State of Missouri v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, et al.

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against defendant All Defendants with receipt number 0865-2729141, in the amount of $350 Non-Jury Demand,, filed by State of Missouri. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Birds Point New Madrid Floodway Operations Plan, # 2 Exhibit Affidavit of Paul D. Parmenter, # 3 Exhibit Affidavit of Davis Minton)(McManus, John) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/27/2011: # 4 Civil Cover Sheet, # 5 Original Filing Form) (CSG).

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US Army Corps . ~f Engineers .Memphis District waai . . " .. BIRDS POINT - NEW MADR.ID· . . ; .... - . . . "-. \,; . .i ... ... _.. ., .OPERATIONS . ., -- ­ PLAN . . .. " . ~... October. I 986 _. . u. S. ARl1Y CORPS OF ENGINEERS/MEMPHIS DISTRICT .JANUARY 1986 TITLE: Birds Point - New Madrid Floodway Operations Plan OPLAN 1 (ANNEX R - HDR 500-1-1, EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT OF ARMY AND OTHER RESOURCES) I. Situation. A. General-This plan of operation. provides for operational readineSs of the Birds Point - New Madrid Floodway. It is the intent that operation occur only as absolutely essential to provide the authorized protection to all citizens. B. Authority: 1. Lega~ Authority. Flood Control Act' of 1928, 45 Stat, 534; Flood Control Act of '1965, 79 stat. 1076. 2. Operational Intent. Congress, 2nd Session, page 58: House Document , No. . 308, 88th ' "a. That the Floodway normally will not be placed in operation until flood heights in excess of 60 feet on the Cairo gage are predicted. b.That the Federal Government reserves the right to ensure proper functioning of-the Floodway by creation of artificial crevasses in the fuseplug"levee or elsewhere when stages are at or above 58 f~et on the Cairo gage." C•. Operational Responsibility. 1. H~mRhl~ nis~~lct. The Memphis District is responsible for preparation and execution of the Birds Point ­ New Madrid Floodway Plan of Operation upon order of the President, Mississippi River Commission (MRC). 2. State of ,MisSQU r i. . The Sfate of l>1issour i wIll be responsible -for warning, evacuation and rescue of the occupants of the floodway, traffic control,'control of access into the floodway area, and any necessary law enforcement (See Annex D). 3. waterways Experiment Station. (WES). Personnel trained in explosive technology will ~e made available by WES to assist the Memphis District- in the explosive demolition of the crevasse sections 'of the Birds Point-New Madrid Floodway frontline levee. Notification of need for WES personnel will be made by the Memphis District Emergency Operations staff after notification to begin operati~n has been ordered by the President, MRC. ~ 4. Coast Guard. The Coast Guard will, when necessary, assist the Corps ox Engineers (CE) and constituted authorities in evacuation, rescue and relief operations. As soon as the decision is made to place· the floodway into operation, the Coast Guard will be notified by the Chief, River Operations Branch, Memphis District, so that river traffic can be advised and controlled. II.' Execution. A. Concept of Operations. On recommendation of the Memphis District Commander and order of the President, MRC, the Memphis District will dispatch a tow from Ensley Engineer Yard with material, equipment and personnel to place the Floodway into operation. Work crews will be deployed on top of the levee to locate and prepare-the access wells to the 'pre-emplaced horizontal pipes. The slurry explosives will be mixed on the barge and pumped from the barge into the pipes. After completion of the pumping operation, and when deemed necessary, the pipes will be armed with booster charges ahd all fin~l preparations will be made for artificial crevassing. It is expected that natural overtopping of the fuseplug section will be allowed to occur prior to determining the necessity to artificially crevasse the frontline levee. Upon' order of the Pres ident, MRC, crevasses will be accompl ished as required by hydrologic conditions. . B. Timetab~e.. The timetable for operation is based on the rate of rise from the project design flood (PDF) curve. A faster rate of rise or other emergency situation would necessitate expediting the preparation of the Floodway. Conversely, if the rate of rise is slower than expected during the PDF, additional prepar:ation time will be available. (See Annex B) I C. Sequence Qf Operations: 1. Dispatch equipment, material, and personnel, from Memphis, TN. Upon arrival and issuance of competent order begin preparing Inflow 'Crevasse (will require approximately 15 hours). 2. At approximatey 60 feet 'on the Cairo gage, the Inflow Crevasse will have been completely prepared for operation. 