Viacom International, Inc. et al v. Youtube, Inc. et al

Filing 219

DECLARATION of William M. Hohengarten (Part Nine) Ex. 287 - Part 3 in Support re: 176 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment /Viacom's Notice of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Liability and Inapplicability of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Safe Harbor Defense.. Document filed by Country Music Television, Inc., Paramount Pictures Corporation, Viacom International, Inc., Black Entertainment Television, LLC, Comedy Partners. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 287 - Part 4, # 2 Exhibit 287 - Part 5, # 3 Exhibit 287 - Part 6, # 4 Exhibit 287 - Part 8, # 5 Exhibit 287 - Part 8, # 6 Exhibit 288, # 7 Exhibit 289, # 8 Exhibit 290, # 9 Exhibit 291, # 10 Exhibit 292, # 11 Exhibit 293, # 12 Exhibit 294, # 13 Exhibit 295, # 14 Exhibit 296, # 15 Exhibit 297, # 16 Exhibit 298)(Kohlmann, Susan)

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CSSU 001868 ·i Stonn Duncan From: Sent: To: Subject: Duncan. Storm Thursday, October 05, 2006 5:35 PAII '' F~ snowmass materia~ ! Storm Duncan Managing Credit Dj~ctor Suisse 650 San California Francisco, Street, 33rd CA. 94108 Floor - -----Original From: Salman To: Boutros, Message----Ullah George < 'i CC: Duncan, View)] Sent: Thu Oct Storm com> 2006 05 20:22:47 De~Rpsey, Sean material [GODGLE, INC. (Mountain <dempsey@google, Re: more data: Subject: same snawmass Traffic: the a more They are continuing they believe as to experience are getting of weekend a form dramatic out of growth in playbacks. adopter mode and are (Last week's Yesterday's being used by distribution: peak for the week was about 180 million. weekend; general The peak usage has shifted early entertainment. from the weekdays-to they audience 155-165M Cturing the week, 170M on Friday, 180M on Saturday). Growth over the past month has been about 5% week over week (the range for the first week in September was about 130150M. the whole Ratio month. of view pages to search results pages is about 1:i. Registrations: Ranging from 250-300K per day since mid-September. Over 200K per day for Uploads: 101K uploads yesterday (range for the week 85-101K). Of yesterday's uploads, from 17K were from first timers. Uploads per uploader are Interestingly, the number· of what they call "imbeds," other sites, mostly myspace and eBay, was 22M (of the running at about 1.7-1.8. that is traffic originating 180M). Less than I thought. Community Features: User comments are holding steady at about 260K per day. An increasing number, now between 2-3K daily, are in the form of video responses, with folks actually taking the time to film upload their own video to make a conanent. Although he did not provide specific data, he said that the recently launched participatory video ads are gaining weeks ago, FINANCIALS traction is running as well. from 1,000 Musician channel sign-ups, to 1,900 per day. which they launched a couple of Revenue by month: pages two mid-level salespeople they hired from Yahoo,· selling banners on the home and search (no monetization of playback pages due to current DMCA policy). June- 550K; July 850K; Aug- 2.4M; Sept. 3.5M. They are doina this with Gross margin in August was 218. Cost of goods includes for their machines, and fees to use DART serve ads. to data center expenses, depreciation They're paying $0.04 CPMland ran HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL CSSU 001869 ~5 uap~ss·1·o.n~ on ln/510~. u;c7~, -~e ·j ~n~ugr~ re ~5~9~3Ll· George ~ wrote: ~Bp~trqs~~ re; tc.