Schoolcraft v. The City Of New York et al

Filing 148

MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Opposition re: 135 MOTION to Quash Subpoena on Queens DA Richard Brown of Queens District Attorney Richard Brown.. Document filed by Adrian Schoolcraft. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Letter, # 2 Exhibit Letter)(Smith, Nathaniel)

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03/28/2013 18:43 MARTIN CLEARWATER BE 2129497054 PAGE MARTIN CLEARWATER & BELL ••• COUNSEL-ORS AT L.AW 220 Eii:AST 4ZND STREET, NE!.W YORK, TEL.EPI-lONE (<1.1.2) 697-3122 NY 10017·5942 FACSIMIL.Eii: (2.12) 948·7054 www.m~blaw.wm GRI;GORY .J. RAooliiiiSLI P.... RTII'RR DIRECT DIAL: (2!2)9lti..(Jn3 E·MAIL. flWg,.,lt@rrl<bl•w<om March 28, 201 J BY FAX (2U.-805-0l24) Hon. Robert W. Sweet United States District Judge Daniel Patrick Yloynihan United States CoW1 House 500 Pearl Street New York, New York 10007-1312 S~;:bqq.craft v. Re: Jamaica Hospital Medical Center Civil Action ~o. I 0 CV 6005 (RWS) MCB FileNo. 667-82153 Dear Judge Sweet: We represent the defendant Jamaica Hospita.l Medical Center ("JHMC") in the abovereferenced matter. This letter is written on behalf of our client, as well as on behalf of codefendants Lilian Aldana-Bernier, M.D. and lsak Isakov, M.D., whose attorneys have had input into the content of this letter. This letter is to respectfully request that at the motion conference scheduled for April 10, 2013, the Court order plaintiff's counsel to curtail the media blitz that has started since plaintiffs former counsel, Jon Norinsbcrg, was replaced by his current attorneys. On November 12, 2012, an article was published on the Huffington Post New York website. The reporter noted that Norinsberg "has handled the case in the traditiona1 legal manner-tl:rrough the courts, a process that can take years, even decades to resolve." Apparently, the "traditional manner'' was not sufficient. According to the acticle, the plaintiffs father, Larry Schoolcraft, said that he and his son replaced Norinsberg because they "want [ed] a more media-driven, public airing" than what was occurring (Exhibit ''N'). 1 1 http://wv.'w.huffingtonpost.cornflen-levitt!the-schoolcraft-dilemma_ b_ 2117004.html ""~>C"f"<=;w<:!>T!!:I> <.3~ COUNTV OFFICE ..,AfN ->•r!!!:ll:T Wt'I-E f>L.AINE', f"'" •o:L.O:!"HONE 191"'1 t:I\<;::=;,~NI11..1i; '"e"' <''<,.·2.~('~ <A 14• 32.B·4QSS NASSA"-.1 Co:>V..,TV OFFICE 1>0 \IER"ltCK >.VENUE !;A!>1" "'~!'.DOW. NV I '~~~.I ~75 .. EW ."ERSE"< OF"FICE 74• B~O ... NI!CW .... t<. l"l'; .. ••ON<; O STREET '"'.J 0.,.102 ~~~")j "1:>~-0~~" 02/10 03/28/2013 2129497054 18:43 MARTIN CLEARWATER BE PAGE March 28, 2013 Page 2 Since then, an abundance of press releases have inundated local media outlets. The Village Voice trublished an article on March 1, 2013 entitled "'Lawyers for "Whlstleblower Cop Slap Queens District Attorney Richard Brown With a Subpoena" (Codefendant's counsel previously provided the Court with a copy of this article). As counsel for the City has previously pointed out, defense counsel learned for the first time that plaintiffs counsel had served the subpoena on the Queens DA as a result of having read the article. On March 13, 2013, the New York Daily News published an article entitled "Cop Details His Psych Unit Hell" in which the plaintiff and his current attorneys were quoted at length regarding thejr version of events in this matter (Exhibit "B"). In addition, it appears that the plaintiff and/or his attorneys have created or used a Twitter account and an on-line Blog to increase the case's on-line presence and amass "support" (excerpts attached as Exhibits ''C" and "D"). 