Nike, Inc. et al v. QiLoo International Limited

Filing 4

Emergency MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order by Plaintiffs Converse, Inc., Nike, Inc.. Motion ripe 2/6/2012. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration Kelly Hibler, # 2 Declaration Wayne Patrick Seehafer, # 3 Declaration Thomas Scavuzzo, # 4 Declaration Erik S. Maurer, # 5 Exhibit A, # 6 Exhibit B, # 7 Exhibit C, # 8 Exhibit D, # 9 Exhibit E, # 10 Exhibit F, # 11 Exhibit G, # 12 Exhibit H, # 13 Exhibit I, # 14 Exhibit J, # 15 Exhibit K, # 16 Exhibit L, # 17 Exhibit M, # 18 Exhibit N, # 19 Exhibit O, # 20 Exhibit P, # 21 Exhibit Q, # 22 Exhibit R, # 23 Exhibit S, # 24 Exhibit T, # 25 Exhibit U, # 26 Exhibit V, # 27 Exhibit W, # 28 Exhibit X, # 29 Exhibit Y, # 30 Exhibit Z, # 31 Exhibit AA, # 32 Exhibit BB, # 33 Exhibit CC, # 34 Exhibit DD, # 35 Exhibit EE, # 36 Exhibit FF, # 37 Exhibit GG, # 38 Exhibit HH, # 39 Exhibit II, # 40 Exhibit JJ, # 41 Exhibit KK, # 42 Exhibit LL, # 43 Exhibit MM, # 44 Exhibit NN, # 45 Exhibit OO, # 46 Exhibit PP, # 47 Exhibit QQ, # 48 Memorandum Of Law, # 49 Proposed Order)(Fountain, Jonathan)

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TAB 1 TAB 2 LI TING SECTION c Tu.esda-y Ma·tch 11, 2008 , The most popular product of a century-old company, . Converse Chuck Ta..vlor All Stars have adornedfamous feet for decades C(JIJVEI\SE PIIUTOS Converse manufactured this Al1 Star sneaker in 19:13. Seventy·ftve years later, the deslllflls essentially the same. Sn firm footing · ........ .,. Odd as 1t ml&hl seem, Rocky B<li!Joa and Ellen OcGcnr.n:s h;JVe the sante taste In footw~~ar. }~· ..l Aocl<y - as portra,yed by ~sler Stonooe- wtln! COirl(lrse Chuck '!11 /.·· :' ,.,.·:;,;,:. \~lt~?.J·· '.)~ day, theytho!J· • "'' tiCk . . ;< .•· ;!;· '.if '~ ,;:. · ."::; iu "Chuck" T~ylor'~ nut0),''11t(lh. t.Jnu <'OIIIlncrcial Ctlllcd them w~··~ co (JI c r t h n. n '"limtillnines for · .{i'·' penny lonfcr~ . ,(· and it socme:ll thc.r~ wo~qn"t u ~ns- ANGU liN L~e feeL" Then ulong came the Bust•.tn Cf!!Lics dym~~tics of lhe 1!laOs and "60$. Their Rhoddng kelly gl"ccn nni- kctbnll teum unywhe.rc that S 0 didn't waw·lhem. .. ..... ··· · ···· ... ···- ... ·"· f•Jrm< anrl bl:tck Chuck 1"ny· In Lhc 1940~ uno! ·, Cunvcr·~c lor All Xtm· hi!lh lOjJS ma<lc buskcl· Chuck Tuylor All Stur·s cumu in one hnlt'. linll fu;~hion statement, :tccent Rtyle (high tops) nmltwo colnnc (hluck 110 Lhc rootwenr. nn!l white). Tt wn.~ Lhu 11hitc ntbllcr· Uob Cousy, Uill Husscll. !Jbm Ht!in· toed canvll8 vendon lhuL wa.q the NhM ~11!111. "Jungle .Jim" l.o~cul11ff, Dill . or tholce fur nlm09l u.lltcam.~. whelhcr Sharman. rrnnk Ramsey. K.C_ .lone.~ high school, ~-ollcg11 or JII'O. 11n1l Lhr. re.o;t of the CeiL~ were cmil~l Tho.v luull\ drtulnr JHrtch on the in· by learns c\·crywhcre. And so were side or ouch unklc 111lh n blue 11Lnr. tit~ their "black magic" shoes. words "Converse 1\ll Slur" cncinling Srt• CONVERSE, C·r. thn slur, and h;J!lkelhull plnycr Chnrlcs Taylor Ad Stars lo nm up lhe Plulndelphla Museum or Art's steps and into clncma history. OeCi!!llero~ lnce~ up her Chwkius to ntup onstagc at Ulc tH96 PQoplo's Choice AW;lrdS Inlo~ lln~oles and ncc~pt a trophy. It's a raro shoo Ulilt ~as jluppcd up 1/1 pop culture ?S much as the Con· veroe All Star. Chlrcklos haw been loved cqun"y by ~lhlcres nnd musiclims. bad boys (£M1Qe ~lng Kurt Cob.1in wore them to tho 1993 MTV Video Awards) and good girls I young act res! Abigail Breslin wore !Item In 'L~lle M Sunshine•). iss Hero's a look nt how the endunn& rubber· toed sneakers p,otlhelr start. - Susan lang<olu:nnlg. fulllon writer 1908- converse Rubber Shoe Co. opens In Malden. Mass. 1915- Can\OCrsu begins producUon of carrias shoes. 1917 -The first COIII'Crse AI Star et'flel1e5 from lhs liJCI~ l'.IIS- Basketball ptaYI!r Clmes "Chuck" Ti)tlr laces up his forst pafr ol AI Star sneakers. 1971 -l~or pltelles lome Ideas on lmprotilng the shoes to Comcrse. 1930s - Ta)1or con· • tributes his slcnature to the ~nealc.t!rs. Once considered strictly a basketball shoe, the modern Chuck Taylor All Star shoe Is now more commonly round on skateboarders and musicians. 19J9- T~yto.·s shoes 1on~l Show" while his guest, Bldlillan soccer plajer Pcle. demon· skates bal-handfVlg sllils. t97T - ·Memt'l!rs or the Srlnsh band Sex Plstds regulariy are seen 11 their AI St3r wal< gMng the shoes some street crcdas a plll\k accessory. l'384- The U.S. Men·s OJ)!npic basl<etball team Wins 1\llld whle wearing Cooverse. ntc 19*-More than 600 t(111kln pairS or All Star snea~.ers liM been sold by the shoe's 75th an· nillilrsary make lt on both teams ln 2003- Nikc pur· lhe NCAA basketball A Shoe$ !'rom tile19'lQs chases Converse. championsllip game. whir.h had been tos'tn~ 1962- The law·cut All Star debut.~. ground to burgeoning competition. 1968- Leaping from black and white ro 01/ing color, Coo· verso tnlroduces seven nl!l• All Star hues. 1m- JohnJIY Carson spans · blaCk Chuckles on 111e 2005 - Conwr.;e launcltes lhe Wade slloa, its nrst signa· ture basketball slloe since lite . Chucldes debuted. 20011 - Coovo..rsc celebrates us tOOtll annlver.ary Sru"Q!· c.n.onn u.. >1>1! 111"'-•

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