Automobili Lamborghini, S.p.A. v. Sangiovese, LLC et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against Dal Toro Exotic Cars Las Vegas, LLC, Sangiovese Banquet, LLC, Sangiovese, LLC (Filing fee $ 350 receipt number 0978-2051149), filed by Automobili Lamborghini, S.p.A.. Certificate of Interested Parties due by 7/23/2011. Proof of service due by 11/10/2011. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Summons, # 3 Summons, # 4 Summons) (Bundick, Jacob)

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7 ARIEL E. STERN, ESQ. Nevada Bar No. 8276 JACOB D. BUNDICK, ESQ. Nevada Bar No. 9772 AKERMAN SENTERFITT 400 South Fourth Street, Suite 450 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Telephone: (702) 634-5000 Facsimile: (702) 380-8572 Email: Email: 8 Attorneys for Plaintiff 1 2 3 4 5 6 400 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, SUITE 450 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 TEL.: (702) 634-5000 – FAX: (702) 380-8572 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 10 AKERMAN SENTERFITT 9 DISTRICT OF NEVADA 11 12 AUTOMOBILI LAMBORGHINI, S.p.A., an Italian Company, Plaintiff, 13 Case No.: 2:11-cv-01154 COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF 14 - against - 15 SANGIOVESE, LLC, a Nevada Limited Liability Company, SANGIOVESE BANQUET, LLC, a Nevada Limited Liability Company, and DAL TORO EXOTIC CARS LAS VEGAS, LLC, a Nevada Limited Liability Company, 16 17 18 Defendants. 19 20 21 Plaintiff, AUTOMOBILI LAMBORGHINI, S.p.A., ("Lamborghini"), complains and alleges 22 against Defendants, SANGIOVESE, LLC, SANGIOVESE BANQUET, LLC, and DAL TORO 23 EXOTIC CARS LAS VEGAS, LLC, (collectively "Defendants"), as follows: I. 24 25 1. NATURE OF THE ACTION Lamborghini seeks damages and injunctive relief pursuant to Sections 32, 34, 43(a) 26 and 43(c) of the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. §§ 1114, 1116, 1125(a) and (c)), Section 598.0915(3) of the 27 Nevada Revised Statutes, and common law. 28 /// {WP786986;1} 1 1 2 II. 2. JURISDICTION AND VENUE This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this action pursuant to Section 3 39 of the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. § 1121), and 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1332(a) and 1338, and has 4 supplemental jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1367(a). 5 3. Venue is properly founded in this judicial district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b) and 6 (c) because Defendants are subject to personal jurisdiction within this judicial district and operate 7 businesses within this district because a substantial part of the events giving rise to these claims 8 occurred within this district. 9 400 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, SUITE 450 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 TEL.: (702) 634-5000 – FAX: (702) 380-8572 AKERMAN SENTERFITT 10 III. 4. THE PARTIES Lamborghini is a company organized and existing under the laws of Italy, having its 11 principal place of business at Via Modena 12, 40019, Sant' Agata, Bolognese, Italy. Lamborghini is 12 or has been the manufacturer of the world famous Automobili Lamborghini sportscars including, but 13 not limited to, Lamborghini Murcielago, Lamborghini Gallardo, Lamborghini Reventon, 14 Lamborghini Diablo and Lamborghini Countach. 15 5. Lamborghini is the holder of the world famous Lamborghini Trademarks, defined 16 herein, including, but not limited to, the phrase “Automobili Lamborghini”, the phrase 17 “Lamborghini”, the Automobili Lamborghini Bull-In-Shield Logo and the Lamborghini Bull-In- 18 Shield Logo. 19 6. Defendant Sangiovese, LLC ("Sangiovese"), upon information and belief, is a limited 20 liability company organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nevada, having a principal 21 place of business at 4525 Dean Martin Drive, #1606, Las Vegas, NV 89103 and operating businesses 22 within this jurisdiction at The Palazzo Resort Hotel and Casino, 3325 Las Vegas Blvd. S., Las 23 Vegas, NV 89109, including the Dal Toro Exotic Car Showroom, Dal Toro Merchandise Gallery, 24 and Dal Toro Il Ristorante Italiano, and of which Lorenzo Barracco ("Barracco") is Manager. Upon 25 information and belief, Sangiovese also conducts business within this jurisdiction through the 26 operation of the fully interactive website domain: 27 28 7. Defendant Sangiovese Banquet, LLC ("Sangiovese Banquet"), upon information and belief, is a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nevada, {WP786986;1} 2 1 having a principal place of business at 4525 Dean Martin Drive, #2806, Las Vegas, NV 89103 and 2 operating businesses within this jurisdiction at The Palazzo Resort Hotel and Casino, 3325 Las 3 Vegas Blvd. S., Las Vegas, NV 89109, including the Dal Toro Exotic Car Showroom, Dal Toro 4 Merchandise Gallery and Dal Toro Il Ristorante Italiano, and of which Barracco is Manager. Upon 5 information and belief, Sangiovese Banquet also conducts business within this jurisdiction through 6 the operation of the fully interactive website domain: 7 8. Defendant Dal Toro Exotic Cars Las Vegas, LLC ("Dal Toro Exotic Cars"), upon State of Nevada, having a principal place of business at 4525 Dean Martin