Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. et al v. RDR Books et al
DECLARATION of Melanie Bradley in Support re: 22 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction.. Document filed by Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., J. K. Rowling. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J, # 11 Exhibit K, # 12 Exhibit L, # 13 Exhibit M, # 14 Exhibit N)(Cendali, Dale)
Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. et al v. RDR Books et al
Doc. 37 Att. 13
I3 ^ O K S pro ^dly announees
rax s i a^1? ^ -0 ^n ^�^^v^!1^^R^o ^^MCni^ � ^v^i: ^ a^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^^ cc^^
The Harry Potter Le ^ icon
The D^^^nitive Readers' Guide to All Things dotter
^^ S^ ^^d.^ A^ ^td ^^.^ ^ ^^
ww�.^P- I^e^�co^��r^
Thc must t � ustcd referc^cc ^ uu � ce �n the wurld ^ ^h wunderf l wor�d uf Harr}' Po[te; ^te ^e Va^der r^t^c's e ^ cyclopedic reEe � ence is ^ ow 6ei^g p^ ki- ^ } ^^ hed aro^d th world. Wn ki ^ g with an e ^ cepri ^ a! team ^ f acade^ �c a ^ d � e ^e e ac� hulars, Vauder rk has ^ ^ted the c}assic e ^ cyclupedia th3t will 5atisfy the curinsity nf the mnst ardent P ^ t er {a. r1 (^ic.t^raphical � efe^e lCe, ^a^. tt e; b stiar}^, handh^^k, reader's gn de, and t^^ur ^ f thc I'otter u iz'crsc, th�s dc� ^ � ivo wurf^ i ^ guarantc d tc^ sct th
standard f^ � rhe F sts ll� g ser es.
i ^ ch dinb the hra^ ^ e^r^ -Tzr y Potte� rd �{ae Dct^^ ^y Hltow^, l
�'erfect fo r ^ ade s, buaksell rs,libra �a s, students aud schol^'s alike, the Harry Pntte ^ I,exiC ^^ is he ^ nly refere^ce't^r.^rk that e ^^ ers a11 seven bn ^ ks
t^uth ^ r Va^^dc � r1rk, whu E�cyuen ^ y kcytutcs aeadcm�c cutfcrcnces n the }'c tter 1loks, has iteen exte sivel,v ^^ te � viewed ^ }^ the BPC, t1e �oday� Sh ^ w and A L ^ E. An h ur } ^ n^; �^tervi w w�th Vander rk w�l he inCluded ` o ^ the fornc^omi ^^ DVI) of H rry Fatter ttd tle O ^ � ^er ^ f tle Ph�e^�x. With ai re t.han 25 ^^ llio ^ visi[ 's ta the Lexic ^ n ^^ lasite each yea ; there is a ^ asr rnarket for this bn ^>k. S^ ori^inaI wc^ � k, ^ dup]icared i^ ^^ y ^ ther p ^ �nt or elect^^ �c Ear a[, the Le ^ �cu ^is ^ aranteed tc^ de �^ht you� c stamers ^ ^d enjay a lngand lappy s1e1f 1ife.
TR F. ['4PFRFiA K � 412 =^^ ^ � ^24.9,5 ISBt^ 978-1^ ^ ^43-174_
Special f^^ee Fre�ght Prepubl�cat�ou ^ ffer: � 50 percert l�sc r u ^ urders uf 10 ur ^ u ^e boaks, cam^i^ a^le ^ th a ^y ot^ er RDR t�tles. � 45 pe^ce^ t discu ^ t o^ orders of J or mnm. � 2 pcrcc ^ t cxtra discou[tt tar pcpaid or ^o ^ retur ^ sble a ^ der5. � Generous Non-%ietwnable terms ava�[a ^ [e. Ca11, fax � ^ e-mall for dcta^ts.
J.K. Ro^^ling on the Harry Patter Lexicon wehsite^ "T�is �s swc^i ^ grut site that I have been k^^ow^^ ^o s^^e,^k into urz Ir^t^r^t^et caf� ^Ubz1e o^^t u^r�tsr^^g ^^r^^^ check a fact r^thex tha#^ go into ^ b^^^ksfivp an^^' bey u copy uf^Harry Potter (whs^h ^s e^^b^rr^ssir^gj. A w^:^isite fnr the ^{cx^g^z^^^asly vbsessi^e; ^zy ^^atura� home."
T^ P. .^x c ^ sl ^s ^ a^i4 ^ x. ^ z ^
I-Ta ^ y Pntte Qt) and [ta an es 3 f a1I fiat ^^ �a s i ^� ^ a ad }^laues a -e t ade naks n �V ^ er R+^ s. Neit� er he author, his staff inembers, w^^w.HP-Lexican. rg ^ a^ [he publ�sier is i ^ a y way affilia ed v�th ^^'am^^ }3ros.: 5chlast�c Books,l K. R^ l ng or a^y oter ierso or e mp y c^ �mi ^^ a ^ i terest the Harry� tter ^ ^els. The Har^+ PotterFs ^C.exico^ respects he �utellectua] prope ^y r�^l ts a othce, and rgcs uscrs f this hook t do ihe samc. .
^^ st= cd ^ . scau�rs, o^^ n^ . r ^ � ^ RDR Bc^�ks LLC 1487 Glcn Avctt.uc Muskega , MI 49441 (510J 595-�595 / fax^510) 228 -03�^ ^ t:aL{@ ^ L^C)!.7UO ks .C T1
W W W. rdr1701iS.Cp rf}
Dear Wolfgang Foerster: Thaz^.k you for your kind help today. I appreciate your interest in our Harry Potter Lex�con, a 400 page, 154,44p ward reference encyclopedia. The definitive book on the wonderful world of Petter, the Lexicon is wx�tten by Steve Vander Ark, considered one of the world's top schalars on the Rowl�ng books. Rights have been sold �n Britian, France, Canada and Australia and the book will be published n those countries in October. This w�11 be the only complete reference work to the Potter series through B�ok 7, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Based on the world's number omse Harry Potter reference site, the Lex�con has been praised by Bowling who gave the site her fan award. She says: "This is such a great site that I have been known to sneak into an intennet caf� while out wr�ting and check a fact rather than go into a bookshop and buy a copy of Harry Potter {which �s emb a rrass ^ng}. A webs�te for the dangerously obsessive; my natural
p 3 lO1i L4. F i
Vander Ark, who keynotes academic conferences o^ Potter around the world �s the subject of a l hour A and ^ documentary which is being included on the new DVD of the movie Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Please give me a call to discuss the Lexicon i^ more detail. l would be pleased to meet with you next week when I am �n Europe. Sincerely,
Roger Rapoport
Roger Rap�port RDR �ooks LLC 1487 Glen Av�Ue Muskegc^^, N^ 49�l {51Q)5�5-O5�5
(510) ^2s-o^ao {fax)
^^ ^^ ^;^^�
^r^rn^ 1^ arc Va1^�e marc@ariane,qc.ca^ Sub�ect. RE. Quent^ n
Da#e: ^eptember 19, 2007 10:08:52 AM EDT Tt^ ; '"'Roger Rapopvrt"' r�ger@ rdrbooks.com^ Ae�# ^ ^Ta: marc@ar�ane,qc,ca^
I hope he will find someone who ear be of good help. I just learned that a French publisher w�ll be publishing ^a small Harty Potter d�ctionary^,, so we will hage some competition. It �s a smaller format that will be sold 15.00$ and released at the same time as book 7. Sa it would be even more important now to put o^ the front page the quote from bowling about her liking the site. Marc 1/all�e At'iane Eddans marc^^l._ a^riane ,,,q,^_c�
De :Roger Rapoport ^ma^lto;roger@rdrbooks.com Envoy� ^ i8 septembre 2007 13;i0 A ;marc@ar�ane,gc.ca Ob,^et :Quentin
Dear Marc: Quent�^ has a list of t 0 people who have helped on the French edition �n the past and he �s going to contact some of them . He �s hop^^g that at least one of them is available to 1�d a hated.
