Kovar v. BNSF Railway Company
COPY OF CONDITIONAL TRANSFER ORDER from Multidistrict Litigation Panel, Docket No. 875; case will be transferred to USDC-PA, Eastern District (Attachments: # 1 Transmittal Letter) (Clerk to wait to transfer file until receipt of certified copy of order from district court handling MDL docket) (JSF)
Judge John G. Heyburn II United States District Court Western District of Kentucky
Judge J. Frederick Motz United States District Court District of Maryland Judge Robert L. Miller, Jr. United States District Court Northern District of Indiana
Judge Kathryn H. Vratil United States District Court District of Kansas Judge David R. Hansen United States Court of Appeals Eighth Circuit
Jeffery N. L�thi Clerk of the Panel One Columbus Circle, NE Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building Room G-255, North Lobby Washington, D.C. 20002 Telephone: [202] 502-2800 Fax: [202] 502-2888 http://www.jpml.uscourts.gov
Re: MDL No. 875 -- IN RE: Asbestos Products Liability Litigation (No. VII) (See Attached CTO-315) Dear Clerks: Attached as a PDF document is a copy a conditional transfer order filed by the Panel in the abovecaptioned matter on September 19, 2008. As stipulated in Rule 7.4(a) of the Rules of Procedure of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, 199 F.R.D. 425, 435-36 (2001), transmittal of the order has been stayed 15 days to give any party an opportunity to oppose the transfer. The 15-day period has now elapsed, no opposition was received, and the order is directed to you for filing. A certified copy of this order has also been transmitted via email today to the E.D. Pennsylvania. The Panel's governing statute, 28 U.S.C. �1407, requires that the transferee clerk "...transmit a certified copy of the Panel's order to transfer to the clerk of the district court from which the action is being transferred." The Panel has ordered that its Rule 1.6(a), pertaining to transfer of files, be suspended for purposes of this litigation. Accordingly, the transferee district clerk shall request, and the transferor district clerk shall forward, only those files deemed necessary by the transferee district court. Very truly, Jeffery N. L�thi Clerk of the Panel
By Teresa Bishop Deputy Clerk Attachments cc: Transferor Judges: (See Attached List of Judges) JPML Form 36D
MDL No. 875
H o n . W illia m H. Alsup U .S . District Judge P h i l li p Burton U.S. Courthouse, 19th Fl. 450 Golden Gate Avenue S a n Francisco, CA 94102-3434 H o n . Percy Anderson U .S . District Judge 1 6 3 United States Courthouse 3 1 2 North Spring Street L o s Angeles, CA 90012-4701 H o n . James A. Beaty, Jr. C h ie f Judge, U.S. District Court 2 4 8 Hiram H. W a r d Federal Building 2 5 1 N. Main Street W in s to n -S a le m , NC 27101 H o n . Maxine M. Chesney U .S . District Judge P h i l li p Burton U.S. Courthouse, 19th Fl. 450 Golden Gate Avenue S a n Francisco, CA 94102-3434 H o n . Virginia Maria Hernandez Covington U .S . District Judge U . S . Courthouse 3 0 0 N. Hogan Street, Suite 11-350 J a c k s o n v ille , FL 32202 H o n . Mark S. Davis U .S . District Judge U n ite d States District Court W a lte r E. Hoffman U.S. Courthouse 3rd Floor 6 0 0 Granby Street N o r fo lk , VA 23510-1915 H o n . David S. Doty S e n io r U.S. District Judge 1 4 W U.S. Courthouse 3 0 0 South Fourth Street M in n e a p o lis , MN 55415 H o n . Robert W . Gettleman U .S . District Judge 1 7 8 8 Everett McKinley Dirksen U.S. Courthouse 2 1 9 South Dearborn Street C h ic a g o , IL 60604
