In Re: Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether ("MTBE") Products Liability Litigation

Filing 4213

ORDER OF DISMISSAL: After having considered the Stipulation and Request by Petrobras America Inc. for Dismissal, the Court hereby ORDERS, ADJUDGES, AND DECREES that Plaintiff Commonwealth of Puerto Rico's claims against Petrobras America Inc. are hereby DISMISSED, subject to any appeal of the July 16, 2013 Opinion and Order and/or the December 30, 2013 Opinion and Order referenced in the Stipulation as well as this Order. If the Court's July 16, 2013 Opinion and Order, December 30, 2013 Opinion and Order, and this Order are affirmed on appeal, or become final because an appeal is not filed, the dismissal of the above claims against PAI shall be with prejudice. Each side shall bear its own costs. IT IS SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Shira A. Scheindlin on 5/21/2015) (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B-1, # 3 Exhibit B-2, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D)Filed In Associated Cases: 1:00-cv-01898-SAS-DCF, 1:07-cv-10470-SAS(ajs)

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COMMONWEALTH OF PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF STATE SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION TO DO BUSINESS IN PUERTO RICO THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT: · No.12,233·F PETROBRAS AMERICA INC. is a profit corporation organized under the laws of Delaware duly authorized to do business in Puerto Rico since August 7, 2002 at 9:35 a.m. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned by virtue of the authority vested by law, hereby issue this certificate and affixes the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, in the City of San Juan, today August two thousand two. ~~,;~ Assistant Director Corporate Registry GFR/Jar 1ODO OOOF 457-407 EXHIBIT A 7'h of the year COMMONWEALTH OF PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF STATE SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION TO DO BUSINESS IN PUERTO RICO •.. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT::. . .·,. . No.12,233·F . i. · · ·.-, · PETRQBRAS A'iviERlC:A INC. ,. ,_,,";il~~J~f:~~,~ "' :k' • ·-=~ . ,.::: .-;;·:~;/:~;-~.~-'_:·. -_:_.:?n~:~;'t~~q~-~~t1.~~··~\. · ' is a profit corporation orgaRized under the laws of Delaware duly authorized to do business in Puerto Rico since August 7,:.2002 at 9.:3·s·a.m. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned by .......... ! ·l virtue of the authority··vested by law, hereby issue this certificate and affixes the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, in the City of San Juan, today August two thousand two. ~~,;~ Assistant Director Corporate Registry GFR/Jar 1000 OOOF 457-407 ih of the year .USO OFICIALSOLAMENTEPA .LA SECCION OEFOJOCOPIAS Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico Departamento de Hacienda Numero de solicitud Negociad/v·Pr5C:(!~ vanillas Numero(s) de serie SOLICITUD DE CERTIFICACION DE RADICACION Y CO PIA DE PLANILLA (Veanse instrucciones al dorso) Informacion General Clase de planilla o declaraci6n que solicita: $5 lKI D 0 0 0 D lndividuo Fiduciario $5 0 o Sucesi6n D Copia de planilla (s1mpre) $5 D Sociedad D Copia de planilla (protocolar) $7 0 Fecha de organizacic r=P-ro-p~6~s~it_o_d~e-e-s-ta_s_o_l_ic-it-ud_:________~~~~~~---------------------------~ ---- 1---- 1-- D lnstituciones financieras [KI Otro (especifique) ~':' 0 r0 r Contribucion sabre ingresos Caudal relicto y donaciones Certificaci6n de cancelaci6n de gravamen (Relevo) Arbitrios Tipo de Contribuyent• Asistencia econ6mica (por eie~lo, subsidio de renta) ~ c~ - .S · 0 0 Trimestrales Otros - - - - - - - Herencia 0 lnmigraci6n r:N Corporaci6n Fecha de incorporaci _ _1 _ 1_ _ Tribunal Periodo contributive y cantidad de capias o certificaciones que solicita: Si es una declaraci6n, favor indicar el (los) mes(es) Dia Mes Afio Dia Mes Afio Cantldad trimestre(s) I I a I I I a I a I I I I a I I ·I a __ I I [~ - Num. seguro social o identificaci6n patron ·7tv ~ c. 2 -s r;; ;- > Direc i ·)flj)OStal del contribuyente o solicitante /"' () 13 o K _>;,"' JVc.--- I '3 6 3 5 JC1/2. Se acompaiia Ia cantidad de$ bG tJtJ 9 2, t2 >& 3£' 6 b tJ Complete solo si el contribuyente es un individuo y solicita certfficaci6n de p Estado civil Nombre del c6nyuge 0 Soltero D Casado 0Separado El contribuyente vive: Si D No 0 lndique Ia fecha de fallecimien_to: lngresos Contribuyente C6nyuge ... 't.'' Empleado de gobiemo ........................................................................................... Empleado de empresa privada .............................................................................. Trabajo por cuenta propia ..................................................................................... 1----loo-t----t----.....__,____ lndicar profesi6n u ocupaci6n ................................................................................ 1 - - - - - - - - , . - - t - - - - - - - - - , Salario o ingreso del periodo contributive mas reciente ........................................ $ 00 $ Complete solo si esta solicitando copia de plan ilia de caudal relicto y donaciones o certfficaci6n de cancelaci6n de gravamer Fecha de fallecimiento o donaci6n Numero del caso o relevo Declaraci6n y Firma Declare bajo las penalidades de perjurio que esta solicitud ha sido examinada por mi, y Ia infonnaciz: sta solicitudes cierta. correcta e~ ~ completa. Firma del contribuvente ft{o ._. Fecha de solicitud 4 ----·--- Firma del solicitante ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO DE PUERTO RICO DEPARTAMENTO DEL TRABAJO Y RECURSOS HUMAN OS ADMINISTRACI6N DEL DERECHO AL TRABAJO SECCION DE CONTRIBUCIONES UNIDAD DE DETERMINACION DE PATRONOS 505 AVE. MUNOZ RIVERA, SAN JUAN PR 00919 TELEFONOS: (787) 281-5673- (787) 754-5271- FAX: (787) 281-5649 CERTIFICACION LA UNIDAD DE EMPLEO: PETROBRAS AMERICA, INC. NUMERO SEGURO SOCIAL: 76-0235183 NO APARECE REGISTRADA COMO PATRONO, POR LO QUE NO TIENE DEUDA PENDIENTE EN ESTE NEGOCIADO, PARA LOS PROGRAMAS DE SEGURO POR DESEMPLEO E INCAPACIDAD. EN SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO, 2DE AGOSTO DE 2002. ALVILDA MARIN DIRECTORA SECCION DE CONTRIBUCIONES C•. ECR2423 DEPARTA ·To DE HACIENDA FEe· HORA NEGOCIADO DE RECAUDACIONES CERTIFICACION DE DEUDA NL CUENTA: 001 760-23-5183 PETROBRAS AMERICA INC 10777 WESTHEIMA RD SUITE 1200 HOUSTON TX 77042CERTIFICO QUE LA PERSONA 0 CORPORACION ARRIBA MENCIONADA NO FIGURA EN NUESTRO SISTEMA PRITAS COMO CONTRIBUYENTE AL ~~~-~~-~~~-:~~:~:G;;::J_~-- __\~_: _____________ _ I~~ COLECTOR DE RENTAS SU REPRESENTANTE AUTORIZADO NOTA: ESTA CERTIFICACION NO ES VALIDA SIN LA FIRMA AUTORIZADA Y EL SELLO DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE HACIENDA 05-08-2002 10:59 Modelo AS-53 Mayo 1997 USO OFICJAL 02-0778 Num. Ccrtificaci6n GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO CENTRO DE RECAUDACION DE INGRESOS MUNICIPALES CERTIFICACION NEGATIVA Hacemos constar que Petrobras America, Inc. con numero de Segura Social o pat:ronal 760-23-5183 no figura radicando planillas de propiedad mueble o no posee propiedad irunueble en nuestro sistema contributive computadorizado. Sin embargo, Ia informacion suministrada puede ser afectada par cualquier investigaci6n o intervenci6n de cuenta que se haya iniciado o este por iniciarse a este contribuyente. Emitida hoy, !