Roger R�ger Rapoport �R Books LLC 14$7 Glen Avenue Muskega^,1V^ 49�l
^^^ ^^?^` ^
�ub ^ *ct: RE. Harty Potter Lex�con �ate: flctober 19, 2007 10;35:40 AM EDT
^rarn: "Susan Alkens 1(Nlerchl),, smaikensC bardersgroupinc.com^
T : "Roger Rapopori" ragerC rdrbooks.com>
Mr. aapaport, I'd like to meet with you while y^u'^e in town an 10/^6. N1y schedule is open all day so just fet me knew what time �s best for' you. Thanks, Susan A i kens
sent : ^n^,r^a^y, oct�ber s, zao^ s�o^ ^^
Tv: Susan Aikens (Merck) Subjet : Harry Potter Lexicon
^rom^ Roger Rapoport jmallto;roger@rdrbooks.c�m^
Dear -Susan Alkens: Our company isa 15 year vendor to Borders who^has worked successfully with your company ^n rr^any books. N�xt week I w�11 be sending you the 4l2 page galley of the Harry Potter Lex�con written by Steve Vander Ark aid the staff of the Harry Potter Lex�con. This book �s being added to the Borders data base this afternoon. Winner of J.K. Rvwling's faesite award andpraised by Rowl�ng herself, the Lex�con attracts more than 25 million readers each year, Mr. Vander Ask keynotes academic conferences on Harry Potter in America, Canada and England. Written �n the style of the webs�te, this �s a fresh, amusing and very entertaining ^ncycloped�a that �s complete through Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Nir. Vander Ark, who. lives �n Grand Rapids and Lovdon, has been extensively interviewed by the New York Times, the BBC, the Today Show a ^ d the wire services. His hour Io^g A & E �nterview �s included �n the extra
^^^^ �
section of the Karry Potter and The �rder of the Phoenix DVD. You should also know that a t�^el�ne he created f�r the series has been used on the past three Karry Potter DVDs. Rights to our book have been sold �n England, France, Canada, China, Italy, Austra#�a and New Zealand. The American, French, Canadian, and Br�t�sh editions will all be out �n mid-November. Since I know this b�ok will have holiday appeal with fans going through Harry Potter withdrawal, ^^ would be useful to us tv have an estimate of your needs through the Christmas selling season. Please feel free ta contact me �f you geed more information. I am going to be �n Ann Arbor next Friday the 2^th and would be happy to come by t� answer any marbeting questions you might have about this book.
Roger Rapoport
F^^F-^ ^^ ^^
E'r Ruger Rapaport ^roger�rdrbooks.COm> Subj�t. Harry Poiier ^ ex�con ^]at^; September 11, 2O�7 1O,5�:36 AM ^�T To: fairs#erQcappenrath.de Deax Wo�fgang Foerster: Thank you ft^^ your kind help today, 1 appreciate your interest in our Harry Potter Lexicon, a 4�fl gage, 15O,Oa0 ward reference e^cycl^pedia. The definitive book �n the wonderful world of Potteg, the l..exic^n is written by Steve Vandex Ark, considexed ^^e of the world's tip scholars on the ^Zowlis^g; books. Rights have been sold �n Britian, France, Canada and Austr�lia and the book will be pubizshed in these countries in Qctober. This will be the only complete reference work t^ the Gotter senes through Book 7, Hammy Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Based on tl^e world's number oxve Harry Potteg reference site, the Lexicon has been praised by Bowling who gave the site her fan award. She says. "This is such a great site thai I ^^ave been known ta sneak ^^to an internet caf� while out writing and check a fact rather than g^ �^to a booksF^op and huy a copy af Harry Pot^e^ (wh�cl't is embarrassing). A websi#e for the dangerously obsessive; gny natural home."
Vandex Ark, who keynotes academic conferences on Potk^r around the world is the subject of a 1 hoer A and E doe^^meniary which is being included ort t4^e new UVT^ of the movie Harry Patter amid the Order of the Phnen�x. Please give me a call to discuss the Lexica^^ in rnore detail. I would be pl�ased to meet with you ^axt week when I am i^ Europe.
Since ely, Roger �apopar#
1^ogex Rapapot ftDIt ]3�oks LLC I9s7 G1^^ Ave ^ ue M skegon, MI 49� 5 �) 59�5^5
^ ^ ) zzaa^o (ax) ^ ^{=^r^^ rb ^ oks. ^ z ^ vww.rdr ^ooks.c m
^^� 1
^ �..L^
l~ra r; R�g r ^la�p�rt roger@rdrba ^ ks.c�rn ^ St^^ jeci; Patter flyers Date: Septerr ber 2$, 2007 5,21:40 �'M EDT Ta: Megan Trank m ^ ga ^ �rdr ^ o�ks. ^�m> � a *;, ^2 Attachmsnts, 814 KB ^s^ ^ Dear Megan: Please email me befar^ you are ready to send this out. I want to k^aw w}^en you are planning to seed th�s out by fax. I think I need to contact efax. Roger This is the �Tyer that I want you to send to bookst^xes . It is o^^y one page.
i^L i^.
1487 CLE ^ AVENUE, M�1sK Cp M# 49442 � P -}oNE 51{/5 �5-DS�3 EAK 51C/228-p3D0 � W ^^ W.�RBppK .Ga^ � EA!{�;AOGERC^R1llt^10oKS.GOM
$ Q ^ ^ ^ �tl^7 [i7l1�0^T1t'E5
The Hare Potteg Lexicon
The I^ef^^itive Re^t^lers' G^�de t^ A� Thugs fotter
^ ^^ vffid^.^ ^d ^ ^ ^
SW^^: ^-R^O�E^. ^DT^ The mast crusted ^fere^ce source �^ the world on ekve wa^derfut world of f-4arzy Pate , Seeve V^^det A.^k's encyclopedic reference �s pow ^ �ngpublished around the ^vo^Id. Wo^ki^g with an e^cep^^anaJ team af academic and refere,^te sehoiars, Vader Ark has created the classic ency^loped�a ghat wil� satisfy the ^^^�os�ty of she ^nas^ arde^^tPotte^ f�. A b�^graph�ca! reference, gazerteeg bestiary, handbook, reader's guide, attd tom of ^l^^ Pager n^�verse, this deE.t^ it^ve work is guaranteed to set the standard for the �;^estselliag senes. Perfect for readers, booksellers, Gb^a^�ans, students and schalars alike, tha Harm Paner L^sr�^an �s the only reference work that tevers ail sever books �^c�^d�^g the brand new Harry Potter a^^j ih^ 1^^atbly HaUo^s. Aucho^ Va^de^ Ark, who f^eque ^ dy keynotes acade^^�c conferences o^ the Po^^er books, has feen extensively �^terv^ewed by the B$G, the Today Show and A ^ ^ ^^ h^u^-Ing �n^erv�ew with Vander Ark wi�l be included ^n the forthc^m�^g 13V1] ^f Harry Potter ^^d the Order af tfie Ph^e^�x. UP�^�^ mare than ZS million visitors ta the ^.ex^^o^ webs�^e each year, there �s a vast market for this book. An or�g�na� work, andnplscated �rt any other prim ar electro^�c fyrmat, the I.ex^con �s guaranteed ta deligltC your c^^stamers and enjoy a lang and happy s^ elf life. j.^. R^^vli^zg an the Harry Pakter L^:xlcun webs^te"Th�s is such ^ greet s^t^ that T hive beep k^� ta s^^e^k �mo �
T'H.A ) ^ P ^ERHACK + 4� e^ + S2.45 ^ 5pec�al Frea Fre�g^t P^epu^l�g � ^^ af: � 50 perce^ dis�un ^ n dt ^s oE 10 o^ mo ^ boaks, cornh�r�}e wich any ^h ^ R ^ R ^ate. � 45 perc^^ d ^5m�n[o ^ ocders of 5 w m^^. � 4^ fwe ^^ u are disc ^unced 40 p^ce^[ � 2 pcra x ^a d�sc ^ w t fr rspa�d o ^O�re c ^ a6l a d ^s. THE �^XTCQN PUBLISHES NOVEMB� 1
�R SPCt^S^. t)1sCf) ^NT , 4�� T)[RECT FROM
s ^ v �7a_2s ^ a ^ - 7a.;
Roger Rapopo^
F^ V^CS:
Pram: Roger Ra�p^rt ^rogerC ^rdrboolts.com^ ^ subject: Fwd: Pattelt #iys^s
Eiau: October 3, Z�a? f2:3^:D4 PM Eiar T ^: Jo�o Ag�ncia Riff ^joao�ula@agerlc�arif#.com.br> 1 Rttachrnent, X30 KB ^^S�va'_;^` Dear Joan Paulo:
Here is a cr^py af a^^x fiyer for the Harry Potter Lex�ear^. Please note that we w�1[ send you sample pages and the British cover t^m^rra^c. Tltarks for ^or^fi^m�r^g receipt. ^]^ you have tY^e entire ^r^an^zscript via email. T can send �i now if you weed �t.