H o n . D. Brock Hornby U . S . District Judge E d w a r d T. Gignoux Federal Courthouse 1 5 6 Federal Street, 2nd Floor P o r tla n d , ME 04101-4152 H o n . Susan Yvonne Illston U . S . District Judge P h i llip Burton U.S. Courthouse S u ite 19-5424 4 5 0 Golden Gate Avenue S a n Francisco, CA 94102-3434 H o n . Paul A. Magnuson S e n io r U.S. District Judge 7 3 0 W a r r e n E. Burger Federal Bldg. 3 1 6 North Robert Street S t. Paul, MN 55101 H o n . Tucker L. Melancon U . S . District Judge 4 7 0 0 U.S.Courthouse 8 0 0 Lafayette Street L a fa ye tte , LA 70501 H o n . J. Frederick Motz U . S . District Judge 1 0 1 W e s t Lombard Street 5 1 0 Edward A. Garmatz Federal Building & U.S. Courthouse B a ltim o r e , MD 21201-2690 H o n . David C. Norton C h ie f Judge U . S . District Court P . O . Box 835 C h a r le sto n , SC 29402 H o n . W illia m L. Osteen, Jr. U . S . District Judge U . S. District Court, Suite 244 L . Richardson Preyer Federal Bldg, 3 2 4 W e s t Market Street G r e e n s b o r o , NC 27401-7455 H o n . Manuel L. Real U . S . District Judge U . S . Courthouse, 2nd Floor 3 1 2 North Spring Street L o s Angeles, CA 90012-4701
H o n . Thomas D. Schroeder U .S . District Judge U n ite d States District Court 2 3 1 Hiram H. W a r d Federal Bldg. & U.S. Courthouse 2 5 1 North Main Street W in s to n Salem, NC 27101-7101 H o n . Theresa L. Springmann U .S . District Judge 2 1 1 3 E. Ross Adair Fed. Bldg. & U.S. Courthouse 1 3 0 0 S. Harrison Street F t. W a yn e , IN 46802 H o n . Lyle E. Strom S e n io r U.S. District Judge 3 1 9 0 Roman L. Hruska U . S . Courthouse 1 1 1 South 18th Plaza O m a h a , NE 68102 H o n . Lacy H. Thornburg U .S . District Judge 2 0 0 U.S. Courthouse 1 0 0 Otis Street A s h e v ille , NC 28801-2611 H o n . N. Carlton Tilley, Jr. U .S . District Judge U .S . District Court P . O . Box 3443 G r e e n s b o r o , NC 27402-3443 H o n . Jack B. W e i n s t e i n S e n io r U.S. District Judge 1 4 2 0 U. S. Courthouse 2 2 5 Cadman Plaza East B r o o k ly n , NY 11201
MDL No. 875
S h e r r i R. Carter, Clerk G -8 U.S. Courthouse 3 1 2 North Spring Street L o s Angeles, CA 90012 R ic h a r d W . W ie k i n g , Clerk P h i llip Burton U.S. Courthouse B o x 36060 4 5 0 Golden Gate Avenue S a n Francisco, CA 94102-3489 S h e r yl L. Loesch, Clerk 2 1 8 Sam M. Gibbons U.S. Courthouse 8 0 1 North Florida Avenue T a m p a , FL 33602-3800 M ic h a e l W . Dobbins, Clerk E v e r e t t McKinley Dirksen U.S. Courthouse 2 1 9 South Dearborn Street C h ic a g o , IL 60604 S t e p h e n R. Ludwig, Clerk U . S . Courthouse 5 4 0 0 Federal Plaza, Suite 2300 H a m m o n d , IN 46320 R o b e r t H. Shemwell, Clerk 1 1 6 7 U.S. Courthouse 3 0 0 Fannin Street S h r e v e p o rt, LA 71101-3083 F e lic i a C. Cannon, Clerk E d w a r d A. Garmatz Federal Building & U.S. Courthouse 1 0 1 W . Lombard Street B a ltim o r e , MD 21201-2690 Linda L. Jacobson, Clerk E d w a r d T. Gignoux U.S. Courthouse 1 5 6 Federal Street P o r tla n d , ME 04101 R ic h a r d Sletten, Clerk 2 0 2 U.S. Courthouse 3 0 0 South Fourth Street M in n e a p o lis , MN 55415 J o h n Brubaker, Clerk P . O . Box 2708 G r e e n s b o r o , NC 27402-2708
F r a n k G. Johns, Clerk 3 0 9 U.S. Courthouse V e a c h -B a le y Federal Complex 1 0 0 Otis Street A s h e v ille , NC 28801 D e n i s e Lucks, Clerk 1 1 5 2 Roman L. Hruska U.S. Courthouse 1 1 1 South 18th Plaza O m a h a , NE 68102-1322 R o b e r t C. Heinemann, Clerk 1 3 0 United States Courthouse 2 2 5 Cadman Plaza East B r o o k ly n , NY 11201-1818 L a r r y W . Propes, Clerk M a t th e w J. Perry, Jr. U.S. Courthouse 9 0 1 Richland Street C o l u m b i a , SC 29201-2328 L a r r y W . Propes, Clerk P . O . Box 10768 G r e e n v ille , SC 29603-0768 F e r n a n d o Galindo, Clerk 1 9 3 W a l te r E. Hoffman U.S. Courthouse 6 0 0 Granby Street N o r fo lk , VA 23510-1915 F e r n a n d o Galindo, Clerk P . O . Box 494 N e w p o r t News, VA 23607-0494
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