-~·asap From: Sal~P~n blia`n~'im sent: fo; Thurap; ~u~i~~~SI :i3i~~ai~eY·~3, ZiSDt j~~2 -~i George ji CL~f·~uri~bz~n,Stgmf pempsey, Seen [GOOGLE, INC. (Mountain ;~i~~~i~; j~i~-= ~riowfna'8s material ~iew)l we'll involved. need a list of auestions/issues so we can get the right people from their side On 10/5t06, Boutros, George< >wrote: Thanks Sa~man. We will need to spend a couple of hours wi~h Y, will be painless I promise. From: Cc: Salman Ullah 5:05 PM Sent: Thursday, October OS, 2006 To: George Boutros; Storm Duncan Dem_qsey, Sean snowmass [GOOGLE, INC. material !Mountain Viewll Suhiect: project attached we can we need thanks Salman used is meet to much, to the be xls called with~ to done ~yellowstone. the go by model over or and later now it's snowmass.: as well as the term sheet. assumptions tonight. tomorrow get this monday. Please disclaimer: access the attached hyperlink for·an important electronic communications http : / /www. credit- s ui ss e . com/legal / en/disclaimeyemailibi ===T=====r=-~9===============---========--=============~~=------~=========== . html HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL CSSU 001870 ~sa===r;E~-~;~s==~=;-s~;=;~;1=ls;;-r===e=;~-~=--r===;-~==~====-~===~=~;~====== i 3-· ~L~~L-'~ r-dr; P5~i~rn~5 ·-~iZ~i~f~CY- TCr it~· ~l·ljo~dpli: ·,----r.-- e~e~roriic 'c~qo'mm~nicarions // com/l httD://,/~5;~·~i~,p~l5~5~i~Mr -3. ~---------· C~lil ih --T- jh+m·) · -- i -·-- · ," " i·' ;" ` · ; ,,, Please access the attached hMerlink for an ir~ortant electronic communications htto://WWW. credit-suisse. ------I------ comiiec~aiien/di$~jia~l~·r e~r~l r,, ~.hrm~ -= HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL CSSU 001871 I : . : i I ( G) I r · · · · · .·' · i < O ·~' · j· · O n m CI i i i II i r I 1 ' ; ' i : : t i i I i i i . i I i I : i ; ' · i;:' I : i i ! 1 O i! V) C ·· O cD . j · I j :· · i i I I ; ·::·:; i · ;iil I I i P P · i · i i I · i 1 ' ~fi ~3 I j j , Q, 4 i i '· 1 a~ h 4 - bi ;` s a -~ -C· O "·P L -~Y ~ CO; t. FS .J f a ai ~ i i 4 .. ~ -o g i' g 4 i i t b A· ai I t i : ~23: L 1) sai o m ~I- : ~t· i i I i i 1 : i : : : i i : : ' . ' I : ' %; cfi t I 1~ III 2S;j4 ; · : i i .: i fq ~ i .i I ; i : d8 I i dw iii!i,l : ~ I : : i ii]j I: · i 1 I : I `i I : ' . · · · `i · . · I . . ' . : I G) ·. · 1·. I i i I i i O O · · -·. ·li 1 '' I. m z r 1 i i i 1 ·i · . I ~ i P i : i : : · O i · VI VI C O ' : . : O P CO : · i i : ; · - · i : : : : I·i i i 1 ' · i ·· i i i i · I · I 1 i · h) C Cr i I I j t I i i ' : I t I tlhl~le jn:~ I~r~? .nJnpi·ltt~eatreParkway ~~~u,saln V~w. CA 930?13 Coogle #ain 650 253.0000 Far 650 253.0001 Oetober4,2006 YoaTube, inc. 71ETbit~~Avcwe~2ndFtoor San MaGo, CA oddOi nnm Chgd~iuiteyandStevenChsn Dear Chad and Steven We are pleased to present you with the attached Tern Sheet setting fbrtf~ the basic ta~ns and conditions of the pmgosed aeqnisidon of YouTube, Inc. (Ohe"Companyn) by Ooogle hao. or one of its subsidieriao ~Google~. The acqnisidon eontetnplated in this Term Sheet is subject to Google's lega2 bmmhd end businessdne dihgenee and to the preparatiom, exec\rtionand deliveayof de~nitive pmehase docomm$. This Term Sheet is non-binding and doesmotcollstimte sgkerise toany~egallybindingcommitme~(nordaesitconstiQdeanof~ertotnt~into a legelly binding commibneat) exEeptfa de provisions regardingPubhe DisclosPrc,CompanyNo Shop, Tennination, Governing Law, and Expeases and Fcts. Googleand the Companynnderstand that die Tcnn Sheet is intended to set forth the fundamentals of the proposed ~cquisi~ion, that the f;regoing intenli~ans be revised but may and new issues may be prrsented upon fhrther investigationand due diligence by Google or the Company. Please isignia thespacesprovided belowto aclmowiectge youragreementto thetenas set tiahin theTermSheetap the basis on which we will prepare defiaitive agreements and your agreementto be bound by die Public Disclosure, Company No Shop, Temnimation, GoverningLaw,and