The Football Association Premier League Limited et al v. Youtube, Inc. et al

Filing 310

DECLARATION of ANDREW H. SCHAPIRO in Support re: 167 MOTION for Summary Judgment.. Document filed by Google, Inc., Youtube, Inc., Youtube, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 - 3, # 2 Exhibit 4 - 12, # 3 Exhibit 13 - 17, # 4 Exhibit 18 PART 1, # 5 Exhibit 18 PART 2, # 6 Exhibit 19 - 32, # 7 Exhibit 33 - 41, # 8 Exhibit 42 PART 1)(Schapiro, Andrew)

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Schapiro Exhibit 19 Schapiro Exhibit 20 Schapiro Exhibit 21 Subject: Re: MTVN Weekly Report November 27 - December 03, 2006 From: "Cahan, Adam" ..EX:/O=VIACOM/OU=MTVUSNCN=RECIPIENTS/CN=CAHANA~ To: Halle, Michelena Cc: Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2006 15:33:35 +0000 Less than 130? I thought we were going to. 2:30. -----Original Message----- From: Halle, Michelena To: Ashendorf, Sandy - MTVN; Bakish, Robert; Cahan, Adam; Cheeks, George; Dilon, Michelle; Dominguez, Chris iFilm; Ells, Gary; Fahey-Rush, Colleen; Fricklas, Michael; Gonlock, Brian; Harrison, Blair - iFilm; Herzog, Doug; Hurvitz, Lauren; Jackson, Genise; Kim, Clara; Manhews, Beth; Salmi, Mika; Moosnick, Heather - MTVN; Morril, Mark; Robinson, Carole; Shapiro, Andra; Simon, Joe; Sussman, David; Sutphen, David; Weinstein, Caleb; Wen, Pauline; West, Joella; Wiliams, Reggie; Wolf, Michael Sent: Thu Dec 07 09:51:32 2006 Subject: FW: MTVN Weekly Report November 27 - December 03, 2006 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL - 1665 of the clips retrieved on youtube were smaller than our criteria and therefore not taken down. 435 of those were South Park. It is difficult to reconcile this number with the information on the size of clips because they were collected at different times, but it appears that the majority of those not taken down were probably less than 1:30 minutes. - There were ¡iewer hits and 3,300,935 on those not taken down. As always, call or email with questions. Michelena Halle Confidential Senior Vice President Deputy General Counsel, Intellectual Propert MTV Networks, Business and Legal Affairs 1515 Broadway, 34th Floor New York, New York 10036 From: Deana Arizala ( Sent: Wednesday, December 06,20065:19 PM To: Halle, Michelena Cc: Mark M. Ishikawa; Courtney Nieman; Evelyn Espinosa; Morales, Cindy; Sarah Cruz Subject: MTVN Weekly Report November 27 - December 03, 2006 Michelena, Enclosed is the November 27 - December 03,2006 Weekly Report. I will be out of the offce at 3PM (PST) today, VIA 11787337 so you if you have any question please redirect them to Courtney Nieman. Thank you. Best Regards, Deana Arizala Deana Arizala Client Services Manager. BayTSP, Inc 408.341.365 (direct) 408.341.300 (voice) 408.341.399 (fax) Confidential VIA 11787338 Schapiro Exhibit 22 Schapiro Exhibit 23 From: Date: To: "Worsnup, Mickey - Paramount" Thu, 21: Jun 2007 16:32:29 -0700 "Powell, Amy - Paramount" , "Teifeld, Tamar - Paramount", "Chiang, Cat - Paramount", "Tipton, Kristina Paramount" Subject: Re: Transformers These are all legit. The first one is from someone just compiled all our TV spots and trailers and made their own music video....its actually good, we should turn a blind eye. I think KT said the rest of them are just EPK clips. On 6/21/074:21 PM, "Powell, Amy - Paramount" wrote: ----- Original Message ----From: Courtney Nieman To: Perry, Alfred - Paramount; Powell, Amy - Paramount Cc: Mark M. Ishikawa; Evelyn Espinosa; Warren Kim Sent: Thu Jun 2116:19:47 2007 Subject: FW: Transformers We found these just a short time ago. I have asked Blair to send take down notices on them. They don't look like teasers or trailers. Many scenes I haven't picked up on before. Let me know if you want me to stop the take down notices. Courtney Nieman From: Blair Taylor Sent: Thursday, June 21,20074:10 PM To: Warren Kim; Courtney Nieman Subject: Transformers yugiohtcgcollector02 ?v= 5G8Tcms6xQk ?v= 3v1N UJze4nl ?v= rSVdjKXmVDo ?v=VG30jK41Q8E ?v=fyCNSWALU6k ?v=wZRELOQN-HQ ?v=wxxn IIc5K_g ?v= RDPGh6hsWOg ?v= Esyyx1i l_nQ This user has all the above clips on YouTube. To me they do not appear to be parts of the trailer. Please advise~ Thanks b Blair Taylor Highly Confidential VIA 12077787 Client Services Support BayTSP, Inc 408.341.2300 The information contained in this email message may be confidential and is intended