Drive, #1606, Las Vegas, 10 400 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, SUITE 450 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 TEL.: (702) 634-5000 – FAX: (702) 380-8572 information and belief, is a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the 9 AKERMAN SENTERFITT 8 NV 89103 and operating business within this jurisdiction at The Palazzo Resort Hotel and Casino, 11 3325 Las Vegas Blvd. S., Las Vegas, NV 89109, including the Dal Toro Exotic Car Showroom, and 12 of which Barracco is Manager. Upon information and belief, Dal Toro Exotic Cars also conducts 13 business within this jurisdiction through the operation of the fully interactive website domain: 14 15 9. Defendants, upon information and belief, in their everyday operation, including 16 through the Exotic Car Showroom, Merchandise Gallery, Restaurant and/or 17 website, are directly engaging in the unauthorized use of the world famous Lamborghini 18 Trademarks; parasitically living, trading and profiting off of the Lamborghini Trademarks; causing 19 consumer confusion amongst the public through infringing activities and deceptive trade practices; 20 and/or selling infringing and/or counterfeit products within this District as alleged herein. 21 IV. 22 23 THE WORLD FAMOUS LAMBORGHINI BRAND, TRADEMARKS AND TRADE DRESS 10. Lamborghini is the owner of the world famous Lamborghini Trademarks referenced 24 in Paragraph 5 that have become synonymous with luxurious and exotic automobiles. Moreover, the 25 owners of the Lamborghini brand have long been recognized as worldwide leaders in the design, 26 advertising, marketing and distribution of premium, high-quality products. Consumers and the trade 27 instantly identify Lamborghini as the source of all products bearing the Automobili Lamborghini or 28 Lamborghini names and affiliated trademarks. {WP786986;1} 3 The Lamborghini Trademarks are strong and 1 distinctive, have acquired great fame, enjoy worldwide recognition, are of great value and are thus 2 entitled to a high degree of protection. 3 11. United States Federal Courts have adjudicated and upheld Lamborghini’s Trademarks the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida by United States Magistrate Judge 6 Sheri Polster Chappell [DE 37], adopted by Opinion and Order dated July 10, 2008 by United States 7 District Judge John E. Steele [DE 47], in Automobili Lamborghini SpA and Automobili Lamborghini 8 Holding, SpA v. The Lamboshop, Inc. and Michael Heick, 2008 WL 2743643 (M.D.Fla.)., Case No: 9 2:07-cv-266-FtM-29SPC; See also Final Judgment dated August 28, 2009 entered in the United 10 400 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, SUITE 450 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 TEL.: (702) 634-5000 – FAX: (702) 380-8572 as famous, protected and distinctive. See Report and Recommendation dated June 5, 2008 issued in 5 AKERMAN SENTERFITT 4 States District Court for the Southern District of New York by United States District Judge P. Kevin 11 Castel [DE 9-8], in Automobili Lamborghini SpA, Automobili Lamborghini Holding, SpA, and 12 Lamborghini ArtiMarca SpA v. Alliance Capital, LLC a/k/a "Lamborghini Luxury", "Global Index, 13 Inc.", and "Lamborghini Merchandise USA, Inc." and Ronald Goldberg, Case No: 1:09-cv-05896- 14 PKC. 15 A. Lamborghini’s Famous AUTOMOBILI LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN-SHIELD Design 16 Mark 17 12. Lamborghini is the owner of the world famous AUTOMOBILI LAMBORGHINI 18 BULL-IN-SHIELD design mark – consisting of the words “Automobili Lamborghini” and a 19 distinctive bull within a shield. The AUTOMOBILI LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN-SHIELD design 20 mark is the subject of the following registrations, among others, with the United States Patent and 21 Trademark Office: 22 Mark Serial No. Reg. Date 3717346 23 Reg. No. 77407553 12/1/2009 24 25 26 27 28 {WP786986;1} 4 1 3312082 78870133 10/16/2007 2254847 2 75334329 6/22/1999 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 400 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, SUITE 450 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 TEL.: (702) 634-5000 – FAX: (702) 380-8572 AKERMAN SENTERFITT 10 13. IN-SHIELD design mark are attached hereto as Exhibits A, B, and C. 11 12 Copies of the trademark registration for the AUTOMOBILI LAMBORGHINI BULL- 14. The registration for the AUTOMOBILI LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN-SHIELD design mark is in full force and effect and have become incontestable pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1065. 13 15. Lamborghini has used the AUTOMOBILI LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN-SHIELD 14 design mark for many years on and in connection with the sale of high quality products, including on 15 automobiles, vehicle parts, merchandise and apparel, and has carefully monitored and policed the 16 use of the AUTOMOBILI LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN-SHIELD design mark. 17 Lamborghini has expended substantial time, money and other resources in developing, advertising 18 and otherwise promoting its AUTOMOBILI LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN-SHIELD design mark. As 19 a result of these efforts, consumers readily identify such items bearing the AUTOMOBILI 20 LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN-SHIELD design mark as being high quality products sponsored and 21 approved by Lamborghini. 