2 Significantly, as indicated in the "Biog archive" on the right side of the printout, there was only 1 post in all of 2012, whereas there have already been 5 posts in the past three months. The Blog also contains links to audio recordings that constitute evidence in this action. These articles and internet mechanisms demonstrate that the plaintiff and his attorneys are affirmatively seeking out the press in an effort to prosecute their case- just as :Mr. Schoolcraft said he would. This media. blitz i.s highly pre.judiciaJ and patently improper. This matter is to be tried in the courtroom, not in the court of public opiirion while discovery is ongoing. Simply put, the plaintiff is tainting the jury pool. Moreover, plaintiff's media campaign taints the jury _p<'X'Jl in various other trials in which any of the defendants may be currently, or will be. involved. The potential pool of jurors tainted by the plaintiffs public airing of this matter is immeasurable_ Lastly, plaintiff's counsel still owes defendants significant discovery, and this begs the question as to why plaintiff and his attorneys have had the time to engage in publicity stunts, but do not have time to respond to defendants' discovery demands. It should aJso be noted that Rule 3.6 of the New York Rules of Professional Conduct provides, in pertinent part, as follows: (a) A lawyer who is parttcipatmg in or has participated in a criminal or civil matter shall not make an extrajudicial statement that the lawyer knows or reasonably should know will be disseminated by means of public communication and will have a substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing an adjudicative proceeding in the matter. (b) A statement ordinarily is likely to prejudice materially an adjudicative proceeding when it refers to a civil matter triable to a 2 written after the plaintiff replaced his attorneys. The ftrst entry in the Blog was 03/10 03/28/2013 MARTIN CLEARWATER BE 2129497054 18:43 PAGE March 28,2013 Page3 jury, a criminal matter or any other proceeding that could result in incarceration, and the statement relates to: (1) the character, credibility, reputation or criminal record of a party, suspect in a criminal investigation or witness, or the identity of a witness or the expected testimony of a party or witness; * "'"' * * (3) the performance or results of any examination or test, or the refusal or failure of a person to submit to an examination or test, or the identity or nature of physical evidence expected to be presented; (5) information the lawyer knows or reasonably should know is likely to be inadmissible as evidence in a trial and would, if disclosed. create a substantial risk of prejudicing an impartial trial; or **** * It is respectfully requested that plaintiff, the plaintiff's father and his attorneys be prohibited from continuing their attempt to try this roatter in the press. \Vhile recognizing the media is free to report on the matter as it sees fit. we respectfully seek judicial intervention to prevent the plaintiff and his counsel from speaking to the media regarding this matter until it is resolved. We further respectfully request the plaintiff be forbidden from utilizing the internet and social media to stigmatize the defendants in an effort to prejudice a. potential jury. If plaintiff's counsel cannot amass evidence to support his claims and/or does not have the time to honor his discovery obligations, he should discontinue this case- not divert his resources constructing a prism to distort the public's view of what transpired. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Respectfully submitted, MARTIN CLEARWATER & BELL"' ~#~ Gregory J. Radomisli 04/U:l 03/28/2013 18:43 212'34'37054 March 28, 2013 Page 4 cc: BYFAX Law Office of Nathaniel B. Smith 1ll Broadway New York, New York 10006 Fax: (212) 346-4665 Levine & Gilbert 115 Christopher Street New York,. New York 10014 Attn: Peter Joseph Gleason Attn: Richard A. Gilbert Fax: (212) 633-T9n Callan Koster Brady & Brennan, LLP One \Vhitehall Street, 1Ottt Floor NewYork,NewYork 10004 Attn: Meredith Borg, Esq Fax: (212) 248-6815 Ivooe. Devine & Jensen, LL:P 2001 Marcus Avenue, Suite ~100 Lake Success, New York 11042 Attn: Brian Lee, Esq. Fax: (516) 352-4952 Michael A. Cardozo Corporation Counsel Law Department of the City ofNew York 100 Church Street Room 2-124 New York, New York 10007 Attn: Suzanne Publicker, Esq. Fax: (212) 788-0367 SeiffKretz & Abercrombie 444 Madison Avenue, 30th Floor New York, New York 10022 Attn.: Walter Kretz, Esq. Fax: (212) 371-6883 MARTIN CLEARWATER BE PAGE 05/10 03/28/2013 18:43 PAGE MARTIN CLEARWATER BE 212'3497054 Len Levitt: The Schoolcraft Dilemma 05/10 Page I of2 c~~,tt ----' '(j" J.fUFI' 1'0:01 NEW YORK The Schoolcraft Dilemma Whistle-blower C(JI) Adrian Sllhoolctaft and his futl'ler Lilli)' want to bring the world down_ In the process. ltleir support&rs ~r they are losing fOeus and hurtrng tnernaelves. L:!st Saturday, Larry Schoolcraft called this reporter to say that Adrian ··who c;:~me to prominence after POllee forcibly took him frorn tli:l 11partm&rrt to Jameica Hospital, where he wes held 1n a psydllatrie wertl for six days again£t hi~ Will - lias fired the lawyer who has represented Adrian since the hospiltll incident ''He doesn't tell us anything. He makes dt!'al!l b-ehind our backs," L:!rry ~ehoOlcraft. said of Manhattan attorney Jon Norlm;b&I'!J, who has fi~ a $50 million h:derallawgult ror Mrian against the city. •we need a le~er. We need an architect" Norlnsberg said: ''The father wants us to go after Kelly [Pollee COmmiBioner Ray Kelly]. Bloomberg [Mayor Mieilael BloNnbergJ the FBI, eV8ry<lne under the sun. we've had a complete communications hreakdown.