only for the parties to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or an agent of same, please notify us of the mistake by telephone or email and delete the message from your system. Please do not copy the message or distribute it to anyone. Highly Confidential VIA 12077788 Schapiro Exhibit 24 From: Date: To: "Fricklas, Michael" Tue, 6 Feb 2007 22:35:14 -0500 "Ann Brick" ~ RE: YouTube Take-Down Notices Subject: I've attached a short letter that I hope is helpful in answering your questions. Please feel free to contact us if you have any more questions. There is a lot of misinformation travelling around the blogs! Mike Fricklas This e-mail is confidential and may be privileged. If you receive it in error, please delete it and notify the sender of the error. Thank you. -----Original Message----From: Ann Brick ( Sent: Tuesday, February 06,20072:52 PM To: Fricklas, Michael Subject: YouTube Take-Down Notices Please see attached. Ann Brick Staff Attorney ACLU of Northern California 39 Drumm Street San Francisco, CA. 94111 (415) 621-2493 We've moved! Our new address is 39 Drumm Street, San Francisco, CA. 94111. Phone, fax, and email remain the same. This message and any files or text attached to it are intended only for the recipients named above, and contain information that may be confidential or privileged. If you are not an intended recipient, you must not read, copy, use or disclose this communication. Please also notify the sender by replying to this message, and then delete ail copies of it from your system. Thank you. List of attachments: acluresponse.pdf Confidential VIA02074233 ~ EEl' Networks ~ Famous Music' MTV Networks, Paramount Pictures Michael O. fr!cklas Exeo.lüve Vice President G('meri~! Counsel and Secretary F cbruary 6, 2007 Ann Brick StaffA ttorncy Nicole Ozer Tcchnology and Civil Libertics Policy Dircctor American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Northern California 39 Drumm Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Dear Ms. Brick and Ms. Ozcr: Thank you for your lettcr of earlier today and for the opportunity to respond to your concerns. There is much misinfonnation circulating and we appreciate the opportunity to explain what 'we've done. In fact, at substantial cost, everyone of the over 100,000 clips was identificd through filtering followed by a review of cach clip by a member of our team to ensure that the content was Viacom's and ,vas infringing. For the purpose of ths takedo,vn, wc took a very conservative approach and gave clear direction to all viewers of clips that they include only those that constitute clear infringements. Nearly all of these wcre taken 100% from our networks and motion picturcs without the additional of any new creative materiaL. There are many, many clips that use material from our shows and movies that have not been removed because it is possible that there could be a fair use claim and we did not have the resources to do the analysis. I do not have the precise numbers, but it is estimated that over a million clips were viewed in the process of preparing for the takedown. To see a few of the clips we did not take down, search on "Jon Stcwart" or "South Park" and scc the clips that remain. \XTe are very familiar with the doctrines of parody, political commentary and criticism and the way they relate to the use of copyrighted materiaL. In fact, Viacom relies upon the law in these areas regularly. Watch nearly any episode of South Park, The Daily Show with Jon Stcwart or the Colbert Report and you wil see how our artists draw from copyrighted works in legitimate ways for legitimate purposes. We believe strongly in the first amendment and have worked closely with the ACLU in the area on many occasions. ~ti~E, ~h'(;..d~":;;:~~;.' ~~0\'/ ~l::~d( :~ NV' ~~J;.'