Schoolcraft v. The City Of New York et al

Filing 380

DECLARATION of Matthew J. Koster in Opposition re: 305 MOTION for Summary Judgment .. Document filed by Lillian Aldana-Bernier. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A Part 1, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit A Part 2, # 3 Exhibit Exhibit A Part 3, # 4 Exhibit Exhibit A Part 4, # 5 Exhibit Exhibit B, # 6 Exhibit Exhibit C, # 7 Exhibit Exhibit D Part 1, # 8 Exhibit Exhibit D Part 2, # 9 Exhibit Exhibit D Part 3, # 10 Exhibit Exhibit E)(Koster, Matthew)

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/~) Page 201 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 2 MR. CALLAN: Didn't she just say MR. CALLAN: Didn't she just say 3 3 she didn't speak to Dr. Lamstein? she didn't speak to Dr. Lamstein? 4 Objection. Objection. 5 Q. Q. Did you ever tell Dr. Lamstein ever tell Dr. Lamstein 6 6 that Mr. Schoolcraft did not need that Mr. Schoolcraft need 7 7 psychiatric care? psychiatric care? 8 9 MR. CALLAN: Are you asking if MR. CALLAN: Are you asking if she used telepathy since she didn't she used telepathy since she didn't 10 10 speak to the doctor? speak to the doctor? 11 Q. Q. Did you say that to -say that to _ 12 12 A. A. I haven't spoken to Dr. I spoken to Dr. IN) 13 13 Lamstein. Lamstein. 14 14 Q. Q. So if Dr. Lamstein said that So if Dr. Lamstein said that 15 15 you told her that Mr. not you told her that Mr. Schoolcraft did not 16 16 need psychiatric care, she need psychiatric care, she would not be 17 17 telling the truth; is that telling the truth; is that what you're 18 18 saying? saying? 19 19 MR. CALLAN: Objection to the MR. CALLAN: Objection to the 20 20 form of the question. of the question. 21 A. A. You are asking me if Dr. You are me if Dr. 22 22 Lamstein tells me he Lamstein tells me that he doesn't need 23 23 admission, am I going to change my mind? admission, I to change mind? 24 24 > 25 25 Q. Q. No. No. If Dr. Lamstein testified If Dr. Lamstein testified that you told Dr. Lamstein that Mr. that you told Dr. Lamstein that Mr. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY “nv“LverfiexLcon1 ’ 516-608-2400 Page 202 Page 202 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 Schoolcraft did not need psychiatric Schoolcraft did not need 3 admission, would she be lying? admission, she lying? 4 MR. CALLAN: Objection to the MR. CALLAN: Objection to the 5 form of the question. form of the question. 6 A. A. 7 8 9 10 11 12 Y) This is the first time I'm This is the first time I'm hearing about Dr. Lamstein. hearing about Dr. Lamstein. Q. Q. Did you ever hear the name Dr. you ever hear the name Dr. Lamstein before? Lamstein before? A. A. No, the first time I'm hearing No, the first time I'm about Lamstein. about Lamstein. Q. Q. you ever speak to anybody Did you ever speak to anybody 13 from the internal affairs bureau of the from the internal affairs of the 14 police department? police department? 15 A. A. me? Excuse me? 16 Q. ever speak to anybody Did you ever speak to anybody 17 the internal affairs bureau of the from the internal affairs bureau of the 18 police department? police department? 19 A. A. No. No. 20 Q. Q. Were you the admitting Were you the admitting 21 physician for Mr. Schoolcraft to the physician for Mr. Schoolcraft to the 22 psych emergency room? psych room? 23 In the room, yes. In the emergency room, yes. 24 ) A. A. Q. Q. Do you know the name of the Do you know the name of the 25 person that Mr. Schoolcraft in? person that brought Mr. Schoolcraft in? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 203 Page 203 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 A. A. No, I don't. No, I don't. 3 Q. Q. any Did you prescribe any 4 medication for Mr. Schoolcraft? medication for Mr. Schoolcraft? A. A. 5 Risperdal, 0.5 milligrams. Risperdal, 0.5 milligrams. 6 That was written by the resident, but I That was written by the resident, I 7 agreed; Risperdal 0.5 milligrams twice a agreed; Risperdal 0.5 milligrams twice a 8 day. day. 9 Q Q. What is that? is that? 10 A A. That's antipsychotic. That's an antipsychotic. 11 Q Q. Antipsychotic? Antipsychotic? 12 A. A. Paranoia, psychosis. Paranoia, psychosis. 13 Q Q. What was the dosage? was the dosage? 14 A. A. It's 0.5. It's 0.5. 15 Q. Q. What was his weight? was his weight? 16 A. A. Weight, 109 kilograms. Weight, 109 kilograms. 17 Q. Q. the dosage that you And the dosage that you 18 prescribed, is that introductory dose? prescribed, is that an introductory dose? 19 MR. LEE: Objection to form. MR. LEE: Objection to form. 20 A. A. Yes. Yes. 21 Q. Q. So it's really therapeutic So it's not really therapeutic 22 23 24 25 at that level, correct? at that level, correct? A. A. It's twice a day. It's twice a day. It be It should be therapeutic. therapeutic. Q. Q. 212-267-6868 When you say "it should be When you say "it should VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY unvunverfiextconl 516-608-2400 3 Page 204 Page 204 1 2 3 4 5 6 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. therapeutic," what do you mean? therapeutic," what do you mean? A. A. milligrams twice a day, 1 milligram, yes. milligrams twice a day, 1 milligram, yes Q. Q. 9 10 How long does it take before it How long does it take before it becomes effective to become therapeutic? becomes effective to become therapeutic? 7 8 If you are getting 0.5 If you are getting 0.5 MR. CALLAN: Objection. MR. CALLAN: Objection. Q. Q. At the dosage that you At the dosage that prescribed at the weight that Mr. prescribed at the weight that Mr. Schoolcraft was? Schoolcraft was? 11 MR. CALLAN: Objection. MR. CALLAN: Objection. 12 A. A. Most likely a week. Most likely a week. 13 Q. Q. And when people come in and are when people come in and are 14 dangerous, have you dangerous, have you prescribed medication 15 that they have to that they have rejected and refused to 16 take? Has that ever happened to you take? Has that ever happened to you 17 where a patient refuses to take medicine where a patient refuses to take 18 and you have the is a and you have decided the patient is a 19 danger to themselves or others? danger to themselves or others? 20 A. A. Before start any medication, Before we start any medication, 21 you describe it with the which you describe it with the patient which 22 you need consent you talk you need informed consent and you talk 23 about the side effects, the consequences, about the side effects, the consequences, 24 and the benefits of taking or not taking and the benefits of taking or not taking 25 medication. medication. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 ./' Page Page 205 3 1 2 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER Q. Q. Have you ever a Have you ever medicated a 3 patient against their will they patient against their will because they 4 were a danger to themselves or others? were a danger to themselves or others? 5 A. A. They are danger to They are a danger to 6 themselves, if they are agitated, they themselves, if they are agitated, they 7 are violent, yes, I someone are violent, yes, I medicated someone 8 against their will. against their will. 9 Q. Q. How did do that? How did you do that? 10 A. A. If they are -- if the If they are becoming -- if the 11 emergency room is being and the emergency room is being chaotic and the 12 patient -- first you speak the patient -- first you speak with the 13 patient and you to redirect the patient and you try to redirect the 14 patient, try to calm him down. If he If he patient, try to calm him down. 15 doesn't agree or if he listen to doesn't agree or if he doesn't listen to 16 your redirection, then you start telling your redirection, then you start telling 17 him that you are to medicate him. him that you are going to medicate him. 18 Q. Q. And physically, how do you do And physically, how do you do 19 that, how do you medicate the who that, how do you medicate the person who 20 resists taking the medicine? resists taking the medicine? 21 A. A. We give them intramuscular. We give them intramuscular. 22 Q. Q. Someone will restrain them and Someone will restrain them and 23 give them a shot, correct? give them a shot, correct? 24 A. A. Yes. Yes. 25 Q. Q. You did have the opinion You did not have the opinion 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 206 / 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 that Mr. Schoolcraft needed to go through that Mr. Schoolcraft to go through 3 the process of being medicated against the process of being medicated against 4 his will, correct? his will, correct? 5 A. A. At the time in the ER, at that At the time in the ER, at that 6 point in time when he was in the ER, he point in time when he was in the ER, he 7 was not given was not given any intramuscular intramuscular 8 injection. injection. 9 Q. Q. Mr. Schoolcraft refused to take Mr. Schoolcraft refused to take 10 the medication that you prescribed, the medication that you prescribed, 11 correct? correct? 12 A. A. Yes. Yes. 13 Q. Q. And not go through this And you did not go through this 14 process where you through him process where you went through having him 15 restrained and giving the shot, restrained and giving him the shot, you 16 didn't go through that process with him, didn't go through that process with him, 17 correct? correct? 18 A. A. No, I didn't. No, I didn't. 19 Q. Q. Because you didn't it Because you didn't deem it 20 necessary to do that to Mr. Schoolcraft, necessary to do that to Mr. Schoolcraft, 21 correct? correct? 22 A. A. At the point he was in the ER, At the point he was in the ER, 23 he was not so I not have to he was not agitated so I did not have to 24 give an injection. give him an injection. 25 Q. Q. 212-267-6868 He wasn't such a threat to He wasn't such a threat to VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 /-) Page 207 Page 207 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 2 anybody that he was going to need that anybody that he was going to need that 3 3 type of restraint and then injection, type of restraint and then injection, 4 correct? correct? 5 6 6 7 7 8 A. A. He was at the time He was not agitated at the time so I didn't have to inject him. so I didn't have to him. Q. Q. You indicated that you wanted a You indicated that you a second opinion earlier, correct? second opinion earlier, correct? 9 A. A. 10 10 Q. Q. . Yes. Yes. Did you write a request for a you write request for a \ I 11 second opinion or a consult? second opinion or a consult? j 12 12 »fl) 13 13 associate chairman to the associate chairman and present to him the 14 14 case, and I spoke with he agreed case, and I spoke with him and he agreed 15 15 with me. with me. 16 16 17 17 A. A. Q. Q. No, I just have to call my No, I just have to call my Who is the Who is the doctor that you that you called? called? 18 18 A. A. chairman. Associate chairman. 19 19 Q. Q. Who is the associate chairman Who is the associate chairman 20 20 that you spoke with? that you spoke with? 21 Dr. Dhar, D—H—A—R. Dr. Dhar, D-H-A-R. 22 22 Q. Q . Dr. Dhar is a psychiatrist? Dr. Dhar is a psychiatrist? 23 23 A. A. Yes. Yes. 24 24 ) A. A. Q . Q. Dr. is his associate Dr. Dhar is his associate 25 25 chairman. What is that? chairman. What is that? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 208 208 1 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER 2 2 A. A. Next to the chairman. Next to the chairman. 3 3 Q. Q. Who is the chairman? Who is the chairman? 4 A. A. Dr. Vivek. Dr. Vivek. 5 Q. 4• Can you spell that? Can you spell that? 6 6 A. A. V-I-V-E-K. V-I-V-E-K. 7 7 Q. Q. When you say you spoke to him, When you say you spoke to him, 8 did you speak to him on the phone or did you speak to him on the phone or you 9 9 don't recall? don't recall? 10 10 11 12 12 ) A. A. Call and I Call him downstairs and I presented the case to him. presented the case to him. Q. Q. When you say "you presented the say "you the When 13 13 case to him," did you tell about the case to him," did you tell him about the 14 14 history that you took? history that you took? 15 15 A. A. Yes. Yes. 16 16 Q. Q. Do you remember actually Do you remember actually having 17 17 this conversation, or is that your this conversation, or is that your 18 8 standard practice that you described? standard practice that you described? 19 19 A. A. When it's a decision, like, decision, like, When it's 20 20 when a decision has to be made wherein -—when a decision has to be made 21 I would say it's standard practice. I would say it's standard practice. 22 22 23 23 Q. Q. You recall actually You don't recall actually having the conversation? having the conversation? 24 24 ) A. A. I recall that I spoke to him. I recall that I spoke to him. 25 25 Q. Q. You recall in this case You recall in this case 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 516-608-2400 Page 209 Page 209 1 2 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. speaking to him? speaking to him? 3 A. A. Speaking to him. Speaking to him. 4 Q. Q. What time of day did you speak did speak What time 5 to him? to him? 6 A. A. That was the afternoon. That was the afternoon. 7 Q. Q. is the associate chairman And is the associate chairman 8 the person that you generally call to get the person that you generally call to get 9 a second opinion for the a second opinion for admission under the 10 Mental Hygiene Law? Mental Hygiene Law? 11 A. A. Yes. Yes. 12 Q. Q. Why do you recall this Why do you recall this 13 particular incident with regard to Mr. particular incident with regard to Mr. 14 Schoolcraft when you got the second Schoolcraft when you got the second 15 opinion: Is there anything that brings opinion: Is there anything that brings 16 it to mind? it to your mind? 17 A. A. I recall that every I recall that because every 18 police officer that comes to our police officer that comes to our 19 hospital, I try to second opinion. hospital, I try to get second opinion. 20 Q. Q. When you say "every police When you say "every 21 officer," how have had officer," how often have you had police 22 officers brought to your hospital to the officers brought to your hospital to the 23 ward? emergency psych ward? 24 A. A. I not recall many. I could not recall how many. 25 Q. Q. Hundreds? Hundreds? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 I ) Page 210 210 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 2 A. A. No. No. 3 3 Q. Dozens? Dozens? 4 A. A. No. That's why it came back in No. That's why it came back in 5 memory because it's not 100, but I cannot memory because it's not 100, but I 6 6 recall how many. recall how many. 7 7 . Q• Q More than ten? More than ten? 8 A. A. I remember. I don't remember. 9 9 Q . Q• Less than 50? Less than 50? 10 10 A. A . I remember. I would not remember. 11 Q . Q. On each of these occasions, On each of these occasions, 12 12 were they brought in by other members of were they brought in by other members of 13 13 the New York City Police Department? the New York City Police Department? 14 14 A. A. Yes. Yes. 15 15 MR. MR. RADOMISLI: What? RADOMISLI: What? 16 16 THE WITNESS: Yes. THE WITNESS: Yes. 17 17 18 18 Q. Q. On each of those occasions, did On each of those occasions, did you admit those patients to the ER? you admit those patients to the psych ER? 19 19 A. A. To the ER, yes. To the psych ER, yes. 20 20 Q. Q. On each of those occasions, did On each of those occasions, did 21 the associate agree with the associate chairman agree with your 22 22 opinion to admit these police officers opinion to admit these police officers 23 23 under the —under the -- 24 24 J 25 25 MR. CALLAN: Objection to the MR. CALLAN: Objection to the question. don't know that she said question. II don't know that she said 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 pa) Page Page 211 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 2 she consulted with the associate she consulted with the 3 3 chairman on every case. chairman on case. 4 5 5 MR. SUCKLE: II will clarify. MR. SUCKLE: will clarify. Q. Q. For each of those police For each those 6 6 officers that were admitted under the officers that were the 7 7 Mental Hygiene Law, did you consult with Mental Hygiene Law, consult with 8 a second opinion? a second opinion? 9 A. A. Yes. Yes. 10 10 Q. Q. In each of those police In each of those 11 12 12 [N VJ officers, did the person, the doctor you officers, did the person, the consulted with, agree with your opinion consulted with, agree opinion 13 13 to admit under the Mental Hygiene Law? to admit under the Mental Law? 14 14 A. A. Yes. Yes. 15 15 Q. Q. And these times when police these times 16 16 officers were admitted under the Mental officers were under the Mental 17 17 Hygiene Law, some of them occur Hygiene Law, did some of them occur 18 18 before Mr. Schoolcraft's admission? before Mr. Schoolcraft's admission? I I 19 19 mean in the year mean in the year or months beforehand. months beforehand. 20 20 A. A. Yes. Yes. 21 Q. Q. And did the police officers the police officers 22 22 23 23 you were talking about: Did they come you were talking about: Did they come 24 24 J come from any particular precinct that come from any particular precinct that from the 81st Precinct, if you know? the 81st Precinct, if you know? 25 25 A. A. 212-267-6868 I would not know that. I that. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 .":> Page 212 Page 212 1 2 2 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. Q. Q. Do you know, did Do you know, did you get to see get to see 3 3 any of the police officers on a recurring any of the police officers a recurring 4 basis that would bring these police basis that would these police 5 officer in; in other words, the police officer in; in other words, the 6 6 officers that would the other officers that would bring the other 7 7 police officer in for evaluation, did you police officer in for evaluation, did you 8 see those police officers more than once? see those police officers than once? 9 MR. RADOMISLI: Objection to MR. RADOMISLI: Objection to 10 10 form. form. 11 A. A. . 3 12 12 I 13 13 What do you mean more than than What do once? once? Q. Q. Like in this case we know that Like in this case we know that 14 14 Sergeant James some role in Mr. Sergeant James played some role in Mr. 15 15 Schoolcraft's history, correct? Schoolcraft's history, correct? 16 16 MR . SHAFFER: Objection. MR. SHAFFER: Objection. 17 17 A. A. That's in the record. That's in the record. 