sirteere y,
Roger Ra�po^t
BOOKS ^rordly �^^ou^tc^s
^ Ax s o^^ ^ -o ^ ap � e^�^ooxs.co^ � ^r^^^:x^cx^^^^^ oo ^s.c^^
a ^ 7 cLEIti av ^ u , M s GO ^ ^ t a ^ aa ^ � AF�ON 5 tof595-oS95
The harry Potter Lexicon
The I1e^^^tit�ve Readers' G^��e ^^ tlld 7"hings Paner
The ^nosc ousted re�e^ence source in the world ^n the won^exfuI world of Hairy Pnter, Steve Vander �rk's en^yctoped�c reference ^s aow being published around ^^e world. Warki^g with a^ excep^^^nal rea^^ af academic and reference scholar, Vandes Ark 1^as are^^e^ she classic e^eyclpped^a that will satisfy she cur�os�ty of the ^no^ ardent Petter fan. A bing^aph�cal reference, gazetteer, ^es�ary, handbook, reader's gu�de, and tour ^f the Pones un^vecse, this defi^it�ve work �s guaran^eed ta see the standard fogy the bes^se3i�ng se^^es. Pe^Eec^ for readers, boakse3Jers, l�b^ar�a^^s, stude^sts and scholars a1^ke, the Marry Peer Lex^Cnp �s tha ^^ly reference work thai covers all seven Books �n^luding C#te ^^�nd new Fla^ry Pottom ^^d the Deathly Haltows, Author Vander Ask, who f^e^}ue^tly keynotes academ�c co^fe^e^^ces nu the Po^^er books, has ^�n exte^s�vely �nter^�ewed ^y the $SC, zhe Today Show and A $^ E. An hoer--long interview w�^h Vandes Ark w�11 be �ncladed on �h� Pn^hco^^ing I3VD of H^^'^y Po^te^ and the order af zhe Fho^n�x, V��th more than 2S million v^s�tors ^o she %^x�^on webs�te each year, there �s a gast marker fox phis book. �^ a^�ginal work, nnduplica^ed ia^ any o^he^ p^^^c ^^ ele^^on�c fnrr^^aC, the Le^.i^^^ �s gua^a^teed ro del^^ht votes ct^srame^s and enlav a lang and happy shelf life.
7'AAb^ PRPERHAG^ 4a0 r^ces t5B i 978-I5743-374-5
T�^e �ca ^ ^s ^ w ^ e� g pu^l�shed �n . mer�ca, B^ita�n,, cara�, a^d ^a ^ ce. Por ^ ore �nfarmat�on o^ r' ghts t^ the r
^^lF^ C}? ^. ^
Lexicon �n your ^u^t^; please calls J.K. Bowling un the Harte Pater Lexicon webs�^e^Th�s is such a great site that Y hive beeft kna^^m ta sneak into A^ I^ternei caf� whife ^^t wr�t�^g a^^l check a fed ^aiher than go into ^ &oakshop and �uy a Go{^y of kFarry Potter (wh^rh is e^zba^rass�ngJ. A wel^s�te for the d^^^g^rousiy a ^s^sstvs; my natural home."
^7F^ 2�1t ^Y 18 t�.
5 �} 545-545 / fax(510) 228-03Q0
�Ct^tC1� ^ iCS.C i ^ W Ww.C(^�lCS.COI7i
Aoge Rap^po ^ RDR Suoks LLC 148i GIe Ave ue Mitego^ , NC[ 444+i1
�^ ^^ ^iJ
^1.J 9 ^i
^.}^ .1.. ^
i"rur: Roger Kapppari ^r^gerQrdrboc^ks.coln^ Subjects Harry Potter Lexicon �ats: October 11, 2007 4:13:03 PM l^C3T To; barbara^auntiesbooks.com 1 Attachmsnt, 333 Kli i"_-_^;� Dear 8ar^ara; Here is infarmati^n on ^}^e Hanry Patter Lexie^n which will sh�p �r� early ^^Tovember at a 5Q percent ^re^ freight discount an arders ^f ^ or ^'^a^^ books. C}tders are also c^mb�r^abie with ^ther ILUR titles at the same discc^ur^t. Please contact me to reserve c^p�es far the holiday seli�ng season. Six c ^ ly, Roger Rapapart
1<^ ^
t48� G[.E^^ ^^F^^UF,, MGSKEGON MF 4944] * PH^Nl; ^10l59S-OS9S FAX StD1228^0300 � ^I�W.R^1R^a�KS.GaM � EN^^.:^tOGEItC#ADRBQ^KS.CQM
$QQK^ ^FOT^{^^p'rit1pt671C8.t
T^^e Harm Poger Lexicon
^ T^^ e Da,^ns#ive Re^ders G^ide t tl1l Things Ptr^ ^Sp' ^ewm ^7^^c .^^^ ^. #^ �^ o^ W^ ^-^.e7ClC^,.�>r^
the moss ^^us^ed reference source �n the wo^1d ^n the wonde^fui world of Harry Pone; Steve Yonder Ark's ea^yclogedie ^e�e^ence is now being published around tie wa^ld. Working with an excep^ana^ ^aa^n of a^ade^^ic and reference ^hola^s, Vandar Ask has created the classic enryclaped�a that wiI^ satisfy the curiosity af the mast ardent Patter fan. A biog^aph'scal ^e�e^ence, gazetteer, ^es�ary, handbook, reader's guide, a^^d tour of the Poster universe, this de6ni^ive work is gua^an^eed ^a set the standard fay the ^esrsell�ng sedes. Perfe^ fogy readers, ^o^ksellers, ^^brar�a^s , students and srhn^ars a��lce, the Harry Pot^e^ Lex�co^ is she a^1^ reference work that covers all seven books including tha brand new FLa^y P^^^ and tfi^ lJ^athl^ Ha11^ws. Author Vander Ark, who f^eq^e^tiy keynotes a�demic ca^^fere^ces on the Pa^se^ books, has been extensively intarv�ewed ^y the �BG, the Today Show and A $C E. Rn hoot-iu g �ntez^iew w�h Va^ de ^ Ask w�11 be ^^c�uded o^ she fo^thcomir^g DVD af N^^ry Po�ter and the O^d^^ of the Pboe^ix.
�i ^ i mn e han ?5 m�llio ^ v�sitaxs o the Lexica^ we ^^te each yea^ Mev^. i^ a v^ t ^^^ rk ^^ fnr ^fi�c h^nk. An ^ � al w^ k. ^ n ^^ li ^ are.
7R�E PAFERBACK � a� ^^^a:s � $2435
5pscia! F^ ee Frs�t P^epu^��ca ^ a ^ff: � � percent d�xouiu nt+ oders pf i0 r x ^e oolc5, m ^� ^ a^l w�th �y ohu RDA ^ e. � 4S pe ^^nc discou ^ e o ^ orde s o 5 a^ ^ n^.
s^ v 9^a- s^ a^-i^a.s
f^.4.f �^.
