Viacom International, Inc. et al v. Youtube, Inc. et al

Filing 380

DECLARATION of MICHAEL RUBIN in Support re: 177 MOTION for Summary Judgment Regarding Applicability of the DMCA and on Plaintiffs' Inducement Claims.. Document filed by Youtube, Inc., Youtube, LLC, Google, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 162 - 177, # 2 Exhibit 178 - 180, # 3 Exhibit 181 - 184, # 4 Exhibit 185, # 5 Exhibit 186 - 191, # 6 Exhibit 192 - 355)(Schapiro, Andrew)

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Rubin Reply Exhibit 192 ."." . -;-;::; ' I)""~"i HIGHLY :IDENl1AL VIA-SUPI - - - - -Original Message- - - -From: Cox, James C. (mail to: JamesCox@j enner. com) Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 2:33 PM To: Rubin, Michael Cc: Kohlmann, Susan J. Subj ect: Viacom Int i 1 v. YouTube: Whi telist Documents Michael: In response to our conversation yesterday, please find attached a set of documents bearing the Bates numbers VIA-SUPP000004 - VIA-SUPP000016. The documents are designated Highly Confidential pursuant to the parties i protective order. Together with the document Bates numbered VIA-SUPP000001 - VIA-SUPP000003, which we provided as an attachment to Susan Kohlmann 1 s January 25, 2010 letter, these documents are all of the whitelist documents from after January 1, 2008 in the custody of Jenner & Block or Shearman & Sterling. Regards, Jay Housley, Michael From: Housley, Michael Sent: Wednesday, April 16,20087:30 PM To: Pierre-Louis, Stanley; Solow, Warren Subject: RE: BY on YOU TUBE Per your request. ArtisanNewsService BAAFamily BadBoyRecords barelypolitical BdubEtv bestweekevertv blacktreemedia bpfrecords bravenewfilms BroadwayJoe BroadwayJoe415 bullrunvideo CBS ChannelFrederator cimatics Damonjohnson Digitalfilmmaker fanscapevideos FanscapeVideos4U FiveChemical freeforlife112 FreshTakes FutureWorld77 HGiantVid irenemariemodels Isitfridayyet JackassWorldMTV jerseymouth 1 ladyfragment Lakeshore Records laurenceegibbs LiberalViewer Menudo MyDamnChannel OfficiaiReno911 Paraccount Paramount Paramount Pictures ParamountPictures ParentsConnect ParkMyVibe PinkStrawberry PinkStrawberry1 powermadeak47 dotcom powmadeak47 reaction2006 reno911 miami rollingoutTELEVISION RunsHouseVideos shishka HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL 1/22/2010 VIA-SUPP000004 Snackboard SpikeTV TDSwriters thatisalsofunny thatsfunny Thatsnotfunny themoviemonkey thesparksfly TNAWrestling tomato808 TVgasmdotcom TXCANY universalmusicgroup vh1 staff Victorweb virtualmtv VLogging Wiredset From: Pierre-Louis, Stanley Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 20085:12 PM To: Housley, Michael; Solow, Warren Subject: RE: BY on YOU TUBE can you send me our up-to-date white list? thanks. From: Housley, Michael Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 5: 10 PM To: Solow, Warren; Pierre-Louis, Stanley Subject: RE: BY on YOU TUBE Addition to white-list has been confirmed. From: Solow, Warren Sent: Wednesday, April 16,20084:53 PM To: Housley, Michael; Pierre-Louis, Stanley Subject: FW: BY on YOU TUBE Mike, white list this uri Stan, did you know about this, or did they go rogue From: Porch, Antonious Sent: Wednesday, April 16,20084:23 PM To: Solow, Warren Subject: FW: BY on YOU TUBE We are marketing our tour! From: Vargo, Susan Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 3:56 PM To: Porch, Antonious Cc: Rosenstein, Stuart Subject: FW: BY on YOU TUBE HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL 1/22/2010 VIA-SUPP000005 Hi Antonious, I wanted to let you know that we have placed the following B-Roll for the Backyardigans Live tour on youtube. Please let us know if you need any further information. Thanks! From: Andy Holland (mailto:andy.holland@broadwayacrossamerica.comJ Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 3:52 PM To: Amy Gentry Cc: Rosenstein, Stuart; Vargo, Susan; Stacey Burns; Nunez, Erica - Nick; Subject: Re: BY on YOU TUBE Hello- The Backyardigans B-Roll is up on You Tube. You can see it here: Ji tt12:/jYQlitLl1:",.