this in ofniggers. I alwaysget the same or old, tired axguments. Over the years,I've heardthem all. I haveyet to seeone singleargument crediblepieceof information to disproveanythingon my web site or to swayme from my position of 'racism'(realism).I recenflyreceivedan email from a nutjob telling me how 99% of al1the serialkillers arewhite. When I responded correctlypointedout the FBI statisticsproving that 22ohof all and convictedserialkillers areniggersandthat they compriseonly 12%of the populationin the U.S. (not to mentionthe rampantserial andritual killing going on in Africa), his only response was, "Your statistics arewrong!" With a mentality like that, why bother?Why wastemy time responding peoplewho could careless to that they areutterly wrong andrefuseto seethe proof that'sright in front of them? So from now on, all my reponses be put here.Feel free to usethis in your own debates with people will who still feel that niggersarejust'people with different coloredskin'. Thereareonly abouta dozenor two pro-nigger,antiracist arguments arerepeated usedand that and here'smy answetto them all. This is an ongoingproject andI welcomeadditionsor suggestions). (Note:all thelinks wereworkingwhenI created on t0/06. Please reportdeadlinks to me via email this andI will removeor reolaceit) 1 . Niggerswere Egyptians Thi'sal1starteda decade so ago.When I first heardthis, I couldn't stoplaughingfor days.And I or pics created few photo-shopped mockingthis new nigger lie: a hlQ://www.niggermania.com/tom,/niggerarguments/niggerargumentstext.htrn st4/2009 Shelly'sNiggermaniaI My Responses Pro Nigger Arguments to 2 P a g e of 13 oftheir own. This lie stemsfrom the fact that niggershaveno history or cultureor achievements Therefore,they attemptto claim the advancements history of other cultures.The fact ofthe matteris and Africa andlive worsethan animalsandthey havebeenliving that that niggerscomefrom Sub-Saharan way for thousands ofyears. The pure-blooded, African negroneverbeenknown to plant Sub-Saharan made one singlecrop,domesticate animalor eveninvent the wheel.They live in hut-like structures an http://www.niggermania.com/tom./niggerarguments/niggerargumentstext.htm 5t4/2009 Shelly'sNiggermaniaI My Responses Pro Nigger Arguments to with grass,mud, andanimalshit the likes of which a commonbeavercould build. P a g e of 13 3 With a'history' like that, no wonderthey try to hide it. A1l onehasto do is look at the reality of history to andhow niggersoftoday iive in their native Africa or in the ghettosof America they havecreated clemly seethat they arenothingbut retardedapesso the only way aroundthis is to changehistory and claim that their presentliving conditionis the result of White racismand oppression took their that civilization, intelligence, special and powersaway. I guess the niggersin Sub-Saharan all Africa just decidedoneday to get up, go north and crossthe it Saharan deserton their own andthenbuild the pyramidsand an advanced cultureonly to abandon one all day andgo back to Sub-Saharan Africa to live in strawhuts,rub shit andcow urine on themselves day andwait for the next white-donated to RedCrosscarepackage arrive with food. Richt? There'splenty of information out thereto disprovethis nigger Egrptian nonsense: http://www.stormfr orglwhitehistory/egypt.htrn ont. http://www.historyplace.com/pointsofvie not-out.htrn And their reasons this newwaveof Afrocentrism: for http://wrw.skepics.org.uk/article.php?dir:articles&article=afrocenkism.php But wait, it getsevenbetterwith suchwild claimsin history as: * Claiming the ancientKenyanshad calculated speed light of the * That black