22 16. Lamborghini’s AUTOMOBILI LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN-SHIELD design mark 23 qualifies as a famous mark, as that term is used in 15 U.S.C. § 1125(c)(1). 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 /// {WP786986;1} Further, 5 1 B. Lamborghini’s Famous LAMBORGHINI Type Mark 2 17. Lamborghini is also the owner of the world famous LAMBORGHINI type mark. The 3 LAMBORGHINI type mark is the subject of the following registrations, among others, with the 4 United States Patent and Trademark Office: 5 7 Mark Reg. No. LAMBORGHINI 1622382 LAMBORGHINI 3707401 18. Copies of the trademark registration for the 8 hereto as Exhibits D and E. 6 19. 9 The registration for the LAMBORGHINI type mark is in full force and effect and 400 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, SUITE 450 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 TEL.: (702) 634-5000 – FAX: (702) 380-8572 10 AKERMAN SENTERFITT Serial No. Reg. Date 74019105 11/13/1990 77407165 11/10/2009 LAMBORGHINI type mark are attached have become incontestable pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1065. 11 C. Lamborghini’s Famous LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN-SHIELD Design Mark 20. 12 Lamborghini is also the owner of the world famous LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN- 13 SHIELD design mark – consisting of the word “Lamborghini” and a distinctive bull within a shield. 14 The LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN-SHIELD design mark is the subject of the following registrations, 15 among others, with the United States Patent and Trademark Office: 16 Mark Reg. No. Reg. Date 3671571 17 Serial No. 77407493 8/25/2009 18 19 20 21 22 21. A copy of the trademark registration for the LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN-SHIELD design mark is attached hereto as Exhibit F. 22. Lamborghini has used the LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN-SHIELD design mark for 23 many years on and in connection with the sale of high quality products, including on automobiles, 24 vehicle parts, merchandise and apparel, and has carefully monitored and policed the use of the 25 LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN-SHIELD design mark. Further, Lamborghini has expended substantial 26 time, money and other resources in developing, advertising and otherwise promoting its 27 LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN-SHIELD design mark. As a result of these efforts, consumers readily 28 identify such items bearing the LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN-SHIELD design mark as being high {WP786986;1} 6 1 quality products sponsored and approved by Lamborghini. 2 23. Lamborghini’s LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN-SHIELD design mark qualifies as a 3 famous mark, as that term is used in 15 U.S.C. § 1125(c)(1). 4 D. 5 Lamborghini’s Extensive Efforts to Advertise and Promote the Lamborghini Trademarks 24. Lamborghini has extensively advertised and promoted the products manufactured 6 under the Lamborghini Trademarks. 7 widespread exposure in the marketplace. Over the years, millions of consumers have been exposed 8 to the Lamborghini Trademarks through extensive marketing events and campaigns, in mainstream 9 and automotive magazines and other periodicals, as depicted on television and in motion pictures, on 400 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, SUITE 450 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 TEL.: (702) 634-5000 – FAX: (702) 380-8572 AKERMAN SENTERFITT 10 For decades, the Lamborghini Trademarks have received the Internet, and in other forms of unsolicited media coverage. 11 25. Over many years, Lamborghini has realized enormous and ever-increasing success in 12 its sales of products bearing the Lamborghini Trademarks, such sales totaling in the millions of 13 dollars in the United States alone. 14 26. Lamborghini constantly strives to maintain the prestige and reputation of quality and 15 luxury associated with the Lamborghini brand. Strict quality control standards are imposed in the 16 manufacture of all Lamborghini branded products. Lamborghini’s painstaking adherence to only the 17 highest quality standards has resulted in widespread and favorable public acceptance among 18 consumers for all products bearing the Lamborghini Trademarks. 19 27. As a result of Lamborghini’s extensive advertising and promotion, adherence to the 20 highest quality standards, and extraordinary sales success, the Lamborghini Trademarks, as well as 21 other well known designs, logos and indicia introduced by Lamborghini, are among the most widely- 22 recognized automotive trademarks and source indicia in the United States, possessing strong 23 secondary meaning among consumers and the trade, immediately identifying Lamborghini as the 24 exclusive source of the products to which they are affixed, and signifying goodwill of incalculable 25 value. 26 V. DEFENDANTS’ ACTS OF INFRINGEMENT AND UNFAIR COMPETITION 27 28. 