�Qm�wat�1i?v=-S_�1'A1JBjJ2t;~_Q The keywords 1 used for searching are: Backyardigans Live Tour Tale Mighty Knights USA Nickelodeon Concert Please let me know if there are more you'd like me to add. Thanks! On 4/15/08, Amy Gentry ~aI1)y.gel1tlY@1:IQad\yaya�TQssam",ri�a.�QJl1? wrote: Great. Andy is working on this now and will hopefully have this up today. Will keep you posted and send over the different names we're under. On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 8: 12 AM, Rosenstein, Stuart ~Stllart.RQse11tein@l1i�k.�Q111? wrote: Hey Amy - Spoke to our online group last night and we are free to post on YouTube as long as we own the rights to the footage which we do . i think we should do that right away as we all know that the Canadian show is on the top of the queue and we should knock them off there Up to you but i would guess it would be a section of b-roll with multiple similar postings under different names to capture the search engine inquiries Backyardigans Live USA Backyardigans Live Show Backyardigans Live - Nickelodeon Others? What ever names you post under should be conveyed to Susan who will send to Antonious Porch in Online Legal for HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL 1/22/2010 VIA-SUPP000006 their Youtube list tx Stuart Rosenstein Senior Vice President Resorts & Theatricals Nickelodeon Recreation (212) 258 -7764 (212) 846-1833 (F) NOTE NEW EMAIL Amy Gentry Broadway Across America Senior Director of Marketing 206-622-2733, ext 20 1 206-622-8749 fx 2033 6th Ave, Suite 995 I Seattle, WA I 98121 GO TO Iittp:l/lnlp51Q�:~JJincli�l(el,r_9J))l to opt in to receive infonnation about our family shows via text message! HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL 1/22/2010 VIA-SUPP000007 Housley, Michael From: Sean Ray ( Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 9:24 PM To: Housley, Michael Cc: Andrea Cordone; Elliott Kohtz; Evelyn Espinosa; Tim Methenitis Subject: MTVN white-list Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Red Attachments: MTVN white-list.pdf Attached is a complete list of usernames white-listed for MTVN The following usernames were in CIMS before Andrea started in a rule called VIRAL PLACEMENT: Wiredset thatisalsofunny thatsfunny Since then we have added these: Blunty3000 2008c1assicawards The following usernames were in CIMS before Andrea in a rule called MTVN Partners: HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL 1/22/2010 VIA-SUPP000008 BadBoyRecords bestweekevertv blacktreemedia bpfrecords bravenewfilms bullrunvideo CBS DamonJohnson digitalfilmmaker FutureWorld77 irenemariemodels Isitfridayyet jerseymouth1 ladyfragment laurenceegibbs LiberalViewer reaction2006 ren0911 miami shishka Snackboard SpikeTV thesparksfly TNAWrestling TXCANY universalmusicgroup vh1 staff Victorweb Vlogging Wired set If you have any questions or need any further assistance please let us know. Regards, Sean Ray Client Services BayTSP, Inc. 408-341-2300 (Main) 408-341-2399 (Fax) AIM Handle: seanray13 seflm@P�yJs�:L�QLQ \I\AVl.baVtsp,cQIl Save the date! Join us for "One World 2008: Managing Piracy in the Global Village" - BayTSP's Sth Annual