Egyptiansbuilt the py,ramids inventedelectricity and * That Africans traveledto the Americasandtaughtthe Aaecs everythingthey knew * That variousfiguresin Westemhistory were actuallyblack Africans * That the Romansand Greekswere taughteverythingthey knew by blacks *Cleopatra a nigger was *Hannibalwasa nigger *And my favorite one,that niggersusedto havethe power to fly andbuilt the pyramidsby moving the stoqes with the power of their minds. I got a few emailsfrom niggersover the yearswho actually believethis. I did someresearch aboutwhereall this startedandfound this quote: a very real, andvery impo(ant, process ofreclaiming history, thereis sucha thing as year,I hearda discussion to taking it too far. Last ofa new Afrocentric curriculumbeing presented the "notedAfrocentrist" being interviewed,whom I had neverheardof Philadelphiaschoolsystem.The eventhoughhe was "noted"and I do makean attemptto keepinformed of thesethings,told the interviewerabouthow the ancientEgyptianswere all black, the direct ancestors ofall black-skinned persons the United States in today, andwerethe foundersof everyculture andeverytechnological advance which had everbeengiven to the world anywhere. Whenthe intervieweraskedfor specifics, how the pyramidswerebuilt - with speciallevitationalpowersthat the ancient thrspeaker told Eglptians possessed, allowing themto fly themselves, other objects,aroundat will simply by using and the their minds.Whenpressed, speaker admittedthe Egyptianslost their ability to fly and all their other incrediblepowerswhen "the white man invaded." http://www.niggermania.con/toflVniggerarguments/niggerargumentstext.htrn 514t2009 Shelly's NiggermaniaMy Responses ProNiggerArguments to I 4 P a g e of l3 "You honestlybelievethe ancientEgyptiansknew how to fly andmoveplramid blocks with their this?" minds?"askedthe interviewer."And you want to teachAfrican-Americanschoolchildren paused, The speaker then said: "Well, no, I don't really believethey knew how to fly, andI don't believe goodto believein, don't we?" O"Uany specialpowers.But we'vegot to give thesekids something ,t}fl http://www.kemet. org/letters/shomu099 S.htrnl X I G $ E R FAIRYTJILES .'' 'Dafsngfi{ cftrfdren$, us6dfo FeEgypffans sfifl Ul/e we and invenfsdmefaworkfng$ rnadsDigsftrpsandwentall l snd roundde worldspreading technology.We usedfie our po$/6r aar#rrnds mavefie sfonesto buitdftepyremids fif to you!" snd ws ev*n u$edtofly. I ain?bullshittin' 'W*#w8afd** fue& rn t&hy ft*pp*ned,rnsmr??y? w* S* ffwng a #n,sftac& fto*rng dayf;" *ftr sndysub* o,*f "*uz dsmrnuhafuckin'whifoys andopprs$sed and us csffe powers rninds" Nowgefyour&lec* f*ok awayourspecrs, and " ss,s#$ hed. b And this children'sbook, with the fable that niggerscould fly dueto somemagicalpowers: http://www.niggermania.com/tom/niggerarguments/niggerargumentstext.htn 5/4/2009 Shelly'sNiggermaniaI My Responses Pro Nigger Arguments to Pa g e5 of 13 Cleopatra wasnot a nigger: http://www.campustimes.org/media./storage/paper371lnewsl2003l02l27/Opinions/Cleopatra.Of.Mix -381307.shtrnl?norewrite200610261701&sourcedomain=www.campustimes.org http://www.straightdope. com./mailbag/mcleopatra.html http://www.historyplace. com./pointsofu iednot-out.htn The myttr that Hannibalwas a nigger all startedwith this posterthat was distributedin nigger schoolsto help boostthe egoof niggletsinto thinking that their nigger species actuallyhad a history at all: http://www.niggermania.com/tom/niggerarguments/niggerargumentstext.htrn Shelly'sNiggermaniaI My Responses Pro Nigger Arguments to P a g e of l3 6 Sinceit bearsabsolutelyno resemblance the real Hannibalasdepictedin actualcoins andbustsfrom to his day, they stopped distributing it. revealsthat the notion he was a nigger is Eventhe most cursorylook into Hannibal'slife andancestors absurd: wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannibal_B http://en. mca 2. Whites stolethe brightest minds from Africa. Therewere no bright minds in Africa. Niggersdon'thavebright minds or original thought. 