^ '^ ^7^
i"r^ r: R ^ ge Fiapaport Sub�ect: Harry Potter Lexico^/Nover ber E^ a#^^ C ^ c#obe 11, 2007 �:20:11 PM i=I^7' T u ; ski ^ berger��akSinc.r et ^1 Attac ^ rne ^ t, 333 KB ^`^>^^:� ^ ^:
;, ,; ^
� ^:
tk�7 GN.EN AVENUE, ^U5KEGDN MT 49441 * PHONE 5161595��S95
FAX S?^^i^28-0361 + IW�TW.RDK800^S.CDM + �,^f^1.�L^ ROGER^RZ^^BDD^5.GOM
Z"he Marry Potter .Lexieon
1"hB Def^i^v^ Re^de ^' G� to A.11 Tbs^gs Fotter
b^p' ^iave �aa^ Ar^ aA^�. #^ ^ o$
The moss ws^ed reference saurce in the world o^ she wond@tEul w^tld ^f ^ia^r^ Petter, Steve Vander Ark's @ncyclopedic Yef@ C Ce i5 qW �ing p^^b^�shed arouid the w^^^ld. Wo^k�tsg with a^ exceptio^^l teem of academsc a ^ d ^efe^en� scholars, Vandes Ark has c^cated ^l^e classic e^cycloped�a ghat ^v�ll sa^isfy the c^^r�os^ty of the most ardent Former fay. A t^iograpb^ca� reere^ce, gazet^ee; ^es^�ary, handbook, reader's guide, a ^ d tour of the Po^er un�ve^se, phis defin��ve work �s guaranteed to s@t the sranda^d fax the best^lhng se^�es. Perfe^ f^^r readers, bookse^e^s, lihrariar^s, s^u^encs a ^ d schalar alike, the Marry Pott@r f^xicon is the only refer@^c@ work ^ha^ covers all seven boks �rlc#uding she bxa�d r^@^v Harry Pager ^rrd the Deathly H`alla^us. Aurhor Vander �^k, wha equancl key : otes academ�c co ferences ^^ che P^er boaks, has hee ^ exee^ s�vely �ncerviewed 6y he B�C, he Today Show a ^ d A& E. A^ h ur-long �nxerv�ew w�rh Va ^ �r Ark w�11 6e �ncluded o t} e forticam�^g Vp a^ H sry Porter a ^ d he ptde' af the Phoix. ^ �it1 m re han 2S mill�a^ visitors t the Lexicon webs�e each yea , there �s a va5t marke fo^ h�s 6oak. A^ �^ ig� ^ xI w^rk, u^dupl� aCed �n a^y oh@x pe^ n o ^ elect ^ on�c form ^, ch@ I.ex^o is gca^a ^ teed o d ligl t your ausea^es a ^ d enjay a Io ^g a^d happy sh@If lif@. j.K. Rawi�^g on the Harry Patter Le^�can we^�te-"Th� �s sucl g^eat s�te th ^ t � h^e 6ee^ ^^ ow ^ � sek rnto a^ I^te^ e^ ca{e while asc ^ wr�i�^g a d chec^ {c ^athe ^ tba ga �hto a hnnb ^ hM rsur� hu^ a . AV nf Harrv P^^t^ tv h ^rh i emh ^ r^c^^�l.
TRA ^ E PAPEABACK � 46p aee � $14.95 15BN 97 6-15 71 4 3�1 ^4-5 � 50 #xrcet diu^ a ^ nede ^ of 16 ar ^ n ^ ^ o ^ks, ^^ ^�^a ^k vi ^ ^r y a^ec �R ^e. � 45 pe^c discoa ^r o^ nrde� af 5 a mo^^ . * 4 ar fewr tlea a di ^ cou ed 46 pcent ^ 2 pra^s erc^ df ^^ou ^ r far yz�p^d or ^ o^ rtrur ^ a ^ le rrd ^ s. TH �CON PUBL]5HF5 N ^VEMBER 1 SperS^1 �vse Ec^g^T Prax^l su ^ oa Off^ '
�^ ^r?ccr^ . ^ asco lms, o nx nt^ a� �.ager Aapogo c
�R Basks CLG -E4R7 .l ^ A^^ s^
^^ �^^
^i'�t71: Roger Rdpopnrt s, s^uden^s and schalars a#�ke, he ^iarzy Potter T^^^^o^ �s the an1^ ^eferent^: work ghat covers a1# seve^^ woks ��c#ud�ng ^e brand new Harr} Po^^^r a ^ d the I3eathiy ^^T^llou^s. Author Vandes Ark, who ire^luently keynotes acadezz^ic conferences an he 1'aL�r books, has been e^te^sively interviewed ^y the B$C, the Today Show a ^ d ^ & $. An how-lang intetv�ew with Vander Ark w�#� be i^cl^^ded o^ the far^hcarn�ng BVD of Hairy Fotteg a� the i�^der of ide Fhoe^rx. W�4 mare dean 25 m�1#^un v^s�tars ^a die Le^�c^n webs�e each year, there �s a ^^st market for this. book. A^ a^ g��� work, t^^dupl�cated �^ any other pr�n^ or elec^ro^�c Fozma^ the ^ex�^ro^ is g^a^an^eed ^ del^gh^ your c^stome^ a ^ d enjoy a long and happy shelf ��#e.
i:'RADE PAPERBACK 4Q0 ^^a^s i50N 97&-137143-174�S
The Le^�con �s now beirsg published �^ �me ^ ca, B^sa�n, Canada aid Prance. Far ^^ore �nfor^^a^o^ on rights to the ^.exicon in your country please call Rager Rapoport ^Ct Sooks LLC I487 G1e Ave ue
M ^ a4.*an^ t[ 6r)dd7
^^^: ^^tCs^ ^
Fram: Roger ^^ap pa ^ t rogsrC rdr^oaks.com^ Sut ject: Attn: Liesel iJ^te: dctob�r i 1, 2007 5:26:05 PM ^DT ^ ; chi ^ dre ^ s@bc^ ulderbaokstore.com ^ 1 Rttac^lme^t, 333 KB ^ s�v9 -Y';^ ,,
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# ^ 87 GL6N AVE tUE, MUSK GO Y ^i1 4944^ � PHO�VE 51{^lS9S-OS95 ^ RX 514l228-4340 � l^�W.A^RBppKS,CO � EMAti,: ROGER^ADRHOQKS.CO ^.
T1^^ Harry Potter Lex�cor^
Th^ D^fnit�v^ R^ �s' G^a� to 14d1 Th�^egs ^atrer
i^ ^ ^^,d^ ^ ^�.d t^ i^ o#
w^^ 9�.^-� ^ c^.4z^
The moss ^r^^sted ^efere^ce source i^^ the world a^ tf^e wauderf^il world of Harry Potteg Steve Vander Axk's en^;^clopec��c reference �s pow being publisked aroun� ^l^e wand. Wotks^g with a^ ex^egt^o^al tea^^ of acade^^�c and refere^c^ sel�ars, Vande^,^rk hus created the classic eucy^lo�^iia that w�il satrsfq the c^^^�osi^y of the m^s^ ardent Pott�^ fan. A biographical ^efe^ence, ga^ettee^, ^est�a^y, handbook, reader's guide, and roux aF the Poeter u^ive^^e, this defn^�^�ve work is guaran^eed ^o seg the standard kor the bestsell^^g series. Perfect ^^r readers, bo^I^seilers, I�bra-^+ans, students and schalars alike, the harry Potter Le^�con is eho ^^ly reference wank that covets ail seen books ^r^clud^ng she brand yew Harry Patter a� the �]e^thly Hatlogs, ^ u^h^r Vander Ask, who E^equently keynotes academic ^^nfere^^^s o^ the Potter hooks, has been cx^cnsivel^ inta -^^ewed by [he f4&G, the Today 5h^w and A & E. A^ ^^our-^^ng i^teraiew ^^ith Vader Ark will be included o^ the Eor[h^mi^g DVD ^f Harry Potter and the Order ^f the Ph^e^�x. Wire more than 25 milhon v�si^o^s to the Lexicon website each yew there is a vast marker for Ch�s Noak . Arg nr�g�^^al work, undupl�c^ted i^^ any ether p ^ ^^ or ele^ron�c format, the Lexicon is guar^rsreed t^ delig}^t yau^ custo:ne^s and enjoy a long and happy s^^elf life. J.^. I{ow^�ng om the Hairy Potter Lexicon webs^ts"7'h�s �s such a great s�ie that I h^v^ bem k^ow^ ta sneak ^n^ ^^ I^t^rnet caf� white dut ^w^^^ng ^^^^^ c}^e^k a fact ^^t^er th^^ g^ i^^to a �onksh^p ^^d buy a c^�^y af Harry Pater fwh�ch �s ^^Garrss�g}, A
TRADE PAER$ACK ^ 400 ee � $24.95 45SfV 97&-15 7143-1 74-5 �a! re F^eigl c Ptpublicatiop Off' ^ r: � SO pcc^ d� ^ r o^ a�s af 10 oc ^nic books, �b� ^ a ble w�th aa �her A53R ^a e� 45 y^ erce ^^ diseours o^ o ^de e af 5 or more. � 4 o kwer r^l axe disoun� 40 perCC ^r
� I^xcrn ttrs d�SCOO ^ T for prcpaid o ^ o ^ ^ c abk ordert. T} ^ E t.^^ICON PUBLiSHS MoVEMSE^ 1
o ^ s ca^ . o sm x s, p^ass t^^e ^a ^ Aoger Rapaport R1JI2 Hooks LLC 1487 Gie Ave ^ ^ e
f.�.i. ^ ..r #4r AQ Y
Fram. Roger Rap^por# croger�rdrbooks.com^ Sub^ec#; at#n: tanya and roger gate; October i i, 2007 5.�i:48 f'M BDT 7'0: isfandb^oks�sean^t.ct^rr^
t^ i Attachrnent, 333 KB
Dear Roger aid Tanya: In early Novemtaer we are ship}^i^^g the Harry Fotfar Lexicon, the definitive reference encyclopedia to the Harry Potter series. Details are included on the attached Ayer. Please let us know how many copies you 's^rould like us to send and we'll get them ta you as sofln as the first printing arrives. Sincerely,
Roger Rapoport Roger Rap�art R17R Books LLC I487 Gies Avenue M^lskegan, MI 49�l (5^^)595-0595 {s^^) z2s-o�a (^ax7
C^ig2�Ci^1JOak5. COQ.