18 18 Q. Q. Do Do you know if Sergeant James if Sergeant James 19 19 was involved in any of the other police the other was involved in any 20 20 officers who were admitted to Jamaica officers who were admitted to Jamaica 21 Hospital who you admitted Hospital who you admitted under the the 22 22 Mental Law? Mental Hygiene Law? 23 23 24 24 9 25 25 A. A. I how Mr. James look I don't know how Mr. James look like. like. Q. Q. 212-267-6868 Were there any police officers, Were there any police officers, VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 //’% 3 Page 213 Page 213 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 sergeants, lieutenants who you can sergeants, lieutenants who you can 3 identify who would bring police officers identify who would bring police officers 4 to Jamaica Hospital on a recurring basis? to Jamaica Hospital on a recurring basis? 5 6 MR. RADOMISLI: Objection to MR. RADOMISLI: Objection to form. form. MR. SHAFFER: Objection. MR. SHAFFER: Objection. 7 8 9 Q. Q. That you know either by sight That you either by sight or name? or name? 10 A. A. No, I wouldn't. No, I wouldn't. 11 Q. Q. When the When the police officers are officers are 12 13 New York City Police Department, do you New York City Police Department, do 14 always have the same concerns that you always have the same concerns that 15 describe for us about the police officer describe for us about the police officer 16 T brought in by the other members of the brought in by the other members of the having access to weapons? having access to weapons? MR. CALLAN: Objection to the MR. CALLAN: Objection to the 17 18 form of the question. of the question. She didn't say they were brought She didn't say they were brought 19 20 in by other members of the New York in by other members of the York 21 City Police Department. City Police Department. MR. SUCKLE: We've been told MR. SUCKLE: We've been told 22 23 24 A that she did. that she did. Q. Q. 25 25 Does that concern that you Does that concern that Mr. Schoolcraft and the expressed about Mr. Schoolcraft and the 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY vnwvwverfiextconl 516-608-2400 Page 214 Page 214 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 access to weapons, did it apply to those access to weapons, it to those 3 other police officers that you admitted other police officers that admitted 4 under the Mental Hygiene Law? under the Mental Hygiene Law? 5 A. A. I think to look at the I think you have to look at the 6 case. It depends. Every case is case. It depends. Every case is 7 different. You have to look at it different. You have to look at it 8 differently. differently. 9 10 Q. Q. So some police officers have So some police officers have access to weapons some don't? access to weapons and some don't? 11 A. A. I wouldn't know. That I wouldn't know. 12 Q. Q. You indicated one of your You indicated one of your 13 concerns for Mr. Schoolcraft's safety was concerns for Mr. Schoolcraft's safety was 14 that he had access to weapons. that he had access to weapons. 15 16 17 A. A. In the notes he why In the notes he mentioned why he cannot have access to his guns. he cannot have access to his guns. Q. Q. So were other officers So were other police officers 18 brought in who did to weapons brought in who did have access to weapons 19 that you are aware of? that you are aware of? 20 A. A. I do not that. I do not remember that. 21 Q. Q. other officers ever Did other police officers ever 22 bring in another police officer to the bring in another police officer to the 23 emergency room who you did admit emergency room who you did not admit 24 under the Mental Hygiene Law? under the Mental Hygiene Law? 25 A. A. 212-267-6868 That would be hard to remember would be to remember. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 k~§ Page 215 \ L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 1 2 Q. Q. As sit today, you As you sit here today, you 3 don't recall any such situations; am I don't recall any such situations; am I 4 correct? correct? 5 MR. RADOMISLI: Objection. MR. RADOMISLI: Objection. 6 MR. CALLAN: Objection to form. MR. CALLAN: Objection to form. 7 What situation: admitting or not? What situation: admitting or not? MR. SUCKLE: Not admitting. MR. SUCKLE: Not admitting. 8 9 Q. Q. As you sit here today, do you As sit today, do you 10 11 11 being brought in other officers being brought in by other police officers 12 ,) recall any occurrence of a officer recall any occurrence of a police officer and you did not admit them under mental and you did not admit under mental 13 hygiene? hygiene? MR. RADOMISLI: Objection. MR. RADOMISLI: Objection. 14 15 A. A. It be to remember. It would be hard to remember. 16 Q. Q. So the answer is: As you sit As you sit So the answer is: 17 here, no, you don't remember? here, no, you remember? MR. RADOMISLI: Objection to MR. RADOMISLI: Objection to 18 19 form. form. 20 A. A. I do not remember. I do remember. 21 Q. Q. When is the last time When is the last time you 22 23 Mental Hygiene Law into the psych Mental Hygiene Law into the 24 ) admitted a police officer the admitted a police officer under the emergency room? emergency room? 25 A. A. 212-267-6868 Do not remember. Do remember. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY Www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 216 Page 216 1 2 2 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER Q. Q. Was Mr. Schoolcraft the last Was Mr. Schoolcraft the last 3 3 police officer that you admitted under police officer that you 4 the Mental Hygiene Law? the Mental Hygiene Law? 5 6 6 A. A. I do if he was the I do not know if he was the last one. one. 7 7 MR. RADOMISLI: Read that back. MR. RADOMISLI: Read that back. 8 [The requested portion of the [The requested portion of the 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 record was read.] record was read.] Q. Q. none come to since But none come to memory since Mr Schoolcraft, correct? Mr. Schoolcraft, correct? A. A. I'm not sure. not sure. remember. remember. Q. Q. I don't I don't ’ going to 3rd And going to your November 3rd 15 15 16 16 _hi. .“ note where you fill out the mental status note where you fill out the mental status exam form, can we turn to that, please. exam form, can we turn to that, please. 17 17 [Witness complying.] [Witness complying.] 18 18 Q. Q. Look first at —Look first at -- 19 19 A. A. Yes. Yes. 20 20 Q. Q. -- that's stamped the top that's stamped at the top 21 "Emergency Admission Section 9.39 Mental "Emergency Admission Section 9.39 Mental 22 22 Hygiene Law." At the bottom is your Hygiene Law." At the bottom is your 23 23 signature? signature? 24 24 A. A. Yes. Yes. 25 25 Q. Q. Is that we are all talking Is that what we are all talking 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY Www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 /1) Page 217 Page 217 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 2 about, is that what you have in front of about, is that what you have in front of 3 3 you? you? 4 A. A. Yes. Yes. 5 Q. Q. Is this all of your Is this all of 6 6 handwriting? handwriting? 7 7 A. A. Yes. Yes. 8 Q. Q. And to the that And going to the part that 9 10 10 11 says, "record of admission," what did you says, "record of admission," write there? write there? A. A. "Patient is a to "Patient is a danger to N 12 12 himself. Currently psychotic and himself. Currently psychotic and 'MJ 13 13 paranoid. Would benefit from inpatient paranoid. Would benefit from inpatient 14 14 stabilization. stabilization." 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 Q. Q. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. that? that? A. A. Would benefit from inpatient from inpatient stabilization. stabilization. Q. Q. I didn't hear will I didn't hear before will benefit. benefit. 21 [The requested of the [The requested portion of the 22 22 record was read.] was read.] 23 23 Q. Q. 24 24 8‘ I didn't all of I didn't get all of 25 25 When you say he would benefit he When you from it, what do you mean? it, do you mean? A. A. 212-267-6868 Benefit from inpatient inpatient REPORTH\IG VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 218 Page 218 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 1 2 3 the inpatient unit, you will have a the inpatient unit, you will have a 4 psychiatrist, a therapist, and team psychiatrist, a therapist, and a team 5 that will work with you. that will work with you. There are There are 6 groups in the inpatient unit and there groups in the inpatient unit and there 7 are other modalities of the kind of are other modalities of the kind 8 treatment in the inpatient unit that will treatment in the inpatient unit that will 9 > stabilization because when you go up to stabilization because when up to be able to maybe out he be able to maybe find out why he was 10 behaving the way he was behaving or why behaving the way was or why 11 he was paranoid, and he will be able to he was paranoid, he will able to 12 talk to a psychologist or the other talk to a or the other 13 therapist. therapist 14 Q. Q. The stabilization, was that a The stabilization, was that a 15 stabilization of his affect, his stabilization of his affect, his 16 environment that going to be environment that was going to be 17 stabilized, what you mean by that? stabilized, what did you mean by that? MR. CALLAN: Objection to form. MR. CALLAN: Objection to form. 18 19 A. A. Stabilization means means 20 stabilization of his psychosis and stabilization of his psychosis 21 stabilization of if there was any stabilization of if there was any 22 emotional crisis that was he going on emotional crisis that was he going on 23 [sic] or going through with the conflict [sic] or going through with the conflict 24 that he was having with the supervisors. that he was having with the supervisors. 25 Q. 212-267-6868 So some type of of So some type of resolution of VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 /a) Page 219 219 ;\ 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 2 that conflict would be part of the that conflict would be of the 3 3 stabilization? stabilization? 4 A. A. Yes. Yes. 5 Q. Q. that have occurred And that would have occurred 6 6 through the modalities that you just through the modalities that you just 7 7 described earlier? described earlier? 8 A. A. Yes. Yes. 9 Q. Q. the stabilization And would the stabilization 10 10 also include limiting his access to also include access to 11 weapons? weapons? [[ 12 12 I’) 13 13 include, yes, because they have to include, yes, because they will have to 14 14 find out is discharged to find out before he is discharged to 15 15 ascertain he doesn't have any access to ascertain he doesn't have any access to 16 16 weapons or.... weapons or.... 17 17 A. A. Q. Q. Stabilization, that will Stabilization, that will Is that stabilization something Is that stabilization something 18 18 that every police officer that every police officer admitted under 19 19 the Mental Hygiene needs to go the Mental Hygiene Law needs to go 20 20 through: making sure they don't have through: making sure they don't have 21 access to weapons? access to weapons? 22 22 MR. RADOMISLI: Objection. MR. RADOMISLI: Objection. 23 23 MR. CALLAN: I join in the MR. CALLAN: I join in the 24 24 ) objection. objection. 25 25 A. A. 212-267-6868 It's not only police officers It's not only police officers VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page Page 220 1 i L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER 2 3 I > danger that we they access to danger that we know they have access to 4 I but everyone that comes in are a but everyone that comes in who are a weapons, then we try as much as possible. weapons, then we try as much as possible. 5 I if you about I don't know if you know about 6 the New York SAFE Act to the New York SAFE Act wherein we have to 7 report everyone that has a weapon, report everyone that has a weapon, we 8 have to make sure that they are have to make sure that they are 9 discharged before.... discharged before.... 10 Q. Q. have to report Usually you have to report 11 everyone that has weapon, do you everyone that has a weapon, who do you 12 have to report that to? have to report that to? 13 A. A. The of Health. The Department of Health. 14 Q. That's the law for how That's been the law for how 15 long? long? 16 A. A. Maybe -- that's new, a new law. Maybe -- that's new, a new law. 17 Q. Q. Was that in effect in 2009? Was that in effect in 2009? 18 A. A. Not 2009. What I was trying to Not 2009. What I was trying to 19 say that anyone we that is a danger say that anyone we know that is a danger 20 to themselves, we try to sure they to themselves, we try to make sure they 21 don't have any access to weapons. don't have any access to weapons. 22 Q. Q. at the date that you Looking at the date that you 23 24 9 wrote in there -- we have gone through gone through wrote in there -this. don't want to spend too much this. II don't want to spend too much 25 25 time on it; but you actually cross time on it; but did you actually cross 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY Www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 516-608-2400 P) Page 221 1 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER 2 2 out the date of the and then out the date of the admission and then 3 3 rewrite it? rewrite it? 4 A. A. I to 11/1/2009. I tried to put 11 / 1 /2009. 5 Q. Q. check a.m. or p.m. on Did you check a.m. or p.m. on 6 6 7 7 8 this? this? A. A. No, I not check it, but No, I did not check it, but 23:03 is -23:03 is —- 9 9 Q. Q. Military time? time? 10 10 A. A. -time, yes. -- military time, yes. 11 Q. Q. the time of note on From the time of your note on 12 12 ) the 2nd at 3:10 until this note on the the 2nd at 3:10 until this note on the 13 13 3rd at 1:20, was Mr. Schoolcraft free to 3rd at 1:20, was Mr. Schoolcraft free to 14 14 leave? leave? 15 15 A. A. 16 16 17 17 18 18 No, was not. No, he was not. I made on the day I made my decision on the day that I saw him. that I saw him. Q. Q. You made your decision on that You made your decision on that 19 19 date and then turn to the of date and then turn to the Notice of 20 20 Status of Rights in Status of Rights in Emergency Admission 21 which your counsel clearly decided to to which your counsel 22 22 throw in front of you before -throw in front of you before -- 23 23 MR. CALLAN: Are we allowed to MR. CALLAN: Are we allowed to 24 24 look at it now because it's in the look at it now because it's in the 25 25 record, Counsel? record, Counsel? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 516-608-2400 [ /2) Page 222 Page 222 \ 1 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER 2 2 Q. Q. sign that form? Did you sign that form? 3 3 A. A. Yes. Yes. 4 Q. Q. On the 3rd, correct? On the 3rd, correct? 5 A. A. On the 3rd, yes. On the 3rd, yes. 6 6 Q. Q. sign that at the same Did you sign that at the same 7 7 time that you the time that you signed the Emergency 8 Admission Section 9.39 Mental Admission Section 9.39 Mental Hygiene 9 Law, that form? Law, that form? 10 10 . A. A. Q. Q. 11 12 12 1,) Yes. Yes. What did you do with this form do with this form What once you signed it? once you it? 13 " 13 A. A. One goes to the patient. One copy goes to the patient. 14 14 Q. Q. So Mr. Schoolcraft was given So Mr. Schoolcraft was given 15 15 this on the 3rd of November, 2009? this on the 3rd of November, 2009? 16 16 A. A. Yes. Yes. 17 17 Q. Q. sign it? Did he sign it? 18 18 A. A. No. am the one that signs No. II am the one that signs Q. Q. Mr. Schoolcraft ask you to Did Mr. Schoolcraft ask you to 19 19 20 20 it. it. 21 - did you have any contact with Mr. -- did you have any contact Mr. - 22 22 Schoolcraft's father? Schoolcraft's father? 23 23 J No, I did not. No, I did not. 24 24 \ A. A. Q. Q. Mr. Schoolcraft say, call Did Mr. Schoolcraft say, call 25 25 my father my father and tell him about this? tell this? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 '3 Page 223 Page 223 1 2 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER A. A. No, did not. No, he did not. I don't know. I don't know. 3 I don't have any notes about allowing I don't have any notes about him allowing 4 me to speak to his father. me to speak to his father. 5 6 7 8 9 Q. Q. Do know if you spoke to his Do you know if you spoke to his father while he was in the hospital? father while he was in the hospital? A. A. the notes if I spoke Regarding the notes if I spoke to the father? to the father? Q. Q. Did you write on here that his write on here that his 10 father should be designated as the person father should be designated as the person 11 to be noticed of this admission? to be noticed of this admission? 12 .) 13 A. A. No, I didn't write anything No, I didn't write anything here. here. 14 Q. Q. Why not? not? 15 A. A. this belongs to him. Because this belongs to him. 16 Q. Q. When you say —say When 17 A. A. This is the for the patient. This is the for the patient. 18 Q. Q. This is for the patient? This is for the patient? 19 A. A. Yes. Yes. 20 Q. Q. Do know why there are these Do you know why there are these 21 22 23 24 25 lines indicating copies should go? lines indicating where copies should go? A. A. It says, above patient has been It says, above patient has been given a copy of that notice. given a copy of that notice. Q. Q. that, what does it Underneath that, what does it say, it has signature and underneath say, it has your signature and underneath 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 516-608-2400 /e) Page 224 Page 224 \ 1 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER 2 2 that, what does it say? Can you read that, what does it say? Can you read 3 3 that into the record, please? that into the record, please? 4 5 6 6 7 7 A. A. "Copies to persons "Copies to persons designed by patient to be of admission." patient to be informed of admission." Q. Q. Continue. Continue. "If," there is a "If," there is a parenthesis there. parenthesis there. 8 A. A. "If none type in none." "If none type in none." 9 9 Q. Q. you type in none? Did you type in none? 10 A. A. No, I not. No, I did not. 11 11 Q. Q. Did you write in none? you in none? yn 12 A. A. No, I not. No, I did not. '_) 13 Q. Q. you in anybody's Did you write in anybody's 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 name? name? A. A. It's there, "Schoolcraft, It's there, "Schoolcraft, Adrian." Adrian." Q. Q. you anybody's name to Did you write anybody's name to 18 18 be the to be be designated by the patient to be 19 19 of his admission, informed of his admission, did you write 20 20 names there? any names there? 21 A. A. No, I didn't write any names. No, I didn't write any names. 22 22 Q. Q. Do you have a recollection Do you have a recollection as 23 23 24 24 > you sit here today independent of the you sit here today independent of the record, do you recall actually giving record, do you recall actually giving 25 25 this to Mr. Schoolcraft? this to Mr. Schoolcraft? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veriteXt.c0m 516-608-2400 516-608-2400 Page 225 /_ L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER 1 2 A. A. I do not an independent I do not have an independent 3 recollection. recollection 4 it to him. it to him. 5 Q. Q. 6 The nurse could have given The nurse could have given So the may have given it So the nurse may have given it to to him? 7 I A. A. Yes. Yes. 8 Q. Is this something that Is this something that you 9 10 assigned the nurses to do from time to assigned the nurses to do from time to time? time? A. A. 11 Either the nurse or I do Either the nurse or II do. do. I do 12 not have a if I gave it to not have a recollection if I gave it to 13 him. him. 14 I I will not know. I will not know. Q. is the person who write Who is the person who write 15 none on it for people to if none on it for people to designated if 16 none is the appropriate answer: you, the you, the none is the appropriate answer: 17 nurse, else? nurse, something else? 18 A. A. I would. I would. 19 Q. The second page that The second page of that 20 emergency admission form -on one emergency admission form -- hold on one 21 second. Go back to that notice for the second. Go back to that notice for the 22 second. second. the top of the notice there At the top of the notice there 23 24 appears to be a date. Can you tell me appears to be a date. Can you tell me 25 the date there? the date that you wrote there? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY “nvwnverfiextconn 516-608-2400 /4) \ Page Page 226 . 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 2 A. A. 11/1/09. 11/1/09. 3 3 Q. Q. What does the form say in that say in that What does the 4 box, what is the date of -box, what is the date of -- 5 A. A. "Date of arrival at hospital." "Date of arrival at hospital." 6 6 Q. Q. first 11/3 and Did you first write 11/3 and 7 7 then cross it out then cross it out and make it 1? make it 1? 8 . A. A. No, that's 11/1. No, that's 11/1. 9 Q. Q. cross out that Did you cross out that middle 10 10 number at all, the date? number at all, the date? 11 ) No, I 1. No, I put 1. 12 12 I A. A. Q. Q. So there is no cross out or So there is no cross out or 13 13 block out of that 1 where the 1 is now? block out of that 1 where the 1 is now? 14 14 A. A. I a 1 in there. I put a 1 in there. 15 15 Q. Q. Again, the 1 there Again, you put the 1 there 16 16 because that's the that you because that's the date that you 17 17 understand him to arrive at the psych ER, understand him to arrive at the psych ER, 18 18 right? right? 19 19 A. A. Yes. Yes. 20 20 Q. Q. As opposed to generally him As opposed to generally him 21 arriving at the hospital, yes? arriving at the hospital, yes? 22 22 A. A. Yes. Yes. 23 23 Q. Q. Is something that do Is that something that you do 24 24 D when you fill out these forms when part when you fill out these forms when part 25 25 of the form asked for date of arrival, of the form asked for date of arrival, 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 ) Page 227 Page 227 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 did you put in the date they arr ived at did you put in the date they arrived at 3 the psych ER? the psych ER? 4 A. A. Yes. Yes. 5 Q. Q. As opposed to the date they As opposed to the date they 6 actually arrive at the hospital itself? actually arrive at the hospital itself? 7 A. A. , You're right. You're right. 8 Q. Q. Why do you do that? do that? 9 A. A. We usually put the date of the the dat e of the We 10 arrival when they to the em ergency arrival when they come to the emergency 11 room. room. 12 1) Q. Q. I that. I understand that. Why don't you put the date of the date of 13 14 arrival at the hospital when tha t's what arrival at the hospital when that's what 15 the form for? the form asked for? 16 17 18 A. A. We do not use this in the We do not use this in the medical ER. We use this in the psych ER. medical ER. We use this in the psych ER. Q. Q. any hand in Did you have any hand in E 19 creating this form as director? creating this form as director? 20 No. No. 21 Q. Q. This existed to This existed prior to you —- 22 A. A. Yes. Yes. 23 Q. Q. -to you -- prior to you being director? director? 24 ) A. A. A. A. Yes. Yes. 25 25 Q. Q. When did stop bein 9 When did you stop being 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 I ,3 Page 228 Page 1 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER director? director? 2 3 A. A. Yes. Yes. 4 Q. Q. When did you stop? stop? When did 5 A. A. 2013. October 2013. 6 Q. Was there a reason that you Was there a reason that you stopped being director? stopped being director? 7 8 9 10 I A. A. There was a change of There was a change of administration. administration. Q. Q. Has there been changes of Has there been changes of 11 12 .5) administration any time in the ten administration at any time in the ten years that you were director? director? years that you 13 A. A. No. No. 14 Q. Q. at the second page of Looking at the second page of 15 the emergency admission form, is any of the emergency admission form, is any of 16 this your handwriting? this your handwriting? 17 A. A. That to Dr. Isakov. That belong to Dr. Isakov. 18 Q. Dr. make any notes in Did Dr. Vivek make any notes in 19 the chart as to the associate chairman the chart as to the associate chairman 20 that you spoke to? that you spoke to? 21 MR. CALLAN: Vivek is the MR. CALLAN: Vivek is the 22 23 Q. Q. 24 J chairman. chairman. chairman. chairman. 25 A. A. 212-267-6868 I thought you said I thought you said associate chairman is Dr. Associate chairman is Dr. Dhar VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY vnwvmverfiextcona 516-608-2400 229 Page 229 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER 1 2 chairman and Dr. Vivek. and chairman and Dr. Vivek. 3 4• Q. You spoke to Dr. Dhar? You spoke to Dr. Dhar? 4 A. A. Yes. Yes. 5 Q. Q• Dr. fill out of Did Dr. Dhar fill out any of 6 these forms with regard to the mental these forms with regard to the mental 7 hygiene admission? hygiene admission? 8 A. A. No. No. 9 Q. Q. So you just got a verbal on the So you just got a verbal on the 10 phone by Dr. Dhar; is that phone by Dr. Dhar; is that what you're 11 saying? saying? MR. RADOMISLI: Objection. MR. RADOMISLI: Objection. 12 13 Q Q. Of your opinion? Of your opinion? MR. CALLAN: Objection to the MR. CALLAN: Objection to the 14 15 form of the question. form of the question. 16 Q. Q. 17 you speak to Dr. Dhar on Did you speak to Dr. Dhar on the telephone? the telephone? 18 A. A. He came down. He came down. 19 Q. Q. He came down to the emergency He came down to the emergency 20 room? room? 21 A. A. [Indicating.] [Indicating.] 22 Q. Q. When Dr. Dhar came down to the came down to the When Dr. 23 emergency room, the case to emergency room, you presented the case to 24 him, correct? him, correct? 25 A. A. 212-267-6868 Yes. Yes. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 516-608-2400 Page 230 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER 1 2 Q. Q. And then what happened? then what happened? 3 A. A. And he agreed to my decision of he agreed to decision of 4 5 admitting the patient. admitting the patient. Q. Q. Did he the second Did he become the second 6 physician under Hygiene Law for physician under Mental Hygiene Law for 7 admission? admission? 8 A. A. 9 10 11 You only the need one in an You the need one in an emergency admission. emergency admission. Q. Q. But it needs to be confirmed But it needs to be confirmed eventually, correct? eventually, correct? 12 A. A. That is after 48 hours. That is after 48 hours. 13 Q. So you down just So you called him down just 14 because you a second opinion, because you wanted a second opinion, not 15 to confirm for the purposes 48-hour to confirm for the purposes of 48-hour 16 requirement, correct? requirement, correct? 17 A. A. To discuss this case, yes. To discuss this case, yes. 18 Q. Was there something you were Was there something you were 19 unsure of, is that Dr. unsure of, is that why you wanted Dr. 20 Dhar's opinion or something else? Dhar's or something else? 21 MR. CALLAN: You went through MR. CALLAN: You went through 22 this whole thing. Asked and answered, this whole thing. Asked and answered, 23 objection. objection. MR. SUCKLE: Then her answer MR. SUCKLE: Then her answer 24 25 should be the same. be the same. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY Www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 231 Page 233. 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 A. A. I give the same answer. I give you the same answer. 3 Q. Q. What is the same answer? What is the same answer? 4 A. A. I made the and I asked I made the decision and I asked 5 for Dr. Dhar's and Dr. for Dr. Dhar's opinion and Dr. Dhar 6 agreed. agreed. 7 Q. Was there anything about Mr. Was there anything about Mr. 8 Schoolcraft's presentation to you that Schoolcraft's presentation to you that 9 made you unsure of your opinion? opinion? made you unsure of 10 MR. RADOMISLI: Objection to MR. RADOMISLI: Objection to 11 form; unsure. form; unsure. 12 A. A. Once more I have to reiterate: Once more I have to reiterate: 13 I was not only looking at that when I I was not only looking at that day when I 14 saw him, I was looking the whole saw him, I was looking at the whole 15 picture; the whole picture from the time picture; the whole picture from the time 16 that he came in to the time that I that he came in to the time that I made 17 the decision that he needs to be the decision that he needs to be 18 admitted. admitted. 19 Q. Was there anything about that Was there anything about that 20 whole picture as you say and the opinion say and the opinion whole picture as 21 you formed as a of that you formed as a result of that whole 22 picture of which were unsure; that is picture of which you were unsure; that is 23 the question? the question? 24 25 A. A. That I was not, no. I made a I made a That I was not, no. decision so I had to admit him. decision so I to admit him. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 232 1 2 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. Q. Q. And the second form, did And the second form, did you 3 review this at time while Mr. review this at any time while Mr. 4 Schoolcraft was in the hospital or Schoolcraft was in the hospital or were 5 you done with Mr. Schoolcraft's care and you done with Mr. Schoolcraft's care and 6 treatment after that? treatment after that? 7 A. A. I did not review that. I do I do I did not review that. 8 not go to the inpatient. I was not in not go to the inpatient. I was not in 9 the inpatient. the inpatient. 10 Q. Q. So this form was completed in So this form was completed in 11 part by you in the emergency room, and part by you in the room, and 12 the rest was for the inpatient the rest was completed for the inpatient 13 the second confirming physician? by the second confirming physician? 14 A. A. 15 16 Yes. Yes. MR. MR. SUCKLE: Mark this as SUCKLE: Mark this as Plaintiff's Exhibit 70. Plaintiff's 70. [The was [The document was hereby marked 17 18 as Plaintiff's Exhibit 70 for as Plaintiff's 70 for 19 identification, as of this date.] identification, as of this date.] 20 Q. Q. I show you what's I show you what's been marked 21 Exhibit 70 for today's date and ask you Exhibit 70 for today's date and ask you 22 what that is? what is? MR. RADOMISLI: Do you have one MR. RADOMISLI: Do you have one 23 24 at least? least? MR. SUCKLE: You produced it. MR. SUCKLE: You produced it. 25 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY WWW.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 I I Page 233 Page 233 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 2 MR. CALLAN: What you are MR. CALLAN: What you are 3 3 showing is Emergency Admission Status. showing is Emergency Admission Status. 4 Q. Q. 5 6 6 Do you know that is? Do you know what that is? MR. CALLAN: Do you have a copy MR. CALLAN: Do you have a copy machine? machine? 7 7 MR. SMITH: MR. SMITH: 8 MR. CALLAN: Before the end of MR. CALLAN: Before the end of 9 I do. I do. day? day? 10 10 MR. SMITH: For sure. MR. SMITH: For sure. 11 MR. CALLAN: It's only three MR. CALLAN: It's only three [ 12 12 W) 13 13 14 14 pages. pages. MR. SMITH: Everybody take a MR. SMITH: Everybody take a break. break. 15 15 16 16 It's 4:34. We are taking a It's 4:34. We are taking a break. break. 17 17 18 18 [Discussion off the [Discussion held off the record.] record.] 19 19 20 20 [Whereupon, at 4:34 p.m., a [Whereupon, at 4:34 p.m., a recess was taken.] recess was taken.] 21 22 22 I'll make copies right now. I'll make copies right now. [Whereupon, at 4:49 p.m., the [Whereupon, at 4:49 p.m., the testimony continued.] testimony continued.] 23 23 [The documents were [The documents were hereby 24 24 > marked as Plaintiff's marked as Plaintiff's Exhibits 71 71 25 25 through 75 for identification, as of through 75 for identification, as of 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 ,_ ) Page 234 234 1 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER 2 2 this date.] this date.] 3 3 Q. Q. 4 Doctor, have in front of Doctor, you have in front of you Exhibit 70 I believe. you Exhibit 70 I believe. 5 A. A. Yeah. Yeah. 6 6 Q. Q. Do you know what that is? Do know what that is? 7 7 A. A. Yes. Yes. 8 Q. Q. What is it? What is it? 9 A. A. It's on It's a policy on Emergency 10 10 11 12 12 I) 13 13 Admission Status. Admission Status. Q. Q. have any hand in Did you have any hand in creating this document? creating this document? A. ' A. I do not remember. I just I just I do not remember. 14 14 probably would see it, I probably would see it, but I don't 15 15 remember crafting it or all remember crafting it or making all of 16 16 those policies. those policies. 17 17 Q. Q. I realize it's long and I know I realize it's long and I know 18 18 you're tired, I appreciate that, you you're tired, I appreciate that, but you 19 19 have to keep your voice up if you can. have to keep your voice up if you can. 20 20 When you were the director of When you were the director of 21 the emergency room, have a the emergency room, did you have a 22 22 supervisor you to? supervisor that you answered to? 23 23 Yes. Yes. 24 24 ) A. A. Q. Q. Who was that? Who was that? 25 25 A. A. Dr. and Dr. Vivek. Dr. Dhar and Dr. Vivek. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 235 55) 1 2 3 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. Q. Q. So the and the So the chairman and the associate chairman? associate chairman? 4 A. A. Yes. Yes. 5 Q. Q. Did they have a hand in they a hand in 6 creating this form? creating this form? 7 A. A. Yes. Yes. 8 Q. Q. So who else was involved in the So who else was involved in the 9 10 11 ii) creation of this form? You said you sat creation of this form? You said you sat in maybe? in maybe? A. A. Yes. It's all the Yes. It's all the 12 administrative leaders of the department: administrative leaders of the department: 13 the unit chief, Dr. Dhar, Dr. Vivek, and the unit chief, Dr. Dhar, Dr. Vivek, and 14 the director of the nursing department. the director of the nursing department. 15 Q. Q. Have you ever time to time Have you ever from time to time 16 had to reference this document for had to reference this document for your 17 own information? own information? 18 MR. RADOMISLI: Objection to MR. RADOMISLI: Objection to 19 form. form. 20 A. A. You mean go back read? You mean go back and read? 21 Q. Q. Yes, that's another way of Yes, that's another way of 22 asking it. asking it. 23 A. A. I see it every now and then if I see it every now and then if 24 we have we have administrative meetings, we have meetings, we 25 to see it once again so I more or less to see it once again so I more or less 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 236 Page 236 / 1 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER [ 2 will listen to what is being changed or changed or will listen to what is 3 being added. added. MR. CALLAN: Keep your voice up, MR. CALLAN: Keep your voice up, 4 5 Doctor, louder. Doctor, louder. 6 Q. Q. Doctor, I know that the last Doctor, I know that the last 7 review was April of 2010. Was anything review was April of 2010. Was anything 8 changed then? changed then? A. A. 9 10 ' I remember. I would not remember. Q. Q. appears that the was It appears that the policy was 11 reviewed every April from 1999 through reviewed every April from 1999 through 12 2010. What does the review entail, do 2010. What does the review entail, do 13 you know? you know? 14 A. A. Going to all of this if Going back to all of this if 15 there is anything that the there is anything added that the 16 Department of Health like to add. Department of Health would like to add. 17 Q. Q. What is on here, what is the What is on here, what is the 18 information on here, you information on here, how would you 19 that? characterize that? 20 A. A. Well, it's giving us all the us all the Well, it's 21 reasons about when we the patient. reasons about when we admit the patient. 22 It's the 9.39. It's the 9.39. 23 24 25 Q. Q. Do you the vernacular, Do you know the vernacular, CPEP, do you a CPEP is? CPEP, do you know what a CPEP is? A. A. 212-267-6868 -Community VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY vnNvmvcrfiexLcon1 516-608-2400 /a) I Page 237 Page 237 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 1 2 3 Q. Q. Community psyche emergency emergency protocol? protocol? 4 A. A. Where are you? are you? 5 Q. Q. It's not on here. It's on here. 6 7 Do you know that vernacular, do Do that vernacular, do you know what that stands for, CPEP? you know what that stands for, CPEP? MR. RADOMISLI: Did you say what MR. RADOMISLI: Did you say 8 9 you thought it stood for on the you thought it stood for on the 10 11 l) record? II don't think you got it record? don't think you got it right. right. 12 Q. Q. 13 _ Do you know what CPEP stands Do what CPEP stands for? for? 14 A. A. to CPEP? Referring to CPEP? 15 Q. Q. What is that? What is that? 16 A. A. That is the holding a patient That is the a patient 17 in that department instead of sending the in that department instead of sending the 18 I patient to admission. patient to admission. 19 Q. Q. Holding them in that -Holding them in that -- 20 A. A. It's a different department of It's a of 21 22 you could admit the patient to the you could the to the 23 inpatient. inpatient. 24 } wherein can ER wherein you can hold a patient before Q. Q. 25 That's the psych ER, the That's the ER, the medical ER, or both? medical ER, or both? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 238 238 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 A. A. The ER. The psych ER. 3 Q. Q. And that wasn't done with Mr. that done with Mr. 4 Schoolcraft, correct? Schoolcraft, correct? A. A. 5 6 did not a CPEP Because we did not have a CPEP then. then. I 7 Q. Q. What does that stand for? What does that stand for? 8 A. A. emergency Community psychiatry emergency 9 -- I do not have the whole name, sorry. -- I do not have the whole name, sorry. Q. Q. But Jamaica Hospital has one But Jamaica Hospital has one 12 A. A. has one, yes. It has one, yes. 13 Q. Q. When looking at Exhibit 70, is 70, is When looking at 10 11 now? now? r 14 it your understanding this sets out what it your understanding this sets out what 15 is required 9.39 of the mental is required under 9.39 of the mental 16 health law to someone the health law to admit someone under the 17 mental health law? law? mental 18 MR. CALLAN: Objection to form. MR. CALLAN: Objection to form. 19 MR. LEE: Objection to the form. MR. LEE: Objection to the form. A. A. 21 22 I want you to rephrase that I want you to rephrase that Q. Q 20 Sure. Sure. one. one. What is the standard set out in What is the standard set out in 23 24 this document, if you know? this document, if you know? MR. CALLAN: Do you want her to MR. CALLAN: Do you want her to 25 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 516-608-2400 Page 239 Page 239 1 1 2 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. read the document, a summary? read the document, a summary? MR. SUCKLE: want to know her MR. SUCKLE: II want to know her 3 4 understanding of it. understanding of it. 5 MR. CALLAN: MR. CALLAN: I object. I object. It's It's a 6 three-page piece of paper. It speaks It speaks three-page piece of paper. 7 for itself. for itself. to the form of the Objection to the form of the 8 9 question. question. 10 Q. Do you know what this is? Do you what this is? 11 A. A. Yes, it's York Mental Yes, it's a New York Mental 12 Hygiene Law, that's careful attention Hygiene Law, that's careful attention 13 with preservation of their legal rights with preservation of their legal rights 14 as well as their safety. as well as their safety. 15 I 16 Q. Q. Is this the of Jamaica Is this the policy of Jamaica Hospital? Hospital? 17 A. A. To do a 9.39? To do a 9.39? 18 Q. Is this document a of Is this document a policy of 19 20 21 22 23 Jamaica Hospital? Jamaica Hospital? A. A. It's showing in here Jamaica It's showing in here Jamaica Hospital Psychiatry Manual. Hospital Department of Psychiatry Manual Q. Q. Is a of Jamaica Is it a policy of Jamaica Hospital, a written policy? Hospital, a policy? 24 A. A. policy, yes. A written policy, yes. 25 Q. Q. Do you endeavor to follow the Do you to follow the 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 240 240 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. policies of Jamaica Hospital, the written policies of Jamaica Hospital, the written ones? ones? A. A. The written, yes. The written, yes. Q. Q. In dealing with Mr. In with Mr. Schoolcraft, did you to follow Schoolcraft, did you endeavor to follow the policy set forth here as 70? the policy set forth here as Exhibit 70? MR. CALLAN: Well, this says it MR. CALLAN: Well, this says it was was revised 4/10. 4/10. MR. SUCKLE: asked her if she MR. SUCKLE: II asked her if she knew what knew -MR. CALLAN: Well, we don't MR. CALLAN: Well, we don't know. know. MR. SUCKLE: It doesn't say MR. SUCKLE: It doesn't say revised. It says reviewed. Please revised. It says reviewed. Please don't speak. asked her about don't speak. II asked her about —MR. CALLAN: Are you making a MR. CALLAN: Are you making a this was the policy representation this was the policy that was in effect at the time that that was in effect at the time that Mr. Schoolcraft seen? Mr. Schoolcraft were seen? MR. SUCKLE: MR. SUCKLE: I'm if she I'm asking if she this policy, endeavored to followed this policy, endeavored to this policy, whether it was in follow this policy, whether it was in not she can tell me. effect or not she can tell me. MR. LEE: Objection to form. MR. LEE: Objection to form. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 -) I Page Page 241 1 1 2 2 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. ALDANA-BERNIER A. A. It's saying in here, "Patient It's saying in here, "Patient 3 3 alleged to have a mental illness for alleged to have a mental illness for 4 which immediate observation, care, and which immediate observation, care, and 5 treatment in a hospital is treatment in a hospital is appropriate 6 6 which is to result in serious and which is likely to result in serious 7 7 harm to himself or others admitted harm to himself or others may be admitted 8 under this provision for a of 15 under this provision for a period of 15 9 days." days." 10 10 Q. Q. The question is: Did you The question is: Did you 11 endeavor to this in your endeavor to follow this policy in your [_ 12 12 care and Mr. Schoolcraft? care and treatment of Mr. Schoolcraft? J) 13 13 A. A. At that point in 2009, I At that in 2009, I 14 14 thought -- I believe that he a thought -- I believe that he may be a 15 15 danger to others or to himself because of danger to others or to himself because of 16 16 that point in time if you go back to the that point in time if you go back to the 17 17 story where he was to the story where he was brought to the 18 18 hospital because was acting hospital because he was acting bizarre 19 19 and agitated and he was paranoid. I I and agitated and he was paranoid. 20 20 think he was a to others or to think he was a danger to others or to 21 himself. himself. 22 22 23 23 Q. Q. Is your answer, yes, tried Is your answer, yes, you tried to -to -- 24 24 ) A. A. That's I'm saying, yes. That's what I'm saying, yes. 25 25 Q. Q. Under this policy, under number Under this policy, under number 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 242 1 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER 2 1 is "a substantial risk of harm 1 is "a substantial risk of physical harm 3 to himself as manifested by threats of or to himself as threats of or 4 attempts at suicide." attempts at suicide." he threats or Did he manifest threats or 5 6 attempts at suicide? attempts at suicide? 7 MR. SHAFFER: Objection. MR. SHAFFER: Objection. 8 MR. CALLAN: Objection. MR. CALLAN: Objection. 9 10 Q. Q. Mr. Schoolcraft Did Mr. Schoolcraft manifest threats or attempts at suicide? threats or attempts at suicide? 11 A. A. You have to finish. You have to finish. 12 Q. Q. We are going to break it down We are going to break it down. 13 We are going to go one by one? We are going to go one by one? 14 MR. CALLAN: Objection. MR. CALLAN: Objection. 15 MR. SUCKLE: That's the MR. SUCKLE: That's the 16 question. question. MR. CALLAN: Objection to the MR. CALLAN: Objection to the 17 18 form of the question. form of the question. MR. SUCKLE: MR. SUCKLE: Noted. She can Noted. She can 19 20 answer. answer. MR. CALLAN: The doctor said you MR. CALLAN: The doctor said you 21 22 left something out. You are reading left something out. You are reading 23 incomplete sentences from a three-page incomplete sentences from a three-page 24 document. document. MR. SUCKLE: MR. SUCKLE: 25 212-267-6868 I'm asking VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 243 ALDANA-BERNIER L. ALDANA-BERNIER 1 2 questions. In my horrific stumbling questions. In my horrific stumbling 3 way, I'm a question. way, I'm asking a question. 4 Q. Q. Doctor, did you admit Mr. Doctor, did you admit Mr. 5 Schoolcraft because he was a substantial Schoolcraft because he was a substantial 6 risk of physical to himself as risk of physical harm to himself as 7 manifested by a threat or attempt at manifested by a threat or attempt at 8 suicide? suicide? 9 Sir -Sir -- 10 Q. or no. Just yes or no. 11 A. Sir, have to complete the Sir, you have to complete the 12 I A. statement. statement. 13 Q. Q. 14 You have to answer questions. You have to answer questions. MR. SHAFFER: MR. SHAFFER: 15 16 17 18 I don't have to do anything. I don't have to do anything. A. A. Objection. Objection. "Or other conduct demonstrating "Or other conduct demonstrating he is a to himself." he is a danger to himself." Q. Q. We're going to get there. I I We're going to get there. 19 know that part. I'm asking you a know that part. I'm asking you a 20 question. question. 21 A. A. That's I -That's what I based -- 22 Q. Q. are going to get to what you We are going to get to what you 23 24 ) based your opinion on. I'm asking you: based your opinion on. I'm asking you: you it on that was a Did you base it on that he was a 25 substantial risk of physical harm to substantial risk of harm to 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608~2400 516-608-2400 Page 244 /A) 1 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER 2 himself as by a threat of or himself as manifested by a threat of or 3 attempt at suicide? attempt at suicide? 4 5 MR. CALLAN: Objection, asked MR. CALLAN: Objection, asked and answered. and answered. 6 I 7 MR. SUCKLE: Not answered yet. MR. SUCKLE: Not answered yet. Q Q. MR. CALLAN: Objection, asked MR. CALLAN: Objection, asked 8 9 Yes or no? Yes or no? and answered. and answered. 10 Q. Q. Can answer, please? Can you answer, please? 11 A. A. risk, yes. A potential risk, yes. 12 Q. Q. So you say he a So you say he manifest by a 13 threat or attempt at suicide; it that threat or attempt at suicide; it that 14 E what you're saying? what you're saying? 15 A. A. risk. A potential risk. 16 Q. Q. he a threat of Did he manifest by a threat of 17 18 suicide? suicide? A. A. It's the that he came It's the behavior that he came 19 in with to the emergency room. I saw he I saw he in with to the emergency room. 20 was a potential risk that he might hurt was a potential risk that he might hurt 21 himself or hurt others. That's a himself or hurt others. That's a 22 potential risk. potential risk. 23 24 ,) 25 Q. Q. So risk was the So potential risk was the reason that you him, correct? reason that you held him, correct? A. A. 212-267-6868 That's the reason that I That's the reason that I was VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY unwunverfiextconn 516-608-2400 516-608-2400 ,7 Page 245 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER 1 2 3 4 [ thinking that he needs admission. thinking that he needs admission. Q. the potential of that risk And the potential of that risk you've to us already today? you've described to us already today? 5 A. A. I did, yes. I did, yes. 6 Q. Q. this potential a risk, And this potential of a risk, 7 did the doctor who saw him within the the doctor who saw him within the 8 48-hour period to his admission 48-hour period to confirm his admission 9 also tell you that he was also tell you that he was concerned about 10 ‘ the potential risk? the potential risk? 11 12 q ) MR. RADOMISLI: Objection. MR. RADOMISLI: Objection. MR. LEE: Objection to the form. MR. LEE: Objection to the form 13 MR. CALLAN: II join in the MR. CALLAN: join in the 14 objection. objection. 15 Q. Q. tell you he was Did he tell you he was 16 concerned about the potential risk that concerned about the potential risk that 17 you've described? you've just described? 5 18 19 MR. LEE: There's been no MR. LEE: There's been no she talked to him. testimony she ever talked to him. MR. SUCKLE: She can say that if MR. SUCKLE: She can say that if 20 21 that's the answer. that's the answer. 22 A. A. If read the notes, I If you read the notes, I wasn't 23 24 ) there for to tell that. there for him to tell me that. his notes, I see was a his notes, I can see he was a potential 25 risk. risk. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY mnvunverhextconn I read. As I read 516-608-2400 3 Page 246 Page 1 2 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. Q. Q. This potential risk that you're This potential risk that you're 3 talking about, did he have this potential talking about, did he have this potential 4 risk when you last saw him? risk when you last saw him? 5 A. A. I'm not basing it only to one not it only to one 6 day. I'm basing it from the beginning day. I'm basing it from the beginning 7 that he came into the hospital. that he came into the hospital. 8 9 Q. Q. this potential risk, is And this potential risk, is there any other risk besides that there any other risk besides that 10 11 ) potential risk that you just described as potential risk that you just described as the reason that you held him? the reason that you him? 12 A. A. What risk are you thinking of? risk are thinking of? 13 Q. Q. I'm not thinking of any. not thinking of any. MR. CALLAN: Do you want her to MR. CALLAN: Do you want her to 14 15 repeat herself again? repeat again? MR. SUCKLE: No, I want to make MR. SUCKLE: No, I want to make 16 17 sure there are no other ones. sure there are no other ones. 18 Q. Q. Is that potential risk that you Is that potential risk that you 19 just described the only reason that you just described the that you 20 him? held him? 21 A. A. The same reason I think when I The same reason I think when I 22 23 danger to others, and I the decision danger to others, and I make the decision 24 ) see a patient, it is a potential risk and see a patient, it is a potential risk and I have to admit the patient. I have to the patient. 25 Q. Q. 212-267-6868 And when you say "potential say "potential VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 247 247 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 risk," can you quantify that for me at risk," can you quantify that for me at 3 all what you mean by potential? all what you mean potential? 4 A. A. The patient comes in barricaded The comes in 5 himself, acting bizarre. himself, acting bizarre. He was brought He was brought 6 in from his house. It was a police in from his house. It was a police 7 officer who may have access to weapons, officer who may have access to weapons, 8 easy for him to have access to weapons. easy for him to have access to weapons. 9 He is paranoid. I would think that maybe He is paranoid. I would think that maybe 10 it would be safe if the patient will be it would be safe if the will 11 admitted. admitted. 12 Q. 13 So your thought he might be So your thought he safe if he was admitted? safe if he was admitted? 14 A. A. If he was admitted. If he was admitted. 15 Q. Q. That's you talking That's what you were talking 16 about when you say potential risk, about when you say potential risk, 17 correct? correct? A. A. 19 20 All of the above that I told All of the above that I told Q. Q. 18 Can you quantify what you mean Can you quantify you. you. 21 by potential risk as far as the potential risk as far as the 22 likelihood of risk? This word likelihood of risk? This word 23 "potential" that you have been using, can "potential" that you have using, can 24 you quantify that for me? you quantify that for me? 25 A. A. 212-267-6868 When say "quantify," When you say "quantify," what VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY vnwunverfiextconn 516-608-2400 Page 248 Page 1 2 3 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER do you mean? do you mean? Q. Q. 4 Sure. Sure. Well, you used the word the word Well, you 5 "potential." I would like to know what "potential." I would like to know what 6 you mean by potential. you mean by potential. 7 A. A. If you think of the navy yard If you think of the navy 8 disaster, was he an officer army man? disaster, was he an officer or army man? 9 He was so quite, no one ever found out He was so quite, no one ever found out 10 what was going on with him. So what what was going on with him. So what 11 happened then? then? Or if you look at all of those Or if you look at all of those 12 13 -- the Range Rover. Who are all of these -— the Range Rover. Who are all of these 14 people that caused that? They are all people that caused that? They are all 15 police officers. police officers. 16 So if I think then I have to So if I think then I to 17 make sure that when I see a patient in when I see a in make sure 18 the ER, I have to think in the future the ER, I have to think in the future 19 that there will be no disaster, there that there will be no disaster, there 20 will be no destruction, or no one will will be no destruction, or no one will 21 get they were discharged from get harmed when they were discharged from 22 the ER. the ER. 23 24 25 Q. Q. I was asking about what you I was meant by potential. meant by potential. A. A. 212-267-6868 That's the potential. That's the potential. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 249 Page 249 1 2 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. Q. Q. So if there is any potential at So if there is any potential at 3 all, you want to sure that the all, you want to make sure that the 4 patient is safe, correct? patient is safe, correct? 5 A. A. Correct. Correct. 6 Q. Q. if there is any potential And if there is any potential 7 at all, you want to make sure the at all, you want to make sure the 8 community is safe, correct? community is safe, correct? 9 A. A. That's correct. That's correct. 10 Q. Q. And if there is any potential if there is potential 11 at all, you were to Mr. at all, you were going to admit Mr. 12 Schoolcraft, correct? Schoolcraft, correct? MR. LEE: Objection to form. MR. LEE: Objection to form. 13 14 15 16 A. A. With all of those reasons, yes, those reasons, yes, With all I would have to admit him. I would have to him. Q. Q. When you admitted him to the to the When 17 emergency room, there were certain rules emergency room, there were certain rules 18 and regulations - _ and -- 19 20 MR. SUCKLE: Withdrawn. MR. SUCKLE: Withdrawn. Q. Q. When he was admitted to the When he was admitted to the 21 psych floor, there were certain rules and psych floor, there were certain rules and 22 regulations in the psych ward, correct, regulations in the psych ward, correct, 23 about clothes they wear, hours about clothes they wear, what hours 24 visitors can come, correct? visitors can come, correct? 25 A. A. 212-267-6868 Yes. Yes. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 250 Page 250 1 2 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER Q. Q. It's not like they are free to It's like they are free to 3 have anybody come and visit any time they have anybody come time they 4 want, correct; is that true? want, correct; is that true? 5 A. A. That's correct. That's correct. 6 Q. Q. I will show you what's been I will show you what's 7 marked as marked as Exhibit 71. 71. Now, do you know what that is? Now, do know what that is? 8 9 A. A. [No response.] [No response.] 10 Q. Q. Do you know what that is? Do you what that is? 11 A. A. It's the policy of visiting It's the of visiting 12 hours. hours. 13 Q. Q. Were those the policies in Were those the policies in 14 effect when Mr. was on the effect when Mr. Schoolcraft was on the 15 psychiatric floor at Jamaica Hospital in psychiatric floor at Jamaica Hospital in 16 2009? 2009? 