E~Jtpeases Fees provisions contained in die Term Sheet and Regards, Name: OavhlDrmmmmd Title: Senior Vice President Cbrporatt Development Acltnowledged and agreed as of the date hirst written above: YOUTUBE, ~NC. By: Name: Title: CoaRdcdhl PleetoTS No~-Mn~ll~Lc~a orfntcl( HIGHLYCONFIDENTIAL - CSSU 001949 COFJPIIDE;NTIAL Term Sheet For the Aeqnlshlon of Yon~be, lae. ByCeogtelne October 4~U~Bb i· ~Acpei~tt~loa~ Iak(Ifia of~oo~e. *Compuy*? Inc. ons s~iPbsidiaries by Googls or ofits ~600~1P~j. St~petare: & a defiinitive agmement conPaining mpmsentations, wanaaties, coanants, type(dm"Agreement"). ibrmoftbetrrmsection beamager. The will This smeet term (Tcrn SBoeY? fbrthffit mts principal and tenns conditions proposed ofthe acquisition Google acqoire Company theeoPlsideration below will the fcr setforth pursuant legal opiaions, conditioas indemnities and eustd~sry a tr;lutsaction for of this The t·cpresmtatioPs theCompany bemade theComprmy reptding will by and the pinoipal stockholdersof the Company. within naeaning Section 368(a) thetaxcodeandthattaxcounsel the of of of of theCompany renderan opinionto thateffect will Google tbsCompany thatthetraasacticn bea "nwganization" and intend win Aeqnisftion Consideration: Subject to60qlt's additional chK diligencetothe and and terms conditions of this Term Shaet,in eonsidemtion ah of dm issuedand oatstandineshsces, for optio~s (inelnding options any assuned substitutedcommcotionthe or in with AcquisitionX awi wansntr other equity im4ests Company, closing of atthe of Class A CommonStock~Shued3 equal to One BillionSix H~mdred Fifty Acquisition (the "Consideratlon"). theAcqnisition "Closlng") (the Google issue n\rmber shares Goog~ will a of of Million Dollars (31,6M,O00,000) ontheavcagedaily based closing ofthe price Shares~fi~s thirty(30) days irmnediately the preceding closingof the the Regkbatlon IUghts: privatePlacement; TheShares be issued the Company will to stockbolde~r pursuant the to unde~ Securities of 1933,as amended.aoogle shallprovideCompany the Act stockholders rmstomsry with regis~atioR rightsfor a tmnsaction oftbis natnt, whichwillinchude covenant Googleto ti~ta resalerogistr60n ste~anent a by a onForm S~ within 30 days ofthe Closing. exemption byRule ofReeulation ~pplicable) provided 506 D(if promulgated ~mployee Eqnity: Subject Gookle's ditigence to due review, optiong purchase ah to Company capital outstanding stock inmnefiateiy to theClosing, vested prior both end Imvested teach,an "Option~ wilf.beassumed Googleand convertedinto by equivalent rights to acquin a numberof Sharesbased on the total eachrtltge ratio appEcetife the Acquisition, snchrigbtecontinuing be subjectto to with to vestingon currenttanns. Unvested.options sharesthat are returneddue to and the termination arq~oyment of prior to.theone year anniversary the Closing of willbe redistributed acrosstbe cap tablein a nuaanr to be agreed the parhes. by for the awidanca of doub2 the amounts paid or issued to holders of Company Optionswill be considered part of the Consideration the Consideration C~ paid to the Company stockholders be raduced the extentof Share will to issuances inrespect Comprmy made ofthe Options). In addition to the accelemtion provisions fu certain key employeesthat exist as coatiautw P~e~olS Nobbf·di9gTa~nSbat HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL · CSSU 001950 of tbe dateof thisTermSfsett, Googte disooss pIoviniag certain will the of additional accelcmtion paovisioplsothra employeesbe ageedby lbr hey to GoogtcsndtbeComp~ny. Ioadditio~tothet~i.