Spreadbury v. Bitterroot Public Library et al

Filing 126


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EXHIBTT A 2 Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document Filed 05/1 1/10 Page 1 of 49 LODGEO 1 Michael E. Spreadbury z P.O. Box 416 3 llamilton. MT 59840 4 5 msp"rpad.9 hotmail. com 6 || Telephone: (/+06) 363-3877 Pro Se Plaintiff HAY zgw PATRICK E, DUFFY, CIERK Bv @ 7 IN TT{E UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT I FOR T}IE DISTRICT OF MONTANA 9 MISSOT.II.A. DTVISION 10 11 I\,rcT.IAEL t2 13 SPREADBURY PlaintirT causeNo,MNn-{W ) ) "v, ) CO}IPLAINT AI{D DEMAND FOR AISRTG}IT, ) JT}RY CULGAN ) 14 CHRIS HOFFMAN, DEPLITY 15 DEPUTY HOCHHALTER, DEPUTY 16 DEPUTY HUDSON, I.INKNOWN DEPUTY B, ) 17 UNKNOWNDEPUTYC,GEORGECORN, ) 18 BN I-FULBRIG}TT, ANGEI"{ WETZSTEON, ) 19 MATT STEVENSON, JIM BAILEY, I 20 REOINA PLETTENBERG. ) 2t RAVAI,LI REPLtsLrc NEWSPAPER, ) 22 S,A,F,E. OF T}IE BITTERROOT, ) 73 RAVALLI COTJNTY ) 24 Defendants ) T"IAL Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Filed 05111110 Page 2 of 49 25 Plaintiff Michael Spreadbury (hereafter "spreadbury") in his complaint against Chris Hoffman 26 et. al. Defendants allege as follows: Parties: 27 ZB t. Michael Spreadbury, a resident and natural citizen of the State of Montana, 29 2. Mary Miller, a resident and natural citizen of Montana. 30 3. Chris Hoffman, Sheriff of Ravalli County, a natural citizcn of the State of Montana, 31 acting in his individual capacities, and those as policy making official as Sheriff of the 32 political subdivision of Ravalli County, Montana. 33 4. 94 35 capabilities as a natural person, also acting in the color of }aw- 5. 36 g7 Chris Albright, a Sheriff Deputy in Ravalli County, Montana acting in his individual Chris Culgan, a Sheriff Deputy in Ravalli County, Montana acting in his individual capabilities, and as a natural person in the color of law. 6. 38 Lawrence Hochhalter, a Sheriff Deputy in Ravalli County, Montana acting in his individual capabilities as a natural person in color of law. 39 7. Matthew Stevenson, a natural citizen of Montana acting in &e color of law. 40 8. Angela Wetzsteon, a natural person of The State of Montana acting in color of law as a 4t 42 43 law student intern, without Montana Bar license in the Ravalli County Attorney Office. 9. George Corn, Ravalli County Attorney, acting in his official capacity of policy maker for the Ravalli County Attorney Office (RCAO), a natural person of The State of Montana. case M 45 10. 9:1 0-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Filed 05/1 1/1 0 Page 3 of 49 William Fulbright, Deputy Ravalli County Attorney, acting in color of law, in his individual and official capacity, a natural person of The State of Montana' 46 ql I L Ravalli County, a political subdivision of The State of Montana; considered a person with 48 12. The Ravalli Republic, a L.ee Enterprises Newspaper published in Hamilton, Montana. As 49 50 respect to 42 USCA $ 1983 in the State of Montana. a colporation it is considered a natural person of Montana' 13. James Bailey, a Justice of the Peace fbr Ravalli County Justice Court, a natural person of 51 The Statc of Montana. 52 14. S.A.F.E, (Supporters 53 54 55 56 57 59 59 O0 51 62 of Abuse Free Environments) a Montana Colporation, a natural person domiciled in the State of Montana. 15. Unknown Ravalli County Sheriff Deputy B a natural persons of Montana acting in his individual capabilities, and under color of law. 16. Unknown Ravalli County Sheriff Deputy C a natural persons of Montana acting in his individuarl capabilities, and under color of law. 1?. Ravalli County Sheriff Deputy Hudson, a natural person of Montana, acting in color of law and in individual capabilities. 18. Regina Plettenberg, Ravalli County Clerk and Recorder, a natural person in the state of Montana, acting in the color of law. Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Filed 05/1 1/10 Page 4 of 49 .Iurisdiction 64 The US District Court for Montana has jurisdiction in this matter since the constitutional 65 violations occurred within the State of Montana which is within the confines of this courts 66 domain. All parties in this case, describd,Id. at 27 paragraphs 67 State of Montana. Jurisdiction is described within 28 USCA $1391 O). 68 The Montana Dstrict has jurisdiction over constitutional torts as prescribe d in 42 USCA 59 42 USCA $1985. The Federal question raised is brought under 28 USCA $1331,28 USCA $ 7a 1343(3). 7! The Plaintiff respectfully asks that the US District Court for the State of Montana hears this case 72 based upon the rypropriate 73 controversy and case contained within this complaint. above reside within the $ 1983, jurisdiction, timely nature of the case, the ripeness of issue, and the Prima Facie Evidence 74 75 /-/8 l. The Plaintiff believes, and is prepared to show with a preponderance of the evidence that 76 the Defendants listed, together, individually, and as pairs conspired to deprive the 77 Constitutional rights of Plaintiff. These rights are not limited to the Montana 78 Constitution Article tr Section WId. at80, the US Constitution Amendments One, Four, 79 Seven, Eight, and Fourteen in actions within Ravalli County, in the State of Montana, 80 the United States of America- of case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 81 2 Filed 05/11/10 Page 5 of 49 Article II of the Montana Constitution: gZ S€ctlon 3.Inallenable g3 basic They include the right to a clean and healthful environment and the rights of pursuing life's g4 necessities, enjoying and defending their lives and liberties, acquiring, processin& and g5 protecting property, and seeking their safety, health and happiness in all lawful ways. In g6 enjoying these rightt all persons recognize corresponding responsibilities. g7 2. rights All persons are born free and have certain inalienable rights' Under the color of state law, two of more Defendants wished to achieve a criminal arrest gg record to reap ineparable damage to Plaintiffs employment, through the course of action 89 described in this complaint, the Defendants conspired to deprive the Plaintiff of his 90 constitutional rights, through one or more unlawful acts, and the Plaintiffhas incuned 91 substantial and actual damages as a result. gZ 3. 93 94 The Plaintiff had favorable disposition of all criminal actions in Ravalli County Justice Court matters pertaining to this case. 4, 95 Defendants acted with malice, callous indifference, and without equal protection or due process under the law which led to actual damages to the Plaintiff. FactualBackground & Cause of Actlon 97 5. 98 99 Plaintiff Spreadbury resided at 29L Cooper Lane in Hamilton, MT on and prior to October 10,2006 6. This property is located within the county limits of Ravalli County, State of Montana. Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 100 7. 2 Filed 05/11/10 Page 6 of 49 On or around July 23, 2006 Spreadbury obtained Sheriff Case#06A7V243 due to threats' 101 and criminal endangerment from neighbor Larry Robinson of 289 Cooper Lane 102 Hamilton, Montana. Defendant George Com rejected this case, in an effort to prosecute 103 SPreadburY. 104 8. 10s 106 Spreadbury took pictures of criminal endangerment, and fire hazard to Deputy Chris Culgan in July 2006. g. Deputy Culgan did not take action as a result of the fire hazard even though resPonse to tO7 seeing 1000 wood pallets stacked at 285 Cooper Lane endangering Plaintiff residence 10g stacked within an easement. Deputy Culgan's reaction to the pictures was "Oh, Wow". 109 10. Ravalli County Sheriff Department did not take action when flatbed semi-tnrck was 110 blocking Plaintiff fuiveway at29l Cooper Lane and photo evidence of such was 111 presented to them in July 2006. Lt2 I l. Spreadbury filed complaint about pallet burning, placement, and construction at 285 & 113 2E9 Cooper Lane, Hamilton MT with the Ravalli County sanitarian in summer 2006' !L4 Complaint also noted the inundation of smoke from the forklift working in the easement 115 at 285 Cooper Lane which was entering Spreadbury's home at29L Cooper 116 at the residence were shut to prevent smoke from entering. Lt7 Ln. Windows It was July 2006. 12. County Attorney Com and Ravalli County Sheriff Hoffman obstructed work of Ravalli l1s County Sanitarian to investigate and intervene in environmental hcalth, and fire danger at 119 285 Cooper Lane Hamilton, MT which resulted in Sanitarian resigning from her position' case L20 9:1 0-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Filed 05/1 1/1 0 Page 7 of 49 Miller took information to Ravalli County Deputy Chris Culgan that Denise Linell, 13. Mary L27 the domestic partner of Larry Robinson at289 Cooper Ln. was harassing her, slamming L22 front door at29L Cooper Lane and that she was too afraid to sleep in the house at29I 123 Cooper [,n. alone due to the harassment from Linell and the ongoing pallet operations t24 along the property tzs houble" by giving this information about Linell. L26 127 128 L29 130 14. Mary with 15. On line, Deputy Culgan asked Miller if Miller of 291Cooper Ln. on October a she "was trying to get someone in 10, 2006 had smoke allergies documented Corvallis, MT doctor, Dr. Y Courchesne. July l l, 2006 Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer signed executive order #34-06 determining the State of Montana to be in extremely dangerous ftre conditions. 