28 In connection with their businesses, the Defendants are presently using Lamborghini's Trademarks, name and logo without authorization, permission or license. Brashly, Defendants {WP786986;1} 7 1 prominently display a large and striking LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN-SHIELD protected design 2 mark at the entrance of Defendants' premises and a LAMBORGHINI protected type mark within 3 Defendants' Exotic Car Showroom. A recent photograph of the unauthorized and infringing use by 4 Defendants of Lamborghini's Trademark is attached hereto as Exhibit G. A copy of a printout from 5 depicting the unauthorized and infringing display of the Lamborghini scripted 6 type mark is attached hereto as Exhibit H. 7 29. Additionally, Defendants have engaged in designing, manufacturing, advertising, logos and source-identifying indicia that are studied imitations of the Lamborghini Trademarks, 10 400 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, SUITE 450 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 TEL.: (702) 634-5000 – FAX: (702) 380-8572 promoting, selling and/or offering for sale apparel and accessory products for consumers bearing 9 AKERMAN SENTERFITT 8 including a bull-in-shield design (collectively the “Infringing Products”). The Dal Toro Mark shown 11 in Exhibit G, and deliberately placed next to Lamborghini's Trademark at Defendants' premises, is 12 confusingly similar in shape, color and design to Lamborghini's. 13 30. The Infringing Products which display the infringing Dal Toro Mark are advertised, 14 promoted and sold through the Defendants' Exotic Car Showroom, Merchandise Gallery and/or 15 Restaurant. Defendants have strategically and deliberately placed such Infringing Products directly 16 next to authentic Lamborghini merchandise and Lamborghini Trademarks so as to foreseeably cause 17 confusion to the viewing public and consumers that Defendants' Infringing Products are somehow 18 sponsored by, affiliated with, or authorized by Lamborghini. Similarly, infringing Dal Toro signage 19 is placed along side Lamborghini's Trademarks at Defendants' premises and used in conjunction with 20 the sale of the Infringing Products and other authentic Lamborghini merchandise. This plain intent 21 of Defendants in such product placement is to bootstrap and tie the Infringing Products to the 22 Lamborghini name, image, likeness and brand. 23 31. On or about May 21 and 22, 2008, Lamborghini met with Defendants Sangiovese and 24 Sangiovese Banquet and their Manager Barracco to address the infringing Dal Toro Mark. Barracco, 25 on behalf of said Defendants, agreed that the Dal Toro logo would be removed from all signage in 26 and around Defendants' premises, including the Restaurant, that the Dal Toro Mark would be 27 deregistered and canceled of record with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and that the 28 Infringing Products containing the Dal Toro Mark would be discontinued. {WP786986;1} 8 1 32. On or about May 23, 2008, one day after the above meetings concluded, a proposed 2 Service Mark and Trademark Agreement confirming these accords was prepared and delivered to 3 Defendants Sangiovese and Sangiovese Banquet for execution. Lamborghini also followed up on 4 numerous occasions. However, Defendants' infringing actions persisted. 5 33. Thereafter, on September 11, 2008, Lamborghini issued to Defendants Sangiovese 6 and Sangiovese Banquet a Notice of Trademark Infringement and Demand to Cease and Desist from 7 further use of the Dal Toro Mark, withdrawal of its registration with the U.S. Patent and Trademark 8 Office, and removal of all infringing signage and merchandise. Exhibit I. Again, said Defendants 9 failed to respond or take the agreed corrective actions and continued their infringing activities. 400 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, SUITE 450 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 TEL.: (702) 634-5000 – FAX: (702) 380-8572 AKERMAN SENTERFITT 10 34. Upon information and belief, Defendants continued and intend to continue to design, 11 manufacture, advertise, promote, display, sell and/or offer for sale the Infringing Products, unless 12 otherwise restrained. Their infringing materials remain in defiance of Lamborghini's demands to 13 cease and desist. 14 35. On or about May 4, 2009, the Dal Toro Mark was determined abandoned by the U.S. 15 Patent and Trademark Office for Sangiovese Banquet's failure to file a Statement of Use. However, 16 the Dal Toro Mark continues to be proximately displayed and its use expanded through business 17 cards, merchandise and signage, and through 18 36. Defendants are well aware of the extraordinary fame and strength of the previously 19 established Lamborghini Trademarks and the incalculable goodwill symbolized thereby, and that the 20 Infringing Products and infringing signage misstate to the public and the trade, the source or 21 sponsorship for the products and signs they are manufacturing, advertising, displaying and/or 22 distributing. 23 activities knowingly and intentionally, or with reckless disregard for Lamborghini’s rights in the 24 Lamborghini Trademarks. 