Righthaven LLC v. Mostofi

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against Dean Mostofi (Filing fee $ 350 receipt number 0978-2051543), filed by Righthaven LLC. Certificate of Interested Parties due by 7/23/2011. Proof of service due by 11/10/2011. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibits 1-4, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet) (Mangano, Shawn)

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EXHIBIT 1 Operative Bite - Consumer Finance & Litigation News • • • • • http://www.deanmostofi.com/ Home Litigation Mortgage Foreclosure Subscribe Operative Bite Consumer Finance & Litigation News More foreclosure irregularities alleged jn Maryland in Foreclosure, Foreclosure Defense, Law, Litigation, Mortgage, Mortgage Fraud Prosecutors have launched an investigation into a complaint that more than 1,000 deeds for homes foreclosed upon in Maryland were improperly executed the latest development suggesting widespread problems in the way foreclosures have been handled in the state. The complaint, filed last week by a paralegal formerly employed by the Shapiro & Burson law firm, [ ...J ShareThis {O comments} Judge Blasts Fake Loan Audit FRANCIS STOJINSKI, Plaintiff, v. JP MORGAN CHASE BANK et al. Defendants. Civil Action No. L-IO-3I66. United States District Court, D. Maryland. February 7, 20 11. MEMORANDUM BENSON EVERETT LEGG, District Judge. Francis Stojinski brings this action seeking money damages for alleged violations of the federal Truth In Lending Act ("TILA"), 15 U .S.C. § 1601 et seq. Now pending are three motions. The first is [...J ShareThis Read the full article I of II --l> 7/13/11 4:21 PM Operative Bite - Consumer Finance & Litigation News http://www.deanmostofi.com/ Rescission Without Tender Under TIL A Survives Summary .Judgment In James v. Bridge Capital. the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon declined to rule and deferred resolution of HSBC's Motion as to Plaintiffs' claim for rescission under TILA to the extent that HSBC sought summary judgment on the ground that Plaintiffs had not shown they were able to meet their tender obligation. U.S. [ ...J ShareThis Read the full article -> Audit Reveals Putative Lender Did Nat Exist And Hence The Promissory Note Is Void Ab Initio. I thought I had seen it all but this case must take top prize for the most abhorrent attempt at foreclosure fraud perpetuated by a federal savings bank. A client hired me to audit his loan documents in preparation for an upcoming motion hearing in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Flagstar Bank is trying to [ ...J ShareThis Read the full article' Ibanez Foreclosure Ruling Upheld Today, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) ruled against foreclosing lenders and those who purchased foreclosed properties in Massachusetts in the controversial U.s. Bank v. Ibanez case. The decision is among the earliest to address the validity of foreclosures conducted without full documentation. That issue last year prompted an uproar that led lenders such as [ ...J ShareThis Read the full article .. Congressional hearing: Do banks lack the legal standing to foreclose? By Ariana Eunjung Cha A state judge, law professor and consumer attorneys are testifying before Congress that in many cases the banks trying to foreclose on borrowers do not have the legal standing to do so, according to prepared remarks. New York State Supreme Court Justice Dana Winslow said Thursday in written remarks that "standing has 20f 11 7/13/11 4:21 PM Operative Bite - Consumer Finance & Litigation News http://www.deanmostofi.coml become [ ...] ShareThis Read the full article Massachusetts County Picks Fight With MERS About a week ago, John O'Brien, Register of Deeds in Essex County Massachusetts, sent a letter to Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley asking that she look into whether MERS (Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.) failed to pay legally required recording fees in Massachusetts when a MERS-mortgage is assigned to another entity, like a trust or [ ...] ShareThis Read the full article Wikileaks Planning to Bring Down a Big Bank November 30, 2010 Admire him or revile him, WikiLeaks' Julian Assange is the prophet of a coming age of involuntary transparency, the leader of an organization devoted to diVUlging the world's secrets using technology unimagined a generation ago. Over the last year his information insurgency has dumped 76,000 secret Afghan war documents and another trove of 392,000 files [...] ShareThis Read the full article Rich Americans Ditch Honle Ownership For Renting Patrick Lee went from homeowner to home renter this year. It may sound like a downgrade, but the New Yorker didn't make the switch because he couldn't keep up with payments or because he lost his job. Instead, Lee was nervous about the state of the housing market. So in March he sold the Manhattan apartment he [ ... ] ShareThis Read the full article . . . 