3. Whites are all the serial killers ht@://www.niggermania.com/tom/niggerarguments/niggerargwnentstext.htn 5/412009 Shelly'sNiggermaniaI My Responses Pro Nigger Arguments to P a g e of l3 7 Niggersare 13%ofthe Americanpopulation,yet makeup anywherefrom 15to 22 percerfiof convicted serialkiilers. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2lwp-dyn?pagename=article&contentld=A2006920020cl26&notFound=true Eric W. Hickey, a criminal psychologyprofessorat California StateUniversity at Fresno,saidthere h avebeenplentyof minority serialkillers.In his 1995book,"SerialMurderers TheirVictims," and Hickey wrote that 22 percentof suchkillers wereblack. An additional 17percentwerewomen. "It's a stereotype . . . most serialkillen me white," Hickey said."You askmost expertsand they that can'tnamea black serialkiller. We haveAsiansandwe haveHispanicsthat were serialkillers. We need to get away from all the myths." With a database of399 serialkillers from 1800to 1995,Hickeyfound: (l) 20%of thekillerswereblack. (2) l7olo werewomen. SerialMurderersand Their Victims Eric Hickey WadsworthPublishing1996 wereAfricanWith a database 800serialkillersfrom the20th centurv. of Newtonfound 160lo cases of American Century Slaughter of 1992 Michael Neuton With a database 558 offendersoperatingin the United Statessince 1900,Fox andLevin found: of ( l) 86%of thekillersaremale. (2) 82% arewhite. (3) 15%areblack. (4)4% areHispanic. ExhemeKilling: Understanding SerialandMassMurder James Alan Fox andJackLevin CrimeandJustice, Vol. 23, 1998(1998), 407-455 pp. Sage Publications 2005 it In a sample from 1945to mid-2004, wasfoundthat of413 serialkillersoperating theUnitedStates in 90 were African Amedcan.Relativeto the African Americanproportionof the populationacrossthat time period,African Americanswere oveffepresented the ranksof serialkillers by a factor of about2. in African Americansand SerialKilling in the Media: The Myth andthe Reality Anthony Walsh Boise StateUniversity (2005) HomicideStudies, Vol. 9, No.4, 271-291 D O I : 10. 177l1088767905280080 1 http://www.niggermania.com/tom/niggerarguments/niggerargumentstext.htn 5/412009 Shelly'sNiggermaniaI My Responses Pro Nigger Arguments to @2005SAGEPublications List of niggerserialkillers: -kill galilei.comlstlcofcc,&lack-serial ers.hfnl httpt /archimedes. P a g e of l3 8 Justgooglesemch"serialkilling Africa" or "ritual killing Africa" andyou'll seethat it's a rampant problemin nigger Africa. F U H IIIGGER FAC? S 18 n x : : 3 : * i " ] , $ " r ? i ? h e l : es * a t j - s t i * s niry*{:l:s &Ye rit,r * . v * reli*b-|*, t* 1:* ;i $eri al kj-11*:' tik*ty th&n a Whit*. $*ri;*i kill i r,c j,:: i s n 'r*rnp&*f ' prr:h}*n r : : q u e r F f ' : : i ; . 1. ^ .' j ) (}Lif ceil t'icw York Times Ref e.rcncc: i r t t p :,/ /vrw*r. rdare. c Gxn/f ranfl ix / *nips r* . ful: / h t i:p : I l&r|,rr^.', * reput:-l i r . cnn/ f n cus,/nevre ?I I 4l Slp* f rf; . I{un*rs{*x $f ne,xs repsrts in gue,3le :r**r*h8s: afriea, serial killing af r:.ca r:.tua'! killirg Fu&tifiling Shdl4, stc. 4 . Whitescommit crimestoo Gee,no kidding?And your point? MY point is that niggersoverwhelminglycommit more crimes(especiallyviolent) crimesthan any other Cr-ofp. Want proo{?I thoughtyou would neverask: WH IL E ONLY AROUND 12%OF