16. On or about July 18, 2ffi6l.arrry Robinson stacked 1000 pallets along the property line lane and 291 Cooper l-ane Hamilton MT. The Stacks werc20 131 between 285 Cooper 132 high, 2 wide and 25 long. The pallets were up to the roof of Spreadbury's house, and 133 wcnt beyond the widrh of the house. The pallets were approximately 12" from29l 134 Cooper Ln. 135 136 17. The semi-truck blocked part of Cooper Lane and Spreadbury's driveway on or around July 18,2006 and is photographed. t37 18. Robinson had a burn pile upwind from Spreadbury's residence. 138 19. Robinson burned plastic dog houses, and whole and parts of wood pallets which were 139 determined to be treated wood as per the Ravalli County Sanitarian in20o7. case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 140 2 Filed 05/11/10 Page B of 49 20. On July 23,2006 Spreadbury gathered 10 signatures of proximity neighbors within 1/8 141 mi. of Larry Robinson's pallet production at289 and 285 Cooper Ln. (easement). L4Z Petition said Robinson's activities at 289 Cooper Ln. was a public nuisance' Spreadbury I4t submitted petition based upon Montana Code Title 45 (crimes) to Sheriff Hoffman, 144 County Attomey Corn, and Ravalli County clerk and recorder Plettenberg. I45 21. Ravalli County took no action. t46 22. Deputy Hochhalter came to Robinson's home one hour prior to a burning ban when a 147 large pallet bonfire was roaring. Robinson yelled at the Deputy that he had a "right" to 148 have a bonfire an hour prior to the county ban at midnight July 26, 2006. t4g 150 151 152 1S3 23. Robinsons bonfire was aflame until 3am luly 26, 2006 and was untended from 12:30am to 3arn. 24. Robinson was on municipal court restrictions and was yelling at a Ravalli County Deputy about his right to have bonfue at 1 lpm July25,2006. 25. Spreadbury left for a deployment to New York State (DR-1650-NY) for the Federal ts4 EmergencyManagement Agency (FEMA). Spreadbury's salary at FEMA was $60,804 tS5 in 2007. The Social Security Administration has set Spreadbury's redrement year to 1s6 204]0. 157 26. On September 18, 2006 Spreadbury wrcte Attomey General McGrath, and copied 15g Govemor Schweitzer about'bpholding his inalienable rights" with respect to healthy 15g environmenr and defending property. Concerns seen in Ravalli County as to the Sheriff case 9:1 0-cv-00049-DWM Document 160 Department were also expressed, 161 2 Filed 05/1 1/1 0 Page 9 of 49 Pafries. 1G2 2006 28. Robinson had pallets stacked consistent to July upon Spreadbury's return to 291 Cooper 165 166 faxed from a Hotel in Albany, NY to both 27. Spreadbury was given a 10 day retum home from the New York disaster in October, 163 164 Irtter Lane in October 2006. 29. Deputy Hochhalter showed indifference to situation at 285 Cooper Lane when he told 167 Spreadbury that he was 168 placed within a foot of his residence. 189 with 1000 pallets Spreadbury not to go each respective property. 31. Prior to t0 pm, Linell, residents at285 Cooper Lane were becoming intoxicated, and t7Z 173 about fire safety, 30. On October 10, 2006 at 5pm Deputy Lawrence Hochhalter warned Denise Linell, and 77O t7t 'irational" to be concerned were lighting fireworks at and around and within pallets stacked at property. 32. Linell was standing outside Plaintiff living room window and scared Mary Miller. She t74 off two large smoke grenades the size of small mayonnaise jars while the window was 175 open. tT6 777 33. Miller w:rs taken back, and inadvertently broke a glass which made the appearance that the living room window broke at29t Cooper Ln. 778 34. Sprcadbury exited the front door to drive off Linell. 179 35. Spreadbury warned Linell to leave the area. 9 lit case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Filed 05/11/10 Page 10 of 49 x80 36. Spreadbury repeated warning to Linell to leave the area. 181 37. Unell asked why she should leave. 182 38. Spreadbury hurled water glass in direction of Unell, while staying on Property, with 183 Linell 20 to 30 feet away in the dark. 184 39. Glass was re-directed away from Linell and broke on foundation of 285 Cooper Lane, 185 and no breakage was evident from the sound of the re-direction and resultant breaking 186 away from 187 Linell. Water glass was blunt, and therefore would not scratch 4O. Spreadbury feared for his and Linell's face. Miller's life due to proximity of combustibles, Iighting of 188 fireworks and smoke grenades and presence of Linell violating a verbal order of Sheriff 189 Deputy not to be at 291 Cooper l^ane property. 190 41. Conditions werc dark at 10pm on October 10,2006 and Spreadbury did not know 191 Linell had weapon t9z if living room window at 291 Cooper Ln. 193 194 195 as she stood under a Spreadbury's 42. Spreadbury did ascertain Linell's intoxication at catatonic at time of incident October 10, 2006. Intoxication brings unpredictable behavior such as looming under open windows. 43. Mary Millermade frantic 9ll phone call at approximately l0:l5pm October 10, 2006 to 196 Ravalli County Dispatch. In conversation, she mentions how county was letting this go L97 on all summer and was not doing anything about it. 198 199 44. Two Sheriff Deputy vehicles and rwo city vehicles arrive at 285 Cooper Lane within about 15 minutes of the 911 call. 10 Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 200 2 Filed 05/11/10 Page 11 of 49 285 45. Deputy Chris Albright and Spreadbury walked up the driveway and easement at 201 Cooper Ln. soon after law enforcement anived at 285 Cooper zo2 were in easement, and previously Ln' 1000 wood pallets lit fireworks littered the easement around the pallets' 203 46. Denise Linell swore at the Deputy, Spreadbury asked if Albright caught the comment 204 from Linell. The Deputy affrrmed he heard the foul language. Linell wasn't cited for 203 intoxication. 206 47. As Deputy Albright and Spreadbury came to the living room window of 291 Cooper Ln. 207 two large smoke grenades that were spent were found. Deputy Albright picked one up to 208 examine it. No smoke glenade was photographed or taken as evidence. 209 48. The Sheriff Deputies separated the parties at this point to take statements. 210 49. Deputy Albright talked to Spreadbury with Mary Miller right next to him as he was speaking to serve 2L1 272 50. a,s proxy witness to Spreadbury's testimony. $/hile speaking, Deputy Albright purposely swiveled the microphonc of his 2r3 communication unit (walkie-talkie on belt) to manipulate what would be taken for a 2L4 recorded transcript. He asked Spreadbury to re-say things because he did not "get them". 215 Deputy Albright was altering the taped testimony of Spreadbury at the scene. 2L6 51. Spreadbury stated that he was protecting his property, that he warned Linell twice to zL1 leave the property, and that he stayed on his property. None of these topics rnade it to the 218 official transcript at trial. Mary Miller is a witness to this activity. 11 case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 219 zzo Zzt 2 Filed 05/11/10 Page 12 of 49 rights within 52. protccting property and guarantee of a healthy environment are inalienable the Montana Constitution Article tr Section lII, Id. at 8l-86, or ProPerty 53. Montana HB 250 which protects individuals who are protecting themselves Ln' It was passed zzz was not passed ar time of the October 10, 2006 incident at285 Cooper ZZ3 in the Montana l,egislative session in 2009. This statute would have protected 224 SPreadburY. zzs 226 zZ7 54. Deputy Albright cited Spreadbury for misdemeanor assault on Octobcr 10, 2006 with ricket TK4G3068. Spreadbury wa.s defending his property with non-lethal force. 55. Linell was cited with one count of disorderly conduct, although Linell violated a verbal 2ZB order of law enforcement, was drunk in public, and swore at law enforcement. Maximum 2zg jail for Linell was l0 230 Z3t z3z days, compared to 180 days for Spreadbury. 56. Linell scratched her own face, and Deputy Hudson took pictures to be used in trial of Spreadbury. Plaintiff Spreadbury has never seen these photographs. 57. No Ravalli County deputy took pictures of smoke grenades, or cited Linell for 233 intoxication, or violating a verbal order given 5 hours earlier by Ravalli County Sheriff 234 Deputies. 235 58. SAFE of the Bitterroot (supporters of abuse free environments) wrote a letter to 236 Spreadbury on behalf of the Ravalli County Attorney asking Spreadbury to not contact 237 the victim in this case, Denise Linell of 289 Cooper Lane, Harrilton, MT. L2 Case g:10-cv-00049-DWM Document Z3g 2 Filed 05111/10 Page 13 of 49 for the 59. Spreadbury retained Sasba Brownlee of Hamilton, MT to rcprese nt Plaintiff for scrvices t]rough 239 citation. Spreadbury paid the retainer [ee, and signcd 240 appcai.RCAO assigned l.,aw Student Wetzsteo$ misreprescnted identity to Sprcadbury' a conBact z4L 60. Brownlee responded to the letlEr from SAFE on behalf of Spreadbury. 