3 of 11 7113/114:21 PM Operative Bite - Consumer Finance & Litigation News http://www.deanmostofi.com/ Loan Modification Company Sued by Oregan AG November 25 2010 The lawsuit alleges that American Team Mortgage charged more than $80,000 in fees from nearly three dozen Oregon homeowners in violation of Oregon law Attorney General John Kroger today announced a lawsuit that accuses the California-based American Team Mortgage, Inc., of repeatedly violating Oregon's Unfair Trade Practices Act and Mortgage Rescue Fraud Protection Act. "Homeowners facing foreclosure [ ... J ShareThis Read the full article .-+ Elizabeth Warren Instrunlental In Defeating H.R. 3808 2010 Elizabeth Warren was the first senior Obama administration official to recognize the potentially incendiary impact of a bill that would have made it significantly easier for mortgage companies to foreclose on homes, and her subsequent warnings played a crucial role in persuading the President to veto the measure, according to freshly released documents and people [...J ShareThis Read the full article .-+ Class Action Challen&es Illegal Foreclosures in Chicago November 24, 2010 CHICAGO (CN) - Wells Fargo, Bank of America and other mortgage lenders have been improperly serving summonses in Cook County foreclosure cases since 2007, and a class action demands that everyone served under a court-ordered procedural change be "deeded their properties back." The class claims that the presiding judge of Cook County Chancery Court approved [ ...J ShareThis Read the full article 40f 11 -lo 7113/11 4:21 PM Operative Bite - Consumer Finance & Litigation News http://www.deanmostofi.com/ Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP Files Class Action Suit against Lender Processing Seryices, Inc. November 24, 2010 BOCA RATON, Fla., Nov 23, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) - Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP("Robbins Geller") (http://www.rgrdlaw.com/cases!lps/) today announced that a class action has been commenced on behalf of an institutional investor in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida on behalf of purchasers of the common stock of Lender [ ... J ShareThis Read the full article . . . Primer: What Is a WrQngful FQreclQsure? November 24, 2010 ............ " The issue at the center of the foreclosure scandal isn't the use of roOO-signers [1] and shortcuts in paperwork: It's whether the banks' mistakes and lack of due diligence caused people to face wrongful foreclosures. Banks have denied that this has happened, saying, "We are confident that processing errors did not result in any inappropriate foreclosures [ ...] ShareThis Read the full article Securitization - The Big Fail ... -- November 22, 2010 ii···········..············..··············· This is a good article by Adam Levitin posted on Credit Slips. It is an analysis of the recent opinion in Kemp v. Countrywide whereby the court held that the note had never been transferred to the securitization trust and it precluded the trust from filing a proof of claim. Last week the US Bankruptcy Court [ ...J ShareThis 5 of 11 7/13/11 4:21 PM Operative Bite - Consumer Finance & Litigation News Read the full article http://www.deanmostofi.com/ -+ Retired Judge Defends RobQ Signers 2010 I am totally puzzled by this Huffington Post article written by Judge Sarokin. He is saying we should not sacrifice the rule of law and sanctity of contracts in order to help homeowners facing foreclosure. He thinks that the robo signing controversy is overblown because apparently in this day and age no bank employee can [ ... J ShareThls Read the full article -+ Countrywide Admits Notes Were Not Transferred To Securitization Trusts Testimony in a New Jersey bankruptcy court case provides proof of the scenario we've depicted on this blog since September, namely, that subprime originators, starting sometime in the 2004-2005 timeframe, if not earlier, stopped conveying