~tea~taotatready~l"vi~edinthe nkvantCo~impe~y doa~mentatio~ subject theacceleration and to provisions dntt agned bythe am to parties discussed Google seek iadude as above, may to spitabfe ntentiop provisions mspect the enrpfoyees. with to hey Employment Arnngements: that It shah be a eodiidon to Goo~fe's obligationto close the Accmisition will employmentGoogle shah entemd Googfe's with and have iato standard Informatiw Inventions sad Employment O&r Ltt~Lersad pzoprietary Assignment Agreement certain Comp~my cnVJnyecs identified 0ooBIe have tobe by ShaJf accepted at- Non-Competltlmr Agnements: bei~enti~edGoogle have by shah entered a noaconpetitton into agnemeaf which pohibasuchCompaay will stockholder competing the fom with Co~pany's business aperiod fix dtwoycan,ftom Closing the date. TheAgreament contain will closing conditions customary a transaction for of thisnntur4 inchnhng, withont ~imi~ation, no injtmction, or other that order allrequired copposte govermnental end consents sanhmieatiws be end (10 wawaties parties theAgrcancnt have tNeandcmmct ah orthe in will been in material respects made atClosing; covenantstheparties the when sad all of in Agmementreqtrhed tobesatisfied toClosing have satis~ed; prim will been and themshallbe no mateaiat adverse changeto Company's business @rovided that tha deiiaiti~ of'nsateial adversec~mge"will exclude,amongother thiags, itsban beacaaditiora Closing certain also tothe that Company stockholders to andCovenants: prlhrelpal aoaing C~ndltio~ action be ineffect anygoverrnnental prohibiting Acrlnisition; will by agency the .i speci~ied Agreement) been inthe will have received;rppsentations the and anychange arising of disclosed out copyright inchding risks, lawsuits the or thmat themof). TheAgnemelot contain win covenants cnstomary a transaction this f~ of m, fiduciary wt nahae,inc~tudio& lindtstion, withont oovenrmr, relating Ore to conduct the of Company's business between sinning closing, no-shop and and provisions With Signing Closing I)ate; Ikte: PoMk Mseiosme: soonas re9sonably practicable fbllowing dateof this TermSheet the The parties' objectivetoexecute Agreement close Acquisition is the and the as (otherthanto its legaland accolintiog advisois) regarding Acq~isition, the incladhrg applicable, termination the reasons if its end theref~ without the consentof the other party, except that Google may issue any statementor eommuoicationto the GXf~fif determines it necessary or appropriate in light of applicclbk~ms, ndes and neunaatons. Neitherparty shell issue any statementor communication any third party to Company Shop: No execution delivery the Agreement all of the parties11~ or (C) the and of by dale on whichGoogleadvisesthe Company writingthat Googtt &oesnot in wish to proceed with dirmssions in respect of the proposed Acquisition (inchding by terminatingthis Term Sheet),neither Cdmpanynor any of Untlthe earlier thirty days thedate of(A) (30) ~om oflhis Sheet the Tenn ~ Company's aflihatcs shall(norwin theypermit,as applicable, of their any o~icers,directon,memberq' stoc~olders, agents,representatives af~iliates or co~directly indirectly, anyof the following or take actiomwithany party other than Googleand its desigaees: O solicit,initiate,participate or ewnuage in anynegotiations discussions respectto any offi~or proposal acqnhe or with to Caanecaust PageBols 1Yon-b~·ding~cnnSbecC HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL CSSU 001951 illl;Y of theCompany's Fstioa bpsinees propgties anyshares ad a of CoIPBanY stock any toacqaire shams CIIPilBI Or tights any ofCompany spital sdoclg whether aigger, by pUfEhlLSe puchase hmmisofshares Of89Li~tS, or or rightsacquire to shares,te4des' otheawise, ~6,jr~snrti·iitutsc~~C~ort~, o~t~er a ore&ct (n~disc~Qeeaa~yinfbrmatiw~~8otcustomeritydiecl~osed~edypenonconce~m Company's and business propsties af~oldany or m person areaQity to access its I~aopatics,boolzs (iii~ a