25 37. Accordingly, Defendants have been engaging in the above-described unlawful Together with, and in addition to the Infringing Products and infringing signage, 26 Defendants are using various other design elements and designations, including, but not limited to 27 certain fonts, typefaces, designs and graphic designs that are knockoffs of design elements and 28 designations used by or associated with Lamborghini (the “Knockoff Products”), all with the {WP786986;1} 9 1 deliberate intention to cause consumers and the trade to believe that their products are manufactured 2 or produced by Lamborghini, sponsored by Lamborghini, affiliated with Lamborghini or that they 3 are authentic Lamborghini merchandise. 4 38. Defendants' advertisement, promotion and sale of the Knockoff Products is part of a 5 sophisticated and elaborate scheme to target Lamborghini, to create products that are similar in 6 appearance to well-known Lamborghini products, and to trade upon the goodwill and reputation 7 associated with Lamborghini and its high quality, distinctive product lines, including by deliberately 8 misleading the public and the trade as to the authenticity, source, affiliation or sponsorship of 9 Defendants’ operations and products. 400 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, SUITE 450 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 TEL.: (702) 634-5000 – FAX: (702) 380-8572 AKERMAN SENTERFITT 10 39. Rather than going through the effort and expense of developing and creating their 11 own unique designs, Defendants have chosen to target and live parasitically off Lamborghini by 12 knowingly and slavishly replicating Lamborghini’s world-famous design elements and designations, 13 to advantage the markets and demand Lamborghini has created for such designs without having to 14 incur the developmental, promotional and advertising expenses that Lamborghini has incurred. 15 40. Upon information and belief, Defendants’ pervasive use, display and sale of the 16 Knockoff Products are blatant attempts to misappropriate the skills, expenditures, know how and 17 labors of Lamborghini, and profit from the commercial advantage Lamborghini has established, and 18 the international recognition Lamborghini has achieved for its famous design elements and 19 designations. 20 41. Upon further information and belief, Defendants intend to continue to sell such 21 Knockoff Products, and will continue to misappropriate additional design elements and designations 22 associated with Lamborghini, unless otherwise restrained. 23 42. As a result of the Defendants' infringing activities and unfair competition, 24 Lamborghini has been damaged. 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 /// {WP786986;1} 10 1 FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF 2 TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT (15 U.S.C. § 1114(1)(a)) 3 4 43. The allegations set forth in paragraphs 1 through 42 hereof are adopted and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. 5 44. Defendants have used in commerce, a reproduction, counterfeit, copy or colorable 6 imitation of Lamborghini's Trademarks in connection with the sale, offering for sale, distribution or 7 advertising of its Infringing Products. 8 45. Defendants’ Infringing Products and infringing signage are intended to cause, have 400 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, SUITE 450 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 TEL.: (702) 634-5000 – FAX: (702) 380-8572 caused and are likely to continue to cause, confusion, mistake and deception among the general 10 AKERMAN SENTERFITT 9 consuming public and the trade as to whether they originate, are affiliated with, or sponsored or 11 endorsed by Lamborghini. 12 13 46. Lamborghini's Trademarks have priority over the Dal Toro Mark used on the Infringing Products and infringing signage. 14 47. Upon information and belief, Defendants have acted with knowledge of 15 Lamborghini’s ownership of the Lamborghini Trademarks and with the deliberate intention to 16 unfairly benefit from the incalculable goodwill symbolized thereby. 17 18 48. Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. § 1114). 19 20 49. Upon information and belief, by their acts, Defendants have made and will make substantial profits and gains to which they are not in law or equity entitled. 21 22 Defendants’ acts constitute trademark infringement in violation of Section 32 of the 50. Upon information and belief, Defendants intend to continue their infringing acts, and continue to willfully infringe the Lamborghini Trademarks, unless restrained by this Court. 23 51. Defendants’ acts have damaged and will continue to damage Lamborghini, and 24 Lamborghini has no adequate remedy at law. 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 /// {WP786986;1} 11 1 SECOND CLAIM FOR RELIEF 2 FALSE DESIGNATION OF ORIGIN (15 U.S.C. § 1125(a)) 3 4 52. The allegations set forth in paragraphs 1 through 42 hereof are adopted and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. 