242 61. Wirbin 10 days of Oct. 10, 2006 incident, Spreadbury evacuated personal belongings and 243 furniture from 291 Cmper Ln due to dangerrrus fire conditions, threats from neighbors. ZU and no support from Ravalli 24s Storage, Hamilton, County, Two large storage units were rerted from A to Z MT for a period of ttrec months. 246 62. Spreadbury returned to New York (DR-165GNY) as a FBMA employee' 247 63. Spreadbury returned to Hamilton, MT in late December, 2006 and appeared before 248 24g Justice Bailey of Ravalli Justice Court on January '7,20A1. 64. Bill Fulbright, Deputy County Attorney in the course of the charge told 250 Brownlee that 25t Defense attorney This occurred in the spring of 200?. z5z "If this were anyone but Spreadbury, the charge would be dismissed." 65. FEMA refused to promote Spreadbury due to the pending charge. A request for 2S3 Spreadbury to renrrn to New York to a ncw disaster DR-1670-NY was not accepted due 254 to remaining in trainee status due to the pending charge. 2s5 66. Spreadbury's supervisor from New Yort at DR-1650-NY requested him personaily, zs6 which is the only way he could get work. The new work was EM-3270-CO tbe snow 257 emergency in Denver. Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 258 67. FEMA had Spreadbury 2 fill out a new security Filed 05/1 1/10 Page 14 of 49 questionnaire and asked very specific 259 colleague questions about the pending charge in March 2007' Spreadbury worked with a 260 held that had similar experience and was granted a promotion. Spreadbury was being 26L back at work due to the charge. 262 6E. The manager of the regional employees based in Denver became very suspicious of 263 Spreadbury due to the charge. She specificatly asked why she should use Spreadbury in 2U March 2007 265 aa the regional office. 69. The suspicion within FEMA affected his employment, ability to get work, and the delay 266 brought by Ravatli County was not understood by regional FEMA officials. The Director 267 of Infrastructure repair in Denver asked when this charge would be resolved in June 268 2W7. 269 70. On Spreadbury did not know how to arswer. April I 1,2W7 Spreadbury wrote a recall petition for Sheriff Hoffman and County 270 Attorney Corn. County Clerk and Recorder Regina Plettenberg did not review recall 27L petition for form. Petitions were sent to Flathead County Attorney Smith in Kalispell, 272 MT. 273 US Constitution was violated. Form of petition need only be substantially corect to pass 274 petition. Clerk Plettcnbcrg did not uphold Plaintiff right to petition government. 27s 276 7t. Spreadbury's right to petition his government as prescribed in Amendment I of the Spreadbury contacted Montana Attorney General office in April, 2007 fot second time about problem, hoping that intenention at higher level would resolve this issue. 74 case 2Tj i2. 9:1 0-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Filed 0511 1/1 0 Page 1 5 of 49 Ravalli County Atorney Kathy Seeleyo Assistant A$orney General attempted to contact zrg did r|ei lsswel Seeley's Corn about issue. Corn gave criminal history of Spreadbury, and z7g questions, or provide infcrrmation that was asked of him. zgo zst pleascs in 73. Seeley stated that rhe County Attorney, Corn has'bide latitude" to do as he a May 16,2007 letter to Spreadbury. ZsZ 74. Sceley dispAchcd the Deputy State Fire Marshall to 285 Cooper [-ane, Hamilton. zs3 was ?5. Deputy State Fire Marshall visited the site on October 12,2006. Hs stated tbat there 284 285 z8E definitely a fire violation to Sheriff Hoffman. 75. Deputy Fire Manhsll visited a second time to 285 Cooper I.n. and reportecl the continued violation to Sheriff Hoffnran. Pallets remained in place tfuough April 2007. zg7 7?. Sheriff Hoffman made policy decision to ignore stat€ fire codes, and took no action. ZBg 78. Tdal was set for July 31, 2007. Spreadbury stayed home for (4) four months for trjal, scr zng a retum 290 pending charge in Ravalli County, in violation of Spreadbury's state and federal rights' trip mid-projects would not be necessary. A loss of income resulted in the zgL 79. Motion to continue of July 3AZW7 by Corn and Futbright were utraware to Spreadbury. zgz S0. Fulbright's motion was denied, Corn's motion was granted. Motions were to continue zg1 Zg4 295 trial fium July 3 1,2W7 ad would violate Spreadbury'r right to speedy trial. El. BrownleE contacted Spreadbury antt said a continuance was ordered, without a date set, and no written date or continuance $hown to Sprcadbury. 15 case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Filed 05/11/10 Page 16 of 49 296 to South Dakota to 82. Spreadbury made himself available August 1,2007 and was deployed 297 approached DR-1?02-SD. On August 8,2009 Federal Coordinating Officer Sanborne 298 had issued Spreadbury and informed him he must go home immediately. Ravalli County 299 an arrsst wa11ant for contempt of court (found in title 3) which is not a crime, 300 Spreadbury retained Sasha Brownlec to represent hirn on the misdemeanor assault 301 charge. 302 303 83. Sasha Brownlee attempted u'rit of supervisory control, as well as a motion to dismiss' Both were denied on August 8,2007 byJusticeBailey. 304 84. Judgc Bailcy denied a motion for speedy trial, siuce Spreadbury appeared lan7,2007 and 30s trial was August 8, 2007. Brownlee determined that Spreadbury's right"s were not upheld' 306 Bailey also allowed evidence outside of discovery laws in Montana, spccifically the self 307 inflicted photograph of Linell, and all evidence submitted by law studcflt A. Wetzeon. 308 309 310 85. Angela Wetz.steon, a sscond year law student was a.rsigned to prosecute Spreadbury without a Montana Bar License for trial date August 8, 2007. 86. Discgvery was allowed broken by Justice James Bailey, allowing a self-inflicted injury 311 photo of Linell of 289 Cooper Ln., and all other evidence for prosecution. Most cases gLz would be dismissed due to this fatal judicial error, but Defendants conspired against 3X3 Plaintiff. 314 315 8?. Spreadbury returned to Missoula Intemational Airport August ll,?W . Mary Miller informed him of three RCSO attempting a warant at 3am that morning' 15 case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Filed 05/11/10 Page 17 of 49 316 assault' although 88. The Warrant mcntions that Sprcadhury must appcar for misdemeanor 3r7 Spreadbury was tricd in absentia on August 8,200?. Mcntion of Title 3 contempt 318 court was on the warant with TAG 0600104. Judge James Bailey issued and initialed 319 the area for day or night search, which is reserved for felony walTants. 320 89. of At 3am Augusr I1, 200? Deprrty Hochhalter, and Llnknown Ravalli county Deputies B,c 321 the without escort by Hamilton Police Department (HPD); the law enforcement with 322 at primary jurisdiction within the city of Hamilton, MT attempted to arrest Spreadbury 323 his new residence at 3 124 present. 325 326 g0. Mary Miller informed August ll,2p7. AM. A second attempt was made a few days later James Bailey that Spreadbury would not return with HPD until Saturday The Ravalli County Shcriff displayed their intent to seize Spreadbury' 327 91. Spreadbury went shopping for attorneys due to Sasha Brownlee terminating the contract' 3?8 No attorney wanted to take the case. Finally, Spreadbury signed aretainer with Matt 329 St€venson, who interned with 330 to Defendants. tip Ravalli County Attorney as a law student, well known 331 g2. Spreadbury had no idea that Steve.rrson would agree to the demand that Sprcadbur.v turn 332 himself in to something that was not a crirne, and effectively destroy his career with 333 FEMA. 334 335 93. Stevenson arranged with ttre bail bondsmau to "bosk and release" Spreadbury in the Ravalli County Jail n'l am Augus 16, 2W7. t7 Case 9:1 0-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Filed 05/1 1/1 0 Page 1 B of 49 94. Stevenson also tipped off to the Ravalli County Sheriff Spreadbury's havel plan to 336 Hamilton, Montanaon August 16,2AO7 at6-7am. 337 95. Spreadbury traveled to Harnilton from Missoula starting at 6am August 16,2447. In less 338 (D sheriff 339 than 20 miles within Ravalli County, Spreadbury was confronted with five 340 deputy vehicles along the highway; agrtating traffic by passing large groups of south 341 bound vehicles. The RCSO was showing their matce to the plaintiff upon atfempt to u2 comply with court. 343 96. Ravalli County Sheriff purposely attempted to aggravate and harass Spreadbury on August u4 L6,2W. Aflsr five 345 County Sheriff vehicles within 20 miles along one srerch of highway, at any tinre . 346 97. years of living in I'Iamilton, MT Spreadbury has ncvcr secn 5 Ravalli Spreadbury and driver were fearful of their lives with this law enforceinent activity at 6am 347 to 7am on Auggst 16,zCffl, Actions of Sheriff were specifrc, hamssing, and intimidating 348 to Spreadbury. Spreadbury w:rs singled out and targeted by Ravalli Counry Sheriff Office. 34e 98. co-signed the warrant with Deputy Cbris Albrigbt. 