coopeaaaeanypersoa ormeads, assist with t6·~meke any proposalpinchsee shares Company stock lights to any of capital or to acqfdn shams Company stock say say of capital a portiontheCompany's of osPets,0l enter anyagreement anypersoa (iV) into with Inoviding the fa acqnishion of Caapany fwhetha wayof me%er, by purchase sPsets, of pmcbaseissuance sbares rights aeqaire of of or to shaaes, offer tends or o~e~wise~theevent In CompanymyofCaapany's or armiatr~ receive shall any orproposal, orindirectly,thetype offs directly of refbrcd inclanso to (i~ (iit~ (iv) or above, any a request disclossesss p~asuent tit? for or a clanse above, Comprmysuch or aftiliate immediately Ooogk to the shall infPan se existtnct any snchoffs or proposal willcoopeatewithGoogleby of and ii fiani~biog infanlatiw may any it reasonably indlndin& notlimited ~queat, bet to, the nameof the pattymaking o8t~ or propuPet, written snch all dccnmentationmlatingoffer tosuch orpropossl a surmaarythtprincipal sad of terms anymchoffer proposal iPmt made writiak. of or that in TeriniaPtfen: tt~amiaatian party byany hcrtto thedlterparties to he~eso;~Cdovidtd thatthe proviaioas regarding Public Disclosnm, Company Sh~p,Tewinatioli No Govemiag andExpenses peesshah Law, and survive webtsmination any in accordance with the tenns thereot Tbis Temn shalttermiilate the written Sheet upoll notibcadon each of Due Diligence: signing Agreement,Company provide the tbe shall GoogIe reasonable with access an membtss Company's to of madagement. entering of the Tb6 into hunandco~P~ete investigationthe Company's of business, intellectual poperty,techndogy, employs legal financial, and af~fi~irs. inaddition, to prior As 88 mon practicable the bereof, shall pemnitted ails date Googte be tomake Agreement be subject thesatisfactory shall to emnpletion,Cioqle'ssole in discretiorzof Google's due diligence on Company ~e~Ipeases and Fees: by Googte. fees and expenses the Cwapanyand the Company AU of stockholdcn in connectionwith the Acquisition,including broker or finder lees, All and fees expenses ofGooglecormectioathe in with Acquisition paid will be theAcquisitioncompleted, is Google paynp to T~n, shah Hrmdrwl pipy Thousand Dollars(S250,000) the reasonable docnmeoted and of and fees Acquisition. willbe paidby theCompany stockholdss. Notwhhstanding fiweg~oing, the if expenses the Company's 6ounscl of legal inaurod cnmeotion the in with Indemnmilkatfon ofGoo%e: Indcmniticatioa Company each theCompany The and of stockholders will tosses liabilities maybe suffncdby Google to anyiaaccuracies a or that due in jointtu severatly and indenmifil. holdGoogle its affiliates, their and end and respective officers, directors,employees agents,hsmless andagainst and hem brtachcs repnscntatio~s, of warranties covenants sayother and or provision of theAgreement anyancillary or do~ument. additfon, Company each In the and of theCompany stockholder~s indemnify holdGoogle will and harmless fiom anylass orliabifities (including fees) regal relating copyright to lawsuits fitcd against Company Google, the or d~aing period the beginning thedateof this on tenn sheet and endingone year followingthe Closing,arising out of the Company's business "CopyrightLitigation"). (the Coanaonnst PoSs~o~5 Nor-Medh%TumShett HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL · · CSSU 001952 and oftbe Companyand the Company re~esentationr, waoraaties covcoa~t~ provided that: survival of dPe investiatiom, the ~ubjest to the msnhs Google's diligence stocldioldns contained Agnement ~urvivc~ indm shall theClasiPg, the with (a) related bmm ~rrvive to shed IherepllesentatioP~sandwananties until60 theapplicabft statnte oflimitations; daysaAertheexpirationof indefinitely,awt swiving onlyherone yearaAer