17 18 19 A. A. Okay, this is for the Okay, this policy is for the inpatient unit. inpatient unit. Q. Q. During the time that Mr. During the time that Mr. 20 Schoolcraft was at Jamaica Hospital, was Schoolcraft was at Jamaica Hospital, was 21 he in the unit? he in the inpatient unit? 22 23 24 A. A. I did work in the inpatient I did not work in the inpatient unit. unit. Q. Q. I understand. I understand. Was he in the inpatient unit? Was he in the inpatient unit? 25 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 251 1 2 3 4 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. A. A. Yeah, he was in the inpatient Yeah, he was in the inpatient unit. unit. Q. Q. Were these Were these documents created by created by 5 Jamaica Hospital, the visiting hours, do Jamaica Hospital, the hours, do 6 you know about that? you know that? B 7 i It's in [indicating]. It's in here [indicating]. 8 I A. A. Q. Q. Were Were you sitting in on the sitting in on the 9 committee that that too? committee that created that document too? 10 A. A. I don't remember that. I remember that. 11 Q. Q. Do you agree that Mr. Do you agree that Mr. I I 12 13 p.m. and 3 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m p.m. and 3 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. 14 1 Schoolcraft could have visitors from 2 Schoolcraft could have visitors from 2 only? only? 15 MR. RADOMISLI: Objection. MR. RADOMISLI: Objection. 16 I ‘E I MR. CALLAN: Objection. MR. CALLAN: Objection. 17 \ 18 I Q. Q. While he was on the floor, do While he was on the floor, do you agree with that? you agree that? 19 she she is not involved with the she said she is not involved with the 21 I MR. CALLAN: You know, Counsel, MR. CALLAN: You know, Counsel, 20 I inpatient. inpatient. 22 23 ) painting the hospital. Maybe she Maybe she painting the hospital. 24 2 a Maybe you can ask her Maybe you can ask her about might know something about that. something about that. might 25 Maybe she looked at it from her car Maybe she looked at it from her car 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY _ wnvwnverflextconn 516-608-2400 Page 252 Page 252 1 l 2 2 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. when she drove by. when she drove by. 3 3 4 MR. SUCKLE: I'll ask her about MR. SUCKLE: I'll ask her about it next. it next. 5 MR. SHAFFER: II will be leaving MR. SHAFFER: will be leaving 6 6 if that is a question that's asked. if that is a question that's asked. 7 7 A. A. Can you ask the question again? Can you the again? 8 Q. Q. the visiting hours on What were the visiting hours on 9 the floor? the floor? 10 10 A. A. Two to three, 6:30 to eight. Two to three, 6:30 to eight. 11 Q. So Mr. Schoolcraft if his So Mr. Schoolcraft if his 12 12 father wanted to visit him at nine father wanted to at 13 13 o'clock in the morning, be able o'clock in the morning, would not be able 14 14 to do that, correct? to do that, correct? 15 15 MR. CALLAN: Objection. MR. CALLAN: Objection. 16 16 MR. RADOMISLI: Objection. MR. RADOMISLI: Objection. 17 17 MR. LEE: Objection to form. MR. LEE: Objection to form. 18 18 19 19 A. A. I not the I would not know what the policy at the inpatient unit be. policy at the inpatient unit would be. 20 20 MR. SUCKLE: Counsel wants me to MR. SUCKLE: Counsel wants me to 21 ask about painting, I'm not going ask about painting, but I'm not going 22 22 to do that. to do that. 23 23 24 24 MR. CALLAN: That's a relief. MR. CALLAN: That's a relief. Q Q. 25 25 Let's look at 72. Let's look at Exhibit 72. MR. SMITH: Which is MR. SMITH: Which is —- 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 253 Page 253 1 2 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. Q. Q. Which is the restriction of Which is the restriction of I 3 visiting and communication and visiting and communication and 4 I correspondence, do you know about that, correspondence, do you know about that, 5 what that document is? what that is? 6 7 A. A. This is also for the inpatient This is also for the inpatient unit. unit. 8 Q. Q. 9 So you don't know anything So you know anything about it? it? 10 A. A. I can read it to you. I can read it to you. 11 Q. Q. Do you know anything about it? Do you anything about it? 12 A. A. No, it's for the inpatient No, it's the inpatient 13 14 15 16 unit. unit. Q. Q. So you know about the So you only know about the room? emergency room? A. A. room. Emergency room. MR. CALLAN: Aren't you doing MR. CALLAN: Aren't you doing 17 18 Isakov tomorrow? Isn't he in the Isakov tomorrow? Isn't he in the 19 room? inpatient room? 20 Q. Q. showing you what's I'm showing you what's been 21 marked Exhibit 74 today's date. Do you marked Exhibit 74 today's date. Do you 22 know what this is? know what this is? 23 24 25 A. A. It's the rules regulations It's the rules and regulations the patients have to comply with. the patients have to comply with. Q. Q. 212-267-6868 At Jamaica Hospital in the At Jamaica Hospital in the VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY unvunverfiextconn 516-608-2400 Page 254 254 1 2 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. psych unit? psych unit? 3 A. A. Psych Unit 3, yes. 3, yes. 4 Q. What is Psych Unit 3? 3? What is Psych 5 A. A. That's -- it's a unit which That's -- it's a unit which 6 patients are admitted; one is 2 and one patients are admitted; one is 2 and one 7 is 3. is 3. Q. Q. 8 9 What is the distinction, if What is the distinction, if any, in treatment? any, in treatment? 10 A. A. None, it's the same. None, it's the same. 11 Q. Q. Was Mr. Schoolcraft admitted to Was Mr. Schoolcraft admitted to 12 Psych 3? 3? 13 A. A. Yes. Yes. 14 Q. Q. So these rules apply to So these rules would apply to A. A. Psych 3. 3. 15 16 him? him? 17 18 MR. RADOMISLI: Mr. Suckle, is MR. RADOMISLI: Mr. Suckle, is this something we to you? this something we produced to you? MR. SUCKLE: MR. SUCKLE: 19 20 I believe so. I believe so. I don't know. don't know. 21 MR. RADOMISLI: Do you know? MR. RADOMISLI: Do you know? 22 MR. SUCKLE: Off the top of my MR. SUCKLE: Off the top of my 23 head, I don't remember but -- I head, I don't remember but -- I don't 24 remember. remember. MR. RADOMISLI: Would there be a MR. RADOMISLI: Would there be a 25 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY vnwvmverfiexLcon1 516-608-2400 /~) Page 255 Page 255 I\ L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 1 2 2 way for you to way for you to get it in a fashion it in a fashion 3 3 other than if we produced it? other than if we it? MR. SUCKLE: MR. SUCKLE: 4 I didn't do I do 5 discovery in this case so you've got discovery in this case so you've got 6 6 the wrong guy. the guy. MR. RADOMISLI: Do you know MR. RADOMISLI: Do you know 7 7 8 whether this was whether this was produced to you by to by 9 9 us? 10 10 MR. SUCKLE: Off the top of my MR. SUCKLE: Off the top of my 11 12 12 I 13 13 your document response to discovery your document response to discovery inspection and this came out. I can I can inspection and this came out. 15 15 Q I know it came out of, I hit print on I know it came of, I on 14 14 [[ head, I would assume it was. head, I would assume it was. In fact, In fact, tell you that. tell you that. MR. RADOMISLI: Fair enough. MR. RADOMISLI: Fair enough. 16 16 17 17 Thank you. Thank you. 18 18 MR. CALLAN: Or it could be MR. CALLAN: Or it could be 19 19 another hospital in Queens, who knows another hospital in Queens, knows. 20 20 Q. 21 This document was created by This was created Jamaica Hospital, correct? Jamaica Hospital, correct? 22 22 MR. CALLAN: Objection. MR. CALLAN: Objection. 23 23 Correct. Correct. 24 24 ) A. A. Q. She already said yes. She said yes. 25 25 MR. CALLAN: Do you know if that MR. CALLAN: Do you know if that 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 / "I 3 Page 256 Page 1 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER 2 was created by Jamaica Hospital, do was created by Jamaica Hospital, do 3 you have personal knowledge of that? you have personal knowledge of that? 4 !~ 5 35 THE WITNESS: It says Unit 3 THE WITNESS: It says Unit 3 SO.... so.. . -mm: 6 7 MR. CALLAN: I'm not asking you MR. CALLAN: I'm not asking you what it says. what it says. 8 9 1|nzm»-=vm~»:-m~n=l- - 10 .1If 11?,% Do you have personal knowledge Do you have personal knowledge as to whether that document was as to whether that document was created by Jamaica Hospital? created by Hospital? 11 If you do, you can say yes, if If you do, you can say yes, if 12 no, say no. Don't assume is all I'm no, say no. Don't assume is all I'm 13 saying to you. to you. 14 Do you know? Do you know? 15 MR. SUCKLE: Stop badgering your MR. SUCKLE: Stop badgering your 16 I E own witness. own witness. THE WITNESS: I was just looking THE WITNESS: I was just looking 17 18 19 Do you recognize this document? Do you recognize this document? A. A. Which one? Which one? 21 §I Q. Q. 20 I I at the top it. at the top of it. Q. Q. This one, have you seen it This one, have you seen it 22 23 24 ) before? before? A. A. I have to —— I think so I have to -- I don't think so because it's inpatient unit. because it's inpatient unit. MR. SMITH: You don't think so? MR. SMITH: You don't think so? 25 25 I I I 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 257 Page 257 1 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER 2 THE WITNESS: It's in the THE WITNESS: It's in the 3 inpatient unit. I work in the ER. inpatient unit. I work in the ER. 4 Q. Q. 5 You work in the ER; am I You work in the ER; am I correct? correct? 6 Yes. Yes. 7 » F A. A. Q. Q. You been this for You have been doing this for 8 how many years, long been how many years, how long have you been 9 working in the ER? working in the ER? 10 A. A. years. Eighteen years. 11 Q. Q- For 18 come into For 18 years people come into 12 the psychiatric ER, right, you the psychiatric ER, right, you evaluate 13 them, correct? them, correct? 14 A. A. Yes. Yes. 15 Q. Q. you sign them in under And you sign them in under 16 Mental Hygiene Law, they go upstairs, Mental Hygiene Law, they go upstairs, 17 correct? correct? 18 A. A. Yes. Yes. 19 Q. Q. you never see them again; And you never see them again; 20 is that true? is that true? MR. CALLAN: Objection. MR. CALLAN: Objection. 21 22 Q. Q. 23 hospital? hospital? MR. CALLAN: Does that have to MR. CALLAN: Does that have to 24 25 While they were at the they were at the do with the of paper? do with the piece of paper? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 258 258 /, _. 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. MR. SUCKLE: MR. SUCKLE: 2 I'm asking I'm 3 questions about the paper because you questions about the paper because 4 didn't like the paper. didn't like the paper. 5 Q. Q. Is that true? When they go Is that true? When they go 6 upstairs on the psychiatric ward, you upstairs on the psychiatric ward, you 7 don't see them again, correct? don't see them again, correct? 8 9 A. A. That depends if you follow the That depends if follow the patient on the outside, then you see them patient on the outside, then see them 10 again. again. 11 Q. Q. When you say "follow the When you say "follow the 12 patient on the outside," do you follow patient on the outside," do follow 13 patients on the outside? patients on the outside? 14 A. A. If they refer them to me, yes. If they refer them to me, yes. 15 Q. Q. Who is they? Who is they? 16 A. A. The inpatient 3. The inpatient Unit 3. 17 Q. Q. So inpatient can refer a So inpatient can a 18 patient to you for private care? patient to you for care? 19 A. A. Yes. Yes. 20 Q. Q. Do you do your own private Do you do own private 21 practice? practice? 22 A. A. Yes. Yes. 23 Q. Q. Do you have an office outside Do an office outside 24 J 25 of Jamaica Hospital? of Hospital? A. A. 212-267-6868 I do I do. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 [/a3 Page 259 Page 259 1 2 2 3 3 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. Q. Q. In this practice, you In this private practice, you practice psychiatry I assume, correct? practice psychiatry I assume, correct? 4 A. A. What What else would I practice? I practice? 5 Q. Q. I don't know. I know. 6 6 sure. sure. 7 8 I'm just I'm just making How many days do you How many days a week do you work in that private practice? work in that private practice? 9 A. A. One. One. 10 10 Q. Q. How many days a week How many days a week did you 11 work at Jamaica Hospital in 2009? work at Jamaica Hospital in 2009? x 12 12 A. A. Five. Five. A) 13 13 Q. Q. And you also had private also 14 14 practice back in 2009? practice back in 2009? 15 15 A. A. That's —— yes, one, one day. That's -- yes, one, one day. 16 16 Q. Q. So just to be clear: You were You were So just to be clear: 17 17 working six days a week back in 2009, working six days a week back in 2009, 18 18 correct, five at Jamaica, one on correct, five at Jamaica, one on your 19 19 own? own? 20 20 A. A. I work somebody. I work with somebody. 21 Q. Q. So you are working six days a So you are working six days a 22 22 week, five at Jamaica Hospital and one in week, five at Jamaica Hospital and one in 23 private practice in 2009? private practice in 2009? 24 24 25 25 A. A. Five a week after I come Five days a week after I come -— after five o'clock on Friday. -- after five o'clock on Friday. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m ‘ 516-608-2400 /t) Page 260 260 1 2 2 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. Q. Q. So five o'clock on Fridays you So five o'clock on Fridays 3 3 see private patients in your own see private patients in own 4 practice; is that what you're saying? practice; is that saying? 5 A. A. Yes. Yes. 6 6 Q. Q. How many hours do you usually How hours do usually 7 7 do that? do that? 8 A. A. Four hours. Four hours. 9 9 Q. Q. Could you get referrals from you referrals from 10 10 11 v F. time to time from patients up on the time to time from patients on the psych 3 unit? psych 3 unit? 12 12 m .) A. A. Yes. Yes. 13 13 Q. Q. Who refers them to you: the Who refers them to you: the 14 14 physicians up there, the nurses, anybody physicians up there, the nurses, anybody 15 15 else? else? 16 16 A. A. Social worker. Social worker. 17 17 Q. Q. Social workers? Social workers? 18 18 A. A. Yes. Yes. 19 19 MR. CALLAN: Counsel, does this MR. CALLAN: Counsel, does this 20 20 have anything remotely to do with Mr. have to do Mr. 21 Schoolcraft? Schoolcraft? 22 22 MR. SUCKLE: MR. SUCKLE: I don't know yet. I don't know yet. 23 23 MR. CALLAN: Has he told you he MR. CALLAN: Has he told you he 24 24 ) was seeing Dr. Aldana-Bernier in her was seeing Dr. Aldana-Bernier in her 25 25 office? office? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY VERHEXTREPORHNGCONWANY 516-608-2400 /»-, . I Page Page 261 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 2 MR. SUCKLE: Are you saying her MR. SUCKLE: Are you saying her 3 3 resume is not part of my questions? resumé is not of questions? 4 MR. CALLAN: I'm just asking. MR. CALLAN: I'm just asking. 5 You have been going for hours here and You have been going for hours here 6 6 now we have gone down this road to now we have gone this road to 7 7 nowhere. II would kind of like to get nowhere. would kind of like to get 8 it back. it back. 9 9 This all has to do with you This all has to do with you 10 10 11 can smoke in the inpatient unit or not can smoke in the inpatient unit or not 12 12 II handing her a piece of if they handing her a piece of paper if they which I will be willing to stipulate which I will be willing to stipulate 13 13 by the way that no smoking is allowed. by the way that no smoking is allowed. 14 14 I think it is Rule No. 1 I think it is No. 1 15 15 assuming that's Psych 3 is assuming that's Psych Unit 3 is 16 16 Jamaica Hospital. Jamaica Hospital. 17 17 MR. SUCKLE: Are you enjoying MR. SUCKLE: Are you enjoying 18 18 our stay here? extending our stay here? 19 19 Q. Q. 20 20 So did you see Mr. Schoolcraft So did you see Mr. Schoolcraft in your private practice? in your private practice? 21 A. A. No. No. 22 22 Q. Q. see officers in Did you see police officers in 23 23 your private practice? your practice? 24 24 . ,) A. A. No. No. 25 25 Q. Q. a Captain tell Did a Captain Lauterborn tell 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 A) Page 262 Page 262 1 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER 2 2 you that from his observation of Mr. you that from his observation of Mr. 3 3 Schoolcraft as he observed Mr. Schoolcraft as he Mr. 4 Schoolcraft on October 31st, 2009, that Schoolcraft on October 31st, 2009, that 5 Mr. Schoolcraft was fit for duty? Mr. Schoolcraft was fit for duty? 6 6 MR. SHAFFER: Objection. MR. SHAFFER: Objection. 7 7 Q. Q. Did he tell you that? he tell you that? 8 A. A. I did not meet him. I did not him. 9 Q. Q• So I correct that you got So am I correct that you got 10 10 11 barricading him [sic] from some police barricading [sic] from some 12 12 officers, but you didn't get the officers, but you the 13 13 histories from other police officers like histories from other police officers like 14 14 ) the history of Mr. Schoolcraft the history of Mr. Schoolcraft Captain Lauterborn; I correct? Captain Lauterborn; am I correct? 15 15 MR. CALLAN: Objection to form. MR. CALLAN: Objection to form. 16 16 MR. LEE: Objection to form. MR. LEE: Objection to form. 17 17 MR. RADOMISLI: Objection to MR. RADOMISLI: Objection to 18 18 form. form. 19 19 A. A. 20 20 21 I know the officer. I don't know the officer. haven't met him. haven't met him. Q. Well, it was Mr. Schoolcraft's Mr. Schoolcraft's Well, it 22 22 captain. Are you aware that Captain captain. Are you aware that Captain 23 23 Lauterborn was his captain? Lauterborn was his captain? 24 24 ) I 25 25 MR. SHAFFER: Objection. MR. SHAFFER: Objection. A. A. 212-267-6868 No. No. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 4/s) Page 263 Page 263 1 2 2 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER Q. So you were not aware when you So you 3 3 signed the form on November 3rd, to admit signed the form on November 3rd, to admit 4 Mr. Schoolcraft to the hospital that his Mr. Schoolcraft to the hospital that 5 captain said that he was fit for duty? captain said that he was fit for duty? 6 6 MR. CALLAN: Objection. MR. CALLAN: Objection. 7 7 MR. SHAFFER: Objection. MR. SHAFFER: Objection. 8 MR. RADOMISLI: Objection MR. RADOMISLI: Objection. 9 9 Q. Q 10 10 You that? You did not know that? MR. SHAFFER: Objection. MR. SHAFFER: Objection. 11 No, I didn't know that. No, I know that. 12 12 'I A. A. Q. Q. Would you like to have known like to have known 13 13 that information, would it have helped that information, it 14 14 you in your of Mr. you in your assessment of Mr. 15 15 Schoolcraft? Schoolcraft? 16 16 MR. SHAFFER: Objection. MR. SHAFFER: Objection. 17 17 MR. CALLAN: I join in the MR. CALLAN: I join in the 18 18 objection. objection. 