350 351 Sprcadbury was booked by Ravalli County on contempt charges on August L6,ZAU7 and 99. Sprcadbury paid the $660 bond on $5000.00 bail. Spreadbury, with national security 352 clsarance, ownership of homc, no prior criminal history, for contempr of court for having a 3s3 licensed rctained aitorney appear in court on his behalf. 354 100. kt September,2007 Judge Reardon acquitted Spreadbury of the contempt charge, Prior to 355 the hearing, Reardon and Stevenson arrived together at the court building after conferring 3s6 with George Corn, in the Ravalli County Attorney Office (RCAO). Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Filed 05/1 1/10 page 19 of 49 l0l' Matt $tevenson, after being paid a hefty retainer fee, wrote a motion for dismissal on 3s8 359 360 November 26,20[7, more than th.ree months after the trial in absentia on August 8, 2007. 102. Spreadbury hand wrote a letter to Stevenson asking for quick resolution of charges on August 23,2087. 361 l03.The Ravalli Rqubfc pubtiskd that Spreadbury was arrasted in the Sheriff blottcr on page 3 362 of the $eptember 12,2W7 edition. No charge designation was given in that publication. 363 Further, on September 10,2009 The Ravalli Republic published in a front page story that 364 Spreadbury was convictred of assault whea the rnatter had been dismissed by District Judge 365 Langton. In a February 19, 2010 front page article, The Ravalli Republic published for a 366 third time, and for a second time within a front page article that Spreadbury was convicted 367 of assault although the matter was dismissed due to 368 to July 13, 2009 the Ravalli Republic published Spreadbury'u conviction for the 2007 369 assault in two independent online commcnts at www.RavalliReopblig.gom. A July 13, 2009 370 lctter to Ms, Shcrri CulTan, L,ee Enterprise Corporatc Auorney, Spreadbury mentioned these 37r publications. The Republic cortinued to defanre Spreadbury even when notification of 372 publication errors was brought to the attention of this defendant. The notification only ?73 intensified defarnation, and Newspaper defendant is aoting with malice, and collaborated 374 with othcr Defendants. On May 10, 2010 a front page article included the ?007 information. 375 376 7m Amendment dght. tn the week prior 10f. In September, 2007 Spreadbury was awarded Exernplary Sewice which few in FEMA awarded with. Ravalli County robbed Spreadbury of a decorated 19 career due to malice. are Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 377 105. Spreadbury was terminated 2 Filed 0511 1/1 0 Page 20 of 49 from FEMA in November ,2W7 due to time sheet irregularity. 378 Spreadbury's supervisor signed off on his timesheets. FEMA did not want to deal with 379 waiting for charge to be resolved in Ravalli County after more thzrn 12 months. 380 106. Judge Langton, ordered a dismissal of the misdemeanor assault charge due to speedy trial 381 provisions on January 3, 2008. From time of incident to dismissal took 16 months. 382 107.The delay in bringing Spreadbury to trial, the unequal treatment, and deprivation of due 383 process along the way led to actual damages, and deprivation of Spreadbury's rights. Charees 384 Negligenc+Count I 386 108. Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs 1-107 of this complaint as if fully set herein. 387 109. County Attomey Corn, acting in his individual and official administrative duties assigned 388 Angela Wetzeon, a law student without a Bar License to prosecute Spreadbury's case. 389 110. Even if Corn did not direct Angela Wetzsteon to prosecute Spreadbury's case, as a head 390 391 manager of the office, Corn knew of should have known of Wetzeon's duties. 1l 392 393 Corn's actions constituted negligence as an administrator in the Ravalli County Attorney Office (RCAO) in Hamilton, MT. 112. As a result of the Corn's negligence, Spreadbury suffered actual damages. Negfigent Supervision and Training-Count 2 394 395 l. 1 13. Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs l-1 12 of this complaint as if fully set herein. 20 Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 396 I 14. County Attorney Corn 2 Filed 05/11110 Page 21 of 49 in his administrative duties showed malice by assigning Wetzsteon 397 to prosecute Spreadbury when Defendant was not fully trained, licensed, or supervised to 398 do so. Wetzsteon could not carry out proper conduct in court, compiling case against 399 Spreadbury, adhering to court deadlines, or properly submitting evidence to the court. 400 401 402 115. As a result, the county did not prosecute in "good faith" against Spreadbury, and Spreadbury suffered actual harm. I 16. Due to negligent supervision of Angela Wetzsteon, Spreadbury suffered actual damages. Abuse of hocess---Count 3 4O4 I 17. Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs l-l 16 of this complaint as if fully set herein. 405 ll8. Angela Wetzsteon commenced a criminal proceeding against Spreadbury with an ulterior 406 407 408 purpose of harming Spreadbury. 119. The proceeding was a willful acl on the part of the Wetzstfon, but not proper in the in the regular conduct ofthe proceeding due to: 409 a. A non-licensed attorney prosecuted the proceeding against Spreadbury 410 b. Spreadbury's state constitutional right to protect property was not upheld 4:-l c. Physical evidence at the scene, and protected speech from Spreadbury which 4t2 413 4t4 would have exculpated Spreadbury were excluded from the trial. 120. Due to Wetzsteon's abuse of process, Spreadbury suffered actual damages. Violation of Equal hotection/Amendment XIV--Count 4 z! Case 9:1 0-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Filed 05/1 1/1 0 Paqe 22 of 49 415 l2l. Spreadbuy repeats and realleges paragraphs l-1.2O of this complaint as if fully set herein. 416 122, As Counry Attorney Com assigns unlicensed attorney to pros€cute Spreadbury, rhis set$ municipal policy due to Com being the final policy maker in ths Ravalli County AttomCIy 417 418 Office ECAO). 419 I23, Corn 42O 124. Spreadhury suffered by this municipal policy due to not being offered equal protcction in 421 4zz 427 424 made this decision as an adminisuaror of the RCAO. tte criminal process in Ravalli Counry. 125. Due to this municipal policy, whichviolated Sprcadbury's 14fr Amendment rights to equal protection, Spreadbury suffered actual damages. Negligence--Count 5 425 126. Sprcadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs 1-125 of this complaint as if fully set hercin. 426 127. Bill Fulbright, RCAO acting in his administrative duties, had knowledge of, or reassigned 427 Angela Weucon to prosecute Spreadbury. 428 128. On August 8,200? Angela'Wetzsteon was not licensed in Montana to practice law. 429 129. As a result of Fulbright's negligence with respect to assigning a student to prosecute a casc 430 after Fulbright was assigned, Spreadbury suffered actual damages. Equal Protection violation/Amendment XIV--Count 6 432 130. Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs 22 I - 129 of this complaint as if fitlly se t herein. Gase 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 433 13l. Bill Fulbright, RCAO 2 Filed 05/11l10 Page 23 of 49 acting in his administrative capability making conversation with 434 Spreadbury's initial attorney indicated that 435 charges would be dropped." 436 "If this were any person besides Spreadbury, the 132. Due to Bill Fulbright's comment to Spreadbury's initial attomey Sasha Brownlee, it 437 showed that the RCAO is acting with malice to prosecute Spreadbury outside of his right to 438 equal protection under the law as is prcscribed in the 146 Amendment to the US 439 Constitution. MO Mt 133. Due to equal protection violation by Fulbright while conducting administrative duties, Spreadbury accrued actual damages. Iqiunctive relief sought RCAO-Count 7 443 134. Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs 4M 135. Bill Fulbright, and George Corn with full knowledge of his actions did write a motion to I- 133 of this complaint as if fully set herein. 445 continue trial beyond 6 months, and in bad faith prosecute Spreadbury lu:2007. 446 136. Bill Fulbright and Gcorge Corn did knowingly and intentionally violate the rights of 447 Spreadbury to his 7fr Amendment right to speedy trial, and equal protection l4thAmend. 48 137. hlbright acted with malice due to knowing that no evidence was prepared nor presented 49 for discovery by the RCAO; tampered evidence was knowingly used against Spreadbury. 450 451 138. In the July 3O,2OUI motion, one day prior to trial, Fulbright states that the "victim" Ms. Linell was out of town. 23 Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 4s2 2 Filed 05/11/10 Page24 of 49 139. RCAO did ask Judge Bailey for discovery outside of tlre deadlines set by the court which 453 were granted. Due to the malice arrd cooperation required with ths Judge, County Sheriff 454 to deprive the Plaintiff s rights, injunctive relief is being sought from the District Court. 455 140. This issue is a ca.se, and controversy, and the RCAO has initiated more action against the 4s6 Plaintiff, and has more than reasonable belief it will continue in the firturc 457 Court intervention through permanent injunctive relief is grantcd. 