5 53. Defendants’ promotion, distribution, sale and offering for sale of the Infringing Lamborghini, is intended, and is likely to confuse, mislead, or deceive consumers, the public, and 8 the trade as to the origin, source, sponsorship, or affiliation of the Infringing Products, and is 9 intended, and is likely to cause such parties to believe in error that the Infringing Products have been 10 400 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, SUITE 450 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 TEL.: (702) 634-5000 – FAX: (702) 380-8572 Products, together with Defendants’ use of other designations and indicia associated with 7 AKERMAN SENTERFITT 6 authorized, sponsored, approved, endorsed or licensed by Lamborghini, or that Defendants are in 11 some way affiliated with Lamborghini. 12 54. Defendants’ acts constitute a false designation of origin, and false and misleading 13 descriptions and representations of fact, all in violation of Section 43(a) of the Lanham Act (15 14 U.S.C. § 1125(a)). 15 55. 16 substantial profits and gains to which they are not in law or equity entitled. 17 18 56. Upon information and belief, Defendants intend to continue their willfully infringing acts unless restrained by this Court. 19 20 Upon information and belief, by their acts, Defendants have made and will make 57. Defendants’ acts have damaged and will continue to damage Lamborghini, and Lamborghini has no adequate remedy at law. 21 THIRD CLAIM FOR RELIEF 22 TRADEMARK DILUTION (15 U.S.C. § 1125(c)) 23 24 58. incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. 25 26 27 28 The allegations set forth in paragraphs 1 through 42 hereof are adopted and 59. Lamborghini is the exclusive owner of the Lamborghini Trademarks in the United 60. The Lamborghini Trademarks are famous, strong and distinctive marks that have States. been in use for many years and have achieved enormous and widespread public recognition. {WP786986;1} 12 1 2 3 61. The Lamborghini Trademarks are famous within the meaning of Section 43(c) of the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. § 1125(c)). 62. Defendants’ commercial use of the Infringing Products and infringing signage in 4 commerce after Lamborghini's Trademarks became famous, without authorization from 5 Lamborghini, is diluting the distinctive quality of the Lamborghini Trademarks and decreasing the 6 capacity of such marks to identify and distinguish Lamborghini’s goods. 7 63. Defendants have intentionally and willfully diluted the distinctive quality of the 8 famous Lamborghini Trademarks in violation of Section 43(c) of the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. § 9 1125(c)). 400 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, SUITE 450 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 TEL.: (702) 634-5000 – FAX: (702) 380-8572 AKERMAN SENTERFITT 10 11 12 13 14 15 64. Upon information and belief, by their acts, Defendants have made and will make substantial profits and gains to which they are not in law or equity entitled. 65. Upon information and belief, Defendants intend to continue their willfully infringing acts unless restrained by this Court. 66. Defendants’ acts have damaged and will continue to damage Lamborghini, and Lamborghini has no adequate remedy at law. 16 FOURTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF 17 UNFAIR COMPETITION (15 U.S.C. § 1125(a)) 18 19 20 67. The allegations set forth in paragraphs 1 through 42 hereof are adopted and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. 68. Defendants have used in commerce a reproduction, counterfeit, copy or colorable 21 imitation of Lamborghini's Trademarks in connection with the sale, offering for sale, distribution or 22 advertising of its Infringing Products. 23 69. Defendants’ Infringing Products and infringing signage are intended to cause, have 24 caused and are likely to continue to cause confusion, mistake and deception among the general 25 consuming public and the trade as to whether they originate, are affiliated, sponsored, or endorsed by 26 Lamborghini. Specifically, Defendants have used and prominently display Lamborghini's priority 27 Trademarks, without authorization, permission or license, in conjunction with and adjacent to the 28 Dal Toro Mark at their premises. {WP786986;1} 13 1 70. Upon information and belief, Defendants have acted with knowledge of 2 Lamborghini’s ownership of the Lamborghini Trademarks and with the deliberate intention to 3 unfairly benefit from the incalculable goodwill symbolized thereby. 4 5 71. Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. § 1125(a)). 6 7 72. 73. 400 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, SUITE 450 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 TEL.: (702) 634-5000 – FAX: (702) 380-8572 AKERMAN SENTERFITT Upon information and belief, Defendants intend to continue their infringing acts, and will continue to willfully infringe the Lamborghini Trademarks, unless restrained by this Court. 10 11 Upon information and belief, by their acts, Defendants have made and will make substantial profits and gains to which they are not in law or equity entitled. 8 9 Defendants’ acts constitute unfair competition in violation of Section 43(a) of the 74. Defendants’ acts have damaged and will continue to damage Lamborghini, and Lamborghini has no adequate remedy at law. 12 FIFTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF 13 COMMON LAW TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT 14 15 75. adopted and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. 