_de agosto de 2002. Preparada par: l /} / ltaztu'-!Wa::;J ~~ ~-~u::~:rIvette Matias Ramos Auxiliar Administrative Centro Regional de Central Aprobada por: ·los Martinez Gerente Regional o Director de Servicios Operacionales o su Representante Autorizado COMMONWEALTH OF PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF STATE SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION TO DO BUSINESS IN • • • • • • • •••• t PUERTO RfCO ..... THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT: :"' . ·;-;;··· No.12,233 ..F PETROBRAS AMERlCA INC. is a profit corporation organized under the laws of Delaware duly authorized to: do business in Puerto Rico.since August 1,· 2002 at 9:35a.m. IN WITNESS WHERSOF, the undersigned by virtue of the· authority vested by law, hereby. issue this certificate and affixes the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, in the City of San Juan, today August two thousand two. ~~rf~ Assistant Director Corporate Registry GFR!Jar 1000 OOOF 457-407 .. - •.· -~---·· .. ~; 7th of the year PAGE 1 'lfie '.]'irst State I, HARRIET SMITH WINDSOR, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, DO HEREBY CERTIFY "PETROBRAS AMERICA INC. 11 IS DULY INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE AND IS IN GOOD STANDING AND BAS A LEGAL CORPORATE EXISTENCE SO FAR AS THE RECORDS OF THIS OFFICE SHOW, AS OF THE'FIRST DAY OF AUGUST, A.D. 2002. ( Harriet Smith Windsor, Secretary of State 2140907 020489111 8300 AUTHENTICATION: 1914819 DATE: 08-01-02 PETROBRAS AMERICA, INC. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING 2002 CORPORATE ANNUAL REPORT SIGNATURES The original of the report should be signed and dated by both the President or Vice-President and the Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer - in the spaces provided on page 3. These signatures must be affixed in the presence of an authorized notary who should complete and sign the notarization statement as indicated. . DUE DATE On or before July 14, 2003. HOW TO FILE The signed and notarized original of the report and attachffients should be sent in time to be received by the above due date to: Department of State P.O. Box 9023271 . San Juan, Puerto Rico 00902 We suggest that you consic;ier sending the report by Certified Mail - Return Receipt Requested. ANNUAL FEE [8] (ONLY MARKED ITEMS APPLY) A P.R. Internal Revenue Voucher (Modelo SC-848) ("Recibo de Pago") for $100 representing the annual filing fee should be attached (YELLOW COPY ONLY) to the report prior to filing. This voucher can be purchased from any Collector's office in Puerto Rico. The number qnd date of of this vouche+ should be entered on page 1 of the report in the spaces provided in the upper· left corner. In case you don't have access to purchase the Voucher in Puerto Rico, you can attach to the Report a Certified Check payable to the "Secretary of the Treasury" in the amount of $10.0, representing the filing fee. Estado Libre ASociado de-Puerto Rico Commonwealth ofPuerto Rico Departamento de Estado Department of State INFORME ANUAl DE. CGRPORACJDNSS . CORPORATE ANNUAL REPORT . Afio . z!l!iz YE3ar Num.. seguro social patronal: 760;23s183 Emp!oyersocit:JI·seoarity-no: Comprq!>ante il!rtnero~. Voucher number: --~·---·- Registro n(imeto: 1·~--- Fecha: --~Registry number; · · Date: Tipo de Corp·oraci6n: ___,domesfica _!:.. foranea _';!..;.. con fines Jucrativos -~sin fines lucrativos domestic foreign Volumen del·negocio: Sobrepasa un miUon CS" Volume of business: Exceeds one million dollars noffor profit profitable No sobrepasa un milton .CS"Jt Doe8 not exceed one million dollars Nombre de Ia corporaci6n: _P_E_TR_o_e_RA_·..,.sAM_·_eu~._cA..:.,_:JN c.. _______,..________ Name of the corporaUon: · Ditecci6n de Ia oficina designacfa: 10777We~tlrelmer.RoadSIJ.i!e 1200 ( y postal} Address ofthe. designated office: (Physical and mailing) · ~---~,----~~------------------------- Nornbre d~l agente residente :· Name Oftet:iideht agent: Direcci6n fisica y p:ostaJ·d.el age.nfe·re~icfejjte·: Reicl!a.r:d!'k ~alaf, p;~.c. 2946;S~ FrailqlSCQ st Physical andmaidnq address ofthei:esldentager:it .~an,~arirPFt:npaos ·· · · · Rev, 12-02; posici6n1 direcciiin postal y fec!la. !'le funclones, a· Ia (~chad~ r~dlcacl(')n t'!el !nforme. eXpira:cion: def cargo ·de los dlrectores Em . Name, posmon,, mailing address and date of expiration of the term d the dir-ectors holding office at the time this report is filed. Nombre -- Posicion [)i.teccfon Fecha de ·exj:>iracion See Ust.Attacl1ed Nombre, posici6n, dlrecci6n po.stal y fecha de. explr;;~ci6n del cargo de los· oficialesen funciones a-la·fe-cha de-radicacf6n derlnforme, Name, position, mailing address and·date ofexpiratlon of the term of the officers holding office· at the time this repotfls flfed. Nombre Posicl6ii Direcci6n · Fechade ·expiraci6n See U~t Attached Estado de·.Situacion :s (Balc,mce sheet) SEE STATEMENT ATTACHED 1 AUDITORIA pqR U~ C,PNT~R:J:>UJ3UCO AUT'ORIZADO CERTIFIEDPUBUC.ACCPUNTANTAUDIT Si' el volilmen de: negoclo de:~ cprporae1.6n sobtepasara un .mrii6n (~;OClOJJI!iO)' .de p6lat:E!S, .el .est.ado de sit;Uacion .qiJe flP!lli)P,;ifia 1!,_~:-imi?~~ ~iilij fl.~!Jra-:ae.:est~ir debidamel'ite.-ailrflfado por JJ.n ecmta.d.c-r Pi11lli® lic¢ncia-ei'i:etatadQ";J!Jbre A~oi:iai:Ja,ae-r.uettO Rieo, que·ncts-ea;nJ'-accionlstl· nl empleado ~ Ia· :Autorizado:~n corporai:icin, jbiito can Ia op.iiiipri':c:orrespondiente:tieiiicbo·:~niadorPiifillqo·AotciiZad~ . .. Wheh the .vofume:af"buslne:ss· ofJhis:PDtPoratlop ex_ceed_s:one•mlillon~(1~oqP,:Wb}if~lfarS; ~· fir(i;inp~ati_Wemeptproyj(Jed "hereWith sh811 /:ie duly audited.oy:a Oertlfied P.ubllc Acccunfant /icehSfJd by the commopw~alth. ofP.uertd Rico,.whois neitf!er a itockholder n.or employ~· of such :ccrporptfon, tcigetfiei- with .iha coitffspcifldirlg opinldrf of.srJch: :Ceitltiec! ·PUblic AccounmnL Rev.12-02 · .. DECLARACION JURADA SWORNSTATEMENT. EN TESTIMPNIO DE '-<_0 CUAL, nosotros, (Presidente o Vicepresidente}, Y. (Tesorero o Subtesorero), declaramos que Ia informacl6n contenlda en este lnfonne Anual es correcta. Hoy, _ de de 20_. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we, _ (President or VIcePresident), iill!f. __ (Treasurer or Asslstant-Treasurerj, do hereby declare that. the Information contained In the foregoing Annual Report is correct. This_ of - - - - - - • 20_. ----------------------Tesorero o Subtesorero Presidente o Vicepresldente President or Vice-President Treasurer or Assistant-Treasurer Affidavit nlim.: _ _ _ Affidavit no.: JURADO Y SUSCRITO ANTE Mf POR: SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED TO BEFORE ME BY: ---Y----------------and de las slguientes circunstancias personates:_..._______ - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(mayoria de edad, profesi6n, veclndad y puesto que ocupa en Ia corporaci6n), a qulenes conozco personalmente. the following personal circumstances: Of ~--,--~=---:-:--.,-~.,.....,-=-----=--,---:--~---::-:-----(legal age, profession, residents of, and positfon they hold in the corporation), whom Jpersonally know. Dada e n - - - - - - - - - - ' ' Puerto Rico, hoy,~- de In _ _ _ _ _ _,Puerto Rico, on SELLO NOTARIAL NOTARIAL SEAL Rev. 12-02 de 200_. _, 200_. NOTARlO PUBLICO NOTARY PUBUC PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 254 Munoz Rivera Avenue BBVTower, 9th Floor Hato Rey PR 00!118 Telephone (787) 754 9090 Facsimile (787) 766 1 094 Report of Independent Auditors On Balance Sheet Filed with the Department of State . We certify that the Petrobras Amer~ca, Inc.'s operations in Puerto ~co for the year ended December 31, 2002, had been inactive and had neither assets nor liabilities within Puerto Rico. This report is intended solely for the information and use of the board of directors and management.ofthe Company and the Department of State ofthe Commonwealth ofPuerto Rico and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified pa.rti:es. By~<(_ ?~ License No. 1358 July 8, 2003 PETROBRAS AMERICA, INC. ACCOUNT NO. 76-0235183 REGISTRY NO. 12233-F 2002 CORPORATE ANNUAL REPORT List of Officers and Directors Officers Renata Bertani -President 10777 Westheimer Road, Suite #1200 Houston, TX 77042 Homero Ventura- Finance Manager 10777 Westheimer Road, Suite #1200 Houston, TX 77042 Ivan Pereira d~ Sa- Commercial Manager ·10777 Westheimer Road, Suite #1200 Houston, TX 77042 Directors Jose M. Camargo- Director Av. Republica do Chile, 65- RJ- Brazil Joao C. Figueira- Director· Av. RepubHca do Chile, 65 -RJ -Brazil Renata Bertani -Director 10777 Westheimer Road, Suite #1200 Houston, TX 77042 Romero Ventura- Secretary 10777 Westheimer Road, Suite #1200 Houston, TX 77042 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP PO Box 363566 Sanjuan PROD936~3566 "Telephone {787) 754- 9090 Facsimile (787) 766 1 094 April14, 2003 Department of State P.O. Box 9023271 San JUBil, Puerto Rico 00902 Dear Sirs: PETROBRAS AMERICA, INC. ACCOUNT NO. 76-0235183 FILE NO. 12233-F On behalf of the above taxpayer, we .respectfully request an extension of time until July 14, . 2003, within which to file the Corporate Annual Report for the year 2002. The extension is necessary due to delays in assembling the information required to complete the report. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by date stamping the attached copy. If you have any questionst please contact Jose S_alvatella or me. Hector Bernier· cc: Mr. Alvaro Hiroshi Tutia..:.. Petrobras America, Inc: , .' iNCOME . ' iiJJ ERNST & YouNG i!!l Ernst & Yo~Jng UP' 1 000 Scotia bank Plaza 273 Ponce de Leon Avenue Hate Rey, Puerto Rico Q0917-1969 IS Phone: (787) 759-8212 Fax: (787) 753-0808 Fax: (787) 753-0813 Report of IndepelfdEmt Auditors To the Management ofPetrobras America, Inc. We have audited the accompanying ·statement of net assets of Petrobras America, Inc.- Puerto Rico Operations (a division ofPetrobras America, Inc.), as of December 31, 2003, and the related statements of income, changes in net assets, and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the division's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statement~ are free of material misstatement An audit includes consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate :in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an .opinion on the effectiveness of the Company'·s intemal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on l:!, test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures :in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made 'by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement . presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position ofPetrobras America, Inc. -Puerto Rico Operations (a division ofPetrobras America, Inc.) at December 31 2003, and its income and cash flows for the year then ended in conformity With accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. ~M<d-t 41 •• February 7, 2005 2004067 b'-I.'P By:~~ Victor M. Alvear, CPA · Lic.No.1864 PETROBRAS AMERICA INC. ~PUERTO RICO OPERATIONS (a Division of Petrobras America Inc.). STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS December 31, 2003 ASSETS Current Assets Accounts Receivable: Non affiliates Inventories Total Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS $ 42,468,379 10,537,005 53,005,384 $ 53,005,384 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Current Liabilities Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities: Affiliates Nonaffiliates Tax Payable $ 35,425,755 489,005 1,268,990 Total Current Liabilities 37,183,750 Total Liabilities 37,183,750 Investment From PAl Accumulated Earnings Total Net Assets 14,221 ,408 1,600,226 15,821,634 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 53,005,384 PETROBRAS AMERICA INC.- PUERTO RICO OPERATIONS (a Division of Petrobras America Inc.) STATEMENT OF INCOME Year Ended December ·31, 2003 Revenues No. 6 Residual Fuel Oil $ 233,096,258 Costs No. 6 Residual Fuel Oil Gross Profit 226,589,858 6,506,400 Operating Expenses Duties Freight Unloading Inspection Expense Storage Expense Bond Insurance 416,930 317,251 140,806 2,224,081 202,500 Total Operating Expenses 3,301,568 3,204,832 Net Operating Profit 233,526 102,090 335,616 General & Administrative Allocation Consultants/Professional Fees Income Before Income Taxes 2,869,216 Provision for Income Taxes Net Income 1,268,990 1,600,226 $ • : 0 .. PETROBRAS AMERICA INC.- P.UERTO RICO OPERATIONS (a Division of Petrobras America Inc.) STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS Year Ended December 31, 2003 0 Investment From PAl Balance - December 31, 2002 $ (382,259) Accumulated Earnings $ $ 14,603,667 Net funding from PAl (382,259) 14,603,667 1,600,226 Current year earnings Balance - December 31, 2003 Total $ 14,221,408 $ 1,600,226 1,600,226 $ 15,821,634 'l. PETROBRAS AMERICA INC. - PUERTO RICO OPERATIONc--~-----­ (a Divisio.n of Petrobras America Inc.) STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Year Ended December 31, 2003 Operating activities Net Income Adjustments to reconcile net incoem to net cash provided by operating activities: Changes in operating assets and liabilities: (Increase) decrease in accounts receivable: Nonaffiliates (Increase) decrease in inventories Increase (decrease) in accounts payable : Affiliates Nonaffiliates Increase (decrease) in tax payable Net cash used in operating activities $ (42,468,379) (1 ,745,493) 26,251,984 489,005 1,268,990 (14,603,667) Financing activities Net proceeds from PAl 14,603,667 14,603,667 Net cash provided by financing activities Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents at end of year Additional dosclosures: Cash paid for interest Cash paid for income taxes Non-cash financing and investing activities: Additions to accounts payables-affiliates included in payments to PAl 1,600,226 $ $ $ $ .. PETROBRAS AMERICA INC.