1487 GLEN AVENUE, h1^SK^GON M] 49441 � PHON$ 510!595-0595 PAX 51!)!22&-O^^p � WWCQ�I�BOOKS.COM � &^ Et{]G�^�AB[^OKS.CO^f
^^ a K S � J lJt3fi0^iICES
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ThelJefi ^ it� ^e.lteardr s Cu^d^ toA11 Th�ngs ^otter
^ ^ ^a^^ea ^ ^ 4^ >^ a^ w^ ^-l^a^.�^�Ox^
^�^e mose c^u^ed ^afe^e^ce source ist the world o^ ^t^e wo^de^ful �rld af Harry Potter, 5reve Vander �rk's e^cyclaped�c reference �s now be�ng puia^is^sed a^ou^d the world. �o^king with ^n except�ona( team aE academic and refe^e^ ce scholars, Va^de^ Ark has created the classic encyclopedia chat will satisfy the cur�ns�t^ nE the ^^os^ ade^t Pottet' fan. A b�agtaghical reference, gaze^teez, bcs�a�, Itandbaak, reader's gnide, a ^ d tour af the Patter universe, ^h�s �eft ^ �tive wank is guaranteed to sec the standard fns the bestsell^^g series. Ferka for readers, ^ooksw^lers, l^bzarians, students and scholars alike, the k�a^^^ Potter Le^ican �s the only icf^rence work that covers alf seven �aks �t^l^^di^g the ^s^and new Harry Pot^e^ � thi B^^th1y Hull^ws, Autha^ Vander Ask, who freque^^iy key^o^es a� ^exican �ate: �ct ^ i^ ^ r 12, 2^�7 4:28:22 PM EC3T T a: kg �t� ^ rmsen@b ^ aks n ^ net ,^ 1 Attachm ^ nt, 333 K8 ^ S�wc ^, "^
[dear Katje:
T�^a^ks for your inquiry abut returning t^ RDR Bnoks . Juet go ahead aid send thi boaks and we w�11 �d�t you. H^x�s a thought. I am sure your customers wil} enjoy the h#ar^^ POti� }.�0r1 shpw^^ above. Why do^i t you use yew cr^^3i# toward this title which 1 am sine would be perfect far the ha��day season. S�nce^el^, roger Rapogart
1487 GIEN AV$NU�, ^itISKEGON ^^i[ 49441 . PH4NE 514!595-455 ^^^
FAX �101�18-4^^� � WW�.�gBpOKS.COh � E^4A^.:ROGER�I^^R.B�C)KS.C�h^
^ oo^s p^^^y �n^^rr^
T^ie ^Iar^^ Pot^e^ Lex ^on
The De^^#itive Readers' Gz^i� � Al! 3Tiings P^xter
^^^^^^^d^^ ^^
^ ^-^ica^a.mx>^
The mist trusted refe^e^ce sowce in she weld o^ the wonderful wo^1d of �3ar^y Pe^te^ Steve Vander Ark's e^rycloped�c ^efe^e^^e �s now being pub[�shed mound ^1^o world. Wi^^ki^g witi^ a^ ^xcept�or^a] ean^ of academic and refere^� scholars, Va^^de^ Ark has created he classic encyclpp�a that w�11 satisfy the curios�^y of the most a^de^^t Potter fa^^. A ^;og^aph�sal reference, gaze^ee; ^es^�ary, ha^dboak, reader's guide, and to^c o# the Pot^er univcrse, this definitive work �s guaranteed to seg the standard #a^ the hes^s^il�ug se^�es. Perfect for readers, booksellers, G^ta^'�ans, students and scholars alike, the h�a^ry ratter f^xicon is the t^n[y ^efe^e^ce work that covers a1i seven books �^cluc��s^g the ^rar^d new Hr^+ Potter and ^^^e F3ea^hty H^flows. Author Vander Atk, who freque^ily keynotes a^adem�r ^or^fere^^ces o^ the Pot^er books, has been ext^ns�vel^ �^terviewed hy he $$C, he Today 51^aw and A & E. An hour-Ing i^terv�ew with Vander Ark w�11 ^^ �^cluded a^ the forthcom�^g �VB of ^Xa^^y Potter and gybe flrde^ ofth^ Phoenix. ��th mare than 25 m^l1i^^ visitors ^o tt^e Le:^�cpn wahsite each yeas, these is a vast market #a^ this book. Arc original work, u^dupI^ca^ed
AABE FAPFRBACK � 444 7^Cs ^ 524.45 s ^^ s7s- s7ta ^ - a�s
Spe�ai ^ee F cigl Ne u^ licadon O$a ' � 54 pc^crn d s oa ^t an ordtrs ^^ f ^ 4 ac ^ oe hanks, wm^ina^ie w�rh ^^ y ode^ �C^ roce.
^ 45 pcrcent di u a: o ^ 3 ^^^ of s ar mre. � 4 o f wer cttes arc d�scounced 44 perttnr
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Frarl, Rog�r Rap^port rOger@rdrbooks.cofr r ^^ bject: War1^y Potter Lexican E^ at�: Octa ^ e 14, 20p7 5:5 ^ :5i f'M B^i To: Jas^^ C;~ ambers JCham ^ ersQbc okazina.c ^ m^ �^ i^ 1 Attachment, 333 KB ^+=^�^ -^,^
1487 GLEN AVEN[1F., ; illSKEGf? ^ [31 a9aA #� P7iON^ 510l595-D595 AX 57012z6-03DD + C4WW3iOR ^ O�1L5.C ^h� � F^A1L: R�C^R^RIRBOO ^ S.GOM� pTQ31L^t'^^7TTtO ^ /lCC3
T'^.e ^-Iarr^r ^ott^r .^ex^.co ^
^ T3e Def:rr#t^ve Re�' C z� co tf117"h�^gs Parter
}^ ^ ^^d�^ ^ ^.d }^ >^ a^ w^.^ ^CP-Le^c^.o^^
The most trusted reference s^^uce i^ the world on tl^e w^ndcrful world af Harry Pott�, Steve Vandes Ark's en^cloped�^ reference is yaw being p^bl�shed around tt^e world. W^rk�^g with a^ ex�pt�onal Ceara of academic and refetence s^hola^s, Vander ^^rk has created Che classic en^^tJopedia rha[ w�11 sat^sf^ the c^tr�as�ty af the most arde^z Pater fay. b^ogtaph�cal sefere^ce, gaze^^eer, 1^esr^ary, handbook, reader's guide, end Cour af [he Potteg universe, this defi^�t�ve work is guaranteed ta set the standard E^^ she b^stsell^ng series. Fetfett fog Deaden, bnaksellers, l�^ra^a^s, s^^den[s and scholars alike, she Hairy Fot^er Lex^en^ �s the only reference work thai covers ^^l seven books �n^lud�ng the brad new H^s^y Potter ^^d the Deathly F1allows, Authar Vader Ark, wha frequen�^ key^ates academ�^ ^anfe^e^ces o^^ the Po^e^ books, has been extens�vel^ �n^erviewed by the $BC, she Today Show and A $^ �..4.a haur--lang �^^er^�ew w�^h Vander Ark wi[I be included ^n the forthcoming DVD of fia^ry P^tte^ aid the O^de^ af the Phva^�x. ich more than 25 millian visitas ta the � ^x�con wehs�te each ysa^, there is s gast market Eor this b�k- A^ ar�g�x^al wok , unduplicated is any other p^�^^t ^^ ele^tron�c fvr^^a^ the ^.ex�con is guararr^eed ca delight your ausromezs and enjoy a ling and happy shelf l'^fe. J.K. Rawli ^ ^ O ^ th Harry Potter Lex�con we^se-"?'6is �s s ^ c ^ great site th t 1 hv^ ^ e^^ � ^ ow^ to s^ea� �^to ax i^ Yeraet c^{� whiCe ou writ ^^g ^ d check a{ad ^ th ^r fhrr go f^ bookshop a ^� buy a copg ^11^arry Pocter (wh�ch ^s ewb^rasssngJ. A
TRAn^ ^A^^^^^Gtc � ann rAC^s � SzA.9s 15^N 47B-�571a3.7 7^-s
5�I Free h^elgh^ ^rc�h^a^oo Offer: � 5D per^snt di^^^un^ ^^n ocdexs of �0 or ^�^e boo&s, �mbi^^abl^ with any aha �R ^aie. � a5 per^^r d�^^a^^ ^n ^rde^ ^^f 5 urmora + a ^^ fewer c�rle^ rare dis^^^ced 4p pe^e^nt + 2 �rcent ^^^ dixuu^^ f^^ pttpaid o^ n^nretu^^sb I ^ ocdecs,
� LEXICO^ F1#8LI5f{ES NO ^EMBR1t 7 ^^ s^^^^^t ^^tsoo^tt, gys, o^^^^x [^aec^' �o� Rager l�apo^ort R^^2 Backs %LC I^87 Gleam Avenue
1#--..t-........ ^4^ A^^A1
