Righthaven LLC v. Democratic Underground, LLC et al
MOTION for Summary Judgment on Counterclaim and Memorandum of Points and Authorities In Support Thereof [Redacted] # 167 by Defendants David Allen, Democratic Underground, LLC, Counter Claimant Democratic Underground, LLC. Responses due by 11/17/2011. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Kurt Opsahl In Support of Motion for Summary Judgment on Counterclaim, # 2 Exhibit 1, # 3 Exhibit 2, # 4 Exhibit 3, # 5 Exhibit 4, # 6 Exhibit 5, # 7 Exhibit 6, # 8 Exhibit 7, # 9 Exhibit 8, # 10 Exhibit 9 (redacted), # 11 Exhibit 10, # 12 Exhibit 11, # 13 Exhibit 12 (redacted), # 14 Exhibit 13, # 15 Exhibit 14, # 16 Exhibit 15, # 17 Exhibit 16, # 18 Exhibit 17 (redacted), # 19 Proposed Order Granting Democratic Underground's Motion for Summary Judgment)(Johnson, Jennifer)
Exhibit 6
Exhibit 6
Tea Party power fuels Angle - News - ReviewJournal.com
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Posted: May 13, 2010 | 12:00 a.m.
Updated: Sep. 11, 2010 | 3:29 p.m.
Fueled by a burst of support from the Tea
Party, Sharron Angle has rocketed into a
near dead heat with Sue Lowden in the
white-hot U.S. Senate Republican primary,
according to a new poll commissioned by
the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
Lowden, who had been the Republican
front-runner since February, lost support to
Angle, the former Reno assemblywoman
seen by likely Republican voters as the
most conservative candidate in a contest in
which three-quarters of Republican voters
say they're somewhat or very conservative,
the poll showed.
Danny Tarkanian lost ground to Angle, too.
She passed him after gaining a bit of
political star power and a bunch of financial
support from an endorsement by the Tea
Party Express, which launched radio and
TV ads to help her win the GOP
nomination to face U.S. Sen. Harry Reid in
the fall.
All three top GOP candidates are capable
of beating Reid, according to previous polls
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Tea Party
GOP hopefuls prepare
for debate
GOP presidential
hopefuls prepare for
debate in Las Vegas
Five questions with Mitt
Steven Horsford
announces his bid for
U.S. Congress
Court: Man's vote in
North Las Vegas council
Lions and tigers shot in
Ohio; owner freed them
Texas Gov. Rick Perry
calls for a flat tax
AP-GfK Poll: Public
unsettled on Obama
2 more teens under
protection in Pa. basement
Page 1 of 23
Tea Party power fuels Angle - News - ReviewJournal.com
that have shown the Democratic Party
incumbent in an uphill battle to win a fifth
Senate term on Nov. 2.
10/19/11 5:13 PM
race to remain private
Democrats face 2012
worried about Obama's
low ratings
"I'm confident that we'll be able to win the
Contested election
primary and also to defeat Harry Reid,"
takes turn
Angle said Wednesday from rural Fallon,
where she campaigned door to door,
Amodei defeats
Marshall for Nevada
spoke to a group at the convention center
congressional seat
and attended a gun supporters event.
"These numbers really confirm what we've
been fairly certain of all along: that if people heard my conservative
message, they would respond."
Angle said voters can look at her eight-year record in the Assembly
that shows a consistent pattern of opposing taxes and supporting
smaller government. Those are two tenets of the Tea Party
movement and conservative values in opposition to the Democratic
Party's hold on Congress and the White House, government
bailouts of industry, and Reid's and President Barack Obama's
signature health insurance overhaul.
Lowden said she wasn't worried about the tightening primary race
nine days before early voting starts May 22 and three weeks before
the June 8 vote.
Medicare costs to reduce
Social Security increase
Archaeologists find Viking
burial site in Scotland
GOP primary contest is
getting nasty, personal
Judge revokes Lindsay
Lohan's probation
Greece: Riots as austerity
steps get 1st approval
On deck, weather: Rain,
wind leading off in Game 1
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"We're confident that our lead will hold," Lowden said in an interview
in Las Vegas. "We'll have a strong get-out-the-vote effort. You only
need one more vote to win, but we'll win by more than that."
According to the Mason-Dixon poll, if the Republican primary were
held today: Lowden would win 30 percent of the vote; Angle 25
percent; Tarkanian 22 percent; John Chachas 3 percent; and Chad
Christensen 2 percent.
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The telephone survey of 500 likely Republican voters in Nevada
was taken on Monday and Tuesday and has a margin of error of
plus or minus 4.5 percentage points.
In a similar Mason-Dixon survey taken April 5 to 7, Lowden led the
crowded field of 12 Republicans with 45 percent support compared
with 27 percent for Tarkanian, 5 percent for Angle, 4 percent for Las
Vegas Assemblyman Christensen and 3 percent for Chachas, an
Ely native and Wall Street investment banker.
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"Lowden's loss has been Angle's gain," said Mason-Dixon pollster
Brad Coker. "Lowden has been the anointed front-runner for a
couple of months, which made her a target for everybody. And
Angle got the Tea Party endorsement, and she's the most
conservative candidate running."
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Angle also has a history "of running strong down the stretch" in
close elections, Coker added.
In 2006, Angle was all but counted out in a congressional GOP
primary until the last few weeks, and then she narrowly lost to Rep.
Dean Heller by fewer than 500 votes. Two years ago, she almost
beat state Senate Minority Leader Bill Raggio, R-Reno, one of
Nevada's most powerful lawmakers.
"Obviously, Angle still has her homestretch legs," Coker said,
although he added that anything can happen in such a competitive
race. "I think you have to be conservative and say it's a three-way
race. But trend-wise, Angle has jumped out quickly and has the
The Tea Party Express, the national group that held an anti-Reid
protest in the senator's hometown of Searchlight in late March,
shook up the race April 15 when it endorsed Angle at a Tax Day
news conference in Washington, D.C. The group's political action
committee has been raising money for Angle with a goal of
$500,000. It already has spent $200,000 for her, including on radio
and TV ads.
Meantime, Angle has been stacking up endorsements from more
than two dozen conservative groups and people, from Gun Owners
of America to "Joe the Plumber."
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Tea Party power fuels Angle - News - ReviewJournal.com
10/19/11 5:13 PM
Angle's name recognition has jumped to 85 percent compared with
67 percent about a month ago. Only 4 percent of GOP primary
voters do not know Lowden's name, and only 3 percent do not know
Tarkanian, a real estate developer and former basketball star for the
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, whose dad is well-known exbasketball coach Jerry Tarkanian.
The Tarkanian campaign expressed skepticism that Angle had risen
so high so fast. Jamie Fisfis, consultant to the campaign, said his
tracking polls show Angle moving up to 16 percent support, Lowden
dropping to 30 percent and Tarkanian gaining to tie the GOP frontrunner in his best showing so far.
"In my mind it's still a two-way race because Angle does not have
the name recognition to be ahead of either of the two candidates in
contention," Fisfis said.
Lowden blamed part of her recent drop in the polls to attacks from
both her GOP foes -- especially Tarkanian -- and Reid, whose
campaign has focused on her, criticizing her record as a casino
executive who with her husband, Paul Lowden, has owned and
managed four hotel-casinos.
