Schoolcraft v. The City Of New York et al

Filing 225

DECLARATION of Suzanna Publicker Mettham in Support re: 223 MOTION to Compel Graham Rayman to Produce Documents.. Document filed by Christopher Broschart(Tax Id. 915354 in his official capacity), Christopher Broschart(Tax Id. 915354 Individually), Timothy Caughey(Tax Id. 885374 Individually), Timothy Caughey(Tax Id. 885374 in his official capacity), Kurt Duncan(Shield No. 2483, Individually), Kurt Duncan(Shield No. 2483 in his official capacity), William Gough(Tax Id. 919124, Individually), William Gough(Tax Id. 919124, in his Official Capacity), Thomas Hanley(Tax Id. 879761, in his Official Capacity), Thomas Hanley(Tax Id. 879761, Individually), Elise Hanlon(in her official capacity as a lieutenant with the New York City Fire Department), Elise Hanlon(individually), Shantel James(Shield No. 3004 in his official capacity), Shantel James(Shield No. 3004 Individually), Theodore Lauterborn(Tax Id. 897840 in his official capacity), Theodore Lauterborn(Tax Id. 897840, Individually), Michael Marino, Michael Marino, Gerald Nelson(Assistant Chief Patrol Borough Brooklyn North, Tax Id. 912370 in his official capacity), Gerald Nelson(Assistant Chief Patrol Borough Brooklyn North, Tax Id. 912370, Individually), Robert W. O'Hare(Tax Id. 916960, Individually), Robert W. O'Hare(Tax Id. 916960, in his Official Capacity), Frederick Sawyer(Shield No. 2576 in his official capacity), Frederick Sawyer(Shield No. 2576, Individually), Timothy Trainer(Tax Id. 899922, in his Official Capacity), Timothy Trainer(Tax Id. 899922, Individually), Richard Wall, Sondra Wilson(Shield No. 5172, in her Official Capacity), Sondra Wilson(Shield No. 5172, Individually). (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J, # 11 Exhibit K, # 12 Exhibit L, # 13 Exhibit M, # 14 Exhibit N, # 15 Exhibit O)(Mettham, Suzanna)

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EXHIBIT H THr Crrv oF NEW Yonr MTCHABL A, CARDOZO L¡.w Corporation Counsel DNPNRTMENT IOO CHURCH STREET NEV/ YORK, NY IOOOT Suzanna Publickcr A ssis lant Corporal¡on C ounse I phone: (2ì2) 788-l 103 fax. (212)788-9776 spublick@law,nyc gov March 1,2073 BY HAND DELIVERY Honorable Robert W, Sweet United States District Judge Southern District of New York 500 Pearl Street New York, New York 10007 Re: Schoolcraft v. The City of New York. et al. l0-cv-600s (RV/s) Your Honor: I am the Assistant Corporation Counsel in the office of Michael A. Cardozo, Corporation Counsel of the City of New York, assigned to represent the City Defendants above-referenced matter.' City Defendants write regarding certain of plaintiffs discovery deficiencies, background, City Defendants served plaintiff with their First Set of Interrogatories and Document Requests on or about December 5, 2071, to which plaintiff beletedly responded on April 9, 2012. City Defendants served a second set of Document Requests on or about August 20,2072, to which plaintiff again belatedly responded on October 21,2012,2 City Defenclants outlined the deficiencies to plaintiffls responses to these requests ìn a letter dated December 19,2012 (annexed hereto as Exhibit A), and have further followecl up with plairrtiff s counsel by letter dated February 15,2013 (annexed hereto as Exhibit B). Plaintiff has not responded in any manner, City Defendants therefore respectfully request that the Court compel plaintiff to respond to the enumerated requests below by a date certain as City Defendants are not able to move forward with the second day of plaintiff s deposition until these By way of documents are received, I Aucording to a revieu, of the Civil Docket Sheet, Lieutenant William Gough, Sergeant Robert W. O'Harç, Sergcant Sondra Wilson, Lieutenant 'I'homas Hanley, and Captain Timothy Trainor have not yet been served rvith process, and are therefore not pafties to this action. 2 Pursuant to F,R.C,P. 33 and 34, because plaintiff failed to either respond, or seek an enlargement of time in which to respond within 30 days of service of City Defendants' discovery requests, any objections to those requests have been lvaived. A" Financial Expenses Incurred Rv Plaintiff City Defendants demanded proof of all financial expenses incurrecl by plaintiff as a result of the allegedly unlawful conduct of defendants in this matter.3 PlaintifÏ responded by stating that the demand "is vague, ambiguous, overbroad and unduly burdensome, to the extent that it seeks documents that are neither relevant nor reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of adrnissible evidence, and to the extent that it calls for the production of material not within plaintiff s possession, custody or control, and that is more readily obtained from another source." Plaintiff is alleging economic damages in this matter, and as such, plaintiff s contention that the doiûment