note (the borrower IOU) to mortgage securitization trust as stipulated in the pooling and servicing agreement. Professor Adam Levitin in [ ... J ShareThis Read the full article -+ Foreclosure KinK David.J Stern ResiKns THE KING IS DEAD It's all unraveling for David J. Stem, the South Florida foreclosure attorney who built a once-formidable foreclosure empire only to see it crumble in recent months. On Friday, DJSP Enterprises, Stem's publicly traded foreclosure processing company, announced his resignation as president and CEO. Replacing him is Stephen Bernstein, a prominent real estate [ ...J ShareThis Read the full article 60f II -> 7113/II 4:21 PM Operative Bite - Consumer Finance & Litigation News http://www.deanmostofi.com/ HUD Checking Warehouse Lending for RESPA CQmpliance The Department of Housing and Urban Development is looking at warehouse lending to see if such transactions are legitimate secondary market transactions under the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act. This is the first time since the agency issued RESPA rules in 1992 and 1994 that it is examining this question, a notice from the agency said. Among [ ...] ShareThis Read the full article ---+ MERS LOBBY IN HIGH GEAR TO BECOME NATIONAL REGISTRY November 19,2010 ',' -" • '''"ok' Aggressive lobbying defends mortgage-trading system By Ariana Eunjung Cha and Brady Dennis Washington Post Staff Writers Thursday, November 18,2010; 11: 10 PM The financial services industry has launched an aggressive campaign on Capitol Hill to bolster the legality of the way companies have turned mortgages into securities and traded them across the globe in recent years. The companies have opened [ ...J ShareThis Read the full article ---+ Tracking Down Those Lost Mortgages November 19 2010 Trevor Douglas, 54, may soon lose his Orlando house. Sure, Douglas hasn't paid his mortgage in more than two years, which is what a Bank of America spokesperson tells me "is important to remember." It is. StiH, if it happens, I will feel partially responsible. I helped push Douglas closer to eviction. Like many other home [ ...J 70f 11 7/13111 4:21 PM http://www.deanmostofi.coml Operative Bite - Consumer Finance & Litigation News ShareThis Read the full article <- -+ Previous Entries Loan Modification Works Avoid Foreclosure - Mediate Free Initial Consultations Can I Stop Foreclosure? Know the process. Together we can choose options that work for you! l,uUHM i",hnnorOt'"loo """',....." Stop Foreclosure Sale Stop Your Trustee Sale You Only Pay When We Succeed 2011 Mortgage Relief Form Submit Info Online & Get Matched to "Your Mortgage Bailout Program" AdChoices Ii> • Bof 11 (Search) 7/13/11 4:21 PM Operative Bite http://www.deanmostofi.com/ Consumer Finance & Litigation News CONSULTATION REQUEST Full Name" LenderlServicer Amount Value Last Payment M:=ad:;::e=---_ _ _ _ __ '1Wj Comments Security Code S I QT T T ------ ( Submit Form) • • More Recent Posts o o o o o "Robo-Singing. Chain of Title, Loss Mitigation, and Other Issues in Mortgage Servicing" Sen. Ted Kaufman on Foreclosure Fraud Securitization process is sound and legally binding, ASF says!!! H.R.3808 - NOTARY BILL REJECTED Congressional Oversight Panel Drills Bankers on Document Issues • Tag Cloud AFFIDAVIT appraisal ASSIGNMENT Bank Banking Bank of America banks Business/Finance Class Action Fannie Mae £!ll!.!! default ELECTION Foreclosure foreclosure fraud Foreclsoure Fraud Goldman Sachs Housini Housint: Market!M..t! Judge Jumbo Mortgage Law Lawsuit Loan Modification Loss mitigation Maryland MERS Mortgage modification MOUSAVI Obama Predatory Lending Real Estate Mortgage Mortgage Fraud Real property law Refinance mho-signer Securitization subprime Troubled Asset Relief Program Wells Fargo 90f 11 7/13/11 4:21 PM Operative Bite - Consumer Finance & Litigation News http://www.deanmostofi.com/ • Categories _. - ',-. "."., Select Category • Meta o Register o 1ruUo. o Entries RSS o Comments"RSS o Word Press ,0[1: • By: Twitter Buttons • I sitemeter...... 1 : .'.!l1d I r=1rm::l=' • Archives o March 2011 o February 20 11 o January 20 II o December 2010 o November 20 I 0 o October 20 10 o April 2010 o March 2010 o January 20 I 0 o September 2009 o August 2009 o July 2009 o June 2009 o May 2009 lOof 11 7/13111 4:21 PM http://www.deanmostofi.com/ Operative Bite - Consumer Finance & Litigation News Get smart with the Thesis WordPress Theme from DIYthemes. Word Press Admin This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Two Best Stocks to Hold Forever 11 of 11 Few people realize these stocks even exist But many of the richest most successful investors. politicians and businessmen have been quietly cashing in on them for decades Here's how you can too,.. ..... .......... 