Anti-Piracy Conference September 1S_17th, Join us! The information contained in this email message may be confidential and is intended only for the parties to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or an agent of same, please notify us of the mistake by telephone or email and delete the message from your system. Please do not copy the message or distribute it to anyone. From: Elliott Kohtz Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 5:28 PM To: paramounCdailies Cc: ParamounCdailies_cc; Bryan Mejia; Timothy Methenitis Subject: Spiderwick Chronicles Daily Report 06-16-08 Tracking and Enforcement Update This report reflects data gathered yesterday. RJ\PAR~lei�s: HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL 1/22/2010 VIA-SUPP000009 Discovered - 0 Pending - 25 Verified - 0 Discarded - 0 As of 2 AM on Monday Jun 16, RADAR has detected no new sources claiming to be Spiderwick Chronicles. We have verified no releases, discarded no releases, and are in the process of finding download sources for all other releases. Please refer to individual RADAR Alerts for potential new detections not covered in this report period. lnfring~ments: P2P -1505 Non P2P - 0 Streaming - 0 Cumulative - 205448 Tot! PrQ1Q~_Qls: eDonkey - 1028 BitTorrent - 477 IQQ.�QJJ!11rjes~ Germany - 807 United Kingdom - 106 Israel - 81 USA - 50 France - 47 Regards, Elliott Kohtz BayTSP, Inc. Client Service Support i=lliottk@tiylsP,�Qil AIM: elliottbaytsp Direct: 408.341.2320 Save the date! Join us for "One World 2008: Managing Piracy in the Global Vilage" - BayTSP's 5th Annual Anti-Piracy Conference September is_17th! Join us! The information contained in this email message may be confidential and is intended only for the parties to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or an agent of same, please notify us of the mistake by telephone (408-341-2300) or email and delete the message from your system. Please do not copy the message or distribute it to anyone. This message was prepared at the request of counseL. HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL 1/2212010 VIA-SUPP0000010 Attached is a complete list of usernames white-listed for MTVN The following usernames were in CIMS before Andrea started in a rule called VIRAL PLACEMENT: Wiredset thatisalsofunny thatsfunny Since then we have added these: Blunty3000 2008classicawards The following usernames were in CIMS before Andrea in a rule called MTVN Partners: BadBoyRecords bestweekevertv blacktreemedia bpfrecords bravenewfilms bullrunvideo CBS DamonJohnson digitalfilmmaker FutureWorld77 irenemariemodels Isitfridayyet jerseymouth1 ladyfragment laurenceegibbs LiberalViewer reaction2006 reno911 miami shishka Snackboard SpikeTV thesparksfly TNAWrestling TXCANY universalmusicgroup vh1 staff Victorweb Vlogging Wired set HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA-SUPP0000011 Complete MTVN white-list ArtisanNewsService BAAFamily BadBoyRecords barelypolitical BdubEtv bestweekevertv blacktreemedia bpfrecords bravenewfilms BroadwayJoe BroadwayJoe415 bullrunvideo CBS RunsHouse Videos selfmag shishka Snackboard spiketv SpikeTV TDSwriters teodorafilm thatisalsofunny thatsfunny Thatsnotfunny themoviemonkey thesparksfly TNAWrestling ChannelFrederator cimatics Damonjohnson digitalfilmmaker tomato808 turningthebig40 TVgasmdotcom TXCANY duke12085 Edwardtubbs fanscapevideos F anscape Videos4U unversalmusicgroup vh1 staff FiveChemical freeforlife 112 Victorweb virtualmtv VLogging FreshTakes FutureWorld77 GossipGirl40 HGiantVid Wiredset IrenaZilberman Blunty3000 2008classicawards irenemariemodels