The Football Association Premier League Limited et al v. Youtube, Inc. et al

Filing 316

DECLARATION of MICHAEL RUBIN in Support re: 167 MOTION for Summary Judgment.. Document filed by Google, Inc., Youtube, Inc., Youtube, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 16 - 17, # 2 Exhibit 18 - 26, # 3 Exhibit 27 - 30, # 4 Exhibit 31 - 42, # 5 Exhibit 43 - 44, # 6 Exhibit 45 - 71)(Schapiro, Andrew)

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Rubin Reply Exhibit 31 Rubin Reply Exhibit 32 Video ID V i d e o Ti tl e Le n g th ( Se c o n d s) D ate V id e o U p lo ad e d Yo u Tu b e A c c o u n t U se r n a m e D a te Yo u Tu b e A c c o u n t C r e ate d Sig n u p E m ail Sig n u p I P ltXNBOTmZE4 Donald Trump vs. Rasputia 53 1/31/2007 parkmyvibe 10/13/2006 Rubin Reply Exhibit 33 Rubin Reply Exhibit 34 Video ID V i d e o Ti tl e Le n g th ( Se c o n d s) D ate V id e o U p lo ad e d Yo u Tu b e A c c o u n t U se r n a m e D a te Yo u Tu b e A c c o u n t C r e ate d Sig n u p E m ail Sig n u p I P 32pbKQAaFl0 gonna make you sweat 48 10/5/2006 thatisalsofunny 9/29/2006 Rubin Reply Exhibit 35 C I:·:~s:~::: ED N1 EDIA, i·S:t·,·:l'~*rBi:~'~n~ i;til~ 9. ·'·' Online VVrap Up 3/1/06-6/16/06 1CEL~ f~ledia· Nacho LibreOniineCan'~l~!-nign r\E pnslTION ' Ccsnficien!iall i~x~H~elT4 9//0/0 Client: Paramount Pictures Project Run Dates: 311-6116 1111 ICED Media abletosecure was Nacho content a total 126 different during 14weeks theproject. Libre on of sites the on There a goodmixof was confessionals, trailers, movie clips, photos, soundboards, interviews and more on a variety of sites from entertainment to video game, viral video, music, Latino, comedy, community,toy, wrestling, lifestyle, celebrity, blogs and boards. The success of this campaignis rootedin the contentthat we were able to provideto such a widearray of sites and blogs. The contentwas compelling and funnythroughoutthe campaign,and receiveda tremendousresponse fromthe onlinecommunity. This, combinedwithour abilityto adapt to the everchanginglandscape of interactive media, resulted in a highlysuccessfulcampaign. We feel stronglythat this multifaceted campaignhas helped to create the buzz online that Nacho Libre has something for everyone. Highlights ourcampaign from Include contests sitessuchas Ticketmaster, 35 with CitySearch, LiveDaily, Spin, Zap2lt, CCS, TeenHollywood, Aced, Shakefire,HipOnline, Hybrid, AndPop,CelebrityCaf~,Entertainment World,Kiwibox, Stuff,Hoopshypeand others. Our SyndicatedBlogContest was featured on 8 sites as well. Interview contentgraced homepagesof Shakefire,Entertainment World,Built-Eye, HipOnline, YouTube FHM. and Confessionals and other Nacho Libre video clips and trailers have been seen on over 100 sites we've worked with. Sites range from Pariguayo to Goldenfiddle, Joystiq, Keep Me Busy, Kotaku, From Parts Unknown,A Socialite's Life, Fixins, Inside Pulse and others. We also created viral tools such as the Nacho Libre Soundboard and various photoshopped Nacho images for messageboard posting. The Nacho Libra Myspace page has over 13,500 friends: htto:~www. mvseace.comlnacholikre Nacho Libre's Myspace Sightings page has over 1.000 friends as well: httn:l/www.mvst>ace.comlnacholikre siahtinas Our MySpace grassroots campaign was able to utilize the enthusiasm of fans worldwide and continue to create buzz for the filmwith a number of promotions we ran. The Cinco de Mayo program had the greatest response with hundreds of Nacho Libre images placed on comments sections of our friends and friends of friends. Weekly confessional