~ "This comes completelY out of the blue. Adrian has stayed 1n my house snd we've never had~ had wort( Until I hear ot~erwise, from Adrian, I'm still representing him." Norinsbefll added that the Sch110lcraft'!l' bt:lhmrior Ms become increasingly bFzel"fE!. "They have disappl"'ai'M three times in tf1e ~lx months. W(' literillly had to ~ave [] Serpico involved to track tham dOWll," Norinsberg has handled lhe case ln the tmdltional legal manner - fhrouorh ltle coum, a pmo!!$$ that can take years, even decades to resolve_ His lawsuit charges thl)l Aelrian's fortOetl hospltalllatlon was NYPD retaliation for his allegations thllt supervi!lors ill tl'\e 51-st precinct 1!'1 Brooklyn, where he worked, ordered cops to downgrade crime :>tatiStic-. from felonies to misdemeanors so that c1ty would appear s!lfer than It actually was. Hosp!tallllng l'lim, the suit alleges, was part of an NYPD plan to hamss, lnUmldatl!: him and make h1m appear ~nstable to undercut his allegatlons. The NYPD sublsaqu~nHy eonfirTMCI Adrian's allegations: specifically that COtrJllandeP.~ in the 81st pf'!elnct diet doctor crime atetistics. The department has transferred andtor brought depa11,1'1'1ental d1arges aga1nst five S1st precinct supervisors, includill>t tile prednd's ~manding o~r. a deputy inspector Meerrwhi~ 1011minologl:&ts John E!erno e.nd Eli Silverman have alleged that downgradiny of crimes Is not confined to the 31st precinct but is city-wide, an allegation fi~ made by the hll:!dl: of the heads oft he Patrolmen's and SergNn"' unions in 2004. Amidst a growing furor, Kelly. in, 201 i, announced tn~ appointment of three former federal prosecutors to serve as member5 of a Crime Reporting Review Commitlee_ 'ihe inlegrity of our crime repoltlng &~m is of the utmost importance to the Department.'' Kell~ said in a well-;lubllelzed news release. "It 1s essential not only for maintaining the oonfidenCA of tne ~¢pie we serve. but reliable crime statistWs are necessary for the effeetiYI!I piUII'IillQ' and eY!IIuation of crlme rnduetion strF.Itegies.w Kelly sard the committee would oomplete its wof11 ollt'lr the next thrm! to ~:br months. ThHt was nearty two yeel'$ ego. The department ·Is yet to release any crime commission statement or mport. Nor has Kelly responded to questions abovt the report or e;.:plalllttd the reasons for the delay. Deputy Commissioner Paul 8rowne did not l'l!!$pOI'Id to an email on the matter from NVPD Confidential over the weekend. Meanwhile, other SehoOIOOift allies havt1 expresaed concems that the Sohoolcrafl:s may be alienating the very people they need to hold the poliDil dl!lp~rtment acoountable for their ad:ions against Adrian and the l&sues his case hBr! r<!li$eC. Nobody denies 11131 whistleblowers can be d!flleult Anyone who singlehandedly takes on a Q1garo.t1c of!1:!!nl~etion like the NYPD. as Adl'ian has, comes under tremel1dous psychOlogical and emotitmal prenures. Father llnd 110n h~ left the city and moved upstate_ U!try School<:rmt '.<aid they fl;!'ared for tnelr s~ in New Yort.;. n,ey new h;~~«o no Income. They live in a house wittl four dogt, a cal and an electric heater. People in contact with tllem say they are sometimes at odds wi!h e0110lh ottler. Serpico- who in the early 1970s exposed the department's pervasNe eond systemic corruption and who since has bec:(lme an iconic: flgull! and in$pil1!tio'1 for people like Adri:!M - Uld 11'1 e telephone inlerview: "Tile department wanls to undl'lt'f!line all that thlty stand for by painting them as m11lcontents. nuts. psyc~cs. The daM~IIIr for Ac!Nn is that hiS message may be 1~"' end the deJ)al'!ment let off tl'le nook." b 2117 ... 