7/13/11 4:21 PM EXHIBIT 2 PRINTTHIS Powered by .CIIc:IcabIIIty Apr. 11, 2010 Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal Court reprimands lawyer over misleading ads Justices order auto insurance public service announcement By CARR! GEES THEVENOT LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL The Nevada Supreme Court publicly reprimanded a Las Vegas lawyer Friday for running a Spanish radio advertisement in 2008 that "grossly misstated the law." According to the order, Anthony "Tony the Tiger" lopez Jr. ran the 10-second advertisement on two radio stations in las Vegas and one in Reno. It cost about $19,500 and ran for about three months. The commercial told listeners: "If you have had an auto accident, by law you have the right to receive at least $15,000 for your case." "The record demonstrates that the advertisement misled the public into believing that they had a right to $15,000 if they were involved in a car accident regardless of the merits of their case," according to the Supreme Court order. "Moreover, as the State bar argues, lopez's prior instances of misconduct evidence his disregard for the rules of professional conduct." Neither Lopez nor attorney Felicia Galati, who represented him at a disciplinary hearing in January 2009, could be reached for comment Friday afternoon. A panel of the State Bar of Nevada's Southern Nevada Disciplinary Board conducted the hearing and found that the misrepresentations in the commercial "harmed the public by fostering unnecessary and unwarranted litigation by people who were not necessarily entitled to any recovery." The panel, which rejected lopez's argument that the commercial had been intended to inform the public of the minimum insurance requirements for automobile drivers, recommended the public reprimand. The panel also recommended that Lopez be required to run "a Spanish-language public service announcement campaign equal to the $19,500 (he) spent in promoting his misleading advertisement. " "This public service announcement would simply inform the public that drivers have a responsibility under Nevada law to maintain liability insurance with minimum limits of $15,000, n according to the recommendation. "The advertisement must be a pure public service announcement and must not contain any solicitation for business." The Supreme Court ordered Lopez to comply with all the panel's recommendations. Lopez, 49, has been licensed to practice law in Nevada since 1993. http://www.printthis.clickability.com/pt/cpt?action=cpt&title=Court+reprimands+lawyer+... 5/20/2010 Contact reporter Carri Geer Thevenot at cgeer@revlewjournal.com or 702-384-8710. Find this article at: http://www.lvrj.comlnewsicourt-reprimands-lawyer-over-misieading-ads-90559909.html 1/1 Check the box to include the list of links referenced in the artide. Copyright 0 Las Vegas Review-Journal, 1997 - 2008 Go Green! Subscribe to the electronic Edition at www.reviewjournal,romleel http://www.printthis.clickability.com/ptlcpt?action=cpt&title=Court+reprimands+lawyer+... 5/20/2010 EXHIBIT 3 . 1-1 • • • • • • Filed 06/30/10 Page 5 cf4., 1 of4 Home Class Action Credit Litigation Real Estate Subscribe Operative Bite Consumer Finance & Litigation News Las Vegas Lawyer Reprimanded for False Advertising by Dean on April 20, 2010 The Nevada Supreme Court publicly reprimanded a Las Vegas lawyer Friday for running a Spanish radio advertisement in 2008 that "grossly misstated the law." retweet According to the order, Anthony "Tony the Tiger" Lopez Jr. ran the to-second advertisement on two radio stations in Las Vegas and one in Reno. It cost about $19,500 and ran for about three months. The commercial told listeners: "If you have had an auto accident, by law you have the right to receive at least $15,000 for your case." "The record demonstrates that the advertisement misled the public into believing that they had a right to $15,000 if they were involved in a car accident regardless of the merits of their case," according to the Supreme CoUrt order. "Moreover, as the State bar argues, Lopez's prior instances of misconduct evidence his disregard for the rules of professional conduct." WE'RE SORRY The new'8 feed is