propagation missions helped get the word out about the film early with a combined 500 placements. The team continues to be active and we receive emails and comments everyday. Clips uploaded to YouTube, Bolt, YourFileHost and were viewed a combined 100,000 times over the course of the campaign. Our strategically placed message board posts continued to generate conversation. There were Nacho related WWE talk, photoshopped images posted and general movie talk prompting some good conversations. !C:EC, I~ledia: Nacho Libre Online Carr·,Cajgn Coriiidt~-ritjai Below are the i 26 sites featured in this' document: 13gb,con7 411 mania ds forboy dreams of hers es jack black net joystiq snsa happens a socialite's life absolute now acsd magazine addicting clips drunken delight ebaums world elijangueo keep me busy killmy day ki~uibox stuff magazi~e superhero hype ain't it cool andpop. cona all movie portsl entertainment world cspire fever n~g.ozine kotaku Ikc~dai~y loudcrsoft synthesis magazine tastes like chicken teen flova alloy bells online fhm filcco\y lovelymrs. davis... nlanic n·soss teen hollywood ticketms.stcr blogcritics bolt filnljerk filmvad fueins n'bedicine filnls migente n-silk aFa cookies toy tokyo trailcrd~cxur! d loa true artist entertainment built-eye buzz patrol caf0 jock car mag cc.s free oops fromparts u~kn~xur! fpu blog gantcrscore blog game set watch rrkov wet, ic n~ics videos music fiava my old kentucky blog n~nday morning commute universityhumor updraft video detective vmix willianas boa rd the celebrity cafd celebritywonder cinema blend cityscarch contact nlusic golden fiddle grouper rryspa:ce news today witz.srg worth 1000 yourfilohost youtube rap2it chat avenue guba hiponline hollywood northreport hollywood tuna oh no theydidn't pnriguayo pcrez hiLtrn popmatters y.ou can't makethis up hoops hype popcholic crave c;rnli~it cravefot dailysonic dark zero decoy music hybridmagazin·o iced blog idleriot ifilm ig17 profotmagazine productsh6pnye pro wrestling torch psp world dcstructoid d-listed ilounge imagcyonatior, inside pulse rarrrr I'ma b)lYJ rotten tomatoes shctkcfire dOF! murph and I watch stuff silent uproar ;CED Media. Nach0 L.ibre Onlie Can,paign C:onficitlr·!!inI Ke~ta kam,CO~ .httP:~www, kotaku,com (140K Unique visitors per month) - Nacho LibrePSP downloadabletrailerfeatured on home page - Feature included photo, official site link and YouTube link - Site featured XboxGame WithFame video and photos Video: Jack Black Fleying PGR3 ~L~L\ R-:'~·?UHE Z J. TheXbor vldeoed Bladk.r Game Fame crew Jad recent with session. look The on i black's lace II p~colerr when he hits his Ilnt same and the Irrr~thins he hears is What's up Jack rock ooooonl" Yeah, Vlat'lyour tan base buddy. a~T~r":~~nr L·m·l·r *U1~ tty 1 I·Y~IIII~I *nl·UI·~ o*al~nn;~i rlln i.lll)cnpl~W1*r solt,n. ~ul Ot"l~ll~lU*Ili I~rni-t~mrlr·l* NIlIDlm miirIIIl Lll,·~·. The video ends with Blackrayins 7Csno secret I'm a garner. Myskillsare Jlorp. My skills are extremely rharp.~Yeah, but we don't see you wrappios your gitly hands around the controller for a Iltlle Halo i, do we! auh nurktr Jack Blackis a Clmer: My Ytlllrare Shnrp...' (Gamerrcoreblogl RE4DI·Y)RE: PGU. F*I·U~U1EIC. Qfi~*~WN~K. ~1L3 2.IACKIIL4:h'.C~M IICON)IE1(TS) j~~l: t ................~ .·..._.~...iirrru I1~E~:i Mecija: Nach~LibraOniine i~alnpaiUn :5 ·;i " bo ~P CE ~iS 1 i·ii EO ? ~c: " " BZ BE P _EbI6 s= EC 51 oc PoO i sgsOg fs iz~ f f· cc J 1 B t 1 E "·::1 " i i ,: LI :t I ~P ·B :r : %9 r i L ,- i I% j ii a ,B n 4 o -·"1 ~~--- iBi I.