Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Inc. et al v. Camdenton R-III School District et al

Filing 60

REPLY SUGGESTIONS to motion re 6 MOTION for preliminary injunction , 33 MOTION to dismiss case (Surreply Suggestions) filed by David A. Cortman on behalf of Amicus Alliance Defense Fund. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 Part 1, # 2 Exhibit 1 Part 2, # 3 Exhibit 1 Part 3, # 4 Exhibit 1 Part 4)(Related document(s) 6 , 33 ) (Cortman, David)

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100 I'm afraid) against his grip as we rolled on the sand and I finally pinioned him on his back, astride him, my hands holding his arms. He looked up at me. "Uncle," he whispered. I released his arms. They glided around my neck, pulling my head down to his. I stretched full length on top of him, our heads touching. Our heavy breathing from the struggle gradually subsided. I felt my penis grow hard against his body, and, pressed against mine, I felt his grow hard too. I raised my head and looked at his face. He was looking at me. After a long moment I lowered my head till our lips touched. And held. Then I moved over on my side next to him, and my hand reached down, slowly, until I touched the flesh of his cock. It stiffened still more and Jamie's hips stirred. I felt a wonder. I had caused this to happen in someone else. Someone else felt as I did. I wasn't alone. There was Jamie. And now we had our secret. We shared the wonder of that secret, touching, exploring, re- sponding, till we heard voices-adult voices-calling our names. We clutched each other, then scrambled to the hiding place of the overhanging embankment and lay absolutely still, pressed against each other, our heartbeats racing. The voices passed into the distance. "I guess it's late," I said. "We better get dressed." "Yeah. I guess so." We drew apart. We dressed in silence, not looking at each other, gathered up our fishing gear, and trudged back to the hoteL. We didn't Säy much of anything to ~ach other. All I could think of were those voices, the voices that had wrenched us apart as surely as those adult hands might have done. What we had done was wrong-to them-and if they ever found out. . . ? I glanced at Jamie, staring straight ahead as we walked. Would he tell? What if his parents made him tell or tricked him into admitting what we had done? Would his mother tell my n10ther? And would one of them tell the hotel manager? Suddenly that slender body walking shoulder to shoulder beside me was an ominous, dangerous thing. As we walked up the steps of the hotel, I saw Jamie look at me, and there was fear in his eyes. "You're not going to tell, are you?" I shook my head violently. Ex. 1 - 41 David Leavitt Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1961, David Leavitt is the author of Family Dancing (a collection of short stories) and Equal Affections and The Lost Language of Cranes (both novels). /n the passage below, from The Lost Language of Cranes, Philip Benjamin, the novel's central character, and his boyfriend, Eliot, are describing their respective experiences growing up gay. Eliot, who was raised by two g(~y men named Derek and Geoffrey, advises Philip to consider the costs as well as the benefts of telling his parents that he is gay. "H ow old were you 'whcn Derek and Geoffrey found out that you were gay?" Philip asked Eliot. It was four in the morning, and they were lying on the blue futon, nowhere ncar sleep. "Oh, let's see," Eliot said, stretching his arms out behind his head. "I guess it must have been-but no." He smiled. "Thc thing is, with Derek and Geoffrey, I'd only havc had to coine out if I was straight. Comc to think of it, I don't think I ever actually did come out to them. I just remember, when I was twelve or so, Derek walking into my room and finding me making out with Timmy Musseo. And he just said excuse me and closed the door." Philip's jaw dropped. "You were making out with boys when you were twelve?" "Eleven," Eliot said. "Geoffrey and Derek only found out when I was twelve." I Ex. 1 - 42 The Lost Languageof Cranes 111 "Then how old were you when you first had sex?" Eliot shrugged. "I'm not sure," he said. "How do you define sex? If orgasm is the criterion, twelve. If anal or oral penetration is necessary, fifteen." "And was that with Timmy Nlusseo?" "No, no," Eliot said. "Timmy Nlusseo had a girlfriend by that time. Nly first experience was with a much older man, a friend of Derek's. He and Geoffrey never found out about it. Probably they still don't know." "1-Iow old is older?" "Oh, let's see," Eliot said. "\Vhen I was fifteen, he must have been twenty-nine, thirty. My age now. I-Ie came and stayed with me at the hollse whenever Derek and Geoffrey went away." "Did he seduce you?" "I seduced him," Eliot said, and laughed. "Oh, he \vanted to for as long as I did. But I think he was afraid Derek would send him up for statutory rape or something. I was irresistible at fif- teen. I kept asking him to give me massages, playing the little nubile waif. And finally-well, he couldn't hold back anymore." I-Ie sighed. "It was a wild night. vVe did