16 17 76. 77. 78. Upon information and belief, by their acts, Defendants have made and will make substantial profits and gains to which they are not in law or equity entitled. 22 23 The aforesaid acts of Defendants constitute trademark infringement in violation of common law. 20 21 Lamborghini owns all right, title, and interest in and to the Lamborghini Trademarks as aforesaid, including all common law rights in such marks. 18 19 The allegations set forth in paragraphs 1 through 42, and 43 through 51, hereof are 79. Upon information and belief, Defendants intend to continue their willfully infringing acts unless restrained by this Court. 24 80. Defendants’ acts have damaged and will continue to damage Lamborghini, and 25 Lamborghini has no adequate remedy at law. 26 /// 27 /// 28 /// {WP786986;1} 14 1 SIXTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF 2 COMMON LAW UNFAIR COMPETITION 3 4 81. adopted and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. 5 6 82. 83. 400 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, SUITE 450 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 TEL.: (702) 634-5000 – FAX: (702) 380-8572 AKERMAN SENTERFITT 84. Upon information and belief, Defendants intend to continue their willfully infringing acts unless restrained by this Court. 11 12 Upon information and belief, by their acts, Defendants have made and will make substantial profits and gains to which they are not in law or equity entitled. 9 10 The aforesaid acts of the Dal Toro Defendants constitute unfair competition in violation of common law. 7 8 The allegations set forth in paragraphs 1 through 42, and 67 through 74, hereof are 85. Defendants’ acts have damaged and will continue to damage Lamborghini, and Lamborghini has no adequate remedy at law. 13 SEVENTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF 14 TRADEMARK COUNTERFEITING (15 U.S.C. §§ 1114(1)(a), 1116) 15 16 86. The allegations set forth in paragraphs 1 through 42 hereof are adopted and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. 17 87. Defendants, without authorization from Lamborghini, have used and are continuing to 18 use, advertise, promote and sell, including through the Knockoff Products, spurious designations that 19 are identical to, or substantially indistinguishable from, Lamborghini’s AUTOMOBILI 20 LAMBORGHINI type mark and LAMBORGHINI type mark. 21 88. Defendants, without authorization from Lamborghini, have used and are continuing to 22 use, advertise, promote and sell, including through the Knockoff Products, spurious designations that 23 are identical to, or substantially indistinguishable from, Lamborghini’s AUTOMOBILI 24 LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN-SHIELD design mark and LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN-SHIELD design 25 mark. 26 89. The foregoing acts of Defendants are likely to cause confusion, mistake, or deceive 27 consumers into believing that Defendants’ products are genuine or authorized products of 28 Lamborghini. {WP786986;1} 15 1 2 3 4 5 90. Defendants’ acts constitute trademark counterfeiting in violation of Section 32 of the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. § 1114), and Section 34 of the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. § 1116). 91. Upon information and belief, by their acts, Defendants have made and will make substantial profits and gains to which they are not in law of equity entitled. 92. Upon information and belief, Defendants intend to continue their infringing acts, and 6 will continue to willfully infringe Lamborghini’s AUTOMOBILI LAMBORGHINI type mark and 7 LAMBORGHINI type mark. 8 9 400 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, SUITE 450 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 TEL.: (702) 634-5000 – FAX: (702) 380-8572 AKERMAN SENTERFITT 10 11 12 93. Upon information and belief, Defendants intend to continue their infringing acts, and will continue to willfully infringe Lamborghini’s AUTOMOBILI LAMBORGHINI BULL-INSHIELD design mark and LAMBORGHINI BULL-IN-SHIELD design mark. 94. Defendants’ acts have damaged and will continue to damage Lamborghini, and Lamborghini has no adequate remedy at law. 13 EIGHTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF 14 VIOLATION OF N.R.S. 598.0915(3) – DECEPTIVE TRADE PRACTICE 15 16 17 18 19 95. The allegations set forth in paragraphs 1 through 42 hereof are adopted and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. 96. The aforesaid acts of Defendants constitute a deceptive trade practice in violation of the Section 598.0915(3) of the Nevada Revised Statutes. 97. By virtue of their acts, including the unauthorized prominent display of 20 Lamborghini's Trademarks in connection with their businesses and the infringing Dal Toro Mark, 21 Defendants have knowingly made a false representation as to affiliation, connection, association 22 with or certification by Lamborghini. 23 24 25 26 27 28 98. Upon information and belief, by their acts, Defendants have made and will make substantial profits and gains to which they are not in law or equity entitled. 99. Upon information and belief, Defendants intend to continue their willfully infringing acts unless restrained by this Court. 