~~aE". i ~ at ~,~y i~g .,s -"o I '-F O EQ " i; O,f ~~ 1:" .n H'L e-"~d r; ; LOZ ' 19ia a )L O r di; rP c 08 i ps r0 " g pi ·a· O P I~ (5 iS " ric9 1 ;ii ·Z F· " itD i - ~B "' 1" -·Z -L '~]~~f t ii .i.i B is B all I f pB 9' Bp P %u 3 la··=' -,e fP an, · -Y-bi: ji5o~- 981~= dEO I ~,C~bilr~ 1: U3 a -~7 '8~;9~. So~IhuDima O ~;c~cr~·i~iai 51: I·:4 Oa'ms~rgfr-;9 rs·. Ba-, Pb" 9p Eh PI , Do ggOd "I"" ~~ '' le ,-C P Is- i3 ti,I iiPie4 I I a d :ri nia ' !r%· 11S1P e ii 3 IIfi I, I;z 1 i:J2 U ·I i ii! ;1i i: iii :I g 1 a aj ii; ,Ii;isi ~ I P .r·IBBf I:I L 1 r n E ca o 3 il I1~I aIIrII o P' li_Y D a Imi i·! jI 8 -~ S. o el~r te sji,,r E ~n O ·e O a v, 3 " S-:Si'i ,- o o a, r L. Q) > a e~~ o E i 1 f R ·r Lt t o E n! 8 E Ug a~o T3Oj mO O IB =I! 111 i ,i e· r ~I i:' -· a- ,= -,;? ,, B z EK 1 ;; r r B n ;-,-, ··~ e,-ar, I r r;en o~ ii P i~n ~-m ~aP FF oo~B ~o~ p, r; 1z f P q a U s e 4 sr o~ c~;u :r; a,r-=m a, -P z a, m ma, 1~ err > r o o c~ -t: p s I I ~ II ,o I o ~'"l,fg (Duo DH P" ·. gi ;i I 1 1 Od oi Si: rp Im r Q) I ~ a I '5 J u ~ m a 4 1 .s ~:P r3 e~~- L c·a, ~L2 ~" 4 , ·, I E J ZS~= T--'-i ., Syjp~X'g 4 np 1 - If.: 8, = t I Yr 6' 5 2 ,· B > .. Y =f :i w f '5 iI : m ~ Ed r*~:i 9~ o, r; = O Rubin Reply Exhibit 36 Rubin Reply Exhibit 37 Rubin Reply Exhibit 38 Accounts for which a review of the discovery produced in this action reveals no evidence that it was the subject of communications between Viacom and a YouTube employee in which Viacom's affiliation with the account was referenced Account Name 114th alexmtransformers BAAFamily BroadwayJoe Videos Uploaded 0 4 3 26 Evidence Showing Connection to Viacom Rubin Reply Ex. 40 Rubin Opening Ex. 126; Rubin Reply Ex. 41 Rubin Reply Ex. 42; Rubin Reply Ex. 43 Rubin Opening Exs. 87 (Response to RFA 32), 96; Rubin Reply Ex. 19 BroadwayJoe415 damonjohnson demansr 5 82 3 Rubin Opening Exs. 87 (Response to RFA 33), 96; Rubin Reply Exs. 17, 44 Rubin Opening Exs. 86, 87 (Response to RFA 68); Rubin Reply Ex. 28 Rubin Opening Exs. 87 (Response to RFA 61), 88; Rubin Reply Ex. 45 Rubin Opening Exs. 87 (Response to RFA 37), 96; Rubin Reply Ex. 46 Rubin Opening Exs. 112, 113 Rubin Opening Exs. 102, 103; Rubin Reply Ex. 47; Rubin Opening Ex. 96; Rubin Reply Ex. 48 Rubin Opening Exs. 31, 87 (Response to RFA 66), 107 Rubin Opening Ex. 86, 87 (Response to RFA 64); Rubin Reply Ex. 28 Rubin Opening Exs. 86, 87 (Response to RFA 69); Rubin Reply Ex. 28 Rubin Opening Exs. 87 (Response to RFA 43), 108, 109; Rubin Reply Ex. 49 Rubin Opening Exs. 102, 104; Rubin Reply Ex. 50 Rubin Opening Ex. 126 FiveChemical funfunfunnyvideo 3 1 Globe427 gooddrugy gossipgirl40 3 2 7 isitfridayyet 30 jerseymouth1 8 keithhn 120 Live2rhyme88 markblu22 2 2 Account Name Videos Uploaded Evidence Showing Connection to Viacom MrTsNumberOneFan NMarketing ParkMyVibe PinkStrawberry PinkStrawberry1 reaction2006 strangewildernessuk StuntManForever 13 25 3 0 3 7 20 25 Rubin Opening Ex. 86; Rubin Reply Exs.51, 52 Rubin Opening Ex. 87 (Response to RFA 56) Rubin Opening Exs. 87 (Response to RFA 36), 96; Rubin Reply Ex. 53 Rubin Opening Exs. 87 (Response to RFA 34), 96 Rubin Opening Exs. 87 (Response to RFA 35), 96 Rubin Opening Exs. 86, 87 (Response to RFA 62); Rubin Reply Exs. 28, 54 Rubin Opening Ex2. 