3. Preparation of the Inflow/Outflow Crevasses will require approximately 15 hour.s. 4. Arming shall not occur until is is absolutely . necessary for execution of the crevasse. 5. Artificial crevassing will be upon order of the President, I1RC. 2 D. Coordinating Instructions. This plan will be reviewed annually by the Memphis District staff and updated by Emergency Operations Branc~. Any changes will be submitted to MRC for approval. . III. Administration and Logistics. Annex C, Logistics Annex D, state Support Annex F, Public Affairs OFFICIAL: DALE F. MEANS Coloneli Corps of Engineers Commanding /'~~.~~ KENNETH G. WILLIAMS Emergency Operations Manager ANNEXES: A - Concept of Operation Timetable . C - Logistics D - State Support E - Safety F - Publ ie Affairs G - Communications B - 3 ~ ~ -N­ 1L MO KY BIRDS POINT NEW MADRID FLOODWAY TN MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES PLAN OF OPERATION FOR THE BIRDS POINT":"'NEW MADRID FLOODWAY VICINITY MAP DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ME:MPt-IIS DISTRICT •.PORPS OF ENGINEERS ''lI,~~,fVV~,~ ct: ~ a CAIRO • 1500FT GAP INFLOW/O~FLO},\ MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRI~UTAR1ES PLAN OF OPERATION FOR THE BIRDS POINT-NEW MADRID FI.OOOWAY DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MEMPHIS DISTR1CT,CORPS OF ENGINEERS. - ". MEMPHIS I TENNESSEE PI l\Tr:' ? ANNEX A (CONCEPT OF OPERATION) to the Birds Point-New Madrid Floodway Operations Plan 1. Upon order of Commander, Memphis District, all equipment and materials will be loaded on 2 modified mat barges and one equipment barge. Each mat barge will be loaded with 192 barrels of aluminum powder (4 barrels per pallet), six 2,500 gallon fiberglass tanks.of the liquid component, two mix-pump units (MPUs) with protective covering, and two forklifts with rotating heads and accessories. Two dozers and two backhoes will be loaded on the equipment barge. These barges~ along with one empty barge, the M/V strong, Tender Goodwin and M/V Mississippi will be made up in a tow ready to depart for the Floodway. 2. On the recommendation of the Commander, Memphis District, and order of the President, MRC, the tow will depart Ensley Engineer Yard, Memphis Harbor for the Floodway. All required operational personnel not on the tow will meet the tow at the Inflow Crevasse. Upon arrival of the tow atthe.Floodway, the M/V Mississippi will be utilized as the Command Post. 3. On order of the President, MRC, the' preparation of the Inflow Crevasse will begin. One tow boat will push the equipment barge into the levee and deploy a work crew and two backhoes on top·of the levee. The ~ork crew will locate and prepare the access wells to the pre-emplaced horizontal pipes by removlng the material over and inside the well and installing quick couple fittings on the 4 inch pipes. 4. The Strong and Goodwin will each push a mat barge (described in paragraph I) into the levee. The barge will be stationed . parallel to the levee and adjacent to 2 access wells which are spaced 60 feet apart (See Plate A-I). Two gang planks will be extended from the barge to the top of 'the levee. Hoses will extend from the discharges on the MPU's , across the gang planks, and'into the access wells. At this point, the MPU's will be loaded with aluminum powder with the solution being fed directly from the 2500 gallon tanks.' Two forklifts will be used to load the aluminum powder into the hopper on the MPU's. The MPU's will properly mix the components and pump the blasting agent into the pipes in 'the levee. From one location approximately 2000 feet of levee can be prepared for operation.. This procedure will be repeated at approximately 2000 foot intervals. 5. Following the completion of the mixing and pumping of the blasting agent, WES explosive technicians will prime both ends of the 4 inch pipe with a booster charge and make all other necessary preparations for firing of charges in the Inflow Crevasse •. Detonation of the Inflow Crevasse will be in 1000 foot sections as required by hydrologic conditions and on order of the president, MRC. 6. Following preparation 'of the Inflow Crevasse. the Inflow/Outflo'i'1Crevasses will be" prepared for oper'ation. One. A-I boat and barge will be designated to prepare each crevasse. Both Inflow/Outflow No. 1 and No.2 will be artificially crevassed in 1000 foot increments, as required by hydrologic conditions. A-2 ·­ . .. ~, 0 C'I " - I.U 0~ .~ :z 3: 0 0: -I <t U Vl ~r" U W w > w I TANK I ·0 0 .J Q. ­ ~>o >c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ....... I " 1­ '(I') ~( w :I: ~ en .J ..J en CJ Z t= I>J~ ... "0 U) / en :0<: z <t ..J '. ( ::l 0­ " ::! I-.- n:(J , en ..J ;l:~L;: en::lw en°..J w:I:O- 0­ 'z ....