The Reid campaign has released records that show problems with
health and safety violations at the Lowden properties over the years
that resulted in heavy fines and offered details of angry disputes
with the unions over medical benefits for their workers.
Tarkanian has criticized Lowden for voting for fees as a lawmaker in
the early 1990s and for telling a reporter recently that she
understood why some members of Congress voted for the first
government bailout during the Bush administration when lawmakers
said it was needed to avoid massive business failures and a
depression. She since has said she wouldn't have voted for bailouts
then or now.
"It's not unexpected that the race would tighten after Harry Reid has
spent $8 million going after me," Lowden said Wednesday, referring
to how much his campaign has spent. "The Reid campaign and
Harry Reid do not want me to come out of this primary, and so they
have targeted me."
In the past month, Lowden has been dogged by near daily attacks
by the Democratic Party for suggesting people could barter with
their doctors for cheaper health care.
She defended her remarks made at a town hall meeting in Mesquite
by saying that in the old days, people even used chickens to barter,
a comment that prompted video spoofs and late-night talk show
jokes about her.
The gaffe hasn't had much effect on Republican primary voters,
however, according to the new Mason-Dixon poll, which asked what
effect her remarks would have on support for her.
Some 70 percent of those polled said Lowden's bartering remarks
would have "no effect" on their voting decision, 15 percent said they
would be "less likely" to vote for her, and 12 percent said they would
be "more likely" to vote for her. Another 3 percent said they weren't
Lowden said that during her campaign stops in rural Nevada, voters
have told her that they're still bartering with doctors to get cheaper
medical care in some cases.
"I never said this was my health care policy, but bartering is still
happening out there in rural Nevada," Lowden said Wednesday.
"Harry Reid is the one who's out of touch if he doesn't know that."
Lowden has been running a primary and general campaign at the
same time, which has cost her support among staunch
conservatives and Tea Party movement supporters.
According to the new poll, 58 percent said they consider themselves
"a supporter of the Tea Party movement." Another 27 percent do
not, and 15 percent said they don't know or refused to answer.
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Tea Party power fuels Angle - News - ReviewJournal.com
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"I am a member of the Tea Party movement, as well, and many of
my supporters and volunteers are members," said Lowden, who
spoke at the Tea Party Express event in Searchlight and has
attended many local Tea Party group events as candidates compete
for that key slice of the 2010 vote.
"It's not unexpected that Sharron would get their support, but they
know I'm one of them, too."
Contact Laura Myers at lmyers@reviewjournal.com or 702-3872919.
Trending topics: Chad Christensen Danny Tarkanian Harry Reid
Chachas Laura Myers Mason-Dixon poll primary Republican
Sharron Angle Sue Lowden voters
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Bob Dobolina wrote on May 20, 2010 08:59 PM:
I think Lowden is out of this. Her poll numbers are down 20 points since she
suggested that people should pay their doctors with chickens, then denied that she
had ever said it. Saying something dumb is one thing. But lying about it later
(especially when you said it on camera) is really stupid.
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Just_Me wrote on May 17, 2010 02:30 PM:
What to do - what do do
Lowden blew the GOP convention - NO
Tarkanian - nothing but daddy's name -NO
Angle - Nice , but dingy -Enough with the California-style property taxes -NO
That leaves ChaChas & Christensen. Chachas' family lives in New York - NO
Chad Christensen gets my vote!
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Brigham wrote on May 16, 2010 12:08 PM:
Reid is the most corrupt of all of them. We don't need anymore of his back door
deals, bribes and name calling. He got more money from Wall St. than any of the
republicans yet he pointing a finger just like Obama. Reid wants to make the illegals
legal for the votes. Then they can take more of our jobs and services.
Reid is nothing but a disgusting despicable crook.
Vote for anyone but Reid!
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Dan Fitzgerald wrote on May 14, 2010 06:54 PM:
Sue Lowden was the GOP chair who delayed, then adjourned the state convention
when it became apparent that Ron Paul was going to win delegates to the National
Convention. She put John McCain above Nevadans, and ignored the rules when they
led to a result she didn't like.
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Wallbanger wrote on May 14, 2010 07:10 AM:
Tea Party Express is made up of RINO's...Republican Party thinks they can co-opt
the Tea Party movement to help them elect the same status-quo Oath-Breaking
politicians they always have!!
Our military, law enforcement, and ELECTED OFFICIALS need to HONOR THEIR
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Brigham Young wrote on May 14, 2010 07:04 AM:
Reid, Tark and Lowden have corruption in common, Reid being public enemy #1
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Peter.K wrote on May 14, 2010 06:42 AM:
There are a great number of 48-year-old men that have a lot better resume than
Mr. Tarkanian. The problem they have is that they don't have a famous father and,
ergo, a recognizable name. Other than his name, Mr. Tarkanian is an unremarkable
person. He offers no qualifications for the office which he seeks other than his name.
He has pointed-out Sue Lowden's shortcomings and flip-flops and for that
Republicans should be grateful but he has really advanced no reason why he is
qualified to represent us and no record by which we can measure his steadfastness
to the principles he preaches. Accordingly, it appears that Angle is the candidate
who measures up to the job as she has a solid record of upholding the constitutions
of Nevada and the USA.
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Tark is a Gun Hater wrote on May 14, 2010 02:09 AM:
Danny Tarkanian will take your gun rights.
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Hairy Weed wrote on May 13, 2010 08:45 PM:
Great News, now people need to wake up and support Montandon for Governor as
well. NO MORE RINOs. Kenny Guinn was a disaster for Nevada, now his right hand
guy Sandoval is running? - No f-ing way.
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Sue is a JOKE! wrote on May 13, 2010 08:22 PM:
Sue LOWden's version of capitalism: Marry a Rich Man!
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Cadusha wrote on May 13, 2010 08:20 PM:
Reelect the Majority Leader!
He is the second most powerful leader in washington but he is a joke for Nevada.
NUMBER 2 In Unemployment Number 1 in forclosers Number 49 in education Yea He
is probably the richesst politicion from NEVADA so lets all re elect the jerk again. GO
Report abuse
Sharron ROCKS! wrote on May 13, 2010 08:19 PM:
I'm not sure which candidate I'm most excited about seeing getting stomped by
Angle - Sue Liarden or Hairy Reed.
It's a one-two punch! GO SHARRON!
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Go Angle wrote on May 13, 2010 07:56 PM:
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Go, Angle...she is consistent and genuine...do you think you can saw that about
LOWden...I don't think so...
Report abuse
This Is Americas Hitlers wrote on May 13, 2010 06:19 PM:
Racketeering Corrupted Terrorist Against Children and Women sex victims.
Only inside of America does Racist Samuel Lionel and Harry Reid persecute children
and women due to race.