- PUERTO RICO OPERATIONS (a Division of. Petrobras America Inc.) NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2003 1. ORGANIZATION Petrobras America Inc. (PAl), a U. S. Corporation and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Petrobras International Braspetro B.V. in Netherlands, was formed on October 15, 1987 to acquire, own and operate rights-of-way and operating rights for the purpose of conducting oil and gas exploration and development activities on the Outer Continental Shelf of the United States of America. In 1990, PAl expanded its business activities to include the purchase of petroleum industry equipment, spare parts and similar related products (procurement activities) for sale to the Parent or its affiliates and to include the purchase and sale of crude oil and refined products from and to foreign companies and companies in the United States. On August 7, 2002, PAl registered with Puerto Rico Department of State and was authorized to do business in Puerto Rico as a foreign corporation. In December 2002, PAl was selected as the supplier of No. 6 residual fuel oil to the Puerto Rico Electric and Power Authority (PREPA) on a one-year contract with automatic renewal of one year. In addition to making direct sales to PREPA, PAl also engages in indirect sales to PREPA through another customer, Fuel and Marine Marketing LLC (FAMM). PAl purchases the No. 6 residual fuel oil from its parent and/or other affiliates and stores the inventory in oil tanks located in the premises of the Commonwealth Oil Refining Company (CORCO), a location designated as a Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ). PAl does not maintain employees or offices in Puerto Rico. 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Basis of Presentation The accounts of the Company are maintained on the accrual basis of accounting In accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. The accompanying financial statements present, on a historical cost basis, the assets, liabilities, revenue and expense related to the Puerto Rico Operations of Petro bras America Inc. (the Division) as of December 31, 2003. These statements are presented as if the Division had existed as a separate entity during the period presented. 1 PETROBRAS AMERICA INC. - PUERTO RICO OPERATIONS (a Division of Petrobras America Inc.) NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2003 The Division incurs certain common c~sts which relate to both the Division and other Petrobras America Inc. operations, and management·has made allocations of these costs to the Division. Total Equity reflects Petrobras America Inc.'s historical cost basis investment in the Division, accumulated earnings and losses of the Division and intercompany activity with Petrobras America Inc. which are not settled on a current basis. The Division is part of Petrobras America Inc. and has no separate legal status or existence. Its resources and existence are at the disposal of corporate management. The Division's assets are legally available for the satisfactions of debts of the entire corporation, not solely those appearing on the accompanying balance sheet, and its debts may result in claims against assets not appearing thereon. Cash All cash and cash equivalents are transferred to Petrobras America Inc. through the investment account on a current basis and are excluded from assets on the accompanying statements. The Division is part of a centralized cash management system of Petrobras America Inc., whereby ali cash disbursements of the Division are funded by, and ali cash receipts are transferred to, Petrobras America Inc. Allowance for Doubtful Accounts The Division routinely assesses the recoverabllity of all material trade and other receivables to determine their collectibility. The Division accrues a reserve on a receivable when, based on the judgment of management, it is probable that a receivable will not be collected and the amount of any reserve may be reasonably estimated. As of December 31, 2003, the Division had no allowance for doubtful accounts. Concentrations of Credit Risk Substantially all of the Division's accounts receivable for nonaffiliates are due from either PREPA or FAMM. To date, this concentration has not had a material adverse effect on the financial position of the Division. Inventories Inventories consist of No. 6 residual fuel oil, which is valued at the lower of cost, determined using weighted-average cost, or market. 2 ' e PETROBRAS AMERICA INC.- PUERTO RICO OPERATIONS (a Division of Petrobras America Inc.) NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2003 Functional Currency The U. S. dollar is the functional currency for the Division. All transactions are denominated in U. S. dollars. Revenue Recognition Sales revenue is recognized as fuel is sold at a determinable price, when delivery has o~curred, title has transferred and the collectibility of the revenue is probable. Use of Estimates The financial statements, which are prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, include amounts that are based, in part, on management's best estimates and judgments. 3. INVENTORIES At December 31, 2003, inventories pertaining to Puerto Rico Operations consisted of the following: 2003 No. 6 Residual Fuel Oil................................... $ 1O,S37,005 The fuel oil inventories in Puerto Rico is maintained at storage facility owned by Commonwealth Oil Refining Company (CORCO). 4. INCOME TAXES A reconciliation of the United States statutory income tax amount to the effective amount is shown below: For the year ended December 31 , 2003 Statutory income tax ................................... .. $ 1,004,226 Additional taxes related to Puerto Rico statutory tax ............................................... _ _ _ ____,2::..:8:..=9:.L,7:....:9::...:0::....__ $ 1,294,016 3 .. PETROBRAS AMERICA INC. - PUERTO RICO OPERATIONS (a Division of Petrobras America Inc.) NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2003 5. EQUITY Petrobras America Inc. - Puerto Rico operations has been administered and fully funded by the Petrobras America Inc. (PAl) in Houston, Texas. Since the Puerto Rico operations hold neither separate cash account nor identifiable cash balance, all cash related transactions are booked through Investment From PAl, which is disclosed in the Equity section of the Balance Sheet. 6. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS Transactions related to Puerto Rico operations by the Company with its Parent and affiliated companies for the year ended December 31, 2003 were as follows: 2003 Purchase of No. 6 Fuel Oil ........................ . $ 228,335,351 7. SUBSEQUENT EVENT The current PREPA Fuel Purchase Contract ended in December 2004, PAl did not renew the contract with PREPA for 2005. 4 : 7i: Lu~nad ~oo~ PR. AnntW-~ t&Aa.l! hfll Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Departamento de Estado Department of State INFORME ANUAL DE CORPORACIONES CORPORATE ANNUAL REPORT I Ano~ Year I I I Num. seguro social patronal: ___.:...;76-0::....::.:2:.::;35::.:1:.::8'3=- I Employer social security no. Comprobante numero: Voucher number. --=---- Reglstro nlimero: 12233-F Registry number: Fecha: - - - - Date: Tipo de Corporacion: _ _ domestica _x foriinea _x connnestucrativos __ __ domestic foreign profitable ___ slnflneslucrativos net fer profit Volumen del negocio: Sobrepasa un mill6n_x __ No sobrepasa un millen _ _ Volume of Business: exceeds one million dollars Does .not exceed one million doUars Nombre de Ia corporaci6n: PetrobrasAmedca.lnc.