458 I41. Injunctive rclief will benEfit the Plaintiff, and Plaintiff has standing for unl.ess Federal these r€asons: 459 Plaintiff 460 Plaintiff is in "efitraordinary circumstans&!"'exception which would enjoin into ongoing 46L stale proceedings due to bad faith prosecution, harassment, and indepcndent violation 462 Plaintiffs protected speech, and peaceful assembly under the l*t Arnendment. Defendants 463 are retaliating against 4U tribunal bias" exists for 465 Judge made false allegations and is being protected by SUte ludges. The extent of the state 466 tribunal bias is to the Chairman of the Montana Judicial Standands Comnission. 467 ha.s current controveriy or case and grounded belief of fuaue harm by RCAO. Plaintiff s exercise of constitutional rights. Further, of a "manifest state Plaintiff Piaintiff sought public office; ex-wife of cufitnt State Iduncdvc reltef--Justice Bailey, Ravalli County Justlce Corrt...Count t 468 142. Spreadbury repeats and reallcges paragraphs 1-141 of this complaint as if fully set herein. 469 143. Justice Bailey allowed a non licensed attorney to practice law in his court. This fact was 470 brought up by Defense attorney Brownlee prior to Aug 8, 2007 trial. 24 Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 471 2 Filed 05111/10 Page 25 of 49 144. Justice Bailey insisted that Plaintiff was "arrested" prior to making an appearance in his 472 court. The insistence and cooperation by the Defendants was terminal to Plaintiffs career 473 with FEMA. 474 145. Justice Bailey wrote an arrest warrant for contempt of court, when an attorney was prEsent 475 on behalf of Spreadbury. It falsely stated thar "the Defendant (Spreadbury) must stand trial 476 for misdemeanor assault", when Spreadbwy was tried in absentia. 477 146. Further, Justice Bailey initialed the area where law enforcement could execute this warrant day or night, something not allowed formisdemeanor warrants. This is an act of malice. 478 479 147 . 148. Bailey also denied a motion for former police officer and knew what he 7th Amendment speedy trail when time expired for this case clearly violated Spreadbury' s rights. 482 483 a was doing in initialing the order to have Spreadbury seized at night. 480 48t It is an act of malice due to Justice Bailey being 149. To allow evidence at such a late date (day of trial) outside of discovery also shows malice intent ofjudiciary. 484 150. To continue a trial to catch Spreadbury out of state was act of malice. 486 15l. The cooperation of the RCAO, RCSO, and judiciaryin Ravalli Countyis something that 487 the Spreadbury is in jeopardy of having future constitutional violations create harm. 488 152. Due to the application of article III of the US Constitution, the likelihood of future issues 489 with the Defendants make this claim for permanent injunctive relief by the Plaintiff have 490 standing with this court. 25 Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Filed 05/11l10 Page 26 of 49 49L 153. The Plaintiffbelieves the judiciary of Ravalli County will act will malice in the future. 492 Plaintiff has standing due to current case or contioveny and belief of future harm. Negligence-Count 9 493 494 495 496 154. Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs l- 153 of this complaint as if fully set forth herein. 155. Angela Wetzsteon, a law student acting under the color of law, and in her individual 497 capacities did prosecute a criminal case against Spreadbury. 498 156. Wetzsteon was not employed by the RCAO as a prosecutor. 499 157. For prosecuting a case without proper licensure, oath of conduct, Wetzsteon was negligent 500 501 in her actions for the RCAO. 158. Due to negligence by the student assigned to be prosecutor, Spreadbury suffered darnages. Fraud/Misrepresentation-Count 503 504 505 506 507 508 10 159. Spreadbury repeats and realleges pamgraphs 1-l5E of this complaint as if fully set fonh herein. 160. Angela Wetzsteon, in representing herself as a prosecutor defrauded Spreadbury the rights, ethics, and protections that a fully qualified prosecutor could provide. 161. Wetzsteon violated the Montana Bar Association code of ethics for representing a fully licensed attomev. 26 Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Filed 05/11/10 Page 27 of 49 509 162. Action of Defendants allowing Wetzeon to de&aud tlr court and misrepresent her legal 510 status dcprived Sprcadbury a fair trial and other common law pnotcctions. 511 163. Due to the &aud and misrcpresentation by Wetzsteon, Spreadbury suffered actual damagcs. Sreacb of ContrncUMisreprmentatlon--Curnt 512 513 514 515 515 517 519 519 Ll 164. Spreadbury repeats and rcallcges paragraphs l-163 of this complaint as if fully set forth herein. 165. Matt Stevenson was retaincd by Spreadbury to defcnd him with rEspect to a misdemeanor assault in August 2007. 166. Sterenson did not prcvent the seizure of Spreadbury for a civil contempt charge which is not a crime. 167. Stevenson did not object to Ravalli CountySheriff Deputies attempting to seize Spreadbury 5f0 at 3am August 11,2W7 on a fictitious misdemeanor warrant which cannot be executed in 521 the middle of the night" Spreadbury lives in the city of Haarilton who had primary 522 jurisdiction and Hamilton Police were not present at warrant execution. 523 168. Stevenson delayed requesting dismissal of TK-06-3068 (misdemeanor assault) against 524 Spreadbury for approximately 3 months. Motion for dismissal was tEceived by Ravalli 525 Counry District Court on November 26,2007. 526 527 169. Stevenson did not object to the delay by Justice l-angton who issued an order on January 3, 20S to dismiss TI(-06-3068 on grounds of epeedy trial. 27 Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 528 2 Filed 05/1 1/1 0 Paqe 28 of 49 170. Stevenson acted in color of state law duc to collusion with Ravalli County Attomey in 529 obtaining Spreadbury's arrest, which was objective of Defendants, 530 l7l. Stevenson was in collusion with Iudge Reardon, who walked from Corn's office prior to 531 the hearing regarding contempt in Reardon's municipal courL 532 172. For misrepresenting services as defense attorney, Sprcadbury was harrred. 533 173. For allowing Spreadbury to be arrested for something that is not a crime, Steverrson 534 misrepresantd his senices to Spreadbury and caused actual damages. Abuse of hocess---Count 535 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 1.2 174. Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs l-173 of this complaint as if fully set forth hcrein. 175. Sheritr Chris Hoffman acting under the color of law and in his individual capabilities did overs€e the Ravalli County Sheriff Office (RCSO) in 20O6 through 2008. 176. The RCSO did act in callous indifference to Spreadbury in invcstigating case #06070243 against lany Robinson of 289 Cooper Lane Hamilton, MT. 177. The RCSO was willful in investigating Spreadburl, and flnding and fabricating evidence against Spreadbury which was improper. 178. The investigation was willftrl in the use of process, not propcr in the regular conduct of the investigation of Sp'readbury. 179. Due to Sheriff Chris Hoffman's abuse of process, Spreadbury has incurred damagcs. Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Filed 05/11/10 Page 29 at 49 l{egligence--Couot 13 547 54E 180. Sprcadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs 1-1?9 of this complaint as if fully set herein. 549 181. Sheriff Chris Hoffman, in colorof law and in his individual capacities did make policy by 550 rejecting suggestions of Montana Deputy State Fire Marshall Dick Larson with respect to 551 Spreadbury complaint. Hoffinan did 552 182. Hofftnan is policymaker as head of RCSO. 553 183" By making new policy, HotTman acted negligently towards Spreadbury. 554 184. As a result of this negligence by Hoffrnan, Spreadbury suffered actual dnrnages. noC uphold State Fire Laws. 1'r Amendment 556 Vlolation--Count 1.4 185. Spreadbury rcpcats and realleges Paragraphs I-184 of this complaint as if fully set fotth 557 herein. 558 186. Depury Albright, under the color of [aw, and in his individual capabilities did manipulate 559 his cornrnunication unit to alter the transcript of the conversation wjth Spreadbury on 560 October 10.2006. 561 187. Deputy Albright r*as following custom of law enforcement to swivel a knob on a hand held 562 communication dcvice which records a susDsct's communication in a law cnforcement 563 situation. 564 565 I88. The practice of ranscript rranipulation by swivcling a knob on a law enforcement device was @artment wide, andprevalent in it's application wirhin ?9 the RCSO. Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 566 2 Filed 05/1 1/1 0 Page 30 of 49 189. The transcript used in trial was altered from true speech by Spreadbury. Protecting 567 Property, and warning Linell twice prior to engaging neighbor by Spreadbury was missing. 568 This exculpatory evidence went missing, and was witnessed by Mary Miller of 291Cooper 569 Lane, Hamilton, MT on October 10, 2006. 