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Harry Reid Is A Profit Self Serving Dictator Above The Law and Above We The
People wrote on May 13, 2010 06:14 PM:
The Reid Family Brothel
As he introduced it, Nevada's senior U.S. senator, Democrat Harry Reid,and his sons
profit threw contract sent to them at Lionel Sawyer and Collins Law Firm ...
www.electricnevada.com/pages03/reid_brothel.htm - Cached - Similar
Report abuse
Franklin wrote on May 13, 2010 06:03 PM:
Guess my day isn't over. Go to westernjournalism.com where I found a whole list of
Reid beauties. I picked this for poster Mr. Samuel Lionel/Reid supporter.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Harry Reid has four sons who all work for Nevada’s largest law firm, Lionel, Sawyer
& Collins. All of them have benefited from Reid.
Here’s how the Los Angeles Times puts it:
But Harry Reid is in a class by himself. One of his sons and his son-in-law lobby in
Washington for companies, trade groups and municipalities seeking Reid’s help in
the Senate. A second son has lobbied in Nevada for some of those same interests,
and a third has represented a couple of them as a litigator.
In the last four years alone, their firms have collected more than $2 million in
lobbying fees from special interests that were represented by the kids and helped by
the senator in Washington.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Harry has done wonders for Nevada? The bacon he brings home goes right into his
pocket. Yep, we need him for another term.
Report abuse
My Little Phony wrote on May 13, 2010 05:51 PM:
GOP NV wrote
"The dark horse in this primary race is Chad Christensen."
LOL! Dark horse? Yeah, right.
Try the lame, mangy, not-even-fit-for-the-glue-factory horse.
Report abuse
Reelect the Majority Leader! wrote on May 13, 2010 05:43 PM:
Harry Reid holds the highest the highest office ever held by a Nevada politician. He's
the 2nd most powerful leader in Washington.
Is Nevada ready to replace the Majority Leader with a former beauty queen/pit boss,
basketball jock or biker groupie, none of which has held an office higher than at the
state level?
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chickensue, littletark and sharron the strangler are nice, simple people but they are
Report abuse
SAMUEL LIONEL wrote on May 13, 2010 05:36 PM:
Lionel Sawyer & Collins
300 South 4th Street
Las Vegas, NV 89101-6053
(702) 383-8888
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All Dictators Like Harry Reid Are Above The Law wrote on May 13, 2010 05:33 PM:
Dictator Harry Reid is running a corrupted office against we the people.
Harry Reid believes he is above the law.
Corruption in America and destruction of this Nation.
The Rod Blagojevich circus has added another ring.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has been subpoenaed by the Blagojevich defense
team in the ousted Illinois governor's corruption trial, according to the Chicago SunTimes.
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GOP NV wrote on May 13, 2010 05:27 PM:
The dark horse in this primary race is Chad Christensen.
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Franklin wrote on May 13, 2010 05:13 PM:
Busy, busy, busy Harry. Again from corruptlist.com.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff said Harry Reid was one of the members of
Congress Abramoff had allegedly implicated in his cooperation with federal
prosecutors. Abramoff told prosecutors that more than $30,000 in campaign
contributions to Reid from Abramoff's clients "were no accident and were in fact
requested by Reid."
The AP reported that Reid acknowledged "routine contacts" with Abramoff's lobbying
partners and intervening to block rival tribal casinos.
The AP also reported that Abramoff's billing records showed extensive contact with
Reid's office over a three-year period in which Reid collected more than $68,000
from Abramoff's firm, partners and clients.
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BigBiker wrote on May 13, 2010 05:12 PM:
Can't wait to vote ALL reids out of office!
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Franklin wrote on May 13, 2010 05:09 PM:
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You've been busy Harry! From corruptlist.com.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reid backed funding for a bridge between Nevada and Arizona that could affect the
value of property he owns nearby.
The planned span over the Colorado River between Laughlin, Nev., and Bullhead
City, Ariz., got an $18 million boost in last year's massive federal transportation bill.
Report abuse
Franklin wrote on May 13, 2010 05:05 PM:
Someone earlier requested corruption allegations against Reid? From
associatedcontent.com Oct. 26, '06 penned by Greg Reeson. Interesting article.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------News reports about Democratic Senator Harry Reid's Las Vegas land deal had just
begun to fade into the distant memories of most Americans when new allegations
surfaced about the Nevada Congressman's possible illegal use of campaign funds.
With two reports of alleged impropriety in less than two weeks, I can't help but
wonder what's going to come up next.
First, Senator Reid allegedly violated Senate ethics rules when he failed to report a
real estate transaction that netted him $1.1 million in 2004 for property he had sold
three years earlier. The Senator has attributed his failure to report the deal to a
"clerical error" and promises to amend his ethics reports to account for the
transaction. While he's at it, Senator Reid has revealed that he will report two
additional land deals that were also omitted from his ethics filings because of
"clerical errors."
The most recent news reports allege that Senator Reid used campaign donations
instead of his personal funds to pay Christmas bonuses to the support staff at the
Ritz-Carlton, where he maintains his Washington residence.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hmmm. What else has Harry "the war is lost" Reid been up to?
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MIKE VEGAS wrote on May 13, 2010 04:56 PM:
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Message wrote on May 13, 2010 04:25 PM:
I will send Harry and BO a message by voting for Sharron Angle. Sharron is the one
to replace Harry.
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Vote for the Senate Majority Leader wrote on May 13, 2010 03:56 PM:
Another Nevadan for Sen. Reid wrote on May 13, 2010 09:49 AM:
As Lowden, little Tark and Angle
race to the right to see who is crowned
Most Unhinged T e a b a g g e r
Harry Reid is doing America's work
of cleaning up the Bush economic collapse,
managing two previously mismanaged wars
and leading the Senate as the nation's second most powerful public official.
It's an awesome responsibility but one that
Harry has handled with great skill and knowledge.
Thank you Sen. Reid for your great service to our nation!
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Stuart & Robert Wyman-Cahall wrote on May 13, 2010 03:23 PM:
My good friend joesixpack,
I, just like you, consider myself to be an independent thinker.
I listened to Heidi Harris' talk show about a month ago and she was right when she
said that all politics starts off with a premise. Either you believe there is a
compelling role for government programs or you don't. It's an honest discussion for
good people to have.
Looking back at our history to the great depression, I feel confident that the New
Deal saved our country...and capitalism, itself. Older folks remember the alphabet
soup of programs including the TVA which built the Hoover Dam.
President Reagan, demonizing government sought to strip away many of the
regulations which were designed to never let a great depression happen again. He
said that "our kids" would pay dearly for it if we didn't.
Well, joesixpack, the "kids" are here today and it not pretty for them. I only thank
goodness that the FDIC from the New Deal was enhanced. At least some savings
was spared.
I see our government spending our money overseas to promote this that or the
other thing. They PRIVATIZED Walter Reed Army hospital and when it didn't show a
bottom line profit, our soldiers suffered. When the government used to run it it was
top notch...as is the V.A. today.
We may never agree except for one thing. Whatever our ideological differences, I
know we both want what's best for our country.
Republicans who continue demonizing our government just isn't where its at for me.
As a Democrat and a liberal I will continue to post about the contributions to the
accomplishments, social and economic, that helped make our country great.