- Puerto Rico Operations Name Df the corporation: Dlreccl6n de Ia oflcina designada: (F£slca y postal) . :.1: .:0m:. :. . :. . :. W:.:es:: .:l: .: he::.:lm.: .:e: . r.:. :R: : oa:: d:L;S:::u~lte:..1!!2::::00::....__~---------• .:..:H::::oU:::s::::to::!.n..:;TX~77:..::0:::::42::,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address of the designated office: (Physical and mailing) :..;H::::ou:::st:::e::!.n..::TX~77.:...:..::::D4::::2=------------------- Nombre del agente residente: Ivan Reichard, Esq. .:.1::.:om~.:..:W:..::es::.:lh:::e:::lrn:::e::..r.:..:R::.:ea:.=d!...:,S::u::::lte:..1:..:2:::.:00::....__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name of the resident agent Direcci6n fisica y postal del agente residente: Reichard & catar. P.s.c. 2946 San Francisco Street Physical and mailing address otthe resident agent: . ;:;s:.; ;an::.:J:. :ua:: .:n.:. :P. :.R.:. :o:. : o: :.:so:. : s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Reichard & Calaf, P.S.C. 2946 San Francisco Street San Juan PR 00909 Rev.12·02 I ·I I I I I ; Nombre, posicl6n, dfreccl6n postal y fecha de explr&cion del cargo de los directores en funciones, a Ia fecha de radicacion del informe. Name. mai/Tng address and date of explratfon of the term of the directors holding office at the time this report is field. Nombre Posicion Direcci6n Fecha de expiracion See Ust Attached ' i I ,__ I I I l Nombre, poslcl6n, direccion postal y fecha de explracl6n del cargo de los of!cjales en funciones, a Ia fecha de radlcaci6n del inform e. Name, maifing address and date of expiration of the term of the officers holding office at the time this report is field. Nombre Posicion Dlrecclon Fecha de _e)(p_iracion See Ust Attached Estado de situaci6n 1 (Balance sheet) See Statement Attached 1 AUDITORIA POR UN CONTADORA P0BUCO AUTORIZADO CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNT AUDIT Sl el volumen de negoclo de esta corporaclon sobrepasara un millen (1,0DD,DDO) de d6Jares, el estado de sltuaclon que acompaiia a este fnforme annual habra de estar debldamente audltado per un Contador Pt1blico Autorlzado con Hcencia en el Estado Libre Asooiando de Puerto Rico, que no sea nf accionlsta nl empleado de Ia Cotporaclon, junto con Ia opinion correspondlente de dicho Con!ador Pt1bllco Autorizado. When the volume of business of this carporaUon exceeds rme ml/lon (1,000,000) dollars, the fin aneTa/ statement provided Herewllh shall de duly audiled by a Certified Public Acc:ountanll/censf.'ld by the Commonweellh of Puerto Rico, who Ts Neither a stackhalder nor employee of such corporation, logetharwlth the coJTespandlnq opinion of such Certified Public Accountant. ReV.12·02 I I I I I PETROBRAS AMERICA INC. ACCT # 76-0235183 i I -ATTACHMENT TO -- ·· 2004 PUERTO RICO PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX I f I LIST OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OFFICERS Renato Bertani President 10777 Westheimer, Suite 1200, Houston, TX 77042 Gustavo Barbosa Finance Manager 10777 Westheimer, Suite 1200, Houston, TX 77042 Date of expiration of the term Continuing until succeeded DIRECTORS Joao Figueira A v. Republica do Chile, 65 - RJ- Brazil Nestor Cervero Av. Republica do Chile, 65 - RJ- Brazil Renate Bertani 10777 Westheimer, Suite 1200, Houston, TX 77042 Date of expiration of the term Continuing until succeeded T:\Groups\Corporate\TAX\PUERTO RICO TAX & CONTRACT\2004 PUERTO RICO TAX\OFFICERS & DIR I ! f f • I DECLARACION JURADA SWORN STATEMENT I EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, nosotros, (Presldente o Vlcepresidente}, y . {Tesorero o Subtesorero), declaramos ql!e Ia informaci6n contenida en este lnforme A..nual es oorrect!l. Hqy, _de de 20 IN WITNEss WHEREOF, we, f~eNt;.io (President or VicePresident), .Ell!! fl i /;]' /... i maN (Treasure or Assistant-Treasure), do .. hereby declare that the information contained ln. the foregoing Annual Report is correct. This tit per fun i f ~A~ of ...L!f. ,20!15 ~ Tesorero o Subtesorero Treasure or Assistant-Treasure Presldente o Vlcepresidente President or Vice-President i I ! Affidavit num.: Affidavit no.: - - - - I l I h JURADO Y SUSCRITO ANTE Mf POR SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED TO BEFORE ME BY: ReN~ru Bettaoi v.--~P~~il~ir_·~~~lm_o_~----~·· 51. Vfet~~rs pyes1d e nt- Resicl ent I ! and de )as stguiente circunstancias personales: TN US, A. I i J - - - - - - - - - - {mayor[a de edad, profesi6n, veclndad y puesto que ocupa en Ia corporaci6n), a quienes conozco personalmente. Dada en - - - - - - - - - ' Puerto Rico, hoy, In HoiH?D N 1 SELLO NOTARIAL NOTARIAL SEAL TX , PvBrlo Rico, on 14 de ~DO __ • de "ihJug , 200 .QS. u.~~~e.~ NOTARIO PUBLICO NOTARY PUBLIC CHRISTINE A. MillER 1/N COMMISSION EXPIRES June 15, 2009 Rev.12·02 . i ' I I ' I PETRO:BRAS AMERICA, INC.- PUERTO RICO OPERATIONS INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING 2004 CORPORATE ANNUAL REPORT -SIGNATURES The original oftlte report should be signed and dated by both the President orVice President and the Treasurer or the Assistant Treasurer in the spaces provided on page 3. These signatures must be affixed in tl1e presence of an authorized notruy who should complete and sign the notarization statement as indicated. DUE DATE On or before JULY 14,2005. HOW TO FILE The signed and notarized original of the report and attachments should be sent in time to be received by U1e above due date to: Department of State P.O. Box9023271 San Juan, P.R. 00902 We strongly suggest tltntyou send the return by Certified Mail-Return Receipt Requested. ANNUAL FEE A P.R. Internal Revenue Voucher for $100 ("Recibo de Pago'') representing tlte annual filing fee should be attached to the report prior to filing. Tltis voucher can be purchased from ml)' Collector's office in Puerto Rico. Tlte number and dale of purchase of tltis voucher sl10uld be entered on page 1 of the report in the spaces provided in the upper left corner. In case you don't have access to purchase tlte Voucher in Puerto llico, you can attach to the Report a Certified Check payable to tlte "Secretary of the Treasury" in the amount of $100, representing the filing fee. OTHER - The corporation's audited Balance Sheet as of December, 31, 2004 and accompanying certification bearing the original stamp of the Puerto Rico Sociely of CPA should be attached to Ute report prior to filing. - A scltedule listing Ute name, address and date of expiration of tenn of each officer and director of The corporation should be attached to the original report before filing. An additional copy sl10uld be fliiiUslted to us for our files. -In the case tltat the report is notarized outside of Puerto Rico a "County Clerk Certificate" certifYing that the notary is authorized by tl1e County should be included with the report prior to filing. ( ,, PrlcewaterhouseCooB.W.s LLP 254 Mufioz Rivera BBVA Tower, 9th Floor Hald Rey PR 00918 Telephone (787) 754 9090 Facsimile (787). 