Closing; the represcoaations wci~aaties and (b! the repnsentationswarranties toca9aatizstionsbauslirvive end rdated or (C) dBimS fiau~ule~ intentional wllfit brashes of representation for andwarranties smwive shah inc~efinitely :I (cdlectivety,tae "Sluvlving Repntont~tto~s~fiability of ~E· Tbs Company Ip~ockhofderY' for breaches the Company represaaatioPs wanramties be limited to 123% of the aggregate and will againstthe related to the Copyright Litigation win be limitedto a drawdown escrow,~s set forthbelow. ~B~g~E~ Consideratio~ nosuch shah with except cap apply respectany to breaches of theSwviving Repatsentatiorrs, The Company sboc~olders' forlosses liability liable indemnitication aggregate oflosses far until the amoPnt exceeds One .P~i~ion O1,000,000)~hnshold~provided (a)once Dopers (the that the will Threshold has been met, Ule Company stoc~ho~ders be liatdefor the fall shallnotbe spbject theThresltold to E~s;now. rl.~ofthe ~wi~i~,~ theCompany stoef~hPlderswillnotbc amount ah losses, of including which tbose comprised portion the any of auesbol4 ~ losses tobreaches Surviving and related ofthe Representafions Consideration otherwise payable at Closingwill be fo,~ year8s non-exclusive security the for Qeposi~ea escrowby Googlt in thw:Cop~I·iehtLitigstiolL beused reimburse fmlosses to Google related to 59~oofthtCo~oside~atio&) may Voting AlpPo~n~nt Company stocimolders' obligations. indemnity Aportionthe of escrow m tnp membersof management Concurrently t~eexecutionof tbs Agre~ment, an agreement vote with endcertain stockholders be determined exeoute to win to theirshams favwof theAcquisition to nottransfatheirsharesor ~y in and interest thereia Governing Law: ThisTtnnSheet theletter whichit is attachedshah be goveraedby and to California wtbout law regard thatstate's to choice lawprovisinss. of leND OF TERM SHEETI CeldMeatisl PapSoi5 Ns··bl~ding sLect Tum HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL CSSU 001953 Proiect Snowmass October 2006 · CONFIDENTIAL Preliminary Diligence Request List · Organizational chart including employeesby functionand location including cash flowdetail,operationalbreak-eveneand futurefinancingrequirements · Historical projected and financial information (through 2008E beyond, available), and if · · Revenue breakdown by segment or type: advertising, sponsorship / partner revenue, subscriptions, etc. Pricing strategy · ~d Sitetraffic metrics including: uniquevisitors, registered members, subscriptions, et~. Video statistic including:total ofvideos website, total ofuploads detail (i) # on (ii) # and # Ofuploadsper day,(iii) average# ofvideos viewed dayand (iv)averagelengthof per · Segmentation video.content (i)category, type(commercial non-commercial) of by (ii) vs. (iii)# of videosviewedon Yellow websitevs. partner websites, (iv)publicvs. privateand (v) estimate of % of video content that is copyn'ghted · · · Platform scafability metrics; capital expenditure requirements Detailed capitalization table including description of all terms of outstanding common, ~dF3 I ToOC~L_ viewed videos ~preferred (liquidaiion, participation, other preferences),and commonequivalents Schedule of options, warrants, rights and any other potentially dilutive securities by exercise pricetranche and vested vs. unvested. Impactof change of controlon each security including options · · List and terms of any employee agreements Review of threatened or pending litigation HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL . CSSU 001954 : ( · · : I . ` :; .i. I : i': O O n m Z I- I; r I I · r ~iCrl ; : I-~ V rP Re Ci i , ~P t c I i` i ~e 5~'3 ;n ' i ~Lb ·4 i i i i( 1 ~::': I ' i : I ! I : I i ; I : ' i I i O V) V) C o · . 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