Stuart & Robert Wyman-Cahall
Las Vegas, NV 89142
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Bob Hastings wrote on May 13, 2010 03:15 PM:
Let us be clear. I am a former HUGE supporter of the Tea Party Movement and
specifically have been involved in the Tea Party Express events. The Tea Party
Express in ONE group from the Tea Party Movement. There are dozens of groups
across this country. The Tea Party Express has moved beyond the intent of the
Movement. They are trying to speak for Nevadans. They are trying to use their
influence. In Nevada there are Tea Party People who support Angle, Tarkanian,
Parson, Lowden, ". Because of that split they should have never endorsed anyone.
And now the Express is endorsing a big government Democrat in Minnick? I suppose
this was to prove that they are inclusive.
It is so bad other Tea Party groups are distancing themselves. One Tea Party group
wrote "To be clear, our particular organization has not endorsed in the Nevada GOP
primary, nor do we plan to. We also have not, nor will we ever support Walt Minnick
for Congress.
The confusion is swirling around because "Our Country Deserves Better PAC," the
group that runs the "Tea Party Express," has decided to endorse in the Nevada GOP
primary, and has also for some strange reason endorsed Walt Minnick for Congress
in Idaho".
The Tea Party Express is now spending money I donated to their group to push a
candidate I DO NOT WANT. They use the term in every ad that it is from the Tea
Party Express. But they know that people only hear Tea Party. This stinks of Scott
Ashjian and every Tea Party Movement supporter should let them know.
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JDubs wrote on May 13, 2010 03:15 PM:
You Reid apologists are hysterical. Since his rising to the democrat senate leadership
in the early 2000s, he hasn't done jack for Nevada other than advance the leftist
liberal ideologue.
He even went as far as saying making English the official language of the U.S. as
"Racist". And lest we forget that before the Iraq surge, he said that the "war is lost",
betraying all in uniform in harms way. Oh, and he regards any of his constituents
visiting the Capitol building as "smelly tourists".
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Jerry wrote on May 13, 2010 03:06 PM:
Hey, Harry got a subpoena to attend the Blagojevich trial. Maybe, now we will see
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where the bear craps in the woods.
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Stuart & Robert Wyman-Cahall wrote on May 13, 2010 02:56 PM:
My dear neighbor Mr. Nickell,,
I'm glad to read from you that you never wore a helmet while sporting. And I'm so
glad that you leave the choice up to your kids! That's the way it should be.
And being the responsible adult that you are I'm VERY positive that you carry the
proper insurances for the emergency room visit just in case the horrible unthinkable
accident happens.
Many Americans can't afford the premiums these days so its up to us taxpayers to
foot the emergency room bill...ooops.
So Ms. Angle was one of the few people who got back to you about your concerns?
That speaks volumes about her.
Oh and the last time I was at Sunrise Hospital for an emergency room visit when my
niece was hurt (her mom and dad were responsible policy holders, just like
you)...hmmm lots of kids with accidents...illegals, not too many.
Stuart & Robert Wyman-Cahall
Las Vegas, NV 89142
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joesixpack wrote on May 13, 2010 02:56 PM:
What is obama's deficit, let's see I believe it is close to 1 trillion (not exact). And
who was in charge of the senate and congress in 2006...democrats...who has the
purse strings of gov't...congress. Who is responsible for bankrupting this
country...democrats and republicans who spend, spend, spend. Therefore, we need
to get rid of incumbents from both parties.
You say you are queazy at the thought of famlies having to scrounge to buy
necessity items, you haven't seen anything yet. The current administration is doing
everything they can to destroy this country through all the bailouts and "quantative
easing" the fed is doing, just where do you think the trillions of dollars are coming
from? Do you think I am a staunch republican? I assure you I am not, I am not a
democrat either. I am independent and I am sick and tired of what the
establishment is doing. We need a good house cleaning as far as politicians are
concerned regardless of party.
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Moe.Greene wrote on May 13, 2010 02:54 PM:
When it came to heavy lying -- Harry was there for Nevada.
When it came to heavy treason -- Harry was there for Nevada.
When it came to heavy greed -- Harry was there for Nevada.
Get the tone? Harry has failed in every way possible and has squandered his high
position in government and most importantly, has squandered the trust of the
people of Nevada.
He cannot be trusted. One minute he is winking and nodding at Wall Street and the
next he tries to be a populist and tell the voters he is this simple little man from
Simple is the operative word.
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Stuart & Robert Wyman-Cahall wrote on May 13, 2010 02:37 PM:
And enough of the endless drumbeat of criticism of Harry Reid because he isn't
Daniel Webster or something. Sure, he's quieter and operates better behind the
scenes than legendary boss man, LBJ.
60 out of 60 votes for health care seemed like quite a chore, but our much maligned
Senator Reid batted a thousand. He cajoled and promised and did favors and
compromised and trimmed back the bill and stroked and outright bought votes when
he had to, but he ran the table.
NEVADA NEEDS A POWER BROKER...somebody who will protect the programs that
most Nevadans and the American people obviously want yet are being told by big
spending Republicans that the best way is to deregulate Wall Street and Big Oil
which have cost the middle class so dearly. We have been deceived by people like
Ensign, Gibbons, and now we are asked to trust Lowden or Angle.
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Give me a break..and I don't mean any of your phony Republican tax breaks, either.
When it came to heavy lifting, our Senator Reid is a pro.
Ensign? Gibbons? LOWDEN (LOL)? No way!
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un employed wrote on May 13, 2010 02:15 PM:
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Stuart & Robert Wyman-Cahall wrote on May 13, 2010 02:14 PM:
To my friend Joesixpack,
Why was Bush running a $296 Billion deficit in 2006? (which is the actual number)
Do you think it’s because his plan to cut Social Security failed (as it always will
because, like I said, it’s a popular program)?
If he couldn’t cut it in 2004, when the stock market was at an all-time high, what
are the chances anybody’s going to be able to cut it moving forward?
Unfortunately, this is the crux of the problem (that conservatives and Republicans
refuse to face). Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid are all hugely popular programs
that (along with the military) make up the largest bulk of government spending.
None of these programs are likely to be cut because the American people don’t want
them cut. So if we can’t cut spending, taxes have to go up.
We don't have a check box for how we think our hard earned taxpayer dollars
should be spent.
But I get queasy at the thought of middle class families having to scrounge together
money to buy books pencils and toilet paper for our kid's schools while Bushes oil
friends made a ton of money at the risk and the security of our country.
It angers me that Wall Street keeps getting help while Main Street has to suffer easy
credit ripoffs.
I don't mind paying a fair share in taxes, I just mind the fake Republican anger at
government, demonizing it to the point where it can't properly function and then
blaming "big spending liberals" for the fact that our government is broken!
Stuart & Robert Wyman-Cahall
Las Vegas, NV 89142
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Mr. Diamond wrote on May 13, 2010 01:50 PM:
I cannot discount the.. Very Attractive / Effective,Danny Tarkanian ( Up-Front
)Platform Promise.. NO ..Jobs, Medical, Welfare,Housing,
Schools for ..Any Illegals..No Need to Deport..They Will Leave..We can supply
The " Jack-Pot " Baby Policy should also be abolished;as did Canada..
If Possible; Adopt / Mirror.. Mexican Immigration Policies as Our Own...