766 1094 April 8: 2005 Department of State P.O. Box 9023271 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00902 Dear Sirs: PETROBRAS AMERICA, INC. ACCOUNT NO. 76-0235183 FILE NO. 12233-F On behalf of the above taxpayer, we respectfully request an extension of time lll;ltil July 14, 2005, 1¥ithin which to file the Corporate Annual Repo1t for the year 2004. The extension is necessary due to delays in assembling the information required to complete the report. . . Please aclmowledge receipt of this. Jetter by date stan1ping the attached copy. If you have any questions, please call us. cc: Mr. Elau Lau- Petro bras America, fuc INCOME iJI tf?.NST & YOUNG Ji; Ernst & Young ttl' !G Phone: !7871 759-3212 1000 Scoliabank Plaza 273 Ponce de Leon Avenue Halo Rey, Pueno Rico 00917-1989 Fax: t787J 7r,3-0B08 Fm<: ti87J 753-0813 I Report ofindependent Auditors I To the Management of Petrobras America Inc. We have audited the accompanying statement of net assets ofPetrobras America Inc.- Puerto Rico Operations (a division ofPetrobras America Inc.), as of December 31, 2005 and 2004, and the related statements of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows for the two years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the division's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in .the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company's internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the :financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. I I I i In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position ofPetrobras America Inc. -Puerto Rico Operations (a division of Petrobras Am:erica Inc.) a~ December 31, 2005 and 2004, and its results of operations and cash flows for the two years then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. I I I I I I ! I ; 2129909 June 13, 2006 By:~{);. :LA Arturo I. Ondina~ Uc.No.2567 A member iirm of Ernst & Young Global limited i ' I i I I PETROBRAS AMERICA INC.- PUERTO RICO OPERATIONS (a Division of Petrobras America Inc.) BALANCE SHEET December 31, 2005 & 2004 I I 2005 2004 ASSETS I I I Current Assets Accounts Receivable: Nonaffiliate.s Inventories 1 $ $ 38,964,593 12,003,054 Total Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS 293,51 0 293,510 $ 50,967;647 293,510 $ 50,967,647 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Current Liabilities Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities: Affiliates Nonaffiliates $ 35,733,287 $ 129,734 502,168 Total Current Liabilities 129,734 36,235,455 Total Liabilities 129,734 36,235,455 l ,802,915 (1 ,63 9,1 39) 163,776 Investment From PAl Accumulated Earnings Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY $ 293,51 0 15,475,215 (743,023) 14,732,192 $ 50,967,647 7110/2006 3:50PM PETROBRAS AMERICA INC.- PUERTO RICO OPERATIONS (a Division of Petro bras America Inc.) STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS For Years Ended Decembef"31, 2005 and 2004 2005 Revenues No. 6 Residual Fuel Oil $ Costs No. 6 Residual Fuel Oil Gross Profit 2004 11,787,558 $ 239,117,307 12,003,045 (215,487) 387,644 129,734 108,643 23,573 750 Operating Expenses Freight Storage Expense Unloading Inspection Expense Duties Bond Insurance Other Operating Expense Insurance Premium 232,336,856 6,780,451 4,926,847 2,483,981 706,652 388,812 203,250 23,674 18,056 84 650,428 Net Operating Loss 8,751,272 {865,915) Total Operating Expenses (1 ,970,821) 17,201 13,000 30,201 General & Administrative Allocation Consultants/Professional Fees 297,108 75,320 372,428 (896,116) Loss Before Income Tax Benefit (2,343,249) Income Tax Benefit Net Loss $ (896, 116) $ (2,343,249) ' ' PETROBRAS AMERICA INC. - PUERTO RICO OPERATIONS (a Division of Petrobras America Inc.) _ STATEMENT OF EQUJ1Y For Years Ended December 31, 2005 and 2004 Investment From PAl Balance - December 31 , 2003 $ 1,600,226 $ 15,821,634 1 ,253,807 (2,343,249) 1 ,253,807 $ 15,475,215 .$ (743,023) $ (896, 116) $ 1,802,915 $ (1 ,639, 139) 14,732,192 (13,672,300) (896, 116) (13,672,300) Net distributions to PAl Net Loss Balance- December 31, 2005 Total (2,343,249) $ Net funding from PAl Net Loss Balance- December 31, 2004 14,221,408 Accumulated Earnings $ 163,776 .. ( PETROBRAS AMERICA INC. - PUERTO RICO OPERATIONS (a Division of Petrobras America lnc.) STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS For Years Ended December 31, 2005 and 2004 2005 Operating activities Net Loss Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided by operating activities: Changes in operating assets and liabilities: (increase) decrease in accounts receivable: $ (896,116) 2004 $ (2,343,249) 38,671,083 12,003,054 2,234,796 (1,466,049) (35,733,287) (372,434) 13,672,300 307,532 13;163 (1,253,807) Financing activities (Distributions to)/funding from PAl (13,672,300) 1,253,807 Net cash used in flnanclng activities (13,672,300) 1,253,807 Non affiliates (Increase) decrease in Inventories Increase (decrease) in accounts payable; Affiliates Non affiliates Net cash provided by In operating activities Net Increase (decrease) In cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year· Cash and cash equivalents at end of year $ $ Additional dosclosures: Cash paid for Income taxes $ $ 1,562,500 ( PETROBRAS AMERICA INC. - PUERTO RICO OPERATIONS (a Division of Petrobras America Inc.) NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2005 and 2004 The Division incurs certain common costs which relate to both the Division and other Petro bras America Inc. operations, and management has made allocations of these costs to the Division. Total Equity reflects Petrobras America Inc.'s historical cost basis investment in the Division, accumulated earnings and losses of the Division and intercompany activity with Petrobras America Inc. which are not settled on a current basis. The Division is part of Petrobras America: Inc. and has no separate legal status or existence. Its resources and existence are at the disposal of corporate management. The Division's assets are legally available for the satisfactions of debts of the entire corporation, not solely those appearing on the accompanying balance sheet, and its debts may result in claims against assets not appearing thereon. Cash All cash and cash equivalents are transferred to Petrobras America Inc. through the investment account on a current and are excluded from assets on the accompanying statements. The Division is part of a centralized cash management system of Petrobras America Inc., whereby all cash disbursements of the Division are funded by, and all cash receipts are transferred to, Petrobras America Inc. Allowance for Doubtfu!"Accounts The Division routinely assesses the recoverabi!ity of all material trade and other receivables to determine their collectibi!Ity. The Divisiqn accrues a reserve on a receivable when, based on the judgment of management, it is probable that a receivable will not be collected and the amount of any reserve may be reasonably estimated. As of December 31, 2005 and 20Q4, the Division had no allowance for doubtful accounts. Concentrations of Credit Risk Substantially all of the Division's accounts receivable from non affiliates are due from either PREPA or FAMM. To date, this concentration has not had a material adverse effect on the financial position of the Division. I l i ' 1 I i Inventories Inventories consist of No. 6 residual fuel oll, which is valued at the lower of cost, determined using weighted-average cost, or market. 