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Fr^^rl: Rager Rapoport ^rager�rdrba^ks.com^ ^^^�je�t ; lex#cort Da#a: �ctob^r 15, 207 2:^^:58 PNl EDT 7a; boredft@mc^.arg 1 Attachment, ^^^ KB ^�^a ^_
^ o o ^ s^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^
1487 G4 N AVE�d#3E, ^sUSKEGON MI 49447 � PHONE 570{59^-0595 FA ^ 51011 $-73{}6 � WQ^W.RDRb001i5.C01^1 � ^^tf.; ROGF.R@RDRH�OK5.CE3M
T^ e ^3arr^ Potter .Lex�eo^^
The Def^nitiv^ Reade^Y'' ^^^eide �o.��1 T�^i^xgs Botter
Ey ^ v^d^ .�^k ^d t^73 ^# ^
w^^-^e^ ^as;ra.ar^
The ^^os^ t^uste^ xefexe^ce source �n the wor}d o^ the wo^de^fu! world ^f i^axrY Patte , Steve Vander Ark's encyclaped�e reference ^s t^^w ^eing gu^i�shed a^o^^d the world. ^'prk�^g w�[h an ex^ept�a^aI tea^^ of acade^^^�c a:^d refere^,ce scholars, Va^de Ark has created tkfe dass�c e^ryclopedia t#^at will sae�sfy the c^^x�osity of the mos[ ardent Pnr^er fan. A ^�ag^agh�cal ^ef^re^ce, ga2ettee� bestiary, handbook, xeader's g �de, and tjur af the Poker u^�ve^se, Chis definitive work is guaranteed ^a set the standard fir the besrselli^g senas. Perfect for readers, ba�kse^ers, llbrar�^s, students aid sc}^ola^s alike, he Iiar^y Potter LeX�co^ is the ^^ly reference work that covers al� seven books including the ^ra^d new H^^ry Potre^ ^^d the Beatbly Haftows. Aurhnr Va^de^ Axk, wh ^ freque^ tly keynotes academic conf�nces on il e Pottar 6ooks, has ^ ee^ exte^s�vely �^terv^ewed 6y tbe BflC, che oday �haw a ^ d A& �. An ioordo^g i ^ te v#ew w^ th Va^dex Ark wi#1 be included o the rnc^a^ix^g DV1i of F7^^^y Poter a^d tbe O ^�e ^ �f the Phoe^i^. W^ th moe t^^^ 25 mill�o visit^ xs ca xhe . exico ^ we6s�te eac4 yaa; here is a vas^ [^ arket for tfi�s ^ok. A^ a^ igina! vsk, u duglicated } ^ a y ^ ther pri^ r o^ e#ecvon�c fvrmaC, the Lex�c ^ �s guaranteed eo del�ght aur cusomers a^d e^joy a lo^g and kapgy SheIf 1�fe, J.^. Rowlin^ ot^ the Hanry Potteg Lexicon we^s�te^-�77^� is s^cb ^ great site that 7h�5 been ^^^w^ to s^e^k into a^ I^te^^e^ c/� uFsile ut w^�t�^g ^s3 c}^ eck f d ^ *f er ^ha ^ gn ^^eo ^ booksh�^^ ��d buy a copy o{ Ha^^y Poemer (which is e^ha^ass�ngj. A
7AApE PA1':.#tBAIX � 444 ^^c ^5 � &24.93 75�N 978-157143-174-3 Sge ia# 1*rsc Fre�glxr Pep^l�ca^� �f.�ew. � 50 pe^ d�aco ^a ^ n �^r^ of I� a^ mar 1�ks, com� ^^ �e with anp ot^^ �R ^a^. ^ 45 p^ee^t d�sut^t a^ x �a ^^ � 5 or me. ^ 4 ^ fewot ��s ae d^oun6ed +^ ^ c^^^ t � Z pe^ex^ extre d"^ou^c foc p^epa�d ^ ^ a � ret r^a6lc o ^�te . 7%CELXiCONPUB7.ISHESNOVEM1�ER 1
f^ s�a7. ^^ c ^ ^, ^^at nccr �a^ R ger Ragogot �R Bnaks LLC 1457 G1en A^�^ue
^ ..,.i. ^ .... ^ ApAA7
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Fr^m^ Roger Rapapor�aager�rdrbooks.oom^ ^ub^ec #; Hammy Potter ^^xicon/RDR Books C�ate : October ^S , 2007 ^ :^t2:34 P^^ CDT To: epovelkaC�bn.corn
Cc: t^manaha^ @ bn.co^l
1 Attachrr^enf, 33^ ICB `_S�^J�_
T7eax lMva: T sent a title ard for the Harry l'at^e^ Lex^on score weeks age, Br�an Monahan just che ked the database for this brok and faun that it is not yPt entered. Because the bock is st^�pp�x^g i^ the second week af Navemter he would like to be suxe th�s title �s in the data base as soon as possible.
Here is same information that will be helpful to you: Harry Totter Lex�con stene Vander Ark
Ts^N 978157143 - ^^-^ $24.95 Trade Pape, 412 pages C3^lr distx^butor is 8aakazine ^i^e touk is 6 x 9 the category is Childxer^'s Reference This �s a no^fibio^ book about the fi^t�onal world of Hare Potter The book is based a^ the number ane Hairy Potter webs�te, t^^e Hazy �'otter Lex�con. Tt �s the first ^ompleie reference encyclopedia to all seven Harry Tatter bunks by a^ elite �^de^n�c tea^x^. The Lex�con has vuer 25 m�ll�c^n visitars annually. The author lives in Grand Ttapids, Michigan
Tk^ere w�]1 be very extensive national publicity by the author on the Today Slow, Assaciated Press, 'VT'R and in major dailies mound the puzttry. Mr. Vande^Ark has a one hazer slat in the extra section pf the new DVD, Hairy Patteg and the Order of the Phoenix. T'lease caz^tact nie �f you have any uesti^ns. Si^^cerely,
It^ger Rapoport
^ o o ^ 5 p^^y ^^^^r^
]487 CLEN AVEN�E, MUSKEGON M[ 49441 ^ PHONE S ^ Ol59S��395 FAx Sf61228- 3 �0 � ^�A8ooK5.COM � �MAIE.: RaGER^�A$OOKS.COM
The ^3arry Potter ^exzcon
Tb^ Defni^ve Reders' Gu� ^ A11 Thrga ^o�
^ ^6ev^ ^� ^lr^r .^ ^ a� �^ aa�$ ^
w'w^v.H^-^ao ^^,^x^
Thp ^ nar ^ ctP ^aFP ^^^ r ^ c ^^ rrn i^ ^h^ w^ rl ^ ^ ^F P vm ^ r ^^^ {1 wnrl
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o# Nury P^^eru5[eve Vander A.rk'S e^^yclopedic reference �s now^being publish� araund she w^tId. Wark�^g wit^^ an excep^ o^aI team ^f scadem�^ and reference schafa^s, Vandet Ark has created she classic entycIagad�a tE^at will satisfy the curiosity af the ntnst ardens Potter fan. A b�ograph^al reference, gaxe^tee^ bestiary, handbook, reader's guide, and jaur af the �'o^er u^^ver5e, this definitive w^xk s guara^^ced co sec the ^ta^dard Far the beseselii^$ sexces. Perfect for readers, bookse^e^s, l�bra^ians, students and sci^olars erika, Che }ia^^y P^tte^ Lexicon is the only reference work ghat Covers all seven books �ncl^d�ng the brand new N^rry Potter and the Beathty tlallo^s. Author Vander A^i^, wfio f^eque^^ly keynotes academic co^fe^ene^s o^ the P^xte^ basks, has been e^tensive]y interviewed ^y +1^^ BSC, ^}:e Today Show aid A & $. A^ fiour^ong inter^�ew with Vander Ark will ise �^ciuded vn Ilte farth^v^^ing f1VD of ^ar^y Potter aid the C3rde^ of the Ph^^e^^ix. With more than 25 ^^�llion vis�^^rs t^ the Lexicon website each year, there is a vast market fox this book. A^: original work, urdup]^a^ed �^ anp ether Print ar eiect:on ^ fo^^^at, the Lexicon �s g^aranreed to delight pour cnst^mexs aid enjoy a long aid happy shelf life. J.^. I^ow�ing on the Harry Potter Lexicon website--"7�� is such a great s�t^ th^� I havs �en kna^^^ to s^^eak �^ip a^ In^eme^ ^^f� ^^h^fe oset utrii^^^g ^^d check a {a^ r^th^r than ga ^^^^ ^ bookshop ^^d � ^ copy a{I-�arry Pv^er (wh�^h � es^bar^ass�^gj. A websf^^ for the d^^gero^^ly obsess�^e ; my natural bamse."