100. Defendants’ acts have damaged and will continue to damage Lamborghini, and Lamborghini has no adequate remedy at law. {WP786986;1} 16 1 PRAYER FOR RELIEF 2 WHEREFORE, Lamborghini demands judgment against Defendants as follows: 3 1. Finding that (i) Defendants have violated Section 32 of the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. § 4 1114); Section 34 of the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. Section 1116); Section 43(a) of the Lanham Act (15 5 U.S.C. § 1125(a)); and Section 43(c) of the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. § 1125(c)); (ii) Defendants have 6 engaged in trademark infringement and unfair competition under common law; and (iii) Defendants 7 have violated Section 598.0915(3) of the Nevada Revised Statutes. 8 9 400 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, SUITE 450 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 TEL.: (702) 634-5000 – FAX: (702) 380-8572 AKERMAN SENTERFITT 10 2. Granting an injunction permanently restraining and enjoining Defendants, their officers, agents, employees and attorneys, and all those persons or entities in active concert or participation with them, or any of them, from: 11 a) manufacturing, importing, advertising, marketing, promoting, supplying, 12 distributing, offering for sale or selling any products which bear the Lamborghini 13 Trademarks or any other mark substantially or confusingly similar thereto, including, without 14 limitation, the Infringing Products, infringing signage, Knockoff Products, and engaging in 15 any other activity constituting an infringement of any of Lamborghini’s rights in the 16 Lamborghini Trademarks, or any other trademark owned by Lamborghini; and 17 b) engaging in any other activity constituting unfair competition with 18 Lamborghini, or acts and practices that deceive the public and/or the trade, including, without 19 limitation, the use of design elements and designations associated with Lamborghini; and 20 c) engaging in any activity that will cause the distinctiveness of the Lamborghini 21 Trademarks or any other mark substantially or confusingly similar thereto, to be diluted. 22 3. Directing such other relief as the Court may deem appropriate to prevent the public 23 from deriving any erroneous impression that any product at issue in this case that has been 24 manufactured, imported, advertised, marketed, promoted, supplied, distributed, offered for sale or 25 sold by Defendants, has been authorized by Lamborghini, or is related to or associated in any way 26 with Lamborghini or its products. 27 28 4. Directing that Defendants account to and pay over to Lamborghini all profits realized by their wrongful acts directing that such profits be trebled in accordance with Section 35 of the {WP786986;1} 17 1 Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. § 1117). 2 3 5. with Section 35 of the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. § 1117). 4 5 At its election, awarding Lamborghini statutory damages including, in accordance 6. Awarding Lamborghini its actual damages including, in accordance with Section 35 of the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. § 1117). 6 7. Awarding Lamborghini its costs and attorneys’ fees and investigatory fees and 7 expenses, including to the full extent provided for by Section 35 of the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. § 8 1117). 9 8. Requiring Defendants to deliver up to Lamborghini for destruction or other 400 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, SUITE 450 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 TEL.: (702) 634-5000 – FAX: (702) 380-8572 AKERMAN SENTERFITT 10 disposition all remaining inventory of all Infringing Products and Knockoff Products, including all 11 advertising, promotional and marketing materials therefore, as well as all means of making same. 12 9. Awarding Lamborghini pre-judgment interest on any monetary award made part of 13 the judgment against Defendants. 14 /// 15 /// 16 /// 17 /// 18 /// 19 /// 20 /// 21 /// 22 /// 23 /// 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 /// {WP786986;1} 18 1 2 3 10. Awarding Lamborghini such additional and further relief as the Court deems just and proper. Dated this 13th day of July, 2011. 4 AKERMAN SENTERFITT 5 /s/ Jacob Bundick _________ ARIEL E. STERN, ESQ. Nevada Bar No. 8276 Email: JACOB D. BUNDICK, ESQ. Nevada Bar No. 9772 Email: 400 South Fourth Street, Suite 450 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Telephone: (702) 634-5000 Facsimile: (702) 380-8572 6 7 8 9 400 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, SUITE 450 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 TEL.: (702) 634-5000 – FAX: (702) 380-8572 AKERMAN SENTERFITT 10 11 12 13 14 Of Counsel: AKERMAN SENTERFITT 19 JOHN C. DOTTERRER, ESQ. Florida Bar No. 267260 STEPHEN J. GIOVINCO, ESQ. Florida Bar No. 567051 222 Lakeview Avenue, Suite 400 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Telephone: (561) 653-5000 Facsimile: (561) 659-6313 20 Attorneys for Plaintiff 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 {WP786986;1} 19

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