request is "neither relevant nor reasonably calculatecl to lead to the discovery' of admissible e./idence"'is utterly incomprehensible. Even to the extent that plaintiff alleges that eviclence of plaintiffs financial damages is more readily available from another source, plaintiff has fàiled to identify the source(s) from whom City Defendants may request Such evidence, de:ipite requests from City Defendants to so identify the source(s), Plaintiff has similarly refused attempting to secure other to provide evidence of his efforts to mi he was issuecl as a result of his pror:f of the $7,185.00 medical employment,a used by plaintiff.6 Given the co,ifinr-.nt,s'and proof of purchase of the relcvance of plaintifls economic losses and any attempts to mitigate those losses to this litigation, City Lrefendants respectfully request that the Couft order plaintiff to produce responsive information by a date certain. BJ Pallestro Apd Adh.vl Polanco Plaintiff alleged in his Second Amencled Complaint that non-party Police Officers Adhyl Polanco and Frank Pallestro have evidence that the IAB failed to keep their complaintS of con:uption and illegality confidential, which plaintiff believe supports his claims in this action. City Defendants therefore demanded any documents in plaintifls possession that support these allegations.T Plaintiff responded in part that "[the requestl demands disclo'sure of information aricJior communications that are protected by the attorney-client or work-product privileges, or which constitute material prepared for litigation purposes," Iit response, City Defendants requested a privilege log for those documents plaintiff believes are protected by the attorneyclient ancllor r"'ork-product privileges, which plaintiff has thus far failed to provide. Plaintiff further objected to produce responsive dccuments corrcerning Frank Pallestro that.are in plairltiffls possession, without first obtaining an Attorneys Eyes Only Stipulation .r, the parties and ordered by the Court. City Defendants do not believe any Attorneys' Eyes Only Stipulation is required when none was required fbr plaintiff to produce similar information pertaining to Adhyl Polanco, Further, plaintiff s claim that evidence regarding Frank Pallestro cannot be produced absent such a stipulation because Pallestro fears retaliation, is meritless in light of the fact that plaintiff has alread), identified Frank Pallestro as having 3 See. I't Set of Document Rpquests - Document Request Number 9. a See l'1 Set of Document Requests - Document Request Number l3 t g"g 2no Set of Document Requests - Document Request Number 6. t 7 Sgé 2no Set of Document Requests - Document Request Number 4. See 2nd Set ol Document Requests - Documenl Request Number l, t., 2 2 provided information to IAB regarding "allegations of illegality," and more importantly, Frank Þailestro himself has given numerous interviews to media souTces inclucling the New York Daily Nervs on these matters,s Accordingly, City Defendants respectfully request that the Court order plaintiff to provide all evidence in his possession regarding Poliçe Officers Adhyl Polanso ancl Fr4nk Pallestró. ,C¡ Through the course of discovery, City Defendants learned that plaintiff and his counsel which asked mernbers of the opeiated a website with the URL of ity Defendants demanded'that pla ÑVpO tô provicle information for plaintiff produce messages and communications received through www.schQolcraftjustice,com, including the names, contact information, and IP addresses of all respondents,' Plaintiff claimed that the request inrplicated that "disclosure of information andlor conrmunications that are protected by the attorney-cliènt or work-product privileges, or which constitute material prepared for litigation purposes." So, though plaintiff provided soØe response to this request, in doing so, plaintiff redacted the names, contact, informatiou, and IP addresses of all respondents. After City Defendants challenged the assertion of privilege, by pointing out that the website itself included a disclaimer stating that "information on this rvebsite is not intended to creatç, and receipt or viewing of this information does not constitute, an attorneyclient relationship," the websitç was taken down.'' It is clear from counsels' website disclaimer th¿r.t. there is no attorney-client relationship with regard to any responses to fhe wuì website and that any claim of privilege would not be asserted in gcod faith, liven if there were a relationship, plaintiff has refused to provide a privilege log reflecting the information plaintiff contends is protected by the attorney-client and/or workprcduct privileges, which is required under the Local Rules to be furnished at the time the objection is asSerted, See Local Rule 26.2(b). Furthèr, as the nameò, contact information, ancl IP adclresses of all respondents is information that was not prepared for litigation purposes, it cannot be c.onsidered attorney wolk-product, Additionally, to the extent that plaintiff intends to rely on statements posted to the website in the furtherance of their litigation, defendants are entitled to learn the identities of the individuals providing informaticn, and gather their contact information to investigate their claims and/or facilitate the service of subpoenas. Accordingly, City Defendants request that the Courl demancl plaintiff to produce the subject messages and communications received through, inclu ding the un-redacted nuî.r, contact information, ancl IP addresses of all respondents. t see, e.g,, -A?