ourrentIy t..II1aYaIlabie. Please try BgainlaiEiL Neither Lopez nor attorney Felicia Galati, who represented him at a disciplinary hearing in January 2009, could be reached for comment Friday afternoon. Sponsored Uno A panel of the State Bar ofNevada's Southern Nevada Disciplinary Board conducted the hearing and found that the misrepresentations in Lower Your Blood Pressure Only natural way to lower blood pressure the commercial "harmed the public by fostering unnecessary and proven in 10 dinical trials. Try it today. unwarranted litigation by people who were not necessarily entitled to any recovery." TodaY, Refinance Rate at 3.0% The panel, which rejected Lopez's argument that the commercial had Mortgage Refinance: $200,000 loan for $791/mo. No SSN - FREE Quotesl been intended to inform the public of the minimum insurance requirements for automobile drivers, recommended the public The panel that Lopez be to run New Era Diets (SHOCKER) a Spamsh-Ianguage public seIVlce announcement campaIgn equal to Simple weight loss secret to lose 12 pounds in the $19,500 (he) spent in promoting his misleading advertisement." 30 days "This public service announcement would simply inform the public that drivers have a responsibility under Nevada law to maintain liability insurance with minimum limits of SI5,000," according to the recommendation. "The advertisement must be a pure public service announcement and must not contain any solicitation for business." http://www.deanmostofi.coml?p=881 .5/20/2010 1-1 , Las Filed 06/30/10 Page 6 of,w: 20f4 The Supreme Court ordered Lopez to comply with all the panel's recommendations. Lopez, 49, has been licensed to practice law in Nevada since 1993. Contact reporter Cam Geer Thevenot at cgeer@reviewjournal.com or 702-384-8710. Similar Posts: • • • • • Supreme Court Ruling Facilitates More Class Actions Foreclosure Suit Dismissed by New York Court Banks Threaten Lawsuit to Keep Bailout Loa:ris Secret Bloggers lose anonymity Court Renders Patent Unenforceable SharelBookmark Tagged as: car accident, Las Vegas lawyer, Las Vegas,Nevada,United States, Law Crime, Nevada, Nevada Supreme Court, Nevada's Southern Nevada Disciplinary Board, State bar, State Bar of Nevada's Southern Nevada Disciplinary Board Leave a Comment • - Previous post: Apple Sued for Denying Free Repairs Next post: Supreme Court Shoots Down Animal Cruelty Law as Unconstitutional http://www.deanmostofi.coml?p=881 5/20/2010 • • Calendar May 2010 MTWTFSS 1 2 3456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17181920212223 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 « Apr • Categories : Select Category • TagCloud AHMADINEJAD appraisal Bank Bank of America banks Faruue Mae Finance Fraud Mortgage modification , Law Lawsuit Loan Modification Loss mitigation Maryland Mortgage servicing rights MOUSAVI Personal finance Mortgage Mortgage Predatory Lending Real Estate Real property Refinance refinanci!1ll SC(;uritization sub-prime Supreme Court ofthe United States Troubled Asset Relief Program U.S. Securities and I,! • ' l r 1 1 " "i" l-;.,<',..,r • Class Action Credit histol:Y Credit score default ELECTION Foreclosure Foreclsoure Fl'llud Goldman Sachs Housing Housing Market HVCC IRAN JPMorgan Chase &. Co Jwn.bo Mortgage law BusinesslFinance case law i) Twitter Buttons • 1_ .,.. 13 I . • • Meta o Register http://www.deanmostofi.coml?p=881 512012010 , - Filed06/30/10 • Get smart with the Thesis WordPress Theme from DIYthemes. WordPress Admin http://www.deanmostofi.coml?p=881 5/2012010 EXHIBIT 4 Case 2:1 0-cv-01 066-K,JD -GWF Document 1-1 Type of Work: Filed 06/30/10 Page 10 1 of 1 Text Registration Number I Date: TX0007162783 I 2010-06-24 Application Title: Court reprimands lawyer over misleading ads. Title: Court reprimands lawyer over misleading ads. Description: Electronic file (eService) Copyright Claimant: Righthaven LLC, Transfer: By written agreement. Date of Creation: 2010 Date of Publication: 2010-04-11 Nation of First Publication: United States Authorship on Application: Stephens Media LLC, employer for hire; Domicile: United States; Citizenship: United States. Authorship: text. Rights and Permissions: Chief Operating Officer, Righthaven LLC, 9960 West Cheyenne Avenue, Suite 210, Las Vegas, NV, 89129-7701, United States, (702) 527-5900, dbrownell@righthaven.com Names: Stephens Media LLC Righthaven LLC http://cocatalog.loc.gov/cgi-binlPwebrecon.cgi 6/30/2010

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