3/26/2013 03/28/2013 PAGE MARTIN CLEARWATER BE 18:43 Len Levitt: The Schoolcraft Dilemma 07/10 Page 2 of2 That Is rotactly the situation Serpico faced 42 year$ :Jgt~ ForTm!lr ~w Y()l1t TIIT)~S eity ~il:or Arthur Gelb recently wrotl! In t~e Time:: that then Mayor John Lindlllly had called the Times' publl&her, urs~Jng the Times tc ignore Serpico's allegations against fne police department and calling him "bizarll:." Ths TfmQS' ~liCe bu~au Chief, Davul eumham, knew better. The T/m~S' -·------reporting-&pico's-claims-on--fts-front-page;ad" ta-apptJintthe Kii&pp eoii~lliSsiUii en police COl iUpllur.-."Al!; <il95tllt the NY PO's systemic am:l peNasive corruption was ei"lded. CuiTUpti()n, of course, still exists, lt1ough 011 a far redllced se&le. Lafl)' Schoolcraft says he and Adnan wa11t a mo~ m~dla-.drlven, public: airing thal1 i$ now occurring. to replace Norin5berg with attnmeys li"om the~ York Civil Liberties Union_ Chris Dunn. th~ NYCLU'$ &»ooi•legr..l .tirector declined comment Last week Lany called to say tha1 Adria11 WGS preparif'lg lany Sd1oolcraft aclded that he had arranged a meeting With NYCLU attomnys, a mportl!r from tne Village Voice, s11other fn::lm tf"le Times lilnd the Times' general collnsel. A pei"$011 familiar with th<.tl. cla1m Hid, "lany tned to set up a meeting Ilk& that a mol'ith or so ago. Nobody wn Interested." EXPL.OfTtNG THE DEAD. L11aw ij to politicians and p-.blic officials to plug themselves and their callses, even at a funeral. Speaking at the funeral of police officer Artur Kasprzak , who war: el9drol"1lted !n f"l~ home v.t!ile saving hiS family duliny Hllrr1cane Sandy, Pollee Commls!:loMr Kelly stated that Kasprzak !"lad been "fighting terrorism" •• a cause nearest and dearest to K!!!lly. For all Kasprzak's virtues, he was a beat cop In the First Prednct, who was fighting street crime, not terrorism. Meanwhile Ml!lyor Bloomberg, who llke Kelly, li!vll.ed himself ta tf"la funeral. said of Kasprzak: "Officers like him are tl"le reason th~ ~the safest big clty In Ameriell_" That claim Is nears~ al'id l:learest 10 Sloombe!il. The trllm!)etil1g it any cha11oe he gets. Poor M~or Mike_ Hurrie:me Sandy !'Oeems not only tc fact that it is totally and i~oca.bly false hasn't stopped Mayor Mike from have demoralized but tc have unhinged him. Besides telling PreSident Obam!'l to stay away from New York and making himself appear an insensitive clod over the New Yorio; Crty M~rathon, he is now having trollble gelling his lines right. His prMI! office pllt out, as Bloomberg's ~as prepared" remarks, this dosing line from his eulogy of Kasprzak: "May God bk:!st. Artur Kasprzak and everyone he loved. And may God bless and protect the NYPD." '"Jther ~omeoM swl\eMd tha words of the !:peec:h in fror"lt of wu: "Ancl msy God bless a.,d proteet t~e FONY." ~im or Mayor Mike misread them bec:all$1! what he actuslly said W'ith fJdjtfnq from Oanald Forst htto:// 2117... 