19 19 Q. Q. Would you have liked to know, Would you have liked to know, 20 20 would that have would that have helped you in your in your 21 assessment of Mr. Schoolcraft? assessment of Mr. Schoolcraft? 22 22 23 23 MR. CALLAN: If it's true. MR. CALLAN: If it's true. A. A. I didn't even know when he came I when he came 24 24 J to the hospital, I see any to the hospital, I didn't see any 25 25 officer. II don't remember if I seen an officer. don't remember if I seen an 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 264 Page 264 /4) \ 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 '2 officer at the time when I saw Mr. officer at the time when I saw Mr. 3 3 Schoolcraft. Schoolcraft. 4 MR. CALLAN: Doctor, he didn't MR. CALLAN: Doctor, he didn't 5 say he came to the hospital. say he came to the hospital. I know I know 6 6 it's getting late in the day. it's getting late in the day. He is He is 7 7 asking you to make an assumption about asking you to make an assumption about 8 something. He asking you a question. something. He asking you a question. 9 9 He didn't say this person came to the He didn't say this came to the 10 10 hospital so just listen carefully to hospital so just listen carefully to 11 the question. the question. 12 12 ' 13 13 MR. SUCKLE: Read that back. MR. SUCKLE: Read that back. 14 14 ) Go ahead, Counsel. Go ahead, Counsel. [The requested portion of the [The requested portion of the 15 15 record was read.] record was read.] 16 16 Q. Q. My question is: Would you have My question is: Would you have 17 17 liked to know, would it have helped you liked to know, it have 18 18 in your assessment of Mr. Schoolcraft in your assessment of Mr. Schoolcraft 19 19 that his captain said he was fit for duty that his captain said he was fit for duty 20 20 on October 31st, 2009? on October 31st, 2009? 21 22 22 MR. CALLAN: On October 31st? MR. CALLAN: On October 31st? 23 23 MR. SUCKLE: Yes. MR. SUCKLE: Yes. 24 24 > MR. KRETZ: Objection. MR. KRETZ: Objection. MR. CALLAN: Objection. MR. CALLAN: Objection. 25 25 A. A. 212-267-6868 Yes, I would. Yes, I would. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 265 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 1 2 2 Q. Q. Would that have changed your that changed your 3 3 opinion regarding whether or not Mr. opinion regarding whether or Mr. 4 Schoolcraft needed to be admitted to the Schoolcraft needed to be to the 5 hospital if you had known that Captain hospital if you known that Captain 6 6 Lauterborn had said that Mr. Schoolcraft Lauterborn had said that Mr. Schoolcraft 7 7 was fit for duty on October 31st, 2009? was fit for duty on October 31st, 2009? MR. RADOMISLI: Can you just MR. RADOMISLI: Can you just 8 9 9 define when he said that? define when he said that? MR. SUCKLE: On that day, MR. SUCKLE: On that day, 10 10 11 October 31st, 2009. October 31st, 2009. MR. RADOMISLI: Before Mr. MR. RADOMISLI: Before Mr. 12 12 13 13 Schoolcraft left? left? 14 14 MR. SUCKLE: II just want to ask MR. SUCKLE: just want to ask 15 15 the question. You can narrow it down the question. You can narrow it down 16 16 anyway you want when your turn comes. anyway you when your turn comes. Let's have a question and an Let's question and an 17 17 18 18 answer. answer. MR. RADOMISLI: I would like a MR. RADOMISLI: I would like a 19 19 20 20 time frame. time frame. MR. SUCKLE: I know what you MR. SUCKLE: I know what you 21 22 22 want. want. II asked a question. asked a question. MR. RADOMISLI: Objection to MR. RADOMISLI: Objection to 23 23 24 24 form. form. MR. SHAFFER: I join in the MR. SHAFFER: I join in the 25 25 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 266 Page 266 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 2 objection. objection. 3 3 Q. Q. Would you have changed your have changed your 4 opinion had you known on October 31st, opinion had you known on October 31st, 5 2009, at 21:30 hours, Captain Lauterborn 2009, at 21:30 hours, Captain Lauterborn 6 6 said that Mr. Schoolcraft was fit for said that Mr. was fit for 7 7 duty, would that have changed your duty, would that have changed your 8 opinion? opinion? MR. KRETZ: Objection. MR. KRETZ: Objection. 9 10 10 MR. CALLAN: Objection. MR. CALLAN: Objection. 11 MR. SHAFFER: Objection. MR. SHAFFER: Objection. 12 12 13 13 Q. Would you have admitted him is have admitted him is the question? the question? 14 14 A. A. Yes, I would have admitted him. Yes, I admitted him. 15 15 Q. Q. How would it have changed your How it changed your 16 16 opinion. You said it would change your opinion. You said it would change your 17 17 opinion? opinion? 18 18 19 19 MR. CALLAN: You asked if she MR. CALLAN: You asked if she would have would have liked to have known. to known. 20 20 21 MR. SUCKLE: I did ask her. MR. SUCKLE: I did ask her. Q. Q. Would it change your opinion if change your opinion if 22 22 you knew that Captain Lauterborn on you knew Captain Lauterborn on 23 23 October 31st, 2009, at 21:30 hours, October 31st, 2009, 21:30 hours, 24 24 deemed Mr. Schoolcraft fit for duty? deemed Mr. Schoolcraft fit for duty? 25 25 A. A. 212-267-6868 It would not change my opinion not change opinion. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY Www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 267 267 //I L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 1 2 I would talk to maybe the captain, and I I would talk to maybe the captain, and I 3 will tell him what is going on, and I will tell him what is going on, and I 4 will make a decision together again with will make a decision together again with 5 the chairman if he should be admitted or the chairman if he be admitted or 6 discharged. discharged. 7 Q. Q. And you would talk to the would talk to the 8 captain because you want to verify that captain because you want to that 9 information, correct? information, correct? 10 MR. KRETZ: Objection. MR. KRETZ: Objection. 11 MR. CALLAN: Same objection. MR. CALLAN: Same objection. 12 13 Q. Q. Is that why you would have Is that you talked to the captain? talked to the captain? 14 MR. CALLAN: Verify what MR. CALLAN: Verify what 15 information, what information, information, what information, 16 Counsel? Counsel? MR. SUCKLE: She said she would MR. SUCKLE: She said she would 17 18 talk to the captain. talk to the captain. 19 Q. Q. 20 21 22 23 Why would you have talked to have talked to the captain? the captain? A. A. To verify that he said he was To that he said was fit for duty. for duty. Q. Q. Did you speak to any officers speak to officers 24 J to verify that he had barricaded himself to verify that he 25 in his house? in his house? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 - _/ / 1 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER 2 MR. SHAFFER: Objection. MR. SHAFFER: Objection. A. A. 3 4 I get it from the information I get it from the information in the report. the report. Q. Q. 5 6 Page 268 Page 268 speak to any Did you speak to any police officer to verify he was acting bizarre? officer to verify he was acting bizarre? 7 MR. SHAFFER: Objection. MR. SHAFFER: Objection. 8 MR. CALLAN: Asked and answered. MR. CALLAN: Asked and answered. 9 Q. Q. Did you speak to any officers? speak to any officers? 10 A. A. It's reported and It's been reported and written 11 down in the document. down in the document. 12 MR. KRETZ: Read that back. MR. KRETZ: Read that back. 13 [The requested portion of the [The of the 14 record was read.] record was read.] 15 Q. Q. Seroquel, do you know what that Seroquel, do you know what that 17 A. A. Yes. Yes. 18 Q. Q.' What is it? What is it? 19 A. A. second generation A second generation 16 20 is? is? antipsychotic. antipsychotic. 21 Q. Q. 22 disorders? disorders? 23 A. A. 24 Is that also used for sleep Is that also for sleep Sleep, depression, bipolar, Sleep, depression, bipolar, used for psychosis. used for psychosis. MR. SMITH: We are going to take MR. SMITH: We are going to take 25 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY vnwvmverfiexiconm 516-608-2400 Page 269 Page 269 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 1 2 a short break to see what we have a short break to see we have 3 left. left. It's 5:24. We are going off the It's 5:24. We are going off the 4 5 record. record. 6 MR. CALLAN: All right. MR. CALLAN: All right. 7 [Discussion held off the [Discussion off the 8 record.] record.] [Whereupon, at 5:24 p.m , a [Whereupon, at 5:24 p.m., 9 10 recess was taken.] recess was taken.] [Whereupon, at 5:38 p.m [Whereupon, at 5:38 p.m., 11 12 14 the testimony continued.] testimony continued.] MR. SMITH: Back on the record. MR. SMITH: Back on the record. 13 It is 5:38 p.m. It is 5:38 p.m. MR. RADOMISLI: Just before you MR. RADOMISLI: Just before you 15 16 start asking questions, I sent an start questions, I sent an 17 email to my associate at the office email to associate the office 18 asking him to do a search in our asking to do a search in our 19 system to determine if we ever system to determine if ever 20 provided with you document Psych 3 provided with Psych 3 21 Unit Rules, according to his search, Unit Rules, according to his search, 22 there is nothing on our system there is on our system 23 we ever did. indicating we ever did. I ask you send us by within a I ask send us a 24 ) H 25 week an explanation how week an explanation how you obtained obtained 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY wWw.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 270 Page 270 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 this document. I'm not saying we this document. I'm not saying we 3 didn't give it to you, all I'm saying didn't give it to you, all I'm saying 4 is according to associate on is according to my associate based on 5 his search, there is no indication we his search, there is no indication we 6 did. did. MR. SUCKLE: II will double-check MR. SUCKLE: will double-check 7 8 my records, but I'm fairly confident my records, but I'm fairly 9 that it came from you. that it came you. MR. CALLAN: It didn't come from MR. CALLAN: It didn't come from 10 11 me. me. I can tell you that. I can tell that. MR. SUCKLE: Maybe the house MR. SUCKLE: Maybe the house 12 13 painter gave it. painter gave it. 14 Q. Q. 15 Doctor, I know it's late. We Doctor, I know it's late. are getting there. are getting there. Doctor, in your position as Doctor, in as 16 17 employee of the hospital, do get a employee of the hospital, do you get a 18 performance evaluation, do you performance evaluation, do you get 19 evaluated in your performance? evaluated in performance? 20 A. A. Yes. Yes. 21 Q. Is that something done Is that something done 22 annually, some other way? annually, some way? 23 A. A. Annually. Annually. 24 Q. Q. Are they written evaluations? Are they written evaluations? 25 A. A. Are they written, yes. Are they written, yes. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 "3 Page 271 1 2 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. Q. in their evaluations, And in their evaluations, 3 without discussing without discussing at this point what the this the 4 evaluations were, can you tell me what evaluations were, can you tell me what 5 some of items are that are considered in some of items are are considered in 6 your evaluation? your evaluation? 7 A. A. I don't have a copy so-it's I a copy so it's 8 hard for me to say. We talk about hard for me to say. We talk about 9 performance. We talk about ability to performance. We talk about ability to 10 relate with other staff. We talk about We talk about relate with other staff. 11 clinical judgment. We talk about if we clinical judgment. We talk about if we 12 have this sense of cooperativeness with have this sense of cooperativeness with 13 the department. We also talk about our the department. We also talk about our 14 knowledge of medicine or psychiatry. knowledge of medicine or psychiatry. 15 That's all I can remember. That's all I can remember. 16 Q. Q. In your has of In your evaluation has any of 17 your evaluations your clinical your evaluations criticized your clinical 18 judgment? judgment? MR. RADOMISLI: Objection based MR. RADOMISLI: Objection based 19 20 on the on the -- 21 MR. CALLAN: Yeah, objection. MR. CALLAN: Yeah, objection. 22 MR. RADOMISLI: -- and based on MR. RADOMISLI: -- and based on 23 Education Law 6527. Education 6527. MR. CALLAN: I join in the MR. CALLAN: I join in the 24 25 objection, and directed not to objection, and you're directed not to 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY unuunverfiextconl 516-608-2400 Page 272 Page 272 /w) L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 1 2 2 answer that question. answer that question. 3 3 0Q. 2• When you talk When you talk about 4 performance, is there any relationship performance, is there 5 between performance and the number of between performance the of 6 6 patients seen in your evaluation? patients seen in your evaluation? 7 7 8 MR. CALLAN: Objection to the MR. CALLAN: Objection to the question. question. 9 MR. SUCKLE: Just generally not MR. SUCKLE: Just generally not 10 10 only her. only her. 11 Q. Generally, is part of your Generally, is of your n, 12 12 performance evaluation based on the performance evaluation on the ~M§ 13 13 number of patients seen? number of patients seen? MR. RADOMISLI: Objection based MR. RADOMISLI: Objection based 14 14 15 15 on privilege, but I can't direct her on privilege, but I can't direct 16 16 not to answer. not to answer. MR. SUCKLE: I don't think MR. SUCKLE: I don't think 17 17 18 18 that's privileged. She just gave me that's privileged. She just gave 19 19 generally categories of evaluations. generally categories of evaluations. MR. RADOMISLI: You're asking MR. RADOMISLI: You're asking 20 20 2121 her? her? MR. SUCKLE: I'm asking MR. SUCKLE: I'm asking 22 22 23 23 generally. generally. MR. LEE: Objection. MR. LEE: Objection. 24 24 53 25 25 Q Q. Generally, in the category of Generally, in the of ‘J 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY wnwvmverfiextconn 516-608-2400 Page 273 Page 273 /W) L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 1 2 2 performance, does that include number of performance, does include of 3 3 patients seen? patients seen? 4 A. A. No. No. 5 Q. Q. Do you know how many patients Do you saw last year at Jamaica Hospital? you saw last year at Jamaica Hospital? 6 6 7 7 A. A. I would not remember that. I remember that. 8 Q. Q. Is there a way that you can Is there that you can ascertain that kind of information? ascertain that of information? 9 9 A. A. 10 10 I have to go to the financial I have to go to the financial 11 department and see how many patients I department and see patients I N 12 12 have seen. have seen. :.) 13 13 14 14 [ Q. Q. I don't know. I know. That would be the same for That the same for patients that you saw in 2009? patients that you saw in 2009? MR. CALLAN: You mean did she MR. CALLAN: You mean did she 15 15 16 16 see the exact number of patients? see the exact number of patients? 17 17 Q. Q. In order to find out how many In order to find out 18 18 you saw, you would have to go to the you saw, you have to go to the 19 19 financial department? financial department? 20 20 A. A. Financial department because Financial 21 they have to do the billing. they have to do the billing. I don't I don't 22 22 bill. bill. 23 23 Q. Q. So in order to find out how So in order to find out how 24 24 > many patients you saw if many patients you saw if you wanted, you wanted, you 25 25 would have to go to the would have to go to the billing or or 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 A) Page 274 274 1 2 L . ALDANA-BERNIER L. financial department, correct? financial department, correct? 3 MR. CALLAN: Do you know if they MR. CALLAN: Do you know if they 4 can isolate it by doctor name or are can isolate it by doctor name or are 5 you assuming? you assuming? _ 6 THE WITNESS: I do not know how. THE WITNESS: I do not know how. 7 MR. CALLAN: Just tell him that. MR. CALLAN: Just tell him that. 8 MR. SMITH: Let her speak. MR. SMITH: Let her speak. 9 10 Don't interrupt. Let her answer the Don't interrupt. Let her answer the question for God's sake. question for sake. ‘ MR. CALLAN: Do you know for a MR. CALLAN: Do you know for a 11 12 fact if they the software or fact if they have the software or 13 computer to isolate it computer program to isolate it by 14 doctor per patient, do you that? doctor per patient, do you know that? 15 16 17 THE WITNESS: No, I don't. THE WITNESS: No, I don't. Q. Doctor, does Jamaica Hospital Doctor, does Jamaica Hospital have a department? have a billing department? 18 A. A. do. They do. 19 Q. Q. When you see a patient, are you see a patient, are you When 20 required to fill out any so required to fill out any paperwork so 21 that the patient's insurance company will that the patient's insurance company will 22 be if there is an insurance be billed if there is an insurance 23 company? company? 24 25 A. A. I'm the one that do the I'm not the one that do the billing. billing. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 275 Page 275 1 2 2 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. Q. Q. Do you fill out any forms or Do you fill out any forms or 3 3 documents that go to billing so they can documents that go to so they can 4 bill the patient for your services? bill the patient for your services? 5 A. A. Yes, I fill out a form. Yes, I fill out a form. 6 6 Q. Q. What is the nature of that What is the nature of that 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 form, what is it? form, what is it? A. A. It's a form that I sign that I It's a form that I sign that I saw the patient. saw the patient. Q. Q. Do patients who come in with Do who come in with 11 private insurance, do they get admitted, private insurance, do they admitted, 12 12 do you need approval from time to time do you need approval time to time 13 13 from private insurance before they get from private insurance before they get 14 14 admitted; just generally we're talking admitted; just generally we're talking 15 15 about? about? 16 16 A A. Let me see. Let me see. 17 17 Q Q. I'm talking generally. talking generally. 18 18 A. A. Yes. Yes. 19 19 Q Q. Not Mr. Schoolcraft. Not Mr. Schoolcraft. 20 20 A A. Yes. Yes. 21 Q. Q. What What about for Medicare, do for Medicare, do 22 22 they need approval before a patient is they need approval before a is 23 23 admitted? admitted? 24 24 A. A. That depends if it's an HMO. That depends if it's HMO. 25 25 Q. Q. So some HMOs require approval So some HMOs require approval 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 276 276 /J, \. L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 1 2 and some aren't HMOs. some aren't HMOs. 3 And does the federal government And does the federal 4 require prior approval on their Medicare? require prior approval on their Medicare? 