--­ 0 ::l " :::e W 0 u ... ::l u-o <t3:u I _L.. ) C/) 0 ~( " ·0 0 en Cl I­ u. :i r \ )yJ <t 0:: 0:: <t al ~ a.. 0:: u. ~"" en W VI .; 0 :z; "" ~~~ TANK )00 ..... ~- 0~ MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES 0: PLAN OF OPERATION FOR THE BIROS POINT-NEW MADRID FLOODWAY .. ~ ~~ UJ 0 % w ',' f­ ­ BARGE 'CONFIGURATION OE?A~TMENT,OF THE ARMY MEMPHiS OISTRICT,CORPS'OF ENGINEERS MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, 01 1\'"T"r.:-' ,. , ANNEX B (TIMETABLE) to the Birds Point-New Madrid Operations -Plan Cairo 1. Flood~ay ~ Atapproxirnately 56 feet. a. Tow loaded -with equipment (including mix-pump units), materials, (including components of blasting agent), _and personnel departs Ensley Engineer Yard for the Floodway. (Travel time approximately 36 hours) ­ b. Advise Director pf Public Safety of the state of Missouri and presiding 'commi~sioners, :Mississippi-and New Madrid Counties, State of Missouri of action. 2•. At approximately 59 feet. a. Tow arrives at the Floodway. b. Upon order of the President, MRC, deploy:vork crew on Inflow Crevasse to prepare access wells. c. Mix and pump blasting agent into pipes in levee. d. Evacuate all equipment and. personnel from levee. e. Prime pipes with booster charges' and-place detonating cord (as needed). f. Advise Director of Public Safety of the State of Missouri, and presiding commissioners, Mississippi and New Madrid Counties, State of Missouri of action. 3. At .approximately 60 feet. a. Inflow Crevasse completely prepared for:artificial crevassing,. (Preparation of the Inflow Crevass.e requires approximately 15 hours.)­ b. Advise Director of public Safety of the State of Missouri, and presiding commissioners, Mississippi and New Madrid Counties~ State of Missouri of action. . 4. Up~n order of the President, MRC, crevasses will be accomplished a~ required by hydrologic conditions. 5. Preparation of the Inflow/Outflow Crevasses will follow the preparation of the Inflow Crevasse. Approximately 15 hours will be required for preparation of both of. the Inflow/Outflow Crevasses. 6." The Inflow/Outflow Crevasses will be artificially crevassed, after the Inflow Crevasse is crevassed, as required to maintain the project flowline • . ~. B-2 ANNEX C (LOGISTICS) Operations Plan 1. Situation. to the Birds Point-New Madrid Floodway Same as basic plan. 2. Mission. Memphis District will furnish all logistical . support for operational personnel. 3. Execution. a. Concept of Operation. Upon receipt of notification from the Breaching Commander to begin, Logistics Commander shall: (1) Request River Operations Branch make ready the towboats for the trip to the Birds Point-New Madrid Floodway. (2) Supervise the loading of the equipment and material onto barges. (3) Request Real Estate .to provide approx~~ately 2500 square feet of suitable office space which can be used for a Press Center. (4) Contact utility districts for necess.ary pm'l'er hookUps for the Press Center. (5) required. Provide transportation for operational personnel if b. ,Coordinating Instructions. The Logistics Support Command shall fall under the direct supervision of the Logistics· Commander. He shall have sufficient personnel in the field for task accomplishment and also be in contact with the Floodway Coordinator for any anticipa~ed supplies that cannot be located locally. The Floodway Coordinator, located in the Memphis District EOC, shall. assist the Logistics Commander. 4. Service support. a. State support shall be coordinated by the Security Officer. b. Power hookups and purchase of· electricity to service the Press Center shall be from a local utility company. c. _Lodging: (1) The Command and Control organization shall be provided room and board on the M/V Mississippi. (2) The ba rge teams shall be pI aced on TDY and obtain lodging at a motel in the vicinity of the Floodway. d. Personal clothing is the responsibility of the individual. Inclement weather clothing (rain suits) and safety C-l clothing (ha,~d hats, gloves)""shall be supplied by the Logistic-s. Commander. e. Gasoline, diesel and"aviation fuel shall be obtained from commercial sources in ·the· area, 'if required. 5. COMMAND AND CONTROL. Logistics Support Command shall be located on the M/VMississippi. ­ Appendix 1 - List of Required Major Equipment and Material .", . C-2 APPENDIX 1 (LIST OF REQUIRED MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL) to .ANNEX C (LOGISTICS) to the Biros Point-Newz.tadrid Floodway. Operations Plan .... 1. Equipment.. l-~VV z,assissippi l-M/V Strong I-Tender Goodwin 2-Hat Barges I-Equipment Barge 4-Mix-Pump Units (MPU) 4-Forklifts'and accessories 2-Dozers 4-Pickup Trucks 2-Carryalls 2-Vans 2-Backhoes 2. Material. 275-Tons of DBA-lOSP blasting agent 36-4" X 2 1/2" reducers with high pressure clamps l50-High Explosive Boosters 28,OOO-Feet of Detonating Cord . 