Report abuse
illegals ruin America wrote on May 13, 2010 01:48 PM:
we need a government that will stand up fpr the peoples will
the people want illegals banished and criminalized for stealing identity and breaking
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Independent wrote on May 13, 2010 01:26 PM:
Those ads from Lowden and Tarkanian have done a good job at attacking Reid, but
they're going to have to give me a reason to vote FOR THEM if they want my vote.
So far, I don't see how Lowden or Tarkanian are any better than Reid. I am waiting
for a candidate who gives me a reason to vote for them, not just vote against Reid.
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david.henry wrote on May 13, 2010 01:08 PM:
Sue Lowden and Paul for that matter worked everyday for what they have...they
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also suffered everyday trying to make ends meet many of those years...some of you
need to try making payroll, keeping a business open and having employees. It is not
easy, nor fun. Most of the Lowden property was acquired after marriage. Look it up.
Sue has a good record for being conservative and I will support her.
Report abuse
WmLambert wrote on May 13, 2010 01:01 PM:
I have to vote an absentee ballot because of the economy in Vegas. From my visits
to Conservative meet-ups there, I think Lowden, Angle, or Tark would be acceptable
- but I'd prefer the best chance to rid us of Reid. I agree that a few Tea Party
leaders do not speak for all in the movement, and many of the anti-Lowden
comments here look like camouflaged attacks from Reid trolls.
Angle seems to have a pretty lack-luster resumé after eight years in the legislature,
even though she seems to be a true conservative. Her main assets listed herein are
that she comes on strong late - but still loses by a sliver. I wouldn't know a thing
about her except for a few individuals in the Tea Party Express. Her website
philosophy seems a little thin, yet I will support her over Reid. It would be nice to
select someone who not only refects my views - but can be effective. I just want the
best who is able to beat Reid, and can clash heads in Washington to come out on
top, on our side. Lowden is well-known because she can speak well and we have all
heard her. Unlike some here, who attacked her for stopping the Ron Paul loyalists
from staging a faux primary, it appears that just shows her ability to lead
effectively. Tark has a much deeper website with a well though-out stand on the
issues, but I don't think he is better than third place in the primary voting.
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Truthy wrote on May 13, 2010 12:50 PM:
Joe said he wants the Fed audited. The Senate voted 96-0 to do that. You need
Sharron Angle for that? Or do you want her in office to represent the Teabagging
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Mr. Nickell wrote on May 13, 2010 12:48 PM:
A few years ago, the Nevada Legislature was considering enacting a law that would
require kids under 18 to wear helmets when riding bicycles, scooters or
My argument with the proposal wasn't whether they should or not. I never did when
I was a kid. I don't make my kids do it now. But if parents want their kids to wear
them, it should be up to the parents, not the government. Government should not
legislate every little stupid thing that catches their fancy.
So I wrote a bunch of emails to a lot of the State Legislators appealing for them to
do something to try and keep government small and out of private lives.
Out of the 2 dozen or so emails I sent, the only person who personally responded to
me and I mean it was her, not some staffer, was Sharon Angle.
That says a lot to me. A little about the issue of small government but even more
that she took the time to personally respond. She wasn't up for election, she wasn't
getting anything from me. She was just being responsible to the people she
represents. Something you don't see too often anymore.
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EXPERIENCED IS CORRUPTED wrote on May 13, 2010 12:28 PM:
EXPERIENCE is CORRUPTED in the political world just like a "THIEF is a THIEF".
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Why Does The Democratic Party Support Was, Child Abusers, Rapist and Hate In
America wrote on May 13, 2010 12:24 PM:
Harry Reid is an extremist racist. Harry Reid needs impeached for supporting
profiteering from child abusers and rapist.
Harry Reid is the democratic party are terrorist against the United States they
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defend supports hate, race, child abusers and sex offenders.
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joesixpack wrote on May 13, 2010 12:24 PM:
Have you been paying attention as to what is happening with the deficit? Obama has
quadrupled what bush spent. The health care bill will bankrupt us, the CBO has
came out and said it will cost something like 115 billion more than stated (and I bet
considerably mor than that after all is said and done). How about the financial mess
that is going on in Greece, that WILL happen here if jackbags like Reid and obama
are not stopped. You better pull your head out and look at reality for a change.
Report abuse
Bob Hastings wrote on May 13, 2010 12:22 PM:
I think all who have jump on the Angle bandwagon should go to the attached link.
Angle is NOT the "Tea Party Endorsed Candidate". She was endorsed by one small
part of the Tea Party. This is why the Tea Party is going to lose credibility. You have
many small groups all trying to speak as if they are the whole Tea Party as the Tea
Party Express did in Angles case. Please read:
Here is part of the article:
To be clear, our particular organization has not endorsed in the Nevada GOP
primary, nor do we plan to. We also have not, nor will we ever support Walt Minnick
for Congress.
The confusion is swirling around because “Our Country Deserves Better PAC,” the
group that runs the “Tea Party Express,” has decided to endorse in the Nevada GOP
primary, and has also for some strange reason endorsed Walt Minnick for Congress
in Idaho.
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Gary wrote on May 13, 2010 12:12 PM:
Tea Party as Extremist? Not hardly, passing Bills without reading them, buying votes
to pass a Bill,requiring as a condition of citizenship a person to purchase a service or
commodity!? The only Non-Partisanship has been in OPPOSITION to this Big
Government Power grab by out of touch liberals! The premise of the Constitution is
LIMITED Government, So why are we growing it? Now that is EXTREME!
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Stuart & Robert Wyman-Cahall wrote on May 13, 2010 11:49 AM:
Sounds like the tea-baggers are doing exactly what we were hoping they would
I see the tea baggers as a legitimate movement..but an EXTREMEST movement
none the less.
They DO NOT represent the community which I have come to love. I don't live
amongst birthers who see our President as illegitimate, I see my community, in all
its diversity, pulling together and try to overcome what the Bush years have done to
And I see, in my Senator, Harry Reid, a pragmatic, sensible lawmaker who has the
values we share.
I'm sorry. But when I see tea-baggers I see Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck
and Fox news...and when I see Senator Harry Reid I see a lawmaker who is working
hard for average folks like you and me!
For those of you who gave us Governor Gibbons and John Ensign, look at
yourselves. You should be ashamed. And now you want us to sign up for Lowden or
Angle? Why would independent voters want to take YOUR advice? Good grief!
Stuart & Robert Wyman-Cahall
Las Vegas, NV 89142
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joesixpack wrote on May 13, 2010 11:45 AM:
Lowden is just another RINO.
At least Angle has done something to rein in out of control property taxes. And if
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she wants to audit the FED, she has my vote.
Danny, talks the talk, BUT will he walk the walk?
Of the three, only Sharron Angle has really done anything.
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Franklin wrote on May 13, 2010 11:27 AM:
Carl you are obviously a real "teabagger".
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Stuart & Robert Wyman-Cahall wrote on May 13, 2010 11:22 AM:
Reid will be O.K.
The voters are now just getting campaign reminders of what the Bushies did to this
With health care passed, and the benefits about to be felt, and the economy turning
around (still too slowly for Las Vegas), the voters won't be looking back to the right
wing Gibbons/Ensign types for leadership no more!
Republicans = party of NO WE CAN'T!