570 571 190. Deputy Albright, and RCSO showed malice in practicing custom of altering speech of Spreadbury to assist Defendants to convict Spreadbury of misdemeanor assault. 572 191. Practiceof custombyRCSOdeprivedSpreadburyof freedomof speechasprotectedin l*t 573 Amendment to the US Constitution. Spreadbury suffered actual damages as a result. Equal hotection violation/Amendment XfV--Count 15 574 575 576 577 578 579 192. Spreadbury ropeats and realleges Paragraphs 1-191 of this complaint as if fully set forth herein. 193. Under the Color of Law, Deputy Albright did not offer Spreadbury equal protection in processing the crime scene at 285 Cooper Lane, Hamilton on October 10, 2006, 194. By allowing Linell freedom from violating a verbai order from RCSO five hours earlier, 580 the proximity of two smoke grenades, use of foul language with Deputies, and intoxication, 581 Deputy Albright did not offer equal protection to Spreadbury. 582 583 584 585 195. Deputy Albright demonstrated indifference towards Spreadbury in not affording equal protection to Spreadbury on October 10, 2006. As a result, Spreadbury suffered damages. Fraud/Misrepresentation- -Countl6 196. Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs 1-195 of this complaint 30 as if fully set herein. Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 586 587 2 Filed 05/11l10 Page 31 of 49 197. Deputy Albright acting under color of law did misrepresent his duties as a sheriff deputy on October 10,2006. 588 198. Deputy Albright did alter a taped convenation with Spreadbury 589 199. Deputy Albright did alter the collection of evidence to implicate Spreadbury. 590 200. Deputy Albright did alter the actual course of events to implicate Spreadbury. 591 201. Deputy did give indications that he was conducting 592 a proper investigation of the incident at 285 CooperLane Hamilton, MT on October 10,2006. 593 202. Deputy Albright did not take into consideration of case ffi607}2$ in favor of Spreadbury. 594 203, Deputy Albright misrepresented his role 595 596 597 598 599 as a Sheriff Deputy to impartially investigate criminal incidents in Ravalli County Montana on October 10, 2006. 204. Deputy Albright conducted an intentional deprivation of Spreadbury's rights in his conduct at2S5CooperLaneonOctober 10,2006. 205. As a result of the deliberate conduct to misrepresent facts, Deputy Albright harmed Spreadbury, this misrepresentation caused Spreadbury actual damages. Fraud/Misrepresentation--Charge 17 601 206, Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs 1-205 of this cornplaint as if fully set forth 602 herein. 503 Deputy Hudson did misrepresent his duties as a Sheriff deputy on October 10, 2006. 31 Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 604 207. Deputy Hudson did misrepre$ent 605 606 a situation 2 Filed 05/1 1/1 0 Page 32 of 49 with a photograph to implicate Spreadbury for misdemcanor assault. 208. Depury Hudson documentcd e vidence that wa.s a misrepresentation of actual facts' Linell, W7 of 289 Cooper Lane did defraud Spreadbury by scratching her own face on October 10, 608 2006. 609 209. This evidence was used in a court of law to implicate Spreadbury. 610 210. The intentional misrepr*entation by Depury Hudson caused Sprcadbury actual danages' Improper Selzure AfrempU 4e Anrendment-Curnt 18 611 612 211. Spreadbury repests and reallegss paragraphs 1-210 of this complaint 613 6L4 as if fully set forth herein. 212, Ravalli County Deputy Hoehhalter, under the color of lawn did attcmpt to seize Sprcadbury 615 at Q3ffihours at Plaintiff.s residence in Hamilton on August 616 warrant for Title 3 of the Montana Code Annotated (MCA). l.l, 2007 with a contempt 6t7 213. Title 3 of the MCA does notcontain crimes. 618 214. A misdemeanor warrant cannot be executed in the middle of the night at 3 AI4. 619 215. The Harrilton Police Dcpartment ([PD) was not assisting the RCSO in this seizure attempt 620 621 although the HPD have original jurisdiction- 216. As a result of anempts by Deputy Hmhhalterto scize Spreadbury in violation of Montana 6?;2 Law, law enforcement practicg judicial standards, and written text on warrant with ?AG 32 Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Filed 05/11l10 Page 33 of 49 623 06100104 dared U8f2007 and issued byJustice Bailey, it violated Spreadbury's fourth 624 amendmentright ro be secure against unreasonable seizures by government officials- 2l?. 526 2 Paragraph 216 shows an acnral malice shown towards Sprcadburyby Deputy Hochhalter' 18. As a result of an attempt to seize Spreadbury by Depury Hochhalter, the action violated 627 Spreadbury's right to renain &w of being seired by law enforcement officials as conlained 628 in the40 Amen&nent to the United States Constitution- 629 630 219. Spreadbury suffered acrual clamages 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 of tlre improper seizure ettemPt on August Ll, 2W1 by Deputy Hoctrhalter. Negfigence-.Count 19 631 632 as a result 220. Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs l-220 of this complaint as if fully set forth herein. 221. Deputy Hocbbalter under the color of law, acted with malice in executing when it a warrant at 3am was for contempt of court, a civil code in Montana, or a misdemeanor at worst. 222. Hoctrbalter acted with negligence when he knew, or should have known that Title 3 warrants are not acrirne, snd misdemeanor warrants are not served day or night. 223. As a result of the negligence cxhitrited by Deputy Hochhalter, Spreadbury sufferd actual damages. 640 641 33 Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 224. Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs I to 223 of this complaint 544 645 against Spreadbury on August 226. Theexecution 652 653 lL,zffi7 with an ulterior purpose. as described in paragraph 225 was a willful act in the use of process not prcper in the regular conduct of warant execution. 227. D4te to the Defendant abuse of process, Spreadbury has incurred danages. Improlrcr Seizure AttempU 4fi Amendment-Count 21 650 651 if fully sst forth 225. Deputy Hochhalter under the color of law, commenced an execution of an arrest warrant 648 Ug as within. 640 647 Filed 05/11/10 Page 34 of 49 Abuse of Process"'Count 20 642 643 2 228. Spreadbuy repeats and realleges paragraphs l-227 of this complaint as if fully set forth herein. 229. Unknown Ravalli County Deputy B, under the color of law, did attempt to seize 654 Spreadbury at 0300hours at Plaintiff 655 contempt walrant for Title 3 of the Montana Code Annotated (MCA). s residence in Hamilton on August 71,2Co7 with a 656 230. Title 3 of the MCA does not contain crimes. 6s7 237. A misdemeanor warrant cannot be executed in the middle of the night at 3 AI\'1. 658 232. TheHamilton Police Department 659 (IfD) was not assisting the RCSO in this seizure attempt although the IIPD have original jurisdiction. 34 Case 9:10-cv-0004g-DWM Document 660 2 Filed 05/'11l10 Page 35 of 49 Montana 233. As a result of attempts by Unknown Deputy B to seiz,e Spreadbury in violation of 661 662 663 with TAG Law, law enforcement practice' judicial standards' ard wtitten text on wrrant 06100104 dated 8/E/200? and issued by Justice Bailey, it violated Spreadbury's fourth amendrnent right to be secure against unreasonable scizures by government officials. 6@ 234. Paragraph 233 shows an actual rnalice shown towards Spreadbury by Unknown Deputy E' E6s 235. As a result of an attempt to seize Spreadbury by Unknown Deputy B, the action violated 666 667 668 669 Spreadbury's right to remain free of being seized by law enfsrcement officials as contained in ttre 4tr Arneadment to the United States Constitution- 236. Spredbury suffered actual dauages as a result of the improper seizure altempt on August 11, 200? by Unknown Deputy C. Negfigence--Count 22 670 671 23?, Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs l-236 of this complaint as if fully $et fonh 67? herein. 67t 238. Unknown Deputy B uuder the color of law acted with malice in executing a warrant at 3am 674 when it was for contempt of court, a civil code in Montana, or a misdemeanor at worst, 67s 676 677 678 679 239. Ur*nown Deputy B acted with negligence when he knew, or should have known that Title 3 wanants are not a crime, snd misdemeanor warrants ar€ not served day or niglU. 240. As a result damages. of the negligence exhibiled by Unknown Deputy B, Spreadbury srdfered actual case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Filed 05/11/10 Page 36 of 49 Abuse of Procrss'-Count 23 681 682 6g3 684 6g5 686 GB7 241. Spreadbury repeats and reallcges paragraphs 690 691 of ttris complaint as if fully set forth hercin, 242, Unknown Deputy B under the color of law did commence an execution of an affest warrant against $preadhury on August 243. Theexecurion as I1,2W7 with an ulterior purpose. described in paragraph ?AZwas a willful act in tho use of process nd prcper in rhe rcgular condrct of execution' 244. Due to ttre Defendant atruse of process, Spreadbury has incuned actual damages' Improper $eizurt AtternpU 4s Amendment-Count 24 688 689 1 to 240 245. Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs l-244 of this complaint as if fully set forth herein. 