3/26/2013 03/28/2013 18:43 212'34'37054 PAGE MARTIN CLEARWATER BE l],lt,>.f''1" ---- ~--~-~-~~ -------· ·-------- ' t ·-ltfP.I) bBd - i5MIIHM1!1111!1'Wfilltlllllw ;p .... 08/10 03/28/2013 18:43 PAGE MARTIN CLEARWATER BE 2129497054 Adrian Schoolcraft Tweet Your Support Blog Page 1 of 10 \( c ~· Create~ Adrian Schoolcraft Tweet Your Support Blog Suzannan B. Troy @su,annahbtroy #NYPD Adrian Schoolcraft Trial·- the closest thing we have to a Commission in to NYPD Corruption begins Sept. 2.013 http: I I adrianschoolcraftsupport. blo~. com /2012 f 12/ adrian ·S4:hoolcraft- nypd- wh istle>blowe>r. htm 17 spref=tw ... Inspector for NYPD a Fraud like CCRB and Internal Affairs w,. ne!"d a co,.,l'l'lf>SLQI"I ana tt>e close-st WI' wiU '!"t to a Com~i~1on I~ The AdriM Sc~O<)l~ra•t n·o:. l.:"vey 20 )'('ar> It,..,.._,, it r, ti'T1e for~ cvmt"'11~~i(Ln .. on '"Weo:tor 1'-'r-uld be ~'"TotheL" oo.:tical htl'k ~l.'tti~~ li!'ifllS a'1(! favn"l' from the PM ao~ iiYPD just h>~ everyone runnlllj! thi1 CLty dot-sill!" Ali there~( ~Yle fO(ioe; 1 celf'MitiB <tr~~ mogul~ ...• I Witnessed Bill Rud1n"• i'IV 0 D retired mr-;mand!"r try ~M \!<'t • tlc~M. fi><OO by ~e 06 Preclnc: ngN Ln frO:it of my f.:.o.. ~epo"""te-d It Md lA MlCI 06 hal;! r"LOthins to o;,y tQ 'Tit!. Tf'"><:o commander <"If 06 WOf(ed '~ lA ~~ ~ capt. With MrlJ~ 5chool~raf; ca:>(' ~>"'II 1-e ri'U'SI ccmsldaor me ;o sllb·'l·Jma~ I>PQluse he never r.o~t~ctC>d me. htto: II M"aMChoolcr~ft,mP<lrt.iliOfi'>"nl20' 2/l ;1 ~~~f1oo·•c!>oolcrait -nv~­ BLOGARC~l\1£ ,. 20Jl (5( T M<ll'(f> (~J Ln."Jl<:'Ci:OL fill 'l"YPO I' f•'IL~ like CCRD ~Old lnl~mc!l .. liY.L>[) Jot> S.•n<~PL i".! orvio:'W ,.., Scho(,io:o~ft,m~n~. ~~~~~In M ~"PJ !!:ower Adri>tn .. r¥~W YooT\JM· l>fYI>D PHA Quota~~~ F.v•cvth, .. .. 1Q\7, fi) ""'C<l"T1"l•N t>,ic. 0" <:'-oot;.o l.•boob· "''"''""' •,- >!I'"~' f,LO<!II'o ~{~~ ""C ·~t"""·'l A~t'l''' NYPD Joe Sanchez Interview on Adrian Schoolcraft Whistleblowers .\.d~<'~ W.. "'fl't> cn·~·~J~~o1no T,..tJtiE'S '" F1<¥<! $top6 'rt:lk. J"' whl$~l~il!"""' .!·t,-n( 09/10 M!o Y!'> Slgr In 03/28/2013 MARTIN CLEARWATER BE 21294'37054 18:43 PAGE c:~k,~d '•!!'' .P ,_,rian Schoolcraft Tweet Your Support Blog "">SiQO~!~ l~teto ;:o..bllsh<'d In T'-:R~ .. nc~l Tl~ r~= L,,~~I'<;'IJCI,O'I)' Art AM """""""·'• I'"""'· TM WallS'Jo\Jr~ill"8t'trnyal 3t Gnl\Jf\d Z~IJ". Tile Chid, 'Ple !<lew \'or'- 1'1rn.-> [9),u-.t~· "ffi'L,r, Loso should be • d[)l'f(l Wilh <t d~\i~r-. 1~ ~ .. W"!a: the N'<'PD a~d even hi, own l11y,yer Old IQ him ~ho<;klng, He""'~· <e! I•P ~nr. Sctmo•cral'\ .. NY"'D tre~tlllity to ~1'\ut up ane S~tQ oown a wtliS!lebiO".~er. !l~e Se~lco Yorlr Sun, T1-..- Ntw' Yo(!< P~t, 'l'le N!M' Ynrl< Oa11y """""· Joe onccvraoes Adrian SehcCiet~ !(l 5!ay ~'OnQ. jli'()Setvl!l and 1"9 Wil' wi~. Joe ~~~~111l !here ~fll f>~l'l\y or NYPD •n Adrian's eo:-Mr alt:I'IOu{ll'lthil'y may !'tOt oe vo~: aOOut 11 '1ttp: /lwv.ow.~)'da llynew..coml ~ew-yor<lbrnr.~ll:rw -~ypd -wr•tes-g·ttty-::.tml< .,..-. -ceco-dsw·ght-u-:•r.l~-1 .)SlfiB n... MellO, AMNY, IIIli~~ vc.tce ·carton ~ilY' i<.'tt<-r ¢ 1"-:: w,..,.l<, New~doy, J<'f'll'l>l~m P<>:<~. nv Oios fr><"nllo-....1 N~W YOri<MI!~ J<:>O 5arn:h.