5 6 7 8 A. A. If they are not HMOs, you don't If are not HMOs, you don't to ask for authorization. to ask for authorization. Q. Q. How about Medicaid, is prior How Medicaid, is approval required before admission? approval before admission? 9 A. A. No. No. 10 Q. Q. Just as a housekeeping thing: Just as a housekeeping thing: 11 Are you paid for your overtime hours? Are you paid for your overtime hours? 12 A. A. No. No. 13 Q. Q. You have actually in front of You have actually in of 14 you, you know at some point IAB, internal you, you know at some point IAB, internal 15 affairs from the New York City Police affairs from the New York 16 Department did come to the hospital based Department did come to the hospital 17 on the records in front of you, correct? on the records in front of you, correct? MR. CALLAN: Is that a question, MR. CALLAN: Is that a question, 18 does she know that? does she that? 19 MR. SUCKLE: Yes. SUCKLE: Yes. MR. 20 Q. Q. Based on the record in front of on the record in front of 23 A. A. Yes, I know there is a note. Yes, I there is a note. 24 Q. Q. What is the date of that note? What is the date of that note? 25 A. A. That's 11/2/2009, five o'clock That's 11/2/2009, five o'clock 21 22 you? you? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY VERHEXTREPORHNGCONWANY 516-608-2400 Page 277 Page 277 3-3 \ L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 1 2 2 3 3 in the afternoon. in the afternoon. Q. Q. So that note was in the chart So that note was in the chart 4 before you signed your November 3rd, before you signed your November 3rd, 5 mental hygiene admission form, correct? mental hygiene admission form, correct? 6 6 A. A. That's correct. That's correct. 7 7 Q. Q. So you know that internal So you that internal 8 affairs had come to the hospital before affairs had come to the hospital 9 9 you decided to admit Mr. Schoolcraft to you decided to Mr. Schoolcraft to 10 10 the hospital? the hospital? MR. CALLAN: CALLAN: Objection. She MR. Objection. She 11 11 [[ 12 12 testified earlier she made the testified earlier she the [AD 13 13 decision to admit him on the 2nd not decision to admit him on the 2nd not 14 14 on the 3rd. She filled out the form on the 3rd. She filled out the form 15 15 on the 3rd. You're mischaracterizing on the 3rd. You're mischaracterizing 16 16 testimony. testimony. 17 17 Q. Q. Before you filled out the form Before filled out the form 18 18 to admit Mr. Schoolcraft under the Mental to admit Mr. Schoolcraft under the Mental 19 19 Hygiene Law, you knew that IAB had come Hygiene Law, you that IAB come 20 20 to the hospital, correct? to the hospital, correct? MR. SHAFFER: Objection. MR. SHAFFER: Objection. 21 22 22 A. A. The notes are here from 11/2. The notes are from 11/2. 23 23 Q. Q. So the answer is yes, you knew So the answer is yes, knew 24 24 8} / that IAB had come to the hospital before that IAB had come to the hospital 25 25 you signed the admission forms on 11/3, you signed the admission forms 11/3, 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY Www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 278 278 1 2 2 3 3 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. correct? correct? A. A. I must have read the notes. I must read the notes. 4 MR. SMITH: What was the answer? MR. SMITH: What was the answer? 5 THE WITNESS: I must have read THE WITNESS: I must have read 6 6 the note. the note. 7 7 Q. Did you speak to the officer Did you speak to the officer 8 from IAB and ask them whether or not Mr. from IAB and ask whether or Mr. 9 Schoolcraft had told them the story about Schoolcraft had told them the story about 10 10 the problem with his supervisor that Mr. the problem with his supervisor that Mr. 11 Schoolcraft told to you? Schoolcraft to you? 12 12 MR. SHAFFER: Objection. MR. SHAFFER: Objection. 13 13 A. A. 14 14 not there. there. 15 15 there anymore [indicating]. there anymore [indicating]. 16 16 Q. Q. It was at five o'clock. It was at five o'clock. It was at 9:30. was 9:30. I was I was I'm not I'm not In fact one of the officers In one of the officers 17 17 from IAB stapled -- gave his card and it from IAB stapled -- gave his card and it 18 18 was taped to the chart, correct? was taped to the chart, correct? MR. CALLAN: She said she wasn't MR. CALLAN: She said she wasn't 19 19 20 20 there when they were there. there when they there. 21 Q. Q. 22 22 The chart you have in front of The chart you have in front of you, correct? you, correct? 23 23 A. A. Yes. Yes. 24 24 Q. Q. Yes. And when you went to sign Yes. And when you went to sign 25 25 your admission under the Mental Hygiene your admission under the Mental Hygiene 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY VERHEXTREPORHNGCONWANY 516-608-2400 (3 Page 279 Page 279 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 2 Law on November 3rd, that card was in the Law on November 3rd, that was in the 3 3 chart, correct? chart, correct? 4 5 MR. CALLAN: How do we know when MR. CALLAN: How do we know when the card was stapled in? the card was stapled in? MR. SUCKLE: MR. SUCKLE: Let her answer. Let her answer. If If 6 6 7 7 she doesn't know, she'll tell me. she doesn't know, she'll tell me. 8 9 MR. CALLAN: You're making these MR. CALLAN: You're making these things up in your question. things up in question. MR. SUCKLE: I'm making up MR. SUCKLE: I'm making up 10 10 11 nothing. I'm -nothing. I'm -- _ 12 12 MR. CALLAN: MR. CALLAN: You are. You said You are. You said ) 13 13 the IAB officer stapled the card into the IAB officer the card into 14 14 the card. the card. 15 15 MR. SUCKLE: II didn't say that. MR. SUCKLE: didn't say that. 16 16 MR. CALLAN: Who stabled that MR. CALLAN: Who stabled that 17 17 in? in? 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 22 22 23 23 MR. SUCKLE: Nobody, it's taped. MR. SUCKLE: Nobody, it's taped. Q. Q. Can we have an answer to the Can we have an to the question, please? question, please? A. A. I don't remember. I do not I do not I don't remember. remember seeing this card. remember seeing this card. Q. If that card was in the chart, If that card was in the chart, 24 24 mg.) would you have would you have called that officer from that officer from 25 25 internal affairs to verify Mr. internal affairs to Mr. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 [/4) Page 280 Page 280 1 2 2 L. L. ALDANA-BERNIER Schoolcraft's story? Schoolcraft's story? 3 3 MR. CALLAN: Objection. MR. CALLAN: Objection. 4 MR. SHAFFER: Objection. MR. SHAFFER: Objection. 5 MR. SMITH: What was the answer? MR. SMITH: What was the answer? 6 6 THE REPORTER: I didn't get an THE REPORTER: I didn't get an 7 7 answer yet. answer yet. 8 Q. Q. What's your answer. answer. What's 9 9 A. A. I know because I don't I wouldn't know because I don't 10 10 11 know if I saw the card or not. know if I saw the or not. Q. Q. you seen the card Had you seen the card before g 5 12 12 you signed the mental admission you signed the mental hygiene admission ) 13 13 on the 3rd, would you have called on the 3rd, would you have called 14 14 internal affairs? internal affairs? 15 15 A. A. I did not see these cards I did not see these cards 16 16 before so I don't if I before so I don't know if I would have 17 17 called internal affairs. called internal affairs. 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 22 22 23 23 Q. Q. So are saying you know So now you are saying you know you did not see the cards? you did not see the cards? A. A. _ I do not if I saw these I do not know if I saw these cards. don't remember seeing them. cards. II don't remember seeing them. Q. Q. you remember if you And you don't remember if you would have called internal affairs? would have called internal affairs? 24 24 D A. A. I didn't see the card. I didn't see the card. 25 25 Q. Q. You know not see the You know you did not see the 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 I Page 281 ./ I/1 \ 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 cards? cards? 3 A. A. 4 5 remember. remember. Q. Q. I do not know. I do not I do not know. I do not It was that 2009. It was that 2009. So the answer is, am I correct, So the answer is, am I correct, 6 you don't know if you saw the cards and you don't know if you saw the cards and 7 you don't know what you would have done you don't know what you done 8 if you did see the cards, am I correct, if you did see the cards, am I correct, 9 is that the answer? is that the answer? 10 MR. CALLAN: Objection. MR. CALLAN: Objection. 11 You can answer. You answer. 12 I Q. Q. A. A. I do not know if I would have I do if I have 13 14 15 called them. called them. Q. Looking at the note of November at the note of 2nd, 2009, at 9:30, do you see that note? 2nd, 2009, at 9:30, do you see that note? 16 A. A. P.m.? P.m.? 17 Q. Q. Yes. Yes. Do see that note? Do you see that note? 18 19 A. A. Yes. Yes. 20 Q. Q. And that is before your that is your 21 November 3rd, 1:20 note where you signed November 3rd, 1:20 note where you signed 22 the form, the mental hygiene admission, the form, the mental hygiene admission, 23 correct? correct? 24 I A. A. Yes. Yes. 25 Q. And did you read the chart read the 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY vnv“hverfiexLc0n1 516-608-2400 /- 1. I Page 282 282 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 where it says, "Patient has where it says, "Patient has been seen and seen and 3 3 interviewed by Detective Steven P. Wacter interviewed by Steven P. 4 4 [phonetic] and Sergeant Scott from [phonetic] Scott from 5 Internal Affairs Bureau"? Internal Affairs Bureau"? 6 6 A. A. Yes. Yes. 7 Q• Q. Would you want to know what you to 8 internal affairs had to see about Mr. internal affairs had to see about Mr. 9 9 Schoolcraft in coming to your opinion Schoolcraft in to opinion 10 regarding whether or not he needed to be regarding whether or to 11 11 admitted to the hospital? admitted to the hospital? _ 12 12 _I MR. SHAFFER: Objection. MR. SHAFFER: Objection. 13 13 A. A. I was wondering why the I was why the 14 14 attending put this note and did not write attending put this and did not write 15 15 any note about what interaction happened any note about what interaction 16 16 with internal affairs. with internal affairs. 17 17 18 18 Q. Q. When you say you were wondering When you say you were wondering about it -it -- 19 19 A. A. There's nothing. There's nothing. 20 20 Q. Q. When were When were you wondering about wondering about 22 22 A. A. Now. Now. 23 23 Q. Q. Why were you wondering about were you wondering A. A. Should have written a note. Should have a note. 21 24 24 ) 25 25 it? it? it? it? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY vnvwnverfiextc0n1 516-608-2400 Page 283 Page 283 I L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 1 2 Q. Q. When When you say "should have say "should have 3 written a note," what should written a note," what should he have have 4 written about? written about? 5 6 A. A. His interaction with internal His interaction internal affairs. .affairs. Q. Q. 7 Would that have been helpful to that helpful to 8 you in your care and treatment with Mr. you in your care with Mr. 9 Schoolcraft? Schoolcraft? A. A. In deciding to admit him or In to admit him or 12 Q. Q. Yes. Yes. 13 A. A.‘ I already made my decision I decision 10 11 | I not? not? 14 before that. On 11/1 I made the decision before that. On 11/1 I made the decision 15 of admission. of admission. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Q. Q. Was Was your decision irreversible decision irreversible once you made it? once you made it? A. A. I think that he would benefit I think that he would benefit from inpatient admission. from admission. Q. Q. When When you say "he would say "he benefit," what do you mean? benefit," do mean? A. A. I thought at the time in 2009 I thought the time in 2009 23 that he would be a danger to himself or that he would be danger to or 24 others. others. 25 Q. Q. The question was: Would the The question was: Would the /, 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 284 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L . 1 2 notes that you think would have been notes that you think 3 helpful in coming to your decision as to as to helpful in coming to your 4 whether or not Mr. needed to whether or not Mr. Schoolcraft needed to 5 be admitted? be admitte d? MR. RADOMISLI: Objection to MR. RADOMISLI: Objection to 6 7 form. form. 8 MR. CALLAN: How would she know? MR. CALLAN: How would she know? 9 MR. SUCKLE: She was the one MR. SUCKLE: She was the one 10 that said something should have been should have been that s aid 11 there. there. 12 MR. CALLAN: You are the one MR. CALLAN: You are the one 13 talking about cards stapled into a into a talkin g about cards 14 chart. chart. MR. SUCKLE: The record is what MR. SUCKLE: The record is what 15 16 the re cord is. You are just playing the record is. You are just playing 17 games now. games now. 18 MR. CALLAN: It's nonsense. MR. CALLAN: It's nonsense. 19 MR. SUCKLE: It's nonsense? MR. SUCKLE: It's nonsense? 20 MR. CALLAN: Right. MR. CALLAN: Right. 21 MR. SUCKLE: A doctor has a note MR. SUCKLE: A doctor has a note 22 in front of her and she signs a day of and she signs a day in 23 later, you think it's nonsense. later, you think it's nonsense. 24 MR. CALLAN: It is. MR. CALLAN: It is. 25 MR. SUCKLE: Let's go. MR. SUCKLE: Let's go. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 5 16-608-2400 516-608-2400 Page 285 /~ I 5' 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. MR. CALLAN: MR. CALLAN: 2 2 She's got one note She's got one note 3 3 in the chart, it's only taken us six in the chart, it's only taken us six 4 hours to question her so.... hours to question so.... MR. SUCKLE: Maybe we should MR. SUCKLE: Maybe we should 5 6 6 have taken six hours to evaluate the have taken six hours to evaluate the 7 7 patient. patient. 8 Q. 5 9 The notes you said should have The notes you said should been there, would that have been helpful been there, would that have been helpful 10 10 to you in your decision to admit Mr. to you in your to admit Mr. 11 Schoolcraft? Schoolcraft? N 12 12 MR. SHAFFER: Objection to form. MR. SHAFFER: Objection to form. .) 13 13 MR. CALLAN: Objection to form. MR. CALLAN: Objection to form. 14 14 MR. SUCKLE: MR. SUCKLE: 15 15 It hasn't been It answered. answered. 16 16 MR. RADOMISLI: It has actually. MR. RADOMISLI: It has actually. 17 17 MR. CALLAN: Asked and answered, MR. CALLAN: Asked and answered, 18 18 Counsel. Counsel. There is nothing in the note There is in the note 19 19 20 20 except that IAB was there. that IAB was there. MR. SUCKLE: The note she said MR. SUCKLE: The note she said 21 22 22 should have been there. have been there. MR. CALLAN: She is supposed to MR. CALLAN: She is supposed to 23 23 24 24 > make up a note make up a note now and answer a and answer a 25 25 hypothetical? hypothetical? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 286 Page 286 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 1 MR. SUCKLE: She said a note MR. SUCKLE: She said a note 2 3 should be there. I'm asking about the should be there. I'm asking about the 4 note that should have been there. note that have been there. 5 A. A. Not my note. note. 6 Q. Q. I understand. I understand. The note that should have been The note that should been 7 8 there, would they have mattered in your there, would they have in your 9 decision to admit Mr. Schoolcraft? decision to Mr. Schoolcraft? 10 MR. SHAFFER: Objection to form. MR. SHAFFER: Objection to form. 11 MR. RADOMISLI: Objection to MR. RADOMISLI: Objection to 12 form, asked and answered. form, and answered. MR. SUCKLE: II didn't get an MR. SUCKLE: didn't get an 13 14 answer. answer. I've asked it. [I've asked it. MR. SHAFFER: It's impossible to MR. SHAFFER: It's impossible to 15 16 answer the question. The information answer the question. The information 17 doesn't exist. doesn't exist. 18 answer. answer. It's impossible to It's to Let's stop playing games and Let's stop games and 19 20 move this along. You cannot answer a move this along. You cannot answer a 21 question about something that does not question something that does not 22 exist. exist. 23 Q. Q. MR. CALLAN: Can you answer the MR. CALLAN: Can you answer the 24 25 Please answer the question? Please answer the question? question, Doctor? question, Doctor? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 A) Page 287 287 1 2 2 3 3 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. A. A. I already made my decision. made I decision. I cannot answer the question. cannot answer the question. 4 Q. Q. Once your made your decision? Once your made decision? 5 A. A. The patient needed admission. The admission. 6 6 I felt that at that point on 11/1 that I felt that at that point on 11/1 that 7 7 the patient needed inpatient the patient needed inpatient 8 stabilization. stabilization. 9 Q. Q. So just so we are clear here: So just so we are clear here: 10 10 No information from IAB would have No information IAB have 11 changed your mind, correct, from internal changed your mind, correct, internal 12 12 affairs? affairs? 13 13 MR. KRETZ: Objection. MR. KRETZ: Objection. 14 14 ) MR. CALLAN: Same objection. MR. CALLAN: Same objection. 15 15 16 16 17 17 A. A. Then I would have to make the Then I have to the chairman make the decision. chairman make the decision. Q. Q. So if IAB information, So if IAB had information, you 18 18 would want the would want the chairman to make the to the 19 19 decision? decision? 20 20 21 MR. CALLAN: Objection. This is Objection. This is MR. CALLAN: ridiculous. ridiculous. 22 22 MR. SMITH: Would you stop. MR. SMITH: Would you stop. 23 23 24 24 ) Would you please stop. I'm sick and Would you please stop. I'm sick and tired of you interrupting this tired of you interrupting this 25 25 examination. You've been doing this examination. You've been doing this 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 I Page 288 Page 288 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 1 2 2 all day. all day. MR. CALLAN: Are you involved in MR. CALLAN: Are you involved in 3 3 4 this? this? MR. SMITH: Yes, heavily and MR. SMITH: Yes, heavily and 5 6 6 you're going to become more involved you're going to become more involved 7 7 in this with this kind of in this with this 8 irresponsible behavior. irresponsible behavior MR. CALLAN: There is one MR. CALLAN: There is one 9 9 10 10 attorney designated to represent the the attorney designated to 11 Plaintiff. Plaintiff. 