2 I I I ( PETROBRAS AMERICA INC.- PUERTO RICO OPERATIONS (a Division of Petrobras America Inc.) NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31 2005 and 2004 Functional Currency The U.S. dollar is the functional currency for the Division. All transactions are denominated in U. S. dollars·. Revenue Recognition Sales revenue Is recognized as fuel is sold at a determinable price, when delivery has occurred, title has transferred and the collectibility of the revenue is probable. Use of Estimates The financial statements·, which are prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, include amounts that are based, in part, on management's best estimates and judgments. 3. INVENTORIES For years ended December 31, 2005 and 2004, invento:ies pertaining to Puerto Rico Operations consisted of the following: · 2005 No. 6 Residual Fuel Oil. ........... .. 2004 $ 12,003,054 $ The fuel oil inventories in Puerto Rico are maintained at storage facility owned by Commonwealth Oil Ref!ning Company (CORCO). I i i' I I I 4. INCOME TAXES For years ended December 31, 2005 and 2004, a reconciliation of the United States statutory income tax expense (benefit) to the effective amount is shown below: 2005 $ (313,641) (90,507) 404,148 Statutory income tax .................. . Additional taxes related to Puerto Rico statutory tax ................... .. Valuation Allowance 2004 $ (820,137) (236,668) l 056,805 $ 3 $ I I PETROBRAS AMERICA INC. - PUERTO RICO OPERATIONS (a Division of Petrobras America Inc.) NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2005 and 2004 The Company recorded a valuation allowance against the 2004 and 2005 net operating losses. These net operating losses will expire in 2011 and 2012 respectively. 5. EQ~ITY Petrobras America Inc. - Puerto Rico operations has been administered and fully funded by the Petrobras America Inc. (PAl) in Houston, Texas. Since the Puerto Rico operations hold neither separate cash account nor identifiable cash balance, all cash related transactions are recorded through Investment from PAl, which is disclosed in the Equity section of the Balance Sheet. 6. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS Transactions related to Puerto Rico operations by the Company with its Parent and affiliated companies for year ended December 31, 2005 ~nd year ended December 31, 2004 were as follows: 2005 Purchase of No. 6 Fuel Oil. .............. . $ 2004 $ 197,337,711 I I ' 4 I I Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Departamento de Estado Department of State INFORME ANUAL DE CORPORACIONES CON FINES DE LUCRO PROFITABLE CORPORATE ANNUAL REPORT Aiio Year 2005 Registro numero: 12233-F Registry number: Nombre de Ia corporaci6n: Petrobras America, Inc.- Puerto Rico Operations Name of the corporation: Tipo de Corporaci6n: X domestlca - - - - foranea foreign domestic Num. seguro social patronal: Employer social security no. 76-0235183 Comprobante niimero: Voucher number: Volumen del negocio: Sobrepasa un mi116n X Volume of Business: Exceeds one million dollars No sobrepasa un mi116n Does not exceed one million dollars l 0777 Westheimer Road, Suite 1200 Direccion de Ia oficina designada: Houston TX 77042 (Ffsica y postal) I 0777 Westheimer Road, Suite 1200 Address of the designated office: Houston TX 77042 (Physical and mailing) Nombre del agente residente: Name of resident agent Ivan Reichard, Esq. Direcci6n fisica y postal del agente residente: Reichard & CalaJ; P.s.c. 2946 San Francisco Street Physical and mailing address of the resident agent s:c:an.:;..:.;Ju..;.an:..:..:...:PR~oo""9.:..:09'------------­ Reichard & CaJat; P.S.C. 2946 San Francisco Street San Juan PR 00909 Rev. 02-06 ·' Nombre, posicion, direccion postal y fecha de expiraci6n del cargo de los directores en funclones, a Ia fecha de radicacion del informe. Name, position, mailing address and date of expiration of the tenn of the directors holding office at the time this report is filed. Nombre Direcclon Posic16n Fecha de explracl6n See Statement Attached Nombre, posicion, direcci6n postal y fecha de expiraci6n del cargo de los oficiales en funciones a Ia fecha de radicacion del informe. Name, position, mailing address and date of expiration of the tenn of the officers holding office at the time this report is nled. Nombre Dlrecc16n Poslcl6n Fecha de expiracl6n See Statement Attached Estado de situacion 1 (Balance sheet) See Statement Attached 1 AUDITORIA POR UN CONTADOR PUBLICO AUTORIZADO CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AUDIT Si el volumen de negocio de esta corporaclon sobrepasara un millon (1,000,000) de doiares, el estado de situaci6n que acompaiia a este informe anuai habra de estar debidamente auditado por un Contador Publico Autorlzado con iicencia en el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, que no sea ni accionista ni enipleado de Ia corporacion, junto con Ia opinion correspondiente de dicho Contador Publico Autorizado, IIVhen the volume of business of this corporation exceeds one million (1, 000, 000) dollars, the financial statement provided herewith shall be duly audited by a Certified Public Accountant licensed by the Commonweallh of Puerto Rico, who is neither a stockholder nor employee of such corporation, tooether with the corresoondinq opinion of such Certified Public Accountant. Rev.01..()6 PETROBRAS AMERICA, INC.- PUERTO RICO OPERATIONS ACCOUNT NO. 76-0235183 RGISTRY NO. 12233-F 2005 CORPORATE ANNUAL REPORT LIST OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OFFICERS Renato Bertani - President 10777 Westheimer, Suite 1200, Houston, TX 77042 Gustavo Barbosa- Chief Financial Officer 10777 Westheimer, Suite 1200, Houston, TX 77042 Date of expiration of the term Continuing until succeeded DIRECTORS Joao Figueira Av. Republica do Chile, 65 - RJ - Brazil Nestor Cervero Av. Republica do Chile, 65 - RJ - Brazil Renato Bertani 10777 Westheimer, Suite 1200, Houston, TX 77042 Date of expiration of the term Continuing until succeeded DECLARACION JURADA SWORN STATEMENT EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, nosotros, (Presidente o Vicepresidente), y (Tesorero o Subtesorero), declaramos que ·.,a informaCion contenida en este lnforme Anual es correcta. H:>y, _--_de e 20 IN WITNESS WHEREQF, we, President), and 4iz~ N 1\) e'r to. n. (President or Vice(Treasurer or Assistant-Treasurer), do ] Y (J • he1Jjare that the information contained in the foregoing Annuel RepOrl/s =reef. This of , ~ ~. i.~ /,;1 rJ, ~/!YL_ / Presidente o Vicepresidente • Tes7f:::o o Subtesorero (f.O. Ttsurer or Assistant-T<eosurer President or Vice-President Affidavit num.: Affidavit no.: - - - - JURADO Y SUSCRITO ANTE Mi POR: S1(0RN AND S~SCRIBED TO BEFORE ME BY: t2e t-luY); Kenodv Y and de las siguientes cincunstancias personales: Re<:d-:ni ~ U, s. A· ' 8 u~-+a vo BavboSCA- -~6:....o:.;;t:.......:.~.J-Ie....!O.~I·.=.S_·_R_'f...:e:...~_•.:::d~e~n'-.:.t!....