-;;: fmiT'M'r NYPD offlcOi!r from 1'1-73 -S~ E:ss~y on Stop aOod Fri>k writttm No:>~- lrltr:-ili'Jl'rK:f'l' '""lf'WrlOC>d watch. I" trp: II oyp<Jn~~"'nli:;~:Qn. blo<t~p(lt.coml ?01; :OJ l)oe·~~~c•m-on-~C<>Q-~nd-(rl~i< -~uthor- r; ... ( , G-o~ s~ l>oJ"'i>S 2.012. 1-:,.'AhM Sit""" khDOI a dMrs lor WCH'!'e..-~ http:/ I suu.nnahbtroy. bl~pot _com/201)/ 01/forrner-nypd·· joe·sanchez.·quota. ~1D<>Ntl.'d :n~ ..tllt~ blol:od bup: 1/su.z~nra~~trcy. blug; l /OJ ljoe-,..lnd>eZ·<'YP"-blue--wall-sile~ce.htrll c~lls a http: II ac!no1SC~oicraf,!uppn~. ~IDg• 110 I > I :~·sane~ "'"''"'"'nLI· on-n~· IDl wi"istlr.~tml twke ltttl~ 9irl ~o !>l'lo rl~t ~on-Hodgldi'IS!!: i"tlo~Wilyn'IOII<'/!!1~. T.., !Qr pnlO!"C' [; vwo;.,nonly<loi! http:lladr1anschoolcraftsupp()l't_bl~.~mnllD 1 2/12Jildr!ai1•SChoolcraft•nypd• 12>t1'1)10Uil!l'~. whloti~IDW!'r .html Too worn ~'ll to ooo.ate nDW. WS\1 c;., to thl• llnk to hear some e>«;<!rptt from Adr1an Sdu><>kratts tapo?s and l<!am more about the dark >Ide of Chief Marino aond tb~n Capt. ""'Mello:> ""'ntl""""""" a b8Lk Ll-'- ~mlth "'Yf~litl'~~ QUO!e ·uve e~e\1 ""'"""nth' 11 Y:lll." 'lair 1<-.~n fire.· whi~h "'"~m I~ in' mom~ot I;J<~ f\ "yoor 11151: olt-) :,.,.. itr~PI).~t~!~·· ~r:'l •e~lt~ <IIY I NYPD Chief Marino Testifies in Ftoyd Stop & Frisk Next Adrian Schoolcraft Trial I'll'...._.. \o !~!We run 1 'I"'-" vor~Cit)l Mllr.~~tr.on•lll Al!.o t~ ha~ d""e vol\J\11...-r work \Olth prl",;hool ~r>dlvw<hll~"'" .~ Ru;~. M.ayor Blo-omt...r~ criml" •tilt' )<15t not true ..•.. NYPD Stau are like a C3sino In Las !NTirm< MyVouTul><iwor• 10/Hl Page 2 of 10 03/28/2013 18:43 MARTIN CLEARWATER BE 212'3497054 MARTIN CLEARWATER 8o BELL PAGE 01/Hl LLP COUNSELORS AT LAW 220 EA.ST 42NO STREET, NEW YO~K, NY 10017 TIO:LEPHONE (212) fUI7·3122 FACSIMIL&: (212) 949-7054 www.mcblow.wm F.ACSlMlLE COVER SHEET DATE: March 28,2013 TO: !i) Name Page 1 of Law Office of Nathaniel B. Smith Company Phone (212) 346-4665 Fax Line FROM: Gregory J. Radomisli USERNO: 3537 RE: Case Name Schoolcraft v. City of New York Client I Matter Number 667-82153 OTHER INFORMATlON: Please call Gregory J. Radomisli at ext. 923 if you have any questions or problems with this transmission. Thank you. lYRll<s The mfofm~tiQil corllatoed ill this oomm1,1nie~~tion is 1cgl'll privi1Dged 11t1d/or confil;lcnti~! infom~~tion, wllich ts il'ltCTlded. only for usc of the this wmmunieatio~ is not the intended reeipie~l (or the agent or employee responsible 10 individual or ~ily nr.rncd above. If the reader deliver it to the intended ~cipicnt), yi'IU are hereby notified 11\at any d~~eminAtion. di~tributlon, or reproduction ofthi~ oommunication i~ !ltriclly prohibited. If~u h!fV': received this communil:&lion by cm;JT, ple11.•e immcdilllely nmify U< hy telephone !Did return the original O!Jmmuniclllion 10 115 a1 the address set fanh 11boVc. Yill 11M: U.S. Po:>~~ I Service, lllank you, or NASSAU COUNTY OFFICE 90 MERRICK AVENUE, SUITE 610 EAsT MEADOW, NY 11554 NEVV JERSEY OFFICE WESTCHESTER COUNTY OFFICE 744 BROAD STREET NEWARK. NJ 07102 (516) 222~8500 TELEPHONE (973) 735..0578 235 MA.!N STREET WHITE; PLAINS, NY 10601 TELEPHONE (914) 328-2989 FACSIMILE (51 6) 222·8513 FACSIMILE (973)735--0584 FACSIMILE (914) 328---4056 TELEPHONE

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