THE U.S.POPULATION AND OU T N U MB E RED OTHERRACESBY 9 TO 1: BY N IGGE R SCOMMIT BETWEEN51%AND 60%OF THE MURDERS N IGGE R SARE ARRESTED FOR 57- 61%OFTHE ROBBERIES http://www.niggermania.com/tom/niggerarguments/niggerargumentstext.htrn st4t2009 Shelly'sNiggermaniaI My Responses Pro Nigger Arguments to NIGGERS COMMIT OVER 50% OF THE ROBBERIES P a g e of 13 9 NIGGERSCOMMIT OVER 50%OF THE RAPESAND CHOOSE WHITE WOMEN TO RAPE OVER 50%OF NIGGERMALES WILL BE ARRESTEDAND CHARGEDWITH A SERIOUS F E L O N YIN THEIR LIFETIME NIGGE R V IOL E N T CRIME TARGETSWHITESOVER 50%OF THE TIME ***NIGGERSCOMMIT BETWEEN5I%.60% OF THE MURDERS: The FBI Uniform Crime Reportsareavailableon the Intemet at http:/Avww. gov/ucr/ucr.htm. fbi. interesting titled Crimein theUnitedStates, 1995, candrawseveral we In oneofthesereports, and conclusionfrom Table2.8.In 1995, s therewere10032 murders US havinga singleperpetrator a singlevictim. Of these murders, Blackscommitted 4476 5175(5L6%) and"Whites"ctrf.nmifred (44.6%). Black offendersaccountfor 56 percentof arrests murder for Crimein theUnitedStates]. [FQI, similar statistics hold for the black shareof offendersunderase 18.with a 59.5percentshareofmurder arrestsfor black youths [FBI, Crimein the UnitedStates]. Blackscommit.....60%of all murders theU.S. (32) (27) (6) in 6.BuckleyWilliam F. syndicated , column, Jan.5. 1993 Box 3535, NationalAlliancePress, Z7.Simpson, William Gayley. WhichWay Westem Man? 1978, Washington, C.20007 D. America. 32.Taylor,Jared,Pavedwith Good Intentions:The Failure of RaceRelationsin Contemporary 1992, Carrol& Graf.New York, NY Between 1976and1999in theU.S. : niggers commited 51.5%of thehomicides theU.S in Department Justice: SOpRCE:UnitedStates of http://www.niggermania.com/tom/niggerarguments/niggerargumntstext.htm 5/4t2009 Shelly'sNiggermaniaI My Responses Pro Nigger Arguments to gov/bjs/homicide,/race.htm http:/iwww.ojp.usdoj. a sqf i2l.01 Of (MURDER) offendersfor whom tacewasknown, 53 percentwereblack, 45 percentwerewhite, andthe remainderwere personsof otherraces. SOURCE: http://www.murdervictims. com/murder_statistics.htm Sinpe1986, niggletscommitted moremurders the U.S.thanWhitesand in ruspatucs combined; SOURCE:Data Source:FederalBureauof Investigation.Supplementary HomicideReportsfor the years1980-1997 fmachine-readabldata e filesl. Washington, FBI. DC: h@://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.orglojstatbb/htmVqal 37.hhnl a sof 12101 X**XY166PR 5ARE ARRESTEDFOR61% OF THE ROBBERIES Black offendersaccountfor 61 percentof arrests robbery for Crimein theUnitedStates]. [FBI, peoplearrested Accordingto the Uniform Crime Report, 1997 57o/o +he of , for robberywereniggers. Sorlrce:Arrest informationby raceis from Crime in the United States 1997 p. 240. , +4'fr*:r.*+NIccERSCOMMIT OVER 50%OF THE ROBBERIES Blacks commit more than half of all rapesand robberies 60Vo all murders the U.S.(32) Qi) (6) and, of in 10 P a g e of 13 6.BuckleyWilliam F. syndicated , column,Jan.5. 1993 Box 3535, 27.Simpson, NationalAlliancePress, William Gayley. WhichWay Westem Man?1978, Washington, C. D. 32.Taylor,Jared,Pavedwith Good Intentions:The Failure of RaceRelationsin ContotrporaryAmerica. 1992,Canol& Graf.New York, NY Accordingto NCVS dataon single-offender crimes,51 percentof robbers http://www.niggermania.com/tom/niggerarguments/niggerargumentstext.htrn 5/4t2009 Shelly'sNiggermaniaI My Responses Pro Nigger Arguments to werereportedby theirvictimsto beblack p. SourceCriminalVictimizationin the UnitedStates, : 1994, 40 Friim: TheColorof Crime *+**++*NIGGERS COMMITOVER50%OF RAPES Blackscommitmorethanhalf of all rapes and robberies 6OYo all murders the U.S.