-nd- h!lp- orecinct-union-deler¿ate-articl e- I . I 9rl8 8 I n of Document Requests - Document Request Number 2. "The infbrmation contained on this website is for general information purposes only.'Nothing on this or associated pagès, documents, comments, answers, emails, or other communications should be taken as legal aclvice for any indjvidual case or situation, This information on this website is not intcnded to create, and receipt or viewing of this information does not constitute, an attorney-client lelationship. This is attorney advertising. Past performance does not guarantee future results," (Screenshot of wrvrv.scþseþIatj-u!û, Exhibit C)(emphasis added). S-g9 2nd Set r0 3 D. Communications bv Plaintiff with Media Outlets City Defendants demanded that plaintiff "fp]roduce any documents, messages, and commrmications including but not limited to emails, text messages, and letters reflecting any cornmunications, interviews, conversations, or meetings plaintiff has had with any media outlet regarding the allegations of the instant lawsuit, including but not limited to blogs, newspapers, raãio stations, independent reporters, and ma ;azines." See 2nd Set of Document Requests Document Request Number 7, Plaintiff objected to that request by stating that it was "vague, ambiguous, overbroad and unduly burdensome, to the extent that it seeks documents that are more readily obtained from another source." City Defendants find this response wholly inappropriate given the number of statements plaintiff has made to the media pertaining to the allegations set forth in the complaint. City Defendants are entitlecl to discover statements that plaintiff has made concerning his allegations herein irrespective of,whether they are also availablç from another source. Thus, plaintiff s objections to the document request are baseless ancl accordingly, City Defendants respectfully request that the Court compel plaintiff to prbvide documents responsive to these wholly reasonable demancls. II. Plaintiffls Failure nond to Citv Defendants' On December 19, 2012, City Defendants served plaintiff with Requests for Admission regarding the identification of plaintiff s voice on certain recordings. Responses to these reqttests are, needed beoause plaintiff could not recall whether he had made certain statements on the lecordings when asked about them at his deposition on October 11,2012. On that same date, City Defendants also'followed up on requests for production of'docuihents first made during ite having had this plaintifls deposition. Plaintiff has not responded to arly o 2013, In view of glriring deficiency pointed out in a letter by City Defend ntiff to respond to request that t the foregoing, City Defendants respectfully City Det'endants' Requests for Admissions and document discovery clemands made by City Defendants first at plaintiff s deposition, and later by letter dated December 19,2012 by a date certain. For the reasons stated above, Cit¡, Defendants respectfully request that the Court order plaintiff to provide the doouments and infcrrrnation listed above by a date certain. City Defèndants thanks the Courl f'or its time and corrsideration of this request, subrnitted, cker ' Assistant Cor'poration Counsel Special Federal Litigation Divisiorr cc: Richarcl Gilbert (B), Fax 212-633-1977) t t o r ney for P I aint if/' I 15 Christopher Street, 2nd Floor New York, New York 10014 A 4 t t Gregory John Radomisli (By Fax212-949-7054) MRRrm Cle¡,nwRr¡n & B¡t t- LLP Attorneys for Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 220 East 42nd Street l3th Floor New York, NY 10017 Brian Lee (By Fax 516-352-4952) IVONE, DEVINE & JENSEN, LLP Attorneys for Dr, Isøk Isakov 2001 Ivfarcus Avenue, Suite Nl00 Lake Success, New York 11042 Bruce M. Brady (By Fax 212-248-6815) CALLAN, KOSTER, BRADY & BRENNAN, LLP Attorneys for Li ll ian Aldqna- Bernier 1 'Whitehall Street New York, New York 10004 V/alter Aoysius Krelz , Jr. (By Fax 212-371-6883) SEIFF KRETZ & ABERCROMBIE Attorney for Defendant Mauriello 444Madison Avenue, 30th Floor New York, NY 10022 5

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