25-Blasting Caps C-l-l ANNEX E (SAFETY) to the Birds Point-New Madrid Floodway operations Plan 1. Mi~2iQ~ The Memphis District will assure that all operations during implementation of this plan' are conducted in a safe manner. 2. Execution. a. Materials. (1) Blasting Agent DBA-lOSP. The DBA-IOSP is stored in a two component, unmixed form. The two components, aluminum powder and a solution, are nondetonable. During mixing operations, the aluminum powd,er can become suspended in the air and could, be ignited. Although the aluminum powder is coated to help prevent combustion, the barges used for the mi~-pump operation will be designated as no smoking areas. Further, only diesel-powered forklifts will be used for this operation. . , (2) will be Class A Explosives. The WES Explosive "Technicians r~sponsible ,for: (a) Handling theC'lass A boosters, primacord). ' (caps, (b) 'Loading,' ~rming and firing of 'the explosive charges will be in accordance with EM 385-1-1. b. Barg~ Operations. The barges used for the mixing and pumping operations will be equipped with a guard rail on the perimeter as specified in ~M ,385-1-1. All personnel working on the barge will be required to, wear personal' floatation devices. '0·" c. ~ Distances. Execution of the approved operational plan should take into account the following explosive hazard maximums: , (1) The distance away" from the crevasse sites beyond which no damage from airblast would be expected is 2000 feet. (2) The distance away from the .crevasse sites beyond which no damage from gr04ndmotion would be expected is 2300 feet. (3) The safe distance. from flying debris would be less than the ,limits of possible damage from airblast or ground motion. . (4) For design purposes, a maximum hazard distance of 2500 feet was used for each crevasse site. . . E-1 " ANNEX·F (PUBLIC AFFAIRS) to the Birds Point-'Ne\'l Hadr ia Floodway Operations Plan 1. Situation. Same as basic plan. 2. Mission. To insure that accurate and timely information is disseminated to media and interested pUblics. 3. . Execution. (1) The Memphis District Public Affairs Office will be responsible for preparation and dissemination of news releases and announcements on the operation of the Floodway, following coordination with and approval of the Public Affai'rs Officer, MRC. News releases and announcements on the operation of the Fl09dwaywill also be coordinated with local and state authorities prior t~ release. The Memphis District public Affairs Officer (PAO) will also be responsible for photo documentation of the Floodway operation, and all audio-visual and photographic .support will be coordinated with the Public Affairs. Office. . (2)' ,A 24-hour Press Center will be establ ished in the vicinity of the Floodway to serve as a field operating agent of the Memphis District Public Affairs Office. The District PAO will serve as a communications and coordination point for all public affairs activities. (3) The PAO or his representative will be responsible ,for providing assistance to news media representatives as requ~red, assisting and coordinating with representatives as required, assisting and coordinating with responsible Corps elements ·on public affairs matter., and for providirig other support as needed. (4) Media briefings will be scheduled as required. The Memphis District PAO will serve as the official' Corps of Engineers spokesman for all matters concerning the operation of the f 1oodway. (5) A press kit will be prepared and made a v ai I able. The kit will include a fact sheet and map of .the floodway •. (6) The PAO will coordinate shuttle service for VIPs and news media personnel to work ·areas as required an~ as conditions and accessibility permit. Knowledgeable escorts will be provided as directed. . F-l ANNEX G (COMMUNICATIONS) to the Birds Point-New.Madrid Floodway Operations Plan 1. Situation. a. TheM/V Mississippi will serve as the Command Post for operation of the floodway. b. The M/V Mississippi and strong, and Tender Goodwin are equipped with all necessary communications equipment. " 2. Mission. Memphis District Communications-Electronics (C-E) " Unit will install and maintain all communications systems in support of the floodway operations. 3. Execution. a. Following the establishment of the Press Center, the Memphis District C-E Unit will install radio communications equipment~ Telephone communications at the Press Center will be provided by commercial source. " :; b. C-E Unit will provide continuing maintenance on all communications systems during preparation and operation of the floodway. ," . . c. All radio communications will be in accordance with MDR 500-1-2. G-l

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