Stuart & Robert Wyman-Cahall
Las Vegas, NV 89142
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Carl wrote on May 13, 2010 11:10 AM:
Missy wrote on May 13, 2010 10:59 AM:
It's disgusting when people use the "teabagger" term. It must be some kind of oral
fixation or worse. Too bad those people don't keep their sexual preferences in their
own bedroom and keep them off of these discussion boards.
-----------Missy, you're right. The members of the Tea Party are disgusting and immoral and
that's why Teabaggers is the perfect word for them.
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Sue Lowden is a fraud! wrote on May 13, 2010 11:09 AM:
Ex-beauty queen, Ex News Model for Channel 8, HAS NEVER SERVED NEVADANS IN
Anyone who votes for Sue Lowden has no idea how important experience is.
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joesko wrote on May 13, 2010 11:07 AM:
Angle is for Auditing the FED. Based upon that, she has my vote! Follow the money
people! When we find out where the money trail leads we may get this country
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CrinVegas wrote on May 13, 2010 11:04 AM:
Why is it that when calling Harry Reid a 'crook,' or 'dishonorable,' no one backs
those words up with facts? Sounds like a bunch of parrots to me, merely repeating
the words without any knowledge to back them up. It's a typical Republican
tactic,repetition of negative words and short phrases that unfortunately catch on
with the uninformed masses.
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spell check wrote on May 13, 2010 11:03 AM:
what is "Somewhat Consevative"?
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Franklin wrote on May 13, 2010 10:59 AM:
It's disgusting when people use the "teabagger" term. It must be some kind of oral
fixation or worse. Too bad those people don't keep their sexual preferences in their
own bedroom and keep them off of these discussion boards.
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Judy wrote on May 13, 2010 10:55 AM:
This RIRO is voting for Danny!
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I Hate Tea wrote on May 13, 2010 10:53 AM:
I thought the Teabaggers were party neutral and they hated both current parties. If
this is case, how can a Republican gain the support of Teabaggers?
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kds wrote on May 13, 2010 10:52 AM:
But not quite as much Botox as you would see at a Shelley Berkley family reunion,
even if she was the only one there.
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Truthy wrote on May 13, 2010 10:36 AM:
That pic of Lowdown, Jerry's Kid, and Uncle ... more plastic surgery there than in a
Joan Rivers show.
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Stuart & Robert Wyman-Cahall wrote on May 13, 2010 10:33 AM:
Think of the shallowness of Sue Lowden's career trajectory---a former Miss America
runner-up, then another pretty but vapid TV "reporter," followed by a marriage to a
rich casino mogul who appointed her to various casino boards and financed her for a
single term in the Nevada Senate, where she had a remarkably undistinguished
The "chickens" remark is more of a symptom than a cause---it shows that Sue
Lowden has not seriously considered a single issue that would be of importance to
Nevadans. She just attacks Reid, and spouts the same tripe about lowering taxes
and cutting regulations and wasteful spending, without being specific in the
slightest. Reid would trounce her in a debate, which I'll bet she will never agree to
do anyway.
I hope Nevadans are ultimately smart enough to elect someone with competence,
regardless of how much they may disagree on the specifics, rather than an empty
skirt like Sue Lowden.
Of course, they keep electing Jim Gibbons as governor, so it's hard to be optimistic
about this.
Stuart & Robert Wyman-Cahall
Las Vegas, NV 89142
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A chicken is much better than Reid!! wrote on May 13, 2010 10:33 AM:
I would vote for a chicken but not REID!! Vote them out - Harry and "Mini" Rory!!
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JDubs wrote on May 13, 2010 10:28 AM:
I was a Tark supporter, but now I am convinced that Angle can actually win, and I'd
much rather have a real conservative in Sharron Angle against dishonorable harry
Oh and for those of you who is still voting For Reid (either or both of them) then go
move to san francisco already, we don't want you here.
And listen to KXNT from 9 to 5 everyday.
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SW wrote on May 13, 2010 10:22 AM:
Sharron Angle has my vote, and has from the beginning.
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BattleBorn wrote on May 13, 2010 10:19 AM:
Angle is the best choice.
Tark has just too many problems, hope this $14 million dollar foreclosure that he is
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facing works out ok....
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xfile wrote on May 13, 2010 10:16 AM:
Thus far, Angle is the most believable.
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Anyone but Reid!! wrote on May 13, 2010 10:11 AM:
Harry Reid is the worst Nevada senator in history. In his 24 years in the Senate all
he has done is to protect the interests of his donors and cronies. While most
Nevadans suffer from highest unemployment and foreclosures, drop in personal
income and poorest quality of education in the nation, he was in Washington crafting
the Obamacare to make it even harder for hardworking Nevadans. In his more than
2 decades in the Senate, all he has done is get himself and his cronies richer while
most Nevadans work for minimum wages.
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Moe.Greene wrote on May 13, 2010 10:02 AM:
Harry Reid is a joke. The man begs for money from the financial sector for his PAC
and his campaign and then has the nerve to pretend to be hate them.
He makes a commercial with MGM claiming to having created thousands of jobs yet
hides like a coward when it comes to explaining how the people that built City
Center are not being paid. All while, once again, begging for donations.
When Bush was President, Harry couldn't wait to rush to the floor of the Senate to
declare the war in Iraq lost but not says nothing about Obama's inattentiveness to
Reid is a complete failure. He has disgraced this country and this state. He has no
clue how a true leader acts or he would be on the phone to the White House
reminding Obama that he is an equal partner and not a lapdog.
I'm not thrilled by any of the GOP candidates but any of them are better than this
relic, Reid. If you support Reid, you are pretty much telling your fellow citizens that
you support cowardice and moving our country to be aligned more with Socialist
Europe. Are you really that lazy and deficient that you could continue to support
someone as two faced as Reid?
Report abuse
who took the harry reid training class and learned to throw eggs wrote on May 13,
2010 10:02 AM:
harry reid elementary school
egg throwing class credit
mormons are the champions of diversion and name calling.
anything to rig an election.
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harry reid forced health care income tax laws wrote on May 13, 2010 09:58 AM:
enforced by the I R S
reid is exempt from this wonderful program, which is just right for you.
trillions billions trillions billions trillions billions.....
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more more more bail outs
support bailouts and hand outs
vote reid.
harry knows you can afford it.
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I'm Not a Mormon Hater! wrote on May 13, 2010 09:54 AM:
mormons love yellow t-shirts that support harry reid.
vote reid,
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GaryIndiana wrote on May 13, 2010 09:52 AM:
Haha, I registered Republican just so I can vote for this kookwit Angle in the
primary (not to mention, another vote for our clown governor, that dashing ladies
man Gibbons). Hey, if you Republicans want to kiss the butts of the arch-rightwing
Teabaggers, I'm more than happy to help supply the bullets for your circular firing
Report abuse
Adrian wrote on May 13, 2010 09:52 AM:
For all of you Reid lovers... One day you will look back and say; damn, I had no
shame, no principles, no logic.
Nevertheless, I love this country and defend your right to say this garbage.
Wish I could chat more, but I have to go to my bank and short sell my house.