-·----- (mayona de edad, profes1on, vec1ndad y puesto que ocupa en Ia corporacion), a quienes conozco personalmenle. Of Gu~f<a \[O Bo r bo21 the 4Fj ~ 1·s following personal circumstances: Residen 't t?'[ US A O/d1 (legal age, profession, residents of, and position they hold in the corporation), whom I personally know. Dada en In , Puerto Rico, hoy, de 1-{ou~~~N: zy. ~i ~C£- SELLO NOTARIAL NOTARY SEAL NOTARJO PUBLICO NOTARY PUBLIC _ de - JODI L KNIGHT MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JuiJ\115, 2009 PETROBRAS AMERICA, INC.- PUERTO RICO OPERATIONS ACCOUNT NO. 76-0235183 RGISTRY NO. 12233-F 2005 CORPORATE ANNUAL REPORT An examination of the financial statements of the company by an independent certified public accountant for the year ended December Q1. 2005 is presently in process. Upon completion of the examination, the required financial statements and the Accountant's Report thereon will be submitted. CHASE Customer Copy fOR YOUR PROTECTION SAVE THIS COPY OFFICIAL CHECK 557368706 07/13/2006 Texas Remitter Petrobras America Inc. $ ************600.00 *** Pa~ To The Oraer Of Secretary of the Treasury Dept of State, San Juan P.R. Drawer: JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. NON NEGOTIABLE ....................................-.................................................................... . TERMS KEEP THIS COPY FOR YOUR RECORD 'i:":if:THE TRANSACTION. TO REPORT A LOSS OR FOR ANY OTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THE INSTRUMENT, CONTACT THE INSTITUTION FROM WHICH YOU RECEIVED THE INSTRUMENT. Date 07/13/2006 Remitter Petrobras America Inc. Texas Pay: SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS AND 00 CENTS $ ************600.00 *** Secretary of the Treasury Dept of State, San Juan P.R. Pay To The Oraer Of Drawer: JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. -~~6d~-~---·---------------------Jnlegrale~::menl ~ ':':J; fssued by Systems Inc., Englewood, Colorad!O, To Citibank, N.A., Buffalo, NY 1..!.J ~··M • 0 •• • •• • • • ... Vendor :1000199 Your Reference 0 ••••••• - •• • • •• • • •• •• •• ... •• - ••••• ~ •• • Document :20000075fl6 Date: 07/12/2006 Our Reference JPMORGAN CHASE 1900005488 PAY FOR CASHIER CHECK (DEPT. OF STATE) Sum total - Date 07/12/2006 Gross amount 600.00 600.00 I ·. PETROBRAS AMERICA, INC. -PUERTO RlCO OPERATIONS INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING 2005 CORPORATE ANNUAL REPORT SIGNATURES The original of the report should be signed and dated by both the President or Vice President and the Treasurer or the Assistant Treasurer in the spaces provided on page 3. These signatures must be affixed in the presence of an authorized notary who should complete and sign the notarization statement as indicated. DUE DATE On orbefore.July, 14,2006. HOW TO FILE The signed and notarized original of the report and attachments should be sent in time to be received by the above due date to: Department of State P.O. Box 9023271 San Juan, P.R. 00902 We strongly suggest that you send the report by Certified Mail-Return Receipt Requested. ANNUAL FEE A P.R. Internal Revenue Voucher for $100 ("Recibo de Pago ") representing the annual filing fee should be attached to the report prior to filing. This voucher can be purchased from any Collector's office in Puerto Rico. The number of this voucher should be entered on page 1 of the report in the spaces provided in the upper ]eft comer. ~ ck In case you don't have access to purchase the Voucher in Puerto Rico, you can attach to the Report a Certified Check payable to the "Secretary of the Treasury" in the amount of$] 00, representing the filing fee. OTHER - The corporation's audited Balance Sheet as of December, 31, 2005 and accompanying certification bearing the original stamp of the Puerto Rico Society of CPA should be attached to the report prior to filing. -In the case that the report is notarized outside of Puerto Rico a "County Clerk Certificate" certifYing that the notary is authorized by the County should be included with the report prior to filing. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP "~ 0 v HI00 II ,- p•J10·2 I -o rifl • ... 254 Munoz Rivera BBVA Tower, Suite 900 Hato Rey, PR 00918 Telephone (787) 754 9090 Facsimile (787) 766 1094 April 4, 2006 Department of State P.O. Box 9023271 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00902 Dear Sirs: PETROBRAS AMERICA, INC. -PUERTO RICO OPERATIONS ACCOUNT NO. 76~0235183 FILE NO. 12233-F On behalf of the above taxpayer, we respectfully request an extension of time until July 14, 2006, within which to file the Corporate Annual Report for the year 2005, The extension is necessary due to delays in assembling the information required to complete the report. Please ac ewledge receipt of this etter by date stamping the attached copy. If you have any questi , please· call us. ~-- cc: Mr. Elau Lau- Petro bras America, Inc. 03/28/2005 15:10 2125575065 AUFRICHTIG STEIN PAGE 18 ('' EST ADO UBRE ASOCIADO DE PUEATORICO ADMINISTRACION DE SERVICIOS GENERALES Reglstro Onleo de Lloltadores i I I Dlri)B891Qda CClll$$pond011cl0 a Ia JldmlnlstracJora CERTIFICAOO 05 ELEGIBII..IDAO LICITADOR; Nlim. de Licitador: I PE'IROBRAS AMERICA INC. 7243 f I Segu:ro Social Pab:onal: ,!.7.:;!:60~-;:23;,;·;;;5;:;,;18:::;3~-"':1!""',_=~------------10777 Westheimer :§uite 1200 Direccion Pos tal: ! ! Houston TX 77042 Telefono: 713·781-9798 Nfun. de Fax: 713-781-3570 E-Mail: Persona Autorizada a Finnar Ia O:furta: .:;M.::arc=.::io:;..:,;M::a:2galhae==~s-----------Titulo que Ostenta: Oil Manager Registro vigente desde 3 de noviembtc de 2004 hasta 3 !i!e noviembte de 2005 I £LEGIB1LIDAD: EI Licitador tiene sus doeum.entm'l1 sl dia y estJi elegible para Ia adjndfeaclon de subastas co.mpras bajo contra to, y expedicion de ordenes de compra hasta el ;J,Z de abrll de 2005. Sera responsabilidad del Licitador :mankiner todos .IDS documentos al dis. dlEJlJlt!<: el aiio de rcgistro. Adcmas cad a Agencia Ejecutiva o Co:tporac.ion Publica sera re!pO:nsable de~rifi~~!~~licitador antes de adjudicar subasfrul y emitir 6rdenes de compra. .<:_,~ / ' 0 ~ \. ~ Rir.,~de febre~o ~ 2005 o e ) !. Y PARA QUE ASI CONSTE cxpido la presente en San Juan, OJ,mdliar Area de Adqulslclones o su Representante Aotorizado I \ f.J..7 ~ ~i\• t ,/' :~ ,~e -,,"' ,.:y?o·\·J ! J Patcntc Municlpll!. Cettificaci6n de .Radlcucion de Planillos Propi~ Mucble, Certlficscion de Deuda ueble, Cettificaci6n de Deuda. 'Propied3d InmucbTc 6 Ccrti.ficnt:i6n Neg~~trve, Cct1ificncion de~ Rndicacian de PIIIIITITIIS de contribt!ci6n sobte Jngrcsoo ultimos s nl'io~, Ccrtilienci6n do Ucuda Contributiva, Ccrtilicacion de l'Oiiu dol Fando del ScgtJI'O del C:Smdc. Ccnifi=i6n de Dalda del Fondo del Segui'Q del Estado1 CC1115cnc;l6n de Dcuda del Depnttnmento del Trabajo de Scguro de Incapacidad y Dcscmpleo, Certllicnci6n de D¢uda del Segurn Social Chofcril. Cctf:flcado de Cumplimlento 'on Ia Ley Gcrn::ml de CotpOlllcionell (Good Standing), Ccnifieocitln de Deuda de 14 Administroclon psm cl Sustcnta de Menores ~ "1 CBSo de: ncgoc!o lndlvidllal (AsumQ), 1 ! I I i' i I i I G~~··· !'····' ~~;;~'~' "' .. ,~(l·.:·';~~:r.i\C:'·0~ £':? t:.~>•ZI .~r·':l ~~~· · C-..~ ' -;- .f.. ,r, • ,-· [\.\) i ' i L

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