87 (Response to RFA 39), 114 Rubin Reply Exs. 55-58 Rubin Opening Exs. 87 (Response to RFA 30), 96, 115; Rubin Reply Ex.34 Rubin Opening Exs. 87 (Response to RFA 31), 96 Rubin Opening Ex. 105; Rubin Reply Ex. 59 Rubin Opening Ex. 96; Rubin Reply Ex. 62 Rubin Opening Ex. 87 (Response to RFA 88) thatisalsofunny thatsnotfunny the110th ultrasloppyjoe waytobluefrance Total Videos Uploaded 7 0 0 1 66 471 -2- Rubin Reply Exhibit 39 Accounts for which Viacom contacted YouTube after having mistakenly taken down videos it had authorized to be uploaded to those accounts Evidence Showing Connection to Viacom Ostrow Opening Dec. ¶2-6; Rubin Reply Ex. 15 Rubin Opening Ex. 87 (Response to RFA 105); Rubin Opening Ex. 49; Rubin Opening Ex. 50; Rubin Reply Ex. 60 Rubin Opening Ex. 87 (Response to RFA 67); Rubin Opening Ex. 31; Rubin Reply Ex. 20; Rubin Reply Ex. 25; Rubin Reply Ex. 22; Rubin Reply Ex. 23; Rubin Reply Ex. 24 Account Name Videos Uploaded Evidence of Mistaken Takedown BrienTA 231 Rubin Reply Ex. 63 bullrunvideo 179 Rubin Opening Ex. 50 fanscapevideos 1142 Rubin Reply Ex. 64; Rubin Reply Ex. 21 FanscapeVideos4U 38 Rubin Opening Ex. 31; Rubin Reply Ex. 26; Rubin Opening Ex. 116 Rubin Reply Ex. 66; Rubin Reply Ex. 67 Rubin Reply Ex. 87 (Response to RFA 87); Rubin Reply Ex. 10 Rubin Opening Ex. 46; Rubin Opening Ex. 47; Rubin Opening Ex. 48 Rubin Reply Ex. 65 HGiantVid 58 Rubin Reply Ex. 68 tastefullymine 14 Rubin Reply Ex. 10 Tesderiw 5 Rubin Opening Ex. 47 Account Name Videos Uploaded Evidence Showing Connection to Viacom Rubin Opening Ex. 87 (Response to RFA 29); Rubin Opening Ex. 115; Rubin Reply Ex. 35 Evidence of Mistaken Takedown thatsfunny 158 Rubin Reply Ex. 69 TheFilmFactoryUK 25 Rubin Opening Ex. 125 Rubin Opening Ex. 87 (Response to RFA 85); Rubin Reply Ex. 36 Rubin Reply Ex. 70 waytblue 109 Rubin Reply Ex. 36 zachbraffdotcom Total Videos Uploaded 15 1974 Rubin Opening Ex. 99; Rubin Opening Ex. 100 Rubin Reply Ex. 71 -2- Rubin Reply Exhibit 40 Subject: From: To: Cc: YouTube SoundOff Tipton, Kristina - Paramount oeEX:/O=VIACOM/OU=PARAMOUNT/CN= RECIPIENTS/CN = TIPTON KR~ Wahtera, Megan - Paramount, Simard, Stephanie - Paramount Bordo, Sara - Paramount, Griswold, Kristina - Paramount Mon, 26 Feb 2007 17:12:08 +0000 Date: Hi Megan and Steph, We were finally able to acquire http:/iyoutube,com/soundoff. YouTube had to help since there was a user that already had the name soundoff, but now we should be all set. We also have youtube,com/114th. Can we meet for a few minutes today to discuss how we should start populating the profile? Also, YouTube says that we won't be able to make youtube,com/soundoff our group URL. We're still going back and forth with them trying to figure out a way around, but just wanted to let you know this may be an issue. Here's our log-in: Email password:_ Username: Soundoff password_ Group URL: N/A Let me know when you'd like to discuss. Thanks! Kristina Tipton Paramount Pictures Interactive Coordinator, Promotions & Publicity 323-956-8453 Highly Confidential VIA 1 0483944 Rubin Reply Exhibit 41 Video ID Vid eo T it le L e ng t h (S e c o nd s ) Dat e V i d e o U p l o ad e d Y o uT ub e A c c o unt U s e r na m e D a t e Y o uT ub e A c c o unt C r e a t e d S i g nup E m a i l S i g nup I P Vid eo ID Vid eo T it le L e ng t h (S e c o nd s ) Dat e V i d e o U p l o ad e d Y o uT ub e A c c o unt U s e r na m e D a t e Y o uT ub e A c c o unt C r e a t e d S i g nup E m a i l S i g nup I P Vid eo ID Vid eo T it le L e ng t h (S e c o nd s ) Dat e V i d e o U p l o ad e d Y o uT ub e A c c o unt U s e r na m e D a t e Y o uT ub e A c c o unt C r e a t e d S i g nup E m a i l S i g nup I P axZWLhPp4tA transformers 11 3/21/2007 alexmtransformers 3/21/2007 JW69bIuAsNo transformers 11 3/21/2007 alexmtransformers 3/21/2007 B4QmFL_hArI transformers 11 3/21/2007 alexmtransformers 3/21/2007 Rubin Reply Exhibit 42

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