Report abuse
hopeless incumbent wrote on May 13, 2010 09:52 AM:
when the state of nevada is constantly run into the ground and abused by the
careless elected leaders .
what is really happening is the contract approvals and handouts for the clique is all
that ever goes on here .
it is plain to see the old boy network has run its course
it is past time to flush the clique turds and get fresh water in the bowl
Report abuse
Another Nevadan for Sen. Reid wrote on May 13, 2010 09:49 AM:
As Lowden, little Tark and Angle
race to the right to see who is crowned
Most Unhinged T e a b a g g e r
Harry Reid is doing America's work
of cleaning up the Bush economic collapse,
managing two previously mismanaged wars
and leading the Senate as the nation's second most powerful public official.
It's an awesome responsibility but one that
Harry has handled with great skill and knowledge.
Thank you Sen. Reid for your great service to our nation!
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JohnW wrote on May 13, 2010 09:48 AM:
I rest my case, I not a Mormon, but the HATE keeps flowing from your mouths.
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fire fighter's for reid . wrote on May 13, 2010 09:44 AM:
rory, we need a hero sized pay raise now.
trade votes for favors.
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mormons love the word hate wrote on May 13, 2010 09:39 AM:
mormons use the word hate and show their hate for others by throwing eggs.
come join the mormon church today.
pick up your eggs at the door.
we am nice folk.
vote reid
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JohnW wrote on May 13, 2010 09:24 AM:
You hate Reid, you hate Obama but stand for nothing!
If all you haters are the best Nevada and the nation has to offer, then the future is
bleak to say the least. If you think the economic and social problems of America will
go away because you pass a Bigot Bill like in Arizona, then you're crazier than you
sound with your hate rantings. Go out for a walk, ride a bike, get some exercise or
Go to work and maybe you'll release some tension. Do not even begin to equate
your movement with the Boston Tea Party as the early Americans had a miserable
life under the English Crown where we have The Bill of Rights and more freedom
and wealth than citizens of any other country in the world.
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BattleBorn wrote on May 13, 2010 09:08 AM:
Oh yeah, one of the babes will be kicking ole Pinky out of office...Way to go
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Alvinjh wrote on May 13, 2010 09:00 AM:
I will work my ass off if Sharon Angle will represent NEVADA and not
Chicago/Berekley as Senator "Red" "the war is lost" and "the tourists smell bad"
Harry Reid has done.
Kick his butt Ms. Angle.
We are with you all the way. Clean House.
Titus and Bezerkely are gonna get theirs too.
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Get ready to rumble wrote on May 13, 2010 08:49 AM:
Lowden, Little Tark, Angle.
The question for Nevada GOPers is which one is sufficently retarded to win the
Meanwhile, Harry Reid is busy actually leading our nation's government -- cleaning
up Bush's Wall Street meltdown and now dealing with the oil spill.
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After the baggers finish ripping each other apart the winner will have to face the
Senate Majority Leader in televised debates. Harry will be well prepared based on
his years of firsthand experience.
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at the MGM Grand Arena wrote on May 13, 2010 08:35 AM:
How about a Lowden/Angle cage catfight?
They obviously hate each other so there's plenty of motivation for an epic
Millions would order it on pay-per-view.
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Tim wrote on May 13, 2010 08:28 AM:
Thanks Teabaggers!
Angle won't be able to get a vote from anyone with two functioning brain cells. That
pretty much assures Nevada of maintaining Harry Reid as Senator!
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TONY wrote on May 13, 2010 08:20 AM:
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Avenger wrote on May 13, 2010 08:18 AM:
Sharron Angle has my vote. Sue Lowden is a typical Rino republican, the same type
that brought this country and the republican party down. I will never forget what
Sue Lowden did at the Nevada state republican convention in 2008 when she turned
her back on the people of Nevada because the Nevada republican party freaked
when they saw that Nevada was actually going to successfully nominate Ron Paul
delegates to the national convention. She single handedly shut the convention down
in Reno, and a year later the box with the votes that was stored away at the hosting
casino's safe confirmed that Ron Paul was going to have delegates from Nevada.
Sue Lowden, you will not win and cheat your way out of this one.
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Jack.Webb wrote on May 13, 2010 08:15 AM:
Whatever the poll standings, one thing is clear.
Nevada doesn't need an empty-headed hen like Sue Lowden.
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Peter.K wrote on May 13, 2010 08:13 AM:
Sharron Angle is an amazing person. She is a Goldwater-style constitutional
conservative who knows a great deal about the problems (and solutions) Nevadans
are facing. She has a perfect record of constitutional voting over her eight years in
the state assembly. She is an indefatigable campaigner whom I met a few years ago
when she was standing in front of a supermarket getting signatures on a ballot
initiative to cap property taxes. She has an pick-up old truck, not a $500,000, self
aggrandizing motor home like her Primary opponent, Mrs. Lowden.
If you want to be represented by someone who has "shoveled the stall" before
asking permission "to ride the White Horse," Sharron Angle is your best bet. On the
other hand, if you think casino executive, Sue Lowden, cares about the issues
important to you and not her elitist friends and fellow casino owners, vote for her.
Report abuse
Stanley wrote on May 13, 2010 08:10 AM:
Spot on to Wolf or Sheep?. Americans are so tired of listening to attack dog politics.
We want to hear solutions. After watching both debates I thought Angle and
Chachas were the clearest speakers on how to solve problems and that is what I
want, people that are doers. On a flip note we have to support whoever wins and
get communist Reid the heck out of there.
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Truthy wrote on May 13, 2010 08:06 AM:
Interesting note that a new recent poll shows Reid leading this sorry field of
professional haters and idiots. But why would the R-J go into that? Reid is going to
win in November, and then we can watch the R-J publisher and editor claim the
voting was fixed because Nevadans realized how good we have it with Reid in office
and how lousy a group these Republicans are--like most Republicans.
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Jack.Webb wrote on May 13, 2010 08:05 AM:
May 13, 2010
For 11 years, the federal government has been burying nuclear waste in New
Mexican salt beds at a place called WIPP, or the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. It's
waste from making atomic weapons.
But now the government is looking for a place to put thousands of tons of spent fuel
from reactors. These salt beds could be the place. New Mexicans, however, are
faced with the prospect of becoming the nation's default nuclear waste dump.
The former mayor of Carlsbad, N.M., is solidly on the "yes, bring it on" side. Say the
word "salt," and he grins.
"The biggest asset we have are those salt beds out here east of town," says Bob
Forrest, as he sips iced tea in the restaurant of the Stevens Hotel. "They've been out
there 250 million years, and they've just proven perfect to put this kind of waste to
store it permanently, and that's the key to our success."
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Bob Hastings wrote on May 13, 2010 07:56 AM:
Angle is a follower, not a leader. What is she offering. "I voted conservative when I
was in office". Great - she can follow the lead of others and vote conservative. So? I
want someone to lead this country. To supply the ideas for change. Look at Angle's
"Issues Page" on her website. Her ENTIRE coverage of ALL issues is a long as
Tarkanian's Energy Plan alone. He also has developed a full blown economic plan
and a full blown healthcare plan. He is also, BY FAR, the strongest on illegal
immigration. Vote for a leader - not a follower. Vote for Tarkanian.
