Associated Press v. United States Department of Defense

Filing 11

Attachment 3
DECLARATION of Richard B. Jackson in Support re: 7 MOTION for Summary Judgment.. Document filed by United States Department of Defense. (Attachments: # 1 # 2 # 3)(Normand, Sarah)

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Associated Press v. United States Department of Defense Doc. 11 Att. Case 1:06-cv-01939-JSR Document 11-4 Filed 05/11/2006 Page 1 of 2 JUN. 17.2004 a* . 2:27PM .. LEGAL NO. ~ Y Y r. L THE WHlT HOUSC 4 WASW#NGTON February 7 , 2002 SUBJECT : 1. Humane Treacmenz of a1 Qaeda and Taliban Detainee. our recent extensive discuerrioae regardtng che statum of a 1 ~ a e d ~ Taliban detainees confinn'thae the appliand cation of the Geneva Conventien Relative to the Reatmat of Prisoncr~of W a r of Auguot 12, 1 9 4 9 (Geneva) to t)u conflict w i t h a 1 Oaeda and the Talibaa involve. cornpla legal questions. By i t o tenns, Geneva a w l i e o to conflicca involvln9 #High Contracting P a r t i e s , . which can oraly & s t a t e s . Moreover, i t aesumta the existence o f *regular. armed forces fightjag on behalf of states. However, t h var againrt terrorfsm ushers ia new paradigm, one i n which groups vi th broad, in'teraationa& 2crt)l c o d t horrific acts against innocent civ5liano. sometimes w l t h C h m d i r e c t support of a c a t e o . Our Nation recognize# that c h i 8 new. paradigm ushered i n noc by us, but by t e r r o r i a t s r e q u i r e s new thinking i n the law of war, but thinksng that nevertheleer be corrsietent with the prlnciplea of Geneva. . -- -- 2, Pursuant t o my author9ty ao C o m d u in Chief and CMef mrc~tivc of the Lhited Statec, and relying on the opinion of the Department of Justlce dated January 22, 2 0 0 2 , and on the legal opjdon rendered by t h e -Artcmey General in h$a letter of February 1, 2 0 0 2 , t hereby determine a a folloua: a. 1 accept the legal conclusion of the Department of Juetice and determine that none of the provialonr of Geneva apply t o our conflfcc with a1 Qacda in Afghanistan or elsewhere throughout the vorld because, among other rcaeons, a1 Qaeda i o not a Hlgh Contracting Party to Geneva. f accepc the IegaZ conclusion of the A t t o r n e y General and the Depar,tment of Juscice that I have the authority under the Constitution Ca suspend Geneva an between c h t united States and Afghanistan, but 2 decline to b. Declassify on: OZ/Qf/lZ NSC DECLASSlFlCATlON REVIEW IE-0.1295886 amended) DECLASSIFIED IN FULL ON 6/17/2004 by Rdoubers UNCLASSIFIED Case 1:06-cv-01939-JSR Document 11-4 Filed 05/11/2006 Page 2 of 2 NU. 4 Y Y t. ; UNCLASSIFIED exercise tbat authority a t chis time. Accordinglyj f d e t e d n e that the provisions of Geneva w i f l aqply.t o our present conflict with the Taliban. I rese;ryc the r i g h t t o exercise t h i s authority in chi8 or fuuue conf1ictr . c. I also accept the legal conclusion of the Department of justice and dotennine that common Article 3 ~f Geneva doer not apply to either a 1 Qaeda or Taliban detaintam, because, among other r e 8 8 0 M . the relevant conflictn a r e i n t e r n a c i o ~ lin scope and coaonon ?uticle 3 applAe8 only t o *armed conflict not o f an intcrnstionml character.' Baaed on the f a c t 9 supplied by tbo Department of mfense and the recorrmrcndation o f the Department 02 Justfce, I determine t h a t the 'Taliban detainee. a+r a urilavful c o m b a t a n t s and, therefore, do not quaUiy . prisonera of war under Article 4 o f Geneva. Z note that, becauee Geneva doee not apply to out conflict with a 1 Qaeda, a1 Qaeda detainees also do nor. qualify as prSsoner8 o f war. d. 3. of covree, our values a8 a Nation, value8 that va shan w i t & m y nation8 i n the world, c a l l for w to t r e a t d r + i i n e o humanely, Sncluding those vbo are not lesall a a t i t 2 . d t o such rrtatment, Our Nation ham been aad wil contiaw to be a strong supporter of Geneva and i t 8 principleq.. & d Force. e&ll a m a t t e r o f pol icy, the United State8 m continue to r r e a c detainee8 humanely and, to the u+ent' appropriate and cowistetit w i t h d l l t a r y n e c e s ~ i t y , i a . a mawer conslatent w s t h the priaciples of Geneva. I The V n i t e d S t a t e s ~ i f lhold t3tate8, o r g a n i ~ a t i o ~ , ' and individual# vho g a i n control of United Statee personnel responsible for treating such personnel humanely and conrriatent w i t h applicablm law, I hereby reaff3xm the order previously i ~ s u e d by thr. Secretary of Defense to the United State. Armed Forces requiring that the detainees be treated humanely and, to the e x t e n t approprAate and cons5etent w i t h military neceaaity, i a manner consistent w i t h the principle. n of Geneva. 1 hereby direct the Secretary of state t o cownunicate my dctermlnaciono i n an appropriate manner t o our a l l i e r , a n d other counrrice and international orgahfzationr c o o i . e x s t n g in t h e war against terrorism of glob83 reach. UNCLASSIFIED

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