.:~~ TG,;. ¡:"" .' _ L''1;,;i, mk:~'ë",!h¡d'-"'~(;'''¡''';t'm.c~'~;; Confidential VIA02074234 It is true that some identification errors were made, but we understand those errors to be under .1 % of the total number of takedowns and therefore an even smaller percentage of the number of dips reviewed. \XTe have asked YouTube to reinstate every erroneous message as it. We wish these crrors didn't occur, but as you can see we soon as we become aware of were confronted \vith a truly Hercuiean task in demanding the removal of our copyrighted works. Regrettably, YouTube has allowed itself to be turned not only into a forum for illegal consumption and sharing of copyrighted material, but it has decided to capture for itself the revenue from advertising to users while they watch and upload. We are insisting that YouTube respect the rights of authors, composers, singers, actors, producers and distributors of creative works by refusing to allow its website to be used for this behavior and by insisting that it apply reasonable efforts to \veed out apparently copyrighted materiaL. \'Ve believe YouTube can't hide behind the "we don't know it's there" defense YouTube already weeds out other material that it deems offensive, such as content with nudity or hate speech. In fact, you may be aware that Y ouTube recently admitted that it can filter, but tl1at it will implement fitering only for content owners WllO agree to do a business deaL. This "if you don't sell it, we'll take it" approach clearly exposes YouTubc's inability to assert the DMCA defense as Y ouTube has admitted that it has the ability to control its site and the right to do so, but refuses unless it is paid. It is a shame that we have had to incur the substantial expense to protect the rights of Viacom and our artists while Y ouTube irresponsibly benefits from the business model it has created. Again, thanks for thc opportunity ~ you have any further questions please do not hesitate to call Mark :Morril at __ Michelena Hallie at _ or me. Very truly yours, Michael D. Fricklas Confidential VIA02074235 Schapiro Exhibit 25 Schapiro Exhibit 26 Schapiro Exhibit 27 Schapiro Exhibit 28 Schapiro Exhibit 29 Schapiro Exhibit 30 From: Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 5:38 PM To: Deana Arizala; Courtney Nieman Cc: Morales, Cindy; Weinstein, Caleb Subject: Fw: Bay Tsp Weekly Report December 04 - 10,2006 Please stop taking down Comedy Cemral Presents clips immediately -----Ongmal Message----- From: Weinstein, Caleb To Hallie, Michelena CC: Morales, Cindy; Lathan, Lucy Sent: Fri Dec 1512:18:512006 Subject: RE: Bay Tsp Weekly Report December 04 - 10,2006 Hi- I didn't realize we were screening for CCP. We should stop pulling down for Comedy Central Presents as 1 believe we are most likely pulling elips dOlvn hom the my spaee pages of the eomedians who peifOlmed on the show. Thanks, Caleb ealeb. weinstein(Q)mtvn. com Offce: +12127674086 From Hallie, Micheleiia Scnt: Thursday, Dcccmbcr 14, 200610:37 AM To: Ioannou, Sofia; Ashendorf, Sandy - MTVN; Bakish, Robert; Cahan, Adam; Cheeks, George; Dillon, Michelle; Dominguez, Chris - iFilm; Ellis, Gary; Fahey-Rush, Colleen; Fricklas, Michael; Gottlock, Brian; Hanison, Blair - iFilm; Herzog, Doug: Hurvitz, Lauren; Jackson, Genise; Kim, Clara; Matthews, Beth; Salmi, lvika; Moosnick, Heather - MTVN; Morril, Mark, Robinson, Carole; Shapiro, Andra; Simon, Joe; Sussman, David; Sutphen, David; Weinstein, Caleb; Wen, Pauline; West, .1oella; Williams, Reggie; Wolf, Michael Subject: Bay Tsp Weekly Report December 04 - 10,2006 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL Attachcd is th1s wcck's report on Bay's intemet aetivitics. Highlights: - 784 clips were taken down oIT youtube. 155 were Chappelle Show (a recent addition to the list so the clips removed included relatively old ones) and 69 were The Daily Show. - 336 were taken down off myspace. There is no clear "favorite" on myspace, but 30 clips hom Celebiity Death Match, 45 from Comedy Central Presents, 32 from Degnissi and 35 from South Park, were removed. - The reporl now indiides numbers uf clips ü.iund un P2P siles by lellilory (p:lgeI6). Tliuiigli we du nul I;ike duwn ihese clips since ihey i1re nol covered under the DMCA, 1 thought this may be of some assistance 10 intemational marketing and resctirch. If there is addiiional infoimatiou that may be helpful to yeur group, please lei me lmow and I'll see 11' we can gather it. 6/13/2008 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL BAYTSP 004342189 As always, call or email with any qucstions. Michelena Hallie Senior Vice President - Dcputy Gcncral Counsel, Intcllcctual Propcrty MTV Networks, Business and Legal Affairs 1515 Broadway, 34th Floor New York, New York 100% 6/13/2008 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL BAYTSP 004342190 Schapiro Exhibit 31 Schapiro Exhibit 32

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