Arista Records LLC et al v. Lime Wire LLC et al
REPLY AFFIDAVIT of Kelly M. Klaus in Support re: 357 EMERGENCY MOTION to Appoint Receiver to Ensure Compliance with Permanent Injunction.. Document filed by Arista Records LLC, Atlantic Recording Corporation, BMG Music, Capitol Records, Inc., Elektra Entertainment Group, Inc., Interscope Records, Laface Records LLC, Motown Record Company, L.P., Priority Records LLC, Sony BMG Music Entertainment, UMG Recordings, Inc., Virgin Records America, Inc., Warner Bros. Records Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit L, # 2 Exhibit M, # 3 Exhibit N, # 4 Exhibit O)(Klaus, Kelly)
Arista Records LLC et al v. Lime Wire LLC et al
Doc. 370 Att. 4
DO NOT UPDATE your LimeWire version: LW still works fine with version 5.5.10, but do not attempt to use later version !!!
11/23/10 10:10 PM
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DO NOT UPDATE your LimeWire version: LW still works fine with version 5.5.10, but do not attempt to use later version !!!
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DO NOT UPDATE your LimeWire version: LW still works fine with version 5.5.10, but do not attempt to use later version !!!
11/23/10 10:10 PM
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Support Forums Before you post to one of the specific Client Help and Support Conferences in Gnutella Client Forums please look through other threads and Stickies that may answer your questions. Most problems are not new. The Search function is most useful. Also the red Stickies have answers to the most commonly asked questions. (over 90 percent). If your problem is not resolved by a search of the forums, please take the next step and post in the appropriate forum. There are many members who will be glad to help. If you are new to the world of file sharing please do not be shy! Everyone was `new' when they first started. When posting, please include details for: Your Operating System ....... Your version of your Gnutella Client (* this is important for helping solve problems) ....... Your Internet connection (56K, Cable, DSL) ....... The exact error message, if one pops up Any other relevant information that you think may help ....... Try to make your post descriptive, specific, and clear so members can quickly and efficiently help you. To aid helpers in solving download/upload problems, LimeWire and Frostwire users must specify whether they are downloading a torrent file or a file from the Gnutella network. Members need to supply these details >>> System details - help us to help you (click on blue link) Moderators There are senior members on the forums who serve as Moderators. These volunteers keep the board Page 2 of 5
DO NOT UPDATE your LimeWire version: LW still works fine with version 5.5.10, but do not attempt to use later version !!!
11/23/10 10:10 PM
organized and moving. Moderators are authorized to: (in order of increasing severity) Move posts to the correct forums. Many times, members post in the wrong forum. These off-topic posts may impede the normal operation of the forum. Edit posts. Moderators will edit posts that are offensive or break any of the House Rules. Delete posts. Posts that cannot be edited to comply with the House Rules will be deleted. Restrict members. This is one of the last punishments before a member is banned. Restrictions may include placing all new posts in a moderation queue or temporarily banning the offender. Ban members. The most severe punishment. Three or more moderators or administrators must agree to the ban for this action to occur. Banning is reserved for very severe offenses and members who, after many warnings, fail to comply with the House Rules. Banning is permanent. Bans cannot be removed by the moderators and probably won't be removed by the administration.
The Rules
1. Warez, copyright violation, or any other illegal activity may NOT be linked or expressed in any form. Topics discussing techniques for violating these laws and messages containing locations of web sites or other servers hosting illegal content will be silently removed. Multiple offenses will result in consequences. File names are not required to discuss your issues. If filenames are copyright then do not belong on these forums & will be edited out or post removed. Picture sample attachments in posts must not include copyright infringement. 2. Spamming and excessive advertising will not be tolerated. Commercial advertising is not allowed in any form, including using in signatures. 3. There will be no excessive use of profanity in any forum. 4. There will be no racial, ethnic, or gender based insults, or any other personal attacks. 5. Pictures may be attached to posts and signatures if they are not sexually explicit or offensive. Picture sample attachments in posts must not include copyright infringement. 6. Remember to post in the correct forum. Take your time to look at other threads and see where your post will go. If your post is placed in the wrong forum it will be moved by a moderator. There are specific Gnutella Client sections for LimeWire, Phex, FrostWire, BearShare, Gnucleus, Morpheus, and many more. Please choose the correct section for your problem. 7. If you see a post in the wrong forum or in violation of the House Rules, please contact a moderator via Private Message or the "Report this post to a moderator" link at the bottom of every post. Please do not respond directly to the member - a moderator will do what is required. 8. Any impersonation of a forum member in any mode of communication is strictly prohibited and will result in banning. 9. Multiple copies of the same post will not be tolerated. Post your question, comment, or complaint only once. There is no need to express yourself more than once. Duplicate posts will be deleted with little or no warning. Keep in mind a forum censor may temporarily automatically hold up your post, if you do not see your post, do not post again, it will be dealt with by a moderator within a reasonable time. Authors of multiple copies of same post may be dealt with by moderators within their discrete judgment at the time which may result in warning or infraction points, depending on severity as adjudged by the moderators online. 10. Posts should have descriptive topics. Vague titles such as "Help!", "Why?", and the like may not get enough attention to the contents. 11. Do not divulge anyone's personal information in the forum, not even your own. This includes e-mail addresses, IP addresses, age, house address, and any other distinguishing information. Don´t use eMail Page 3 of 5
DO NOT UPDATE your LimeWire version: LW still works fine with version 5.5.10, but do not attempt to use later version !!!
11/23/10 10:10 PM
addresses in your nick. Reiterating, do not post your email address in posts. This is for your own protection. 12. Signatures may be used as long as they are not offensive or sexually explicit or used for commercial advertising. 13. Failure to show that you have read the forum rules may result in forum rules breach infraction points or warnings awarded against you which may later total up to an automatic temporary or permanent ban. Supplying system details is a prerequisite in most cases, particularly with connection or installation issues. Violation of any of these rules will bring consequences, determined on a case-by-case basis.
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Lord of the Rings
Join Date: June 30th, 2004 Location: Middle of the ocean apparently (middle earth) Posts: 692
DO NOT UPDATE your LimeWire version: LW still works fine with version 5.5.10, but do not attempt to use later version !!!
Looks like the money grabbing nazis have stuck their boots in to stop the use of LW or limit its use. Therefore I strongly recommend you ignore their update suggestions & stay with the version of LW you have. LW 4 does not have force update options, neither does LW 5.5.10 or earlier. LW -Closing.gif You can still use LW 5 if you downgrade back to LW 5.5.10. Basic instructions are here: -post2.html Installers are found here: LW installers for Windows _ and _ LW installers for Mac OSX _ and _ LW 5 that works for Linux. * Note: LW 5 will not connect without a fresh file so follow those instructions. File_Girl71 has produced a special very quick runnning program to do it all in a matter of half a second for Mac & Windows. Linux might be soon to come for the quick fix. To stop the Legal notice on start window, simply click My Files / Library tab or do a search & it will vanish. For LW 4, simply click on the white area or do a search. .
Last edited by Lord of the Rings; 2 Weeks Ago at 12:34 AM.
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DO NOT UPDATE your LimeWire version: LW still works fine with version 5.5.10, but do not attempt to use later version !!!
11/23/10 10:10 PM
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