(32) and, of in (27) (6) 6.BuckleyWilliam F. syndicated , column, Jan.5. 1993 William Gayley. Z7.Simpson, Which Way Western Maa?1978, NationalAlliancePress, Box 3535, D. Washington, C.20007 Paved with GoodIntentions: 3 2.T aylorJared, , The FailureofRace Relationsin Contemporary America.1992,Canol & Graf.New York, NY AND WHEN THEY DO RAPE.THEY RAPEWHITE WOMEN: Blackrapists choose Whitevictimsover h alt(54.9%)of thetime (2) (32) (28) 2.American Joumalof Sociology, Vol. 92, pg 822+ 28.Social Forces, Vol. 69,pg.\+,Sept.'90 Paved 32.T aylorJared, , with GoodIntentions: The Failure of RaceRelationsin Contemporary America.1992, Carrol& Graf.New York, NY P a g e of13 1l *********500/0 OF ALL NIGGERMALES WILL BE CHARGEDWITH A SERIOUS FELONY IN THEIR LIFETIME Approximately 50%of all Blackmales will be arrested charged and with a seriousfelony during their lifetime. (27) http://www.niggermania.com/tom/niggerarguments/niggerargumentstext.htrn s/4/2049 Shelly'sNiggermaniaI My Responses Pro Nigger Arguments to 27.Simpson, William Gayley. WhichWay Westem Man?1978, NationalAlliancePress, Box 3535, Washington, C. 20007 D. 5l % ofnonwhite malescould anticipatebeing arrested a felony at for sometime during their lifetimes. Alfred Blumstein Elizabeth and Seegenerally & Graddy, Prevalence IndexArrests: Feedback A Recidivism Model,16 LAW & SOC'YREV. 265(198L-82). citiessurveyed were:Birmingham, The LongBeach, PhoenixTucson, , Oakland, Los AngelesSacramento, Diego,SanFrancisco, Jose, , San San Denver, Washington, D.C.,Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa, Atlanta, Chicago,Indianapolis,Wichita, Louisville, New Orleans,Baltimore, Boston, Detroit,Minneapolis, Paul,Kansas St. City, St.Louis, Newark, JerseyCity, Albuquerque, New York, Omaha, Buffalo, Rochester, Charlotte,Cincinnati,Cleveland,Columbus,Toledo, OklahomaCity, Tulsa,Portland,Philadelphia, Pittsburgh,Memphis, Dallas,Houston,SanAntonio, El Paso,Ft. Worth, Austin, Milwaukee, andHonolulu. Norfolk, Seattle, P a g e of 13 12 *d.:****'}******N IGGE RVIOLENT CRIME TARGETSWHITESMORE THAN 50%OF THE TIME The figures from Table42 ofthe NCVS showother facts aboutinterracial violenceIf . we onceIntenacial Crimeagain concentrate the groupoffigures at the top ofthe on tablewe can calculatethe total number of crimescommittedby perpehators each of race,andthe percentage is that coqrmittedagainstthe otherrace.We find that the 1,140,670 of violence acts committed by blacksagainstwhites constitute56.3percent of all violent crimescommittedby blacks.That is to saythat whenblacks commit violent crimesthey targetwhitesmore thanhalf the time or, put differently, thereis moreblack-on-whitethanblack-on-black crime. Similar calculationsfor whites show that of the 5,174,692actsof criminal violence committed whites,only 2.6percent by were directedat blacks.(Although homicide a violentcrime,theNCVS doesnot is includeit because victims cannotbe interviewed.The numberof interracialmurdersis http://www.niggermania.com/tom/niggerarguments/niggerargumentstext.htn 5/4/2009 Shelly'sNiggermaniaI My Responses Pro Nigger Arguments to small anddoesnot affect the percentags ratiospresented and here.) From The Color of Crime,New CenturyFoundation available at: http://jeffsarchive.com/hateo/o20crimelThe%20Cotof/o2\of/o20Cime.htnl a sof 12l01 or try: http://www.amren. com/colrcrim.htrnl 13 P a g e of 13 H a t eCrimeVictimsRace Arrit rubs Adjusfiod MeltlPl6S tlft{e Rats Sf !