everything." . Philip's mouth was dry. "When I was that age," he said, "-well, I never would have dreamed, no matter how much I might have wanted to-" But he knew enough about Eliot's childhood in that rambling brownstone on vVest Thirteenth Street to know that it was about as different from his own as you could get. Eliot had been raised not by normal parents, after all, but by two men, by Derek IVloulthorp, the famous writer, and his lover, Geoffrey Ba- con. \Vhen Philip imagined him as a child, he was lying in a brocaded canopied bed, having stories read to him by Colleen Dewhurst, but now the fantasy changed, and it was a young n1an with long brown hair, dressed in an unbuttoned tuxedo shirt, who sat leaning over Eliot in his bed, running his hand languidly through Eliot's hair. "I just can't imagine," Philip said, "having that kind of selfknowledge, that kind of. . . wherewithal, at fifteen. At fifteen I was just discovering pornography. I didn't have sex until college." "Everyone's different," Eliot said, "depending on their back- Ex. 1 - 43 '~~ ~'Y.' . .. II I' II a II . . II . II . . . II . a . a '....' . Ex. 1 - 44 THIS IS A BORZOI BOOK PUBLISHED BY ALFRED A. KNOPF Compilation copyright (Ç 2006 by Alfred A. Knopf, an imprint of Random House Children's Books, a division of Random House, Inc. Owing to space limitations, page 273 constitutes an extension of this copyright page. All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf, an imprint of Random House Children's Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York. KNOPF, BORZOI BOOKS, and the colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc. s Educators and librarians, for a variety of teaching tools, visit us at Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The full spectrum: a new generation of writing about gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans. gender, questioning, and other identities / edited by David Levithan and Billy MerrelL. - 1st ed. p. cm. ISBN-13: 978-0-375-8329°'1 (trade) - ISBN.13: 978-0-375'9329°-8 (lib. bdg.) ISBN-1O: 0'375-83290-4 (trade) - ISBN'10: 0-375'9329°-9 (lib. bdg.) 1. Gay youth. 2. Sexual minority youth. 3. Sexual orientation. 4. Gender identity. 5. Gay youths' writings. i. Levithan, David. II. Merrell, Billy. III. Title. HQ76.27.Y68F85 2006 306.7616'0835-dc22 2°°5°23435 Printed in the United States of America 10987654 First Edition May 2006 Ex. 1 - 45 Ex. 1 - 46 . ai . 'lUOJj ayl uo Ja~J!lS SP!)I MaN E Yl!M aSEJ J!lSEld E U! SlOp MoiiaÁ pUE ~u!d lsnf aJ,Áayl 'pa!l ays lnq 'aq pinOM Áayl P!ES a!lE)I 'lOU aJ,Áayl lnq aJEj P!)I MaN E a~!I padEYS aq plnoM aJa!d YJEa ly2noyl I 'wn2 ~JOI8 ayl uo SP!)I MaN MaYJ aM 'slJaJUOJ Ol 2u!02 lnoqE ~IEl pUE l'ZOl ai2E3 Ol uals!i aM 'apnJ iaaj aw sa~Ew l! pUE 'y2noyl 'l! Ol la2 Ol WOOJ S,WOW Jay y2noJYl ~IEM Ol aAEY nOÁ 'lEau ÁIIEaJ s,l1 'aiqnop aJE SJOOp ayl pUE punOJ S! 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ÁEPYlJ!q JaH .X!S S! apE)I pUE aA!j WE I 'Sll!9 iol2U!SS!)I-LfJualj 'auQ 9Aa B1I3 Áq S93lA90 9111l101 19410 1nO~ pUB 91nqoS lIll Katie pulls her shorts off. She is wearing blue and white polka- . dotted Hanes underwear, the kind that I have at home. They come in a three-pack with a matching blue pair and a matching white pair. She lies down on her floor and pulls her underwear off over her butt, and tells me to spank her because she's the baby and I'm the mommy. It seems kind of weird and she yells at me to do it. Then she makes me be the baby and she spanks me, too. She tells me that I should learn how to French-kiss because boys always do that, so she kisses me and puts her tongue in my mouth. I roll my tongue hot-dog style, because that is fun. Her mommy drives me home, and in the backseat of her white car Katie Frenches me again. We are in second grade now, and Katie still makes me practice Frenching her. It feels weird and kind of slimy. I am visiting Katie, and she has a new bike for her birthday. She is living in a new apartment and they don't have a good backyard. The whole thing is made out of cement and they share it with the house behind theirs. She rides her bike around the stones and falls. She breaks her wrist and tells everyone in our dance class that I did it. My mother says I can't talk to Katie anymore and I don't mind. Two. Jill Sobule. I am thirteen and my soul bleeds poetry. I hate the world and the world hates me. I want to start saving change so I can get my own apartment instead of living with my stupid parents. They think they know everything about me and can tell me what to do. I hate them. i My best friend is Nicole now. It used to be Kim, but she's so annoying. N ¡cole moved here last year. I sleep over at her house almost every weekend, because my dad doesn't let me have friends over. Sometimes we skip schooL. I'm really good at faking my mom's handwriting. Once I wrote a note saying that I had to get my wisdom teeth out that afternoon. They didn't even notice. Then I ju'st walked over to Nicole's, and we flipped her couch upside down and watched her dad's porn, which was weird. l II . iiB ~ Ex. 1 - 47

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