Isitfridayyet JackassWorldMTV jerseymouth1 ladyfragment Lakeshore Records lakeshoreent lakeshorerecords laurenceegibbs LiberalViewer Iivinglegend menudo MyDamnChannel OfficiaiRen0911 Paraccount Paramount Paramount Pictures Paramount Pictures ParentsConnect ParkMyVlbe PinkStrawberry PinkStrawberry1 powmadeak47 reaction2006 ren0911 miami rollingoutTELEVISION HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA-SU PPOOOOO 12 From: S�'nt To: Sean Ray (seam@baytspcom) Thursday, r\~ay 14,2009106 PM Housley, Michael Cc: Elliott Kahtz RE: White-list Subject: Attachments' Paramount Video \I\ihite-listxls Mike.. Here is the Paramount White-list spreadsheet. F;egards. Sean Ray Client Service Manager BayTSP, inc 408-341-2384 (Direct) (Mobile) 408-341-2399 (Fax) AIM Handle seamay13 from: Hous!ey, �v�ichaei Lmaiito: iViichael.Housiey::�Jviacorn,comJ SeFit; Thursday, �Viay 2009 8:2.8 i\H TtD; Sean Ray Cc Elliott Kohtz Rf:::. \tVhite-list Thanks. Seari When you 1'13ve 2 chance, send rne the current Pararnourrt frtHtn: Sean Ray Lmaiito:seanr@::baytsp.comJ St:n�;~ Tuesday, May 12, 2009 1.2:44 PIIIJ 'r,,: Housley, ~.1ich�el (:i: Elliott I\ohtz Rr:: VVhite-lst r�j'jkei YouTube user addecL has been added to the filters in gV\/l and C'JJ\1S. lIser euh�H' had been For your records � have attached current Cleared U SCI' spreadsheet. know J bJ\'C l�ot sent VOl) auci spreadsheet i;~)f qulte some time. 1/1 1 (HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA-SUPP0000013 Regards, Sean Ray Client Service Managei. BayTSP. Inc. 408-341-2384 (Dilect) (Mobile) 408-341-2399 (Fax) AIM Handle seanray13 IFrom: Housley, rlilichael (mailto: �\(�Iehael. Houslev(glV�acom.comJ Serit: Tuesdayi 1"1ay 121 20098:52 ,IlM "'ro~ Sean Ray Cc: Elliott Kohtz White-list Sean. if we have not already done so. please white-list the following username jimgaffigancomic Thariks, Mike 1/ 1 � 1\ , HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA-SUPP0000014 Updated: 5/12/09 ~ tk Ne ..... f(:ll ~, "J'IOr::d1~ Not '-\IU::cl VIL.'C , 0,. ..r'ell I ." ICI iiuviei I lui me / It v .-J~ iet! il lame. LiberalViewer I"~ menu do I nei" H" l'� It: rnrn iUd liV Tf\ lUi -"')) I turii Il'l, luvinthen i iai blacktreemedia 1:1:: ,;-~- DdCNN , uvc 1,"llvel",,,,IIJlJsicgroup �upinl '" ililL.e"''' i :VI I v "",VVI co ltyiV IVIUIlI v duniine lIn r V,-! nn\.,;, lell Il iei '~n '~"""5 i buill' nails j'\jI--(ClIIX Vii ''''''" ''GilV'" 11 vh 1 staff I\jickKC!\ -cilaiiiuu i �.Q�Ol 'v .L CBS iClidllllCli icuc:ldlUI twtualrntv iV nmiino PPUKP�ctureShow iupinl Ill"" j tnt vcr345 !vv i tnt Pictures ii"'co 'Dar i 1C;I\LC'! ,_v, .v 'dll\IVI �-,C" yqi fiue '1-'/-' 1 i i DionrieTv !dukei�u��i ,ihh" I ICUld Udl ::n ",;-i1lhn ~ r�'�eClleol n\.�jl I fJlIWCOI . hldotcorn ._" �"''VI! 1\)IIU;: I miami ._,. V.i" �:\I�c.I()1\1 112 F�esh i aK8S ...u II" IV,""c: v 'ueo'.," I �=uture rvuiiu I ( ...... Gadzoc01 'IL�U I "11l"1 i"a 1')1 ILl '-J\.lcJl It VIU ici ; oiketv pikeTV tar I ",vi d=�liYi '1IULit'I:: IS/\Tl,M I � SUgdr ::CdfJ�l ! iui'll I'V I ILL iy JU n.coni !W I'I\. ,a''''LH'' iV iy 11PI HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL VIA-SUPP0000015 Paramount Video \i\h�t~"Hst II as oJ 4�30109 Viral :Ist i 20DD ",,' UCiii 'FXLover" , 2010 ", , DiEL ,Uiil! iishki', -,,, ,'""" ,',,'" "--, ~~t be 31�p '�(Ek; -7- ,, �~~J~!fi;\Uii ~~~ ::pwe v Ill""""'" " ., ," IM,"1" ,, " "," '''' ,..",'" ::8S 11'1616 ",' " , "" , -""""""""" ,,",,',',"" C,' '" " ,. ",". ,',,'., , ;:, ",",,' ,J., " "'" :J , -, "'" "" "'," ,- ~i ���liTiS", -",'" ',"""";, "'" '" , "',',"" 'i 'L " . 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