12 12 are just running the home movie are just the 13 13 camera. camera. MR. SMITH: Would you please MR. SMITH: Would you please 14 14 15 15 It's not you today. It's not you today. You You stop interfering? stop interfering? MR. SUCKLE: MR. SUCKLE: Excuse me. Excuse me. No No 16 16 17 17 matter how matter how much you pontificate, we pontificate, we 18 18 are not going home until we are done are not going home until we are done. I'm going to keep asking until I to keep asking I 19 19 20 20 get an answer. I'm going to keep get an answer. I'm going to keep 21 asking. asking. MR. CALLAN: Try to ask a MR. CALLAN: Try to ask a 22 22 23 23 relevant question. relevant question. MR. SUCKLE: II haven't been able MR. SUCKLE: haven't been able 24 24 25 25 to all day, that's why we're here. to all day, that's here. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 K») Page 289 Page 289 1 2 2 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. I'm trying. I'm trying. 3 3 MR. CALLAN: Work harder at it. MR. CALLAN: Work harder at it. 4 MR. SUCKLE: Maybe you'll teach MR. SUCKLE: Maybe you'll teach 5 me one day. me one day. 6 6 A. A. 7 7 What do the think internal What do the think internal affairs would tell me? affairs would tell me? 8 MR. CALLAN: Doctor, you have to MR. CALLAN: Doctor, you have to wait for the question. wait for the question. 9 9 10 10 Q. Q. There was nothing internal There was internal 11 affairs could have told you to change affairs could have you to change [[ 12 12 your mind, you already made your decision your mind, you decision I.” 13 13 and whatever internal affairs had to say, and whatever internal affairs had to say, 14 14 you were not going to change your mind, you were not going to change your mind, 15 15 correct? correct? 16 16 A. A. Is internal affairs reliable? Is internal affairs reliable? 17 17 Q. Q. That's a good questions. That's a good questions. Can Can 18 18 you answer my question? you answer my question? 19 19 20 20 A. A. reliable internal affairs is. reliable internal affairs is. 21 22 22 Q. Q. D 25 25 How do you determine whether or do determine whether or not internal affairs is reliable? not internal affairs is reliable? 23 23 24 24 So I have to determine how So I have to determine how A. A. Because I have to assess them I to assess them Q. Q In them, In assessing them, how would too. too. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 290 290 /W) \ L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 you do that? do that? A. A. Collaborate what I have seen I have seen and what they tell me. what they tell me. Q. Q. So you would need to hear what So you to hear what 6 6 internal affairs has to say and evaluate internal affairs has to say 7 7 whether or not you whether or not you can believe them or them or 8 not, correct? not, correct? 9 A. A. Yes. Yes. 10 10 Q. Q. Did you evaluate the police you evaluate the 11 officer who reported that Mr. Schoolcraft officer who reported that Mr. Schoolcraft [N 12 12 had barricaded himself in his house, did had barricaded himself in his house, .§ 13 13 you evaluate that person? you evaluate person? MR. SHAFFER: Objection. MR. SHAFFER: Objection. 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 I didn't see I see A. A. He wasn't there. He there. Q. Q. So but you accepted his So but you his him. him. 18 18 information as part of the basis of your information as of the basis of your 19 19 diagnosis, correct? diagnosis, correct? 20 20 A. A. And the documentation. the documentation. 21 Q. Q. Documentation somebody else somebody else 22 22 23 23 wrote in a chart, correct? wrote in a chart, correct? A. A. That I saw Mr. Schoolcraft and That I saw Mr. Schoolcraft and 24 24 9 I agreed to whatever the documentation of I agreed to the of 25 25 the resident was. the was. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 293. 291 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 1 2 Q. Q. When you saw Mr. Schoolcraft, you saw Mr. Schoolcraft, 3 you agreed he had barricaded himself in you agreed he himself in 4 his house? his house? 5 A. A. That is the information given. is the information given. 6 Q Q. Written in the chart? in the chart? 7 A. A. Information given in the chart given in the chart. 8 Q Q. By some police officer or some officer or 9 10 11 12 sergeant from the police department, sergeant from the police department, correct? correct? A. A. Hold on. Also have the Hold on. Also have the documentation from the EMS. documentation from the EMS. 13 Q. Q. Did you speak to EMS? speak to EMS? 14 A. A. Documentation is here. is here. 15 Q. Q. Documentation meaning a note? a note? 16 A. A. Yes. Yes. 17 Q. Q. So EMS writes a note and you So EMS writes a and you 18 accept what they say because it's written accept what they say it's written 19 in the chart, correct? in the chart, correct? 20 21 22 A. A. They were there. They went to They were there. They went to pick up the patient. pick up the patient. Q. Q. But you are not sure if you are not sure if 23 would trust internal affairs; am I would trust internal affairs; am I 24 correct? correct? 25 A. A. 212-267-6868 That's a big question. That's a question. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY vvuwwverfiextconl 516-608-2400 //4) Page 292 Page 292 \ 1 2 2 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. Q. Q. Do you have the duty as a Do you the duty as a 3 3 physician in accordance with and physician in accordance with good and 4 accepted medical practice to conduct your accepted medical practice to 5 own evaluation of a patient? own evaluation of a patient? 6 6 A. A. I do. I do. 7 7 Q. Q. Do you as a physician have in Do you as a have in 8 accordance with good and accepted medical accordance with good and accepted medical 9 9 practice have to do a complete evaluation practice have to do a complete 10 10 11 11 of your patients? of your patients? A. A. I agree with the evaluation of I agree with the evaluation [ 12 12 the resident. the resident. I saw the patient. I saw the patient. I I I Q 13 13 agree whatever evaluation of resident was agree whatever evaluation of was 14 14 and that's it. I have written in my and that's it. I have written in my 15 15 notes -notes -- 16 16 Q. I understand. I understand. 17 17 My question is not quite that. My question is not quite that. 18 18 Do you have a duty, does good Do you have a duty, does 19 19 and accepted medical practice require you accepted medical practice require you 20 20 to do a complete evaluation of your to do a complete of your 21 patients; that's the question? patients; that's the question? 22 22 A. A. 23 23 ) resident. resident. 24 24 Q. Q. I'm in agreement with the I'm in the 25 25 Yes or no, do you have a duty Yes or no, do a duty within the bounds of good and accepted within the bounds of and accepted 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 293' Page 293 /-A‘! 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 medical practice to medical practice to do a complete a complete 3 evaluation of your patient? evaluation of your patient? 4 5 E I 1 MR. CALLAN: Objection to form. MR. CALLAN: Objection to form. MR. LEE: Objection. MR. LEE: Objection. I 6 Q. Q. Does good and accepted medical Does good and medical 7 practice require you to do complete practice require you to do a complete 8 evaluation of your patient? evaluation of patient? 9 10 A. A. I did evaluation. I evaluation. I'm in in agreement with the resident. agreement with the resident. MR. CALLAN: Objection. MR. CALLAN: Objection. 11 12 Q. Q. You can't answer that question? You can't answer that question? 13 A. A. I consider that in agreement I consider that in agreement 14 15 with my resident. with my resident. I'm not talking about conduct not talking about conduct Q. Q. 16 here here. I'm talking about a standard of I'm about a standard of 17 practice. The standard of practice is practice. The standard of practice is 18 what we are what we are talking about now. about now. The question is: Does good and The question is: Does good and 19 20 accepted medical practice require you to accepted medical practice require you to 21 do a complete evaluation; that's the do a complete evaluation; that's the 22 question? question? MR. KRETZ: Objection. MR. KRETZ: Objection. 23 24 25 A. A. I mention to you I did an I mention to you I did an evaluation and I agree with whatever evaluation I agree with ‘,/ 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY VHNMLVCTNCXLCOHI 516-608-2400 Page 294 294 ii) L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 1 2 2 3 3 4 evaluation of the resident. evaluation of the resident. Q. did in Mr. Schoolcraft's situation. in Mr. Schoolcraft's situation. I'm asking as a standard as a I'm asking as a standard as a 5 6 6 I understand what you think you I think physician what the standards are. physician what the standards are. 7 7 My question is: Does good and My question is: Does good and 8 accepted medical practice require you to accepted medical practice you to 9 9 do a complete evaluation of all of your do a complete evaluation of all of 10 10 11 patients? patients? A. A. Okay. If you are saying in Okay. If you are saying in 12 12 , 13 13 of the residents, we usually say I agree of the residents, we usually say I agree 14 14 I general if we agree with the evaluation general if we agree with the evaluation with the above evaluation of the patient. with the above evaluation of the patient. Yes, we evaluate the patient. Yes, we evaluate the patient. 15 15 16 16 If we agree with the assessment whatever If we agree with the 17 17 the residents say, that's what we the residents say, that's 18 18 document. document. 19 19 20 20 Q. Q. Do you not understand my Do not understand question? question? 21 A. A. I understand your question. I your question. 22 22 Q. But you are just refusing to But are just to 23 23 answer? answer? MR. CALLAN: Next question. MR. CALLAN: Next question. 24 24 \ I 25 25 Move on. on. 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 295 Page 295 /1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 1 2 Q. Q. Doctor, does good and accepted Doctor, does good accepted 3 medical practice medical practice require you to do an you to do an 4 independent evaluation of your patient? independent of your patient? MR. CALLAN: We have been down MR. CALLAN: We have been down 5 6 that road, Counsel. She did an that road, Counsel. She did an 7 independent. She read independent. She read -- » MR. SUCKLE: I'm asking about MR. SUCKLE: I'm asking about 8 9 standard in the field. standard in the field. Maybe I Maybe I 10 learned it, somewhere I must have learned it, I 11 stumbled in somewhere about the stumbled in about the 12 standard so I'm going to ask. standard so I'm going to ask. I might I might 13 be right. be right. 14 Q. Q. Doctor, does good and accepted Doctor, does accepted 15 medical practice require you to do an medical practice require you to do an 16 independent evaluation of all of your independent of all of your 17 patients? patients? 18 A. A. I already answered you. I already answered you. I said I said 19 I assessed the patient. And if the I assessed the patient. And if the 20 resident assessed also the patient, I resident also the patient, I 21 will say that I agree with the will say that I agree with the assessment 22 of the patient. of the patient. 23 24 I 25 Q. Q. Do you know what good and Do you and accepted medical means? accepted medical practice means? A. A. 212-267-6868 I said I assess the I said I did assess the VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY wWw.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 296 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 1 2 3 patient. patient. Q. Q. Do you know what medical Do you medical 4 standards are, standards of practice, do standards are, standards of practice, do 5 you understand that? you that? 6 A. A. But you --- 7 Q. Q. I'm talking about general I'm talking about general 8 standards of practice. standards of practice. Do you Do you 9 understand? understand? 10 A. A. Yes, I'm saying -Yes, I'm saying 11 Q. Q. I'm not talking about what you talking 12 13 14 15 did with Mr. Schoolcraft. did with Mr. Schoolcraft. A. A. I'm not referring only to Mr. not referring only to Mr. Schoolcraft. Schoolcraft. Q. Q. The question is: Do you have, The question is: Do you have, 16 a simple yes or no, does good and a simple yes or no, does and 17 accepted medical practice require you to accepted medical practice require to 18 do your own independent evaluation of an do your own of an 19 a patient? a patient? MR. CALLAN: Objection to the MR. CALLAN: Objection to the 20 21 form. form. 22 Q. If it's no you can tell me no. If it's no you can tell me no. MR. CALLAN: What do you mean, MR. CALLAN: What do you mean, 23 24 your own independent evaluation as your own independent as 25 opposed to speaking to a resident, as to speaking to resident, as 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 /a) Page 297 Page 297 \. 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 2 opposed to calling people? opposed to people? 3 3 MR. SUCKLE: Yes. SUCKLE: Yes. MR. 4 MR. CALLAN: Then ask it that MR. CALLAN: Then ask it that 5 way. way. 6 6 MR. SUCKLE: It's pretty clear. MR. SUCKLE: It's pretty clear. 7 7 MR. CALLAN: They way you're MR. CALLAN: They way you're 8 asking it is totally unclear. asking it is totally unclear. 9 9 MR. SUCKLE: It's one of those MR. SUCKLE: It's one of those 10 10 things I have to learn from you again things I have to learn again. 11 Thanks for teaching me. Thanks for me. W 12 12 Q. Q. i_§ 13 13 question, Doctor? We are going to be question, Doctor? We are going to be 14 14 here all night if you don't answer these here all night if don't answer these 15 15 few questions. questions. Can you please answer my Can you answer 16 16 MR. CALLAN: II can assure we are MR. CALLAN: can assure we are 17 17 not going to be here all night. not going to be here all night. We're We're 18 18 getting very close to you being getting very to 19 19 abusive. abusive. 20 20 Q. I'm entitled to be here. I'm entitled to be here. We We 21 will bring you back to answer this last will bring you back to answer this last 22 22 few series of questions which go to series questions which go to 23 23 standard of care. standard of care. 24 24 ) MR. CALLAN: Sure you will. MR. CALLAN: Sure you will. 25 25 MR. SUCKLE: I absolutely will MR. SUCKLE: I absolutely will 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY wwW.veritext.c0m 516-608-2400 Page 298 Page 298 1 L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 2 bring her back if she can't answer bring her back if she can't answer 3 standard of care questions. standard of care questions. I will. I will. 4 You might want to ask to answer You might want to ask her to answer 5 the questions. I will bring her back the questions. I will bring her back 6 if she doesn't answer standard of care if she doesn't answer standard of care 7 questions. questions. 8 MR. RADOMISLI: Off the record. MR. RADOMISLI: Off the record. 9 MR. SMITH: Off the record at MR. SMITH: Off the record at 10 6:05 p.m. 6:05 p.m. [Discussion held off the [Discussion held off the 11 12 record.] record.] [Whereupon, at 6:05 p.m., a [Whereupon, at 6:05 p.m., 13 14 recess was taken.] recess was taken.] [Whereupon, at 6:06 p.m., the [Whereupon, at 6:06 p.m., the 15 16 testimony continued.] testimony continued.] [Discussion off the [Discussion held off the 17 18 record.] record.] MR. SMITH: Back on the record MR. SMITH: Back on the record 19 20 at 6:06. at 6:06. 21 Q. Q. Doctor, I'm not talking about Doctor, I'm not talking about 22 what you documented or didn't document. or document. what you 23 I'm just talking about standard of care I'm just talking about standard of care 24 as a physician. as a physician. The question is: Does good and The question is: Does good and 25 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY WHVWLVCTHOXLCOUH 516-608-2400 Page 299 299 _ L. ALDANA-BERNIER L. 1 2 2 accepted medical practice require you to accepted medical practice require you to 3 3 do your own independent evaluation do your own 4 regardless of how you document that regardless of how you document that 5 evaluation? evaluation? 6 6 MR. CALLAN: Objection to the MR. CALLAN: Objection to the 7 7 form of the question. form of the question. 8 You can answer. You can answer. 9 9 A. A. When a resident sees the When a resident sees the 10 10 patient, after the resident sees the patient, after the sees the 11 patient, I do go see the patient. patient, I do go see the patient. If I If I 12 12 can agree with the documentation, then I can agree with the documentation, then I 13 13 write I agree with the documentation. write I agree with the documentation. 14 14 Q. Q. I understand your procedure. I your procedure. 15 15' Thank for telling me your procedure. Thank for telling me your procedure. Does good and accepted medical Does medical 16 16 17 17 practice require you, forget what you do, practice require you, forget what you do, 18 18 does it require you to do your own does it require to do your own 19 19 independent evaluation? That's a simple independent evaluation? That's a simple, 20 20 straightforward question, not about what straightforward question, not about what 21 other people do, about what you do. other people do, about do. I 22 22 23 23 A. A. I have to see every patient, I have to see every patient, yes. yes. 24 24 MR. SMITH: What was the answer. MR. SMITH: What was the answer. 25 25 [The requested portion of the [The requested portion of the 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY wnv“nverfiexLc0n1 516-608-2400 ./' >\ I Page 300 Page 300 1 L. 'L. ALDANA-BERNIER 2 record was read.] record was read.] 3 Q. Q. 4 5 make your own independent And make your own independent evaluation, correct? evaluation, correct? A. A. Yes. Yes. 6 MR. SHAFFER: Is that a yes? MR. SHAFFER: Is that a yes? 7 MR. CALLAN: MR. CALLAN: 8 9 10 Q. Q. It's a yes. It's a yes. Doctor, have you ever been Doctor, you ever been involved in any lawsuits besides involved in any other lawsuits besides this one? this one? 11 Yes. Yes. 12 Q. Q. The was yes? The answer was yes? 13 A. A. Yes. Yes. 14 Q. Q. When you say yes, how many? many? When you say yes, 15 A. A. Two that I know of. Two that I know of. 16 I A. A. Q. Q. When you say that you know of, When you say that you know of, 17 why do you answer that way? that way? why do you 18 A. A. That's I know. That's what I know. 19 Q. Q. Do keep open there is a Do you keep open there is a 20 possibility that there are lawsuits that possibility that there are lawsuits that 21 you don't know about? you don't about? 22 23 me. asking me. 24 I A. A. Q. Q. 25 That's what I know. You are You are That's what I know. Do know the names of those Do you know the names of those people that are suing you? people that are suing you? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY vnwmnverkextconn 516-608-2400

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