Spreadbury v. Bitterroot Public Library et al
AFFIDAVIT in Support re 293 MOTION to Dismiss Plaintiff's Claims for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by Kenneth S. Bell, Bitterroot Public Library, Robert Brophy, Steven Bruner-Murphy, City of Hamilton, Jennifer B. Lint, Ryan Oster, Nansu Roddy, Trista Smith, Steve Snavely, Jerry Steele. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A) (Crowley, William)
Shannon Holdsambeck
Michael Spreadbury [mspread@hotmail.com]
Tuesday, May 29, 2012 3:40 PM
Shannon Holdsambeck
RE: Spreadbury v. BitterrootPublic Library, et al.
Boone tampering.jpg
Dear Mr. Crowley.
You really need to take a good look at the proposed dismissal. I never asked for my Bitterroot Library Library privileges
returned, only that they follow the law in the future. On the unlawful banning letter it is required to ask a patron to leave
the library. Former library director said under oath February 18, 2010 that the library staff never asked me to leave the
library, and the Montana law MCA 22-1-311 indicates that a willful violation of the rules must have occurred. None did.
Ken Bell committed a crime by entering a civil courtroom as the city prosecutor (official Misconduct) as the order of
protection was issued November 20, 2009, and the City of Hamilton MT does not legally exist. Ms. Roddy never was
threatened, and is probably the most evil person I will ever encounter. I feel for a person like Nansu Roddy who has to
lash out at people and need scum such as yourself to protect her.
This method of communication, and all others with your firm is now closed.
I will revise the dismissal. Best
Michael Spreadbury
From: sholdsambeck@boonekarlberq.com
To: mspread@hotmail.com
CC: BCrowley@boonekarlberq.com: npiones@boonekarlberq.com: tleonard@boonekarlberq.com:
Date: Tue, 29 May 2012 10:20:45 -0600
Subject: Spreadbury v. Bitterroot Public Library, et al. - SENT ON BEHALF OF WILLIAM L. CROWLEY, ESQ.
Dear Mr. Spreadbury:
This responds to your settlement offer which was extended as a part of a "motion to voluntarily dismiss your claims."
The offer has not been accepted by our clients. Nansu Roddy will not voluntarily remove the order of protection against
you, the validity of which has been sustained in other proceedings by you. Likewise, as is supported by the summary
judgment findings and recommendations of the U.S. Magistrate Judge, it is not agreed that the Bitterroot Public Library
removed your library privileges in an unlawful manner. Instead, you remain lawfully excluded from the library premises.
Finally, your separate condition that Matt Hayhurst or RossTillman represent the Defendants in settlement is moot.
William L. Crowley
c/o Shannon E. Holdsambeck
201 West Main St., PO Box 9199
Missoula, MT 59807
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