��tAAg PPEi�BACK , 4(! ^^ a^ � 524.95 GSRN 978�157143-174-5 spc�al Free F^e�g# 1'repu�ia ^ o Dffer.
� S4 e ^ce [ d ^ s�^ o o de ^ f i 0 or m^^e b�ks, com^ina^le w# �, a y ohr A�78 rate. � 45 p^^^^ d^ ^ wua o o ^de ^ of 5 or mo^c. � ^ o^ sewce r�rles are d^ sc^ u ^ ed 4f� pe^c^t � ^ pee ^ exm d� ^^ ^^ c for prcpaid o ^ o^ ecur^a ^ k oedees. ^ ii3E LE^ICON PUBISSHFS N4VF.A�1E�t ^
w^ ^^ ).^. ^�w.^c^'^ ^^ s^ ^.W^^
^^sco^^s, ^^n� n^te^ w^o^ Rager Rapopor^ RDA Books �LC 24$7 Gien Avenne Muskegon, MI 49441 X520) 595-��595 f faxE510) 228��3�Q rog^^rdrbooks.^om www-^r�rbanks.cn�
5[^^^r^A{ .
tog c Itap^po^t RDR f3�ks LLC I487 Glen A^�U^ ?vl skegan, 1^I 49�1 ^ 510) 95-0595 rogezf�rdrbooks.ca ^ www.xdrbooi^.com
ts oJ ^8-�3[� � (Es,[)
^^^^ ^
Fra^: Roger Rapoport ^ager@r d books.eom^ Su�^eat: Harry Pot#er Lex ^ � ^ �ate: �ctaber 18, 20fi7 5:�T:00 PM E ^?T ^ c^ : sma�kens@ ^ ordsrsgr ^ upinc.corn f^1 Atta^^ meni, 33 K� ^,_^�v^_,-;^; Dear Susan Rikens: C1ur company isa 15 year verid^r to Borders who has w ^ ^ked successfully with yn^^^ c ^ mpany ^n many books. Next week I will be ser^dixtg you the 412 gage galley of the Harry Patter Lexieon written by Steve Vander Ark and tine staff of the Harry Potter Lexicon. This book is being added t^ the Barders data base this afternnnn. Wiener �f j,K. T{awlixtg's fans�te award andpra�sed by Bowling herself the Lexicon attzacts more t�tan 25 zx^Il�^n xeaders each year. Mr. Vander Ark keynotes academic conferences on Harry Potter i^x^ �e ^ca, Canada and E^^gl^nd. Written �^ the style of the website, this is a fresh, amusing and very ent^rtain�ng er^cyclnpedia that �s �mplete through Harry P^t^er and the Deathly H��l^ ^vrs. Mr. Vander Azk, who lives in Grand Rapids and London, has been extensively interviewed ^y t^^e New York Times, the BBC, the Today Show and the wire services. His hour l^t^g A & E interview is i^c[uded �n the extra sect�on of the Harry Potter and The eder of the Ph ^ en�x DVD. You should also know that a ��meli^e he creat�d for �he se^es has been used ^n the past three Harry Potter L7VDs. Bights to our b^ ^k have been sold in l�ngland, Prance, Canada, Ch�r^a, Italy, Australia and New Zealand. The Ame ^ can, F^encl^, Canadian, and British editions will all be ^ut ire miff-November. Since I know this book will have holiday appeal witi^ fans going through Harry Pottex w�thdrawal, �t would be useful to us t� have arg estimate of your needs thraugl^ the Ch ^ stmas selling season. Please feel free to contact me i# you x^e^d more �nf^r^^tatio^^. I am gai^g to b^ �rs Attz^ Axbor next F^ day the 26th and would be happy to come by to answer any marketing questions you rr^ight have about this book. S^rcerely, Reger Ka}^opnrt
B O O ^ S �ud1y a^^ ou^ces
�487 CLEN AY NU , MUSKEG ^ t^1 ME 49441 � PNO 1 5 ^ l)l593-0595 FAX 514l2Z&-030 � ^WWW,R ^RBDOKS.CnM +� AR:ROGER^RDRH�KS.COM
T^.e ^^arry Patto Lexicon
The �efi^it�v^ Readers' Guide to All Tl^i^gs l'^uer
^ ^ ke ^c Yamds,c ^ ^ aucl tus 1^ o^ 4 W�Y^/ ^-^. ^Sl^ �i. �^
The moss ^r^^sted reference s^^t^ce in the world ^^ $^e wonde^h^l wo^id of Harry P^a^e^ Sieve Vender Rrk's en^cloped^c reference ^s now being pu}^l^shed around the world. Work^^g w�tf^ a^ e^^ep^�oY^al ^ea^^^ of academic and ^e{e^ence scholars, Vander Ar^^ has ^rea^ed the c3assic eneyci^pedia ^ha^ will satisfy ^l^e cuzie s.ity of te morse azd^ :t PoCrer fan. ^ A biographical ref renve, gaxettee^ �s^iar^, handb^^k, reader's guide, and tone of she Potter universe, this defmi^^e work is guaranteed uo seC the ^randard far the ^es^ell�ng series. ^ erfecr f^^ ^^ad ^ rs^ h^^4^^^11er^. }�hraria ^ 4. a^v[e^ta a^ ^^ hnlar al�ke
1^^ ^ !'s
1 ^^
Fro^n: Jo�o Pau1o Riff / Ag�ncia Riff joaopaulo @agenciariff.com.b ^ Su^^ �ect: Re: Ha^ry Potter Encyciopedia
Ua�e: September 2^ , 2007 11:45:11 AM EQT To: "Roger Rapoport" roger@rdrbooks.com ^
lJear R^ger, I'm glad to �nfirm re�ipt of the five files of the Lex�^^n on September 18th. I have a good pub��sher ^n mind that I'll pitch the book � before Frankfurt. Their name �s N^v^ Con�ito, and they re�nt�y acquired the rights of a book called "Kids Letters to Harry Pother" and the response was amazing. I`rn sure the^'!� be thr�l� to have the opportunr�y of p^blishi^g the Lexi�r^. We are going to Frankfurt, but unfortunately my schedule is already fully boked . My col�egue (a� mother} Luria still has some free slas and we can ttY to set up a me�� witF^ her. Will you have a stand ^r should we try to set s^metfi^^^ at pur table i n the Agens Center? all best wishes, ^P
ar^g^nal Message ..-^ To; J��o Pau�^^ Riff ! A �ncia Riff Sent . Thursday, September O^, 2007 2.39 AM Subject . Re; Harry Pocker Encyclopedia
Dear Joao Pau1o: You are correct. The Harry Potter Lexicon is the number one reference site in the world to the popular series with more than 25 million visitors annually including .K. Bowling hersel# who loves the site, the editors of the series (the site lists all the errors �^ the books}, the filmmakers who use the site every day when they are on the set, as well as academics, c^ tics, journalists and millions of readers. The guld standard on Harry Potter reference, ^h�s site links dixectly to every other Harry Potter webs�te and the publicity on this book, to be published i^ America aid Britain in late October, will be tremendous. Since there is no index to the books and every other book vn the subject �s now out of date, our title will be the only
^^^.^ F^. O`^!3? ^
complete up to date reference book o^ the sex�es through Book 7, Harsy Potter and The Deathly Hallows. We have a team of 22 people working on the book right mow, Rights have been sold in Canada, Bxzta�n and France and we are receiving offers now from Spain, the Netherlands and Italy. Although this is an unoff�^al book, it �s without a doubt the definitive book vn the series, and will come out way ahead of any possible competitors. I^ addit�o^ there may be subsequent books based on the site which has well ever 1000 pages of material. The book will be published at �O pages about I50,0�0 words} �n the style of an illuminated manuscript with beautifully designed letters oper�ng each section. We do not want to sell this to any of the publishers currently publishing the Potter books, The International Publishers so far are Methuen �n the UK ^^ weU as Arlene Editions �n Canada. i w�11 get you the names of the other publishers shortly. The complete manuscript will be available next week. Will you be attending the Frank�t^xt Fair? Also, please give me a good time to call yvu tomorrow. S�ncexely, Roger Rapoport On Sep -5, 2007, at 4:15 PM, Jo�o Paulo R�ff / Ag�ncia Riff wrote:
�ar Roger, Very �^�rest�^^g! I'm sorry but th��s are very busy and I'm leav�r^g for a meeting �n a few m�^utes, but I'm definitely interested ir ^ rece!v�ng mate^ a� of the Harry Potter Lexicon. When w�l! the !wok published �n the ^S? does the book hage and r^:iation to this webs�? ht^p ;,�jwww .hr^-lex�aon.om! please send me a list of international publishers together with the manuscript next week. all best, ]P
�o Pa o i J
^ .^v^
_.^::: ^^ `
Sent : Wednesday , September 05, n�07 1:24 PM
^;I^4^ ^^^3$
Steve Vander Ask
^ rom : Sent Roger Rapopart [^ager(�rdrbooks.com] Wed ^ esday, Agust 22, z�Qi 1 0 :12 PM 5te^e Vander Atic Re: RE: b^^nk
To ^
Sub)ect: Categories:
Yes, I have Office 2Q43. Ti^anks. Roger On Aug 22, 2[^7, at $:43 PM, Steve Vander Ark wrote:
D ^ou ^^ve Office ^003 r 2(f�i?