*u* [w,rc $nu*" @*p*** lm"*' Nat-uEAm, | (0.2!,t! 1S 5 r {r{.2n} 4 Otherrunk T o t a l= 455 Black 0 &tsrdsr Rsps Ru&h{ry Assf,ui! Csr thf a{lalrtd !f laprttilrs out 1|ir$6.r6cr PageTwq Page Three Retum tq HomePage http://wrnw.niggermania.com/tom,/niggerarguments/niggerargumentstext.htn st4t2009 Shelly's NiggermaniaNiggerJokes Facts and AboutNiggers I P a g e of3 1 "l'onl $heHy'slVebsiteof Sigger Jokessnd l{acist ttrune*r Bcxlkmr*rtkis !in{r{'orupd*tednervs li dowrl http:/i1otn-shel.ly.pisern.net i{'t*is sit* goes C l i c kNere f'*r the Niggermanin Forurn g X rc mr.s#* tk e Gywps &p eni w *1"t&r .Mgger m *:frag e d X**! C f d c & {iwk be{ow tke http ://w ww.ni ggermania.com/tom/ Shelly's NiggermaniaNiggerJokes FactsAboutNiggers and I P a g e of 3 2 N o tDigihllyAltered O r Enhanced B r o u g h t youby... h Niggernrania.som SraJ&F.rbtsn'tg N I G G E R ZOO http://www.niggermania.com/tom/ Shelly'sNiggermaniaI Nigger JokesandFactsAbout Niggers P a g e of 3 3 Nigg*t'Ahrmu Yidezs CliekHere ! ! Niggr'mxtion! Click Here NEIY! TensSkell.v ,4gtpr*tedf-it'tl<s: Click Here linr i{'}'{rm$h*lly Vour (}wn Jokcs l{&lrts $r *bout }{iggerBeh*virrr: t o n r * s k c I l y (pisem.net n) N i g g e rJokesand RacistHumor http://www.niggermania. com/tom/ s/4/2009 NiggerPresident BarackHussein Obama TheVideos P a g e of3 1 N i g g e r PresidentBarockHussein Obomo? I don't think so ! R eJ umto Hgme Page Who doesNigger President Obamathink he is? Human?He thinkshe cancomeon my TV looking like an African AIDS victim, swaggedng aroundinsulting an Americanwar hero andthink he'sgoing to be PresidentI?don'tthink so ! deals,family Letlsnot evenmentionhis MUSLIM religion, questionable citizenship,shadyreal estate living in povertyin Africa, terorist friendsandon andon andon. Good Lord, people.Wakeup. This is n ot the direction so. to Any.way,on with the videos.I'll be addingmore aswe go. But first, for our forum andespeciallyour Nigger BarackHussienObamauncensored forums,go to http ;//rrww,niggermania.n etlforums B a n n e dand censored from everymajor video s h a r i n gsite,we proudly bring you: Nigger 51412009 http://www.niggermania.com/tom/nigger%20presidenI)/o20baracWo20obama/index.htrn NiggerPresident BarackHussein Obama TheVideos P a g e of3 2 O b a m a videos! Follow theselinks to viewoif one doesn't work, try the other. Due to the controversial nature of thesevideos.thev are often deleted. Nigger Obomc i4akes o Debate Speech S t u p i d Videos: http:/r'www.stupidvideos.com/video/politicslObama*the*Monkey-Boyl#Z07020 Podblanc: h ttp ://podblanc.com/obama:monkey Niggermanio fnterviews Nigger Obomo Stupid Videos 51412009 http://www.niggermania.com/tom/niggero/o20president%20barack%20obama/index.htm NiggerPresident BarackHussein Obama TheVideos P a g e of3 3 Mo re to come! Trustme....more come! to Retum to HomePage http://trlr+w.niggermania.com/tom,/niggero/o20president%;o20barackVo}Oobama/index.hhn Shelly's NiggermaniaNiggamation I P a g e of3 1 niggers. A collectionof animated I t e t & r n tlr ftro$lc F:*ee Technote:Right Click the files,then'Save to If TargetAs'to save your desktop. you havetrouble playing them,downloadthe VLC player and openthemwith that. VLC playsmost anythingandhasall the codecsthat you need:http://www.videolan.orglvlc/ Greeting Niggamation C l i * k [.lera R i ght click to saveto your disk. C l as s i cNiggamationof Tom ShellyReceivingA IIazNig Call C l i c k Here Right click to saveto your disk. A u n t Jemima Niggamation ggamation/ni ggamation.htm http://www.ni ggemania.cor/tofi L/ni 5t4/2009 Shqlly'sNiggermaniaI Niggamation P a g e of 3 2 C l i c k Here Right click to save to your disk, Niggamation Featuring Chief Moose of Nigger Sniper Fame C l i ek tr{ere R i ght click to saveto your disk. 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