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Wolf or Sheep? wrote on May 13, 2010 07:53 AM:
Whenever I see Sue Lowden speaking at various political functions, I think of the
following Bible verse:
"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they
are ravening wolves." (Mat 7:15 - KJV)
Sue likes to talk about her humble beginnings but there is an obvious, though
subliminal, message that comes through every time I see her on the campaign trail
and that message is total self centered thinking. Everything she says is about Sue
Lowden-not the issues! "Harry Reid is after me because I'm the only one that can
beat him." "I'm a businesswoman and I make payroll every two weeks." is one of
her favorite pitches. Does she make payroll or does the public corporation of which
she is treasurer make the payroll? I,I,I,Me,Me,Me. If she donated a dollar to charity
every time she used the first-personal pronoun, no one would be homeless.
So, it's no wonder that the very conservative and very personable Mrs. Angle is
making a run. Angle speaks about the issues and Lowden speaks about herself.
Unfortunately for Lowden, on June 8th, she will learn that the world does not
revolve around her.
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Moe.Greene wrote on May 13, 2010 07:41 AM:
The Reid campaign is scared of Angle. They already are playing Lowden off as a ditz
and Danny is an empty suit. Angle is bright and has ideas that go against what the
Obama-Reid-Pelosi machine want.
Harry is toast regardless of who is nominated but it is obvious their real fear is
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head's up against Angle.
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Soon wrote on May 13, 2010 07:40 AM:
As the RINO Bennet found out in Utah. The Obamabaggers will soon find out for
themselves in November and beyons.
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JohnW wrote on May 13, 2010 07:30 AM:
Voting for Angle is just one more nail in the coffin of the Tea Party and the GOP for
that matter. She has reached a high because of the rhetoric flying out there about
Lowden's Chicken comment and after it settles down, she will be a nobody just like
she was three weeks ago. Angle will be a voiceless freshman (from a state that lacks
any kind of national respect) in the Senate and will be silenced and ultimately
succumb to the Same Old Governing of John McCain, Lindsay Graham and many
other career senators.
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sometimes you feel like a nut wrote on May 13, 2010 07:27 AM:
T e a b a g g e r s are demanding that the nuttiest, craziest, looniest, most
outrageous imbecile win the GOP primary.
While all the candidates easily meet that requirement it looks like Angle gets the nod
based on showing up at a campaign rally riding a motorcycle.
It was a brilliant move that made the retired, bored b a g g e r s feel young again.
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BWAK BWAK! wrote on May 13, 2010 07:15 AM:
Lowdown's chickens are coming home to roost. Her drop in support is directly
related to statements that everybody should take along a couple of egg-laying hens
on their next visit to the doctor.
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Jim.Penrose wrote on May 13, 2010 07:14 AM:
I'm voting for Angle. Lowden is the female version of Brian Sandoval -- an empty
suit who's been annointed by the power brokers. If you're going to vote for a nut,
vote for a REAL nut.
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Too_much_government wrote on May 13, 2010 07:13 AM:
Sharron is definitely not a RINO. When she is good she is VERY good. That's a lot
*more* than I can say for her closest competitors.
Sue, the standard bearer of the HUGE government GOP, first suggested that we
freeze Washington spending. In response to Tea Party activism she suggested
cutting 5%. Well *that* really differentiated herself from Reid! Now that TPs and
Undecideds are rallying behind Sharron, look for Sue to suggest that -- OMG -- we
cut 6%.
Sharron wants to cut 25%. That might sound interesting until you realize it would
just get us back to where we were when GWB left office. These Republicans make
me long for the good ol', small government days of Bill Clinton!
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GOP smoke wrote on May 13, 2010 07:10 AM:
To bad the "nonpartisan" tea bags can't vote for Angle in the primary election.
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Gail wrote on May 13, 2010 07:05 AM:
I was a Lowden supporter but...
For me that leaves Angle or Tark.
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I'll be paying close attention from here on out.
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Miles Monroe wrote on May 13, 2010 07:02 AM:
Sue Lowden has one big problem....her record. She was a "play ball" Republican
who supported HR. Now in better times that might have been just a small issue. But
when we've learned that Harry lied to us about healthcare costs and stood up in
front of the American people yesterday and lied about Sandra Day O'Connor's
judicial record it means a lot. And Lowden is a moderate Republican who shares a
good portion of blame for the disarray of the Nevada GOP.
Mr. Tarkanian is a journeyman candidate for everything without success. He was a
mediocre attorney with an undistinguished record. He's being supported by the
same type trial attorneys (G. Dallas Horton) that are the backbone of Harry's
campaign coffers. While he may be a better alternative to Harrry, he's just Sue
Lowden light.
I like John Chachas but he poorly timed his entry into the campaign. It looks like if
we want real change in direction of our government Sharron Angle is the proper
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nvlawyer wrote on May 13, 2010 07:01 AM:
I could change my support from Lowden to Angle. If she continues to show strong
numbers, it would not be a tough choice as Lowden has shown she tends to be an
"empty suit" when it comes to substance. I am impressed that Angle has jumped up
in the race and now I am looking closer.
Sadly, I donated max to Lowden already in primary. May need to send Angle some
cash -- but already gave a bunch. Bummer.
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Jim wrote on May 13, 2010 06:37 AM:
Angle is the best by far. She doesn't flip-flop. She tells it like it is and then stands by
it even if it's something people don't want to hear.
Reid & Lowden deny at one moment what they said the moment before. Tell 'em
what they want to hear, then do what the puppetmasters behind the scenes tell
them to do. The net result is screw you.
Despite the claims, Lowden will not beat Harry Reid. Like in this primary, she fades
fast once people find out what she's really like.
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Joseph.Cassel wrote on May 13, 2010 06:28 AM:
The more I learn about Lowden the more convinced I am that she is a RINO.
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chill@aol.com wrote on May 13, 2010 05:19 AM:
What about Scott Ashjian. we need soeone who will shake things up and is beholden
to nobody. The career politicians need to go.
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Typical White Person wrote on May 13, 2010 05:10 AM:
Angle is the only candidate worth supporting. Lowden is a say-and-do-what-i-haveto-get-elected republican.
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GARY D wrote on May 13, 2010 05:04 AM:
I would vote for anyone, including Donald Duck, before I voted for liar, liar pants on
fire Harry Reid.
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This clown is so far out of touch with Nevadans, it is beyond incredible. He's actually
starting to believe some of his own lieing diatribes.
Enjoy Washington Harry, until November 2nd anyway -----------
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Will harry reid come to throw eggs wrote on May 13, 2010 03:46 AM:
each time harry reid is on t v
he is holding his right arm at the wrist, with his left hand
like he had a stroke or has mild right sided paralysis.
getting old or is the egg throwing arm a little sore ?
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New Angle Supporter wrote on May 13, 2010 02:41 AM:
I’ve been watching this race a month now. Sue Lowden is a lying snob, and Dan
Tarkanian I can’t figure him out. But Sharon Angle has really impressed me. I may
not be the biggest conservative but I like the fact that Sharon Angle is somebody
everybody can trust. I don’t see much difference between Sue Lowden and Harry
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