From: Finger R^p^^port [_m��lt^:r^^�r@rdrbooks.cam] Senn Wednesday, August 22, 200i ^:42 PM Toy S�^e Ark Varder Subje^^:
We reed to cansider a short sect�o^ ai the beg�^^i^g of the book expla�n�^g the history ^f the Lexicon aid its recept�o^ a�Und the world. You can write this �f you wish. You need ta do things like give examples of the wonderful response ta the site, quotes �r� people who like it, such as Rowl�r^g and Warners, the fact that �t has been widely copied, �zn�tated, plaggarized d of caurse why �t is such a unique treasure . I can work with you on it. This �s �^troductory material and I wait to give you a feel for what I am looking ago.
years ago when the ^-Iarry Potter i.e^�can went o^ line ^o^e of us knew that it was destined to be the gold reference standard on the most popular series i^ the history of literature. The work of our team of has �e^ hailed as the def^n�t�ve source of �nformat�an o^ the sever books that have l^ec^^r^e a publishing phe^ome^on. (}sere you cap explain who you are). Althaugh our work and this Jaok �s an h j^^^^ t L^^^^^ 1
i^^dependent and u^au#hori� publication that is neither endorsed or sponsored by J,K. Roavling, Bloomsbury Publishing, Scholastic Bnaks, Rair^coast Books, or Warier Brothers, �t is heavily used by everyone who �aws and loves the trade�ked and copyrighted ^ar^ Patter series. None of these �^d�v�duals or organizations have endorsed ar sponosred our book But they aye ta�k�ng about us.
Quotes fia^cr^^ Rawl�^^g, Warners, etc. rating as tap site ete.
Fro� here you can introduce the book etc and explain how �t is a response to heavy demand from readers around the world. Yau can explain huw this �uk can help readers vvhu are rereading the bunks enjoy them even more.
Thalaks Steve.
Roger Roger Rapo�rt �R B�oks L�.C 1487 Glen Avenue Muskegon , Ml 4�4l {510j59S-OS9S {51�} 228 - 0344 {�) ^, r^^^er^ rdrb^^ks. com w^rw. rdrbaoks.co^^
West Coasf Qffi^e 2415 Woolsey Street Berkeley, CA, 94705
Fra^ : F oger Rapoport ^ oge ^ @ ^d ^books.com^ Subjeo#: Harry Potter Lexi on 3 a #e: �ctober 18, 2t1Q7 S:OT:O^ PM �^ DT ia^ sr^ a�ke ^ s@t^ r d ^ rs g roupi ^c.co ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^& ^ 1 �ttaohrr:ent, ^^ .i KB ^;^, kt,$.-�U'l Dear Susan Aikerts: C?uz corx^pa^rly isa 15 year vendor to Barders who has worked successfully with your campa^y o^ x^^a^y books. Next week 1 will be se^d�ng you the 41Z page galley of the Harry Rutter Lexicon writ�e^ by Steve Vander Ark and the staff of the Harry Potter Lexirnn. This book is being added ta the Borders �ta base this afternoon. W�nnex of J.K. Rowl�^g's fa^site awaxd a^^dpraised by Bowling herself, the Lex�can attracts nrtox^ than 25 rr^ill�orl readers each year. Mr, Vander Ark key^ates academic co^fere^ces o^ Harry Poi#er i^ America, Canada and B^^gland. Written i the style of fihe webs^te, this is a fresh, arnusi^g aid very enterta�r^ing encyclopedia that �s �^x^plete th^^ugh Harry Potter and the T^eathly HaIlows. M^. Varder Arlc, who Iives �^ Grand Rapids aid London, has been extensively ixtterv�ew^d by the New Yank Times, the BBC, the Today Shaw a�� the w�xe services. His hour ^r^g A �t H interview ^'s i^^luded i^ the extra sectio^^ of ^e Hairy i'ntter amid "1^1e Chder af the Pl^oe^lix DVI7. Yau should also k^^aw thai ^ timeline he created for the series Isas been used a^^ tl^e past three Ha ry Potter DVDs. Rights ta our hook have �^eer^ soff� �n B^gla^d, Prance, Canada, China, Italy, Australia and New Zealand. The American, French, Ca^adia^, and British editions will all be out �^ ^^�d-November. Since I know this book will have holiday appeal with fa^^s going through Haxxy Patter withdrawal, it would be useful to us to have a^ ^sti^nate of your ^^eds through the Christmas selling season. please feel Exec to contact me i# you need more i^far^natio^^. I am gai^g ta be �^ A^^^ Arbor next Fxiday the 2bth and would be happy to came by t^ answer any marketing questions you eight have aboufi this book.
Sice ely,
Rager l^apvport
$ QQ^S
14$7 GLEN AV^N^JB, MC^SKEGO^7 M[ 49441 + PtIONE 510IS9S-OS9S FAX 510!226-O^OO � WW^W.RBStBOO^S.COM � FMA^.:ROGER^RI^ii8O0K5.GOM
�tfdly � TG?CrTCCS
The ^3arry Potter Lexicon
T`he Defin�s�^e Re�ers' u� to.A� hirxgs Dotter r
^s^v^^e^. ^^^
rvww ^-Le^^o� ^^
The most Nustad cefe^ence saur^e in me world an the w^^de^fu word aF Harpy Potteg; Seve Vader tick's en^ct^ped�^ refer^^� �s now he�ng pu^lisl^ed ac^u^d she w^r^d. Working with an excep�o^al ea^^ of academic and refe^en� scho ^rs, Vader Ark has created the c^ssi^ encyclopedia that wsll sa^sfy the ^w�^sity ^f the most ordest Potter f^^. A biog^aphi^al ^a�arenca, ga^ettear, bas^iary, l^andb^^k, reader's gn^de, and tour o� t}^e Po^te^ universe, t^�s daf^^i^^e work is g^aranteetl to sec the s^a^dard fogy the ^es^ell�ng se ^es.
P ^ rfe.x fnr r^ e^s. hnnkca ^ l ^ ra. l�fi ^aria ^ c. ^r ^^E ^^ rs ^ [ ^.;} ^^ ^ ra a[�k^
^^^ o^ ^^
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