246. Unknown Ravalli County Deputy C, under the color of law, did attempt to seize' 692 Spreadbury at O300hours at Plaintiffresidence in Hamilton on August 693 lI,zW'l tvith a conternpt warrant for Title 3 of the Montana Codc Annotat d (MCA). 694 2a7. Title 3 of thc MCA does not contain crimes. 695 248. A misdemeanor warrant cannot be cxecuted in the middle of the night at 3 AM. 696 249. TheHamilton Police Departmcnt 697 (IfD) was not assisting the RCSO in this seizure attempt although the HPD harrc original jurisdiction. 36 Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 698 250. As a result of attempts 2 Filed 0511 1/1 0 Page 37 of 49 by Unknown Deputy C to seize Spreadbury in violation of Montana 699 Law, law enforccment practice, judicial standards, and written text on wafiant with TAG 7oo 06100104 deted 8/E/2007 and issued by Jusrice Bailcy, it violated Spreadbury's fourth 7oL arnendment right to be secure against unreasonable seizures by government officials. 7OZ 251. Paragraph 250 shows an actual malice shown towards Spradbury by Unknown Deprty C- 7O3 ?52. As a result af an attempt lo seize Spreadbury by Unknown Dcputy C, the action violated 7u Spreadbury's right to remain free of being seized by law enforccnrcnt officials as contained 7os in the 4tr Ampndapnt to the United States Constitution. 7OG 253. Spreadbury 7O7 ll,zW suffered rc.hral damages as a rcsult of tte improper scizure attemg on August by Unknown Deputy C. Negligence-..Count 24 709 7tO 7LL 7t2 7L3 7I4 7t5 7t6 717 254. Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs 1-253 of this complaint as if futly set forth herein. 255. Unknown Deputy C under the color of law acterl with malice in exccuting a warrart at 3am whcn it was for contcmpt of court, a civil code in Montana, 256. Unknown Deputy C acted with negligence when he knew, or $hould have known that Title 3 wartants arc not a crime, and misdemeanor warrant$ are not scrved day or night. 257, As a result of the negligence exhibited by Unknown Deputy C, Spreadbury suffered actual damages. Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 7t8 2 Filed 05/11/10 Page 38 of 49 Abuse of hrocess--Count 25 719 258. Spreadbury 72O within. 721 repea0s and rcalleges paragraphs against Spreadbury on August 723 260. The execution a.s described 725 728 729 730 ll,2W with an ulterior pupose. in paragraph 259 was a willful act in the use of process not prcper in the regular conduct of cxecution. 261,. Due to Unknowtr Deputy C abuse of process, Spleadbury has incurred damages. 716 727 to 25? of this cornplaint as if fully set forth 259. Unknown Deputy C under the color of law commenced an executioa of an arrest warrant 727. 724 I Dofamafion and Ilefamation Per Ss-Count 26 262. Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs I-261 of this cornplaint as if fully sst forth herein. 263. Defendants provided false and unprivilegsd information to thp Ravalli Republic Newspaper in Hamilton, MI falsely ltathg that Spreadbury had been arrested with due causa. 731 264. The continued publication of this information constituted defamation pet se. 732 265. The continrred publication of the anrst caused defarnation of Spreadbury. 733 266. As a result of the multiple instances of defamation, and dcfamation per se by The Ravalli 734 Republic, Spreadbury suffcrcd actual damages. 735 736 38 Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 739 740 741 742 743 Filed 05/11l10 Paqe 39 of 4g Negligencr..-Counl 27 717 738 2 267. Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs 1-266 of this complaint as if fully sst forth herein. 268. Thc Ravatli Republic Newspaper did publish that Spreadbury was arrested wheir Title 3 of the Montana Code does not contain crimes. 269. The Ravalli Republic Newspaper knew or should have known that Spreadbury was tried on August 8,2ffi7 and thus did nct need to *face trial for misdemeanor assault". 744 270. Witb respect to conduct, by the Ravalli Republic contained in paragraphs 268 and 269, this 745 746 747 748 can be constnred as mulriple instaoces of rre.gl.igence with malice intent 271. The Ravalli Republic Newspaper acted in color of state law by assisting the Defendants obtain their goal of Spreadbury's arrest by publishing that information multiple timcs. 272. As a result of negJigence by the Ravalli Republic, Spreadbury has suffered damages. 749 750 751 752 753 Grcss Misconduct/Ir{egligence Count 2E 273. Spreadbury repeals and realleps paragraphs I-272 of this complaint as if fully set forth herein. 274. The Ravalli Republic Newspaper did publish false information five (5) times subscribcd in[ as is 103. 754 275. Pubtication of information this is known or should have been known to be false is gross 755 misconduct and negligence, and evidence of malice intent. . Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Filed 05/11110 Page 40 of 49 7sE 276' As a result of the gross misconduct by th Ravalli Republic, Spreadbury 757 damages. 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 suffered actual Abuse of hocs-{ount 29 277. Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs 1-2?6 of this complaint as if fully ser fortb herein. 278. SAFE of the Bitterroot commenced a prooeeding against Spreadbury with an ulterior purpose. 279. The proceeding wac a willful act in the use of process not proper in the regular cnnduct of the proceeding. 765 280. SAFE of the Bitterroot acted in color of state law by speaking on bchalf of the RCAO. 766 281, SAFEof the BittcrrootcontactedSpreadburyastheperpetratoragainstLincllin 767 282, Due to SAFE of the Bitterroot's 769 283. Spreadbury repeats and rcalleges 77L 772 of process, Spreadbury suffered actual damages. Negligence Per 768 770 abuse 10/2006. SpCount 30 paragraphs l -282 of this complaint as if t'ully set forth tprein. 2&{. The RCSO failed to prot€ct Spreadbury as a uurpayer, and resident of Ravalli County, Montana. 773 285. Law eaforcement is there to protect people from halm, dangers, and crirne. 40 Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Docurnent 2 Filed 05/11110 page 41 of 4g 774 286. Spreadbury made good faith effort to infonn the RCSO of dangers from pallet operarion, 775 and activities that endangercd Sprcadbury by personncl who rcsi& at 289 Cooper Lane. n6 287. Rsvalli County tailed to prdect Spreadbury from harm. 777 288. As a rpsult of this failure, RCSO canstirurional deprivarions constitu0ed negligence per se. 778 289. As a result of RCSO negligcnce por se, spreadbury had acnral damages. NcgHgeace Per Se--Count 780 781 782 783 7U 785 3I 290, Spreadbury repeats and rcallegcs paragraphs l-289 of this complainr as if fully set forth herein. 291. The RCAO failed to protect Spreadbury as a trD(payer, and rcsident of Ravatli County, Montana. 292. h county attorney office is there to prosecute persons who violate the law, not those who follow it, and provide information for the betterment of tbe comrnunity. 786 293. The county attomcy office is paid for by fiupayers to protect them not victimize them. 787 294. The RCAO violations of common law, ethics, and properconduct damaged Spreadbury. 788 295. As a result of the RCAO intcntional deprivations, and negligence psr se, Sprcadbury 7Eg suffered actual darnnges. Malidous Procecutfun/Anrerdntent IV--Count 32 790 7gt 792 296. Spreadbury rep€ats and realleges paragraphs l-295 of this complaint as if fully set forth herein. 4t Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Filed 05/11l10 Page 42 of 49 793 297. A judicial preeeding was commenced and prosecuted against Spreadbury. 794 298. Defendants were responsible for instigating, prosecuting, and/or conrinuing the proceeding. 795 299, The Defendants acred with malice towards Spreadbury. 796 3ffi. 797 301. The judicial proceedings terminated favorably for Spreadbury in 200? and 2008. 798 302. As a result of the Dcfendants actions, Spreadbury suffered rchral damages. The Defendants acted without probable cause. Nqligence--Count 33 8m 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 303. Spreadbuxy repeats and reallegrs paragraphs I -302 of this cornplaint as if fully set forth herein. 3Ot. Deputy Culgan did not take information that Spreadbury or Miller presented to him to protect eit[erparty. 305. Miller gave information about harassment from Linell, and the pallct danger to her household at29l Cooper [.ane. 306. Spreadbury showed Culgan photographs of the tue dangcr which gained the responsc of 'bt1 wow" and yet did not take action on Spreadbury's behalf. 307. Spreadbury told Culgan that Miller was too at'raid to sleep in the residence at 291 Cooper Ln and he would be gone for an extended perid of time. Culgan refused to take action. 308. Spreadbury asked for a Sheriffcase to be opened concerning the threats, the smoke intu.sion into the residence, and the fire hazard. Culgan rcfused. 42 case 9:1 0-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Fited 05/1 1/1 0 page 43 of 49 812 309. With the infonnation that Spreadbury could ask the US Attomey for assisrance due to 813 being deployed as a federal officer, Culgan rhen relented and opened case+1060?0243. 814 310. Under the color of law, Deputy Culgan's actions constituted negligence. 815 3 t 1, fu a result of the ne$igence fiom Depury Culgan, Spreadbury suffered actual damages. Abuse of h,ocess--Count 33 817 312. Sprcadbury repeais and realleges paragraphs 1-311 of this complaint 818 as if fully set forth herein. 819 313. County Clerk Regina Plettenberg, under the color of law commenced a recall p€tition 820 analysis for Spreadbury with an ulterior objective. Defendants subject to recall 821 wcrc prcsented to Plettenberg. 822 making analysis of Recall Petitions 3 prescribed by Montana Law. Equal Protection/Amendment XIY {ount 316. Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs 1-3l5of this complaint 827 828 as 15. Due to Ms. Plettenbe rg's abuse of process, Spreadbury has incune d actual damagcs. 825 B?g ?0 314. Thc analysis was a willful act in the use of process of not proper in the regular conduct of 823 824 inl 35 as if fully set forth hcrein. 3l?. Rcgina Pletrenberg, under color of law, did treat Sp'readbury outside tle guidelines of The 829 Montana Recall Act wlren making analysis of petitions trled against Defcndants George 830 Conr, and Cbris Hoffrnan on or around April I l, 2.007. Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Filed 05/11l10 Page 44 of 49 831 318. Recall petitions must be substantially similar to form, but not exact. 832 319. Plettenberg did not check the form of Spreadbury's petitions. 833 320. Plettenberg sent petitions to Flathead County Deputy Attorney Smith for legal review. 834 321. Le,gal review is reserved for completed petitions, prior to placement on ballot for Recall of 835 s36 837 838 public officials. Clerk Plettenberg was directed by the RCAO Defendants about petitions. 322. Plettenberg treated petitions differently, which violates Spreadbury's right to l4d' amendment protections under the US Constitution 323. Due to equal protection violations by Plettenberg, Spreadbury suffered actual damages. Right to Petition GovernmenUAmendment l---Charye 36 839 840 84L 324. Spreadbury repeats 844 845 s l-323 of this complaint as if fully set forth herein. 842 325. Plettenberg 843 and realleges paragraph in her capacity as County Clerk did not allow Spreadbury to petition his government for a redress ofgrievances. 326. Due to not having the ability to petition the government Spreadbury's first amendment right was violated. 846 327. Due to the violation of Spreadbury's right to petition a govemment by Plettenberg, 847 848 849 Spreadbury suffered achral damages. Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document Spcedy TrlaU Amcndmeat 850 851 852 853 2 Filed 05/11l10 Page 45 of 49 YII-Count 37 328. Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs I-32? of this complaint as if fully set forth hercin. 329. Defendants did rot protec( Spreadbury's right to speedy rrial as prosecution progressed. 854 330. As a result of the proeecution, speedy trial right was exceeded by tlre Defendants. 855 331. A$ a result of the speedy uial violation in I 329,330 Spreadbury suffered etual damages. Excessive BaiUAmendment 857 858 Ym-Count 38 332, Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs 1-331 of this complaint as if fully set forth herein. s59 333. Law Student Wetzeon acting under color of law, requested excessive bail at trial of 860 $5000.00 for contsmptof court which Spreadbury did not effect. nor is a crime. 861 334. Spreadbury owned home in community, no prior criminal convictions, and had national 862 public trust position with security clearance, and credible 863 Spreadbury was a deploye.d federal officer to a national disaster. re ason to be away from court, 864 335. Bail is set to assure app€araflce at tdel. Sprcadbury retained Brownlee to appear at tial for 865 him for misdemeanor rcpr€sentation. Ms Brownlee did attend trial on E|A0f for Plaintiff. 865 336. Spreadbury never missed n court dale, and warrant with excessive bail wa.s requested and g67 issued with malie. This acrion violated the 86 Amend.nent of ttp US Constitution. 45 Case 9:1 0-cv-00049-DWM Document 868 809 870 87t 337. Due to excessive bail requirement, which was 874 875 876 877 Filed 05/1 1/1 a goal 0 Page 46 of 49 of Defendants, deprived Spreadbury of his 86 Amendmenr Constitrutional rights. 338. Due to Wetzeon violating Spreadbury's eighth Amendmcnt rights, Spreadbuy had acrual damages. 872 873 2 False ArresUAmendment IY--Curnt 39 339. Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs 1-338 of this complaint as if fully set forth herein. 340. Arrest waffant of August 8, 2007 with TAG 061001M did not $tat€ a crime, misdemeanor orfelony. 341. Sprcadbury retained $asha Brownlee a.s representative counsel to represent him for 878 misdemeanor assaultn which was charged with malice against Montana common law in 879 Article II Section TII. Id, ct 80; inalienable state right to protect and defend property. 880 342. Spreadbury did not fail to appear due to retaincd legal counsel appearing at August 8, 2007 881 trial, SashaBrownlee of Bnownlee Law Offices, Hamiltoo, MT 882 343. Defendants conspired in color of law to anest Spreadbury with malice. 883 344. Due to False firest on August 16,2(W Spreadbury suffere.d actual damages. hrnldve Ilamages -Count 40 885 S86 345. Spreadbury repeats and realleges paragraphs t-344 of this complaint herein. as if fully set forth Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 887 346. George H. Com in his administrative role 2 Filed 05/11/10 Page 47 of 49 as County Attomey exhibited callous 888 indifference and malice towards Spreadbury by assigning a law student to prosecute him. 889 Corn also displayed malice by rejecting Plaintiff public nuisance petition and Sheriff case. 890 347. Sheriff Chris Hoffman exhibited callous indift'erence and malice towards Spreadbury in 891 rejecting State Fire Marshall's suggestion to site Larry Robinson for fire violations. E92 348. Cbris Culgan exhibited a callous indifference to Spreadbury's constitutional, scatutory, and 893 corlmon law rights. 894 349. Lawrcnce Hochhalter exhibited a callous inditTerence and 895 to Spreadbury's statutory, and common law rights. 896 350. Deputy Hudson exhibited 897 a callous indifference and a rccklessness no Spreadbury's statutory, and common law rights. 898 351. Deputy Albright exhibited a callous indifference and 899 900 a recklessness a recklessness to Spreadbury's statutory, and common law rights. 352. Unknown Ravalli County Deputy B exhibited a callous indifference and a recklessness to 901 902 903 904 9OS Spreadbury's statutory, and common law rights. 353. Unknown Ravalli County Deputy C exhibited a callous indifference and a recklessness to Spreadbury's statutory, and common law rights, 354. Angela Wetzsteon, a private party, exhibited a callous Spreadbury's statutory, and common law rights. 47 indifference and recklessness to Case 9:10-cv-00049-DWM Document 2 Filed 05/11110 Page 48 of 49 906 355. Geroge Com, Sheriff Ctris Hoffman, Deputy Hochhalter, Unknown Ravalli County gO7 Deputy B& C, Deputy Hudson, Deputy Albright, AngelaWetzeon, and the Ravalli 908 909 Republic Newspaper's conduct were precipitated by evil motive or intent. 356. Defense actors in Paragraphs 346-355 committed unlawful acts and omissions that were 910 911 malicious, willful, wanton, and oppressive. 357. The conduct of individual Defendants in paragraphs l-356 allows for the imposition of 912 punitive damages as directed by a2 USCA$ 1933, and case law precedent in the Supreme 913 Court for the United States. Relief Sousht bv Plaintiff 915 916 Plaintiff respectively requests that the court find against the Defendants: i. Plaintiff suffered special damages of lost earnings in the amount of $2.6IM gL7 ii. Plaintiff suffered general danages for pain, suffering, mental anguish, of $lM 918 iii. Plaintiff suffered partial compensatory damages of $6,660 which consists of Defense 919 attomcy fees, and bail bond. 920 iv. Plaintiff incurred moving and storage costs of $750.00 921 v. Plaintiff seeks adequate punitive damages, or what is determined by the court to be 922 suitable. 923 924 48 Case 9:1 0-cv-00049-DWM Document 925 2 Filed 05/1 1/1 0 Page 49 of 49 Plaintiff is suing for pennanent i4iuttctive relict trcmthe District Court: (RCSO), Id. at 4E6 Paragraph 151 926 Ravalli County Sheriff Office 927 Ravalli County Attomey's Office (RCAO). Id. at 443 Paragraph 134 928 Justice Bailey, Justices wirhin Ravalli & Missoula Counties. Id. at 467 Paragraph 142 929 930 Total Compensatory Damages to be proven al triat by Plaintiff: $ 3' 615' 78200 931 a. Punitive Damages set aside to trial to punish Dcfendants malicious conduct 932 b. Plaintiff seeks any reasonable court costs paid for this court action. 933 c, Plaintiff is willing to yield to eny other relief courl may offer. 934 Demend for.Iurv Trial 93s jury frial to rcsolve this rnatter. FRCP 38(b) allows for all 936 Spreadbury respectfully requests 937 triable issues to be before ajury trial. 938 a of May, 2010 Dated tbis -day 939 940 941 942 Michael Spreadbury, Pro Se Plaintiff 49

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